Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-Gazette By Tk* Caurlar-Oazatta.. 485 Main 8L, Established January, 1846. EataraB as Saeond Claaa Mail Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, June 4, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80...,. .. .Number 67. The Courier-Gazette ROCKLAND WILL TELL ’EM Three Guardsmen Promoted THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK ALL THE HOME NEWS City Is Going Ahead With Publicity Campaign—Last \ ANNOUNCEMENT I Subscript loo $3.00 per year payable la ad­ Night’s Live Meeting Means That Our Good City Is vance; single copies three cents. Advertising rates based upon circulation | On the Way. and very reasonable. NEWSPAPER HISTORY The Rockland Gazette was established In ' 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established 1 This is to announce to the Women and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. If Rockland continues to hide its out; that more than 55 percent of the The Free Tress was established in 1855, and light under a bushel It will be certified potatoes are grown in of Rockland and vicinity that I am nou) In 1891 ciidnyed Its name to the Tribune, j through no fault of the 50 or more Maine; that the State has the lowesi These papers consolidated March 17, 189t_ „roKresslve citizens who last night percentage of mortgaged farms; and In Thorndike Grill and form- that more of the farmers’ boys and the Registered Spencer Corseliere and uIated pIans for the city's better- girls are to be found in tlie High ♦ There Is no happiness blit In a ♦ ment through the medium of a pub- Schools than in any other State. will be glad to make appointments at Tlrtuous and self-approving conduct. •— liclty campaign sponsored by the "Advice to farmers lif a popular » —Franklin. — Chamber of Commerce. indoor sport at the present time," my home, 154 North Main Street, / | The principal speakers were Frank said Mr. Washburn, "but there Is a p Washburn, commissioner of agrl- lot we can do.. We can say a good Rockland or at the home of any client _ _ eroAD culture, who declared that the pros- Word for the co-operative organiza­ A BIG 5GRA verity of any city is Interwoven with tions. In the minds of some people _ „ , , , , . , , ! the welfare of the rural community; tinis Is only & scheme to boost prices, at any- time. Telephone 212-13. The 200 ships designated tor scrap- R L H of Bar Harbor who hut let a farmer become associated '.’lnS.?y...th,C„!?.1i^^t“t'" ^.P.'L"K ’ how Maine's greatest summer resort with other farmers and he becomes Board total 817,130 dead weight tons. I has profited from publicity: George much more concerned In the quality They include 68 coal burners of 3,525 j B. Wood, who reviewed the achieve­ of ills product. The Maine Potato dead weight tons, one coal burner of ! ments of >he Chamber of Corn- Growers' Exchange lias done a won­ CHRISTINE M. DORMAN \ 4,155 tons, 16 coal burners of around inerce and outlined its hopes; Mayor derful work and every carload 3300 tons, 18 coal burning lakers of Carlton F. Snow, who made a strong shipped is a source of satisfaction from 3,200 to 3,500 tons, 51 coal burn­ plea for a community center; and and pride. ing lakers of 4,165 tons and 50 oil Glenn A. Lawrence, who read from Major Ralph W. Brown Captain H. P. MacAlman Lieut. R. Francis Savillo burners of from 5,000 to 5,300 tons. | Buy Maine Products his manuscript a boost for Maine that Tlie Shipping Board will advertise i brought an enthusiastic outburst. "We can interest the people In buy­ Long service In the armed forces Artillery. He recruited 48 inen'at | tion and Rockland Lodge, B. P. O. E. at once the list of vessels to be Interspersing these speeches were the ing Maine farm products. If we de­ his own expense, and was appointed Coincident with Major Brown’s scrapped, and Henry Ford is expected i of the United States has had its re­ timely remarks of Toastmaster Henry mand Maine apples in the trains, at Battalion sergeant major. 1 promotion two other members of Bat- to put in a bid for the whole 200, as ward in tlie rase of Ralph W. Brown B. Bird, whose earnestness of pur­ the fruit stores and other places wo Detailed on recruiting service ho ' tery G move up the ladder, well as for 30 more that he would pose and enthusiasm in his subject visit, we will eventually get Maine who lias received Ills promotion from went to Southern training camps— ; Harrison I’. MacAlman, who be- use in the fruit trade. could not be gainsaid. apples. And the same Is true of 1 captain of Battery G, 240th Coast Ar- Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and Spartan- comes captain, Is a native of Union The upshot of this meeting was the. butter, milk and other commodities. ’ tillcry. to commanding officer of the burg S. C-, being first attached to the and a graduate of Thomaston High Immediate launching of a campaign A widespread demand for Maine i Second Battalion, with rank of ma­ 56th Infantry, and later to the 61st. I School. While employed by his for additional memberships in the canned goods would be the means of jor, ami headquarters in this city. He trained colored troops, and was , uncle in a Boston automobile estab- Chamber, and the decision to have opening thousands of acres now idle. Major Brown's military career ready to embark for Overseas when J llshmcnt lie attended night school at THE GRACIE MUSIC SHOPPE an office on the ground floor, Main Co-operation is the key. The old I dates back to the 'Spanish War, the Armistice was signed. He was Northeastern University. Ho went HOME OF MUSICAL VALUES street, where the Chamber of Com­ prejudice, doubt and suspicion arc which found him an enlisted man at 21 months In service during tlie Overseas with the Yankee Division. JUST ARRIVED merce will be easily within reach of passing out. We are coming to see the age of 15. World War. serving as a member of Co. C, 101st i strangers who seek information and that we are all Interdependent. It He became a member of the Na- In December, 1920 he was author- Engineers. He enlisted in Battery LATEST JUNE NUMBERS of business interests which have a Is one of the most hopeful signs of i tional Guard forces in 1900 when he ized to form the 5th company of 1 G throe years ago as a private, re- REGAL RECORDS 39 CENTS right to expect its aid. tlie times. ! joined Co. II, (Tillson Light Infan Coast Artillery, Maine National 1 ceivlng rapid promotion as the re- Bird Sums It Up "The condition of the schools in the t/’) lst Ma|ne Regiment of Infantry, Guard. This later became tlie 305tn suit of efficiency and interest shown. Vocal, Orchostration, Violin, Comic, Eac. rural towns makes a difference. Are Entering tlie company as a private Company and is today Battery G, He is a member of Winslow-Holbrook "The Boost Maine proposition Is not the children getting the advantages he was promoted to lst sergeant, and 240th F. A. He has been acting ma­ Post, A. L-, Rockland Lodge, B. P. O. Portable Phonographs $15.00 and up a flash in the pan; it is a real move­ they ought to have? It makes a dif­ was then appointed a staff officer, jor since December, 1924, and Ills E., Aurora Lodge, F. & A. M„ and of ment,” said Henry B. Bird,'who called MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES ference whether the road between with the rank of lieutenant. official appointment to that position the executive board of the Red Cross. ' tlie meeting to order after an ex­ your house or store and the farmers At the outbreak of the Mexican is fitting recognition of long and R. Francis Savillo, who is promoted Come in and hear the 39c Records and $15.00 cellent supper had been discussed. yard is in good passable condition. trouble he went to the border with efficient service. His ability as an to lst lieutenant, is a native of Rock­ “It is going to be the greatest thing Y°U'LI, be delighted with “I am often asked the question as the lst New Hampshire Field Artil- instructor and disciplinarian is seen land, and was one of the original Phonograph J that ever struck Maine, financially to whether I would advise young men lery’ h»ving meantime found employ- in the fact that Battery G is one of menihew of Battery G. He enlisted a dinner eaten here. and In every other way." to engage in farming. My answer al­ ment in Manchester. He was as the crack companies of the regiment, j us private, was appointed corporal THE GRACIE MUSIC SHOPPE Mr. Bird outlined the three out­ Food of proven purity served most invariably, is ‘yes, under certa'n signed to headquarters of the 4t!i Major Brown is a member of | the following year, and sergeant a PARK THEATRE BUILDING ROCKLAND, ME. standing projects now receiving pub­ conditions and limitations. Agricul­ Separate Brigade, and saw service the Brown Cigar Co., has been city year later. In tlfe examination for in the style that will please lic attention—the line of steamships ture is bound to feel the effect of this in Mexico and along tlie border, and county committeeman In the Re­ second lieutenant he made the best whlich the Eastern is going to operate 1 I r— you.
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