Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-Gazette By Tk* Caurlar-Oazatta.. 485 Main 8L, Established January, 1846. EataraB as Saeond Claaa Mail Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, , 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80...,. .. .Number 67. The Courier-Gazette ROCKLAND WILL TELL ’EM Three Guardsmen Promoted THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK

ALL THE HOME NEWS City Is Going Ahead With Publicity Campaign—Last \ ANNOUNCEMENT I Subscript loo $3.00 per year payable la ad­ Night’s Live Meeting Means That Our Good City Is vance; single copies three cents. Advertising rates based upon circulation | On the Way. and very reasonable. NEWSPAPER HISTORY The Rockland Gazette was established In ' 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established 1 This is to announce to the Women and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. If Rockland continues to hide its out; that more than 55 percent of the The Free Tress was established in 1855, and light under a bushel It will be certified potatoes are grown in of Rockland and vicinity that I am nou) In 1891 ciidnyed Its name to the Tribune, j through no fault of the 50 or more Maine; that the State has the lowesi These papers consolidated March 17, 189t_ „roKresslve citizens who last night percentage of mortgaged farms; and In Thorndike Grill and form- that more of the farmers’ boys and the Registered Spencer Corseliere and uIated pIans for the city's better- girls are to be found in tlie High ♦ There Is no happiness blit In a ♦ ment through the medium of a pub- Schools than in any other State. will be glad to make appointments at Tlrtuous and self-approving conduct. •— liclty campaign sponsored by the "Advice to farmers lif a popular » —Franklin. — Chamber of Commerce. indoor sport at the present time," my home, 154 North Main Street, / | The principal speakers were Frank said Mr. Washburn, "but there Is a p Washburn, commissioner of agrl- lot we can do.. We can say a good Rockland or at the home of any client _ _ eroAD culture, who declared that the pros- Word for the co-operative organiza­ A BIG 5GRA verity of any city is Interwoven with tions. In the minds of some people _ „ , , , , . , , ! the welfare of the rural community; tinis Is only & scheme to boost prices, at any- time. Telephone 212-13. The 200 ships designated tor scrap- R L H of Bar Harbor who hut let a farmer become associated '.’lnS.?,C„!?.1i^^t“t'" ^.P.'L"K ’ how Maine's greatest summer resort with other farmers and he becomes Board total 817,130 dead weight tons. I has profited from publicity: George much more concerned In the quality They include 68 coal burners of 3,525 j B. Wood, who reviewed the achieve­ of ills product. The Maine Potato dead weight tons, one coal burner of ! ments of >he Chamber of Corn- Growers' Exchange lias done a won­ CHRISTINE M. DORMAN \ 4,155 tons, 16 coal burners of around inerce and outlined its hopes; Mayor derful work and every carload 3300 tons, 18 coal burning lakers of Carlton F. Snow, who made a strong shipped is a source of satisfaction from 3,200 to 3,500 tons, 51 coal burn­ plea for a community center; and and pride. ing lakers of 4,165 tons and 50 oil Glenn A. Lawrence, who read from Major Ralph W. Brown Captain H. P. MacAlman Lieut. R. Francis Savillo burners of from 5,000 to 5,300 tons. | Buy Maine Products his manuscript a boost for Maine that Tlie Shipping Board will advertise i brought an enthusiastic outburst. "We can interest the people In buy­ Long service In the armed forces Artillery. He recruited 48 inen'at | tion and Rockland Lodge, B. P. O. E. at once the list of vessels to be Interspersing these speeches were the ing Maine farm products. If we de­ his own expense, and was appointed Coincident with Major Brown’s scrapped, and Henry Ford is expected i of the United States has had its re­ timely remarks of Toastmaster Henry mand Maine apples in the trains, at Battalion sergeant major. 1 promotion two other members of Bat- to put in a bid for the whole 200, as ward in tlie rase of Ralph W. Brown B. Bird, whose earnestness of pur­ the fruit stores and other places wo Detailed on recruiting service ho ' tery G move up the ladder, well as for 30 more that he would pose and enthusiasm in his subject visit, we will eventually get Maine who lias received Ills promotion from went to Southern training camps— ; Harrison I’. MacAlman, who be- use in the fruit trade. could not be gainsaid. apples. And the same Is true of 1 captain of Battery G, 240th Coast Ar- Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and Spartan- comes captain, Is a native of Union The upshot of this meeting was the. butter, milk and other commodities. ’ tillcry. to commanding officer of the burg S. C-, being first attached to the and a graduate of Thomaston High Immediate launching of a campaign A widespread demand for Maine i Second Battalion, with rank of ma­ 56th Infantry, and later to the 61st. I School. While employed by his for additional memberships in the canned goods would be the means of jor, ami headquarters in this city. He trained colored troops, and was , uncle in a Boston automobile estab- Chamber, and the decision to have opening thousands of acres now idle. Major Brown's military career ready to embark for Overseas when J llshmcnt lie attended night school at THE GRACIE MUSIC SHOPPE an office on the ground floor, Main Co-operation is the key. The old I dates back to the 'Spanish War, the Armistice was signed. He was Northeastern University. Ho went HOME OF MUSICAL VALUES street, where the Chamber of Com­ prejudice, doubt and suspicion arc which found him an enlisted man at 21 months In service during tlie Overseas with the Yankee Division. JUST ARRIVED merce will be easily within reach of passing out. We are coming to see the age of 15. World War. serving as a member of Co. C, 101st i strangers who seek information and that we are all Interdependent. It He became a member of the Na- In December, 1920 he was author- Engineers. He enlisted in Battery LATEST JUNE NUMBERS of business interests which have a Is one of the most hopeful signs of i tional Guard forces in 1900 when he ized to form the 5th company of 1 G throe years ago as a private, re- REGAL RECORDS 39 CENTS right to expect its aid. tlie times. ! joined Co. II, (Tillson Light Infan Coast Artillery, Maine National 1 ceivlng rapid promotion as the re- Bird Sums It Up "The condition of the schools in the t/’) lst Ma|ne Regiment of Infantry, Guard. This later became tlie 305tn suit of efficiency and interest shown. Vocal, Orchostration, Violin, Comic, Eac. rural towns makes a difference. Are Entering tlie company as a private Company and is today Battery G, He is a member of Winslow-Holbrook "The Boost Maine proposition Is not the children getting the advantages he was promoted to lst sergeant, and 240th F. A. He has been acting ma­ Post, A. L-, Rockland Lodge, B. P. O. Portable Phonographs $15.00 and up a flash in the pan; it is a real move­ they ought to have? It makes a dif­ was then appointed a staff officer, jor since December, 1924, and Ills E., Aurora Lodge, F. & A. M„ and of ment,” said Henry B. Bird,'who called MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES ference whether the road between with the rank of lieutenant. official appointment to that position the executive board of the Red Cross. ' tlie meeting to order after an ex­ your house or store and the farmers At the outbreak of the Mexican is fitting recognition of long and R. Francis Savillo, who is promoted Come in and hear the 39c Records and $15.00 cellent supper had been discussed. yard is in good passable condition. trouble he went to the border with efficient service. His ability as an to lst lieutenant, is a native of Rock­ “It is going to be the greatest thing Y°U'LI, be delighted with “I am often asked the question as the lst New Hampshire Field Artil- instructor and disciplinarian is seen land, and was one of the original Phonograph J that ever struck Maine, financially to whether I would advise young men lery’ h»ving meantime found employ- in the fact that Battery G is one of menihew of Battery G. He enlisted a dinner eaten here. and In every other way." to engage in farming. My answer al­ ment in Manchester. He was as the crack companies of the regiment, j us private, was appointed corporal THE GRACIE MUSIC SHOPPE Mr. Bird outlined the three out­ Food of proven purity served most invariably, is ‘yes, under certa'n signed to headquarters of the 4t!i Major Brown is a member of | the following year, and sergeant a PARK THEATRE BUILDING ROCKLAND, ME. standing projects now receiving pub­ conditions and limitations. Agricul­ Separate Brigade, and saw service the Brown Cigar Co., has been city year later. In tlfe examination for in the style that will please lic attention—the line of steamships ture is bound to feel the effect of this in Mexico and along tlie border, and county committeeman In the Re­ second lieutenant he made the best whlich the Eastern is going to operate 1 I r— you. Appetizing salads and Boost Maine movement." where .several times he listened to publican party, Is court messenger, allowing of six candidates and re­ -S___ —4 '-f— between New York and Eastport; Commissioner Wastiburq got a the music of the snipers. captain in the U. S. Reserve Corps, ceived tlie appointment. Lieut. Sa- » — —a 3 r '• desserts that will cause you the Kennebec 'Bridge, which IS 9 great hand when he declared that lie He was discharged April 20, 1917, and belongs to Winslow-Holbrook vllle is salesman for the Rockland to talk about us. GOING TO BE BIULT; and the find the men under him in the agri- an<^ camc hack to Rockland, where he Post, A. L„ Veterans of Foreign Garage Co., and very successful In Boost Main proposition itself. “It Is cultural department were going to do ln’niedlately started recruiting a Wars, Sons of American Revolution, that vocation. He is also prominent acquainted with Get hard to tell which of the three is go­ everything in their power to get the ; i,latoon for the 1st Maine Heavy Field Officers of National Guard Associa- j In local entertainments. ing to be the biggest,” said Mr. Bird. “Bill O'Faro Kennebec Bridge. “We can put the “Taken together Miey assume huge project across," said he, adding that proportions. Gov, Brewster’s energy advertising program was felt, and will attain when the Kennebec Bridge It means a great deal toward the THE EASTERN’S PLANS and effort will acquaint the world $6,200 was raised. With this money is built. Tlie city will become a prosperity of the farmers.” Newbert’s Cafeteria with the State's attractions; the a permanent office was maintained national shopping center. He said A SAVING Of TEN DOLLARS Rockland’s Finest Eating Place 1 bridge will transport automobiles The Maine Building and pamphlets were issued which not 1 that already Rockland is gaining the Service On Portland-New across the river; and the Eastern’s only advertised Bar Harbor's scenic reputation of being a place where Commissioner Washburn paid Ills : : On a : : boats will carry passengers from New attractions but contained lists of they do things, among them being the York and Portland-Ea®t- respects to the Maine building which York and beyond, to Maine ports. rooming houses, eating establish-I creation of the Community Chest. Is to be erected in Springfield. “You port Lines Begins June I 5. The frleght service is going to be of ments. etc., with their prices. This j Thlis is the only city in the State MADE TO MEASURE SUIT are going to have a tangible part latter hcl|ied overcome the impres­ inestimable value, particularly to our where this enterprise has been put According to circulars sent out by of your county transported to Sprlng- sion that Bar Harbor was an ultra wholesale merchants. This line across. “We mustn’t take the atti­ the Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc., -fieid to help advertise your State." exclusive summer resort beyond tlie I have fifty new patterns just in from the mill. will tap a territory which we have tude that things can’t ho done in has been selected as the date said he, referring to the donation of reach of the average summer visitor. not been able to get at since the days Rockland, because elsewhere there is for thte resumption of direct passen­ Some of these pieces have one suit pattern; others lime which is to he made by the Last year 70,000 persons visited Bar START of the steamer Frank Jones. a well defined idea that they are ger service between Portland and Rockland and Rockport Lime Corpor­ Harbor. “It Is impossible," said Mr. have two c- three patterns. All wool and good “I have never seen such an awaken- being done. New York City via Long Island ! ing In Maine as there Is at the pres­ ation. He said that it is Gov. Hadley, “to estimate the amount colors. Brewster's purpose to send 1000 mo- Sound. Tlie steamer Calvin Austin, ent time. In Washington the other Hiey spent, but if it was only $1 a All Up For the Mayor tor cars tilled with enthusiastic Maine1 head there were 70,000 good American which is now being given a thorough SUITS FROM THESE PATTERNS $30.00 SAVING NOW. day I talked witli Fred W. Wight, The guests were promptly on their overhauling at Boston, will make her who said it seemed to him as if Gov. boomers, to the dedication of this dollars. Nobody can pass through fpet when Mayor Snow was intro­ Maine building. | your town without leaving some first trip from Portland on that date When you begin to earn Brewster was there all the time after duced, and he rewarded them with 'For 50 years." said he. ‘’we have money. Ills car needs gasoline, and According to the schedule she will something, and was getting it. What a speecli hetltting the high office he You should begin to save. been sending out some fine product!-, leaves money at the garage; ho leave the State Pier on Mondays and C. A. HAMILTON. are we going to do about It? Are we holds. Fridays at 6.30 p. m. (standard time), merely going to take what cornea amohg them some of our best young J probably wants a picnic dinner, and 442 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND men and women, who have gone to ! must patronize the grocery; ' and “A community center will become arriving at New York the following easily, or shall be bestir ourselves and a necessity,” said the mayor, “and afternoon at 5 p. rn. Returning, she ROCKLAND take a little more?” develop other communities. We j maybe he stays over night at a hotel have now changed our plans; we are j or boarding house. By a process of we will have it some day. While will leave New York at 10 a. m. on A Word For Tho Farms going to lay our laurels at the feet i multiplication you will see the value this would he a semi-public institu­ Wednesdays and Saturdays, reach­ SAVINGS BANK of the young men and women who I to your town.” tion it might take on a municipal ing Portland the following morning “Your welfare, prosperity and hap­ 429 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND make a success on the home farm." I Mr. Hadley said that Bar Harbor aspect if It included under its roof about 9 o’clock, the fare being $10 piness are closely connected with some municipal functions, Including a each way. According to this pro­ . s , that of the farmers," and Commis­ And the speaker brought his excellent maintained a camp-site for tourists address to a close with an appro- within town limits, but it was camp­ suitable rest room for men and gram, the Austin, both going and THE A strictly mutual savings sioner Washburn, who was intro­ women. It is perfectly practical to coming, will pass through Long priate toast, the last line of which ing in the primitive sense of the bank duced as the best posted man in was— put across In the near future.” Island Sound by daylight, tills being Maine on the subject of agriculture. word. The matter of a tourists' “Here's to the boys who stay." Speaking along the lines of public­ a most desirable feature of the trip. "Farming is not a decadont Industry; camp has been turned over to a spe­ ity Mayor Snow said that Rockland • • • « It is not down and out, as some pro- Toastmaster Bird chided Commis­ cial committee. DEPOSITS sioner Washburn gently for repeat­ has the necessary advantages for On the same date, the Eastern less to believe. While It is true that ing what he had said at a Portland Whero The Money Goes summer tourists, but that they have Steamship Lines freight and pas­ VENDOME Made during the first four feinting has not always paid in Convention about "canned goods not been properly advertised abroad. senger service between Portland and Maine, and that we have Tlie highest item of expense in Bar A New England Hotel for New England People So afraid that he might forget some Boothbay lHarhor, Friendship, .Rock­ days of the month will ' abandoned farms, we do have 48,000 being more healthy than any other Harbor's publicity work is free llt- form of food." of tlie good things he had in mind, land. Eastport and Lubec will be in­ which are in operation representing , crature. Newspapers particularly draw interest from the first Glenn A. Lawrence read his speech augurated, the steamer Brandon, DISTINCTIVE transient and residential an invested capital of $50,000,000. 'The question is Do we need a pub- the Sunday resort sections; and inag- licity bureau?" said Mr. Bird, and from manuscript. He told of at­ now being reconditioned at Norfolk, hotel superbly situated in the beautiful day of that month. and which can produce as great a azines (in April, May and June) are with this as the text he introduced tending the Maine-Florida meeting leaving Portland at 8 a. m., connec­ Back Bay district and convenient to SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT variety as any other State in the paid about $1500. Motor Toiyist and A Mr. Hadley, who is secretary of the in August, at which there were pres­ tions being made at Rockland for theatres, shops and churches. Particularly Camper, Journeys Beautiful and some ,rs Union, with the possible exception ent 300 men and women, all very en­ Penobscot River Points and Bar well adapted for weddings, receptions, ban­ of .” Nation Park Association in Bar oilier publications gladly publish ar­ quets and social functions. Popular with ladies Harbor. ticles on certain localities free of thusiastic about the Boom Maine Harbor and Bluehill Line Points, Reciting some of the State's ag­ movement. And then he went on to and at Eastport for Calais (freight traveling alone. ricultural achievements Commission­ Sardines in Arkansas charge. Bar Harbor’s board of Trade has 170 members at $10 a tell why Maine is the greatest place only.) Sailings from Eastport will er Washburn said that Maine has Mr. Hadley touched upon Maine's to live In and play in. It has been he made on Tuesdays and Fridays canned goods and told flow one sum­ bead, and the town clerk does most the greatest agricultural county In kept backward only by lack of proper | at 7 p. m. The steamer Brandon the United States, with one excep­ mer visitor was incredulous when lie of tlie work. The resident popula­ tion at the last census was 3,800, and spirit. As an incentive hie recited ; is said tohave fine passenger accom- tion; that Maine ranks eighth among was told that one factory produced the story of Miami, Florida, a city I modations in addition to good UPSON all the States in volume and qual­ fish hash. "I'm waiting to see the the summer Population is 10,000. PROCtSStD which has grown in a short time from freight capacity, and it is hoped suf- ity of canned goods which it turns time,” said the stranger, “when The National Park is a great asset. George «B. Wood, a former presi­ 7000 population to 130,000, and which | ficient business will develop to war- canned blueberries will be put on the spends more than a million dollar* I rant a permanent service between TARIFF market." Mr. Hadley hastened to dent of the Chamber of Commerce, European Plan BOARD got away to a flying start with his on publicity. j Portland and the eastern ports. $4.00 & up per person assure him that this was already one of Maine's big industries, and he roundhouse story. He said that the American Plan Rockland of today is a whole lot Learn Our Resources Th'e accordion artist with the Bert $8.00 A up per person took home some samples. Mr. Had­ Myers Orchestra attracted much at­ We carry the fa­ 1 ley also told of being in a country different than it was in the pre-war “First,” said Mr. Lawrence, “let us FRANK H. ABBOTT SON r A d tys. He could remember of hoards find what we have to sell. When tention and favorable comment at under direction of Karl P. Abbott store out in Arkansas and seeing a Oakland dancing pavilion Tuesday mous Upson Board I CH*S. P. DOW & CO. can of sardines which had been of trade, merchants’ associations, etc. we have done thiq, get busy, and in which had died a dreary death, and five years we cannot raise enough to night. The same orchestra is at the packed in Addison. pavilion tonight and the famous Grin- Commonwealth -Atte at Dartmouth'St. ■'-'Bostor'^ you see advertised And then tlie speaker told, in al­ by way of contrast cited the accom­ suppiy the demand. Gov. Brewster z /Member plishments of the present Chamber of is the first man to make a systematic dell Colonial Orchestra will he the Consolidated Stock Exchange' most dramatic fashion the story of Saturday night attraction. in the Saturday what publicity has done for Bar Har­ Commerce, with its membership of effort to tell about Maine, and he of Now York bor. 190. deserves the approval and assistance “As usual,” said Mr. Wood, “there of everybody.” YOUR FAVORITE POEM Evening Post. STOCKS and BONDS “It will doubtless surprise you to think that a resort so well known as has been a great deal of criticism. The speech covered lots of ground You’ll be surprised Publishers of the Bar Harbor should need advertising,” We are asked if we aren’t wasting and was full of inspiration. If I hud to live my life again I would money and getting nowhere. Our have made a rule to read some poetry and WEEKLY FINANCIAL DIGEST said Mr. Hadley. And he proceeded “Did you write it, Glenn?” asked listen to some music at least once a week. AUTOMOBILE at the beauty and to tell of the great prosperity which budget can do little more than pay a Alan L. Bird. The loss of these tastes Is a loss of happi­ which is sent free to Bar Harbor had enjoyed prior to secretary and maintain an office, yet “I did,” responded the blushing ness.—Charles Darwin. economy of Upson— investors upon request 1912: how the hotel business died the mere fact that tlie city has such hero. BATTLE-HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE out and how none came to take the an institution has brought us. the past “Well I want to congratulate you,” ized ceilings. 10 STATE STREET places of those who had built the line year 1000 letters from outsiders why Mine eyos have seen the glory of the coming and suiting action to his words of the Lord : summer,homes and passed on. seek information. It* has brought Mr. Bird stepping forward and shook He Is trampling out the vintage where the Phone for prices and Bidding For Favor some new business and we have made hands with the speaker. grapes of wrath are stored : efforts for more.” He has loosed the fateful lightning of his Property valuation was depreciat­ Ex* Mayor E. L. Brown spoke brief­ terrible swift sword : INSURANCE information. ing rapidly when a number of Bar A Ground Floor Office ly, hut to the point. He said there is His truth is inarching on. a a better outlook for tlie good old Harbor business men got together Mr. Wood reviewed tlie activities of I have seen Him In the watch-fires of a hun­ r It’s now the acknowl­ State and future of Rockland, and and raised $500 to start a publicity Secretary MacDonald, and said that dred circling campa; Special ‘‘6 months” policy at following rates: NEW . campaign. Literature was distribu­ the only way to do more along pub­ They have builded Him an altar in the eve­ in addition to being secretary of five ning dews and damps; edged leader among ted, and produced some results, but licity lines is to get more money. He $11.50 for most 4 cylinder cars distinct organizations he is secretary I can read His righteous sentence by the dim the need of a more comprehensive of 11 working committees. complimented the Thorndike, saying and flaring lamps. Wallboards. that you do not always get the serv­ His day Is marching on. BATTERY Among the future activities of the 13.50 for most 6 cylinder cars ice in every hotel that you do here. Chamber will be to issue a bulletin I have read a fiery gospel, writ in burnished Henry B. Bird said it would be which will keep the membership rows of steel: much easier to get more memberships “As ye deal with m.v contemners, so with you closely informed, and tlie circulation THE "AMERICAN COMPANIES” ONLY AGENCY W. H. GLOVER CO. than those present might think, and my grace shall deal; $1450 of more literature. To enhance the Let the Hero, horn of woman, crush the ser­ in proof of this statement he said that pent with his heel. Rockland, Me. value of the institution an office on Since («od Is marching on." In Exchange For Your Old ground floor is needed, and to meet he had got seven cards out of the nine calls that day. * Battery tlie increased expenditure more mem­ lie has sounded forth the trumpet that shall E. C. MORAN & CO. berships are necessary. It is esti­ “Many members have not known 1 never call retreat; AUTOMOBILE LEGAL ASSOCIATION lie Is sifting out the hearts of men before His mated that 40 will meet the needs. of tlie activities being conducted by General Agents for State of Maine Dodge Battery $24.50 Eastern Trust Bldg., Bangor Est. 1907 judgment seat ; Fidelity Bldg., Portland “We must recognize that our city the Chamber of Commerce,” said Oh! be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be is going to progress, said Mr. Wood. President Homer E. Robinson of the ; jubilant, my feet! SHOE REPAIRING A. L. A. SERVICE Io like air Our God Is marching on. Lowest Rates Local Claim Service SEA~V1EW IT’S EVERYWHERE “We either sink into the background Rockland National Bank, who pledged AUTO TOP REPAIRING In Now England and Naw Jersey or keep up with our sister communi­ another member. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was bom 1400 garagtt, 300 attorneys aenws the sea, Rockland Shoe Repairing ties. It is going to mean increased Then, upon motion of Mr. iAwrencc With a glory In His bosom that transfigure BATTERY SERVICE 10 office© always ready. Only $10.00 taxbs, but by boosting for more it was voted to get a ground floor you and me : Co. annually. Send name, addreea, maka As ho died to make men holy, let us dl© to Tel. S37-W MB Main Street Of car and year of manufacture. business we can pay them. office for the Chamber of Commerce. School Street Rockland Mr. Wood emphasized the added make men free, Local Representative Wanted That’s where Rockland belongs—in ' While God is marching on. ». ' 55-tf ROCKLAND, ME. business importance which Rockland TRY OUR FOR SALE AND TO LET ADS. 38-tf ,ou the ground floor, ' —Julia Ward How©, Page Two Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, June 4, 1925. Every-Other-Day The Courier-Gazette PARK THEATRE ALL SET POR THE SHO\V THREE TIMES A WEEK The final showings of the Para­ Forty Club Minstrels Ready CIRCULATION AFFIDAVIT mount picture, “A Kiss in the Dark," Rockland. Maine, June 4, 1925. which opened yesterday at the Park For Curtain Tomorrow Personally appeared Frank s Lyddie who Theatre, will take place there today. on oath declares that he is pressman ln the Night. office of The Courier-Gazette, and that of ’he Fables. Comedy and International JUNE CLEARANCE SALE HUMMOCK SHE the Issue of this patter of . 1925, News will complete the day’s pro­ « • there was printed a total of 6,446 copies. gram. Everything is in readiness and the Before me. PhANK n. MILLER. final preparations made for the Forty Friday and Saturday, an excellent Notary Public. An Overstock of Clothing, Furnishings, and Shoes Results in Club Minstrels to be presented ln the double feature program will be new High School auditorium tomor- I He that keepeth hls mouth keep­ screened which will inclue Colleen Drastic Reductions row night for the benefit of the Higli eth his life, but he that openeth wide Moore in “So Big" and Jack Lon­ *14.98 School Athletic Association. The his lips shall have destruction.—Prov don's “Adventure,” featuring Toni end men and the chorus have put In Moore, Pauline Stark and Wallace For This Genuine Dayson Hammock, Fitted With an intensive fortnight of training Beery. Any uncertainty as to the earnest and with tonight’s full rehearsal will Headrest, Fine Mattress, Spring and Chains In "So Big," Colleen, who has SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING, June S confidently await the curtain at 8 belief of its progressive business men heretofore been the leading exponent o’clock with the certainty of present­ of film flapper roles, enters a new in the future of Rockland as one of ing a satisfying show. A dance with dramatic realm. As "Salina Peake,” Athletic Union Suite 59c Men’s Suite 20% Discount the famous Jazzmonious Orchestra the active participants in the Maine who later becomes "Salina De Jong," GENUINE will follow, dancing to conUnue for she is called upon to portray three Neckwear, 50c and 7 5c First Campaign would have been Boys’ Khaki Pants, 89c two hours on the fine new gymnasium distinctly emotional roles—the (irst B. V. D. dispelled from the mind of any value ...... 39c j surface. as a girl in her teens, a flapper of Arrow Shirts, $3 vaL 2.15 As to the show Itself it abounds in doubter, had he been present at last tlie nineties, as it were: the second Silk Neckwear, $ I val. 69c UNION SUITS , strong numbers that are bound to lie as the wife of a Dutch market gard­ Arrow Shirts, 2.50 val 1.95 night’s meeting. Let us all join in Khaki Pants, 1.19 hits. William C. Bird, Edward R. ener, and the third as a woman of Arrow Shirts, $2 val. 1.50 Veazle and Dr. Harold Jameson have making our Chamber of Commerce fifty. Double Buckle Over­ $1.15 liallad numbers of high merit. L. B. "Adventure" is a story of the Solo­ the active ugency In this connection alls, 1.49 Arrow Shirts 1.75 val 1.35 ; Cook, Dr. Walter Conley and P. A. mon Islands of the South Seas and that it is capable of being. Arrow Collars, 15c Everwear Hosiery, 39c Jones shine In the serio-comic song of the cannibal head-hunters with SUMMER - lilts, as does Horace Lamb, Lloyd which they are inhabited. Featured Silk Lined Caps, 1.25 50c, 75c val. 29c, 39c, 59c Lawrence and “Bill” Vinal. There Indiana loses a distinguished son in the cast are Tom Moore, Pauline UNDERWEAR Children’s Play Suits, 89c President Braces, 39c are several straight comedy pieces, in the sudden death of Thomas Starke, Wallace Beery and Raymond among them a deliciously funny skit Hatton.—adv. SHIRTS or Riley Marshall, former U. S. Senator Children’s Wash Suits, 98c U. S. Keds, lace to toe 1.65 l>y Mont P. Trainer and Albert Pe- from that state and for eight years, Work Shirts, 79c DRAWERS Negligee Shirts, collar at­ ' terson. The end men, L. N. Law­ EMPIRE THEATRE rence, H. E. Lamb, R. C. Bird, Dr. during the administration of Wood- Union Suits, 89c tached, 98c W. P, Conley. L. B. Cook and W. H. row Wilson, Vice President of the Agnes Ayres in "The Awful Negligee Shirts, 89c 39c Men’s Oxfords 20% Dis. Vinal, have worked up a remarkably-! United States. He was 71 years old. Truth" and Mary Philbin in "Tlie : enjoyable hour with the Interlocutor, The extended newspaper story is Gaiety Girl" will be shown at the K. R. Veazle. and mix witli the jokes Empire for the last time today. COOPER’S UNDERWEAR, STRAW HATS, CARTER’S OVERALLS, ' and hilarious local slams a lot of , prefaced by these interesting details: Tlie attraction for Friday and Sat­ thoroughly humorous business an I The former Vice President had urday will be “The Fatal Mistake,” ALL REDUCED eccentric dances. come to Washington with Mrs. featuring Eva Novak and William William H. Milligan, tenor of the Marshall a week ago suffering from Fairbanks. "The Fatal Mistake,” is famous Pratt Memorial quartet, has This is our regular $21.00 Hammock. The canvas is heavy and a severe cold and a recent heart at­ a newspaper story in which a young a particularly pleasing solo introduc­ throughout it is a very strong Hammock. tack. He was convalescent and be­ cuh reporter makes a terrible mis­ ing six charming "Southern Gals,” lieved to be well on the road to re­ take and loses his job. In his ef­ GUARANTEE CLOTHING & SHOE CO. and W. C. Bird's "Take Me Back to covery, when, without warning, his forts to show that the man who fired Your Heart” introduces a novelty F^uasimoDCcaccocaDGccpuumjncooa'ocua acounattKaoMcnAnnw J heart snapped and he expired while him was wrong he gets on the trail 360 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND, ME. that can’t lie too highly praised. As he was reading his Bible, a daily of a pair of crooks and gets a storv, ' to the chorus, it Is a husky group BURPEE habit of many years. Mr. Marshall the crooks and a girl all in one fell (Money Refunded If Not Satisfied) with typical Forty Club pep an 1 aw.ike early in his usual cheerful swoop.—adv. enough musical ability to surprise FCJRNITUPE CO. spirits, a characteristic which had STRAND THEATRE MAIL ORDERS FILLED IF ACCOMPA NIED BV CHECK OR MONEY ORDER those scoffers who know the partici- RO< ixi.WB — MAIM made him popular in the public life ' pants' individual qualities. As this of the nation for many years. He pa|>er went to press there were still Ruth Grady and Her Patent Leath­ had breakfast lightly and his nurse a few seats to be had at Knox Book Send in Your Order By Mail—Quick Service er Girls, a snappy organization of had given him the old Bible, which Store. It is hoped that every seat Mail Orders. Tear out this ad. and mail to us. Immediate Shipment. clever entertainers, mostly beautiful duces not more than once in a gener­ he carried with him wherever he THOMASTON WINS THE CUP In the house will lie taken in order girls, cleverly costumed, and with ation. His work is of such an out­ went. that the total indebtedness of the a trio of funny comedians are the standing character that the pennant Mrs. Marshall had been conversing i Athletic Association, approximately chief attraction at the Strand today lace is only a figure of speech this with him before he began to read, $400 may be paid. and the remainder of this week. Its Sturtevant’s Men Annex Another Championship Without year, and he Js also hitting the ball and he said he was feeling much been a long flme since the theatre­ like a veteran. The other Individual better than he had felt for several goers of Rockland have witnessed a Turning a Hair—Who Gets Second Place? is Coach Sturtevant. He has eyes days. Mrs. Marshall had just en­ WITH THE BOWLERS girl show of this kind. on everthing and not the slightest tered an adjoining room of the hotel Ruth Grady and her Patent Leather detail escapes him, not even to the I LAY LINOLEUMS suite when the nurse heard the Bible Nobody will ever accuse Scho­ Girls have been playing in some of Two-base hits, Grafton, Condon.,- whereabouts of a foul that has been fall to the floor. Rushing to the field's Stars of being quitters. They 1 the large theatres in and around Bos­ Feehan 3, Hall 2. Three-base hit, knocked into the woods. He has AND CARPETS for anybody, anywhere, any bedside of the former Vice Presi­ take their weekly beating with ut- ’ ton and have been receiving a large * CONDON'S RECORD TUESDAY* Condon. Home run, Condon. made of the Thomaston team a thor­ dent, she found that he had col­ most composure, and bowl for love patronage and come here with the * Bases on balls, off Condon 1, off Sar­ oughly trained machine, every unit time with work guaranteed. I lay the linoleums lapsed. As Mr. Marshall's eyes were of the sport. Tuesday night the enviable reputation of being a clean ab r bh tb po a e * antos 6. Struck out. by Feehan 16, of which would fight for him at the closed they were fixed on Jesus’s Stars were smothered by Holt's, for V. F. Studley, Inc, and Burpee Furniture Co., wholesome and peppy troupe. The 6 4 5 11 16 1 0 ’ by Condon 5. Iiy -Sarantos 3. Hit by drop of the hat. If any Maine col­ parable of the sower, as set forth in Hollyhocks 137 pins, which isn't ! comedians are Micky Flynn a Hebrew In two innings as pitcher ho * pitcher, Grafton. Sacrifice hits, lege has a better coach than “Styvie,” the fourth chapter of St. Mark. The much when you say it quick. The and can be reached at either store or at comedian and Felix Le Clair, noted also had five strikeouts. Lindsey 2. Umpire, Brown. Scor­ tlie Sporting Editor lias never heard Bible was opened at this favorite • score: French comic, both are artists of er, Winslow, of him. passage ot the former Vice Presi­ *♦*♦»♦♦♦****# Schofield’s Stars 99 RANKIN STREET, ROCKLAND long experience and know how to get • • • « • • • • Schofield ...... 77 64 63 dent, ending with the promise: Thomaston High clinched another 73—277 a laugh without resorting to slap­ Vinalhaven 10, Camden 6 McLain Grammar School is still Airs. Norcross.... 79 56 84 88—307 “With what measure ye mete, it stick. championship Tuesday, with its vic­ going like a "house afire," its latest Miss Pease ....4 79 78 77 65—299 shall be measured to you.” tory over Vinalhaven. Even should Camden High outbatted the Js- Each member of the chorus is a victory being Monday's 14 to 5 win Mrs. Holt ...... 66 83 79 87—315 FRANK GARDNER It is the picture of a death-bed splendid (lancer and all possess voices she lose her two remaining games it landers at Vinalhaven Monday, but the latters blows came mofe op­ over Warren High- School. The run Alisa Adan>s .... 44 48 55 83—230 scene that will make a wide appeal of fine quality. There is no girl in would be impossible for any other getters for McLain were Libby and earn to tie her. Meantime the bat­ portunely, and Vinalhaven continued to the hearts and imaginations of the show that cannot do an act alone. Dondis, three each, Jameson. M. Wig- 345 329 358 396 1428 There are novel specialties and funny tle for second place goes merrily on. in the race for second position. The the people. However careless we may score: gin and Cohen 2 each and Flanagan Holt's Hollyhocks bits interpolated throughout. The standing: and Tibbetts 1 run each. The run Holt ...... 81 seem, however lightly the circum­ 99 85 91—356 The added feature picture today is Vinalhaven High getters for Warren High School were Mrs McRae ..... 90 83 74 Won Lost P.C. 86—333 stances surrounding the final day of the Barefoot Boy taken from the fa­ ab r hh tb po a e Pendleton, Waltz, Stickney, Cornell O’Brien ...... 81 74 80 91—326 SIMON K. HART ^Thomaston ...... 6 0 1.000 life shall engage our thoughts, there mous poem hy John Greenleaf Whit­ Anderson, ss > 1 0 2 and Overlock each making a run. Mrs. O'Brien .... 68 65 79 74—286 tier. Vinalhaven ...... 3 U .500 : : Manufacturer of : : Sarantos. 3b 0 2 1 Tlie lineup: Airs. Record .... 57 79 55 82—264 are few of us who would not be glftd ‘■Camden —...... 3 3 .500 Tomorrow and Saturday there will Sanborn, p .... 3 0 'McLain School—Dondis c; M. Wig- to be remembered as having in the be a brand new show, change of cos­ Rockland ...... 1 3 .250 .166 Nelson. If ..... 0 gin p; Jameson 1st; Libby 2nd: Bis­ 377 391 373 424 1565 Cemetery Work moment of dissolution held in his tumes, scenery, etc., and the feature Lincoln ...... 1 bee 3rd; K. Wiggin 3rd: Cohen ss- ■ Arey. lb ...... 1 1 1 Cor. Brick and Pleasant Sta. hand, as Vice President Marshall will be Kenneth McDonald in "Jligli Coombs, cf .... 0 Tibbetts rf; Bickmore rf; Accardi cf; Gear.” At Camden yesterday the home Smith. 2b...... A Ward cf; Emery if; Flanagan If. PUBLIC CAR : : And Dealer in : s did, the Book upon which the cor­ The management also wishes to an­ team defeated Lincoln Academy 22 to ner-stone of this American Nation 3 in a game that certainly did not Winslow, rf .... 0 Warren High—Moody e; Stickney nounce that there will be three shows p: Cornell 1st; Spear 2nd: Pendleton GO ANYWHERE DAY OR NIGHT Native & Scotch Granite reward the spectators for waiting an JoWnson, rf .... 0 Is founded. • Saturday. Matinee 2.15; evening 3rd; Waltz ss; Overlock if; Anderson Stand—Weymouth's Store hour after the advertised time of be­ Amero. rf .... 0 shows, 6.13 and 8.43.—adv. cf; L. Pendleton rf. ginning. The tragic details are de­ Tippet, c ...... A. E. SAUNDERS Marble Shelves, Etc. If the men and women who con­ THE BOOTHBAY HATCHERY ferred to Saturday’s issue. McLain ...... 4 1 0 0 0 6 3—14 Tel. 156-M 67*69-71 Telephone 911-M fute the advance guard of summer • • • • 46 10 11 12 27 9 6 Warren ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 ROCKLAND, MAINE ivel could know witli what warmth Supt. Hahn Reports Two Billion Thomaston 17, Vinalhaven 0 Camden High eir coming Is heralded, they would Flatfish Eggs Have Been Coll- Sounds like a football score, but it j ab r bh tb po ive some measure of the welcome lected. isn't. With the old abandoned l Plaisted, 3h ...... ’ 6 0 1 1 limerock quarry as a target the Ella ; ;tended them by those of us who Dailey, If ...... 5 1 1 3 The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Veevoes showed splendid marksman- I Ogier, p, ss...... 0 3 0 roughout the long winter months has received the monthly report ship, their 19 hits counting for a to­ Davis, lb ...... 0 0 6 ive remained uppn the job and from E. E. Hahn, superintendent of tal of 31 bases. Condon, the Thom­ Manning, 2b. P 1 2 2 .pt the home fires burning. From the Boothbay Harbor, U, S. Hatch­ aston catcher, was the hero of this T. Thomas, c 0 1 10 ery Station, dated at the station iw onward this tide of vacation assault making a home run, a triple, Ames, rf...... 1 0 1 May 20, a double and two singles in six trips Arlco, ss. 2b . 3 1 siting will set with a steadily in­ From this report it is learned that to the plate. His other effort was a F. Thomas, cf 1 2 0 easing volume into the shores and 620 spawners were captured during fly to shortstop. His partner in this II regions of this beautiful State the month of April; 191,977,000 eggs assault and battery crime, “Tippy" 46 6 12 13 24 7 5 were taken, and 859,130,000 fry lib­ 1 IMaine. Our citizens welcome it Feehan was not too slow, making Vinalhaven .... 00223201 x—10 erated on the fishing grounds by the three doubles and a single. To off­ Camden ...... 00001320 0— 6 ith open and hospitable hearts. If Gannet and launch 22, the last plant set thiH batting carnival Vinalhaven hits. Manning, Nelson. e seem now and then to indulge a being made on May 9. Total for the was able to make only a solitary Bases on balls, off Ogier 6, off Man­ >astful spirit with respect to the son: Brood flatfish, 9,203; eggs real­ single, but be it said to the everlast­ ESSEX COACH ning 2. Struck out, by Sanborn 11, ized from brood fiatfish stock, 2,027,- itural glories of Maine in offering ing credit of Coach Hopkins' lads by Ogier 4. by Manning 4. Double a ‘ " "*• 201,000; fry resulting, 1,884,436,000. self ’as the summer playground of that they did not quit or shirk under plays: Sanborn and Tippet; Tippet ■jr' After the fish cultural work was fire. As a matter of fact they held and Arey. Hit Iiy pitcher, -Smith, ?) ' Vi :e nation, it is only to echo the ex- over, the outlook was kept for eggs their own with Thomaston wlfen it Manning. Umpire, Kennedy. Scor­ ■essed opinion of all who come un­ of other species of fish, but there i came to fielding. er, M. E. Smith. was no opportunity to secure any. I it- the happy influence of its sinn­ Feehan stayed on the hilltop seven There was a general cleaning up of er vacation season. The Courier- innings, and during hls administra­ the station and launch 22 was tion he allowed no semblance of a hit, Now that Thomaston High School azette speaks particularly for the cleaned, painted and engine repaired. and issued no passes. The excel­ has so far outclassed - all of its op­ imediate region in whicli it is lo­ During the month of iMay the lob­ lent prospect of a no-hit, no-run ponents what's the matter witli hav­ ster pound dams received attention. ing a game between Thomaston tted, where the summer business game offered no temptation to the Mr. Hahn recommends that the High and Rockland Locals. • Witli king of twirlers, and he gladly Priced reduced to is steadily grown in volume and roofs of the various buildings be Feehan In the box for Thomaston it stepped aside to allow Condon to here the arrangements to cater to painted, and two seals be captured ought to lie considerable of a con­

The woman who was In the city THE VANISHING G. A. R. TALK OF THE TOWN last year begging money on various pretenses—one of them being that COMING NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS she might have funds for burying her John A. Andrew Pott of a Thousand —Forty Club Minstrels at new High daughter ln a neighboring town, Is Shrunken To a Handful, School auditorium. I (League Baseball)—Rockland High said to be again operating In this vi­ ONTON In Tliontaston, and Lincoln Academy inx VI- FORTT cinity. # ita'haven Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— DEPARTMENT STORE June 5—Caintten—Annual school fair and As I go each year on Memorial Day operetta. The Relief Corps ladles again call 412 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND June 6—Camden—Special town meeting at attention to their rummage sale to­ to pay respect to the dead In Mount 2 p. m. day. Saturday the past presidents Auburn cemetery, I attend the serv­ June 6-7—Battalion School C. A. C., at CLUB Hotel Rockland of Edwin Libby Relief Corps have ices held in front of the chapel on - Warren High School graduation. their cooked food sale at W. O. Hew­ the hill, under the auspices of John Rockport Alumni banquet and ett’s, under the supervision of Mrs. Friday, Saturday and Monday business meeting at Masonic hall. A. Andrew Post, 15, O. A. R. The June 10— Chapin ('lass musical at the home Rebecca Ingraham. The sisters aro Fust in its palmiest day probably of Mrs David Talbot MINSTRELS requested to take their food as earl) numbered a thousand veterans. To­ —Fair by women of Ku Klux Kian . Jjl • as possible. at the Klavern. day 1 counted 21 in the ranks, Includ­ -17—Colby College Commencement. ing Flfer Charles E. Stone and Drum­ Jwie 11 Flag Day. and Gen. Herbert M. Lord, director of mer George H. Merrill, whom your - Camden Alumni banquet. the federal budget, lias accepted an readers doubtless heard the other Thomaston High School com­ mencement exercises. Invitation to speak at the Governor’s evening ovfer the radio. 1 had the Linen Crash Silk Underwear - Rockland High School Graduation JAZZMONIOUS Conference at Poland Spring. His pleasure of a chat with them. Men’s Work Shirts ln New High bchool auditorium. subject will be "Budget Making De­ Truly "the fiat of nature is Inex­ Steven*' All Linen, Bleached Silk Jersey Vests, $3.29 value. Special lot of Men's Working July 4 Indepemi nee Day Crash, 30c value. For these Aug 12 Ladies Baptist Circle (Rockport) mocracy," and he will speak Monday orable.” Of thfe millions who fought Friday, Saturday and Monday Shirts, made of Amoskeag Cham- Midsummer Fair afternoon, . It will be re­ in the Civil War how few are alive threa days, 4 yards for $ | (QQ DANCE bray, guaranteed fast color, nice­ Sept 13—Standard Time resumed. membered that Gen. Ix>rd addressed today. Memorial Day Soon must be Speeil1 ...... -....;... 1.89 Sept 30 ()< t. 2 State Convention of W.C. Legislature on The National Budget Stevens’ All Linen, Unbleached ly made, $1.25 value. For these T.U. in Auburn. observed by those who had no part Crash, 25c value. Special, 5 yds. Fiber Silk Vests, flesh and peacf^ three days, each ...... and the Economy Program. in that great struggle which pre­ >1.25 value. For these three days, gg served our Uhlon. for...... ’I.O0 ’ each ...... no A telephone has been installed in The Rockland High School team The first call for Memorial Day •aO tWfe Hockland Awning Co. loft, 1072M. JUNE 5 goes to Thomuston Saturduy and serviced was dated 1868 and signed by Ruffled Curtains Curtains faces the unterrified champions ln John A. Logan, Commander-In-Chief, Mrs. Fred A*. Thorndike is the what is expected to be one of the Fifty-sfeven years ago—and in the 1 lot of $1.25 value Ruffled Cur­ Silk Hose Quaker Lace Curtains, beautiful owner of a handsome new Cadillac most interesting school games cf the course of a ffew years taps will be tains, hemstitched border and tie-, Balance of those $1.00 All Silk and durable, $6.00 value. For ear. HIGH SCHOOL season. Thomaston folks have not sounded at the grave of the last G. backs. Special, per pair .... Hose. To close, per pair ... Q0 these three days, per pair forgotten the great pennant struggle A. It. veteran. In thfe town of May­ Percy McPhee of the Turner Center between Rockland and Thomaston a That is the 1925 attitude of nard, Mass., they burled their last 'System has moved into the Susan AUDITORIUM year ago, and while Rockland is out Grand Army veteran a few days ago. Smith tenement on Broad street. of the race this year, the same old men the country over—and As President Lincoln's Gettysburg rivalry Is there. ' Address was read, one could not help King Solomon’s Temple Chapter when you hear a clothier say Entjr. Receipts to High School noticing what a wealth of sentiment F. J. SIMONTON CO- has its regular meeting tonight, and Edwin Libby Post will be repre­ is contained in the 257 words of that the Council meets tomorrow night. Athletic Association sented at the Grand Army encamp­ that the automobile has killed famous spfeech—none long or diffi­ ment in Portland next week by F. S. the clothing business, it simply cult, but each as clear cut as a cameo A Western Union electric clock in Philbrick, J. Fred Woodsum and W. —ihis, for TUustratlon: , HERRING ARE SCARCE white enamel has been added to the H. Maxey, and with tWem will go means that he admits the mo­ "The world will little note nor long equipment of the A. L. Rogers barber TWO HOURS OF Albion Allen of Hope, who Is as spry remember what we say here, but it But Down East Some of the Pack­ shop, Limerock street. as the best of ’em in spite of his 90 tor folks are putting out better cun nevfer forget what thfey did here.’’ ers Don't Seem To Care a Dern. years. All four of these comrades DANCING looking models in cars than he Edward Everett who delivered the AT STUDLEY’S The Snow-Hudson Co. has received will have a chance to talk over tlie formal address that day at Gettys While herring continue to be several carloads of Hudsons and Es- siege and capture of Port Hudson, is in clothes. burg, lies buried only a stone’s strow scarce ln the Bay of Fundy anil sexes this week utilizing the Crock­ in the accomplishment of which all from where these G. A. R. exercises Passamaquoddy Bay, or sume of the ett livery stable for storage. of them had an active hand. Messrs. of which I write were held. Ills ad­ catches have been small and occa­ THIS WEEK —-■ ■ ! ■ Maxey, Philbrick and Allen were We are making men buy hy the dress was two hours ln delivery, a sionally containing red-feed, which OUR SPECIAL WILL BE Bobbed hair has been standardized The summer train schedule gees members of Co, O, 21st Regiment of masterful effort. I.lncolp's address is Is not looktd upon as satisfactory in one Main street office where all into effect on the Knox’AL Lincoln Infantry, while Mr. Woodsum was same process that Eve sold famiUar to millions. How many of fur canning into food products, there under Admiral Farragut in the navel four of the young lady employes Division Monday, June 29. It will Adam the apple idea—tempta­ your readers ever heard of the ad­ are rumors at Eastport that some of now appear with locks shorn. probably be about the same as last forces. dress by Everett? It Is said that af­ the canners are not eager to open year, but this has not been fully de­ tion. ter he had concluded he was com­ their plants until late June or July. All Canton members who wish to go termined. plimented upon hls masterly oration. Not all of last year’s pack of sar- to Portland for the Field Day, June "My address." said he, "will be for­ dlnts have been sold and at this 9-10, are requested to communicate Models here today that will part of the season the old stock CLOCKS A complete file of catalogues from gotten. while President Lincoln’s will with Milton French. * THE TAX RATE * go down through the ages." should have been cleaned out, or practically every school and college • ___ • make you change your waiting Handsome 8-Day Mahogany Mantel Clocks. In New England Is being made at As the G. A. R. exercises finished, a tpovlng rapidly so as to assure the * Rockland’s tax rate this year ♦ The gardens at the City Farm are the Public Library. These will be fine, upstanding six-foot World War majority of canners that there might * will be 43 mills, according to * into wanting. looking well, hut the» master, Charles received annually, and grill form a veteran, wearing an A. E. F. cap. be a profit in canning new sardines Perfect time keepers; beautifully Weymouth, scarcely expects to have valuable reference department fnr * announcement made yesterday * stepped to the front and spoke, hls for the coming few months. As the * by the board of assessors. This * Michaels-Stern Cool Suits, green peas on his Independence Day those confronted with the problem theme, that as the veterans of thfe lurger part of Eastport general la­ toned Persian gongs. A piece of menu. of selecting a school or college. *. is an increase of only one mill * $35.00 to $50.00. World War knew death and sacrifice, borers of sardine factories have home furniture you cannot afford * over last year, in spite of • it Was their part to "carry on" this been idle since last October, when T. L. Reynolds, an expert on oil * unusual expenditures, and im- * to do without when priced at— Commissioner of Public "Works Palm Beach Suits, $15.00 to great Memorial Day service after the the canneries had been closed earlier | stoves, will he at the Stonington Fur­ * portant improvements under * Gardner Is doing a piece of work G. A. It. had finished Its course. than usual, the average business niture Co. store all next week deny- * way. The assessors found ad- * $18.00. which will be generally appreciated INSERT SIX-POINT ...... man and store keeper ln Eastport Is onstrating the operation and ex­ * ditional taxable property to * There are still a few of those handsome Reed at the corner of Union and Limerock Albion B. Crocker. beginning to notice the uncertainty plaining the construction of the Red * amount, of $58,000, and the * Somerville, Mass., May 30. streets. The catch basin there has Camping Clothes, $10.00 to of having only sardine factories In Star ranges. * city's valuation is now given * Eastport ns a leading Industry as Chairs left—see them in our northern $Q AA not functioned for several years doe * as $6,901,265.74. The real es- ♦ to collapsed drain pipe. Xew pip.; $15.00. A whistling duet In wHich the rich not more than five months actual | window, priced at only...... Bangor High’s track athletes come * tate valuation is $5,013,090.74 * • UU has been Installed and pedestrians baritone of the steamer Belfast was work Is now looked for each season. to Rockland Saturday morning and * and the personal property val- * will do no more puddle jumping there. 'New Silk Hose. followed by the shrill tenor of tho The coast park each season seems meet Rockland High’s track crew at * uation is $1,888,175. • police patrol’s electric siren told all Lo be getting smaller and It Is not 10 o’clock in the forenoon at Com­ and sundry that something was amiss probable . that two and one-half to Plans are being perfected for the New Straw Hats. munity Park. This is the outfit that when the Belfast blew for the wharf three million cases of sardines will V. F. Studley Inc. Story-land J’qrty on the Public, took third place at the State meet at last night shortly after departing again be canned. Only four can­ Library lawn. This party will he 283 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND Colby, so the R. II. . boy^ are in Children’s Day will be celebrated on her regular trip for Boston. In­ neries are being operated ot the 10 fast company. given before school closes for the Gregory’s vestigation showed that a cutting af­ 300 youngsters, all under 11 years of at the Congregational church next at Eastport. Free Delivery Tel. 713 Sunday at 5 o’clock the Sunday fray hail developed between two ne­ The roof of the new High School age. who have attended the Saturday School giving the program. A cor­ gro porters. James Phllpott, 42. of See that your two feet make a 1 building will have its severest test to­ morning story hours since Septem­ dial invitation Is extended to the pub­ Boston and Clifford Mapp of Rox­ | mile every day. morrow night, for the patrons of the ber. The party marks the end of bury, Mass., following a quarrel. the story hours until fall. lic to attend. All those who havo Rockland Red Cross. Forty Club Minstrels are going to do parkin the program, with the excep­ Ralph A. Smith, local manager for Mapp was very seriously cut about their best to lift it when Mont P. tion of the choir and children In Miss the Portland Express, ts carrying a the face and taken to Knox Hospital Trainer does his turn. The genial The smoker given by the Rockland Corice Thomas' class are asked to pair of painful hands, the result of where it was said this morning that restaurant man has it all figured out & Rockport Lime Corporation to its meet for rehearsal at the church Fri­ extinguishing a blaze in his motor he was In no danger unless Infection 1889 1925 that somebody may want to heave employes, in Temple hall, Tuesday day, Immediately after school. Use car. developed. Phllpott Is held at thc thihgs, and with that expectation ho night, had an attendance of about the door on Summer street because police station on a charge of assault. :: is going to take a commodious bas­ 150. and was fully as successful as :: Memorials AYER’S of the repairs in front of the church. Claremont Commandery has its He will not be arraigned until Mapp ket with him. He intimates that Its promoters could huve wished. last meeting before Die summer va­ is able to appear as a witness. Dep­ E. A. GLIDDEN & CO. cabbages and turnips can be used Every precaution to make June n Chai les B. Lawlor, the blind vau­ uty Marshal Fernald, Officer Drink- e conferred. A chicken supper 'French—Caniden, June 2. lo Mr .and Mrs. handsome. John F. Anderson were the princi­ Ifas figured in all of Gov. Smith's will he served at 6.30. wharf. T Jenness French, a daughter pal speakers. campaigns and which reverberated 'Hammond-Thomaston, May 90, to Mr. ani the Kian when milk sours Mrs. Carlton H. Huintuond. a daughter. MEN’S— BOYS’— ------t * through Madison Square Garden dur­ A new charter court of the Fores­ Hocking—St. Ceqrge, , to Mr. and Dress Shirt* in beautiful col­ Blouses, percales and English or eggs refuse to hatch. Class Three of the M. E. Sunday ing the Democratic National Conven­ Grover C. Wotton, who has had ters of America Is now forming ln IMrs Julian Hocking, a son. ors and patterns $1, $2, $2.50 Broadcloth, these are hand­ school will hold a cooked food sale tion last summer, probably Is known the Owl’s Head mail route the past this city with Leon J. White as den- 'Wiley—Tenant’s Harbor, June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Errol Wiley, a son Sport Coat* and Sweaters— some ..t.....>...... $1-00, $1.50 at Simonton’s Saturday afternoon, by more Xew Yorkers than any other four years, makes hls last trip Jttni uty organizer and Dr. O. R. Lawry Ku Klux Kian. big linfc ...... $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 Shirts—Boys’ shirts are as —adv. 66-67 musical air and has been whistled, 30, having concluded to engage In as examining physician. The For­ teaming Instead. Mr. Wotton has MARRIED Fancy Summer Hose in pat­ haqdsome as men's this sung or played in every civilized land. esters are well and favorably known Plaisted-Wade- Belfajt, IMay 24. by Rev terns that almost take done the work In a painstaking and William Vaughn, Donald H. Plaisted of Sears yt?ar...... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 as a benefit fraternal co-operativeor- your breath away ...... accommodating manner, and patrons ganlzatlon having been founded ir. ntont and Miss Ora 0. Wade of Belfast. Sport Coats and Sweaters— The Exciter says: "Supt. ’Bert' Klchards-Oray—Hockland, May 28, toy Rev...... 25c, 59c, 75c, $1.00 just the thing for sum­ will miss hls cheery voice. Tlx 1790, with 40 courts in Maine at pres­ Blodgett of the Rockland District W. S. Rounds. Albion R Richards and Mias Cloth Blouses in a large num­ mer ...... 3.50, 5.00 route has been bid ln by Francis I). ent, the largest In Bangor. Frank­ Dorothy Cray, both of Rockland. Successor to may clean a space for a beautiful Maddocks of Owl's Head. ber of colors and shapes ... Golf Stockings—these are silver loving cup on the top of hls lin C. Parsonage of Portland, deputy ...... >6.00, $8.00, $7.00 supreme organizer, was Id the city DIED nice ...... 50c desk, according to late reports in the Neckties, that apeak for School Suits. . $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 COBB’S I^C. Robert W. Sawln, who lias bgen al yesterday in connection with tho Olsen—Thomaston, .lone 3, Amy A'hr)stlnc, gas range campaign. The laying daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alonzo Olsen, themselves they are ab loud Wash Suits—A lot of swell the head ot thq English department drive for membership. cup Is to be presetned hy the Weir aged 7 years, 10 months, 29 days...... 50c, $1.00 numbers—the best we ever In Rockland High School, has been ■podge- -Somerville, Ma) 2f, Alden Dodge, Stove Company, Taunton, Mass., Straw Hats—thia is the sea­ had ...... $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, 3.00 engaged as principal of the High All discrimination on account of aged 19 years. 9 months. manufacturers of the famous Glen­ School tn Bfoiynvltle Junction. He Davis Rockland. June 2, Theodore M. Da- . son and the price is right Top Coats for boys, 3 to 8 NEW MACKEREL, Lb...... 15c wood Ranges, to the Central Maine sex ln the employment of teachers vis, aged 84. tears, 10 months, 29 days. Fu- ! ...... $2.00, $3.00 years old ...... 5.00 1 11———r———————— Power Co. gas district selling the Will attend summer school at Bates. for public educational Institutions arc neral Thursday at 2 p. th from 91 Broadway. ' Billot—Brockton, Mas*. May —, Fred most ranges over its quota. Rock­ Mr. Sawli) Is «t graduate of Mercer forbidden by a recent act of the University. tThls will be the first Elliot, formerly of Waldoboro. Our Ladies’ Silk Stockings are selling like hot cakes these days. Real Penobscot River Salmon, Lb... 75c land's nearest contender tor the cup Xew Jersey legislature. We have the largest number of colors in the city. We sell the summefs tn 10. y^arq that he has not is the Waterville District with 50 CAftD OF THANKS “Pigeon" Silk Stockings—Nuf Ced ...... $1.50 (also other kinds) played semi-professional baseball. Over one hundred million people We wish to thank our friends and neigh percent of its quota. Elmer Kale: b«s for their kindnesses (luring the sick­ ot the Rockland District is primed for in tlie United states escaped being ness and death of our dear wife und mother ■ SPECIAL PRICES ON ROAST A CORNED BEEF individual honors, with 14 gas range Probably the b^st business on tlie run over hy automobiles last year Mrs. Clarence Freeman and family, lira. sales to his credit." * street yest^r^ay Was conducted by several of them having also escaped Mabel Beal, Watson Baiano. illis ayer Tchant'a Harbor. May !». • W ROASTS .. 12c to 35c; CORNED .. 8c to?5c three World War yeterans In a min­ the year before.—Life. ______BONELESS VEAL ROASTS, tt»...... <30c Crescent Beach Inn does not have iature log cabin mounted on a flivver its formal opening until , but chassis. Thfe boys had cards to sell will probably be ready to entertain describing their unique home and trip LOCAL HADDOCK, HALIBUT* >1*4 MACKEREL transients one week from next Mon­ aroiihd th$ world, if the number of day. One ot the cooks will qrrlve totth and 9-lty lags and State license NEW GREEN PEAS, STRING BEANS, on that date and the staff will be plates Is a crltyron they can’t have pretty well assembled. The work much longer ln this country. Their JIM’S CORNER NATIVE & MASSACHUSETTS ASPARAGUS, of renovation is progressing rapidly, cr^tt was liberally decorated with GILLEY A DUNCAN EGG PLANT, NATIVE SPINACH, CUKES, and it will be one of the most at­ anclftyt war gear that would have tractive little hotels ln this section brought joy t,d apy of the knights of (Successors to) of Maine. The dishes, which were the Indian pain killer. The windows RIPE TOMATOES, LETTUCE, BUNCH BEETS imported from England, arrived re­ of thfe rhafehlrife dlsplayfed the service CARROTS, NEW AND SWEET POTATOES, cently and will contribute very ma­ medals awarded the trio, all of whom CLEARANCE SALE LARRABEE & DODGE terially to the attractiveness of thc are said to have been wounded. They dining room. The Crescent Beach departed shortly after 6 o’clock with CALIFORNIA CANTALOUP^, PINEAPPLES, Inn and Cottages will be managed substantial proof of the friendly BERRIES, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, this season hy F. E. Ddhion. C. D splrft of this city. We must clean up cur stock of boneless veal roast, ib...... 25c Iletue is also one of the proprietors. CHERRIES, NEW GRAPES, APPLES BEEF ROAST...... 15c, 18c, 20c, 23c At the annual meeting of the Post s::P1P£S::: Oltice clerks ln this city Memorial 2 Cans Fancy Com 2 Cans Tender Peas Day the following committees wero DANCE as we have to get out SIRLOIN ROAST OR STEAK...... 32c 35c 35c appointed: Finance George H. Con­ 1 1 at 1 1 ant, Camden; George T. Stewart, of thfe store PORTERHOUSE ROAST OR STEAK ... 39c Rockland; E. |M. /Benner, .Rockland: SPRUCE HEAD 2 Cans Golden Bantam Succotash resolutions, II. S. Higgins, Waterville; Corn, 43c 19c can W. W. Soule. Waterville; W. L. Cum­ Community Hall 15 LBS. FINE SUGAR...... $1.00 mings, Bath; credentials, E. L. Har­ riman, Gardiner; J. L. Stahl, Cam­ Tit Willow Campbell’s SATURDAY NIGHT den; A. J. Caron, Westbrook. It HATCHET ROLLED OATS...... 10c Tomato Soup was voted to make the present retire­ Smalley’s’ Orchestra FRIDAY AND SATURDAY No. 2 Tomatoes ment act of the Federal Government Square and Round Dances 3 cans the paramount issue during the com­ We will open up and sell them out at less than STRAWBERRIES, CUKES, SPINACH, 15c; 2 for 25c 25c ing year. The association through Begins at 8:00 o’clock Its various branches will work for a Everybody welcome cost. Come in and look them over. If you peed revision of the present system, seek­ RHUBARB, STRING BEANS, Swift’s Swift’s ing more liberal provisions for Undo a pipe you can save monfey if you buy two or Sunbright Cleanser Washing Powder Sam’s veteran employees In the postal ICEBERG LETTUCE, ASPARAGUS, CELERY sfervice. three and put them away. It will pay you. Other 3c can; 10 cans 25c 35c pkg. 27c DANCE stock to be sold at less than cost as we must clean Friday, Jane 12, the new home oi EVERYTHING THAT’S GOOD TO EAT the Ku Klux Kian will Ihvlte your If you want a good time come up everything in the store. DRY CODFISH (very slack) lb...... 14c inspection. ln the afternoon there down to South Thomaston Grange will be a sale of cooked food, fancy Hall— PHONE YOUR ORDERS articles, toys; an Infants and chil­ drens booth, candy. Ice cream, mis­ FRIDAY NIGHT Telephone 266 QUALITY Knowlton’s SERVICE cellaneous goods. A delicious sup­ JIM’S CORNER per will be served from 5 to 7 at GOc Square and Round Dances NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD per plate. An orchestra will play DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY afternoon and evening. We wel­ 352 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND come you to our new home. Your Smalley’s Orchestra “A Man Is What He Eats” ticket Is ready for thfe asking—as 38-Th-tf will be by ticket only—ad. Every-Other-Day Page Four Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, June 4, 1925.

SOUTH WALDOBORO UNION Mr. ’and Mrs. W. Williamson have Mrs. E. B. Burns and (laughter Children Cry^ EASTERN STEAMSHIP Myrtle and Miss Drucllla Haupt! I sold their home to a Mr. Meservey L LINES, Inc. of Benton and have moved to Spruce called on Mrs. Percy Miller at East Waldoboro Sunday. Head where they will make their BOSTON & BANGOR LINE Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pitcher of home in the future. Cool and Summery j \ Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ames were STANDARD TIME Allston. Mass, and Mrs. Fred Pitcher Sunday guests of his sister. Mrs. Ber­ Leave Bangor(daily except Sunday) of Chelsea, Maas., were weekend at 2 P. M„ Winterport 2.45 P. M.. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. § tha Simmons. Bucksport 3.30 F. M„ Belfast Pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. Justus Ripley and little daughter of Bowdoinham were 5 I*. M.. Camden 5.45 1*. M., Rock­ Silk Frocks Mrs. O. S. Borrleman is very much land 8 P. M„ due Boston following better at this writing. calling on friends here Sunday. Mis. Igiura Williams and daughter morning about 7 A. M. Return: Ambrose Wallace and daughter of Leave Boston 6 P. M. (Daylight Thomaston were callers here Fri­ have returned from Washington, D 1 (’.. where they passed a delightful Saving Time). day. winter with her son George and fam­ Leave Rockland (daily except Mon­ Miss Eva Genthner visited at day) at 5 A. M. Camden 5.45 $10.98 up ily. Dutch Neck last week. T)IE a la mode is pie A. M.. Belfast 7.15 A. M„ Bucks­ There was no school .for three Miss Mabel Ayer is home for a astoria C port 8.45 A. M„ Winterport 9.15 A at its best when you visit. No matter what you have days on account of the death of the A. M., due Bangor 10 A. M. teacher's brother-in-law. Fred 1. O. O. F. district meeting will be use S & H Vanilla Ice BAR HARBOR AND in mind or where your vaca- * Elliott of Brockton. held with I’nion Lodge. No. 35 next MOTHER:- Fletcher’s Maynr.rd Brown of Bath spent the Cream. For what de­ Saturday night. Warren Lodge will Castoria is especially prepared BLUE HILL LINES tion days will be spent these weekend with his sister, Mrs. Austin confer tlie third degree on a class of Leave Rockland (daily except Mon­ Winchenhach. licious cream this is. candidates. to relieve Infants in arms and day) at 5 A. M. Returning leave summer frocks will share Miss Verna Creamer spent thd Mrs. li. E. Mank of South Hope is Children all ages of Constipa­ Bar Harbor 1 P. M. and Blue Hill Made with pure vanilla the guest of Misses Mary and Eva 12.30 P. M. for all landings In each weekend at Mrs. G. E. Scofield's. tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic your pleasure and increase Mrs. Inez Shuman and son William beans and other rich, se­ Ware. direction. them. Of the of Portland are visiting S. J. Bur­ .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bachelder, Miss and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by Sailings daily from India Wharf favored silks rows. lected ingredients, it Lillian Baker, Emma Wellington and regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of j Boston, for New York at 5 P. M. Miss Dorothy Wallace was In Miss Addle -Kimball of Rockland (Daylight Saving Time). of the season, in the colors Pleasant Point Sunday, the guest of has a satisfying goodness called on Miss Finnic Brewer Sunday. Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ______Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Seavey. you’ll not find in any Memorial Day dawned in a rather Vinalhaven and Rockland that fashion approves and of ', Miss Virginia Winchenbaugh of discouraging way to those who had To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Steamboat Co. ; Rockland spent the weekend with other kind. There are worked so hard and planned to have i Absolutely Harmless-No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. a quality that belies their i Miss Doris Burrows. everything go smoothly. The school 5 & H flavors for every The direct route between price—they are correct for all Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robinson of children inarched to tlie cemetery ROCKLAND. VINALHAVEN. NORTH HA­ ; Portland spent the weekend at» C. taste—fruit, nut, cus­ with John Howard as leader, after Eitato ot Alamo- t. Wax VEN. STONINGTON AND SWAN’S I F. Jackson's. which there were services at the WEST ROCKPORT XOTICB ISLAND your sunlit summer hours. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rhodes of tards. There is health Tlie subscriber hereby circa notice that on monument. In the evening there was Memorial Day exercises were held May 19. 1925. she was duly appointed ailnil'i- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT I Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark a large gathering at town hall where here Saturday morning. The line of Istratrlx of the estate of Alanson L. Wall, In effect June I, 1925 in every sauccrful. late of Thomaston. In the Count} of Knox, j Hutchins and Mary Winchenhach of a very pleasing program was given. march started from the hall of the (Subject to change without notice) , Jefferson were guests of Mrs. Caro- Tlie childrens flag drill under the Mt. Pleasant hand, proceeding to the deceased, and on June 1. 1925, was qualified to fill said trust by giving bond as the law VINALHAVEN LINE I line Winchenhach Monday. They Buy your ice cream at leadership of Miss Doris Messer was schoolhouse where they were Joined directs Steamer leaves Vinalhaven. dally, except also called at the home of Wilbur O. very beautifully carried out. A quar- by the school children, hack through All persons having demands against the Cutler-Cook the S & H sign—bricks, estate, are desired to present the same for Siindav. at 6.30 A. M . and 1 P M . arriving Pitcher. tet composed of Mrs. Lout? Carrol’, the village, followed by the Civil settlement, and all indebted thereto, are re­ at Rockland at K A M and 2 30 I’. M. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Vinal of War­ bulk or cones. Simmons Mrs. Marcia Robbins, Herbert Mes­ War veterans and their widows; and quired to make payment Immediately to Returning leaves Rockland at 9 A M , and JOSEPHINE B STONE. 3 I’. M ren. Mr. a»d Mrs. Albert Burdett of ser and Henry Ames rendered several finally by cars occupied by citizens STONINGTON AND SWAN S ISLAND LINE Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gowell 6 Hammond Mfg. Co., Thomaston, Maine. selections. The address of the eve­ of the village. At the cemetery exer­ June 1, 1923. June4-ll-18 Steamer leaves Swan’s Island dally except of Poland and Nellie and Mary ning was given by Rev. (’. A. Knick­ cises were given by the school chil­ Sunday .it 5 30 A. M , Stonington at 6.30. Company Bangor, Maine. Estate of Sarah J. Carver Nortji Haven at 7.30, due at Rockland about Sampson of New Hampshire were erbocker of Rockland and he gave a dren, and music by the Mount Pleas­ NOTICE 8 50. at Ella Wallace's Sunday. wonderful talk, paying splendid trib­ ant hand. On returning from the j The subscriber hereby gives notice that on Returning, leaves Rockland 130 P M , Main and Elm Streets Rockland i Mrs. Clara Wallace was a guest ute to the hoys in blue and down to 1 cemetery the hand played several May 19. 1925, he was duly appointed admin North Haven at 2 30, Stonington at 3.40, duo of Mrs. Martin Collamore during the Istra tor of the estate of Sarah J Carver, to arrive at Swan's Island about 5 I’. AI. the boys of the World War. There selections in front of their hall. late of Vinalhaven. In the County of Knox. It. II. STINSON. Phone or Mail Orders past week. were hut four of the old soldiers pres­ The people of this place witnessed deceased, without bond as t}e law directs, General Agent. Mrs. Inez Shuman, son Alfred and ent and their whitened locks sent a a sight they are seldom privileged and on tlds date was qualified to fill aald Telephone 288 daughter Emma Robinson of Port­ w ire of sadness over all hearts, ye* to ace when Oscar Carroll of Rock- persons hM|ng f Thomaston I estate, are desired to present the same for wich. the weekend and holiday with South Windham were weekend guests Bessie F. Crowell. Ph. I)., will deliver was in town Monday afternoon. settlement, and all indebted thereto are re­ Wrinkled Skin quired to make payment immediately to hts sister, Mrs. Austin Wtnclien- of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Payson. the address on the subject “The Con­ O. IL Blake of Rockland visited ditions of Successful Life.” Several GRACE C PAYSON. bach. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Hubbard, who his brother, I. S. Blake, last Friday Thomaston, Maine. UMMER COLDS Squeeze the juice selections of special music will be of two lemons in have been spending a few days at tho and Saturday. May 19. 1925. May28-June4-ll home of her father, J. M. Davis, have rendered by the choir. Sunday Estate of Charles B. Bradbury s that make you so uncom­ a bottle containing NORTH WARREN returned to their home in Yonkers, school at 12. Evening service at 7 The subscrPHT hereby gives notice that on fortable in hot weather, three ounces of o’clock. EAST WALDOBORO May 19th, 1925, she was duly appointed ad­ Orchard White, George Erickson came from MdSk N. Y. ministratrix of the estate of Charles B Brad­ are better treated exter­ Mrs. Jennie Payson and Mrs. May Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thurston have Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Poland and Miss which any drug­ achusetts last Sunday. bury. late of South Thomaston, in the County nally—Rub over chest gist will supply The friends of Colby Post will be Robbins were recent guests of Mrs. gone to Orono to attend the com­ Sally Fuller of Malden, Mass., were, of Knox, deoeased. and on this date was mencement exercises of the Uni­ qualified to fill said trust by Riving bond and throat and apply fre­ for a few cents, glad to know he Is Improving. Lottie Wellman in Hope. in town for a few’ days last week as tlie law directs shake well and you Mrs. Rose Packard who has been Mrs. Clara Gracie of North Warren versity of Maine, when their daugh­ returning to Massachusets Monday. All persons having demands against the quently up nostrils — have the very mild­ staying with her brother, L. Mank, the has been spending several days with ter. Annie Belle, will graduate. They Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sawyer and es’ate. are deolred to present the same for her daughter, Mrs. Bernice Young. were accompanied by their d'lighter. set;lenient, and all indebted thereto are re­ est anti-wrinkle lo­ past winter, ihas returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Davis were weekend quired to make payment immediately to tion to tighten relaxed skin, erase home in Waldoboro. There was a good attendance at Miss Florence Thurston and will not guests at ftie summer home of *Mr. ANNIE V BRADBURY. fine lines and eradicate crows-feet. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Williamson the dance here Saturday night. return until the first of the week. Sawyer last week. South Thomaston. Maine Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon called on Mrs. Josie Cummings re­ Some of the children at this place The regular meeting of the Wom­ Mr. and Mrs. Fret) Cunningham. May 19, 1925. May28-.1dne4-ll lotion into the akin at night. By HOPE cently. They have sold their place are attending Sunday school at an's Community ('lull of I’nion will Miss Verna Cunningham. Linwood Estate of William F. Upham VapoRub morning most of the tell-tale wrin­ South Hope. be held in the vestry of the Congrega­ NOTICE Over 17 Million Jar9 Uttd Yearly There were many visitors in town in Union and have moved to Spruce Cunningham and Mr. Little of Jef­ The subscriber hereby gives notice that on kles, tired lines and crow8-feet are Memorial Day and Sunday, some call­ Head. A. M. Titus has employment with tional church on Tuesday afternoon ferson were callers at C. E.

WALDOBORO by Mr. Renwick. Herbert Noyes OWL’S HEAD MONHEGAN MATINICUS ROCK was marshal and conducted the class­ Miss Marguerite and Miss Florence I Capt. R. J. Chadwick launched his F. \V. Morong, government ma­ Miss Florence Philhrook of Rock­ es to their seats in a graceful man­ Always Dependable Hoffman of South Portland were new sein boat last week and if now chinist, is due here very soon. land spent the weekend witli her ner. J grandmother, Mrs. Alice Philhrook. juests at George Soule’s Sunday. Miss Pauline' V. Beal spent the ready for the Two-Acre patch. The twentieth anniversary hall of Mr. and Mrs. Royce Shuman of weekend with her parents, Keeper Joseph Donlan was in town last All of the herring catchers’ were John Davis Lodge, I. O. O. I*’., was Rockland, Mass, have been at E. E. here Tuesday. Some of them, have and Mrs. A. J. Beal. week. He brought his car through held at the Opera House. May 29 with Rector’s. now gone to tlie Eastward. Mrs. A. B. Beal entertained as* a from Haddonfield, N. J. a large attendance. Music was fur­ PRIEST'S POWDER Alexander Bain was home from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morse were in The Lulu L. was here last week guest to tea last Thursday evening nished by the McGuire Orchestra. school over the weekend. Portland Tuesday. bringing a load of freight for Hill Miss Mary Peabody. Arthur Bain and crew sailed Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Erank Patten ol Dane. Capt. Leslie Davis of Monhegan The Only Remedy He Has day to the scallop beds. Somerville, Mass., were at Miss Capt. Archibald in the Gov. Doug­ was off the slip .here last Monday in GROSS NECK Miss Leona Reed and Frank Mac­ Julia Kaler’s last week. las made his first trip for the sum­ his new boat tlie Maurice G. Davis. Miss Jessie L. Keene, Miss Elva Mrs. Sidney Rivers of Damariscot­ Found That Gives'Relief Donald who have been guests of mer Tuesday. We will now have Mrs. A. J. Stevens after a short Miss Reed’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Black and Miss Alice Newbert were two mails a day for three moiftlis. visit here with her parents, returned ta visited her -mother, Mrs. Annie "SALADA" K. Reed returned to Orono today. it home from Gorham for the week- Capt. L. C. Nicholson had the mis­ Creamer, Thursday. From Indigestion H618 to Monhegan Wednesday. Grover C. Young, Mis. Ella Simp­ nd and holiday. fortune to lose a wheel of his Ford. D. II. Wincheilbach was at Jesse Capt. Orra Tupper of Criehaven son, Mrs. James Bray, Mrs. E. II. St. William G. Reed lias returned from H. B. Shaw of Thonffiston (called came from Rockland last Friday with McLain's, Bremen, last week. Ashland. Me., Accept no substitute for no Vermont. Walter Kaler .and family of West , April 30. 1925. Clair, Earle Young and Virginia on friends here Tuesday. He wil’ a through ticket and passenger for Simpson made a trip Sunday to Or •Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott of Bath as usual arrive here every morning Waldoboro were here Sunday. the Rock. H. K. Priest, Esq., land and West Penobscot in Mr. other tea is so uniformly pure were here with the Senior Glass ol with fresh produce from the city. Mrs. William Gross has returned A. J. Stevens of Monhegan recently 98 Exchange Street, Young’s Buick car to see relatives. Morse High School, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunbar of home after her eight weeks’ stay at made one of his flying calls at the The Campfire Girls had a social and delicious. Try it to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rines, Merle Boston arrived Saturday for the station. We’re always glad to re­ the Knox Hospital. Rockland. Bangor, Me. M. L. Wellman of Warren was a ami dance in tlie Bain building Sat. and Carlton Hines of Damariscotta summer and are stopping at tlie ceive Adolph. business caller here last week. My Dear Mr. Priest: urday evening. Cake, cocoa, cookies have been guests of Miss Agnes Wick-Wack. Monday, tlie first day of June was 1 lerholzheimer and Mr. llcrbolzheim- Floyd Benner of Waldoboro was in and candy were on sale. SPRUCE HEAD Creamer. Mrs. Fred Steele and daughter of beautiful after a shower of rain in It is with the greatest pleasure that er of Reading and Mr. and Mrs.* New­ At a special town meeting Monday thiji placq Thursday. I recommend your Indigestion Pow­ Miss Sadie Young and Maynard Mrs. 1). W. Mann and Mrs. C. P. hall of Stoneluun. They made the New York came today and will stay early morn. Household duties were Linscott spent Sunday in town, the William A. Richards was elected as­ at thejsland Inn until their new cot­ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burns and der. Morrill were guests of Miss Helen trip in Miss Ilerholzheimer’s new Es­ quickly done away and the 1 .dies daughter Olive and Mrs. Colby Wal­ guests of relatives. sessor in the place of the late tage is completed. made the afternoon a gala da/. For years I followed an active out­ Meservey and Willi ‘in Avery in sex coach. jeorge N. IWinchenbaugh. lace and son Orrin of Back Cove were door life. While in the woods or Mrs. P. K. Reed visited Rockland Rockland (Monday. Miss Verene Grant closed very Summer is sure near for Willard R. Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Newhall and son Mrs. Mary G. Elkins, who has at William Gross’ Sunday. upon.a farm, never knew the meaning successful term of school. The par­ Ililt lias laid aside his winter cap. An item in this column stated that Mrs. D. \V. Mann and sister Mrs. Rog. r of Rockland were guests Sun­ *een in town for the weekend re- William Genthner has returned to of indigestion; I could eat a grind­ ents are hoping that Miss Grant will Mr. and ’Mrs. Francis 'Philhrook arc Janies Gilchrest were guests of Mr.-. day of her mother, Mrs. Annie Bur­ urned to Portland Tuesday wafter- Harbor Island. He was accompanied stone and use the handle for a tooth return another year. at Matinicus. It should have read C. I’. Morrill Thursday. ton. poon. STONINGTON by Eddie Gross of Dutch Neck. pick. Miss Alice Brown of New York Criehaven where they have gone for Mr. and Mrs. Earle Kinney and Mr. ami Mrs. R. II. Rackliff and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Creamer and Ipuring the last ten years I have V Dr. Thomas J. P.urrage of Portland arrived tills morning for the sum ?’rmorial Day services at the Opera the summer. daughter of St. George with friends Mr. and Mrs. John Willett spent the rwas in town professionally Sunday House at 2 o’clock were conducted by three children «of Glendon passed worked as a janitor for the Central mer. < Sunday with Mrs. Creamer’s sister, •Mrs. Carl S. Reed spent Tuesday motored here Sunday and were guests weekend in Bangor. | r Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Soule and Irvin There will be a dance at the Albee George B. Noyes, M. D., the only School Building in Ashland. This Mrs. Walter Eugley. with Mrs. Gilman Ram^dell in of Mrs. C. P. Morrill. Miss C. II. Robinson returned home “fioule, Jr., spent the weekend at Sid­ House Saturday night. veteran in town, now aged 88, witli work keeps me under cover nine Albion Genthner spent Saturday Rockland. Mr. And Mrs. N. W. Drinkwater from St. George Sunday. ney Creamer’s. Capt. Dwight Stanley landed an- tlie following program: Invocation; months in the year and it has been and Sunday at home from Jefferson. Mrs. Mark Gilbert who has been and Mrs. H. F. York motored to (Ban­ Mr. ami Mrs. William Williamson Miss Edna Young has returned oilier large halibut last week. music: “The Star Spangled Banner;” hard to adjust my eating habits to Fred Stahl and family of Broad visiting at Crescent Beach returned gor Sunday. of I’nion have moved into Mrs. Susie from Massachusetts and will spend address, Rev. Harold E. Mayo; mu­ meet this new condition. I have Cove were at Charles Geele’s Sunday. to her home in Haverhill. Mass. Smith’s house. the summer at her home here. sic; flag songs by pupils of the 4th tried every digestive tablet I could Darrell Mann of Two Bush Light John Prior of Bremen was in this Wednesday. Miss Virginia Elwell is staying Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pitcher ol VINAI .HAVEN and 5th grades; music r wand drill, find, hut never until 1 used Priest’s Station who has been spending a few Allston. Mass., and Fred A. Pitcher Marguerite Chapter, O. E. S.. he’d place last week. “Indigestion Powder” did I find any days in Waldoboro returned home with Mrs. Earle Drinkwater. pupils of ’ grades 1, '2, 3 and 4; Miss Lena Thorndike of Rockland of Chelsea, Mass., were calling on its regular meeting Monday evening. relief. Monday. music; “American Flag,” grades 4 spent the weekend at her cottage. friends in town Saturday. Worthy Matron Christina Christie Now when I am feeling miserable Mrs. T. E. Wiley of Rockland was and 5; “America.” Tlie hall was COOPER’S MILLS Next Sunday’s Mrs. Anna Wardwell motored here The play given by the Senior Class and Past Worthy Matron Agnes from the pangs of indigestion I take a weekend guest of Mrs. N. P. Hall crowded and great interest was taken A real estate transfer of some im­ recently from Quincy, Mass., and vis­ Morse High School of Bath in the Smalley retir ned last week from a spoonful of Priest’s Indigestion and Mrs. Alice Grant. in tlie exercises. The address was portance took place here last week ited her mother, Mrs. Cassie McLeod. ijStar Theatre was thoroughly en- Portland v. here they attended the very interesting. Powder” in a cup of hot. water,' and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Olson and when Barclay R. Miller bought of M. Boston Globe Mrs. C. P. Morrill entertained Wil­ Hjoyed. Although familiar to a large Eastern Star Grand Lodge and tho Elder Calvin Rich returned from in a short time I am feeling lino daughter Selina of Camden and Mrs. matron's report was given by her. in R. Moore his farm and large lumber again. liam Avery, Miss Helen Meservey, Qpart of the audience “Peg O’ My the West last week to resume his Mildred Elwell ami children of Unity a most able an 1 interesting manner. tract containing nearly 400 acres. Order it in advance, You will Mrs. E. V. Shea, Mrs. W. W. Godfrey Heart” has a charm quite its own duties in the L. D. S. church. The Yours truly, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. After the meeting a social hour was Young Miller appears to he level and Winnlfred Grant Tuesday even­ xnd tlie characters were handled ef­ Saints will hold their quarterly con­ J. A. Collier. enjoy the Otto Olson. held with games and refreshments headed, ambitious and not afraid of ing. lee cream, cakes, coffee and tea ficiently by the group of young peo­ ference here next Sunday. served by the following committee. j worlt and all gladly would welcome PRIEST’S REGULATORS, the ideal William Avery of Ltinenherg, Vt., were served. ple. Miss Dorothy Donnell in the is visiting Miss Helen Meservey at Marion Littlefield, Flora Brown, Rose Baccalaureate services were held more such fellows with a progressive Sunday Globe Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson and part of “Peg’’ was very clever and at the Opera House May 31. The makeup. Mr. Miller is from Apple- tonic for chronic con­ Mrs. C. P. Morrill’s. the other characters were done with Mathaison and Florence Thompson. aunt, Mrs. M. L. Kendall and Arthur sermon was delivered by Rev. Harold ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vesper Burton of Boston spent the Patterson motored here Tuesday from a line attention to detail. The play Mr. and M. s. Porter of Lansilown stipation Magazine and Mi's. M. 11. Knerr of Philadel­ E. Mayo. Special music was sung Miller. Mr. Moore will move to Au- weekend with his mother, Mrs. Annie ,Norwell, Mass., and have opened was coached and directed by Mrs by the choir and a violin solo given ■ da in the near future. 25c and 75c Burton and had as guests Miss Alice Ruth B. Wilson. The orchestra) phia, Penn., are guests at Bridgoslde. East Holm for the summer. composed of High School pupils J Mrs. I’orter Lawry left Wednesday added to the success of the produc-P01' a *•”>'» visit in Rockland. tion.,lon ' Mrs. Rufus Miller, who has been Gardner E. Wentworth, the new the guest of Mrs. Evelyn Smith at leader of the Paragon Button Cor­ Lane’s Island, has returned to her poration Band, will take charge home at Matlnichs. June 12. Mr. Wentworth, formerly Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Lalte and PERFECTION of the Fort Totten Band of (New sons Gilbert and George who were York, is a graduate of the U. S. weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Army Band School of Washington Patterson, left Monday noon for C00K Stoves and Ranges D. C. He is a line pianist and mas­ their home in Bangor. ter of the trombone and ’cello. Th< Next Sunday, Rev. A. G. Henderson band is to have additions in the per­ ill preach' the baccalaureate sernxmi sons of John J. Roy and Vladimir to the Senior Class and pupils of Vi­ Women are finding more and more that their kitchen work is greatly lightened by the $ < trloff. both accomplished musicians nalhaven High -School. His subject The band will give a public concert will he “The Victory of Purpose.’ m =© 1 ar faster cooking and greater conveniences given by these splendid Perfection Ranges. in the Star Theatre at an early date The High School will have charge of preceding the open air concerts the music and there will he selec­ 5 5B H Street dances are also on the pro­ tions by the High School Orchestra The powerful Burners give the cooking speed of gas. If you use a coal or wood stove, gram which will he a drawing card and singing by the Glee Club, tinder the direction of Supervisor of Music for a large following. With more Albra Vinal Smith. The subject of by all means let us demonstrate these Perfections to you. They will save you hours in the accomplished musicians and in­ tlie evening service will he “The creased numbers the Paragon But­ Challenge of the Impossible.” Read­ ton Corporation Band anticipates its kitchen and give even better baking results. Come in and let us give you an actual dem­ ing by the pastor, “David and Go­ most successful year. liath.” Mrs. Henderson will he so­ American Legion drive for funds loist at this meeting. onstration of their wonderful performance. ■ for the disabled soldiers and their Mrs. George Kossuth was in Rock­ widows and orphans is on this land Tuesday to meet her motlier. week. It is a worthy cause and one Mrs. Clark of Forest Hills, Mass. which reaches alike to heart and They returned fb Vinalhaven and ar? pocketbook. Although we have no V. F. STUDLEY, INC. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kos local pos^ the appeal sjmiyd liinl /l stlth. response of which Waldoboro will Rev. Albert Henderson left Tues­ not be ashamed. Contributions may day for Lewiston to attend the Bap­ 283 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND, MAINE l>e left in the stores where cards are tist conference. displayed, with Rev. Guy McQuaidec Mrs. Max Conway left Tuesday for and Arthur M. Chute, who has Rockland to enter Knox hospital for charge of the drive in town. No an operation for appendicitis. She town in Lincoln County went ahead was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. of Waldoboro in war time. The Langtry 'Smith. need is just as great. The debt if At the School street grounds Mon­ I ^ours. day afternoon our High School base­ ball team trimmed the Camden Higli FRIENDSHIP with a score of 10 to 6. ECONOMY Perfection inCooking Almond Wallace, Granville Brown The Umbrella Club met with Mrs. and James Murphy have joined the Ben Patrick Friday. auto ring and are each driving Miss Alice Lane and friend Mrs. car of his own. Brown left Tuesday for Newport MELL the aroma of broiled steak—that mouth-watering Mr. and Mrs. Perley J. Mason and News, Va.. making the trip by auto. Mrs. Maker have been visiting in Miss Evelyn Manson accompanies smell of a juicy thick ’un done to a turn—seared to the New Hampshire the past week. them to Portland and Mrs. E. M. lla'.l S Mrs. Charlena Lawry who lias to Rockland. minute — plumb-full of rich flavor. It’s broiled, actually been visiting in Massachusetts and Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson left broiled, over the fast-as-gas flame, and heat—plenty of it— Brooklyn, has returned. Monday for Criehaven. Mrs. Raymond Carter and two Mrs. Pearl Calderwood and aunt f>ro»7ing heat, an exclusive feature of any Perfection Oil Cook children of Madison are visiting at Mrs. Emma Dyer were in Rockland Charles Curtis'. Tuesday. Stove.* And besides, it can cook any dish fit for a king. It Miss Mary Rogers Is tlie guest of Miss Edythe Libby arrived Tuesday her mother Mrs. Nancy Rogers for from Boston. bakes, roasts, toasts and broils. Ask any one of the 2,000,000 a week. Ivan Poole has arrived home from satisfied housewives who own one. Miss Edii Lawry, who lias been University of Maine. visiting relatives in Brockton, Mass., Monday .after school Avis Mae Johnson entertained the following *There’i a wide range of Perfection models, including has returned home. the fast-as-gas Superfei. Ask jour dealer Eugene Clark of Framingham. little friends at Lincoln’s Bakery, demonstrate. Mass., has been spending a few days honor of her birthday: Ernestine Io dem in town at ills summer home. Carver, Carolyn Calderwood, Eliza­ Dr. Leonard of Somerville lias beth Gray, Pauline Sanborn, Erdine been spending a few days in town Calderwood, Ellen Georgeson, Martha He is having some additions made Thompson, Athene Thompson. A The New and Improved on hts summer home. table was reserved for the little folks Mrs. Susan Murphy Is visiting her and decorated for the occasion, the Perfection Ranges are an sons, Charles 1>. and B. A. Murphy favors were small glass baskets filled Rev. Air. Clifford of Thomaston Is witli candies. Ice cream and birth­ holding very interesting services at day cake were served. The little Immense Asset to the the M. E. church and will continue hostess received several gifts and to do so through the summer large birthday cake was made for prudent housekeeper — Tlie remains of Mrs. James Hoff- her by Mrs. L. R. Smith, whose wed­ PERFECTION ses were taken from the tomb in ding anniversary falls on the*same efficient and economical. Rockland and brought to Friendship date. Little Miss Avis also pre­ OU Cook Stoves and Ovens and interred in tlie (Rd \ iilage sented Mr. and Mrs. Smith with a cemetery. Rev. Percy J. Clifford of­ gift. The party was given by Mrs. ficiated at the Intrial ifrvices. W. Y. Fossett who also took snap STONINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Cole and son Hiram shots of tlie little hostess and her of South Portland motored to guests. FURNITURE CO. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW YORK Friendship and spent the day with Mrs. Nancy Rogers. ROCKLAND, ME. Frank Hoffscs of Hyde Park PETITION FOR FISH WEIR 26 Broadway Vinalhaven. Maine, May 30, 1925 Mass.. Was a guest over Sunday of To the Honorable Board of Selectmen of VI his sister, Mrs. Walter Wotton. 11 a I ban*!. The Ladies' Aid met In the par I hereby respectfully apply for a licence to erect and operate a herring weir In the sonage Wednesday. town of Vinalhaven in the following location to wit: Beginning on the shore of the Western side PORT CLYDE of Bar Island at mouth of Long Cove, so- Rev. Sidney Packard of Waldoboro called and extending In a Westerly direction preached in the Baptist church Sun for a distance of 200 yards more or less (Signed) FKRU H HALL. day afternoon. Upon the foregoing petition it Is ordered Better Cooking—Less Work Guy Brann and family of South that public notice he given as required by UTMOST in law, not less than three da.vs before the 6.h Portland and Ralph Gillmore of Lan day of June, 1925. upon which day at 1 caster. Mass., Miss Edith Gillmore of o’clock in tlie afternoon a hearing will he Perhaps you do not know of the great progress made during the last few years, in oil South! Hiram and Theodore McLat given in the Selectmen’s office upon said peti­ Oil Cook Stoves tion to the end that all persons may have and family of Thomaston spent th< full opportunity to show cause why said pe­ cook stoves. The Perfection Oil Stove of today, equals in speed, cleanliness and conveni­ weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Loren tition should not be granted. Teel. (Signed O. V. DREW. L. B. DYER. ence the finest gas stove. It will save you from the bother and fuss of your coal or wood Mrs. Lilia Anthony is spending til 06-67 Selectmen of Vinalhaven. week in Augusta The Grammar 'School closed Friday range and give even better cooking results. Over four and one-half million housewives after a successful term taught by Miss Emma Stackpolc of Thomaston FISH PEDDLERS are using them. John Freeman was taken to the hospital in Augusta last week. Miss Rosamond Wilson of West ATTENTION!, Come in and let us. demonstrate the Perfection best suited to your needs and pocket­ Newton, Mass., is a guest of her sis Haddock, Hake, Cusk, ter, Mrs. Ada Simmons. book. Many styles and sizes to choose from. The community was saddened by Halfcut the death of Mrs. Hattie Bala no Arriving Daily which took place Wednesday night after several years of ill health. Mrs. Reasonable Prices V. F. STUDLEY, INC. Balano leaves a Husband and two PORT CLYDE FISH & daughters, Mrs. Grace Freeman and Mrs. Mabel Beals. Funeral services COLD STORAGE CO. 283 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND, MAINE were held at her late home, Rev. PORT CLYDE, ME. William Brewster officiating. 66-67 Every-Other-Day Page Six Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, June 4, 1925.

THOMASTON Capt. Amos Dow, who has been ln ' OWNERS AND CARETAKERS Boston for the winter, has returned to Thomaston. FRANK 0. HASKELL Miss Esther Kalloch who came 35c Last year's Raisins, 15 oz. pkg...... 7c OF SUMMER COTTAGES home a few weeks ago to attend the CASH GROCERY 41 OCEAN STREET ROCKLAND , Hamburg, fresh ground, 3 Ibs. 25c New Raisins, 15 oz. pkg...... 10c funeral of her brother, has returned. Beef, fat and lean for stew, 2 It 25c New Seedless Raisins, lb...... 12c CITIZENS TELEPHONE AND MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED Beef, all lean for pot roast, lb. 19c 5 Ibs...... 55c to Baltimore. ATTENTION! Mrs. Andrews and daughter of CASH PRICES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY 35c Prunes, 3'/2 Ibs...... 25c 40c Uneeda Biscuits, pkg...... 5c Tenant’s Harbor spent Sunday with We have thousands of fine Geianiums ready for her sister, Mrs. A. O. Keene. TELEPHONES 316 AND 317 15c Star Light Cake ...... 15c Stanley Kalloch came on from 12c Dutch Cleanser, can ...... 7c you. Also thousands of Good Seedlings. Write Lewiston and spent the weekend with 5 POUNDS NEW ONIONS...... 25c 7c All Round Flour, bag ...... $1.25 his parents. 18c Ideal, the very best All Round us yoTir wants or call at our greenhouses, at Miss Evelyn Kalloch who is attend­ FOWL—Fancy Milk Fed, lb...... 38c Pork Chops or Roast, lb...... 25c Flour, bag ...... $1.40 ing Normal School at Farmington LEGS, lb...... 30c Very Lean Pork Roast, lb...... 28c Nut Butterine, lb. 25c; 5 Ibs. $1.15 253 Camden Street, Rockland LAMB Very Lean Pork Chops, lb...... 30c Nut Butterine, all colored, lb...... 28c Spent a few days at home recently. FORES, lb...... 20c CORNED BEEF, lb...... 8c F. 1». Hills has had the telephone PORK ROASTS, lb...... 28c Swift's Compound Lard, lb...... 16c Full Cream Cheese, lb...... 35c THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP installed in his house. FANCY STEW, lb...... 20c Pure Lard, very good, lb...... 19c Milk Cheese, lb...... 30c (Jen. Knox Chapter, D. A. TL. will PORK CHOPS, lb...... 30c 2 lb. Tin Pail Pure Lard ...... 45c 3 Ibs...... 85c “SILSBY’S” National Small Soda Crackers, 3 hold a cooked food sale at the Con- SPRING CHOPS, lb...... 35c SMOKED SHOULDERS, lb...... 20c Heavy Salt Pork, lb...... 22c gregatiolnal vestry tomorrow at 2 Smoked Shoulders, lb...... 19c Ibs. for ...... 45c 399 MAIN STREET • •- •••••• ROCKLAND, ME. o’clock' for the benefit of the old Smoked Shoulders, 8 to 10 Ibs., perl Coffee, fresh ground, lb...... 39c G4tf church on the hill. Any contributions FINE GRANULATED SUGAR, 15 pounds...... $100 pound ...... 171 2 3 Ibs...... ?...... $1.10 or assistance from citizens for this BEST ALL ROUND FLOUR, bag ...... $1.35 Frankforts, lb...... 18c; 5 Ibs...... 85c Marshmallow Creme, large can .... 23c worthy work will be gratefully re­ Pressed or Minced Ham, lb...... r 25c 1 gallon Can Peaches ...... 85c Wanted ceived. 5 Ibs...... $1.10 1 gallon Can Pineapple ...... 95c In Everybody’s Column COMPOUND LARD, lb...... 16c 5 lb. Can Davis Baking Powder .... 90c Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Copeland PURE LARD, lb...... 20c Lamb Fores, lib...... 19c Y/ANTED—Work for man in gardens, and Misses Anna and Mary O’Connell SALT PORK, lb...... 22c CREAMERY BUTTER, lb...... 49c Spring Lamb Legs, lb...... 30c Large Can Davis Baking Powder 20c Lost and Found ' lawns anil any such work around the home. of Dorchester, Mass., were guests of ALL OUR BEEF IS CUT FROfcl Sweet Mixed Pickles, lb...... 30c TEL 640 M. 67-09. NOTICE—Notice Is herein given of the loss NUTSHWLL ' Mrs. Fred Redman Memorial Day. FLOUR, Best AH Round, per bag...... $1.35 HEAVY WESTERN STEER BEEF Sour Pickles, lb...... 20c of deposit book numbered 6529 and tbe owner WANTED—Table girl at Mrs. C. A. Creighton went to Bos­ of said book asks for duplicate in accordatice LUNCH. 6? tf Fresh Caught Penobscot Bay Had- Yellow Eye Beans, quart ...... 18c ton Wednesday. Peek ... with the provision of State Law. THOM- WANTED I will give room and board to dock, cleaned, whole, lb...... ,□...... ’J-y ASTON SAYINGS BANK, by Charles M Prof. Edward Robinson has rented COFFEE (Splendid Brand) per pound...... 45c Pea Beans, quart middle aged woman in good health in ex­ Dressed, sliced to fry, lb...... 10c uart ....loc; peck ....>1.35 starrett Treasurer. Thomaston. May -h, change for household duties, which amount his house to Mrs. Charles F. Rich­ Green Peas, quart ...29c; peck ....$1.50 1925. ’ 64-Til-70 PRUNES, 3 pounds...... 25c RAISINS, Seeded, pkg. 10c; Seedless 10c Cod, cleaned, whole, lb...... 6c ______to nothing outside of getting the meals for ardson for the season. Mrs. Richard­ White Peas, quart 15c; peck $1.15 LOST_ Wednesday afternoon between Sils man ami wife (who both are away all day son is planning to be in Thomaston Corned Hake, lb...... 8c bv’s Greenhouse and Little Flower Shop, tire l at work, one on standard time, the other on Halibut Heads, salt, lb...... Calif. Peaches, can ...... 23c and 25c about the 10th of the present month. YELLOW EYE BEANS, quart...... 20c; peck...... $1.50 ... 10c on rim from Ford Coupe Finder phone cuckoo time). No children, cats, dogs or Fresh Halibut, lb...... Pineapple, fancy sliced, can ...... 28c 577-W FRED SMALLWOOD, 30 .Masonic canary birds to care for. Every evening The Knox Hose Co. has been re­ .... 30c CALIFORNIA PEA BEANS, quart...... 18c; peck...... $1.35 Salted Halibut, lb...... Early June Sweet Peas, can ...... 17c St Rockland. 65*67 aud afternoon out and Sunday, only when organized with Levi Clark as fore­ .... 23c —X------■------:— dinner is served Two minutes walk from Fresh Salmon, whole, lb. 30c Maine Corn, 2 cans...... 25c LOST—Light tan male bound; when last |>os| Address MRS. YAM. Gen Del. man. Other members to date are String Beans, 2 cans ...... 25c Sliced to fry, lb...... 33c seen had A. McDonald's collar on. Tel. Rockland, Maine. 67-69 C. A. Starrett, Earl Coates, Newell GREEN PEAS, quart...... 20c Maine Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c I UM-’M. CARROLL COLE______«« i Salt Salmon, lb...... 28c WANTED—^Second-hand bicycle In good McLain,Fred Small, McLellan Gill- PEACHES, California Pack, Heavy Syrup per can...... 25c; 3 cans...... 68c Evaporated Peaches, lb. 15c I FOUND—Two rollle pups £ owner ran have chrest, Marston Simmons and Ed­ Mackerel, fresh, large, lb...... 12c same by applying to 1# ‘state STRKCT.”* CUy. , condition for hoy of seven. CALL »t< Fresh Alewives, each ...... 66*68 i ward Hastings. A husky and reli­ PINEAPPLE, Fancy Sliced, can ...... 29c; 3 cans...... 75c .... 3c All other Meats and Groceries re­ Dry Slack Salted Cod, lh 12c main at the Same Low Prices. Look ---- —------— WANTED —Lady for oftka work Apply able bunch. It is hoped to add two PEAS, Early June, sweet and tender; CORN, YeUow Bantam can 18c; 3 cans 50c Summer Cottages and Board afternoon <>r evening, f II. ADAlMS. M. I) . more to the company. They are in­ Warren Alewives, 10 for ...... 25c our last week’s ad. over and see the ------460 Main Street. Rockland, Maine. 66-tf Boneless Herring, smoked, lb. .... 25c saving you make by trading with us IF YOU have a cottage io let or


Social Circles Further Progress Made On Great Quoddy Head Project FRY WE ARB TEA ROOM To Be Voted On In Sep­ STONINGTON FURNITURE CO. In addition to personal notes recording de* the Budget — Naturalist pirtures and arrivals, this departure es* pfelally desires Information of social hap­ MRS. B. P. PRY, 4 QLEA8ON ST., THOMASTON News. tember. penings, parties, musicals, etc. Notes sent Along with the questions of a high- by mall or telephone will be gladly received. Opens her Inn and Tee Room JUNE 14, with a ! way bond issue and bridging the The Budget: Previously re­ WEEKLY SPECIAL TELEPHONE ...... 771 Special Dinner. She het employed MISS MAR­ ported ...... $505.45 Kennebec River at Bath, the people GARET BURKE, formerly Pastry Cook at the E. C. Payson, Rockland ...... 1.00 of Maine will at a special election in Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Glover Willey Thorndike Hotel, Rockland. Collections at Museum, May September vote on the matter of ap­ WEEK OF JUNE 1 of Camden have announced the en­ 21 ...... 50 proval of a charter, petitioned for by Alt Salkde a Specialty. Alee Ices and Cake. gagement of their daughter, Miss G. D. Gould, Warren ...... 2.00 Dexter P. Cooper, an engineer of na­ Merita Thorndike Willey, to Willard Will cater tb Dinner and Luncheon Parties. X. B. Eastman, Warren ...... 1.00 tional prominence, who seeks to de­ Wight of Manchester, N. H. ;Mr, Reservations made* ahead. Phone 7. P. IJ. Starrett. Warren ...... 2.00 velop hydro-electric power by har­ Wight is the son of the late Judge G. H. Heistad, Rockport ...... 1.00 nessing the tides in the Bay of Fundy. Howard Wight of Berlin, N. H. Will serve everything' found at an up-to-date Collections at Museum, May This project, submitted by the Leg­ Tee Room. 31 ...... '...... 50 islature to referendum, is known as General and Mrs. Lord are booked the Cooper Quoddy 'Head develop­ CONGOLEUMS 67-tf Town of St. George ...... 75.00 fdt another summer among old home Pot Luck ment project. Four meetings of cit­ scenes and will open their Martins­ Total to date ...... $588.45 izens of Washington County have ville cbttage . They will be • « « • just been held in Machias, Calais, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth P. Eastport and Lubec, to 'give Mr. Notes and News: Thirty visitors You know how it is— W i? lull'll and two children. at the Arboretum Sunday, from these Cooper an opportunity to explain in towns: Rockland 11, Rockport 3, friends drop in unexpect­ detail his plans, and to consider how Mrs. Ralph Smith returned to her Tenant’s Harbor 4, Thomaston 1, edly—to take “pot luck” Washington County can help him home in Mew London, Conn., Mon­ Cushing 4, Long Cove 7. interest the people throughout the SMARTEST SHOES! State in his project. Local cham­ day. We were pleased to receive a visit with you. That’s why from Mr. Heistad, the well known you should keep handy a bers of commerce in the respective f The Charity Club will have luneh- landscape gardener of Rockport. We localities condpcted the meetings, fhn at Hill Top Inn. Warren, today AT LOWEST PUCE COME! SEE! BUY! feel too modest to repeat hlR many can of Hatchet Brand which were attended by as many peo­ j’ with Mrs. Lester Sherman as host­ kind words of praise for our work, ple as could crowd into the halls. Baked Beans. They Mr. Cooper explained that with a ess. hut his approval and endorsement of the place and of our plans for pres­ are so simple to serve, too. maximum tide rise or 26 feet in the Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Urfeano ol ent and future development are cer­ Bay of Fundy, and an average head Portland returned yesterday after a tainly most encountering. Cooked the good old- of 22 feet, there can be developed by brief visit at Mrs. |Urbano’s former « « • « a series of great dams and locks a home in this city, Mr. Crbano, who $2-88 Everybody admires the two Japan fashioned way they retain constant power that will generate j was formerly manager of the U. S. Quinces now in full bloom—the red that old-time flavor and from 500,00 to 800,00 horse power. Employment Bureau in Rockland, one Is the more showy, hut the white He estimates that the potential pow­ er of this development will he nearly has been practicing law in Portland Women’s Patent Leather one is very beautiful and not as com-1 save all the labor. the past four years, and has an of­ iiton as the other. Three buds on the equal that at Niagara Falls, and will fice In the Press Herald building. Black Kid, Light Tans Pitcher Plant, which will probably Remember—four kinds he three times greater than the en­ he in bloom hy the middle of June. tire hydro-elcetrfc power now being AH sizes and styles —Baked Beans plaia or generated from Maine’s rivers and [• Michael Goldberg and David The 12 Red and the 12 Painted Tril- lutns recently collected in Cushing with tomato sauce, Baked streams. , Goldberg were down from Boston The three dams will total in length I* for tbe holiday and weekend, which Mail Orders Filled and Warren, are still in bloom, ap­ parently perfectly at home here. Kidney Beans and Baked about four miles. They will be con­ they spent with other guests at their structed of grout rock, with a “blan­ cottage, Alford’s Lake. Clintonia, or. as we now call it, the Yellow-Eyes. ARMSTRONG’S GOLD SEAL Blue-berried Wood Lily and the Can­ ket” of sand. Two great arms of tlie ada Mayflower, are beginning to hay will he placed under control, the Col. and iMrs. Ernest Ames Bob­ To make serving simple upper dam witli about 100 square bins, Jr., of Camden have issued in­ HUB SHOE STORE bloom. Many exclaim when they spy BIRD’S NEPONSET the False Hellebore, it looks so tro­ —just say miles of water service and the other vitations to the marriage of their with 50 square miles. daughter, Miss Anne Margaret Hall, 286 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND pical with its large oval wrinkled leaves. The Chinese Bush Honey­ “A simple engineering problem,” | to John Biker Proctor, which will said Mr. Cooper. “It means utiliz­ 9x12 $ 9x10.6 take place Saturday, June 27, at suckle is in hud. The Lilacs will soon be out. ing tidal power of salt water in prac­ 11.75 high noon (standard time) in St. HATCHET BRAND Norman W. Lermond, Director. tically the same way as the fresh Thomas Episcopal church, Camden Over 150 j«„ds water power in the rivers is utilized, 7.6x9 Wedding breakfast will be served at Opportunity Class of the First B. & P. W. CLUB ELECTS by impounding and the operation of 9.25 "Undercllffe,” the bride’s home, at Baptist church will meet Thursday MAINE BAPTISTS gates. I have ample assurance of half after twelve o’clock. evening with Mrs. Clara Gregory Mitt Payson President—State Head • EDITH GILLIS WALKER financial backing outside of Maine. and Miss Lunetta Smith at 424 Old Tells of Convention Plans. More than 500 delegates assembled I have also received encouragement 3x6 County road. Members please take at the United Baptist church in Leigh Mayo has arrived home The death of Edith Gillis Walker from the Canadian Government offi­ 6.10 7.10 car from wuitlng room. The Business and Professional Lewiston Tuesday for the three-day cials and from engineers of the from .Boston, and will spend the Women’s Club held its annual meet­ brought real sorrow to a large circle »summer here it is understood. annual convention of the United of friends in this city and in her na­ United States Department of the In­ 18x36 inches ing last night preceded hy a delicious Baptists of Maine. _____ Mr. and Mrs. Cram • of Augusta tive town of North Haven. She was terior. It will require three years to were guests over Sunday of Mr. and luncheon. Following the reading of Chief among the conferences was complete the detailed plans which Charles Sherer is home from Uni­ the very encouraging annual reports born Nov. 9. 1905, the only child of versity of Maine for the summer. Mrs. Adelbert Harmon. that of the Ministers’ Association John M. and Letitia (Brown) Gillis will have to he subinittedto the two these officers were elected: Presi­ which was addressed by I)r. Samuel governments for final action. What SPECIAL ON FLOOR COVERING dent, Miss Ethel Payson: vice presi­ and from babyhood was a prime fa­ Mrs. William Watts of Boston who Sherman Daniels and Ills friend G. Neil, D. D., of Philadelphia, Pa. we must first have is the consent of dents, Miss Kathleen Snow and Mrs vorite of the island folks. In school has been the guest of her niece Philip Moody of Portland spent the Held secretary of the American Bap­ she was ever a leader and in order the people of Maine to proceed with Best Felt Base, per yard...... weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ella Crie: corresponding secretary, tist Publication Society, whose topic the plans, under the form of charter 35c Mrs. Clara Young, Limerock street, Miss Ella Richardson: recording sec­ that she might have the benefit of a returns home Saturday night. Daniels. was “The Laws of the Spirit in large school the family moved to framed by the Legislature for sub­ retary, Miss Grace Wolcott; treas­ Present Day Evangelism.” mission to vote at the September Handsome patterns, finest quality, newest designs urer, Mrs. Emily Stevens; chairmen— this city and she graduated from Mrs. G. Mason Stanley of Bar John Robinson and Arthur Roh- Officers elected were: President Rockland High School, class of 1922, election.” publicity, Mrs. Emma Carver: finance. E. M. Holman, Camden; secretary, Questioned as to tlie contemplated for every room in the house Harbor has been spending a few inson were here from Woodfords lo Mrs. Maud Blodgett; house, Mrs. Car­ with excellent rank. days with her husband at 10 Clare- spend Memorial Day. A. D. Paul, Saco; theasurer, E. M. Following graduation the deceased export of electric power, which ii oline Jones; education, Mrs. Nina Fogg, Freeport. The Women’s Mis­ said to have been tbe only question A RARE BUY AT 35 CENTS PER YARD , mont street. Beverage; welfare, Mrs. Grace Dan­ was employed a year and a half in f Percy Howard and son Robert of sion Society of Maine reported a the Security Trust Go., where a sunny on which the legislators stalled in iels; membership, Mrs. Olive Sylves­ successful year of work. The an­ the spring, Mr. Cooper said: Tickets for the June muslcale at Portland were ln the city over the ter; program, Mrs. Emma Harvey. disposition made many new friends. SEE DISPLAY IN SOUTHERN WINDOW Mrs. David Talbot’s next Wednes­ weekend. nual address was given by Miss Following a successful course in sec­ “The charter which tbe people of Mrs. Maud Eaton was made auditor. Annie J.Gwynne, the president. Maine are asked to approve pro­ day are limited, and the committee The club was especially fortunate retarial science in Simmons College In the evening a Young People’s Extension School she entered the em­ vides that no electric current shall be divulges the Interesting Informa­ Mrs. Joseph Cohen of Boston is ' in having for its guest Miss Flora E. ALL NEXT WEEK banquet was held followed by a ploy of the Abbott Hotel Syndicate transmitted outside the State until tion that most of them have already making a fortnight’s visit with her Weed of Bangor, president of the been disposed of. son, Harry Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. convention nt *the church at which in Boca Grande, Fla., in*a secretarial the needs of Maine have been sup­ An c-;rert of the RED STAR OIL STOVES and State Federation of B. and P. W. Dr. Neil spoke on “The Gospel of plied, and the Maine Public Utili­ Samuel Cohen and A. Cohen and Clubs. With Miss Weed were Miss capacity and had contracted to re­ Good Cheer.” turn there the coming winter, the ties Commission shall decide when RANCES will demonstrate fhe Fine Points of the Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jacobs of Lan­ family of Roxbury Elizabeth Firth, Miss Mary Turpin * • * • caster, Pa., have been guests of family accompanying her. She was the maximum requirements of the Red Star at our store. Plan to see' and talk with and Miss Winifred Taylor of the Ban­ Tlie Baptist Slate Convention will State have been met.” Louis (Marcus and daughter Sadie Charles Kidder of Camden was the gor Club, and Mrs. Sara Hammons, happy ln the work and liked the hi.m the past few days enroute to the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Stephen be held in Rockland next year, as South. A. L. T. Cummings, secretary-man­ former president of the Belfast Club, tlie result of an invitation extended ager of the State Chamber of Com­ Marcus home in Stonington. It is Cables, Jr., over the holiday. Miss Weed's informal discussion of The deceased was ever the fa­ several years since the families have by Rev. B. P. Browne at the Lewis vorite child of the Gillis-Brown fam­ merce, accompanied Engineer Cooper the activities and history of the ton convention this week. With the on the circuit of the cities and towns, met. The annual meeting of the W. C. Maine Federation, and especially of ilies. her loss coming especially hard T. lu. will be held at the home of Maine Methodist Conference here in to the grandmothers,*Mrs. Clara Gil­ took part in the meetings and assist­ the plans for the National convention April and the Baptists here in June ed in organizing a county committee STONINGTON FURNITURE CO. Mrs. Laura Brown of Newport has Mrs. E. J. Southard, 10 Ocean street of B. & P. W. Clubs in Portland July lis and Mrs. Laura Brown of North been the recent guest of John M. on Friday at 2.30 p. m. A large at­ Rockland ought to get some of the Haven by whom she was idolized. She to help in publicity lines. He spoke 12-18 met with enthusiastic response publicity which it is now deter­ of interviews he had with engineers i Richardson, Granite street. tendance is desired. from Rockland’s club. was married to Joseph Walker of L. MARCUS, Proprietor mined to seek. this city, and one child, Lucille, was in the Department of the Interior, and Mrs. Frederick Powers and chil- John L. Donohue is in Boston for horn to the union. Interment was with Lieutenant Governor Todd of 313-319 Main St Rockland. Tel. 745-J Iren have gone to Lewiston to spend a few days on business. CORONATION A few years ago, when 6,000,000 made in the family lot at North New Brunswick, who favor the Coop­ er project. he summer. .Mr. Powers Is at automobiles were registered in llaven. FREE DELIVERY (For The Courier-Gazette] iresent with the Gardiner branch of Mr. and Mrs. Bichard S. Fuller re­ America, we talked of the “point of (axl hath reached down and crowned my life trmour’s. turned home by last night’s Boston with love. saturation” being just around the steamer from their (weekend visit Love through tlie years will true and tender corner. Now there are 17,700,179 Maurice Metcalf returned to Bos­ here. he. and the greatest problem is the sat­ Will draw me closer to the Father-heart on by Saturday night’s boat. above; uration of some of those who drive Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Young and Cod, who is love, hath given love to me. automobiles.—Loufsville Times. THERE’S SOMETHING SPECIAL Ernest Weeks of Jefferson, Mrs. son Henry of Southboro, Masg,, are the guests of Mr. Young's sisters, the My soul, downcast, alone, hath wandered far, MONDAY-TUESDAY Florence Averill of Aina and Mr. and And many stony paths my feel have trod: Misses Young, North Main street. TONIGHT ifrs. Ed. Weston of Thomaston were Together, you and 1, like yonder star. rt the city Saturday to attend the We’ll rise above tlie stones, and spurn the BEBE DANIELS uneral ofthe late Mrs. David S. Ehen Mills, who was operated upon sod. AT —In— Weeks. last week at Knox Hospital is much Then shall our lives the better service give; improved. Love teaches service to the lowliest; SUPPER “THE Together, dear, for Cod we'll love and live, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. McDougall go And be at last with Him, forever blest. METHODIST VESTRY CROWDED HOUR” Saturday in Andover, Mass., where Miss Linola Young of Mathnicus. OAKLAND hey will attend the commencement Miss Pauline Beal of Matinicus Rock, Cod hath reached down and crowned our lives and Miss Mitchell of White Head, with love; THURSDAY, A PARAMOUNT PICTURE •xercises of Abbott Academy. The No longer two, but two in one are we: .Vent will have an especial interest have returned to school, after spend­ One with each other, one witli Him above; or them, due to the fact that their ing the weekend at their respective Love-hound through life, and through eter­ JUNE 4 “A KISS IN THE DARK” laughter Evelyn is president of the homes. nity. —With— K. H. Cassens. Auspices Class 1 PARK TODAY graduating class. From Andover ADOLPHE MENJOU, LILLIAN RICH he McDougalls proceed to Wellesley Capt. and Mrs. F. L. Green and SHENANDOAH COMING vhere their daughter Elizabeth Mrs. Bert Wlthatn have returned from 25 Cents BERT MYERS’ RAINBOW ORCHESTRA AILEEN PRINGLE graduates. They will be accdm- a two Weeks' visit in Boston and 6:00 P. M. COMEDY FABLES NEWS Providence, making the trip from The dirigible Shenandoah wil lanied to Andover by Miss Eliza­ come to Portland July 4 in connec­ 66-67 with the delightful beth (Hagar, an intimate friend of East Greenwich by automobile. tion with the Governor’s convention Miss Evelyn. FRIDAY-SATURDAY Mrs. J. Lester Sherman entertains The conference at which nearly al ACCORDION NUMBER the governors Will be present and Mrs. Celia Jameson of Union ls the Charity Club at Hilltop Inn to­ It’s worth coming miles to hear TWO S P/E C I A L FEATURES day in honor of her birthday. Covers It is expected President Coolidge will [siting her sister. Mrs. Damie B open at Poland Spring on dune 28 TWINW1LL0W nders, Union street. will be laid for 17. anoiru mkor «« will last through until July Fourth And Listen ! The Shenandoah will come to Port­ Frank Sacker of Providence is fn The B. & P. W. Club will give a FARM public auction party at the Club land, then to (Poland Spring and the city on a sick leave, the guest of maybe sail all over the State carry­ R. W. DAVIS & SONS SATURDAY NIGHT his mother at the Meadows. Charles rooms tomorrow night. Adventure ing Some of the visitors. : : Dealers in : : Sacker is also a visitor at the Sack- You can dance to the famous er home at the Meadows. Mrs. Addle Webb and Miss Marlon Milk, Cream Webb are occupying their Masonic and Skim Milk * Victor Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Rertrand A. Rnss street home for the summer, coming GRINDELL COLONIAL ORCHESTRA Production O s-S and son Kendall of Springfield here from Berlin, N. K„ where they WHOLESALE and RETAIL JL have been guests of Mrs. Mayland Mass., were guests for the holiday TEL. 591-4 [frininiount] c£— Morse. DON’T MISS IT nd weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomaston St., ROCKLAND, ME. . Keating, Mechanic street. 65*77 The American Legion Auxiliary will —WITH— Donald Hastings was home from meet for sawing in the Legion rooms laine for the holiday. tomorrow afternoon. Each member is PAULINE STARK, WALLACE I EERY AND asked to furnish material for an Coming MON.-TUES. Miss Lena Lawrence spent the apron. TODAY TOM MOORE EMPIRE MRS. WALLACE REID veekend In Portland. Mrs. Sarah Billings is the summer THE THEATRE AROUND —In— THE CORNER JACK LONDON was the master of adventure and here is his Mrs. P.ena Johnson who has l>een guest of her daughter,1 Mrs. H. N. “BROKEN LAWS” c guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry McDougall, Beech street. masterpiece : : Shows : : anseom, Masonic street, has re­ TODAY As vivid a tale of bold adventure as was ever screened—as med to her home In Dorchester, iMr. and iMrs. iPercy Roberts and STRAND Mat. 2:15. Ev’ng. 7:45. children of Flushing, L. I., are occu­ AGNES AYRES packed with thrills as a picture could be. ass. pying the Doherty cottage, Ingra­ —In— ■Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Haines ham Hill, for the summer. STOP AT ADDED FEATURE id Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Hall spent “THE AWFUL TRUTH” Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce, Mr. and RUTH GRADY >e holiday in Bangeley —Also— Mrs. Joseph Whitney and .Mr. and CHISHOLM BROS. AND HER Michael Goldberg.of the Modern Mrs. John A. Webber of Portland For Your Mary Philbin COLEEN MOORE ■ants Co. has been down from Bos- were weekend guests of Mr. and —IN— Mrs. H. X. 'McDougall. DELICIOUS SODAS >n on a little vacation. and “The Gaiety Girl” THE PATENT LEATHER GIRLS” Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Parker of MRS. THURLOW’S ICES With MICKEY FLYNN 99 Cambridge. Mass., spent the week­ WE WANTERKNOW! Friday-Saturday 15 I O end in Rockland. They were accom­ 1 Special Banana Royal The Most Sensational Hit in New England The Year’s Most Popular Novel Now Brought to Li’s on the Screen panied on their trip to this city by Why Isn’t Thomaston’There? Wm. Fairbanks The story of a girl with an unconquerable soul Mrs. Parker's father. George E. Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — 20c ADDED FEATURE Cross, who will make a month’s vis­ Why Is not Thomaston, Maine rep­ it with members of his family. He resented in the Boston Marine Muse­ THE BAREFOOT BOY lis at present a guest of his son, I. um, in the Old State House by a “THE From John Greenleaf Whittier’s Famous Poem eslie Cross. Although he has come model, picture or some data relating CHISHOLM BROS. BERRY & SMITH, of B'-gor lo the 84th milestone Mr. Cross con­ to ships? Rockland, Bath, Rock­ ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM FRIDAY FATAL MISTAKE” H. M. de ROCHEMONT SAILMAKERS tinues to pass readily as a man in port nnd other places have a fine ALSO THREE SHOWS SATURDAY his 70s, and Is enjoying letter health showing of models and pictures. ACTION! THRILLS 11 LOVE!!! 106 PLEASANT STREET Successors *o ADDEO FEATURE than for some (years. Incidentally Awake, Thomaston, and send up —Also— PLUMBING, HEATING George W. Moyt idge pe showed the hoys at the Star nl- some models a’nd some pictures. AWNINGS. TENTS. FLAGS ‘The Circus ’ “HIGH GEAR,” with KENNETH McDONALD TEL. 244-W ys that he can still pick off a sln- Boze. Opp. Waiting Room ROCKLAND Great Mystery mtf TEAM COVERS, SPORTING GOODS pln. Somerville, Mass., June 1, M-tt Page Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, June 4, 1925. Every-Other-Day

tickled to death. Seems to me you SINGING THE SONG OF MAINE changed mighty quick. Are you glad or sorry to have Dan hack for a neighbor?” Showing How Dan Maxey After' Gallivanting Around “Well, you see—ahem—I own I was some disappointed, right at Was Glad To Get Back To the Old Pine Tree State. first, because I’d allers intended— that is, I thought mebhe—if Dan found a place where he done well, (Written by Adella F. Veazie) I’d—” “Cy Calderwood ! You don’t mean Uncle Cyrus Calderwood came across the continent and more than that you ever thought of^ leavin’ home from the store one Saturday half way back again and he was get- here an’ traipsin’ off into some night with his mouth drawn down tin’ pretty tired, and the children place you never heard of before !” at the corners and a face expressive wasn’t gettin’ the schoolin’ they’d Cy Hushed guiltily, then stam­ of the utmost disappointment. ought to. so he tried settlin’ down in mered hastily, “You know it was a “Couldn’t ye git any phosphate?” New York state a spell, for the cli­ mighty cold winter right tiff after asked Aunt Rhoda anxiously as she mate seemed all right and they had Dan left, an’ it seemed as if all I noted his lagging gait and his lack good schools, but out there done was shovel, shovel, shovel of enthusiasm as the whiff of hot they didn't seem to understand any­ snow from the house to the barn and gingerbread greeted him when he thing about neighborin’ or runnin’ in from the house to the well ami from dropped into his waiting chair at sociably, and everybody was in a the house to the road, and then the table. hurry and couldn’t stop to get ac­ right off up would come another “Phosphate enough.“ he grunted, quainted an’ he an’ his wife both got snow storm an’ fill it up again, an’ j “and beans enough. and seeds so lonesome an’ homesick that they then I’d take to shovellin’ again, and enough, and enough of everything— pulled up stakes and headed east I tell ye I got pesky tired of shovel­ • too much of some things," he added thinkin* that in New England mebhe lin’ afore winter was over, an’ 1 said darkly, as he helped himself to a they might feel more at home. They to myself that if Dan ever finds a liberal portion of warm biscuits and got as far as Massachusetts anti place where he don’t have to shovel honey and began eating in a half tried it a spell there, but Dan said snow, an’ sends me word, mebhe, I . hearted way. they had so much education an’ dunno, hut—” j Aunt Rhoda kept silence, for she talked so hifalutin’ that ’twas pain­ And here he stopped, with an em­ knew from past experiences that if ful to try to converse with ’em an’ barrassed little grin as Aunt Rhoda ( she asked questions Uncle Cy would he didn’t understand more’n half exclaimed explosively: ( shut up like a spring trap, but if no they said any way. so he thought “If that’s what you had in your curiosity were evinced, he would I they’d better come back to Maine, mind it’s jest as well, and a good eventually open up and tell the and make a visit while he made up deal better, Dan never sent ye any whole grievance. After a long peri- | his mind where they’d go next.” word, for you’d haye gone all alone. , od of silence he exclaimed sudden- "Well, has he made up his mind?” I’d never have stirred a step away I ly, “Dan Maxey’s got back and asked Aunt RhJda with natural frorfi Maine if they’d offered to give [brought his whole tribe with him; curiosity. • • • • ine every other state in the Union. , three more of ’em than there was I thank goodness I’ve got sense when he went away six years ago.” “He ain’t had quite time enough enough to know when I’m well off, “Dan Maxey !” Aunt iRhoda’s sur­ yet, seein’ he only come last Sat­ an’ as fur as shovellin’ is concerned, prise was quite evident in her tones. urday, but he says he ain’t found that one winter was the only hard “Why, where does he expect to live? any place yet that suits him all one for ten years, an’ if shovellin —SOLD BY — He sold his place when he went out round like Maine, and he’s found the BURPEE & LAMB. ROCKLAND. MAINE, SOLE AGENTS snow is all you’ve got to bring west, and there isn’fc any empty Clarks are goin’ to move out of his against Maine I’d rather shovel house In the neighborhood. I’m old place into their new house on snow every day all winter than to afraid lie’s come to a mighty poor the other road, and he’s goin’ to live in constant fear of pizen BERT BLODGETT BETTER AND BETTER place to git a livin’. After all his lease it for a spell an’ see if he snakes, alligators, floods and earth­ braggin’ about the opportunities in can’t get back some of the money quakes and the Lord knows what New Owners Of Dodge Brothers he’s spent traipsin’ round tryin’ to Is Now the Dean of the Cen­ other places, why didn’t he stay else. I should think Dan’s experi­ Plant Stick to Old Ideal. there an’ make a livin’ I’d like to find a place that’s perfect. He says ence would be lesson enough to ye MINGLES tra! Maine’s Superintend­ know?” accordin’ to his experiences there so’st you’d never want to go galli­ “The slogan ‘Better and Better.’ • • * • ain’t no sech place, but Maine vantin’ off anywhere else, an’ would ents. which recently appeared on poster “Well now," Uncle Cyrus cleared comes the nearest to it of any place be thankful for” the privilege of llvin*’ hoards and in magazines and news­ his throat nervously, then went on, he’s seen an’ he thinks perhaps he’ll the rest of your life in Maine!” The Central Maine “Exciter” has papers everywhere, following closely “It ’pears there was always some­ settle down an' stay here. You'd “Yes, Rhoda.’’ said Cyrus meekly, The Shingle the announcement of the purchase men to the the following to say about our Supt. thin’ or other ailed the most of the ought to heard the down “it is, and I be. After thinkin’ over of Dodge Brothers by Dillon. Read places where he lit, or else some­ store after he'd told his story. Blodgett: all the pints of argument, for an’ & Co., has aroused renewed com­ thin’ ailed the folks that lived there, Seems to me I never railly knew against. I’ve made up my mind that that neVer curls # ♦ ♦ * ment regarding one of the outstand- or the climate didn’t agree with myself, or mebb© I didn't think little old Maine is good enough for H. P. Blodgett, superintendentipe of,policies of Dodge Brothers. Inc., him. You qught to hear him tell about it. what a wonderful place me, world without end.” the Rockland District, has seen the ncording to Fred C. Dyer of the about the adventures he’s had. It’s Maine is, hut every man in that And reverently Aunt Rhoda added The color of your roof adds value longest service of any superintend­ Dyer’s Garage, locql Dodge Broth­ as good as a show’. He’s had a good store had a different song to sing Amen !” ent in Central Maine Power Com­ ers Dealer. many experiences and learned a lot, about old Maine. Fust off. we can to your property pany. Bert started work under “Constant improvement of a basic yes, a lot since he left here. First raise everything here that we railly WARREN Walter S. Wyman when the latter design has been the established policy off he went to Callforny where that need to live well, an’ sech things as » • All persons interested in the i’nlon was with the Waterville & Fairfield of Dodge Brothers ever since their we don’t need, like pine apples and 'T’HE beauty of your landscape, the freshness of lecture feller said they have such a Cemetery, Warren are requested to Railroad Company in 1900. fust car was offered to the public,” wonderful climate • an’ the roses are peacnes we can buy. We’ve got 1 your house paint, and the attractive color of meet at the home of Mrs. Letltl.i Bert recalls that at that time Mr. he said, “and will continue to be all in bloom in January an’ you can good schools and good schoolhouses, Montgomery Saturday evening. your shingles add far more to the selling price Wyman had a peculiar way of test­ under the new ownership. make any kind of a crop grow the and plenty of good lumber grows There will be a union service at of your house than these things cost you. ing his employes by giving them “Most automobile buyers today year round. Well, he got there an’ right here to build ’em with. We’ve the Baptist church Sunday evening plenty of responsibility. understand how much better it is sure enough he found plenty of got the best granite in the world an’ For some time the “boss” had for the engineering and experi­ more’n we need, so we can make at which Rev. H. M. Purrington will The sheer beauty of Carey Asfaltslatc Shingles roses, hut he couldn’t eat ’em an’ deliver the baccalaureate sermon urged Bert to become a station opera­ mental departments at the factory money by sellin’ it to other states. definitely enhances your real estate values. Fortu­ when it come to raisin’ crops, why using as his subject “Tlie Open tor. For the same period of time to concentrate their thoughts and ef­ We’ve got the biggest lime rock nately, the natural colors of slate, the reds, greens other folks could raise crops too, an’ Door." There will lie special music Bert had insisted that being a sta­ fort on the betterment of a well quarries, the handsomest women an’ that made stuff cheap an’ so Dan by the choir and a solo by Chester and blue-blacks, are just the most pleasing colcra tion operator was Quite out of his tried basic design rather than on couldn’t make anything that way. the smartest men too. Why Dan you can use on a roof. Carey Asfaltslate Shingles line. the development of next year’s says wherever he went and found Wyllic. Besides that when he tried other Rev. and Mrs. II. M. Purrington arc One night after the day’s whrk was model. some man runnin’ things an’ tellin’ give you your choice of three colors. Being things he found rattle snakes In the In Lewiston attending State Con­ over Mr. Wyman invited Bert to walk “It is also evident that the devel­ other folks what to do and how to do fadeless, these beautiful shingles, of course, never mountains, centipedes ’most any­ vention of the United Baptists June down to the Bangs Station in Water­ opment of new designs, the experi­ where. fleas nearly ate his children it. nine times in ten when he’d ask require painting. 2-1. ville with him. They hung around mental work on a new model and the alive an’ every few’ days along about him, folks would say, ‘He’s a few minutes, and then Bert no­ making of the dies and special would come an earthquake an’ scare from Maine: a nat’ral horn leader Make your roof a lasting roof. Use Carey Arfaltslate ticed the operator put on his cap, tools and machines necessary for everybody half to death, besides He’ll make his mark in the world PALERMO Shingles, “The Shingle that never Curls.” take his dinner pail and go out. the production of radically different shakin’ the houses all out of shape all right.’ Margie Norton and son Maurice Bert stood with Mr. Wyman, won­ chassis is very costly. This ex an’ settin’ some of ’em afire an’ • • • # Witham were in Washington May 26 dering why the operator was leaving > pense, which in modern volume Dan’s wife was about crazy. She “Dan has picked up a lot of to attend the burial of Miss Abby so suddenly. Pretty soon the boss. production of motor cars may easily said the flowers and roses was all knowledge about raising things in MacDowell. whose home was in Bel­ turned to him and said: “I’ve got t run into the millions of dollars, is, of right but she’d rather never see an­ the different states he’s seen. He fast for many years. For Sale by be gone a few minutes; you take course, paid for in the final analysis other rose or any other kind of a says there is no earthly reason why Mrs. Ellen Turner of East Pal­ charge of the station until I come by the car buyer. The grat saving posy if she’d got to have snakes and we shouldn’t raise all our own ermo was a guest of Mrs. Sanford back.” made by Dodge Brothers. Inc., as a centipedes and earthquakes along wheat and other grain instead of Greely over the holiday. “But I don't know anything about result of this policy is faithfully re­ with ’em. so they give up Callforny sending west and buying it. He Leon Clark and family of Dover- it,” Bert argued. turned to the buyer in th$ form of an’ went into another state where says our apples are a good deal bet­ Foxcroft were weekend guests of Mrs - ‘You don’t have to,” Mr. Wyman greater value in the ear. there was gold mines. There was ter flavored than those big red ones Clark’s parents. encouraged him. “Futhei more the ear does Indians there too, that come beggin’ that come from west, and all the Laurlce Black has returned from Rockland & Rockport Lime Corp, “What if something happened? I not suffer the high depreciation and stole everything in sight. There fruit we raise is better every way. New York. wouldn’t know what to do?” Bert which invariably follows the an­ was tarantulas as big as a mouse And scenery! He’s seen folks that’s Charles Turner and family were at protested. nouncement of a newr annual model and sometimes it wouldn’t rain for been in Europe and everywhere, and their farm here Saturday and Sunday. “There won’t anything happen,” and the owner’s feeling that his car three months at a time an’ they had they say Maine will compare favor­ Mrs. Edith Brown and daughter, of Mr. Wvnian assured him, going out presents a ‘last year’s appearar»vc.’ ” to haul their water in barrels from ably with any of ’em for scenery. Weeks’ Mills were callers at Will Rockland Maine the door. —adv. a creek eight miles away an’ full of Our hens lay better, our cows give Grady’s Friday night. Left alone, Bert exercised what lit­ alkali besides. There was snakes richer milk and our children are Mr. Libby of Whterville was here tle knowledge he liad of the power healthier than those in any other recently buying practically all the OUR LOCAL FLOWERS there, too an’ recknin’ everything PARTY REALIGNMENT machinery and probably the desig­ station apparatus to keep things place he saw. We don’t have any stock belonging to the estate of the Dan said there was more outs than nation of a new National chairman moving until the boss returneTI. cyclones nor tonados nor floods. late G. F. Norton. and ins. though he did manage to pan are providing many new morsels of You Can’t Change It • • V w Who Can Add To This Long We’ve never had any earthquakes Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Grady have Democrats Arc Again Trying To Get out some gold, hut as his wife said. Their Feet Placed. discussion and speculation for poli­ Attractive Catalogue? but baby ones that never done any been entertaining friends from Au­ cr Exchange It To Such After nearly an hour was passed What’s the use of flndin’ gold when ticians in Washington. damage. There’s no pizen snakes gusta the past few days. Bert grew anxious. lie waited a ye find so many pesky critters along Renewed signs of activity in Dem­ There are indications that the Editor of The Courier-Gazette:—- nor alligators, nor centipedes nor Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ripley of South Good Advantage as at the few minutes longer, then tried to with it? Tarantulas an’ snakes an’ move for rehabilitation of tlie Dem­ One of the most interesting depart­ tarantulas, nor chiggers nor high Montville called at Margie Norton’s ocratic National politics, pointing to call Mr. Wyman at the office. He lizards, besides not havin’ proper ocratic oi • nization after its crush­ ments of your paper to me is that toned neighbors that’s too high and Sunday. an extensive reorganization of party could not reach him neither there water to drink an’ not enough of it ing defeat of last November may conducted by Mrs. Veazie. In fact, mighty to neighbor with ye. To be Kenneth Black, who attended Waldoboro Garage or at the house. He kept trying to wash the children when Saturday come to a le ad in a meeting of tin I confess to feeling more enthusi­ sure, we do have a thunder shower school in Hebron was home Sunday. every few minutes as the evening night comes round. Democratic National Committee lu If you doubt it, run in and look wore away. asm over what birds and flowers— sometimes, hut that seems to he all There is much interest manifested For the best Washington within a few weeks . 'cm over. Here.’ a few of Finally, after midnight, Mr. Wy- and out of deference to her I add. the out there is, and even then they in the Sunday school of which Mrs. bugs—are attending nature’s spring Grace V’itham is superirtendeht. Thus far, however the proposal for the real ones mah answered the telephone. “Al»out this time they got hold of have ’em a good deal wuss in other such a meeting is entirely tentative. | parties, than over wliat human be­ places than they do here, so they Roy Trask and family have move 1 “Everything is all right?” he asked a newspaper that had a lot to say CROSS-WORD It is tlie general expectation of ings are taking'in the town festivi­ can’t be considered when we com­ to their new home in Liberty. ALL THE NEW MODELS IN confidently. about Florida and what a wonder­ the Democratic leaders tHit Clem ; ties. pare Maine with other states. Dan FORDS—BRIGHT and SNAPPY Bert said it was, as far as he ful climate It had and how every­ Shaver of West Virginia, who was May I suggest that it might not is goin’ right to work and have that knew. body was hikin for Florida, especi­ PUZZLES made national chairman to manage XND SOME SWELL RAMBLERS only give pleasure to many of your upper field plowed up an’ start in EAST FRIENDSHIP From that night on, for two years ally winters, and how business was Walter Anderson and Emil* Niemi the campaign for John W. Davis last IN USED CARS readers, hut it might be of real he’p raisin’ early stuff that folks have Bert was a regular operator at the a boomin’ and land was a changin’ were in Rockland Tuesday. The Boston Globe year, will not remain in active to Mr. LermonJ in the compilation of never seen raised here, but he says 8 stunnirig 1924 Touring Car.—a* station. hands and how many kinds of fruit Arthur Lewis left Tuesday for New charge of the realigned party or­ his Knox County records, if there it can he raised ns well as not, and Order next Sunday’s Globe good as new. With this experience to his credit grew there, and the money there York where lie has employment for ganization. He said in New York were included in Mrs. Veazie’s col­ there’s money in it too. 3 1924 Coupes—fine looker., he secured a position with the Ken­ was to he made there and so on, an the summer. in advance from your news­ last night that he had no intention of umn “current events” paragraphs, “He’s goin’ to raise all his own 2 1924 Tudors—newly painted— nebec Light ami Heat Company, Dan he got all carried away with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fales spent Fri­ dealer or newsboy. resigning at present hut his friends grain instead of buyin’ it, and lie where lie was when that company giving the names and interesting the Idea that this was the place he day in Rockland. prize packages. thinks mebhe he’ll make money a^l believe he will make up his mind to 3 1923 Touring Cart—take the was consolidated with Central Maine facts concerning tlie birds and flowers had been lookin’ for. with such a Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lakso mo­ Read the Globe every dav in buy the old farm back an’ live here do so once there has been general whole family. and he was under Mr. Wyman again. found within the week by those who perfect climate and a chance to tored to Massachusetts Friday.' the year. the rest of his days, and by heck I’ll 2 1923 2-Door Sedans—nifty and He was connected with the Gardi­ haunt the woods and fields? make a fortune speculatin’ in house Mrs. Dora Hussey had callers from agreement upon a successor. neat. ner office for 12 years. The follow­ Appended is a list of the flowers I lots and orange groves, so they bet he’ll do it too!” Port Clyde Thursday. ing four years he was at Waterville have seen so far this spring and hope packed up an’ made tracks for “Anybody’d think from the way A dear little Baby Overland and Mr. and Mrs. William Demuth were some babe Overland Touring Car apd Belfast. In 1920, when Central that others may want to add to it Florida. When he got there he you looked when you come in that out of town Saturday. you was sorry he’d come hack," re­ put over to you for ...... $35. Maine Power Company took over The mention in it of the shad hush, found he hadn’t enough mpney to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Grafton spent marked Aunt Rhoda. “Your face Ford Touring Car also for .... $35. Knox Electric Company, he was ap­ or wild pear, recalls the quaint origin speculate with or even to buy an the weekend with relatives in Thom­ pointed Superintendent of the {Rock­ of the former name, which was given orange grove, for it took thousands. was as long as a fiddle and you aston. Appcrson 5-passenger, all for $85. looked as if you was terrible disap­ “ I'D JUST BET KARNAK Quick 5-passenger—can't b. land District. to the shrub hv the early settlers, he- Everybody but him was rich, an Mrs. Emil Niemi has returned from In live years’ operation by Centra'l '•ause if begins to blossom at the time there didn’t seem to be any way for pointed about something, an’ now Massachusetts. beat at ...... $125. you’re all chirked up an’ actin’ A trappy Chevrolet for...... $150. Maine Power Company under bis the shad go up the tidal rivers. The him to get any money except to hire John Peterson has sold his place direction Rockland earnings have oblong-fruited and round-leaved vaA out to work for some one else. In to E. A. Burns and Dr. Hahn of A Rco 5-passenger Touring Car increased 90 per cent. rieties I have never seen and I won­ fact he had to, in order to have Friendship. —stunning ...... $450. der if they grow around here: enough to feed his family. The first Oh, Boy ! We have three of Sp klv.l Aider Bed Berried Elder week he worked a moccasin bit one Three Crow Pure Baking Soda. lussy Willow Dwarf Ginseng of the mules an’ it swelled up an’ Sometimes called BI Carbonate, or those cosy Motorcycles, from < oil’s Foot Cold Thread died, an’ then soon afterwards his ...... -...... $50. to $325 V.ivflowvr Star Flower Saleratus.—adv. lieve me, it is some medicine. Blueberry dog went down to the hank of the That’s What Lewiston Clerk Ladies’ Slipper CORNS “You know, when I began taking Make Your Work Lighter and Ute Saxifrage Painted Trillium river to get a drink and along come Karnak I had stomach trouble so had When You Have I’uss.x-toes (3 var) llobb’e Bush n alligator an’ give one sweep of SOMERVILLE Says of Sensational Medi­ one of our Second-Hand Ton Ammone Bunehberry Fred L. Turner, Colby ’27 an-1 that it just seemed like I couldn’t di- I Truck.—$85.00 up Binet his tail and away went the dog into cine After Getting Rid of Dwarf It ispberry Lewis Turner, Colby ’28 were at home gest a thing properly. Food would Eaten Too Much P.iiMle-ion Wild Geranium the water where Dan said was lie in my stomach like lead. and. Coninion Blue Violet Poison Ivy swarming with alligators night and over the weekend. His Stomach Troubles and SOME GREAT BARGAINS IN Sweet White Violet Thy nie-leaveil Lift Off-No Pain! Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Moore and chil­ would turn just as sour as vinegar. you can't help but feel .lull day. That was the last of the dog, Gaining Six Pounds. WAGONS Straw berry Speedwell dren of Hallowell were weekend It would cause me to bloat all up with 1 and deprissed the next morn­ Blood Root Yarrow and after these two happenin’s guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Evans. 1 • , gas and have a most disagreeable ing. Before you can feel right Spotted Adder’s Khodora neither his wife nor the children The remarkable way in which, this 2 Horse Express Wagon—just Tongue Purple Avens E. IL Philbrick of Rockland was a taste in my mouth. Why, I Just got you must help Nature to flush dared stir out doors for fear of git- sensational new medicine, Karnak, is what you need Bush (3 var) Sheep Sorrel Sunday visitor in town. wlierc things didn’t seem to have any out your intestines. < 'oliimbine Broad leaved Sand­ tin’ snake hit or ate up by alliga­ bringing about returns of good health, taste to them and 1 didn’t have any 1 Horse Team Wagon—in excellent Wood Bet any wort tors. Alden Dodge strength and energy to thousands of condition White Bantberrv Daisy a-ppetite at all. I just got so weak 0 Hierarimn Sahrum “After that he kept tryin’ one Alden Dodge, son of Mr. and Mn. men and women in all walks of life is and rundown that I felt miserable all Road Wagon like new, with rubber Dr.TruesElixir Wild Sarsaparilla (a variety of hawk- state after another but it seemed as A. J. Dodge died May 27, aged Ik simply causing people everywhere to over. w tires ' .inad.i .Mayflower med) If somethin’ or another ailed the years. Besides his parents he is sur­ marvel with astonishment at its “I’ll tell you. It was a most wonder- j All these, and more than these, and has been giving relief to over­ ciirrnuia Sweet Fern whole of ’em. In one state they had loaded stomachs and bowels Tv i te.l Salk (ro.icus) Cimiuefoil vived by three brothers—John B. of amazing merits. ful surprise when I got Karnak how still more I lor over seventy-five years Buttercup Jaek-in-the-Pi']Pit cyclones and tornados that blew Augusta, Earle A. and Ralph Dodge And the enormous sales of the quickly the Indigestion began leaving Evergreen Thorn Dog Violet down the houses an’ folks had to I and his grandmother, Mrs. Isabel medicine at The Corner Drug Store It is gentle in action and it Choke ('berry Cy prus •Spurge me and how rapidly my strength re­ AT THE cleanses as it clears out what Blue eyed (bass Field Chick-weed hide in cellars and holes in the Dodge, all of this town. Funeral is in itself conclusive proof that the turned. 1 have taken three bottles of the body has no use for. Sticky Mouse < ar False Spikenard ground to keep from bein’ blowed services were held Saturday at the people of Rockland are being bene­ ihe medicine now and just eat aw Chick weed Caraway away and killed. One man lost his 1 home and were largely attended. fited, too, just the same as those i heartA' as anyone. No more bloating Waldoboro Garage Keep a large sized bottle Bi ieh Pea Long-leaved Stitch- handy, as Dr. True's Elixir is Iteil Clover wort hoss and next day found him Missionary W. E. Overlock of Razor- everywhere else in Maine and New or gas pain?} for me now, they.have 65-67 Wild Cherry (Tinkleroot lodged in the top of a tree. Dan ville olliciated. Interment was made Hampshire. disappeared completely, as well as The True Family Laxative Edith C. Bicknell. said one man told him that his well Doesn’t hurt one bit! Drop a little in Sand Hill cemetery. Now comes Abraham Belleville. I that disagreeable taste and all the Rockland, June 2. was lifted right up an’ blowed clear “Freezonc” on an aching corn, in­ well known clerk, living at 7S Howard other stomach troubles. 1 have gained made to regulate the bowels of over into another county. Another stantly that corn stops hurting, then street, Lewiston. Maine, who reports six pounds already, and feel just fine every member of tb< family. An arithmetic and spelling survey state had floods—awful ones that shortly you lift it right off with relief from aggravating stomach all over. I’ll tell the world Karnak drowned whole towns an’ ruined the fingers. FRED S. MARCH troubles and indigestion, and a gain delivers the goods.” SHEET MUSIC 15c $1.20, 60c, 40c sizes recently conducted in the schools of Pittsburgh, Pa., by the educational crops for miles around. In New Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of of six pounds in weight, from the use Karnak is sold in Rockland exclu­ CENTURY CERTIFIED EDITION Jersey he said they had the awfulest “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient of Karnak. years research bureau of that city shows sively by the Corner Drug Store; in The Famoue Sheet Muiie you mo elver- Successfully used over 75 that chilldren in the platoon schools thunder showers and the biggest to remove every hard corn, soft corn, Cemetery Memorials “From the way Karnak has fixed Thomaston by McDonald’s fRexall tiled in all the leading maiazleee. make higher scores in these sub­ mosquitos he ever saw, so he or corn between the toes, and the foot me up I’d just bet it would help any­ Store; in Union by Gordon-Lovejoy Over 220 aelectioni—send fer PARK STREET, • ROCKLAND catalogue. jects than do children in nonplatoon couldn’t stay there. By that time calluses, without soreness or irrita­ body with stomach trouble and indi­ Co.; and by the leading druggist in tion. 84-tf MAINE MUSIC CO., Rockland,Me. schools. you see he had travelled clear gestion,” says Mr. Belleville. “Be- i every city.—adv.