Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-11-03
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- ail Iowan Servinl! t},e Ullicersitfj of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ·t EalabUshed in 11168 10 cents a COPY AssocIated------------------------ Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto ----------------------~--------------Iowa Cily, rowa S2240-Friday, November 3, 1967 Demonstrators To Protest LBJ Asks Public To Support Tax, UI Complicity - In Blood Antiquota Drive WASHlNGTON (II - President Johnson By MIKE FINN !of arine Corps recruitment on campus. of their business. By I p.m. the force appealed to ordinary citizens Thursday to Ind Avoid Arrest, Weston Urtl .. had been reduced to four men, and persons let their congre men hear from them "oft ROY peTTY A crowd which filled the enlire lobby and entering the Union were no longer ques en and loud and clear" in support of his UP IN THe AIR, two queens Ire surroundtd by the ytllow be noons which .re to be .... Blood will now at the University today overflowed up the sta.irs heard Burns WC3- tioned. fight for a tax increase and his battle leased during Saturday', D.d', Day 11m. with Minnesotl. Ellen Wright (left) 43, - but. if antiwar demonstrators' plans go ton. assistant professor of law, urge the No explanation was given for the que - against import quotas. protesters to avoid being arrested. Oecorlh, the DolphIn queen, and HeidI Kelr, A4, S.,.ncer, Mill U of I, Wlnt people according to schedule, it won 't be the result tioning. Johnson. who rarely has appealed to the to buy 2S-cent receipts redeemabl. at the Stadium for thl balloons. prolKf I. of violence. Following Weston's advice (be said be n.. was " not a legal adviser" for anyone ) Iowa Highway Patrol Capt Lyle Dickin general public to put pressure on Con IPOnsored by Project AID for. scholarship fund . n.. balloon. are to be reI.lstd At a rally held in the Union Gold Feather SOn said that his men were not on standby gre ,did so in addressing some 1,200 dele Lobby Thur day night, the demonstrators many of the protesters agreed, voicing when Iowa makes Its first touchdown or at the ..art of the second hlf, which ever doubts that furtber arrests would aid their - as wa the case Wednesday. gates to a Con umer Assembly at a local comes first. - Photo by Rick GI'ftfIIWIIt decided to march on the Old Capitol office hot 1. of Pres. Howard R. Bowen and present him purpo e. Marine Capt_ Bruce S. McKenna, the with a petillon decrying University com "People will not be obstructing," Clark leader of the recruiters whose pI' ence at The chief executive advanced dollars plicity In the Vietname e war signed in said after the meeting. ''There will be no the Union was the spark fOr the demonstra and-cents arguments in favor of his call for blood. obstruction of any kind." tion , said about Wedn sday's demonstra a tax increase. Traffic Court Declares Also to be igned in blood, according to Clark said the demonstrators would gath tion, "The advertising was quite eCCective." But, if anything, his language wa strong. Bruce Clark, AI, Des Moines, a spokesman er at the Union patio at 10: 30 a.m. to rally, He aid thal 25 persons had vi ited him er to discussing what he termed "the for the demonstrators, is a statement give blood and sign peltions. The march on Wednesday and more than 60 were in threat of protectioni m, which is rearing pledging a pint of blood from each demon to Old Capitol is to begin at I p.m. Thursday. its head in the form of certain quota bills Earlier in the day over ISO demonstrators strator to aid civilians "being killed by U.S. Mrs. Helen M. Barnes of the Business now before Congress." Referendum Vote Void aggre ion around the world" picketed in front of the Union without Inci dent. The demonstrators, carrying signs Placement Office said that num.:-rous ap- Rather scornfully, he said the legislators By BETSY BECKER Sies said he thought the court should The decision to abandon the civil di - with antiwar slogans, began picketing at pointm nts had to be canceled Wednesday eemed benl on taking care of special in The 51 u,lcnt referendum held Wednes have jurisdiction in tbe matter because obedience taclies which resulted in the ar 9:30 a.m. Thursday and continued through due to the locked entry to the Union. She tere ~ in eacb member's home di triet. day was declared null and void by the r~t of 108 demonstrators Wednesday and out the afternoon . The doors to the Union, refused to specify how many of the appoint "I think those protectionist bills just the framers of the constitution would have the peaceful piCketing which was carried SIu1ent Traffic Court Thursday night by many of which were locked Wednesday, ments had been canceled with the five re must not become law," he said, "an~_ included referendums in the jurisdiction on Thursday, was made at lhe end of the a vote of 5 to 1. of the traffic court if they had thought were all open Thursday_ cruiter who were present Wednesday_ they're not gOing to become law as long as two and a half hour meeting attended by Although over ISO pickets participated I am president." The court's deliberations were closed to the framers would have expected refer upwards of 400 students and a scaltering of 8 Daily Iowan reporter. No one would say endums. in Thur day's protest, there were never As he has before, John on contended that faculty members. more than 75 picketing at anyone lime. who cast the dissenting vote. If the senate were to handle the validity The demonsralions have been aimed at Mysterious Force for most if not all families, a 10 per cent The court will deliver an opinion early question, the protection of students' rights During most of the day there were between income tax surcharge would cost less than next week to explain the decision and could not be guaranteed as they could if SO and 60 demon trotors. what be terms "the inaction inflation tax" will "indirectly" make clear what were the court ruled on the question, SiC3 saId. * * Mort Peopl. Involved which he said will boo t living costs if Ihe defects of the referendum, Donald C. Sies asked that the court either extend * Clark said that the group's tactics had Invades Congo taxes aren't rai ed. Meyer, A4, Reinbeck, chairman of the the voting period or declare the rcferen Humphrey Chides been changed so that the members of the KINSHASA, Congo t.fI - A mysterious He noted that it has often been said traffic court, said after the meeting. dum results void. peace movement who did not want to block Coree of whit and African soldiers raced "that the consum r lobby is the most wide The results of the vote Wednesday were Murphy argued that cour~ traditionaUy the entrance Lo the Unton could partIcipate inlo Katanga province Thursday in a tolen spread III our land, yet the least vociferous that the Students for Responsible Action haVe handled election disputes. He said in Thursday's demon !ration. and powerful." supported coalition proposal - 1,179, the referendum should be considered an Critics Of War The question of renewing the ob tructlon train while rebel mercenaries .t Bukavu, Hawkeye Student Pal'ty supported auton election. tactics today was raised at the rally but re 1,000 mile away, suffered losses, govern omy proposal-900 and the "neither" French, chairman of ll''3 referendum ceived litlle support. Only 30 protesters ment sourCes said. Guardsmen Put Down choice-428. committee. said the referendum should J wanted to obstruct the entrance to the Un The invaders cro cd into the Congo The hearing was held to determine if be declared void because circumstances As Jpessimists ion. Another ISO voted to participate In I Wednesday evening from neighboring POI' the eoul't had jurisdiction over the refer of timing had caused undermanning of legal prote t. tugue e Angola, the sources said. Uncon Violence After Burial endum vote, if there were irregularities the polls, there was inadequate publicIty KUALA LUMPUR , Malay.ia t.fI - Vice Everett Frost, former president of Stu firmed reports said they had taken Jadot President Hubert H. Humphrey eha tised dents for a Democratic SocIety and leader ville, a fortmed mining town only about 100 WINSTON'SALEM, N.C. 1.4'1 - A com in the referendum and what action should and also the use of party labels on the pany of riol-trained National Guardsmen be taken by the court. critics of the Vietnamese war Thursday of the legal re !stance portion of tbe group, miles from Lubumbashi, formerly Eliza ballots had clouded the issues. rolled mto Winston-Salem Thursday night Student Sen. Jerry Sies, A4, Valley Sies and Murphy also cited those irregu and strongly supported the newly installed said that further ob truction would be an bethville, capital of copper-rich Katanga. government in South Vietnam. Ineffective form of dissent. to pUl down violence that broke out in Stream, N.~., of HSP and Ken Murphy, larities as cause for voidi ng the vote. They The strength of th invading force was AI. Iowa City, filed appeals on the valid "No nation has done so much to help Iowa ClLy Police Chief Patrick McCarney the wake of funeral rites for a Negro who asserted that all the polls were not opened so many others as our nation, and I have not known. It was nOL established wbether died after being struck by a policeman.