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Battalion Editorials the Battalion Jets Proven BLOOD RELATIVES From the City Desk . Battalion Editorials Superior In Innovations Bring Page 2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1950 Korean War New Expenditure By JAMES J. STREBIG AP Aviation Reporter . By Joel Austin Thanks for Better Student Government . Washington, Oct. 16—6P)—Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg believes the The Class of ’51 is to be commended and Besides active senators, each of the three South Korea campaign clinched the Very seldom can you find an innovation of any system congratulated for setting a great new tra­ underclasses has three elected representa­ case for a jet air force. that doesn’t bring about added expenditures. Such is the Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of case with College Station’s newly proposed electricity supply. dition—fairer distribution of representation tives to the Senate. These representatives Staff, said in an interview that in student government. This year, eight of have no voting right, but at the request of combat experience shows jet fight­ To predict the actions of the city council 24 hours before ers will take more punishment from the corps representatives on the Student other senators, they may speak before the it meets we would say that in addition to the new rates estab­ either air or ground fire than pis­ lished in a meeting Friday night, power will also be offered Senate are juniors. Last Wednesday night, Senate on matters in which their class has in­ ton engine fighters. This contrasts with previous fears that the deli­ residents of the College Hills area at the same price as the these eight juniors were given ten important terests. The principal reason for admitting cately balanced gas turbine en­ rest of College Station. posts, ranging from standing committee these representatives is to acquaint them gines might be more easily put out of action. Although this section of town is presently getting its memberships to secretary of the Senate. For with the functions of the Senate. He said jets now can match pis­ power through the City of Bryan-REA tie up, the council the first time, a junior holds one of the elect­ ton engine planes in range and ca­ The real effect of increased representa­ will most likely accept the bid from the Brazos River Trans­ ed positions of Senate liaison on the Student pacity to carry bombs, rockets and mission Electric Cooperative, making the new rates available tion in student government will be seen next guns, while far exceeding them in Life Committee. to the east side people. year. With so many experienced men re­ speed and climb. And jets are These juniors are to be admired for prov­ easier to maintain. In order to serve these people with electricity, new lines turning, the Senate should not have to waste ing their abilities thoroughly enough to be Pilots Like Jets will have to be built parallel to the present lines which belong time in learning how to conduct itself. Near­ elected to such responsible stations. But “The boys feel better in jets, to the Bryan power company. In addition, the City of Col­ ly every standing committee will have an ex­ Vandenberg said about pilots who they should realize the advantage they have lege Station would be required to obtain electricity supplied perienced man to guide it and “sparkplug” have fought in Korea. “They found by the Brazos River Transmission from their sub-station enjoyed over previous Junior Classes. Last the jets can take the gdff better its early efforts. than conventional types, and they some five or six miles away. year, and in most prior years, juniors were can get out of hot spots in a hurry Behind the Scenes . This being the case, money to finance this new, cheaper strongly discouraged from running for office We are expecting big things from the or go upstairs and fight if at­ supply is going to have to come from some one. The city’s tacked.” against seniors. “Wait your turn, this is our junior Senators. They should take advan­ On a broad basis, the air force supply of wire, which is practically enough to meet the de­ year,” was the watchword of many former tage of every opportunity to prove to the leader felt that South Korea “con­ mands of building a line to the sub-station, is still far from solidated our previous views—we ‘Two Flags West’Reminder the amounts needed for the complete job. Senior classes. students they represent that their election know we have to have a plane that Last year, for instance, only four of the to office was a wise decision. can fight its way through enemy Of ‘War Between States’ But with their offer for lower electric rates, the Brazos elected corps representatives were Juniors. Abstaining from unethical actions, es­ air opposition and also do ground River Electric Cooperative, has made available to the city a support work.” surplus supply of wire, transformers, etc. which they have pecially when tradition upholds such actions, By Fred Walker And of these, one was from Hart Hall, one Beyond the fundamentals of for sale at cost price. was from a veteran outfit, and one repre­ has proved as laudable as some more positive jet fighter operations, the air force “didn’t learn a whole lot” in South Political issues, salvation, and silent love take the lime­ But with their bid to seM the city these supplies, the sented the day students. Only one of the measures. Thanks, Class of ’51, for your Korea because the one jet type light in “Two Flags West”, 20th’s answer to “If you can’t money for a new line to make the loop through College Hills juniors had to compete against seniors of a help in creating better student government in service was not especially de­ beat ’em, join ’em.” signed for ground support work would necessitate a revenue bond issue, the amount of which '/class distinction” minded outfit. for Texas A&M. and there were no enemy jets in A troop of Southern cavalry, abiding in Hollywood’s is still to be determined. the air. version of an FHA project, is given the chance of freedom As we said, nothing has definitely been decided about The North Korea phase will see by Yankee Captain Cornel Wilde if they will join the Army making this cheap power available to people in College Bills, Grime Syndicates or Free Enterprise? some changes in operations be­ of the Republic to combat Indians on the frontier. The de­ although it was recommended by Dr. F. C. Bolton in his re­ cause of the tremendous advantage ciding vote is cast by their leader Joseph Cotton, and the of air bases near the battle line, port to the council last Friday. Free enterprise seems to have domestic cates'' have become interested in legitimate Vandenberg said. In South Korea, little group snarlingly dons the Blue. With the college’s decrease in charges for power, the as well as foreign problems. According to enterprises such as laundries, hotels, dress­ most fighters operated across the Upon arrival of their far flung outpost, the “converted” new rates established by the city council Friday night will Senator Kefauver, chairman of the Senate Japan Sea. That was quite a han­ Rebels find the Commandant to be suffering from a persecu­ go into effect one month from now. making, oil production, and communications. dicap for the Lockheed F-80 shoot­ tion complex of the greatest caliber. Commander Jeff Chand­ crime investigating committee, hoodlums are ing star until extra large wingtip But with the passage of a revenue bond, citizens of Col­ This “legitimate” list is, of course, in addi­ ler has a bitter outlook on life and a terrible hate for all “moving in” on legitimate business. fuel tanks were improvised. lege Hills would be paying something like $4.73 (less 10% tion to the businesses which are borderline Rebels, Indians and Confederates alike. To make matters . Kefauver is trying to gain the support Units. Rotated when paid by the fifteenth of the month) instead of $6.50 cases that exist on the fringe of legitimacy. worse, he is desperately in love with his widowed sister-in- net for 150 kilowatt hours—strictly unofficial figures! of business men in this fight against crime Small units of the Republic F-84 law, Linda Darnell, but tries to rationalize by pretending thunderjet fighter and the North by showing that business can not tolerate We congratulte the committee for their American B145 Tornado bomber, that his desire is nothing but fraternal love brought about Don’t Forget the Tauber Addition the unscrupulous tactics employed by crim­ courage, and wish them every success in an both designed for ground support, by the dead brother. will be given a chance at combat • For too long the people in this taking it in. inals. These tactics range from simple co­ investigation that is long overdue. A lesser experience in North Korea, the Chandler berrates and attacks who are introduced as gun-runners relatively new section of town have To this writer, College Station ercion to murder. organization than a Senate committee might general said. Cotton incessantly, while the en- and smugglers, been buying their power from the would be the logical place to admit Vandenberg said General Doug­ listed personnel spit upon each oth- Cornel has placed his faith in City of Bryan at a price which is the Tauber Addition since some of The hearings of the committee are slowly find such activities impossible or inadvis­ las MacArthur had committed only er. Matters come to a head when Cotton, but Chandler, who still far beyond the new rates agreed the businesses in the proposed revealing the extent to which “crime syndi­ able.
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