i ThoIIanallnn Star is tlio popi--r that goes Into tho best homes of Honoluln STAR I I 1 New Ornamental Parlor Alarm Clock Free to Star Subscribers. VOL. XIV. HONOLULU, HAWAII, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1907. No. 4652 SECOND ANNUAL FLORAL PARADE .a ' the Islands Behind them camo an ('unwell also wore a con Imposing cnlvui .ule of the riders. The tinental hat with a eoikudo, at the side. women rode well and handled their All of the princesses were accompanied horses, with much skill. At Intervals, by heralds mounted on ponies or smaller HONOLULU AS FLORA during tho parade this division gal- horses. loped, which showed the (lowing pa-u- s, There were no princesses from tha makes a very effective featuro of tho Islands of I.anal or Nllhau. display. The majority of tho pa-- u riders wore the royal yellow color of "3 pa-- u. COWBOYS new year were the Is- Surrey prize, A. J. Campbell; greater any division af- A feature this First than other land princesses. was in this division second, W. M. forded. were automobles It Graham. There fewer the most elegant horseB were Boys prlto,' A. ClufC of In the column year, the deco- that THE PRIZE WINNERS Cow First this but The prize Cornwell bay stallion RIDERS Chris. third, rations were In every respect, as beau- shown. San Mateo; second, Holt; Cornwell was ridden Special, tiful wlillo the runabout section was, from tho ranch Ku. Knpulu. by Cornwell, who represent- Boys Oudorklrk, if anything, better than that shown In Miss Kitty Following regular pa-- division of Juvenile Cow W. R. ed tho Island of Maul. Miss Cornwell McCandless, Special prize to M. Her- the previous affair. which the small riders wero a pretty rFollowing are tho awards made thlB M. third. first prize; Monsnrrat, second; was given a splendid' opportunity to Wlchman. feature, came the miscellaneous riders morning at tho baseball park: H. F. mann Holt, third. display her horsemanship, for her - Class B, Automobiles A. Afong, first; under tho direction of Harold Dllllng- The Koosevelt Prize To Ms. A. PA-- steed seemed to catch tho spirit of the was, many ways having largest family E. J. Lord, second; A. Clartley, third. THE U RIDERS hnm. This division In Gartlcy for the A brilliant sky, a delighted throng, occasion and was one of tho prettiest better than tho miscellaneous riders t In the Parade. Class C, Automobiles George Dcnni-so- n story Mrs. a completo success, tell the ,of animals in tho entlro parade. I of the previous parade. Although 4 of goes first (Trent & Co.,) first; Henry "Water-hous- e the To .Miss Cornwcll Maul annual Floral Parade- - today. The The carriages of various descriptions Mnllnu the Kauai representative also r Hamm-Youn- g tho I numerous characters wero missing. prlzo as Princess. Trust Co., second; Von birthday of George Washington was wore limited this year, but somo of showed much skill In manuging tho someuouy goes Co., very pretty. Only one Hoat misseu a lino opportunity i To Miss Gussle Clark of Oahu third. celebrated by Honolulu folk this morn- them were lino Arab charger that she rode. She to enter the "Water Wagon." Prob- - second prize. Bicycles Cyril Damon, first; Luther ing, In a manner that would havo seem- that by tho Kilohana Art League, was aroused much admiration. Tho horse Most Double team First, Gus Schumann. Huff, second; Arthur Huff, third. ed strange to the people of the Original In the parade, and the fire department she rode belongs to Representative C. present, to consent to remain ions' Slnglo Rig Mr. Paxson. orlgnal, F. B. Freltas. Special prize to Colonies. bright was also absent. But tho single float A. Rico and was white with calico - Thirteen Flowers and enough on the conveyance, to ride front Horso-bac- k Riders: tandom, Charles Glllllanfl and J. Rod- parado of the Art League, showing a Grecian spots. She woro pa-- u .icencs every where marked tho a brilliant red , the Capitol grounds to .tho base ball Mixed Couple Mrs. Erdman and riqucs. and showed a happy combination of Temple in which wero yung women with the favored white lloral design. park. Harold Dillingham, first; Dorothy Double Surrey First prize," Bralnerd modern achievement with the customs representing the various forms of art, Miss Alice Bartholomew as tho Molo-k- al Hartwoll and Albert Judd, second. Smith. of Hawaiian days of long ago. Tho di- was tho most artistic thing of tho kind princess, wore white and green Best Juvenile Rider Fred Water-lious- e, Pau Riders First prize. Miss Hoopll; vision of the automobile and tho pa-- u that has ever been shown here. Tho costume, with flowing green pa-m- . Sho THE BICYCLE RIDERS first: "William Alexander, sec- second, Miss Myers; third, Mrs. V. riders was one of the most striking float was applauded throughout tho line wore a garland o white flowers. Sho a features a cmblnatlon that was espe- of tho procession. was much admired, for her costume was ond. Richardson; fourth, Mrs. Puahl, and The bicycle division was small but Fancy Costume for Lady Rider special to Mrs. Hllo. cially Interesting to tho visitors from very striking. Miss Guslo Clark mount- ed on magnificent coal there were some amusing characters Mrs. Bergstrom. Pa-- u Riders prize, abroad. a black horso Juvenile First THE ISLAND yel- and several original designs. Mac-farla- ne Despite parado this was princess. Sho woro Best Lady Couple Miss Alice Miss Woods; second, Miss Van Vllet. the fact that tho the Oahu year year was not, in some of its features, low and black, with lllma lois. Her Last the Japanese automobllo and Mrs. George Potter, first. Driving First prize, B. H. Lewis, entry was one of the most hnndsome place went to Miss Emma Rose got multiple equal to the preceding celebration, the pa-- u eostumo was yellow. She received Second who also second prize for large thronged tho applause. and richest of the decoratod cars, but Miss Adelo Dreler. crowds that streets much year and team. and watched the display were delight- PRINCESSES Miss Anna Rose, who was Hawaii's tills had It not been for Governor place lady to four-in-han- d, placing First as rider went Traks First prize, ed general effect of tho affair Queen Exposition, was Carter's act In his machine nt George Second iplaco to with the at the Omaha Mrs. Porter. Mrs. "Wetherred's party. and only words of commendation wero There was a most striking array of Hawaii's princess today. Sho woro a the disposal of the visiting Japanese Miss Alice Macfarlane. prize Multiple Team Ha- u, squadron, there would havo been no , First for heard. The divisions In the parado pa-- u riders. Frank Andrado led this red pa-- with black hat and cape. Sho Floats Kilohana Art League, first; waiian Hotel. wero good. The automobile division division and immediately following him carried herself In a regal way and rodo representative ot Japan In tho parade. Chlneso Athletic-Club- , second. Single Rig Second prize, C. M. Cooke was naturally the most striking featuro were the Princess Theresa Wilcox, Mrs. her bay charger in fine style. With Howevor the Japanese availed them- - Class A, Automobiles C. M. Cooke, Pony Turnouts First prize. Miss n: for the opportunity of showing orig- Puahl and Mario Berkley, tho three the exception of Miss Cornwell, all of first; S. M. Ballou, ccond; Miss second, Master Lord. inality and beauty of decoration, were recognized leaders in pa-- u matters In the princess wore long pa-u- s. Miss (Continued on Pago FIvo.) 5 World' Alameda NATE WILL PAss THE HOUSE MET AUKEA REVIEWS Ire ates nlers In ! INFORMAL St POLICE FORCES LIGHTHOUSE RILL OTHERWISE IT WOULD HAVE ENTIRE DEPARTMENT TURNS SACRIFICED ONE OF THE SIXTY OUT TO MAINTAIN ORDER IN Fotografer Full Dress (Associated Prcv. Cable to The Star.) DAYS OF THE SESSION. THE PARADE AND BIG CROWDS. February 22. -- JAMES RICALTON WHO HAS MAKES GOOD TIME FROM COAST. WASHINGTON, D. C, The President has signed the Tho House of Representatives met 'A11 hands on deck" was tho cry at consular bill. this morning to commemorate the na- pollco morning, CAUGHT WONDERFUL SCENES HOME-RETURNE- CAPTAIN tho station this for Tho Senate has agreed to pass the Omnibus Lighthouse bill. tal day of George Washington, the first the great holiday floral parado called THE EARTH OVER, IS HERE. NOTIFIED NOT TO TAKE JAPS. president of the Unltod States. for all the men tho retrenched pollco Being unwilling to sacrifice one of department could produce. sixty days, Speaker Holsteln de- Alameda which this morn- In splendid time, 5 days and 20 Hours tho At 8:30 o'clock Sheriff Iaukea stood Aboard the to tho meet Francisco is O. S. S. Alameda, Captain Dowdell, clined take the chair and on the front steps of tho pollco station, ing arrived from San tho TWO KILLED IN ing nature. James RIcalton, tho most celebrated arrived from San Francisco this morn- took informal Ilko tho statue of Washington, whose Hughes Kanlho n war photographer In the world. Ho ing, docking nt tho Oceanic wharf at Representatives and birthday It is today, stands-o- tho stops wero upon on appro- ry represents Underwod & Underwood of 10 o'clock. She entered tho harbor called to speak of tho on Wall street. New York and has photographed dressed in all her colors In honor ot priate subjects which they did at somo New York, and revlowed tho mounted bloody scenes In the Boxer troubles In Washington's birthday.
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