TWO SECTIONS—SECTION TWO (Issue of July 18 1925)

The. r>'finatitioal Pmayrratqc rontrie INCLUDING Railway & Industrial Compendium Public Utility Compendium Bank and Quotation Section State & Municipal Compendium Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section

A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States



Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1925, according to Act of Congress, by


In office ot Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-.JUNE, 19251 INDEX



Appi r, 1 TO 1925


Page. Page. Page Advertising, "Things of the Spirit" In _ __2736 Cann Decisions— Foreign Loans Opposed by Administration gricultural Bureau Reports on Cotton or Orown Compulsory Education Law Held Where Money is Intended for Military Grain. See Cotton or Grain. Unconstitutional by U. S. Supreme Armament 1662 Allied Indebtedness to United States. See Caurt 32-19 Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at United States. U. S. Supreme Court Upholds Provision for Foreign Centres. Allied Reparations Commission. See german Publicity of Income Tax figures 2735 Foreign and Domestic Trade, Relative Reparations. Ti. S. Supreme Court Decision in Gitlow Importance of 2079 America and the European Situation—Am- Case 2986 Foreign Trade. See U. S. Foreign Trade. bassador Houghton's London Speech 2346 Prance— Austria, Bank of, Reduces its Rate of Dis- twes Plan, The Outlook for, Criticisms at Bank of France Circulation, Increase in, count from 13 to 11 % 2199 D International Chamber of Commerce_ _3248 Concealed, then Authorized 1808. 1932 Automobile Output Large 2597 Defense Day _ -2869 Bank of France Note Circulation Further Disarmament Conference Talk & Suggestions. to be Increased 2980. 3212 Balkans, The, and France and Germany_ - -2076 See Disarmament and League of Nations. Bank of France Weekly Return _ _ _1664. ank of England Weekly Return. See Dodge Motor Financing 1805, 2194 1813, 1935, 2073. 2200. 2343. 2473. 2603, England. Domestic and Foreign Trade, Relative Im- 2731, 2861, 2982, 3110. 3241 Bunk of England, the Credit Extended by portance of 2079 Caillaux, Joseph, Personal Opposition to Federal Reserve Bank, Is There Authority Him 20,3 for it 2595 Easter. the Spirit of, Shall it Survive 1940 Caillaux, His Financial Plans and Attitude Bank of England and the Selling of Gold on duration Law of Oregon Declared Uncon- Towards Adjustment of Debt to U. S.. Credit by the Federal Reserve Banks_ 2994 stitutional by U. S. Supreme Court__ _ _3249 2469, 2598. 2600, 2729, 2858, 2980. Bank of France Weekly Return. See France. Electrical Industry, its Wonderful Develop- 3107, 3242 Belgium—German Reparations and the Ruhr ment 2725 M. Caillaux's Financial Proposals— Occupation. See Germany. England, Bank of, Weekly Return.. __ _1661, Cross Currents of European Politics_ _ _ 2477 Belgium— 1813, 1935. 2072. 2200, 2312, 2472. 2603. Effects on French Finance of Great Got errnment Takes Steps Towards Adjust- 2731, 2861. 2982. 3110. 3214 Britain's Return to Gold Standard_2199, 2340 ing Debt Due U. S-2600, 2727, 2855, Estate and Inheritance Taxes Should be Exchange of Notes Regarding Continued • 2981. 3109 Repealed 2608 Occupation of Cologne Bridgehead Oy Premier Theunis Resigns 1812. 1934, 2002, European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold French and British Troops 2470 2982, 3108 and Silver Holdings-1668, 1816, 1938. Finance Minister Etienne Clemental Re- Succeeding Ministry Overthrown_ _2602, 2076, 2204. 2346. 2477, 2607, 2735, 2865. signs on Account of Differences with 2982, 3108 2986. 3113, 3248 Herriot Ministry Regarding Increase Book Notices and Reviews— European Money Centres, Rates at. See. in Bank of France Circulation and is Industrial Ownership by Robert S. Brook- Money Rates of Foreign Centres. Succeeded by Anatole de Monzie 1662 ings 1672 European Politics. Crass Currents of—M. Forced Loan Proposed by Harriet Ministry Modern Turkey, by Eliot Grinnell Mears- -2077 Calllaux's Financial Proposals 2477 and Leads to its Defeat 1810 "Ten Years After," by Philip Gibbs (The "Evolution"—As Applied to Business and France Cold Towards President Coolidge's Spirit of Easter) 1940 Politics_ _ 2867 Plan for a Conference for the Further Boston & Maine Reorganization—Abandon- Evolution, State of Tennessee Spurns it _ _2868 Limitation of Naval Armaments 1660 ing Light Traffic Branches 2609 Exports and Imports of U. S. See U. S. Franc, Continued Decline in 2980 British Foreign Trade Statement. See Great Foreign Trade. Germany's Proposal for a Security Com- Britain. pact with France 1661 Brookings, Robert S., on Industrial Owner- Failures, See Business Failures. German Reparations. See Germany. ship 1672 armers and Birds--Extermination of the Germany and the Balkans '076 Bulgaria the Scene of Assassination and Bomb Cotton Weevil 1941 Herriot, Edouard, Elected President of the Throwing 2070 Farmers Improved Position 3103 Chamber of Deputies 2067 Business and Politics—Evolution as Applied Federal Constitution. See United States. Herriot Ministry Gets Vote of Confidence to 2867 Federal Government. See United States. on Financial Measures, 1663; also on Business, Conflict of Laws With 1669 Federal Reserve Banks, Comment on Weekly law school controversy, 1664; then gets Business, Course of 2065 Returns1665, 1813. 1935, 2073, 2200. an adverse vote on latter. 1808; also on a Business Failures— 2343. 2473, 2603, 2732, 2862, 2983, 3110, 3245 detail of the educational budget, 1808. In March 1806 Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount then gets a new vote of confidence, 1809; In Apr 1 2338 Rates_ -1666, 1814, 1936, 2074. 2202. 2344. then fang on proposed forced loan 11 08 In May 2855 2474, 2603, 2733. 2863. 2984, 3111, 3246 Herriot Ministry ;tuggers Defeat and Business, Is It Wrong or is Government__ _ _2479 Federal Reserve Bank Credit to Bank of • Resigns 1808, B 30 Business, The Long Look in 2205 England, Does Authority for it Exist 7_ _ -2595 Inter-Allied Debts under Consideration Federal Reserve Bank Credit to Bank of with Great Britain 1662 New— Capital Flotations, England, Arrangement Discussed 2994 Inter-Allied Debts, Steps for their Study In March 2080 Federal Reserve System and the Speculative and Adjustment Inaugurated .2: 97 In April 2613 in Grain and in Stocks 1797 Law Students Oppose Government Ap- In May 3253 Federal Reserve System and the McFadden pointment of Radical Professsr, Scheel Production. See Grain. Cereal Repeal Bill—Letter of Vice-Governor is Closed and Students then go on Strike _169.1 Milwaukee & St. Paul Reorganiza- Chicago Edmund Platt 1927 Millerand, ex-President, Elected to French tion 2853 Federal Reserve System and the Proposed Senate 1810 Commencements and the Public_ College ...2987 McFadden Amendments—Letter of Prof. Municipal Elections. 2340 of the, to the Public_ Colleges, Response _3251 Agger _ _ . 2331 Moroccan Uprising of Riff Tribes Under Commodity Prices. Course of 2468 Federal Reserve System, Its Power of Infla- Abd-el-Krim—Military Campaign_2340. Business Conflict of Laws With 1669 tion Needs Check, Says H. Parker Willis_ _2613 2600. 2730. 2860, 2981, 3106 Congress. See United States Congress. Federal and State Governments—States Painleve Ministry Formulates its Policy Coolidge, Prest., His Speech before the Na- Urged to do Their Part by President and Gets Vote of Confidence 2067 Cotton tional Association of Manufacturers1805 Coolidge in Memorial Day Address. _2865, 3115 Painleve, Paul. Succeeds in Forming new Address Coolidge, Prest., His Memorial Day Federal Taxation. See United States. Ministry, with Aristide Eriand Holdia.; at Arlington Cemetery—The New State Financial Situation. The. _1659, 1805. 1928. the Portfolio of Foreign Affairs ard Rights 2865 2065. 2193, 2336. 2467. 2597, 2725, 2854. Joseph Caillaux that of Finance_ _ _1930. Coolidge, Prost., His Plea for Local Self 2975, 3103, 3237 1932, 2066 Government 3115 Foreign Business—Its Challenge to America_2738 Painleve Receives Vote of Confidence on Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Foreign Exchange Market, Weekly Review, Painleve Visits Morocco 2981. 3106. 3241 Grain. 1667, 1816, 1937, 2075. 2203, 2345, 2475, Moroccan Policy 3241 Corporate Control—Robert S. Brookings on 2606, 2733, 2884, 2985. 3112. 3246 Provisional Credits Voted for May and Industrial Ownership 1672 Foreign Exchange Rates as Certified by June 2068 Cotton Acreage in June 1925, The Indications Federal Reserve Banks_ _1667, 1816, 1938. Revalorization of French Franc Hinted_ _ _2729 of 3117 2076, 2203, 2346. 2476. 2606, 2734, 2864. Security Compact with Germany. ,See Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on. _ _ _2854 2986, 3113. 3247 Germany. Cotton Weevil, Extermination of—Farmt rs Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Spain Asked to Co-operate Regarding and Birds • 1941 States. See United States. Uprising in Morocco 2981, 3106, 3241

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 120-PART 2.

Page. Page. Page. Prance (Concluded). Great Britain (Concluded). platt, Fdmund, Vice-Governor of Federal Steel Trust with Germans Arranged 3243 Inter-Allied Debts Under Consideration Reserve Board-Letter Regarding.Mc- The Financial Crisis in-The Fall of the with France 1662 Fadden Repeal Bill 1927 Herriot Government 1817 Railway Employees and Other Labor Political Parties-Integrity of the Two Par- French Financing, the Proposal of a Forced Classes Discontented 3244 ties Dependent upon Principles 1818 Loan 1805 Security Compact for Western Europe Pro- Politics and Business-Evolution as Applied French Politics and the Finances of France_ _1939 posed by Germany. See Germany, to 2867 Will Return to Gold Standard Cause Busi- Portugal, Revolutionary Outlook in 2071 as Law ($1) of New York Held Unconsti- ness Depression? 2337 Power, Development of, through Electrifica- G tutional 2066 tion 2468, 2725 Germany, the Election of Von Hindenburg- Hungary, The National Bank of, Reduces Public, The, and College Commencements- - _2987 Conservatism with a Monarchist Tinge__ _2204 Its Rate of Discount From 11% to 9% _2731 Public. Response of the Colleges to the 3251 German Election, the-Marking Time on the Road to Peace 1668 Imports and Exports of United States. See ailroad Gross and Net Earnings- Germany, France and the Balkans 2076 United States Foreign Trade. RFor Month of February 1942 Gibbs, Philip, on "Ten Years After the War"-1940 Income Tax Returns, Publicity of-U. S. For Month of March 2480 Gold Standard, Moral Value of 2478 Supreme Court Upholds Validity of Pro- For Month of April 2995 Government Intrusion in Business 2479 vision 2735 Railroad Situation, Great Improvement in .-2975 Grain Crops, Agricultural Department Re- India, Imperial Bank of, Reduces Its Dis- Railroads. Western, Petition Inter-State port on 1806, 2338, 2976 count Rate From 6% to 5% 3109 Commerce Commission for Higher Bates.. _3237 Great Britain and the Embargo on Foreign Industry and Security-Plentiful Capital Railway Valuations-Unit Prices-The Argu- Loans-Foreign Lending Means British Fund the Need with Loan Taxation and ments Before the Inter-State Commerce Exports-Article by Hartley Withers 2484 High Rate of Saving-Article of Hartley Com. in the St. Louis and O'Fallon Case-187 Great Britain, the Loan of Gold or Credit to Withers 1819 Rubber, Causes Operative to Produce Ad- the Bank of England by the Federal Re- Inheritance and Estate Taxes Should be vance in 2337, 2467 serve Bank, Is there Warrant in Law for the Repealed 2608 Russia- Same 2595 Insolvencies in Business. See Business Trotzky, Leon, His Return From Exile_ Greece Has New Uprising-Ministry De- Failures. 2341, 2731 posed 3243 Inter-Allied War Debts. See Great Britain Germany, Bank of, Weekly Return..-1664. and United States. Schwab, Charles M.-The Long Look in 1813, 1935, 2073, 2201, 2343, 2473, 2603, Inter-State Commerce Commission Railway Business 2205 2732. 2862, 2983, 3110 Valuations-The St. Louis & O'Fallon Case1671 Security and Industry-Plentiful Capital Germany-Bourse Depressed 1812. 2070 Inter-State Commerce Commission and Peti- Fund the Need, with Low Taxation and Braun, Otto, Elected Premier of Prussia__1812 tion of Western Roads for Higher Rates..3237 High Rates of Saving-Article by Hartley Chancellor Wilhelm Marx Coalition Re- International Chamber of Commerce Meeting Withers 1819 publican Candidate at Second Presiden- at Brussels-Dawes Plan Criticized_3238, 3248 Security Markets, Course of- -1927, 2065. tial Election 1660, 1811, 1933, 2088 Investments, Sugar Stocks as 1673 2336, 2467, 2597, 2725, 2853, 2975, 3103 Conference of Ambassadors Decides that Iron and Steel Trade, Accounts More Hopeful2597 Silk Market Shows Increasing Confidence_ -3103 Germany Has Not Carried Out All of the Italy- States Urged to do Their Part by President Military Clauses of the Treaty of Ver- Army Reform Measures Passed 2602 Coolidge in Memorial Day Address at sailles 2856, 2858 Bank of Italy Raises Its Rate of Discount Arlington Cemetery 2865, 3115 Dawes Plan Criticized at Meeting of Inter- From 6% to 6%.2860; Then to 7%.3109 Stock Prices, Level of-Course of Values of national Chamber of Corn. at Brussels_ _3238 Bill Against Secret Societies Adopted_ - Some Individual Stocks 1806 Exchange of Notes Regarding Continued 2602, 3243 Sugar Stocks as Investments 1673 Occupation of Cologne Bridgehead by Chamber of Deputies Adjourns for Easter French and British Troops 2470 Holidays 1812 Taxation, Federal. See United States. Finance Minister Otto von Schlieben Decree Regulating Stock Exchanges. 1812. 1934 axes, Inheritance and State Taxes Should Doubts that Germany Can Meet Her Finance Minister de Stefanis Retirement br be Repealed 2608 Reparations Payments in 1926 without discussed 1934 Tennessee, State of, Spurns Evolution 2868 Dislocating Her Budget 2198 Government Gets Very Extensive Powers_3243 Trade, Foreign and Domestic. Relative Im- Foreign Minister Stresemann Reiterates Government Takes Up Question of Debt portance of 2079 Intention to Carry Out Dawes Plan and to U. 8-2600, 2728, 2860. 2981. 3109, 3242 Trusteeship, The New-Corporate Control_ _1672 Expresses Satisfaction Over Relations J. P. Morgan & Co. Extend Credit of $50,- Turkey, The, of To-day 2077 with United States 2601 000,000 2860 Foreign Policy Not to Be Changed as the Mussolini Settles Stock Exchange Situation1812 United States Foreign Trade, Monthly Result of Hindenburg's Election_ _2197. Mussolini Takes Over Administration of Review 1929, 2468, 3104 2472, 2601 War Department 1812 United States Income Tax Figures, Publicity French Begin Operations for Evacuation of Mussolini Visits Gabriele d'Annunzio 2730 Provision Upheld by U. S. Supreme Court_2735 r Ruhr 3241 Suffrage Granted to Women 2602 United States- German Gold Discount Bank Reduces Its The Awakening of 2611 American Debt Commission Will Not Go Discount Rate from 8% to 7% 2603 Abroad-Conferences Must be Held in German Proposal for Security Compared ady of the Lamp, The-The Influence of Washington 2856 with France 1661 L Women 2989 Belgium Appoints Representatives to Hindenburg's Candidacy and the Flow of La Follette, Senator, Death of 3116 Arrange for Debt Settlement With U. S. Credits from U. S 2069 Laws. Conflict of, With Business 1669 2600, 2727, 2855, 2981, 3109 Hindenburg, Field Marshal von, Nomi- League of Nations- Czechoslovakia to Take Steps for Debt nated for President 1811. 1933, 2068 Dawes Plan Criticized at Meeting of Inter- Adjustment 3242 Hindenburg, His Election and the Effects_2194 national Chamber of Commerce in Foreign Governments Must Arrange for a Hindenburg, Inaugural Ceremonies_2339, 2471 Brussels 3238 Settlement of Their Indebtedness to Monarchists Calming Down 3108 France Cold Towards A Second Inter- U. S 1662, 2598, 2607. 2726 Presidential Election Indecisive-New Elec- national Conference for the Further French Arrangements and Discussions of tion Ordered 1659 Limitation of Naval Armaments 1661 Debt to U. S. 2469, 2597, 2728, 2856 Security Compact for Western Europe Security Compact Proposed by Germany- Italy Takes Up Question of Indebtedness Proposed by Germany- See Germany. to U.S 2600, 2728, 2981, 3109, 3242 British Foreign Secretary Chamberlain Liberty and License-The U. S. Supreme President Coolidge Indicates Opposition to Says Great Britain's Obligations Must Court and the Gitlow Case 2986 Foreign Loans Where Money is to go be Limited to Western Frontier 3241 Listings of Securities on New York Stock into Military Armament 1662 Foreign Minister Stresemann Determined Exchange in 1924 2990 President Coolidge Planning Another Con- that Negotiations Should Continue_ _3240 ference for the further Limitation of French Note as Agreed to by Great Mears, Eliot Grinnell, on Modern Turkey- -2077 Naval Armaments 1661 Britain 2977, 3104 ercantile Insolvencies. See Business Fail- United States Tariff Criticised at Interna- Germany Would Have U. S. Act as Sort ures. tional Chamber of Commerce in Brussels_3240 of Trustee 2979 Mexico and Latin American Opinion-Sec- United States-The Challenge of Foreign Italy Expresses Sympathy with the retary Kellogg's Statement 3113 Business 2738 Principles of the Accord 3104 Money Market, Weekly Review of 1665, United States and the European Situation- Premier Painleve Indicates His Attitude_2857 1814, 1936, 2073, 2201, 2343. 2474, 2604. Ambassador Houghton's London Speech_ _2346 Terms of Note 3105 2732, 2862. 2983, 3111. 3245 United States and Mexico-Secretary of Socialist Opposition Meets with Defeat_ _ _2602 Money Rates at Foreign Centres_1664, 1812. State Kellogg's Statement 3113 S. Parker Gilbert Jr., Agent-General for 1934, 2072, 2199, 2342, 2472, 2603, 2732, U. S. Political System-Integrity of the Two Reparations Payment, Furnishes Op- 2881, 2982, 3109, 3244 Parties Dependent Upon Principles 1818 timistic Account of Working of Plan_ __ _3108 United States, The Request for the Payment Steel Trust with French Arranged 3243 New York Central RR., Annual Report of -2739 of the War Debts to this Country 2607 Great Britain- ew York City, Banks Table of Currency U. S. Trade, Foreign and Domestic, Relative Budget of Chancellor Winston Churchill, Shipments_ -1668, 1816, 1938, 2076, 2204. Importance of 2079 2072, 2198, 2342 2346, 2476. 2606, 2735. 2865, 2986, 3113, 3248 Exchange of Notes Regarding Continued New York City Clearing House Banks, Com- Virginian Railway Leased by Norfolk & Occupation of Cologne Bridgehead by ment on Weekly Returns.._ ..1665. 1814, Western 2066 French and British Troops 2470 1935. 2073, 2201, 2343. 2473, 2604, 2732, Foreign Secretary Chamberlain Says that 2862, 2983, 3111, 3245 War Debts to the United States, The Great Britain's Obligations under Se- New York City School Teachers' Salaries Request for Their Payment 2607 curity Compact Must be Definitely Proposed Increase Indefensible-Governor Wealth, The Uses and Purposes of 2348 Limited to Western Frontier 3241 Smith Should Veto 1659 Wheat, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Foreign Trade Returns (Monthly)._ -1934, New York Stock Exchange Security Listings Grain. 2472, 3109 in 1924 2990 Withers, Hartley-Articles by Gets a Credit of $100,000,000 from J. P. Nickel Plate Merger, Hearings on 1928 British Industry and the Embargo on Morgan & Co. and $200,000,000 from Nightingale, Florence, Commemorative Ser- Foreign Loans-Foreign Lending Means Federal Reserve Bank 2199 vices-The Lady of the Lamp 2989: British Exports Capital2481 Gold Standard, Return to_2193,2198,2337,2342 Norfolk & Western By. Leases Virginian Ry_2066 Security and Industry-Plentiful Government Indicates that All Inter-Allied Norway. Bank of, Reduces Its Discount Fund the Need with Low Taxation and Indebtedness Should be Treated Alike- Rate from 6)4 to 6% 2472 High Rate of Saving That if France Settles with U. S. She Woman. The Influence of-The Lady of the1819 Should also Settle with Great Britain__ _2727 Oregon Compulsory Education Law De- Lamp ...... 2989 Houghton, Alanson B., His Address at the clared Unconstitutional by United Wool, Influences Responsible for Decline in Annual Pilgrim Dinner 2336. 2347 States Supreme Court 3249 2337. 2467

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX

BUSINESS INDICATIONS AND CURRENT EVENTS Page. Page. Page. Inheritance Tax Law 1971 Ac- Bank Suspensions in January 1925, Federal ccounting—A. W. Loasby on "Cost 1692 Canada— A counting as Applied to Banks" 3266 Reserve Board on Chartered Bank List Reduced 3015 M., Death of 1972 Beck, James M., Resigns as Solicitor-General to Russia Break All Records- -.2493 Acworth, Sir Wm. 2503 Flour Sales Agricultural Products. See Farmer. of United States Insurance (Life) Sales in Canada_ —2088. Agriculture, Dept. of. See U. S. Agriculture Belgium— 2622, 3260 Belgo-American Investment Trust, Organi- State Bank Puts Ban on Canadian Department. 3010 Russian Agriculture. Secretary of. Sec oec. Jardine. zation of Dollar 2493 S. on Growth on rime Bonds Issued Under Loan Contract of 1920. Production, Stocks and Shipments_ _2630 Alexander, James 1833 Cement Deposits and Increasel r Investments_ 3265 Redemption of, Chain Store Sales in N. Y. Fed. Reserve Report on German Dis- Daylight Saving Time 2107 See Fed. Res. Bank of N. Y. Allied Conunission's Be Sent to District. armament—Charges Germans Barrel In- Debt Funding Commission to Checks, Par Collection of, Issue, Brookings. .3145 United States 3010 (Ore.) Bank Wins Verdict Against San vestigation Belgium Bond Offering—Books 3015 Allied Indebtedness to Great Britain—Re- Kingdom of Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Armistice 1954 Closed 3013 Assn. of Commerce Commends payments Since to Retire 1920 Dollar Chicago as Allied Indebtedness to United States— Berne (Switzerland) Inter-State Commerce Commission Loan 2640 Agency 2503 Belgian Government to Send Debt Funding to Proper Rate-making Commission to United States 3010 Berne (Switzerland) Sinking Fund Loan Chicago Board of Trade, Grain Futures _2641 Be Called for Redemption May 1 1926 2839 1829, 2631, 3008 Esthonia to Fund Debt to United States_ of U. S. Gov- Trading on Finland's Payment to U. S. Account of Bethlehem Steel Corp., Action Chicago Board of Trade—Rule Limiting ernment Against, Drawing Out of War Grain °notations 2632 War Debt 3136 2224 Spread in Daily French Debt to U. S., A. S. Oc.hs's Views Time Contracts Chicago Clearing House—Record Clearings_ _2645 Bible Reading Law in Pennsylvania to Be Bank. See Federal on Settlement of 2756 2894 Chicago Federal Reserve Britain's Payment to U. 3. Account Tested Reserve Banks. Great Compulsory in Public Schools & of War Debt 3136 Bible Reading Chicago Joint Stock Land Bank. Chatham of —Bill Supported by Ku Klux Klan Vetoed Bank Fiscal Agent 2100 Hungary's Payment to U. S. Account 2504 Phenix Nat. War Debt 3136 by Governor Donahey of Ohio Chicago Stock Exchange, John J. Bryant Jr. to Fund Debt Bible Reading. See also Evolution. President 2885 Jugoslavia Not Yet Ready Johnson Build- Elected to United States 2641 Billings, C. K. G.. Purchases Chile—Bond Offering of Mortgage Bank of U. ing on Exchange Place 2879 ..._3252 Lithuania's Payment to S. Account of Indus- Chile War Debt 3136 Binkerd. R. S., Shareholders in Major Chile. Prof. Kemmerer Heads Commission _2639 tries Doubled in Last Seven Years 1699 Reorganization of Financial Poland Completes Funding Debt to U. S_ Coal. to Undertake Poland's Payment to U. S. Account of War Bituminous Coal. See and Taxation System of.3012 Blain. Dr. H. Foster, Director of Bureau of Closed Temporarily tue to Debt 3136 of Chinese Banks Rumanian Indebtedness, United States Mines to Become Secretary Metallurgical Unsettled Conditions 3263 Seeks Settlement of 2220 Institute 3033 Chinese Extend Ban on Foreign Goods 3264 Blumenthal, George. to Retire from Lazard of. See Norway, Allied Reparations Commission, Col. James 2884 Christiania, City A. Logan Jr. Resigns as Unofficial Observer2881 Freres Churchill, Chancellor of Great Britain. Boll Weevil. See Cotton. Britain. Allied Reparations Commission—Louis Bar- Strike for Wage See Great thou Continues as President 2096 Boston Building Workers Clearing House Association Formed in Increase 1827 Pa 2645 Allied Reparations Commission Reports Bank. See Federal Petersburg. Germany Fulfilling Reparations Engage- Boston Federal Reserve Cleveland Discount Co. (Defunct), Former ments 3012 Reserve Banks. Head Josiah Kirby Not Guilty of Publish- Brazil— Financial Statement 1964 Allies Note to Germany for Violation of (Brazilian), French ing False Versailles Treaty—Krupp Protest Note_ _3145 Federal Loan Bonds Coal— Holders Appeal to World Court to Test ProductIon1685, 1830, Amalgamated Clothing Workers Establish 1833 Anthracite Coal Bank in Philadelphia 2363 Depreciation Issue 1953, 2093, 2215, 2355. 2489. 2637. 2749, Claims for Losses.During Sao Paulo 2878, 3006. 3133, 3262 American Bankers Association— Italian 2752 Commission—F. D. Farrell Rebellion Bituminous Coal Production_ _1685. 1830. Agricultural Paulo, State of—Bonds Offered— 2489, 2637. 2749. Succeeds W. M. Jardine on Advisory Sao 1690 1953.2093, 2215, 2355, 1974 Books Closed 2878, 3006, 3133. 3282 Council Dr. Chauncey. Address at Anniver- by Months- -1830 Executive Council's Spring Meeting..1973, Brewer, 2226 Bituminous Coal Production 2101, 2226 sary of Battle of Concord Coke Production Monthly—Comparison Brokers' Loans—Comparison _ _ _1691, 2494, 3267 Years 2094, 2637, 3133 Knox, W. E., Plans Extended Speaking Bank Wins Suit against San of Tour 1973 Brookings (Ore.) Coke Production_ A685. 1830, 1953,2093. Francisco Federal Reserve Bank on Par 2878. 3006, American Cotton Association Meeting—Re- 3015 2215, 2355,2489, 2637, 2749. Asked 1962 Collection of Checks Issue 3133. 3262 lief Measures for Agriculture Building Operations Show Marked American Cotton Manufacturers Association Brooklyn Market Review—Consumptionl Produc- Depression 1950 and -1663, 1829. 1952, 2093, Meeting—Discontinuance of Semi-Month- Earnings and Cost of Liv- tion Prices Cotton Report Urged 1962 Brooklyn Factory 2215,2355. 2489. 2636.2749. 2878. 3006. ly ing 1949, 2213 3133. 3262 American Flint Glass Workers' Union 94o President of Bryant, Jr., John J., Elected Production of Coal—Comparison of Years-2094 Establish Bank in Toledo 2363 Exchange 2885 Mail American Revolution, Daughters of, Ad- Chicago Stock Sears-Roebuck & Co. to Sell Coal by Budget System. See United States. 1132 dress of President Coolidge 2103 Show Order on of Building Operations in Brooklyn Virginia Coal Mines—General StrIke_1683 Anderson Jr. B. M.. Effect Cheap Depression 1950 West Money and Business 2494 Marked Colleges—Nearly 30% of Income Producing Building Operations in Farming Regions, of Colleges Invested in Annerson Jr.. B. or., on "State & Municipal R. Bank on Program of_ - -2875 Endowments Borrowing in Relation to Business Cycle' Minneapolis F. Railway Securities 2768 Building Operations in Federal Reserve Dis- International Chamber of, Con- Annapolis Graduating Class—Address of Reserve Banks. Commerce, President Coolidge 3016 trict. See Federal ference at Brussels, Delegates Appointed Building Operations in New York—Compari- 2635 Anthracite Coal. See Coal. 2352. 2875 to Argentine Gold Exports 2882 sons Commerce, U. S. Chamber of. See U. S. Building Operations in United States—Com- Argentine Government Bonds Offered by J.P. 2627 Chamber of Commerce. Morgan & Co. and Others—Books Over- parison Commercial Credit Co.of Baltimore, Offering 2751, Building Permits Issued in United States— Gold notes_ 3138 subscribed 2882 Issued in _ _1677, 2627 of Sinking Fund Argentine Government, Gold in New York on Largest Amount Chicago Concord, Anniversary of Battle of—Address Building Shortage Constantly Diminishing Is 2226 Account of 2494 of Real of Dr. Chauncey Brewer Argentine Issues Decree Removing Embargo Reported by National Association Confederate States (Former) Unpaid 'War 2751 Estate Boards 3129 Britain—Discussion in on Gold Views of F. W. Dodge Debts to Great Argentine to Permit Gold Exports June 1_ _2494 Building Situation, House of Commons 1956 Bond Corporation 2626 See United States Congress. Argentine—Prov. of Cordoba Offering_2640 Strike for Wage Increase in Congress, U. S. Argentine—Return of Great Britain to Gold Building Workers Coolidge, Louis A., Former Asst. Treasurer in Argentine 3134 Boston 1827 9889 Standard Reflected Resigns from United States of U. S., Death of Argentine—Offering of Bonds of Province of Burgess. William, Coolidge, President-- 3264 Tariff Commission 2896 Revolution, Daughters of, Santa Fe Growers $6.- American Aitchison, Chairman of I.-S. C. C., Sees Rate Burley Tobacco Assn.—Over Address of President Coolidge 2103 000,000 Distributed to Members on 1922 Class—Address of Fixing Ineffective as Means of Insuring 1685 Annapolis Graduating Good Transportation Service 2769 Crop President Coolidge 3016 Burley Tobacco Growers Assn.—Tobacco Seeks to Cut Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank, Bond Offer- 1685 Budget—Pres. Coolidge ing 2883 Sales Annual Budget—Opposition 2645 Gold Burlington (Iowa) Joint Stock Land Bank on—Meeting of Australian Banks Urge Postponement of 2361 Budget. Pres. Coolidge Standard Until its Re-Establishment in Bond Offering Business Organization of Government_ _3267 1832 Business—A.P. Thom on Service of Railroads Coolidge Would Have Great Britain Methods 3148 Business—Pres. of Australia on Gold Basis 2217 Revolutionizing Business Business Move on Without Fear and Manu- Business and Cheap Money,B. M. Anderson, Interference 2498 Automobile—Motor Accessory of 2494 Government facturers Assn. Predicts Greater Sales and Jr., on Effect Culbertson, W. S., Named by Pres. Business Conditions in Cleveland Federal Peter A. Jay as Profit in 1925 1949 3129 Coolidge to Succeed Automobile Prices and New Models_ _1677. Reserve District Minister to Rumania 2220 2486, 2626-, 2747, Business Conditions in Boston Federal Re- Loans—Unchanged Attitude of 1824, 1950,2089, 2214, 2350 Foreign 2876, 3131, 3260 serve District Pres. Coolidge 1688, 1831 Production in United States— Business Conditions in New England, Views of Centre, Speech of Automobile Reserve Bank 2873 Jewish Community Comparisons 2628, 3131 Boston Federal Pres. Coolidge at Dedication of ----- _ -2499 Production and Distribution, Business Conditions in Minneapolis Federal American Bankers Assn., Automobile 1949. 2624. 3129 Knox, W. E., of Summary of Chicago Federal Reserve Bank2351 Reserve District Defends Coolidge Economy 3024 Business Conditions in Philadelphia Federal Coolidge to Cause Austria— 2351. 2742 Marsh, B. C., Asks Pres. Crown Reaches Par 2640 Reserve District 1676, Investigation of Tariff on Metal, Cotton Food and Encouragement is Present Need Business Conditions in United States, Federal Products 1838 Board's Silniniary of 2350. 2741 and Wool of Austria. According to Former Chan- Reserve Memorial Day Address of Pres. Coolidge. _2889 Dr. Sieghart 1688 Business Conditions—Views of Judge Gary Coolidge Names cellor 1825, 2642 Muscle Shoals. Pres. German and Austrian Union Opposed by Commission to Report on 1698 Mussolini 3145 Business Conditions. Views of National Indus- Norris Skeptical Premier Board 1677, 2088 Muscle Shoals, Sen. Lisman & Co., P. J., Advices Regarding trial Conference About Commission 1699 Austria 2639 Business Conditions, New York Federal Re- Manufacturers' Assn.. Comparison of Last Three National Cotton Loan—New Austrian Loan to Be Floated serve Bank's Address of Pres. Coolidge- 1836 in United States 3137 Years 2999 Centennial—Address of Conditions in Richmond Federal Re- Norse-American Loan Plea of Austria Refused by League of Business Pres. Coolidge 3018 Nations 2640 serve District 3129 Order Trans-- "Hardware Retailer" Warns against Patent Office. Pres. Coolidge's Province of Upper Austria, Bond Offering_3264 Business, ferring Jurisdiction from Dept. of In- Schilling Law (New) 1688 Artificial Expansion of 1953 1985 Indexes of the Federal Reserve terior to Dept. of Commerce Ayres, Col. L.P., in Praise of Federal Reserve Business Potassium Chlorate, Presidential Proclama- System 2760 Board 1823. 2352, 2872 1965 Indicators. Department of Com- tion Increasing Duty on_ Business Ritchie. Gov. of Maryland, Disputes Pres. of on Solution of French Fis- merce Report on 2088, 3128 Govern- Dank America Estate Coolldge's Theory of Federal B cal Problems 1833 Business Outlook—Report of Real Intervene in State's Products Association 1677 ment's Right to Bank of England. See Great Britain. Failure to Discharge Duty 3021 Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Milwaukee, Business Outlook, Views ofGuaranty Trust0o2873 Proposal Rejected Business. Pierre Jay on Federal Reserve in Its Sugar Tariff Rediction Bond OtTering 2362 by Pres. Coolidge 3142 Bankers Trust Co.on Improvement in Italy's Relation to 2495 in Chicago— Business, President Coolidge Would Have Women's World Fair Opened Economic Situation Balancing of Budget_2100 Praises of Pres. Coolidge 2102 Bankers of New York State Guests of Stock Business Move on without Fear of Govern- 2498 Cotton— Exchange 2757 ment Interference of Cotton Acreage Banking Conditions in N. Y.Federal Reserve Business Summary (Preliminary) of Depart- Acreage—Indications 1949, 2623 in June 1925 3117 District. See Federal Reserve Banks 1692 ment of Commerce Association Asks for Re- and Con- American Cotton "Bank Failures"—Their Causes lief Measures for Agriculture 1962 sequences, Views of M. B. Wellborn 3015 aine, John F., Named as Head of Packers Associa- & Stockyards Administration, Succeed- American Cotton Manufacturers Banks—Annual Conference of Nat'l Assn. of C Urges Discontinuance of Semi- Mutual Savings Banks 2771 ing Chester Morrill, Resigned 2895 tion 1962 Giving Them California—Income from State Community Monthly Cotton Report Banks (National) Proposals Boll Weevil, Sections Infested With, Rich- • More Power Submitted to Vote of Members Property May Be Divided Between Hus- Urges and Wife for Federal Income Tax mond Federal Reserve Bank of U. S. Chamber of Commerce 2224 band to Assist in Control of _1962 Banks, Labor. See Labor Banks, Purposes 2503 Member Banks

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 120-PART 2.

Page. Page. Page. Cotton—(Concluded)— Vactory Employment and Wages in Brook- Federal Reserve Banks'—(Concluded)— Census Report on Cotton Consumed and "- lyn 1949, 2213 Weekly Returns of Fed. Reserve Banks, on Hand, Active Spindles, &c_ _ _1952, 2488 Factory Employment and Wages in New Jer- 1685. 1831.1954, 2094. 2216, 2356. 2491, Cottonseed Production 2092, 2633,3262 sey and Pennsylvania. See New Jersey 2638, 2750, 2880, 3008. 3134. 3263 Credit—Arrangements Under Way in New and Pennsylvania. Federal Reserve Board and System— York for Revolving Credit 3014 Factory Workers in New York—Employment Advisory Council Approves of Revolving Credit Placed of Disposal of Bank of India Cotton Crop—Final Estimate 2633 and 'Wages_ _1678. 1823, 2209, 2625.2573.8 Manufacturers, Cancellation of Contracts. 2999, 312 England 2761 Prohibition of, Urged by Sec. Hoover .i963 Fall, A. B.. New Indictment Found in Gov- Ayres. Col. I,. P., in Praise of Federal National Cotton Manufacturers Associa- ernment Oil Suit 2765 Reserve System 2760 tion, Address of President Coolidge_ _ _ _1836 Farmer— Bankers in Defense of Federal Reserve Semi-Monthly Cotton Report Discontinu- Agricultural Relief Measures Asked at System 2643 ance Urged at Meeting of American Meeting of American Cotton Assn 1962 Bank Suspensions in January 1925, Federal Cotton Manufacturers Association__. _1962 Building Program in Farming Regions Reserve Boards Views 1692 Spinning Industry Active 2091, 2633,3262 Larger, According to Minneapolis Fed- Business Conditions in United States, Fed- Standard Cotton Fare Put at 21 Lbs_,_ _3147 eral Reserve Bank 2875 eral Reserve Board's Summary of-2350, 2741 Transfer Unit of Cotton Reduced, New Grain. See Wheat. Business Index of Federal Reserve Board York Cotton Exchange Says Delivery on Live Stock Agencies of Farmer Growing 1823, 2352, 2872 N. Y. Contract is Not Affected 3147 Rapidly—Approximate Amount of Busi- Crissinger. D. R. Redesignation as Gover- Copper Production to be Curtailed 2090 ness Handled in 1924 2895 nor of Federal' Reserve Board 3139 Costa Rica to Pay French Debt of 1912 2752 Minneapolis Federal Reserve District Busi- Gold Movement, Federal Reserve Boards ness Conditions Views 1693 Couzens's. Sen., Criticisms of Management and Agricultural 3129 Britain, of Pennsylvania RR.—Reply of President Production of Farmer Must Be Adjusted Gold Standard. Return to in Great Rea -2227 to Demands of Consumer, Says Sec. of Views of Federal Reserve Board 2886 Orissinger, D. It., Redesignated as Governor Agriculture Jardine 1691 Jay, Pierre, to Discuss Federal Reserve Russia's Crops Fail-25 Shiploads of Rye System at Annual Meeting of U. S. of Federal Reserve Board 3139 Chamber of Commerce 2495 Crosby's. Oscar P.. Criticisms of Loan to Imported 1964 Member Great Britain to Maintain Gold Standard Wheat. See Wheat. Banks Weekly Returns_ _ _1686, Made by Federal Reserve Bank _2357 Farrell, F. D., Succeeds W. M. Jardine on 1831. 1954, 2095, 2216. 2356, 2492, Court Decisions— Advisory Council of Agricultural Commis- 2638, 2750. 2880, 3008. 3133, 3263 Income Tax Returns Publication Upheld by sion of A. B. A 1974 National Assn. of Credit Men. Voices its U. S. Fechet, Col. J. Gen. Mitchell Confidence in Reserve System 3139 Supreme Court 2762 E., Succeels Nicaragua Plans Federal Reserve System_1957 Inheritance Tax Law of Pennsylvania, U.S. as Assistant Air Service Chief 1695 Pierson's Experiences Supreme Court Decision in Regard to.. _2893 Federal Farm Loan Board Reduces Rate of L. E. Summary of with Federal It System 3140 Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, U.S. Interest in Omaha District 2756 Financial Advertisers 2107 Supreme Court Ruling Against Com- Federal Income Tax. See Income Tax. Assn. Program Federal Bank—Deben- Financial District Organizers for Salvation pulsory Arbitration Invalid 1971 Intermediate Credit Army Campaign 2107 Mississippi Income Tax Law Held Uncon- ture Offering 1961. 2362 Federal Finland Adopts Gold Basis 2096 stitutional by Circuit Court 1693 Land Bank Bonds—New $26,- Finland—John B. Stetson Jr., Named as Mississippi Income Tax Law Upheld by 500,000 Otter 2639 Federal U. S. Minister to 2641 State Supreme Court 3023 Oil Conservation Board. See United Finland's Payment to United States Account North Dakota Grain Trading Act Declared States. of War Debts 3136 Invalid by U. S. Supreme Court 2632 Federal Warehouse Receipts, Standardized First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank, Oregon Compulsory Public School Act Held Forms Used as New Safeguard 3146 Capital Stock Offering 3138 Invalid by U. S. Supreme Court 2891 Federal Reserve Banks— Business First Joint Stock Land Bank of Montgomery, Ruskay's, Conviction Upheld by Boston Federal Reserve Bank on (Ala.) Bond Offering 2754 U. S. Supreme Court 1835 Conditions in New England 2873. 3259 Flag Day Observance Urged 2762 St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank, Missouri Boston Federal Reserve Bank, Death of Flag Week -14 Designated by Governor Supreme Court Holds Assessment Director E. R. Morse 2884 Smith 2896 Against Stock Unauthorized 2100 Boston Federal Reserve District. Summary Fletcher Joint Stock Land Bank Bond Offer- Trade Costs Data of Associations Upheld of Business Conditions 2350 ing 2755 by U. S. Supreme Court—Comment of Business, Pierre Jay on Effect of Federal Flour. See Wheat. Secretary Hoover 3020, 3021 Reserve in Its Relation to 2495 Food (Retail) Prices by Cities. Increase In.. 3131) Culbertson, W. S., Named by President Charters of Fed. Reserve Banks, National Food (Retail) Prices—Comparison of Years Coolidge to Succeed Peter A. Jay as Man, of Credit Urge Early Renewal of. _3139 1822, 2089, 2623, 3130 Minister to Rumania 2220 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank on Automo- Ford Motor Car Sales Plan—Small Initial to Czech Plans for Future Gold Standard 1688 bile Production and Distribution 2351 Be Tried 2091 Cuba— Chicago Federal Reserve District, Building Foreign Checks, New Clearing System Isle of Pines Treaty Ratified by U. S. Operations 2351 Used. ______2362 Senate—Island Conceded to Cuba Under Chicago Federal Reserve District—In- Foreign Loans to -Be-Paid Off by Denmark-1834 21-Year Pact 1695 creased Savings Deposits 1839 Foreign Loans—Unchanged Attitude of Pres. Chicago Federal Reserve District—Whole- Coolidge 1688, 1831 aeschner. E., French Ambassador to sale and Department Store Trade_ _1822. Foreign Trade of U. S. See United States ',UnitedD States. See France. 2351. 2742 Foreign Trade. Dallas Federal Reserve Bank. See Federal Cleveland Federal Reserve District, Busi- Frank & Co., Albert,—John H. Schwarting Reserve Banks. ness Conditions 3129 Celebrates Flfieth Anniversary as Member_1843 Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank—Capital Stock Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, B. A. Mc- Freight. See Railroads. offering 1961 Kinney Resigns as Governor 2362 France— Daylight Saving In France, Great Britain and Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, C. C.Walsh Barthou Louis. Continues as President of Belgium 2107 Named as New Agent 3139 Allied Reparations Commission 2096 Daylight SavingSchedule Adopted by Phila- Dallas Federal Reserve Bank. Lynn P. Tal- Bonds—"Defense Bonds" in Circulation delphia Stock Exchange 1973 ley Elected President of 2762 Somewhat Reduced 1832 Daylight Saving Time in Effect—Not Foreign Checks. New Clearing System Used2362 Bourse in Paris Closed on Saturdays Dur- Adopted in Many States 2107 Governors of Federal Reserve Banks, An- ing Summer Period 2493 Daylight Saving Time in Effect in New York..1972 nual Spring Meeting 1835 Brazilian Bonds, French Holders Appeal to "Dawes Loan "—Germany's Federal Debt— Great Britain's Return to Gold Standard. World Court to Test Depreciation Issue_ _1831 More Than One-Third Now Consists of U. S. Chamber of Commerce Commends British Silk Duties Attacked by French_ _2492 This Loan 1955 Fed. Reserve Bank in Assisting in Restor- Cabinet—New Cabinet Formed Succeeding Dawes Plan, Achievements Accomplished ation 2887 Herriot Government 1957 Thereby, Report of S. Parker Gilbert Jr_ _3135 McFadden's. Rep., Views Relative to Fed- Costa Rica to Pay French Debt of 1912....2752 Denmark—Economic and Industrial Condi- eral Reserve Banks 2496 Daylight Saving Time 2107 tions Mellon. Sec. of Treas., Urges Rechartering to United States—A. S. Ochs Says 1690 In Debt Denmark to Pay Off Foreign Loans _ 1834 Advance Fed. Reserve Banks 2223 Debt Settlement is Progressing to Satis- Denver Joint Stock Land Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank on factory Conclusion 2756 Bank Bond Offer- Larger ing 2362 Building Program in Farming Financial Situation of France—Views of Deposits (Time) and Investments. Regions 2875 Ambassador Daeschner 2096. 2219 James S. Minneapolis Alexander on Growth of 3265 Federal Reserve District— Fiscal Problems of Franc, Bank of America Department Store Sales in New York Federal Agricultural and Business Conditions, on Solution of. 1833 Reserve District. See Federal Reserve 1822, 1949. 2624. 2139, 3129 Gold, France Plans for New Gold Unit Not District of New York. Minneapolis Federal Reserve District. In- to Be Resorted to 1832 Des Moines Joint crease in Wholesale and Retail Trade_ 2351 Gold and Silver Coins Being Hoarded in Stock Land Bank Bond Minneapolis Offering 2754 Federal Reserve District, In- France 1832 Detroit creased Lumber Sales 2352 Gold Standard, Possibility of France Re- Bank Clearings 2645 New Detroit Stock Exchange Finds Local Trading York— turning to, 2361 is Banking Conditions in N. Y. Federal Hungary Repays French Loan 3012 Promoted by Listing on New York Reserve Stock Exchange 2221 District 1692 Morgan Loan Still Held by France 1832 Dies, Edward J.on "Speculation and the Building--Inscription for New Building Note Circulation—Issuance in Excess of Grain of N. y. Fed. Reserve Bank 1836 Legal Limit 1957 Futures'Meeker 2770 Building Dodge Bros. Issues—Banks Invest Proceeds Operations in N. Y. Fed. Re- Revenues of Government in February. 1833_ Temporarily in Bankers serve District 1676. 2875 Rumania's Indebtedness to France, Find- Acceptances. 2100 Business Conditions, N. Y. Federal Views of Gov. SlIzer 3021 Res. ing of 2221 Dodge Bank's Comparison of Last Three Russia Buys Paris Bank to Boost Franco- Bros. Corp., F. W., Views on Building Years Situation 2626 2999 Russian Trade 3011 Doheny, E. L., New Chain Store Sales in N. Y. Fed. Reserve Suez Canal Co. Bond Holders Cannot Be Indictments Found in District 2209. 2742 Government 011 Suit 2785 Paid in Gold Franc, Court Rules 1833 Donahey, Commodity Prices, N. Y. Federal Ro- Tax System of France Defective—Views of Gov.,of Ohio Vetoes Bill Supported serve Board on by Ku Klux Klan for Compulsory Reading 1676 J. G.Geddes on His Return from Europe.2641 of Bible in Department Store Sales in N. Y. Federal Fuller & Co.. E. M.,—Charles A. Stoneham Public Schools 2504 Reserve District Dunlap, R. W., Appointed Assistant Secre- 2208, 2741 Loses Appeal From Court Decision Con- tary of Agriculture Great Britain—New York Financiers necting Film with E. M. Fuller & Co 3267 2895 Say Fed. Reserve Bank's Transactions Furniture Manufacturers,Indictments Against. with Great Britain Well Within Fed. for Violation of Sherman Anti-Trust astern Pig Iron Assn. May Disband 2215 Act.-3021 Eastman, Reserve Act 2358 Commissioner, of I.-S. C. C. ad- Great Britain Gets Credit of vocates Competitive Bidding for Railroad 2300.000,000 Gary, Judge, Views on Business Conditions, Securities from J. P Morgan & Co and N. Y. 1825, 2642 2770, 2896 Fed. Reserve Bank for Maintenance Economic Independence, Proposal of W. E. Gasoline Production. Stocks and Prices. See Knox for Conference of Gold Standard. Criticisms of Oscar Petroleum. for Declaration of. _ _3149 T. Crosby 2917. 2356 Geddes, J. G.. Returns from Europe—French Employment and Wages in Brooklyn. See , Brooklyn. Jay, Pierre, on "Federal Reserve in Its Tax System Defective 2641 Relation to Business" 2495 Germany— Employment and Wages in New Jersey and Jay's. Pierre. Pennsylvania. See Address Before U. S. Cham- Allies' Note to Germany on Violation of New Jersey and Penn- ber of Commerce Detailing Functions Versailles Treaty—Krupp Protests Note. sylvania. of Fed. Reserve Employment and Wages in Banks—Discussion of 3143, 3145 N. Y. Factories. Federal Reserve System 2495. 2758 Austrian and German Union Opposed by See New York. Trade Index Employment and Wages in New York Federal Re- Premier Mussolini 3145 in Selected Indus- serve District 2875 Bank of England Loan to Be tries 2210, Refunded by 2743 Trade (Wholesale) in N. Y. Federal Ro- German Reichsbank 1688 Employment of Women as Compared with serve Disttict Men 2208, 2741 Berlin, City of, Loan, Negotiations Being 2089 Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank Ad- Conducted by Speyer & Co Equitable Joint Stock Land Bank of Macon, 3137 vance Report on Iron and Steel Foun- Berlin Still Unsettled Over Valorization_ _2752 Capital Stock Offering 3139 dry Operations Esthonia 2089, 2748. 3261 Bonds, Revaluation of 1689 to Fund Debt to United States_ __ _2641 Philadelphia Fedsral Reserve District— Budget of 1925, European Conditions—Arthur Reynolds Deficit of 678.000,000 Business Cenditions 1676. 2351. 2742 Gold Marks 2641 Views 1822 Richmond Federal Reserve Bank—Appli- Coal Mines in Ruhr Europe Reminded by Ambassador Houghton Form Syndicate 2493 cation for Branches Rejected 3139 Disarmament, Allied Commission's Report that Time for Peaceful Upbuilding Has Richmond Federal Come Reserve Bank Urges on—Charges Germans Barred Investi- 2497 Member Banks to Assist in Control of gation 3145 :Evolution. Bill in Tennessee Prohibiting Sections Infested With Boll Weevil Teaching of—Criticisms of Dr. Mathews.. 1962 Disconto Und Effectenbank of Hamburg _1694 Richmond Federal Reserve District, Busi- Fails 3012 Evolution—Prof. J. T. Scopes Indicted on ness Omditions Discount • Charge of Teaching Evolution in Violation 3129 Rate (Private) Quoted in Berlin-1955 San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Loses Export Tax Plan, Agreement Respecting. _1689 of Tennessee Law 2893 in Suit Brought by Brookings Bank (Ore.) Federal Debt—More Evolution Teaching Dispute Spreads to Than One-Third Now in Par Collection of Checks Issue 3015 Consists of Dawes Loan 1955 Kansas 2894 San Francisco Federal Reserve District— Foreigners—Reichsrat E volution. See also Bible Reading. Passes Bill Remov- Industrial Conditions 3129 ing 10% Tax on 2493

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUN; 1925.] INDEX

Page. Page. Page. Germany—(Concluded)— Gold—(Concluded)— Inheritance Tax Law (Federal), Pennsyl- German Mortgage Bank Pre-War Bonds, India—P. & O. Steamship Co. Returns vania Bankers Urge Repeal of 3147 Owners Urged Not to Sell at Present Gold Consigned to India 1956 Inheritance Tax Law of California 1971 Prices 3012 Movement of Gold—Views of Federal Re- Inheritance Tax Law, N. Y. Chamber of German Mark Securities Revaluation Bill serve Board 1693 Commerce Urges Repeal of 3020 Protested by American Holders__ -2752, 2882 Premium on Gold Disappears in London.. _ _2218 Inheritance Tax Law of Pennsylvania. Su- Gold Reserve of Germany Large 1955 Russia Deposits Gold in Bank of England 2752 preme Court Decision in Regard to 28i3 Gold Shipments to Germany from U. S._ _ _2751 United States Gold and Silver Imports and Installment Selling as a Method of Trade Ex- Gold Shipments to Great Britain by Ger- Exports 1686, 2095, 2638. 3135 pansion Criticised by "Hardware Retailer'' .1953 man Reichsbank 2751 Great )jritain— Insult, Samuel, on Development of Public Hallesche Effecten und Wechslbank Changes Allied Indebtedness to Great Britain—Re- Utilities—Government Ownership Pro- Name to German-American Bank 2752 payments Since Armistice 1954 posals 21C4 Hindenburg's. Field Marshal von, Election Bank of England Building, Reconstruction Insurance (Life) Salesin Canada-2088, 2622. 32(0 as President of Germany. Comment on. of 3011 Insurance (Life) Sales in U. S-- -2088. 2622. 3219 2221, 2640 Bank of England Loan to Be Refunded by International Chamber of Commerce. Brus- Importers, Gold Discount Bank Resumes German Reschsbank 1888 sels Conference, Delegates Appointed to.-2635 the Advancing of Credit to 2493 Bank of England, Montagu Norman Re- International Law,Former Sec.of State Hugh s Industries in Germany Plan Curtailment_ _3012 elected Governor _1687 Urges World Peace Through Codifica- Loan to Germany by Chase National Bank Budget Presented by Chancellor Churchill tion of 2763 of N.Y 2096 —Reduction in Income Tax 2219, 2361 Interparllamentary Commercial Congress at Mark Notes of Large Denomination Called Budget. Sir Robert Horne in Defense of.. _ _2218 Rome—Adoption of Gold Gramme as Basi in by Germany 1955 Credit Placed at Disposal of Bank of Eng- for Money Values Urged 2641 Paper Money Order Explained by Germany2882 land Approved by Advisory Council of Inter-State Commerce Commission— Potash Sales Doubled 2493 Federal Reserve Board 2761 Chicago Assn. of Commerce Commends Raiffeisenbank to Receive Loan 3137 Daylight Saving Time 2107 Inter-State Commerce Commission as Rail Credit of $15,000,000 Never Used_ _ _ _2493 Federal Reserve Bank's (N. Y.) Transac- Proper Rate-Making Agency 2503 Reichsbank's Profits Above Pre-War tions with Great Britain Well Within Eastman. Commissioner. Advocates Com- Figur 1832 Reserve Act 2358 petitive Bidding for RR. Securities Reichsbank's Ratio of Actual Gold to Cir- German Reparations Payments in Lieu of 2770. 2896 culation Well Above 1913 1955 25% Duty, House of Commons Ap- Freight Rate Increase Sought by Western Reparations Act, Agreement Between Ger- proves Plan for Recovery of—Agree- Railroads—Inquiry of I.-S. C. C 2500 many and Great Britain for Recovery of ment Between Germany and Great Nickel Plate RR. Merger Hearing Before 26% Duty 2097 Britain 1955. 2097 Inter-State Commerce Commission_ 2765 Reparations Engagements Being Fulfilled Gold Deposited in Bank of England by Rate Fixing as Assurance of Good Trans- by Germany as Reported by Commis- Russia 2752 portation Service Ineffective, Says Chair- sion 3012 Gold Premium Disappears in London__ __ _2218 man Aitchison 2769 Reparations Payments from Germany in Gold Shipments to Great Britain by tier- Woodlock,Thomas F., Takes Oath of Office Lieu of 25% Duty. British House of man Reichsbank 2751 as Member of I.-S. C. C 1842 Commons Approves Plan for Recovering Gold Shipments, Publication of, Resumed Investment Bankers Association— of 1955 by Bank of England 2917 Plans to Give Publicity to Defaults, Delays Reparations Receipts and Payments_ _1690. Gold Shipped to Bank of England by Hol- or Repudiations of Municipal Bonds.. —1973 1955. 2098, 2882 land 3011 Spring Meeting of Governors 1973 Rhoenbank of Berlin Fails 3012 Gold Standard Return of Great Britain. Iron Ore Shipments from Lake Superior Rumania Gives Germany Contract for See Gold. 2630, 3006 Railroad Material 3012 Income Tax, Reduction in 2219 Iron (Pig) Assn.(Eastern) May Disband_ _2215 Stinnes Group Receives Credit from Ger- Insurance Scheme Proposed by Chancellor Iron (Pig) Production by Months 1683,- - man Banks to Prevent Crash 3009 Churchill 2361 1827, 2354. 2878 Stocks and Shares (German) to Be Sup- McKenna Duties Adopted by House of Iron and Steel Foundry Operations. Advance ported to Prevent Further Decline 1832 Commons 2492 Report of Philadelphia Federal Reserve Taxes Paid on 100 Separate Dates—Com- Note Issue, Plan to Amalgamate—"Cur- Bank 2089. 2748.3261 plaint of German Bank 2493 rency Note" Reserve 2492 Iron and Steel Market Review—Production. Trade Relations With United States, Ger- Rubber Shortage by 1928 Is Warning of Stock and Prices_ _1682. 1826, 1951. 2091, man Ambassador Looks for Resumption Sec. Hoover—British Resent Criticism_ _2764 2214. 2354.2488, 2629, 2747,2877. 3004, of 2097 Rumanian Indebtedness to Great Britain, 3132, 3261 Treasury Low—According to Finance Min- Funding of 2221 Isle of Pines Treaty Ratified by United States ister Only 108.000,000 Gold Marks Silk Duty of Great Britain Attacked by Senate—Isle Conceded to Cuba Under Available 2493 French 2492 Twenty-One-Year Pact 1695 Gilbert Jr., S. Parker, Report on Achieve- Stock Exchange (British) Restrictions upon Italy— ments under Dawes Plan 3135 Foreign Dealings on British Stocks Re- Austrian and German Union Opposed by Gitlow, Benjamin, Conviction under N. Y. moved 1956 Premier Mussolini 3145 Anarchy Law Upheld by U. S. Supreme Trade Balance with United States Unfavor- Brazil—Italian Claims for Losses During Court 3143 able—Views of Sir Esme Howard 2751 Sao Paulo Rebellion 2752 Grain, See Wheat. War Debts of Some of the Former Confed- Brokers at Rome and Milan Strike for a Greek Loan, Speyer & Co. Deny any Connec- erate States Unpaid—Discussion in Day 2099 tion With 1833 British House of Corrunons 1956 Budget Balanced—Bankers Trust Co. on Greenbrier Joint Stock Land Bank Bond Of- War Debts to United States, Payment on Improvement in Italy's Economic Con- fering 3265 Account of 3136 ditions 2100 Green & Sons, Inc., John W., Hatters of Guaranty Company of Maryland, Offering of Budget Balanced—T. W.Lamont Guest at Danbury, Adopt Open Shop 2092 Gold Notes 3265 Banquet in Rome of Italian-American Gold— Guaranty Trust Co.on Business Outlook_ _ _ _2873 Chamber of Commerce 1955 Argentine Gold Exports, Embargo Re- Bourses Closed under Government Decree moved 2494, 2751, 2882 alf Dollars—Lexington-Concord Half Dol- Ministers Decide to Halt Restrictions__ -2098 Argentine—Gold in Now York on Account H lars Issued 1974 Cabinet Officers to Receive Higher Sala ries.2099 of Argentine Government 2494 "Hardware Retailer" Warns Against Artifi- Commercial and Banking Institutions, Australia, Holland and New Zealand Return cial Expansion of Business 1953 Italy to Modify Tax on 2099 to Gold Standard 2217 Harriman Memorial Medals for Accident Copper Coins(Small), Decree Providing for Australian Banks Urge Postponement of Prevention on Railroads 3008 Withdrawal from Circulation of 2099 Gold Standard Until Its Re-establish- Hindenburg, Field Marshal von. See Ger- Financial and Economic Condition of Italy ment in Great Britain 1832 many. —Exchange Situation 3136 Bank of England Resumes Publication of Holland on Gold Basis 2217 Flour Prices Reduced - _ -1964 Gold Figures 2217 Holland Ships Gold to Bank of England_ - _ -3011 Internal Public Debt, Reduction in 3013 British Bankers Fear Gold Standard Return Homes—Richest States Have Largest Amount Lira Rises in Rome Market 3013 Will Put United States in Control 2218 of Mortgaged Homes 2627 Loan—J.P. Morgan & Co. Denies Reports British Committee Report on Gold Stand- Hooper, B. W.. Re-elected Chairman of U. S. of Italy to Float Loan 2641 ard 2217, 2359 RR. Labor Board 3024 Loan Is Not Needed by Italy, Minister of British Exporters Fear Loss of Trade Hoover, Sec., Says All But 10% of World's Finance Alberti Says 2099 Through Gold Standard Return—Gold Trade on Gold Basis 2360 Money—Large Amount of Paper Money Parley Project Revived 2360 Hoover, Sec., Urges Prohibition by Cotton Burned by Government 2099 British Likely to Profit by Refunding Loans Manufacturers of Cancellation of Con- Morgan & Co.. J. P., Extend Revolving on Gold Basis 2218 tracts 1963 Credit of $50,000,000 to Italian Banks Countries Whicti Have Returned to Gold Hoover, Sec., Warning Against Rubber Short- 2880, 3012 Standard 2888 age by 1928 as Result of Falling Off in Reconstruction Problems,Italian Ambassa- Czechoslovak Plansfor Future Gold Stand- Planting—Criticisms Resented by British_2764 dor's Views 2098 ard 1688 Houghton, Ambassador. Reminds Europe Specie Payments,Italy s Possible Return to2099 Dollar Credits for Gold Standard 2888 Time for Peaceful Upbuilding Has Come_ -2497 Treasury Bills(New) Issued 2099 Federal Reserve Board's Views on Great Housing Problems, Gov. Smith Signs Bill to War Debts of Italy, Finance Minister Says Britain's Return to Gold Standard_ ___.2886 Establish Regional Planning Board 1972 Italy Is Not in Position at Present to Finland Adopts Gold Basis 2096 Hughes, Sec. of State, on Restrictions Placed Consider Funding of 3010 Prance—Gold and Silver Coins Being on Count Karolyi—Freedom of Speech Not Hoarded 1832 Involved 1695 srollne, Secretary of Agriculture— France—Possibility of France Returning to Hughes, Former Sec. of State, Urges World J Business Administration of Department Gold Standard 2361 Peace Through Codification of Interna- Consolidation of. Ordered of Agriculture, German Gold Reserve Large _ _1955 tional Law 2763 by Secretary Jardine 1974 German Reichsbank s Gold Shipments_- to Hungarian Bank, New Interests in 1834 Farmer Must Adjust Production to De- Great Britain 2751 Hungarian Bonds (Pre-War), Reparations 1691 Gold from mends of Consumer Germany Receives Shipments Commission Calls for Collection of 1832 Farrell, F. D., Succeeds Secretary Jardine United States 2751 Hungarian Loan, Receipts from Revenues on Advisory Council of Agricultural Great Britain's Return to Gold Standard— Pledged—Hungary's Finances-2096, 2639, 3137 B. A 1974 Britain's Commission of A. Argentine Affected by Great Hungary Repays French Loan 3012 Jarvis, Sr, Aemillus, Fine Reduced by Court Return to Gold Standard 3134 Hungary, Revival of—A Year's Progress_ _ _ _2880 Appeal—Completes Six Months Jail Term Doubt in London as to the Outcome of Hungary% Payment to United States Account of 1835. 2221 Gold Standard Return 2218 of War Debt 3136 Discuss Federal Reserve Sys- Causes Agitation in Jay, Pierre, to Gold Standard Issue tem at Annual Meeting of United States Great Britain 1687 Illinois Industrial Situation—Employment Commerce 2495 Passes Gold Stand- Chamber of House of Commons and Wages 1948, 2624. 3128 Pierre, on "Federal Reserve in Its Rela- ard Bill 2356 Illinois Joint Stock Land Bank of Monticello Jay, 2495 Criticizes Gold Stand- 2362 tion to Business Mond, Sir Alfred. Bond Offering Jay's, Pierre, Address before United States ard Return 2218 Imports and Exports of U. S. See U. S. on Functions of P., New York Federal Chamber of Commerce Morgan & Co., J. Foreign Trade. Federal Reserve Banks 2755 Reserve Bank and Others Furnish Income Tax— to Rumania—Presi- Credit for Mainte- Jay, Peter A., Minister Great Britain With California—Income from State Community Coolidge Names W. S. Culbertson as nance of Gold Standard.. _ _2096,2217, 2356 Property May Be Divided Between dent 2229 Views on United States and Wife for Federal Income His Successor Miller's, Dr., Husband Jennings, H. K., Becomes President of St. Aid in Restoration of Gold Standard in Tax Purposes 2503 2362 2760 Lord, Brig.-Gen.. Says Lower Taxes Im- Paul Federal Land Bank Great Britain Jewett, George C. Becomes President of Return of Great Britain to Gold Stand- possible if Outgo Keeps Pace with Bank 3139 2216. 2358 Federal Income 3269 Spokane Federal Land ard Jewlsh Community Centre, Speech of Presi- Speyer, James, Commends Return to Mississippi Income Tax Law Held Uncon- of 2499 2358 stitutional 1693 dent Coolidge at Dedication Gold Standard Japan— Text of Gold Standard Bill 2882 Reduction of $300,000_,000 in Federal Tax- Rate Reduced_ -1955 Sought by Great ation Movement in Effect 3269 Bank of Japan Rediscount United Sates Aid Budget, Policy to Be Followed in Framing Britain in Establishing Gold Standard 1688 Congress Has Authority to Enact Law 3138 Commerce Commends for Publicity Income Tax Returns --2504 of U. S. Chamber of or Earthquake in Japan 2752 Fed. Reserve Bank for Its Aid in Res- U. S. Supreme Court Upholds Publication Subscribed by Bank Standard in Great of Income Tax Returns 2762 Government 5% an toration of Gold of Japan 2752 Britain 2887 India Cotton Crop—Final Estimate 2633 1833 Shipments to India Returned by Imperial Diet Bill Enacted Washington Views Regarding Gold Stand- India—Gold Loans—Japanese Government Is- ard Return 2360 P. & 0. Steamship Co 1956 Internal Federal suing Two Kinds of Internal Loans 2361 Holland's Gold Shipments to Bank of Eng- Industrial Outlook in San Francisco (New)—Redemption of Na- 3011 Reserve District 3129 Internal Loan land tional Loans • 1689, 2096 Hoover, Sec.. Reports All But 10% of Industries (Major), Compilation by R. S. Pur- Shows Number of Stockholders Johnson Building on Exchange Place In World Trade Is on Gold Basis 9360 Binkerd X G. Billings 2879 Interparliamentary Commercial Congress Doubled in Last Seven Years 1699 chased by 0. as Basis Industries in United States (Selected), Em- Jones & Baker, Failed Brokerage Firm. Pays at Rome Urges Gold Gramme Dividend of5% to Creditors_ - _1692 for Money Values 2641 ployment and Wages in 1679. 2673, 3001 Additional

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [Vol,. 120—PART 2.

Page. Page. Page. Joint Stock Securities Co. of Massachusetts— lufacMasters, John F., Sentenced—Later Re-1835 New York Cotton Common Stock Offering 1834 IV1 leased Exchange—(Concluded)— on Ball Pending Appeal Southern Expositionsiat Grand Central Joint Stock Land Banks— Mall—"Special Handling" Service for Domes-2771 Chicago Joint land Bank, Palace, N. Y. CottonfExchange Takes2496 Stock Chatham tic Parcel Post Active Part in & Phenix Nat'l Bank Fiscal Agent 2100 Maine Legislature Passes Bill Making Unlaw- St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank, NOW York Curb Market Assn.— State ful Any Time Other than Standard._ -.1699 Kohn, Lorin M., Temporarily(Suspended Assessment Against Stock Held to Be Manufacturing Production Increased.-_1824 , Unauthorized by Missouri Supreme Court2100 from Curb Market 2885 2352, 2873 Low Bros. & Co. Curb Exchange House Joint Stock Land Banks, Bond & Stock Marko, William, Expelled from New York Fails Offerings— Curb Market 2221 1692 Atlantic Marko, William, Expelled from Curb2221 Joint Stock Land Bank 2883 Marsh, B. C., Asks President Coolidge to Market Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Mil Cause Investigation of Tariff on Metal. Public Utility Stocks Speculation Checked2885 waukee 2362 Cotton and Wool Production 1838 on Burlington (Iowa) Joint Stock Land Marshall. Thomas Curb Market R. Former Vice-President New York and New Jersey Joint Stock Land Bank 2361 under Wilson Administration, Dead 2891 Dallas Bank Bond Offering 2100 Joint Steck Land Bank 1961 Martin "Blue Sky" Act, Webb-Phelps New York Denver Joint Stook Land Bank 2362 Amendment Signed State Comptroller Purchases Land by Governor Sm1th1692 Bank of State of New York Bonds Des Moines Joint Stock Land Bank 2754 Maryland-Virginia Joint Stock Land Bank, New Equitable Joint Stock Land Bank 3139 Bond Offering York State Proposed Bond Offering3914 2754 Favored by Gov. Smith Opposed by Many_2894 First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank_ _ _3128 Mathews, Dr., Criticises Law Prohibiting New First Joint Stock Land Bank of Mont- Teaching York Stock Exchange— of Evolution in Tennessee 1694 Bank Delegates from gomery, (Ala.) 2754 Maxwell Motor Stocks Trading Suspended 5 New York State to Be Fletcher Admitted to Stock Exchange Floor May Joint, Stock Land Bank 2755 from New York Stock Exchange 298 27 Greenbrier Joint Stock Land Bank 3265 McFadden's, Representative, Views on Fed- 2642 Illinois Joint Bankers of New York State, Guests of Stock Land Bank of Monti- eral Reserve Banks 2496 Stock Exchange cello 2362 McKinney, B. A.. Resignation as Governor 2757 Brokers Loans—Comparisons_1691, 2494. 3267 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank (Lincoln, of Dallas Federal Reserve Bank 2362 Detroit Neb.) McNulty dc Co., F. H., Stock Exchange Finds Local Trad- 1961 Permanently En- ing is Promoted by Listing on N. Y. Maryland Virginia Joint Stock Land joined 3014 Stock Bank 2754 Exchange 2221 Meats and Fats, Exports of. See U. S. Election of Officers 2494 Mississippi Joint Stock Land Bank 2755 Foreign Trade. Employees New York and New Jersey Joint Stock of Stock Exchange, Inaugura- Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury— tion of System Providing for Retirement Land Bank of Newark. N. J. 2100 Federal Reserve Banks, Rechartering in Allowance Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land of 2884 Bank_1962, Advance. Urged by Sec. Mellon 2223 Governors May Cause Discontinuance of 2754 World War Foreign Debt Commission, Business Potomac Joint Stock Land Bank__1961, 2100 Connections of Members when Sec. Mellon Calls Meeting of Latter are Dominated Thereby in Resolu- St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank 2754 Memorial Day Address of Pres. Coolidge_ _ _ _2389 tion Adopted San Antonio Joint Stock Land Bank 8109 by N. Y. Stock Exchange_2363 :3265 Merchandise, Imports and Exports. See Kellner, G. W., Expelled from N. Y. Stock Southern Minnesota Joint Stock Land U. S. Foreign Trade, Exchange Bank 2755 Mexico— Tennessee Maxwell Motor Stocks Trading Suspended1834 Joint Stock Land Bank 2755 Debts Arising from Commercial Transac- from Stock Exchange Virginian Joint Stock Land Bank 2362 Managers 2885 tions Paid 2640 Partners and Branch Office of Jugoslavia Not yet Ready to Pay Debt to Kellogg's, Sec., Warning to Mexico An- N. Y. United States.. Stock Exchange, Annual Meeting_2222 2841 swered by Pres. Calles—Mexico will not Questionnaire Issued by Exchange Jugoslavia—Plans for Aid to Business—For- Tolerate Foreign Interference 3270 New York University's eign Capital to Be Tax Exempt Bureau of Business2222 2641 Railroads to be Returned to Owners by Research Analysis of Plumbing and Heat- Government 1972 ing Supplies 1947 Tar ansas Court of Industrial Relations, U. S. Miller, Dr. A. United States Aid New 11%. Supreme C.. on in Zealand on Gold Basis 2217 Court Ruling Against—Com- Restoration of Gold Standard in Great Nicaragua, New Cabinet Formed pulsory Arbitration Invalid 1971 1957 Britain 2760 Nicaragua Plans Federal Reserve System_ 1957 Kansas—Despute Over Teaching of Evolu- Minneapolis Federal Reserve District. See Nicaragua tion in Schools President Halts Run on Banks— 2894 Federal Reserve Banks. Bill Proposing Loan to Increase Capital Rarely(. Count, Former Hungarian President, Mississippi Income Tax Law Held Unconsti-1693 Defeated Sec. Hughes on Restrictions Placed 1956 on,— tutional by Circuit Court Nickel Plate R. R.Merger Hearing Before21878,75 Freedom of Speech Not Involved 1695 Mississippi Income Tax Law Upheld by I.-S. C.0 Kellner. G. W., Expelled from New Y State Supreme Court 3023 Norman, Montague, Re-elected Governor of Stock Exchanre ississippi Joint Stock Land Bank, Bond Bank of England Kellogg s. Sec.. Warning to Mexico Offering 2755 Norris, Sen., Skeptical About Muscle Shoals1,99 by Pres. Canes— Mexico Will Not Stand Mitchell, General, Assistant Air Service Chief Commission for Foreign interference 3270 Reduced in Rank--Col. J. E. Fechet his Norse-American Centennial, Address of Pres. henimerer, Prof.. Beads Commission to Chile Successor 1695 Coolidge to Undertake Reorganization of Financial Money—B. M. Anderson Jr. on Effect of North Dakota Grain Trading and Ta %Mien System Act Declared3918 3012 Cheap Money and Business 2401 Invalid by U. S. Supreme Court 2632 Kenney & Greenwood, Brokerage Firm of Money Rates in United States and Abroad_ _1693 North Carolina Gets Loan on Advantageous Portland, Me., Fails_ 2494 Morey Stocks in Country-. See United States Terms—Financial Kirby, . Situation 31832420 Josiah. Former Head of Defunct Treasury. Norway—American Money Being Placed298,4916 CLiveland Discount Co. Not Guilty of Mononiac Mills (Lawrence. Mass.) Wage Cut Privately for Norway Publisli fig False Financial Statement_ _ _ _1964 Affects Nine Hundred Workers 1827 Norway—City of Christiania Loan Knox, W. E., of America Bankers Assn. Morgan & Co., J. P., Extends Revolving Norway—City Defends of Oslo Bond Offering Coolidge Economy 30all Credit of $50,000,000 to Italian Banks, Norway, Kingdom of, Bonds Purchased by Knox, W. E.. of American Bankers Assn. 2880, 3012 American Syndicate Plans Extended 2751, 2883 Speeking Tour 1973 Morgan & Co., J. P., and Others Offer Ar- Norway to Seek Loan of 100,000.000 Kroner-1689 Knox, W. E., of American Bankers ,Assn. gentine Government Bonds—Books Over- Norway. Kingdom of, Proposes Conference Bonds of 1920 to Be for Declaration of subscribed 2751. 2882 Redeemed Oct. I 3137 Economic Independence 3149 Morgan & Co., J. P., Denies, Reports of Kohn, Lorin M., Temporarily Suspended Proposed Italian Loan 2641 chs'Adolph S., Says Negotiations on Debt from New York Curb Market, M385 Morgan & Co.,.). P., and N.Y. Fed. Reserve O Settlement are Progressing to a Satisfac- Kruttschnitt, Julius. For:n er Chairman of Bank I.oan Great Britain $300.000.000 to tory Conclusion Southern 2756 Pacific, Death or 3148 Maintain Gold Standard--Criticistus of 011-Production, Stocks and Prices. See Kuhn. Loeb & Co., Deny Reports attributed Oscar T. Crosby 2217, 2356, 2357 Petroleum. to 0. If. Kahn on War Debts-0. I Morgan Loan Still Held by France 1832 Olsen, N. A., Appointed Assistant Chief of2895 Kahn's Return front Europe Morrill, Chester, Resigns as Head of Packers Bureau of Agricultural Economics in Dept. & Stockyards of Agriculture Ladd, Senator E. F. Death of 3272 by JohnJo T. CaineAdministration—Succeeded2895 O'Neill & Co., F. L., a Brokerage Firm of Follette, Senator' It. M., Death of 3272 Morse, Edmund It., Director of Boston Fed. Detroit in Hands of Receiver 2494 Lake Superior Iron Ore Shipments_ _ _2630, 3006 Reserve Bank, Death of 2884 Oregon Compulsory Public Banks— School Act Ruled Labor , Mortgaged Homes—Largest Amount of Against by U. S. Supreme Court 2891 Amalgamated Clothing Workers Establish Mortgaged Homes are in Richest States 2627 Oslo. See Norway. Bank in Philadelphia 2363 Motor and Accessory Manufacturers Assn. American Flint Glass Workers Union to Pretlicts Greater Sales and Profit in 1925_ _1949 Parcel Post Mail—Special Handling Service 2771 Establish Bank in Toledo 2363 Muscle Shoals, Commission Named by Pres. arific Coast Joint Stock Land Banki9B6o2n,d27,4 Lamont, T. W. Guest at Banquet in Rome Coolidge to Report on 1698 of Italian-American Chamber of Commerce 1955 Muscle Shoals. Sen. Norris Skeptical About PaC'ekrreerrsisgand Stockyards Administration. 2895 Land Bank of State of New York Bonds Pur- Commission 1699 J T. Caine Succeeds Chester Morrill, Who chased by State Comptroller of New York_3014 Resigns as Head of Lauzier-Wolcott Brokerage Co. of Butte motional Assn. of Credit Men Urges Early Paper Production by Months 1824, 2876 (Mont.) Closes Doors 2885 II Renewal of Federal Reserve Bank Paper and Pulp Industry—Labor Conditions_31900088 League of Nations— Charters 3139 Patent Office, Pres. Cooliuge s Order Trans-- Allied Commission's Report on German National Assn. of Credit Men Voices its Jurisdiction fromm Dept. of Interior3147 Disarmament—Charges Germans Barred Confidence in Federal Reserve System_ _ _3139 to Dept. of Commerce Investigation 3145 National Assn. of Mutual Savings Banks, Pennsylvania Bankers Urge Repeal of Fed- Allies' Note to Germany for Violation of Annual Conference 2771 eral Inheritance Tax Law Versailles Treaty—Krupp Protests Note National Assn. of Real Estate Board Sees Pennsylvania—Law for Bible Reading to Be 3143, 3145 Building Shortage Constantly Diminish Tested Austria's Loan Plea Refused by League of lag 3129 Pennsylvania—F.mployment & Wages 1948. 2228692:5 Nations 2640 National Banks Conditions under Call of Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Law. Supreme Lexington Concord Half Dollars 1974 Comptroller of Currency for April 6 2642 Court Decision in Regard to Life Insurance. See Insurance. National Banks, Proposals Giving them more Pennsylvania RR., Sec. Couzens's Criticism Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank—Bond Offer- Power Submitted to Vote of Members of Management of—Reply of Pres. Rea __ -22829237 ing 1961 U. S. Chamber of Commerce 2224 Pennsylvania Trust Companies Under Legis- Lisman & Co.. F. J., Advises Regarding Aus- National Cotton Manufacturers' Assn., lativetive Enactment Permitted to Pool Mort- tria—Financial Situation 2639 Address of Pres. Coolidge 1836 gages Lithuania's Payment to United States, Ac- National Foreign Trade Convention Held in People's Savings Bank of Yonkers—R. II. count of War Debt 3136 Seattle 3146 Neville Resigns as Cashier of N. Y. Live Stock Cot- Agencies of Farmer Growing National Industrial Conference Board on ton Exchange to Assume Direction of 2107 Rapidly 2895 Business Conditions 1677. 2088 Peru, Republic of—Bonds Issued in Exchange Living Cogs and Factory Earnings in Brook- National Industrial Conference Board on for Temporary Bond 1834 lyn 1949 Cost of Living 2209 Petersburg (Pa.) Clearing House Living Costs- Association -Summary of National Indus- Neville, Robt. LI. Cashier of N. Y. Cotton Formed 2645 trial Conference Board 2209 Exchange. See' N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Philadelphia Fed. Reserve District. See Fed.1973 Loasby, Arthur W., on Cost Accounting as New England Business Conditions, Views of Reserve Banks, Applied to Banks 3266 Boston Federal Reserve Banks 2873. 3259 Philadelphia Stock Exchange to Operate on Logan, Jr., Col. James A., Goes to Poland New Jersey—Employment and Wages 1948, 2625 Daylight Saving Schedule with Clarence Dillon—Proposed Railway_3012 New York City Building Operations—Com- Petroleum— Logan, Jr.. Col. James A., Resigns as Unoffi- parisons 2352 Crude Oil Production. 1679, 1825, cial Observer on Allied Reparations 1951, Com- New York Clearing House Assn.—New High 2090, 2214. 2353, 2487,2629, 3 2074304: 3218371;6 3280 mission 2881 Record for Clearings 2645 Longworth, Representative, Review of York New Community Trust Co. Luncheon_ _1841 Exports of Petroleum in March April 2629,2743 Achievements of Congress 1841 New York Community Trust Co.—Gift of Federal Oil Conservation Board Lord, Brigadier-General, on Accomplish- Seeks $10 000 to Apply on Administrative Views from Technical Press—Also Data ments of Budget System 1838 Budget Fund 181947 22 from Refiners Lord. Brigadier-General, Says Lower Taxes New York—Daylight Saving Time Gasoline and Crude Impossible if Federal Outgo Oil Prices_ -1681, 1825,1696 Keeps Pace New York Factory Workers—Employment 1950. 2090. 2214. 2353.2486, 2628, 2742, with Federal Income 3269 and Wages_ _ _1678, 1823. 2209, Low 2625. 2876. 3004. 3131, 3260 Brothers. Curb Exchange House, Fails_ _1692 2873, 2999,3128 Gasoline Production and Lumber Output on West Coast,. 1681. 1825, Consumption New York Chamber of Commerce Urges Large 2877 2090, 2213, 2353, 2488,2628. 2746, 2875, Repeal of Inheritance Tax Law 30203282850 Pierson's, L. E., Summary of 3001, Experience with 3131, 3260 New York Cottonn Exchange— Federal Reserve System 8140 Lumbr Production Stocks and Prices- —1682. Annual Repo of Exchange Pig Iron. See Iron. 1824.1950. 2090, 2213. 2353.2487, 2627, Cotton Transfer Unit Reduction Does Not Pittsburgh Clearing 2746, 2875, 3000, 3131, House—Clearings for 3260 Affect Delivery on N. Y. Contract, April 2645 Lumber Production and Shipments during N. Y. Cotton Exchange Says 3149 Plasterers' Strike Settled February, March and April _ _ _1950. 2487, 1829 3004 Meville. Robert Ii., Resigns as Cashier— Plumbing and Heating Supplies, Cost Lumber Sales in Minneapolis Federal Reserve Assumes Active Direction of Peoples Analysis of. Made District. See Federal Reserve Banks. by N. Y. University's Savings Bank of Yonkers 2107 1 Bureau of Business Research 1947

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis at APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX

Page. Page. Federal Reserve District of George A.. Secretary of U. S.P2a5g0e3. Trade Index in Poland—Budget Balanced 2493 Sanderson, N.Y 2875 Funding U. S. Debt 2639 Senate. Death of Convention Poland Completes House—Clearings for264, Trade—National Foreign Trade Poland's Payment to U. S. Account of War San Francisco Clearing Seattle 3146 3136 1924 Held in Debt Bank. See Trade Expansion by Selling on Instalment, Visited by Col. J. A. Logan Jr. and San Francisco Federal Reserve Hardware Retailer 1953 Poland Reserve Banks. Criticisms by Clarence Dillon—Proposed Railway 3012 Federal Trade, State of-- ---1675._1675, 1820, 1946, 2086, Changes—Text of New Law_ _ _ _1966 Santa Fe. See Argentine. Postal Rate Brazil. 2207. 2349, 2484, 2620. 2740, 2871, 2998, Postal Receipts in 50 Industrial Cities_ _1683. Sao Paulo, State of, See 3127, 3258 2092. 2630.3007 Schwarting, John H., Celebrates Fiftieth Federal Reserve Member of Albert Frank Trade (Wholesale) in N. Y. Postal Receipts in 50 Selected Cities_ _1683. Anniversary as District. See Fed Reserve Bank of N. Y. 2630. 3007 & Co 1843 on Charge of Trust Companies of Pennsylvania Permitted Postal Receipts May Be Insufficient to Meet Scopes. Prof. J. T., Indicted Under Legislative En- Evolution in Violation of Ten-2993 to Pool Mortgages Wage Increase of Employees 3140 Teaching act nent 2893 Poatal Savings Deposits by Months1693. nessee Law of United States—Regional -Roebuck & Co. to Sell Coal by Mail Trust Companies 2101, 2753 Sears 3132 Conference to Be Held Aug. 4-5 1974 Potassium Chlorate, Presidential Proclama- Order 1965 Senate, U. S. See U. S. Senate. tion Increasing Duty on Doubled in Inited States Steel Corp.—Foreign Heid- Potomac Joint Stock Land Bank Bond Offer- Shareholders in Major Industries and Preferred Stock. _ _2106 Years According to R. S. Bin-1699 Ui...lines of Common 1961. 2100 Last Seven United States Steel Corp.—Unfilled Orders- Prudential Insurance Co. of America—Large kerd 1826, 2488. 3005 Building Loans 1949 Sherman Anti-Trust Act,Indictments Against Increase in for Violation of_3021 United States— Public Schools. Bill Supported by Ku Klux Furniture Manufacturers Department of, Business Bible Shipstead's, Sen., Accusations Regarding Agriculture, Man for Compulsory Reading of 1964 Administration Consolidation Ordered by by Gov.-Donahey of Ohio 2504 Boom in Wheat Price Vetoed Chancellor of Austria, Secretary Jardine 1974 Public Utilities, Samuel Insull on Develop- Sieghart, Dr.. Former Department of, N. A. Olsen Pro- Says Austria Needs Food and Encourage- Agriculture, ment of—Government Ownership 688 Appointed Assistant Chief of Bureau of posals 2104 ment1 9895 Checked on of Great Britain. See Great Agricultural Economics Public Utility Stock Speculation Silk Duties Agriculture, Department of, Preliminary N. Y. Curb Market 2885 Britain. of Recent Wild Dollar Drive Abandoned by Treasury-2497 Report on Causes Silver of Fluctuations in Grain 2631 ail Steel Products Assn. Report on Busi- Silver and Gold Imports and Exports Secretary of, Dun- 1677 States 1686. 2095. 2638. 3135 Agriculture, Assistant R ness Outlook United and lap, Newly Appointed 2895 Railroads— Silver Stamped "Sterling" Must Be Pure Any Other Substance, Albany2497 Agriculture, Secretary of. See Secretary Colleges—Nearly 30% of Income Pro- Not Contain Jardine. ducing Endowments of Colleges In- Court of Appeals Rules -General of on Action of Michigan in Re- Beck, James M. Solicitor vested in Railway Securities 2768 Silzer, Gov., States Resigns 2503 Railroads, Settlement straining Sale of Dodge Brothers Stock_ 3021 United Director-General of Proposed Bond Belgium Government to Send Debt Fund- of Accounts with 2767 Smith, Gov., in Favor of States 3010 by New York State—Opposed 133'2894 ing Commission to United Etpendltures of Class I Railroads in 1924 Offering BelgoAmerican Investment Trust, Organ- for Wages, Maintenance, &c 2896 Many Designates June 8-14 as Flag2896 ization of 3010 Freight Rate Increase Sought by Western Smith. Gov., Bethlehem Steel Corp. War-Time Con- Railroads—Inquiry of Inter-State Com- Week S. Government Gov., Signs Bill for Regional Planning tracts, Action of U. merce Commission 2500 Smith, 1972 Against 2224 Freight (Revenue) Car Loading—Com- Board for Housing Problems Webb-Phelps Amendment Budget, President Coolidge on—Semi- parison 2486, 2624,2897 Smith, Gov., Signs of Business Organization3267 Expected to Martin "Blue Sky" Act—Effective2767 Annual Meeting Freight Traffic During 1925 to 1692. Budget—President Coolidge Seeks to Cut Exceed That of Previous Years 2897 Budget—Opposition 2645 Smith, Gov.. Vetoes Teachers Salary Increase Annual Harriman Memorial Medals for Accident 2104 Budget System, Brigadier-General Lord Prevention on Railroads _3008 Bill Accomplishments of 1838 Wit- Smith, Peter, Former Provincial Treasure of2765 on Labor Board's Power in Compelling of Appeal-1835 Bureau of Mines Transferred From De- nesses to in Wages Disputes Ontariota Fine Reduced by Court of Appear New Indictments Found in partment of Interior to Department Limited 3024 Sinclair, H. F., H. Foster Blain, Direc- Re-elected Government Oil Suit Commerce—Dr. Labor Board, B. W. Hooper Grand Central, New2755 tor, to Become Secretary of Metallurgical Chairman of 3024 Southern Exposition at 3023 York Cotton Exchange takesActive Part in2496 Institute Loans, &c., Made by Federal Authorities Land Bank. Business Conditions in United States. Act of 1920, &c_ _ 2768 Southern Minnesota Joint Stock Under Control Act, Offering See Business. Mexican Government to Return Railroads Capital Stock of, Address of in Commercial Agreement with United Commerce, U. S. Chamber to Owners 1972 Spain 2884 Pierre Jay on Functions of Federal Re- Nickel Plate RR. Merger, Hearing Before States of Banks 2495, 2758 _ _2765 Spain—King Alfonso Compares Liberty serve Inter-State Commerce Commission.__ New York and London-2752 Commerce, U. S. Chamber of, Commends Pennsylvania RR. Senator Couzens's Criti- Spain With that of in Assisting in to Remove Embargo on Foreign Wheat Federal Reserve Bank cism of the Management of Pennsylvania Spain Restoration of Gold Standard in Great RR.—Reply of President Rea 2227 Imports April 25 2887 & Co. Conducting Negotiations for3191,647 Britain Rate Fixing Ineffective as Means of Insur- Speyer Commerce, U. S. Chamber of, Proposals ing Good Transportation Service 2769 City of Berlin Loan to National & Co. Deny Any Connection With Giving Additional Powers Rate and Wage Readjustments Expensive Speyer Banks Submitted to Vote of Members of_2224 2766 Greek Loan 1833 to Railroads from Europe—Com- Commerce. Department of, Report on Railroads Operated with Greatest Degree Speyer. James, Return 2088, 3128 mends Re-Establishment of British Gold Business Indicators of Safety on Record 2769 2358 Commerce, Department of, Preliminary Securities—Conunissioner Eastman of I.-S. Market 1949, 2623 Spokane Federal Land Bank.George C.Jewett 3139 Business Summary C. C. Advocates Competitive Bidding Congress— for Railroad Securities_2770,2896 Becomes President of by Ass. Newly Organized Under1966 Achievements of Congress—Review Stone, Warren B., Head of Brotherhood of Stable Money Representative Longworth 1841 Bank. Presidency of Dr. H. Parker Willis Engineers and Co-operative Borrowing in Relation to Congress—Appropriations of Sixty- Death of 3272 "State & Municipal 1839 Business Cycle," Views of B. M. Ander- eighth Congress Thom, A. P., on Service of Railroads, 3141 Income Tax Returns, Congress Has Effect on Business 3148 son Jr to Enact Law for Publicity Steel & Iron Foundry Operations, Advance Authority Wage Increase Movement Under Way by Federal Reserve of 2504 Conductors and Trainmen 3148 Report of Philadelphia S. Senate. Bank 2089. 2748. 3261 Senate. See U. Reparations Commission Calls for Collection Review—Production, Esthonia to Fund Debt to United States- -2641 of All Pre-War Hungarian Bonds 1832 Steel and Iron Market Board Seeks Prices 1682, 1826, 1951, Federal 011 Conservation Reynolds, Arthur, on European Conditions_ _1822 Stocks and From Technical Press—Also See Fed- 2091. 2214, 2354, 2488, 2629, 2747, 2877. Views Richmond Federal Reserve Bank. 3004. 3132, 3261 Data From Refiners 1696 eral Reserve Banks. States Ac- Production in March, April, May.1826. Finland's Payment to United Ritchie, Governor, of Maryland, Disputes Steel 3005 count of War Debt 3136 Theory of President Coolidge of Federal 2354, Named as U. S. Minister32264671 Foreign Trade— Government's Right to Intervene on Stetson Jr., J. B., and Dried) Exports of. _2490 to Finland Foods (Canned State's Failure to Discharge Duty 3021 from Decision Foreign Trade of United States--Im- Rubber Shortage by 1928 Is Warning of Stoneham, C. A., Loses Appeal 2092, 2636 Him with E. M. Fuller & Co ports and Exports Secretary Hoover Because of Falling Off Joining Engi- and Silver Imports and Exports_ Resented by British-2764 Stone, W. S., Head of Brotherhood of Gold Planting—Criticisms Co-operative Bank, Death of_ -3272 1686, 2095, 2638, 3135 Rumanian Bank Aids Bessarabia 3137 neers and Exports of 2490, 2748 France and Great Suez Canal Co. Bondholders Cannot Be Paid Grains, Rumanian Indebtedness to Court Rules 1833 Imports and Exports of U. S., Analysts Britain, Funding of 2221 in Gold Francs, French 1684, 2490, 2750 Sugar Tariff Reduction Proposal Rejected by3142 of Rumanian Indebtedness, United States Meats and Fats, Domestic Exports of Seeks Settlement of 2220 Pres. Coolidge 2490, 2748 Court of U. S.— Rumanian Railways to Receive American Supreme Merchandise, Total Value of Imports 3012 Court Decisions. See Court Decisions. Credit Conviction Under and Exports by Grand Division and Rumania, Reported Negotiations of Loan Gitlow's, Benjamin, 1684. 2491. 2879 N. Y. AnAnarchy Law Upheld by U. S. Principal Countries to 2221 Petroleum Exports of United States_ Rumania Gives German Contract for Rail- Supreme Court. 2629, 2743 Court of Industrial Relations, U.9.1971 road Material 3012 Kansas Debt to United States, A. S. Ochs's Rumania Permits Importation of 15,000 Supremere Court Ruling Against—Com- French Invalid Views on Settlement of 2756 Tons of Wheat 1964 pulsory Arbitration Relations With United W. S. Sweden—Death of Former Finance Minister Germany in Trade Rumania, President Coolidge Names States, German Ambassador Looks for Culbertson to Succeed Peter A. Jay as F. W. Thorsson 2096 Sweden Receives Credit to Amount of 825.-22493640 Resumption of Minister of ^220 and. Silver Imports and Exports of Rumania to Restore Lei—Stabilization Plan-3137 000,000 front National City Bank Gold to Retire 1920 Dollar U. S. See U. S. Foreign Trade. Ruskay, Burrill, of S. S. Ruskay & Co. Switzerland—Berne Standard—Great Britain Looks to Upheld by U.S. Supreme Couri1835 Loan 2640 Gold Conviction Loan to Be2639 United States for Aid 1688 Russia— Switzerland—Berne Sinking Fund Great Britain. Called for Redemption May 1 1926 Gold Standard Return of Bonds in Default (Russian). Protective A. C. Miller on Part Played by Committee Extends Time for Deposit Dr. P., Elected President of Dallas United States 2760 of Participation Certificates 3138 alley. Lynn Payment to United States Russian State Bank Puts Ban on 2493 T Feraled Reserve Bank Great Britain's Canadian, Products, Account of War Debt 3136 Flour Purchases from Canada Breaks Tariff on Metal, cotton and Wool Balance B. C. Marsh Asks Pres. Coolidge to Cause:683791 Great Britain's Unfavorable Trade All Records 2494 With U. S.—Views of Sir Esme Howard.2751 Franco-Russian Trade, Soviet Buys Paris Investigation of of Commerce. See of 3011 Taxes, Inheritance and Income. See Inherit- Hoover, Secretary Bank for Boosting Hoover. Gold Deposited in Bank of England by ance and Income. Britain. Teachers Salary Increase Bill Vetoed by Gov. Houghton, Ambassador, to Great Soviet 2752 Houghton. Gold—Russian Mint to Begin Coinage Smith 2104 See Tennessee Joint Stock Land Bank, Bond Hughes, Secretary. See Hughes. of Gold 2493 Payment to United States Ac- Railways, Plans for the Improvement of.. _2493 Offering 2755 Hungary's Teaching of count of War Debt 3136 Rye, 25 Shiploads Sold to Russia—Crop Tennessee—Law Prohibiting of Mines 1964 Evolution—Criticisims of Dr. Mathews_ _1694 Interior Department, Bureau Failure on Transferred to Department of Commerce3023 Wealth of Soviet Russia as of Oct.1 1924_ -3013 Tennessee—Prof. J. T. Scopes Indicted to Charge of Teaching Evolution in Violation Jugoslavia Not Yet Ready to Pay Debt Rye. 25 Shiploads Sold to Russia—Crop States .-2641 Failure 1964 of Tennessee Law 2893 United Thom. A. P., on Service of Railroads Effect Lithuania s Payment to United States Ac- count of War Debt 3136 r Basin Loan Awarded to America Syn- on Business Says Lower 2883 Thomson. F. W., Former Finance Minister Lord, Director of Budget, Sdicate Taxes Impossible if Federal Outgo Keeps St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank, Assessment of Sweden Dead by Miss- Time Other than Standard Unlawful in Maine21690964 Pace with Federal Income 3269 Against Stock Held Unauthorized Suits of Government—New Indict- ouri Supreme Court 2100 —Bill Passed by Legislature Oil Leaf Stock Held by Manufacturers ments against A. B. Fall, E. L. Doheny St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank, Bond Tobacco 9765 Offering 2754 and Dealers 2748 and H. F. Sinclair Tobacco Sales of Burley Tabocco Growers Patent Office, Jurisdiction Transferred St. Paul Federal Bank, H. IC. Jennings of Interior to Depart- Becomes Presi tent of 2362 Assn 1685 from Department J. Kennedy. Death Of.... 2884 ment of Commerce by Order of President Salvador Customs Collections for March_ _ _ _1832 Tod. 1965 Salvation Army Campaign—Aid of Financial Trade Association Credit Information Service.2747 Coolidge Development of Poland Completes Funding United States District—Banking Committee First to 2639 Complete Quota 2107, 2897 Trade Cot Data of Associations Upheld Debt by U. S. Supreme Court—Comment of Sec. Poland's Payment to United States Ac- San Antonio Joint Stock Land Bank Bond of War Debt .. _3138 Offering 1265 Hoover 3020, 3021. count

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [Vol.. 120—PART 2.

Page. United Page. States—(Continued)— United States—(Concluded)— Page. Postal Salary, Rates, &c. See Postal. Treasury—(Concherd). Wheat —(Concluded)— Railroad Labor Board. See Railroads. Grain Futures Trading on Chicago Board Rumanian Silver Dollar Drive Abandoned by of Trade—Rule Limiting Indebtedness, United States United States Treasury Spread in Daily Seeks Settlement of 2497 Grain Quotations 2632 2220 Treasury Notes Redeemed Before Ma- "Grain Senate-- turity Futures Trading and Speculation," Isle of Pines Treaty Ratified by United 2643 Edward J. Dies' Views 2770 Treasury Note Offering(New) Proposed_2762 Grain Trading Act States Senate—Island Conceded World War Foreign of North Dakota De- to Cuba under Debt Commission, clared Invalid by U. S. Supreme Court_ _2632 Twenty-one-Year Secretary Mellon Calls Meeting of Pact 1695 3010 Italy Reduces Price of Flour 1964 Sanderson, George A.. Secretary of Prices—Sen. Shipstead's Accusations in Uni- ian Joint Stock Land Bank Bond Regard to ted States Senate, Death of 2503 VirgMTering Boom in Wheat Price 1964 Spain—Commerciai Agreement between 2362 Rumania Permits Importation of 15.000 Tons of Spain and United States_ 2884 iijages in Wheat 1964 Stetson, Jr.. John United States 1681 Spain to Remove Embargo on Foreign B., Named as United VV agner, E. W.,Former Head of E. W. States Minister to Finland 2641 Wag- Wheat Imports April 25 1964 ner & Co. Seven New Indictments Ro- Wholesale Prices Supreme Court of United States. See Su- turned Against in March, April, May_1947, preme Court. 2494 2623, 3130 Tariff Walsh, C. C., Named as New Agent of Dallas Willis, Dr. H. Parker, Commission, Resignation of William Reserve Bank Heads New Stable Burgess 2896 3139 Money Association 1965 Treasury— Warehouse (Federal) Receipts, Standardized Women's World Fair Forms Used Opened in Chicago— Certificates (Treasury) as New Safeguard 3146 Praises of President Coolidge 2102 of Indebtedness, Webb-Phelps Amendment to Martin Offering of—Books Closed 3016 3140 "Blue Woodlock, Thomas F., Takes Oath of Office Comptroller Sky Act Signed by Gov. Smith-1692; as Member of I.-S. of the Currency on Condi- Effective June 1 C. C 1842 tion of National Banks for April 6_ _ _ 1692, 2756 Wool Consumption in Feb., March_ _ _1827. 2635 _2642 Wellborn's, M. B. "Bank Failures," Their Wool Lexington-Concord Half Dollars 1974 Causes and Manufactures—Activity of Machinery, 'Liberty Loan and Treasury Consequences 3015 1828, 2634 Issues, Inter- West Virginia Coal Strike. See est Payable 3015 Coal. Wool Stocks—Comparisons 2634 Mellon, Wheat— World Court—Appeal Secretary of Treasury. See Grain—Agriculture by French Holders of Mellon. Dept. Preliminary Re- Brazilian Bonds to Test Depreciation Iasue.1833 port on Causes of Recent Wild Money Stocks in Country__ _1686. 2095. Fluctua- World War Foreign Debt Commission, Sec. tions in Grain 2631 Mellon Calls Meeting 2644, 3134 Grain Exports of of 3010 Paper Money Being Printed in United States 2490. 2748 Greater Grain Fvtu'vs Trading on Chicago Board Quantities than Ever Before 2771 of Tu. de_ yugwelajh Debt Propositions—Agreement 1829, 2631, 3006 3138

NEWS REGARDING BANKS, TRUST COMPANIES, ETC. Page. • gricnitural Trust Co. of Page. Lancaster 1976 Denver National Bank (Denver, Cola.).... Page Alabania Trust & Savings Willi of Ja, .315(1 Houston National Bank of Houston ().2365 Detroit Trust Co. (Detroit, Mich.) _ _3026 Huntington villa 2231 Dominion National Bank of Columbus,Ohlo2109 Allegheny Title Bank of Canada __------2649. & Trust Co. of Phila 1975 Downtown Bank of Jersey Amalgamated Bank of Phila 2363 City 2364 Iilinois Merchants Trust Co. of Chic_ _2773, 3274 American Bank & Trust Co. of New Orleans..1702 vast End investment Bankers Assn. of America._ .. _ _2898 American Exchange National Bank Savings & Trust Co.of Pittsburgh. Irving Bank-Columbia Trust of Dallas..2773 River National Bank of N. Y 1844East Co.1974, 2898, 3025 American Exchange National Bank of N. Y. Economy 2898 National Bank of Ambridge (Pa.)-2772 jug° Ginko, Ltd.(Toldo) 1700. 1843. 2228. 2505, 2646, 3025 Emigrant Indua ial 1978 American Exchange Securities Corp 2898 Savings Bank of Y. American International Corp. of N Y N.1975, 2898 3150 Equitable Trust Co. of N. Y_ ....l701. 2228. 3273 ent, American National Bank of Danville. Va__ _2773 Exchange Fred I.. Vice-President of Bankers American National Bank Bank or Savannah, Ga 1844 K Trust Co.. Decorated by King of Italy.... of Shreveport (La.).2231 Exchange Bank & Trust 1700 American Trust Co. of Boston 2506, 2772 Co _1844 Kidder, Peabody & Co. of New York 3273 Kingston Trust American Trust Co. of N. Y 1975, 3149 varmers' Bank Co. (Kingston. R. I.) 1701 Amherst Alumni Assn. & Trust Co. of Ft. Collins...2508 of New York 3025 r armors Loan & Trust Co. Angio-California Trust Co. of San Francisco_ 2231 of New York_ ake State Bank of Chicago.2899 Anglo-South American Trust Co 2228, 2363, 2505,2772 she View State Bank of Chicago 2230 1844 Farmers National Bank of Chandler (Okla.) Arcadia National Bank of Newark. N. J_ _ _3026 Farmers 1702 Larchmont National Bank & Trust Co.(N.Y.)2363 Association of Stock State Bank of Colfax (Ind.) 2772 Lawyers Mortgage Co. of New York Exchange Firms (N. Y.)3273 Farmers Trust Co. of Grant -2898, 3025 Atlantic County Trust Co. of Atlantic City-2364 City (Mo.)..._ _ 2900 Lawyers Title & Guaranty Co 2108, 2228 Federal Commerce Trust Co'. of St. Louis.. _ _2228 Liberty Bank Federal Reserve of Buffalo 3150 Banco di Sicilia (N. Bank of Philadelphia 2647 Liberty Central Trust Co. of St. Y.) 2505 Federal Title & Guaranty Louls_2508. 3151 Dank of 2648 Co. of Orange Lincoln National Bank of Washington 3027 (N. J.) 3273 Lloyds Bank, Bank of America 1843. 1974, 2228, 2363 Federal Trust Ltd 3151 Bank of Benwood (Benwood, W. Va.) Co. of Houston 2.509 Long Island Savings Bank of N.Y 3151 Federation Bank of New York 2505 Bank of British West Africa 3151 Fern 2646 Bank Mineral Rock Trust Co.(Philadelphia. Pa.)__ _2899 Affanayunk National Bank of of Wells (Texas) 2365 Fidelity & Columbia Philadelphia_ _2507 Bank of Montreal 1975 Trust Co. (Louisville, Manufacturers Bank (Pittsburgh. Pa.)_ — .3150 Ky.) 2900 Manufacturers Trust Co. Bank of Pittsburgh 2647 Fidelity Union (N. Y.)..1700, 1843, Bank of Rockaways Y.) Trust Co. of Newark, N. J.. _ 2772 1974, 2108, 2228,2363, 2346, 2772, 2898 1701 Fifth rational Bank of New York Bank of Taiwan. Ltd 2774 First 3150 Marine National Bank of Milwaukee 2648 Bank of Industrial Bank of Nashville 1977 Marine National Bank of Pittsburgh Topeka (Kan.) 2773 First National Bank 2108 Bankers Trust Co. of New York 2364 of Atwater 2773 Mariotti, Count Carlo C., Private Banker, First National Bank of Bandon Convicted Banque Nationale de Credit (Paris)_1978. 2774 First National 1978 250.5 Belmont Trust Co. of Garfield (N. J.) 1701 Bank of Boston 2899 Mechanics & Metals National Bank of N. Y_2364 First National Bank (Brooklyn, N. Y.)...... 2647 Mercantile Bank Bergen National Bank of Jersey City 2898 First & Trust Co.(Dallas, Tex.).2509 Bicluci & Rossi (New National Bank of Crandon (Wis.). _ _ _2230 Mercantile National Bank of Dallas York) 3026 First National Bank 3151 Brooklyn Trust Co. of Brooklyn (N. Y.)- -.3026 in Detroit "230 Merchants Bank & Trust Co. of Winston- First National Bank of Florence (S.0.) Salem Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Title First 1844 (N. DO 2773 & Trust Co. (Phila.) 2363 National Bank of Freehold (N../.)- -- -3273 Merchants & Farmers State Bank of Hastings First National Bank of Hartford, Conn 2506 (Minn.) Burgettstown National Bank (Pa.) 2507 First National 2508 Bank of Hawthorne (N. J.) 2229 Merchants National Bank of Detroit 3027 First National Bank of Hugo (Okla.) 2773 Merchants National Bank anadian Bank of Conunerce 1978 First National of New Haven Canal-Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Bank of Jersey Citc _1843, 2229 (Conn.) 3027 First National Bank of Manlius N. Y.) _ _ _ Mercurbank New Orleans 2648, 3027 First _2364 (Vienna. Austria) 3151 Canton Trust Co. (Canton, Mo.) 1977 National Bank of New York 3025 Methuen National Bank (Methuen, Maas.)_ _2772 First National Bank of North Bergen (N.J.) _2772 Middle City Bank (Philadelphia, Pa.) Capital Hill State Bank of Denver 2109 First National 1702 Carnegie Trust Co. (Carnegie, Pa.) 2230 Bank of Philadelphia 1844 Midwood Trust Co. of Brooklyn 1843 First National Bank of Putnam (Conn.) —2506 Miller Bond & Mortgage Carolina Bank & Trust Co. of Henderson First Co 2231 (N. C.) 2773 National Bank of St. Cloud (Minn.)-3150 Minneapolis Trust Co 1976, 2230 Centennial National Bank (Philadelphia. Pa.)3150 First National Bank of Volant (Pa.) 2108 Montreal Stock Exchange Membership Sale....646 Central Mercantile First National Bank of Warroad, Minn__. -1977 Morgan & Co., J. P.(N. Y.) Bank of N. Y 1975 First 3273 Central National Bank (N. Y.) 3273 National Bank & Trust Co. of Utica Morgan. Mrs. J. P., Serious Illness of_ _3149,3273 Central State Bank of Magnolia Park (Hous- (N.Y.) 2364 Morris Plan of Bank of Toledo 2509 ton, Tex.) First State Bank of Bonham, Texas 2509 Morris Plan Bank of Washington 2109 First 1976, 2899 Central Trust Co. of Illinois 2364 State Bank of Clovis (Calif.) 2109 Mortgage & Securities Co. of New Orleans...3150 Central Union Trust Co. (N. _1843, 3149 First State Bank of Detroit . 2899 Mt. Holly National Bank(Mt. Holly, N.J.)-2108 Chartered Bank of India, AustraliaY.)_- & China First State Bank of Plainview (Minn.) 2508 Munsev Trust Co. of Washington (10. C.). _ _3026 2107. 2109 First Trust & Deposit Co of Syracuse 2505 Mutual Trust Co. (Philadiphia) 1702, 2507 Chatham Phenix National Bank & Trust Co. First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee.2109 (N. Y.) 1843, 2505, 2898 Flatbush State Bank of Brooklyn 1975 Massau National Bank of Brooklyn 1701 Chelsea Exchange Bank of N. Y._ _ _ _1700, Fletcher American Co. of 2230 ill assau National Bank of Lynbrook 2108 2228, 2646. 3025 Fort Worth National Bank of Ft. Worth,Tex.2774 National American Bank of N. Y 2505 Chemical National Bank of N. Y_ _2505, 3149 Fourth & First National Bank of Nashville National Butchers & Drovers Bank of N. Y_ _2228 Chicago Board of Trade Membership Sale (Tenn.) 3274 National City Bank (N. Y.) 1843, 2647, 2898, 3272 Fox Chase Bank of Philadelphia 2647 2772, 3025, 3149, 3273 Chicago Stock Exchange Membership Sales_1843 Frankford Trust Co.(Philadelphia. Pa.)_ -_ _2229 National Commercial Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago Trust Co 2109. 2900 Franklin National Bank of N. Y 2898 Albany 1975 Chosen Industrial Bank. Ltd. of Japan__ _ _2232 Franklin National Bank of Nutley (N. J.). _3273 National Park Bank (N. Y.) 1843, 2228 Citizens Bank of Miami 2231 Franklin Trust Co. of Philadelphia-1701. National Republic Safe Deposit Co. of Chic_ _197e Citizens National Bank of Evansville (Ind.)-2648 2229, 3274 National Rockland Bank of Boston_ _ - _1975, Citizens Trust Co. of Newark 2108 Fullerton State Bank of Chicago 1702 2108, 3026 Citizens Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles2231 Fulton Tri;st Co. (Newyork) 3149 National Shawmut Bank of Boston 2647 City Commercial Savings Bank of Mason National State Bank of Newark 2229 City (Ia.) 2648 arfield National Bank of Enid (Okla.)_ - _ _2648 National Bank of America (Paterson, N. J.), City National Bank of New Britain, Conn_2899 Garfield National Bank of New York 3025 2229, 3150 City National Bank of Salem, N. J 2899 Germantown Trust Co. of Philadelphia 1975 National Bank of Bay Ridge (N. Y.) 2898 Clinton Trust Co. of Newark 1975 Greenwood State Bank of Lakemille (Wis.). _2900 National Bank of Commerce of Columbus Colonial Trust Co. of Phila 1975 Guaranty Trust Co.of New York.1700. 2108,2364 (Ohio) 2109 Columbia Mortgage Co. (New York) 3026 Guardian-Detroit Co. (Detroit. Mich.) 3274 National Bank of Commerce in N.Y...2107, 3273 Commercial Bank of Bertrand (Mo.) 1702 Guardian Trust Co. of Cleveland 1976 National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis_ _ -2508 Commercial Banking & Trust Co. of San- Guardian Trust Co. of Detroit_ _2230. 2647.3027 National Bank of South Africa, Ltd 2509 dusky (Ohio) 2109 New Brunswick Trust Co. (New Brunswick, Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Oak- addam State Bank at Haddam (Miss.)-2231 N. J.) 2772, 3150, 3274 land 1977, 2365 Halstead. Richard H., Member of New New England National Bank & Trust Co. Commonwealth Bank & Trust Co. of Lexing- York Stock Exchange, Death of 2364 (Kansas City, Mo.) 2231 ton, Ky 2364 Hampshire County Trust Co.(Northampton, New Netherland Bank of N. Y 3025 Community National Bank (Buffalo. N. Y.)-1701 Mass.) 1975, 2229 New York City—Proposed New Bank 2772 Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris Hanover Trust Co. of New York ______.3273 New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange Mem- 2774, 2898 Harriman National Bank 2108, 2646 bership Sale 2646 Continental Bank of Detroit 2773 Hartford-Connecticut Trust Co 2647 New York Cotton Exchange Membership Continental State Bank of Lincoln 1976 Harvard Trust Co. of Cambridge 3150 Sale 2646, 2898. 3272 Corn Exchange Bank of N. Y 2228 Hatch & Foote (New York) 3273 New York Curb Market Membership Sale, Cosmopolitan Trust Co. of Boston 2228 Hazelwood Savings & Trust Co.of Pittsburgh1702 2646, 3025, 3149, 3272 County Savings Bank of Scranton 1976 Hibernia Bank & Trust Co.(New Orleans,La)3274 New York Produce Exchange Membership Culver City Commercial & Savings Bank Highland Park State Bank (Mich.) 2508 Sale 3025 (Cal.) 1977 Hamilton National Bank of the Town of New York Stock Exchange 1843 Union (Union City. N. J.) 3273 New York Stock Exchange Membership Sales, sash Bank Suspends Payments 2883 Home Bank of Canada 1978, 2774 1700. 1843. 1974, 2107. 2363, 2505-, 2646, Delaware Trust Co. of Wilmington 1975 hoosier State Bank at Stilesville (Ind.) 2772 2772. 2898. 3025. 3273

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis zz APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX Page. Page. Ltd., of Osaka. Japan 2232 Page. Bank of Phillipsburg, Sumitomo Bank, Y.)-- _2364 Phillipsburg National New York Title & Mortgage Co.(N. 2899 Philadelphia 2772 1974, 3149 N. J -2773 enth National Bank of New York Trust Co Plainview State Bank (Plainview, Minn.) Bank of Dayton (Ohio)_ __ _1702 North Adams Trust Co. (North Adams, of Pittsburgh 2647 Third National 1844 2647 Polithania State Bank Third National Bank of Pittsburgh Maas.) Producers & Consumers Bank (Philadelphia, Bank of Philadelphia.. _2229 Northern Trust Co. Bank (Chicago, Ill.)_ __ _2508 2507 Tradesmen's National Bank of America (Pittsburgh, Pa.)2508 Pa.) North Side Bank (then, Minn.) 3274 North Side Bank & Trust Co. of Lebanon Hospital Trust Co. of Provi- il Tien State 2774, 3273 2364 nahode Island 2229 U%anion Bank of Canada (Pa.) (Ind.)_ _1976 dencen. Bank of Chicago 1844 North Side State Bank of Vincennes Trust Co.(Richmond, Va.) 2231 Union 1978 National Bank (Dallas, Tex.)_ _2648 Richmond 2229 Union Bank of Switzerland North Texas Riverside Trust Co. of Hartford Bank & Trust Co. of Mem- Northwest Savings Bank of Washington Canada 2774, 3026 Union & Planters 2508 1844, 2230. 3150 Royal Bank of phis 2109, (D. C.) Co.(Wash.) 1978 Assn. Convention at Atlantic Union Securities 1976 Co.(Ocean City, afe Deposit Union Trust Co. of Chicago cean CityTitle & Trust City (N. J.) 3274 _ _2647. 2772, N.3.)3026 S (Salem, N. J.)_ _2899 Union Trust Co. of Cleveland_ O 2506 Salem National Banking Co. 3150. 3274 Old Colony Trust Co. of Boston J., of Speyer 8z Co., Death of 2363 1975 Salomon. Lewis 3149 Union Trust Co. of Maryland National Bank of N.Y 2772. Trust Co. of N. Y. Bank (N. Y.) 3025 Seaboard (New York)_ _ _ _2363 United States Mortgage & 2508 Seamen's Bank for Savings 1843. 1975, 3026 PE ark Bank of Baltimore 2364, Bank of Cooperstown (N.Y.) Hartford.1701 National Bank (Parkersburg, Second National 2364. 2899 United States Security Trust Co.of Parkersburg States Trust Co.(Detr)it) 2508 Pa.) 2108. 2508 of Chicago 2230 United 1977 in Savings Security Bank _ _ _2229 Unity Trust Co. (Atlanta, Ga.) Paterson Banks, Large Increase Title & Trust Co. of South Phila_ (Ohio) 3026 2506 Security Bank of N. Y 3273 Utica Savings Bank of Utica Deposits 1975 Seventh Avenue National •40 ,•4 A Pennsylvania Trust Co. of Pittsburgh Bank of Boston 2506 1,111 Co. of Los Angeles_ _ _2509 Shawmut National N. Y_1701 Wells-Dickey Trust Co. of Minneapolis Peoples Bank & Trust South Side National Bank of Buffalo, 1976. 2230 Commercial Bank of N. Y 1843 Bank of Galveston_ _ _ _2231 Peoples _2108 South Texas National Westchester County National Bank of Peeks- .11 Peoples National Bank of Lancaster (Pa.)__ National Bank of Philo, 2506 2108 Bank & Trust Co. of Lang- Southwark 3274 kill. N. Y Peoples National Standard Bank of Canada Co. of Philadelphia 2647 (Pa.) 3274 York 2772 West End Trust horne 2107 Standard Bank of New Peoples Savings Bank of Yonkers Bank of South Africa, Ltd 2774 (Wash.).1978 of Lebanon (N. H.) 2899 Standard .. 1976 •yakizna National Bank of Yakima Peoples Trust Co. State Bank of Deland. Minn Specie Bank, Ltd 2365 Peoples Trust Co. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 3150 (Pomona, Cal.) 2774 I okohama of Hacken- State Bank of Pomona 2648 Yorkville Bank (N. Y.) 1700 Peoples Trust & Guaranty Co. National Bank of Corsicana, Tex sack (N. J.) • 2505 State

STATISTICAL AND GENERAL INFORMATION Clearing House Returns, Government Debt and Trade Data Exchange Prices, Federal Reserve and Stock Page. Page Pago. Combined Weekly Weekly Range of Prices_1729. 1866, 2002, New Federal Reserve Banks. 2255, 2389,2535, 2673, 2800. 2928. " uction Sales of Stocks and Bonds at for Whole Country_ _1713, 1851, 2133, and Philadelphia _ _1708, Statement 2784, 3054. 3178, 3302 A York, Boston 1986, 2118. 2239. 2373. 2519, 2657, - 1848. 1981, 2113. 2235.2370. 2515, 2652 2912, 3038, 3162. 3286 New York Stock Exchange 2778, 2906, 3031, 3154. 3277 Weekly Returns of Daily Range of Prices for All Stocks Dealt Federal Reserve Banks, 1854. 1989, 2121, 2241. 2376, _1714, 1852. 1987. 2119, in_1716, Weekly Range Member Banks- _ 2522, 2660. 2787, 2915. 3041.3165, 3289 altimore Stock Exchange, 2374, 2520, 2658, 2785, 2913. 3039, Stocks_ _1727. 1865, 2000. 2240, 3163, 3287 Daily Record of Prices of U.S. Government B of Prices for See Bankers' Gazette. 2132,2253,2388, 2533, 2672, 2799, 2926, Weekly Review of Market Securities. 3177. 3300 Foreign Exchange, Daily Record of Volume of Sales in Stocks 3052, also Editorial Article on Financial of Volume of Sales of Stocks (See 2241, and Bonds 1706, 1846, 1979, 2110, Daily Record Situation)__-1715, 1853. 1988, 2120, 2775. 2901, 3028, and Bonds 1706, 1846, 1979,2110, 2786, 2914, 3040. 2232, 2366. 2511.2649. 3028, 2375, 2521, 2659, 3151, 3274 2332, 2366, 2511,2649, 2775. 2901, 3164. 3288 in 3151, 3275 Monthly State- Monthly Record of Volume of Sales Re- Foreign Trade of New York, Stocks and Bonds 1703. 2367, 2902 Bank Clearings, Weekly and Monthly Imports and Exports.. _1981, 2514. 3154 2110, 2232, 2366, ment ef United Weekly Record of All Bonds Sold on Ex- turns_1702, 1844. 1979, Foreign Trade of United States. See 2509. 2649, 2775, 2901. 3028. 3152. 3275 change_ _ _1721. 1859. 1994, 2126. 2247. States. 2381, 25.27, 3046.3170,3294 Bank Clearnings, Canadian. See Canadian and Government Bonds, Daily 2665.2792.2920, French Rentes Markets. Weekly Review of Stock Market. See also Bank Clearings. Price of. See English Financial 1978, Bankers' Gazette_ _1715, 1853, 1988, 2120, Bankers' Gazette_ ---1706. 1846, 2659, 2786. 2914. 3040. in London. See 2110. 2232.2366, 2511. 2649. 2775. 2901. 2241, 2375, 2521, 3164. 3288 old. Daily Price of, 3027. 3151, 3274 English Financial Markets. Clearing House, Weekly Returns of G at New York. See Boston 1850, Gold Imports and Exports Banks, Weekly Clearing House Boston Clearing House Banks_1712, Trade of New York. hiladelphia 2238, 2372,2518, 2656,2783. Foreign Co.'s Weekly P Totals__ _ _1712, 1850. 1985, 2117, 2238, 1985, 2117. Gold, Samuel Montagu & , 2911. 2911, 3037, 3161, 3285 See English Gold and 2372,2518, 2856. 2783 3037.3161. Mb - Circular Thereon. Philadelphia Stock Szchange- Boston Stock Exchange Silver. • Daily Range of Prices for Stocks Sold on the Daily Record of Volume of Sales in Stocks 1864, 1999,2131, 2252, and Bonds_1706, 1846, 1979, 2110, 2232. Exchange_1726, ymports and Exports at New York, Mer- 2386,2532,2670,2797,2925.3051,3175,3299 Silver, Monthly Re- 2366,2511. 2649,2775. 2901,3028, 3151. 3271 of Sales in Stocks 1 chandise, Gold and Weekly Range of Prices_1727. 1865, 2000, Daily Record of Volume See Foreign Trade of New York. and Bonds_1706, 1846, 1979, 2110, 2232. turns. 2132, 2253. 2387, 2533. 2670.2798. 2926, 2901. 3028,3151. 3275 3052. 3176, 3300 2366, 2511,2649, 2775, Bank Notes, Monthly Changes in, Weekly Bond Record_ _1727, 1865, 2000, Mational 2514, 3031 Pittsburgh Stock Exchange-Weekly Range 2926, 111 &c 1981. 2254, 2132.2253. 2387, 2533,2671. 2798. Conditions-Comparisons _2777 of Prices_ .1728, 1866. 2001, 2133, 3052, 3176,3300 National Banks 2388, Banks(Commercial & Miscellaneous • 2534,2672.2799,2927,3053,3177,3301 Breadstuffs, Weekly Report of Receipts at National &c., from Ports_1707, 1913, News) Organized. Converted. Gross and Net, Weekly Western Lake and River of Comptroller of the Cur- ailroad Earnings, 2234, 2370, 2513, 2651, 2778, Weekly Returns R and Monthly_ _ -1731. 1869, 2004. 2136, 2041, 2112, 3277 rency-1708. 1848, 1981, 2113, 2235, 2370, 2962, 3030. 3154, 3032, 3154. 3277 2257. 2391.2537. 2675, 2802. 2930, 3056, and Govt. Securities. Daily 2514. 2652. 2778.2906, 3180. 3304 British Consols City Banks and Trust Companies. Prices. See English Financial Markets. New York Institu- Combined. Weekly Returns for All Range of 2117, 2238, 2372, Qt. Louis Stock Exchange-Weekly Bank Clearings 1705, 1845, tions_1712, 1850, 1985, Prices of Stocks-1728, 1866, 2001. 2133, anadian 2518, 2656, 2783. 2911, 3037, 3161. 3285 C1980, 2111, 2232. 2369, 2510, 2649. 2776, Company 2254, 2388, 2534. 2672, 2799. 2927.3031. 2904, 3028. 3153, 3278 New York City Banks and Trust 3154. 3277 Range of Stocks 1715. 1853, 1988,2120, 2241. London and New Chicago Stock Exchange, Weekly 3040, 3164. 3288 Silver-Daily Price of. in Stocks-1728, 1866. 2001, 2133, 2375, 2521. 2659. 2786, 2914, York. See English Financial Markets. Prices of York City Clearing House Banks and 2254, 2387,2534, 2670, 2798, 2927,3053, New State- Exports and Imports at New York. See 3177, 3301 Trust Companies, Detailed Weekly at New York. 2116, 2237, 2371, Foreign Trade Stock Exchange, Weekly Range ment_1711, 1849, 1984, Weekly Circular Thereon of Samuel Mon- Cincinnati 2517, 2655,2782, 2910,3036, 3160,3284 of Prices 3053, 3176, 3301 Mer- tague & Co.of London. See English Gold New York City Imports and Exports, and Silver Markets. Rail- chandise, Gold and Silver, Monthly, Re- Asked ividends Declared Each Week by York. Sundry Securities-Weekly Bid and Industrial Corpora- turns. See Foreign Trade of New 1727, 1865,2000, 2132, 2253, DIt/roads,Public Utilities, Non-Member Banks and Prices tions, Banks. &c_1709, 1849, 1982, 2114, New York City 2387, 2533, 2671, 2798,2926, 3052, 3176,3300 Trust Companies, Weekly Clearing House 2235, 2371, 2515, 2652. 2779, 2907, 3032, 2117. 2238, 3155. 3278 Returns 1712, 1850. 1985. nited States-Debt (Monthly), Prelimin- Utility 2372. 2518, 2656. 2783, 2911,3037, lectric Railway and Other Public 3161. 3285 U ary Returns Showing Gross Debt.1847, Earnings- -1733. 1869, 2512. 2905 E Gross and Net Realty and Surety Stocks. 2004, 2136, 2257. 2391, 2537, 2675,2804. New York City Debt (Monthly), Final Returns Showing 3056, 3180. 3304 Weekly Record of Bid and Asked Prices. 2112, 2512, 2906 2931, 2375, 2521, Net Debt Financial Markets, per Cable_1707, 1715, 1853. 1988, 2120, 2241. Government Revenues and Expenditures English 2659. 2786, 2914,3040. 3164.3288 1848, 1981, 2112, 2232,2365, 2513, 2651. of State (Monthly) 1847. 2512. 2906 2778, 2905,3030, 3152, 3275 New York City Weekly Returns Liberty Loan Bonds and Treasury Certifi- Markets-Weekly Banks and Trust Companies Not in the on N. Y. Stock English Gold and Silver 1850, 1985. 2117. cates, Daily Transactions Letter of Samuel Montagu & Co. of Lon- Clearing House_ ._1712, Exchange- -1715, 1853, 1988,2120, 2211, 2372, 2518. 2656. 2783. 2911, 3037. don-1706, 1847, 1979, 2112, 2234, 2365, 2238. 3161. 3285 2375,2521. 2659,2786, 2914,3040. 3164. 3288 2513, 2651, 2777,2905. 3030, 3152. 3275 Treasury Clash and Current. Liabilities New York Curb Market- Exports and Imports at New York, Merchan- in Stocks (Monthly) 1846. 2511, 2905 Monthly Returns. Daily Record of Volume of Sales of Indebtedness, &c., dise, Gold and Silver, 1978. 2110, 2234. Treisury Certificates See Foreign Trade of New York. and Bonds_1706. 1846. Quotations for.....l715. 1753. 1988,2120, York. Weekly 2365. 2511, 2651. 2775. 2900, 3028, 3151. 3274 Federal Reserve Bank of New 1706. 1846, 2241, 2375, 2521, 2659,2786, 2914,3040, of _1712, 1850. 1985, Weekly Review of Market 3164, 3288 Return Condition_ 2365, 2511, 2651, 2775, 2117, 2238,2372. 2518, 2656. 2783.2911, 1978, 2110, 2234. 3271 Treasury Money if oldings 1847. 2.511, 30.31 3017, 3161, 3285 2900, 3028, 3151,

RAILROADS AND INDUSTRIALS-INVESTMENT INTELLIGENCE Annual Reports are Indexed in -faced Figures Page. Page. P & Youngstown By-1875,2007 Alpine Montan Steel Corp 1750, M1876 bangarez Gold Fields 2403 Akron Canton 3307 Alton & Eastern RR RR. 3062 Alabama Great Southern RR 2137, Aberdeen & Rockfish Co 1745, 1879 Aluminum Co. of America 2685 Abilene & Southern RR 3062 Alabama Power Silk Corp 2945 Ltd 3067 Alabama & Vicksburg Ry 1742, 1743. Amalgamated Abitibi Electric Development Co., 2007, 2546 Amalgamated Sugar Co 2945 & Paper Co., Ltd 3067 2685 Abitibi Power Sugar Co 2150 American Agricultural Chemical Co Acadia Sugar RefinIng Co., Ltd 2945 Alameda American Bank Note Co 1883, 2818 2014, 3189 Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co 2403 Acme Cement Corp Ry. Co 3310 American Beet Sugar Co Acme Steel Co 2150 Albia (Ia.) Light & Co 2271 2150 Alden Park Manor (Phila.) 2553 American Bosch Magneto Acme Steel Goods Co 2945 American Car & Foundry Co_ _2271,332 53005 6:1: , 32294542 93 86 Corp 2685 Alexandria Apartmenta, Ltd. (Toronto) Acushnet Mills & Western Ry 2142 Adirondack Power & Light Corp 1745, Alexandria Co 1750 2547, 2939 Algoma Steel Corp 1750 American Chain Cables, Inc 3184 American Chicle Co--2150. 2403, 2685, 2945, Advance-Rumely Co 1740 All America 3067 2685 Allegheny & Western Ry 3182 Aero Alarm Co 2271 Americano5 o Cigar of Alleghany 2403 Ahumada Lead Co 1883,3685 Alierton-Cleveland Bldg Couyty_ _ Chemical & Dye Corp 1735 Co. _2150 Air Reduction Co 2271 Allied ••4 u n Cyanamid Co Inc 1750 Allied Packers, Inc 1750. 1883 Rubber Co., Mfg. Co_ _1750, 2005, 2037, '271 n District Telegraph Co.2144, 2939. 3184 Akron & Barberton Belt RR 2007 Allis-Chalmers

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis xn INDEX • [VOL. 120-PART 2.

Page Page. Page. American Dyewood Co 1756 Bartlett-Hayward Corp 1750 Cane Belt RR 2397 American Electric Power Co _-- - _1879, 3184 Barton County & Santa Fe Ry 2546 Canton Co. (Baltimore) 3318 American Express Co ------2686. 2946 Bayuk Cigars, Inc 2151 Cape Breton Electric Co., Ltd 2010 American & Foreign Power Co., Inc 5181 Bear Valley Utility Co 2144 Cape & Vineyard Electric Co 2814 American Foreign Products Corp 2014 Beatrice Creamery Co 2405 Caracas Sugar Co 2554 American York & Hoe Co 2946 Beaumont Sour Lake & Western By 2681 Carnegie Lead & Zinc Co 3190 American Furniture Mart Building Corp..- -1750 Beaumont Mfg. Co 2190 Carnegie Plaza Apartment Bldg.(N. Y. City)2819 American Gas Co_ -_.1879, 2009, 2144. 2266. Beaver Board Cos 1884, 2405 Carolina Clinchfield & Ohio Ry 3058, 3182 25442547. 2682, 2813, 2939, 3184 Beaver Products Co 2405. 2947 Carolina Coal Mine Co 3318 American Gas & Electric Co 1879. 2940 Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co 2686 Carolina Western RR 3062, 3308 American Glue Co 2272 Beech Grove Traction Co ______2940 Casein Co. of America 2948, 3069 American Hardware Corp 2272 Beech-Nut Packing Co 1751, 2151, 2273 Casa Mint Apartments 3190 American-Hawaiian S.S. Co 2403, 3068 Belding Bros. & Co (J. I.) Case Plow Works Co 3191 American 3317 ..-,Hide & Leather Co1883. 2150 Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 2144 Cashmere Cold Storage & Warehouse Co---3069 2103, 2553. 2686 Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania 2399 Caterpillar Tractor Co. (Calif.) 2273. 2819 American Ice Co 2946 Belt Line Ry. Corp 2813 Cathedral Mansions3318 American Insulator Corp 2818 Belt By. of Chicago 2142 Catskill (N. Y.) Power Corp 3312 American International Corp-- -1750. 2151. Bemis Tiros. Bag Co 3068 C. & E. Shoe Co 3068 2818. 3189 Benjamin Electric & Mfg. Co 1884 Cedar Lee Realty Co 2820 American La France Fire Engine Co...2014, 2272 Berkshire Street By 1880 Conte Co 1751 American Light & Traction Co 1879 Berkeley-Carteret rioted 3317 Central Argentine Ry., Ltd 2397 American Lime & Stone Co 2946 Besse System Co 2947 Central Arizona Light & Power (Jo 2267 American Linseed Co__--1883. 2014, 2403, Best (C. L.) Tractor Co 2273. 2819 Central Burlington & Quincy RR 2397 2946 Bethlehem Steel Co American 2.554 Central Cold Storage Co 1752 Metal Co., Ltd 2686 Bethlehem Steel Corp 2151, 2405, 2554 Central Connecticut Power & Light Co 2940 American Milling Co 1883, 3189 Bibb Mfg. Co Central Foundry American 2686 Co 3069 Motion Picture Corp 2403 Bing & Bing. Inc 2819 Central of Georgia Ry 1873, 1904 American Multigraph Co 2819 Bingham Mines American 2405 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Co ______---2940 Packing & Provision Co 2403 Binghamton Light, Heat & Power Co 2144 Central Illinois Light Co 2010, 2940 American Piano Co 2686 Binghamton Ry Central American 3063 Illinois Public Service Co_ -2399. Power & Light Co 2398, 2547 Bird & Son. Ltd 2405 3064, 3184, 3312 American Pneumatic Service Co 2403 Birmingham Electric Co 1880 Central Indiana Ry 3062 American Public Service Co 1880, 2144 Black & Decker Mfg. Co Central American 2405 Leather Co 1752, 2152 Radiator Co 14, 2946 Blanchard-Zanesville Mining Co 2405 Central Maine Power Co 3064, 3312 American Radio & Research Corp...._ _2014, 2818 Blind Brook Lodge (Rye, N Y.) 2947 Central Massachusetts Light & Power Co., American Ry. Express Co 1750, 2946 Bliss (E. W.) & Co 2819, 3190 1745, 1880 American Rayon Products Corp 2403 Blumenthal (Sidney) & Co.. Inc 2686. 2819 Central New England By 1877, 2008 American Real Estate Co 3189 Bohn Aluminum & Brass Co 2405 Central Pacific Ry 2265 American Republics Corp 2272 Boise Valley Traction Co 2267, 30134 Central Power Co 2145 American Road Machinery Co 2014 Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern RR 2935 Central Power & Light Co 1880 American Rolling Mill Co 2151 Book Bldg. & Addition (Book Bldg., Inc.)_ _1751 Central Properties St. Louis, Mo.) 2820 American Safety Razor Corp ______- -2819 Boomer-du Pont Properties Corp 2273 Central RR. of New Jersey-2008, 2546. Amer. Ship & Commerce Corp- -2272, 2946. 31Yei Boone (Daniel) Woolen Mills, Inc...1751, 2681, 2806, 3308 American Smelting & Refining Co_ _ _ __1750. 2553 2405. 2686. 3068 Central States Electric Co 1880 American Steel Foundries_ _2140, 2151, 2272, Borden Co Central Vermont Ry 2142 2553. 2946 Borg & Beck (I11.) 1884 Centrifugal Pipe Corp 2152 American Stores Co 1750 Boston & Albany RR 2810 Century Ribbon Mills, Inc 2152 American Sugar Refining Co ______2553. 2819 Boston Consol. Gas Co 2145, 3184, 3311 Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp 3069 American Sumatra Tobacco Co_2403, 2553. 2946 Boston Elevated Rj 2682 Certain-teed Products Corp 2686, 3069 American Superpower Corp. (Del.) _ ___2398. Boston & Maine R _ _1737, 1743,1876, 2007, Chapin-Sacks Corp 2948 3063, 3184 2265. 2546. 2810, 3062, 3308 Charcoal Iron Co of America 1884, 2948 American Surety Co 2189 Boston Revere Beach & Lynn RR 2142 Charlestown Gas & Electric Co 2683, 3064 American Telephone & Telegraph Co_ _1745. Boston & Worcester St. Ry 2814 Chattahoochee Valley Ry-3062 1880, 2009, 2547. 2682, 3063 Botany Consol Mills, Inc 3190 Chemical Foundation, Inc 1752 2406, 2820, 3191 American Tobacco Co 2819 Boulevard Court Apartments (Detroit)_ - _ - _2405 Chesapeake & Ohio Ry_1744; 2142, 2393, American Trustee Share Corp 1883. 2272 Bower (F. S.) & Co., Inc 3068, 3190 2439, 2546. 2681, 3182, 3308 American Type Founders Co 2014. 3068 Braden Copper Mines Co 2152 Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. of Indiana 2811 American Water-Works & Electric Co., Inc. Bradford Electric Co 2940 Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co 2683 1873, 2144. 2682. 2813, 3310 Bmndram-Henderson, Ltd 3317 Chesebrough Manufacturing Co 3318 American Window Glass Machine Co 2947 Brantford Computing Scales, Ltd 3068 Chevrolet Motor Co 3191 American Woolen Co 1750 Brantford Cordage Co 1751 Chicago & Alton RR 1744, 2539 American Writing Paper Co 3189 Bremerton Coal Co 3068 Chicago Burlington & Quincy RR. Co.2393. 2428 American Zinc, Lead & Smelting Co..1750, 2151 Bridgeport Machine Co 2947, 3068 Chicago City Ry. Co 2141 Ames-Holden-McCready, Ltd 2553, 3189 Brier Hill Steel Co 2554 Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR 2677, 3062 Ames-Holden-McCready Rubber Co., Ltd_ -2553 Briggs Mfg. Co 1751, 2554 Chicago Great Western RR 1877, 2006 Amparo Mining Co 2947 Brighton Mills 2014 Chicago Indianapolis & Louisville By. Co., Anaconda Copper Mining Co_ ..1S83, 2395, 2404 Brill (J. G.) Co 1884 1741, 2811, 3183 Anderson Engine & Foundry Co 2014 Bristol Mfg. Corp 2554 Chicago Junction Terminal Bldg. Co 3318 Andian National Corp.. Ltd---2151. 2553. 3190 British-American Mfg. Co 2014 Chicago Kalamazoo & Saginaw Ry 3308 Androscoggin Electric Co 2399 British American Nickel Corp.. Ltd 2554 Chicago Lake Shore & South Bend Ry-1746, Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd--_2272, 2686, 2947 British American Tobacco Co., Ltd 2686 2940, 3312 Anglo-Persian 011 Co., Ltd 2819, 3317 British Columbia Fishing & Pack. Co.. Ltd_ _2405 Chicago Mill & Lumber Co 2273 Animal Trap Co. of America 2404 British Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd 1751 Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul_ _1744, 2008, Ann Arbor RR 1876. 2142, 2265, 2397, Broad-Wal Garage Co 2014 2397, 2675, 2681, 2811,2932, 2935, 3062, 2546. 2681, 2935 Broad River Power Co 3311 3183, 3308 Annapolis & Chesapeake Bay Power Co 2010 Bracklebank Apartments (San Francisco)_ -1884 Chicago Nipple Mfg. Co 3191 Appalachian Power Co 2940 Brockton (Mass.) Gas Light Co 3311 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee RR.3064, Appleton Co 3068 Brom ton Pulp & Paper Co.. Ltd 1751 3185. 3309 A.P. W.Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd 2014 Brooklyn Borough Gas Co 1745, 2010 Chicago & North Western Ry_2008. 2142, Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 2686 Brooklyn City ER 2145, 2399 2265, 2392: 2433, 2811, 2938, 3309 Argo Oil Co 3317 Brooklyn Edison Co 2814 Chicago Peoria & St. Louis RR , 3183 Arizona Commercial Mining Co 1883 Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Corp_ _2682 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co 2273, 3191 Arizona Copper Co.. Ltd 2686 Brooklyn Union Gas Co 1875, 3311 Chicago Railways Co 2141, 2145 Arizona & Eastern RR 1876 Brown Shoe Co 2819 Chicago Rapid Transit Co 2010, 2399 Arizona Power Co 3311 Browning Building (Chicago) 1884 Chicago Rapid Transit Plans 1880 Arkansas Central Power Co 2399 Bruce (E. L.) Co 2273 Chicago Rock'Island & Pacific Ry__2142, Arkansas Light & Power Co 3184 Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co 2014. 2686 2261. 2292, 2811, 3309 Arkansas-Missouri Power Co 3063. 3184 Buckner Building Co., Inc. (Detroit) 2273 Chicago St. Louis & New Orleans RR 3309 Arkansas Natural Gas Co . 2940 Bucyrus Co 3068 Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., Armor Plate & Non-Shatterable Glass Corp- -2404 Budd (Edward G.) Mfg Co 2819, 3068 2208, 2265, 2392. 2437, 2811,3309 Armour & Co. (Ill.)..-1884. 2151. 2272, 2404, Buffalo & Ft. Erie Public Bridge 2947 Chicago South Shore & South Bend RR 3312 2686, 3100 Buffalo General Electric Co 2547 Chicago Terre Haute & Southeastern Ry_ __ _1877 Armour Leather Co 2014, 2272 Buffalo Niagara & Eastern Power Corp.. Chicago Union Station Co 2811, 2938 Armstrong, Caton Inc 2151 2547, 2683, 2940 Chicago Utilities Co 3185 Arnold, Constable & Co 1884, 2947 Buffalo Northwestern RR 2681 Chicago & Western Indiana RR 2142 Art Metal Construction Co 2404 Buffalo Roch. & Pitts. By 2265, 3182 Chicago Yellow Cab Co., Inc-- _1884, 2152. 2820 Artioom Corporation 1750, 2404, 2553,3317 Buffalo & Susquehanna Iron Co 2015 Chickasha Gas & Electric Co 1881 Asbestos Corp. of Canada, Ltd 3068 Buffalo & Susquehanna RR. Corp 2808 Chicoutimi (Que.) Pulp Co 3191 Asherton & Gulf Ry 2681 Bullard Machine Tool Co 2405, 3190 Chief Consol. Mining Co 1884 Associated Dry Goods Corp--1884. 2686. 2819 Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concen- Childs Bldg. & Improvement Co______. __ -3192 Associated Gas & Electric Co_ - _ _1745, 2010, trating Co 1751 Childs Co 1752, 1884,2273, 2948. 3318 2144. 2266, 2399,2547. 2813.3310 Bunte Bros 2405 Chile Copper Co 2548 Associated Oil Co 2540, 2947. 3068 Burmeister & Wain, Ltd 3190, 3317 Chinese Rys 3062 Associated Packing Co 3068 Burns Bros 2819, 2948, 3190, 3317 Chippewa & Flambeau Impt. Co 2548 Associated Simmons Hardware Co 2947 (Frank L.) Burns Coal Co 3:317 Christie, Brown & Co., Ltd 2152 Associated Telephone Co 2144 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 2015 Corp 1884. 3069, 3318 Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co_ _ _2004, Bush Terminal Co--1750, 2015, 2152, 2405. Cincinnati Gas & Elec. Co 1746, 2399 2007. 2032, 2810 3068, 3318 Cincinnati Gas Transportation Co 1881, Atlanta Birmingham & Atlantic Ry 2265 Butler Hall (New York City)___ ------2554 2548. 3064, 3185 Atlanta & West Point RR ______2265_ Butte & Superior Mining Co__--2152,-2554,_ -, 3190 Cincinnati Indianapolis & Western RR.1877, 3058 Atlantic Coast Line RR 2676, 2681. 2698 Butterick Co 2015 Cincinnati Lebanon & Northern Ry 2008 Atlantic Frii't •.- Sugar Co 2151, 3068 Byers (A. M.) Co 1884, 2152. 3190 Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry., Atlantic Gulf oil Corporation 2272 2938. 3306 Atlantic Gulf & West Indies SS. Lines...2404. Caddo Central Oil & Refining Corp .1751, Cincinnati Northern RR 3062 2819, 2947,3317 2152, 2677 Cities Fuel & Power Co 2814 Atlantic Lobos Oil Co 2819 California Packing Corp 2554, 3068 Cities Service Co__1746, 2010, 2137, 2164, Atlantic Papa* & Pulp Co 2014 California Petroleum Corp_2541, 2686, 3068, 2267, 2399, 2683,3064, 3185, 3312 Atlantic Refining Co 1874, 2819 3190. 3318 Cities Service 011 Co. (Ohio) 3318 Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd 2947 Callahan Zinc Lead Co 2686 Cities Service Power Co 2010 Atlantic Tar & Chemical Works, Ltd 3068 Calumet & Arizona Mining Co--1751, 2405, Cities Service Tank Line Co 3192 Atlantic & Western RR 3062 2686, 2948,3.311 Citizens Gas Co of Indianapolis 1881, 2814 Atlas Portland Cement Co 2272. 2553 Calumet Gas & Electric Co 2940, Citizens Gas & Eelctric Co. of Council Tack Corporation 3184, 3311 Bluffs_2267 Atlas 2686 Calumet & Hecla Consol. Copper Co-1751, 2273 Citizens Gas Light Co 2145 Augusta-Aiken Ry. & Electric Corp 2682 Cambria & Indiana RR ya ryo.. td Augusta Southern RR 3308 1752, 2152 3062 Camden Land & Cattle CO 2948 City Ice Co.(Mo.) 2152, 3192 Austin. Nichols & Co 1884, 2819, 2047 Campbell's Creek Coal Co City Ice & Fuel Co Auto Knitter Hosiery Co 1751 1884 2686, 3190 Canada Bread Co., Ltd 2819, 3069 City Investing Co 3192 Automatic Safety Appliance Corporation- - - _2272 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc_ __ -2015. 2948. City National Bank Bldg .Omaha. Avram (M. H.) & Co., Inc 3190 (Neb.) 3069 2404 Canada Northern Power Corp., Ltd 1745, 3312 Clarion River Power Co 3185 Canada Steamship Lines. Ltd Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co abcock & Wilcox Co 2405 2015 1750. 2554 Canadian Atlas Crucible Steel Co 3069 Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co 2399 Balaban & Katz Corporation 1750 Canadian Canners, Ltd_2015,_ 3069, 3190, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Baldwin Locomotive Works 3318 Co 2010 1884, 3068 Canadian Conn. Cotton Mills. Ltd 3190 Cleveland Southwestern Ry. & Light Co., Baltimore Chesapeake & Atlantic Ry _____ - -3062 Canadian Consolidated Felt Co., Ltd 2273 Baltimore & Ohio RR 1743. 2265, 2809, 3185, 3312 Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd -2273 Cleveland Union Terminals Co 3309 2810. 3182, 3308 Canadian Converters Co., Ltd Cleveland Worsted Mills Co Baltimore Tube Co 3190 1752 2405 Canadian Cottons, Ltd 2687 Clinchfield Coal Corp 2152 Bancroft-Jones Corp 3068 Canadian Explosives, Ltd Clinton & Oklahoma Aroostook 3069 Western RR 3183 Bangor & RR. Co 1740. 2546 Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd 3.318 Coast Counties Gas & Electric Co Bangor Hydro-Electric Co 2010 2145 Canadian Light & Power Co 2683, 2814 Coast Valleys Gas & Electric Co 2010 Bankers Mortgage Bond Co 2947 Canadian Manhasset Cotton Co.. Ltd Coca-Cola Bottlieg Co. of Barcelona Traction. Light & Power Co., 2406 Chicago, Inc 2820 NationalCanadian 3308 Coca-Cola Co 2273 Ltd • 2547, 2680, 2813 Canadian Northern Prairie Lands Co., Ltd- Cockshutt Plow Co., Ltd Barnet Leather Co.. Inc 1884. -2406 2015 2151 Canadian Pacific Ry 3182 Coeur d'Alene Mill Co 2687 • Barnsdall Corp_2014, 2272, 2404. 2819,2947, 3068 Canadian Packing Co., Ltd Cohoes Power & Light Corp Barret Co 1751 2940 1884 Canadian Westinghouse Co., Ltd 2408 Colombia Syniicate 3319

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX

Page. Colony Court Apartments Page. Page. 1752 Detroit & Toledo Shore Line RR 2681 First National Pictures, Inc 3071, 3194 Colorado Columbus & Mexican RR _____ -1744 Detroit United By Fisher Body Corporation Colorado Fuel & Iron Co 1881, 2548. 3180, 3186 8060 2152, 3192 Deutsch-Luxembourg Gelsenkirchen & Fisher Body Ohio Co 3071, 3320 Colorado Power Co------_ _ _2548 Bochumerverein Co Colorado & Southern RR 1753 Fisk Rubber 2016, 2555 2397, 2807, 2811 Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc 3070 Fisk Rubber Co. Building 1886 Colt's Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co 1884 Diamond State Telephone Fisk Tire Fabric Co Columbia Gas & Electric CO. Co 2400 2821 .1746. 2010, Dictaphone Corp 1753, 3070 580 Park Avenue Apartment Building 2016 2145, 2400. 2814, 3312 Dixie Court (West Palm Beach, Fla.)- - --2687 - Fleischmann Co 2154, 2275 Columbia Graphophone Co.. Ltd 2406 Dodge Bros., Flintkote Co Columbia Phonograph Co., Inc Inc- -1753. 1885, 2015, 2274, 2154 2406, 2948 2407, 2688,3193 Florida Alabama & Gulf RR 2008 Columbia River Packers Ass'n, Inc 2406 Dodge City Columbia & Cimarron Valley By 2681 Florida East Coast Ry-...2142, 2588,2546. Steel Corp 1752 Doehler Die-Casting Co 1753, 2016 2681. 3309 Columbia Carbon Co 2554 Dolese & Shepard Florida Public Service Co Columbus & Co 3319 1881 Del. Elec. Co_ _ __2145, 2400 Dome Mines, Ltd 1886, 2153, 2407, 2948 Follansbee Brothers Co 3320 Columbus Electric & Power Co 3064 Dominion Canners, 37th Street Newark & Ltd--2016, 2820, 3070, 3193 49 West Realty Co., Inc 2407 Columbus Zanesville Elec. Ry 2400 Dominion Coal Co., Ltd 1885 Fonda Johnstown & Gloversville RR_ _2263, 2543 Columbus & Ninth Ave. RR.(N. Y. City)_ _2548 Dominion Power & Transmission Ford Motor Co Columbus Ry., Power & Light Co., Ltd--2011 1753, 2154. 2688, 3194 Co_ _ _2011, 3185 Dominion Stores, Ltd 3070 Ford Motor Co. of Canada 2016, 3194 Comeau Bldg. (West Palm Beach, Fla.)_ _.._2273 Dominion Telegraph Forkner (J. C.) Fig Commercial Credit Co_ Securities, Ltd 2011 Gardens, Inc 1886 _2555. 2820, 3070, 3192 Dominion Textile Co.. Ltd 2820, 2949 Fort Smith Light & Traction Co 3314 Commercial Investment Trust Corp 2152 Dominion Tree. & Lighting Fort Smith & Western Ry Commonwealth Apartments Co.. Ltd 2548 2142, 3183 (Cedar Rapids, Donner Steel Co 2274 Fort Worth & Denver City By._2681. 2811, 2938 Iowa) 2687 Dorris Motor Car Co Fort Worth Power & Commonwealth Edison Co 3071 Light Co 2268 318.5 Dorris Motor Co 3319 Foster & Kleiser Co 2949 Commonwealth Hotel Construction Corp_2820 Douglas Foundation Commonwealth Power -Pectin Corp 2154 Co 2688, 2949 Corp_ _ __1746, 2548. Douglas(W. L.) Shoe Co 2555 Fox Building 2821 2683, 2814, 2940. 3185, 3313 Commonwealth Dow Chemical Co 3193 Fox Film Corporation 2821,2949, 3194 Shoe & Leather Co 2948 Downey, Shipbuilding Corp 2016, 3193 Frankford Tacony & Holmesburg Commonwealth Telephone Co Street Ry-3314 2145 Draper Corporation 2948, 3319 Frankfort & Cincinnati By 3183 Community Power & Light Co 2548, 3313 Dubilier Condenser & Radio Corp Franklin Apartments Community Traction Co 2688 (Franklin-Kellum Co., 2940 Duluth & Iron Range RR 2541 Inc.) 3071 Com ania Cubana 1752, 3192 Duluth Missabe & Northern By Franklin (H. H.) Cone o San Saba & Llano 2544 Manufacturing Co 2688 Valley RR 2681 Duluth South Shore & Atlantic RR_ -1877, 2265 Frazer Companies, Ltd 3320 Confederated Home Abattoirs Corp----- _- _2406 -Superior Traction Co Freeman Congoleum-Nairn. Inc Duluth 3064 Dairy Co 2949 1752, 2820 Dumbarton Road Realty Corp 2948 Freeport Texas (Sulphur) Co...1887, 2275, 2821 Conlagas Mines, Ltd 3070 Dunlop Rubber Co.. Ltd French Battery Conley Tank Car Co 3193 Co 2407 2015, 3070 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Co. of America_2555, French National Mail Steamship Lines 2688 Conley Tin Foil Co 2555 Freshman (Chas.) Connecticut Co 2688, 3193 Co., Inc 2154 1881 Du Pont(E. I.) de Nemours & 00.1886,2153, Frisbie & Stansfleld Knitting Co 2688 Connecticut Mills Co 2153 2688, 3193, 3319 Frost-Johnson Lumber Co Connecticut Power Co 3072 2400 Du Pont Viscolold Co 2274 Frost Lumber Industries, Inc 3072 Connecticut River Power Co ------______2940 Durant Motors, Inc 3071 Fruit Growers' Express Connor (John T.) Co Co 2555 2153. 2406, 2948, 3192 Duz Co 2016, 2274,3193 Furniture Exhibition Building (Chicago)_ _ __3072 Consolidated Cigar Corp 2273, 2406 Dwight Mfg. Co 2016, 2274, 3319 Consolidated Coppermines Corp 2948 abriel Snubber Mfg. Co Consolidated Gas Co. 2275, 2688 of New York 2145 agle Oil Transport Co., Ltd3071 air Co (Robert) 3320 Consolidated Gas Co. of Pittsburgh 3313 ast Bay Water Co 1746. 2146 Galena Signal Oil Co. Pa.) Consolidated Gas, 1887 Electric Light & Power East Broad Top RR. & Coal Co 2142 Galena Signal Oil Co. Tex.) 3195 Co. of Baltimore 2548. 2814. 2940, 3313 East Butte Copper Mining Co 2949 Galesburg & Consolidated Western RR 1746 Investment Co 1884 East Penn Electric Co 2267, 2400 Galveston Harrisburg & San Antonio Ry 1877 Consolidated Naval Stores Co 2406 Eastern Dairies, Inc 2274 Galveston-Houston Electric Consolidated Power Co 2941 & Light Co. of South Eastern Kentucky RR 3062 Gardner Motor Co 3195 Dakota 1881 Eastern Mass. Street By 2011, 2400. 2583 Garford Consolidated Motor Truck Co 2154 Telegraph & Electrical Subway Eastern New Jersey Power Co 2550, 3313 Garrick Building(Chicago) 2821 Co 2941 Eastern Railway & Lumber Co 1886 General Consolidated American Tank Car Corp 2017 Textile Corp-1752, 2153, 2273, 2555 Eastern Shore Gas & Electric Co 3313 General Asphalt Co 1887, 2264 Consolidation Coal Co 2015, 2820 Eastern States Utilities Co 1746 General Baking Co Construction Materials 3195 Co 2406 Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc 2274 General Electric Co 1742, 1887, 2017, 2555 Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto 2267 Eastman Kodak Co_ -1873, 2016, 2555. 2820 General Electric Co. Consumers (Germany) 3320 Power Co. (Mich.)..2010, 2267. Easton Gas Works 1881 General Fireproofing Co 3195 2941. 3185 Eaton Axle & Spring Co- -2154, 2274, 2688, 2820 General Gas & Electric Corp___2005, 2011, Continental Asphalt & Petroleum Co_ _3070. 3319 Eaton (T.) Co. Ltd 1886, 25.55 Continental Baking 2039, 2814. 3314 Corp__2153, 2555, Eccles (David)' Co 2407 General Leather Co 2275 2687. 3070, 3192 Economy Grate & Equipment Co 3193 Acceptance Corp 3072 Continental Gas & Electric Corp-2011, 2683, 3064 (E. B.) Eddy Co., Ltd 3319 General Motors of Canada, Continental Motors Ltd 3072 Corp ______3070 Edison Electric Ilium. Co. of Brockton- - -3064- General Motors Corp_ __ -1753. 1887. 2017, Continental 011 Co 2015, 2274, 3070 Edmunds & Jones Corp 3071 Continental Passenger By. 2275. 2394, 2688,3195 Co 2941 18-20 East 41st St. Building (20 East 41st General Optical Co., Inc ______2154 Cook Paint & Varnish Co 2820 Street Corporation), New York City 2949 General Outdoor Coos dr Curry Advertising Co., Inc_2275, Telephone Co 3185 80 Fifth Avenue Building 3193 2555, 3320 Copenhagen Telephone Co 2145 Eisenlohr (Otto) & Bros.. Inc 3071, 3319 General Railway Cooper Range Co Signal Co_ _-_2688, 3072. 3195 1885, 2948 Eitel Central Block (The "Loop," Chicago).2016 General Refractories Co_ _1754. 2555, 2950, 3320 Corn Products Refining Co 2153, 2273,2687 El Paso Electric Co. (Texas) Geneses Holding Cornell Mills 3313 Co 2821 3192 Elder Manufacturing Co 3193, 3319 Georgia-Alabama Power Co 1746 Corona Typewriter Co., Inc 2974 Eldorado & Santa Fe By 2397 Georgia & Corticelli Silk Co Florida By 1877 3193 Electric Auto-Lite Co 1886 Georgia Hydro-Electric Co 2146, 3186 Cosgrove-Meehan Coal Corp 2687 Electric Bond & Share Co Georgia Coty. Inc 3186 Light Power & Eye 2400 1752, 2555 Electric Co. of New Jersey 2011 Georgia Railway & Power Co....1746, 1872, Counties Gas Sz Electric Co.. Philo 3185 Electric Controller & Manufacturing Co_ ... _ 2274 Court & Remsen 1902, 2146, 2268, 2400 Streets Office Bldg. Electric Finance Corporation 2154 Germain Co 2017 (Brooklyn, N. Y.) 2274 Electric Investors, Inc 2011 Gilchrist Co Cowlitz Chehalis & Cascade By 3320 2142, 2938 Electric Light & Power Co. of Albngton & Gill Mfg. Co 3195 Crane Co 17.52 Rockland 3186 Cream of Wheat Co Gillette Safety Razor Co 1887 2274 Electric Power & Light Corp_ _1881, 2550, Gilman Fanfold Corp., Ltd 2408 Creamery Package Mfg. Co 2406 2814, 3064, 3313 Gimbel Crescent Pipe Line Co Bros., Inc 1754, 2017, 3195 2555 Electric Storage Battery Co 3193 Ginter Co 2017, 2275,2555. 3072 Cresson Consol. Gold Mining & Milling Co_ _2015 Electrical Securities Corp Crew-Levick 2146, 2683, 3186 Glen Alden Coal Co 3072 Co 3193 Joliet & Eastern Ry 2679 Glenrock Oil Co Crosby Transportation Co 3321 2015 Elgin National Watch Co 2016. 3319 Glidden Co 2017, 2408, 2688, 2821,3072 Crown Central Petroleum Corp 2687, 3193 Ent Horn Coal Corporation 294' Globe Crown Cork & Seal Co Automatic Sprinkler Co 2555 2153 Elkhart & Santa Fe By 2008 Globe-Democrat Publishing Co 3195 Cuba Co 3070 Elliott-Fisher Co Cuba 3071 Gloucester Gas Light Co 2550 Northern Rys 3062 Embassy Apartments(St. Louis, Mo.) Goff Cuba RR 3071 Mills, Inc 3072 ^681 Emerson Drug Co 2820 Golden Belt BE. of Kansas 2939 Cuban Dominioan Sugar Co 1753 Baking Corporation Cudahy Packing Co 1886 Goodrich (B. F.) Co 1887, 2017 1753. 1885, 2406. 2555 Empire Gas & Electric Co 2146 Goodyear Fabric Corp 2154, Cumberland & Manchester RR 2008 Empire Gas & Fuel Co 2275 Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd 3186 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co 2275, 2949 2406 Empire Transportation & Oil Corporation__ -2814 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Calif Curtice Bros. Co 2153, 33215193 Engels Copper Mining Co 2017 Curtis Publishing Co 1753 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.of Canada. Ltd.3072 Engineers Public Service Co 3313 Goodwin's Ltcl 1887, Cushman's Sons. Inc 2153 Equitable Building (Philadelphia) 2555 Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co 1753 Gorden-Pagel Co 3321 3070 Equitable Office Building Corp.(N.Y. City) .1886 Gore Bros., Inc Cuyamel Fruit Co Corporation 2408 1753, 1885. 2274 Equitable Radio 2555 Gorham Mfg. Co 2275 Erie County Electric Co 2011 Gorton-Pew Fisheries Co., Ltd nakota Central Telephone Co 1881 Erie RR _1744, 1877,2005, 2008, 2262, 3195 o-Pallas Power & Light Co 2296, 3183 Goulds Mfg. Co 2017 3064 Erie Railways Co 1881 Grace Steamship Co Dallas Ry. Co 3064 Essex Cotton Mills, Inc 2408 Dalton Adding Machine Co 1886 Graham County RR 3309 3193 Estate of Francis Palms 3320 Granby Consol. Mining Smelting & Power Danbury, & Bethel Street By 3064 Estey-Welte Corporation Davies (Wm.) Co., Inc 2016, 2407 Co.. Ltd 1754. 2017, 2408 3070 Eurelca Vacuum Cleaner Co 2274 Grand Canyon By Davis Coal & Coke Co 2406 Evans (E. S.) & Co., Inc 2939 Davison Chemical Co 2154 Grand (F. W.) 5-10-25 Cent Stores, Inc.- 2949, 3070 Everett Mills 2154 1887, 2408. 2949. 3072 Dayton (0.) Gas Co 3313 Everglades Club Prop.(Palm Dayton Power & Light Beach. Fla.).-3071 Grand Rapids Grand Haven & Muskegon Ry.2683 Co 2400, 3313 Ewa Plantation Co.(Honolulu) 2154 Grand Rivera (Detroit) De Beers Consol. Mines, Ltd 3193 Exchange Buffet Corporation 1887 De Forest Radio Co 1886, 3320 Grand Trunk Ry. of Canada 2546 1753 Grand Trunk Western By Deere & Co 2274, 22641534 Fair(The) 2811 Del Monte Properties Co 1886, 2407. 2820 Grandview Apartment Properties (Sioux air Co 2949 City. Iowa) Delaware & Hudson Co..1737, 1872, 1877. Fairbanks Co 2629 1895, 2555, 3320 Grant (W. T. Co 2017, 2408, 3072 2265,,2811, 3309 Fairbanks, Morse & CO... -2016, 2688, 3071. 3194 Gray (G. A.) Co Delaware Lackawanna & Western Coal Co- -3070 Fairfield Coal & Coke Co 2950 Delaware Lackawanna & Western 2820 Gray Motor Corp 3195 RR.:_2138, Fajardo Sugar Co 1886 Great Atlantic & Pacific 2161; 3062 , 3309 Falcon Bronze Co Tea Co.2555, 2950, 3321 Delaware & Northern RR 2016 Great Del Norte Mining Corp 2689 Delray 2546 Fall River Electric Light Co_ -2146, 3186. 3314 Great Falls Mfg. Co Terminal RR 2681 Famous Players 3321 Dennison Mfg. Co -Lasky Corp__..2016, 2688. 3194 Great Falls Power Co 2550 3070 Farnum (John) Co.(Conestoga Mills) 2688 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Denver & Interurban RR 2814 Farr Alpaca Co Co 2154 Denver & Northwestern By 2267, 3071 Great Northern Iron Ore Properties 1754 Denver & 3313 Faultless Rubber Co 2688 Great Northern Power Rio Grande Western RR 1744, 8059 Federal Electric Co.,Inc Co., Ltd______2400. 3064 Denver Rock Drill Mfg. Co 1753 Great Northern Ry 2397, 2546,2811, 3183 Denver 2820 Federal Food Stores, Inc 2407 Great South Bay Water Tramway Co _ _2014_2267, 2548, 3313 Federal Light & Traction Co Co 2683 DemonTBuilding (Memphis, ._ _ _1746, 2267. Great Western Power Co 2683, 2941. 3186 Des Moines eam.) 3070 2400, 2550, 2814, 3314 Great Western Sugar Elec. Lt. Co Federal Mining & Smelting Co 3072 Detroit Bay City & Western RR Co 3194 Greater New York Development Co 2689 Detroit 31818677 Federal Motor Truck Co 2555 Green Bay & Buffalo Post Offices Corp 2153 Federal Telegraph & Western RR 3063 Detroit City Gas Co Co 1746 Greene Cananea Copper Co 3072 Detroit-Cleveland 3313 Federated Metals Corp 1753. 2275 Greenfield Elec. Warehouse & Realty Co--3319 Federated Radio Corporation Light & Power Co_ _2146, 2814 Detroit Edison Co 2146, 2814, 2941_, 2071 Grennan Bakeries, Inc...1753, 1887, 2556, 2689 Detroit Grand Haven 3064 Ficke (Theodore) Warehouses, Inc 3071 Griffen Wheel & Milwaukee RR1877,3062 Fidelity Mortgage Building Co 2556 Detroit & Ironton RR3183 3194 Groveland Coal Mining Co 2821 Detroit & Mackinac Fifth Avenue Bus Securities Corp 3064 Groveland-La Ry 1744, 2142 Fifth Avenue Coach Co Marsh Mining Co 2821 Detroit Motor Bus Co 2268 Guantanamo & Western RR 3061 Detroit By. & Harbor 3313 Finance Service Co 2154, 2821 Guaranty Terminals Co 2406 Financial Investing Co. Co. of Md 3321 Detroit Seamless Steel Tubes Co of New York 3320 Guayaquil & Quito RR 2681 Detroit Toledo & 3193 First Mortgage & Bond Co 2154, 2407 Gulf fronton RR 1877 First National Holding Beaumont & Great Northern By 2546 Corporation 1753 Gulf Coast Refining Co 2017

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Page. Page. Page. 2550 Longmont Farmers Milling & Elevator Co 2019 1746 International Ry. (Buffalo) 1747, By 2682 Gulf Electric Co America___ __ -2394 Longview Portland & Northern ______3062 International Rys. of Central & Southern RR 2008. 2682 Gulf Florida & Alabama Ry Salt Co 1755, 2156 Lorain Ashland & Northern RR_ _ _2142, 2265, 3181 International _2557 Lorain & West Virginia RR 2811 Gulf Mobile 2154 International Securities Trust of America_ 3074 Gulf States Steel Co Co 2950, 3074 Lord & Taylor Ry 2265 International Shoe Los Angeles Gas It Electric Corp 2816 Gulf Texas & Western International Silver Co . 2822 Gunns, Ltd 3321 Corp. Los Angeles By 3187 International Telephone & Telegraph RR 2008 2012, 2146, 2683. 2815, 3314 Los Angeles & Salt Lake Electric Cable Co_2017. 2154, 2822 Louisiana Oil Refining Corp-1756, 1888, Habirshaw 2556, 2689 International Text Book Co 2690, 3322 Interprovincial Brick Co. of Canada. Ltd 2018 Hackensack Water Co___2146, 2268. 2815, 2557 Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co 2265 2941, 3314 Interstate Bridge Co State Rice Milling Co 2557 Interstate Electric Corp 2146 Louisiana Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., Ltd 2155 _2822 Louisville Gas & Electric Co 2012, 2815 2276 Interstate Iron & Steel Co _ St. Louis Ry 2265 Hale & Kilburn Corp Co 2268, 2400, 2815,2941 Louisville Henderson & Coal & Shipping Corp of Interstate Power Louisville & Nashville RR__1735, 1744, Hall (George) Interstate RR 1744 Montreal 2408 1881, 2400 1766, 2546, 3063 Grain Co 2408 Interstate Rys Low Moor Iron Co 2822 Hall (Marshall) Interstate St. Rys 2400, 2815 (C. M.) Lamp Co 2017, 2821 _2018 Lowell Electric Light Corp 3187 Hall 1887, 2950 Interstate Terminal Warehouses, Inc- 2012 Hanna (M. A.) Co Glass Co 2557, 3197 Lowell Gas Light Co Corp 2408 Interstate Window Lower Austrian Hydro-Electric Power Co_ _ _3187 Hanna Paper Intertype Corp 1755, 1888, 3197 Hanover Power Co 2815 2942 Lucey Manufacturing Corp 3074 Stores, Inc 2821, 3321 Iowa Electric Co Associates 1756 Happiness Candy Electric Service Corp 1881 Ludlow Manufacturing -Walker Refractories Co 2155, 2556 Iowa 1881 Ludlum Steel Co 1888, 2410, 2557,3198 Harbison 3072 Iowa Falls Electric Co 2557 Hardy Coal Co Power Co 2942. 3064 Lukens Steel Co Corp_ _2400, 2941, 3064 Iowa Light. Heat & Sweet, Inc 2822 Harlem Valley Electric Iowa Packing Co 2408 Lunn & Mills 215.5 3187 Lyall (P.) & Sons Construction Co., Ltd., Harmony 2950 Iowa Power & Light Co Harriman Bldg.(N. Y. City) Co 2147 2951,3074 Co 2689 Iowa Railway & Light Traction & Light Co 3314 Harrison (C. H.) Iowa River Light & Power Co 1881 Lynchburg (Va.) Corp 1887, 2556 2012. 2147 Lyon & Healy, Inc 2951, 3074 Hartman 2950 Iowa Southern Utilities Co Havana Docks Corp Co 2689 By., Light & Pow Co_2396, 2426 Iron Cap Copper & Forbes Co 2951 Havana Electric Iron Products Corp 1755, 3074 itgacAndrews Hawaii Consolidated By., Ltd 3063 2147 Mack Trucks, Inc 2410, 2951 2155 Iroquois Gas Corp 2545 Hawaiian Sugar Co Garden Apartments (N. Y. City) 2408 Mackay Companies Wheel Co 2018, 2262, 2308 Isham Mackintosh-Hemphill Co 3074 Hayes 2276 Island Creek Coal Co 1888, 3197 Hazeltine Corp Co 1755 Mac (R. H.) & Co. Inc 1756. 3198 3195 Isle Royale Copper Bldg. Tenn.).1_ _ _ _2277 Hearts-Brisbane Properties Ivanhoe Manufacturing Co 3e74 Madison Office (Memphis, Recta Mining Co 2689 Madison Square Garden Corp 2822 Co 3072 2019, 2277 Hedley Gold Mining Tamales Navigation Co 3197 Magma Copper Co Heinemann Corp 2155 3064 Magnin (I.) & Co.. Inc 2277 2276 Jdamaica Public Service Co.. Ltd Hercules Powder Co Co.(N. Y.)_-1881, 3314 Magnolia Petroleum Co 2019, 2690, 3198 2546 Jamaica Water Supply RR 1878, 3063 Hereford By Jasper & Eastern Ry 2546 Mahoning Coal Heywood-Wakefield Co 2018 Co 1755 Mahoning Investment Co 2019 Co., Inc ______2689 Jefferson-Belle Isle Realty _ _ 3198 Hibernia Mortgage Jefferson & Clearfield Coal & Iron Co 2018 Maidstone Apartment, Philadelphia Hill Mfg. CO 2018, 2276,2408 & Light Corp - -- -1747 Maine Central RR 1740, 1744. ______2939 3072 Jersey Central Power (Miami, Fla.) Hillcrest Collieries, Ltd Tea Co Inc 2018, 2409, 2950 Majestic Building 2410 Coal Co 3072 Jewel 3197 Mallinson (H. R.) de Co., Inc 2020 Himler 1881 Jewelers Bldg. of Chicago Hingham Water Co Co., Inc 1755. 2018. 2276 Mammoth 011 Co 3198 2008. 2266. 2393, 2443 Jones Bros. Tea Traction, Light & Power Hocking Valley Ry-1744, Jordan Marsh Co 2822 Manchester Co. Hodenpyl, Hardy Securities Corp 2276 2689, 3197 2147, 3064, 3187 Inc 1754, 2155 Jordan Motor Car Co Electrical Supply Co., Inc_ _ _ _ _3322 Hoe (R.) & Co., Jurgen's (Anton) United (Margarine) Works Manhattan Holeproof Hosiery Co 3196 1888.3322 Manhattan (Elevated) By 1-747, 2943 Holland Land Co 3072 Co 1754, 2018. 2950 Electric Corp 2401. 3187 Holland-St. Louis Sugar anawha & Hocking Coal & Coke Co 2018 Manila 2816, Hollinger Consol. Gold Mines, Ltd. 2689. & Orient RR 2142 Manila Railroad Co 2265 2821, 3073 nsas City Mexico Finance Co 1888 Kansas City Northwestern By 2811 Manufacturers ITC M.) Hollingshead Co 3196, 3321 Co 1881 Maple Leaf Milling Co 3198 Corp 3321 Kansas City Power & Light Oil 2277 R. M.) Hollingshead City Rys 293 , 2942 Maracaibo Exploration Corporation Sugar Corp 1754, 2556. 3196 Kansas 2939, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of Canada /Holly 2821 Kansas City Southern Ry-1739, 1672, Holt Mfg. Co 2018, 2276, 3180. 3207 Ltd 2401,'2943 Holt. Renfrew & Co., Ltd 1754 Co 2268 Marconi's Wireless Teleg. Co., Ltd., London _ 3314 & Telegraph Co 2011 Kansas Gas & Electric Marian Realty Co 3198 Home Telephone Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf By 3183 Honolulu Consol. Oil Co 2155 2012 Marine Elevator Co 1756, 1888 Transit Co 2146 Kansas Power Co Marine Oil Co 3322 Honolulu Rapid Kansas Power & Light Co 9942 Honomu (H. T.) Sugar Co 2155 2019 Marinello Co 2690 3073, 3196 Rats & Besthoff, Ltd Coal, Railway & Power Co.. Ltd _ _3314 Hood Rubber Co Keeley Silver Mines. Ltd 3197 Maritime Hotchkiss Redwood Co 2556 Co 2409 Market Street Ry 2147. 2401 2408 Kehlor Flour Mills Theatre & Commercial Building Hotel McAllister (Miami. Fla.) Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co ______2019 Marks Bros. Hotel St. Frances & St. Frances Apt. Hotel 3196 2019, 2276, 2689 (Chicago) 3075 2155 Corp Marland Oil Co__ _ _2137, 2156, 2558, 3198, 3322 Hotel Watson (Miami, Fla.) Kennecott Copper Corp 1755, 2156. 2409 Household Products, Inc 3321 Co 1747, 2268 Marlin-Rockwell Corporation 2690 Terminal By 2039 Kentucky Hydro-Electric Martin-Parry Corporation 1899, 2690 Houston Belt & Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR_ __ _3183, 3310 & Brazos Valley By 2939 -2550, 3314 Martinsburg Community Hotel Co 3198 Houston 3064 Kentucky-Tennessee Lt. & Power Co 2558 l',..uston Electric Co 2941. By 2682 Marvin Harrison Realty Co Co 1881 Keokuk & Des Moines Marworth Apartments (Worth Investment Houston Gas & Fuel Keokuk Electric Co 2683, 2943 Houston Lighting & Power Co 2012 Co 1878 Co., ,._t. Louis, Mo.) 2823 1/54, 2156 Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge Maryland Mortgage Co. (Del.) 2277 Houston Oil Co. of Texas Key System Transit Co 1747, 2147 Houston Pipe Line Co 1754 Co 2147, 3187 Mason Valley Mines Co 2277 3073, 3196 Keystone Telephone Mass Consolidated Mining Co 2198 Howe Sound Co Keystone Tire & Rubber Co 2277 Hoyt(F. M.) Shoe Co 2276 1888 Massachusetts Gas Companies 2147, 2269 RR 1739. 1878, 2142 Keystone Watch Case Co Massey-Harris Co., Ltd 1889 Hudson & Manhattan King Edward Hotel Co., Ltd 3197 Motor Car Co 2018, 2556, 3321 2147, 2268 Mathieson Alkali Works, Inc 2156 Hudson 3321 Kings County Lighting Co & Hudson Navigation Co 2276. 2556 RR 1881 Mattagami Pulp Paper Co., Ltd 3198 Coke & Products Corp_ _2689 hingston Consol. Maul Agricultural., Ltd 2156 Hudson Valley Kinney (G. R.) Co1888,2019, 2409, 2689,3074 Humble Oil & Refining Co 1754. 2156, 3196 2277, 2409 Maxwell Motors Corp 1889, 2019, 2137, Co 3073 Kirby (John H.) 2156, 2167, 2558, 2823, 2951, 3075, 3322 Hunt Bros. Packing Kirby Lumber Co 2409 Huntington & Broad Top Mountain RR. & 2950 May Building Co. of Missouri 3198 2546 Klots Throwing Co May Department Stores Co 2558, 3199 Coal Co Knight (B. B. & R.). Inc 1755, 2950, 3197 Hupp Motor Car Corp_ _ _ _1754. 1887. 2156, 2012 Mayfair and Co 2410 2689. 2821, 3073 Knoxville Power & Light Co Mayflower-Old Colony Copper Co 3075 Koloa Sugar Co 3074 Hurley Machine Co 1754. 1887, 2557. 2950 2689, 2822,3074, 3197 McCall Corporation 3075 3196 Kraft Cheese Co_17.55, McClintin-Marshall Construction Co 1156 Hurt Bldg., Atlanta Kresge (S. S.) Co--1755. 1888, 2156, 2409, Hydraulic-Press Brick Co 3073 2557. 2951 McCord Radiator & Mfg. Co 2019, 2051 McCormick (Edith Rockefeller) Trust- _ _ - __220 Kresge Department Stores, Inc-1888, 2019. 3322 -' - • i"- Garage, Inc 1755 1888, 2409, 2951 McCrory Stores Corp--1888. 2410, 2822. 2951 2268, 3064 Kress (S. H.) & Co McIntyre Porcupine Mines. Ltd 9690 daho Po ver Co Krupp (Fried.), Ltd.(Essen, Germany) 2951 Ball Telephone Co 1881. 2400. 2815 McKinney Steel Holding Co 2690 Illinois 1887, 2557 McLeran (Ralph) dr Co 1756 Illinois Brick Co La Salle Extension University (Illinois), Illinois Central RR__ _ _ -1744, 2005, 2027, 3309 1755, 2690, 3074 McWilliams Building (Clarksdale. M11884-3075 Illinois Northern Utilities Co 1746 3197 Medical Arts Building Co 2690 2012 I,..clede Steel Co Melbourne (Australia) Electric Supply Co.. Illinois Power Co Lafayette Motors Corp 2019 2012,Ltd Illinois Pow. & Light Corp 1746. 2146. 3187 1755 2269 2557, Lake Shore Athletic Club (Chicago) Memphis Power & Light Co 2816, 3187 Independent 0 Sz Gas Co 2018. Electric By. Co 2683 2950. 3073. 3196, 3322 Lake Shore 3322 Memphis Street By 2816 Co_2156, 3073, 3196 Lake Superior Corp Mengel Co 1889, 2410 Independent Pneumatic Tool Power Corp 2147 Refining Co ______2821 Lamoka 1888 Mercantile Stores Co., Inc 2019, 2277, 3075 Indiahoma Landers, Frary & Clark Shipbuilding 2823 Indian Refining Co 2408, 2950,3060 York City 3322 Merchant Corporation Co 2012. 2268, 2400 (The) Langharn, New Merchants & Miners Transportation Co_ -3199 Indiana Bell Telephone Lawton Monoty_pe Machine Co 2557, 3197 Indiana Coke & Gas Co 3064 3187 Merchants Mortgage & Credit Co 2558 Traction Co., Laredo (Tex.) Water Co Meridian Light & Ry. Co. of Mississippi- 2147 Indiana Columbus & Eastern Hydro-Electric. Ltd 2683, 3187 2815, 3314 Laurentian 1747 Metro-Goldwyn Pictures Corporation - ---_ -2156 Corp 2400 Lawrence Gas Co Metropolitan Chain Stores, Inc-1889, 202-0, Indiana Electric Lawrence Gas & Electric Co--1747, 1881, Indiana Electric Utilities Co 3187 2550, 2683,2943 2410, 3075 Co 3196 Metropolitan Coal Co 3199 Indiana Portland Cement Lawrence Manufacturing Co 3197 Indiana Power Co 1746, 2400 2951 Metropolitan Edison Co_2550, 2683, 2816. 3314 2941 Lawyers Mortgage Co Metropolitan 5-50-Cent Stores, Inc 1756 Indiana Service Corp Co 2410 dc Heat Co 1747 Lee Rubber & Tire Metropolitan Theatres Corporation_ -2410, 2690 Indianapolis Light Lehigh & Hudson River Ry 2008 Indianapolis Street Ry 3181 2939 Mexican Light & Power Co., Ltd 2550 2400 Lehigh & New England RR Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd 3199 Indianapolis Water Co RR 1744, 1872, 1878 Corp 2821 Lehigh Valley Mexican Seaboard Oil Co 2823, 3199 Industrial Acceptance Lehigh Valley Transit Co 2147 Industrial Sugar Co 1887, 2276 2019 Miami City (Arizona) Power & Water Co-. _3187 1887 Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co Miami Copper Co 1889, 2020 Ingersoll-Rand Co Lever Bros. Co 3074 Inland Steel Co 1754, 2276 2277 Michigan uel & Light Co 3187 _ _2644, 2821 Lever Bros., Ltd Michigan Gas & Electric Co 2147 Inspiration Consol. Copper Co ______Oil Corp 3074 Interborough Rapid Transit C0 1747, 2146. Lewis 3322 Michigan Sugar Co 2558 2815, 2941, 3314 (Fred T.) Ley & Co., Inc Mic-Continent Petroleum Corp 2558, 2823 2550, McNeill & Libby 1888. 2156 Intercontinental Rubber Co 2018 Libby. 3074, 3197 Middle States 011 Cor oration 3199 Rubber Products Corp 2018 Liberty 011 Co Middle West Gas & ectric Co 1881, 2816 Intercontinental Library Bureau 2410 Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd. 2557 Middle West Utilities Co_ _2147, 2943, 3054, 3188 3074. 3196 Liggett (Louis K.) Co Middlesex Water Co 2816 Valley RR 3063 International Business Machines Corp_ _2276, Ligonier 2019 Midland Steel Products Co 2156, 2°51 2821. 3073, 3196 Lincoln Fire Insurance Co Midland Sugar Co 1756 Drive Apartments (Philadelphia)-1888 International Button-Hole Sewing Machine Lincoln's 2159 Midland Utilities Co 3315 3073 Lincoln Manufacturing Co Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co 2410 Co Refining Co 1888. 2686 International Cement Corp-2156. 2262, 2306, Lion Oil 2159 Miller (H. H.) Industries Co 2952 2408, 2557, 3073 Loblaw Groceterias Co., Ltd Miller Rubber Co 1889 State Building Los Angeles) 1756 International Combustion Engineering Corp. Loew 2277, 3197 Milo Electric Light & Power Co 2269 2156. 2689.2822, 3074. 3195, 3321 Loew's, Inc Milton Ltd 2020 New-Broad Properties 3074, 3197 International General Electric Co 1755 Loew's 1888 Mineral Range RR 2265 International-Great Northern RR ______3057 Loft, Inc 2147 Mines & M talse Investment Trust, Inc__ _ _3322 Harvester Co 1735, 1772. 2689 London Street By Mining Corp. of Canada, Ltd_2558. 2823, 3199 International Bell Lumber Co 2557 International Match Corp 3197 Long 1888, 2277 Minlde Southern Ry 2266 Mercantile Marine Co_ ____ 2934 Long-Bell Lumber Corp Minneapolis & St. Louis RR__ 1744, 2143. International Electric By 3187 International Nickel Co 2408, 2822. 2934 Long Island 2266,2546. 2939, 3063 Long Island Lighting Co 2268 By.. International Paper Co .1888, 2018, 2276, 2546, 3310 Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie 2557, 2689, 2821,3074 Long Island RR_ _2008, 2139, 2143, 2266. 2396. 2546 Water Corp 2401 International Petroleum Co.. Ltd 2276 Long Island

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX

Page. Page. Page. Minneapolis Gas Light Co 2012 New York & Honduras Rosario Mining Co. Park City Mining & Smelting Co 2411 Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co 2277, 2410 2020, 2411 Park Fire Proof Storage Co 2411 Minnesota Power & Light Co 2269, 2816 New York New Haven & Hartford RR.1735, Park Hill Gardens Apartments (Yonkers, Mississippi Central RR 2809 1878, N. Y.) Mississippi 2009, 3183 32007261; 32280024 Power Co 2147 New York, New Jersey Superpower Connect- Park Lane Corp. N. Y. CRY) Mississippi Valley Power Co 2012 ing Corp 2269 Pathe Exchange, Inc 3324 Missouri Gas & Electric Service Co..- -1747, 2012 New York, Phila. & Norfolk RR 3310 Peabody Coal Co 1891 Mo. & Ill. Bridge & Belt RR 3183 New York Rys______2148, 2269 Peerless Truck & Motor Corp ______- --2021 Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR 2008. 2137, New York Rys. Corp- -- -2270. 2401, 2551,2817 Penick & Ford, Ltd.. Inc 1891, 2279, 3076 2262, 2266, 2302 New York & Richmond Gas Co 2551, 3188 Peninsular Telephone Co 2270, 3243152 Missouri & North Arkansas RR 3063 New York Rubber Co ' 2020 Penn Albert Hotel Missouri Pacific RR_ _1744, 2008, 2262,2800, New York & Stamford By 1881, 2817 Penn Central Light & Power Co 2817, 3315 2397, 2546, 2811. 2939 New York State Railways 2012, 3188 Penn-Mex. Fuel Co 2157 Mitchell Motors Co 2410. 3075 New York Steam Corp _ _1881, 3188 Penn Seaboard Steel Corp Mobile & Ohio RR 2397, 8307 New York Telephone Co_2012, 2543, 2684. 3065 Penney (J. C.) Building & Realty Corp 22669911 Mohawk Hudson Power Corp 2943 New York Transportation Co 1881, 3065 Penney (J. C.) Mohawk Co., Inc 1891, 2412. 2952 Mining Co 1890, 2157 New York United Hotels, Inc 3323 Pennolc Oil Corp 26229714.2 2955524, 3324 Mohawk Valley Co 3188 Newburyport Gas & Electric Co.1748, 2551, 2817 Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Corp Moir Hotel Co 3199 Newport Electric Corp 2012 2824, 3324 Monarch Knitting Co.. Ltd 2278, 3075 Newport News & Hampton By. Gas & Elec. Pennsylvania Electric Corp Monmouth County (N. J.) Water Co 3315 Co. 2148 Pennsylvania Power & Light Co_ __ _21882944:1 3 06688 Monogram Realty Co 2157 Niagara Falls Power Co 2149. 2551.2684 Pennsylvania RR___1870,2009, 2266. 2812, 2939. Monon Coal Co 3199 Niagara Lockport & Ontario Power Co.1882, Monongahela Valley Water Co 2816 2012. 2401, 2551, 2684,3065 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co Monongahela West Penn. Public Service Ninth St. Terminal Warehouse Co 2020 Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co_2270,32194844,23923101 Corp 1747, 3188 Nipissing Mines Co.. Ltd 3076. 3200 Montana-Bingham 3066, 3315 Consol. Mining Co 3199 Nissen (George E.) Co 2411 Peoria & Eastern By 2009, 2320097 Montana Power Co 1.881. 2148 Nizer Peoria & Pekin Montgomery Corp 2020, 3076 Union By Ward & Co.-1756. 1889, 2020, Noel & Co. Inc 3323 Peoria Water Works Co 2684 2278. 2558.2952 Nordyke & Marmon Co 3323 Pere Marquette Ry 2143, 2398, 22039301 Montreal Light, Heat & Power, Consol_____2269 Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line RR 3310 Perkiomen RR Montreal Tramways Co 1747. 3065 Norfolk Southern RR 2393. 2682, 2812 Peshtigo Paper Co 33320151 Montreal Tramways & Power Co 1747 Norfolk Terminal Ry P Milk Montreal Water & 2547 Co021,2952, 3076 Power Co 3315 Norfolk & Western Ry_ _1735, 1761, 1878, Phelps-Dodge Corp Moon Motor Car Co 2020, 2690, 2823,3199 2143, 2547, Pniladelphia Co_ Moore Drop 2812 ___1748, 1775, 2402, 2684, 21894941 -Forging Co 2020 North American Co 2401, 2684, 2817, 3315 Philadelphia Electric Co_1748. 1882, 2551. 3188. Moore Haven & Clewiston By 3310 North American Utility Securities Corp_-_-2551 Morgan Lithograph Co 1889. 2823 Mining Philadelphia Morgan's, Inc North Butte Co 2411 Insulated Wire Co 3324 3322 North East Pennsylvania RR 3063 Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co_2149. 2270, 2551 Morris (Philip) & Co., Ltd 2690 Philadelphia Morris & North & Judd Mfg. Co 2411 & Reading Coal & Iron Corp-2541 Essex RR 2811, 3310 North Park Hotel. Chicago 3323 Philadelphia Suburban Water Co 2551. Mortgage & Acceptance Corp 3075, 3322 North Terminal Corp 3323 Mortgage Bond Co. of New York Mortgage 2278 North Texas & Santa Fe By 2143 Philippine Railway Co 2684. 3 2618878 Co. of Maryland, Inc 3075 North West Utilities Co 2149 PhIlipthorn's. Inc 3324 Mortgage Guarantee Co. of America 2690 Northeastern Iowa Power Co 24111 Phillips Co. (Del.) 221757 97 Mortgage Insurance Corp (Frank) 2410 Northern Central By 2397 Phillips-Jones Corp Mossberg Co 3199 Northern Indiana Power Co 2402 Phillips Petroleum Co 1735, 1774, 2157 other Lode Coalition Mines Co 2278. 2558 Northern Insurance Co. of Moscow 2411 Phoenix Hosiery Co 3324 Motion Picture Capital Corp_ __ A889, 2823, Power Motor 3322 Northern Maryland Co 3188 Phoenix Portland Cement Co 3076 Products Corp 2410 Northern Mexico Power & Development Co., Phosphate Mining Co 1757 Motor Wheel Corp_ _1889. 2020. 2278, 2690,2823 Ltd 2149 Pick (Albert) & Co 2021 Mount Royal Hotel Co., Ltd 3199 Northern New York Utilities, Ind ______- -_2269 Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co___2279, 2952, Mountain & Gulf 011 Co _3199 Northern Ohio Power Co 2269 .2551 3201. 3324 Mountain Producers Corp 2677, 2697, 3075 Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co 2149 Pierce Butler & Pierce Mfg. Co______2022, 3324 Mountain States Power Co 2012, 2147 Northern Pacific Ry_ _1878. 2005. 2143, 2939, Pierce Oil Corp_ _ _ _2021, 2157, 2559, 2824, 3201 Mullins Body Corp 2410 3063. 3180. 3184. 3203, 3310 Pierce Petroleum Corp 2021. 2280 Municipal Gas Co 2550, 2944 Northern States Power Co-1748, 2012. 2262, 2304 PigglV Wiggly Corp.. 1891. 2022. 2559 Municipal Gas Co.(of Texas) 2684 Northern Warehouse & Cold Storage Co_ _2823 Piggly Wiggly Stores, Inc 1891 Municipal Service Co. 2550. 2944 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 3188 Pine Bluff Co 2013158 Municipal Service Co 1881 Northwestern Pacific RR 2397 Pioneer M111 Co.. Ltd Municipal Service Corp 2823 Northwestern Utilities. Ltd 2013 Pittock Block. Inc. (Portland, Ore.) 1891 Munsingwear, Inc 3323 Norton Co 1890 Pittsburgh Chartiers & Youghiogheny Ry_ -2682 Murray Body Corp2823.3323 Norwalk Tire & Rubber Co 2157 Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis Muscatine Burlington & Southern RR 2266 Nova Scotia Tramways & Power Co., Ltd _2149 1745, 2009 Muscle Shoals Birmingham & Pensacola Ry-2811 Pittsburgh Coal Co 332 Myles Standish Apartments, Boston ______3199 cean Ave. & Beverly Road Apartment Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR. Co 3056 Mystic Steamship Co 2157. 3323 O Buildings Brooklyn, N. Y. 2690 Pittsburgh, Lisbon & Western RR 3310 Oceanic Steam Navigation Co., td 3200 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 3076 Namm (A. I.) & Son 1890 O'Gara Coal Co 3323 ash Pittsburgh Railways 2013 Motors Co 1890, 2823 Ohio Brass Co 3076, 3324 Pittsburgh Sheet Glass Co 2952 Nashua & Acton RR 2009 Ohio Electric Power Co 1748 Pittsburgh Nashville Chattanooga & Steel Co 2691, 3076 St. Louis RR_2009, Ohio Gas & Electric Co 3315 Pittsburgh Steel Foundry Corn 2824, 8.325 2143, 2542 Ohio Gas, Light & Coke Co 3188 Nashville Gas Pittsburgh & West Virginia By. Co 2139 & Heating Co 2551 Ohio Leather Co 2279, 3324 Plant (Thomas G.) Co 2022 National Acme Co 2157 Ohio Oil Co 1890, 2824 National Biscuit Co Plattsburgh Gas & Electric Co 2817 2020 Ohio Power Co 2817, 3185 Plaza Apartments (Houston, Texas) 1757 National Bond & Investment Co 3199 Ohio Public Service Co 318 National Breweries, 0 Pond Creek Pocahontas Co 2412 Ltd 3075, 3200 Ohio River & Western By 2009 Pontiac Oxford & Northern RR 3184 National Brick Co 1890. 2278 011 Fields & Santa Fe By National Cash 2547 Port Alfred Pulp & Paper Corp 3325 Register Co 2020, 2411. 3200 Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka Ry _ _1875 Port Hope Sanitary Mfg. Co., Ltd 1891 National Casket Co 2823 Oklahoma Gas & Elec. Co-1882, 2013, 2402, National Conduit & 3315 Portland (Ore.) Electric Power Co 2402 Cable Co.,Inc 2558 Oklahoma Natural Gas Co 2684 Portland (Ore.) Gas & Coke Co 2270 National Cloak & Suit Co 2157, 2558 Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd 3075 National Dairy Products Portland Gold Mining Co 3325 Corp 1890, 2823 Old Dominion Co 1890. 3076 Porto Rican-American Tobacco Co 2412 National Department Stores, Inc 1756, 2558 Olean Elec. Light & Power Co__1882, 2149, 2402 National Distillers Porto Rico Rys., Ltd 1852 Products Corp 1890, 2278 Olympia Theatres. Inc- -1757, 2157, 2690, 2952 Post Street Investment Co 2601 National Electric Power Co 2550 Omaha & Council Bluffs Street By 3315 National Fireproofing Postum Cereal Co., Inc 2022. 3076 Co 2411, 3323 Omnibus Corp 1882, 2551, 3061, 3188 Power Corp. of Canada. Ltd 3315 National Fuel Gas Co 3188 170 Broadway Bld .(N. Y. City) National Lead 5 Power Corp. of New York 2270. 2044 Co 2157 One Park Ave. 131 g.( Y. City) 1890 Power Securities Corp 3316 National Light. Heat & Power Co 2012 1701 Locust St. Apt. Hotel National Lumber 2411 Prairie Oil & Gas Co 2022 & Creosoting Co 2278 Onome,a Sugar Co 2157 Prairie Pipe Line Co 2022. 2412. 3201 National Power & Lght Co 2816 Ontario Biscuit Co National Public 2157 Presbyterian Hospital Assn. of Colorado.-- -2412 Service Corp_ _ _1747, 2401, Ontario Power Co 3.315 Prescott & Northwestern RR 3063 2684, 2816, 2944,3188 Ontario Silver Mining Co National Rys. of Mexico 2279 President Bldg 3201 2811 Onyx Hosiery Inc 2020, 2279 Price Bros. & Co., Ltd 2280,2524 National Realty Corp., Ltd 2823 Oppenheim, dollins & Co., Inc...1890, 2559, National Steel Car Lines 3394 Procter & Gamble Co 3201 Co 1756. 2411 Oppenheimer (S.) & Co 2559. 2894 Producers Oil Corp. of America 2155 National Sugar Refining Co 1890 Orange County Public Service Co_ National Supply Co -2817. 3315 Producers & Refiners Corp 3201.3306 3076 Orange & Northwestern RR 2682 Pro-hy-lac-tic Brush Co 3324 National Tea Co_ _1756, 2020. 2278, 2690, 3323 Oregon California & Eastern RR Natrona Power Co 2812 Public Service Co. of Colorado 2970 2148 Oregon Lumber Co 2279 Public Service Co. of Nor. Illinois 2149. 31166 Nebraska Electric Power Co 2148 Orndorff Hotel, El Paso Nebraska Gas & Electric Co 3324 Public Service Co. of Oklahoma 1882 2817 Orpheum Circuit. Inc 1890 Public Service Corp. of New Jersey_ _ .1882, 2518 Nebraska Power Co 2269, 2684 Osage County & Santa Fe By Neptune Meter Co 2547 Public Service Electric & Gas Co 3316 3075 Otis Co 2824 Public Service Gas Co. (Ky.) 3201, 3325 Nevada-California Electric Corp 2148 Otis Elevator Co 1757, 2021, ______2517 Nevada-California-Oregon By 2559 Puget Sound Power & Light Co 2148 Otis Steel Co 2279 Puntata Alegre Sugar Co 1891, 2559. 2952 Nevada Consolidated Copper Co.1890. 2020, 2558 Ottawa Electric By New Bedford Gas & Edison 2402 Oil Co 2412, 2539, 3325 Light Co 2401 Ottawa & Hull Power Co., Ltd 3315 Purity BakeriesCorp 2559. 2691 New Bradford Oil Co 3200 Ottawa-Montreal Power Co.. Ltd_ _2551, New Cornelia Copper Co 3315 Pusey & Jones Co 3201 -1756, 2411, 2952, 3323 Otter Tail Power Co 2021, 2402,2817. 3065 Pyrene Mfg. Co 3201 New England Bakery Co 3200 Owens Bottle Co New England Cities 1890. 2279, 2824 Ice Cos 2278 uaker Oats Co 2280, 2601 New England Coal & Coke Co 2157 Burt Co., Ltd New England Fuel Oil Co 2952 .uaker Ridge Golf Club. Inc 2559 1756, 2020 PA acIfic Car & Foundry Co 2411 Ouanah Acme & Pacific Ry 2547 New England Fuel & Transportation Co___2148 Pacific New Coast Club 3324 Quebec Central Ry 2266 England Oil Ref. Co 3200 Pacific Coast Co 1890. New England Southern Mills 2691 Quebec Extension By 2690 Pacific Coast Steel Co 1890 Quebec-New England Hydro-Electric Corp.. New England Steamship Co 1890 Pacific Electric By New England Telephone 3415 2551. 2684 & Telegraph Co. Pacific Fruit & Produce Co 3200 Quebec Paper 3201,3325 2269, & Pulp Mills. Ltd New 2684 Pacific Gas & Electric Co__1882, 2013. 2270. Quebec Power Co 2013 England Tire & Rubber Co 2020 2394, 2402, 2420, 2817, New England Venezuela 2944, 3065 Quebec Ry., Light, Heat & Power Co.. Ltd.. Co 3200 Pacific Great Eastern By 3310 1748. 2149, 2944 New Haven Dairy Co 2020, 2278 Pacific New Mail SS. Co_2021, 2157, 2824. 3076, 3200 Quebec Southern Power Corp.. Ltd- _2684, 3188 Jersey Zinc Co 2278. 2823 Pacific Mills 2411. New Orleans Great Northern RR 2691 Queens County Water Co 2402 2266 Pacific Oil Co 2157, 2539, 2568, 2691 Quinn (Clement K.) Ore Co 2022 New Orleans Public Service Inc 1881, 3065 Pacific Portland Cement Co., Consol New Orleans Texas & Mexico 1891 RR_ _ _ _1745, Pacific Power & Light Co 2270 D adlo Corp. of Aznerica 2270,_ 82267918 1878. 2266, 30117, 3183 Pacific New River Co Steamship Co 1891 z%allway & Light Securities Corp_ _ _ 2279. 2411 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co_ _ __1748. 3215 Rand (Gold) Mines, Ltd_ _1891, 2559,1 6.321)1 New University Club of Boston 2558 6/ York Packard Motor Car Co--2691, 2824. 2952, 3324 Ranch & Lang, Inc 3'325 New Air Brake Co 2020 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co_ _2021, 2279, New York,Brooklyn & Manhattan Ray Congo'. Copper Co 1891, 2022. 2559 Beach Ry.3315 2691. 2824, 3200 Reading Co 2009. 2261, 2287 New York Canners, Inc 1757 Palace Theatre & Commercial Bldg New York Central Electric Corp 2157 Real Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc 2825 2944 Pan-American Eastern Petroleum Corp 1757 Reece Button-Hole Machine Co 3325 New York Central Lines 2 66, 2682 Pan-American Petroleum New York Central & Transport Co. Regal Shoe Co 2412 RR ._ _1745, 1878, 2805, 2827 1757. 2021. 2411, 2952, 3060 New York Chicago & St. Louis Rli_ _ Reid Ice Cream Corp 1891, 3201 _1745, Pan-American Western Petroleum Corp. Reis (Robert) & Co 2158, 2559. 2052 2009, 2263,2537, 2569, 2811 1757, New York Connecting RR 2559 Reiter-Foster 011 Co 3325 1878 Panhandle Producing & Refining Co...2559, 2691 Remington Arms Co 2602 New York Dock Co 2279, 2690, 3323 Paragon Refining Co New York Edison Co 1891 Remington-Noiseless Tynewriter Corp 2280 3065 Paramount International Rubber Co. of 'emineton Phonograph Corp ______2022 New York Furniture Exchange piciit 3323 Canada. Ltd New York & Harlem RR '504 Remington Typewriter re 1731, 2022. 2559 ...... 2684 Parts-Orleers RR. 2812 Bee Motor Car Co 2952

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 120-PART 2.

Page. Page. Page. 3316 Trinity & Brazos Valley By 2812 Replogle Steel Co 2280 Southern Gas & Power Corp_ _2944, 3066, 2693 2022 outhern Ice & Utilities Co. of Dallas 1882 Trinity Buildings Corp. of N. Y Republic Iron & Steel Co Co 2023 Truck Co 3201 Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Co__2013, Triumph Electric Republic Motor 2945, 3316 Trumbull-Cliffs Furnace Co 2024 Republic Ry. & Light Co 3316 2149. 3202 SpringCo 2692 Southern New England Telephone Co 2685 Truscon Steel Co Reynolds 2256, Tuckett Tobacco Co., Ltd 2954 Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac RR - -2266 Southern Pacific Co_1878, 2143, 2263, 3202 Passenger Ry 281g 2392. 2415, 2812. 3184. 3310 Tulip Cup Corp Ridge Ave. 2398, 2547 Twin City Rapid Transit Co 2685 Ridgefield & New York By 2812 Southern Pacific RR 2150, 3066 Santa Fe By 2266 Southern Pennsylvania Power Co 2818 Twin State Gas & Electric Co Rio Grande El Pass& 1892 200 Madison Ave. Bldg 1758 Rio Tinto Co.. Ltd 2825 Southern Phosphate Corp City) 2561 2412. 2952 Southern Power & Light Co. (Del.) 2551 257 West 39th St. Bldg (N. Y. Riordan Co., Ltd -Electric Power Co. (Tiwag) 2270 Rittenhouse Hotel. Philadelphia 3325 Southern Power & Light Co.(Md.) ______3189 Tyrol Hydro 2812, 3056, 3063. 8079 Robbins Enterprises, Inc 1891 Southern By Ltd (Japan) i748 Co 1892 Southern Wisconsin Electric Co 1882 jigawa Electric Power Co., Robbins &Myers lster & Delaware RR 2144, 3060 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co_ - 2022 Southwest Ice Service Co 1892 U 2561 & Power Co 2818, 3316 Southwestern Bell Telphone Co 2270 Underwood Typewriter Co Rockland Light Union Bag & Paper Co 2024 Rogers (Wm. A.) td 2022 Southwestern Light & Power Co 1748. 3316 1758 3201 Southwestern Power & Light Co_ __ _ -2013 Union Carbide & Carbon Corp Rogers, Peet & Co & Power Co. St. Louis_2552 Rolls-Royce of America, Inc 2158 Southwestern Utilities Corp.__2149, 2818, 2944 Union Electric Light 2692 Union Elec.Lt.& Pow.Co.,Unionville, Conn._3189 Rome Wire Co 2825 Spalding (A. G.) & Bros 2402, 3316 2412 Spanish-American Iron Co 3326 Union Gas & Electric Co (The) (Boston. Mass.) Co 1758. 2024 Ross Stores, Inc 1758. 2560 Sparks-Withington Co 2953 Union Gulf Holding 2023, 2561 Union Oil Co. of California 1894, 2414 Rossia Insurance Co. of America 2412 Spear & Co 2261, 2283 Dutch (Petroleum) Co 2825, 3201 Spicer Mfg. Corp 2023. 2692 Union Pacific RR Royal _3316 Union Passenger Railway Co 3066 Royal Typewriter Co., Inc 2413. 3201 Spokane & Eastern By. & Power Co 2561 RR 2982 Spring M. G.) & Bumper Co 1892, 3326 Union Rock Co Rutland Union Traction Co. of Indiana 2685 Ryan Consol. Petroleum Corp 2413 Spring Valley Water Co 2150 3326 Springfield Consol. Water Power Co. of Pa..2552 Union Twist Drill Co Alloy Steel Corp 2024 aco Lowell Shops 2022, 2692. 3201 Springfield Gas Light Co 2685 United 2281 Co 1758 Springfield (Ill.) Terminal By 3184 United Carbon Co Safety Car Heating &Lighting Corp 2693 Saguenay Pulp & Power Co 3201 Standard Bakeries Corp 2561 United Central Oil A748, 2005, United Cigar Stores Co. of America___2414, St. Charles Hotel Co 2413, 2952 Standard Gas & Electric Co__ 2562, 3078 Lead Co 2023, 2952 2034, 2552, 2585 St. Joseph United Drug Co 2281, 2414, 2826 St. Lawrence Flour Mills Co., Ltd__ 2022, 2952 Standard Motor Construction Co 1758 2954 Louts & Hannibal RR Standard Oil Co. (California) 2280, 2810 United Dyewood Corp St. 2825 United Electric Coal Co 2828 St. Louis Rocky Mountain & Pacific Co.3184 Standard Oil Co. (Indiana)_ _ -1758, 2561. 1749 2413. 2953 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey 2540. 3077 United Electric Rys 2561 United Electric Securities Co 2271 St. Louis-San Francisco Ry__ __1878. 2398, Standard Oil Co.(New York) 2024 2563 (Ohio) 1758. 1892 United Fruit Co 2538, Standard Oil Co. Corp 2150 St. Louis San Francisco & Texas By 1745 Standard Optical Co 2159 United Gas & Electric 2280, United Gas Improvement Co..1749, 1882, St. Louis Screw Co 3076 Standard Plate Glass Co 2561. 3077 3317 2137 Power & Light Co 3316 2150, 2552. 2945, 3067, St. Louis Southwestern Standard Service Co 2024 St. Margaret's Hm.pital (Hammond, Ind.)-3077 Standard Sanitary Mfg., Co 2280 United Ice 2022 1758 United Lead Co 2024 St. Mary's Mineral Land Co Standard Screw Co Power Co. (of Md.)__2685, 2945 Paper Co., Ltd 1892 Standard Slag Co 3201 United Light & St. Maurice 1758, 1892 United 011 Co. of California ..2562, 2826, 3078 St. Maurice Power Co.. Ltd 3316 Standard Tank Car Co Co.. Inc 2693 Union Depot Co 2266 Standard Textile Products Co 2692. 2825 United Paperboard St. Paul 2953 United Power & Light Corp. of Kansas 1749 St. Regis Paper Co 1892, 2158, 2413 Stanley Co. of America Corp 2826 Co 2551 Real Estate 2953 United Profit Sharing Salem Electric Lighting Stanley 1893 United Rya. Co. of St. Louis 2818 Salem Gas Light Co 1748, 2402 Steel Co. of Canada, Ltd of Baltimore _____ -.2013 Co 2149 2953 United Rys. & Elec. Co. Salem & Pennsgrove Traction Sterling Coal Co., Ltd Rys. Investment Co_ 1749, 2150, 2685 Salina & Santa Fe By 2682 Sterling Products. (Inc.) 3326 United 2159, 2281,282, 2954 United Shoe Machinery Corp 2693, 2809 Salt Creek Producers' Ass'n__-1758, 2137, 2158 Stern Bros 1758, 1893, Corp 2281 & Aransas Pass By 1878, 3063 Pottery Co 3326 U. S. Distributing San Antonio Steubenville 3201 U. S. Foreign Securities Corp 2024 San Antonio Public Service Co 2944, 3316 Stevenson Gear Co 1758 Uvalde & Gulf RR 2812 Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corp- -2159, 2692 U. S. Glass Co San Antonio 1893 U. S. Gypsum Co 2024, 2562 San Benito & Rio Grande Valley By 22013268 Stover Mfg. & Engine Co Machinery Corp 2281, 2693 Consol. Gas & Electric Co Stromberg Carburetor Co. of America, Inc. U. S. Hoffman San Diego 1893, 2825. 3077 U. S. Industrial Alcohol Co 1758 San Diego Electric By 2402 2024 2149 of America -1893, 2262, U. S. Light & Heat Corp San Francisco-Sacramento RR Studebaker Corp. Printing & Lithograph Co 1758 San Gorgonia Power Co 1882 2825. 2954 U. S. America 1758, 8060 Ice C 3189 San Luis Southern RR 3184 Stutz Motor Car Co. of Improvement Co_2281, Angeles Harbor Ry 2266 Submarine Boat Corp 1 5 . 2561 U. S. Realty & Santa Fe & Los 2149 2589, 2562. 2566, 2954,3326 Santa Fe Valle Land Co 2023 Suburban Electric Securities Co 2954 Monica ay Telephone Co 2402 Sugar Land By 2547 U. S. Rubber Co Santa 2825 U. S. Sheet & Window Glass Co 2282 Saskatchewan Creamery & Ice Cream Co., Sun Oil Co Refining & Mining Co- 2024 2280 Suncook Valley RR 2009 U. S. Smelting Ltd 3326 U. S. Steel Corp----1894, 2159, 2262, 2281. Savage Arms Co 1892. 2692 Superior Fire Ins., Co 2562, 3078 Electric & Power Co-1748, 2270. Superior Oil Corp 2023. 2592 Savannah 2281 United Verde Extension Mining Co....2024, 2562 2818. 3066 Superior Steel Corp Smelting Corp 2693 Sawyer-Massey Co., Ltd 2280 Superior Water, Light & Power Co 2013 United Zinc Western Catholic Universal Pictures Co., Inc 1759 Saxon Public Works, Inc 3189, 3316 Supreme Council of the Radiator 00_1759, 1894. 3077 Stores Co., Inc 3325 Unions 3326 Universal Pipe & Schaffer 1758 Universal Theatres Concession Co 3202 Schulte Real Estate Co., Inc 3077, 3201 Susquehanna Silk Mills 1759, 2007, 2562 Schulte Retail Stores Corp___ _1758, 2023. Swedish Match Co 1893 Utah Copper Co 2560, 2953. 3077 Utah 2159 Utah-Idaho Sugar Co 2159, 2414 Sweet Coal Co. of Traction Co 2271, 2402,3066 Schwartz (Bernard) Cigar Corp 2560, 3077 Sweets Co. of America 2023, 2826 Utah Light & 1892, 2560 2413 Utah Power & Light Co-1883, 2271, 2402. 3066 Scott Paper Co Swift & Co Corp 1883, 2013i 2818 Scovill /Mg. Co 2158 Swift Internacional Corp 3077 Utah Securities 1893. 2169 Utica Gas & Electric Co 2271, 2945 Scranton Lace Co 3325 Symington Co. of Md 2402 Seaboard Mr Line Ry....-1745, 2143, 2392, Syracuse Lighting Co., Inc 2945 Utilities Coal Corp 2445, 2939 Machine Corp 3077 Utilities Power & Light Corp2013, 2552, 2398, Syracuse Washing 3066. 3189 Seaboard Finance & Investment Co___2158. 3201 2560. 3325 Corp 1758 Seagrave Corp Mamiami Oil Co 1759, 2414, 3202 Sears. Roebuck & Co. .1758. 2023. 2280, 1 ampa & Gulf Coast RR 2398 lyacuum 2953, 3325 Southern RR 2939 Valley Camp Coal Co 2160 Tampa & Iron Co 3202 Seattle & Rainier Valley By 1748 Telautograph Corp 2281 Valley Mold Corp 2023 University. Phila 3201 Van Camp Sea Food Co 2826 Sebring (James M.) Temple Corp. of America 1894 Security Mortgage Co 2953 Tennant Finance Corp 2692 Vanadium 3201 Alabama & Georgia By 2143 Valle Motor Corp 3202 Sefton Mfg., Co Tennessee Consolidated Oil Fields 3326 Selden Truck Corp 3325 Tennessee Copper & Chemical Corp 2159 Ventura 2692 Power Co_ _1748, 2149, Vesta Battery Corp 1759, 2414 Seneca Copper Corp Tennessee Electric Shreveport & Pacific By .1743, Seneca Copper Minthg,Co 2692. 2953 2270, 2552, 2685, 2818, 3189. 3316 Vicksburg RR. Ass'n of St. Louis 2398 1745. 3063, 3310 S I Corp.2413 Terminal Talking Machine Co 3078, 3202 Seventh & Hope St. Fireproof Bldg. Co_ ---2023 Texas Co 1893 Victor 2023, 3201 By 3316 Victory Park Land & Improvement Co., Inc.2414 Shaffer 011 & Refining Co Texas Electric Alberene Corp 2693 Shattuck Arizona Copper Co 2560 Texas & Gulf By 2266 Virginia Inc 2159, 2692 Virginia Bond & Mortgage Corp 2282 Shattuck (Frank G.) Co 2953, 3077 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., 3326 Co.. Inc 2413 Texas Interurban Ry 3066 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp--2693. Sheffield Farms Virginia-Carolina Ry 3063 Shell Transport & Trading Co-2825, 3201. 8807 Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Co 1893, 2281 2263. 2542, 2939 Virginia Iron Coal & Coke Co 2160 Shell Union 011 Corp 2413, 2560 Texas Pacific By Co 1749, 2585, 3067 2023 Texas Power & Light Co 2270 Virginia By. & Power Sherwin-Williams Co Virginian By 2143, 2264. 2547, 2812, 3310 Showers Brothers Co 2560 Texon Oil & Land Co 2561 & Gulf RR 2547 Thatcher Mfg., Co 2413 Viscoloid Co., Inc 1894 Shreveport Houston Vitagraph Co. of America 2414 Shur-On Standard Optical Co., Inc 2158 Third Ave. Ry 2150, 2685 Siemens Schucker- (John R.) Co 2692 Vivaudou (V.)Inc...2160, 2282, 2694, 2826, 3326 Siemens & Halske (A. G.) Thompson Detinning Co 1759, 2414, 2826 twerke 3077 Thompson-Starrett Co 2826 Vulcan 3316 Welding Co 2692 Sierra Pac(ific Electric Co 2684, Thomson Electric Cement Co 1894 2953 322 Eighth Ave., Bldg 3326 II/abash Portland Silica Gel Corp TV abash Ry-- -1739, 1872, 1899. 2547. 2682, Silver (Isaac) &Brother Co., Inc 2159, Thropp (Joseph E.) Co., Inc 2023, 3077 2413, 2953 (August) Thyssen Iron & Steel Works_ _ _ _- -3326 2939 2560 Oil Co 2561, 2826 Waco Beaumont Trinity & Sabine By 1879 Silver Dyke Mining Co Tidal Osage Building (Cedar-William St. Silver King Coalition Mines Co 3077, 3325 Tide Water 011 Co 2159, 2281. 2413, 2693 Wadsworth 2560 Tidewater Portland Cement Co.3077, 3202, 3326 Corp.) N. Y.0 1759 Simbroco Stone Corp Agricultural Co., Ltd 2160 Simmons Co 2413, 2953 Tiffin & Fostoria By 3066 Waialua 2560, 3201 -Detroit Axle Co 3202 Wailuku Sugar Co 2160 Simms Petroleum Co Timken Bond, Inc 2826 Simon (Franklin) & Co., Inc 1892 Timken-Detroit Realty Co 2826 Waitt & Development Co_ _ _ _3077 Timken Roller Bearing Co 2413. 2561 Waldorf Bldg. Co 3327 Sinaloa Exploration & System. Inc 2160 Sinclair Consol. Oil Corp 2188, 2692,2825 Tiona Refining Co 2561 Waldorf Purchasing Co 2280 Guarantee & Trust Co 3202 Waltham Watch & Clock Co 1894 Sinclair Crude Oil Title Watch Co Sinclair Pipe Line Co 2953, 3328 Tobacco Products Corp 1894 Waltham 1894 Co 3077 Todd Shipyards Corp 2826, 3202 Walworth Mfg., Co 2954 Singer Mfg.. Holding Corp Sioux City Gas & Electric Co 3066 Tokio Electric Light Co. of Japan 2013 Wanita 2945 (N. Y. City) 3077 Toledo Columbus & Ohio River By 2009 Wanner Malleable Castings Co 2282, 3078 675 West End Avenue Corp Sixth Ave. RR 2402 Toledo Edison Co 2818 Ward Baking 1759 St. Bldg.(N. Y. City) 2560 Toledo & Ohio Central By 2812 Warner (William R.) & Co., Inc 2562 65 West 39th Bros., Pictures, Inc 62-72 West 47th St. Bldg.(N. Y. City)_ _2560 Toledo Peoria & Western By 2682, 3310 Warner 2414 2280, 2692 Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon RR 3310 Warner (Charles) Co 2954, 3202 Skelly Oil Co uinlan Co fakouras Bros. Enterprise. Inc 2551 Toledo Terminal RR 1745 Warner-rn 2694 Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co_2023, 2159, 2692 Tonawanda Power Co 2552 Warner Sugar Corp 2160 Smith (A. 0.) Corp 1892 Tonopah Belmont Development Co- _2281 Warren Bros., Co 3078 Paper Mills, Ltd 2953 Tonopah Extension Mining Co 2826, 3077 Warwick (Brookline, Mass.) 2024 Smith (Howard) Bldgs. Selland Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) 2953 Tonopah & Goldfield RR 3184 Washburn (W. K.) (Oakland, Calif.). Water Co 2684 Tonopah Mining Co 2159. 2414 Washburn-Crosby Co 2025 South Bay Consol. & South Penn 011 Co 2159 Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo By 2939 Washington Idaho Montana By 2812 South Plains & Santa Fe By 2009, 2266 Touro Infimary & Hebrew Benevolent Asso- Washington & Lincolnville RR 3310 Southeastern Mass. Power & Electric Co----1748 ciation 2693 Washington Lumber & Spar Co 2025 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co_ --2685 Transcontinental 011 Co 2024. 2281, 3202 Washington 011 Co 1759 Southern Calif. Edison Co.1748, 2270, 2402. 3316 Transue & Williams Steel Forging Corp. _2693 Washington By. & Elec. Co 3189 Southern Canada Power Co., Ltd- A748, 2685 Traut & Hine Mfg., Co 2414 Washington-Virginia By 3317 Southern Coal & Iron Co 3201 Travelers Insurance Co 3202 Washington Water Power Co__1749, 1883, Southern Colorado Power Co • 2013 Tremont & Suffolk Mills 2551 2013. 2552 Southern Cotton Oil Co. of La.. Inc2825, 3326 Tr -City Gas Co 3316 Wayagamack News. Ltd 2282 Cotton Oil Co. (N. J.) 2825, 2953 Triumph Electric Co 3077 Wayagamack Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd_ _ _ _ _2282 Southern 2282 Southern Counties Gas Co 1882 Troy Foundry Co., Inc 2826 Weber & Hetlbroner 1759,


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX 'VII

Page. Page. Page. Wellington Arms Apartments (Ch1cago)_-_2694 Western United Gas & Electric Co 2271 Wisconsin Central By 2538, 2547 Wellington, Grey & Bruce By 3310 Westinghouse Air Brake Co 1739, 2025 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co 3067 Wells, Fargo & Co 2562, 2694, 2829 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co_ -1894, Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co 2414 West American Finance Co 2694 2025, 2160, 2676. 2695, 3078 Wisconsin Power & Light Co _ 2150 West Coast Theatres, Inc 3327 Westinghouse Machine Co 1894 Wisconsin Public Service Corp 2685 West Coast Title Building (St. Petersburg, Westmoreland Coal Co 1759, 2025 Wolverine Portland Cement Co 2026 Fla.) 3078 Weston Electrical Instrument Corp _2829. 3078 Wood (Walter A.) Mowing & Reaping Ma- West Jersey & Seashore RR 2140 Weyerheuser Timber Co 1906 chine Co 2829 West Kentucky Coal Co 2562 Whalen Pulp & Paper Mills, Ltd 2025, 3202 Woodley Petroleum Co 1760 West Kootenay Power & Light Co., Ltd2150 Wheeling & Lake Erie By 2812, 2934 Woods Mfg., Co., Ltd 2694 West Ohio Gas Co 2402, 2685 Wheeling Steel Corp 2414, 3078 Woolworth (F. W.) Co 1906, 2414, 2954 West Penn Co 1749, 2014 White Eagle Oil & Refining Co-2160, 2829, 3202 Worcester Consol. Street By 2150. 2553 West Penn Power Co_1750, 2150, 2271, 2685, White (Howard) Lumber Co.(Raleigh, N.C.)1759 Worcester Electric Light Co 2150 3067, 3189 White Motor Securities Corp 3078 Worcester Gas Light Co 3067 West Penn Rys 1749 White Rock Mineral Springs Co 3081, 3327 Wright Aeronautical Corp 2282 West Philadelphia Passenger Ry 3067 Whitman (William) Co., Inc 2694 Wrigley (Wm.) Jr., Co., c-2026, 2160, 3202 West Virginia Coal & Coke Co 2826 Whitman Mills 2414 Wyandot Copper Co 2954 West Virginia Midland By 2398 Wickwire-Spencer Steel Co....1760, 1894, Wynne Claughton Office Bldg. (Atlanta, Westchester Street RR 1883, 2685 2282, 2694, 2954 Ga.) 3078 Western Electric Co 2694 Wilder Realty Corp 2025 Wyoming By 3184 Western Fruit Express Co 3202 Wildwood & 'Delaware Bay Short Line RR_ _2009 Western Maryland RR 2537 Willamette Iron & Steel Works 2829 ale & Towne Mfg., Co 1760 Western N. Y. & Pa. RR 3189 Whys-Overland Co_ _1760, 1875, 1906, 2160, Yates (P. B.) Machine Co 3081. 3327 Western Pacific RR 1745, 1879. 2398, 2808 2829, 2954 Yazoo & Mississippi Valley RR 1745, 2818 Western Pacific RR. Corp_1745, 1879, 2398, Wilson (William) [Memphis, Tenn.1 2699 Yellow Cab, Inc. (Newark, N. J.) 2694 2547. 2682, 3063 Wilson & Co., Inc__1737, 1760, 1906, 2025. Yellow Cab Mfg., Co 2282, 3078 Western Power Corp 2403, 2818 2414, 2562, 2954, 3202 Yellow Mfg. Acceptance Corp 3078 Western Public Service Co_ ___2552, 2685, 3189 Winchester Co 2829 Yonkers RR 3189 Western By. of Alabama 2266 Winchester Repeating Arms Co 3078 York Mfg. Co 2282 Western States Gas & Electric Co_ _ __2013. 3067 Whmipez Electric Co 2150 York, (Pa.) Rys 3317 Western States Oil & Land Co 3327 Winton Co 3202 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co 2026. 2160 Western Union Telegraph Co_ -1750. 1883, 2014 Wire Wheel Corp. of America 2282 York Street Bldgs.. Ltd 3327 Western United Corp 2271 Wisconsin Alabama Lumber Co 3327 Yukon Gold Co 3327

COMMERCIAL EPITOME, COTTON, BREADSTUFFS AND DRY GOODS Page. Page. Page. rgentine Cotton Yield Low 2577 Cottonseed Oil Production, Census Report on, Oils, Quotations Weekly for all Kinds of Oil. A.rjrentine Corn Exports to Be Smaller This 2705. 3334 See Commercial Epitome. Year 2177 Cotton (Baled) Wrappers, Standards Adopt- Argentine Grain Crops Smaller 2455 ed 2705 Weekly Market Report, with Cotton Report of Procter & Gamble ______3334 P1 Statistics of Production, &c. See Com- razil Cotton Acreage Decreased 2452 Cotton Spinning, Census Report on._2705. 3334 mercial Epitome. Breadstuffs Market-Elaborate Weekly Re- Pig Iron Production, Weekly Report. See view of the Flour and Grain Markets, with ry Goods Trade, Comprehensive Report Commercial Epitome. Price Records and Crop Movements_1783, D Each Week on the Conditions Prevail- Pork, Course of Market Each Week. See 1913, 2048, 2176, 2316, 2453, 2578, 2708, ing in this Trade_ _1785, 1916, 2051, 2178, Commercial Epitome. 2837. 2962, 3089, 3218, 3336 2318, 2456. 2581, 2708, 2839. 2965, 3092, Provisions Market. See Commercial Epitome. Bulgaria Grain Crop Forecasts 3220 3221. 3338 Prices of Different Kinds. See Com- ubber, Weekly Outline of Market, with anadian Wheat Stocks Small 2177 F=ial Epitome. R Prices, &c. See Commercial Epitome. C....creels. See Grain. Russian Crop Prospects for 1925 2580 Coal Prices-Market Conditions. See Cora- rain-Agricultural Dept.'s Report on •mercial Epitome. G Cereal Stocks 2455, 2580. 3091 teel, Weekly Report on Course and Condi- Coffee, Influences Bearing on the Market, Grain-Foreign Cereal Crop Prospects, Stion of Market, with Statistical Data of with Statistical Data Relating Thereto. 2050. 2579. 3091 Various Kinds. See Commercial Epitome. See Commercial Epitome. Grain Crop. Report of Agricultural Dept., Sugar, Course of Market Each Week, with Commercial Epitome. Weekly Review of Comment on - 2579 Crop Statistics and Other Data. See Com- the Commercial Markets and of General mercial Epitome. Trade_ _1776. 1907, 2041. 2169. 2309,2447, ides, Weekly Price Record with Outline Sugar, Weekly Report on Market Conditions 2571, 2700. 2830, 2955, 3082. 3212, 3329 H of Market Conditions. See Commercial and Prices. See Commercial Epitome. Copper. Weekly Report on Conditions and Epitome. Course of Prices. See Commercial Epitome. in. Weekly Report of Market and Prices. Cotton Consumed India, Cotton Crop Estimate 2452, 2705 and on Hand, U. S. Cen- India Wheat Crop Decreased 2455 T See Commercial Epitome. sus Bureau's Report 2577, 3217 Tobacco, Brief Outline of Conditions Each Cotton Iron, Course of Market and Prices each Week, Acreage of Brazil Decreased 2452 with Statistical Data. See Commercial Week. See Commercial Eiptome, Cotton Acreage Report of Texas Dept. of Epitome. Agriculture 2177 niversal Cotton Standards Agreement Cotton Crop Condition and Acreage-Agri- T ard, Range of Prices and Weekly Market U Signed by Liverpool 2705 cultural Dept.'s Report 2961 Report. See Commercial Epitome. Cotton Crop. Prospects of Foreign Coun- Lead, Weekly Record of Course of Market. eather Bulletin of Dept. of Agriculture, s tries 2961 See Commercial Epitome. VV 1784. 1914. 2050. 2177. 2317. 2455, _ Cotton Crop Report of Agricultural Dept., mew York Cotton Exchange Com- 2580, 2708. 2838,___2964, 3090. 3220, 3337 Comments on 2961. 3091 Picks Wheat and Rye Report, Winter. Comments Cotton-First Bale 14 3335 Received at Houston New York Cotton Exchange- on 1914 from Southern Texas 2961 Wheat and Rye, Winter, Agricultural Dept. Cotton, Weekly Richard T. Harriss Elected President 2961 Statistics by Cable and Tele- Election of New Officers Report on 1915 graph Covering the Cotton Movement in 2314 Wheat Stocks of Canada Small 2177 All Parts of the Suspends Trading on Receipt of Agricul- World, Receipts, Stocks, tural Dept. Report Wheat Crop of India Decreased 2455 Visible Supply. Overland Movement, Ship- 2961 Wool, Review of Market Each Week, with ping News, Crop North African Wheat Acreage Larger, com- and Weather Reports, paring with Last Year Record of Auction Sales in London and with a Review of Trading on the N. Y. Cot- 2455 Australia. See Commercial Epitome. ton Exchange and Records of Prices, &c., cean Freights, Course of, from Week to 1778. 1909, 2043, 2172. 2311. 2449, 2574, O Week, with Rates and Shipping Condi- inc, Weekly Report on Market Prices. Se• 2702, 2833. 2957, 3085, 3214, 3331 tions. See Commercial Eiptome. Z Commercial Epitome.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 120-PART 2.

STATE AND CITY DEPARTMENT-NEWS AND FINANCE. . GENERAL-(Concluded). BONDS-(C001 GENERAL. GENERAL-(Continued). Page. Page. Page. Page. Amityville. N. Y-- 2320 lberta-Saakatchewan (Provinces Legisialures-Convening-AetIvities Pennsylvania (State of)-(Concluded). A New Soldier Bonus Amendment Amsterdam, Ohio _2054 of)-Payments Made by Some -Adjournment-(Conduded). hid.. _1.117, 2183 Securities_ _ _ _2457 New York 1788, 2183, 2966,3093 and Two Other Amendments Anderson School City, Towns on Defaulted Andrews, No. Caro 1787 Argentina (State on-345,000,000 Ohio 3222, 3342 Providing for Bond Issues of $8,- 000,000 and $5,000,000 also Ann Arbor, Mich .2054, 2320 External Bonds Sold in U.S 2966 Oklalioma 1917 2843 -Tax Levy for Pennsylvania 1787, 2319 Passed 2319 Antonito, Colo Arkansas (State of) Apex, No. Caro ._1787, 2054 Improvements to Property Made Rhode Island 2319 U. S. Supreme Court Hands Down Decision in Frick Estate Case Apollo, Pa 2582, 3094 While Owned by the Federal Gov- Tennessee 2053 2713 U. S. Su- Utah 2183 Involving State Inheritance Tax Apopka, Fla ernment Disallowed by Aransas Pass, Tex 1787, 2320 preme Court 3222 Vermont 2054, 2713,.2841, 2967 Law 2967 Money from Sale of State High- Arapaho Sch. Dist., Okla 2184 West Virginia 1917 3094, 3343 -$50,000.- Lincoln Park, Mich.-City Charter way Bonds Can Be Expended to Arcadia, Fla elgium(Kingdom of) City. Kan_ _ _ _2184, 2957, 3094 000 External Loan Offered in Voted 1917 Rebuild or Improve Highways Arkansas B Than Included in State Arlington, Mass__2320, 2458, 2967, U.S3093 Other 3222, 3343 -State Legislature aNalne (State of).-LegIslature Ad- Highway System, Declares the Boston, Mass. Arlington, Wash 3094 Reduces Tax Rate 1917 journs 2053 State's Attorney-General 1787 Authority of the Port of New Armstrong Ind. Cons. S. D.. Iowa_ City's population 2181 Voters to Pass on Two Proposed Port 1917, 2184, 2458 Amendments to State Constitu- York-Port Authority Not Yet the Issuance of Aromas Sch. Dist., Calif 2713, 3094 flallfornia (State of)- tion 2840 Decided as to 2320. 2713 on- Bonds 2183 Ashe County, No. Caro N....State Inheritance Tax Law Held Massachusetts (State Asheville, No. Caro 2458, 2713 Valid by U. S. Supreme Court_ _2052 State Savings Banking Law Providence, R.I.-$3,000,000 Bridge Legis- Ash Grove, Mo 2184, 2458 Federal Judge 'Upholds Right of Amended 1917. 2713 Bond Issue Passed by State 3094 Sepa- to Permit Sav- lature 2054 Ashland, Ky Husband and Wife to File Senate Passes Bill Ashland, Neb 2583 rate Returns for Federal Income ings Banks to Investment in (See also remarks on page 2319 un- Island, State of.) Ashland, Ohio 2184, 2320 Tax Purposes on Income from Certain Railroad Equipment Se- der Rhode 2583, 2967 over Veto.. _ _2052 Ashland, Pa Community Property 2582 curities Governor's Ashland, Ore 3222 Legislature Adjourns 2582 Governor's Veto of Bill Sustained hode Island (State on-Legislature R Adjourns 2319 Ashley Bch. Dist., Pa 1787 Chicago, Ill.-Ordinance for City by House 2181 Ashland County, Ohio 3222 Traction Purchase Voted Down- Legislature Prorogued 2457 2054, 2320 Another for Municipal Operation List of Legal Investments for Sav- Qan Paulo. State of (United States of Ashtabula. Ohio Bonds Of- Ashtabula County, Ohio 3094 Also Defeated 1917 ings Banks 2181 Brazil)-$15.000,000 3222 Tax on Foreign Cor- fered in U. S 1787 Ash Valley Twp., Kan Chicago Lincoln Park District, B1.- State Excise Aspen, Colo 1917 36,000,000 Bonds Approved by porations Doing Inter-State Santa Fe (Province of), Argentina- Sinking Fund Bonds Sold in U. S_ _3343 Atchison, Kan_ __2184, 2583, 2843, 3094 State Legislature, Subject to Ref- Business Declared Invalid by 2320, 2458 2319 U. S. Supreme Court 2840 Schenectady, N. Y.-Commission Athens Twp., Ohlo_1918, 2184, erendum Atlanta, Ga.- -1918. 2054, 2713, Chicago Sanitary District, Si.- Michigan (State on- Manager Form of Government to Be Voted on 2183 2967, 3222, 3343 Proposed Increase in District's Legislature Adjourns 2840 Atlantic County, N. J 2320, 2583 Debt Limit to 5% Opposed by State's New Municipal Bond e o -!06e0g4sIttoure Attica, N.Y 1787, 2054 Chicago Bureau of Efficiency.. _2053 Law 3342 Tenrasssseese 3222 (State - Bill or$ ,00 Attleboro, Mass 1787, 2320, Measure to Increase District's Debt Minnesota on Aubbeenaubbee Sch. Twp., Ind_ _ _3222 Limit to 4% Approved by State Legislature Rejects Federal Child Term Notes 2053 ' Towns of West Hoboken and Union Auburn. N go 2843 Legislature 2319 Labor Amendment 2053 Auburn, N. Y 2320 Vetoed by Governor Small 2582 Additional $30,000,000 Rural Cred- Hill, N. 3.-Towns Merged as City 2967 Auburn, Wash_ -1787. 2054. 2320, 2583 New Bill Raising District's Debt it Bonds Authorized by Legisla- Union Va 1787 Objec- ture Auburn Sch. Dist., Limit to 4%. but Meeting 2053 Auburndale, Fla 2054, 2583 tions of Governor, Introduced Bill Authorizing Bond Issue Signed nlon City, N. J. See Towns of West Hoboken and Union Hill Augusta, Me 1788, 1918, 2843 and Passed by Legislature_2840,2966 by Governor 2181 U Augusta County, Va 3343 Signed by Governor Small 3343 Legislature Adjourns 2319 above. 2054 U. S. Supreme Court Mississippi (State on-State Income Upper Austria (Province of), Aus- Aurora. Neb District Asks Austell Sch. Dist., Ga 2583 for Rehearing in the Case Up- Tax Law Held Constitutional by tria-35,000,000 External Sinking Bonds Offered in U.8 3343 Austin County. Tex 2583 holding the Injunction Reducing State Supreme Court-Decision of Fund 2054, 2843 Sanitary Canal. _.2966 Lower Court Reversed 1786, 3093 Utah (State 00-State tax on Gaso- Avoca, Iowa Flow into the Avoca Sch. Dist., Pa 2458, 2683 Rehearing Denied 3(193 Montana (State of)- line Raised 1 cent a Gallon 2183 Colorado (State on- Friendly Suit against $3,750,000 abylon, N. Y 2583 Bonds of Joint Stock Land and Treasury Notes Proposed-In- ermont (State of)-State Savings Twice Amended. Bagotville. Qua 2974 Federal Land Banks Made Eligi- Junction Applied for 2183 V Bank Law 2320 Funds In Colorado_2319 State Oil Tax Law Upheld by U.S. 2054, 2713 Bailey County. Tex ble for Trust Baker, Ore 2184, 3222 Legislature Adjourns 2319 Supreme Court 2183 Mistake Made in Reporting Amend- ments to the Law in the Letter- Baker Co. S. D. No. 20. Ore_1918, 2713 Connecticut (State on- Municipal Bond Sales_ _1786. 2)79. Calif_ _2320, 2458 for Sav- 2457, ing of a Certain Paragraph Cor- Bakersfield Sch. Dist., List of Legal Investments 2710, 2960, 3339 Park Sch. Dist., Calif 3343 ings Banks 2841 rected 2967 Baldwin Law Relating to the Issu- Baltimore County, Md__2583, 2967, 3343 Legislature Adjourns 2966 Mebraska (State on- State 2583, 3094 Legislature Makes Addition to Law L1 Bill for Tax on Gasoline Signed by ance of Municipal Bonds Amend- Bandon, Ore 2841 Barber County. Kan 2184, 2458 Authorizing Investments by Governor 1786 ed 3343 Savings Banks 3093 Legislature Adjourns 1786 List of Railroad Securities Consid- Barberton, Ohio Legal Investments for State Bardwell Sch, Dist., Ky_1018, 2184, 2583 Cordoba (Province of), Argentina- New Hampshire (State of)-Ruling on ered ..27l3, 3222 in U.S 2712 State Income Tax Law Requested _1786 and Savings Banks 3342 Barnwell County. So. Caro- External Loan Sold Mich 2184, 2583 (Republic of)-1924 Popula- New Jersey (State of)-Average Tax Versailles Village School District, Barry County, Cuba Barry Sch. Dist., Ill 3094 tion 2912 Rate of State for 1925 2713 Ohio-State Attorney-General Asks for Reversal in School Bond Case- Barstow Sch. 131st., Calif 2583 New York City- 2184 ast Gadsden, Ala.-To Vote on Pension Bill Cutting the Minimum Finding May Affect Similar Bond Barton County, Kan Re- Issues 2841 Bartow,Fla 2713, 3094 E Consolidation with Gadsden_ -2181 Ages for City Employees to 2184 Ind.--City Proposes to tire by Five Years Passed by Batavia, Ohio Elkhart, Buy Sch. Dist. No. 2, N. B_ _ _ _3352 Local Water Company 2712 Municipal Assembly 1917 ashington (State on-Legality of Bathurst Signed by Mayor Hylan 2457 W $4,000,000 State Capitol Build- Baton Rouge. La 1788 Consoli- Bill to In- ing Bond Issue Upheld by State Itattleboro. No, Caro 3223 Vairfield, N. J.-Votes for Governor Smith Vetoes 2843 with Haddon Heights_ _ _2181 crease Teachers' Salaries, also Supreme Court 2319 Bay City, Mich 2713, dation dation County, Tex 2713, 3223 Florida (State on-Legislature Con- 17 Others. See under New Westmoreland County, Pa.-Bond Baylor York on Call 3222 Bayou Chien Rd. Dist. No. 1, La. _ -3343 venes-Rejects Child Labor (State 2183 2458, 3094 Amendment 2319 Removal of Murray Hulbert as West Virginia (State 00-Senate Re- BeallsvIlle Sch. Dist., Pa President of Board of Aldermen jects Child Labor Plan 1917 Bear Grass Sch. Dist., No. Caro--1788 Foreign Matters- 2054. 2583, 3343 Argentina (State of)-345,000,000 Upheld by Appellate Division of Beatrice, Neb onkers,N.Y. -City Manager Plan Beaufort County Drain. Dist. No. External Bonds Sold in U.8_ _ _ _2966 State Supreme Court 2319 2184 Belgium (Kingdom of)-350,11160,- New York (State of)- Y Rejected 2967 14, No. Caro -Bill for Tax Beaumont, Tex 1918, 2320 000 External Loan Offered in Legislature Adjourns 3344 3093 Reduction Signed by Governor Beaver County, Pa 2967. U. S Beaver County, Utah 2320 Cordoba (Province of), Argentina- Smith 1786 BONDS. 5 Bond Issue for Grade Beaver Pond S-11. Dist. AV. Va. _. _3223 External Loan Sold In U. 2712 3300.000.000 Miss 3094 (Kingdom on-330,000,- Crossing Elimination and 3100,- bbeville Co.. So. .. aro 1787, 2054 Beck Cons. Sch. DM., Norway 3222 N. V 2713 000 External Loan Floated in 000.000 Bond Issue for Permanent Aberdeen, Miss Bedford, Aberdeen, Wash 2320, 2582, 3094 Bedford, Va------320, 2713 U. S 2967 Improvements Passed During 3094 Christiania) Session 1786 Abilene, Kan 2054, 2320, 3222 Bedford Viii Sch. Dist., Ohio Oslo, City of (formerly 3094 Bee Hive Il.tral .1-h. Dist., Ohio_ .. _2713 Norway-38.000,000 Bonds List of Legal Investments for Say- Abington Twp, S. D., Pa Banks Adairsville, Ga 3222 Beincombe Co. Bch, Dist., No.Caro.1788 Floated In U.S 1917 ings 2052 2054 of), Argentina- Governor Signs Bill Limiting the Adams, Mass 2320, 2582 Belington , W. Va Santa Fe (Province 2843 3223 Sinking Fund Bonds Sold in U.8.3343 Staten Island-Brooklyn Tunnel Adams Co. S. D. No. 1, Colo_2054, Bellaire, Mich Brazil- Passengers 2183 Adams County, Ohio 2843, 3094 Bellaire, Ohlo__2320, 2458, 3094, 3344 San Paulo (State of). U.S. of to 2054, 2967,3344 Bonds Offered in Vetoes Bill to Increase Teachers' Adams Twp. Rural S. D., Ohio--.3094 Bellevue, Ohio 315,000.000 Bellingham, Wash 2184, 2583 U. 9 1787 Salaries in N. Y. City, also 17 Admire, Han for Increases in City's Adrian, Mich 2320. 2967, 3222 Bell Twp., Pa 3223 Upper Austria (Province of), Aus- Others 2184, 2583 External Sink- Payroll 2183 Agawam, Mass 2967, 3343 Beitrami County, Minn tria-35.000,000 Tex 2183 Benavides Ind, Bob. Dist., Tex.2054,2713 ing Fund Bonds Offered in U.13.3343 Laws with Regard to Investments Agua Dulce Ind, S. D., by Trust Funds Amended 2966 Ahoskie, No. Caro 2582 Bend, Ore 1788, 2458 against the Legislature Called into Extra Ses- Akron, Colo 2713 Benkeiman, Neb 3223 polls, Ohio-Suit 2967 Neb 1788 Gamissuance of 375,000 Municipal sion to Consider Measure to 2713, Bennington, 2181 Make Available $6,000.000 of Alabama (State) 1787, 2458, 2967 Bennington, VI 3344 Electric Light Plant Bonds 2583 County, Ark.-Bond Suit Vir- the Bond Issue Voted for State Alamance County, No. Caro_2183, 2320 Benson, Minn Greene Calif 2054, 2320 Benson, No,Caro 1788 tually Settled 2181 Parks 3093 Alameda County, Norway (Kingdom of)-$30.000,000 Alamosa Co. S. D. No. 3, Colo 2582 Benton Co., Ind 2054, 2184 External Loan Floated in U. S _ _ _2967 Alamosa Co. S. D. No. 5. Colo 1917 Denton Harbor, Mich 2054 agerstown, Md.-Injunction 2967 Sch. Dist., So, flak. H against Proposed Municipal Albany, Ala 2713, Beresford Ind. 2582 hio (State of)-New Gasoline Tax Albany, N. Y 2843, 3094 2054, 2843 Liett Plant Dissolved 3094 Berks County, Pa 2054, 2458 Henderson County, Tenn.-Suit O Law Held Valid by State Su- Albany Co. S. D. No. 1, Wyo Court 2840 Alberta (Province of)_ _1796, 2064, Berlin, N. H 2054,2184 Brought to Collect Interest Alleged preme Max $350,000 Road Bond Savings Bank Law Amended with 2329, 2974 Bernaillio County, N. 1918 to Be Due on 2582, 2713 Bernalillo Co. Sch, Dist. No. 22, Issue Sold in 1920 2181 Regard to Foreign Government Albion, Mich 2054, 2320, Name of Bonds 3222 Alden, Pa N. Mex 2184, 2967 Mistake Made in Reporting 2320 Bernley Ind.Sch. DLst. No. 1, Plaintiff-Corrected 2457 Voters to Pass on Two Proposed Alhambra. Calif 1917, Idaho_1918 Constitutional Amendments with Allegany County, N. Y 3222 Berrien Co., Mich.2054, 2320, 2583, 2713 .-LegLsiature Ad- Regard to Taxation and Munici- Allegan Co., Mich 2054 Bente Co., No, Caro 2583, 2968 Tndlana (State of) 2713 Bertram Ind. Sch. Dist., journs 1786 pal Indebtedness 3342 Allegheny County. Pa 2320, Tex_2184, 2458 -Legislature Ad- Oklahoma (State on-Legislature Allegheny S. D., Va 1787 Bessemer, Ala 1918, 2055 Iowa (State on 3343 Bessemer City, No. Caro 1788 journs 2181 Adjourns 1917 Allen County, El Omaha, Neb.-River Drive Bond Allen County, Ind 2320. 3094 Beverly Mass.-.1788, 2320, 2583, egislatures--Convening-Activities Issue Held Valid by State Supreme Allen Co., Ohio-2054, 2320, 2582, 3094, 3223 L -Adjournment- Court 2582 2713, 3094 Beverly Hills Sch, Dist., Calif-2458, 2583 2582 Osceola and Little River Impt. Allen Co. B. D. No. 47, Kan_ _2054, 3222 Bexley, Ohlo_1788,2055, 2320, 2583,2713 California Biddeford, Me 1918 Colorado 2319 No. 1 (Mississippi County), Ark. Allen Bch. Twp., Ind 3343 1788, 2966, 3093 See Arkansas (State of). Allenfarm Bch. Dist., Tex 2582 Big Creek Sch. Dist., W. Va_1918, Connecticut 2582 2055, 2184,2968 Florida 2319 Oslo. City of (formerly Christiania). Alpha, N. J 1786 Norway-38,000,000 Bonds Float- Alatead, N.H 3094, 3343 Big Sandy Ind. Bch. Dist., Tex___2583 Indiana 2054, 2183 Big Spring, Tex 2184, 2843 Iowa 2181 ed in United States 1917 Altamont, N. Y 2053, 2840 Alton Park Tenn 2458, 3222, 3343 Billings, Okla 2583 Maine 3094 Biltmore, No. Caro 3223 Massachusetts-1917. 2052, 2181, ennzylvanla (State of)- Alvard Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 2457, 2713 P Constitutional Amendment for Amarillo, Tex 3094 Bingham Co.I. B. D. No.28, Idaho_1788 Bond Issue for For- Ambridge, Pa 3222 Binghamton, N.Y 3094, 3344 Michigan 2840, 3342 $25,000,000 2053, 2181,2319 estry Purposes Passed by Legis- Amherst, N.S 3101 Bird Island, Minn 2843 Minnesota 2582 Birmingham, Ala 2843, 3223, 3344 Nebraaka 1788 lature 1787, 2319 Amherst Ind. Sch. Dist.. Tex_2183,


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX XEC

BONDS-(Continuesil. BONDS-(Conlinued). BONDS-(Continued). BONDS-(Continued). Page. Page. Page. Page. Birmingham, Mich....1788, 2458, 2968 Cass County, Ind 1788 Concord Twp. S. D., Ind 3095 Dormont Sch.Dist., Pa 2715 Birmingham Sch. Din., M1ch_2713, 3223 Cass County, Neb 2844, 3344 Condon, Ore 2185, 2584, 2844,3224 Dotham, Ala 2715, 2968 Blackford County, Ind 2843, 3223 Cassandra School District, Pa 1788 Conejos Co.S. D.No. 22, Colo 3224 Douglas County. Kan 2968, 3096 Black River, N. Y 2458, 2843 Castlerock, Wash 2184,2584 Conway County, Ark 2056 Douglas County, Neb_2322, 2460, 3096 Blacksburg, Va 2843 Cattaraugus, N. Y 3344 Conway Co.S. D. No.32, Ark 2321 Douglas Co. Corn. Cons. S. D. No. Blacksburg Sch. Dist., Va 1788 Cavour, So. Dak 1788 Conway Sch. Dist., Ark 2056 158, Ill 1789 Blaine Co. Sch. Dist. No. 10, Mont. Cayuga, Ont 2724, 2974 Cook Co. Forest Preserve Dist., Ill., Douglas Co.S. D. No.4, Co10_1789, 2584 2320, 2583 Cecil County, Md 3095, 3344 2321, 2459 DouglaaCo.S.D.No.38,C0l0._1789, 2584 Blair, Okla 2184 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 2584, 3223 Coopervllle Sch. Dist. No.4, Mich_ _2056 Dover, N.J 2056 Blairsville Sch. Dist., Pa__ _.2458, Centerville Be/2. Dist., Ga 3223 Coos County, Ore 1919 Dover, Ohio 1789, 1919,3345 2714, 3094 Centerville School District, Mich-2055 Coos Co. S. D. No.9, Ore_ _ __2321, 2715 Dowagiae S. D., Mich-2056, 24.60,2715 Bloomfield, Troy, Royal Oak and • Cenrral City, Ky 2844, 3344 Coos Co. S. D. No. 77, Ore_ _ _2459, 2844 Dreher Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa 3224 Southfield Twps. Sch. Dist. No. 1, Central City S. D., Neb 2584, 3095 Corapolis Sch. Dist., Pa 2459, 2844 Dresden, N. Y 3345 Mich 2843, 3223 Chaffee Sch. Dist. No.5, Mo 2055, 2714 Cordova, Alaska 2321 Drummondville, Que 2852, 3234 Bloomingdale, N. Y 2458, 2714 Chambers Co., Texas 1788 Corning, N.Y 1789 Duarte School Dist., Call1 3345 Blooming Grove, N. Y 2843, 3344 Chambers Co. Rd. Dist. No. 1, Corning Ind. S.D., Iowa.2185, 2844, 2968 Dudley School Township, Ind 2715 Bloomington, Tex 3094 Texas 1788, 2184 Coronado High S. D., Calif. 3095, 3345 Duluth, Minn 1789 Blount County, Tenn 2458, 2843 Champaign County, Ill 2321 Coronado Sch. Dist., Calif. .3095, 3345 Dunbar,Neb 2056 Bloomsburg Sch. DLit., Pa 3344 Champaign Co., Ohlo-1788, 1918, 2055 Corry,Pa 1919 Duncan Valley S. D., Ariz 3345 Blowing Rock Twp., No. Caro 1918 Champlain, N.Y 1788, 2055 Cortland, N.Y 2459, 2715 Dundee, Fla 3096 Blue Ash Sch. Dist., Ohio 1918 Chandler, Aria 2584, 3223 Cortlandt Lin. Free S.D. No.6, N.Y.2459 Dundy Co. S. D. No.27. Neb 3096 Boise, Ida 1918. 2184 Charleroi, Pa 3223. 3344 Corunna, Mich 3345 Dunkirk. N.Y 1919, 2056 Bolivar, Ohio 2458, 2968 Charleston, Bo. Caro 1789 Costilla Co. Sch. Dist., Colo 2715 Du Page County, Ill 2715 Bonner County, Idaho 2583 Charleston Sch. Dist., Mo. _2055, 2968 Cottage Grove, Ore 2844. 2968. 3345 Du Page Co. Corn. H. S. D. No. 49, Boone Sch. Dist., Mo 2321, 3094 Charleston Ind. B. D., W. Va_3223, 3344 Cottle County, Tex 2844, 3095, 3224 Ill 3224 Boone Co. Sch. Dist., Neb 2583 Charloston Twp.S. D.,Pa 2321 Cottle Co. Cora. S. D.No. 5, Tex_ _3345 Duquesne, Pa 1919, 2185, 2715 Boonville, N. Y 3223 Charlotte School Dist., Mich 2459 Cottonwood Co., Minn 2715, 3095 Durango, Colo 3345 Boston, Mass____1788, 2184, 2321, Charlton County, Ga 3095 Coulee Maton Drain. Dist., La.2185, 2844 Durango Paving Dist. No. 2, Colo. 2458, 2583, 2714, 3223, 3344 Chase Co.S. D. No. 31, Neb 3223 Courthouse & Shiloh Twp., No. Car-1919 2715, 3096 Boston Heights, Ohio 2321 Chatham,Ont 2852 Covington, Ga 2584 Durham County, No. Caro-..2584. 2845 Boston Cons. Sch. Dist., Ky 1788 Chatham County, No. Caro 3095 Cowley Co. S. D., Kan 2459 Dutchess County, N. Y 2715, 2845 Boulder, Mont 2184 Chattanooga, Tenn 1918, 2184 Cowlitz Co. 13. D. No. 110, Wash-2185 Duval County Special Tax Sch. Dist. Bourbon County, Kan 2184 Chateauguay. Que 2064 Cowlitz Co. Cons Diking Impt. No. 1, Fla 2322, 2968 Bovill Sch. Dist., Idaho 2583, 3223 Chehalis, Wash 2584 Dist. No. 1, Wash_ -2321. 2459, 2715 Dyer County, Tenn 1919 Bowen Drain. Dist., Colo 2968 Chelan Co. S. D. No.46, Wash 3223 Cozad, Neb 2459, 2715 Bowie County Rd. Dbl. No. 2, Tex_1788 Chelan Co. S. D.No. 108, Wash....2056 Craighead County, Ark 2322 arlimart School District, Calif- _2969 Box Elder County, Utah 2714 Chelsea, Mass 3344 Cranston, R.I 2715, 2844, 3224 Esat Baton Rouge Par.S. D.No. 1, Boyd County, Neb 2583 Cherokee, Kan 25E4 Craven County, No. Caro- -2056, 2584 La 2460, 2845,2968 Boyd Co. Sch. Dist. No. 17, Neb. 2184 Cherokee, Okla 2584, 3224 Crawford, Kan 2185 East Baton Rouge Par. Road District Boyd Sch. Dist, Tex 1788 Cherokee County, No.Caro_ _ _1789, 1918 Crawford County,Ind 1919 No. 14, La 2845, 3224 Boyne City Pub. Sch. Dist, Mich.1788,20 Cherry Co. S. D. No. 70. Neb 3344 Crawford County, Kan 1789. 2185 East Chicago, Ind 3096, 3224 Boyne City, Mich 2055 Chesapeake Sch. Dist., Ohio_ _2844, 3344 Crawford County. Ohio 2715 East Cleveland. Ohio_ _ _1789, 2322, Bradentown, Fla 2714, 3094 Chester, So. Caro 3344 Crawford County, Pa 3095, 3345 2460, 2969 Bradford, Ohio 2184 Chester Township, N. J 3224 Crescents Sch. Dist., Calif- -1919. 2322 East Deer Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa 1919 Brainerd, Minn 2321, 2458 Chestnut Hill Sch. 3224 Crestllne, 2459, 2715. 3095 East Town, 1919 Braintree, Twp., Pa Ohio Gary School Ind Mass 3095 Cheyenne, Wyo 2055 Crivitz High Sell. Dist., Wis 2584 East Greenwich Twp. S. D., N. .1. Bremen, Ohio_ _1788, 2055, 2458, 3344 Cheyenne Co.S. D.No. 138, Neb 2584 Crookston Bell. Dist.. Minn 2459 2322, 2460 Brentwood Sch. Dist., Pa--2055, 2458 Cheyenne Co.S. D. No. Neb .2844 New Sch. Dist. No. 4, Easthampton, 2969 Brevard, 160, Cross Mills Mass No. Caro 1918, 3223 Chicago Sanitary District, Ill 3344 No. Caro 2584 East Hartford Fire District, Conn__ _2585 Brevard Co. Spl. Tax. S. D. No. 4, Chicago South Park Dist., 111..1789, 1918 Crowell, 1919 1790, 2185 Fla. Tex East Liverpool,Ohio 2184, 2458 Chicopee, Mass 2312, 2459, 3224 Crystal Beach, Ont 2724, 2852,3101 East Moline, Ill 1790 Brevard Co. Spl. Rd.& Br. Dist. No. Childress, 2321, 2844, 2968 1789, 1919,2056, 5, Tex Cuba, Kan 2584 East Palestine, Ohio 3096.3226 Fla 2714, 3344 Childress Dist., Tex_2321, 2714 Culberson County, Tex 2715 Dist., Ohlo...2715 Brevard Ind. Sch. East Palestine School Co. SDI. Rd. & Br. Dist. Chillicothe, Ohio 1789 Cumberland, Md 2459, 3345 East Providence, R.I 2585. 2715 . 55, a 2714 Chllilwack, 3101 Cumberland Co., No. Caro-2322, Sch. Dist., Pa_..3096 _ _3096 Briarcliff B.C East Stroudsburg Manor, N. Y 2184, 2458 Chisholm, Minn 2321, 3095 2459. 2844 East Union Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa--2715 Bridgeport, W. Vs 3344 Chittenden, VI 1789, 2055 Cumberland Twp., Ont..2724,2582, 3101 Eastwood, 2715. 3096 Bridgeport, N.Y Conn 2321, 2458,3344 Choctaw County, Mies 3224 Coming Co. Bell. Dist., Neb 2584 East York Twp., Oat..2466, 2724, 2974 Bridgeton, N. J 2458 Chowan County, No. Caro 2185 Curry Co. S. D.No. 1, N. Mex 2844 2585 Bridgewater, East Youngstown, Ohio Pa 1918 Christlansburg Sch. Dist., Va 1789 Curry Co. S. D. No. 1, Ore 2844 Ebarb Sch. Dist. No. 17, La 3395 Bridgeton, No. Caro 3095 ChM iloval, Tex 3224 Custer County, Mont 2322 11, Mich.23:2 Bridgewater, Ecorse Twp.Sch. Dist. No. Mass 2458, 2583 Churchill County, Nev 2844 Custer Co. S. D. No. 15, Neb.2584, 3096 Edenton, No, Caro 2716, 3006 Briggs Sch. oats Dist., Calif song Church Point,La 1918, 2459 Cutler Public Utility Dist., Calif., Edgeeombe County, No.Caro_3225, 3395 Brigham Co. S. D. No. 27, Idaho._ .2321 Cisco 2055 2584, 2968 Bristol, Ind. Bell. Dist., Tex Edgewater S. D., N.J_ .3096,3225, 3345 Conn 1788, 1918 Clackamas county, Ore 2714, 2988 Cuyahoga Co., Ohlo_1919, 2056, Edinburg Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 1919 Bristol Co., Mass 2459 Clackamas No. 4, 2185, 2459,2584, 2844, 3224 Bristol, Co. Un. H. S. D. Edmonton, Alta 2852 Tenn 2583, 2844, 3095 Oro 2185, 2459 Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 2322,2715 2845. 3345 Broadwater, Neb El Centro, Calif 3344 Clackamas Co. S. D. No. 5, Ore__ -_3095 El Dorado Sewer Dist. No. 4, Ark_ _2056 Brockton, Mass_ _2055, 2321, 2583, 3344 Clarendon& Orangeburg Bridge Dist. ade County, Fla 1789 Elgin. Ore 2969 Bromley Twp., Ont 2191 Bo. 2321, 2968 Dado Co.Spec. Tax S. D. Nos. 2.3, 0 Bronxville, Caro Elgin, Kan 585 N. Y 2459, 2714 Clarion County, Pa 2968 4, 5 and 9, Fla 2584, 2844,2968 2845, 2069 Brook Haven, N. Elizabeth. N. J Y 2583 Clarkston, Wash 3224 Dade Twp. Sch. Dist., Iowa-2844, 2968 Elkhart, Ind 3096, 3225 Brookline, Mass-1788, 2321, 3095, 3223 Clarkton, No. 3345 Dadevllle, Ala 2715 Brook Park, Caro Elkhart County, Ind_ _ _ _1919, 2185, Ohio 2321 Clatsop County S. D. No. 1, Ore..-1789 Dallas, Tex 1919, 2844 3096, 3225, 3345 Brookville, Kan 2321 Clay School Township, Ind 33.45 Dallas Co. Sewer Impt. Dist. No.8, 2583.2846 Brothers Valley Elkhart Sch. TWO.,Ind_2460, Twp., Pa. .3095, 3344 Claysville School Dist., Pa_. _ _2844. 3345 Tex 3096 Elizabethtown, No. Caro 3345 Broward County, Fla 2055, 2583 Clear Colo. Dana School Town, Ind 3096 Brown Creek Co. S. D. No, 11, El Jardin Ind. S. D..Tex 2056, County, Kan__ _1788, 2583, 3223 2714, 2321 Dane Co. Mine Springs Drain. Dist., 2322, 2716, 2845 Brown Co. 13. D. No. 3,- Colo 1788 Clear Creek School Twp., Ind..2321, 2714 Wis 2715 Elk City, Okla 3345 Brown Co. S. D. No. 4, Neb 2321 Clearwater, 1789 Danbury, Conn 3345 Brownfield Fla Elkhorn Valley Drain. Dist., Neb_ _ _3345 Ind. S. D., Tex...2055. 3095 Claurwater Highway Dist.,Ida.2459. 2844 Dania, Fla 2584, 2968 2845. 2969 Brownfield, Elk Point,So.Dak..1790, 2322, Texas 2583 Clearwater School District, Calif__ _3224 Dania Spec. Tax S. D. No. 4, Fla--3345 No. Caro 1790, 2056 Brownsville Ind. Elkin, Sch. Dist., Texas, Clementon. Pa 3224 Danvers, Minn 1919, 2185 Elkton, So. Dak 3225 1918. 2583, 2844, 3095, 3344 Clermont, Fla_ _ _2459, 2714, 2844, 3095 Danville, Va 2480, 3096, 3224,3345 Ellensburg Sch. Dist., Wash_ _1790, 2322 Brownsville, Ore 2184 Clermont Ohio_1918, 2055, 3345 Darlington S. D. No. 2, So. Caro-1789 Brunswick. County, Ellenton, Fla 2716 Me 2583, 3095 Cleveland, Ohlo_2321, 2459, 2584, Davenport, Calif 1919 3346 Buchanan County, Ellenton, Gs Va 2055 2715. 3095 Davenport, Okla 3345 Ellis, Kan 2058 Buchanan S. D. No. 16, No. Dak__ _3223 Cleveland Heights, Ohio 3345 Davit County, lad.._1789, 2185, 2322 1790,2057 Buck Creek Sch. Ellis S. D. No. 2. Kan Twp., Ind_2714, 3095 Cleveland Heights City S. D., Ohio Dawes Co. S. D. No. 39, Neb 2584 Ellis County S. D.No. 49, Kan 2585 Buckeye Water & Cons. Dist., Ariz_2055 1789, 2058, 2459, 2584. 2715 Dawson County, Neb 2968 Buffalo, N. Ellis County, Tex 2057 Y._1783, 1918. 2055, Clifton Forge, Va 2185, 2715 Dawson Cons. Sch. Dist. No. 15, Ellis County S. D. No. 2, Kan 3225 2714. 2968 Clint Cons. S. D., Tex-2056, 2459, 2715 Neb 1789, 1919 Buhl, Minn Ellis County S. D. No. 34, Kan_ _ _3225 1788, 2184 Clinton, Iowa 2056 Dawson Co.S.D. No. 1, Mont_2322, Ellis County Road Dist. No 1. Tex. Buncombe County, No. Caro_ _1788, Clinton Co.S. D. No.32, 111_1918, 3095 2968, 3096 2057, 2716 2321, 2459, 2714 Clinton So. Caro 3345 Dawson County,Tex 2845 Ellsworth. Kan 2185 Burbank School Districts, Calif ___3223 Clinton 3345 Dayton, -1919, 2056, 2460. Burke County, Mich Ohio Elm Creek, Man 2724 Co., No. Caro Clover, So. Caro 2459, 2344, 3095 3096, 3345 Burlingame, Kan Elmo, Mo 2322, 3.096 2583, 3223 Clovis, N. Mex 2321 Dayton, Ohio 2845 Elmwood Place Th. B. D.,0._1790, 2322 Burlington, Kan 2584 Coal Grove, Ohio 2968 Dayton City Sch. Dist., Ohlo_2322, 2584 Burlington, Vt El Paso County, Texas 2845, 3096 .1788 Coastal Highway Dist., Ga._ _ _1918, Daytona Beach,Fht 3224 El Paso Co. Cora. Sch. Dist. No. Burnsville, No. Caro 2459 2321, 2715 2185 Burnt Creek Deaver, Wyo 10, Texas 1919 S. D. No. 24, N. D..2584 Cochran County, Tex 1789 Decatur, Ala 2715.2988 Bushnell, So. Dak El Reno, Okla 3346 1788 Cocoa, Fla 2459, 2715 Decatur County, Ind 2322, 2584 El Reno Sch. Dial., Okla 3346 Butler Pa 2321, 2459, 2714 Coconino No. 2322 Butler, CO. S. D. 2, Ariz. Decoto Sch. Dist., Calif 2056, Elsie Sch. Dist. No. 8, Neb 3225 Tenn 2184 1919, 2584, 2968 Dee 2845 Butte, Neb Bch. Dist., Ore Elsinore Un. Or. Sch. Dist., Calif._1919 3223 Coconut Grove, Fla 2715, 2844 Deep Creek S. D., Calif 2056, 2460 Emmet, Idaho 2585, 3096 Coeur D'Alene Ind. S. D., Idaho...2584 Defiance, Ohio 3345 District, Kan 2185 Caddo,z Texas 3223 Emporia School Coffeyville, 1Can 1919,2584 De Funiak Springs, Fla 3345 Epsom School District, No. Caro-3346 2584, 2968 Cohoos, N.Y Ind_1789, Csldweil,Idaho 2321. 2584 De Kalb County. 2056. Erath Co. Rd.D. No. 5, Tex_2322. 3096 2844, 3344 Coltsville Twp. Rural S. D., Ohio 2322, 2845, 3098 2585, 2716 Calhoun County, Fla 2055 Erie, Pa_ _1790, 2057, 2322, 1789, 2058 3224. 3345 Erie School District, Pa 1790 Calhoun Co., Mich._. _2321, 2584. 2714 Coldwater, Kan California (State 2844 Delaware, Ohio Erin & Lake Twps. Fract. S. D. of) 2055, 2459 Coleman, Tex 2185 Delaware County, Ohio 2056 Cambria County, Pa--.2321, 2844, No. 5, Mich 3225 3344 Colfax S. D. No,3, Wis 1789, 2321 Delaware County,Ind 3345 Pa_ ..3225 Cambridge, Mass 1788, 2584, 3344 Ervinton Magisterial District, Colleton County, So. Caro_ _2321, 2584 Delisle Twp., Que 2191 Erie County, Pa 1790 Cambridge City Sch. Dist., Ohio...2459 Collingswood, N.J Camden, 1919 Delray, Fla 2584, 2845 Ervin Magisterial District, Va 3098 Me 3095, 3223 Colorado (State) 3224 Camden County, No. Delta, Colo 2056 Erwin Twp., Mich 2322, 2716 Caro.-- -2184, Colorado, Tex 3095 Deming, N. 1789. 1919 2459, 2584, Mex Eskridge, Kan 2185, 2460 3095 Colorado Springs, Colo_ _1919, 2459, Denver (City & County), Colo.1789. .1925 Camden County, N. J 2714, 3095 Essex Border Utilities Comm., Ont. Cameron, 2715, 2968, 3095 2056, 2715 Essex County, Mass.._.2057, 2185, Texas 1788, 2714 Columbia, Pa 3224 Cameron S. D., No. Denver (City & County)S. D. No. 1, 2322, 2969, 3348 Caro 1788 Columbia County, N. Y 1919 Colo Cameron Co. Dr. D. No. 2056 Essex County, Ont 2329, 2593. 2724 4, Texas_ _2055 Columbia County, Ohio 3095 Deposit. N.Y 3345 Campbell County, Ky 2184, 2714 Estero School District, Fla 2585 Columbia City, Ind 3224 Derma High Sch. Dist., Miss 2845 Estes Park, Colo 2057 Campbellton, N. B 3231 Columbia County, Pa Canandaigua, N. Y 3345 Des Moines,Iowa 1789 Eufaula, Ala 1919 2321 Columbia Co. Sch. Dist. No. 2, Ore., De Soto Co. D. No. Canadian, Texas_1788, 1918, 2321, 2459 Spec. Tax S. 1, Eugene, Ore 1790, 2185, 2969, 3096 2968, 3224 Fla 2460 Canton, No. Caro 1788, 1918. 2055 Evanston Sch. Dist. No. 76, Ill 2585 Columbia Co. Un. High S. D. No. 3. De Soto Co. Spec. Tax S. D. No. 13, 2845, 3096 Canton, Ohio__ _1918, 2184, 2714, Ore Evansville, Wyo-1919, 2585, 1789, 2185 Fla 2460, 3096 Evansville School City, Ind 3225 2844, 3095, 3223 Columbia Drain Dist. No. Cap de Is 1, Ore., De Soto Sch. Dist., Mo 3224 Everett, Mass--1790, 2716, 2969, Madeleine, Que...._1925, 2593 2185, Carbon Co. SC/2. 3095 Diamond Sch. Dist., Calif._ ..i789, 2185 3096, 3225 Dist., Utah-1788, 2459 Columbiana, Ohio 2844 County,Tex Caribou County, Idaho Dickens 2056 Excelsior "Twp. Con. S. D., Iowa__ -2716 2055, 2584 Columbiana County, Ohio 3224 Digby, N. El 2974 Carlton, N. Y 2844, 3095 Columbus, Miss 2584 Dilley, Tel 2185, 2584 alrbury, Neb 2057 Carlyle S. D. No. 32, Ill 2584 Columbus Sch. Dist., Ohio_ _2844, 3224 Caro, Mich Dobbs Ferry, N. Y 3096, 3224 Fairchance, Pa 3346 3223 Colusa Co. Red. Dist, No. 108, Calif.2185 Dodge City, Kan 3224 Caroga, N. Y 1918, 2321 Fairfield, Ohio 3346 Colville, Wash 2968 Doige City S. D. No. 1, Kan_ _2185, 2585, 3096 Caroline Co., Md 2459, 2714 Comanche, Texas Fairfield Twp., Pa 1919, 2056, 2844 2460, 2968 Fairmont, No. Caro 1919 Carroll, Neb 2584 Comstock & Charleston Twps. Frac- Dona Carroll County. Ind_ Ana Co.S. D. No.17. N. Mex_2968 Fairview Water Dist. of the Town of _ _2184, 2714, 28,4 tional Sch. Dist. No. 3. Mich 2056 Donaldsonville, Carroll County, Md La 2584, 3224 Greenburgh, N. Y__ _ _1790, 2057, 2322 3095, 3314 Concord, Mass 2844, 3095,3224 Donley Co. Drain. Dist. No. Carrollton Sch. Twp., Ind_ _ 1, Tex_1789 Fallowfleld Twp. Sell. Dist., Pa__ _3225 2321, 2714 Concord, N. H 3095, 3224 Donna Tex 1789 Carrollton ltoro Sch. Dist., Pa 3223 Fall River, Mass 2057, 2322 Concord, N. Y 3095, 3224 Dorubconns. Quo 2191 Falls 2057 Cascade Locks. Ore 2584 Concordia City, Neb Parish, La 2459 Dorchester County, Md 2322 Falls City Sch. Dist.. Neb.-. _2460. 2969

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XX INDEX [VoL. 120--PART 2.

BONDS-(Connnued). BONDS-(Conlinued). BONDS-(Continued). BONDS-(Constnued). Fags Page. Page. Page. Falls Church S. D., Va 1919, 2460 Gloucester County, N.J.2846, 3225. 3346 Hayesville Twp., No. Caro____2461,3097 Jamestown Ind. S. D., No. Dak_ _ ..2587 Fargo, No. Dak 3346 Gloversville, N. Y 1920 Hays, Kan 1920, 2186, 3347 Jamestown, N.Y 2717, 2970 Farmington Comm. High School Golden Valley S.D. No. 85. No.Dak_25/IF Hayward, Calif 2461 Jamestown, 01210 2058 District No.301, Ill 1790 Golden Valley Co., No. Dak 2585 Hayward Sch. Dist., Calif_ _2970, 3226 Jasper County, Iowa 2461 Fauquler County, Va 2057. 2185 Goldsboro, No. Caro 1920 Hayward, Minn 2586, 2846 Jay County, 2nd..2323, 2587, 2717. Fayette County. Pa 2716, 3225 Goldsboro Graded S. D., No. Caro., Hazard, Ky 2846 3097. 3227 Fayette County, Tenn 2585, 3346 2716, 2969 Hazeiton, Pa 1791, 1920 Jayton, Texas 2461 Fayetteville, No. Caro 2460, 2716 Goldfield, Iowa 2585, 3097 Hazeiton Cons. Sch, Dist., Miss_ _2717 Jefferson City Sch. Dist., Mo 2058 Fayetteville, Tenn 1790, 1919 Gold Hill, Ore 3225 Hazelton Rur.Sch.Dist.No.3,Idaho_3347 Jefferson County, Ind 2847, 3097 Fentress County, Tenn 3346 Gonzales Co. Rd. Dist. No. 5, Tex., Hazelwood, No:Caro 2461 Jefferson Co.. Ala_2058, 2186, 2461,2587 Fergus Co. Sch. Dist. No. 44, 2057, 2185 Helper, Utah 1920, 2058, 2586 Jefferson County, Pa 2717, 3097 Mont 2460. 3346 Goree, Tel 1790, 2716, 2969, 3097 Hell School Twp., Ind 2058 Jrfferson County, Idaho 2323 Fergus Falls Minn.___1790, 2057. Gothenburg S. D. No.20, Neb_1790, Hempstead, N. Y_2461, 2717. 2846, 3347 Jefferson County,Tenn_ _2323,2717, 3347 2322. 3096, 3225 2323, 2969 Hempstead Un. Free Sch. Dist. No. Jefferson Sch. Twp., Ind 2058, 22732174 Fergus Falls Corn. Sch. Dist. No. Graceville, Fla 3346 10, N. Y 1791 Jefferson Co. Sch. Dist. No. 7, Neb_2846 80, Minn 1919 Graham Co.S. D. No.20, Ariz.2716. 3225 Hempstead Sch. Dist. No. 1, N. Y. Jefferson Parish, La Fergus Falls Ind. Sch. Dist. No. 21, Graham Co. S. D. No. 1 & 4.2323, 2969 2846, 3226 Jeffries Creek Dr. Dist., So. Caro., Minn 2460 Grand Forks, No. Dak 3226, 3346 Hempstead Un. Free Sch. Dist. No. 2587. 2970 Ferndale, Mich....2057, 2185, 2322,2585 Grand Junction, Colo__ _1790, 2185, 3346 12, N. Y 2186, 2717 jJeenkaiSnetow,h.Dial. p No. 20,No. La....2717, 3097 Ferndale, Wash 2585, 3225 Grand Prairie, Tel 3346 Hempstead Un. Free Sch. Dist. No. 2461. 2846 Fernwood Sep. S. D., Miss 3346 Grand Rapids, Mich 1920, 2067 13, N.Y 2461 Jennings County, Ind 2058 Fertile. Minn 2969 Granite City Un. S. D.No. 126, 111..3697 Hempstead Un. Free Bell. Dist. No. JerNo0m.e3,CIod.ahRour. High Sch. Dist. Flatonia, Texas 2585, 3346 Granite Sch. Dist., Utah 2057, 2585 16, N.Y 2323, 2717 2587 Flint. Mich 3225 Grantham Twp.. Ont 2064 Hempstead Un. Free Sch. Dist. No. Jersey City, N.J 2324, 2587, 2846 Flint Un.Sch. Dist., Mich_ __ _3096, 3346 Granville Co., No. Car._1790, 2057, 21, N. 1." 2586, 2970 Jersey Shore S. D., Pa 95.8, 24218661 Florence, Ala 2057. 2322, 2845 2586, 3346 Hempstead Un. Free Sch. Dist. No. .70.1eviaJunctionn.ashW lad. S. D., mows... Florence, Colo 2969 Granville, Ohio 2585 28, N.Y 3097 2587 Florence County, So. Caro- __1790, 1919 Grass Sch. Twp., Ind 2323, 2969 Henderson County, No. Caro_1791, 2186 Johnson City, Tenn 1791 Floyd County, Iowa 2583 Groton Roman Cathollo S. D. No. Hendersonville, No Caro 2970,3226 Johnson Twp., Okla 2324 Floyd Co. Corn. S. D. No. 16, 13, Saila 2852 Hendricks County, Ind 2586 Joliet Sch. Dist. No. 86. III 3347 Texas 2716, 3346 Gray Cons. Sch. Dist., Iowa 2057 Hendry Co. Spl. Tax Sch. Dist. No. Joliet Two. H.S. D., Ill Floyd Co Cora. 8. D. No. 32, Grays Harbor Co. Sewer Imp. Dist. 5, Fla 1791, 2323 Jones Co. Supr. R.D. No.3. Miss_ _23318467 Texas 2716. 3346 No. 5, Wash 2846 Hennepin Co., Minn._2461, 2846, 3097 Jonesville, La 1920, 2186 Foard Co. Cora. S D. No.6, Texas_3346 Grayson Co. Corn.S. D. No. 90, Tex.2716 Henry County, Ohio 1791 2186 Jonquiere, Quo Foard County, Texas 3096 Great Neck, N. Y 2585, 2846 Henry County, Tenn 1920, 2323 Jordan School District. Utah__2461, 22717852 Foard Co. Corn. S. D. No. 12, Greeley, Colo-_1920, 2716, 2969, 3346 Henry Sch. Twp., Ind 2186, 2846 Jordan Valley Ire. Dist., Ore Texas 3096. 3226 Greeley Co. S. D. No. 2, Kan 2188 Hereford Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 2846 Joseph Highway Dist., Idaho.2461, 2841876 Fond Du Lac County, Wis____3098, 3225 Green County, Ind 1920, 2323 Herkimer County. N. Y 2846, 3226 Jourdanton, Texas Ford City, Pa 2460, 3096 Greenburgh, N. Y 2846, 2969,3226 Hess Sch. Dist., Mich 2323 Jourdanton Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex_.__ 3223274 Ford City, Ont 2852 Greenburg Un. Fr. Sch. Dist. No. 5, Hidalgo Co.Sch.Dist.No.2,N.Mex.--2970 Junction City. Ohio 3347 Forest City, No. Caro 2185 N.Y 3346 Higginsville, Mo 2058 Forest Hills. Out 2466, 3352 Greene County, Ind 2969, 3097 Higginsville Sch. Dist., Mo 2323 8,alamazoo, Mich Forest Hills Sch. Dist., Pa._ 2716, 3096 Greene County, Iowa 2460 Highland Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 2717 raalamazoo Sell. Dist., MIch_2324,1791 Forrest County, Miss 2716, 3346 Greenfield, Mass 2969 Highland Park Sch. Dist., Mich 1125186L,..2717 Fort Bend County, Tel 3096, 3226 Greenfield, Ohio 3348 2186, 2323 Kalamazoo Sch. Dist. No. 1, Fort Bend Co. Rd. Dist. No.9, Tex-2845 Green Twp. S. D., Ohio 2846,3226 Highland Park, Mich 2058 2487, 2970. 3227 Fort Bend Co.Rd. Dist. No.10, Tex.2845 Greenriver, Utah 2323 Highlands, No. Caro 3226 Kalamazoo Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 18, Fort Collins. Colo 2585 Greensboro, No. Caro 2848 Highlands County, Fla.2058, 2323, 2846 232333242474 Fort Edward, N. Y 1790 Greensburg Sch. Dial., Pa 1790 High Point. No. Caro 1791 Katm ioalch , Wash Fort Hancock Corn.S. D.No. 3, Tex.3225 Greensburg School City, Ind 3226 Hillsboro, Tel 2461, 2586 Kama, Utah Fort Lauderdale, Fla 2716 Greenup Graded S. D., Ky 3226 Hillside Twp. Sch. Dist., N. J 3097 Kankakee Co. S. D. No. 13,111 1791 Fort Laderdale Spec. Tax S. D. Greenville, So. Caro--__1920, 2686, 3226 HillaborOugh County, Fla._._1791, Kanawha Magisterial Dist., W.Va_ _3222 No. 3, Fla. 3346 Greenville Co., So. Caro 2586 2323, 2586 Kansas (State of) 2587, MN Fort Pierce Farms Drain. Dist., Fla_2845 Greenwich, Conn 1790, 2057 Hillsborough Co. Sch. Dist. No. 50. Kansas City, Kan 2186, 2587, 3227 Fort Pierce Inlet Dist., Fla 3225 Greenwich, Ohio 3226 Fla 1791, 2186 Kansas City, Mo__2717, 2847, 2970, Fort Scott, Kan 2585 Greenwood, Neb 3347 Hillside Twp. Bell. DLit., N. J. 2846 3227, 3347 Fort Smith Paving Dist. No.36, Ark-2322 Grey R. M., Man 2329, 2852 Hilton Sch. Dist. No. 149, No. Dak-2586 Karnes Co. Rd. Dist. No.3, Texas..1920 Fort Wayne Sch. Dist., Ind 1790 Grimes County, Tel 2716 Hinds County, Miss 2058, 2846 Kaufman, Texas Fort William, Ont 1925 Grosse Pointe, Mich 2969 Hitchcock Co. Sch. Dist. No. 1. Neb.1791 Kaufman County, Texas 21779171 Fort Worth, Tex 2460, 2845, 3346 Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich 3347 Hoisington, Kan 2587 Kaufman Co. Imp. Dist. No. 12, Fostoria, Ohio 1920 Grosse Pointe Twp. Rur. Agricul- Hoisington Sch. Dist., Kan.- -2058, 2186 Texas 2461 Fountain County,Ind 1790,2057 tural Sch. Dist. No. 1, Mich 3347 Holden, Mass 2323, 2587 Kaufman Co. Rd. Diet. No. 4, Framingham, Mass....2322, 2460, Groton, Conn 3347 HoldenvIlle, Okla 2186, 2587 Texas 1920, 3097 2585, 3225, 3346 Grove City, Ohio 2869 Holland. Mich-2058, 2323, 2587, 2717 Kaukauna, Wis 7 Franklin County, 2nd._ _1920, 2322, 2460 Groveland, Fla 1790, 1920, 2057 Hollis, Okla Keansburg, N. J 2058, 2324, 2461 Franklin, Pa 3096 Guernsey County, Ohio 3097, 3226 Hollister, Idaho 2323,2717, 3347 Kearney, Neb 1920, 2186 Franklin County, Pa 2716 Holmes County, Ohio 3097 Kearney, N- J 2324, 2587, 2717 Franklin County, Ohio...1920, 2057, TJacktaiack, N..9 2586, 2969 Holton, Kan 2587 Keene, N. H 2717 2846 2324 2185, 2460, 2716,2845, 2969,3096, A laddonfield, N..1 Holyoke, Maas Keenesburg, Colo 2461 3097, 3346 Haddon Heights, N..1 1790, 23128628 Honeoye Fails, N. Y Keene Un. Sch. Dist., N. H 3347 Franklin Co. Cons. Sch. Dist., Ga_ .2716 gadd,n Twp., N. j 2323, 2586 Hooker, Okla 1791 Kelso Sch. Dist., Wash 1920 Franklin Co. Sch. Dist. No. 1, Neb., Hagerman, N. Mex 3097 Hooper, Neb 2058 Kelso Sch. Dist. No. 110, Wash- _2847 2716, 3346 Hagerstown, Md 2323 2586 Hooks Ind. S. D., Tex 2186 Kelso, Wash 2717, 3348 Franklin Co. Sch. Dist. No. 77 and Haines City. Fla 1790, 2185, 3347 Hopedalsyll. Sch. Dist., Ohlo_2846, 3347 Kenmore, N. Y 2324 Anderson Co. &h. Dist. No. 49. Halfmoon & Stillwater Un. Fr. S. D. Hopewell, Va 1791 Kenmore Sch. Dist., Ohio_ _2058, 2461 Joint &h. Dist., Kan 2322 No. 1, N. Y 2588, 2716 Hornell. N. Y 1791 Kennebec Water Dist., Me-2058, 2461 Franklin Mfg. Dist., Mont___2845, 3346 Halifax, No.Caro 2057 Horry County, So. Caro 2846 Kenosha, Wash 2059 Franklin Twp., PaOhio2585, 3225 Halifax County, No. Caro_ _2057. 32258626 Horton, Kan 3226 Kenosha, Wis 1791, 2186 Franklin Twp., 2841 Hamburg, Pa Hot Springs, Ark Kenosha County, W1s 1791 Frazee, Minn 1920, 2185 Hamburg Un. Fr. S. D. No. 8, N.Y.2969 Houston, Tel 2058. 2717, 3347 Kensington Park San. Dist., Calif. 3227 Frederick County, Md 2845 Hamburg Un. Fr. S. D. No. 1, N. Y.3226 Howard County, Ind_ _2587, 2717, 2846 Kent, Wash 3097 Fredericktown, Mo 1920 Hamilton, Ont 2724 Hudson, Mass 2461, 3226, 3347 Kenton, Ohio 3227 Fredonia, Kan 2185 Hamilton, Ohlo_.1920, 2058, 2323, Hudson, N. Y 1791, 1920 Keosauqua Ind. S. D., Iowa._2058, 2688 Freedom, N. Y 2716, 2969 2460, 2716. 3226 Hudson Falls, N.Y 2587. 2717 Kerkhoven Sch. Dist., Minn 2588 Freeport.N. Y 2585, 2845 Hamilton County, Iowa 3097 Hudson Co., N. J 2058, 3347 Kneen, Texas 2187 Dist. Freestone County, Tel 3225 Hamilton County. Ind-1790, 2057. Hudspeth Co. Cons. & Rect. King Co.S. D.No. 1, Wash....1791, 2187 Fremont Co. S. D. No. 25, Wyo.__ _2969 3097, 3226 No. 1, Tex 2461, 2970 King Co. S. D.No. 51, Wash__1920, 2324 Fremont Co.Sch. Dist. No.23, Colo_ 2057 Hamilton County. Ohio 2969, 3226 Huerfano Co. Sch. Dist., Colo 2587 King Co. S. D.No. 164, Wash_1791, 2187 Sch. Dist.. N.J-2716. 2969 Hamilton & Coryell Cos. C. S. D. Hughson Sch. Dist., Calif ___ _2323, 2717 King Co.S. D. No. 171, Wash_1791, 2187 Frenchtown 2588 Friend, Neb 2585 No. 20, Tex 2460 Hull, Que 2191, 2466 King Co. S.D. No. 184, Wash-2324, 346 Hamilton Twp., N.J 3347 Humboldt Co. Drain. Dist., Iowa, King Co.S. D.No. 200, Waah_1920, 2324 Friendship, Tenn 2585. 3 1921 Friendship Un.Free Sch. Dist. No. 1. Hammond. Ind 1920, 2586. 3097 1791, 2717 Kingman, Kan -2461, 2970 N. Y 2585, 2716 Hampshire Sch. Dist.. In 3226 Humboldt, Tenn 1920, 2186 Kings Mountain, No. Caro No. 1, Tex.__ _3346 Hampstead, Que Humboldt Co., Neb 2058 Kingston, N. Y 1921, 2059 Frio Co. Cora. S. D. 2588. Fla Hampton Co. S. D. No. 15, So. Car_22075824 HUMMelstown Sch. Dist., Pa_2846, 3226 Kingsville Ind. B. D.. Texas...2324, Frostproof, 2186 3, Colo 3227 Fulton County, Ohio 1790, 3097 Hancock County, Iowa 1790 Huntingburg Sch. City, Ind Kiowa Co. S. D. No. Hancock County, Ohio Huntington County, Ind.2186,2323. 3097 Kiowa Co. S. D. No. 1, Colo 2588 1920 Texas__2717 adsden, Ala 2323, 2716 Hancock Cons. S. D., Mo 3097 Huntsville, Ala Eirbyville Ind. Sch. Dist., 2057 Hanover, Ont 2852 Huron County, Mich 2970,3226 Kirksville School District, Mo.2059, 2847 Ganney. So. Caro 3348 Gaines. N. Y 2845, 3097 Hanover, Pa 1791, 2186 Huron Ind. B. D., So. Dak 1791 Kirkville, Texas 2845 Hansboro Rur. S. Miss Huston Twp.,Pa 2587,2717 Kirkwood, Mo 2461 Galax, Va D., 2970 2585. 3225 Harbor Beach, Mich 2058, 23586347 Hutchinson, Kan 2186 Kiron I. S. D., Iowa...1921, 2588, Galena, Kan 35, Colo...3097 Galesville, Wis 2716, 3225 Hardee Co. Spec. Rd. & Br. Dist. Hyannis, Neb 2188 Kit Carson Co. S. D. No. 2057, 2322, 2460 No. 2, Fla 2969, 3228 Kit Carson Co. S. D. No. 47, Colo., Gallon, Ohio 3226, 3347 2588, 3097 Gallatin County, Mont 2845 Hardee Co. Spec. Rd. & Br. Dist, Idaho (State) 1920, 2585 No. 7, Fla 2970, 3347 dabo Irr. Dist., Idaho_1920, 2846, 3347 Kitchener City, Ont 2466 Gallipolls, Ohio 25. Wash., 1925 Hardee Co. Spec. Tax &h.Dist. No. Illinois (State) 2461, 2587, 2717 Kittitas Co. S. D. No. Galt. Ont 3347 2588, 3227 Tex 1920 3, Eia 3097, 3226, 3347 Independence, Kan 2587, Galveston, 3228 County, Ore 1921 Galveston County, Tex 2845, 3346 Hardee Co., Fla..1020. 2586, 3226, 3347 Indiana (State) Klamath No.7, Tex_3097 Rardeman Co. Rd. Dist, No. 1, Tex_2460 Indiana County. Pa 3226 Klamath Falls, Ore 2187, 2718 Galveston Co.Com.S. D. County, Texas 2461, 3227 Sell. Dist., Calif_ _ _2845, 3225 Hardin Co., Ohlo__2058, 2323. 2586, 2716 Indianapolis Park Dist., Ind-2186, Kleberg Garapatos 2717, 3347 Knight Sch. Twp., Ind 2847. 2970 Garfield Co.Sch. Dist. No. 10, Colo., Hardin County, Tenn...2058, 2323, 2460 1920, 2585 Harlan Co. Sch. Dist. No. 3, Neb._ _2323 Indianola Ind. S. D.. Iowa 2587 Knobs Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 1, 2187, 2461. 2588 County, Okla 2845 Harlingen Ind. S. D., Tex. ._2323, 3097 Ingram Sch. Dist., Pa 2323,2970 No. Caro Garfield 2186,3226 Knox, Ind 2847 Garfield Heights, Ohio...1790, 2057, Harmon County, Okla 3097 Iowa, Kan 2322, 2716, 3225 Harnett County, No. Caro 1791 Immo County, Mich 322C Knoxville, Tenn__2324, 2588, 2718, 3348 Sch. Dist 2185 Harney Drain. Dist., Fla 2058, 2586 Iowa City, Iowa 2323 2847, Garland Ind. County, Idaho 3227 Garnett, Kan 2969 Harper County, Kan 3097 Iron County, Utah 2461,3347 Kootenai Ohio 1920 Harrington Park Sch. Dist., N. J. Irondequolt. N. Y 2058 Korva Co.S. D. No. 20, Okla.2588, 3227 Garrettsville, Miss Dist., Calif 1790 2970, 3226 Ironton, Ohio 2846.3226 Kosciusko, 2970, 3227 Garvey Sch. County. Ind 1921 Gamin Sch. Dist., Iowa 1790, 2057 Harrisburg, Pa 2460 Irving Sch. Dist., Ill 2186 Kosciusko Gary Ind 2460, 2716 Harrisburgh Sch. Dist., Pa-2586, 2846 Irvington, N. J 2323, 2461 Dist., Ind 2057 Harrisburg, Tel 1791, 1920, 2058 Irwin. Iowa 2717,2970 abette County, Kan 3097,3348 Gary Sch. Que 2191 Gastonia Graded Sch. Dist., No. Harrison, N. Y 1791, 2058, 2586 Island Heights, N. J , 3227 Lachine, 2323, 2585 Harrison County, Miss 2186, 2717 Islip Un. Fr. S.D.No. 3, N. Y.2970, 3227 La Crosse, W18 2847, 3348 Lafayette Par.S. D.No. 3, La.2187, GaAtC uTle Ind. Sch. Dist., So. Dak., Harrison County, Tel 2058, 2323 Ismay, Mont 2058. 2717 2481 2057. 2585, 2846, 3097 Harrison Sch. Twp.,Ind 3347 Italy Ind. S.D., Tex__ _1791. 2323, 2717 Lafayette Par. Rd. D. No.8, La____3097 Co., Geary, Okla 2323 Harrison Twp. Rur. Sch. Dist., Ohio Ithaca, N.Y 1920. 2186 La Grange Ind....1921, 2588, 2970 County, Ohio...2460, 2585. 2846 1920, 2460 Laguna Sch. Dist., Calif 2059, 8097 Geauga Dials., Genesee County, Mich_ _2057, 3225, 3346 Hartford, Conn 2586, 2846 ack County,Tex 2323 Lake Co. Sch. Fla....2187, 2847 Fla 3227 Geneva. Neb 1920 Hartford City, Ind 1791, 2461 Jackson County, Ky 1920 Lake County, Y 2585, 3097 Hartsdale Fire Dist. of Greenburgh, Jackson County. Ind 2846.3227 Lake Co.,0_2059, 2187, 2324. 2588, 2718 Geneva, N. 8348 George Sch. Dist., Iowa 3097 N. Y 2481, 2717 Jackson County. Tenn 2970 Lakeland, Fla 3227, So. Caro.-- _2057. 2185 Hartsdale Water Dist.of Greenburgh, Jackson County. No. Caro 1791 Lake Preston, Bo. Dak 1792 Georgetown Co., D. 2461 Tex 2460 N.Y 2323.2580 Jackson City, Mich 3227 Lake Preston S. So. Dak..2187, Giddings, Ire. Dist., 1792, 2718 Gilbert, Ariz 1790, 2585, 2716,3348 Hartville, Mo 1920 Jackson Sch. Twp.,Ind_ _1791. 2587. Lakeside Calif 2323, 2716 Hastings, Neb 2717. 2970 Lakewood, Ohlo_1921, 2059, 2461, Glades County, Fla 2970 Ky 2846 Hastings, Okla 2970, 31379471 Jackson Co. S. D. No. 49, Ore 3227 2588, 2718, Glasgow, La M 3352 Glendale, Calif 1920, 3.346 Batley Cons. Sch. Dist., Mies_2461, 2717 Jackson Sch. Dist., Mich 2068.2687 albale, Qua Lancaster, Ohio 2324, 2588 Glen Lake Irrig. Dist., Mont_ _2846, 3097 Haverford Twp., Pa 3347 Jackson Twp., No.Cam 2058,2186 Idaho 3225 Haverhill, Mass..1791, 1920. 2058, 3226 Jacktion Twp., Ohio 3347 Lander County, Neb___2461, 2847, 3348 Glenna Ferry, 19, Ga 3225 Hawarden Ind. Sch. Dist., Iowa Jackson, Miss 2848.2970 Lane County Sch. Mat. No. Glenville, Ore 1792. 2059 Gloucester. Mass_ _1790, 2185, 2323, 2323, 2461 Jackson, Ohio _2097,3347 2585, 2716 Hawkeye,Iowa 1791 Jamalea, Iowa 2846. 3.347 Langley Sch. Dist., So. Caro 2059

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APR.-JUNE, 1925.] INDEX

BONDS-(Continned). BONDS--(Conrinued). BONDS-(Coneinued). BONDS-(Contlnueril. Page. Page. Page. Page. Lansing, Mich 2059 Madison, So. Da 792, 1921 Mitchell County, No. Caro 2187 North Augusta Sch. Dist. No. 66, Lapeer County, Mich 2588, 3098 Madison, Han 2588 Mitchell County, Tex 2848 So. Caro 2061 La Platte, Neb 3227 Madison. Wis 1792, 2462, 2588 Mitchelville Ind. Sch. Dist., Iowa...3098 North Bay, Ont 3101. 3234 La Porte County, Ind 1792, 2847 Madison County, Fla 2971, 3098 Mobile, Ala 1922, 2080,3349 North Bend, Ore 2849 Larchmont, N. Y 2847 Madison Co., No. Caro 2718, 2971 Mobile County, Ala 1922. 2060 Northbridge, Mass 1922, 3349 Lorimer County Sch. Dist. No. 10, Madison County, Ind 3348 Mohawk, N. Y 3229 North Carolina (State) 3099 Colo 1921, 2718 Madison County, N. Y 3348 Molalla Un. High Sch. Dist., Ore. North Hampton, Mass 2719 Lorimer County Sch. Dist. No. 34, Madison Sch. Twp., Ind 2059 2325. 2848 North Hempstead Union Free S. D. Colo 2059, 2588 Madison Sch. Dist., Neb 2718, 3348 Moncton, N. B 3234 2188, 2589 La Salle, N.Y 2970 Madison Two. S. D., Ohio 1792 Monmouth, Ore 1922 North Kansas City S. D., Mo 2849 Latah Co. Highway Dist. No. 3, Magnolia, Ark 2060. 2718 Monmouth Beach, N.J 2589, 3098 North Little Rock, Ark 2719 Idaho 3227 Magnolia Sch. Dist., Calif- _1792, 2187 Monogahela City, Pa 2848 North Platte, Neb 2188 Laval do Rapids% Que 2466 Mahaska County, Iowa 2462 Monongahela Sch. Dist., Pa..3229, 3349 Northport, Ala 3349 Lavalette, N. J 1792, 2324 Mahoning Co., Ohio_ -1921, 2060, 2010 Northport, N. Y 2326, 2463 Lawrence, Kan 2588 2462, 2588, 2718 Monroe County, N. Y 1792 North Puyallup S.D. No. 110, Wash. Lawrence, Mass 2324 Malden, Mass 2060, 3348 Monroe, Utah 2971 2589, 3349 Lawrence County, Pa 2187, 2588 Malheur County, Ore 1792. 2187 Monroe Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa 3229 North St. Lucie River Drain. Dist., Lawrence County, Ohio 3227 Malhata, Ohio 1792 Montague County, Tex 2325 Fla 2463 Lead, So. Dak 3227 Mamaroneck, N.Y 2588, 2718 Montclair, N. J__2060, 2325, 3229, 3349 North Salem & South East Union Lebanon III 2059 Manatee, Ha 2971 Montecito Water Dist., Calif...2589, 2971 Free S. D. No. 4, N. Y 1922 Lebanon, Tenn 2970, 3227 Manatee County, Fla 2462. 2848 Montezuma Rur. High Sch. Dist., North Township, Ind 3230 Lebanon County. Pa 2588, 2718 Manchester, N. H 1792, 1921. Kan 2719, 2971 Northumberland, N.H 1793, 2188 Lee County B. D., Fla.-1921, 2461, 2588 2325. 2971. 3348 Montgomery, Ala 2089, 2719 North Vancouver. B.C 3352 Leesville, Bo. Caro 2970. 3098 Mangum, Okla 2588 Montgomery County, Ohio_ ...1792, North V* ildwood, N. J 2061, 2326 Leetonia, Ohio 2059, 2461 Manhasset-Lakeville Water Dist, of 2589, 2719, 2848, 3098 Norton Com. High S. D., Kan 3230 Leigh, Neb 22832704 the Town of North Hempstead. Montgomery County, Md._ _ _ _2325, 2719 Norton Twp. S. D. No. 3, Mich__ _2719 Leiters School Twp., Ind N. Y 1922, 2187 Montgomery County, Va 2060 Norwalk Sch. Dist., Calif__ _3099, 3230 Leland Iowa 2461 Manistee, Mich 2060, 2325 Montgomery County, Tel....2325, Norwich. Conn 2463, 2589, 2719 Lemon Grove S. D., Callf...... 3098, 3348 Manitoba (Province) 2329 2462, 2848 Nova Scotia (Province) 2329. 2593 Lenexa, Kan 2588 Manitowoc, Will 2848. 3228 Monticello, N. Y Nowata County, Okla 2060. 2462 2061 Letcher County, Ky 3348 Manly Sch. Dist., Iowa 1922 Montmorency County, Quo 1925 Nucla, Colo Levy County Spec. Road az Bridge Manor Twp. Sch. Dist.. Pa 2848 Montreal, Quo 1925, 2064, 2191 Nuckolls County S. D., Neb 1922 District No. 5, Fla 2324, 2718 Mansfield, Ohio 3228 Moore, Mont 2060 Nutley, N.J 1793,2188 Levy County Spec. Road az Bridge Mansion, Iowa 1922. 2462 Moorhead, Minn 2971 District No. 10, Fla 3227 Manteca Gram. S. D., Calif _2325, 2462 Moose Jaw Sch. Dist. No. 1, Sask. ak City, No.Caro 2463 Lewis & Clarke Co. Bob. Dist. Maple Heights, - _2059,2325. 3228 2852, 5234 Oak Harbor. Ohio 2326, 2719 No. 4, Mont 1792, 3098 Maple Heights V11. S.D.. Ohio.1792. 2325 Moreauville, La 2060 Oakland, Iowa 2188 Lewistown,Idaho 1921 Marathon Un.Fr. S. D. No 8, N.Y -2588 Morehead Twp., No. Caro 1792 Oakland, Neb 2081. 2589 Lewistown, Mont 1792 Marblehead. Maas 2325, 2971 Morehead City, No. Caro_ _3229, 3349 Oakland County, Mich 2589, 2972 Lexington, Maas 3348 City, N.J 1922. 2187 Morehouse Par. Rd. Oakland High S. D., Calif__ _2463, Margate Spl. Dist. No.2, 3099 Lexington, Tenn 2718 Maricopa High Sch. Dist., Calif. _ .3228 La 2719, 2917, 3099 2719, Lexington High Sch. Dist.. No. Co. Sch. Dist. No.5, Ariz-2718 Morgantown, Va Oakland S. D., Calif__ _2463, 2720, 3099 Maricopa W. 2187 3349 Caro 1792, 2718, 2970 Maricopa Co. S. D. No. 71, Ariz.. Morral, Ohio 2187, 2462 Oasis School Dist., Calif 3099, Liberty, So. Caro 3227 2588. 3348 Morrill, Neb ()Mon County Sch. Dist., Tenn 2720 2589 2720 Liberty County, Oa 3098 Marion, Ala 3098, 3348 Morrill Co. Sch. Dist. No. 6, Neb...2060 Ocala, Fla Liberty School Twp., Ind 2324 Ky 2187 Morrill Co. Spec. Tax S. D. No. 1, Fla. Marion, Sch. Dist. No. 14, Neb_2848 Ocala 3099 Liberty Twp.Ind. EL D.,Iowa_2847, 3098 Marion, N. Y 309E Morrilton Spl. Sch. Dist.. Ark 2848 2188, Liberty Union Sch. Dist., Ohio 2059 Marion Ohio 1792 Morrisville. Vt 2187, 2462 Oceana County, Mich...2061. 2326, Liberty Twp., Pa 3098, 3227 County, 2971 Morrison, Okla 2849. 3230 Marion Ina 3349 3349 Licking County, Ohio 3348 Marion Co. S. D. No. 4, Ore 1922 Morrow County, 01110_2719. 2848. 2971 Oceanside Sch. Dist.. Callf___3099, Lightning S. D. No. 20, No. Dak 2588 Twp.Rur. S. D., Ohio_ 2718. 2971 Mountain View Ocean Side Fire Dist, of the Town of Marion Sch. Dist., Calif. 2849 Lima, N. Y 2847 Marlboro, Mass 3228. 3348 Mt. Airy, No. Caro 3229 Hempstead. N. Y Lima, Ohio 2588 W.Va 2718 Mount Joy Sch. Ogden, Kan 1793, 2188 2059, 2187, 2324, Marlinton, Dist., Pa 2325, 2719 3099 Limestone Co. Cons. Rd. Dist. Marquette Public Schoola, Mich., Mount Lebanon Twp.Sch. Dist., Pa. Ogle County S. D. No.61, Ill 2325, 2718 County, Ind 2061 No. 1, Tex 1921 3099, 3229 Ohio 2326 Limestone Co. Corn. Sch. Dist. Marshall, Mich 2060. 2719 Mount Morris Sch. Dist., Pa 2719 Okeechobee, Fla 2187 Mt. Okeechobee County, Fla 2590 No. 1, Tex 33218487 Marshall, Tex Pleasant Un. Fr. Sch. Dist. No. 3349 Lincoln, County, Ind 2718 1, N.Y Oklahoma, Okla Kan Marshall 3229 2590 Lincoln County, Mo 3227 Marshalltown, Iowa 2325, 2848 Mt. Oliver. Pa 3349 Okemah School District, Okla Ind. Sch. Dist., Iowa, Mount Shasta, Okeemah, Okla 3230 Lincoln County Bob. Dist. No. 12, Marshalltown Calif 1792, 2325 2061 Idaho 2187, 2324 2588, 3098. 3348 Mt. Pleasant, No. Caro 3349 Olean, N. I' Lincoln Co.S. D. 37, Neb 2847 Martelle Cons. Sch. Dist., Iowa_ _ _ _2971 Mount Union, Pa Olean (City & Town) Free S. D. No. No. 3099 2590 Lincoln Park, Mich 3348 Martin County, Minn 2060 Mount Vernon, N.Y 2589, 2719 1, N. Y W. Va 3228 Mulbery Kan 3230 Lincoln Sch. Dist., Ill 2462, 2588 Martinsburg, Sch. Dist., Calif 2325 Olathe, 2061 Lincoln Sch. Dist., Neb 2718, 3348 Maryland (State) 2462, 3098 Muleshoe Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex.2325, Olympia S. D. No. 4, So. Caro Lindsborg, Kan 2588 Marysville, Kan 1792, 2588 3099, 3229 Omaha, Neb 2061, 2188, 2463. Sch. Dist., Idaho-..1922 2590, 2972, 3230 Linn County, Iowa 1921, 2059, 2324 Marysville Ind. Mullins, So. Caro 2060 1922 Linn Co. Sch. Dist. No. 5, Ore 1792 Maskell, Neb 3228 Multnomah Co., Ore 2325, 2719 Omaha School District, Neb 2719 O'Neill Sch, Dist. No. 131, Neb__ _ _3349 Linn Twp.S. D. No.2, Iowa 3348 Massac County, Ill Multnomah Co. Home Water Dist., 2061 Littlefield, Tex 2059, 2324, 3348 Massachusetts(State) 2325. 3228 Ore. 2187 Onslow County, No. Care....1793. 3228 Ontario (Province) 2191, 2329 Littlefield Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex.2588, 3227 Massac County,Ill Multnomah Co. Sch. Dist. No. 1, 3349 Little Ark 2187, 2462 Ore Oran School Dist., Mo 2972, River County, 3348 Massena, N.Y 3099 2463 Little Rock, Ark.1792, 1921, 2059, 2718 Maumee. Ohio 2719, 3228 Multnomah Co. Sch. Dist. No. 3, Orange, Mass Little Rock Ark 2719, 3228 Orange County, Ind 1923. 2061, Sch. Dist., 3227 Maury County, Tenn 1922, 2326 2590 Livingston Twp. Bch. Dist., N. J_ _2324 Maywood, Neb 3228, 3348 Munday, Tex 2326 2326, No. Caro 2060 Murphy, Orange County, N. Y 2326. 2463 Lloydminster Joint Sch. Dist., S501_2724 Meadow Sch. Dist., No. Caro 2462 3099 Lockport. N. Y Bluff Rd. Dist., W. Va.. Muskegon, Mich Orange County, Tel 2588, 3348 Meadow 2848 No. 1, Logan, Ohict_1792, 1921, 2324, 2462, 2719. 3228 Muskegon Sch. Dist. Mich 3229 Orange Co. Spec. Tax S. D. 2718, 3348 Medford. Mass 2325, 2971, 3348 Muskegon Heights, Mich 1922, 3229 Fla 2589 Orangeville, Ont 2329, 2593 Logan Co. S. D. No. 12, Colo 3098 Medford Bch. Dist., Ore 2061 Logansport & Bexar Co. Sch. Dist. Orchard, Colo School City, Ind 3227 Medina. Atascosa aperville No. 78, Ill. 2849.3230 o e a. Tex 2059, 2847 Water Imp. Dist. No. 1, Tex 9060 N 2848, 3349 Oregon (State) 3228 City, Ore 3099 Londonville, Ohio 1921 Mega County, Ohio Naples Ind. Sch. Dist., Tel...2719, 2848 Oregon 3099 Lone Jack, Mo 1922. 2325, 2462 Pa Orleans, Neb 3098 Melrose, Mass Narbech, 3099 Callf__2326, 2972 Lone Star Sch. Dist., Tex 2588 Melvindale Sch. Dist., Mich 2060 Nashua, N. H.....2326, 2818, 3229, 3349 °rod Pub. Cal. Dist., Long N. 2060, 2325, Orilla, Ont Beach, Y 2325 Memphis, Tenn_ _1922, Nashville, Tenn 1792. 2326, 2848 3349 Long Beach, Miss 2719, 3098, 3229 Minn Orleans School Twp., Ind 2847 2589, Nashwauk, 1922 2188 Long Beach City High Memphis City Schools, Tenn._2719. 3098 Nassau County, N. Y Osage City, Kan S. D., Calif _ _1792 2589, 2849 2720. 2849 Long Beach City S. D., Calif _2462, 2588 Meota, Sask 2724 Navajo Co. Sch. Dist. No. 2. Ariz. Osakis, Minn Long 2589. 3098 Osceola School DIstnct.Neb 2720 Branch, N.J 2059, 2462 Mercer County, Ky 2326. 2849 2849 Longview Sch. Cons. Sch. Dist., Osceola Special Sch. Dist., Ark Dist., Wash_ _ _1921, 2847 Meriden New Ind. Navarro County, Tex_ .2080. 2589, 1925 Los Angeles, Calif 2059, 3228, 3348 Iowa 2848, 3348 3099, 3349 Oshawa, Ont 11, Neb_ _ _2719 Oskaloosa, Kan 3230 Los Angeles City S. D., Callf__1921, Merrick Cons. S. D. No. Needles. Calif 2971 1. 3098 Negaunee Dist., Ossining Union Free S. D. No. 2059, 2971, 3098 Mesa. Ariz Sch. Mich 2060 2463, 2590 Los Angeles City High S. D., Calif. Mesa Co. Sch. Dist. No. 11, Colo__ _1792 Neptune Twp. S. D., N. J 3229 N. Y 2326, Colo__ _1922 Kan 2188, 1099, 3230. 3349 1921. 2059, 2970, 3098 Mesa Co.Sch. Dist. No. 19, Neehannock Twp.S. D.,Pa 2849 Oswego, 2061 Los Angeles Co. Sanitation Dist. No. Methuen, Maas 1792. 1922 Nevada Irr. Dist., Calif 1793 Otsego, Mich 1792 Ottawa, Kan 2720. 2972 4, Calif 2059, 2588 Mesta, Tex Newago Sch. Dist., Mich 2187 3349 Loudon 8. 3098 Ottawa County, 0111(1_1793, 2061. Spec. D., Tenn Mexia Ind. Sch. Dist.. Tel New Albion, Iowa 2326, 2849 3230, 3349 Loudonville, Ohio Fla_2187, 2589, 2719, 2971 Newark, N. J 1922 Ottawa County, Mich 3825888 Miami Beach, La____2326. 2590, 3230 Louisville, Ga 1921, 2718 Miami County, Ohlo...2325. 2462, 2719 New Bedford. Mass_ _1793, 2187, Ouachita Parish, 3228 Outremont, Quo 3102 Louisville, Ky 2187, 2588 Miami County,Ind 2589. 2326, 3230 2590 Lowell, 2187. New Bern, Caro Overbrook School District. Pa Maas.1921, 2059, 2462, 2588, Michigan (State). _1922, 2060, No. 2589,2849 2590. 2972 2325, 2719, 2848, 2971 New Roston, Ohio 2972 Ovid Sch. Dist., Mich..2326, 2718, 2848 Twps., Mich...2463 Lowell, No. Caro 3348 Middletown, Coon 1922, 2325 New Bremen, Ohio 3099 Ovid & Middlebury Lowell 3.098 Owatonna, Minn 2326, 2590 School District, Ohio 1792 Middletown, 01110_2325, 2589, 2848, New Britain, Conn 2589, 2849 2326 Loweilville 2848, 3228 New Owen County, Ind 1923, 2188, Village S. D., Ohio 3228 Midland. Pa Brunswick (Province) 2234 2590 Lower Moreland Twp. S. D., Pa__ _ _3228 Waco. Minn 2719 Newburg Ind. S. D., Iowa 2187 Owensboro. KY 3090 Owen Sound, Out 2329, 2466, 2593 Loyalhanna Twp., Pa 2588. 3098 Milford, Neb Newburgh, N. Y__2719, 2849, 3230, 3349 2061 Lubbock, Tex 2187, Mich "482 Newburyport, Mass 1922 Owosso, Mich 3098 Milford Sch. Dist., District, Ore 1793 Lubbock Co.Corn. S. D. No. 10, Tex.1921 Milford Rural Sch. Dist. No. 4, New Castle, Pa 1793. 2462 Owyhee Drainage 3228 Oxford Kan Lucas County, Ohlo__1921, 2059, Mich 2719. New Castle County, Del 3099 ;1 I 2325. 2718, 2847, 2971, 3228 Dist., N. H 3229. 3348 New Durham Sch. Twp., Ind 1922 Oxford Sch. Dist., Ill Milford Sch. Dist., Pa 2326, Luce Sch. Twp., Ind 2588 Millard Co. Sch. Dist., Utah 2589 Newhall Con. EL D., Iowa 2589 Oxford Sch. Ludington, Mich 2060 Oyster Bay Corn.8. D. No.23. N.Y. 2059, 2325 MIllett Sch. Dist.. Mich New Jersey (State) 3099. 3349 3099, 3220 Ludlow, Vt 2059 Millwood Sch. Dist., Mich 2060 Newkirk, Okla 1922 2590 Lumberton, No. Caro 2971 3348 New London, Conn 1793, 2187 Oyster Bay Water Dist., N.Y Milton, Mass Wis 2158 Luray Magisterial District, Va 3098 Milton, N. Y 3229 New Orleans, La 3009 Ozaukee County, Lynch, Neb 2059, 2588 Milton Sch. Dist., Pa 2325;2589 Newport, Ore 3230 Lyndhurst, Ohio 2971. 3229 I._1922, 2060, Platte Co. S. D. No. 116, Wash. 1921. 2059, 2588 Milwaukee, Wis Newport, R. 2326, 2188. 27 , Lynn, Mass 1792, 3348 Milwaukee County, Wis 1792. 2187 2462, 3099 Lynn .1724 Paducah Tex 1793. County, Tex 3348 Mimic's:), Ont Newton County, Ind 2188.3230 1924 Lyon County, Kan Newton, Mass _1922, 2060, 2849,3230 Pahokee Drainage District, Fla 3228 Minden, Neb 2060, 3229 '2061 3098 Newton, No. Caro 2188, 2589 Painesville, Ohio Minden Sch. Dist., Neb 2848, District No. cAllen, Tex 2080 2010 Newton Ind. S. D., Tex 2719 Palisade Sanitary Sewer Minden City. Mich 1923. 2463, 272i1 MMcCarty Sch. Dist., Tog....1792, 2848 Mineral City, Mich 2589. 2848 Newton Twp. Run S. D., Ohio 2080 1, Colo MeCone 8th Dist. No. 1, Mont__ _ Now Trier Twp. High S.D. No. 203, Palm Beaeh Co. Spec. Rd. &Edge. _1921 Mineral City, Ohio 3098 2849. 2972 McCracken, Kan 3098 Sch, Dist. No. 3, Mont. III 1793, 1922 Dist., Fla Mineral Co. Palmetto. Fla 179:1 McDonald, Kan 2187 Mineral Co. Sch. Dist. No. 3, Mont. New York City, N. Y--1793, 2060, McIntire Ind. S. D., Iowa. __ _2462, 3098 2325, 3098 2188, 2462. 2463, 2972 Palm River Spec. Rd.& lldge. Dist.. . McKeesport,Pa Niagara Falls, N.Y 1922, 2080 Fla 2590 2325, 2588 Mineral Co. Sch. Dist. No.6, Mont. 1793 McKinley Co. Rural S. D. No. 7, 2325. 2848 Nichol)] Sch. Dist., Iowa 2719 Palmyra, No.Caro Co. Corn. S. D. No. 11, N. Meg 3098 Mineral Springs Twp. S. D. No. 7. Niles, Ohio 1922, 2061 Palo Pinto McLennan Co. Rd. Dist. No.4, 3098 Niles City Sch. Dist., Ohio 1793 Tel 1923 Tex.1792 No. Caro Calif McMinn County, Tenn_2462, 2848, 2971 Sch. Dist., Tex...3098 Nixon Twp. High S. D. No. 114. III_ _2849 Palo Verde Drain. Dist., 2720 Mineral Wells Ind. Dist., Calif 2463 McMullen Co. Sch. Dist., Tex 3098 Minerva. Ohio 2325, 2589 Noble County, Ind 2188, 2719, 3230 Palos Verdes Sch. MeNalry County, Tenn 2060 2187 Nobles County. Minn 1922. 2188 Pamlico County, No. Caro 179:1 Mingo Junction, Ohio City, Fla 3099 Macedonia, Ohio 3228 Minneapolis. Minn 2719, 2971, 3229 Nome, No. Dak 1793, 2188 Pan%ms, Macksville, Kan 3349 Norcatur, Kan 2188, 2463,2719 Panhandle. Tex 1793. 2483 Mission, Tex Miss 1793, 2188 Macomb County, mich.1921, 2059,3348 Mississippi Co. Level Dist. No. 3, Norfolk, Va 2061, 3099, 3349 Panola County, 2325, 2462 Mo. 3229 Norfolk County, Ont 1925 Parke County, Ind 2849. 3099 Ind. S.D.. W. Va.3230, 3349 Macoupin County, 111 2326 Misscouri (State) 2589. 3098. 3229 Norman, Okla 2589 Parkersburg Madera Sch. Din.. Calif 3348 Missouri Valley Sch. Dist. Iowa... _2187 North Adams, Mass 2326, 3099 Park Place, Tex 2188 Madison, Fla 1921, 2462 Mitchell County, Ga 1792, 2060. 2325 North Andover, Mass 3230, 3349 Parksley, Va '1099

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN [Vol.. 120-PART 2.

BONDS-(Coniinued). BONDS-(Conthzued). BONDS-(Continued). BONDS-(conti(sued). Page. Page. Page. Page. Parna, Ohio 2463, 3230 Raft River Highway Dist., Idaho___3100 Salisbury, No. Caro 1794, 2062 South Zanesville. Ohio 2062, 2850 Parmele, No.Caro 2188, 2463 Rails Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex._ _2327, 2849 Salisbury, Po 2721, 3100 Spartanburg, So. Caro 2327 Parsons, Kan 2972 Ralston, Neb 2061 Salt Lake City, Utah 1794, 2062 Spartanburg County, So. Caro.2062, Pasadena Mun. Impt. Dist. No. 1, Ramona Cons. S. D. No. 122. Kan_ _2327 San Angelo, Tex..2062, 2189, 2464, 3350 2465, 2591, 2973 Calif 2464 Ramapo Cora. 5.1), No. 13, N.Y_ _ _272() San Antonio, Tex_2464, 2973, 3100, 3350 Spence Sch. Dist., Ga 3232 Pasadena Mun. Impt. Dist. No. 2, Randall Co. Tex 2464 San Antonio Ind. S. 13., Tex 2973, 3232 Spencer, Iowa 2062, 2721 Calif 2972 Randleman,' No, Caro 2061, 2189 San Augustine, Tex 2189 Spencer Ind. Sch. Dist., Iowa 3351 Pasadena Mun. Impt. Dist. No. 3, Randolph County, Ind 3231 San Bernardino County, Calif 3127 Springdale Sch. Dist., Calif_ _2062, 2327 Calif 2972 Rapides Par, 5. 1). No. 28, La 2189 San Diego. Callf__2062, 2464, 2721, 3100 Springfield, Mass 2465,- 2721, 2850 Pasco County, Fla 2590 Rapides Par, 5,1). No. 31, La_1923, 2590 San Diego High S. D., Callf__3100, 3350 Springfield, Ohio 2327, 2721 Pasquotank County, No.Caro.2972, 3230 Rapides Par. Rd.13. No. 5, La. 2464, 2973 Sand Springs Sch. Dist., Okla 2189 Springfield Sch. Dist.. So Dak_2190, 2327 Passaic County, N..3 1793, 1922 Rapides Par. Rd. Dist. No. 29, La., Sandusky Ohio 2327, 2591 Springfield Twp. Rural Sch. Dist., Patriot,Ind 2326 2484, 2973 Sandusky County, Ohio 1924, 2062 Ohio 2591, 3100 Pawnee Co. B. D., Neb 1793 Raton, N. Max 2849 Sandy Sch. Dist., Utah 2973 Springlake Ind. Sch. Dist.. Calif. Pawnee Co. Un. S. D. No. 1, Kan_ Rawlins Co. Corn. High S. D., Kan_2189 Sanford, Fla 2591, 2973 2465, 2721 3099, 3349 Reade Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa___2973, 3231 Sanford Sch. Dist., No. Caro 2795 Spring Valley, Ih'is 2531 Peabody, Mare 2326, 3349 Reading, Mass 2464, 2590 San Francisco (City & County of), Spring Valley Sch. Dist. No. 76, Peekskill, N.Y 2061, 2188 Reagon County, Tex 3100 Calif 2464, 2850 No. Dak 2591 Peekskill Un. Free S.D., N.Y 3349 Red Bank, N. J 3350 San Gabriel 5,1),, Callf.1795, 2189, 2591 Springview, Neb 2591 Pelham Un. Free S. D. No. 1, N.Y. Redford Un.S.D. No. 1, Mich_2327, Sanilac County, Mich 2973. 3232 Springwelb3 Twp, Unit Sch. Dist., 2972, 3230 2464, 2720, 3231 San Joaquin Co. Riv. June. Reel. Mich 2591, 2850 Pembroke,Ont 2329. 2593 Redkey School Town, Ind ' 1923 Dist. No.2084, Calif 1795, 2062 Springwells, Mich 2721 Pembroke County, Ont 1796 Red Springs, No. Caro 2850, 3231 San Juan, Porto Rico 2464, 2591 Stafford, Conn 2063, 2327 Pendleton County, Ky 2326, 2464 Redwood City, Calif 1923 San Lorenzo S. D., Calif 2062, 2189 Stafford Co. Sch. Dist. No. 43, Kan_3232 Penfield Twp. Rural S. D., Ohio. Redwood City S. D., Calif_ _2327, 2590 San Marcos, Tex 2189 Stamford, Conn 2063, 2327, 2591 1923, 2061 Reg nu, Sask 2466, 2852 Banta Anna, Tex__1795, 2062, 2850, 2973 Stamford, Mont "2327 Penn Yan Un.S. D., N. Y. _2326, 2590 Reidsville S. D., No. Caro 1794 Santa Barbara County, Calif 3100 Stamford,Tex 1795 Pensacola, Fla 2720, 2972 Remer, Mimi 2850 Santa Rosa County, Fla 2721 Stamford, Twp., Ont 2466, 3353 Perkins Co. S. D. No. 1, Neb_2849, 3349 Renfrew County, Ont 1925, 2329 Santa Rosa County Sch. Dist., Fla..3100 Starke County Ind 3232 Perkins Co.S. D. No. 33, Neb_2590, 2849 Rensselaer County, N. Y 2720, 3100 Saranac Lake, N.Y 2464, 2721 Stanton Co. Sch, Dist, No. 27, Kan _3232 Perquimans County, No. Caro 2590 Reserve, Kan 2189 Sarasota, Fla 3232 Statesville Graded Sch, DLst., No. Perry County, Ky 2849, 3349 Restigouche County, N. B 3234 Sarasota County, Fla 2327, 2850 Caro. 3232 Perth, Ont 1796 Reynolds Spec. 8.1)., No. Dak 2850 Sarasota Co. Spec. S. D. No. I, Fla_2973 Steelville Sch. Dist., Mo 2721 Perth Amboy, N. J 2464, 2972 Reynoldsburg Rur. S. 13., Ohio 2590 Saratoga Union Free S. D. No. I, Reuben County, Iud___2327, 2591. 2721 Peru, Ind 2849, 3099, 3349 Rhinelander. Wiz 1794 N. Y 2189, 2327 Stillwater, Minn 1795, 1924, 3100 Pescadero Un. H.S. D., Callf_1793, 2188 Rice County, Minn 2850, 3231 Sarnia, Ont 3353 Rockdale, Tex 2327, 3232 Peterborough, Ont 3353 Richardson County S. D., Neb 3100 Saskatchewan (Province of) 3234 Stockport Un. Free 5.1). No. 1, N.Y.2591 Petersburg Sch. City. Ind 3349 Richardson Co. Cons. S. D. No. 15, Saskatchewan Sch. Dist., Sask_1925, Stockton, Calif_ __ _1924,2327, 2465, 2521 Phenix City, Ala 2590, 2972 Neb 3100 2593, 3235 Stokes Co., No. Caro 2465, 3100 Philadelphia. Pa_ _2188, 2590, 2720, 3230 Richfield School District. Minn 3100 Saskatoon, Bask 2593, 2974 Story Co., Iowa 2465 Philippine Islands (Govt. of) _ _2188. 2326 Richland Ind. S. D., Iowa_ ___1923, 3231 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich 3232 Stowe Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa 3232 Phillips County, Ark 3230 Richland Un, Free S. D. No. 10, Savannah Sch. Dist., Calif...2850. 3232 Stratford, Iowa 2721, 2973 Phoenix Union Sch. Dist, Ariz 3349 1923, 2061 Sayre Sch. Dist., Okla 1795. 2327 Stratford, Tex P191 Pletou, N. 8 2724 Richmond, Tex 2590 Schenectady, N.Y 2850 Stratford, Ont 2852 Pierce County, Neb 2189 Rich Square, No. Caro 2484 Schuyler, Neb 3232 Stronghurst Corn. High S. D., III__ _2063 Pierre Ind. Sch. Dist., So, Dak 1793 Ridgefield, Conn 2973 Scipio, Utah 2850 Struthers, Ohio 1795, 2190 Pike County, Miss 2061 Riley School Township, lnd 2327 Schuylkill County,Pa 3232, 3350 Sturgb3, Mich 2063, 2591, 2721 Pike County Rd. Dist., Miss_ _2326, 2972 Riverdale, N. .1 1794, 2189 Scotia, N. Y.2062. 2327, 2973, 3232, 3350 Sugar Creek Sch. Twp., Ind 3351 Phial Co. H. S. D. No. 15, Ariz_ _2849 Riverton, Wyo 2061 Scotland Neck & Palmyra Twp., SuIngent Ala 3100 Pinellas Co. Spec. Rd. dr Bdge. Dist. Riviera Dy Loup, Que 2724, 3102 No. Caro 1795 Sullivan County, Tenn 3100 No. 7, Fla 1793 Robersonville, No, Caro 2490 Scott County. Iowa 1795, 2591 Sumner Ind. 8. 13., Iowa 2591, 3233 Pinellas Co. Spec. Rd. de Bdge. Dist. Robeson County, No. Caro_ _ __1794, Scottville, Mich 2062 Summerland Dist., B. C 0191 No. 11, Fla 2464, 2590 2464, 2850, 2973 Seagraves Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 1795 Sumrnertown S. 13., Ga.2465, 2591, 2850 Pinellas Co. Spec. Tax S. 13., Fla_ _ _1793 Robstown Ind. S. D., Tex_ _ __2850, 3231 Seattle, Wash____2062, 2721, 2850, 3350 Summit, N.J 2063, 2327, 2973, 3233 Pineville. Ky 1923 Roby Ind. School Dist., Tex 3231 Secaucus, N. J 2189, 2973, 3351 Summit County, Ohio...2190, 2327, Pioneer, Tex 3349 Rochester, N. Y__1794, 1923, 2464, Sedgwick County, Kan 2591 3100, 3233, 3351 Pioneer Village Sch. Dist., Ohio_ __ _2590 2590, 3100, 3231 Selah S. D., Wash 1924, 2465, 3232 Summit Sch. Dist., Calif 2190, 2591 Pittsburg, Kan 3236 Rochester, Pa 2464, 2720 Seneca-Rogers Sewer Dist. of the Summit Hill, Pa 3233 Pittsburg, Okla 1793 Rockford, III 2720, 3231 Town of Irondequolt, N. 12_2850, 2973 Sumter County, Fla 1795, 21914 Pittsburgh, Pa 2189, 2464 Rockingham County, No. Caro 1794 Sesser, Ill 1924 Sumter County, Bo. Caro 1924, 2591 Pittsburg, Tex 1923, 2326 Rockport, Maas 1794, 2327, 2590 Sewell Mountain Magisterial Dist., Sumter Co. Sch. Dist., Fla 1793 Pittsfield, Mass 2720, 3350 Rocksprings, Tex 1923 W.Va 3232 Sumter Co. Spec. Tax B. D. No. 6, Plainview. Neb 2061 Rock Springs, Wyo 2061, 2327 Sewickley Sch. Dist., Pa 1795 Fla 2465, 2850 Plattsmouth, Neb 1793, 2189 Rockville Center, N. Y 2850 Shadyside, Ohio 1795, 1924 Sunburst. Mont 11124 Pleasant Ridge, Mich 2061, 2326 Rockwall, Tex 1923, 2061, 3350 Shaker Heights, Ohio 2062, 2591 Synnydell Irr. Dist., Idaho...2721, 2973 Plymouth, Mich 2189, 2849 Rocky River, Ohio 2973. 3231 Sharon Twp., Pa 3351 Sunnyside Sch. Dist., Ariz 2328 Plymouth, No. Caro 1793 Rocky School District, Okla 2464 Sharon Hill Sch. Dist., Pa_ _ _ _2327, 2721 Sunol Glen Sch. Dist., Callf....2721, 3100 Pocahontas, Va 1923, 2464 Rocky River, Ohio 2590, 2720 Sharpies VII. Sch. Dist., Ohlo_1924, 2062 Sunset Sch. Dist., Calif 2721, 3100 Pointe Au Pie, Que 2191 Rolla Rural Nigh 8.1), No. 1, Kan...2850 Shawnee, Okla 2189 Burry County. No. Caro 2721, 3351 Point Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa 2972 Rome N Y 1794, 1923, 3231 Shawnee Rur. Sch. Dist., Ohio 1924 Susquehanna Depot S. D., Pa_3233, 3351 Polk County, Iowa 2189, 2464, 3099 Ronceverte, W. Va 8 Shawinigan Falls. Que_2974, 3102, 3353 Suwanee Co. Spec. Tax S. D. No. 2, Polk County, No. Caro 1793 Rosalie, Neb 2590 Shelby, Mont 2465 Fla 2721 Polk County, Tenn 2189, 2464 Roseboro Sch. Dist., No. Caro 3350 Shelby, Ohio 3351 Sutherlin, Ore 3351 Polk Sch. Twp., Ind_ _ _ _1923, 2849, 3350 Rosebud, Tex 1923 Shelby County, Tenn__1924, 2062, Swampscott, Mass 2063. 2327, 3223 Polk Co. Spec. Tax S. D., Fla_2849, 3099 Roseburg, Ore 2590, 3100 2721, 3100 Swanton, Ohio 3351 Polk Co. S. D. No. 13, Ore 3231 Rosenburg. Tex 1923. 2061 Shelbyville High Bch. Dist., Ill 3232 Sweetwater Co. S. D. No. 2, Wyo., Polo, Ill 2061, 2326 Rosenberg Ind. S. D., Tex 3100 Sheldon Twp., So. Caro 2062 2721, 3101, 3233 Ponder Sch. Dist., Tex 2720 Ross Twp. School Dist., Pa 2850 Shelter Island Un. Free Sch. Dist. Sweetwater Co. S. D. No. 7, Mont., Pond Sch. Dist., Calif 3231 Rotan Ind. S. D., Tex__ _1794, 2061, No. 1, N.Y 2327, 2721 2465, 3233 Pontiac de Bloomfield Twps. S. D. 2327, 2720 Sherbrooke, Que 2852 Sylvania, Ohio 3351 No. 17. Mich 2590 Rotterdam Union Free B. D. No. 4, Sheridan, Wyo 1795 Syracuse, N. Y 2328, 3233 Pontiac, Mich 3350 N. Y 1794, 2061, 2189 Sheridan County, Mont. 2062, 2591 Poplar Bluff Sch. Dist., Mo 2189 Rougemont. Que 2064, 2464 Sheridan Co. Sch. Dist. No. 2, Neb. 1:42145i , 3233 Poplar Irr. Dist., Idaho 2720 Royal Oak, Mich__2061, 2189, 2327, 2850, 3351 TaagT.C WouunitY, Ga...2190. Portage Minn 2590 2590, 2720, 3231 Sherman Ind. Sch. Dist., So. Dak. 2722, 3101 Portage County, Ohio..2720. 2849, Royal Oak Twp. S. D. No. 7, Mich. 1795, 1924 Talbotton Sch. Dist., Gs 3231, 3350 2850, 3350 Sherman Co. Sch. Dist. No. 8., Neb.2591 Tallahatchie County. Miss 332191211 Portage La Prairie, Man 3353 Royal Twp. S. D. No. 6, Mich 2327 Sherwood Spec. Rd. Br. Dist., Mo_3351 Tallahatchie Co. Rd. Dist., Miss-22067232 Port Arthur, Tex 1923 Rural Valley, Pa 2591 Shlawassee County, Mich 3232 Tamaqua, Pa Port Clinton, Ohio 2972 Rush County, Ind 2720, 2850 Shoshone. Idaho 2062 Tamaqua, Pa 23310281 Porter County, Ind 1923 Rushville Un,S. D. No.92, ni_2061, 2464 Shoshoni, Wyo 2190 Tarkio Sch. Dist., Mo Port Hope, Ont 3102 Ruskin, Neb 2720 Sidell Twp. Sch. Dist., 111__-_2591, 2721 Tarrytown, N.Y._2591, 2850, 2973, 3101 Port Huron, Mich 3350 Russellville, Ark 1923 Sidney, Neb 2190 Taunton, Mass 2722, 2951 Portland,Me_ _1793,2326,2464,3100, 3350 Rutherford County, No. Caro 3231 Sierra County, N. Mex 2062, 2591 Tavares, Fla 2190 Portland, Ore_ _1793, 1794. 1923, Rutherford County, Tenn 2850 Silver Bow Co., Mont 1795, 2062 Taylor, Jones & Callahan Cos. Corn. 2061, 2326, 2464, 2849, 2972, 3231 Rutland, Vt 3232, 3350 Silver City, N. Mex....1924, 2591, 3232 Sch. Dist., Tex 2722 Portland Sch. City, Ind__1794, 2061. Rye, N.Y 1923, 2061 Silverton, Ore 3232 Tazewell Co. Sch. Dist. No. 108, III., 2720. 2849 Silverton Sch, Dist., Ore 2189 2591, 3233 Port 2326, 2464 t. Albans, Vt 2850, 3100 Simlo, Colo 1924 Temple, Tex 2063, 2592, 3233 Port of Astoria. Oro 3331 St. Augustine, Fla 1923, 2327 Sioux Center Ind. Sch. Dhst., Iowa Tennessee (State) 2592, 3351 Port of Alsea. Ore 2972 St. Charles Parish, Que 3353 2327, 2850 Tensas Parish S. D. No. 4, La.1924, 2415 Port of Portland. Ore 2720 St. Clair, Mich 2062, 2327 Sioux City, Iowa 2850 Terry County, Tex 2328, 2851 Port of Seattle, Wash 2720, 3231 St. Clairsville, Ohio 1794 Smithfield Rd. Dist., W.Va 1795 Texarkana, Tex 1924, 2063, 2318 Portsmouth, N. H 3100, 3231 St. Cloud, Fla 3232 Smithfield Twp. Rur. Sch. Dist. Texas(State)_1924. 2190, 2328, 2722, Portsmouth, Ohio S50 St. Elmo, Tenn 2464, 3232 Ohio 1795. 2062 2973, 3233, 3351 Portsmouth, Va 3350 St. George S. D., Ga_ _2062, 2327, 2973 Smith Sch. Twp. Ind 2327, 2591 Texas City, Texas 3351 Posey County, Ind__2326. 2720, St. James Drainage Dist., Mo 3350 Smith's Falls, Ont 2466 Thorold, Ont 2329 2972, 3231, 3350 St. Jean, Que 2064, 2466 Smithtown, N. Y 2062, 2327 Thayer, Kan 2465 Post, Texas 2327 St. Jerome.De Matane, Que 2191 Smith Twp., Ohio 1924, 2062 The Danes, Ore 2190, 2851, 3101 Post Garza County, Tex 1923 St. Johns, Que 232 Snohomish County, Wash_ _1795, 1924 Throop Sch. Dist., Pa 2851 Postville Sch. Dist., Iowa 2590 St. John (City & County of). N. B..2852 Snohomish Co. Sch. Dist. No. 99, Thurston Co. S. D. No. 17, Neb_ ___2110 Potter. Neb 1923 St. Johns County, Fla 1923, 2464 Wash 2850 1924 poughkeepsie, N. Y 2849 St. John Levee & Drain. Dist., Mo..3100 Socorro Co. Sch. Dist. No.5, N. Mex, Tildes; Ind. S. D., Tex 3233, 3351 Power County, Idaho.._2061, 2590, 2972 St. Johnsville S. 13., N. Y.__ _2591, 2720 2721, 3351 Timmins, Ont 2064 Prague, Okla 2061, 2972, 3231 St. Joseph, Mo 1923 Socorro Co.Sch.Dist. No. 6, N. Mex.2721 Tioga, Pa 3233 Pratt, Kan 3100 St. Joseph Sch. Dist., Mo 3350 Soloman. Kan 2190 Tipton County, Tenn 2063. 2465 Prescott, Ark 2590 St. Joseph, Ohio 2062 Solvay, N. Y 3351 Tiptonville, Tenn 2851. 3233 Presidio Co. Corn.S. D. No. 1, Tex__2849 St. Joseph County, Ind_2327, 2591, 2720 Somerset, Ky 2973 Tisdale Twp., Ont 2724, 3102 Preston, Iowa 1794. 2464 St. Lambert, Qua 1796 Somerset Twp., Pa 2973 Titusville, Fla 2592. 2973 Preston. Ont 1796 Bt. Landry Par. Sub. Rd. Dist., La_2850 Somerville, Mass 2850, 3351 Toledo. Ohio 2063, 2328, 2722 Price Water Cons, Dist., Utah 2464 St. Lawrence County, N. Y 2082 Somerville, Tenn 2850 Tolley, No. Dak 2851, 3351 Prince Rupert. B. C 2593, 2974 St. Lawrence County, Ohio 3350 South Bend, Ind 3351 Tonawanda, N. Y 2851. 3101, 3233 Princeton Hich Sch. Dist., Ill 2327 St. Lucie Co. Spec. Rd. dr Bdge. Dist. South Bend School City, Ind._1795, 2591 Tonkawa, Okla 24c Prosperity Sch. Dist., Man 2724 No. 3, Fla 2464 South Carolina (State) 2190, 2850 Topeka, Kan 2851, 2973 Providence, R. I 2972, 3231 St. Lucie Co. Spec. Rd.& Bdge. Dist. South Dakota (State) 1795 Toronto, Ohio 3233 Prowers Co. Sch. Dist. No. 3, Colo_ _2590 No. 5, Fla 3350 Southeast Un, Free Sch.Dist. No.13, Townsville Twp., No. Caro_ _ .2851, 3233 Pueblo Conservancy Dist., Colo., St. Paul, Minn 2850, 3232, 3350 N. Y 2190, 2591, 2721 Tracy Gram.Sch. Dist., Calif_ _1795, 1923, 2327 St. Paul S. D. No. 39, No. Dak____2591 South Euclid, Ohio....2721,3100, 3351 1924, 2043 Pulaski, Tenn 2849, 3231 St. Therese, Que 2191 South Fork Twp. Sch. 1)1st., Ill_ _2327 Trail. B. C 2191 Pulaski, Va 2849, 3100 Sabina' Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex 2720 South Glens Falls, N. Y 3232 Transylvania County, No. Caro... _2722 Pulaski Co., Ind 3354) Sacramento, Calif 3100, 3350 South Haven Sch. Dist., Mich_2062, 3351 Trinity, Tex 2722 Pullman, Wash 3100, 3350 Safford Sch. Dist. No. 1, Ariz 3100 South Jacksonville, Fla 2327 Trinity County, Tex-- _ _1795, 2592, Punta Gorda, Fla 3100, 3231 Saginaw, Mich 2850 South Orange, N J 3232 2722, 3233 Putnam County, N. Y 3100, 3231 Saginaw County, Mich 2061, 2720 South Pasadena, Calif 2721, 2850 Troy, Ala 1795 Putnam County, Ind 3231 Salem, Mass 2464, 2591, 2720, 3232 South Portland, Me 1795 Troy, Mont 1795 Salem, N.3.1794, 1923, 2062, 2327, 2464 Southmont Sch. Dist., Pa 3232 Troy, N. Y._1795, 1924, 2722, 2851, uaker, Ohio 2189 Salem, Ohio 2720, 3100 South Rockwood Sch. Dist., Mich...2062 3101. 3233 uebec (Prov. of) _2974, 3102, 3234,3353 Salem, Ore 2327, 2591 South San Francisco High Sch.Dist., Troy, Pa 3233 QQueen Anne's Co., Md 3231 Salem Sch. Dist., N. H 2591 Calif 1795, 2062, 2190 Troy Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 6, Mich., Quincy, III 2972 Salem Sch. Twp., Ind 3350 South San Francisco Sch. Dist., Calif. 2328, 2465. 2722 Quincy, Mass 1794, 1923 Salem Twp. Sch. Dist., Ohlo....2591, 2720 1795, 2062, 2190 Troyon, No. Caro 2328 Salem Twp., Pa 3232 Southside Sch. Dist.. Calif._ _3232, 3331 Tuckahoe, N. Y 2328, 2592 D aclne, Wls 2849, 2972 Salina, Kan 3350 South Vancouver Dist., B. C 2724 Tulsa, Okla 2328, 2722 .Madoliff Ind. Sch. Dist.. Iowa 2189 Salina Rural H. S. D. No, 5, Kan 3232 South Whitley, Ind 3232 Turlock Soh. Dist., Calif 2328. 2851

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BONDS-(Contfnued). BONDS-(Continued) . BONDS-(Conanued). BONDS-(Concluded). Page Page. Page. Page. Tuscaloosa, Ala 1924, 2063, 2465 Walker Co. Corn. 8.1). No. 3. Tex_2190 Westfield, Mass 1796 Winnsboro Ind. Tex_2328, Tuscarawas County, S. 13.. Ohio 2973 Walkerville, Ont 2724 Westfield, N. Y 2723, 2973 2592, 3101 Tuscumbla Sch. Dist., Mo 2465 Walla Walla, Wash 1924 Westfield Sch. Dist., N. J 3101, Winona, Minn Tweedy 3352 2064 Sch. Dist., Calif 2465, Waltham, Mass 2328, 2851, 3351 West Jefferson, No. Caro 2592 Winston-Salem No.Caro 3352 2722. 3233 Ware, Mass 2722, 2851, 3234 Weslaco, Tex 3234 Winter Park, Fla 2592, 2851 Warren, Mass 2592 West Lafayette, Ind Winthrop, matilia, Ore 1925 Mass 1796, 2328, 2974 2592, 3101 Warren, Ohio 2465, 2722 West Lawn,Pa 1925 Wisconsin Rapids, Wis 3352 U*anion City, Tenn 2592, 2973 Warren County, Pa 1796, 2190 Westmont, Pa 2468 Wiseburn Union County, Ind Sch. Dist., Calif______..._3234 1795. 2063 Warren County, Ind 2851 Westmoreland County, Pa 3352 Wise County, Tex 3234 Union County, N. J 3351 Warrick County, Ind 2722, 3352 Weston, Ohio 3234 Union County, Ohio Wisner, Neb 2191, 2328. 2466 1924, 2190 Warsaw Twp., Pa 3352 Weston, Ont 3235 Woburn, Mass 1925, 2974, 3352 Union Incl. Sch. Dist., Tex 2722 Warwick, R. I 2722, 3352 West Palm Beach, Fla Sch. Iowa 2063, 2466 Wolcott Hill Fire Dist., Conn 2592 Union Twp., 1924, 3233 Wasco County, Ore 1924, 2592 West Plains, Mo 2328 Wood County, Ohlo___1796. 2064, Union Furnace Sch. Dist.. Ohio--3101 Washington, Ohio 2592, 2851 West Point Sch. Dist., Union Sch. Dist , Ind Neb 3101 2723, 2851 2328 Washington County, Pa 2328, 2722 West St. Paul, Minn 2063, 2468 Woodbine Boro Sch. Dist., N. J__ _ _3362 Union (Town) Un. Fr. Sch. Dist. Washington County, Ind 2063, 2328 West Salem, Ohio 3101 No.2, N. Y Woodburn, Ore 3101 1795 Washington County, No. Caro 3101 West Side Un. H.S. 13., Callf _2723, 3101 Woodland High Sch. Dist., Calif _ _ _ _3352 Upland TWO.. No. flak 1924, 2190 Washington Co. Sch. Dist., Va__ _1924 West Springfield, Upper Arlington, Ohio Mass 2592, 2723 Woodmere Fire Dist., N. Y__1925, 2191 1795. 3233 Washington Co.S. D. No.49, Ill__ 1924 West Vancouver Dist., B. C....2329, 3102 Woodson Co.Rural High S.D. No. 1. Upper St. Clair Sch. Dist., Pa 2722 Washington (State of) 1796, 2063 West Virginia Upton, Wyo (State of) 3352 Kan 3234 3351 Washington Sch. Twp., Ind_1796, West Wildwood, N. J 2328, 2592 Woodward-Pleasant Grove Spec. Rd. Utica, N. Y 2190, 2328 2190, 2465, 2592, 2851, 2973, Weymouth, Mass Uvalda Sch. Dist., Ga 2328 Dist., Miss 2723, 3352 2973 3101,3352 Wharton, Tex 2592 Woonsocket,R. I 2723, 2851 Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist., Wharton County, v Gram. Tex 2063 Worcester, Mass_ ..1925, 2592, 2724, alleY Sch. Dist.. Calif., Md 2592, 2722 Wheaton Sanitary Dist., Ill_ _1796, 3233, Washington 2063 2851. 3101. 3352 3351 Twp., Pa 3352 Wheeler County. Tex_ _ _1796, 2723. 2974 Worland, Wyo 2592 Valley Head, Ala 1924 Washtenaw County, Mich 2465 WhIgham Valley View Sch. Dist., Ga 3352 Worthington, Ohio 3234 Drain. Dist , Ore 1795 Waterbury, Conn 2592, 2722, 2851 Wheeling Twp., Ohio Van Buren, Ark 1924 Waterloo, N. 2063 Wrightsville Beach, No. Caro_2851, 3101 Y 2063, 2328 Whitby, Out 2852, 2974 Wyandotte, Mich 2064 Van Buren Twp. Rue. Sch. Dist., Watertown, Mass 1924, 2063, 3352 White Ohio County, Ind 1796. 2328 Wyandotte Co., Kan_ _2191. 2592, 3234 1795. 3351 Watertown, Tenn 3352 Whitefield Village Fire Dist., N. H. Vanceboro, No. Caro 2973, 3233 Watervliet, N. Wynard, Bask 3353 Y 1796, 2063 3234. 3352 2724 Vancouver, B. C 1925, 3353 Watonga, Okla 1924 Wynot, Neb Vanderburgh Whitehall, N.Y 1925, 2592 Wyoming Sch. Dist., Ohio 2593 County, Ind__1795, Watto City Sch. Dist., Calif 1796 Whitehall, HI_ __2064, 1924, 2851, 3351 Wauchula, 2328, 3101, 3352 Wyoming,Ill 3101 Fla 3101, 3234 Whitehouse, Ohio 2466 yang Sch. Diet. No. 106. No. 1)ak_-2592 Waukegan Twp. Sch. Dist., Ill Wyoming Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 7. 2063 Whitesboro, N.Y 3234 Mich 2064 232,, Venango, Neb 2592 Wauneta Sch. Dist., Neb 2592, 3234 White Venango County, Pa Plains, N. Y 2064, 2191 3351 Waverly Ind. Sch. Diet., Iowa 1924 Whitman Co. S. D. No. 47, Vercheres Sch. Dist., Bask Waverly, Wash_ _3101 akima, Wash 2328 2191 N. Y 2592 Whitley County,Ind 3234 Vermillion County, Ind 1924 Waycross, Ga 2190 yates Center, Kan 1796 Vernon. Calif Whitney Sch. DLit., No. Caro 1796 Yazoo Delta Highway Taxing Dist., 2851 Wayne, Midi 2722 Whittemore, Mich 2328, 2592. 3234 Vernon, Conn 2063 Wayne, Neb 1924, 2592 ss 2593 Vernon, Tex Wiliaux County, Mont 2064 Yeadon, Pa 1925, 2191, 2724 1795, 2328, 2592 Wayne County, No. Caro 2851 Wichita, Kan_ __2191, 3101. Vernon Twp. Rur. 8. 13., Ohio Wayne 3234. 3352 Yoakum, Tex 1796 2592 County, Ohio 1796, 2063 Wichita County, Kan 3352 Vernonia, Ore 1795 Waynesboro, Va 3101, 3352 Yoakum County, Tex 2328 Vero, Fla Wichita Falls Ind. Bob. DIst., Tex-2592 1792, 2190 Webb City, Mo 2328, 2722 Wicomico York, Pa 2064, 2724. 2851 Vestal Corn. County, Md 2851, 3352 York Sch. Dist., Pa 2064, 2724 S.D. No. 2, N.Y_2063, 2465 Webster City, Iowa_ _ _2063, 2328, 3101 Wilkes-Barre, Pa Victoria, Tax 1924, 2328, Weimer, 1796. 1925 York, So. Caro 1796, 3101 2592 Tex 3101 Willcox, Aria 2064 Victoria, B. C 3353 Weimer Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex_ _1796, 2063 York Twp., Ont 2466, 2593, 2724 Vigo Williams ,it Burnett Cos. C.S. D.No, 1925, 3101 County, Ind_ _1796, 2190, 2328, Weld Co.S. D. No. 24, Colo...1796, 2592 37, Tex Yorktown, Tex 2592. 2722, 2851, 2973, 3234 Young Co. Rd. Dist. No.2, Tex-- _1925 3233, 3351 Weld Co.9.1). No. 107, Colo_1796, 2063 Williamsburg Road Dist., W.Va....2723 Vinton, Va 2328, 2465 Wellesley, 1924, Young Co. Corn. Sch. Dist. No. 38, Mass 2063, 2465 Williams Sch. DLit., Ariz 2723 Tex. Visitation Sch. Dist., Calif... _1796, 2190 Wellington. Colo 2063 Williamsport 3234 Volusta County, Fla Sch. Dist., Pa 3234 Young & Archer Co'sC. S. D.No. 1, 3234 Wellman Ind. S. D., Iowa__ _1796, 2722 Willowbrook Sch. Dist.. C8,111_2851. 3234 Wells County, Ind_1796, Tex 3234 1914. 2851, Wlllowick, Ohio 3359 Youngstown, Wabaeli County, Ind_ 1924, 2190, 3101, 3234, 3352 Wilmington 0180_2724, 2852,3101, 3352 Del 2851, 3101 Ypsilanti, Mich 3101 2722, 2851 Wellston, Ohio 2191, 2851 Wilson County, No. Caro '3352 Wabash School City, Ind 2692, 2851 Wellsville, Ohio 2466. 2722, 3352 Yreka City, Calif 2191, 2593 Waco, Tex Wilson fich. Dist., Pa 2592 Yuba Co. Calif. 2063. 2823 Weslaco, Tex 1925, 2466 Winchendon, Reel. Dist, No. 784, Waeousta Sch. Dist., Mich Mass ' 3234 2064, 2191 2063 Weslaco Independent S. D., Tex__ _2973 Windsor, Colo 2064 Wadsworth, Ohio 2592, 2722, 3351 West Baton Rouge Par. Sub. Drain. Yuma Co. Sch. Dist, No. 11, Ariz_ _2466 Wagner 8.1). Windsor, Conn 2191, 2723 No.60. So. Caro_2063, 2328 Dist. No. 1, La 1925, 2328, 2723 Windsor, Ont Wagoner Ind. S. D. No. 19, 2852 '7anesville Vlll. Sch. Dist., Ohio___2974 Okla_ _ _2190 West Bend, Iowa 2328 Windsor S. D. No. 64, So. Caro. Wake County, No. Caro_2328, 2465, 2592 Westbrook, Tex 3101 Leavails Co. Corn. Sch. Dist. No 7, Wakeeney, Kan 2064, 2328 Tex 2724, 3234 3101, 3351 West Carrollton, Ohio 1925 Winfield, Kan 1796, 2064, 3234 Wakefield, Neb 1796 Westchester Zavalla-Dimmit Co's Imp. Dist. No. Co., N. Y-2328, 2465,11148d Winnipeg, Man 3235, 3353 1, Tex Walker County, Tex 3101 2723, 3234, 3352 2328, 2852 Winnsboro, Tex 2064 Zellenople Soh. Dist., Pa 2593, 2974

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