Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing Borough November 2015 Rev B hankinson duckett associates telephone: 01491 838175 email:
[email protected] website: post: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA Hankinson Duckett Associates Limited Registered in England & Wales 3462810 Registered Office: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing was prepared by Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA). The study was commissioned and funded by the joint authority of Adur and Worthing Councils. The work has been guided by Ian Moody, Principal Planning Officer of Adur and Worthing Councils. Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 CONTENTS Fgures 1 Introduction page 1 Fig 1 Greenfield Site Locations page 5 2 Method Statement page 1 Fig 2 Solid and Drift Geology page 6 3 Policy Context page 3 Fig 3 Topography page 7 4 Landscape and Ecology Context page 3 Fig 4 Agricultural Land Classification page 8 5 Site 1: Land North of Beeches Avenue (WB08176) page 20 Fig 5 National Character Areas and Landscape Typologies page 9 Site 2: Worthing United Football Club (WB0162) page 26 Fig 6 West Sussex Landscape Character Areas page 10 Site 3: Upper Brighton Road (WB08063) page 30 Fig 7 Local Landscape Character Areas page 11 Site 4: Goring-Ferring Gap (WB088182)