Clemson Commencement Program, May-June 1925 Clemson University

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Clemson Commencement Program, May-June 1925 Clemson University Clemson University TigerPrints Clemson Commencement Programs Academic Affairs 5-31-1925 Clemson Commencement Program, May-June 1925 Clemson University Follow this and additional works at: Materials in this collection may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. code). Use of these materials beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. For additional rights information, please contact Kirstin O'Keefe (kokeefe [at] clemson [dot] edu) For additional information about the collections, please contact the Special Collections and Archives by phone at 864.656.3031 or via email at cuscl [at] clemson [dot] edu Recommended Citation University, Clemson, "Clemson Commencement Program, May-June 1925" (1925). Clemson Commencement Programs. 33. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Academic Affairs at TigerPrints. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clemson Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of TigerPrints. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ ·········----------·------····--------·······---- ! [lte Qilemsttn ~!Jri:cnlfurnl filttlle!J~ I -OF- OFFICIAL PROGRAM I Twenty-Ninth Commencement May 31, June 1 and 2, 1925 CLEMSON COLLEGE, S. C. (Keep this program for reference) l __ ---- -------------------------~ SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1925 11 :30 A. M.-College Chapel-Baccalaureate Sermon ORDER OF SERVICE MUSIC BY ORCHESTRA ANTHEM BY CHOIR "Praise Ye The F a·ther" HYMN BY CONGREGATION "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" PRAYER ANTHEM BY CHOIR " Praise Ye The Lord" SCRIPTURE LESSON ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN BY CONGREGATION "He Leadeth Me! 0 Blessed Thought" SERMON DR. THOMAS V.. McCAUL Gainesville, Florida PRAYER HYMN BY CONGREGATION "Onward Christian Soldiers" BENEDICTION MUSIC BY ORCHESTRA (Congregation wi'll please remain seated while graduating claati and corps of cadets maroh out) SUNDA'Y, (Continued) 6:30 P. M.-ln Front of Y. M. C. A. Building Informal meeting of Seniors and their guests and the Faculty. CONCERT BY CADET BAND I' THE OLEMSON OOLLEGE CADET BAND PROF. E . J. FREEMAN ·-----···--·---·········-·-······Faculty Director CADET J. R. HELLER --·----- ·-·····--··········--·················----····· Captain PROGRAM Overture-"Light Cavalry" ___________________ Suppe Patrol-"Spirit of America" _______________ Zamecnik "Song of Love" (Blossom Time") _______ .;_ ____ Romberg Overture-"Norma" ------------------------- Bellini Air Varie-"The Old Home Down on the Farm" __ Harlow (Cornet Solo by G. G. Simmons) March-"San Francisco Souvenir" ______________ Deiro Intermission Overture-Poet and Peasant" _________________ Suppe ,, ) ! I Polka-"Brunette and Blonde" ____________ Rollinson (Cornet duet by G. G. Simmons and T. H. Clarke,)., ' Serenade-"Love in Idleness" _______________ Macbeth Patrol-"The Old South" _________________ -_ Zamecnik (To be selected) Overture-"Semiramide" -------------------- Rossini "Alma Mater" · 8:30 P. M.-Y. M. C. A. Auditorium-Closing Exercises of Young Men's Christian Association P. B. HOLTZENDORFF, JR·-------·-·--·-----···--------- General Seqet.ary T. L. VAUGHAN ······------······----------··-- ---·----··············--· Assis.taut Secretary E. H. JORDAN, ---- ··-··-·-·-·---····-------·-----·------·--···---·····-·--·---··············-····· President s. F. WELLS ------·-----······-··------·-- ···-·· --------- --- -·-----······---- -······· Vice Presid!erit D. R. ERGLE -----------------·------------------ __________ R ecording Secretary Sermon ---------------'------------- "True Manhood" REV. JOHN McSWEEN Address ---------------------------- "Summarizing" B. W. FREELAND Address _________ "Work of the Y. M. C. A. Since 1916" PROF. S. M. MARTIN, Chairman Y. M. C. A. Advisory Board since 1917 Address ___________ "Some Things Not Yet Mentioned" _ P. B. HOLTZENDORFF, JR. Introduction of Mr. R. H. Smith, Asst. Sec. for 1925~1926 MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1925 10:00 A. M.-Y. M. C. A. Auditorium-Annual Meeting of Alumni Association AUDLEY H. WARD, '14, Aiken, S. C. President of the Asoociation 11 :30 A. M.-College Chapel-Closing Exercises of the the Literary Societies DR. D. W. DANIEL, P residing Officer PROGRAM Music by Clemson Concert Orchestra "Hungarian Dance"-Brahms "Andante"-Hayden JOHN CALLAHAN BAGWELL-Anderson County Representing the Calhoun SQciety "Our Own Peril" THOMAS ANDRID.W BONNER-Spartanburg County Representing the Colum1bian Society "Woodrow Wilson" Music by Concert Orchestra-"Spring Song'', Mendelssohn CH;ESTER BROOKLYN KING-Horry County Representing the Palmetto Society "The Glory of America" Delivery of Society Medals and Diplomas Music by Clemson Concert Orchestra "Andante Cantabile" from String Quartette-Tschaikowsky MONDAY-( Continued) 2:30-5:00 P. M.-lnspection of laboratories and shops. The various laboratories and shops will be operated by students, and all visitors are cordially invited to visit these places. 5:00 P. M.-Bowman Field-Military Exercises. Drill by cadet companies and battalions Individual drill for R. W. Simpson Medal Dress Parade. Presentation of commissions to officers in Reserve Corps of Q. S. Army. 8:00 P. M.-College Chapel-Award of Athletic Honors to Members of Teams Public invited. 9:00 P. M.-Mess Hall-Annual Alumni Supper AUDLEY H . WARD, ' 14, Toastmast er PROGRAM FRANK Hf. JETER, '11, Alumni Speaker Respolllses by Hon. Alan Johnstone, President of the Board of Trustees Prof. S. B. Earle, Acting President of the College. President-elect of the Association, Representatives of classes of 1900, '05, '10, '15, '20 · holding reunions I' 1924-1925 OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOOIATION A. H. WARD, '14 ...... ............................... ...... ................................ President E . R. McIVE R , '05 .................................................................. _ 1st Vice-President G. C. FANT, " 11 .......................................................................... 2nd Vice-President W. K. MAGILL, ' 15 ..................................................................... 3rd Vice-Pres·ident E . G. PARKER, '2 4 ............................................................................................ S€cr etary TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1925 10:30 A. M.-College Cha!>el-Graduating Exercises ORDER OF EXERCISES Music by Cadet Band-March, "The Southerner" __ Alexander "The Morning" (Peer Gynt Suite)--E. Grieg (Audience will please stand as Seniors march in) INVOCATION REV. JOHN McSWEEN Pastor Presbyterian Church. Clemson College ADDRESS TO GRADUATING CLASS PESIDENT A. A . MURPHREE University of Florida SONG BY AUDIENCE "An1erica" CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND DELIVERY OF DIPLOMAS :HON. ALAN JOHNSTONE and S. B. EARLE .President Board of Truslees Act:ing President Music by Cadet Band-"Vals~ des Fleurs" (The Nut Cracker Suite)-Tschaikowsky r·. DELIVERY OF MEDALS AND HONORS SONG BY AUDIENCE "Alma Mater" ~i BENEDICTION REV J. D. HOLLER Pastor Methodist Church, Clemson College Music by Cadet Band-March. (Audience will please remain seated while graduating clasli and corps of cadets march out) CLASS OF 1925 CLASS OFFICERS .I<'. H. COLBERT President ll. B. UILLESPrn Secretary-Treasurer C. A. ROBIXSOl\ Vice-President PAUL GRAVES Historiaa CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ON JUNE 2, 1925 AGRICULTURE John Callahan Bagwell Honea Path .Tohn Hugh McCormac -·-· Dilloa 'l'homas Alliert Barrs Orangeburg Frank Calhoun )fcLees Townvillg Emory 'Vood Brockman ····-· Columbia l'ieil Ale:xander McLeod --···--·--- Bingham Luther Gordon Causey ·rabor, N. c. Thomas Eugene McLeod Bingham Wade Hampton Cobb ..... Colum~ia 1liyauooto McPhaiJ Townville John },ranklin Corbin Grecnvilic Kenneth Murrell Mace Mullin• \Villi am Herbert Cr:n en ..... Gresham James Robertson Miller York Derrill McCollough l •aniel Cooper Dewey LeRoy Outen Kershaw George Carroll Edens Pickens James Floyd Rush Greenwood Barton Woodward Freeland.__ Crowley, La. Edward Sanders, Jr....... ·········-···-·Okatee 'Villiam Anderson Hambright, Kings Crcerl: Kenneth Black Sanders -···· Walterboro Thom'ls Jehu Hart ........... ... ................ Vance Julius Augustus Shanklin ........................ Greer Graham Edward _Hawkins .... Timmonsville Drayton Edgeworth Smith --··-··---· Kinard• Harold Jasper Henderson Greer H.ichard Hallum Smith ·········-····Smoalcs };dward Samuel Herlong St. Matthew' John Townsend Stevens Yonges Island Jv:::;cph Si·npson Holnws ......... ~fount,-ille l(cuneth Ervin Stokes ·············-··--Darlingto:i Waldo Carroll Huffman ... Little ~fountain Paul lleWees Stoney ··-······-··-····--Allendale Sam Luriu~ Jnckson Anderson David Warren Stribling -·······--·-Westminster George Lcro.r Jones Mullins .John Lawrence Sutherland -··-·-····- Pickens Juliar, Howell ){eel Allcnd!tle Edward Holmes Talbert --····--··· Edgefield John William Kibler Pomaria. John l'iewton Todd ···················----·Walhalla Chester l.lrooklyn King Myrtle Beach William Carroll Traxler Rowman Jesse l\fonroe Lewis Darlington William Fletcher Welch _ ·····- Clio Charles Amos Long ..... Conway •Tohn G. Williamson Tabor, N. C . Elias Alford >fcCormac... Dillon Maxwell Youmans Fairfa~ ARCHITECTURE David Cox Ayers Orangeburg Noah Patrick Shealy Newberry Reginald Leon Dicks Lakeland, Fla. Bert )[onroe Spencer :\fadison Marion Rritton Kirton .... ............................ Cades Harry Robert Woodside Gaffney CHEMISTRY \Villiam Kathaniel Simpson Richburg CIVIL ENGINEERING \Villiam Bre,·ard Bailes Fort Mill John DeLeon Matthews
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    VOL. 11 No. 9 JUNE 1925 JReady i. for Delivc THE COMPLETE 1 21 JEWELS Fitred in Wadsworth 10K \-.- Illu<trates thc Fillcd Rcplar Gold Cases lhese complete watchr, Non-Pull-Out arc packed rn attractive aluminum cigarette Bow Schgnt S60.00 bows 35 illuscr~tcd. 1 ILLINOIS WATCH COMPAN The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. F+A , ----. - - - - . - -'7 Just completed, I New Rep a i r Shop, 500' x 150'. Capacity Fully equipped with 10,000 Freight Cars; Cranes, Electric 150,000 Wheels; Heaters, etc., enabl- 20,000 tons Forgings. ing us to work in all w~.--- - --- ---- -. 8. -7:- - -. - ,.- -.- - ---__ kinds of weather. ..- 2 _ .-. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E, LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Misa. II Prmaidmnt Vice-Prea. and Genemrl Mrnager &!%L SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING R! Strong as Ever for the GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENF THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM . L. HUGGINS. Jr .. Editor MARTHA C . MOORE. Aaaocfata Edlfar VOL . I1 JUNE. 1925 No . 9 Permission is given to reprint. with credit. in part or in full. any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PACE Largest Timber Belt in the South Served by Frisco Lines ..................................................4- 5 Goggles Save Frisco Shopmen Their Sight......................................................................... 6 "Frisco Better Service" Contest for All Employes .................................................................... 7 Our Frisco Veterans .........................................................................................................................8-
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