i ThoIIanallnn Star is tlio popi--r that goes Into tho best homes of Honoluln

STAR I I 1 New Ornamental Parlor Alarm Clock Free to Star Subscribers.




the Islands Behind them camo an ('unwell also wore a con Imposing cnlvui .ule of the riders. The tinental hat with a eoikudo, at the side. women rode well and handled their All of the princesses were accompanied horses, with much skill. At Intervals, by heralds mounted on ponies or smaller HONOLULU AS FLORA during tho parade this division gal- horses. loped, which showed the (lowing pa-u- s, There were no princesses from tha makes a very effective featuro of tho Islands of I.anal or Nllhau. display. The majority of tho pa-- u riders wore the royal yellow color of "3 pa-- u. COWBOYS new year were the Is- Surrey prize, A. J. Campbell; greater any division af- A feature this First than other land princesses. was in this division second, W. M. forded. were automobles It Graham. There fewer the most elegant horseB were Boys prlto,' A. ClufC of In the column year, the deco- that THE PRIZE WINNERS Cow First this but The prize Cornwell bay stallion RIDERS Chris. third, rations were In every respect, as beau- shown. San Mateo; second, Holt; Cornwell was ridden Special, tiful wlillo the runabout section was, from tho ranch Ku. Knpulu. by Cornwell, who represent- Boys Oudorklrk, if anything, better than that shown In Miss Kitty Following regular pa-- division of Juvenile Cow W. R. ed tho Island of Maul. Miss Cornwell McCandless, Special prize to M. Her- the previous affair. which the small riders wero a pretty rFollowing are tho awards made thlB M. third. first prize; Monsnrrat, second; was given a splendid' opportunity to Wlchman. feature, came the miscellaneous riders morning at tho baseball park: H. F. mann Holt, third. display her horsemanship, for her - Class B, Automobiles A. Afong, first; under tho direction of Harold Dllllng- The Koosevelt Prize To Ms. A. PA-- steed seemed to catch tho spirit of the was, many ways having largest family E. J. Lord, second; A. Clartley, third. THE U RIDERS hnm. This division In Gartlcy for the A brilliant sky, a delighted throng, occasion and was one of tho prettiest better than tho miscellaneous riders t In the Parade. Class C, Automobiles George Dcnni-so- n story Mrs. a completo success, tell the ,of animals in tho entlro parade. I of the previous parade. Although 4 of goes first (Trent & Co.,) first; Henry "Water-hous- e the To .Miss Cornwcll Maul annual Floral Parade- - today. The The carriages of various descriptions Mnllnu the Kauai representative also r Hamm-Youn- g tho I numerous characters wero missing. prlzo as Princess. Trust Co., second; Von birthday of George Washington was wore limited this year, but somo of showed much skill In manuging tho someuouy goes Co., very pretty. Only one Hoat misseu a lino opportunity i To Miss Gussle Clark of Oahu third. celebrated by Honolulu folk this morn- them were lino Arab charger that she rode. She to enter the "Water Wagon." Prob- - second prize. Bicycles Cyril Damon, first; Luther ing, In a manner that would havo seem- that by tho Kilohana Art League, was aroused much admiration. Tho horse Most Double team First, Gus Schumann. Huff, second; Arthur Huff, third. ed strange to the people of the Original In the parade, and the fire department she rode belongs to Representative C. present, to consent to remain ions' Slnglo Rig Mr. Paxson. orlgnal, F. B. Freltas. Special prize to Colonies. bright was also absent. But tho single float A. Rico and was white with calico - Thirteen Flowers and enough on the conveyance, to ride front Horso-bac- k Riders: tandom, Charles Glllllanfl and J. Rod- parado of the Art League, showing a Grecian spots. She woro pa-- u .icencs every where marked tho a brilliant red , the Capitol grounds to .tho base ball Mixed Couple Mrs. Erdman and riqucs. and showed a happy combination of Temple in which wero yung women with the favored white lloral design. park. Harold Dillingham, first; Dorothy Double Surrey First prize," Bralnerd modern achievement with the customs representing the various forms of art, Miss Alice Bartholomew as tho Molo-k- al Hartwoll and Albert Judd, second. Smith. of Hawaiian days of long ago. Tho di- was tho most artistic thing of tho kind princess, wore white and green Best Juvenile Rider Fred Water-lious- e, Pau Riders First prize. Miss Hoopll; vision of the automobile and tho pa-- u that has ever been shown here. Tho costume, with flowing green pa-m- . Sho THE BICYCLE RIDERS first: "William Alexander, sec- second, Miss Myers; third, Mrs. V. riders was one of the most striking float was applauded throughout tho line wore a garland o white flowers. Sho a features a cmblnatlon that was espe- of tho procession. was much admired, for her costume was ond. Richardson; fourth, Mrs. Puahl, and The bicycle division was small but Fancy Costume for Lady Rider special to Mrs. Hllo. cially Interesting to tho visitors from very striking. Miss Guslo Clark mount- ed on magnificent coal there were some amusing characters Mrs. Bergstrom. Pa-- u Riders prize, abroad. a black horso Juvenile First THE ISLAND yel- and several original designs. Mac-farla- ne Despite parado this was princess. Sho woro Best Lady Couple Miss Alice Miss Woods; second, Miss Van Vllet. the fact that tho the Oahu year year was not, in some of its features, low and black, with lllma lois. Her Last the Japanese automobllo and Mrs. George Potter, first. Driving First prize, B. H. Lewis, entry was one of the most hnndsome place went to Miss Emma Rose got multiple equal to the preceding celebration, the pa-- u eostumo was yellow. She received Second who also second prize for large thronged tho applause. and richest of the decoratod cars, but Miss Adelo Dreler. crowds that streets much year and team. and watched the display were delight- PRINCESSES Miss Anna Rose, who was Hawaii's tills had It not been for Governor place lady to four-in-han- d, placing First as rider went Traks First prize, ed general effect of tho affair Queen Exposition, was Carter's act In his machine nt George Second iplaco to with the at the Omaha Mrs. Porter. Mrs. "Wetherred's party. and only words of commendation wero There was a most striking array of Hawaii's princess today. Sho woro a the disposal of the visiting Japanese Miss Alice Macfarlane. prize Multiple Team Ha- u, squadron, there would havo been no , First for heard. The divisions In the parado pa-- u riders. Frank Andrado led this red pa-- with black hat and cape. Sho Floats Kilohana Art League, first; waiian Hotel. wero good. The automobile division division and immediately following him carried herself In a regal way and rodo representative ot In tho parade. Chlneso Athletic-Club- , second. Single Rig Second prize, C. M. Cooke was naturally the most striking featuro were the Princess Theresa Wilcox, Mrs. her bay charger in fine style. With Howevor the Japanese availed them- - Class A, Automobiles C. M. Cooke, Pony Turnouts First prize. Miss n: for the opportunity of showing orig- Puahl and Mario Berkley, tho three the exception of Miss Cornwell, all of first; S. M. Ballou, ccond; Miss second, Master Lord. inality and beauty of decoration, were recognized leaders in pa-- u matters In the princess wore long pa-u- s. Miss (Continued on Pago FIvo.)


February 22. -- JAMES RICALTON WHO HAS MAKES GOOD TIME FROM COAST. WASHINGTON, D. C, The President has signed the Tho House of Representatives met 'A11 hands on deck" was tho cry at consular bill. this morning to commemorate the na- pollco morning, CAUGHT WONDERFUL SCENES HOME-RETURNE- CAPTAIN tho station this for Tho Senate has agreed to pass the Omnibus Lighthouse bill. tal day of George Washington, the first the great holiday floral parado called THE EARTH OVER, IS HERE. NOTIFIED NOT TO TAKE JAPS. president of the Unltod States. for all the men tho retrenched pollco Being unwilling to sacrifice one of department could produce. sixty days, Speaker Holsteln de- Alameda which this morn- In splendid time, 5 days and 20 Hours tho At 8:30 o'clock Sheriff Iaukea stood Aboard the to tho meet Francisco is O. S. S. Alameda, Captain Dowdell, clined take the chair and on the front steps of tho pollco station, ing arrived from San tho TWO KILLED IN ing nature. James RIcalton, tho most celebrated arrived from San Francisco this morn- took informal Ilko tho statue of Washington, whose Hughes Kanlho n war photographer In the world. Ho ing, docking nt tho Oceanic wharf at Representatives and birthday It is today, stands-o- tho stops wero upon on appro- ry represents Underwod & Underwood of 10 o'clock. She entered tho harbor called to speak of tho on Wall street. New York and has photographed dressed in all her colors In honor ot priate subjects which they did at somo New York, and revlowed tho mounted bloody scenes In the Boxer troubles In Washington's birthday. length. Each speaker dwelt at somo peacc-presorvi- forces of this county. upon , 'the Boer War, tho war in the The Alameda brings 1615 tons of gen- TRAIN WRECK length tho character and works Thero wero six men, not counting Cap- , the Japanese-- n war eral merchandise for Honolulu. She of "tho father of his country," and tain of Police Parker. Thoy formed and elsewhere and otherwise. He will enjoyed both going up and coming woro heartily applauded by tho House. and maneuvered, rode by and saluted stop over here somo little time to tako down, the smoothest weather of her Nono of tho proceedings of tho day and then dashed off to tako charge of scenes of the volcanoes on Hawaii and experience. DUBUQUE, February 22. Two are killed and a dozen injured as tho re appear upon tho records' and the clerk the parade. camo In with the hopo that the lava Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cathcart re- sult of a passenger coach on the Chlca go, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad was Instructed to amend the minutes All tho foot polloe, about thirty men. flows of Mauna Loa on Hawaii would turned home. County Attorney Cath- leaving tho track whllo crossing a bridge. making the adjournment taken yester- Including every watchj, wero turned stilt be In action. It seems that he cart has been away attending to im- day read 9 o'clock Saturday morning. out to maintain order. will have to be content with the mild portant legal matters In Washington. There was no session of tho Sena'e. It was an Impressive sight. eruptions of KUauea. From Honolulu A. W. Eames is one of the arriving; he will go to Australia, New Zealand ho recently lost his wife In California. CLOSE TOUCH SALE OF WASH MATERIALS and perhaps, around the world. Assistant Superintendent of tho local NICAMbD! TUPS with the most prominent exporting ENDS ON SATURDAY. will who up mercantile house of Yokohama, togeth One of his first photographs hero cable office, F. Harwood, went The great price reduction on wash soon as ar- S. S. health, er with the largo trade he carries on be the floral parade. As he in tho Enterprise for his materials now on sale Sachs' have was great Is Miss with tho plantation stores all over the at rived and heard that there a returned and much better. made this a very busy woek, those Is be- -' millinery establish-lik- e Islands, enable K. Yamamoto to deal floral parado for which Hawaii McGregor of Ehlers LOOK WINNEBS Who, havo not advantage up town dog scent, LIKE In all kinds of Japanese goods at a taken of tho coming famous, ho hustled a on a heedless of fame great values, should do so once as to get money. Is smaller price than any other Japanese at with his camera, determined and He original, alone, and the sale will end on Saturday. some of the pictures of this unique cele- has done things no other man has done. merchant In Honolulu. Hotel street, bration. Through with tho floral It was he that Thomas A. Edison sent MANAGUA, February 22. Tho NlCoraguan troops cuptured tho Honduran r.ear Nuuanu. parade he will take pictures of tho Into all the tropical Jungles twenty towns of .El Trulnfo and Sabernado, killing and wounding a large numbor. Japanese squadron now. In port and years ago to search for a vegetable They are now marching on Teguolg.it'pa. EVERY BIT OF IT GOOD. will then devoto himself to Volcano fiber for tho electric lamp. Ho took This applies to tho 25c. lunch served scenes. most of tho photographs for John L. ELEVEN ARE SAVED. with a glass of beer at the CRITE RIcalton Is one of tlyj world's obscure Stoddard's lectures. Ho was the first RION, corner Bethel and Hotel great men. He hatf; gone, .through a foreigner to walk through northern streets. HOOK OF February 22. been long life, with his os to hls work, Russia, 1,500 miles from Archangel to HOLLAND, Eleven "persons have saved . from tho wreck of tho Berlin which occurred yesterday, two women are still Fine Job Printing, Star Office. (Continued on Face' Four). (Continued on Page Eight). on the vessel. TERRORISTS ROB POSTOFFICE. I WARSAW, February 22. Terrorist 8 have killed tho postmaster and two clerks at this place and wounded two guards. They robbed the postofllco and A MATTER OFHEALTH ,:1 1 Ina Thousand escaped. orosis coratlons. SQUADRON ANSWERS At noon the naval station saluting battorlos gave twenty-on- o guns, the Different Ways national salute and tho guns of the ! SHOE Japanese flagHhlp responded. Many FOR WOMEN. SALUTET0 NATION people wore on the watorfront, admir you aro Uablo to bo seriously ing the squadron and tho decorations on all the vessels in tho harbor. Flags Injured, perhaps killed. An Ac- $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 JAPANESE VESSELS BEAUTIFUL wero evory whoro a flag- could be cident. policy In tho Standard fill . . . . shown. Heywood LY DECORATED JN HONOR OF Is what tho "HACKNEY" .Life ,and Accident Insurance last was made for, surely gives COUGHS. and it .Company, will then como In WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. STUBBORN it on our now Balmoral, Rubber Heel, 'handy1 both to you and to your Do not allow a cold to linger as It Vict Kid, as every wearer of this shoe, Oxfords Pumps and Boots. Newest Indloatos somo throat or lung trouble. family. tooting of willIltestify. String lasts, Ribbon Ties, For dress Simultaneous with the the Tho timely use of Chamborlaln's Cough at 8 o'clock this Remedy danger. or street wear. three time whistles will avoid all For PRICE Jo. 00. morning tho ensign ot tho sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith & Co, New custom, made Boots and Ties. went to tho top of the tall flagstaff In agents for Hawaii. POWDER Choicest Pat. Colt or Finest Kid. tho grounds of tho naval station, a gun was fired, tho official ob- Tho cup of Coffee In Absolutely Pare Hawaiian Trust Co, Fancy colored Pumps Ties. and best Hawaiian Linen and servance of Washington's birthday got tho city, New England Bakery and Its start. Tho threo vessels of the Cafe. HAS NO SUBSTITUTE Limited Japanese squadron, lying at the naval Nd fancy prices at New England A Cream of Tartar Powdor, 0 station wharvos, full-dress- ship, Bakery. froo from alum or phoa-phnt- lo LIHITED making a bravo show of cotors. Tluo aold Fort Streeet L. B. Kerr & Co., Ltd llagfrhlp Itaukushlmat lying In the Delicious pies and. cakes. Candy 1051 Fort Street. BOYAt BAKING POWDER 0., NEW YORK. ALAKE.V STREET. middle, was particularly grand In de- - fresh every day. New England Bakery Phone Main 282.

fiVJ'-- " TWO THE HAWAIIAN STAR4 FRIDAY. FEnnU.RV M, 1907. 1 Oceanic Steamship Company. IIunmaiw mm it KIKKOTEN" (For additional and later shipping see Illpages 4, C or S.) ARRIVING. Best Soy Thursday, February 21. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. S. s. Nlihnu, Townsend, from Ana-liol- n, of this will 3t and leave this port BCu an Paiaenter Steamers line arrivn First Quartir of the Moon Feb. 19th. 7:40 n. m. B3THQdcr: H a w , tc c ... c c K ""2 mOM SAN FRANCISCO. "OR SAN FRANCISCO. o DEPARTING. .jaBlHflLLLLHHiBLw CO KKJUIEDA FEB. 1 ALAMEDA FEB. a. a Thursday, February 21. g-- 18 . FEB. 12 BIBURA FU. SONOMA S. S. Mlknhala, Gregory, for Knual T. FEB. 27 IdliAMEDA FEB. ALAMEDA ! ports, 6 o. in. 6 MAR. 5 f r en BONOMA MAR. VENTURA tit-- Br. ship Dllllsdnlo, Chamberlain, for UiiAMEDA MAI:. IS ALAMEDA MAR. 20 Feb. p.m. n.m. p.m. n.m. Sets 26 Portland, 2:30 p. m. RTBJNTURA MAR. 27 SIERRA . MAR. IS 9.13 1.2 7.00 1.42 1.56 6.2S 6.00 11. SO 10 Friday, Februury 22. P KLUAMEDA ..APR. 5 ALAMEDA APR. 19 10.2S 1.3 7.27 2.23 3.42 6.27 6.01 16 S. S. Mnuna Loa, Slmerson, for Maul BONOMA AI'R. 17 SIERRA .. APR. 20 11.35 1.5 S.15 3.17 6.23 6.27 6.01 0.4O 1 nnd Hawaii ports, 1 p: m. IAXiAMEDA AI'R. 26 ALAMEDA ...MAY 21 9.23 4.1S 7.52 6.26 6.02 1.3S S. S. Claudlne, Paiker, Maul and (VENTURA MAY S SIERRA ...... MAY 7 for n.m. 5 p. 17 , ..MAY 22 Hawaii ports, m. lAliAMEDA MAY ALAMEDA 22 1.6 11.4S 5.1S S.27 6.23 6.02 !.21 28 0.27 BIERRA MAY 20 SONOMA ., ..MAY p.m. fi9 7 .JUNE 12 PASSENGERS DEPARTED. UXiAMEDA Jt'.VE ALAMEDA 23 1.07 1.7 12.37 6.16 S.49 6.24 6.02 3.11 19 Per S. S. Mlknhnln, for Kauai ports, P BONOMA JUNE 24 1.42 l.S 1.43 7.03 9.11 0.24 6.03 4.00 February 21. R. R. Reldford, Henry Holmes, Mrs. II. G. Noonan, Mrs. II. tho steamers, ths Aeents are pre-t- o Times of the tide tun taken from the bt connection wlta the sailing of above ta- Isenberg. Ernest Gay, (v C. Hofgaard. by any rau-- U U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey . Issue to Intending pausengers coupon through tickets A. Haneberg, J. Lenox, H. C. Smalley, United State, and from New bles. The tides at Kahulnl and Hllo fron. San 5 ncl co to all i.olnU In the one H. D. AVIshard, Mr. nad Mrs. A. Rob- era n Ports. occur about hour earlier than at by steamship line o all F.uropea Honolulu, Hawaiian sta dard time I? inson, C H. Jennings, P. P. Roblnsnn. 4ra to K "or further particulars apjuy 10 hours 30 minutes slower than Green- - T. R. Robinson, E. A. Knudsen. wlch time, being ikat of tho meridian Per O. S. S. Sonoma, from Honolulu of 157 degrees JO minutes. The time fnr San Francisco, Fobrunry 20. Miss & b Co. wklstlo blows at 1:30 p. m., which Is Mt Oarron, Miss Ranger, Mr. nnd Mrs. St 0 0 - .1. G Greenwich, mln- Irwin Ed- W. same as hours, Williams, Mrs. Wunderllch, (LIa ITED) the E. utes. The Sun and Moon are for local ward Hunt, F. W. Shelton, Henry tlms for trie whole group. ' Oceanic S. S. Company, P. Blalncr, R. Butterbur', of Managers is General Agete Miss Dnwllng. The attention Plantation called to this brand oi U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL-T- l Per S. S. Mnuna Loa, for Maul and Soy. Years of experience have brought it to the front and it now. RE WEATHER BUREAU. Hawaii ports. February 22. Mrs. R. ranks as the best Soy in the market. Taylor. II. C. Dowsett, O. St. John Gil- The following data, covering a period bert. J. T. McCorrlston, James McCor-rlstn- n, JSL. Canadian-Australia- Mail of 32 years, have been complied from YMAJSktO'X'O n ileal G. P. Mendenca, F. M. Lowls, the Weather Bureau and McKlbbln re- SOLE AGENT. J. H. Low, Mrs. E. F. Rogers, II. R. cords at Honolulu, T. II. Thoy aro is- Bryant, C. H. sued to show tho conditions that have Walters, W. Shingle, W. 25 Hotel Street near Nuuanu. Telephone Main 399. COMPANY prevailed, during tho month in ques- AV. Harris, Miss H. Mallock, Miss R. STEAMS&4EP tion, for tho above period of years, but Ella. II. Haneberg. MWs M. Leslie. PASSENGERS BOOKED. CANADIAN-9XCIWi- a must not be construed as a forecast with Vor S. S. Ha-wn- ll Steamers of the above 11ns running In connection th oftho weather condlt'ons for the com- Claudlne, for Maul and Sydney, N. ports, February 22. FOR- - KAttiWAY COMPANY between Vancouverd, B. C, and ing month. Gto. AA'att, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. Month Fcbrjnrv for 32 years. ' AV. C. Peacock, J. P. AVllder, G. P. se., calling at Victoria, B. C, AA'lldr-r- . B. and TEMPERATURE (1890-1906- .) Miss Ormerdo, Miss Awana, F. 9 STATED, VIZ. Mean or normal temperature, 73 H. Gilbert and wife, P. J. Bell, Mas- S)UH AX HONOLUXiT ON OR ABOUT THE DATES BELOW Tho warmest month was that of 1S97, ter Gilbert, Miss Aungst. FOR AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. with an average of 74" AFTERNOONS A WEEK. FEB. 9MIOWERA ? Tho coldest month was that of 1903, MOANA VVlnM . MIOWERA MAR. 9AORANQI with an average of 67 APRIL 6MOANA .. APRIL 3 Tho highest temperature was S2 on OTUSlY AND ITieiAir AORANGI 2 TO 5. MAY 4MIOWERA MAY 1 February 17, 1S90; February 10, 1S97 and SoWERA JUNE 1AORANGI MAY 29 February 22, 23, 190. Tho lowest temperaturo was 52 on SWIMMING, BOWLING, TURKISH BATHS. February 10, 1922. 1S77-1S9- 4, AT UP. AND DOWN PRECIPITATION (rain and HEAVY IKIXING AT SUVX, FIJI, ON BOTH 1903-6- .) KOYAGES. Average for the month, 4.52 Inches. Average number of days with .01 of Hotel Baths THE0. H. DAVIES & CO.. Ltd., Gen'l Agts. an Inch or more, 12. Tho greatest monthly precipitation was 14.00 Inches in 1S93. The least monthly precipitation was AMERICAN HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 0.26 inches In 1906. Thes greatest amount of precipitation FORMER MATE OF BARKENTINE recorded in any 24 consecutive hours MONTHLY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW. AA'ANTS $30,000 DIRECT was S.G3 Inches on February 27, 18SS. FULLERTON FOR COAST. YORK AND HONOLULU, VIA PACIFIC RELATIVE HUMIDITY. LOSS OF HIS RIGHT ARM. Average 9 a. m., 73; average Dp, m A (1S90-1904- Field ). "Cane rr HONOLULU. 70 Average S a. m. 70; FROM NEW YORK TO average S p. m. 70 (1903-6- .) A heavy libel was illed yesterday Weekly Sailings, Via.Tehuantepcc. CLOUDS AND WEATHER (1S90-190- 0) lived AVednesday morning from Port Average number of clear days, 9; rived yesterday morning from Port Coolie" Can Operate FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO, VIA KAHULUI. partly cloudy days 13; cloudy days, C. Harford with a cargo of fuel oil. It WIND. had been planned to send tho vessel sail 15 S. S. "NEVADAN" To 'March The prevailing winds nre from the out this afternoon but the filing of tho (1875-1S9- 4, 6) A 1905-- Gas Stove as SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU northeast libel stopped her departure. Fifty FROM The average hourly velocity of the thousand dollars is tho amount of tho S. S. NEVADAN To sail March 4 wind is 7.2 miles (1903-6- .) money claimed. Henry AVitthof, for- The highest velocity of the wind dur- merly mate of the vessel, Is the libe- Easily as a Chef FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. ing 1905 and 1906 was 20 miles from lant. tho southwest on February 17, 1905. S. S. "TEX AX" Direct, to sail March 5 Ho claims that on December 24, 1906, Station: Honolulu, T. II. while tho Fullerton, In tow of the S. S. Date of Issue: January 30, 1907. Lansing was en route to Klhel from 9 averages &s o'clock from records of Harford, the anchor chain on tho Ful- H. Haokfeld Co., Territorial Mateorologist; 8 av- o'clock lerton slipped along the "wild cat," an ' . P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. .Agents. erages from Weather Bureau records. WM. B. STOCKMAN, apparatus over which tho chain slides, Section Director, Weather Bureau, and caught the right arm of tho llbel-lan- t, and bruised and Injured it to a Co., shocking extent. Although the vessels ExpressCO., OnionBRANCH HUSTACE PECK LTD. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. were then less than 500 miles from Port Harford, the master of the Ful- 03 Queen Street & Co Shipping in Port ; lerton refused his duty to the Injured Occidental Oriental S. S. I man, and persisted In continuing tho Toyo Risen Kaisha S. S. Co. voyage to Klhel, a distance of ovt? Haying baggage contracts with the following Stearruklp Co.'a IJn: (Army and Navy). 1500 miles. The Maul port was reached Oceanic Steamship Co. on January 3 and on January 6 tho arm U. S. R. C. Manning,' Joynes, from re- Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. Bteamtrs of the above Companies will call Honolulu and leave was In c at this lief cruise, Jan. 27. of the llbellant such a condition Pt-ifl- Mail Steamship Co. pert on or about below It In- the dates mentioned H. I. J. M. cruiser Matsushima, that had to b amputated four Toyo Kisen Kaisha Steamship Co. ches above the elbow, to save his life. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. from Yokohama, Feb. 19. We your outgoing baggage your M.vlng yon 12 5 Ho claims his ability to check rt home, ta trMt KOREA FEB. SIBERIA FEB. Feb. 19. that earn his annoyance checking on 20 end of the wh arf. AMERICA MARU FEB. CHINA FEB. 12 (llag-shlp- ), living as a mate at the scale of $100 a H. I. J. M. cruiser Itsukushlma Incoming baggage checked on steamers of companies aad deliv- FEB. 28 MONGOLIA 19 month and his board on abors SIBERIA FEB. Nawa, from Yokohama, Feb. 19. vessels, which ered with quickness and dispatch at your MAR. 7 26 be $50, home. CHINA NIPPON MARU FEB. H. I. J. M. cruiser Hashldate, Yama-gat- a, ould worth an additional is MAR. 13 9 MONGOLIA DORIC MAR. from Yokohama, Feb. 19. now ended, so he prays, relief. (Merchant Marine.) U. S. Marshal Hendry placed a dep- Steamships. uty aboard the vessel pending the filing JTor general apply to Information Br. s. S. Inverlc, Batchelor, Newcastle of a bond. Feb. 14. FLORAL SOCIETI JAPANESE MAY m Br. S. S. Elaine, Miller. Newcastle, LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS. . Feb. 16. Honolulu, T. H., V'eb. 19, 1907. Hackfeld St Co O. S. S. Alameda, Dowdcll, San Fran- Tho following affueN the list of cisco, Feb. 22. Lights, Buoys and Daymarks In the ETING GO TO MEXICO Sailing Vessels. 12th Lighthouse subdlstrlct, 1906: HELDJUi Italian sp. Stella del Mare, Lavlgln- - HA AVAIL no, Iqulque, Feb. S. Honolulu Harbor Channel Light No FOIUIEIt OFFICERS. LAW DOES NOT PROHIBIT LEAV- Am. Sc. Helene, Thompson, San Fran 4, page 13. Located In about 25 feet cisco, Feb. 7. of water, about 70 reet to the eastward MOItE VASES AHB NEEDED-FUN- DS ING HAWAII FOR MEXICO AND Br. sp Dlmsdale, Chamberlain, Ham-- ! of tho easterly edge of tho channel, FLOURISHING. SO ENTERING THE STATES. burg, Feb. 11. abreast of and about 540 feet ESE I Am. bk. Andrew AA'eleh, Kelly, San S E from Light No. 3, and nbout 1- meeting of the United Francisco, Feb. 15, 3323 feet S by AV AV from Honolulu The sixteenth nnnual Japanese shut out of the PRIMO Am. bk. Edward May,. Jprgenson, Range Front Light. Hospital Floral Society was hold yes States from Hawaii aro thinking of go- San Francisco, Feb. 17. The structure supportlr,,? this light, terday afternoon at the residence of ing to Mexico, and from there make Am. bk. S. C. Allen, Wilier, away their way to the United States, the Demanded Many Eureka, curried December 31, and the Canon Mackintosh. Tho following of- QV Fob. 17. light extinguished, rebuilt and the light new immigration law making no prohi- Br. bk. Invoramsay, ficers were President, Mrs. contiguous Dalrymplc, Glas- February 18, 15 feet sea- bition to their entry from gow, 17. Preferred Ml Feb, ward of Its former location. E. W. Jordan; vice president, Mrs. A. territory, Mexico or Canada. Accord- Dl Am. bkt. ar- Fullerton, Mckechnle, Port By order of tho Lighthouse Board, Judd; secretary Mrs. Allen Bottomley; ing to tho Hawaii Jlju tShimbun, Harford, 20. Feb. J. F. CARTER, treasurer. Miss Von Holt and auditor rangements are already under way for to Japanese Lieutenant Commander, U. S. As- -. E. W. Jordan. a steamer carry laborers JS4L N., They O slstant to the Inspector of tho 12th Miss Von Holt tho treasurer, reported from Hawaii to Mexico. havo not PRI Lighthouse District. that the funds of tho society wero in a gone to Mexico before, it Is said, be- The Mails ' nourishing condition. Tho society had cause of. unfavorablo reports of the cli- TEN DAYS FOR $10. expended $220.30 during tho past year. mate, I Mrs. Campbell reported moro Solomon Keaupunl In police court that vases for tho llowcrs sent to tho va-rl- o EXCHANGE PAPERS. yosterdny got 10 days on the SIGNED reof for ushospltals, would be needed, as yester- OUTGOING. taking $1Q from a letter destined for a Exchange papers wore signed per S. many of tho old vases had disappeared. For San Francisco, S. Nippon lady and delivered to Sol by a messen- day by Governor Carter to oxchango Maru, Feb, 26. ger boy. Sho was appointed a committee of ono several small pieces of land on College For San Francisco, per S. S. Alameda. to ascertain how many moro would be Hills with Mary G. SInglehurst, for Feb. 27. needed. She said she would donate a changing NIPPON MARU EN ROUTE. tho purposes of tho location SriiaLt9 For Orient, per S. S. Siberia, Feb. 28. dozen. of a road in that section. Tlx TTssa? INCOMING. The S. S. Nippon Maru loft Yokoha- Mrs. Uottomloy tho secretary, was From Orient, per S. S. Nippon Maru, ma for Honolulu on February 10. Sho directed to wrlto letters of thanks to CAlt SICKNESS. Your digestive organs will not be benefitted if the meat Feb. 26. is duo hero on February 25 with 500 Mr. Lovlngston and Mrs. Coleman, for Your dlsagreeahle feeling when trav- cargo you eat cannot be masticated. You should have tender bits, From San Francisco, per S. S. Siberia tons of for Honolulu. contributions. A vote of thanks was elling, f:ch as headache, 28. to ex- something that is not proof against the upper and nether mill- Feb. oxtended tho olilcers, for their or nervousness, are all U. S. A. WAR VESSELS ON VIEW. cellent work during tho last preceding stones placed in your TRANSPORTS. due to agitated nerves. Quick relief is mouth by nature. Try ours. Thomas, at San Francisco. Tho public may visit the vessels of year. , invariably obtained by taking Dr. Buford, at San Francisco. tho Japanese squadron tomorrow and Miles' Anti-Pai- n Pills. They calm Logan, sailed from Honolulu for Guam Sunday, between 1 p. m. and 3:30 p. HEAD HIT PAVE. and refresh the wsary nerves, and re- and Manila, Feb. 14, m. tomorrow nnd on Sunday between 9 Somo Japaneso wrestled on Hote lieve you from nil misery and pain. 25 Paragon Sherman, Manila. 3:30 p. "THE GORE."Market at a. m. and m. street. One was thrown and hit his doses, 25 centr. Never sold In bulk. Sheridan, at San Francisco, Union, Emma, Beretania and Alakea Streets. head on the pave, being rendered Dlx, at Manila. Fine Job Printing. Star Office. Star want ads pay at once.

iiwiiaiiVf iiir'.iiaiiillii! in' 1 mWhlii n THE HAWAIIAN STAR, FIUDAY. FBBRUAUY tt, 1907. THREE. The best advertisement for Pill! IS ADVERSE WHAT'S IN A WATER ? Purita Olive Oil TO THE JAPANESE Sometimes many of us would like to know. Without The Mrst of the Year doubt to the reservoir water may be traced a deal of sickness, Is the Imitations now on tho market, REPORTS AGAINST THE EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS IN JAPAN rare, sparkling and delicious is ESE LANGUAGE AND TELLS OF merchants and all others will want similar In namo and label to Furlta. TROUBLE WITH JAPANESE LEP ERS AT THE STATION-SA- YS JAPAN CAN CARE FOR HER OWN BLANK B"OKS, CALEDAU P.J5S, LEPERS DESIRED. INKSTANDS, PENS, PENCILS, to fit Take no chances with a 'Just as good' IF up your office. We have Just received Some very Sauerbrunnen S. kind, tho Is well Important mutters were be enforced, plac- a large shipment of OFFICE I Purita brand known all evidence must be the ideal table water. Try a case of bottles for brought to the attention of the Board ed before the courts in English, either 50 $4.50. and costs no tnoro. of Health yesterday nfternoon by oral or written. The courts cannot al- As we are closing out our . TOCK President Plnkhnm. In a communica- low French, German, Portuguese, Ha- CABINETS same will be sold at cost tion to the Board President Plnkham lation requires. Not so In civil cases; said: stltuted. In crlmlnul acts the courts "I herowlth hand you two communi- may bo compelled, for public safety, to H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd Ltd, cations from the Board of Medical Ex- use In apprehending, collecting evi- Wall, Nichols Co,, For sale only by aminers, one that Dr. Homer Hayes dence and prosecuting any language LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. bo licensed to practice medicine anil that our astonishingly polyglot popu-the.- re surgery In the Territory of Hawaii and complainant and defendant must one recommending that Drs. Naotaro meet In documents and all legal pro- Tsusuml, K. Mljlmii and D. Ichlkawo cedure In the official language of the W. G. Irwin & Go. I bo refused licenses. The latter gentle- country, the English langunge. 1 men were given a written examination No matter how numerous n national- In their own lunguage, through nn ac ity becomes In the Territory of Hawull complished Interpreter of their own It comes wholly and solely on tho suf AGENTS FOR THE II race. In addition they were examined ferance of United Amer- the States of orally that they might have an oppor- ica and subject to Its laws and those No Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool, Eng. Machinery tunity to disclose further their knowl- of the Territory. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., of edge on some points on which they The laws of the United States and Edinburgh, Scotland. were radically Incompetent, nccordlng the Territory of Hawaii cannot be to their written replies. Tho ex- Madgeburg Ins. oral properly enforced if any nationality LARGE OR SMALL Wllhelmlna of General amination only confirmed this deficien- can come Company. i here and plead numbers and 907 cy. MucU time and patience was ex expediency and undertake to set up its Commercial Union Assurance Co. or pended In these examinations and ov-er- y own foreign stand- is up to date without ELECTRIC POWER. By up to date London. Site care taken to be fair and just to ards so disguised In of- a language tho these candidates. ficial servants of the Territory cannot we mean producing the best possible results, with the least We have a full lino of 1007 sample I below quote from my report to the understand, thus practically rendering possible M. PHILLIPS & CO., suitings open for your inspection now. Governor, under date of December 31st, those profiting thereby immune o the labor, at the greatest possible saving. Let us supply, These cloths are very 1906, Medi- Impor'em the best valuo relative to the "Practice of laws of the Territory and country. you with full information on the subject. Wholesale for tho money and will aimeal to Surgery In of And Jobbers of the cine and the Territory Particularly is this the caso In scien- thrifty man for that reason. Hawaii." The general principles there- tific .ind confidential professions like Tho stylish get DRY GOODS man can the cut he in laid down appear to bo unacceptable that of AMERICAN AHD EUROPEAN wants medicine where the torm. and and a perfect fit. Also ho can to the Japanese alone. means, concealed In be sure a most difficult ho Is exclusive If he buys hero In another Item of administration foreign language are kjid not beyond tho II Ccrner of fort Queen Bta. for more than three suits of the some leading Japanese nre defying the of same cloth will be made. the officers of the Terri- laws of the Territory. tory and can only bo solved by Tours for the 1907 trade. skilled Co,, Lt( ARTISTS' MATERIALS A short time ago the laws of the Ter- Interpreters practically impossible to awa an eerie . MOULDINGS, ETC. ritory were broken as to tho treatment obtain and only at an expenso of mon- W.W.A lxcmci Co. Xytcl of leprosy and unlawful escape of a ey, time Arrived by the Nevadan Merchant Tailors. and circumstances that ren- leper. Apologies were made. ders tho officers of tho Territory impo- On the night of February 19th anoth- tent In the discharge duty. King St. near Ala'kca. Photic 'Main 390. PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMING CO. of their It Phone Blue 2741. er Japanese leper with the connivance is incomprehensible that we should be Nuuanu Street near Hotel. No. 62 King Street. of Japanese, who are Intelligent enough forced to such an Issue. to they to" know were scheming break There is a nationality In our midst laws, Re- the broke from tho KaHhl too many of whom, in eagerness THE HAWAIIAN REALTY ceiving Upon their Station. receipt of tho to advance in personal gain Influ- AND CO. Information and MATURITY Ltd. L0TEST THING I caused the town to bo ence, seem to be forgetting all sense of Real Estate, Mortgages, Loans and searched and also the departing S. S. equity and national propriety. on America Maru. We failed to find the In place Investment Securities. Homes built leper. of high standards of ethics the Installment plan. and practice a noticeable number aro Hereafter every Japanese leper con- Pork acting part Roast Building, T. the of unprincipled exploit- Home Office: Mclntyre H. NSDHBHCE fined In the Kalihl Receiving KENTWELL, General Manager. Station ers of their own races, total- L. K. will have his liberty so he and other in restricted ly Ignoring the argument Is cannot escape. ' that 861; Of- brought forward by themselves as to Telephones Residence, White If the Japanese Government and Jap- 293. languago relations between physician fice, Main anese residents desire to have the Ter- You have not had a roast of pork for a long time because ritory and patient, and some are defying the of Hawaii transfer any or all law altogether. of it. We will thinking. Tele- GOMES' EXPRESS CO Japanese lepers to their friends or tho you have not thought do the Complaints have been lodged, ify re- - Japanese official representatives phone us your wants and let us fill your order for dinner to- Curnltun- Moved With Care to All Kinds of annuities to protect you that putable physicians of City they may be sent to Japan, there Is this race against Parts of the against the vicissitudes of old age this illegal and exploiting practice,, morrow to your entire satisfaction. 716 no doubt but the Territory would be and OFFICE FORT STREET. action has been taken. Complaints Near Quren, opp. Hackfeld Building. JUST OUT. pleased to be relieved of the expense still come from various separated localities. and responsibility of their caro. A pay If such is case recom- number of successful prosecutions It will you as it has paid other the I would have iff!) S mend the Japanese to once been carried to a determination to investigate these poUcIes befor' in- residents at at expenso present the matter to tho the of tho Board, but tho COMPANY, LTD. creasing your Call Board of fines aro insurance. or writ Health, and the considera- a realization to the treasury Board after thus exhausting agents for particulars. tion submit their to the the resources of the J Co., Sole tii.inufacturers and of conclusions Hoard. Metropolitan Meat Ltd Genuine Xola Mint. (Don't buy poor Government and Legislature. Private funds have necessarily been to quite Imitations.) Phone Main, 71. It Is not the Intention of this depart- used an extent. would ment to permit any nationality to dis- It seem if, to any nationality, practice Castle regard or hold In contempt the laws the of medicine and surgery in CLOTHES CLEANED AND Ms the Territory of Hawaii is an object PRESSED BY THE and regulations of the Territory of Ha- waii entrusted to this department. worth attaining it is worth tho samo I Renovating Go. GENERA AGENTS. effort and respect by Honolulu THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND national shown Nothing Like Newness T. FUJI, MANAGER. SURGERY. German, French, Portuguese and other All Telephone Messages Promptly The Board Health is charged nationalities In mastering the English A. B. of with language Attended To. We Call For and Deliver. EBNER, Sreclal Agent. tlon as to methods of examinations or and presenting themselves Becomes an Office S78. for Telephone Main the Issuance of licenses to practice examination and professional fel- Queen. lowship In Richard Street near surgery In the legal and official langu- medicine and the Territory age W. G. & Co., of Hawaii from tho fact the of of tho United States of America A complete, attractive stock of office supplies will be found Irwin Ltt'! Board and the Territory Medical Examiners are by law the ar- of Hawaii. in our store. Few of you do not need supplies of some kind Y. WO SING CO. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager No physician of any nationality, pos- biters who decide upon the professional on office John D. Spreckels. Vice-Preside- nt sessing high to carry your work. GROCERIES, FRUITS, First and ethical qualifications of candidates, ethical professional and W. M. Second Vice-Preside- nt personal qualifications Type-writ- er paper, carbons, ribbons, pens, pencils and GIffard.... and ap- lias over been VEGETABLES, ETC. H. the Board simply endorses the Cooking M. Whitney Treasurer plicant to refused cordial recognition by the med- stationcrv of all kinds. California Butter, 40c. lb.; Richard the Treasurer who Issues the 35c. Ivers Secretary license. ical profession or all the courtesies Butter, 30c. lb.; Island Butter, lb. W. Were the Board In possession F. Wilson Auditor far-I- s within the power of tho Board of 1186-11- of It they could Nuuanu Street. that warranted Health. Telephone Main 238. Box 932. refuse to endorse the applicant and I Hawaiian News SUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS thus hold up tho license, but such a Company, Ltd., contingency Is Improbable, The 330 Japanese wlu, tvent to the i Alexander Young Building. Honolulu Iron Works. AGENTS FOR loan. r any other language to bo sub-th- e Coast from Honolulu In tho S. S. Mon- Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco, responsibility of seeing the laws golia will be allowed to land at San Cal. are respected and that no misconduct, Francisco, according to private advices Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran- carelessness or Incapacity occurs among received here from Japanese Ambassa- BTEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, cisco, Cal. the licensed physician. dor Aokl nt Washlnftton. tho now Im- The Territory Is Inte- migration bill bilng approved by BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS Baldwin Locomotive Worl-s- . Philadel- of Hawaii an not AND LEAD CASTINGS. phia, Pa. gral part of the United States and Its the President until nfter they had left. Newall Universal Mill Co., official languago Is English and nono IFev Japanese left here In the Sono- To troubles aro past! Manufac- may that turers of National Cane Shredder, other. In that language the laws must ma be brought back. Machinery of Every Description Made Now York. N. Y. T'is well they didn't last, to Order. Particular attention paid to Pacific Oil Transportation Co., San' Our Chinese cooks had fun, Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Ex-Mut- ed ijrancisco, cal. o nShort Notice. He we, alas, had none. ALL WOMEN Cold Joints aro good enough, & CO, LTD, SUFFER But ah, wo like "hot stuff," J. P. COOKE, Manager. No skittles and no beer, QUEEN STREET. from the samo physical disturbances, HONOLULU, H. T and the nature of their duties, in For us, Chinese Now Tear. OFFICERS: many cases, quickly drift them into the horrors of all kinds of female H. P. Baldwin President complaints, organic troubles, ulcera- AGENTS FOR. Vice-Preside- J. B. Castle First nt tion, falling and displacements, or W. M. Vice-Preside- nt Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-m- ea Alexander.Second perhaps irregularity or suppression "Life is not all beer and skittles" L. Vice-Preside- nt causing Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar T. Peck Third backache, nervousness, ir- J. Waterhouse Treasurer ritability, and sleeplessness. But it' will bo If wo drink RAINIER. Company, Walluku Sugar Company, E. E. Paxton Secretary Women everywhere should re- Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, W. O. Smith member that tho medicine that holds Director the record Pepeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranch. for the largest number of tang MRS. A. M. HAQERMANN actual cures of female ills is 4 Planters Line Shipping Company. 1 LIST OF OFFICERS. Sugar Factors and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound C. A. Nelson, Agent. Charles M. C ke President Commission made from simple native roots and herbs. For more than thirty years Geo. H. Robertson.. & Mgr. It has been holplng women to bo strong, regulating the functions per- Phono Whlto 1331. Herchants fectly and overcoming pain. also proved pre- B. Faxon & Secy. It has itself invaluable in Bishop.... Treas. paring for child-birt- and tho Change of Life. F. W. Macfarlane Auditor Mrs. A. M. Ilagerinann, of Bay Shore, L. I., writes ; Dear Mrs. P. C. Jones Director AGENTS FOR Plnkham; "I suffered from a displacement, excessive and painful functions so had to Ho down or O. H. Cooke Director that I sit still most of tho time. Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com- Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound lias made me a well woman so J. R. Gait Director pany. that I am able to attend to mv duties. I wish overy suffering woman All of the above Haiku Sugar Company. would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and see what relief or named constltuto it will give them." iw ai the Bo- n- of Directors. Pala Plantation. in no pb Maui Agricultural m Company. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Sheet with Pillow Case Set, Woolen a nd Cotton- - Blankets, Klhel Plantation Company. Comforters and JAPANESE AND AMERICAN Women suffering from any form of femalo illness aro invited to write Quilta. K . DRY GOODS. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. for advice She is the Mrs, Plnkham who Straw Hats Manufactured. Kahuku Plantation Company. has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty No. 12 and 16 King Kahulul Railroad Company. years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-la- w Lydia B. Pink-ha- m IvOY CO. St. in, K. FUKURODA, Haleakala Ranch Company. advising. Therefore she la especially well qualified to guide sick women back to health. ITo Hotel Street near Bethel. BAILEY WAS WISE. at least showed Judgment In nn- - bor- - Senator Bailey is criticized for plying to a man who had It. Wash-rowin- g Fine Job Printing, Star Office. Fine Job Printing, Star Office. money from an oil magnate, ington Times. ran haw :ian stab, fihday. February 22, wot. j.HJ

.-- r . I Star, H I .CWMf V W. W .Mill Ml .11 HawaiianSEMI-WEEKL- STEINWAY gH&Jfe, 'Fl?DAILY AND STARR AND OTHER PIANOS. Now Patterns for a Stai ..Pompadour,, CO. RuBlished every afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian THAYER PIANO moment may make Association, Limited. 156 Hotel St., Opp. Youns Hotel. I Newspaper 218. 1 Phone Main MW, II'!., (the greatest Stir but 'TUNING GUARANTEED. Jn isl II. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i McCall Patterns al- $ 8.oo . Eocal, per annum ways make tho best Foreign, per annum EXTRACT s garment y? ' Payable in advance. FACE POWDER Cigars matter. 7 El Palencia Bntered at Post Omco at Honolulu, Hawaii, as second class mail TOILET "WATER DISTRIBUTORS

1 Subscribers who do not get their papers regularly will c:r.fer a favo THE LATE ST '' Tobacco Co...... i i nee Unvselden oy notiiying tne siar unice; leicpnone oua, HAVE YOU TRIED IT7 FRANK L. HOOGS .MANAGER 22, 1907 OAHU CAIUtlAGE E.W.Jordan&Co. FEBRUARY NEW FRIDAY MANUFACTURING CO.

It is a curious fact that there Any kind of repair work on carriages. in X seems to be periodic movements Horses shoed. .1. ' : street, Honolulu. I Washington popular painuuti uu.iuiioi."v.,.Limnitctrn.lnn ti No. 1179 River A cntimont for national heroes, as X , . ... . Observance m niQst other unUgS uou, pujsiu...u..:...l - Catton, Neill & Co., tt ...... J!- n,l nintnn ivsicnl. iliat IlllllL "The Choice move in cycles seems to be a . . TM .,nin,li mnvciiients are observable i Blacksmiths vcrsal nrmcipie. incsu. , tit.i. of Engineers, Machinists, f wr.es 1 nPtnn has laid hold long per- nnd Boilermakers. Se An'rISn p a d WrtTimcI There have been First class work at reasonable rates. ole there seemed very iods in SETS s ory of the American people when 1 - , Job Printing, Star Offllce. tfifj Vineyard 01 me gn.ni. uuuk.h.w.. Fine Of Waging,?,,, o, .c gn,,,dc,,r of U. du,r "' - nave uecn " "Si- his services. These periods - such recognition has been carneu to uic " GRAPE JUOE. This nectar is a of a wave of hero is what makes WELSH'S present we seem to be on the rising crest hundred and one different At may almost ex-en- d superb drink, and can be used in a worship which, in its apotheosis and in sonic minds your own throughout the land, and m for- & Marsh ways for beverages and flavouring. A grapevine in Everywhere Whitney his deification. a more care one, is what a bottle of Welsh s eign lands where there are American colonics, there is home, with every grape a sweet cus some observance of Washington's birthday than was tomy I really amounts to. made of the day and of the Wash years ago. More is was schools and among the rising generation than mgton in the following generation and less, ago. The period i.mned.ately known a the popu- the 'Civil War was one of the extreme periods of ebb tide in reat Clearance May & Co., Ltd ofi Doubtless Henry expression-o- f interest and recognition Washington. lar was engaged the momcntousness of the struggle in which the nation WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS. entire thought and sentiment of the peo- at the time, engrossing the J! the 98 nnfl 02 Boston iJlOCK, or oucc. ple, was responsible for this. The issues of that war absorbed S rriT.AClCpuvubu for a long time afterward. Indeed, it ALB! thought of the American people 1 has again 5th is only .a comparatively few years ago that popular attention Beginning Friday the are as a been directed to Washington and his relation to what we OF nation and a people. May wo suggest that if you so men. ..as We arc far enough away from Washington mat mi's Gin do not use an Oscillator, you man up a Washington legend. We do not know Washington as a SKIRTS ought to use one, you should; has LADIES' you, among men. He has become idealized. In many attributes he it will pay and increase In all styles of f your buslaesa. become almost deified. WRftl as If you send out circulars, is however a matter of sinccrcst satisfaction, that the attention materials, such It and (Continued from Pago One.) you cannot afford to ignore of the American people is again directed toward Washington practical, econo- No harm the quick that the lessons of his life are being taught in our schools. Cloth and Wash Petersburg. He has traveled though mical method of printing the Voile, Silks, Alpaca, St. will come it something of the legendary docs become mixed with every country on the globe, exposing them through the medium of photographed Ed!s-- n Oscillating ideas that are entertained of him. It is well that his birtrday is becom A L S O 75,000 negatives, and has tho most of the great men or nis genera- - generally observed than it was formerly. ing- more and more tion. Of lato years he has become one if first in war, at least first in - May Washington ever remain, not Ladies' Wash Suits, made of Indian Head of tho most expert or war pnoiograpn- the hearts of his countrymen. ers. In the Philippines lie was me oniy complete for man to get troops actually lirlng on me Eton Jackets sol- intro- - Skirt and foe. At the battle of Caloocan a i VWiWAW.W.V.VWWJVb Senator 'McCarthy has winged; Rlcalton ft which dier near him was $ duceel a bill in the Senate picked up the useless rllle, graDDea Hawaiian Office Specially I; Legislative jl proposes to do what ought to have tho cartridge belt and went up with k bcen donc lon ago fh.. nkirmishes. At the siege or lieu O OMPAXY Bwfcinn the Tsln ho stood on the walls and photo N the Territory and as they were crop- of I9!h graphed Americans AWAV.VAVAVMiW.V.v, legislators. The first legislature Friday Morning Hex), Februur? the ped by Chinese bulets. Little the pub- the Territory was unable to do this lic knows when It sees photographs of having at that war how few of them come from the 931 Fort Street : .:. Tel. Main H3. for lack of the necessary data, the census returns not wno as would permit front. Rlcalton Is one of the few time bcen prepared for this Territory in such detail thing. is sixty years first gets tho real He the Of course, to those who remember the old, yet he tramps ten and twenty will recall themselves why that day with a thirty pound camera Territorial legislature other reasons miles a Y.Beretanlu.ISHH,and Nuuanu Bts. necessary things. under his arm, for lie sneers ui m Corner body was unable to do this, and many other WHAT TO EAT AND WHERE TO BUY IT. carry a tripod. Yet to decide who should be snap shot and will JAPANESE DRUGGISTS It became necessary to ask Congress OLIVES in Glass. Grape Fruit Marmalade. ho outlasts tho young men on the have CALIFORNIA RIPE Pickles, GENERAL MERCHANDISE the holdover senators,, something which the legislature ought to DILL PICKLES. French Prunes in glass. Pin Money Sweet march. Here he goes everywhere into ' corpses are medicine dorfe itself. Roast Pigeon. captured forts, while the All kinds American patent and TOMATUS a line anti-gripp- e to nic. Enchilados. Chill Con Carne, still about, through th most danger tt low prices. hc second and third legislatures neglected to among reserves apportionment which Chicken Tomales. Olives Stuffed with Anchovies. ous artillery positions, now. the fourth 'legislature is in session on an battle. 101 purpose, waiting for Telephone Main Congress made intendingjt merely to answer a temporary Mr. nicalton and Richard Harry P. O. Box 683. and which manifestly docs not give equality of representation to the wern vlsltlnir General Baron Nogl at his headquarters before Port Arthur HARRY ARMITAGE mode and the following interview is reiatuu cixi CI Senator 'McCarthy's bill has not yet been printed so that its DEALERS Hi DELICATESSEN. Mr. Harrv In his published works: Htoolc Bond 240. h liroKor.... of reannortinnment is not iknown. But it is to be assumed, that it will 169 King Street t : : Telephone Main 'Look after your Docues, mo ueu- - Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond plain of the 'Organic Act. If it docs not it can orni snlrt after Greeting us. "I was out Exchange. follow the intentions aay ana a the ' does to tho firing line the other be amended sp that it will, and in any event it is step toward ,i;cir.c,i nt this, riutnnrn Tt scims verv likclv that it was. It dysentery, carne back with a touch of Few shares of. following stocks, for. performance of a long neglected duty. not seem feasible that any legislation of the United States could affect cn tnUr wnrntmr." Mex- sale: Pioneer Mill Co., Oahu Sugar the of Japanese seeking to enter the United States from "We are- of little account, General," Co., rights very Co., Ewa Plantation Hawaiian Bradstreet's which maintains a legislation should be general applying snirl Ttlrnlton. "but it Is a serious Co., Agricultural Co., ico or Canada, except as such world's Sugar Waialua world movements of thing for a man on whom the Etc. 4 firm grasp on to Japanese from any foreign country. eyes nro centered to havo dysentery." me unanges ;: moment has the following: If any Japanese are determined to leave Hawaii and get into the genorul I am quite wen Tho smiled. Ofllce, Campbell Block Merchant St Within ten days after the by way of Mexico or Canada, it seems probable that now," ho said "but how old aro you? In Persia United States gray Honolulu, T. H. inir of the new constitution of Per-- there are no legal obstacles in the way at present; they will not have ho asked, looking at Ricalton's .. i i i :.. They compared ages. Rlcal sia, Shah, MuzafTar-ed-di- n, .1.. it.t., hairs. V.Vi'iWA'iViViViViViVi'iVi the to smuggle tnemseives across me uurucr. iiuwcvtr, u is ton proved to be three years the oiaer. died at Teheran, the capital, in the that this detour will be only temporary, as in all probability the new 'Tho command ot tno army, men, DT?T0 f fifty-fourt- h year of his age, after a reign of ten years and eight months. treaty, which today's cables say is being negotiated by Secretary Root belongs to me," said Rlcalton. Im IRON The dead ruler maintained many of the traditions of his country with and Ambassador Aoki, will provide for this as well as all other mat- your senior." 'Ah." the general "but tnen was enlightened and cultivated man, and his said l conservatism, but he an ters. should havo to do your work and I tli.i-- r 1m n Inrn-- m!nrr!)tinn AfpviVn ff clirvill frrrni tr and fear I could not do it as wen as you of many of the conveniences and improvements in use in more ad- thence to the United States, one of the results might be that in Texas do." BIG SHIPMENT came to JUST PECBIVED. vanced countries, notably the telegraph, bore witness to his desire to and adjoining states, whither most of this immigration would in "all Tlmt nluht a huge hamper Ricalton's tent in charge of tho head be abreast of the times. He has been succeeded by his son, Moham- probability spread itself, a sentiment similar to that in California might quarters orderly. It contained three med AH Mirza, who is now in his thirty-fift- h year, and is regarded as grow up, the California sentiment in an unexpected way huge bunches of Malaga grapes, nan a a man of intelligence and strength of character. It will not have es- and in an unexpected quarter. dozen Bartlett pears, a peck of Una J. HOPP & CO. reading: caped notice tliat he as well as the late Shah signed the constitution snow apples, nnd boro a card 'The General sends his compliments 1053-10- BISHOP STREET. just before the close of the year, but there seems to have bcen some I Mayor Dunne of Chicago has won In noon. This is natural enough. Things to his senior in command." doubt as to whether the new ruler would accept that document in Tho people seem look different In the bright morning "Ho s a great man," said Rlcalton, tho primaries. there of spirit. There are those who look for a dismissal of the Parliament as to think ho has dunno well. light than they do in the fading after- "wiin ran so notice. In the midst CAHARA & CO soon as lie feels liimselfi firmly seated. noon light. colossal labors, a passing old photo LIQUOR DEALERS. grapher." some has been a staff photo- Thore were line horses in the Mr. Rlcalton Queen Alakea Streets. today, even It was suBDOBOd Tho Alameda arrived lust In time" to grapher for Underwood & Underwood, Corner and rooooooooocxooooocxxxooo-a While the complete terms of the narade II PHONE MAIN 492. that tho automobiles were tho groat give her passengers a chance to see tho representing them exclusively, for the new imtngiration bill are not tnou-san- ds P. O. BOX 664. By The thing in tno procession, this may oe floral parade. past eight years, and has made Mexican 'known it seems probable that the an auto ago, but It isn't yet a horse of stereoscopic negatives for pla to them all over the world. Route To Texas 8 allescd I"?awaii JaPancsc less age. Apparently the Japanese In Japan Oregon Restaurant Q no. first to- - Mexico, and thence to what They Q g want to know about it? HOLDINGS TO BE CLEARED. HOT WO, Proprietor. the States, is from a legal of havo Interpellated their government on OOOCXOCX)OOCOOOOOOOOOOOO point One wonders from tho apparent anx- Tho old Nahlku Sugar Company's iHAiit nntirnlif Wflinflirtt if alio question, interpellated sounuB holdings near Walluku of 1200 acres Reopened under nev management. iety, of some of tho Japanese to got serious. will prove so as a practical matter, is another thing. away from Hawaii what they over will iprobably b cleared and planted Bct 25 cents Meal In Trwn. When it was first announced that the immigration bill, which had camo here for. with rubber. Daniel Sylvester, whd Open Tuesday December IS. The cavalcado of miscellaneous rid has had ten years' oxperlenco In rub- bcen sidetracked because of a deadlock between House and Senate ber cultivation In Mexico, Is hero, look- Californ- ers in tho parade this morning was ono the Educational clause, was be made a stop-ga- p for the stream of Japanese Immigration Harry Bald- Won Loui & Co. over to If a of tho best features In it. ing over tho ground, for ia-Japanese imbroglio, it was stated that it was proposed to make to tho United States should bo started win, manager of tho M. A. Company. through Mexico, there might bo a Hawaii- Plumbers and Tinners it answer the purpose by amending it so as to prevent Japanese labor- This property 1s owned by the chanco for some of the Japanese hotel-koope- rs parado and Maul Agricultural ers from coming to the mainland from Hawaii and the Philippines. Thoro was no Princess In the an Commercial to do business In Mexico. representing Lanai. in tne popular Company. 77 Hotel Street near Maunakea. At the same time it was specifically stated that "of course this will not idea Lanal could only bo properly rep prevent the Japanese from coming across the Canadian or Mexican resented by a Baron. Tho Hawaiian Society of tho Son of House Representatives their an- Admiral Tomioka of Japanese but it is1 only a tentative plan to hold the Californians quiet The of scorned the American Revolution hold tho to view tho relation of' a legislature to nual celobration of Washington's birth- squadron with his staff have been In- i ntil a treaty can bo arranged." tho day in a llttlo dlfferont light this Under tho circumstances nobody can day tonight on the roof garden of the vited to. luncheon at tho Pacific Club Whether this idea was carried out exactly or not has not yet bcen morning: than they did yesterday aftor- - blame Senator Dryden fov feeling sick Young Hotel. today from 1 to 3 o'clock. THE HAWAIIAN, , S.TAIL. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1907. FIVE.

patients at the hospital were delighted lieve tho general effect and acid to the various divisions of art along which tho with the display. originality of the design was a row of League Is seeking to carry on work. water Miles, which made it appear as These were: Pictorial Art, represented Olive big Oil If the bird was gliding gracefully by Miss Cordelia Oilman and Miss THE along on PUREflA ABSOLUTELY PURE AUTOMOBILE the surface of a pond. In the Edith Spalding; literary art. Mls car with Mr. Kerr rod a Miss Catheilno MADE FROM SELECTED CALIFORNIA OLIVES Kerr.

ADAPTED FOR i ALL CULINARY PURPOSES. A YACHT. A GREEK TEMPLE vrt wmi m hi division F. E. Stnore was the skipper of the yacht. With hlin was Master" Kenneth Dodo Ballentyne M. McChes-uey- : Tho automobile division was divided Emory. The body and Miss KC02STOIXJIyXJ of the yacht was art, Smith FUR CO,, Into sections. At the head of this col- white and green. Largo paper dramatic Miss Edith RENT. JDRUG ml and Miss Hopper; art, Manna umn were the large heavy touring e.n a. white leig were and Alice musical Valley U9.9S HONOLULU. festooned about the Miss E. Ballentyne Miss Helen Beretanla Nnturally this section whs onu of the sldos of tho craft. wore and Street (4.99 There two North; City Improvement, Miss Alice Aloha Lulie most striking of the enti parade. The masts. The crkft hntt the motion of a m t.69 Spalding Miss Mclnorny. King Street . 'm.OC big machines with their ynrlety and at sea. The schome was and Ruth craft color represented of Nuuanu beauty of design nroueej a great deal oti, white and green. These the five circles Street M.W effort of the League. They were all Klnau Street of admiration and applause along the A. A. Young and C. C. von Hamm dressed In whlto Greek costumo. The Beretanla Street. entlro line of march. For originality of o'de In a small car entered by the von 35.00 temple Itself was of white with green Thurston Avenue. 42.CC doslgn the small runabouts were very Hnmm-Youn- g Company. Tho white decorations. Wilder Avenue.... 40,60 Nothing the Effect clover. snow paper was stylo of dec- Equals balls tho Following this ns escort and. chaperon Young Street CLASS A. oration and the color scheme was whlto Matlock Avenue... - In a carriage decorated In La France K.00 A were tin- following ma red. In Class and roses were Mr. nnd Mont- McCully Street itj S. M. car entitled Mis. William chines. Bnllou's JUDGE KINGSBbRY. rose and Gullck Avonuo : Jf,n Lavendar." Tills was on. of Judge Kingsbury car as Graham, Miss J. Ilardaway Sweet entorod his Miss J. Wlnne. FURNISHED. ,pf plants or , arranged beautiful feme the most admired of the entire class. 'The Katydid Adsuni." The color AVaikikl Bench for Three were Mrs. Ha- Months. In tho car with Mr. Ballou schome was red and gieon. The per- - artistically with green moss In hang-In- s month ..HI. Howard Ballou, Mrs. George Falrohlld, waiian and American Hags were dis- A HANDSOM E Large residence for one or twe Miss AVlth "baskets. Mrs. Harry 'Macfarlane, Jr., and played from the. front. him rode years, per month WSjOS Lady Macfarlane. The color sihome Miss Katydid Jones. Tho car was Lunnlllo Street 3.ae) by- Secure some dried moss, the was lavendar. All of the ladles In tho much admired. Prospect Street JS.PC coats, wag conveyanco wore long iRvendar "Palms" the entry of H. Hudson. CAVALCADE FOR SALE pound or sack, from us. and try It, parafols to match, vari with hats, veils and His car was a mnss of palms and Near town, property extending Irem Wisteria llowors were features of the ous description. The back of tho seat PAU RIDERS. Beretanla to Klnau streets. TJrirr decorations. Seated on the top of tho was a )hbs of leaves.. , Miss plm A gny calvncado was the turnout of cottages all rented will soil as a yekolg two lamps were two white silk "Teddy" O'Brien rode In the ear. 'Unfortunately pa-- u riders, and every color In (lowing or each cottage separately with wait-ab- le bears. tho car was delayed after the fctnrt and drnnerv nossible was on exhibition. lot. Price low terms half especially design rejoin C Another did not the dlvlmon until t.ftcr Those of the same color kept together balance on mortgage at per cent. was tho car entered by H. F. Wlchman the parade had left the Queen's Hospi- possible. O. & - as much as Crimson and E. HALL SON, UNITED under tho title of "Winter." White cot tal. C. H. McBryde's entry was "Bou- scarlet, yellow and gold, Vermillion ton to represent the snow was the base glnville." In the car were Miss E. and pink, emerald and dark green, la Henry Waterhouse Trust Co,, M Hol MeBryile. was a Cor. of the decorations of the car, with Vail and Master It pa-u- s (lapped the KING and FORT STS. vender and lilac at Real Department. ly berries and leaves to lellevo the very pretty car. horses' sides and limned the figures of Estate white. In tho car were Misses Soren- - Another tastefully decorated car was the riders eloquently. There were shirt Corner son, McClanahan and Damon and H. F. the entry of W. N. Pnttw.1, green and waists of white and bluck and all colors Fort nnd Merchant Strela, Wlchman. The occupants of the car yellow being the color design. In the Mnny of were necklaced with - the horses threw confetti from the conveyance In car wore W. JC. Patten and C. F. Vat- llinia and other lels. Some of the wo- James T. Taylor, tmtatlon of a ralnbowed snow storm ten. men wore smart caps, whllo others let Classified Advertising M. Am. Soc. C. B. CHINESE PAGODA. I. II. Bendle, accompanied by Mrs, loose their hair. The mounts wore C. M. Cooke entered his car as a Chi Beadle and Master Irwin H. Beadle, miscellaneous but for the most part Lost CONSULTING . nese Pagoda. The deBlgn represent Jr., drove the entry of R. H. 'nent. good Uesh. All Islands were represent- HYDRAULIC Lady's gold ENGINEER. ed a regular. Chinese pagoda, with the This was a runabout car with begonia ed. watch, between El P, t.-.- e Tenney's brilliant combination of Chinese celes- llowers nnd a liberal display of Leading the pa-- u riders wero indi- residence and High BtheA Honolulu, T. II. W. tial colors, In which gilding formed a American colors. vidual representatives of the various Initials T. engraved on w&tcH. Be strlkng part. All of the occupants wore "Sisal" was the namo of a very cute Islands, preceded by their boy-heral- turn to Star office and receive sultsita handsome Chinese costumes and were entry In tho form of a child's toy auto- as follows: Oahu, Miss Gussle Clark reward. made up as Chinese characters, 'lie mobile engine. The little rig was cov with Herald Robert Qulnni Maul, Kate For Salo A, ill. ANNA make-up- s were especially good. Those ered with sisal (lber and ropo. In tho Cornwell with Herald Thurston Taylor Sanford till In the car were Miss Violet Damon, enr were Walter Wnlto, Master Walto Hawaii, Miss Anna Rose with Herald By F. J. Fitzpatrlck the Myrtle Miss Juliet Cooke, Mrs. George fjooke. and:Mlss May Waite. Edward Stacker; Molokal Alice Bar- Cigar Store, a new lot of Hawalfcts GRADUATE OPTICIAN Miss Judd and Richard A. Cooke. AND SATAN CAME ALSO. tholomew with Herald Harry Denlson; Cigars received by tho last Alacntifc kuunl, n. PARADE Another car that around much c nt Mrs. Mallna with Herald These cigars are the best now on tb Boston Building And last of all camo Satan. Fort St fill was that entered by the visiting George Dennlson mndo entry, market In Honolulu at any price, being this These princesses of tlie parado Japanese squadron, tlovernor Curter drew made of a superb mixture o tbj" law (Contmuea irom Page One). nnd It was very funny and original. an Immense amount of Interest. had kindly loaned his car for this en- Oahu's Hawaiian nnd Havana weeds. Thero was a smoking llnming volcano Princess, arrayed In yellow and black, try. Tho color design ..vns a happy complete selves of the Governor's compliment In eruption. Tho high black a yellow pa-- u of great length seven-roo- m combination of the national colors of nnd Splendid house ciwAGj nnil they made his car one of the hand mountain reared Its sides high above ,blaek silk waist, with yellow lels Young Japan and the United States, the red about street. Pawaa, R. Star OSSe. Mimest In the parade. hTe Governor's the road while down tho sides of Mau-n- a her and her charger, sat proudly and how-ove- r, and white and the red. white and blue. rhlldron dirt not rldo In that car Loa was the (lowing lava, repreient-e- d won much applause. She, as was This was worked the cowboys. but were occupants of Mr. Gait's color scheme over the by red paint. Ren ,ne burned In case with the rest before the parade riders and the Back of Jtw body tho car, design autos were the (loats nutomoblle. Neither tho Governor nor and wheels of the brilliant color from the sides of the smarted, submitted to having her photo- and rarrlagfR. representing the national Hags. But The scene was one long to be reroem-bere- d. Mrs. Carter participated In the purade, eruption volcano. It was only it.ie. -- graph taken. Maul's Princess appear- was canopy (lowers, at The officials gallofed but reviewed the assembling from the overhead a of vals that tho occupants of this mov- ed to great advantage In black and red about ibt Meld on lleet dresw-e- second story of the Capitol building chrysanthemums and green foliage. In ing, creeping volcano were And and sat her splendid mount well. Anna horses and were all d visible. In with Secretary Atkinson, officers of tho the car, dressed in rich Japanese cos- when they were viable they looked like Rose for Hawaii, In red nnd black, was costume all tending to add to like le- tumes, were Katsa-num- a beauty scene. DRESSMAKING Japanese lleet and members of tho Miss Tasaka, Dr. the devil literally. G. B. Dennlson and a picture that drew all eyes. Alice of the Automobkkav House, gislature H. Fujikawa, Gov- passed back nnd forth slowly a tHev Johnson and others. and and tho J. MpGuIre were 1 nthe car. They wero 'Hartho,lomew representing Molokal, Private Cottage. Probably the most generally admired ernor's chauffeur, who was also dress- dresged as red devils. This car brought was magnificent In green and white, M,UB'" '" P'"ces. n was a mn a against car in the automobile section was tho ed as Japanese. up jUio rear of the automobile parade, thousands wanting her to win the prize; I'Kht colors the dark gieen a' A. ,ht' nd nRS. J. A. RODANET "Sweet Lavender" of S. M. Ballou. Tho CHRYSANTHEMUM PAR. as ir to typify the pursuit or Satn'n af- lip. Mallna, Kauai's princess. In red "B.1 'nat caused the beautiful Punchbowl near King Street. color design was most effective and A gorgeous car was that entered by ter niankitd. whlto was handsome and the sub- - f,'ct- - J. A. T1'e reviewing by artistic. Tho "Fuzzy Teddy Bears" McCandless and driven by Miss Unofficially Col. Sam Parker had his Ject of great admiration. the Judges occuptaa Madge j much time, Intw-ce-ss, seated on the lamps In front of the car, McCandless. She handled the car in the parade, but rue car was not The boy heralds, each with his prln- - but so great was the provoked car llko wero to cos-e- st the morning considerable amusement. a veteran chauffeur. The decorated, although Col. Sam and his dressed match the entlro slipped .txifajr "Chrysanthemum" this, tunics of principals i without tho No better place of assemblage for was the title of guests, Jock Carter and Senator Hew- their and carried crowd growing resilMA, car. was mass yellow silken banners on bamboo poles, bear- the parade than tho Capitol grounds, It a of paper itt, were decorated with malle lels. ing tho pa-u- s (Continued could have been chosen. Tho arrange- chrysanthemums. The occupants; were Somebody said was colors of the worn by tho on Page ElghtJ. It the entry of the royalty of ments for the various divisions of the all dressed In white nnd yellow with Onion Club. the occasion. Favorites parade was well yellow hats, and carried parasols, were hnrd to pick, judging 'y the en THE WEEK'S WORK. carried out. There to RED CROSS AUTO. was no in assembling represent huge chrysanthemums: thusiastic and various remarks of nn If you tire yourself out confusion the of In Thero was a "Red Cross" this wfe the parts of the parade, but the polic- this car were, besides Miss McCandless, ambulanro Immense and delighted crowd I'ho- - VOU mav And lt(f.nr.f Inn In L..,.c--. auto, trailing the regular cars. , ing of the Capitol grounds could have Miss Schaefer, Miss Lorna Iauken.MIss This tographers were kept hustling to Im- - that at Haloiwa you may secur il was' secured, from von - j been better done. The crowds were Paty and Mrs. Boedeofeld. car, Hamm j mortal'ze the pretty actors. rest you need. Next Sunday there' wS loung Co. It was equipped wth ox-- Behind the pn-- u rldo-- s permitted, too much freedom In walk- CLASS B. ; came a host be a golf tournament fnr r,.r, tra tires, and In It some expert of society men ing about the driveways. Captain Then came Class B. As rode folks nnd women, on by tho management. If ron ni' m usual the flne-lookl- cheuffeurs whose business It was to j horses, In n Parker of the police force, seemed to car entered by A. F. Afong was very arrayed bun you will have an opportunity to ttf repair any might down dred ways. pass most of h!s time galloping aimless- artistic. This year design repre- cars' that break different Some of tno your name on the trophy. Wo woalfl the and enable the cripples to resume girls wore Jockey costumes; some woro ly up and down, tiring out his horse. sented tho Cherry Blossom season of their bo pleased to havo you spend a A&3 place In the parade. The "Red Cross" ordinary riding .skirts; nlnety-nln- o per Nobody Imagined Unit so Japan. The car was rich in the design at this hotel where you will find cons-fo- rt there were car was decorated with .red, white cent rodo In sensible Hawaiian style, many cameras In Honolulu, as appeared of pink tlowers and resembled a mov- and and eloganco combined. St ClaSr blue, paper lels, and flew "Red astride. They wero a merry crowd and today. ing grove of Japanese several Bldgood, manager. . Asldo from the otilclal photo- cherry trees. In Cross" flags. looked well, rodo well and represented graphers, thero were camera users by the car with him werw Mrs. A. F. all Afong, Miss nationalities. The Meal Department the hundred. Pictures of all of the Helen. Macfarlano and Miss Rose Davison, humane officer F. J. TESTA does Conveyancer. decorated conveyances nutos, as Mrs. J. H. BIssel. Searching and VEHICLES nnd one of the pa-- u Judges, rode with Records, Adjusting Realty G:30 well as of Another chrysanthemum OTHER Claims, Opens at a. m., the other divisions the parade car. that re- tho pa-- u riders, mounted on Confederate Property Doallngs and Ap- ceived much praise praising, Collecting, . Closes at 8 p. m. were' taken. The hour from 9 a. m., and bad a pleasing the splendid white horse of the Japa Typewriting, the time of assembling of the divisions, effect, was that entered by E. J. Lord. nese consul. Interpreting and The color Traw to 10 o'clock, the hour of the start of scheme was yellow, tho ma- THAN AUTOMOBILES The pa-- u riders who lined up on the lnting. and General Business, qrouftfl the march was a busy time, about the chine being covered with a profusion of jdrlllshed grounds shortly beforo 10 a. door, Wavcrley Block, Bethel StreJ. Capitol grounds. Judge's yellow chrysantheqmums. m- near Hotel. The various The occu- Tho vehicle denartment nf ti,., wfir0 &s toWowa: Miss Rose Davison pants wore ' and officers of tho separate sections white suits, yellow (JudBe)' Mrs- - MftrIn Williams, Mrs. (lowers with under the direction of Robert Shingle w(ere oeupled getting the cars into nnd lels. in tho car were Mi- was Jack Williams, Mrs. j. Walanlkn, Mrs. ami Mrs. an elaborate one nnd added much NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE! place or observing the points of ex- E. J. Lord and Mr. nnd Mrs to appearance Kauai. Mrs. Van Gleson, Mrs. Kemn, cellence. D. Mclntyre. the of the parade. .Many beautiful wero Mrs. R. Johnson, Mrs. A. Makla, Mrs. limits entered and many ADMINISTRATOR'S Shortly after 10 o'clock, Grand Mar- EASTER LILIES. carriages were driven which brought Mahl, Mrs. Kanmaka, Miss Hattle NOTICE. shal C.'F. Chllllngworth started up the Easter Lilies was tho title Thompson, Mrs. Stnhl, Miss Lilian a. of the car from the spectators exclamations of Is parade, Accompanying him was De- entered In this class by the Promotion praise. Miss Minnie Hlnn, Mrs. Naka- - Notice hereby given, that: Tht Committee. paahu, undersigned having been appointed ad- puty Grand Marshal George C. Potter. Tho car was profusely Brnlncrd Smith a pair of Mrs. Haalou, iMrs. Pnnlnlr Largo on slopes of Punchbowl, decorated drove beauti- ministrator of tho Esta'to house Then came tho bicycle division, under with paper Easter lllle., and ful blck horses attached to a double Mrs. Theresa Wilcox, Mrs. Mnluluae, of Mary Abb grounds, fine view. other Mrs. Puuhl, Mrs. Woolsey, Pa, deceased, Intestate, by tfe extensive tho direction of E. H. Paris. Then llowors. In the car rode J. A. seated trap which was decorated .with Kahea, Mrs. order sf 26,000 came McCandless, H. , Miss Parker, Mrs. Richardson, Miss I. Honorable Alexander Lindsay, Lot on Kewalo Street, Maklkl, the Hawaiian band In an eight P. Wood. F L Wild-ro- n pink and green artificial llowers. Not Junior. S. Circuit Judge, square feet. in hand conveyance driven by E. H. and J. McCandless, Jr. a detail hud oFcaped the eyo of tho Lemon. Mrs. E. Holt, Miss I. W. made the 21st day Sydney B. i Wood, Miss Margaret Van Vllet, Miss Janunry, 1907. All persons 3 aero lot head of Punahou Street. Lewis. Then followed tho pa-- if rldors, Jordan enterod his car un- - person who had dono the decorating havinc at um ,e Lilian Koamalu, Mrs. Mary Ann Ma- claims against Can be subdivided. 'including tho Island princesses, fho utie or "Hibiscus." The car and the effect was striking and pleas- said estate, whether was hal, Mrs. Mundon, Mrs. Solomon Kea-loh- a. such claims are miscellaneous riders, of various des- a mass of red (lowers reliev- ing. In the carriage with him wero secured or unsecured, 7 acre tract In Manoa, near car line and Miss Emily Annua, Miss Luka are requested to cription Including the Juvenilis riders, with leaves, nnd overhead wero two Mrs. J. S. Walker, Mrs. Richard Ivors present the same with a bargain. ed Ma-lun- a, and cowboys, then tlte vehicles in larches of these flowers, and Mrs. Bmlnerd Smith. Anann, rs. Mauno, Mrs. Georgo the vouchers duly authenticated, Ma- that crossed Meyer, Building lots In College Hills and charge of II. W. Shingle, then the nt A. J .Campbell drovo a two heated Miss A. Mrs. Emma Jack- said administrator at the office of Cat- lwf.u'h.e hn!K thte in tho car. son, Mrs. I. Sllva, Mrs. K. Kulholua, & noa Heights. and runabouts division,' wnlch joruan rodo Misses surrey which was most beautifully de- - tle Wlthlngton, Merchant Strett, ...in .r. Lee. Jor- Mrs. P. Mrs. Lots at KalmukI near car line; easy formed the last part of the parade. dan nnd Herbert. (' it'll t(?d. Ho U'fiH nrrnmti!inu(l tiv 1V Cummins, Woodward, Miss near the Police Station, in Honolula, M!"" Ah payments if desired. Tho Judges sat In of pro- HUAPELE and Mrs. C. T. Wilder ns well as his lfa,,al', ,Mur Ann! S,nm' within six months from the date here- review the VINE. Mrs. Kaipua, of, 'block cession, on J. R. Gait's Wjf0 t or they will be forever barred. lot In Pawaa, one tho front steps of the Opera entry was represented ' House and ,ary J- - B- - "opWrw. house. the "Huapele Vine," Gus Schumnn drove a single rig de - lB"ac' TMr,H: Mr. Dated Honolulu, T. H., January s. from car line. which covered the JIrp- - machine, corated with llll,. ti, nrwt wn 0nS,e'. Koanu, Mrs. Kalua 1907. Cottage corner of Hotel and The parade swung out of the makai the rear of the car being near banked high very pleasing. He wns accompanied Knpannwahn. WILLIAM R. CASTLE, 50 ft. frontage. gate of the Capitol grounds onto King with this vino and (lower. pa-- u Punchbowl. Lot has by his daughter, Miss N. Myrtlo Schu- Other rldors Joined at tho last Administrator of street, then Ewa down King to Bishop, Orange was tho color design. oc- the Estate of Mary Several cottages on Young Street. cupants The mnn. moment. Ann Pa, deceased. up Bishop, past tho Young Hotel, to of the oar were Miss Phoebe Following tho ladies several scoro In a regular Cab Sts Jan. 25, 1, S, 1G, Hotel street, then up to lUchards, Carter. Miss Elizabeth Sy- London driven by Feb. 2fi. Hotel Carter, Miss C. Cooke men nnd boys rode, among whom wero up to up Miller; bil Crehore, Jack J. of Davles & Co. were A. A. Richards Berutanla, to and Carter Gnlt. Tho Hobsnn the following: Clom Qulnn, Ben Clark, to Vlnoyard; to children nnd A. R. Hatfield. The sight ' tho Queen's Hospital, throw rosos from the car ns it was a "Railroad" Potrle, Louis Wurron, D. Notice through the Hospital grounds to Punch- travel along famllar one to those who havo the streets. ever In Smythe, Marcus Monsarrat, Herman bowl street, down strcot Pink Hlbscus traveled London. von Punchbowl was tho design of A. S. S. Pnxson Holt and Wllllo Ouderkirk. The captain of the S. 3. IMslne win the main parade passed and then turn- Gartley's car. nnd wife drove a neat AT THE BALL PARK. I with pnk and green as little rig which was tastefully decorat- not be rosponslblo for nny, deVs con- ed Walklkl, on King proceeded to largest sald'-vosee- and the color scheme Tho car was very ed. The crowd of spectators ever tracted by tho crew of l. HI, McCully street, to nretty. 1 thenco Beretanla Tho occupants were Mr. gathorod In tho baseball park was and Under the chnrgo of E. S. Kong tho street, to tho base ball grounds. The Mrs. Gnrtloy thoro this morning to 1907 924 and children. Chlneso morchnnts put In n float re- view tho w" (U VIBIl Wit? BETHEL ST. automobile section turned Into Bore-tanl- a Edgar Henrlques had entered his car presenting a Chinese tea houso In a Floral Parade. Tho grand stand was from Punchbowl, after leaving In this class, but the car was Jammed to Its capaolty and the bleach-or- s grounds on the pond. Tho effect wns artistic and. Crater of Kilauea tho Hospital and then hurrlod Island of Hawaii arid could not be got- and sides of the field were crowd- out to Kaplolanl street where It neat. took ten e. woro 2500 During Just Opened Up. down to Honolulu In tlmo to par-tlcpat- ed. Thero over paid their Its Present Activity tho lend of tho procession, and thencq Jiarjorio and Arthur Paxton In a single rig iw"y ln at tno Kat0' t"8 receipts amount. Sailing February 20 by THE LEADING HAT CLEANER. on to baseball grounds, It ronresonted two Chlnoso of Klnau return- tho where CLASS C. lnK to something ovor $750. And tho ing Saturday 2 assembled, prior to tho arlval of tho the bettor class. Their rig was very March by same veseol. Work All First Class. Class C. The run- groat 'Bht was worth going a long way to Round trip I0. remainder of tho procaaion. small cars and tasteful and brought forth a doal abouts constituted this section of tho of applauso as they appeared beforo see. 493. Queen tho soml-clrc- Phono Main Lllluokalanl attended by automobile division. Two oepoolally tho Judges, In tho liugo le facing the Kalaniannolc, Mrs. Auld, Mrs. For tickets and information regard-lu- g 1151 Street, Opposite Convent. Prlncoss striking designs in this class wore Among tho vehicles of a symbolic grand stand tho automobiles woro Fort Koohokalolo and Mrs Evans review- tho trip, apply to shown. One was the entry of H. D- charactor of decoration wait ono repre- drawn up. Their decorations lent n ed the procoeslon from a grand stand .Kerr, an a gigantic whlto swan senting the Ideal of the Kllohana Art beauty to tho scene which as never residence, Wash- and Henry Watethouse Trusl Company, Ltd,, rJ Hanover man sent telegrams an- as It passod her at the other a miniature yacht by League. The, vohlelo was arrangod to beforo been oqunlled for beauty In Ho Many pa-- u the nouncing his own death, and there Is ington Place. of the riders Waterhouse Company. reprosont Greok tomple which nolulu. Nearer tho grand stand along Tourist Information Bureau. queen passed. The Trust Tho a within were bogus. , saluted the as they pa-- u general regret that they swan was entirely whlto and to re wore ten young ladlo's representing tho , tho sldoa of tho fields were the Cor. Fort & Merchant St., Honolulu. I ' SIX. TAB HAWAIIAN STAR FltlDAY. FKBRUARY 3S, 1907.

CORPORATION Fratornnl jlootings value of the Improvement movement. NOTICliS. Wednesday, February 27th, 1907, at Honolulu from Its racial, social and 11:45 a. m. other differences, Is peculiarly a city ANNUAL AIEETING. The Stock Books of tho Corporation NO 3, HARMONY LODGE I. O. O. F. of spasdomlc effort; It responds en- will bo closed for transfers on Monday, thusiastically to uny new Idea which ALEXANDER &. BALDWIN, LTD. February 18th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. Monday evening, 7:30, MeeU every at Is W. O. SMITH, Vis- strikes It favorably but It dlrtlcull The annual meeting of the Stock- In Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street. n Secretary. at- SPORTSRobert-Ron- , to hold tho community together for of tho & Baldwin, iting brothers cordially Invited to Crowes, treasurer; Miss Hilda holders Alexander effort; nothing, how- February 14th, 1907. tend. secretary; Miss Mary Crowes, au- long continued Ltd., will bo held at the office and prin- Honolulu, T. II., KAIALOHA GIRLS ever, piesented dis- C. A. SIMPSON. N. G. ditor: Miss Sarah Williams, captain. could be of a inoie cipal place of business of the Corpora- worthy nature to invito B. n. HENDRY. Secretary. The girls who were put through-las- t interested nnd tion, Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, ANNUAL AIEETING. evening are Miss Josephine Pratt, Miss cordial cooperation than the Improve- on Monday, February 25th, 1907, at 9 ft NEW ROLE Mildred Grace, Miss Ellen Dwlgut, Miss ment movement. Everyone owes some- a. m. MAUI AGRICULTURAL CO. HONOLULU AERIE HO, thing to the town he lives In, I Alice Green, Miss Elslo Smith, Miss nnd Tho Stock Books of tho Corporation Tho meeting of tho Maul Agri P. 0. E. sufficient fulth In the civic prldii annual Calllc Lucas, Miss Edith Treadwny, have will be closed for transfers on Monday, cultural Co., will bo hold at the ofilco of our citizens and their appreciation of 1907, 12 m. Wednesday PROVE SPLENDID HOSTESSES AT Miss Lady Turner, Miss Mabel Llght- - February 18th,. at o'clock and principal plnco of business of the Meets on 2nd. and 4th. cleanly and pleasing surroundings to By ftvenfngs of each month at 7:30 o'clock foot, Miss Mamie Dee, Miss Nora Dee, order of the Board of Directors. Company, Stangenwald Building, Hono DANCE GIVEN II Y THEM AT THE believe that this work will go on nnd PAXTON, 27, 1907 In K. of P. Hall. King street. Visiting MM Ucst M)sg c,nra Came,.011 E. E. lulu, on Wednesdnr. February at and Miss Fanny Miles. broaden out. Many of the clubs nre Secretary. 11:30, a. m. by order of the Board of ISaglea are Invited to attend. HEALANI BOAT HOUSE. showing commendable activity and SAM'L McKEAGUE,, W. P., Honolulu, T. II., February 13th, 1907. Managers. TOURISTS WILL BE THERE. cohesion, some are languishing and W. O. SMITH, H. T. MOORE, Secty. Is The Kalaloha Girls' Rowing Club Is Every tourist In Honolulu nt the pre- their trouble partly duo to the fact ' Secretary. that they do not appreciate ne- ANNUAL MEETING. Just fourteen members strongor than sent time Is very much Interested In the Honolulu, T. H February 13, 1907. cessity of exerting thomselves to bet- was yesterday. And may it continue the Aquatic Carnlvnl which takes place it ter their conditions, but look upon this HAWAIIAN SUGAR CO. Fire insurance! nt the Hotel Baths Saturday night. ANNUAL to grow. people seen organization merely as a means to ob- MEETING. Most of these have never Tho annual meeting Stock- Tho Club last evening gave a most good swimming tain benefit from the civil of tho Atlas Assurance Company real nnd they desire authorities. holders of the Hawaiian Sugar Co, will Ilenjanl opportunity Is now The thanks of the eotomlttee are due WAIALUA AGRICULTURAL CO., enjoyable little dnnco at the to take this that be held at tho office and principal place of London. presented by the Myrtle nnd tn the Governor, territorial olllcers and LTD. Boat House, somo forty or fifty couples Henlanl of business of the Corporation, stan- Underwriters Boat clubs. supervisors for their considerate atten- New York present. Tho of times was genwald Building, Honolulu, on Mon- The annual meeting of the share being best Local people are also very much In- tion to our suggestions and their for day, February 23th, 1907, 10 a. m. holders of the Walalua Agricultural Agency. had and tho olllcers of the Club proved terested and much moro notice Is being valuable assistance. I to at also desire The Stock Books of the Corporation Co., Ltd., will be held at thb ofllce of Providence Washington In- exceptionally hostesses. taken of Saturday's show than has express tho appreciation Cen- themselves line of tho will bo closed for on Friday, Castle & Cooke, Limited, in Honolulu, word been shown In any aquatic entertain- tral Committee of th; vnluable recom- transfers surance Company. Dancing only ceased when the February 15th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. on Thursday, February 28, 1907, at 10 ready ment thus far held. mendations of the advisory board o'clock a. m. was spread that the last car wus going to bo many new By order of the Board of Directors. There are which is nn important department of Notlco Is also given amend to leave. und entertaining features in Saturday's E. E. PAXTON, that the organization. by-la- company ffHB 3. F. DILLINGHAM CO., LIMITED The dancing hall of the club house program was not Secretary. ments to the of th0 that seen In the last I would recommend that action bo will General Agents for Hawaii, was decorated with Hags and was very will bo be proposed and acted upon at show. .There a few funny taken by this committee for the open- Honolulu, T. H., February 13th, 1907. this meeting. BHtnrth Floor, Stangenwald Building. attractive Jn Its simplicity. Over the stunts pulled off Just to keep tho crowd up splendid place ing to the public of the beauties of water us it is It makes a In a good humor. Walking the greased Nuuanu stream, T. II. PETRIE, dancing. The music was of tho best from Nuuanu bridge ANNUAL MEETING. Secretary, Walalua Agricultural Co., for polo will be something entirely new to Knpena falls by a footpath things seemed to conspire to- people. at least, Ltd. and all to the Honolulu There will be as suggested by the advisory board. pleasure of those who 1907. gether for the a clothes race and the Clark boys will I also recommend KIHEI PLANTATION CO. Honolulu, H. T Fobruary 11, attended. do an orlglna turn. consideration of legislation as to bill boards. Tho annual meeting Stock- At the Capitol grounds yesterday af- The Baths have already gained a re- of the I also call attention to the nocessltv holders of Klhel Co. will ANNUAL MEETING. ternoon at C o'clock tho girls about to putation of giving first class enter- Plantation of the filing with be office become members or the Club assem- tainments and this will bo no excep- the Central Commit- held at tho and principal place tee by tho clubs of complete of WAHIAWA WATER COMPANY, bled. They were placed an express tion. f lists of of business the Corporation, Stan- in ais olllcers nnd members. genwald Building, LTD. wagon and taken to the Club where Of course the principal event'twill be Honolulu, on Mon- The continued Cen- day, February 25th, 1907, 2 Initiation been planned. the relay race between tho two clubs efforts of the at p. m. The annual meeting of the share their had to this Is nn annual event nnd loked for-- , tral Commltteo perfect nnd extend Tho Stock Books of the Corpjratton holders of the Wahiawa Water Com In bathing suits, blln. folded, and the organization trembling tho girls were put through ward to from year to year. The are necessary. will be closed for transfers on Monday. pany, Ltd., will bo held at the office of Secretary Wood February ISth, 1907, 12 m. minor all sorts of Initiation stunts. Fire- Myrtles have won tho last two yenrs moved that a list at o'clock Castle & Cooke, Limited, in Honolulu, Hea-lnnl- s, of men who would of- in used profusion und and are out for the third. Tho help bo handed By order - the Board of Directors. on Thursday, February 28, 1907, at 11 crackers were ih many girls however, have a much faster President Pinkham. A list will be made E. E. PAXTON, o'clock a. m, Tills is the kind of a smile was tho Tilnnk the hod to out. stop over and many were the heads team this year nnd should give iv good Secretary. Notlco is also given that amend- Those nt the meeting evening by-la- PURE PREPARED PAINT which were plunged beneath the water. account of themselves. last Honolulu, T. H., February 13th, 1907. ments to the of th0 company were E. I. Spalding, Judge u; Of course all this wns no sight for The entries for tho different events Frear, will be proposed and acted upon at are: General Davis, Maklki; W. gives to everything It touches. masculine eyes, but it is reported that W. this meeting. 1. Final 25 j'ards. Hall, Mr. Gartloy, Nuuanu valley; ANNUAL MEETING. one of the girls fought so hard that heat Healanls: F. L. T. H. PETRIE, Hundreds of skilled workmen are , Cunlia, O'Sulllvan. Myrtles: W. Coop- Hoogs, A. Herbert, Maklki; Z. K. My- she had to bo thrown Into the bay In Secretary, Wahiawa Water Co., Ltd. er, T. 'Cooper. ers, Walalao and Palolo: Mr. Kldwoll, HALEAKALA RANCH CO. employed by Fuller & Co., the order that she might fight tho waves. Honolulu, H. T., February 11, 1907. 2. Plunge for distance. Cooke vs. Alexander street; A. S. Young, Kaplo-la- ni appearance of the meeting Stock- Judging from the Cooper. Park; Mr. Tarlton, Manoa; Alex. The annual of the well known paint manufacturers, when It was all over there holders of the Haleakala Co. boat house 3. 100 yard dash Myrtles: Kopke. Hawes. Beretanla nvenu.. N. S. Sachs, Ranun ANNUAL MEETING. to effect this result. was certainly Something doing. Center. Healanls: Frcoth, Winter. Fort street; Judge will bo held at the ofllce and principal was Whltvoy, Beekwlth place Corporation. Old Peter Baron claims that he 4. High and fancy diving exhibition, street, and Mr. Boot. fauoa of business of the KOHALA SUGAR COMPANY. on hand to witness all of the stunts. n. Novelty raco (open). Stangenwald Building, Hbnolulu, on tell- 4 The annual meeting of the share- He may have boen," but he Is not 0. 50 yard Myrtle: Coop- Monday, February 25th, 1907, at p. m. Final dash holders Kohala Sugar Company ing what he saw. It was rumored that er, Kopke. Hoalanl: Cunhil. The Stock Books of the Corporation of the DISTIflGU SHOT will be Monday, will be hold at tho office of Castle & 0 he hid under n pile or ounting that he 7. Junior CO yard dash Hitchcock vs closed for transfers on might not miss tho fun. Foss. February ISth, 1907, at 12 o'clocic m. Cooke, Limited, In Honolulu, on Tues- Bor-nic- 20, 1907, 9:30 The officers of the Club nre Miss o 5. Cork contest. By order of the Board of Directors. day, February at o'clock m. Dwight, president; Miss Maud 0. Club relay. E. PAXTON, a. LIMITED PEORI COMING E. is given amend- I o'Sulllvan. vice-p- i esident; Miss Carrie 10. Extras. Secretary. Notlco also that ments to the by-la- of the company AGENTS. Honolulu, T. H February 13th, 1907. will be proposed and acted upon at A PROMINENT LECTURER WILL this meeting. ANNUAL T. PETRIE, 1T7 SOUT.I SCALE OF WAGES OAHU SPEAK HERE BISHOP OF WASH- MEETING. H. KING STREET. iMPROV EINT Secretary, Kohala Sugar Company. INGTON TO PRESIDE. NAHIKU SUGAR CO. Honolulu, H. T., February 11, 1907. Tho annual meeting of Stock- FIXED BYTHE HOUSE COMMITTEE MET Three prominent religious vorkurs the ANNUAL MEETING. are due to arlvo here by the S. S. holders of the Nahiku Sugar Co. will be held at tho ofllce and principal place COOKE Siberia on Wednesday from San Fran- THE SUGAR MILL CO. II of business of the Corporation, Stan- WAIMEA I REPRESENTATIVES ADJOURNED DISCUSSED THE BEST MEANS OF cisco. One Is Rev. Dr. E. I. Bosworth HI of Oberlln. one genwald Building, Honolulu, on Mon- The annual meeting of the share- He is of the youngest AT AN HOUR YESTER- 1907, 4:30 p. holders Walmea Sugar Mill Co. EARLY DOING AWAY WITH DANGER OF and strongest elements In the student day, February 23th, at m. of . The DAY AFTERNOON. YELLOW FEVER. world of America. Ho Is a lecturer The Stock Books of the Corporation will be held at the office of Castle & t'ommlssioi Merchants and teacher. The New Testament is will be closed for transfers on Monday, Cooke, Limited, in Honolulu, on Thurs- 1907, 12 day, February 2S, 190V, at 2 o'clock Sugar Fact his particular theme. Ho will deliver February ISth, at o'clock m. vs. The House of Representatives did not The Oahu Central Improvement Com- a series of afternoon lectures, during By order of the Board of Directors. p. m. run until a very Into hour yesterday, mltteo met last evening In the rooms his visit In Honolulu. He will bo heard E. E. PAXTON, Notice is also given that amend- AGENTS FOR adjourning at 3:43 o'clocvk until S this of tho Hawaiian Promotion Committee nt Central Union nt 4:30 p. m. on Fe- Secretary. ments to the by-la- of the company morning. and the following officers were elected bruary 27, March 1, 4 4. On 1907. will be proposed and acted upon at up and March Honolulu, T. H., February 13th, The Ewa Plantation Company, One of the matters which came for tho ensuing year. President, Z. K. 3 he will speak at the Y. M. C. A. hall this meeting. report at The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd, lato In tho afternoon was tho of Myers; vice president, Judge Frear; 4 p. m. T. H. PETRIE, the committee to decide on the scale of ANNUAL MEETING. Secretary, Sugar Mill The Kohala Sugar Company. treasurer, General Davis; secretary, Bishop Earl Cranston of Washington The Walmea wages for employes of the HousQ. Shingle, to D. C. Is coming to preside at the an- Company. The Walmea Sugar Mill Company. report employe a Robert and another member The allows each act on the executive committee, Mr. nual conference. He will be heard In KAHUKU PLANTATION CO. Honolulu, H. T., February 11, 1907. Mo. wage Clerk $10 a day; Inter- The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, as follows: Thurston. the series of lenten services on Wed- preter $10 a day; stenographer, $10 a Tho annual meeting of the Stock- American Steam Pump Co. nesday evening. ANNUAL MEETING. day; sergeant-at-arm- s, $5 a day; mes- The retiring president, E. I. Spalding, holders of the Kahuku Plantation Co. George Steam Pumps. S. W. Woodward, the merchat prince The F. Blake senger, $4 a day; Janitor, $3.50 a day; madeh Is report as follows: will be held at the office and principal of Washington D. C, Is also expected BVaston's Centrifugals, chaplain, $200 for the session; assistant Honolulu, February 21st, 1907. place of business of tho Corporation, EWA PLANTATION COMPANY. to arrive. He Is going to attend con- The New England Mutual Life Insur- - clerk $3 a day. The Central Improvement Committee Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, on ferences which will be held In Toklo The annual meeting of the share ance Company of Bostctn, Representative Rawlins Introduced a completed Its first yea on the ,16th Tuesday, February 26th, 1907, at H and Shanghai In April. He is ac- holders of the Ewa Plantation Com Company of resolution providing for the appointing Inst, in accordance with the by- a. m. Tke Aetna Fire Insurance and companied by John B. Sicilian Jr. They pany will be held at the ofllce of Castle of a c ommltteo to Inspect the condition adopted on 1st, 1906, I have The Stock Books of the Corporation Hartford, Conn, laws March wlll not stop over from the vessel. & Cooke, Limited, In Honolulu, on of of the Judiciary building nnd make re- will be closed for transfers on Monday, The Alliance Assurance Company to present the following review of the 27, 1907, port as to tho cost of placing It in re- February 18th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. Wednesday, February at 10:30 London. proceedings of the commltteo for the a. m. pair. The resolution was carried and year. EXPENSIVE LITIGATION. By order of the Board of Directors. o'clock past Notice Is also given that amend- the Speaker appointed Representatives Seven meetings h&vu been held In The bill of costs In the suit of David E. E. PAXTON, in- ments to the by-la- of the company ASummerProposition Rawlins, Nakaleka and Kalana to all. Those of February 16th and March Knnuha vs. G. M. Cook, amounted to Secretary. spect the building and make such a $14.25, while the amount recovered was will be proposed and acted upon at Well, now, there's the 1st were devoted to tho details of or- Honolulu, T. H., February 13th, 1907. this meeting. report. ganization, election of ofHcers, and only $15. Representative Sheldon introduced a T. H. PETRIE, adoption of s, provision was al- QUESTION! asking Secretary of YOU MAY HAVfi NOTICED ANNUAL MEETING. Secretary, Ewa Plantation Co. ICE resolution that the so made for the entertainment of Mr. the Territory he requested to purchase your gets reo, you a Honolulu, H. T February 11, 1907. Ice, you know Robinson, the authoilty on parks; the that face have You know you'll need stamps for the use ot members ot tho fullness chest, breath comes In weather. We further meetings of the committee the HAIKU SUGAR CO. It Is a necessity hot House out of the $30,000 appropriated short and quick and feel a sinking sen- ANNUAL MEETING. you are anxious to get that lea were devoted to consideration of va- meeting Stock- brlleve for tho Legislature by Congress. The sation, when, you walk fast, go up The annual of the which will give you satisfaction, and rious matters of pubhc Interest, among :'.ugar Co. will resolution carried. stai. ., are excited or frightened. This holders of the Haiku SUGAR CO., LTD. like to supply you. Order from which I will mention the followkig: offlt e APOKAA tn'i A resolution a3klng for the sum of Is the first stage of disease, and be held at tho and principal place Pau-o- a heart meeting $5000 with which to repair the Fifth Construction of a Joop road In must have Don't of business of the Corporation, Stan The annual of the share- Immediate attention. holders of tho Apokaa Sugar Company, district circuit court house at Llhue, valley. delay. Take Dr. Mllles' New Heart genwald Building, Honolulu, on Wed- Queen property 1907, 10 will held office 101 HUGO was Introduced by Representative Retention of Et.ma Cure, which will strengthen the nerves nesday, February 27th, at a. m. Ltd., be at the of Castle Telephone MK1 Blue. Postofllce Box 600 Coney. was and In valley for a park and fi- Books & Cooke, Limited, In Honolulu, on Tho resolution tabled Nuuanu Money back of f) bottle falls to bene-o- The Stock of the Corporation t f Wednesday, February 27, 1907, 1:30 will be considered later In the session. ltration site. the heart an -- estnre It to health. will be closed for transfers on Monday, at TRYING SLANDER CASE. Representative Sheldon introduced a A valuable address from Dr. C. B. February 18th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. o'clock p. m. The trial of a suit for slander be resolution, which was referred to the Wood on the necessity from a health By order of the Board of Directors. Notice Is also given that amend- fore Judge, De Bolt and a Jury yester-- Finance committee, asking for $1200 standpoint of a filtration plant in con- E. E. PAXTON, ments to the by-la- of the company day, developed somo amusing facts, to build a new courthouse In Hanulel, nection with tho Nuuanu reservoir sys- Secretary. will be proposed and acted upon at Mrs. Pookil Davis, Is Kauai. this meeting. The defendant tem. H., 1907. A Sen- - ! Honolulu, T. February 13th, tonguetlcd and it Is difficult for her , concurrent resolution with the Attention to telephone and other Last Night T. H. PETRIE, to be heard at any distance, he Jury .ale was passed Instructing the Delegate poles and to sign boards. Secretary, Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. j ANNUAL Is as follows: R. W. Podmore, F. J. to Congress to prepare and submit to Opening up of mountain trails. MEETING. Honolulu, H. T February 11, 1907. Turner, K. F. Brown, Thomas H. Ken- - Congress an Act to amend Section 73 The construction of a belt road C. T. Lee, providing a government nedy, J. Duncan, St. Sayres, 'of tho Act for around this island. Sstmday PAIA PLANTATION. ANNUAL MEETING. David Hurst, James Arcla, J. Pronder- - for tho Territory of Hawaii. $t will Repairs to Halawa or Pukakl hill M. Gra-ha- to pass annual meeting Stock- - East, Jonathan Shaw and W. allow the Legislature such laws road, and tho necesslt of good roads Tho of the HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. as they deem necessary to simplify holders of the Pala Plantation will In general as a valuable asset to this Tho annual meeting of tho Land laws. Tlo clerk of tho HouBe Territory. Myrtles be held at the office and principal place tho stock- CONVENTION. Is to the Presi holders of The Hawaiian Electric Co., NATIONAL ROADS Instructed to forward Improvement of the govwrnmept sta- VS. of business of the Corporation, Stan- Governor Is In receipt of a dent, tho of the Senate and genwald Building, Wed- Ltd., will be held at tho office and Carter President bles lot. Honolulu, on E. S. Speaker House Represn-tatlv- s 1907, 10:30 principal place of business of the com- communication from Governor the of the of Another public nesday, February 27th, at a. Stewart of Pennsylvania, asking that in Washington coplos of tho conveniences for Bealanis m. pany, King streot, Honolulu, on Febru- tho residents of upper Nuuanu al- 3 five dclcgats from Hawaii bo sent to resolution as wall as one to the Dele- and Final Heats of Thrt ary 28th, 1907, at p. m. so tho beach road. Stock Books of tho Corporation the National Congress of State High- gate. vlll be closed for transfers on Monday, The stock books of tho corporation Request to the Planters' Association 25 yard dash, will be closed to transfers way Commissioners, which will meet at February 18th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m. on Monday, Pittsburg, March 12 and 13 MISS TOWSE WON PRIZE. to stain their line of fence on Wilder 50 yard dash, February 25th, 1907 at 12 o'clock m. avenue and vicinity. By order of the Board of Directors. Towse won $5 prjzo 100 yard dash, W. L. HOPPER, Miss Florence .the Request t oSupervlsors to to E. B. PAXTON, PRAISE FROM EVERYWHERE. offered by tho Promotion Committee, attend Plunge for Distance, Secretary1. streot gutters, calling atten- Secretary. Honolulu, T. The manufacturers of Chamberlain's for the best description on the plant and their H., February 14, 1907. urgent to. THE' CHAMPIONSHIP Honolulu, T. H., 1907. Cough Remedy receive letters from the llfo In tho high schol grounds. Tho tion to the need of repairs February 13th, most remote corners of tho world In composition was limited to high school various roads. RELAY. Hawaiian Preserves to tho Coast praise of this well known medicine. pupils. Attention to vacant lots, new parks SWIMMING. ANNUAL MEETING. Parents in Australia, India and Samoa and opening up of mountain streams If you want to send a ca away It to babies colds GOVERNOR TO HELP to ho public. at You get good Elvo their for and WANTED CENTRAL WILL CO. value for the price you croup, with the same satisfactory re- Glovernor Carter received a latter Communlcationshave been received pay, the Improvement on Stock- sults as do tho mothers In our homes, recently, asking him to holdout tho from several clubs HOTEL BATHS Tho annual meeting of the Leave your order and to whom ad- and become Just as enthusiastic In their salary of a certain legislator, and ap- various subjects testifying to their ac- holders of the Central Mill Co., Ltd., dressed, altogether praise of Its merit. For sale by all ply It to pay a mortgage. Tho gover- tivity, and thero Is general Admission $.50 will be held at tho office nnd principal Mrs.Kearns will see to all the rest. dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., agents nor Is not a bill collector howover, so evidence about the town that sufficient Reserved Seats $1.00 place of business of the Corporation, for Hawaii. he could not comply. has been accomplished to establish the Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, on nne Job Printing; Star Office. HAWAIIAN STAU, TOll FRIi.AY. FEBRUARY 22, 1907. EBVEM


Incorporated Under the Laws ot the Territory of Hawaii. following The nre further portions of Sixth. The erection ot a new and centrnllmitlon. There are those who s'dlng among those confined at Molo the Governor's Message to the Legis- more commodious High School on the will say that we cannot yet afford 'to kal. II 1 CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS lature: Maertens property opposite Thomas trust such wide powers to the countler I commend to your particular atten- - PUBLIC PARKS. Square, thus permitting the conversion and they will picture I $l,029,3(;0.!); county campaigns tlon that portion of the report of the Tlu rapid development of parks; of of the present overcrow dim High of reckless i cn'iture, followed by President of open spaces green the Bard of Health which with lawns; of ro. School on Kmmn street Into a grammar IhiHiiclal disaster and loss of cred.t and relates to our Leper Settlement. ID spots, a high de- school. OFFICERS. creation Illustrates reputation. They forget that no coun- It Is gnu tying to observe poli- gree In the of culture our community nnd a Seventh. Improvement of a more ty debt can be created without your tical common sense exhibited by those deep In Charles M. Cooke Prosldont Interest the welfare of those Immediate nature to the Honolulu wa- approval; that Counties must learn by public In II servants direct control of the nt who cannot afford the luxury of a gar- system In shaj P. C. Jones First ter the e of a reservoir acttiRl experience. Just as Individuals Settlement and responsible for the ex- Vice-Preside- nt den. The recognition Is general of F. W. Macfarlano...2nd tho of sufllclent capacity to supply the pre- huve to learn, and until respon-slb.llt- y penditure spots. that of the liberal allowances thai C. II. Cooko Cashier civic advantages of such beauty sent population of Knlmukl. The Is placed on them they cannot have heretofore been made. C. Hustaco Jr Assistant Cashier The progress has been rapid, and It Is structure now used for this purpose is gain the experience. The record made The absence ot the Suggested legislation providing usual comnlnlnts summer garments P. B. Damon.... Assistant Cashier that defective and there Is much waste. by the Counties so far shows sufficient from the Settlement Is so marked ns the dainty a general park system would bo op- Zeno K. Myers Auditor for More capacity will certainly be needed integrity tb warrant trusting them fur- (to almost arouse suspicion. There has of the gentler 'sex are x portune. It would facilitate the em- and a better location can be found. In DIRECTORS: Chas. M. Cooke, C. ther this matter. been no sudden Increase of expenditure specialty of ourg during tbe P. ployment of experts and widen their New water mains will be required PUBLIC per Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. P. Bishop, LANDS. capita, and the only explanation of warmer months. Held of usefulness. It would aid In tho during the coming two yours,' also Im- Under the faithful management of the evident E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCandless, C. H. (lowers satisfaction and npproval Importation and distribution ot provements to the reservoir In those Intrusted with the admlnlstra-tid- n of the Inmates Is We have Ironeis for tills Athorton, C. II. Cooke, F. B. Damon, present tho lner that they must be and decorative shrubs. At Nuuanu Valley, In ( rder to regulate of the public lands of tills Territory due to the tact and good Judgment work who do nothing om P. C. Atherton. only nursery maintained In tho commu- pressure the from the water Impounded there have been opened during the two shown by the olilclnls In charge. they exports It. and Il- Is of Forestry, .nstalln-tlo- n ate at nity that of the Bureau above tho dam, as well us the years ending December 31, 1SJ0G, 200 The resident physician COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE- which, course, only has shown a ls only roaf oimulo to wty that of deals with trees. of oil burning apparatus In the homesteads, covering an area ot prac- willingness to try nil cures, PARTMENTS. Such legislation should aim to stimu- gar- remaining pumps. tically 0,207 acres, or an average of 31.3 and has created deep in thsy can launder auoh movement In all parts of the interest the late the Undoubtedly other suggestions of de- acres. The total revenues, other than use of an emuls'on of eucalyptus made ment much nicer than they Strict attention given to all brandies Territory. sirable Improvements will occur to you. sales, from public lauds during the from trees growing NOTLEY JUDGMENT. at the settlement, can be done at home. of Ranking Our present debt, howevor, Is not suf- two years ending December 31, 1!)00, reporting considerable Improvement In Is to Judg- Your attention called a ficiently secured, In that no provision have been $211,711.71. And tho sales a number of cases. He offers ment granted Mrs. Charles Notiey on evidence JUDD BUILDING, - FORT STREET. has yet been made for Its payment. dur'ng the same period have amounted of Ills gojni Judgment and practicability December 2, 1903, by the Circuit Court And we cannot proceed to load down to $107.G7S.2G. This Ims been done at In the suggestion that the waste of the of the First Circuit, for $1,250 against ac- oporatlng-expens- e Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwin. posterity Indefinitely. We should an of $20,713. 4S. It slaughter house be used In tho manu- Claus the Territory of Hawaii, in payment pay- custom ourselves not only to the Is Interesting to note tlint tho operating facture of medlcnted soap dis- 14G2 square fronting on for free for feet of land ment of Interest out of the current re- expenses for the two years provloul tribution, thereby securing Kukul street, sa d to have been taken the general iiiti nil venue, but our appropriation bill for were $32,2S1.39. showing that, notwith- use of antiseptics. ClaisSpctels&Co. by the Territory for street extension every future period should carry an standing the Increased work, the de- President I'lnkham's suggestion for In purposes. ' ?Hst'H8; Item which would provide for ihe re- partment has ii operated with gront- - an Ice machine and coal storage PHONE MAIN 484. Tho Superintendent of Public Works plant tirement of a portion of the existing i r economy. is admirable. Tills would make tho HONOLULU H. T. ho not taken possession $.1.722.on.i. states that has debt, which Is at present Some Taking into insioVratlon the great Settlement In a way independent of Corner Merchant and Al akeaStS-- of snld property. Tho fonccs have not - day such an item will bo necpssii. and variety of laud- h.in.ll.-.- l and the many the supply of Ice by stenmer and fur- San Francisco Agents The Nevada been moved, and, so far as he Is aware, It to provide li ). is fur better for now. questions lnol ih.ri- H no public nish It with the requisites for cold National Bank of San Francisco. the property Is stll tin the possession of storage, ON Nofley. thereby economizing and sav- DRAW EXCHANGE Mrs. ing much material. BAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na I am of the opinion that, irrespective It is a pleasure to Im- Francisco. of Legislative recommend tlonal Bank of San possession, both the and provements for those who show appre- LONDON Union of London & Smith's of government Executive branches the ciation of what has been done for them. Bank, Ltd. should respect tho mandates of the The between patients NEW YORK American Exchange Na Judiciary. judgment be for The should the adoption by the Inmates of higher tional Bank. paid, even If It does to bur- add the standards In this regard. could CHICAGO Corn Exchange National taxpayers, I Waste dens of the and therefore be brought to a minimum If those who Bank. recommend the Item be Included that occasioned It were subject to the con- PARIS Credit Lyonnals. In bill covering additional appro- the demnation of their neighbors. Un- BERLIN Dresdner Bank. priations for tho present period. necessary destruction or HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The LOANS. mutilation of property should be felt ns a common Japanese young of- Hongkong and Shanghai Banking ro of public Im- man In store or There 4a a number loss to all thoso In the Corporation. provements desired, permanent in their settlement. fice. Toward this end much can bo done by In NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA nature, which be undertaken at Plantation laborers furnished tn could tlie Legislature In consolidating all ap- notice. Bank of New Zealand, and Bank of an early If were ne- number at the shortest dato further loans propriations for the Settlement, so that supplied with cooks, Australasia. gotiated. It may bo of Interest to enu- Families hou4 savings, no matter how made, can be boys yard-boy- s. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank merate those which have been sug- and applied by hene-lit- s of British North America. gested. the ollicinls for other Contracts Taken. nnd Improvements. Thus economy House work, window cleaning ao4 First. A new Administration Build- will be a direct gain to gardening by day TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING ing, concrete, to be these public hour, or week. of reinforced located wards, rather than simply proving a Prices reasonable. AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. on side of the Judiciary tho Wnlklki saving, by the Inpse of appropriations, Phone White 257G. grounds, facing Ewn In which con- to the general taxpayer. Street near Deposits Received, Loans Made on veniently benefit of niver Hotel. located for the the Let me repent a former statement to Approved Security, Commercial and public, would be groups of of- those the effect tills community will Travellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex- fices be near together. that which should never abandon tho caro of af- S. change Bought and Sold. group consisting of their SA.KI, For Instance. One flicted at Molokai to the Federal gov- the Auditor's olllce and the Treasurer's ernment so long as our Is Bamboo Furniture office; group, Sur- settlement COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC-- L a second the Land, AND vey group conducted without wnste or extrava- ' COUNTED FOR. nnd Recording offices; a third gance and as long ns our people submit PICTURE FRAMES. olllce and the various ' the Public Works to segregation and In Its en- Neat and Handsome bureaus under it; and Anally the Edu- forcement. Resistance only Designs to Department. out creates made order. cational a sentiment for Federal control, but Beretanla Street, near Punch bewi, ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Second. A new building, of rein- often s the worst tiling possible for .rlLEPHONB SLUE 88L forced concrete, to take the place of the during nur years ! comparative wa- servant who has greater dlhicultlcs to the one afflicted. To be hidden away, Judiciary building, on 7wa of tho side itress, rather than to wait until It be- contend with than the Commissioner of without Intelligent treatment or or- the present grounds and facing Walklkl comes a iy burden because of financial de- Public Lands. It is impossible to pn-pei- dinary comforts, Is not an BISHOP & CO. tho exhibition with accommodations for threo pression. lands carry out of love nnd n un- more control the and affection which true, Circuit Court, the Land Court, a Our present average Interest rate on the laws without Incurring opposition, selfish Interest in the patient should Law Library 1- convenient and the Board all the outstanding bonds is 4 per and It Is unfortunate that th's opposi- prompt. of Health. cent und we now BANKERS are sending away tion Is often carried so far. ATTORNEY GENERAL. OMEEN STREET Third. A building, s'mllar to the Ar- from the Islands In payment of Interest BnAKD OF HEALTH. . The change In our ."Organic UKAtKWt? Vfi chives building, on the Ewn side of tho $119.73 every in Act," for day the year. Our During the past two years there permitting appeals to Supreme Executive grounds, for the Supreme debt has almost annexa- tho Firewood. Stove, trebled since have been thirty-nin- e sporadic cases of Court, throws greater work respon- Commercial and Travellers' Court, thus separating the work of this tion, $2,771,000. and ant) the Increase being plague, but the of sibility upon Attorney Stam Blacksmith court from all others and glv'ng It tho is not effective methods the General. It Letters of Credit Issued on the It Improbable that pressure will the Board of Health prevented any is, therefore, necessary to facilities and distinction which It de- be brought have provide Bank of California and The Lon- to bear on you for a loan. epidemic. 'Its funds, either to serves. Including Item careful work has retain an aUornoy In for the construction of Washington, Coal i don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, county such confidence that no alarm D. C. to represent the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fourth. A fund for the purchase of and homestead roads. has been caused, nor has It been found Territory, or to send someone from London. rights Val- here Special the various water in Knllhl To avoid duplication of road making necessary In controlling this In either case the qost is to be Attention Given to ' Correspondents Amer- ley, to disease said for the not only supply the residents machinery; of the necessary force of to restrict commerce by resorting to about tho same. I recom- thuroln, to therefore DHAYIKG ican Express Company, and located but secure for the employees; to prevent confusion In the quarantine. mend an appropriation for this pur- city the largest existing supply of wa- ALSO WHITE AND BLACK SAND. Thos. Cook & Son. responsibility for construction nnd re- There Is, however, a serious and well-detln- pose. a high now ter at elevation available. pairs, I urge upon you tho wisdom ot cause for in tho over- In civil cases, nil fees paid ac- Interest allowed on term and appro- alarm are The city of Honolulu consumes leaving all road and bridge building whelming preponderance of deaths from cording to a fixed standard, by war- Savings Bank Deposits. 11,000,000 ximately gallons of water work to the care and Initiative of each tuberci'losis. The records show one rant from the Auditor on tho Treas Vienna Bakery every twenty-fou- r hours. Tho small- county. Experience convinces me that hundred and thirteen deaths from urer, upon vouchers approved by the est quantity tho Springs HOME-MAD- from Pauoa ecconomy will be served by sucli u leprosy and thirty-nin- e deaths from proper official, u method which has GOOD Bread, the.only B is 717,000 gallons. The proposed Nuu- course. blnck plague, a total of one hundred been found practicable und acceptable. BREAD In town. All kinds of cakes anu system, whenever Is finish- ' the dam Extend, If desired, to any County the and fifty-tw- o out of our entire popula- In criminal cases, however, the practice our specialty. Wagon delivery through THE ed, will furnish a minimum supply of provision of tho Organic Act by which tion, during the above period. Both of has been different. Appropriations city. fi.500,000 gallons. Thus If the Increased It can Issue, under your supervision, these diseases nre viewed with horror have heretofore been mnde, covering Phone Main 179. No. 1129 Fori Bt Limited. commerce of the Pac'flc brings with It Its own bonds for such progress In new and public opinion approves large ex- fees and traveling expenses of witnesses 1880. a larger populaton to Honolulu, the ESTABLISHED road building as Its people may desire. penditures for their control nnd sup- In criminal cases. The amounts nllow-e- d time will not be fnr distant when wo Such a course will avoid all questions pression. Yet from the Insidious "white the witnesses have varied according Clotlies Neatly Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000 shall either have to revert again to of adjustment or proportion between plague" fifty-on- e to ' six hundred and the disposition of the ollicnl, the CLEANED AND PRESSES' Capital Paid Up 21,000,000 tho oxpenslve method of pumping or counties. If the entire responsibility deaths occurred during tho same Importance of the witness or Ills extend the gravity system. stand- Reserve Fund 13,700,000 for the payment of both principal and period more than four times as many ing In the community. This has re- An early completion Honolnlii Clothes Cleaning Co Fifth. of tho Interest rests upon each County se- as from the other two causes combined, sulted In distinctoiis bo'ng drawn wheh proposed Improvements In HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. wharf Hon- parately. It Is certain to result In an and yet this causes little or no public are repugnant, and It gives an oppor- double-dec- Only k evor-vlglla- Alaken St., near King. Main 147 olulunot tho shed aggregate less by far than under any comment from an nt press tunity for a favoritism that should be Phone Agenolos: Immediately desired for tho present other system. or from various public organizations. avoided. Branchos and large freight passenger and service, Further, such a plan will permit each It Is safe to say that there Is moro I recommend for your con- onolulu, New York, San Francisco, but for tho dredging and equipment serious .ndon, Lyons, Bombay, Hongkong, of County to develop itself and thus carry dnnger of death from this cause to the sideration the fixing by statute of a Koa Furniture the remaining slips, as well ns tho out ,alny, Newchwang, Leayang, Pekln, the general Idea of county govern- resident or to the tourist In Honolulu standard for feus and mileage of wit- Mnde to Crder. building of additional wharves Hllo. ment, ro- - Hangkaw, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, at as opposed to paternalism nnd than there Is from leprosy to one nesses In crlmlunl cases. Upholstering and Repairing, Mukden, Antung Hslen, Kobe, Naga- WING CHONG CO. saki, Toklo, Osaka, Cor. King and Bethel. P. O. Box MM. The Banks buys and receives for Col- in the proper time. A further motion Seven officers ot the Kronstadt muti- days ago. as the result of a meeting Bills CASES for a lection of Exchange, Issue Drafts IN THE default Judgment for Humberg, neers have been sent to Siberia. of the bonrd, that a reading of several 3V and Letters of Credit, and transacts a was also made. DUNNE CARRIES PRIMARIES. statutes relatlvo to this matter, bo mndo OHTA, general banking business. Jud?o Lindsay Is hearing the case of. CHICAGO, February 22. Dunne car- by the uttorney general's department JAPANESE CONTRACTOR Tung Tnl vs. Lllluokalanl, for alleged primaries. Tim reading has engaged AND CARPENTER. COURTS YESTERDAY ' ried tho Democratic considerable breach of covenant. AMBASSADOR BRYCE ARRIVES. atentlon of the attorney general's de- Honolulu Branch 67 Kinj Streci Judge Do Holt and a jury aro trying WASHINGTON, D. C, February 22. partment. The department has ar- House No. 762 SheridaiTSfc today, the suit for slander brought by Ambassador Bryce has arrived. rived at an opinion relative to tho matt THE Julia Kupau against Pakll Kupau. ter. will Telephone White C01. HAND PAINTED NOVELTIES. SUPREME COUItT DECIDED THAW TRIAL ADJOURNMENT. It probably be sent to Bab- Judge l bitt today or tomorrow. AN APPEAL OTHER MATTERS Lindsay today appointed M. A. NEW YORK, February 22 The Thaw-tria- At Gonsalves, guardian of Mario Nunes lias been adjourned until MonJny. The opinion will donl Indirectly, with IN THE CIRCUIT COURTS. Martins, an insane person, with bond tho Japnnoso situation, and give to the Horse Clipping. O. Y. ITOW nxeo, bonrd of education, an idea at fiuu. WHOOPING COUGH. of oxactly Judge Lindsay today appointed C. P. how far Its rights and porogirtivos In Luke Rogers la again Beretanla St. near Emma Honolulu. Tho Supremo Court heard argument Chamborlnln's Cough Remedy will back from' Kwun Yu, Loo and Yong King ap- this matter as well as Its right of sup- Maul, clipping horses at old In greatly lessen sevority of the staid, yesterday tho appeal for plain- praisers of the estate of Pang Pol. the whooping ervision over other classes of private orner Punchbowl and King street. tiff In tin) case of V. W. Urunor vs. cough. It liquifies the tough mucus; schools extends. Best Meal in Louis Andrade. The court delivered an making expectoration oasy and keopa There Is a possibility that tho opinion Town the cough loose. Any tondenoy toward may --., oral opinion, rovorslng the decision of Foreign JSows result In tho mattor being ulti- u ill 11 tho lower court, and romandlng tho pneumonia or other serious results Is mately taken to the courts, for adjust- II case for further action. Tho plaintiff promptly counteracted. Sold by all ment, If private schol managers aro UUFHI REST!! By Cable dealers,' Benson & Co., agents sued for J19S but a decision In favor of Smith not satisfied with the position taken Hotel Street, near Nuuanu. tho defendant, was returned. for Hawaii. by the nttomoy genoral's doparment. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Judge Do Holt yesterday granted a A NEW TREATY. 'I Telephone, Main 49. motion for a new trial In tho cases of WASHINGTON, D. C, February 22. CHE CAUSE. Mrs. Holeluhe et al, vs tho Rapid Tran- Secretary 'Root was In eonferoneo yes- SCHOOL OPINION The first causes of Indigestion, Bi- sit Company. The court claimed that terday with Ambassador Aokl over a liousness, Loss of Appetite, Headache, tho aggregated $4,-0- new treaty. Dizziness, etc., IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE verdicts which had Is constipation. Don't I had boon excessive. RICH MURDERESS GOES INSANE. take cathartics, as they Irritate the tM NRWSPAPPIPR Notlco of of a Jury, In casu PRACTICALLY READY lining bowels, waive the CHICAGO. 111., February 22. Mrs. of the nnr. are only a m inrwituKU AT ANYTIMU of J, J. Bryne vs. E. K. Dovnucholle, temporary relief Miles' McDonald, who klllod Wob-st- or Dr. Nerve Z Call on or Writs was filed today. shot and Genrln yeHterday, has gone Insane and Liver Pills permanently cure by Jade Jewelry E.C. A motion was filed today, In bohalf Tho uttorney gonernl's department stre; gthenlng sto- DARE'S ADMTISIHG AGEIiCY Her husband charges Goarln ex- the nerves of the Hand worked Jade Jewelry In gold I of J. P. Humberg, trustee, vs. Wong with oxpects to havo opinion $ 124 Sansomo Street tortion, the rolatlvo mach and liver. They effect a mild, and silver. Back combs, bracelets and Kwal, to strlko from tho flies, tho an' to tho Jurisdiction ot tho school board natural movement rings. BAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. OFFICERS SENT TO SIBERIA, swer of tho defendant, on tho ground over private schools, settled this week. SANG ON KEE, thut the ntiswer had nbt been filed with ST. PETBRSBURG, February 22. Superintendent Babbitt requested, sjjme Fine. Job Printlnff, Star Qfllge, 130 MJnc XIOttT TH HAWAIIAN BrAIl. FRIDAY. FEBRUART 22, 1907.

NEWS IN A NUTSHELL Pa-- u and Juvenile Pa-- u: H. von JF. Hawaiian Postals Holt, Mrs. Ebon Low and Miss Rose James Morgan, (lite CouilcuKod Davison. rninsrnphs That Boys Cow Boys: AUCTION. 'aCR AND t lo'Nte SURJECTS Cow and Juvenile News ol Hi. Hay. and BROKER. ISSl'ED BY Eben Low, Alexander Dowsett Saturday JUST Charles Belllna. Tiisia?, ill 6U-86- 7 Kaahumfciiu St. TiL Mall. 7: Don't undervalue small things Riders Other Than Pa-- u: W. A. J V. O Bo- -. EH. Eli Woman's Exchange t they are usually the forerun- - Grccnwcll, Mrs. J. A. Oilman and Mrs. things. A ' 121 HOTEL STREET. ners of greater want Ernest Wodchousc. LAST THREE DAYS Ad Is one of the smallest "small f Bicycles: & II. Hutchlns, Mrs. C. G. things," and If Inserted In The Ballcntyno and Mrs. Augustus Knud- - OF Star you get quick results, a sen, Want Ads Inserted three times The prizes In tho various qlawwjt of for 25 cents. J automobiles werai First, blue Hag: second, red llag;'thlrtl, white Hag. AT AUCTION OF Bicycles First,' 7:R0i 2nd, $5; 3rd, THE WEATHER. $2. SO; most original $X.S0; most comical, Otttoe, U. S. Weather Bureau, Local $2.60. ON SATURDAY, 2, Vounsr Hulldlng. Inter-Islan- d Princesses First, $28 and MB. Honolulu, T. lh, February 21, 1007. and brue ribbon; 2nd, $1B and red rlb-ro- n. COMMENCING AT 0:30 A. M. Wash Materials 15. STOCKMAN, BATISTE, ORGANDIES, WILLIAM Cowboys 1st, $15; 2nd, $10: 3rd, $5. THE FIGURED Section Director. Cowboys 1st, $3; 2nd, $2. Juvenllo LAWNS, , TISSUES, Pau-l- st, $20; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $7.r.0; LONDON DTETS, Feb. 20, S shillings lth, $5. DIMITIES, FOULARDS 11 1- -4 pence; last previous quotation, Juvenile Pa-- u Riders 1st, $3; 2nd, $2. Fob. 19, 8 shillings 10 2 pence. n Riders other Pa'-- u Most oilgnal and SUGAR: Now York February 14, 3.33 than on horseback, $G: best ap- pound or $G7.C0 a ton; last character cent n pearing lady rider 1st, blue ribbon, PRINTED SWISSES previous quotation, February 6, 3.42 AT KAIMUKI. 2nd, red ribbon. IlllflOlilff cents a pound or I6S.40 a ton. Best appearing couple of ladles 1st WITH A COMB Animals, Birds, Chickens, Pigeons, Low prices New England Bakery. blue ribbon 2nd, red ribbon. OR HAIR BRUSH. at gen- Buildings and Contents, If your sowing machlno needs repair-i- n Best appearing couple, lady mid BIG SAVING PRICES imo T!nnnpv & Co.. Main 4SS. tleman 1st, blue vlbbon; 2nd, red rib- iPMfceco's Dandruff Killer Is the only .Tne crculntlng department of tho bon. SALE ENDS ON SATURDAY AT P. M. original girl 1st, $3; 2nd, Particulars later. 9 ftoMy that will effectually destroy tho j library is closed for tho day. Most rldor - Honolulu Haadniff germ, and. promote a luxu- soa watch was lost yesterday. A $2. MORGAN, growth 6f hMr. ' is offered for. its rc- - Most original boy rider 1st, $3; 2nd, JiS. F. Hant suitable reward ' ' oM by all Druggists and at Facne- - tu,. to this ollice $2. AUCTIONEER. Sarttrr Shop, Fort street. A furnished cottage- at WulKlKi Juvenllo girl rldor 1st, blue ribbon; Dry Go. ' achs PHONE MAIN 232. Hcach is for rent. .Particulars of Tho 2nd, rod ribbon. tods Henry Waterhousc Trust Co. Juvenile boy rider 1st, blue ribbon; Tho fliut two days tho Jnpaneso 2nd, rod ribbon. sailors werO'Mn town tliey seemed to Fancy costume 1st, blue rfjbon; EDUCED prefer the streets to tho sidewalks. 2nd, rod ribbon. Mabel Wing Castle reports that 201 Carriages and Vehicles Decorations: heavy wagons. 8 automobiles passed Prizes Multlpro team vehicle, eight . over the Manoa road In ono day re- and six n hand Special cash prize of PRICKS cently. $23: 1st. blue ribbon; 2nfc, red ribbon. AUCTION SALE a: Don't go home and cook when you 1st, ribbon, 2nd, WORK begin- Four In hand blue For .all PLATE are tired. Lot us serve you with a red ning on February 14, 1907, foi ribbon. special holiday dinner tqnlght from 6 Double Team 1st, bluo ribbon: 2nd, ON TUESDAY. FEB. 26, . , ONE MONTH ONLY. . . to S. Scotty's Royal Annex. red ribbon. M., Exphange papers were yesterday Tandem, 1st, blue ribbon; 2nd, red 10 O'CLOCK A. signed by tho Governor to two small ribbon. Tlje Expert Dentists pieces of property on College Hills with at my salesroom, 857 Kaahumanu St., m Pony or Juvenile Turnout 1st, bluo es F.'Ij. FERGUSON, DDS. Mary G. Slnglehurst, the exchange be- I will sell, by order administrator ing necessary to change tho location ribbon; 2nd, red ribbon. tate of HENRY HIGHTON, deceased, Arlington Hotel, Hotel Street. Trap 1st, blue ribbon; 2nd. red rib- of the road in that section. concert Charles R. Bishop hall bon. The at single or doublo 1st, bluo : THE last ovenlng was well att sided. Tho Surrey, 2nd, .. chorus was excellent, IU tendering of ribbon; red ribbon. v Spike Team 1st, blue ribbon: 2nd, v.-.- "The Heavens Are Telliiig," being es- Valuable Library pecially effective, s due rod ribbon. llueh credit fam- Mr. Hastings for tho affair. Roosevelt Prize For the largest ily In parade, special prize. OF The or W. M. Crossmnn Bro. tho suit and made tho New York vs. George B. Bidwell, col- Tho general commlttoe that Legal, Classical; Masonic, Scientific, lector of the port of New York, has affair such a success wa as follows: Biblical, Political, Historical ufrk W. IPointecl Question J?y ALEXANDER boon dismissed at the Instanco of tho F. Dillingham Chairman. and other works. plaintiff. This was a suit to determine Chas. F. Chlllingworth Marsnal. ... Where do you buy your Home Smoked Hams? T.O: Gen. C. Monday be the status of Hawaii during tiio 'tran- Potter Assistant Marshal. On view Saturday and Our HAMS and BACONS are the choicest of YOUNG sition period.'" J. R. Gait, R. H. Trent Automobiles. fore the sale. A debate on the subject "Resolved, It. W. Shingle Horses and Carriages. home smoked meats on the market. that a new high school building is F. Andrade Pa-- u Riders. JAS. F. MORGAN, HOTEL needed" was hold yesterday by tho Ho- Harold Dillingham Riders other .'.,o BEST IN FLAVOR, BEST IN COLOR. T nolulu High School Debating society. than Pa-u- . AUCTIONEER. CENTRAL E. H. Paris Bicycles. will give satisfaction in every respect. . HONOLULU Miss Henrietta Smith and Arthur And better a ABSOLUTELY Lando took the negative side while George P. Denison Arrangement of May we have your order for a trial today? f FIRE-PROO- F Vogel , mv Miss Lila and Harold Johnston Grounds. spoke for the nthrmativc. The nega- Geo. Cooke Social Clubs and Even tives won. ing Entertainment. v MOANft HOTEL Walter G. Smith, Frank L. Hoogs, C. Q. HOP & CO. Wallace R. Farrlngton l'ubltclty. YEE WAIKIKj BEACH J. F. Sopor Tickets. HMD Pill Clifford Kimball Prizes. J.'H. HERTSCHE, GENERAL MANAGER II. P. Wood Secretary. i (Continued from Pago Five). lit A. Gartley Promotion Committee. W. R. PATTERSON & CO. Lunch was served at the club house m Back and forth before the grandstand at noon. Mrs. J. W. Harvey presided. General Contracting and Jobbing. the floats, riders, carriage and the like The scores mado this morning were ex- Bsusepaintlng, Paperhanging, Grain- passed and repassed. cellent. Tho shot was resumed in tho FINEST CANDIES ing, Kalsominlng, Brick, Cement and Only ono thing happened during the afternoon, as three events aro to bo THE tone Work. Shop with Whittle, the morning which wns not on tho program shot. are Gunter's. A new shipment has been received 1sn painter, 1163 Union street. Phono and that was a runaway of the London by THE PALM. Main 224. Cab driven by J. C. Cook of Davlos & Co. Tho horso got started and could JAPANESE WHEN IT COMES to home-mad- e Candies, not be Mourned Telfphone ln 198. O. Box 192. controlled. Patrolman (Continued 1page one.) is far ahead of all. large assort- P. from THE PALM A stopped In a Dick Lane the animal ment of home-mad- e also at manner that was Indeed credltnble, but ment Is home Grace Power, L and Ml.s CELEBRATING I3 Xox-d- not before tho cab had been run Into milliner, returned. belonging Jvidgo I.-- I. J.Successor to tho automobile to Captain Tullett of the S. N. Co. Kingsbury. No damage however was who went to Washington In the Inter The Japaneso are celebrating today LORL & BELSER, done. , ests of the captains and mates organi- with great eclat. The Japanese school Fstlm. Cafe Hotel Street. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: The program was run off without a zation here, was a home-comin- g pas- children, and various societies march- hitch and too much credit cannot be senger. His mission to Washington ed to the naval wharves and there were wns, Dredging, Grading, Paving, given to tho members o- - the commlt- - was highly successful. received aboard the fleet. Teaming!- Crushed Rock. tee who planned tho aafflr. Harwood, above mentioned, was In A number of conveyances carrying the wreck of the S. S. Spokane out of bananas and other refreshments, were Seattle. sent to the wharves ad the eatables NEW ARRIVALS ft'. Black,and White Sand and Soil LORD AND DEVIL A. W. Masters Is a prominent Insur distributed to the men of the fleet. For Sal ance man in San Francisco. There were Japanese Christmas trees, See our window display In Ladies Ready-to-We- ar Muslin Shirtwaist. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid and Miss Reid on which were various presents for Complete assortment of BACK and SIDE COMBS. The Lord and tho Devil were seen come to the The wharves and tho Ladles and G&nts' Umbrellas prices to purses. Dffloe and Yard, South and Kawalahao walking grounds to tho islands visit the Rev. sailors. at suit all about tho of tho park Mr. Wallace of Kona. streets were densely crowded with For" prices cn all these lines, seo StreetB. today when the parade was on view. George Captain Dowdell of the Alameda this Japanese. Denison dressed as Satan ac- morning received a letter from Gover MEXICAN DRAWN WOUK companied by E. J. Lord walked about Carter, notifying that, owing tho grounds some nor him for time and all who to going effect new im- knew of Mr. cognomen tho into of the Exquisite designs in Teneriffo Lord's caught migration law tho Alameda would not Wah Ting Ghong Go. Squares, Wheels, Doileys, Scarfs and on at once. It was a clever charade be allowed to carry any Japanese to KINO STREET EWA FISH MARKET Tea Cloths. and took well with tho large crowd. San Francisco when she leaves next Let your will govern your ac- HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CURIO CO. MRS. CARTER GAVE PRIZES. Wednesday. Alexander Young Building. The presentation of tho prizes at tho sighted tion. Put your valuables where grounds The Alameda two unknown baseball was an event event barks nnd the steamships China, Mon- of much merriment and enthusiasm. golia, Sonoma and Enterprise. they will be safe and relieve Prize winners circled tho area and, as TPlie announced by "Doc" Monsarrat through yourself of a sourpe of worry. Complete Dining Service, $15.00 IS MIGHTIERPen a megaphone approached to receive GUN SHOOT THAN THE prizes and decorations from the hand Private boxes $4,00 a year at of Mrs. George R. Carter. Mrs. Carfer tied ribbons about the whips of suc- Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. For Six Persons, Consisting of the following: cessful drivers, bunded pennants to tho 0 prize-winne- rs HELOT Sword In vehicles and automo- biles and had a graceful word and con- Pretty Decorated Dinnerware Pattern, also is the WILLIAM PENN 6o The Hawaiian Gun Club hold its 6 6 6 After-dinn- er component gratulatory smile for thoso who receiv Dinner Plates, Dessert Plates, Coffee Cups and Saucers, 6 CIGAR mightier In the ed the pretty favors. Monsarrat amused Inaugural shoot today ,on Its new Ka-ka- Coffee Cups and Saucers, 1 Gravy Bowl, Two Uncovered Vegetable porta go to whole that make the finest tho ciwd much w'th hH tak tnroUBh grounds. It was the seventh ARRIVING. Dishes, One Covered Vegetable Dish, Two Meat Dishes, One Butter Dish. greater semi-annu- hi clsar manufacturing, than th(j al shoot. The. following lneffaphono He announced that Friday, 22. wo rest oi cigars umi navo umy uu party rig events were shot this morning. February the reason the Weatherred O. S. S. Alameda, Dowdell, 6 days Presscut Glassware, or two of thoso qualities. prlzo was of Its 20 bird scratcli for tho championship received a because and 20 hours from San Francisco, at The WILLIAM PENN Is manufac- IKeaiutlful contents. Monsarrat was of tho club won by D. L. Austin; score 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Spoonholder, 1 Jug, 1 Salt Shaker, 1 Popper Shaker, 1 Berry Oceanic wharf at 10 a. m. G tured of puro selected Havana leaves not far from tho fact. Ho announced 20 straight; J. W. Harvey second 19. Bowl, Berry Saucers, 6 Water Tumblers, 1 Water Jug. m toy Theobold & Oppenhelmer, Philadel- the sons of E. J. Lord, little winners, missing last bird; Kirk B. Porter third. Ten bird scratch, unknown angles tie PASSENGERS. phia, and eold by as the sons 01 the joru. Arlved. Plated Ware, JUDGES. between Austin, Porter and Harvey, 8 Per S. S. Alameda, from San Fran 6 Table Knives, 6 Forks, G Spoons, 1 Completo Autos Division No. 1, Section A. birds each. On tho shoot off Austin Revolving Cruetstand Fitzpatrick Bros. G. cisco, February 22. J. W. Cathcart, (quadruple plated.) Also Hltfh-coc- k, broke 9, Porter 8 and Harvey Large Touring Cars: Howard Mrs. Cathcart, A. W. Eames, Visitors' 10 scratch known Francis Mrs. P. M. Swanzy and Mrb. F. match bird Eames, Miss McGro angles P. Bell 10; Mrs. J. F. Harwood, C. Corner Fort and Hotel Sts. A. Schaefer. J. of Klhol gor, A. W. Masters, L. Scott late of Klhel second 6; A. K. Mitchell, Miss Section B Light Touring Cars: Judge F. Oliver, Miss Grace Power, H. Reid, Lindsay, Mrs. E. F. Bishop and Mrs. Lucas, third. Mrs. Miss Complete Kitchen Outfit $20.00 Twenty bird handicap, known angles: Reid, Reid, James Rlcalton, P. E. R. Strauch, H. Focke. A. C. Robinson, II. M. Tlernoy, Mrs. L. Fleming won, score 21; handicap y, Section C Runabouts: L. T. Peck, J. Tiernoy, Captalfl A. Tullett, Including Stove, Saucepans and Kitchen Utensils. Don't miss this oppor-tult- REAL ESTATE EXPEHT. 6; K. B. man, second, Miss J Mrs. A. F. Judd and Mrs. A. F. Grif- Porter scratch Waltz, Mrs. II. B. Woolmlngton, but solze it and "get started." Ileal Estate bought and b 20 straight; D. L. Austin, scratch, third Miss fiths. L. B. Woolmlngton. Money Invested to best advantage, 19; W. E. Wall fourth handicap 3, 18. WPelty nulldlng. 74 8. Kins 8b Inter-Islan- d Princesses: Capt. E. H. Humphrey, Mrs. B. Hayes-Brook- o and ENTERTAINING OFFICERS. Our Wfeitch Club will start soon Miss Nannie Winston. Tho Japanoso hackmen's union has - Carriages: Decorations: Judge W. F. fflurnlshed sixty hacks and Invited the W. W- Dimond & Co., Ltd;, $4S.OO Frear, Mrs. J. M. Dowsett and Mrs. C. will buy a fine home. officers of tho Japanese squadron to JOIN NOW. B. Cooper. Easy terms. drive about the city and take In the Carriages: Driving, Equipment, points of Interest, including Samuel "Ka Hale Oiwi" CO. J. A. R. VIEIRA & M. Damon's beautiful placo, and tho en 53-55-- teams and horses: Capt. Soule, A. 57 King St., 115 Hotel Street. Brown and W. H. Smith. RENT & CO. tertalnmeht is' now In progress. Honolulu, Hawaii.