FRIDAY January 17, 2020 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents City of Emerson applies for $750K block grant BY JAMES SWIFT ing. “They have requested that idate the nonprofi t’s non-shelter that we’re not going to be apply-
[email protected] Emerson assist them with ap- programs throughout the county, ing for it in the next two years.” plying with a CDBG grant — I in turn allowing Advocates to Gilreath said the CDBG fund- Members of the Emerson do not have the exact total right better serve their clients — and, ing opportunity is a way for the City Council voted unanimous- now, but it’s somewhere around ultimately, serve more of them. City “to get involved in the bars ly Monday evening to approve a three-quarters of a million dol- Under the CDBG process, the and ropes without actually hav- resolution to apply for a Commu- lars is what they’re looking at.” City of Emerson would apply for ing anything at stake.” nity Development Block Grant Bartow County Grant Writ- the grant money, with the County Before the City can apply for (CDBG) via the United States ing Department Director Valerie grant writing department admin- the grant, however, some admin- Department of Housing and Ur- Gilreath confi rmed that grant istering the funding for the pro- istrative issues have to be worked ban Development. would be for $750,000. posed Advocates project. out. Emerson City Manager Kevin “The project itself would be “The only negatives would “One of the stipulations with McBurnett said the CDBG fund- quite a bit larger, potentially up be, with the CDBG grant, this this would be that the property ing would benefi t a proposed Ad- to $1.5 million,” she said.