'J i,\ Sri *- r * cJ <£ysi •sr MT5s&,&,g«

THE STATE FINANCES* ^ortli JleUrrjror I'KOSrECTUS OF THI MAMMOTH WELL'S PECTORAL SYRUP OP I SHAHS' $joctr]j. llail Roads. EAGLE WORKS, RBTCSTtf votm nr Report of the Speritil I'ommittce of Invet- Storage «&• Commission w,i.n iHi:KKv !PICTORIAL WORKS. STATIONERY ihirago, III., foot ion into the affairs of the State THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE. fbr Cxo/hr, CM', Influenza, 1 Ifurtfi/, A'thma, , HOUSH, SHOUTi:«T ROI TE and S the largest Machinery Manufactory and Whoomna-Vuiiiih, toriirti, a>,i.K I- l,o,,i.r»h!y ili-trnmii-lieii from Sarnmcr Evening at Home. Trettsuni, tnade to the Senate, March * m" I*I. .J all lormer perkuls. BV the cairerne** nianile*»T58. BY J. C. 1IOXSIK k SONS. To Central Ioavji. I ery >|H ries of knowMce. and by the ^nccos-fol effortn Blatik Book House, made to diffuse t«.»eful nd<»i lualioli atnoiiK all r!a.-.-e«* of CWW, lovely Kveniiijf, witb ihy --mile of pest* 7»A1«.Y IN Al'lUL «c shall have complo- TIIK TiniU'N'E . A NWrl'Al F.Il. found ...... eiDii I frill IS valuable remedy is prepared with great j Mr. Cook from the Spccial Com­ RAII.I.OAM IM'.Milll ( ARSi, , . ,| „,nect chcii.ical prim iph-s. cnmmuii iy. The a t\anlaff'^ o| ^nrh morkh a« the fol­ VWt my humble liwillln;;, wi-li-umwl tn. I.J ted a permanent ami substantial Ware r p-rtnj,' rr-i'linir i Oront X'-rth M'e^t th*'CHI A. II. HURLEY & CO., (1 n an lowing are tnanifoid uud Ciinnot fail to be appreciated by Not with Inml shouts. ami the tlinug'd cttjr'sdln. mittee, appointed to investigate the IIMIIKI' ut North McGregor, fur tin- reception o! CA«»OTKltN NK»- th»?r in lli.il iittoO ] Ao. 122 Lnkr slrri't, Chuago, Iff. ['"liable and !|j»;»<-i'< M«>t pipe dealing aiul close lo business, to iTfnorn! intrn^t W»-«t^ri» r an«t |»uh!tshc*H®rtd«i Txnimioti\e, 'Hibnlar and CylinderSteam Boll- the |>aticnt IK- ever so much reduced. An Te^tiiment, according to the authorised vet? With naad« the followinn report : ...... an liiiUM-iisc nmss t-i ii.t* anil -eU-Ctod, W and I'aney Stationery, l'ltiiik ll<«, m cj •!/<•. • ., nieritmerit the confidencerontulriiee ami piitronncepatronage ofo the ,C iw, Smoke llpe, Hm-ili'-s, Sheet Work, St., over dose will muse nausea and sometimes lull marelnat refHrencf. tables of the wctpht* ;«nd meai- rrt||»n-i»»«! from n!t THN W.-l4 l»ooks. sueh asL-.lprs, .lonrnals. I»a.v It-M.k-t. and all kinds of | vomitiim, but will produce no other unpleas- Cnloviu-. a *tcel otigraved family icctTtl. n s-i)- rh ami to settle with the State Treasurer, ask irini: about ONK-THIUL) ut'the amount hereto- Heard railMim-tly tumi the villnpo (jro«, TiiKThinrNH AS A U»MMI:RCUL rAi'ER. OP/- \ lit ) 1 \ A/.7. Ji I \ Cash 1^'oUh. <'heck Books. Heef'ipt lV»'>ks. llill Wood aud Iron Machinery, nslllt authentic map of Palestine and the ll.»ly Utnd Mliistra* The lnnl'J I:i^t twnk r from the lieiltrc row tcenr, lcave to report that they have exam- l'"lv l Xi" Ul1 ilt M' t.irt^or; promptly notifying No raro or l:ibor Is >jwrM t>» m.ikf tlie Mnrk^t R»«- n*i.'l V,- . ...1 • • • Hooks. Time Hooks, sheep covered M'-morali- Patients should uvnid taking to»» larirt titl by alniut 10t eam* it litis it U'ttt v Hh-rt l»v til- inedthc., ™books, ' papersi ' an.l vouchere "iTn.T.r'i',all niercniuiMiKc '".V'"'''" consigned'" to our holier i* well .••crib'T-mav i.jM.n tindinc f»»li .ti»ii—betojf To pay linn for his farewell *«ns,—>11 these P X A WO API'RIl NO.MMY, April -Jrttb. all sizes and styles English inetalic mcmiv King .1 ihisC tli. t will rtst «. II .111 UK stoi 1.UII. ,|||% anil of II, n<.T. rmm nts and of said treasurer, and report as fol-j taken care of nud protirtiiifromt lie weather,we tioa> t»f ail tin- I'-.i'lniK ai twoih rctt in ih»* CliM a^o M.«r Tomb -i»>i'iinglr Hie trvi'O t.ntil f'111li• "i* in ti< t, ..ins will nm a- follows randum with rubber straps, IJankers Cases. 1 lie pUMiSc dt*M' t<»r fsuli llnlividnul putiriit. } * • ^ ppxbieti 'iH, rc-oureev, iinjierial government, lows : hope to do a fair «hare r>f the Storage and l or- Circular Saw Mills, The Milly turing flun-iw.—though my hours si-H-k, V« p.-t.ible<. Lumbal. Fu**l. (Jr«>r«»i n*, Hardware. i it,n. & 4i.-i. Note and Bill Cases, in fact every kind and ot the nnmlier of times to !>e taken 1. 1 C (Kor I hsvodronp'il boiipalli life'- early aboWrs) lit. Total amount of five per liut ri«Miili« r r«M-iiTii'iin-ndat!'»n ntMHi bo nano-d than tin- style of blank book in use, cither on With important Anti-Friction improvements. day. will dep<-tid very tntieli upon the temper- 1*.. mamic'*. rwil'-riii'iThH'i!ith M» I eni Minnesota. Mnc |>eniiannntly exublish- laai • Run # A. M. 1:INI P.M. n l*a.-u kme!y oft,—rind oft my heart is sad ; cent, fund received hy Treas­ fact that i*i.vn mx nrxnavi) th" nui\ tit! Arrive ut <11 Ion » A. !M. .V «:IHI P. M. hand or nitV to i ler, on very short notice anient of the |>atieiit. As a general thing, the l»l"-> ai'l i*' "- ef i.i!rn|~»mi .iml A«lain Ku->si«. $220 004 CO ! l"''"'-'t "'II K'eatl\ to our ad van- rui wuiHn » mnU-.l t>»iikii:hanu ui.t imtient should commence with a small dose, . ."J'! «» Vet 1can leave the world, and feel most glad urer, Connecting with throe: h tr:iii»« f«.r over the and in the i> •>; I'nirv Wc would also call WEI.''II .V CiKlI'KITH'S ' 'I ta^e to Ftudy the iiiterextii and convenience of sule »it rhiwit'". It." mtMcai.til'- circuLiti<»D ha.- doubl<-l increasing in amount until nausea or depres- ,i', J.',',,. ,„h.I*0"1"1 To m"< t th ••• Evening, here ; hi re my own linud Interest received on loan of Air I.i:»e nf tho i..i'oi:h ;i!ol Chit iiL'o |'tinin liaii attention t i oi.r iarire stock of 7 I»age-, oh R.mtly and 7 555 5G ' our P'd'ons, and they may nt nil times rely with,n oighu-fii tn"nUi- At Ike Witt With M.'tce- lor l>UVeti|H«rl Mnquo CIRCULAR SAWS sion is produced, then continue in slightly di- live per cent fund, Writing k Blank Book Papers, ..\KW 1-RTi.HMl lll-TKIIVlt H. < Id*. a*XD HPIA—comprising^ IJ.i-ile kV. with tree* and slirtiba the iloprs around, ' ' j ii|>on our prompt diachargc of duty in thU re- ! ourif ?<»KTiiK Tnim vF. keta rni'f Ananio-a. At \V:i|»-io f.41 i<»n with Suiw-v 1« t minisln d doses until the desired effect is pro- Amount received per C. B. OfWWJ size. XoYE N Portable Kl/ll'lland a de-criptlnn of ih«we countries ami l». t . And wliillthclwivc.- by dying ail - fann'd TliorhlrapoTHIHrNKis a b(>Y«!.i*amfHt atwl rtntirht fir Toronto. Tipton. Mechanic*vme. Mt. Vernon, l.^boti ami ('« luting in |>urt oi (ilain .-ind ruled Cap. letter and ,K 11 , hill' Waito's note, 1,000,00 . , , . U*«lar Ihi|>i-N Fr« itlit iriitu* leave »'nilv. • te \ i o. Flat Cap. Crown, Ucmv. P.oyul Super Royal i oTiN Mll.l>. with new improvements, with dtici-d. bracing the ln-iot i« al ev. nt-. govemnu '" >, pro* Sweet t ) my spirit com«s the farewell sound. J >\e have contracted with Alex. McGregor ward lb-publican pa»»or, it»«vohMl luthc caiwof »'r**ri|oin. cation, language, literatuie, arts, maimu' I*rt^ics«.and li< loiin Bt livv it^ that l.ilicrtv. and not Tlio >hort''»t. cheap'"i and m«fet o\pe^ttion« Ront( an i Im; • rial paper*. or without Holts and ticncral Mill Furnishings. Consumptive patients will find this an ano­ the W That teem- tosay, •' Forgot tho tran-iont tear afjx) 5.5- |r,| to deliver l-'reitflitti from the i'raiiie iln Cliien iViinliiL*''. i- tin--u\ink |»ri»ici|»h'«•! Iho Ain.Ti'*Hn Koj.iiMic•. ••ni f'eutral Iowa to rhn-apo. or any |*»int lA.«t. dyne expectorant »f rare medicinal virtues, al­ ductioji-. comtuei • f.an«l manner* and nisloins . . *A An A^'ont w;ll he at the |C|w>t in Fulton. U> ro Jjifiuiiift mid Rail rood Stationery. A full assortment of pie. fn m tie- earliest prri'*«t «'f autlienli^ rernrd Thy pale youth shed,—rajive aud peace nro hern." 3d. Hie disbursementsoat of i Kallroad I)e|Hit on very favorable temm, and th<- 1 Kllll'NK i- nili-ffl infi th»» rank-ol t he Nah-mal !:<• Whatman'- hetny. R»»yal. super Royal. Imperial. Kle ways giving relief and effecting a cure, if with­ pnsent time Illustrated w it.h two h'inrtr?H etifratingy; I to run his Steam Kcvrv Bout to and lP'in thi jHilth. an-. li«'t !>»r a « am|«»iA.Mi, ?»itl during tin- war. Ta •ivo nil ha*:cimo for rimton or the wlilch will be Leather and Rubber Belting, tlie Schot4 Mad «n at fob kiiiK ilM*<'.-n*iii'it'«'ti a- it-« chart, nnd th - jnnnortil Ifc'C •nvcyod ftrrowt the river tm or nufrnit. pliant. |»n>j|.ii- Klej'hant. Coluuihier. Atla< and Antirjua in the reach of any medicine. rtrti pag. - large «* ta\ o. pr .. jH'int liming: the eoiuin^ «ea»on. n an. hoth !' ln.1c|M*n.lciic«- h-s jt« u*\t Inn-k, it coiiU'ti'N for M. 0MITH, tag.***, h«h Roll drawuii* (Kiper, ol uny h-n^th Tr.o iu^ cloth uO To all who have a conuh. cold, tightness of the chest, hKIMIV. I v iliKVT* i>F THK WAftSOK tiii: ih«' f»rmci|»Nv dorlanM bv iho nnjiniin«>Uf» vot«' of the riioton, April 24f ISdS. la difficulty ot breathing A> . I feel in duty bound to rec- »'ompri«ir'g the mo-t -trikuu' and rcinaikaMe •v»-nt^ of Loaned state Elxpross Gksods. an l U<» iK. he- m-!o. Tt.n inu papei hi -he»-t- or toll Haste Not—Rest Not .\n ayelii > I'll I'liable Kxprexs I.ilies Kiust Kath'-r^ of the Kr|iuhiic in th«- Conn re.*- «>i 1T7S: '-Tlwit Superior Shingle Mills. omnieinl Well's Perioral s\ rup of WiM cherry, it be the French War. tie- Tri|*dian War, tie Indian Jmmnry 1, S!av«'r> or iiivnl»intary sorvitndi* trs inconsistent witli the Jlrow)i iV Sou* Profile and ( Vo.** Set ion Vni>n? ing tlie l»e-t preparation for those tliseast-- I have ever Wars, the far \vi:h tireat Hriuni.aiid tin Without baste, nuri without ro^t—•» '57, pay to and Weist. and North and South, will be es- fund imeiit.il jiMhripiyrs ,,f ruligi«>ii.s liberty, and it the" Field |»nok*. Tran-ii l^vel R.oks. Camel and use«t 01 kn-'wn I know several owe* in w hich it ha* ! War. With tbr hnndrtsl KngravmgM. tMW j»nj n octa­ tablisheil hi'iv. ho that liplit pnidw and Ktnall MILWAUKEE & MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD Sahh' pencils. IioIm ink Newmaii's aud Windsor A New l'in«! the motto to thy breast; pay Itoii'ls $57,500,00 foro m-iM-i thdt Slavery shall l»e ox<'!nded from tho N » proved eminently *ucne*nftil in curing i*evere cough*. vo. pntv W/iU. pa' kn^es can be safolv received or transmitted tional Territories, aiid that tin inrtnerre of the FY'- : ton - water color-, in half uml whole rake^. MathcmnTl Clark's Patknt Feeder and Ai.arm. and other pulmonary di sj.le of Freedom. c.'tl In-triiioent- in -ett- Scale*. . A sure preventive of Boiler explosion from been enhrelv Mucees-ful p. Cl'ims. tietMiit' ' " llii'loint. Fhr.illel Rulo, P.m ket Rnlos. Ac. Uiumu an acc4 the tofNigraphy, scttlemoiii. In*wry, Hcar it onward |o the tomb. C«'mjianies, 125,384,M The Trihonu.-yiii|vithi^e«. vMtlirh.it I'rotosumt pritu . low water. Hlonmmgtoti. INH-. -JO. 1W2. revolutionary and other iiite|e-tin^ event>. -latwlic*, pie which rcootfinzes ih" individual a- n Kr»f Ajient—lt 1S,jH SiMMiR Akraxcement. lHijN. , ' AVACOX ROAD. t Clie.stennan'.s Metnlie Tapes, Steam and Water Ouages; pn»Kre-- inaLi iculture. inamil.n-t'ir*^ and p'pnl«tion,Jttc., Ponder well ami know the right: to form In- own opinion on a!li|iie-t;o|i-. Jt condcinM? « < E. M. WELL S CHEAT WESTERN Balance in favor of School | An exeellent lload from Monona to North of all Icnirlh- Sui veyors Chaii:.». fin and li«> ft et m lonKth. .Steam Whistles; of cat h sute in ihe Tni-.n. Iihi-trated uiih ^KI inL'raving* Onward, then, with nil ihy might ; de-ia.-liciil int. rferenc.. ;,t the ballot box. and |.H,k-w»th V an«l aft-r Mfm l iy. Miy 17th. and until further no. of the priiM'i|*H! citios. pla« »»>. bmldinus, >reiM'i\ ,< uriufli fand, 46,672,26 | McGregor via. i'li anant Kid^i will Ik- comple- di>tru-t npon tho clo^e |»i.htleal alliance exi'tisitf botween tice, Ta^^enper trnln - will lerjvo Any instrument not mi hand when wante.l will heonler- Finished Itrass Work and Ilu-te not—years cau ne'er atone O ed from th.* eiist im short tiotuc. and furxnshod at mauu Vegetable Anti-Dillons Pills, ties, of the State.-Ac.. &c. TOO|Ka'e> . Pnci»$a. 3d. Tnt*l amount of "Saline i ted Viefove the opening of navigation. the two jsyst-in.- <'l des|.uti>m in Ainei i< a—l'ujicry aini THAIKlt l»t I11IKK. Engine Ti iiiimiugs; For one rentier's u'Mion dene. Land fund," Slavery. 0.17 A Af < <»nt.e» time iit .litiie-villo with Trains facturers Price-i. For the cure of all bilious diseases, inipuri '1'kK WHY or KXOWIIHJF. AMI fvi loitnn OK SIIKMT 1,792,25] The public are respectfully invited to give ivi-rncAi, vroNOMY OF THETRIBINE t>.l I A. 1^1 . on t!,.. chirjitfo. St. hnilik Foii'l tin Castings and Mill Gearing; Airr—cmit.nnini: a ^rretit aiieMiiitot intci-cHing and ii.«pful l*aid on order Trnatee* Inane the New Institutiition a trial. Office Stationery! ties of blood, indigestion, liver complaint, sick informatiot'—A-troti«»niv. TravoN in the ll«>ly l.itid.Di* Duty be thy polar guide- l;ic nn-1 na \ i hie.-^o I'tuon an-1 arrivint' dates Patent Screw Cutter; bradachc. levers, colds, jaundice. dys|s-|Mia. fe- Asylum, 498,801 North McGregor. Iowa, Jan. 27, 1858. 20 A loading idea of the TKIHT'XF. i-*. that tabor being the at Chlenpo in time |o» the ft F. M. Train Ka«t. which nr F.very variety of office htationerv. both VorelgD au4 Do* liest Machinists' Files, O'very of America. Karlv Si-ttlements of the naintry, bi- Do the right, whale rr bfl1Mb. fo indritititi oi .N'atinn.il |»r<>»i*'n!y. should bo fr«». honor nv^ at New York A. M.. fowmd «lay. At Milwau nie-tie. kept constantly on hand. aiale complaints, and a general caihartic. oifniphie-- tif eminetit men. incident. «d travel, discov Haste not—r">l not—coulhct* pa.4, e i and rt wanted . that th" uorkm- man -hot»|d he *rii<«>n Tiaiti on Like Shore Railroad, and -lull crown thy work at last. Mo uner^ for Ihitl.iln a-nl ail Like |-.rt . Thi< Train Which for «!ur:ihiiiiv »la^tii ity and thinners nro unxur- KCAM-ls In.iu the small Connter to the Rail­ and all other diseases of the alimentary i-anai ItaKH" Mvn. l*rice$».r,o. 4th. Proceeds ofStnte Bonds moreworkors andtewer drone.* in the humon hive ; tnoji niako- > confidence in pv~>od by anv other pen now in us»v or general health, which is caused b\ an affec­ Nf.w A\n Co*n.m: Htwrnur o* tiik Bjm r—from the cr« JWMXto,oo, . w y Milwuukee, Letter Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Ac. ath»n H'the world t«» the lull pvLiblMiincnt <»f ChrHtianity State Revenue received tip to Xo 109( K wt atcr t-| short cut- to walth. and i.« t»pp«»>x-d to (iambling—whfth- Mt ec«»nondc.tl other improvements commenced last year, are For jaundice, take one or two pills every ScT%»» iM» Skfttiiim ot <\iyrm:vr.w. Ki k<»pt.—enibra thifs theCurruiu > . and so f<»siermK Industry, that the f ,*j\j x • ^i. narjy tnorninn Trnins K'tst, aiul nt all completed, and in full operation, and we 6th. W'arrante j i of Country Merchants to their stock which Farmer shall nt'oiyo st< atly pric^ f»»r his ]trot|uct* Milwauk««e fur morning trum on lake Shore railrun*!. ami -cal pre>- now m um-, tor Banks, lluiroad otllew. Couniy night. Should there be loss of appetite, or ciiiK descripti'-n- •-! Franc... porniL'al ^piui. lulv, Scicilv, consists in part of —the Mc< hanie constant employment nt renuinorntm the 1a reth--r with view, Ntid and la II# V.lll he attetidcil to with Ihe lUlie'-t principal ot»|M n of interest ID Parw The Snake that Swali.owkd a Horse. 600 Ilhds. l'orto Rico & Muscovado Sugars, and Uie Merchant a fair protit ujmu hi* capital, n«k northern and c ntial \Yi-t "ii- n with entire promptness. til these symptoms arc removed. Jlands of tto ami It mil continue to wiifjc a war tit externn lb men. I.iMhiii, Madrid P.tice|«„M, p,,;i. I^yborn. Rome, 150 Kbls. lictined do. llatfytiy ('ht'cktd Throuyh. Letter Copying Presses, C.ATE.S, WAliNElv, CHALMERS & ERASER. Naples. H'lrculaiienm, I'mnindi. Psn.-tom. Palermo. Malu, —In the province of Govaz, Brazil, Treasurer, nation a^aiift all "Wild Cat" currency and bunkim: P. V. IIATr.s. K. S WAIlKm, T. CMAIJIKRS, These pills may Im, taken in all cases where 200 ilbls New York Grocers' Syrup. i*chetne« having to]-their objret the rva ion <•!' our laws ttfall ui*e> and styles, from the small letter pre«8 at ar 6'pericnt alterative or cathartic is required. Venice, Milan,(ieneva. Ponies, Prus>c|y. Tvr*»l, Antwerp, Dr. Gardner came to the faze rid a of March 10tl^ IVo Change nf ('an between Praliie da Chftra $7.50. tn the larwo Railroad way bilL-, at *75. with bookii t 11 WAKNm. D. R. rHASKR. Rotter lam. Am t rdatn. Wrterl'<», 4-- . Ac. Carefully 1100,349,7« I liap- Hi'» and Java Coffees. f>r tie- defrandmR of the people. Dyspepsia and liver complaint, w ith all their S«pc, situated at tlie foot of the Sierra 1 Tti-'T!tlUrN'KispiedKe«| to work for a radiral rtTorma to match of all AMSOEN & LAHXEO. Agents, Dubuque. compiled from the bo-t and liiti^t Mjureo*. With numcr* 4'873*88 I 000 Half chests Young Hysou. Gunpowder lion of the prevailing financial f.\stetn which every few Iowa. 3Syl attendant evils, can positively IK- cured by a ous en^raviiii^- 550 pa^e* sVo Price *2,AO. C o W!IM»N% WM .IFJtVIJa, Blank Book Manufactory. de Santa Brida, near tho entrance to j pVii'i' meii ' ' ; and Oniony Teas. year- inflate.* the currency and credits of the country, Western Travelling Agent. (Jen'l Superintendent. persevering use of these pill's in connection Pl«Ti>KHI l»KSe.,t Virginia brand. thereby causing tin* p»-ople to plniu:e reckles-dy into dtd»t W« have conn.-cted with onr rfore a flrM claX* Rlaok w ith the bitters. When a cough exists in con­ together \% ith tiotice< of the principal places, natural cun ' A full assortment of Which allat lie- ticlitiou- .iit-I lieln.-ive valuer* ujioti j»rop Book Ikndeiy. and are enabled to furnish at short Insurance Capital Enlarged. o-itiesfce . In the Kinc'totn.niil IheHnti-li Island* With in this valley and throughout this prov- j end Assem- erty i^rsiKt'UiiK men that they :»re luilliotiair^, when re­ tic*, any kind of Ydatik bonks with or without printed nection with any disease for which these pills several hunilied hand-oiue en^ravin^ illn.-tiative of 13,480,9(1 Groceries, Woodware, Brooms, ally insolvent, and then suddenly contracting np >11 a |iati- CHICAGO, ST. FAUL headings, nnd of any tlosii ml patlem ; also, ulullaasort are recommended, take the Pectoral Syrup of -erne, of pictiuvsipic beauty, • hurvhes. coxtuines, Lr., inco the anaconda attains an enormous i „ ''J?'. tneut of Hinder*'*. -t»K'k. t • i- . i r i i Cash in Trett- ! fic. &c. (Mil terms an easb or appi'oveil iia- ic >tnn k conununity, cru.^hutt: lens of thousand.* m liopo Wild Cherry, prepared by the proprietor, and j in those celebrated countries. :.50 paired Kvo. |»nc^i,50. s ze, sometiines reading luiiv leet m! uryt Iom» liatjkriij't' y THROWING hundretls of thousamt*. <»f la- the patient will be thoroughly and radii ally | lliToniAi Kamii v Anm At—compriMHK \utlnn juelf a •60,030,0® -4MIWM. T per- I'b nse u'ive us a call. lx»rers out oj employment, and « uppimg tin- ("i.-iness and FO,\D Di LAf R.ft., Country Merchants iriijjlli ; the largest he skw measured j I N. B.— Sole Agents in this state for the sale of pro*jN-nty of million-, fiij the >o|e tienelit of the vender* Are particularly re«jue.-ted to call and examine our -tock cured. Tln-se pills lieim: of vegetable origin, complete library of twMul and entortalnliiK knowledge. OI'F.N" FltoM before ^.'oihj; to N«-w York. We think it i- in our jHiwer With out two hundred engraving)*, utrictly illustrative, rii'rty-seven fe et, but was not alive. J Balance due the State, $100,771,89 | l'upont's Powder and Safety 1'une; a full sup- of law and the ltdl"W.-i> of shylnck. Aja'ti-t the rontinu- no injurious effects will Ih- produced under any i re]»re^eiiUiiK a« Uul w enery. c oiler them inducement* to buy of UA which will rendei circumstances by their use. Adults or chil- i :ii;n pic.»4 h .» pre • |y.no i iiat untieceszaty . All order*, promptly at V _ ( Your committee farther report that ''r,„,K,. . voice and intlm-ncc, until a reform i- lUAtitntod. dreii mn take them constantly when required. ! 'HieWKKKI.Y THIHVNK i: printed on a^lRrgc• KOHMIM; NKW ASH IMltl-I'T ISOI'TE TO teado.i to by A. H. BI KLtY 4 I.NFoftMATION KoU TUK Pw»H It—com pr Mil# Willun itwlf . i.vun,stances : " Some weeks before | the Stale Treasurer had in hi* posses-1 Mlhraukoe Sept.SO 1857 2:3*1 • sheet a-New York namesake. It is oft'ored lostib Wholwale and Retail Stationers and Qaak book The dose for a child three or four years old, a coinpleb* library of useful and entertaining knowledge. i : arrival at Sape," writes Dr. G.,| sinn on the 19th inst., Cook, Sarpent ' ' • 1__ «Tiber> at tl».» h»\v club raU* ot thR New Yoik TiJiiifsr, CHICAGO AND THE EAST. ManefiictureM, from om- to two pills; aud for children eight Thi- Work hi.s the thiest eilibe|h>hmeliU ever ottered t<» Ihe Aiuerkaii public. WMi [m^es 8vo . price w ln!e tlie p > tage on it is only half as much, on account Farft/-f'i>}fU hour.-/rem I'nurit AI'l'KK M,.,,*,,,. Aj-n/ L'o. 1S.X Jewolry Store, icine needed by a large class of females. PipnuuAi Hi. por annmn o\ i I rahui will lea\e tlaneftville lor Nurthf*i#t Sl>rtnr i.uWahr •<)>•{ Wincoxi'ni fUnelt, I/Ct all remember that the Oreat Western Chicago, us follows : Incorporated ]S1!I. Charter Perpetual. Pills are designed expressly for use iu bilious the early histoi v of the conntry, (>>ii^tituUoii of thn ..ur this, one of his vaiiuevus,! and twenty-nine cents. ^ E^SBl Twem v . opt. Milwaukee Wisconsin. I uiied ^attss.a t'hronoiMgu'al itidc\, fcc. Several hundred . Ali Weeklies stopjH d ut the (.'XpiraUOD of tbcliiue 0 00 A \f MAII. TRAIN. Sli,p|tiTii[ all ,7 to in theeast, where little is known in regard to pH'nwAi.SiJii.AY llot»K~^losljjueil for the use of ft nnllea, .».? uV the side of a small stream. Bank of America, N. Y., for the sum ..,Pmr,"r'm»«i < Kurninurr. Tcrmi of the Trt»Werltt)r» Train.- on iho H;H IM- atierity. rivinp At Chicane .a 1 .;ie 1'. M.. 111 inn'- log" KhM 1»v th< the Jieculiar diseat.es of the . liui ile. Bible t l.i-.-c-. and Sunday fnitool Teachers. Principally Si,ooo,ooof ilbi.-traiive uf the mamier* and rnstom* of Rnst«>rn Na ,e« an Inormotis socuruji. susprn.led of forty-seven hundred and sixtyseven1 Invi^'to^lveus'a '•."u'l'w SttlgW-OOpy, |rr aahiim $4,0«> tU'u-rnoMnTrain- nu the IVntnil antl S'UIIhtii Ui>ail iJ'U'D'SJK •U0'E>:iDi3' *• months Al»s »!utf Vn E. M. WELLS CELEBRATED lions, in,.I explanatory .1 many |N>rtion^ trf the S ri|>tnre-. q OA T» \r HAY KXI'KfXs. ConnertinK nitii is new and elitiiee, and the prices so favorable and impaired. ii the fork nt a tree winch liun<; over dollars and forty-ume cents. ' guarantee to sell onr wares at lCostern prices. Vrruia of the Dally TilliMMfi WJOpnjf^ price o O.OU 1 . 1»I. Triini li-.ivinp I'rnirie du (linn at as to make the place a favorite and desirable Uie water. It was dead, buthadevi-1 Also Iloy t, Sherman & Go's, certifl- j with only the cost of UanutpoiUtiioii added. j^lnple copj , p«'i annum §7.00 * 30 A M. arrive-at OneuL'o at 7 1*. M.. i-omiertiuti Surplus, $422,162 1L Hihi.k PKM;iuniv~4 (.nt.iiniu^ an acmHint of tli# 4 resort forpt.-rsons of all ages, sexes and condi­ and Character- N (ho Princijud imm-'Oiihpk rectudHd itith# dentiy been floated down alive by a catcs of" deposit," dated I)es Moines, All orders thankfully received and faithfully * six months 4.tn» witli Kxpri-.-- Trains «>n Mulligan StMalioni. Mirliifniu With the prestige of 88 yoars' success and An unequalled application where a liniment Sncrwl Writinj-'s—pmdH-alU adapn-«i i.. the inntructiuo of attended to. " three n>otith« IV'iiiihi. iiikI Fori Wavnr Knarts. for all Eastern anil tions. The stock Experience. recent llood, and being in an inert March loth, 1S58, and payable to M. H|iecimen copies s^ ut u> (mtmhim dobiring them. Mot.ey Snahcrn . or ointment is required. It cures the worst youth atid|>mab-fctinilifs : contamtii^thirty di-«erutH>n» September 30, 18.">7. 2-3yl letters, if registered, muv be seut at our rialt. Is t/ir Lnrpest and most Desirable ntllKCTOB*. old sores, wounds, |mll-cvil. swencys, snake­ on tie* eviibmns of 1'iviiN* Revelation, from Tini|»«oii'a state, it had not been able to extricate j L. Morris, or order, the sum of forty- •mutt ever brought to the Western Market. New- T. K. Urnee, sr., Sam'l Tudor, •To*, riiurcli. bite, s]iaviu. Rheumatism, frozen limbs, tram*, Ke> t'» the lilbie. With liollii'lutto lllu>ll.ttl«>n.«,. ^J0i)h. AWroir, * RAY. MKMLLAOD., 12.00 NIGHT. toavins Prill M-O. I'T ice itsell from the fork before the water four thousand nine hundred and seven- Kit AD LEY & METCALF, ill Chicago, Illiooin. Goods of i,ur own ini|Hirtation -mil nianufac- Kobt. Huetl, M. A. Tuttle E. Flower, scalds, colic, &e. rioda OiiL-u ai .",-tHi I*. M.. arrive- at Chicago at 4.30 A. Womikw .»r the Worij>—Hocmul Serkv, in two pnrU— Sign of the original big black hoot, M. l'a— millers by thi- Train t.iki- Mortihig Kxitrn-• ture, which will be sold to the trade at the E A.l'iulkelcy, K. Mather. Ell Ripley, fell. It was drajrffed 0llt to the open I tv-ciglit dollars and thirty-seven cents, WELL'S GERMAN Part I. Wotirbn- <>t Nature, containing u doncriptionof tha 1!M. Ivist Water Street, Trains at Onrap, for a' i Ha-li-rii plarc-. Lon tft Xtn- l'ork JiJjhm/ Prirrt. .b-welers mer­ S S. Ward, H l Prntt, A. Ilunham, ractw of ni'ji, manners ami cu*tJ>oi« (»f various Nation*, country by two horses, and was found | * Also, sundry small* checks and Northern Iowa TOrd- lfcni-t-. Plants. Ac Part 11 Woi h*n« ».f Art, or Milwaukee, - - - - Wisconsin. Tliis route is decidedly the most expeditious chants and peillers will do well to call ln-fnrr O. K. Havis, I>. Hillyer, \V. Kcnney, <0\DITI0\ POWDERS, H to measure thirty-seven feet in length j drafts amounting to nine hundred and and t'liable from the Xnrtlnvcst. or interior Ifoing east, or purchasing elsewhere. Among T. A. Alexander, C. H. Brainard. • le-cri|a:**i.- of inventi. c»tn>. rnm>, curio-itiei, 4c. Maniifaetmers and wholesale dcaleis in I'or all kinds of ..tor!;. 'Hie, purity the With 4«*i llhi-lratiot,". r.4U «vo Prkv On opening it, the bones of a horse in j seventy-eight dollars aud thirty-seven LAND AGENCY. of Wisconsin, to Chicago. ('Icvelaiid. Iietroit. this stock may Is- found a full assortment of orriCEBs. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, i'.ulliilo, Niagara Falls, blood, increase the appetite, cleniise tb, stom­ lCi--n'«r <«i Pav»>Tt.vp—fn-m the Putt larchal Ace to the a somewhat broken condition, and the cents. ST. CIlAllLES K1/>YI) CO lOW.V E. O. Riplbv President. pn-etit tune Itv John Kitlo. Kditor ot the l^otidoo hcto- Ilochcster, Allwiiiy, rhilailclphia, New York \S"i •&. ach and intestines of all impurities, ujtd tare flesh in a half digested state, were ft! BOOTS, SHOES Hi T. A. Ai.kxanoeb, Vice President. rial Bible,etc. Pn>v$1.nn. Your committee further report that ilt) snbseiibi r having opened a Heal Kstnte and Hostmi. '1'ravi lers should be particular from the most celebrated manufacturers. Al­ al) diseases canoed by impurity of the blood or found within ; the bones of the head and Liathcr, Ageiiev * Ulice at this point, oilers liis ser­ Tuos. K. Pkacr, Jr., Secretary. derangement of the system. All the above work- ar* f.| -ale ,,t th.» fliatles City the following counties have not yet . „ , T buy tickets l it/, .lanesville and the Chicago, so the latest patterns of Ruifc-tore. hv HILDRETH & C .%JIVKH, vices for the locution of Land Wanants, select­ J. B. Hknnett, Qen'l Agent. Tn tmk I'ciiuc.—I In,vi- u-t-il Well's lierman CmirlHmn Corner of Slill were uninjured. From these circuni- recoiv,-,itt,,,,,,,,, St. I'aul .md Fond du Lac Itailroad. JI-.WEl.KY OF EVERY KiXD. I Kellv Mr- .-i , opjiwito tUi; Public ing aiei eiiteiinu government lands, sale ol Watch It lasses and Materials ; also, Watch­ Insures the Fowlers fur nil klmls of -teen. mid rail truly «iv Itiey Sqn.in-, m. rba: atauces we coucludcd the boa had on the yth of Maich, 18i>i, viz : j (.'. T. Biiam.it, W*. H. Metcai.f. Ily this rout.', travelers save 70 miles dis­ have mure than r,-Hlu,*d uiy taiiuui,. .\inonn llie real estate. | ilry. CO|'\|{|NKKSRIP» lowing is prodigious. I have often tr'-k V^.^ton- The subscriber is thankful for past favors at as liberal rules and rates as risks assumed I bavi- > '•! in tli,- lir l man to ,Ji.-ap|>rovt, uf tliem quainted with ( vi iy department of the busi­ and requests u continuance of the same. alter iisinjj iliem Slany i.-ive all kind- ul sinek a ilme iiO«n im & no t:s, «ecn one not tliickcr than my tliumb | tlioso countiow, as shown by the Treas-' A Ttliis i sui»Iislnn.-tii ian w- founJ\l large ness. gives him superior facilities i',>r manag­ LAKE SHORE RAILROAD. permit of for solvency und fair profit. Milwaukee. April 1\ 1H.~,7. s.jtf al lt-*-l miee a miuiili. and 1 Imve noiieed a mark,-a illf Having ii.srt.o i-itr il ^ ith thi'in in tieral Co- swallow a frog as large as my list ;; urer's report, is six thousand one hun- A and irenend assortmeiit of ing. locatim:. buying and selling Ileal 11-tate. Especial attention |iaid to feri-111-e Ix-ttteen thu-e leu ine it ami tlm--i- not liaviiif it. Would refer you to 65 Insurance of Dwellings, Farm Mn. A. Aijjktox. partn iHi.ip NEWELL MATS0H. of + and I once killed a rattlesnake four j dred and thirty-eight dollars and forty- j Tnuiks and Valines, Klk tlruvo. May 29. 18M. tlw.-tco, S V.. tn.it11itiiitinvr ii N. 1*. Igletinrt .V Co.. Ileal Volute Aeenrv Of feet long, and of no great thickness, j six cents. I at«hob-side and retail. ( ha]N(;k of time. Buy \ om* I»oo(Im Cheap!! Property, Out Buildings MR. W r.ixs •—1 liave lilli'ft Tor. market fifteen linr-ns JKH'KUn* IA7> >//. \ t:u WARE/ and Meieliant* supplied. fliee, Chicago, 111.; lion. John Wilson, Land •which had swallowed not Icpsthanj Your committee further report that! tj»e low^ nri. i s ^ AN'H Ar 'l I K I ii .r-|n nig. and Lave u«-d your (lerinan rouiliimu l'"W t M»U! rn»: S\HV.. .Kill.v it. coerp. Commissioner of 1. r. H. It. Co., Chicago. 111.; Al.UKUT ALHKRTSON. and contents. Such insured for i>eiiodsof 3 dors » uli enlire soermi. i have u-od al,uul ten pap<-r». three large frogs. 1 have also seen a j they have reason to believe that Au- September- ,"i0. 18.17. 2.yl3 Kirney. Hubbard i I liirbjn,Hauliers.Saiiilu^ky, to 6 veins on the most favorable terms. •nil enii»idi-r it Ihe iiu.l invesimeut I ever lii.i li The MATS0N, L00M16, & HOES, Milwaukee »V C/acitj/o Jfailnntd Line tjTATh ihat our |Wi-t -in ce-«. prompt- u< to -lit! greater very slender snake which frequents f ditor's warrants on the State Treasury, Ohio; ]). W. IV-shler. I>(|., Clinton llank. CHICKASAW, Losses t-piiUibly adjusted and jnoniptly JMlid. tiernian Unliiient is the rnrwl spet-dv and eltei iml rem Will leave Milwaukee, from' KkTi la treet. for Cliicap edy in iwv V.iui - , * I*. II. Wiisn.v. • eSe,tiuIt 01 the perl,-, i,„k o| tie- I.AIUjKST auti the roofs nt houses, swallow an entire 1 amounting to over forty thousand dol-; SWAFF1I<:LD & RUSHELL, Columbus. Ohio; Ihinlevy, Oiake & Co., iind inierm«' i ir en . jo ic. i. For sale by Hiblreth & Carver anil E. A. Has­ B Bankers. Cincinnati. Ohio; Clark lirotliers receiving |m—ei(Jf»i rs tr"iu Muli-on. Juue-ville and Iu If wealth. »ith a steady and prompt attrn- F.I.RV si.dfKm tilth. W.-t, bat three times its own thickness. If |:»rs, and yet nnpaid, and drawing' 265 EAST WATEE STREET, RAKI'S pleasijie in a kell, St Charles ; A P. White, West I nion ; A* one of our Urni is en^a^ed iu inanufrfcttifin^ many & <'o.. Bankers I'hilndelphia, Pa.; .Stanton, h rme«liiite stations uptm th-» nnouneing that he has nion to a legitimate insurance business, anil _ just returned from Merrill ,V Barron, Mctireg,ir ; 11. l-'aiibaiiks, i.f our p'od>. we are th-Teiore prep.»,-d with double fa- auch be the case with these smaller : eight per cent, interest, and believing; MIL \\ AI'ki:i:. wistvixsi.x. Sheldon & Co., New York City; Hun. Samtiei Milwaukee and Mississippi Railroad, I market witb a large and tin- executions ol'con tracts in good faith, have Prairie du Cliien : A. W. Billings. Ill adfor, 1 : ciUtief . ttuneet the lucrervitiK demand b»r k«"> I- in the kinds, it is not to be wondered at that j the only reason for authorizing a State Munufiu ttiii rs and Wlmlosalc lhalt rs in It. Curtis. Keokuk, Iowa ; Col. David ltipley. AIXO FKoW 1HK inducements with the public in selecting their we.-tern country, laab-rs will tind if n> their ad tanuge Shepard ,S: Beckner, Mitchell. Address orders one thirty-seven feet long should be j loan by the General Assembly, of two I Floyd Co., Iowa. Milwaukee and Watortown Railroad, O O O I) 8 underwriter—w>- refer them for test ol quality U» make their purchaser .,f u hall*HI at extern 8SHf ABNEU ROOT. THE (with Chicago referenoes) to E. M. Wells, Chi­ prico deal by m a- to merit ;i t ontiiiuancc of your 1 AT Mil W'At'KKi:. >M» TIIL liis stock comprises GEO. DYER & CO., mal by coiling itself around it, and af- Cnue should be paid into the Treasury,' ly 83<» ed without delay, with this well known and killtl favor. We I pecUitlly invite \ou loan e\amioa Racine ami Mi.ssissipiii Railroad, Dry Gftods, Groceries, Clothing, able corporation through 136 East Water Street, Milwaukee, If Is., Uon of our new 1:0 Inch will b« terwards lubricates it with a slimy j your committee are of the opinion; frequently r< At Kacine. atol connect with the afternoon and oveninp U. <• <\ K (i. REIXKiEK, Agents, Manufacturer*. W Imle.-al,- ami Hi tali Healers in ing. our limited simce will not i>crmil matter, which it has the power of se-; that any arrangement by the agent of; NEW St. Charles l iu and Mini Jiork Falls •xpre-< trail.-f-T the Ka.»t. over the Michigan Central Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, $r., of an eioiuM •n eauuful ati'l Michigan Southern Kail roads. St.ChailesCitv, Floyd Co., Iowa. goodrf m ikio^ up 11 wsortm-nt. The cultivate,! mind crcting- in its mouth. | the State by which the entire proceeds, j HSUTZICBS. OtldlCTT Pa-'-eti^'T ticketed to t'hutago, Uo^tou, New of the liest qualities, and at the lowest prices 2:4m8 Saddler}-, Saddlery Hardware, be>t apprec iates u urti tic .-kill and cunning work o| MAIL 8TAGE. York. I'liilaileiplua liiiUmore.4c .ae. [Hissiblc. Owiiiir to the tightness of the times, the arte t >>y • li-erv iii..n j or any part thereof, of said loan in j . CAIUtlAllE AND TRUNK TRlMMINtiS, Itailroa 1 men and oth* rPIIK sub-(tib.-r, having m-ei\ed a contract W Train- leave Chicap" for Milwaukee and interfile lie is compelled to sell only for cash or rcadv • r«<«piirin|rcorrfci time will al A Bright Fi.vaxcui. Prospect.—A ; money are withheld from the Treasu-! T> , , 'hate .»tati<>n at^.4uA. il . ami 3.45 F. M.( receivinv SEEDS FOR 1868. WHV.s tilid X. from (^overiimont for carrying the mailfii pay. and t.. |!octirc this he will make almost TRUNKS, VALISES, late number of the United States y, and from the payment of said war-' 1500t tUl(l nllOC OlOl'G. |i:ts-»en^er-h r the a>w»ve named railroads anil places WT* ARE Ni >W pn-pared with a full and TUK REST HATCHES IX .1/1RKET. r four years between St. ('harles( itv, KloydCo., aioI making two pa>*eu£er train« cach way daily, Sun uny saeriliee which the most penurious custo­ CoT]*t Kay*. t'Jtar.i, H'/n/w, Fty-Xeta, Beth, Ah* that pur|»< mer tna\ ask. VV eomplete stoi k Ol a-we intend to >«»n tlie tni«t watchea Economist, a New York Journal de-i rants beyond the return of the agent "IT is with pleasure wuu announce to the citi ami Shell lloek l-'alls, (Vrro (iordo Co., will iluys exce|»te.t Jitankel' Ihrrre-Hrushe*, 1'io ry C'vHibf thatcjui be pro iretl. Kvery one rball be ilealt bv hon- KIUIIGHT TWAINS run through to and from Milwau orably, and rio voted especially to financial and com- j to this place, is not consistent with j A ae"»of «t.• Charles :mid Northern Iowa, run a liaek between the two places for the ac­ SJ.S. AU kimlK of LUMBER fur Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Cardi, 4|fc., &(<•., 4,c. ' :'«hU mis-repr The beM and kee aod (liicai:o dally. Sunilav.% exccpie'1. U>ave Mil Kt iK-injr ctniKtaully on hand and most complete Uttk ol Watch Tool*, lUtrriafai, GUum, that we Uhave o]iened a new store on Mill St., commodation of passengers reprularly as fol­ waukec at 7.^) A. M. l>e»ve Chicago at K.P.5 A. M. of the new crop, to supply any demand irhole- iu the \v it?i mercial matters, shows that the for- j his duty or the law under which the ' for utile, at mv Saw Mill, nt thi* lowe*t prims. ADDLF-S -More than 100 varieties of Side, in St. Charles, where we manufacture to or lows : Leave Shell Koek Fulls every Thunvlav J. T. MOOlJY. A^nt Milwaukeesmtion. mte and retail, ou the very liest of terms. Tlie t»-T« •mpetcnt wo, kmen to repair Fine Watcbea •ward movement during the present j loan was made. C. U. 1IAIJ*. SujH*rinlendent. A. AUiKHTSOy. S S|ianish, Pad, Columbian, American and to be louud. der and keep on hand, morning, and arrive in St. Charles City game Our stock is new, (as we do not consign English Saddles. Also Bridles, Martingales «eason ol the grain crop ot 1857, lias : Your committee further report that afteriUHin—I>-ave St. < 'harb-s City every Fri­ May 10, 1^7- 44 ChickoMiw. May 1, 1857. ^4tf seeds, and take none liaek to mix up again,) All order- mil meet prompt attention. Harnesses, Halters, Cirths. Stirrup leathers. Surcingles, Cruii- Weekly OlHcrvation- taken wnh »n Astronomical been immense. Despite of the low j in their opinion the Treasurer of State day morning, arriving at Shell ltiK'k Fulls same and much of it is grown under our own direc­ |«-rs. Halters. &c. Tr.uintt. tor ihe torrect regtdatiou »it the lluilroad and Saddles, Collars, prices of produce, the value shipped has, without any authority uf law, day. I'assetigeis by this route will be convey­ I808... .WINTER ARRANGEMENT.. .1808 tion in this State Our stock of Euro|iean HAItNKSS '1'eain, Wagon, Buggy, Gig, Car­ --theonU one iu theciiy. We can give tho ed to any desired jsiint in Orro (iordo County. jB Rockford Nursery. jg seeds is imported directly by ourselves from time b nd. it being llie only w.iv that time can be from Chicago in 1858 equals that | cither implied or expressed, deposited 1 Bridles, &C. Si , riage, and Couch Harness. determined accurate! Small parcel* taken und errands faithfully at the most reliable growers in Enui.am> and Heuu'mh.-r the place. f ct •"-as:- HE Stiliscriber announces that lie is estab­ COLLARS Of all kinds aud every quality. South Weal Curio r Waiei and W • on-U» strtcM. • •hipped during tho corresponding ; fuuds belonging to the State and to ^". " . everything kept in establishments of tended to. JOHN G. KOKTK. Fbaxck Uilwaukev. Miiv 1 lished in the Nursery liusiiicss at Kockford, SADDLERS HARDWARI-; - Embriu'ing ft ira* tilths ol 1857. The rate of ex-1 the school fund, with bankers indiffer-j kiud. Shell Rock Falls, June 14, 1868. 8tiin3 17.1 M/>•///!;.].x fr.XTHM. T We fii-1 confident no better advantages t, Kloyd County. Iowa, where he is pre|mred to great variety ot Hits, Stirrups. Buckles, Kin go between the West and the 1 ent parts of this State, and in one in-1 In our Boot and Shoe Department And Great Western Railway. the public can be offered than we tun give, and Hames, 1 rees, ferrets, Hooks, Pad Screw... supply farmers and others with every variety we cordially invite an examination of our . istst isis now very low. Thisiiiis is an in-jin- stance at a point so remote from thethe : v,v ''"lllvclvc su|>enorsu|>erior workmen.workmen, andiu we flatter More Men Wanted Immediately! ( iskeycs C'hains, Rosettes, Ornaments, rniums I.H4VK mkhiuax central inairr, cbi of fruit trees in common demand, biich as Ap­ stock before purchasing Our stock consists 1 1 1 ui>i ,| < s or,i,rs !l A «;>-W I-•'-"I. r alion that the West has paid up ! capital- - that- the funds cannot be placed ' y, ' i}; ' ?'r '|>rs in this line to Illtro>atrons. We are fi.OO A \f —NKW YORK FJil-m.SS. Arrive at 'berries and Ouinecs ; also bullions units, How- l<-atlnr - bulk <;1 its Eastern debts. In so in theU,L Treasui v at this time to meet w !" ' .°" inak* li< tn Jill O.'Jv J t • -'I • lielrua 7:20 P. M. :SusiM-iiskin llriilpe llenns, i*c : a very large variety of Oarden ...... ,IL tills ume 10 metl prepareil to do alurge busintms. eieither retail or y«nt> t. eriiifj plants, garden vegetables, ,V( . &c. CARRIAGE nil M MINOS--Embracing a va «W aii'l |-o|»Mlar wurk.-. .tu-t publish,nl i\i;lusiv ,,r llnltilo .'i l."i I M Albany ;,M I'. M ; New York 12 Seeds and a lull assortment of Flower Seeds of ug the country has undoubtedly the outstanding„ warrants. wholesale, in both launehes of onrn liiiuinl'ae- ;ent.~. j inectfully s.ili(itei| and Cloths. Damasks. Iju-es. Fringes. Silk- 1 In- jilea.-MUll ami |i|i,lit.ilile Imimiu— ulJ, for . Af\ V> M — N'KW YORK AN|I IMKTON EX Constantly on hand a large assortment o 4? ; i 4* .i ft . Icuvtuj our c^uiuliiihiii^nti lCi'puittiitf tlouclit jmrtn ulars, et.:, aiMre-s c. j, |,|;|-]:y ,v 8.*±U r. M. PKJ-.SS. Arrive at I let promptly attended to. JL WHITNEY. Tufts. Buttons. Carpets, Oil Cloths. &c '• us, and prices are unprece- tion Iiietructin^ tin* Governor, in case ghort notice. it 10:15 A.M. ; Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and I'ulili h-r anit Wh"ii--a I. Huokselli-r*. Suspeiialon Bridge or nutfilo 10:oU P. M. ; lew Vork«:40 Kockford, Oct. 20, 1857. Otf TRCNK TRIMMINUS.-Wks, ltiiets, Hin A1ERS <•, since the dawn of our new the money on the State bonds sold by PETTIT & FERGUSON, . , Muatu.-kv lay,Ot,io P. M. : Bo-ton I J ;.t iii^ht Implements. ges, Nails. Linings, Jtc. ic, telegraph and railways, Bt Editors of nows[«|H>rs Riving th -al.ovi-and rullnwme ,AZ P \l —CINCINNATI l-0CFRE?V Full priced sei-d and implement catalogues TRCNKS Talking and Travelling Trunks the agent is not paid into the State! - Charles, Iowa, Aug. 18, 1807. 49 throo iuaertloiir, ami i-alling aueuinui to ii, m„i seudini- 8 r • illicit,uati 1 P M. ; I/'iiif vilh 4 P. M- s a gocd time coming. The Rent upon rcceipt of stamp to pav ixutagc. Valises, t ar|N*t, Ix-ather and Enamele< Treasury within thirty days, to cause " ~ copy i iuuiuing it, will rccelvo amr thra* of thc follow Only one ti.i on S uiday at R:-I5 P. M. Great Attraction! HENRY I) EMERY & CO.. thinks that by fall tlie Ing work-: The* H A. M oi l ^ 45 P. M. trains conu« t at IVris with Cloth Traveling Bags, IJtdies' Trunks an ) suit to be brought on the bonds of A-- S. FRIjT, I.il,* or Niiiiolnon, by Ileaitler, . . . the lludulo A; |.ik> Huron Hallway, lor liutlalo and all 3m20 201 Lake Street, Chicago. Ilat ltoxi«. be a lebtor to the West, |j|i'of LafayeU.-, ... SI 25 lid agent, and to take such other Oeueral Real Estate Agent 126 lioiiilri ea^t , ai Toronto wuh (ii and Trunk Ruhvay.to ASSIGNEE'S SALE. WHO'S iwig, Sulkev, Trotting, Gig, Wag l.lU- ot .louephiu'-. '• ... 1 25 KingsUm, int- in CHERRY PECT0RA1 y will begin to come AVest- steps as he may deem proper for the ~ ~ ' Wil l .~r •„,..- 1,1 a H'lnl-r'- Ijl'e. . . . Hh SlurK ()K (i(H>I>S Inmu i 1 v owned on, and t'oa, h Whips, eovcred Wood and Mason Citjf, Cerro Gordv Co., Itnra. 1 2ft Canada Fii-t, N 'itheru Yermout, New ll-iiiipshii-e aud ELLS; CONDITION!)! For Che rapid Cure of stn- spring the great tide I.ili1 of Mary niitl Martha Waiiliinittoti. 1 25 Maine. hy CHENEY & BEACKETT, at the Itaw Hide Team Whips, Raw Hides, Iliek- recovery of the money. OM Fellow. Amulet, . . . . . T GERMAN POWDEli! iin, travel, aud capital Will select lands in the Osage and Ft. Dodge 1 25 Ita^Kaue checked through. W Ciy Stalks. Buck and Horse Hide'l'hougs, (t.\ COUGHS, COLDS, 1I0.4RSKNESS, Any p'.T.-ii Lyman Cook, ) Districts, locate I^and Warrants, buy ami sell . . wanimn any of tin- above book«,c»n liav Through ticket- |ni ^ale ut tlieprinci|ial Railroad office* stonf: STORK, TUB CM.KBHATKO I Slid Stage Irishes. .i.>»»stmf-nt, will How in upon Com. tlu n, M ut by m.ul.fn- ofpoBU({c,on receipt of tin- ahove in the West, and at thegeneral office,ooruer I*kc 4liuar- A. 0. Patterson, J Kenl Lstate, pay I axes for nonresidents, anil i lail price." Ad. 20th. 1856. •c patient. As the stock of goods is extensive, purchasers 11h. .1. C. Av lSaitle, Whitcii Henshaw, Independence, l'HIJSIlEli Mmitlily at ih - oltlie of Iiltall'a Livluir Blacksmithing. ^WELLS' «. C. POWDEItl mois Skins. to -ay the bc-t leoie- of the skirts iu Victoria's court comes ' Greene, Weare& Co.. Ft. I lodge, Aer.Arc, Boston. 6 call make rare bargains at this establishment dy 1 have ever found f,,r Coiigh- Hoar-i-ne-'s. Inftuenia, P HE subscriber Ins the pleasure to inform J- Will purify the blood, loosen the skin.l Hi, attention of purchasers is called to and ihe concomitant fV-t, ni- •<{ n»ld. t- ymir ilouuiT Lovk job the ead.—Tho love that Greene, \\ eare and Ilice, Ft. Desmoincfl, E\ery numlHsr of thn work contain^ article* of fotrfine at this time. the atxive, an the goods are made aud selected D in a Taris letter, aud we cannot quite int'-re t the dtiren*i>i Kluvd County and flic jmi)- ir remove fevers, excite the kidneys aud I'WTOM.11. It* coli-Ltlit il.-e in III f.ilnil> tor ihe la»t ten Greene & Weure, (V ilar Itapids, Iowa, , K'-iVftanJ earne. t. vt-i not 'hc.i\ .in,I yet ef T Call und see at the yeurn lias sfiown it t«i po.-,.^-.,- s ijierior virtues for tho survives the tomb, says Irving, is one ahi-linj; walne. Tn thte nntl voutl shop, corner of Water and Milwaukic street*. St Charles City, Floyd Iowt>. East Water Street. A. B. Mi imi.v. of I ii,,,. N y., wr\W< " I have It has its woes, it has likewise ils de­ " The attempt made by Queen Vic­ J. 8. Lovelund, Kailville, N. Y. ~ tounder, coughs and colds, distemper. 2 used your )'«>< toral my-elt and in my family ever >lnce Particular attentii>n will lie given to tlie A. Lk COiAil-NH, Awxnee. 1 lyM GEO. DVEIl .t CO. toria to resist the invasiou of the crin­ Capt. C. C. Hi and, ITtiea, N. V., Kttxhti^ lu.t in ere li^ht rcivim^ m»oii beeomes wwvari- K yellow water, inflammation of the eyes.jp- y««i invented it. and I Indieve it the l>esi medicine for Ha lights ; and when the overwhelming MNn > ther ^ hrvMihe frum it .-|uril a:nl heart January 4,1868. • 13tf purpuric ever put out. With a bud odd I should sooner Hon. G. V. Derinistoa, Albany, H. Y. ami soul Shoeing of 1I< r.Hx and (hen : »- injuries from haul work or last driving,!^ burst of grief is calmed into the gentle oline is an old story. We use the Sf diseases of the .-kin. etc | ^ !»ay t*« nty live dollars for a bottle lhan to do without H» 27yl a or take an)' other remtnly.'' word frinulimt as being the one now "rc L„1 that shall be more ami hotter Carriages handsomely Ironed, NEW AND USEFUL. tear of recollection, then the sudden 1 ; n 1 n a k suit, d v> llu K ' Big-head. |Kill-i vil, fistula, grease and! W Wlbe. aii'l, oi >v otV uhunital.tlvi "7T !t a Hia * " "W und anguish and convulsed agony is over, indiscriminately applied to all skirl 4. S. MUidK. KTo.xE. . outiy liinl th'' and all work entrusted to him will be faithful­ Mason City Nursery. t: ,sciuU lu>, can be effectually cured if tin 5 Croup, Whooping Cough, Influem. •Trteui. It Will fjrelv piovi-l for thu liiiugmaUon, n> 1'. F. STflUilS S|'I!I\«,HMD MI?* Fell ;th. 1850. CJ m DIBBLE & STONE, well ly and promptly executed. The undersigned ^ blood is purified with the Powder, and > the present ruins of those we most i 'l >^c>s, though the material called HE SubscrilK-r having at great expense »$cmiiKK Ami: I *1\\ .-h-errtdlv x,,lir Pecmral Wholesale and retail dealers in For Tni w lioiiars u Your *n flatters himself that his experience and skill < proper ajiplicatioiis made. •*, loved are softened away into pensive by that name has been long superse­ •ceivetl ut the office of puh started a Nursery at Mason City, Cerro KSL'MlTrFl^LLV annouiK cs to the ciUaenn iMhcbe-T REMEDY U. PO .-,io, the « UREOI WLN-.PING Uciitinn. the Fanoiaina will be willeii.ible him t.>fully meet the expectations T ' Cows will give a larger •piantity and cough, ti(Hip. .»u<: th. I It. i-i d,-,a.-.-t ihiidt.U Weof Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, •st^it frw ol )K>-u^e Vj any Uordo Co.. Iowa, would rcs|iectfuliy soliet R Clear Ij«.lr ft (Old meditation oil all that was in the davl ded by steel and whalebone hoops.— p«*t olU.-em the t'uu.-.| status. and wishes of his customers and give general V. better quality of milk ; teams wilfworl, your fratersity at the South appreciate vour *k»l,and 160 Kant Water tttrret, custom from this and adjoining counties surrounding country, that lie is imw o|>ening of its lovliness. Who would root sor­ Her Majesty appeared without one at -. live Mm a year ; Five Copies, Ten IX*)- satisluctiou. A lilieral shai, nf the pulic pat­ 2 with ease und retain llesh: slieep will oomiiuiid your niedicinc to onr |H ople. * Milwaukee, [2-8tf] Wisconsin. ih.hi' to |iay their which U thre" 'llie above Nursery was started in the Fall one of the largest and best selected stocks of IIIRAM DJNKUX, M. I> cent- a numh" r, thle quarterly in a tvaiicv. ronage is respectfully solicited. improve in th-sh and w««>l ; and id" ani- row fi om the heart, though it may her daughter's marriage. She was of IH.V, und 1 now have choice, grafted fruit U»:. Monterey, la . write.-. 3d J«u.,fta>: Tie- hi -i nuiulH r ueU m July, lb6i. It toak«s I HANKLIN 11. WOGLLEY. U imals at all seas., July 'JS, 18jt>. ;lt(f a 'proved by a free us«; of •*i.x wt«kj<: took many mi Ih-iium without relu«f; • We cm sujj|ily orders for bark numbers or volumes. li-,0.000 one year old seedling stocks, all of Winter Goods the bright hour of gaycty, or spread a territory should be covered by French <5 WKIJ>' (iERMAV Oi.V|lf(IOK POWMS. t4*ns»t your piM'toral bv the .idvU'v wluur ••!•••• whi'-h I will sell ou the most re isonable terms. w ever brought into deep sadness over the hour of gloom '! invasion. Since that eventful day no yiLTSE & FAIRFIELD fli-MdiMe n licve i ih - orvno . j,, • w .**VAhu. Tfe* I liavc als,, on hand a well -.'....ted .stock of a, a 3 h-s tliaii. neh.tif tile -«y Ihroul and Iuuk^, Yet who would exchange it even for hoops, no stiffeners of any kind swell School Books, Fire and Life Insurance. •y.1 50,000 PACKAGES SOLD Cerro (iordo Connie Your in--hei. - .ti- • hiaib- n,e o.M»|Je|..|y well., KI'J-H FOK SAI.E the following improved -I and •> years old trees, of t ii-• mot-t hardv va­ WI,| l u K variotiskinds. lors.il,, cheap at the St. 1 oau buv. aiel u ...| J ^ * ' and unimproved lands on reasonable Waugonsha l-'iie Insurance < '• • . < 'hie.,go, 5 y, •"• ' u.»r- Ili.ni : ,,u ,>N |,,r J the song of pleasure or the burst of the skirts of the English belles. On O rieties and sehite.i expro -iy for this latitude. consisting of a general assortnie Wof as the |m.. t .4i;tl4-_, f| Jt r|'J V » » l reinMitw» O Charles Houkntnrf. I.y 2 1 tatlO.IMKI lim ril to I lie Fiircliascra, revelry? No, there is a voice from a recent visit to London we were •'apital $100,000 Also the most iiar.ly varieties of lirapes, some i 20, Township Range 1?» lIlJJUlKTH \ (.'ARVER. Westi in Vallej l ire Insurance Co , I'liicniro. ^ .And tin ii stock is fat, smooth and thrif. Staple Dry Ooods, the tomb sweeter than song ; there is struck by the contrast the female part of them now ill niug. Ever green and other Aathma or Fhthisie, and Bronohita. wj swj .25.... 97. 19 Capital, jwlHJ.000 Ornamental l'n.ts on hand and for wile. £!ty. Ever sale. Always useful. Try it. HM JI, a remembrance of the dead to which of the population presented with the nwj u\vj[.... Mutual Kite Insurance Co., Ne« York City. ghocekies, .86... 97. 19 Ityinn Books. A. UAKNEli. S jwnot entirely satistiu'-tory after a thor curob m thi net neI .86.... Cajiilal $3,-l* I bav< vil""11" juur ( Im i > ivviural for it by far to the scraggy, long, drawn- .18.... 96. 10 Wm. B. FAIRFIELD, rpilE lollowing lands situate iu Floyd Coun- KU ing ea-e.mil reliuf to Ki sj Doors, Nawli and Hlimls, Cook Stoves, iimplive <»r ruriug have fiii«? farms, good soil, easily cul­ out forms wc saw in* England. In . 8.... 94. 16 16tf St. Charles City, lows. J. ty, Iowa, arc offered for sale, namely:— VETERINARY SURGEON, ftUdi as ar- curable." ne} nej . 8.... 96. 1& Section township '.17. range lo west. 1 tivated, and improved implements, but , the travelling English women, 10XS1 AN'I'bV on band and fur sale, ol the And it i> the vurv p, Hectinn m a 110RSH Box and Parlor Stoves, ..i.* ' ''' i v"hunesof evidence, but the tuo^t con. wi sej .12.... 95. 1" CJ best make and material ( nders fm ijl SJ and XWJ of NE] of section :!•), town­ ANDC.MT1.E MEDICINE v,rtu su no covering—no protection for these with straight up-aud-down, fork-like eA nwj " - .12... 06. -17 kinds and sizes speedily tilled, if not already ship 'J7 north, ot range 15 west. B. Bf. WcIIm, Pru|iikUir, Chicago, 111., STOVE PIPE, implements. Why, sir, 1 see tools figures, surmounted by immense flat nwj se.) .12 86. 17 on hand, at reduceil prices SA of sw} of section 20, township 97 north, Consumption. and sold by dealers generally. scattered all over the prairies without nej swj .12 86. 17 Inijuiic ot Win. |{. 1 »l IfciBfs at all." And we do not. j Sithpiar*. Hujuw, Bt. Cliartai «*?, May* <»., IMNL be sold chcap for ca^ti. 3- H it .nyn* r I puwhasers at the lowest possible prices for jintlie woM.l, and it^ cure- «ll«r.,urnMind iu bosptmk on Main street. by A. B. F. HILDROTH7 K. i,s March 18, 1808, ' g| fit. Charlcb City, July 12, 1858. J'rsirie du Cliien, April 1, 1657. lySl F j. A.. & u. M. HAblkKLL. oaui. Call wion, ut Iaik in Mjikoii (.'itv ^ virtues -i^iiai'iimin eniA iJUtiKit. Bt. Charle*City, Feb. Hi, 1858. St. Charles City March 25; 1858. «•! 1 Cerro (iurilo County, lown. A. S. FEl/r.*' F^rsaiv at tlicst cburienoiv Hi->k-i- retr,- by Hn.LIKi.rtl K t .vHVtK,