Shadows a Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Division of the University of Hawai'i in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Fo
UNIVERSITY ~f HAWAii L.lj,).""",_ - SHADOWS , A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI'I IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF • MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN DANCE AUGUST 2007 By Celia Ann Wright Thesis Committee: Gregg Lizenbery, Chairperson Betsy Fisher Paul Maley -' r We certify that we have read this thesis and that, in our opinion, it is satisfactory in scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Masterof Fine Arts in Dance , -.THESIS COMMITTEE .. • -"'- 1 Ai< " I IRlmmmDI~m~tW~~n 10 004226160 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII HAWN CB5 _H3 1 no. 3 L-/ 3 C-f TABLE OF CONTENTS " Chapter 1 Thesis Proposal Introduction,., ...... ,., .... ,.,., ...... ,., ........ ,., .... ,.,., .... 3 Master Thesis Performance Proposal., .... ,. , .,.' .. '. :., .... 5 Production Information. , .... , . , ...............................7 Proposal Deadl~nes ............................................. 8 Chapter 2 Creative Process ..........................................9 Chapter 3 Performance and Reflection .............................13 Appendix A Spring Footholds 2007 Program and Poster ......... 16 , .j ,I • 2 .. '., ," Chapter 1 Introduction Returning to school was not ~ easy decision. It elicited many questions: Why? What is . the purpose? is the achievement necessary? Is the time right? Now, as I am finishing my last year at the University of HaWaii, I begin to understand the process and I revel in it. There have been many changes in my life during the past two and a half years and'''my thesis project embraces and reflects them. ,. My background in dance began with classical ballet, not in a rigid, structured format but in a small, let's-have-fun school. This naturally developed my love for dance - the friendships, the physical exercise, and the ecstatic joy of moving through space.
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