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Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-3-1922 Clayton News, 11-03-1922 Suthers & Taylor

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Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 11-03-1922." (1922).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. KATCHA KATCHA KOO LAYTON NEW KOO A VOLUME FIFTF.KN. xumi&r forty-si- x. Clayton, New Mexico, November 1922 150 PER YEAR IN ADVAWCF. 3, SUBSCRIPTION RATE

ALLEGED MULLER LETTER Relativo lo an application by Mr. C. J. Neis of Hoswell, beg to adviso YEP! TAYLOR FAILS LOCAL DEMOCRATS WIRE "GO nOUXD THE WHEEL SI00.00 REWARD that on September 2, 1922, Mr. Neis PROVES TO BE FORGERY Go "Round the Wheel applied for lho selection of 010 ac- ACCUSES ANOTHER In view oí the fact (lint Hiere has been a political story cir- With the Hqtarlans" tonight. "Round res of land in Township 25 South, culated to the effect that I purchased u book and had tho the Wheel With tho Rotarians" bids Ilange 20 liast. This application was panes ruled with red Ink, paying S300.00 Tor the same, 1 take this fair Fred Mullcr's Aínda It approved means or lo bo the very best production ever prior lo October 3, 1922, N. líinndhin this as absolutely untrue ami bclnn nolhlnn . Santa Fe, N. M Nov. I, ) Hon. L. Taylor in hi former IK given Slalc of New Moxico and on hut political propanondn, mid in Clayton, and 200 of Clay- that dale tho lieu selection reply, slated that he expected to as the story noes Unit certain parties News, ) ss for filing Ihey tons leading people arc to havo part and tho relinquishment hue In the line, hato stated can proe this Is true, I uttvr n reward or $100.00 Clayton, N. Mex. Counly of Sania Fe. ) and "let the chip's in this mammoth production of which was by John S. Powers and cash to anyone who can. This reward stands good at uuy time. All "Clayton, N. tred Mullcr,. being duly fall where they will," but his re- Méx., 31; Hon. Hugh novelty comedy. first Frank Hile, were forwarded lo Iho ply warrant stdlis are In my orrico, ail paid warrants arc, in Air. Ruble's ii. woodward, Itcntihlimn sworn, on says lio has been handed The News for chairman Mrs. Young has given her to Oah that has United Stales Land Office at Hos- orriee, and' I haw a bill or statement or account for each warrant Slate time publication this week, and in wo Committee, Santa Fe, N. Méx., the perfection Of Dick-nin- road llio letter now being circulal well, N. M it the cast and n and were received by fail (o find the Issued. Dear Mr. Woodward: We address oil by (he democratic stnlo least thought or :. :. and "Doe" Hurley are each commit tho United Slates Land Office Oc- caliiwelL you as a friend, ÍOC, which leller is dated Scplomber statement Touching the question in County Clerk. as a fellow town ready with their special musical tober fl, 1922, as shewn by Iheir re- man, n 15, 1922, conroversy, that being: "Tho ?ews a Christian gentleman, a number for your afld which bears his pur ceipt No. 2078890. The only appli- cntcrlamment, and received iwOO.OO for the printing nf an avowed purist in political en then in your mind ported signature and is claimed lo cations filed for Iho selection of picturo L. N, havo been n book that could liavo been fur- deavor. as a fellow citizen, nremil Taylor exalted to tho nobility. written to one C. J. Neis lands in Iho Hoswell District subse- He nished for 985.00 or S90.00." TVXATIOX FACTS mg to common belief between .whom makes a dandy "Lord," of Roswell. quent lo the Neis application above don't cha Mr. Taylor, lolling The Inst Issue of The Swastika, dated October di- and some gentlemen lo be named by know, By Jove. Affiant says that ho never wrote referred lo were by W. H. McKnighl. instead of Ihe 27th, calls mailer be a personal one between rectly Tor ah answer for the or the Morris C John- the parly you oppose politically we Reserved seats will be 81.50. gen or dictated the sanie or requested for 320 acres in ti South, 21 East; son home hi Clayton Tor HI2I. himself and News, finding the jenr wur tie culled upon to make choice eral admission S1.00, anyone to write the same for him by Carl E. Sams for tho selection Tho. no This comes under the head or taxation or buildings under children over to stalo-me- for district iudce in the nt'vl nine evidence substantiate his nl. Under obtained ophiion or 0 years, 50 cents. and hail no knowledge of said letter oFn.959.5! acres in 14 south. 29 east: adice from the the District Hon lias shifted in his Attorney and the ttnincy General on the ln law or 133, for judicial officials in the You can not very well prior to its publication; that said by George LitlleficM for 321.21 ac- reply and Chapter afford lo is making a political Laws or 1!I21, the follow iini mamier of assessment In such cases Eighth District seeking in a non- - miss lliis loler is a rank forgery. res in H South, 29 issue out of it. opportunity for our en- - East and by George was followed. . n,l We give you his narlis:in, miiril.. v vmip- ..... imfntu,, irwlIV, Ul L. 1 reply as handed us: lerlainment. Sim Herzstein'j bald Affiant further says that on Sep- Ulrirk for 320 acres in South. Ituildhins under construction which have not been necepted vice concerning a 1922. liv (lie parties prominent candi head wil show up like a heavenly tember 2, 1922, as shown by the 13 East. These applications were October 23th, contracting lor same on January 1st or each year.) Mr. J. F. shall not he assessed as property belonging to anil owned by Ihe date lor stale orneo on the llepub- crown, and his hands will be busy records of the Office, C. all made in person by the' applicants Lunsiord, Stale Land party contracting for Hie same, HUT such property is assessed as lican liekel. We believe this mat- all Hie limo. J, Neis applied in person wd no one of Ihem was represented Editor of Clayton News, Hie for the material to material men. ter goes beyond and over-shado- Clayton Oil) by Mr. C. Clayton, New Mexico. people will bo there, be selection of acres of land and J. Neis or anyl other per- This instruction from Ihe District Attorney and the Attornev parly preference. Many General upon this phase 1921 law of us have cause it is Clayton's show. Don't that said application was thereafter son. The above selections were all Dear Sir: of tho tav was followed by the always Assessor end Hoard of County Commissioners not only hi Mor- entertained a kindly feeling fail lo be one of approved made with my knowledge and I the the number. and that arrangements for nec have endeavored lo ascertain all ris C. Johnson property as outlined in Swastika, in for Mr. Fritz Muller, present nom- essarily my the hut also the The receipts will go to maintain the selection of said lands with approval and in Hie available data concerning following nni-l- Cm- - and the our described properly in Union Comity: inee of the the hoys and girls work Club. approval of application lho regular course of business controversy, X. II. Azar, (Democrat) business Clav- of the the were as bul have been unable hotel and hulldinii, stale land commissioner, and many The Rotary I lon, X. M. Club nf Clayton has done made by Mr. Neis in person with the conducted in lift Stale Laud Office.! lo gel some desired informal ion. us A. G. Ray, (Democrat), two residences In Clayton, N, M. of had the intention of voting and is doing a real work among tho Commissioner, Honorable N. A. and mf other al affida However, I .Field have made a search of One residence In Des .Moines, X. M. for him in the election on llio 7th pupils of the schools, assisting FRED vils or relinquishments were filed Hie in Hie those MULLER. records Court House at Une residence in Dednian. X. M. of November, bul recent events, in- who are needy, buying boiJks, in tins office in any selection in Hie Clayton, This matter, being one of a technical, legal inso- play "Subscribed and sworn to before and beg lo submit here- proKsl(ion, cluding theAvrillen opinions of Mr. ing the "Uig Hoswell District subsequent lo the with my far us assessment Is concerned, the Assessor and Counly Commis- Hrother" and helping nie this 30th day of Oelober. IH22 findings, as sliown'by these .Miiiier concerning the alleged to create a higher date when Mr. Neis made bis appli- records. sioners of Union County relied entirely upon the advice and opin- stantlard of mor price it. cross, ion rendered to them b the District Attorney and Attorney Gen- o'f a large portion or our among " ality Ihe young people of (Scan cation. I Spunish-Ameriea- Notary Public'. find that on January 31. 1921, tho eral. citizenship, our n Claylon. This play I call your attention to IheVael mcrit9 your My commission expires Oct. 5, 192!. Clayton Citizen presented a hilt to When tic Swastika carried the statement it was with a thor- friends, and the more recent exnosn hearty support. that Mr. Neis represented Mr. Etch, ough knowledge that It was onl) campaign propaganda. They ad-m- il the Counly Commissioners of Un- contained in his "Dear Neis" leller ovary and thai the new as mucji. C. J. Neis' Affidavit selection ion Counly totalling SÍ20.38. Several in which Ihe practice of fraud and made by Mr. Neis MULLER REMES LETTER Slate of New Mexico, ) after the Elche items are included in this bill, one deception is advised, in reality prac- vary selection must have been the "1-- ticed, ' - ss of which is as follows: 7, I,TOO has very much unset one Fe, N. M., Nov. L M'li'i-iHii- i Judge says Ihe above would profiled by Santa Whllo oi cpienioer , ivr.', as Taylor in have the retain- County of Chavez ) ruled ledgers, ÍIÜO.OO' I find that .friendly views concerning Mr. Mul Hie air is full of of libel shown above. That selection as leller that he U unable to gel some ing of Ihe 81,111.53 in Ihe counly rumors suits Now comes C. J. Neis of RoswcID Ibis bill was paid on March 19. 1921, ler, ami destroyed our confidence in for the publication of lhat alleged New shown by the records nf the office desired information, but he "begs treasury. Mexico, who, after' first be by a warrant numbered 77H8. the ins integrny and honesty. Enter C. was made Mr. ,Nein's lo submit his findings as shown by During December. 1920. $ letter from Captaut Muller to J. ing,duly sworn, deposes and says in name and warrant being dated taining a high opinion of your fair- for Hint for Ihe records. Dfinil that on Jan. 31, was paid for advertising individual Neis, of Roswell, it is not now be- that lie lias read a certain purport selection the relinquish- S520.3H, and payable to ness nud honesty in nolilicnl the Clavton 1921, the Clayton Cilizen presented lax suits, tor separate publication, mailers lieved there will bo any legal steps ed letter dated in, 1922, ment was filed and the selection Citizen and realizing (hat September "For Stationary." This when Ihey you are in a good taken until after election, because now being made nlk Willi my knowledge, ap- a bill "to the county." We should might have been pulM and circulated broadcast warrant was signed "E. M. Hulledge. position lo judge, we want your Muller an- proval and consent and like In slate positively thai L. N, lislied as one, at. a great saving. must fill some meoting - in (his slate for llio purpose of de- that Mr. Chairman of the Hoard of County honest opinion slrinoed of ootilinnl I'agemcnls outsid.;. Neis talked lo me in person rela- Taylor is evading Ihe issue; we Does Judge Taylor make mention feating Captain Fred Muller, "now Commissioners." attested, "C. C. bias, concerning Hie integrity, hon- - f i I So far as the public is tive to Ibis application and that. should like lo mllier In !hat he of any of hese? Not a single one, concerned. running for commissioner of Pub- Caldwell, County Clerk." Then on esiy ami illness of .Mr. Muller for Ihe matter can drop. Neis Mul Captain Muller was not even pres- has not only failed iihslaiitinlc but ho deplores the fact that (he and lic lands; that the contents of said the back of this warrant 1 find llio the position of Slate Land Commis- ent at the timo Mr. Ins former stalQinen, but has showt, present administration is extrava ler have denied under oath any prc- - letter were unknown lo affiant Neis took the following endorsement: "Clavlon sioner, or any position. Will you of Ibis no inclination to enlighten the peo- gant, that they pay $150.00 for a job ' ious knowledge of lho letter, and prior to its publication for the rea- mailer application up with Citizen, by C. C. C." answer without any subterfuge", yes me. ple on llio question at issue, and of printing for which tho stock cost is the democratic state committee son "that said I or no, to letter was never re- made a .search for the item of W7.00. the following honestly ask- only claims to have received tho ceived ,by,' . For I he above reasons lho latter give Hie Republican Clii.vtuit News He fails to make up his mind affiant; lhat there was "1500 special ruled ledgers" and find ed questions, politically in other Ittor in a plain envelope, no no part of the alleged letter charged to a fair and square deal. Wn suspect that he is in error in his charges, with occasion for lho"wriling or said that in trust deed book "D" ways: "Is Fritz Muller honest or other enclosures no have-bee- by Captain Muller is ab- there that after election, after his insiili and he lacks that which is necessary and' Identifica- letter for the reason that every were blank trust deeds printed dishonest?" "Is Fritz Muller fit to tion, and, in addition, surd and unwarranted by tho from ous propaganda against The News In cause him to confess his error. as the letter transaction which 'affiant has had facts pages 239 lo 391!. a be elected lo any State office?". H says except as shown by or total of 357 and Ihe present administration In-- As far as The News is concerned. nothing calls someone with the Slate Land Office was al- Ihe records of Ibis of blank Hie answers of Ihe two foregoing fice. irusl deeds printed in this had its effect, lie will Hie controversy is. closed. The peo- the old fool," it means nothing. ways discussed with the Commis-- . book. Also in questions are in tho affirmative, Very truly yours. release record book come forth with. a statement that he ple Know the truth, because of his Land Commissioner Field had the sioncr as well as the Assistant. "2.' I find bjank releases what is the meaning of the "Dear office N. A. FIELD, - printed was wrong. Common courtesy de failure to answer. records examined and found C. J. NEIS. from pago to 097, Neis" and "Old' Fool" letter? Thank- Commissioner or a total of miuideil that he make it now. rather that ho had attended to all (ho busi Subscribed of Public Land. 132 blank ing you for an immediate reply, as and sworn to before releases printed, making than later, and because he does nol "FOH TAYLOH'S INFORMATION ness with Neis, personally, and lhat mo Mis die a total of i 89 Ihe time is short, we are, your 30th day of October, CLAYTON WINS FROM DALHART blank instrumental The News believes il In be a mali everything "had been handled out, -- 1922. printed, and it is lo friends, A. C. McElwain, Chairman, be noted thai cious attempt on his pari to work There seems lo be in the mind so there was no reason for writing (Seal) Casey, . Ibis one item of Livingston N. G. G, Granville." any Jas. 0. Clayton, in i na'-il- fought mune alune mentioned in them an injury; bul Ihe people of said Taylor some such lotter. lull was for "1500 Our Reply: Notary Public. wrested victory from (lie Dalliart this special ruled Hie counly will easily recognize il ikmlil as lo the editor and the pol- However, there Is somo interest My ledgers." I find Ilia! . "Santa N. M., Nov. commission expires April 2i, eleven on Iheir own grid last Fri- Ibis bill total as a subterfuge on his part. icy of Tho News. In the Swastika Fe, t. in the source of all the money be 1923. ing $520.38, which is on file in Jhoi of Nov. 3, he mildly suggests it "Mr, A. C. MoElwain. Mr. G. G. Gran- ing in Mul day afternoon witli a score of 9 to 0. Nol only does ho fail lo tell the that used the fight against X, A. Field Statement. i.ierKs oirice, is nol verified nor in was necessary lo 'the ville, Clayton, N. M.' ler. report now In their previous game, it being truth regarding The News, but ho tale matter and has it that land Santa Fe. N. M. any way sworn lo as Is required by up with "Dear Hoys. Answering your wire, their first of the season, leaves dut of his investigation con "Iheipowers that be" of speculators aro supplying the need October 30, 1922. iaw in sucn cases made and the llepublican parly before his an- assume you refer lo alleged Otero ed. It is recalled a caused Ibeni to lose.. lo o " cerning tlu Citizen's bill the most lhat number Hon II." H. Woodward, Chairman, swer was published. is easy loiter, llave hever seen letter. lo Dalhart at Clayton. This was de- interesting bit of information for Ihe It lo of speculators in oil and other lands Republican State Committee, Also I find the report understand why he would say this, which Olero is afraid to show or could not havo own way, cidedly (o (heir advantage. because of the State taxpayers nf the county. In this their and Sania Fe, N. M. I raveling Auditor, covering il is merely lo conlinue policy publish. He does nol claim to have a of large con- they realized thai it would be nec- the citation, "1500 Special Hilled Led- his that number outside - Doar Sli period from 1st, of an original, as I am informed. He essary for them to play hall if Ihey Ocl. 1915. to April gers." Judge not misrepresentation he began dur corns have made several attempt response 30, 1921, Taylor did stale alleges I lint Is In lo your request that rolled up the score, instead of living which audit was made be ing the present campaign. Wlieid what he has a copy. to tecuro large tracts of state land ll for your benefit thai Ihe Citizen I adviseyou as to-a- tbo informa- tween March lsl and 1921. was oy ine purported letter, according to for one purposo in tho glory of iheir unbeatable Juno 3rd. purchased the paper for this job ins iiuiiii caned ine iews or another, and tion in my- - possession relativo to by Mr. H. A. Delgado. On for his statements lio posi- Iris slalentenl, was written more theso may be record of last year. page 9 al a ros of $07.00. laid down in slated furnishing lho funds the Etchcvary lease and the Neis snows the following: tively he would furnish proof or than twenly years ago, is not in ex- for the bard fight heipg made. ' Those who witnessed llio game al Clayton; lie did nol fell you that application for (ho selection of cer- "X. else would come clean acknow- istence, and he relies for proof of Miguel A. Otoro, Dalhart pronounced it, one of the MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVI- also in lliis item was. Iho printing and who tain land, referred to in ledge his HE HAS his copy upon two men. bolh of is public the letter (hey TIES. Union Counly two-pa- error DONE slated in the mind tor as best Clayton boys ever played, maintains a of long form deeds of trust, ge which the Democratic State Com- NEITHEH. Now he insinuates whom aro dead. Pretty thin, don't sistant land commissioner if Just a real game of real football. health department and an agricul- forms, or UkiI included in the that the Cap-lai- n you think? mittee claim was written by Now Mr. Tex- tural agent, both very commend- Tho News is controlled by leaders democratic candidato is clcctc'. con Walker of tho Dalhart - job was a form of reléese, -3 of a Muller, I beg (o adviso you as ame. .until shows payment in llio llepublican party. Ho knows As to alleged Neis leller. Neis tinues his fight against Muller, but an believes that Clayton should play for book, and -2 booTT deed follows: of l'nil. this is Iheir second learn, that I hey are such purposes very reasonable, no untrue, and be further knows and Muller have both made affida- with little success. Tho genoral The News is not fighting tho bail- I July 11, 1922, Jim Elcheyury made not in a class with eleven, difference being found. Attention lial his reply lo The News is only vits thai the letter is a fnrnerv. oro. opinion seems to bo that the racent Dalharfs ie.- of Hie Citizen, 'but m behalf of application for the selection of bul despifo his opinion, it might lie is called, however, In the. enormous a subterfuge on his part lo mislead duced at the last minute to discred attacks on Muller have mado him Ihe present administration, vim Hie votes. 1120.21 acres of land in Township well for Dalharl to remember t lint cost of printing, office supplies ami people until after the election. it Muller. Neis Field, who certain- have efficiently managed the coun ly 2S South, Ranges 19 and 20 East when Clayton's team is eligible only publications. Audit shows tho fol- Ask Judge Taylor to tell you tho would not nrolecl Muller if the ly's finalice, woufd you oonsidei and Township 25 South, Range 20 lo play Iheir second slringv men. lowing amounts as having been raid whole truth about Delgado's report. letter were . genuine, has bad the Collón has fumed out to be one papers this lo be an extravagant expendi- llepub- bigost East. The application was approv- Dalhart will have grown I lie to five during lho period Where Mr. Delgado riles a records of llio office searched. Ho of Ihe money makorj in the out of of ture 83.00 for printing practically ed by (his office and sent to Die High School class and have Increas- auuii, viz: lican paper for some $520.00, be has slated over his signalurc lhat Roswell district this year, and thoro four books? If so, what would you Itoswell Land Office July 13, 1922. ed by several in popula- Clayton Citizen .1 $520.38 cites Hie Democratic papers for llio records are . entirely rncnilnr. is a good price for Ihe product thousand think of a Democratic nvpundilur On Soptembor 28, 1922, a lease was tion. .something like $19,000.00. No. Tay- "That Neis consulted him and that of síV.'.OO for insur;i'i:e on Un sunl to Mr. Elchevary for signature Dalharl has a good team, of good, lor will not lei ynu all of the truth ho was entirely familiar vvilh thol erned thereby. .riirlhouse for three when it and Iho samu was returned to this clean boys, and the only reason that Audit of (ho various vouchers does 'ars, it is not in his plan nf campaign transactions, that (herofore no rea- "Since you consult mo for mv was already insured to tho limit'? - office on October 7, 1922, by Mr, Clayton won was because of super- not disclose any actual illegal pay- and while ho is fighting for the in- son existed for tint iMfni- nnil llio opinion. I will say to you as I havo The Itcn'uhlicau administration can- Clarence Poll, Cashier of the First ior generalship and a fighting' spirit ments, although allenlioii might be" terest of tho "Dear People," be is very absurdity nf lis text shows that said before, that I believe you will celled the policy and received a re- National Hank of Carlsbad, New I luil wins. called to an item in Iho Claylon remembering all the timo'L. N. Tay- it is a muid. promole the cause of good govern- fund, because U tho had Moxico. .Said application and leaso Clayton plays the fiuymon. Okla., Citizen for 1500 forms of trust deeds, courthouse lor and his desire for poliitcal hon- Theso boing the facts, you boys, ment by hunting for tho flag on burned 0 times, no more (han its the were all fhadn in rogular form and High School lean) today, and we for which $150.00 was charged." ors two years from Ibis election. as candid seekers for the unvar- ballot and marking a small cross value could have been collected. in Ttll with my knowledge and approv- predict another victory. All qf llio abovo Don't you think Taylor should como nished truth, will probably resont the oirclo under tho emblem when information is on $83.00 for printing four boolyS Is ex- al. record in Ihe County nut in a plain statement and tell the tactics employed lo discredit you mark, your ballot- - By so doing Clerk's ofHco travagant, bul what nf $1,111.53 paid At lho time of the application Mr. Portales valley broom corn sells and in (ho office of lho lho people he was wrong in his Muller and immediately flv lo his you will bo voting for a ticket which County lo O. C. Smith for publicaliop of de- Etchevary gave the Stale Land Of- for $U0 lo 200 per ton. Treasurer, where samo can bo se charge against the News, or else support. will bo olectod from top to bottom. linquent In xlisl, and no sale held? I fice a cheok for $58.00 and a re- cured. - furnish the proof? have laborodjong and hard with Bolter get on the band wagon and is madejo him $85.00, over- There should have' been no salo, il bolh of you to nuke you the fund of Wagon Mound sheep growers ship Trusting this satisfactory, I am, se ride it beato walking ail the time. is true, and the publication of the Tho new oil field in San lllrllf . lull willliiill , T a payment, by reason of a reduction feeders to Colorado, Kansas Juan " ' - . " . . a an,nn chi Sincerely, and Yours Very truly, list Was entirely legal, " ' in llio rontal. but inasmuch counly is feported as teeming with glad thai' you aro now soeklng foi Hugh B, LIVINGSTON N. TAYLOH. as no salo was hold, Ihe counly activity Woodward." the truth, so that you may be gov- - rank btaplip, Publioily Mgr. For Law Enforcement, Efficiency, Courtesy and Economy V VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET l'utiHt-a- t Adv.) THE CLAYTON NEWO, Harry Farber and family spent last hunday at tho ranch. CLAYTON and VICINITY John Spring has closed his restan BUSINESS DIRECTORY rant on Main streol, and J. C. Smith-so- n News Gathered from u Variety of Sources has now oponed up in tho same And Classified Department place. I Story of Guy Davis in spending Ilio X.MAS 1922 The FOH SALE DY THE, OWNER week in Denver. This is the year to save. Oh c your Our States Clioico Farm, well Improved. Very friends Photographs, I he exclusive desirablo location. Price right if UNION TITLE J F. Sertoli ot New Home com- gift, $tJ0 to 818.00 per doz., finish- Or JONATHAN BRACE TIIK Inkon at once. Inquire at News of- munity, was in Clayton on business ed in. New rail and winter easel XVI.- - TENNESSEE TIIENH this week. fice. 23tf AND LOAN folders. Mako your appointment history Mr. II J. Hagerman, president of now. TUB Samples on display. Tennes- the Inxpayers' Association, says: Money lo loan on improved Farm COMPANY Kodak filial developed 10c. Prints 10- -" HIVES STUDIO. see stretches "lint irrespectivo of details, and Ranch land. Terms reasonable. to the ABSTRACTS, PLATS, ncconlino to size, from 4c. to Gc. back it is tho lone, tho (rend, In tho Dlakely & Scott, Clayton National each. 12 hour service. It. K. Selvy has from IT IS THE DUTY OF SCHOOL year 1B41 BankBldg. Clayton, K. M. 28lf CONVEYAXCLN'G returned when DeSoto course of public afrairs, and its RIVES STUDIO, trinidad, where he accompanied his TEACIIEHS results which an NOTARY. with his par- administration FOR SALE 791 ACHE IMPROVED 3Uf. Clayton, N. M. wife who underwent an operation To look New Mexico lo tho care ot their pupils' ty of Spanish is ultimately to bo held respon- RANCH Location, Hatod, N. M, Clayton, :: at ihe Trinidad hospital. He re- eyes. Many children seem dull, do adventurers probably reached sible for. What has actually Incx-hausli- ports 25 miles cast of Springer. Dr. II. It. Mills left this week for Mrs. Selvy doing very well, not like to study, and aro called the present site of Memphis on been the trend, the tono of our water supply. Every and soft Ins home at La's Vegas, after a visit that she will be home soon. numbskulls. the Mississippi. The French recent slate administration and aero can be cultivated. No waste under La Salle built a fort here in Clayton of moral days. of tho dictators of Iho "repub- land. Easy terms. Best otter takes CITY BAGGAGE & TRANSFER They about 1CS2. The English also Hertz-Hadl- Mrs. F. L, Doekütadcr, who is Arc Unfortunato lican" policies in New it. Writo Owner, Caro ey i claim territory, In- Mexico ns Company teaching near Pasamontc, laid to this Co., 157 E. Ohio St, Chicago, 111. 15tf IOIl SALE One six cylindor transact- in most cases for having somo cyo cluding It In the grant to North regards tho all important ques- Permanently Located lUVu. Main car, ed business in town, Saturday. good condition, will trado for real defect. Most ot them show no oili- Carolina, It was not until 17T0 tions of rclrcnchm'ent ot pub- Street Uie permanent settle- lic expenditures estate in Clayton or close in. In-'- 1 er sign ot eye trouble, and grow to that first and lower STOP THAT ITCHING" Prompt nnd Satisfactory Service Dr. Milligan returned from ment was made by James Rob- taxes." ire at (he News. .the manhood womanhood, dull Uso Hluo Star Remedy for Eczema, C. H. CLAGETT, Prop. American Legion National Conven- and and ertson, and this was soon fol- Here is the Trend of Ilch, Teller, or Cracked Hands, Ring- tion in New Orleans, this week. slupid, never knowing that their lowed by many other settlers the I W Fair, who is employed in eyes alono made them averse to stu- from North Carolina. They Stale levy, three fifths of worm, Chapped Hands and Face, Texas, i9 spending several days wilh llethel Freeman of Hill Uros., Is in dy and activity. formed what they called tho which goes back lo the counties Scalp Diseases, Old Sores, and Sores for Ins family here. Toxllnc this week, running the Tex- Washington district, but this roads, schools, elc: on Children, also for feet trouble was as was Levy 1019 by Drug Co. iotf aco Station while Carl Potter Is lak. short lived it 5.75 Mills Ouaranleed Wanser Col. J. 0. Tignor promptly annexed to North Levy 1020 '...-5.8- AROUND THE WHEEL WITH iug a vacation. 3 mills D. W. HAYD0N Carolina. In 1784 the Inhabi- THF ROTARIANS. Levy 1921 mills FOR SALE 100 acres or land in AUCTIONEER tants, Indignant over North Car- Levy 1922 ,.go The meeting of the New Mexico Registered Optometrist mills Union county. New Mexico. Real Orrice Tignor Barber Shop olina's attitude toward them, A SPECIALTY TO Slate Nurse's Association con- Downward trend In Tour years bargain. Mrs. Adeline L. Dalton. FARM SALES TRADE Six cylinder car 'to will At Davis Drug Store declared their Independence and MEXICO I amounts tu Si17,500. CLAYTON NEW trade for real eslale, Clayton vene a the Chamber of Commerce, formed tho State of Franklin Kingfisher, Okla. in Here is tho trend or i " m ar by. Apply at News Office. Albuquerque, .Y M., November 21), CLAYTON, NEW MEX. or Frankland. As this seces- the Highway 1922. sion was not countenanced by levy, all or which is returned lo the FOR SALE Rooming House, 12 ' M. E. SEUVICES North Carolina, for a number roundes by which it is paid in: rooms, except' Close Huund the Wheel wilh the Roinr-iat.- ., modern heal. Harninn Fox. of Colorado, brother of years a state of confusion Uvy 1920 mills in, 3 lnls. Must be sold at once. For tonight. General admission existed with two sets of olTlccrs .ino r Mrs. H. H. Edmnndson, is in town Morning (heme: "A 1021 1.00 mills C. si (XI. '".lnldren &Or, Reserved Heiulezvoiis trying to govern. Meanwhile particulars sec Mrs. F. Watkins. ibis week wilh or Levy 1922 TomWolfords Shop another ear fancy with Life." The sacrnmcnt ol the the settlement suffered severely - 2J0 mills ittf. Colorado apples. Lord's Supper. from hostile Indians and from Downward trend in four x'cnr amounts to 700,000. CLEANING AND PRESSING MIOL'ND THE WHEEL WITH Evening theme: "Too Much His- the Spanish, who still held Lou- NOTICE Hael Caldwell has been employed Her-- is Alterations or AH Kinds 'IHE ÍIOTARIANS tory." isiana, and controlled the Mis- the trend or Ihe school will ho the big- this week in The News office. Hemstitching and 1'icoting. No. 8 gest event in Clayton U you waul something to think sissippi river. In 1700 North Ibr.iimb "fools of WE ARE PREPARED TO' for many days. ter- Cedar St. Work guaranteed satis- V Carolina finally ceded this officials. These - about, straight, clear and true; if reductions GIVE YOU THE BEST OF real livo entertainment,- gicn P. RESRYriiRIAN CHURCH you want religion brought down to ritory to tho United States. By have been made after conference factory. Prices right. Mrs. J. SERVICE. WE CALL FOR hy the local talont, íO-- mid one that will 1700 tho population had In- 2' dale in a penetrating, practical way, with local boards and have not in Cannon. AND DELIVER ALL WORK. he sure to pleas all who aro fortun- creased to over 00,000, so Ten- Our Sunday School growing any insinué Injured Ihe schools: ate enough to wltnoss novel i. then visit the First Methodist nessee was admitted as the six- this nicely now. We expert a large In 1920 by Stnfo FOR SALE OR TRADE enie. lainmcnl. church anytime, but don't miss this teenth state of the Union. Educational Phone 282 at ten o'clock, Sunday Sunday night, you Auditor ..$200,00(1 service whatever At the outbreak of the Civil One or two quarter sections of morning. do. war, Tennessee Joined the Con- In 1922 by Slalo Kdiicalional XMAS 1922 irrigated potato and alfalfa land in The paslor will lie out of Jnwn ., a ,... . federacy. In 180(5, when the Auditor iiO.000 i Hie San Luis Valley. Terms lo suit This the year to wive. Give your Sunday. Hex. J. V. I.unsford will state was readmitted to the Un- In 1022 by Slale Tax Com- on part. Address II. F., care H. H. 'fiends Photographs, the Evcluslve preach for us at 11:00 o'clock. We ion, there was much disorder mission 00,000 Edinondson, Clayton, N. M. iü- -i in Si 50 to 18.00 per do., finished Invite all of our friends nnd the during the reconstruction period. In 1922 'by Surplus applied FRANK 0. BLUE led of .n New rail and winter easel fold- - friends of Hev. Lunsfnrd lo workup This to Ihe formation tho against levy 320,000 Ku Klux Klan, the Influence of ATTORNEY AT LAW t . Make your appointment now. with us at and WANTED- - ood girl for general . that hour bear him which quickly spread through- ampies on display. preach. There will be no evening Down, (rend school cosls $1.010,000 house work. Mrs. T: E. Owen. 0-- ' out the Southern states. This 7 HIVES STUDIO. service. secret organization took Into Total trend or Rcilliellon .$2,l'i7,500. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS '.I. lll'V DAVIS. Pastor. Its own hands tile suppres- ROOM AND HOARD Mis. R. m. e. . sion of crime and the admin- un; lames aid I.owery. 18 Madison. 10' Mrs J. F. I.unsford returned this .CLAYTON, NEW .MEX. week from Greeley, Colo., COAL I1II1S istration of justice. where Tennessee contains 42,022 The M. K. Ladies' Aid met with II1DS WANTED OX SCHOOL she attended the funeral of her sis- Mrs. Sam Johnon. Oct. 25th. ter, square miles, and Is sometimes After HOUSE Clco Chamberlain, Sunday af- The Clayton Hoard of Education called the Volunteer state. It Ihe business meeting a reading was ternoon. Miss Chamberlain will be will receive sealed buN until 8 P. M Is named nfter Its principal riv- given by Mrs. H. .1. Hammond, Jr., remembered by many 21, 1022, 150 Col. Geo. Goodyear Clayton peo- November for tons of er, which Is a Cherokee word and a pleasant social hour was en- The Counly Hoard of Education ple for her visit in Clayton last coal. Hids must state the kind of meaning "Crooked Itlver" or joyed. The next meeting will be hereby gives notico thai it will re- Auctioneer summer. "bend In the coal, the analysis, and the mines rher." on November eighth, wilh Mrs ri ceive bids for the erection of a CATTLE EXCHANGE AND REAL by McCluro Newspaper SynillCBte.) it (0 two-roo- from which is to he shipped lluls folks Eklund. school building, m hollow-(il- e ESTATE Industrious iien and women want- .should he filed in Ihe office nf the YOUNG and pebble-dashe- d, to bo built Clayton :: New Mexico ed lo retail the genuine Walkins Smierinlendnnt in School District number II, about 10-- the goodness of Producís in city territories. Excep- 2 Hoanl of Education 7 miles south of Ml. Dora, New Lytona Baking, 1 t tional opportunity to lie up with Mexico. Plans and specifications &&$M'tit "Meat and Inrgest coninanv of lis while older folks ire on filo in the offico of the Dr. C. W. PRESNAL kind. Our hustlers average income also know its 'NY).Syt,.A--..' MA!,.! County Superintendent of Schools, is SI 10 an hour. Are you doing a IT'S TOASTED economy. and may be examined at tho con- SPECIALIST rjp I well? not, I If xvrile today tor fi II ono extra process QI venience or he bidders. Sealed McCormlck Hhln. samples and particulars. The .1. It flj Hj bids will be received up until the TRINIDAD, COLORADO Walkins Co.. Dept. 82, Winona. which gives a Bake with illt or November, 1922, at 2 o'clock ! Minn i0-- :. at dollclous flavor H Lytona P. M., at which limn all bids will be opened at the otricc I. Hie DR. E. A. HOLLOWAY il. Dickman, our creamerv i: :ni. of Counly Superinlendent of w.ll leave this week with his fam Schools, Clayton. New Mexico. Osteopath ily for Lovoland, Colo., for I lie Ulli- - All bidders will be required lo "'i' Mr and Mrs. Dirkman ba deposit certified cheeks $230.00 ns Charlton Hldg. loado many friends in Cloytoi. who evidence of good Tailli, said checks i'pi'ei iheir departure. lo be returned to Iho unsuccessrul Clayton - - New Mexico bidders and returned lo the snc-rnss- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Maim, of Tal bidder upon his execution h ft yesterday mil delivery or a satisfactory build- for Douglas, Ariz . GARDNER S. CHAPIN, M. O. ror a visit with Mr Momi'ii brothci er's bond. The successful bidder at that place. Thev will will be required lo furnish a bond Physician und Surgeon "iniewhere in California by the first conditioned for his fulfillment ot Gladstone, N. M. of the year. "onlract, which bond musl be to the Hoard or Education s to sutflciency and amount. Tho Hoard of Education re.serx'cs 'ho right, lo reject any and all bids. DR. R. M. OLRETER, V. S. 4 CO. HOARD OF EDUCATION, Onice Dixie Theatre Ride,. Marie M. Myers, KANSAS GERM-FRE- E President. BLACKLEG VACCINE W, 11. Plunkctt, Phone: Res. 173; Office, 201 13- - Secret iry.

D. II. HASSERROEK Aid for Livestock MONEY TO LOAN OX GOOD Auctioneer FARMS. Any Time Any Place C. IC II A It T L E Y Ask for Dates CLAYTON, NEW HEX. Phone 3L 31Í Apache Valley Growers and Farmers R. NO. 1. CLAYTON, N. M.

I he Agricultural Credits Act, passed by a Hepuhhran con--res- s. saved the iixei-toc- industry of tins and other wesl-r- n slUes from ru.n during the period or deflation.

to achieve the completo rehabllilatioii or tho agricultural If You Want To Trade 'iduslry'tho oiierallon of this act must ho extended for such 43 acres, 2 miles of a good railioad town in Missouri. period Clear of as will permit livestock growers and farmers of Now all incumbrance, lo trade Tor New Mexico laud. Mexico lo recotur from lio effects of tho present disastrous drouth. A dandy 80 acres, well improved, has n long lime loan ot 81200.00. Will trade ror land in Union County. This farm is in tho fruit belt oí Southern Missouri. I intpAd, if eh'cted, In uso every effort within my power hi wciifu such extensión of tho provisión of (lie Agricultural t'.rdiU Act 1 will enable (ho livestock growers and farmers United Realty Co. of New Mexico lu reitere tho stale's most important industry C. E. LEWIS. Mauancr. STEPHEN B. DAVIS, JR. to proiporityl Style Semce Satisfaction) republican Candidate for United $25 $30 $35 States Senator Stephen B. Davis Jr. Otto-Johns- Ward s Dairy on M. Co. MILK - 8 QUARTS FOR $1.00 MILK - 1 4 PINTS FOR $1.00 MILK BY THE BULK 35c. gal.

CREAM-PIN- TS 40c. Political Adv DELIVERIES PER DAY $4 THE CLAYTON NEWS. Many New Lines TWO FACTIONS DAIRY WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE CLASH IN ROME FACTS ri.CIAI. Ill, 311 hi ll iv U secured If yon mritllutt lila t niter when vrrltlmr nrmt itnow. in Latest Gown CLEANING OUT TUBERCULOSIS ATrying Period Through WhichEvery IHAJllllNtlS AND XVATÍIII"-- .' N WIN CONTROL Uepaln-i- Jl.ÍiÍMÍciu Much Interest Shown in" Eradication Woman Must Pass tfs. and All orders promptly Down In nssur-onc- e KING ASKS MUSSOLINI TO Hended to g, Champa. licr heart the American tled back comfortably with tho of Disease Prevalent In Msny P.t 17 Ulh woman who loves been gown ( fashions has that her was still Just FORM ministry; Eastern States. I.i:am:iim ami iikii longing a may for change. She rail right Tli at Is one of tho rules ot Practical Suggestions Given by tho Women against this statement as she will. good buying, but few women reolly (Prepared by the United States Department Whose But Just the same, declares a fashion have tho courago to stand on their or Agriculture.) In the region Includes New Letters Follow writer In the New York Times, she own nnd .j demand of themselves-tha- t REVOLT IS NEAR END that the Is buying the new silhouette with ,tho they follow the rule to the letter. Rnglnnd states. New York and Penn- Phlla,. Pa. "When was eong sylvania, I The critical time of a woman's Ilfr greatest enthusiasm. All an Interest There Is still a vnrlcty of straight and New Jersey, there Is ex through the Chang of Life I was usually comes between the years of The greatest surct-sa- are won in one-piec-e tensive Interest In the eradication ot nervous, dizzy and head- s ed spectator need tlo Is to walk along dresses which will continue weak, had 45 and 60, and is often beset with an- buslae. A IlAHM-- THAININQ open bovine tuberculosis. At Bastera aches. I was troubled In this way for symptoms nervous- Ike way. Write for catalog. tho fashionable streets on any pleas- In favor. Ihls type of frock Is not CHOSTI SAYS SOUTHERN ITALY the noying such as ant day new In sta'tcs conference on the subject, re- two years and was hardly able to do ness, irritability) melancholia. Heat IIAItKKS COMMKIiriAI. SCHOOL to see tlir silhouette made so long ns tho fuller, flounder IS' ISOLATED FROM REST my work. My friends advised mo to IC2.V-I- cently held, much Information of value flashes or waves of heat appear to 3 Champa St. Denver, Cele. all Its glory. ones. It Is longer, of course, than I.ydl E. Vegetable OF COUNTRY. to dairymen nnd cattle breeders was take Pinkham's pass over the body, cause the face to There are so many new lines In this those which havo been nearer the Compound, and I am very sorry that be very red and bring on head- presented by stnte sani- often silhouette that we will have to go Into knees than the ankles, but It docs not and federal I did not take It sooner. But I have ache, dizziness and a sense of suffo- PIANOS tary olllclals. Their estimates, based own tho thing jit Bomo length before we begin to touch those ankles. It Is, In got good results from It and am now cation. I'ianos and player pianos of our upon the a manufacture of every description. fully realize how Interesting each ono fact, ubout nine Inches oil tho ground, Irfindon. Reuters Rome correspond results of actual tests of able to do my housework most of the Free exchanKe privilege. Lowest large number of herds, show that In time. I recommend your medicine Another annoying symptom which prices, of us can look. At first a woman Is a very good length for a skirt which ent reports conflict between the comes reanrinablo terms. Write for some parts of SO per to those who have similar troubles. at this timéis an Inability to a catalog:, prices. anxious when she faces an entire Is quite straight nnd does not boast clstl and Communists u few days ugo. this area nearly recall names, dates cent of dairy I do not like publicity, but if It will or other small TIIK HAI.imiN PIANO COMPANY change of her appearance. She won- the slightest drapery. One person was killed nnd several were the cattle have the help other women will be glad for facts. This is liable tomakea woman disease. It seems to bo most preva- I 1039 Cnllforaln St. ders If she can ev ndnpt herself to Another variety of simple fi ck Is a Injured. Order was quickly restored. you to use my letter." Mrs. Fan- lose confidence in herself. She be- lent In tho thickly populated states ot comes compromise between' the slim chemise After the refusal of Antonio Salundru, nie Rosenstein, 882 N. Holly St. nervous, avoids meeting Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode strangers and to go out alone. dress uud the extremely full rne. It former premier, to organize u minis- and Phlla., Pa. dreads try, the king called on Bnnlto Mussl- - Island, but Infection Is extensive In Detroit, Michlgan-"Dur- Ing tho has a slight drapery on one side, Chango Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable , llnl, FiiMclstI New York, New Hampshire, and Ver of Life I had a lot of stomach which s( of pulls tlie skirt Into the the lender, to assume the trouble and was bothered a great deal Compound Is especially adapted to air at that one point and relieves the task. It Is expected that Mussolini mont. Pennsylvania and New Jersey help women at this time. It exer- herds have 0 per with hot flashes. Sometimes I was too great continuity of the long, will arrive soon, und It he accepts the about cent ot dis notable to do any work all. read cises a restorative influence, tones sisii at I as- straight A great man;- women king's Invitation all further need for eased cattle, while Maine has only 2.7 about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable and strengthens the system, and effect sists nature in the long weeks and will like this sort ot frock as their Fusclsti action will he ended. Their per cent. Comnound in vour little books nnd To theso states, as as many very good months covering this period. Let it first venture Into the field ot the new cntrunce Into Rome will be the simple well took it with results. I keep carry iithcrs, tuberculosis Is eco- nouse ana am ame now ao an m help you through this time of silhouette. It wilt help them to get evidence of their victory. a serious to life. It is a splendid medicine for the nomic problem, but since the disease own work. I recommend your medi- middle-age- used to the new Idea gradually, with Deputy Chostrl, describing tho situ d woman. It Is prepared makes herds unprofitable or greatly re- cine and am willing for you to pub out any sudden upset to their fashion ation. Bald that southern Italy had my testimonial." Mrs. S. from medicinal roots and herbs and Up ALL rm t pi. ana f Dmvk, duces their efficiency, It pays to get lish J. no harmful drugs or LsvvMt KxeliMlvaYr llarvr of fWevUrn Raw Far In feelings. Some women are too busy been Isolated from the rest of the Ltvernois, 2051 Junction Avenue, contains tb World (MUblbhod 1870). IimIIHIIOn too too rid of It. Keeping up a herd of dis- Khlpptoff char- -, and Kt W S t 14 and occupied and far removed country by bands of Fnscistl, com Detroit, Mich. tor MtMr Imcidm DMivr(muirCcnmla, la eased cows Is Just as hopeless as It Is YÜUR Uaxket, from any rcnlly consuming Interest mnnded by Deputy Curadunnu. Text-Boo- b upon NMratrnrÜ udk tb ttisirwt Lydia E. PinWiam'a Prlvnto "Aliments Tur OoUr In fcntira VYnt. In fashion to want to bear tlw burden what hits occurred the last few to malntnln a factory or other busi- to will bo sent you freo tipon request. Write) If ness year year. Many Peculiar Women" Best Traps Rock of coming out In lull new regalia. days In Italy can bo styled "a revolu nt a loss from .to to tho Lydia K. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lyun, Massachusetts. at a dairyman In area been fi They prefer to go more quietly about tion," the revolution Is over, and must this has This book contains valuable information. Bottom Prices nancially ruined without knowing tho STEPHENS of DENVER mB the business of changing their style, have disappointed greatly all who noN-- i it Trap. AnbnsJ BalU, nd Boj- - real cause. urr that coin continuei and to work Into any radical change havo a classical Idea of such unheav- WwUrn Tipt un Since the plan for getting rid of ixmmra moa 7on m yocn with a little more ease. uls. Benito Mussolini, louder of the Spohn's Distemper Compound vile lO Dtnra tm á W the disease In definite areas tins been QUICKCH by dMlliiff . Recently there was an exhibition of Fusclsti, has been Invited by King will knock tt tn yfry ihort time. At the first ilitn of a cough carried out with such success In so or cold In your hon. Ira a, tevr riotra of "SFOIIN'S." It will x. xur jjih. rniui iriD fashions for business and professional Victor Knimannel to come to Rome. lie act on th Rtandt, Itmlnato the disease irarm and provtnt fur- CsUlor.lui'n A portal card will do. ft women which, though It was run-fro- will be formation ther destruction of bodr by dtneaae. "SPOIIN'8" has been the Boole alio talla aboot SBOO In .11 Intrusted with the atandard remedr for DISTKMI'EIt, INFLUENZA, I'lNK EYE. sold to M Glvon toTrariMra I a brand new angle and for a brand of n ministry to lake tho place of the CATARRHAL FEVER, COUOHS and COLD 3 for over a quarter lormoiograpni ox uar cut. new purpose, showed many of tho ot a rantury. Sold In two Bizet at all drug atorea. still Facta ministry, which withdrew under 81' O UN MEDICAL COMPANY GOSHKN. INDIANA Fur Book Freo .11 more recent gowns In the conserva ' wnin' at nwrr fst ntvr li pressure of this move tive forms. There were any number ment. asd Shipping of these dresses that started out to exception n small mi Tagi ALU FREE With the of ft be straight nnd ended by having that nority, nil agree that Mussolini Is ar- little draped effect on the side of the biter of the situation nnd must as i r which successfully does tho IDisordered Stomach skirt most power responsibility of 8SS- Stephens sume and the BaUdlna I of breaking In now while Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills enver, Colorado, U. S. A. --J trick the currying out the program for which r carrying out a semblance of the old. then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. the Fnscistl have fought. (ear There were numerous short coats, i CARTERS You will relish your meals without of trouble to Professor Mussolini, on receiving the I . follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Wf m - too. These were bloused sometimes king's Invitation, went first to Lake HITTL.E Dizziness. Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow, and at others left to hang loosely Garda to see Gnbrlele D'AnnunzIo, the I llVER Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mlury of Comllpallan. Juimncrclul Hmulilcs answered am In a was A -- ousy, Mangy, Tubercular Calf, No from tho shoulders flare that to discuss with him the I lilSiiUrTn5 sáLzg&cC Sm Do Price' information gladly furnished without Long, Slim Lines of Mauve Chiffon Good to Anybody A Calf to Make S,ítor? Jl Pul Smtll Smill most effective when combined with formation of n new ministry. It Is cost. Address nny firm nbove. Draped Over Silver Cloth. They some- Growth Must Be Kept Healthy. the longer skirts. need believed that they reached a complete thing of this kind to relieve their line A Waterworks Near Completion. University of Colorado Receives the readjustment which new accord. mnnv pnnnflps. thorn la rpnKnn tn ho. Return Desired. the and supply a widening of the sit wns political spcnklnK Inst Tlio London waterworks system will $612,000 Check. clothes Involve, but as she steps Into The announcement that Mussolini lleve that even In the badly Infected "How tho nt one point. The short fur Hllcy Itczzl-de- shortly possess Hie largest reservoir In by houctte had been Intrusted offlclully with tho It possible to night, squire?" asked old Denver. The savings fund of the the character, little little, she show were particularly localities is eradicate ''My world. been under con- coats nt this of n Immediately plague keep of Putunln. rheumatlz was the It hns general hospital und medical school of finds herself charmed. A thrill en It looks as though formation cabinet the and It out. ten years, and when noticeable, nnd nil agltutlon subside; the hectoring mo so tbat I didn't feel like struction for ters her spirit at the prospect of find- a caused to completed a capacity of the University of Colorado Is $012,000 they would enjoy healthy season. prohi unending." will have ing new ways to be attractive. military authorities revoked all O.r.00.000,000 gallons. richer by virtue of n check for that Lengthens the Lines. bitions Issued, and the Fasclstl, who "Tho Hon. Tilomas Itott pleaded In the shops there are many Is particularly good Value of Purebrcds to the amount received by Clark G. Mitchell, Tho dress for had occupied tho military fort, Monte with the voters for a return dresses for the woman who refuses to woman who may some- glorious Old Party, of the Bankers Trust Company, regent the large need Mario, on u hill dominating Rome, re- principles of tho He who smokes adopt the longer lines; another collec lengthen out her lines. " Squire last of the university, from the Rockefeller thing to It turned It with nil friendliness to the The value of purebred live and replied Itamsbottoin. tion for the woman who has had only of all, a fitted undcrdress of me: It Foundation of New York City. Six has, first military forces. stock is most noticeable in those "He did, hey? That reminds a" temerity to go half way in the adop cloth, silver In this instance, tn lie Is In town yet nm going nround .smokes best hundred thousand dollars of this sum metal cases which the cnpnbUlty of I tion of the newer idea, and still an then there has been draped over thai the animals Is measured most nnd plead with lilm for the return of Is a of $700,000 promised part from other collection for the one who Jumps foundation a fullness ot chiffon which Airplanes End Flight. directly. Among them ten dollars lie borrowed from me the Rockefeller Foundation as a gift farm antmnls In Joyfully and embraces a theory the effect that tho more buxom Washington. two naval air the Illustration enn bo six yeurs ago, when be started for the Wherein our correspondent hospital needs of Colo has Tho best for medical and which must needs become n fact. woman Is cternnlly looking for. It Is San Francisco found In dairy though convention." Kansas City Star. long rado. planes which flew from cattle, takes a shot at Now, there Is this bit of advice for very well to talk about those with lit to New Orleans for the American Le careful yearly tests of milk and Zanesville, O. The $12,000 is a part of a donation the womnn who Is embarking upon tle girlish figures who wear tho puffy gion convention urrived at Boiling butterfat production nre rela- by of $50,000 promised the foundation the business of acquiring a fall and clothes and about tho character and field u few days ngo on their return tively recent affairs. The enor- When wo printed a letter from a to tide over the medical school at winter wardrobe. Tho more advanced charm of them, but there are many of flight to the Pacific coast. They are mous differences among dairy Sure Relief smoker who professed a preference for following legls Boulder, failure of the the model, provided It has all of the us who cannot ntterapt to go In for by Naval Ucuts. V. II. Wyntt cows when given tho same op- the early morning smoke, apparently necessary piloted FOR INDIGESTION something. lature to appropriate the elements which make It becoming, the anything so extreme. But this frock and O. T. Owen. J. W. Jackson, past portunity have been brought out we started Almost the funds. longer It will last, with tho power of which we speaking tins next mail brought alone a batch of of are nil of president of Golden Gnto Post No. 4, cienrly In n greet number of following proving Itself a satisfaction through which are most letters, among which the is A condition was attached to tho the lines softening of the American Legion, and Chief Me- enscs, and these differences nro mctsvpnn fair sample: promise of donation by the board of the long seasons to follow. If wom and which help ío .swing the figuro a chanic F. M. Under of the naval nlr strongly Inherited through sire Sirs! education of tho foundation to tho ef- an Is too conservative, then she Is Into the contour of the modern mode. Dear service also were aboard. nnd dam. The nveroge produc- Ol 6 Bell-an- s Will you allow me to tsVt lssu with feet that a like sum be raised among always coming to the place where a The glrdlo Is low and wide nnd there tion of purebred and grades Is your A. K. K. from ZancsviUs who In only Hot thst ths pips ot the day la th the people of Colorado, which was dress, bought two or three nre draplngs of the chiffon falling much nbove the average of all S' water slits tit passe Weeks Asks For Amendment. one smoked right after hrtskf sstt done, under the leadership of Dr. months previously, looks a little from the sines. uut me bodice Is milk cows, which Is about 4,000 Sure Relief Of course, I hare nolotlmsts knowl- If loosely Washington. Amendments ot the edge of local conditions down In Southern George Norlin, president of the Uní and out of fashion. But sha had plain nnd held over a more pounds of milk nnd 1C0 pounds beginning a lit- fitting national defense act to Increase the Ohio, but up here the msjority of us rec- verslty. of Colorado. purchased In the with tightly undcrbodlce. By this of butterfat per year. ELL-AN- S ular pipe smokers hare a decided leaning by tle moro foresight, a little moro cour- means, then, the lines nre 'subdued number of sergeants In the army has towards the lsst pipe o( ths érenlas. Having been assured Mr. Mit a night when you sitting In age more desire to dress Is given n.ueli-to- - been usked by Secretary Weeks, In or 254 and 754 Packages. Everywhere Tske sre chell that the $600,000 would be con and a little lead and the that front of the fire after the neighbors have tributed, the Rockefeller Foundation Instead of to follow, she would find slender appearance. Then der that about 1,000 noncommissioned gone. Your wife surgeats It is bedtime, of Is a rose assigned as Instructors to the Hope Against Hope. and while you admit It Is, you hare a forthwith sent a check for that herself, at the end three months, there at the belt, which with officers SECOND GRADE CREAM CAUSE craving for one last smoke. Bhecoeson ' Is might di- amount. The remaining $100,000 of tho still In the lead, Instead of far be- Its silver sheen Is In direct contrast national guard, orgunlzed reserves and Therefore It of fnlth, that It upstairs and you promise to follow of will bo by grace; which Is ot tho faith of rectly. But lnstesd you take out your promised sum will be received In a hind. And at the end of six months to the mauve the chiffon with training corps units not have to Lack of Careful Attention to Separator pipe and light up. You smoke slowly n year could which progres Abraham, who against hope believed peacefully, calling Intervals time, said Mr. Mitchell. or possibly she have set the sliver underdrcss is draped, be cut In rank and pay due to and Improper Cooling Are Held and out at short In hope, might become fa thst you'll be there In minute. Only sive reductions In tho army. Responsible. that he the don't go until the last ash has died Brocades Are Sumptuous ther ot many nations. Ilomans 4:10 Írou bowl of your pipe. - Casket Cloth Used For Gowns. to IS. That's my Idea ot ths best smoke of Women Docs your cream grade number one? thsdsy. York. Casket cloth was used Brocades are as sumptuous as can and two llttlo bunches ot the same Feminist Assails Murderers. New If not, It should. Lack of careful at Or suppose you're been out to a sun. gowns evening be. Then, there are all the new weaves flowers to hold the fichu In place on Wnshlngton. Feminism Is going to formal party where aU they gave you for women's and men's tention to the separator and not cool- SWAMP-ROO- were etrera end efomrettM. Yon set of satin and silk and crepe, each vy- the tips of tho shoulders. put to the feminine crime T FOR clothes in 1010 during the shortage of an end ing properly usually causes most sec- horns about 12 O. M take off clad ing with the other In an attempt to be Tho Is nil of rsgs and lump Into something cool and broadcloth, according to testimony fact that the point wave that recently has been taking ond grado cream. comfortable. you your old the most glorious of all evening dress gown Raise the quality of Then Uní jrlven at the trial of a suit for $21,744, of this are perfectly In har- toll of men's lives. This was the dec by KIDNEY AILMENTS pipe, hunt up the blue can ot Edgeworth velvet brocudes are par- butter keeping your cream out of and light up for a real amoko. by N. Company fabrics. Tho mony with the season's demands and Kgnn brought Becker and a laration of Miss Lavlnla II. ot the grades below. Yee, sir, for every smoker A. K. an ticularly fascinating. The color of details. They are combined In against Arnstaedt & Co., Inc. The such Georgia, field worker or the National Second grade cream consists of There Is only one raedhine produce who his thick, soft, velvet puttcrn against the a manner that tho dress becomes one that reallr pipe best. I'll guarsntee to name a plaintiff alleged that this sum was party. "Really educated cream that Is too sour to pass as first, stands out as a medicine for dosen men who prefer the last smoke of frailness and thinness of a chiffon Woman's Edge-wor- symphony of line to be worn wher the erening. And most ot us are th lost through the failure of the defend' Interesting hus- that contains undesirable flavors or curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and background creates an ever tho occasion demands that for women don't shoot their faithless bladder. smokers, too. ant to complete deliveries of 400 which any odors In n moderate degree; that Is Yours very sine rely, quality for that material mal gowns shall be worn. It Is an bands or lovers," declared Miss Egnn, Dr. Kilmer's Swanm-Roo- t stands- - the pounds of casket cloth and that he was finds difficult to equal. foamy, slightly yeasty or slightly stale, highest (Signed) T.S. Flint. other excellent thing for a dancing dress, as "They have too much sense. They for the reason that it has proven New York. City. forced to buy goods In the open mar One longer, fuller evening or that Is too old to pass as first grade to be just the remedy needed In thousands of the there is no question about the man- can stand on their own feet and fight ket at a higher price. The Jury re dresses is ot taffeta with a skirt that cream. All sour cream containing less upon thousands of distressing cases. Yes, as we suggested above, when agement of the skirt. It takes care of Swamp-Hoo- turned a verdict for $10,000. does everything In the way of carry- their own battles." than 25 per cent of butterfat shall be t makes friends quickly be- wo gave space to an expression of Itself .as It flutters Its long and grace- mild Is ing out tho character of the thing It graded as second grade. cause its and immediate effect opinion auout ful woy about the floor. soon realized In most cases. It Is a gen- Legacy Left To Mexico City. sets out to do. It "has, too, many of which is the best Another evening dress Is quite the Girl Hurled to Death From Roof. tle, healing vegetable compound. pipe of the day. we Bl Puso. A legacy of $4,320,475 has the newer points which are going to Clean Milking Practices. once. Sold all opposite type though Just as In Two one Start treatment at at started something. So- evening frocks of sea- smart New York. new murders, Cleanliness in milking should be drug storee in bottles of two sixes, medium been left the Private Beneficent make the this Its own way. They are really But wo are glad to by Mrs. son. There are tho little ribbon roses meant of a young woman who wus lured to exercised nt all times. Before milking and Urge. ciety of Mexico City Isabel for two different types of women, open our columns strung along the quaint, narrow one the roof of un office building, police begins the cow's udder and flanks However, if you wish first to test this to friendly discus- Pesado De MIer, who died recently In all for the graceful and drooping great preparation of skirt. Is type hurled to her death, should be wiped oft, preferably with a send ten cents to Dr. sions about pipes Paris, France. panels the taffeta Thero nnd the believe, nnd then Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., for a long bodice other for the more girlish damp cloth, In order to prevent par- and smoking in the and fitted and there nnd figure. and the other of a man whose body ample bottle. When writing be sure and Tho society was notified by a Pro filmy fichu face tho rounder ticles of straw or loose hair getting general. Is the broad and which was found bullet-riddle- and wrapped mention this paper. Advertisement. bate court of Paris of the bequest, across the shoulders lu Into the pall. Soifyouhsve stretches the In a burlap bag and left In the gutter any which Is to be used in public charity most effective way. There Is also, Lace and Pearls. Queer Job. particular In front of St. Paul's Lutheran notions, fads or work. that little ring of ribbon roses Just at A smart gown of blue satin la Future of Young Stock. "What do you mean, your Job Is a aro being Investigated by tho way fancies, send American Consul Tomas O reo eco Jr. the front of the waistline where the trimmed with real lace, tho pattern of church, A great deal depends upon the queer one?" them along. We was by goes through of Bl Paso said Mrs. Pesado De Mler bodice and skirt are Joined together. which Is outlined with pearl beads. police. Tho woman Identified tho young animal Its first "I'm n bookkeeper for n bookseller." are taking aneu-tr-al owned much property In Mexico. Frank Kcmpler as his wife. winter, as to Its future slio and value. standDoint ourselves, not even acting; as referees Average Dairy Cow Feed. In the debate. Chicago U. Sued For $10,000. to Aid U. 8. Wets, CHIC French Wine Men average dairy cow should re WL.DOUGLAS And if you aren't an Edgeworth Chicago. Charging that they were DRESSES FOR SCHOOL GIRLS many The Paris. A large fund reaching ceive 16 pounds of alfalfa hay und smoker, be sure and tell us about it. refused admission to the Chicago-Pu- r - millions of francs has been pledged by some other roughage, along with 20 I5OTÍS8 SHOES Kill For we want to send you free samples, due football game when they pre' In In Collec- actually year helpings both of Edgeworth Diversity Fabrics Noted The skirt Is plaited and the bodice Is the Vine Interests of Kurope to make or 80 pounds of silage If available. are demanded after Íenerous sented tickets purchased from scalp year uy more people tuanauyotuer and Heady-Rubbe- d. tion of Froeks Shown In the straight and simple In middy style. "marcHeasT caaiMlBi against prohi MB. McKIroy. C. 12. Fruddun B. a siioo in me worm Edgeworth has J. and Apparel Departments. Another model, well suited for school Keep the Dairy Cows. made friends all 1). Duggun filed suits for $10,000 each bition In the United States and otner bright BECAUSE sISLWA' over the world. Some omokers may wear, chooses navy serge as Its me- waged Prospects are for the man In Superior Court against the Univer- countries. Tho fight will be who holds on to cows. workm&nibJi) thor at ua-- not care for Edgeworth, but those who There Is u diversity of fubrlcs to dium, the material being treated with his milk Prices qaalfl we believe, down sity of Chlcugn. Tho suit. It was throuch the newly organised Interna good promise to good. do, settle and never be noted tn the collection of frocks a border In red. and resembling peas- are and remain rrMWn uaimt anrMoii smoke any other tobacco the rest of said, was based on a recent decision tional League Against Prohibition, ftbU profit la fuAravateMtt by shown In the girls' drew departments ant embroidery. The border appears th prU tump! on TV? their lives. of n California court. headquarters In Paris. The Araer-laa- n Sample Each Cow's Milk. pur. the stores. In one Instance duo-tln- e nt the side of the dress. Russian with Edgeworth is sold in various sises to Recently the university started ot nninnulirn will he eurrled on In Take a sample of each cow's milk 1 un of utlifirtatorT itIm Is the sponsored medium and fash- fashion.' h&r clrsa than eonfldnoo suit the needs and means of all pur- campaign against scalpers refusing liquor forces of about three times a month and test It pro. Edgeworth Plug Slice ions attractive little frocks, stressing conjunction with the io in luoea ana id in chasers. Both to accept pasteboards sold by brokers. Uotroo aiTorded by Ibo W J Edgeworth Keady-Rubb- are low and Many Slips. the United States. for butterfat with a,Babcock tester. DoagUi Trad Utuk. and simule bodices with waistlines packed in small, pocket-ei- packages, straight skirts. Flam Is a color chosen This season many tunics are be- humidors, also Man Mauled Watch the Fall Pigs. W.Lp0UGLAS!y; In handsome tin and in and Beaten. tn one model georg- ing made for one foundation Public Asks Death. oar 110 in this fabric, and slip, g(y. The man who has reasonably warm ttorMfrt various handy sises. Lancaster, Pa. Mauled and beaten. In sume shade forms the lng the effect of many frocks. Athens. After listening to n public ette the Black quarters for his fall pigs and who on Mulof profit until tbo For the free samples address Larua his foot crushed, Milton Delchler was satin, or gold or silver by a prominent wno iJS'JBTio & Brother Company, 44 South 21st sleeves. metal cloth oration venizeiist. gives them the right atten".nn In con worva yon it. x Ihmci nmmé found by the police recently. He had Is material nro most satisfactory achievements of the oollart for to Street, Richmond, Va. If you wUl also Crepe roma another as foundations acclaimed the nection with feeding can produce pork romomber that whoa you been taken out Into the country by men to develop girls' dresses, for they give an opportunity ravnlutlon nnd condemned the former boy tboM tt oir atorot add the name of the dealer to whom which Is used for great- almost as economically from (all as you will go if you should like Edge clad like the Knights of the Ku Klux the eye er variety. great demanded TooriToxLieHXPRorrr. tká kimkit ttmmJmrá end one frock which attracts regime, a audience from spring pigs. Ho mUUrwbryoa tira iboo worth, we would appreeUte that Klan and attacked. con- unuer a a yon has a finely plaited skirt. The the death of the statesmen now daalat eu imj vltb laWIWMIVaf, Ji-- courtesy your part, YT.LDoaxlsU ahoM Thayeoat rttr-- U on spicuous feature of the bodice Is the For Three Years Up. arrest. Building Up Fertility. no mora In Ban Frtvnclaeo $11,000 To Retail Tobacco Merchants: It Paid For Seat collar, made of net and Valenciennes A charming child frock can be fash- An easy and simple process for tíixatfaay do In NawKDglajul your Jobber cannot supply you with our T M M ft ta New York. A New York Curb mar lace, the collar at one side describing ioned with kimono sleeves, building up fertility In land Is to fOMPAflF and M Bdgeworth, Larua & Brother Com- with .Greeks Evacuate Thrace. t tboaawttbjuiy itai totmtMi. ket membership sold far a new high a point. straight seams up the sides, only spread limestone when needed, sow mi or eul aaoao raaaa. pany will gladly send you prepaid by the Constantinople. The last tralnload two-do- price when $11,000 was paid by George for. general wear and Ideal roses on some of deep MCRCIANT3 parcel poet a one- - or carton Dresses iriuuiius iwu uppiiquea eiti r of Greek troops have left Thrace. A the rootlni clovers, and ot any siee ot Edgeworth Plug Slice S. aoodrlcu for the seat of Ernest IX for the younav'roUs returning to school side of the front with ribbons dangling plow under, and add raw phosphate as f.Umfit liiih wrlMIe- - nwUnl ; or majority of the Greek population al v riri.ji. e SHUeeT. Ready-Rubb- for the same price you Welner. Hk and wool mixture. rvuf sr.z,.t'e are done In irm luem. ready has been eradiated. may be needed, would pay the Jcbbar. THE CLAYTON NEWS. The Clayton News justly proud. Published Every Friday By They must guard the expenditure i of the county funds, but they must Be CLAYTON PHINTING CO. do more, they must seo that all dis- Don't Fooled PROSPERITY bursements return to the taxpayers Low THE WAY TO M. C. JOIINSON Price and High Quality Prosidont 100 cents for every dollar that goes A. WIKOPF Vico half-wa- y mark on it way J. Prosidont out, and It must buy somothlng Don't Go Together, Stick to Government figures nhow that business Is now well past Ihe J. F. LUNSFORD that Bccrelary the county needs. baok , money generally have Your commissioners elected will JanoJ econo nnd denM mars Vt"ith?.Phitf Baltrcd la longor Ihoso samo the PMt.Oftlc at CUjI.b. develop- half-wa- y. If continued in a casonabla manner for a while M.xlro, nm Sreoud-ClKa- a mall play a largo part In the ml fullost measure. , . Octobtr Id, 1MW, Baler tfc. Act ot ment of the county the next two prosperity in the i,.iIn in. who to practico those lb iirs March S. 1870 years and a wise choice should be Work, thrift, economy! Those continuo ny following a SAFE courao-a-nd thoy will prom n no made. Absolutely no reflection is CALUMET businosa to got back to normal, but nra, Oftlclnl Paper or Union County nnd cast upon the ability or integrity Tho Economy mailer what the futuro may bring. U. S. Land Ofrico of the candidates upon the demo- BAKING POWDER J. F. LUNSFOriD, Editor and Mgr. cratic ticket, but hi view of the Com- Never accept "Just as Good" Brands; it fact thai the present Hoard of of Commerce sunscniPTioN missioners have established an en- will only mean disappointments and fail- State Bank hates: viable record why not keep them in bake-day- , Ono Vcor . . SL50 ures on wnich are expensive. Í CLAYTON :: NEW MEXICO Six Months 100 Ihc harness for another term? Throe Montlis .50 What have they accomplished In road building for the county? A Calumet is a High Grade Baking Advertising Roles modo on request. road from Clayton south to the Powder, Moderate in Price county line, from Clayton west to the counly line, from Clayton north (o counly line, and by untiring ef- When you use it forts wilh the slate highway com- you never spoil any mission secured the consent of the expensive in- commission to maintain the Colo- WAiwm of the rado to Gulf highway through the I yarmiTHi gredients used county. such as flour, sugar, All or this did not just happen, and would not have come anyway. eggs and milk. Imt is the result of hard work and "IMPHOVED MANAGEMENT AND INCREASED PERFECTION IN MANUFAC- efficient service, and will mean in The sale of Calumet TURE AND ASSEMBLING IÍAVE MADE A REDUCTION OF $30.00 POSSIBLE."-HEN- IIY a few years a syslem of good roads is 2H times as much in (he county subject to none in as that of any other FOnD. the slate. No ono save tho county brand. commissioners arc entitled to the BEST DT TEST Republican Stnto Tickrt credit for Ibis .splendid piece of 'Ihe New Ford Prices and Many New Refinements work. For the I'niled Slatos Senate WORLD'S POWDER F. O. B. F. O. B. STEPHEN H. DAVIS. J II. The funds of the county have THE GREATEST BAKING Factory Clayton San Miguel Counly been accumulating, and (ho Hoard is retiring (he bonded indebtedness AMISTAD bringing down cosls. Our present TOURING CAR, Slartcr nnd Demountable Rims 5 .193.00 $ 188.73 the House of Representatives Fnr (he county. bespeaks hon- - daily output averaging OTERO-WARRE- of This better 3GÍ.00 Í38.G3 MI1R. ADELINA N h ROADSTER, Starter and Demountable Rims esly and efficient service on (heli 5,000 cars and trucks, which Santa Fe County On Friday evening, Oct, 27, tho than port. means a complete Ford car or truck ' Demountable Hlms 530.00 C31.23 New Mexico Study Club gavo a re- COUPELET, Starter nnd Tor Governor every 514 seconds of each eight-ho- ur Ed M. llutledge" and Grant Denny ception for the Amistad School 393.00 G98.85 C. L. HILL working day. 11 In antici- SEDAN, Starter nnd Demountable Rims are standing on Iheir record for re teachers, at tho Presbyterian church. is Dona Ana County pation of litis continued demand that TON-TRUC- 380.00 4G8.50 election, Jack Zurich is retiring and Tho consisted au- Demountable Hlms nnd Cord Tires decorations of adjustments again being ! or Ueutcnanl-Oovorn- or in his siead Perry Hest is making tumn leaves and branches and price are to keep in the BUFRACIO GALLEGOS the race. Can you heat thee men pictures and made in order effect policy of selling products at Eliminntlnn increased rreioht rates, war tax and additional equipment. Ford Harding County as citizens in their community? A large crowd was present Ford Are Ihey not the type of men (o the lowest prico consistent wilh ot tile ear. I .luslice of (ho Supreme Court lo enjoy the program and games fol- Cars are today selling Tor less than nt any timo diirinn the manufacture which you point with pride nnd say quality. U. P. II MINES lowing. The address of "Welcome" they are citizens of your commun "Quality, as usual," said Mr. Ford, Bernalillo Courtly was given by Mrs. Long, and "Re ity? Would you improve upon the sponse" oy Mr. Calon. The luur "will continue lo be a primo con- I ! Commissioner of Pulilic Lands characler and integrity of these teachers and four patrons contest sideration in the building of Ford the FRITZ MULLEIl men if you were to lake the best cars. As our business has increased Buy a Ford and Spend Difference banln Fo County ed against each oilier to see who you have loft in Hie counly. You knew (he most. Tho school board we have constantly increased our I oi Keeretary fa- of State would not. On (he other hand, two acled as judge.j. The teachers won equipment and manufacturing J. A. DES GEOHGES of (hese men have behind them Iwo the spelling contest, but Ihey could cilities, so that this prico reduction Taos County years of experience in Union coun nol keep from laughing at the merely reflects Ihc progressive 1 ..! Slate Auditor ty's problems, the oilier a like ex wrong time. The patrons won tho methods which come as a result of PIONEER AUTO CO 9 HILAUIO DELGADO perience in a neighboring stale. drawing contest, guessing Ihe num increased oluim NEW MEXICO Santa Fo County Mako a good investment this year ber of beans in a pint and the sing "This reduction, which is the sixth CLAYTON Klato Treasurer and let the work go on. Keep their ing contest, as F. A. Tonkin and since March. 1020, brings the price O. A. MATSON experience al your command and llillic Lindgren were two of the of the Ford Touring Car from $573, Everything the Motor Car Ilernalillo let it continuo to work for your patrons. After the teachers and the prico in effect early in 1920, lo for i"r Attorney General interest. Vole for llutledge, Denny patrons had completed their con Ihe present extremely low level of A. A. SEDILLO and Rest, for counly commission tests, Mrs. Fitzgerald, who had $208, which is nearly 50 per cent ncmalillo County ers. charge of the games, called upon less. Corresponding reductions have persons in the audienco to coolest been made on all other types. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Al-- Gonzales, carrier on Ihc star five hundred dollars, regardless of Tor Supl. of Public Instruction persons against each other. Mr. Xaylor won Tho now prices by types, F. O. tí. REWARD ronto between La Veta, Oakview and the number of entitled to MI1S. MAUD I1LANEY reward, number A democratic worker in the south the peanut race, while Miss Grey factory, follow: Ojo, Colorado, on the morning of orjho convicted of Lincoln County alleged lias his own version of why John cutting Ihe ap Touring " 298 The postmaster general has 20, 1922, resulting in Ihe the offense. lor Corporation Commissioner Steeleucceeded in August Morrow has been dubbed John Ma ple down while blindfolded. 2f9 special of $3,000; such holdup hav- Nothing wa reported as lost in P. H. HILL Art Roadster a reward loss of over nana ny some of t tic newspapers upon ÍS300.' to lliis alleged hold-u- p or theft! except 'lio Arriba County Anschtitz was called lo blow Chassis 235 Fivi Hundred Dollars ing been alleged lo have occured up north. He says it is because Jones the Hallowe'en candle out, while Coupo 530 the person or persons causing the' at a point near the railroad trestle Ihe ordinary way pouch containing; Representative, .1. E. Uuskirk, of nnd Hinkle have fixed their com blind folded. After several unsuc- Sedan ,505 arrest and conviction of those im- -; about one mile from Oakview, Colo. Amistad. binations for gelling votes this elec cessful attempts he resorted lo his Truck - - 380 plicated in the alleged hold-u- p of The maximum amount payable is (Continued on pago 1) Commissioner, 1st Dist, Grant lion and John, of Colfax gets his flashlight to help him find it. When Denny, Mt. Dora. mañana. (his failed he then accidentally kick- Commissioner, 2nd Dist., E. M. ed il over. Therefore, it went oul. nutledgc. Kenton. The committee deserves credit for I lie land office hi the Commissioner, 3rd Dist.. Perry stale the success and arrangement of the world record for efficiency, Ileal. Hayilcn. if its whole affair. Probate Judge, Manuel D. Garcia, record shows anything at all. And Tho singing was also combined 1917 not only did (hat office handle a to i layton. Back with tho teachers' cccption on the Pri ounly Clerk, C. C. Caldwell, Clay- million dollars for the tale at the ton record low cost, but turned back 27th. bheriff, T. A. Gray, Claylon. more than fitly per cent of Ihe E. O. Johnson made a trip lo Ho- mero, ssessor, Horry Scarlott, Cluy-lu- n money appropriated for Ihe running on the 23rd. of Ihe office, which is believed by All Ihc school well lacks now is Delco'Light Price Reductions, Treasurer, Mrs. M. M. While, Fol. some tn bo Ihe democratic idea n Ihc mill and tower. torn. mil only incompetency and ineffi F. A. Tonkin and E. 0. Johnson ciency, Fupt. of SchooW, Chas. E. Andor-i'i- i. but absolute proof of in have been working on the first town Now in Effect Stead. sanity. It is pointed oul that no well, Ihe past week. democrat- McDonald Surveyor. A. C. Loveless, Claylon. under made Tho Amistad Mercantile Company such a break, not even Ihe demo- - unloaded a car of oilcake at. Romero can now buy the most popular COUNTY COMMISSIONERS eratie Ramc warden. the YOU Delco-Lig- Mr. J. K. Iluskirk, the Republican plant ever built, ht The county commissioners may. The democrats claim thai Iheir nindidalc for Representative, has J if they wish, be moroly the watch- record for efficiency was fully up been campaigning ihe past week. Model 866, for dogs of the counly treasury, serve hold by the democratic game war W. Duke and Mr. Emerick de- Iheir lime without leaving a single den under McDonald, and now tin livered some cattle to Claylon the if. kifi- - achievement to (heir record, of republicans are looking for that rec past week. which their, supporters may feel o rd. Mrs. Inez Seavey has been madam less than mail carrier the past week. mm? Mrs. J. R. Fitzgerald lead tho $175 two years ago. v Christian Endeavor tho 29lh. There was a largo congregation presonl, to enjoy the interesting meeting. Similar reductions have been made Mr. and Mrs. L. F. nobcrls enter- in I Ask Your Coupons Delco-Ligh- for tained tho school teachers, Sunday, other styles and sizes of t. the 29lh. Mrs. Frank Slubbins has been vis-ti- ng these low in the community the past At 1917 prices, you can now

week. Delco-Lig- ht THESE PHIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY XMAS install less Hon Gill and family look dinner for than at any MORNING: Sunday with tho Broms family. time within the past five years. And The former Miss Edith ITohwn you r nnd hor husband attended tho teach- can buy it on easy Ladies' Diamond Ring ers' reooption. payments if desired. Miss Bedford had vlsilors one day Delco-Lig- 1 00 Piece Set of China last weok. See the local ht dealer for Delco-Lig- Large Toilet Set the new price and terms on the ht FORD PRICES REDUCED plant best fitted to your needs. ' According lo a statement just is- WE GIVE YOU A COUPON WITH EACH Me sued by Edsel H. Ford, prosidont ol Made and Qttarantccd By the Ford Motor company, a genoral PURCHASE-SA-VE YOUH COUPONS reduollon of 960.00 a car has beon DELCO-LIGH- T COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio made in tho prices of Ford Model Subsidiary of Qeneral Motors Corporation , W8 ALSO GIVE YOU A KEY WITH BVKUY 80c T. ears and tbe Kord one ton '.nick, (freelive Oclobor 17lh. VUnCHASU, EITHER OH DRUG JEWELRY SIDE "Tie revislor in pricoe," said Mi. E. H. F.vri, "Is Ihe rosult of tho increased FRAZIER, Distributor nlume of business which our com- pany has rnjoyod during tho present DEPENDABLE 1525 Sixteenth St., Denver, Colo. year, and also, to the fact (hut we now own and operate many of our own sourcte of raw material, which The Store enables us to continue Increasing City Drug the quality or our product and al -- the same time keep the price so low PHONE 7 thai Ford ears are in reach of ev- erybody. & WANSEII HECK, Prop. 1022 al- DELCO "Our production for is LIGHT ready in excess or a million, which ha been an important factor in f THE CLAYTON HEWS.

ed by Mrs. Gene Blackwcll, put on a play last Friday evening, which PROBLEMS OF THE FARMER It would be hard to compete with. Every actor had worked faithfully, The Pullman Cafe and rendered their parts perfectly. "Only the All articles under this hoad aro contributed, and this column Tho playing of Doacon Dubbs of UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT in opon for Iho dlsous9lon of Farm Problems or any subject per- taining to tho "Sorgum Center," slato of Woet Best me!" LAUDET & wolfaro of farmers or farm organization. It is nol for JOHNSTON, MOP. controlled by any individual, bul is open lo anyono who doslros Virginity., was a laugh from begin- lo his on subjects. m ar m . air iows agricultural Hut arllolos of abusive ning to end. Tho nudilorium was declares the women or purely political or religious will hr naluro not bo considered. crowded lo tho limit and $37.50 was 33C - - - - Nono of tiloso artlclos havo any bearing whatever on tho policy of who takes pride in Meals this paper. All articles must bear tho signature of the writer. realized, which will be used by the society for lileraturo. the kind of food she SPECIAL SUNDAY DLNNERS 50o sets before herfcanity. 'VICE PLEASANT ROOMS IN CONNECTION EI5NY, MEENY, M1NY, MO of our most curious counting oul SEDAN She known it doesn't pay OUR MOTTO: rules is the rule which gives the to waste her good effort You remember how wo children peoplo of Clayton a voico in tho se- Mrs. Ella Vandovere of Spring- and her good flour, eggs SERVICE - CLEANLINESS - QUALITY (or "kids") used to "count out" to lection of tho superintendent of Iho field, 111., who has been a visilnr determine who should be "it" in rural schools, while thoy havo no at the home of her. brother. Mr. J. and other materials by some of our childish games. "Men direct volco In tho selection oí tho O. Pudge, of Liberty School Dis- using anything but aro hut children of a largor growth superintendent of tiieir own school. trict, for sonic weoks, left Wednes ROYAL tho bak- and so oiir grown-u- p best in gamos we Tho solemn sido of our counting out day for Redondo Beach, Cal, where ing powder must havo some group-u- p method rulos is Iho sacred obligation It she will spend tho winter with her made. of counting out to detormino who placos upon every voter to go to the (laughter and family. ABSTRACTS AND INSURANCE will bo "it" in our grown-u- p gamos. polls and uso his host Judgment in The Republican speaking which It Contains No Atom The counting oul process is a waste helping seleot tho officials who oro was hold at Scdh.n school house of precious timo, so we children supposed lo be host qualified and Friday night. October 20, was well Leaves No Bitter Taste The Clayton Abstract Co., Inc. counted out once and then the rules bost oblo to do tho will of tho peo- attended. Tho following nominees : of tho gamo automatically deter- ple. wore prosent: Messrs. Scarlolt, ft BONDED ABSTRACTERS mined who should bo "it" following One good feature of the present Caldwell, Garcia, Best and Mrs. eial hour and relreshmcnts. The vie Iff aro already tho mar- r ooch crisis of tho game. counting out system is tho fact that White, of Polsom. H. 11. Erretl and regular monthly mecling will be held reflected in In "yo olden limos" the grown-u- p J. o reports - it insures on tho narl of candidates E. Busklrk mad the main talks in November, place to be announc- ket on farm products. The CLAYTON, children did same. count- NEW MEXICO tho Tho and politicians a period of good bo- - of the evening. Wo were glad to telegraphic markets of last Patur ing process ed later. oul to determino who navior preceding election, just as seo the women represented in thoso day and Monday were showing this D. D .MONROE, Manager. Phone 223 should bo chlof or king was usually Christmas insures a period of good accompanying the speakers. The "CYCO." improved condition in every market a revolution or bloody war of some behavior on tho narl of thn smnll Democrats will hold their meeting center, taking it oul of the range kind. Having onco counted out all boys. And the analogy holds still October 20. Advertise in Tho News. of the speculator. This should bo his competitors, the new king was further. Both theso poriods of good On Friday night, tho now Ottor- - of inlerosl just now, because Mr if;.' reasonably suro of his Job for lifo bought hein Guild of the U. B. Church, mot ts by- - behavior ore with a great The Republican congress nol only Jones talking tariff in an effort and upon his death the kingship price. vvllh Pastor Rulh Smith at Iho par-- lo fool tho sheep and wool growors provided a way for farmors to or- automatically passed on to his old- CHAS. E. ANDERSON. sonago. An intercstingBiblc study the. miners and tho farmers of the THE PUREST MONEY CAN BUY est son or his oldest child. Tims was conducted by tho president, ganize for marketing, state, into tho belief that a tariff Iho gamo might proceed for several Miss Ora Jones, followed by tho so- - hut the beneficial of tho tar- SENECA effects - on their products has injured them. years or for sovoral centuries bc- -' ITEMS foro it becamo necessary to again "count oul" and start tho game over Woslcy Freehurg is visiting with Every prescription filled from our again. friends and relatives in this vicin- About a century and a half ago ity. stock of drugs, is positively the f our forefathers, tired of tho old Mrs. Hattio Carpenter and sons rules of tho game, started somo now are moving on tho Fred Knapp farm. STOVE EVERY methods of "counting oul." Of Mrs. Carpenter was mixed up in a A FOR BEST that money and skill will course tho chango has not been loo runaway team and had a shoulder radical. Somo of tho old methods badly bruised. still persist. Blood stained soldiers Tho Carnival given by the Seneca HOME produce liko Washington, Jackson, Grant and High School was quile a success. Roosevelt havo sized tho kingship. Tho boys furnished the material for rhal method of securing tho king candy making. The girls made (ho ship seems now lo be decidedly on candy from which 815.00 was receiv - WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER YOU A STOVE THAT WU.L tho wane. It failed in Dewey's case. ed. ?53.O0 worth of pies wero sold BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR HOME, WHETHER YOU PREFER Davis Drug Company Pershing didn't get a presidential and consumed. The students wish boom started, while tho Wood boom lo thank the Clayton peoplo who I CLAYTON, NEW MEX. inflated by the bloodiest war of the so generously helped them out. The ages and ballasted by a fabulous pot sum mado will bo used lo furnish HOT BLASTS, HEATERS of gold, was wrecked in its infancy. athletic equipment. In making tho rules of tho game Mrs-- . Will Howard was called to wo have a two-fo- ld end in view. Trinidad Saturday a week ago by OR CIRCULATORS Wo desire to have the counting out the death of her nicco, Myrllo Do- - process eliminate the unqualified vine, the youngest child of J. P. and leave tho best qualified man the Devine, who is quito well known THE GREAT WESTERN STOVES ARE THE MOST SATIS- victor in tho game. Wo also desire here, having been In business in FACTORY TO HAVE IN THE HOME. THEY CONSERVE FUEL Star Lumber Co. that tho victor shall bo tho real Te.xllno at ono time. Mrs. Howard AND GIVE OUT A UNIFORM HEAT THAT REACHES EVERY choleo of the people. Our rules for wishes to thank the kind noighbors getting a president are beautiful in who kept her llltlo girl during her CORNER OF THE ROOM. theory. A few representative men absence, and rendered her every are elected to choose Iho president. kindness possible In tho time of WHY NOT? A THE GREAT NO COLD few representative" men aro bet trial, also tho lady al cenlral, who WESTERN CIRCULATORS LEAVE ter qualified- - In pass upon Iho merits put iho messago thru so promptly. AIR POCKETS, BUT EVENLY DISTRIBUTE THE HEAT THRU WHY NOT RET ALL YOU PAY of the available presidential-timbe- Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnson than would bo tho masses. That CIRCULATION SO THAT AIR ON YOUR FLOOR IS AS? WARM FOR? pavo a mask balT at their home on this man will ho tho real choleo of tho 28th. A largo crowd attended. AS THAT WHICH TOUCHES YOUR CEILING. Iho people is guaranteed by letting Many pretty costumes wero there, OTHERS SELL VALUE WE ADD the people choose Ihoir own proxies also many comical ones. COME IN, LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE AS THE SEASON SERVICE, THEREFOAE YOU GET till presidential electors. Hut tho Miss Alga Baker spent a few clays fool people or politicians work APPROACHES. VALUE AND SERVICE. won't visiting friends and relatives near the machino the way it was intend Seneca, this week. cd lo work. Tho results may be Because of a discord that has al Just as satisfying as tho rosults ob ways existed between somo of tho lained by the boy who used his now in Seneca school, Phone 158 A. E. MONTIETII, Mor. Clayton, N. M. districts the father's razor to scrape a poorly our principal, Park Pender, has re KILBURN FURNITURE .scalded hog, but it is an awful strain signed, which certainly makes the on (lie machine. It was intended work hard for tho high school and by the makers of tho rules thai tho leachors. Whilo sorry to lose Mr. Clayton COMPANY NewMex. president' should secure his posi- Pender, we think ho did tho right tion in exarlly the same manner that absolutely. QUALITY SUPREME thing, tho superintendent of the Clayton The C. E. Society of Seneca, coach Wo aro not trying tu bake schools secures hit. II is beautifully simple. Tho volets of Clayton elect a cheap loaf 1ml a good a board of education attd tho board of education is free lo select from luaf, one thai will bring re- Iho vast amount of available ma- pent orders ami more cus- terial the one best qualified for the position. Isn't that fine and satis- tomers well pleased cus- factory? Suppose Iho electoral col- THE TREND tomers. Therefore, wo must lege should sometime decide to play the game according to the rules and bake quality in it. And we scrap tho results of tho presidential Mr. H. J. Hagerman, president of tho Taxpayers' Association, says: '' " .onventions and really got down to do. Every slice proves that. tho businoss of selecting the man "But, irrespective of details, it is tho tone, tho trend, in the course of best qualified for office? Wouldn't public affairs, and its results which an administration is ultimately to be held responsible for. t somebody howl? " The rulos aro Jmporfeol enough, 'What has actually been Iho trend, Iho tona of our recent slalo admin- - hut the way we oboy and disobey lite istration and of tho dictators of Iho "republican" policies in New Mexico as oxpcndU j. counting out rules of the gamo Is regards the questions of retrenchment of public . sometiung scandalous. In, somo ... tures and lower taxes." Here is of "so called" State levy, throe fifths of which goes hack states wc hao Ihe convention Sys tho Trend the V. ' roads, schools, etc.: tem, lit other stales we havo tho lo the counties for Levy 1010 5.75 mills pi Unary system. In somo states wo Levy 1020 5.23 mills have I lie secret ballot. In somo ( Levy 1921 . 5.00 mills other stales tho ballot is not so el. Levy 1022 .50 mills Somo officials arc olected by irect voto of tho people. Somo of y- ficials aro elected by proxies who Generall- aro elected by tho people. Somo Downward Trend In Four Years Amounts to $437,500 officials aro appointed by other of- the dlhplnys thai wo have in our windows lire Uio subject of cry ficials. Somo officials hold office favorable comment. for llfo or during good bohavior! Horo is Iho Trend of the Highway Levy, all of whioh is relumed lo tho soifnlittS Othors hold long ' office for lorms ., by which it is paid in: ? and still olfiers for short lorms. . Levy 1020 iZO mills ' ... .r lliolrof-fico- ' -- We arc respectfully callinn your attention lo our.Wast Win- Somo officials admlnistor s - , . , Levy 1021 , r- - ,r 8.00 mills according to their best Judg- , UO mills j:. dow and tho wonderful showing of beautiful Volralh Whlto Kmimol i Levy m - ment. Others admlnistor thoir of- - Wpro there Is no bettor. fices according to the dlolalos of thoir own pookot book, while othors oboy the dictates of tho bogeos or Trend In Four Years Amounts to $0Q, "Made. In America," ware may Downward this be likened to the Haviluml X big business. In somo sjates the of tho Kitchen and the Inner Household. bosses and tho political ring manip- úlalo tho conventions by the gloom Here is tho Trend of the Sohool Expenditures through effort of ropublieon roller, slalo or "influence." oth- Wo the Volrath In officials. Thoso reductions havo boon made after eonferonoo and agreement with have White Enamel Wuro from the humble $ er statos tho bogeos find some way lOflol' and havo nol in any instance injured the sehoola: Kjtchoii Sink Strainer to Lord of tho Household's Private RaUu lo manipulate tho primary system. ', boards 8 Sometimes Hiere Is logrolling and In 10SH by Slato Educational Auditor 200.000 t buying or trading of volee. Some- In 1022 by Slato Educational Auditor AIO.O0O We will appreciate your examining 50,000 and aivhin us the benefit times a voter vote as he pleases, In 102S by Stale Tax Commission . ' 1928 by Sucplua'applled against levy 320.000 of your opinion. Sometimos he voles to pleaBB jgmo-on- e In else and somolimes ho makes a mistake and votes neither to please Downward Trend of Sahools $1,010,000. himself or anyone else. Sometimos The R. W. Isaacs Hardware Co. there is mud slinging, but of late people have come In realize WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN HUT 11IE FOOD that f the mud slingcr is suro to got all AND THE COOK Total Trend Reduction $2,147,500 muddied up while the mud may nut of ( tilt the other fellow or may not stick to him after it tut tyux One THE CLAYTON NEWS.

Get Back Your Health! Southwest Nows re 'xi drauiiut around day after day witb a dun bwkacbeT Arc you From All Over irtl anil lame niondhg eabject to headaches, ditty spells and thirpiub-bin- pain? Theft there' surely torn New Mexico f 'lung wrong. Probably it' kidmy tal, wcaknetu! Don't wait (or more nerioua f kidney trouble. Get lie your health and Arizona and keep it. For quick relief get plenty of sleep and exercise and ue Petitions nre being Kidney Pills. They lure circulated tit Doant have the Cochlse-Gteeo- helped thoutamk. Ask yowr neighbor! mall route extended on Into Tombstone, Arizona. A Colorado Cato The automobile belonging to lit. J. W. Dolln. 1431 B. niver 8t Canon city, Wyldcr, of Albuquerque, was com oto., myd: "I rauld pletely destroyed by fire when it Ig hrul bend on t or the laments and nited during a pleasure ride on the pf.arp, cutting palee Tijeras road. r'irouKh tnv bark, and' hipe. My kMneye aeledjl Workmen from 151 Paso nre busy -, i.- often aitd thcrcjr setting tlie big stills at the Tucum-car- l Bakers Bake It For You wna a red biick-dut-f- t. MhQ FtMliniriti in inri oil refinery nnd it Is believed that fte A ni whbnr the plant will be In operation by a i me to tr the no need to bake at home iicdmuney fine, first of December. y tiir)d me from yW old-tim- e bread. You've never tasted tie tart and finally my kldneya be' T. S. IJowen, pioneer merchant at HERE'S t jjne strong " Webb, twenty miles northeast of Ills- - full-fruit- rai- finer food. Order a loaf now Cl Duta's at Anr Store. 60c a Del beo, Aril!., wits burned to death when sin bread with at least eight and count the raisins. his Btore, In which the Webb postof- - tempting raisins to the slice kpx,dLV Raiiin bread !i a rare com- DOAN'S flee was located, was destroyed by fire. already baked you by CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. for bination of nutritious cereal and 1. K. Ilutler and Paul Hunter, of master bakers in your city. fruit both good and good for 111 Clayton, N. M., nre In n hospital at you. Serve twice weekly 1 nltn.tu l nfcHT i.iimiu Dutch airplane inventor, mukiiig Ills llrst glider trinls Knglniid. a Two Simply 'phone your erocer at least troops of the l:ieenth United state cavalry making practice march of 430 miles from Itois Field, Arcadia, Clayton In a serious condition us the or a neighborhood bake shop to get the benefits. goes result of burns received at n fire which Cal., to San Francisco. 3 Miss Margaret Crowley of Coltnnbus, O., who to Hgypt us private secretary and hav: a fresh loaf for Use d for home cook- cume near destroying the home. to I'nitcd Slates Minister .1. Morion Howell. Ilutler luncli or dinner to delight ing of puddings, cakes, cookies, Bilious Attacks The Sliver Hell Columbia mining your folks. etc. Arc Usually Úue to as the first step In the restoration of tllng story of "wobblles" plots during property, 12 miles southeast of Su-th- e You may be offered other Man-say- We've arranged with bak- Constipation REVIEW OF fotelgn exchange. Sir George also war. He Is W. K. Townsend nnd perIor,.hns been sold to Georgo P. s brands that you know less well NEWS i, right-han- d ers in almost every town and When you are constipated, wants America to throw open her he was the man of gus of New York, for ?575,O0O, accord-- than but the kind not enough of Nature's doors to unrestricted Immigration D. Hnywood, heud of the organiza- - Ing to announcement by the former city to bake this d you want Is the kind you know pro- In view tlon. He raisin bread. is good. Insist, therefore, on lubricating liquid is an unwelcome suggestion of testllled thnt he and several owners. Sun-Ma- In the bowel to keep employed brand. They cost no duced our experience with certnln classes hundred other wobblles were j.;. jr. otero, ranciier of the Mag-I- n Made with hg, plump, more than ordinary raisins. the fold waste soft and GURRENTJVENTS Chicago if Immigrants In recent years. the packing houses and. uelenn (N. M.) country, tundo u ship-unde- r moving. Doctors prescribe tender seeded raisins. The Mail coupon free book of orders from the I. W. W., con- - mt.nt for ot ver 10iooo sheep a few days raisin flavor permeates the "Sun-Mai- d Nujol because It sets like spired to to troops spoiled tested Recipes." this natural lubricant and Lloyd George Starts Campaign BRING refused the cabinet positions send our ,,,,, T10 trilIn contnlncd .'10 cars and replaces demanded, the Italian Fas and poisonous canned foods. He also ,vcnt . .ilu Western Feedlne comnanv thus it. New Nujol is a and Bonar Law Forms cist! In convention In Naples tunde told of subotnge plots on railroads and .of Colorado, SUN-MAI- preparation for militant nctlon that In harvest fields. D lubricant not British Ministry. At n meeting of tho board ot regents RAISINS a mratlfinii nr threatened to become revolutionary. of the New Mexico State Normal, Prof. si?I laxative so Thereupon I'remler Kacta and his cnb-- - The Supreme Bread Raisin cannot gripe. XT AVY DAY was celebrated through- A. O. Itowden, of IJaylor college, Hel Inet resigned. Former frender Glollt-t- l out the United Ktntes on Friday ton, Texas, was selected ns the presi Sun-Ma- id Try it today. GERMANY TOPPLING AGAIN conferred with Ilcnlto Mussolini, ' Your retailer should sell you IS which also was the anniversary of Normal, to succeed J. F. Raisins chief of the I'asclstl, and It was bo- - dent of the for not more than the the birth of Col, Theodore Itoosevelt. Chamberlain. following prices: lleed he would be cnlled on to form Tho occa'slon brought forth many ap now Tho big fair which was held at Sxdad 20s" a new ministry. The Knsclstl nre peals for the maintenance of the cfil- - ((sMoi.ifutir,) Threatens Voluntary Bankruptcy and Mexico, wus best x, rtJfkt.y 18c he strongest organization In Itnty and elency of the' navy personnel, which, Whitewater, New the Scdtcts iintS Reparations Body Hurries to Ber- In part of state. SMiIad and Scdlts .) lSe uive announced thut they will assume nccordlng to Hear Admiral Rogers. ever held that the lin Daugherty's Dry Ship Rul- of people from Gallup and msaM&sssmmmm ontrol of the government, legally or should number not than 110,000 Hundreds From fewer part ing Is Upheld News itherwlse. men. To maintain our ratio under other points In the southern of CUT THIS OUT AND SEND ÍT the Near East. the state attended. the Washington treaty, said the ad Sun-Mai- d Raisin Growers, new According report oil GKUMANY, whose mark made a miral, we should build fifteen or to the of the Dept. Fresno, California By EDWARD W. PICKARD of centa a him- - twenty experts of the Midwest Refining coin- - BETTER cruisers of 10.000 tons each In Please send tne copy of your free, book, Ired last week. Is again threatening the course of the next fow vears. be- - puny, which brought In the big oil well "Recipes with Raisins." by country, oil la LLOYD GEORGE, to go Into voluntary bankruptcy sides Inrco submarines. President In the Shiprock the the DAVID -- Nam e ' out of the British Icfaultlng In her reparations payments Harding In a letter to Sccretnry Denby best quality ever round in New .moxic,o DEAD In material ns well as In cash. Clutn- - : Is poseimy me wnoio country. prime ministership by the atti- said "It well for us to have In anil in Street YVIrth, whose political Is in - Life 13 a burden when the body tude of the Conservative party, ellor life mind that under n program of lessen- Hnrwood J. Sfnnnons, vice president Blue VacVagt great begun hedging City Statk racked with pain. Everything seeks to parliament danger, has and Ing navy armaments there is a greater and managing director of the El Paso is now slogan of return to power. He op- has adopted the "First reason for maintaining the highest Times, died at his home In HI Paso u worries and the victim becomes and put despondent and downhearted. To poses the radical demands of iread, then reparations," and has elllclency, fitness, and morale In this few days ago. Mr. Simmons formerly problem up to the cabinet. The - take labor, and advocates the foster- the branch of the national defensive ser- was vice tiresldcnt and ccncral man bring back the sunshine more - ing of friendly relations with Socialists are calling for dras vice. I know how earnestly the navy- ager ot the 121 Paso and Southwestern Including the United States and with Rus- tic measures. confiscation personnel Is devoted to this Ideal, nnd railroad. Cooking Utensils T" CLEAN GOLD if foreign money In hands of pri MEDAL sia. In this instance especially the want you tobo ussured of my hearty The T.utle ISutto Amalgamated Mines British politics affects the world vate persons, and on the other hand concurrence. I pmnnnn,. tu iircitnrlnt' to resume devel For quick results on suppres- at large. Is it your opinion the bourgeoisie demand the opment ot properties near House, of tho against speculation its all metalware use that Britain would be wiss sion decree PQINCARE is to send Arizona, taking up the work where the and the agriculturists insist on higher again to put the helm of the out Invitations to the Near East United Mines company left off during National Remedy of Holland for over olllclal prices and The ship of state in Lloyd George's for German wheat peace conference, which Is to be held war period, and continuing the 200 yean; it is an enemy of all pains corn. The reparations com- the hands? allied In Lausanne, Switzerland, but at this to sulphide ore. from kidney, liver and uric acid mission went to llerlln to consult with shaft the troubles. All druggists, three sizes. writing the date of the meeting Is un At the regular meeting of tho Joe SAPOLIO be government. The Ilrltlsh commis certain. Lord Curzon, Iirltlsh foreign Look for the name Gold Medal on every boa sioner. Sir John Urudbury, said he Quescnbcrry post ot .the American Le Cleans Scours Polishes and accept no Imitation llorcil he has not fulfilled proph- minister, Insists thut the United Stntes gion, held Las Cruces, N. M., the would ote to declare Germany In vol- says at T ecy hy trying to form n new should participate. Italy that : untary default of Its ugrecmcnt if It following new officers were chosen party, David I.Inyd Ct'nrgc Is making Russia must be permitted to sit In the post Large R DUE should refuse to carry out within n Edwin L. Holt was elected lis ATS a pretty light for return to parliament conference nnd nlso to sign the treaty, commander, George R. Qtiesenberry and poucr. He his reasonable time requests for Internal nnd France may consent to this In cake to declares was elected us vice-po- commander, to nccure of a reforms. This was a considerable view of her Improved relations with it the dominance and Frank V. Lucero was as No party or group that will keep the concession to the French demands. the soviet government. Evacuation of may In post adjutant and finance officer. Dr. government In a middle couie of It be that return Frnnce will Thrace by the Greek civilians con waste. agree to postponement It. E. MclSride was the principal speak Sol safety and moilemtlcm. Ad1reidug a the Indefinite tinues amid considerable disorder er of the evening, his subject being Ebocb Mortta's Sobs Co., Ntw York, U.S.A, i'iithcrlng of the National Liberal of the Ilrussels financial conference. though the allied forces are doing Mtaafactartrs leaving reparations matter "Americanism." party, he took n firm stund against re- the eitlre their best to prevent trouble. The 3DCZD STEARNS' In of commission. Involving the title czoczo cent radical demands of the I.nhir the hands the Greeks carry off nil they can and A suit in equity ex Mining ELECTRIC PASTE party, and hIko made It clear that one French, Ilclglan and Italian often destroy the rest of their posses of the Calumet and Arizona change rates dropped sharply Inst to of most vnluahle Glow off New &tv kill mice. KODhn. Dralrl 5 obi. of IiIb chief claims for support was slons. Including crops. The American company eight Its Gives Old Capes It g cojrot' 8, woIvm, cockroarh, wator bum hl8 friendly relations with the United week, going to the lowest prices of Red Cross has announced that it will claims In the Warren district, anil asU-tn- a.n1 antn A 15c boa contains enough to the year on the New York exchungc. an accounting of all ores taken kill iQ to 100 raU or mice. It rrom State. He d all reasonable care for 800,000 of the refugees, Tho for 10c Putnam Dyes dyes or tints as you wish your Irua if me atora at today. or ral dealer concessions must he made to Induce press of Athens complains bitterly from these claims since 1001, asserted READY FOR CR THAN TRAPS to valued ut approximately ?50,000,- - this country to enter the League of FED! that the United States Is the only na be Nations, which would be crippled with upheld the ruling of the at tion thnt Is giving nld. Georgo Horton, 000, was filed In federal court at Tuc- out It. And he alil Ilrltnln must pay torney general prohibiting the carry- American consul general nt Smyrna, Is son, by Patrlckln Julia Cunningham "My fair face was my fortune onc-e- de- Kennedy and Lyle E. Kennedy, her Let Cuticura Be her war debt to the United States In ing of liquors on vessels entering on his way home to report on the But ev'rybidy know full. "Working with the United American waters, and the case brought struction of that city and tho attend huáband, nnd Mary Alle'en Cunning since box of 'Faultless' came, States," declared he, "ought to he one by a number of steamship companies ing clrcutnstnnces. His statement as ham Morrison and John M. Morrison, JJhat that Your Beauty Doctor of the chief purposes of the govern Is now to go before the Supreme court, to the origin of the conflagration Is her husband. IMy fortune's in my clolhes.' ment. If these two nations would which probably will not hand down a nwalted eagerly as the payment of In James M. Lennox, former United 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. i Smp 25c, Ointment work together, It would ho the surest decision for six or eight weeks. Mean- surance may depend upon it. Mr. Hor States commlsloncr at Sentinel, Ariz., guarantee for a Just peace, and a Just time Secretary of the Treasury Mellon ton gnve no advance Information as was taken Into custody nt Indlanupolls, Iioutot fact Ion, peace Is the only lasting pence." has Informally Instructed his agents to his report, but In his conversation la nnneteifcry Ind., In an indictment charging com for you cao hve with not to enforce the order against for- there was an Indication that he would In alleged land abuudaot hair The quarrel the plicity an "soldier 'ay nm of thai orí Tlátál Labor party Is In a way International, eign vessels whoso supplies of liquor tell the State department thnt the fraud," In which men and aa4a by utiat Hair Color Rtorrr. Safa aro sealed when they enter our ports. Smyrna fire was by looters m wtlff-t- ry It. At all rood druUU,74 cent. for that party. In a manifesto Issued started disabled soldiers were alleged to have r direct frota HtSSJClLUJ. CW--U, Tna. lust week, not only demands the crea- American ships, however, must obey and not by Turkish soldiers. lost approximately ?U,50O,O0O, accord tion of a "war debt redemption fund the ruling. The French government by W N. U. DENVER, NO. 22. ing to word received ut Phoenix by a special graduated levy on for has Indicated that It will not comply HpEN big transports steamed out of federal officials. Protecting Native Birds. Human Radio. G,000," de- - with the request, presented unolllclally - Why do you look so Radio Equipment of Airplane. tunes exceeding hut nlso the nort of Vladivostok last Wed 110 Great efforts nre being madq In the Neighbor tired by It co- Nearly years ago through causes been Installed on one of rlarea for the revision of the peace Ambussadnr Herrlck, that nesday, bearing all the Japanese United States to protect the native rr.d sleepy, MUltcent? There operate In preventing liquor smuggling unknown, two ot the bonds issued by the huge Oollnlli biplanes engaged In treaty and German reparations, for an troops that have held that city and birds, mainly because of their useful- Little MUllcent Oh, that now baby from the St. Pierre et Mtquelon Is- Maricopa county, Arizona, tor the ParM-midi'i- aerial service a com- International conferenco to arrange most of the Japanese civilians as well. ness as Insect destroyers. One expert nt our house he broadcasts the whole the i off of New- building a Maricopa bined radio telephone and telegraph the freedom of the straits, for Inde lands the southern coast The forces of the Far Enstern Repub of .railroad from says that In the state of Massachusetts night long. Farm Life. foundland. According to equipment of 35 watts antenna output, pendence In Kgypt and French lic the Chita government at once to Phoenix disappeared and lmve nover birds destroy 21,000 bushels or insects tho Islanders trade French fight in flocks, wlili a sending range of about ISO In India. entered the place and took control. turned up blnce, according to Raymond every day, nnd In Nebraska 170 Other birds but the liquor for food nt Newfoundland and rights In battles alone. at IKK) meters' uve length. The Andrew Donar I.nw, having been The commander of the Red army Is It. Earltart, stute treasurer, and Char eagle miles Prlnco Edward Island ports, and do complete radio equipment, iicconllng to elected head of the Conservative party. said to have ordered the British and W. Fairfield, auditor, who, not themselves smuggle the booze Into les state 7 weighs only 12R accepted the post of prime minister American marines to leave Vladivos 11. Flag- - Itadloeleetrlclte. Is liquor with Attorney C. Wilson, of An gen- and on Tuesday announced lils cabinet the United States. It said this tok nnd all foreign worships to leavo pounds. trading Is to stuff, representing four counties In the six-vo- la a respectable list of names, essential the fishermen éralo'' for six volts and a stor- It with the harbor. county oonu case, are now engugoti jn cur- quite a from peerage, ot the Islands. age buttery supply the necessary number the hut inaklni! nruimrutlon for the reimburse- - three-bul- b moat of the new ministers are con -- rent. A amplifier Is used pnu, constitution or tne insn tree ment ot ti10 counties for tho bonds In for receiving on alt wave lengths be- sidered rather nonentities. The main SAMUEL aOMPERS. Frank State was adopted by the pro- - ex- accordance with the provisions of the D !XMi ami 1,000 meters. stay of the cabinet Ik Marquis Cunton, James O'Connell, the tween meter imiiioureui iicuumuuj uuu i enulillug missing nontis were secretary for foreign Lord ecutive committee for the national act. xtio Scientific American. affairs. was luaen to i,onuon ror approval uy r ., iseuB t nut forth Cave, the lord chancellor, and Stanley campaign of tho Ameri niirt the new Ilrltlsh cabinet, which cer- - ,,y jiarieopu COunty nearly 40 years Italtlwlu, the chancellor of the excheq can Federation of Labor, have Issued Important to Mother talnly will not be withheld ns no ag0 ,md Hre numbers HO and IBO of TCxamiue carefully every bottle of tier, are men of proved ability. It a manifesto denouncing the present changes that could be offensive to the , ,ggue wus CAHTOItlA. that famous old rwoedy granted IUmur Law congress ns reactionary and calling Klloh bond for ?li0oo It taken for that Kngusn government nave maue e Deen an(, wug Iml(Je pnj-uui- to the bearer. fqi infants anil children, and Me that It will make many changes In min on tho voters to "put progress In" at the Ml IIIO UlUll MB ULMiniVCU U l UUC Ul I istry If he la returned to power at the the November election. The appeal M,a i.tnv,i n mi.,i0tr it.mnn ,io Athletics at the University of Arl BIgnatoreof general election, which Is set for No- says the cougreaa has performed no vniom u in rinhim tn hnt to nfíor. zone have been placed under the Jurls-- 15. people, u college control of In Use for Over 30 Year.. vember He Is a candidate for service for the but has "tried Inc from n serious nervous .Unorder ulctlon of board of Ulaagow. and la oppoaed by a Labor by every trick and device to serve pred and the authorities therefore will not seven members, who have segregated Children Cry for Fletcher's Caitoria may candidate and also by Sir George atory Interests." Its action in re- molest him. Ills condition Is so seri- the various activities so that they moving profits more nidnit Have That Twin. I'slsli, noted economist. the excess tax and re ous that a prlost Is In constant at be supervised and handled on a ducing the and concerning scale, according to an AspiriN surtaxes coordinated IriafcUMN wive were old friend 'Hie laat named gentleman Is now tendance. Two the soldiers' bonus Is especially nouncement at the university. tu ih MreM one ilav. In the United States and, addressing .u, Two men und a girl were arrested I a man laat week, and. the convention of the American Manu NK noted American died last week "Kuril, met fv recently ut Wlnslow, Arlt, and were bedatl. I'd have aworn it wan youraeir, facturers' Kxport association, gave a Dr. Lyman Abbott, the vener economic advice I. W. W. v held for Denver police on a charge ewlil one. let of concerning pro TBN members of the are able editor of Outlook. For many J- stealing belonging to -- replied the othr, ductlon anu traite, lie (voided our - on trial In Sacramento for violn years tie lias been prominent as a ot an uutomlblle SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist! Ami wnan't Itr hos- - u ' the flrat. "Hut government for hoarding gold, and tion of the Cullfnrnla criminal syndi nreacher. editor, nuthor nnd Iprturpr. Capt. T. J. Dillon, of Fltaslmnns mn mi willed Detoc-- your vary Image, Uarrln' he ur&ed that the tariff barriers and calism law, and last week the state and he was the associate nnd friend of PltBl- - according to Cnptaln of he a uenver. Unless you sec the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are urar. I sutmose, now, jm other trade restrictions be removed produced a witness who told a star the greatest Americans of his time. "vea wiisuiugton ninner oi a trifle not getting the genuine -- Bayer product prescribed by haven't a twin brother a few yean Carrie llaulle, n farmer living In the TexICO, IS In n ClOVlS llOS- - older than youraelfi" MEET TO AID PROHIBITION listment nt every civilized country In DoLtrniM from .hronñ lt1 ,m. Vicinity of physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions foe the world In the antl-llqu- cause, and . 1, .. .., i ..,i . Dltnl as the result of the accidental During Hot Weather. development ot a offen- .hoT, r; t a pu dunng mt Eleventh Convention of Women's Chris- the determined - :;r.rur'- -- oww Colds Headache a eold world." sive against the movement to modify !,., i, Bi,.r Tlmiatnn Tintilla mil "It's tian Temperance Union at Phil- wm Wu,rjr . . prou.omou , "That's a dead laaue. at present." or repeal the united States dry amend- Houit()n; ,,, on gtreet and engaged adelphia In November. cause and those used for Its enforce- - , Rheumatism tVoulavllIe Courier-Journa- l. ment and statutes." a arrei ,,Ver the search of some Toothache ment now the country is legally dry. r0perty hy the latter, during which A polyglot prohibition petition which, - Philadelphia. Wearers of the white Visitors from Finland and Scandlnavl- Ume the pistol of the sheriff fell to Neuritis Lumbago Tjiei Your Eyes e when rolled up tight, fills seven huge I to ribbon of the Women's Christian an countries, where prohibition ha the ground, was discharged and the Eyes,llke fine union, representing nearly ev pocking cases, and which contains 8, Beautiful been tried In modified form, will focus I bullet entered the breast nt llaulle. Neuralgia Pain, Pain ery In the world, will assemble 000.000 signature set down In more nation . their attention on the enforcement I shipments from Silver city . . . n l .1. than fifty language, will be unrolled Cattle Ini riovemoer jwu ui cicvcuih phase of prohibition, being the recently have been the heaviest on rec- - arid convention ot too organisation and draped about the hall ot assom that Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. moat troublesome part of own ord, o er 1,500 head having been sent Two great object of the convention blage In the Philadelphia Academy ot their Handy "Bayer" boxtabf 12 UeUtawAbo bottles of M an Iiwa, I to the markets anu ouiur pastures. arai a&aeeaceJ as follows : The en Music Utsis is tie stale ourkW bi Msaifsstws sfnaMtirlMtHi)! t Titfc oLAYTdíl ÍÍESW8.

alto grado es un hombro do una señor Anderson fue graduado en dos Sept. is, 1938. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Frank C. Simpson, educasion graduada lo cual lo pone de las mas grandes universidades do Notice Is hereby Klveh that Jul áti Plaintiff, Montoyn, of Pasamonte, N. tt, wh, REWARD No. 5072 Secion Español del Clayton News al Hivel de desempeñar los dovoros los estados Unidos en Saint Louis on May 14, 1920, V. made Homestead En Annallza Pórrigo and do la oficina del escribano cu una y Illinois, adornas de eso os un ca- try, No. 02Í953, for SWUNW14, Nff manera limpia y consion- - ballero complolamcnto y do una ho- SWVl, Section 9. Township 24N., Range John Pórrigo, Continuando La Union del Pueblo brillante (Continued pago uda, cuando el Sr. Caldwell tomo nestidad limpia y sin taoba, y ME., N. M. P. Meridian, has filed no- from 0 Defendants. tice of Intention to make Three Tear cargo de la oficina del escribano do queremos asegurar la educasion do Notlco is hereby given mat on tho Proof, to establish claim to the land 10th day of July, A. D. 1922, Judg- este condado hayo la oficina en una nuestra Jovonlud votemos por esto above described, beforo Register and A. C. MIERA Editor y Publicista manera detrimental para el pueblo caballeril y bamoslo poniendo do Receiver, U.S. Land Office, at Clayton, three rcglslored packages and oth- ment was rendorcd in tbo above en- y en una comilitón tie desarreglo, superintendente de nuestras escue- N. M., on the 14th day of November, er mail, and three hundred dollars titled and numbered cause against 1922. y tres meses dcspüos que el tomo las publicas y complclamonlo ten- in silver coin which was outside tho defendants, Annallza Pórrigo Claimant names as witnesses: mails. Two the and Perrigo, sum of Para Comisionado de Condado So cargo dt) dicha oficina la oficina dremos lo quo deseamos y lo nece Maximo Archuleta, Antonio Archule of the of registered John for tho gundo Districlo se encontraba en su condision nor- sitamos en esa delicada oficina, Vo ta, Abade Archuleta, Jose Abet Ho mall packages were not of any great riOO.W, with interest from July 10th. mero, Pnsnmontc, N. M. one No. A. D. 1022 ten per ceut. E. M. RUTLEDGE, de Kcnlon, Okla. mal y en una manera limpia y bajo ten por el Sr. C. E. Anderson. all of value; hut tho third was at tho rate of II. II. ERRETT, in- Pata Comisionado do Condada un sistema moderno de negosios y 50500 from the First National bank and for Hie sum of 0.00 with 3 0 Register. per Tercer Districlo por lo tanto cual sera la persona que Lo róstanlo del voleto republica of Pueblo, Colorado, August 25, terest at twolve cenL from 1022, and addressed to E, D. Mosor, July 10th, A. D. IP22, unUI such PERRY BEST, do Hayden, N.M. bajo esta vista do imformasion so no de condado esta compuesto do NOTICES POIl PUBLICATION store manager and postmaster at amounts are paid; that in and by Para Agrimensor preocupe y vote encontré do un ofi- porsonas que oslan adornadas con Department of the Interior. U. S. Oakvicvv, Colorado, and contained the decree court awarding said A. C. LOVELESS, do Clayton, N. M. cial como esto creemos quo ninguna, tan excelentes y finas calificasiones, Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, of October 10, 1922. 100 twenty-doll- ar 200 ten dol- judgment was a cer- Escuo-la- nbajo la camo las quo Ies bills, it ordered that Pnra Superintendente do s con preocupasion política hemos esplicado Is Notice. hereby given that Jackson lar bills ind 200 five-doll- ar bills, tain mortgage deed covering with its Publicas y volen por 0. C. Caldwell el mejor arriba y todas son personas hones O. Dunlop, N. M., of Ccntervllle, who. total $5000 in currency, and it was lien land hereinafter described C. E. ANDERSON, do Clayton, N. M. escribano que el emulado dn Union tas y corléeos para tratar a lodos on Sept. 24th, 1919, made Homestead the ha tenido desde su organteasion y y siempre y ntoda hora están lisias Application, Serial No. 026886, for BE the semi-month- ly pay-ro- ll intended bn foreclosed. That Richard A. 35, 18N., Oakvievv Toomey appointed Special Mas- LEAN ESTIMADOS LECTORES ensenen que aprecian los buenos ser para servirle al pueblo con gusto Section Township Range for the coal camp. The was 3SE., N.M.I'. Meridian, has filed notice not purpose of offoring LAS CALIFICASIONES DE NUES- los VO- y agrado, y por lo tanto esperamos oulsid silver coins wero in ter fpr tbo for UOLETO DE REPUBLI-CAN- O vicios de buenos oficiales, of to year proof, ESTADO Intention make three malls, and consisted of Í270 in sil- sale and selling said real estate for TROS CANDIDATOS EN LA BOLE- TEN POR C. C. CALDWELL, y ase- que Volen por todo el voleto repu- to establish claim to the land above dollars, 20 half-dolla- rs, and purpose of said Judg- TA DE CONDADO REPUBLICANA. guren un servicio limpio y de crédi- blicano de condado y aseguren un described, before Cliff Cisco, U.S. ver in the satisfying Kara Visa, N. M., on !0 in quarters; tola! $300. ment, all as more fully appears by Para Senador de los Estados Unidos to para todos en la oficina del trato corle, y agradable en las ofi- at the 13th day ot November, 1922. Information of any character in Iho aforesaid dorrec of Court of ( S. B. DAVIS, de Las Vegas El Señor J. E. HUSKIRK, de Am- cinas de condado y un trato con Claimant names as witnesses: istad es, un ciudadano de gualidnd para regard lo this case will be very Record in tho offico of thfi Clerk Úarn una alia todos, Volen pro el Howard Wise, William R Tarmley, Representante al Conorcso y graduada educasion, es un comer volólo republicano. both of Nara Visa, N. M, M. C. Mad- - much appreciated, and should be of the Iistrict Court of the Eighth A DELIMA OTEItO-WARRE- El Señor HARRY W. SCARLOTT. son, N. M., sent by gov- the of Now de ciante muy prospero y es un verda- No les damos mas detalles locante of lone, Jan Zlcllskl, of ordinary letter, or by Judicial District of State nuestro candidato para asesor el Sr. Ccntervllle, N. M. ernment telegram collect, lo silting within and for the Sania Fo. dero amigo del pueblo, es un ayuda- a las calificasiones y excelentes cu- rale Mexico Scarlotl, este caballero es el H. II. ERRETT, M. liom-br- mismo undersigned; or lo O. Hood, Posl County of Union. dor al pueblo necesitado y es o alidades de nuestros candidatos de 3 11-- Register. Para Govcrnador Asesor que lia estado sirviéndolo al Office Inspector, Trinidad, Colorado. And thereupon, pursuant to said C. muy cortes para tratar sin condado por falta do suficienlo es- L. HILL, do Las Crucos pueblo por los ultimo 2 anos pasa- by telephone. No. 1373-- and pursuant al rico al povre ul savio al pacio pero creemos que el pueblo MITICIl FOR PUBLICATION judgment and decree Para Tcnlcnto Oovcrnndor dos, y durante ele tiempo ninguno J. C. LINDLAND, to tho authority in me vested by ignorante, y a lodos, y siendo ipie no se dejara engañar lia por nías ti- de lot dueños de propiedad do este in given EUFIUCIO F. GALLEGOS, do esta adornado enn tan excelentes empo. Department of the Interior, V. S. Inspector in Charge, said decree, notice hereby Gallegos. condado ha lenio la mas minima Land Office nt Clayton, New Mexico, 305 New Post Office Wdg. that the undersigned Special Mas- - cnlifirasioncs nos liara un repre- SI quieren mantener a queja eneonlra de osle fiel sirviente esla nasion October 10. 1922. Denver. Colo in chancery will, in tho event sentante lal y como lo deseamos vo fuera do las guerras. ter Para Secretarlo do Estado publico y siendo su registro lal es Notlco Is hereby given that Robert said lands are not sooner redeemed. ten por el Sr. HUSKIRK, y Volen por el Smlthey, of Clayton, Mexico, J. A. DES GEOnGES, do Taos tendrán tamos seguros que el mismo pueblo voleto republicano New who, high on Sept. 9, 1918, En- offer for sale and sell to the un completo defensor do nuestros de estado y do condado punía n mado Homestead .tOTICK POft PUBLICATION que lo elogio dos ttlintt pasados lo 1 cash, on lClh day Para Solicitor General derechos en la legislatura del punía. try, Serial No. 026186, for Lots and 2, est bidder for the A. A. SEDILLO, de Albuquerque volverá a elejir en la próxima ele- - Section 19, Township S6N, Range 3IIE, Department of the Interior. U. S nf November, A. D. 1922, at the east. (oii, Mr. Scarlolt, es un verdadero N.Jt.P. Meridian, Has filed notice of Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico. fron. door of the Court Il0US) in Para Tesorero do Estado NOTtcu ron íülit.icAtto.v Intention to make Three Meat Proof, oepiemoer i nt Veirtelt in amigo del puelilo' siempro esla listo to nn.fnn W O. A. MATSON, de Albuquerquo El Señor THOS. A. GRAY, nues to establish claim the land atore para encontrar a los dueños de pro Ü. described, Charles V. Talbot N. IHO OI saiu nay, un iui- - tro candidato para alguacil mayor Department of the Interior, S. before Merced (lonzales, of Hueveros. M.. allemoon piedad en su oficina y para servirles Land Office at Clayton, U. S. Commissioner, nt his office In who, on September 11, 191, made lowing' described real estate, to- - Pnra Juez do la Corto Suprema el Gray New Mexico. Sr. no necesita introdnclon y tratarlos con enrícela y gciierasl- - October 1(1, 1821 Clayton, N. M., on the 11th day of Hontestead Entry, No. 026303, for wh wjt; II. 1'. BARNES, do Albuquerquo ninguno, November, 1922. el Sr. Gray es un residente dad, ademas Mr. Searloll es muy Notice is hereby Riven Hint Sarah R ' Southwest omartcr of Sec- - viejo Kwlnney, of Lytten Claimant names as witnesses: ZZ" L r.L The Para Auditor do Estado de esta parlo del pais y como eficiente y honesto para desempe- firings, Texas, twenty-si-x (20) in Town- - who. on Honic-Bten- F E. lionjour. If. It. liurlsey, Manuel In make Tear Proof, lion lo August H, 1919, made d of intention Three H. A. lodos saveu es un ciudadano de los ofi- Clayton, N M., ivvcnty-eevc- (27) N. R. DELGADO, de Sania Fe. ñar delicados deveres de la Entry, Serial No. 026793, for 813 r. tlnrcla, all of and to establish claim to the land above shin n una honestidad obje-ei- on N M. sin ninguna cina del asesor do esle condado con i NKH, NliSnU. SE'isn",. Lot 3, William U Sartalm of Tale, described, before Register and Re- thirty-on- o (3D E. N. M. P. M. in Superintendente de II. II. ERRETT, S. Clayton, Para Instruclon o lacha es el verdadero amigo honrrade; y eficiencia y ala entera SW'i. NKUSVTV,. SUNW'i, Section 6, ceiver, tt. Land Office, at County, N. M. containing 3 0 Register. Union Publica del pueblo y el SWUNW'i. YViiSVVH. Section B. T. N. M., on the. 13th day of November, de cuanlos tienen salisfarion de todos los dueños de ICO acres. MUS. 30N, I!. 36R, ami SHNBU, HIIiJNWU, 1922. MAUD BLANEY, do Lincoln placer do cmiorerlo es curios y gra- - ncc- propiedad en el condado do Union, section l, Township 30.V., 351 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION- Claimant names as witnesses: or so much thereof as may ho - cioso pura tratar a todos y siempre IlanRe Para Comisionado do Corporaciones ya lia dado prueba de sus servicios y N.M.P. Meridian, hus filed notlco of Frcd Tlxlor, Rafael Tixler. Teleaforo l.,nrv ln sntisfv f tie ítldcment. in- - esta del mismo humor nunca esla Intention to make year Ullbarrl. Juan Madrid, all of Bueyeros. i P. II. II ILL, do Tierra Amarilla no hay para que los votantes pon- three proof, to Department of the Interior, U. S. courl bove ,. establish claim to, the land de- - umuinado, ademas posea lodas las gan en esta ofi- above Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, riego importante Hcribed, beforo 1 n. II. ERRETT. tiotieti. tnai kuu juirrfuiuiua hd Para Comisionado do bellas califirasiones que se necesi- Charles Talbot. U.S. September 21, 1922. Terrenos cina de ponerla en manos dudosas Commissioner, 3 0 Register. in Ihe sum of 8700.13 and $23.90 and at his office In Clayton, Notlco Is given William Públicos tan para desempeñar los deveres de N. M., on 13th day hereby that will teniendo la oportunidad do contin- the of November. A. Steele, of lteenham, N. M.. who. on Ihe interest to the dato of sale la oficina del alguacil-mayo- r de FRITZ MULLEIt, de Santa Fe. esle uar al presentí' asesor quien les ha July 29. 1916, made Homestead Entry NOTICE FOn PUBLICATION S2S.78. together witli the accru Claimant names as he É condado con honestidad oficiencia dado tan limpio y buen servicio. witnesses: No. 022479. for r.UNIHi, SWUNEU. ing rwuiio ,r oHvnrf Iwmerrl, and salo ('. D. Moore, of Cuates, N. M, J. A. y crédito para si y para pueblo SCAR-LO'I- S'iSVV'.i. SVV'.iSBU, Sec. 19: el VOTEN POR HARRY W. T NE'iSE .iRp.u,,"ci!Mr,' foe to bo BOLETO DE CONDADO t Morris, or Kenton, Okla., Joe Butcher, 19. and a reasonable maslert (pie lo elija, Volen por Mr. Gray or 1. E'4NVVi. NVV'iSEU. Section y aseguren el inien servicio Kenton, Okla., Emma Norman, of WVjNBVi, Section 20, Township 23N., Land office at Clayton, New Mexico, fixed by the Court after the repau I y Aseguren un alguacil que Ies sirva que Moses, N M. 1922. I mío lia dado en los dos ano. que ha Rango 31R, N M.P. Meridian, has filed Oeliiber 9th...... nt CWl., j Para Representante a Indos iguales y que no distinga II. II. EIWETT, notice of to make Five Year Notlco Is hereby given that Gaston I wrm-roc- : lOlh servido que vuelva a servir en los 11-- Intention mv hand Ihls daT E. 1IUSKIHK, N. M. 3 Register. to the land J. do Amistad, anadien. próximos VO- Proof, to establish claim dos anos venideros. (in tñin Ttilt Q 101Q mnrlAlIll ISULUIIUI Para Alguacil Mayor NOTICE FOU I'UIILICATION above described, before Register and TEN POR HARRY W. SCARLOTT. Receiver, U. S. Lnnd Office, at Clayton, Homestead Entries, Serial Nos. 026550 RICHARD A.'.TOO MEA', T. A. GRAY, de Clayton, N. M. El Señor C. C. CALDWELL, nues- I EL BUEN ASESOR DE ESTE CON N. M., on tho 15th day of November, and $26718. for Lot i, nk4NW, su Special Master in Ghancory. rjeriiirtment nf, u , Para Escribano do Condado tro presento y futuro escribano de thn tt 1922. MWÍ4, wiiiNu-.,- secuon t i DADO. uana uinco at Ulayton, New Mexico. i, an n Woodward 1,4. 31), 25N ""B" C. C. CALDWELL, do Clayton, N. M. condado aquien sin ninguna duda October in, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Section Twp. lU.nBo 28R. R. A. Martinez, Clifford Slvyer, J. D. rntM. ,,n,lee nrt nt TVeremher I GlaybOIL ! W, Para Tesorero do Condado el pueblo volverá a elejir, este ca- Notice I hereby Riven LOS SEÑORES E. M. that Robert A. E. Nelson, of Ueenham, 1916, New Principal M. M. RUTLEDGE H. Sebrlnpr, Sofia, N. M., Carter, all 29th, Mexico tor PiaiDUU. Mrs. WHITE, de Folsom. ballero esla altamente adornado con of who, on I Y GRANT DENNY. bri- N. M. rldlan, Has filed notice of Intention califl-casion- Eslos dos October 20th, 1919, mado Homestend Para Asesor do Condado las mas beellas y excelentes es JI. H. ERRETT, y r Entry. No. 02C930, llantes Nuns ciudadanos quienes-po- Serial for SUNVVU. lie- - FORECL06UHE BALE HARRY W. SCARLOTT, do Mt. Dora que se requieren para de- 6 3 Register. establish claim to the land above NOTICE OF los ullimos dos anos han estado NHSW'i. SWUNHS, Lots 2, 3, I, Sec P. U.a Para Juez do Pruebas sempeñar los altos y delicados de- tion 3, Township 2SN.. Hanco 29H.. scribed, before Charles Talbot. sirviéndole al pueblo de esle ron Commissioner, at his office In Clayton, . ,. Eighth MANUEL D. GARCIA, do Clayton. vores de la oficina del escribano de N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of In TOR PUBLICATION lMeirict CouH of the dado como comisionados de NOTICIl N. M., on the 13,h day of November. of Para Comisionado do Condado Pri- este condado, Mr. Caldwell es hones- condado tention lo make three year proof, to ,slrRl of ie Slate cuyo periodo tiempo establish claim to the land above de I tirilU:-- . .nil co- durante de les Department of the Interior, U. S. names as witnesses: SOW aieXICO, BllllIlK vnuuii u mer Districlo to corles y caballero sin limites, scribe, before) Charlen 1. Talbot, U. S Claimant han ahorrado a los pagadores de In- Lnnd Office t,t Clayton, New Mexico, Stephen R. Worley. Elijah L. Turlcy, I ,o County of UnioB, GRANT DE.XY, de violin l Dora. mo también eficiente y rapas en Commissioner, at bis office In Clayton. j.'nr vasiones de este condado miles de October 7, 1922. Charley a. Turiey. samuel w nut, Mortgage N. M., on the Uth day of November. James Oklahoma Farm pesos, ademar, les han quitado de sus 1922. Notice is beieby Riven that II. Stevenson, of Hayden, N. M., who, n. n. ERRETT, espaldas cuarenta y cinco mil qui- Claimant names as witnesses: on October IS, 1919, mnde Homestead 3 0 Register. Plaintiff, Curt K. Whitney, V. E. nientos $i 1,000.00 de rluedas causa Fronabarirer. Kntry No. 02G93C, for NV4SWIÍ, Section No. Í3B9 Helchcff, C. VS. Oeorire John Strange, Jr.. Township 20N., Rnnfte 3113., N.M.P. Otero-Warre- das por adminislrasiones demó ill of Sofia, N. M. II, Houston, Kannia n Will Get Re Meridian, filed notice of Intontlon Sain 0. rs. cratas viento y nuevo anos pasados H. has II. EIWETT. to make Three Year Proof, to estab- Houston, Oscar Lcekneas y 3 0 las cuales nunca havian sido pa- neclster. lish claim to tho land above described, The Story of nnd Clyde McKee, New Mexico In gadas hasta que bajo la presente before Register and Receiver, U. B. Pciendanls. sults For the NOTien ron puih.ioatiox Clayton. N. M.. on the buena y honrrada adininistrasion de Land Office, nt is hereby Riven that on the 5 November, 1922. Our States Notice los présenles se pudo 11th day of 1022, judg comisionados Department of the Interior. V. S. Claimant names as witnesses: JONATHAN BRACE 22nd day of July. A. D. el Land Clayton. Br en- House of Representatives ahorrar dinero y pagarse peco por Office nt New Mexico. Oeorne Pagan, Leo Hauser, E. M. ment was rendered in the above October 10. 1922. XIV. VERMONT peso, mejores comisionados que es-I- os CuBhmnn, Tip Roberts, all of Jlayden. cause apainst Notice Is given titled and numbered nunca so podran hereby that Mark I N. M. hallar, ademas Moore, of Logan, N. M who, Sept. THE (he defendants. Sam O. Houston. son on H. II. ERRETT, oí hombres de muy alta educasion Mb. 1919, mado Orlglhal Stock-ralsln- ir Houston, Oscar Lccknnss and 3 0 Register. name Ver- Fnnnle y II'il 0Í2S48, the de uha hourrailez sin limites, son Entry. Serial So. now comes Clyde McKee, for the sum of ?U0S.-- Clayton. New Mexico 02SC7C, Lots mont también generosos y corteses para for 49. with interest from July smn, 11, ,, s, v, 111, 11 1; NOTICIl FOR PUBLICATION from the tratar a todos, son hombres ne- and s6 section 10 cent. de t. Township 16N Rungo 32E., N.M.P. Department of the Interior, U. a French "verts A. D. 1022. at tho rnle of per gosios y saven lo que el pueblo ne- Meridian, has filed notice of Inten Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico monto," o r Thai, in and by tho decree of court cesita y seria un equivoco votar tion to make three year proof, to Sept. 25, 1922. green moon awarding said judgment it was or- de estos dos hombres y poner claim to tho land above de Notice Is hereby given that Julia tains, and It was likewise: the morlgajjo deed N. M., who, on dered that a certain el scribed, before Cliff Cisco, U. S. Com- Montoyu, of Kepbart, French who were probably the here- She is qualified by education, rondado en peligro sin saver en 2", Additional II. revering with its lien tho land missioner, nt Nam Visa, N. M, on tho April 19!", mado first white men to see those lofty and (raining que manos pueda raer, VOTEN POR 13th day of November, 1922. 020691, for S'.bSEH. Section 20, described bo foreclosed. That ability, personality landmarks which bo appropri- inafter for effective service to her stale ESTOS DOS COMISIONADOS, y ase Claimant names as witnesses: i:i4REi. Section 28. Township 23N., Frank O. Blue, Esquire, was ap- 1). 29E.. N.M.P. Meridian, has filed ately give this state Its came. guren un govierno del pueblo por el fieorge lllshop, ra lllshop, H. Ranire the pnr-IH-- te .and the nation. to make Three Year This was tn July, 1609, when pointed Special Master 'or y MrCulogh, J. M. Mlxe, all of Logan, notice of Intention íclünic She Is young, persistent work- jmeiiio para ei pueoio, nejen a N. M. Proof, to establish claim to the una Champloln made his memorable of offering fe? ale and j er, enthusiastic in championing un lado las miras y preocupaciones II. II. ERRETT, bove described, before Register and voyage up the lake now called said real estate for uio purpose i U.S. Office, at Clayton, the advancement of New Mexico políticas quo con eso no compramos 3 0 Register. Receiver, Land after blm. satisfying such judgment, all as N. M, on tho 11th day of November. and Ihe welfare of its people and un vocado de pan ni mantequilla The first permanent settle- more fully appears by Ihe afore- NOTICIl FOR 1922. was in 1724 at Drat-tlebor- o, thorough knowledge of the para nuestras familias y VOTEN PPBI.1CATION names as ment made said decree of courl of record in with Claimant witnesses: where the Massachusetts and policies will POR ESTOS fieles sirvientes y bou Juan H. Montoyn, Manuel N. Chavez, Ihe offire of Iho Clerk of trie uis- - measures that Department of the Interior, V. 8 Kep- colony established a fort as erados ciudadanos, para nuestro pro. loso Lanfor, Arturo Lanfor, all of of the Kighth Judicial do Ihe most for this state. Lnnd Office at Clayton, Now Mexico, buffer against Invasion from the trict Courl pió beneficio E. M. Rutledge, y bart, N. M.. of Ncr Mex- She will enter Congress nation, Grant Octobor 7, 1922. II. II. ERRETT. north. The territory used was District of the State Denny, son los fieles amigos Notico Is hereby given that AlfonBO and for tho Coun- ally known through widespread do los 3 U-1- 0 Register. part of what was known as tha ico, sitting within Orine, of Ueenham, N. M., who, on cam- pagadores de tasaciones do esto ron "Equivalent Lands,"" which were ty Union. newspaper attention her February 2t, 1922. mado A. S. R. of dado. Voten por If. In Hart- pursuant to said paign has attracted, with an ex- ellos. Entry, No. 027799. for SHSEVJ, Sec- NOTICD FOB PUBLICATION sold at public auction And thereupon, perience in public affairs and a tion 7; BV4HWU. Sec. 8: NVVtfNWU. ford for about a farthing an judgment and decrco and pursuant being proven capacity for well directed La Sonora M. M. WHITE. Nuestra Section 17; SVV?NKU. NttNKti, Sec- Department of the Interior, U. S. acre, the proceeds donated to the authority In me vesica dj tion IS, Township 22N., Rango SI ntiClnyton, New Mexico. to Yale college. Shortly after effort that will enable her to candidato para tesorera do condado II. Land Office said deerce, notice Is hereby jiven La Señora While es una Señora N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of October 7, 1922. this, settlers pushed eastward undorsigned Special Master overcome the handicaps of the vi Intention to make Final Proof, to es- Notice Is hereby given that George York across Lake that the uda y bajo from New event sain "new member." tiene su cargo dos hijas tablish claim to tho land above de Pagan, of Hayden, N, M, who, on June Champlaln westward from in Chancery will, in the y and redeemed, of She is keenly interested in the nli nielo, dn quien tener cuidado. scribed, before Register nnd Receiver, 13, 191, mado Addl. Homestead Entry, New Hampshire. This led to dis- lands aro not sooner U. S. Clayton, N. M, 31. Town- of measures desired espina señora muy competente Land Offico nt No. 022756, for SWtt, Section putes between these two colo- fer for sale and sell to tho highosi miaatmeut on the day of November, 1922 20N.. Range UK., N.M.P. Meridian, esta adornada con unu Uth ship Un- cash on 30lh day of by the women of the nation for educasion Claimant names as witnesses:: filed notice of Intention to make nies as to their boundaries. bidder for tho has Al- oast the betlermnl of social condi- muy esmorada, es una señora do Frnnk Portillos, of Ueenham, N. M Three Year Proof, to establish claim der the leadership ot Ethan November, A. D., 1022, at the were re- tions and Ihe elevation of Iho alómenos sécenla anos de edad Juan Del Valle, Melquíades Gomales, t'o the land above described, before len New York's claims fmnt dnnr of the Court House in es una señora do una honrrade. Pedro Del Valle, al of Pnsamonte, New Register nnd Receiver, U. 8. Lnnd Of sisted by a local military force, Clayton, New Mexico, at 2 o'clock home llfo of the nation. Mexico. Clayton, N. M., on the, 11th day limpia y sin llmilos, y siendo que flee, at which proudly called themselves tho of said day, the Her campaign has been distin- II. II. ERRETT. of November, 1922. Boys." It in afternoon esta adornada con tan bellas y "the Oreen fountain following doscrlbcd real estate, lo- - guished by forceful speaking, finas 3 0 Register. Claimant names as witnesses: was these same men who played calificasiones y quo es Steveison, Leo Hauser, Tt. dignity, fairness and a convinc- la única mu James II. such a brilliant part during the wit: que NOTiri! POI PUBLICATION M. Cushman, Tip Roberts, sll of Hay Twenty-Tw- o MRS. OTERO-- W IUIEN ing demonslralion of her clear jer anda corriendo do cundida Revolution. East half of Saolion den, N. M. ee understanding of Ihe outselli- la en esle rondado el pueblo sin ro- - In 1777 a formal Constitution (22) Township Twenty-Thr- Republican Candidate for Rep- Department of the Interior, 'II. S. II, It. ERnETT. Range serba llovería do elojlrla y 11-- state was adopted and (23) North of ng nationa' issues and problems dar un Land Offico at Clayton, New Mexico, 3 Register. for the ur E.N.M.P.M. in resentative I" Congress. and her ability to deal with tham, demuestro al publico que aprecian October 7. 192 Vermonters are proud of the fact Thirty-Fo- (3D el voto mujeril y quo tomismo quo Notice Is hereby given that Walter NOTICH FOn PUBLICATION that theirs was the first of the Union County. N. M. quo I. Ocle, of Pennington. N. M.. who. on states to prohibit slavery by as may be nee-oasa- ry quieren las mejores voten por Department of Interior, U. 8. or so much theroof Wis maue uomesieao appu- - the constitutional provision. For a Immli...... ,..,.I. i..i.i.. "" ' Clayton, New Mexico. lo satisfy the judgment, In ud luimiimi iPltion, No 026610. for HHNISK, NEW Ijind Office at number of years Vermont re- votan por las mujeres lo October 10, 1922. and court costs anovo men- cual en SEW, Section 3. Township 23N.. Range, mained as a separate republic, terest senaria quo el pueblo del condado 31 B, N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice Notice Is hereby given that Charles tioned. That said Judgment is in 15. but In 1791 tt was admitted to do of Intention! to make Throe Year Proof, Pennock, of ML Dora. New Mexclo $1401.10, the inter- Union os juzlo y impareial tomen 13, 181S, Union as addition to iho sum of and to establish claim to the land above who, on June mdd Additional tho the first $W.02. todo os to on considorasioi caros loo- - Homestead Entry, Serial No. 024293, tha original thirteen states. est to tho date of sole wilt b described, before Register and Reeelv. costs uiro y voton por ia sonora, vvntio or, U.S. Land Office, at Clayton. N. M., for NWUNKU, Section SS, SWUSWM In site Vermont has 0,504. tngolhor with tho accruing y onsonon quo tienen simpatías por on the 13th day of November, 1922. Section 25, Township 26N. .Range 3ÍE., square miles, and Its congres- and salo, and a rea- names as N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of fixed by OTERO-WARRE- N ELECT- jps huérfanos, y que siempro quo Claimant witnesses: sional delegation numbers four. sonable master's fee to be MRS. WILL BE A. Q. N. Intention to make Final Three Year Charles Ingram, I Illokam, votes tb report sale- - hay oportunidad do extenderles ayu- Proof, to establish claim to the land It thus casts four for the Court aftor Iho of Cogdlll, K. K. Strauthkamp, all ot Pen- president. da lo basen. Volen por la Sonora N. M. above described, before Charles P. Tal- WITNESS my hand and seal this ADD YOUR VOTE TO SWELL HER nington, by McQInra SradlutO ED. Nw . While. II. It ERRETT. bot. U.S. Commissioner, at his office ($ jppr 20lh day of October, A. D, 108? 1 0 Register. In Clayton, N. M.. on the 11th day ot FRANK O. BLUE. SHE WILL JUSTIFY YOUR November, 19Í2. In Chaicory. MAJORITY. EL BKNOR ('.. E. ANDERSON. Nu- Claimant names ns witnesses: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Special Master estro candidato para superintenden- Davtd Mario tte, John T. Walker, Er tho District Court of tho Eighth Hugh B. Woodward. NOTICUJ la CONFIDENCE te de escuelas puhlieas El Señor VOn PUBLICATION nest Ilott. all nf Clayton, N. M. and Judicial District of the St'o oflrtiohard A. Tonmey, H'loyee Pcnjvock. Mt. Dora. N. M. C. K. Andejwon es E of New Mexico, Sitting Will.m and Clayton, Now Mexico un ciudadano de Department of the Interior, i: S I 11 H. KRRETT wuy I County of Union Attorney, for Pfatitttrf una mwxl tuoasipn, Land Office f, Dayton, New Mexico. 1') 13 II 10 Reciter for the , TUB CLAYTON NEWS. TOO MUCH HISTOHY T - A A AAAA.I....AAAAA1.A...A.A.. . A . . - . - . . - - . - . - - - One or the most nrofouml re- - x murks ie $ ultired that of . 4 . Ihe distinguished newspaper cor- - 1 1 U t I V HfcAUQUAK w nit. u. ttA..f .i.l...WIU I A rULI ILAL LKo ' imiirr uuvi, riMerc. mil. flor "looking over (lu sillín- - AjOtt o-JoJinso- Co. mm lion" almond, that Ukimtie it afflict-- ? A idace of Interest these days, hut the place car owners arc m wiiii un' iiiucii msiury. mo irou-i- s In the yrar around Is ble Willi r.urope is the sume as the z 3li6 Ztoxt forEvcrii&ocii trouble with Amorten. We in Amor. T iea are In no aurh deiwrnlc statu TIRE HEADQUARTERS as is but wo might profit l AIITLHS, to M"M"M by Ihi' same Iikdalrv ra-- It We nrc lien It comes nnythlnn In the relief. of I rial tradition anil nursing of age- - I hi- - line. Giu-- us a trial and be convinced oltt animosities, goes far In stirring; COMMANDING POWER up girire and storm with lie at- 18 GLADLY GIVEX TO THE MANY EXQUISITE GAItMDXTS THAT YOU WILL FIND TO BE EXCLUSIVE All ' ' tendant loss of power, prosperity YET NOT EXPENSIVE . '. ' and wurk . personality. I "Too Much' Ilislnrv' ha aim Uiianintccil ftCCTfilC motto found its way into society, ocnnnm- - x ll' ftllll rllirlntl- . . . tf jvuVnii untillimit Iniu linn!'lit ill II - I a. i un- luiiciiiaidn in ineii. wnnie matteri. m n In llm- Ii'i.M.1 IM .1. till chief of the allied I'd i'ii".in i.i mi- 1131 .1Ull...ilul.IH 111 - M. Hi U 11 I armies, have Sunday nlahl. ' - it Mt i n ni. when Judge been shot every night at sundown." .nnd is marched into the hall. The "This organization did just one TiaCIIKItt? ASSOCIATION HOLDS I ..irniiaiiiil-- l lllil ll'U'.llll IMI1I1 lir-- Ihing thnl justified ils existence, if lNTF-HESTIN- SESSION ded him with :i mighty blast of il had done nothing else. It put p As tmid in inoiintcil lilt oil the drive that got 1,000,000 ser-si- re 1 The t'ninn County Teacher...' As. . .1 fii 111 I Hi tun., run I I tn Hn tin ilt'ln- - men jobs in he face of nation- -- oeiulion met Saturday. October II. pale hulh stormed Hie press stand wide and foolish prejudice. il Iiedman Allho few 111 number m front of it. leaped Ihe barrier "And here's another thing. un- - learners were roynuy enier- - H,j Ihe ih'legnlloH-iiiarke- rs or "Cientleinen. must I 1... . . I . hll . ' . . w0 face the i ri..i 11 .... uiin.-i- iij in,;il. iiiiuiHM people una ipe lwo respective sinies Pi'Slim 111m. fads. You can't get rid of a fad ") nine was enjoyen. hall rocked with Ihe cheering. by denying a fad, any moro than N. W. Oliver of Pedan, vice nn Judge Lundis raiicd his hand for you ran help a legless man make a ident of the Association, presided silence. It fell. Ihiing selling shoestrings on a Street ""r the meetinir. The program of "i'lav hall!" should! one in the corner if you pass on the other side Hi.- - morning session was begun by a thousands of the crowd. Again of the .(reel. .M íenme Ü. address by James Cade. laughing pandei mini reigned. Hriniis l'p llospllnllatlon iHiTn 01 me iimi ueuman cnonl. to 'resented by i "I'm talking hospitalization, which Mr. Huff, City Siiprinlemlenl now And then with a Irilnile of "The mere ' of Clayton, responded. A very assertion that the S. words and few, llanfonl .Mae- - broken iclims of re- exhibition of the Deihnan this war are Ú-.- . - imtiimnl eoin.naii.ler, pre,ent- - ceiving the best of hospital atten- i in.arv room enlnv,.,. hv- Mm ..... ed him: tion doesn't change the fact TO FULLY EXCELLENT IX . L. DOIT.LAS SHOES FOH A1E 'ai-her- and all participated in that APPHECIATU THE VALUES OFFKHKD ..i..'... we'se got a 'ind-lab- "Kenesnw Mountain Liinills." long road lo travel be- le rlisrussiun. A WOMEN AXI1 CHILUltEX ONE MUST HEALLY SEE THE SHOES niam fore we - lo by Mrs. James crowd thrilled to Hie our dtilv In llm 0. ""'"l wounded in nls of Ihe World War. ...i T n" "' n asm &rmmmvm iMisiniiMHiii ... rang "I know. I I rat m .Mía: iimicIi apprecia'ed. cneerinB form, imrsls minuto tell you know. I've long, to die away and crash forth lited Hie hospitals from (lie Gulf I olinwinft the basket hall game in again. to the Canadian bonier, from coast É FOIt MOIlE THAN U0 YEAHSj ulin-- Iiedman was ii;torious over THE HXSE.MHLE OF FASH- - Von been uood to m In coast, North and South alike, and Moines, in Ihe early afternoon liae inc. QUEEX QUALITY SHOES FOIt le I tell you that ir peo- IS COM- - 1 the Iciichers, friends." said Judge Lambs as Ihe the American I0XAI1LE DItKSS toKether with a few ple knew what we WOMEN AND MISSES HAVE I - silence held at hist, to have not done Mu- citizens, journeyed to the the simial of PLWrED It Y STYLES IN fj his tmlifled hand, "flood to me for our there'll ha STOOD FOIt SHOKS THAT ipi lin mountain. Those who QUEEN QUALITY FOOT- - many limes in the past when I precious little ..ouuil sleen nimin?. limbed to the eraler, fell well re- have SATISFY EVKIIY HEQUIUK-MEX- T heeii your guesl posts Ihe civilian population of America Í paid for the efrort put forth, bul in local and WEAfl THE FIT WHEHE OI'KUIII.alilllLs. Iiul todav I tliee days. OF STYLE AXD 'i "iihly repaid after descending to stale OTHHHS FAIL enjoyed the "If we. the people America, arp find a sumptuous picnic supper all bae ultimate lest of of cady fur their partaking. your friendship and your hospital- fit and worthy to receive the bene- ity when you nurmitled me to bur fits of what you did for us in France The evening program ". ' M consisted of glarize into your national comen- - we. the .Ki.rjOO.OOO who did not fight, ' ' fj ''I 'J WiVM'ii'i .iM'TIW.VI ... mine ery well rendered songs and lion at the bead of my home town we'll fix it so that isn't n civ- dances by the high there school pupil. hand. ilian with all his money who can Hid a most interest ing address by set "Your oilier organizations may any better hospital service than the Wc sell Phoenix Silk and Silk ami J II Wagner, president Nor-- of the n humblest victim of (his war. il t'niversily I,ns Vegas. have symptoms of music, lmt for Wool Hose for Men, Women and at Mr. - : .cal harmony, been in Tu na Children because they oil- the Hose "d Mrs. V.,mier's presence were that home town band "We'e derelirl our duty, yr J f mine thirty men, count the people of America And uhicli (jive inileauo service. v much appreeiated iy ihe cit- 'em hae. hirly every We SHOES , SHOES izens as well as Ihe teachers. Their one a Lcirinimairo and wouldn't have evn touched the eery one from a different branch threshold of this problem's solution mill mm ilHCI'i'lllTr--l 'ml l!lli 'it,' MI'IIA Wri'lM! lili, 'V!U llll, in :.,:,! rju iui aliiiihiiiti ,j niiiiiriM. i'iiii v interest in the learner is dcmoii-"rate- d Till T'i .an .luiininaii" of you'll but for night by the fact that tlicy trav- sence. Thai's where net the and day ceaseless real vigilance of (he eled 150 milos in a car to spend less music. American Legion. 'When we News-B- " n a day with file Association. somersaulted into Ihe "There's another thing in which Clayton est Advertising Medium in Union County war in 1917." he when the I can you Tlie following teachers were pros, leli the facts. I'm not. in laughter and applause of (he home office. And I don't want any ofjice. cnt: ItEPUBLICAX SPEAKING Congress, since John Morrow is town hand had died down, "I had m I can tell you the truth about il. "And I want lo touch on the per- The Eastern New Mexico Press Mr. and Mrs. - James 0. Cade; Miss it in mind that you'd co awav into I hardly keeping tho pace.- It was ' refer to Hie thing that has boon formance of some gentlemen here in Association was recently organized aisy Pinson, Miss Carrie I.eo Col-M- rs. The llepublieans captivated the the army, thai you'd go across, that Ihe bonus. 1 profitable for the people of Clayton Lillion said America while you were on the oili at Portales. This should greatly Preston, Miss Bird iiiii"' or you would come hack, and . crowds this week with Iheir speak- - -- er side. I want to talk about some assist the member editor-- to meet her. well Misses Edna and Lou Win- I i - that would stand nn the side lines 11)17 ing, and while they may not have 1! "In there was some disturb- of our crooks. God knows we had Judge Davis and Delgado are Mrs. I.eMoine Presión, all of and watch you perform. Hut not I Mr. ance in Kurope. We heard about 'em. made votes by their eforts, they splendid gentlemen, and good speak- "ilman; and Mrs. J. W. Metrh-- f only do you allow me to visit you as Miss (Joldie it over here after awhile. Some- "I know something about cruoks. RED GROSS JOINS IN 'did give Ihe people of Clayton and ers. The forco of their arguments Wieliam, Mr. C. L. your guesl. m actual v nennit mo ' Miss body said, 'Let's go to war.' We Ami I bclievo that tho prize crool. Union counly some food for thought can hardly bo denied, and they will "'no'. Anna Crater. Mi.s participate in your proceedings. agreed. he-fo- pussy-fo- 'lenient me lvie, Mias L'rma Duhhs, Then some fellow said, re is the crooked politician who in Ihe addresses presented. .Mrs. likely bo elected. Y'ou give me a place in your organ you v - l.elha Anderson, can go to war you've got oted while his country was at Warren is a splendid speaker, a Tho Republican speeches were all of Des ization. I tell you words are bank- M Misses to have an army.' And some old fel- war. woman of ability and in all proba- free from mud-slingin- g, and tho ins: Until Morrow. I'ran-- c rupt when it comes to an erforl to Wilson, lows from back in the forties, they would-b- e sla'rs-nia- n, bility the next Hepresenlallve in speakers made many friends. Lora Mae Hiley and tell you of my feelings for your "I've seen tliis Two Texas Communities Are Rid of M Malm of I'olsom; Itay-- said "That's rigid." una Supt. 1- magnificent hosnitalilv. who said lo himself: 'How Malaria After Year's Work. "So we went the fiuures. We I "iid Huff. Louva Lee Wiley, and 'W lib you or can best cash in afler the war'?' folks now. as with the I,decided nature had Hose Couch nf ClayIon; X. V. 01-A- gov that made man He figures the smart thin; lor htm ermnenl smce he war ended, all fi( Two communities In the Southwest- - Misses Doris Harris, ,,nsl l0 riR, 1)(.,W(.L)Il ., lo do was keep Mill. Sn he went A A and Vernn is not peace and harmonv. lo em Division Infected with innlniin of Redan; Mrs. f 20 and 30,, C. It. Smith, of "They have lied ahnut tliis ml i hiding, beintr ubovo 30 years of linve been rid of this pest In the 1 oi "We rem die. . came to you young men, and ngr. He Ranif-alion- I thinks that afler the war Insl lvo jears by the work of the and want to be hero 'aid: 'We've bestowed a great P Mrs. S. K. Warren Ml. Dora; s I honor is over, there lire elements in Ihe American Itcd Cross, according to of Mrs. hat can nail a few of the lies ,m you. MP We've declared wa. jeo. - Stales who will gratefully Muteimmts made by of these Larkin of (uy: Mrs. Xnnnie nun uii- ueiug ioiii annul nie Amor I'li'ted citizens Germany. Now you can go out and conduct, coiiumuiltles. One of these sections l'.i.le and Mi. l. K. Iliirdway of lean Legmn. I've Irad nnie exner- - remember hi treasonable . I Is . l.fl.l l.f. llns M -,... .".I- - ... - - lick the Ciermans. nrouiiil Calvert and Hcnrne. Tox II!.. uiauys leuce wun perjurer, m my lue and that he'll profit thereby. .ius I time Uproarious where tlio County I .'l 'V I.1L.'1. fl'lllll Vlnlaltn., .11 , laughter filled Ihe Itnbertsnn Chapter '.in-- I A whiMip "Wo have 'cm in Ihe United Slates .in .'iiiiiiii-- liny wild of appreciation) ball.i nf Hie American lied Cio-- s nnü the liobcilMin Mrs. I - crunk.-- . and T. S. Ilorh, .r split Ibo of In- nov.', those Their heads are - I air ball. local health niitliurltles hand- I "Then somebody up and said: worked ofia: Miss Lillie Hennigan, Co "It was only recently slicking im all over the country, to Dial I wont You'c got Hi nay an arinv.' And rid the district of the s'iit of FolflW counly; Miss Marie to man. .,f these days, slarting cimdida-eii- M iiiahirla-spreinlln- the emi,l,,v,. ti,.,..i il Iheir mosquito. i..... C.n. Supt. al least was agreed that an army of Union County of men, lo gel for office. According to tho offtclnl report of , an man a ically inusl be paid something. We Mr. and Mr. J. II. Wagner of Las Job. Tin off of service men. be "I ask one favor of yon. Just one the work done In this district, the Ini- egas !M,000.(K)0. however, who didn't fight tial step (old me favnr. Where such a fellow jiokes in the campaign was tho and didn't have to. agreed solemnly draining of pools, depres- Ml l lia.-- all ponds and present proclaim heni-- "Well jou'd c?t on I his head up, in any party, for any of-- their heller hat nothing was so had for an nrmv sions retaining stagnant water. This i tlianks to Uervice men,' I the teachers of Ded i. told bun. "Whv are as to overpay il." lice, nn any platform was done the first year. It required man you ' stJso9;"SÍSi for thPir untinnir efforts in off Ilium? So we fixed that pay at Sio a "PASTE HIM ONE FOIl ME." llie opening of original ditches nnd m.iKing me They're Association a success wild and fliirldv and month. Thirty dollars a month. other feats. Water they won't slny pul,' lie Impossible to snid. '.Now I know the men who foiishl SAY MHS. VVAHHEN WILL II WE drain was treated with no.NL'S WILL PASS, SAYS AVtH'.l "See here, Jim' said I. crude oll-- Intervals during Hie sum- 'Jim was on that 10 a inonlh pay. I went lilt; M.UOHITY LAMMS not his real mer of ltrji nnd bodies of water sn nnino.' 'Suppose you about them m Ihe camps. The only were at vour ton loeafed ns to he too expensive for mil dnl mi rear I among Santa Fe, X. M.. Oct. 31. While; - I found them was Ihe draining or oiling were stocked with Xfu- O'rlnnn ulirirnunl... . ,., r.,.ii... n,,.l - H,,,i.Stlaea e. ,,.,, lililí ....I..1I1UIII- republican estimates vary widely asl - I fear that they wouldn't gel across. finmhusln Minnows, n local product HlS hoiit- nf urhiln tinin , inn. m. Vmi trfi ii'iMi ltli,-- nnl it " "ii." nun "ini l'illi I ' iiiiii nun. nui illlUWlllg "And then we of the IHiiVKlfKin lo tho majority claimed as likely, found in prolific quantities In Hint alii.ul hit head, his clenched, Vf,u twi ilsli "r ""'ee davs to fix tin went back to wprk in our civilian all headquarters estimates and re-- 1 section, which Is n deadly enemy ot 'Killing jaw juiiing inrward, your aiiairs. huppo'e you were field, agree the mosquito I pursuits and everybody wised polls of workers that larvae. li i.iink'.u, fi....ii...i r -.- ti- i ..i: i.. I.. - i i tho iinuni iiiiiiis, naiiiingi " " n iniin 10 a camp. Volt prices and wages were raised hnl Mrs. Adelflia Oloro-Warre- n, first Inspectors were employed nnd perl deral judge of ihe days, wore shown a cot Hint night odlcally visits vvero mnde In a house-to-hous- former where you still kept on fighting for the woman to seek election lo congress u- - Inspector Mii hi imseuuii oi lonay. J" couiii sieeii ii you were in luck. from New Mexico, will be elected by Inspection. These Mime thirty dollars. Everybody got lnokeil particularly to rnln wnter, nc thi fourth annual ronventink '.More yells of unnreeinlinn a large majority. Early the cam- f ins pay raised lmt you, and you bad in riiinillntlons In open cans and othqr the American Legion by storm "Then in Ihe early dawn, paign - to stick nl your $30. reports were pul in circula- vessels, gutters, etc., nnd nn oiler ac- eunesoay morning .New they Spanish-speakin- in Orleans. "'"'K called a bugle broko "Tho tion that in the g nil This new jfínr ss i swisiavsfw S whole 00,000,000 of us agreed companied the Inspectors, oiling albmgly he scored the hindiies loose, anil von were mi to counties sho would not receive these I thai. All bul I. a.aughler). And the wnters. Particular attention sugar-coate- d i'l il DOlltiral WusinUi. ;i .... I UKf y in m. - nf . .un. ufiel i. ill i.i.... op-.- vntt j.iu un .nun nuiiumer, every one of the ÍMI.00O.00O with pai ly vote because of an alleged of was paid to old wells, cisterns and f nilterly he arraigfled the "96,000,000 and were - inarched with it until whom I have talked agrees that ev ilion lo women candidates for of various kinds.- The results have gum delight of us who didn't rhjhl for the mghfrall heen most gratifying. It Is reported, shock- - when you knew it weigh- erybody but him was responsible. high office. This, hei companions ing nf I nnd the mosquitos an; almost com- young and old failure ihe nation to raro for a ton. And at last they put you 'So m Ihe campaign tours assert is en- (he now the only ipiostion is: pletely eradicated from the locality. wounded men." Causlicaly he in a train and hrouiihl vim tn fililti Has tirely without foundation. They say flayo.1 tliis country the conscience and A similar campaign In Cherokee lh "perjiireni who aro lying M"lr nn.l put you m tlu UriUnn re- It "melts in your . of lellgonce enough .to save ils thai everywhere she has been County, 1. 1, mil llm I ...... r I. ..I.:.. i i ... snnl Tex., Iind a slmllnr result ii snip huh mm r ranee, and to begin to discharge its ceived with enthusiasm and that During the enrly fall of 1021 a mala and gum And dobt mouth" the in the of then von iui...... ,,i,. ...,,i to ils army?" among tho Spanish-spakin- g people rlnl survey of the county was made by (hose lies!" lie ahnnlmt n... inln Mm f,...i,i i .' digestion, " uhll in, i ...vw Univ.i,. nun your "I am support for line candidacy is prac- Hie American Ited Cross Chapter. A center remains to aid giant convent for the adjusted compensa- ion hall rang with lhi huddles fall on exery side nf you tion." tically unanimous. Those who have report was compiled nnd chnrts made I .....I il ...... ' brighten teeth and soothe mouth frantic ann!aue. urn youpg. .... Albu-(UiT(u- showing the exact percentage ot men yiiu Kni ;n, (,PI)i Airaln nnrnnrinoc Minni-- riltiul llm studiod the situation say thai o, Says iKuutM Will Pnvs mnlnrlal Infection In each school dis- after hoipital after hospital, at lat hall. Mlnulo aflor a democratic- city, will and throat. I (el you to- minute llie wild trict. These findings were taken as n "Arvl as I stand hera - you got home. cheering give Mrs. Warren a majority of 300 miu-nlli- I continued. basis the ex- dnv. w enileil... "llisl llm "1 nab vmi in .1 !..,. for work, which has been - II, HUH.Ii... IMIIHII IÜK I kllOVV t lo 100. It is claimed J'. int Oil lilis nnrlirtilni' that she will tensive since Its beginning. Two nnl-tiir- There are the other bonui the adjusted eompensntion up your work where you left ma- I , it off? subject all is not harmony, reduce tho normal iiemocralic engineers, a physician "and two I. Ill ...III 1. . - .. II 1.- -. J 1 I . . hut I in iiiiii- a I... uno, ne nam "I friends to choose from, too: mi rttii ini ii ubi rig.ii; niiu lo me: vh want nils debt disohargod so jority in suoli deniocralu' lowiu a public health nurse are In" charge of Iwen ilamnml ttu thai h when my time comas In mdnp nn rnswell, Doming and Silver City, the work of malaria control, under the Time afiei lime as Judg Landi "llie man on whom- - I wenL I - general direction of J. A. LcPrtnce of behalf Hocounl, oon.havo a clear con- - hud that sho will have fat mnr- than DOke, llie an of tin- - gn-- audi'or- - lo ee him got ioh. the U. S. Public Health Service and the Thai man wiflnce. I don't want lo die in ilabt lh average rWpuhiiran vole m uv- - Hi I Ituréau of Child Hygiene of the Texas nuil rocked v.. the hidii'irg lisian stand here today,- is at the ...... hend . to you fighting ery county in Hur men. We had n bill the state. home State of Chero- 'ot liie Legioo'-.i'- i o, liack f iiini, Ii of the most important depart coi'ídy, Fe, Board Health and the moni In congress. It had a lot of Santa and her clmdUood kee Red man. , vola. Chapter of tho American j in iiim mini-- in .mi a year, ins l Hut lt.dicln I become a law. I'U say home, Valencia county, nrp reported Cross. The fighting yoiilu of Ami'rna pay was doubled be msiiie of thirty nothing more about that.'' (More lo practically unanimous for The campaign la too new ns yer to i i. ... n. - ...i.i..... nlu--e ,la- i j i.i iii un.i. I'liiuii n, un- iikiiiiii - after lie l'uI llie juh wild chftenng M. Wurieii. report conigst sucre, but gratify .'I ' 1.1U.I. whose o n muí a an "ar tul "l- llulil -I'll ..IV l.l ll HO "' I toll yu this. Adjusted log results have been obtained and the no-- e Willie nail in pit tiiiesipii flighty ir I d heen Hii.nigh' what voul compensad oh is rigbl. o right thai Finpii'e un cornpan lit Hanover mnlnrlal Infction In that district is ill-,- ,; w-i'- l .... rrry ,iv flouted like a battle Kífjliov Ihri.iiL'li I if must become a lavs "nvinmg..... a in bav. loo un mploycd within a much dcrencd over 'he con null--- I i the year jt M die i iuwil a flag thai iw I had iiiiiiin.l. in ngbt gs that, wdl become a law W. el, dl'lons ei previous