1858-08-26, [P ]
'J i,\ Sri *- r * cJ <£ysi •sr MT5s&,&,g« THE STATE FINANCES* ^ortli JleUrrjror I'KOSrECTUS OF THI MAMMOTH WELL'S PECTORAL SYRUP OP I SHAHS' $joctr]j. llail Roads. EAGLE WORKS, RBTCSTtf votm nr Report of the Speritil I'ommittce of Invet- Storage «&• Commission w,i.n iHi:KKv !PICTORIAL WORKS. STATIONERY ihirago, III., foot ion into the affairs of the State THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE. fbr Cxo/hr, CM', Influenza, 1 Ifurtfi/, A'thma, , HOUSH, SHOUTi:«T ROI TE and S the largest Machinery Manufactory and Whoomna-Vuiiiih, toriirti, a>,<i .ill di*e**e* . OlIIK I'UIVf'NT >i.K I- l,o,,i.r»h!y ili-trnmii-lieii from Sarnmcr Evening at Home. Trettsuni, tnade to the Senate, March * m" I*I. .J all lormer perkuls. BV the cairerne** nianile*»T<Hi for For the Year 1858. Depot in the I'liited States, where may he ' of'the Lungs, Thrmil. and Cla ft 82ml, lfc>58. BY J. C. 1IOXSIK k SONS. To Central Ioavji. I ery >|H ries of knowMce. and by the ^nccos-fol effortn Blatik Book House, made to diffuse t«.»eful nd<»i lualioli atnoiiK all r!a.-.-e«* of CWW, lovely Kveniiijf, witb ihy --mile of pest* 7»A1«.Y IN Al'lUL «c shall have complo- TIIK TiniU'N'E . A NWrl'Al F.Il. found ....... eiDii I frill IS valuable remedy is prepared with great j Mr. Cook from the Spccial Com RAII.I.OAM IM'.Milll ( ARSi, , . ,| „,nect chcii.ical prim iph-s. cnmmuii iy. The a t\anlaff'^ o| ^nrh morkh a« the fol VWt my humble liwillln;;, wi-li-umwl tn.
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