(U,Th,Rn) Concentrations in Norwegian Bedrock Groundwaters. NGU Rapport 93.121
NO94 0004 5 NGU Rapport 93.121. Radioelement (U,Th,Rn) concentrations in Norwegian bedrock groundwaters. NGU Rapport 93.121 Radioelement (U.Th.Rn) concentrations in Norwegian bedrock groundwaters. Postboks 3006 - Lade 7002 TRONDHEIM Tlf. (07) 90 40 11 Telefax (07) 92 16 20 NOflGÉS GEOLOGISKE UNOEHSØKH.SE RAPPORT Rapport nr. 93.121 ISSN 0800-3416 Gradering: Apen Tillei: Radioelement (U,Th,Rn) concentrations in Norwegian bedrock groundwaters. Konscntrasjoner av radioaktive grunnsloffer (U,Th,Rn) i grunnvann fra fast jjell i Norge. Forfallen Oppdragsgiven David Banks (NGU), Oddvar Røyset (NILU), Terje Strand (NRPA), Helge Skarphagen (NGU) NGU, NILU, Statens Strålevern (NRPA) Fylke: Kommune: Østfold, Nord-Trøndelag, Buskerud, Akershus Hvaler, Leksvik, Steinkjer, Mosvik, Flatanger, Nesodden, As, Bærum, Hole, Kongsberg, Moss Kartbladnavn (M = 1:250.000) Kartbladnr. og -navn (M= 1:50.000) Oslo, Skien, Trondheim, Namsos Various, 1913-III (Fredrikstad) Forekomstens navn og koordinaten Sidetall: 43 Pris: 65,- Kartbilag: Feltarbeid utført: Rapportdato: Prosjektnr.: Ansvarlig; 1992-1993 31.12.93 63.2589.00 Wv^AI . Sammendrag: Twenty-eight samples of groundwater from bedrock boreholes in three Norwegian geological provinces have been taken and analysed for content of æRii, U and Th, together with a wide variety of minor and major species. Median values of 290 flq/1, 7.6 /jgJ\ and 0.02 /ig/1 were obtained for Rn, U and Th respectively, while maximum values were 8500 Bq/1, 170 /ig/1 and 2.2 jug/1. Commonly suggested drinking waters limits range from 8 - 1000 Bq/1 for radon and 14 to 160 jig/1 for uranium. Radioelement content was closely related to (ithology, the lowest concentrations being derived from the largely Caledonian rocks of the Trøndelag area, and the highest from the Precambrian Iddefjord Granite of South East Norway (11 boreholes) where median values of 2500 Bq/1, 15 j/g/1 and 0.38 pig/I respectively were obtained.
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