Yvon Neptune V. Haiti Judgment of May 6, 2008 (Merits, Reparations and Costs)
Inter-American Court of Human Rights Case of Yvon Neptune v. Haiti Judgment of May 6, 2008 (Merits, Reparations and Costs) In the case of Yvon Neptune, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Inter-American Court” or “the Court”) composed of the following judges: Cecilia Medina Quiroga, President Diego García-Sayán, Vice President Sergio García Ramírez, Judge Manuel E. Ventura Robles, Judge Leonardo A. Franco, Judge Margarette May Macaulay, Judge, and Rhadys Abreu Blondet, Judge; also present, Pablo Saavedra Alessandri,Secretary, and Emilia Segares Rodríguez, Deputy Secretary; pursuant to Articles 62(3) and 63(1) of the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter “the Convention” or “the American Convention”) and Articles 29, 31, 53(2), 55, 56 and 58 of the Court’s Rules of Procedure (hereinafter “the Rules of Procedure”), delivers this judgment. I INTRODUCTION OF THE CASE AND SUBJECT OF THE DISPUTE 1. On December 14, 2006, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 50 and 61 of the American Convention, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter “the Commission” or “the Inter-American Commission”) submitted an application to the Court against the Republic of Haiti (hereinafter “the State” or “Haiti”) in relation to case no. 12,514. The application originated from petition No. 445/05, submitted to the Secretariat of the Commission on April 20, 2005, by Brian Concannon Jr., Mario Joseph and the Hastings Human Rights Project for Haiti. On October 12, 2005, the Commission adopted Admissibility Report No. 64/05, and on July 20, 2006 it adopted Report on Merits No.
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