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Academics 155 Aphrodisias 166 Achilles 170 7, 11, 16, 17, 45, 117, 160;at Acts of the Apostles 7, 23, 161, 181 Aphrodisias 166; at 40, 92, 94;in adultery 127, 159 Arcadia 53; at Kition 76–7; Ourania 96; aedes 150 Aphrodite-Venus 143 Aegeae 165 11, 37, 118, 160; at Claros 49, 75, 137, Aelius Aristides 46, 111–12 179; at Delos 45; at Delphi 1, 2, 9, 56, 60, Aeneas 147, 148, 150 63n, 68, 74, 140, 166, 179; at Didyma 37, 62, Aeschines 116 75; at Ephesos 156; at Magnesia 156; Aeschylus 43 Ismenios 38; Karneios 55; Ptoios 62; Pythios Aesculapius 145–7, 149 173, 175; Smintheus 37 afterlife 101, 106–7, 119–25 Apollodorus 15 agalma 37 apologists 105, 158–64 Agamemnon 90 apples 51, 62 Aglauros 20, 40, 94, 95, 160 Apuleius 123–5, 141 agora 48–9, 174; at Athens 19, 22, 28, 32, 39, Ara Maxima 149, 150 43, 49n, 78; at Megara Hyblaia 49–51 Aratus 161 agriculture 18–19, 36, 99, 174 Arcadia 53, 54–5, 57, 140 Akropolis 51; at Athens 29, 39–41, 47n, 53, 55, archaeological evidence 4, 9–10, 49–51, 55–6 56, 61–3, 64–5, 90–4, 95; at Selinus 49, 51 Areopagus 43 Alaric 169 11, 179; Ares-Mars 143 Alcibiades 54, 87 Argonauts 118 Alexander the Great 48, 61 Argos 27–8, 41, 53 Alexandria 48, 165 98 allegory 117, 163 Aristarche 145 altars 2, 33, 47, 58; of 13, 54; texts about Aristoboulos 161, 163n 48–9, 54, 175, 176, 177, 181 aristocrats 62 Amazons 22, 23, 156 Aristomenes 99 Amphidromia 89 Aristophanes 44, 94; Clouds 85–8, 127, 130 Anaktoron 105 Aristotle 65, 67, 129, 134, 137, 140; will of 134 86, 129–30 arktoi 90, 94–5 of Miletos 119 Arrhephoria 29, 43, 91–5 Andocides 82–5, 114 arrhephoroi 17, 33, 40, 91–5, 152 Anthesteria 9n Arrian 48 anthropology 183 2–3, 11, 55, 68, 173; in Arcadia 53;at anthropomorphism 13, 57, 127, 134 Brauron 90; at Claros 75; at Delos 45;at Antioch in Syria 168 Delphi 60; at Ephesos 2, 22–3, 65, 145, 150, Antiphon 97 152, 156, 157, 165, 166n, 180–2; at Patmos antiquity of cults 143, 156, 157, 158–9 108; Leukophryene 175; Lochia 180; Apamea 165 Mounuchia 90n, 173; Artemis-Diana 143 Apatouria 79, 90, 95–6, 97 Asclepigeneia 168


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Asclepius 59, 109–12, 130, 160; at Aegeae 165; Callicrates 176 at Athens 40, 109, 168–9; at Epidaurus Capitoline triad 158 63–4, 109, 110, 145; at Kos 63n, 109;at Cassander 102 Pergamon 69, 110–12; at Sicyon 55 Castor and Polydeuces 43, 178 asebeia 82, 133–4 Catalogue of Women 14 assembly 74, 76, 174 caves 55 associations 37, 66, 117, 118; text on 177 Celsus 159 asylum 156 Ceres 144, 149, 150 atheism 85–6, 114, 126, 127, 135 Chalcedon 168 11–12, 17, 18, 172; at Athens 19n, 29, Chalcidians 75 43–4, 48, 56, 68, 92, 150, 168; at Delphi 9;at Chalcis 65 Priene 70; 40, 69, 175–6; Nikephoros change, religious 6–8, 45, 76–81, 117–19, 176–7; Polias 19, 21, 43, 56–7, 70, 158; 164–71 Promachos 40, 169; Ruler of the Athenians charis 37n, 133 65, 151; Saviour 134; Athena-Minerva 143 children 24–5, 52, 89–95, 106, 128 Athenagoras 160 choirs 37 Athenian empire 65, 79–80, 151 Cholargos 173–4 Athens 7, 60, 74; cults of 52–3, 96, 109, 116, Christ 36, 163–4 117, 157, 160, 166–9, 175–6; see also agora, at Christianity 89, 107, 126, 140–1, 143; religious Athens; Akropolis, at Athens; Athena; assumptions of 3, 11, 36, 183 Panathenaia Christians 105, 135, 158–71 atheos 86 chthonic 12, 51, 58, 101–2, 113, 149 Attica 19, 29–30, 115, 172–4 churches 164, 166–7, 168, 169, 170 augures 151 Cicero 151; On Divination 154–5 Augustus 157 citizens 89–90, 99, 100; religious roles of 45, 60, 69, 76, 77, 80, 108, 112, 116; Roman 147 Babylon 17 citizenship 151–2 Bacchic mysteries 121, 153–4, 180 Claros see Apollo, at Claros Bacchus 153 Cleanthes 138 Bacchylides 41 Clearchus 140 Bakkhios 121, 123 Cleisthenes 79 bakkhoi 121 cleruchs 80 Battle of Gods and Titans/Giants 13, 33, 128 coins 47, 63, 66, 145, 179 beans 122 colonies 48–51, 73–4, 80, 152; Roman 152, bear 90 157–8 begging 120, 148, 153 Colophon 48–9 belief 3, 82, 126, 127, 133, 135, 159 comedies 43–4, 80 Bendis 77–8 competitions 39, 41, 45; see also games benefactor 181 Constantine 60, 164 birth 89, 95 Constantinople 60, 168 bishop 165, 168 conversion 140–1, 164, 171 Boeotia 96 Corinth 58, 60, 141, 157–8 Boeotians 4 cosmology 113, 117, 127, 138 bone plaques 119–20 council 49, 76; texts on 174–5, 176–7, 179, 181 Borysthenes 115 Crete 37, 54, 98, 120 boundaries 49, 53, 65 Critias 87 boys 63, 90, 94, 95, 138; texts on 174–5, 180 Croton 119, 120 Brauron 44, 90–3 crowns 7, 59, 86, 99, 116, 152 Brimos 105 cults, elective 108–25; new 7, 45, 69, 76–8, 85, bull 60, 61, 174–5 86–7, 135, 153 burial 100–1, 180 Cumae 148, 180 Byzantines 66 curses 76, 84; tablets 101–2 Cybele 148 Cabiri 112 Cyclops 156 calendar 25–30, 78–9, 144; texts on 172–3, 181 Cynics 136–7

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Cyrene 60, 74 Eleusis 18, 53, 73 Cyrus the Younger 1 Eleutherae 52 Cyzikos 157, 165, 178–9 Eleutherna 120 Enlightenment 16, 126 daimonia 85, 87 Enuma Elish 17 Damascius 169 ephebes 30, 54, 95–6, 108, 175 David, King 162 Ephesos 2, 65–6, 145, 150, 156; texts from death 100–1, 106–7, 118, 120, 122, 138 177–8, 180–2 dedications 4, 90, 92–3, 95, 108; see also epic 45 offerings; votives Epicureans 134–6, 139 Delium 4, 8 135–6 Delos 23, 45, 80, 156, 179 Epidauros 27, 63–4, 109–10, 145, 147, 168 Delphi 6, 9–10, 39, 43, 48, 56, 60–1, 66, 115, epilepsy 130 133, 166; oracle at, 1, 2, 73–5, 81, 90, 137, epiphanies 6–7, 170, 181 140, 145, 151, 179; priest at, 68, 69 Erchia 29 demes 29–30, 34, 79, 98, 172–4 Erechtheion 19–21, 40, 56, 94, 166 11, 18–19, 25, 58, 68, 122, 123, 149, Erechtheus 19, 21 173; at Athens 7; at Corinth 58; at Knidos Erichthonios 94 178; Karpophoros 178; Malophoros 51, 52, Ethiopians 128 58n; Prosymne 55; Thesmophoros 10; Etruscans 150 Demeter-Ceres 143; see also Eleusis; Eubouleus 99 ; Malophoros; Eumenides 43, 118 Thesmophoria Eumolpidai 26, 68, 105 Demetrios Poliorketes 7, 28–9 Euripides 43, 44 democracy 79, 82, 96 Euthyphro 70, 73, 128, 133 Demosthenes 102, 116 exegetai 70, 133 Derveni 114, 117–19 Diagoras of Melos 127, 136n families 34, 51–2, 59, 61–2, 64, 128–9, 154, 164 Diana on the Aventine 145 fasting 99, 149 Didyma 37, 62 fertility 25, 29, 51, 99–100, 106 Dio of Prusa 57 festivals 3, 8, 12, 25–46, 76, 116; of Bendis 77; Diodorus Siculus 131 Epicurus and 136; reorganised 81; at Rome of Sinope 136 153; texts on 2, 172–3, 174–5, 177; see also Dionysia 44, 173;Great 28, 29, 43, 52; rural 29 Amphidromia; Anthesteria; Apatouria; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 148–9, 152–3 Arrhephoria; Eleusinian Mysteries; Dionysos 12, 27, 29n, 114, 115–18, 119–20, 123, Karneia; Oschophoria; Panhellenic 131, 144, 160, 173; at Athens 40, 43–4, 52–3, festivals; Panathenaia; Thesmophoria 98, 117; at Corinth 158; at Ephesos 23, 156; finances 63–6, 77, 81, 156, 165; see also revenues at Limnai (in the Marshes) 28, 117; flute-players 148 Bakkheios 115; Saviour 55; see also Bakkhios France 18 diseases 109–12, 130, 131 funerals 100, 176, 180; monuments 71–2, 100–1, divination 150, 154–5, 164 176 diviners 1, 72–3, 74, 133, 177 doctors 112, 130 16 drama 43–4 Gambreion 180 dreams 1, 73, 105, 108, 109, 111 games 2, 6, 8, 39, 41–3, 78, 168; of Bendis 77; commemorated 62–3; of Mater Magna 148; earthquakes 131, 169 texts on 175, 181 eclipses 131 Gaza 162 Egypt 123, 140, 159; cults of 48, 77, 141 gender 18, 61, 68, 98–100; see also boys; Eleusinian initiates 44, 122, 156; Mysteries 7, children; girls; women and religion 26–7, 29, 80–1, 102–7, 108, 116, 122, 136, gene 68 149, 161, 164;officials of 68–9, 169; giants 13 profanation of 82–5 gifts to the gods 38, 133 Eleusinion at Athens 53–4, 105 girls 30, 33, 45, 63, 68, 70, 90–5

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gods 1, 3, 6, 11–13, 23–5, 36, 37–9, 85–7; Homeric Hymns 45; see also Hymn to Demeter critiques of 126–9, 133–4, 137–8; as mental hoplites 31, 96 images 135–6 household 97 gold 3, 39, 55, 56–7, 60–1, 63, 66, 120, 145 houses 89 Gortyn 124 Hymn to Demeter 18–19, 105–6 graves 101 hymns 7, 37, 43, 45, 138–9; prose 46 gravestones 70, 71–2, 100, 107n, 176 Hypatius 168 Great Gods 112, 147 gunaikonomoi 174, 180 Ibycus 41 gymnasium 45 images, cult 3, 32, 37, 55–8, 169; of Artemis of Ephesos 23, 145; at Claros 75; texts on 5, 81, Hades 12, 101, 107, 118, 121, 159; at Eleusis 104; 175, 179 and 18–19, 24, 105 imperial cults 155–6, 158; see also ruler cult Hadrian 23, 75, 157 impiety law 82, 133–4 Halae 44 Inanna 16 healing cults 109–12, 145–7, 168–9 incense 7, 30, 97, 118, 139, 177 Hekate 50, 52, 101, 113, 172; Chthonia 101 incubation 145, 169 Helen 30, 173 individuals and religion 1, 64, 70, 78, 89, 108, Hellanicus 15 112–14, 137; see also votives Hellenistic kings 61, 66, 108–9, 157 Indo-Europeans 16 Hephaesteion 166–7 initiates 119–20, 121, 147, 154; see also Hephaistos 9, 11, 21, 68, 94, 144 Eleusinian 11, 24, 96, 157, 173; at Argos 41, 53;at initiation 112–25, 149, 180; as category 17, 94; Samos 47, 62; Hera-Juno 143 private 114; see also Eleusinian Herakles 96, 132; at Ephesos 23, 156; at Rome inscriptions 3, 9, 59, 62, 98–9, 107, 108, 109, 149; texts on 173, 178 147, 151; appendix of 172–82 heralds 4, 45, 76, 111, 170; sacred 26, 103, 112, Iphigeneia 90 174 Isaeus 34, 100, 101 Hercules 150 Isis 77, 78n, 123–5, 141 heretics 159 Isocrates 106 7, 11, 82, 87, 101, 112; Anubis 124; Isthmia 26, 39, 43, 62, 78 Chthonios 101–2; Egyptian 161n; at Athens ivory 55, 56, 57, 58, 60 21; in Arcadia 57; at Syedra 179 herms 35, 112; mutilation of 82–4 Jews 140, 143, 158–63, 169 Herodotos 5–6, 15, 22, 47, 73–4, 103, 112, John, bishop of Ephesos 170 115–16, 123, 131 Josephus 159 heroes 19, 22, 33, 49, 56, 58, 81, 132 Judaism, religious assumptions of 3, 11, 36, 183 Herse 20, 94 Julia Domna 158 Hesiod 6, 13–18, 35–6; criticised 117, 118, 164, 165 126–8, 137, 150, 153, 160 Jupiter Optimus Maximus 150, 158 56 justice 44, 72, 138, 179 hieromnemones 173 Justin 160, 163–4 hieronomos 176, 180 Justinian 170 hierophant 177–8; of Eleusis 105, 169 hieropoioi 76, 179 Kalligeneia 99 Hinduism 11 kanephoroi 31, 33, 35, 59, 152 Hippocrates 130 Karneia 27, 30 Hippodamus 48n, 65 Kekrops 15, 19, 20, 21 Hippolytos 105 Kephalos 173 Hipponion 120 Kerykes 26, 68, 109 historians, Greek 131–3; Jewish and Christian khresmologoi 74 133n Kiron 34 holiness 128 Kition 76–7 Homer 6, 12–15, 37, 48, 57, 170; criticised Knidos 60, 178 126–8, 135, 137, 160 korai 4, 62, 100

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Kore 58, 99; Soteira 178–9 Miletos 37, 75 Korotrophos 172 15 Kos 63n, 65, 96, 109 Minotaur 98, 131n Kouretes 118, 178 monastery 170 kouroi 4–5, 62, 100 monotheism 10, 67 Kronos 16, 117, 128, 135, 153 morality 87–8, 127–9, 138, 141, 159 kukeon 106 Moses 163 Kyme 123–4 Mother Antaia 49 mothers 12, 63, 95, 97, 106, 116, 129 Lampon 73, 108, 129–30 Mount Lykaion 54 lands 65–6, 81, 165 mountains 54–5 Lavinium 147 mourning 18, 99, 100–1, 105; text on 180 laws 78–9, 81, 101, 133–4, 139, 154; sacred 9, Musaios 160 70, 176–8, 180–2 music 31, 37, 39, 45, 59, 118, 127; texts on 175, leases 65 177 lekythoi 101 mustai 147 Lenaia 26, 43 Mycenae 53 Leocrates 81 Myrrhina 69n, 176 Leontius 168 mysteries 86, 149, 161, 163; see also Eleusinian Lerna 55 myths 60, 149–50, 153, 156; aetiological 18, Lesbos 120 35–6, 43, 90, 96; Athenian 19–22, 43, 96; Leto 45, 60, 75 critiques of 15, 126–9, 131–2, 135, 138, 153, libations 7, 35, 86, 97, 101, 116 159–60; handbooks of 17; local 9–10, 19–25, Liber 144, 148 43; of sacrifice 17, 35–6; origins of 16–17; Libera 144, 148 Orphic 117–19; Panhellenic 6, 11–19 lineages 68, 150n; see also Eumolpidai; Kerykes Locri 24–5, 51–2, 96 Naassenes 105n, 161 Loryma 178 nature 129–30 lot 69, 176 Naxians 60 Lucius 123–5 Nemea 6, 26, 39, 43, 62 Lycurgus 54, 81, 95–6, 102 Night 117 Lysias 79 Nikomakhos 78–9 Nonnos 14 maenads 44n, 115, 116n, 158 novels 123–5 magic 101–2, 114, 164 Numa 154 Magnesia on the Maeander 174–5 Nymphs 40, 59, 116 Malophoros 178; see also Demeter manteis 1, 70 oaths 87, 95–6, 132, 152, 154; text on 173 Mantiklos 38 Oceanus 135 Mantinea 53 Oedipus 18 Marcus Aurelius 141–2, 155 Oenoanda 45, 46 Marinus 168 Oenomaus of Gadara 136–7 marriage 24–5, 29, 51, 95, 96–7, 106, 173 offerings 37, 80, 96–7, 139; see also votives Massilia 60, 145 officials, religious 67–73 Mater Magna 148, 153, 161, 163 oil jars 41, 43 medical writings 130, 131 Olbia 115, 119 Megara 51, 65, 74n olive trees 20, 21, 41, 94 Megara Hyblaia 49–50, 55, 58 Olympia 2, 57–8; games at 6, 8, 26, 39, 58, 78, Melanthos 96 168 memory 123 On the Sacred Disease 130 Memphis 123 oracles 28, 73–6, 81, 131, 137, 165n; see also men 12, 61–2, 68–9, 71, 95–6, 98, 112 Claros; Delphi; Didyma; Dodona Menander 108 Origen 159 Metapontion 119 Oropos 65 Metis 17, 117 Orpheus 118–19, 121, 160–1, 162

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Orphic cosmogonies 129; gold leaves 120–1, Phobos 178 123; hymns 118–19; mysteries 114; writings Phocaeans 145 122 Phocians 66 Orphics 119–20, 122–3, 141 Phoenicians 16, 76–7 orthodoxy 158–9 phratries 30, 66, 79, 90, 95, 97 Oschophoria 98 Phrygia 148, 153 Ouranos 16, 117, 128, 153 piety 114, 122, 128, 137–40; text on 181 oxen 34 piglets 99, 172–3 Pindar 41, 43 paean 177 pirates 75, 179–80 paidonomoi 174 Pitsa 59 Painted Stoa 12, 22 plague 75, 131 paintings 12, 22, 59, 129 Plataia 22, 60 Palaikastro 37 15, 77, 155, 163, 164; Apology 85–8; Pan 40, 55, 108, 116 Euthyphro 70, 73, 128, 133–4, 137; Laws 116, Panathenaia 25n, 29, 30–4, 42, 45, 166, 168; 133, 137–8; Republic 70, 72, 120, 128–9, 138 Greater 39, 41, 80, 128; Lesser 81; sacrifices Pliny the Younger 151 at 33–4 114–15, 129–30 Pandrosos 20, 21, 40, 94, 160 Plutarch, early fifth century AD 166 Panhellenic festivals 26, 39; myths 11–19, 23–5; Plutarch, late fifth century AD 169 sanctuaries 59, 61, 63–4; system 3–9 poets 128, 129, 135, 159 Parnassos 115 politics and religion 3, 67, 69, 73–5, 76–81, Parthenon 19–20, 22, 32, 40, 49, 56, 64, 66, 68, 82–8; curses and 102; women and 51, 95, 166, 168 98–9 Paul 7, 23, 36, 181 pollution 70, 130 Pausanias 8, 21, 29, 53, 54–5, 60, 92, 99, 105, Polybius 132, 152 122, 158, 160 polytheism 11, 67 Peiraeus 77 pomegranates 51, 62 Pelinna 125 Pompeion 31–2, 33–4 Peloponnesian War 54, 61, 65, 66, 75 Porphyry 139–40 Penates 147, 150 Portico of the (Archon) Basileus 28, 78 pennyroyal 106 7, 11–12, 69, 87, 131, 159; at Athens Pentheus 158 19–20, 48, 56, 150, 160, 172; at Delphi 56; Pergamon 13, 14, 63, 69, 110–12, 147; text from Hippios 53; the Securer 49; text on 178 176–7 Potidaea 60 Pericles 130 prayers 34, 37, 49, 76, 133, 137–8, 168; texts on Peripatetics 139, 164 174, 177 persecutions 164 priesthoods 126, 133, 150–1 Persephone 19, 44, 101, 160, 178; at Locri 24–5, priests 3, 37, 54, 67–72, 76, 84, 169, 170;of 27, 51, 96; Orphic 117, 118, 121, 123; and Athena 92; at Lystra 7; at Massilia 145; Rome 144, 153; see also Eleusinian Mysteries; perquisites of 34, 68, 175, 176; at Rome 148, Thesmophoria 149; texts on 48, 55, 172, 175–6 Persians 1, 140, 156; sack by 5–6, 20, 61, 103; processions 30–3, 68, 81, 98, 99; of Bendis struggle against 21, 22, 55, 60, 61, 74, 103 77–8; to Brauron 90, 91; linking places 52, Petelia 120 53–4, 103; texts on 48–9, 174–5, 177; see also Pharsalos 120 Panathenaia Pheidias 56–7, 64 Proclus 45n, 168–9 Pherenicus 101 Prokris 29, 173 Philip of Macedon 75, 81 35–6 Philo 155 Propylaea 40, 64 Philo of Alexandria 163 Proserpina 149, 150 Philodemus 136 Protogonos 117 119 providence 131–3, 139, 176 Philoneos 97 prutaneion 177, 179 philosophers 126–42 punishment, divine 132

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purifications 76, 97, 105, 114–15, 118, 130;text Sceptics 134–5 on 176 sculpture 4, 129; see also images, cult; statues 134 Scythia 115–16 119, 123, 127, 154 sea-faring 114 Pythagoreans 119–23, 125, 127, 140, 154, 164 seers 112; see also diviners 68, 69, 74, 158 Selinus 49, 51, 178 senate, Roman 150–1, 153–4, 155, 177 quindecimviri 148 Seneca 155 Septuagint 163 rebirth 122–3 Serapis 165 reincarnation 122 134–5 religion, category of 3, 183; and Hellenism sexual abstinence 69, 149, 176 4–6; and philosophy 140–2 shrines 37, 82, 94; see also sanctuaries religious authority 150–1; groups 141;officials Sibylline Books 148, 149, 151, 153 67–73; threats 82–8; toleration 67 Sicily 144 revenues 81, 156, 157, 177; see also change, Sicyon 55, 57, 59, 60 religious; finances Sidon 8 Rhapsodies 117–18, 122 Simonides 41 Rhea 16 Siphnos 60 rituals, funerary 100–1; social role of 88–107; Skyles 115–16 understanding of 3, 183; see also initiation; Skyros 22 sacrifices slaves 34, 45, 98, 102, 112, 153 robe 26, 33, 39n, 68, 92, 128 Sleep 55 Roma 40, 158n Smyrna 44, 157 Roman and Greek rites 148–9; citizens 151–2; snake 21, 94, 145 controls 66, 156–8, 164–5, 170; gods 143–58; society, religion and 17–18, 34, 88, 89–107, governors 147, 156, 157, 164, 181; responses 153–4 to Greek cults 143–55 77, 96, 127, 128, 133, 164n; trial of 82, Romulus 152–3 85–8, 128, 137 ruler cult 7; see also imperial cults Solon 78 Sophocles 44, 109n Sabazios 114, 116 souls 101–2, 118, 120, 122–3, 138, 141–2, 163; sacrifices 1–2, 4, 31, 32, 33–6, 58, 68, 76, 81, 95; migration of 121 bibliography on 185; calendar and 29, 78–9; Sparta 9n, 28, 30, 75, 132 chthonic 50, 101; Christians and 36, 160, spells 72 163, 166; critiques of 121–2, 139–40, 155; sport 39 human 54, 90; meat from 33–6, 175, 177; St Andrew 169 myths of 35–6; nocturnal 164; philosophers statues 4–5, 70, 90, 93, 169, 181–2; see also and 133; private 34, 37, 59, 63, 64, 96, 97–8; images, cult; sculpture Roman 147, 149, 152, 155; Socrates and 86; Stoics 138–9, 141, 155, 163, 164 texts on 6, 48–9, 172–3, 174–5, 176–8; storms 132 Thesmophoria and 99; variants of 115, 118 Strabo 15 sacrilege 136 Strepsiades 85–7 Saecular Games 149 sumposia 12 Salamis 74 superstition 114, 129, 152 Samos 15, 47, 62, 65, 119 supplications 130, 131 Samothrace 112–14, 122, 136, 147–8 Syedra 75, 179–80 sanctuaries 9–10, 12, 24–5, 41, 47, 90–1, 96, 98, synagogue 162 117; appearance and setting of 54–8; Syracuse 60 bibliography on 185; ending of 165–70; Syrians 140, 169 expenses of 63–6; locations of 48–54;in Plato’s Laws 133; Panhellenic 6; permission Tarentum 120 for 76–7; phratry 90, 95; Rome and 156–7; taxes 176–7; see also finances at Rome 143, 145; rules for 4; texts on 2–3, Tegea 53 81, 176, 181; votives in 58–63; see also shrines Telemachos 109 and under individual sites and monuments telesterion 103–5

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temenos 51 tuche 132 temples 2, 5–6, 7, 9–10, 37, 47, 69, 81, 150, 157; twelve gods 11–12, 33, 175 in Aristotle 129; destruction of 165–6;at tyrants 18 Ephesos 157, 165; at Rome 150, 152; stealing from 66, 136; text on 181; see also sanctuaries; underworld 101, 106–7, 118, 120–1, 122–3 shrines templum 150 vases 12, 31, 35, 41, 90, 92, 96, 101, 144; Tethys 135 bibliography on 185 Thasos 30 vegetarianism 122, 139, 155 theatres 23, 58, 111, 163, 168, 177; of Dionysos Veii 145 40, 43 Vesta 147 Thebes 38, 60, 115n Vestal Virgins 150 Themis 77 visions 145; see also dreams Themistocles 74 vitex 99 theology 126–7 votives 34, 37–9, 51, 58–63, 81, 134, 136, 157, Theophrastos 114, 139, 140 169; bibliography on 185; texts on 178; see Theopompus 140 also offerings Thera 74 Vulcan 143 Theseus 22, 98 Thesmophoria 44, 98–100, 106, 108, 149; texts warfare 4, 27–8, 131 on 173–4, 180 weaving 32, 92, 95 Thesmophorion 180 women 36, 98, 120; and religion 24, 26, 51, 68, Thessalonica 168 102, 115, 149; texts on 173–4, 176, 178, 180; thiasos 116 see also children; marriage; Thesmophoria Thorikos (deme) 29, 30, 172–3 woods 3, 55 Thorikos (hero) 29, 173 Thrace 80 122, 127–8, 134 Thracians 77–8, 128 Xenophon 85–8, 132; Anabasis 1–4, 72–3, 86 Thucydides 15, 82, 131, 132 Xenophon of Ephesos 30 Thurii 121 Xerxes 5 Tiberius 156 xoana 57, 175 Tiryns 53 Titans 13, 15, 16, 18, 35, 117, 123, 159 Zeno 138 Torah 163 Zeus 7, 11–12, 13–14, 16–18, 35–6, 68, 87, 96, traditions, criticised 117–23, 126–42, 152–3, 117–18, 141, 156, 157; criticised 128, 135, 153; 158–60; importance of 78–9, 81; see also at Apamea 165; at Dodona 75, 77;at change, religious Olympia 57, 58; hymn to 138–9; Herkeios tragedies 28, 43–4, 80, 133n 21, 172; Hypatos 21; Kataibates 172; Tralles 170 Kharmos 53; Ktesios 34, 97, 108; Lykaios treasuries 60, 61, 166 54; Meilichios 2, 51, 52, 173; of Safety tribes 79 (Soter) 2, 49, 134; Olympios 157; tribute 65, 80 Panhellenios 157; Polieus 40, 172; Sosipolis Trojan war 13, 131, 170 175; the King 1; Zeus-Jupiter 143; text on 178 Troy 148 Zosimus 169–70

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