Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing Borough

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Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing Borough Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing Borough November 2015 Rev B hankinson duckett associates telephone: 01491 838175 email: [email protected] website: post: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA Hankinson Duckett Associates Limited Registered in England & Wales 3462810 Registered Office: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing was prepared by Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA). The study was commissioned and funded by the joint authority of Adur and Worthing Councils. The work has been guided by Ian Moody, Principal Planning Officer of Adur and Worthing Councils. Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 CONTENTS Fgures 1 Introduction page 1 Fig 1 Greenfield Site Locations page 5 2 Method Statement page 1 Fig 2 Solid and Drift Geology page 6 3 Policy Context page 3 Fig 3 Topography page 7 4 Landscape and Ecology Context page 3 Fig 4 Agricultural Land Classification page 8 5 Site 1: Land North of Beeches Avenue (WB08176) page 20 Fig 5 National Character Areas and Landscape Typologies page 9 Site 2: Worthing United Football Club (WB0162) page 26 Fig 6 West Sussex Landscape Character Areas page 10 Site 3: Upper Brighton Road (WB08063) page 30 Fig 7 Local Landscape Character Areas page 11 Site 4: Goring-Ferring Gap (WB088182) page 38 Fig 8 Nature Conservation Designations page 12 Site 5: Chatsmore Farm (WB08152) page 46 Fig 9 Protected Species page 13 Site 6: Caravan Club, Titnore Way (WB08038) page 56 Fig 10 Landscape, Heritage and Flood Zone: Sites 1, 2 and 3 page 14 Site 7: West of Fulbeck Avenue (WB08183) page 62 Fig 11 Landscape, Heritage and Flood Zone: Site 4 page 14 Site 8: North of West Durrington (WB08037) page 70 Fig 12 Landscape, Heritage and Flood Zone: Site 5 page 15 6 Suitability for Development page 80 Fig 13 Landscape, Heritage and Flood Zone: Sites 6, 7 and 8 page 15 Fig 14 Landscape Structural Analysis page 16 Fig 15 Landscape Sensitivity page 17 Fig 16 Visual Sensitivity page 18 Fig 17 Landscape Value page 19 Fig 18 Site 1 Analysis page 20 Fig 19 Site 2 Analysis page 26 Fig 20 Site 3 Analysis page 30 Fig 21 Site 4 Analysis page 38 Fig 22 Site 5 Analysis page 46 Fig 23 Site 6 Analysis page 56 Fig 24 Site 7 Analysis page 62 Fig 25 Site 8 Analysis page 70 Fig 26 Suitability for Development page 81 Appendces A Ecology summaries for each site B West Sussex Landscape Character Assessment sheets C 2007 Worthing Gap and Landscape Capacity Study Local Landscape Character Areas Summary Descriptions D Extract from Natural England’s Topic Paper 6 Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 Intentionally blank v Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 . INTRODUCTION 2. METHOD STATEMENT 1.1 Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA) was commissioned by Adur and Worthing Borough Councils Introducton to undertaking a Landscape and Ecology Study of eight Greenfield sites which have been promoted 2.1 The approach to this study followed best practice promoted by Natural England, as set out in the through Worthing’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Landscape Character Assessment Guidance for England and Scotland (2002) and Topic Paper 6, and reaffirmed by Natural England’s 2014 ‘An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment’. 1.2 The Landscape and Ecology Study will form part of the evidence base for the emerging Worthing Local Plan, which will include a range of studies informing which sites should be included as housing Stage : Desk Study/Revew allocations within the Local Plan. Landscape and vsual 2.2 Baseline data has been be collated in a Geographical Information System (GIS) and analysed and Background mapped for each of the 8 Greenfield Sites, in order to identify existing landscape features, views 1.3 With a recently increased housing target, there is considerable pressure to identify sites suitable and the main elements which contribute to the character, structure and setting of each site. for development within Worthing Borough. However, the borough is highly constrained, with the Mapping has included: ‘South Downs’ National Park Authority covering areas of the borough to the north, coastline to the ▪ Geology and soils; south, and tight borough boundaries to the east and west. The eight sites to be assessed therefore ▪ Topography; constitute the majority of available open space in the borough, with three of the sites within the ▪ Land use and landscape features (based initially on aerial photography and OS mapping); current Built Up Area Boundary (BUAB), and five outside the BUAB. ▪ Regional and county landscape character types and areas, and associated guidelines; ▪ Local Plan designations including local landscape, nature conservation, and heritage 1.4 In 2007 (prior to the creation of the South Downs National Park Authority), HDA prepared the designation; Worthing Gap and Landscape Capacity Study which assessed the physical and environmental ▪ Extent of existing built development (Built Up Area Boundary); constraints on accommodating strategic scale development within the borough. Having identified ▪ Listed buildings, conservation areas, registered parks/gardens, ancient monuments; the landscape capacity of the borough on a character area basis, the study was part of a series of ▪ Public rights of way (including long distance footpaths etc) and notable view points; studies which provided a starting point to identify suitable areas for housing development. Although ▪ Areas at risk of flooding; identifying large parts of the borough as ‘low’ capacity, the study recognised that landscape capacity ▪ Locally valued features e.g. landmarks; can vary across character areas, and that further detailed studies would be required for site specific ▪ Any known cultural associations; proposals, taking into account the scale of development, and the issues identified in the study related to both landscape sensitivity and landscape value. 2.3 This information was overlaid to create a baseline structural analysis for each of the 8 sites, providing a context for field work and the detailed analysis and assessment to follow, helping to identify: 1.5 The 2015 Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites has regard for those issues raised in the 2007 Worthing Gap and Landscape Capacity Study. This new study also draws upon the ▪ The nature of the settlement edge and relationship to existing built form; Strategy for the West Sussex Landscape and relevant Land Management Guidelines Sheet (WSCC, ▪ Settlement morphology (including form and setting); 2005), and takes into consideration the findings of the Landscape and Ecological Surveys of Key ▪ Settlement visual envelope and intervisibility; Sites within Adur District (Shiels Flynn, 2012), particularly where its study area adjoins Worthing ▪ Setting of the landmark features; Borough. ▪ The location/extent of major constraints to future development. 2.4 Additionally, maps illustrating the general landscape sensitivity, visual sensitivity and landscape value across the borough were also prepared, taking into account the factors which determine sensitivity and value set out in Natural England’s Topic Paper 6 (see Appendix D). These maps indicate the sensitive and value context to the sites, but also accord with the detailed assessments of each site carried out in Stage 3. Ecology/bodversty 2.5 Existing ecological and nature conservation data relevant to each site and its surrounds was collated from various sources including: ▪ the ‘Multi Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) online database (http://; ▪ Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre (SBRC); and ▪ Local specialist recording groups (where records not already held by SBRC). Landscape and Ecology Study of Greenfield Sites in Worthing 2015 2.6 Protected and notable species records will be sought for an area of approximately 2km around green infrastructure strategies and mitigation. These are appended to the main report and give each site and the check for designated sites will be extended to an area of up to 10km from site consideration to the following: boundaries for internationally designated sites, 5km for nationally designated sites and 2km for non- ▪ Relevant Local Plan policies statutory designated sites. ▪ Statutory and non-statutory designations applicable to each site and adjacent areas ▪ Scientific evaluation criteria (e.g. Ratcliffe, 1977) Stage 2: Feld Assessment ▪ Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the United Kingdom (IEEM 2006) Landscape and vsual ▪ Ancient or semi-natural habitats and protected species 2.7 Field survey work was undertaken during September 2015 to confirm and refine the baseline desk ▪ Habitats and Species of Principal Importance (and Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats and study, recording characteristics that cannot be recorded via the desk study alone, and informing the Species) analysis and assessment set out in Stage 3. Findings would be recorded onto survey sheets, OS ▪ Hedgerow Regulations (where relevant, not a full assessment under the regulations) mapping and annotated copies of the structural analysis overlays. Subsequent visits to the Borough were undertaken during October 2015, to test/confirm Stage 3 assessment work. 2.11 Each ecological appraisal includes
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