Sen. Overman Passes Away Atcapital
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I* Hr ' V *•'?" . fe:i:'•’- • .• u m l f-- A y v B s s m ]i»ir:Q Q 8o^iiaN iw fli» Montli aC Novunber, 1980 ' a|@- ‘ .. _ .'3^,':-te'‘:..'*-.''^-v'“s.’ ,-JJ vTt 1 MenAen of 1|M!4n9t Boieaa ’ *'■■**• "-^i! .. o f Ctoaelottois. <L (, yOL.XLV^NO.62. (dasBlfled Advoliirinf on Pogo 1&) ■ S;> ^ X/ EACH H OS^AX BABY G E ^ 81,000 POLICY SEN. OVERMAN Dry Aga£tidt Wets- Malden, Mass., Dec. 12.— (A P ) -••■r' * > ---J ^.1 .'■•r . — gift of $1,000 life insurance i r policy is made to each child bom -S’ PASSES AWAY in the new Maplewood hospital ' here, it was learned from Dr. I Thomas W. Leavitt of the hospi ATCAPITAL tal staff last night. r.' Hospital authorities were of ! t- the opinion that the practice was I unique in this count^. One of Oldest In Senate Dies House floor Leader Agauist Aged 76 After Brief Idle TRUCE IN SENATE F e d e ^ Loans For Food nrr Bnt DanociatK Leader ness— Working Up Until and Clothing For Farmers; FOLLOWING DEATH I His Illness Two Days Ago. Helps S ^ e s s , He & y& D Nol&yWhoWiBeNl| Head of Stite Police— De^ Washington, Dec. 12 — (A P ) — Discord Threatened To Flare Washington, Dec. 12—(AP)— A A sudden illness today took from the -iplpe Une into tee Treasux^y, was the No lurUier Invest^tum of dares It Is Up To Goref- Senate one of its oldest and most Up Again Over President’s description given to tee House today highly regarded members. by Republican Floor Leader Tilson 8 Year OhLMysteir^ Bury nor-flect Cross To j E Lee Slater Overman, of North Mapping a comrse of action to combat wet sentim ent , in .Cougreas, members of the executive committee today to tee Senate’s $60,000,000 Carolina closed seventy-six years of Relief Program. of tee Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohlfeition and PUUic Morals., are pictured above as they assembled drought relief biH. life and 28 years of service in the m Wellington. Left to right, in tee front row, are Dr. A. J/Bairtoh; Mrs. EUa B. Boole, head of tee Worn He condemned especially tee pro Bones Tomorrow. noonce His Appointment^, Senate chamber shortly before one m s Christian Tempera^ice Union; F. Scott McBride, president bf tee Antl-Salbon League; and Canon W. S. vision for loEuxs for food and clote- o’clock this morning. An indisposi Washington, Dec. 12.— (A P ) — Chase. In tee rear row, left to light: Dr.-B. Ooiviu,. Dr. Oliver N. Stewet mid Dr. Eugene L. Crawford. fiig. ' “ The high-principled and indus- tion of a few days standing had sud Discord between President Hoover — ----------------- ^ ^ ' ■ ■_______ The reaxains foxmd yesterday on Hartford, Dec. 12.—(AP)'— R®. denly turned dangerous yesterday ttious will insist on treating it Ete a and the Senate threatened to flare loan and will cripple themselves In the McGrath property to Wapping ports emanating from the Staft* afternoon, when he suffered an in again today, reports reaching the ternal hemorrhage. He had rallied an attempt to replay it,’’ he said. believed be. those of Mrs. Mina Capitol' that Archibald M^efl, and was expected to last through Capitol that President Hoover con •'The idle and siiiftless vrtll accept Blssell, who mysteriously disappear Democratic National conunitteetoam the last night at least, when templated another statement against it.Efii a g ift and live off tee Federal ed eight years ago, wfll be buried to government as long as the oppor -was seeking pubhe office, with bis late at night imexpectedly he was the foes of his relief program. The Wappiiig cetoeteiy tomorrow after stricken by a second hemorrhage. tunity exists.” eye on the position now held by death of Senator Overman of North IN T H liE CRASHES noon at two o’clock. The bones com- Death then was inevitable. Pleads For Support priring the skeleton, which was State Police Commissioner itOb^ Those at Bedsdde Carolina, may bring a truce, how Appealing for supiwrt bf the found by^ hxmters: ;3resterday T. Hurley, was emphatically den^ <$- House agriculture committee’s $80,- With him wets Mrs. Overman imd ever. were t^ b if.fij tee Whi they Fimeral today by Mr. McNeil himself. Mr. one daughter, Mrs. E. N. Snow, of 000,000 proposal, limited to seed and Peiflors to East'Hartford today The Senate, in passing the emerr :McNea said that he WEis not locjk*' Washin^on. Two other daughters Director of Biulding and Two Persons In Critical Con fertifizer loans, Tilson said: Walter Green, son of Mrs. Blssell. were expected to arrive today from gency $118,000,000 public improve EINSTEIN A GUEST our real purpose is to drill a Case Closed ' ' tog for mry appointment for bfnn^e Salisbury, the Senator’s North Caro ments appropriation yesterday, pip^ne into tee Federal 'Treasiuy With the acceptahee of the bones -to any post by Governor-elect Wil dition In Waterbury Ho^- and establish tee dole in tee United lina home, where he will be buAed- struck from the bill without opposi Loan Association Con as those of Mrs. Blssell by her only bur L. Cross and teat under ko Overman entered the Senate in States, with all that will necessarily tion a provision giving Mr. Hoover, survivor the’ ceiso la closed as far as condition would he accept one if 1903 and soon became a leading ’ EDITOR ^ ffo l* Driver Under Arrest follow, not oidy in tee stricken Corouet J. Gilbert Calhoun, is con figure in the Democratic Party if necessary, a free hand in the use fesses To Misapprppri- areas but' throughout tee country cerned. Coroner Calhoim and Super offered to him. > T ranks. During the World Wtir, par of the money. where community after commimiiy intendent Ff^Jxk M. Nichols .of the His Job '' ' ticularly, he became essential to About tile same time, Republican is generously providing for tee State Policedispactment both to- .Waterbury, Dec. 12.^(AP) — needs of its people , to vaconedanoa “My job to tee Democratic PEurto President Wilson. He sponsor^ Gie ating Funds of m p a ^ ., forn^ The -H erajdtixat no is teat of National committeenSn act which gave President Wilson leaders at a conference decided to .^th American tradition and Amcrf-i sail upon the President to co-operate . .........- ^TwoT '^ 'four::pCTsons^^^l^^^ further toyrst|gatton, Ija made. and teat is enough for me/’ Mr. Mc war time powers more su^jdng t caj^-'^apliit, then let us adopt. tee> M__ f. -,G__ re^ h iu k .th eb^ n e^ p^rioisT Neil declared. At tee same time he than any eyer exercised fey an with"them Oh tactics hereStter in rer Senate bUl. In'^doing ter hdw^^^lmotx^tf turn for co-operation he was de . Hollywood, <3al., Dec t'"' ’' ^ .r'..-.: -r-lc^S^dents remained fix.,'.a -tcritical admitted that he was interested “ to American chief executive. Charles A. Whitmore, huUdii^ and^ let iis at least xmderstaiid \^at we ' • GreiBn'Inform^ " ' manding from them. condition at St. Mary’s hospital to are doing and the direction which tee incoming governor’s appoint- Kept Up Work loan commissioner, announced tb^ y day, one of teem imconscious and Mr. Green vras at work i>atching ment of a state police cdmmlssioijAr Overman kept at his duties in Watson’s Suggestion teat defalcations totaling several ^ 'F old er a Recepfoib we are entering leads.” clapboards at his home yesterday Senator Watson, of Indiana, t)ie seemingly at tee brink of death. tlmt of any-oteer post which Is to' the Senate iTight up to the end. He million. dollars from tee Guaranty Destroys Besponslblfity ExCterhoon when itoormed >' of. the lx filled by Dean Qrpss upon party leader, informed Mr. Hoover Although X-ray photographs are The policy proposed in tee Senate had been at his office Monday and Building and Loan Asso^tion were awaited for a final report from tee finding of the^.boaesi First Select- expiration of the tooumbents? terak made calls at government depart the Republicans felt they should be admitted in a written confession by New York, Dec. 12.—(AP;)—Dr. bill, Tilson said, “will not bhly nxEui R; W.,Belcher a next door consulted about any future state hospital three of tee accident vic destroy tee sense of local respon^r Mr. McNeil indicated teat there ments. Yesterday though remaining Gilbert Beesemeyer, 45; its secretary Albert Einstein-had returned to his, tims are believed to have sustained neighbor told Mr. ’Ckeen' of the dis was foundation to tee report that' at home, he had given considerable ments along the lines made by him manager. bility, which is one of the very covery and ECceompanifid him to the early in the week,^ if they are going metaphysical world of time and akxfll fractures. Commissioner Hurley will he existed. attention to Senate affairs. Directors-of tee association said foundations of our institutioite bxit scene. Mr* Green was touched Euid He said teat the State pdHce de Just a year ago, he was In the to be called upon to defend them. space today after u finite hour to the, Charles Zoellner, 44, of 10 Crown, will Edmost inevitably dry up the Beesemyer’s , 'misappropriations i avenue, Elmont, D I., is 'tee most' imalxle to speak when he caifie upon partment has not been functioning thick of one £tf the most hotly con Word also was given to the White might aggregate $8,000,000. They puWic gaze., / - sources of private gerxerdll^. lifore- the'skeletcto;; Mr. Belcher toifaraed seriously injured.