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Report Resumes REPORT RESUMES ED 019 238 SE 003 939 REORGANIZED SCIENCE CURRICULUM!, 58, FIFTH GRACE SUrPLEMENT. MINNEAPOLIS SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, MINN. EDRS PRICE MF -$0.75 HC - *7.00 173P. DESCRIPTORS- *BIBLIOGRAPHIES* *CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, *CURRICULUM, *GRADE 5, *TEACHING GUIDES, ASTRONOMY, BIOLOGY, EARTH SCIENCE, PHYSICAL SCIENCES, SCIENCE EQUIPMENT,SCIENCE MATERIALS, SCIENCE ACTIVITIES, SCIENCE COURSES,MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, THE EIGHTH IN A SERIES OF 17 VOLUMES, THIS VOLUME PROVIDES THE FIFTH GRADE TEACHER WITH A GUIDE TO THE REORGANIZED SCIENCE CURRICULUM OF THE MINNEAPOLISPUBLIC SCHOOLS. THE MATERIALS ARE AUGMENTED AND REVISEDAS THE NEED ARISES. THE FIFTH GRADE SUPPLEMENT IS IN TWO PARTS.CONTAINED IN 5A ARE THE INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL, THE CONCEPTSSECTION, AND THE RESOURCE UNITS SECTION. RESOURCE UNITSARE INCLUDED FOR HEAT AND THE UNIVERSE. THIS VOLUME!58, CONTAINS THE SECTIONS ENTITLED (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOKS,(2) BIBLIOGRAPHY, FILMS, AND (3) EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. (DH) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION For discussion purposes only THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO HOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY of BOOKS FOUND USEFUL in the TEACH DIG OF THE SCIENCE UNITS for Grade Five Correlated to the Major Topics as found in the Reorganized Science Curriculum Minneapolis Public Schools Science Department 8.24-64 For discussion purposes only Grade Five TABLE OF CONTENTS Major Topics Page Color Introduction to Science C. Methods.. 1 Gray I. The Earth G.Weather and climate 3 Pink II. Living Things A. Life and life processes 6 Green B. Classification 8 Green E. Human body 10 Green III. Energy B. Sources and conservation of energy. 11 Yellow G. Electrical energy 12 Yellow I. Heat and infrared radiation 114 Yellow T. The Universe A. Earth 16 Blue B. Moon 17 Blue D. Solar system. 011000.104 18 Blue E. Stars and galaxies 20 Blue The annotations for books found onthe following pages were obtained from many bibliographieswhich were consulted in the preparation of this list. r For discussion ,purposes only Grade Five introduction to Science Reading C.Methods Tchr.Illus. Learning Pupil Ref. Activities InterestLevel Barret, Raymond E. _1963 ..BUIID IT YOURSELF Good, SCIENCE LA.BORATORY Doubleday. $i.k.0 This (fully illusitrated book tells to build 200 pieces of useful science equipmentout of inerlensive materials fbr experiments -7- and obseriations, iri 9hemistztro physcs, and biology as well as in astronomy, geology,, and Meteorology. Beeler,' Nelson V. and Branley,, F. 1917 Average EXPEgINENTS fl SCIENCE * , Crowell. $2.95, Home exPerimeritS withsimple- materials.Clear directions and illustrations. Beeler, NelsonF. anct Brabley, F. no- 19$? IltPERIIENTSWITH. A mmoscopE Crowell. $3.50 P,ractical research, ideastra many fields,and &tvice on the care and'use of themicroscope; * Gbod *8 EIrcellent 'For discussion purposes only Grade Five Introdiciion to Soience- C.continue0 Tchr. Learning Pupil Ref Activities Interest Beeler, Nelson and Bran ley,JF. M., 1950 KPRE EPERMTS IN SCIENCE ** Crowell. $2.05 Experir4ents with simple ingredients that give answers to pew questions aboutheli- copters; telegraph,stethoscopes, refrigerators and numerous other things. 1 s Van Atta,FriedE. 1062 HOW;TO HELP SCOUR CHILD - IN GRADE SCHOOL SCIENCE Random. ,$5495; GIToftimbyrgre49 guride,tfor pwentspmaredby.teacher. Vergara, Wi1Z3.amC. 1058 SCIENCE IN EVERYDAY THINGS Harper. Answers- to `Ipildreds of interesting and scientific questions. NN, Ives * Good 4E* ,Fbccellent, A-1 For discussion purposes only Grade Five Introduction to Science A.Attitudes (including history)chr. usLearning pil Rea. ing , , Ref. ActivitiesInterestLevel Gourlay, Walter E. 1963 , . PICTURE BOOK OF 'TODAY'S . SCIENTISTS * Average Diffi- .. cult Sterling . $1.99 In short accounts, each illustrated' by a. photograph, 'the author presents 2S con- temporary reseex'eh scientists whose greateSt achievements have taken place within the Y last ten years:- He combines very brief biographical in, .. _formation' with, at: concise explanation of their dis 1,... coveries, ofields of i research, including such men as Libby, Seaborg, WoOdward, Pauling, Salk, Von Braun,, and Van Allen, as others less well . as well . knqun. _ . , ----,----------------.7...... , , . , ' . - . *Good **Excellent Nommemsoril NI I 111 ON I IMIN al I I 1 I I I I I R 16.44 on 4' prz, . ye:,*trin) broduk; titan Setkenc ory,e,1. v ijL t C. Math Jfit4 riAP a 1 imourr-wsw.........evArevanoisearraemalocalatc,......r...--aws ahaw-...-alaw-maaa....o...-aargarx,tatt.ot./.4. or. s.cnvaa,c.vaavaeur. ,,,,,,,,,........4.-...*,,,,,.....T.0... oparil ElizabuthK 1958 1 0 SCIENCE I YOUR WM BACKYARD Hart $3 00 Siiip1alzpcx:Lnleata involwiTaf?; s and z=c4 oksfosoils 9 ext.:..26*. t. Planta1, b2.24.S 1.11,96(, Ls ttrtlynas.o;,fsAkructo waRttr-yr and s 'cora ...As...01......,......--........o. -....-,,,,,,ww". ragrifttat..gsmorr *nu-rtawl.=1341enrsmL.2- ...60.1.01t f..0.1:70.5 41-4,124.7,,..M.27,1=.1101111111OrlaW.C. rraccal,... v*"...t,14,..4 -At, % .. ma...r=r,s- J i I 1 atr.s.--,Arwurs..._sm-ratz,,ftemnocr.-viacts3cmalmts;JJ,-.4.11 wit.Cor tf V * Good Eadellera For discussion purposes only .3. Grade Five I. The Earth G. Weather and Climate Tchr. Illus.Learning Pupil Reading Ref. ActivitiesInteres Level Feravolo, Rocco V. 1963 JR. SCIENCE BOOK OF WEATHER EXPERIMENTS ** X Good Good Easy Garrard. $2.50 Gives many weather experiments and directions for making instruments. Gallant, Roy A. 1957 EXPLORING THE WEATHER ilH* X X Good Average Garden City. $2.50 An attractive and informative book about the weather, with many pictures and diagramsin color. Hitte, Kathryn. HURRICANES, TORNADOES Average AverageEasy AND BLIZZARDS * Random House. $2.19 The raging, destructive storms that affect all mankind. Knight, David C. 1961 Average THE FIRST BOOK OF AIR * X r Good Average Watts. 432.50 Contains air experiments for the young reader to do. I 1 Mit.S0......0romaN00.411.~..=.11 ! * Good 41*Excellent For discussion Grade Five purposes only Learning Pupil Reading I. The Earth .G. (continued) Tchr.Illus. Ref. ActivitiesInterestLevel Larrick, Nancy. 1961 RAIN, HAIL, SLEET AND SNOB * X Good Easy Garrard Press. $1.00 A first reader onmeteorology's accurate, with simple vocabulary. McGrath, Thomas. 1959 AveraceEasy CLOUDS * X Yelmont. $2.50 An elementary explanation of the various kinds of clouds and what they mean weatherwise, presented in attractive pictures and very brief text. Good for delayed readers. Neurath, Marie. 1960 Easy BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY * X Good Sterling. $2.69 Good. for slow readers. The simple text and lively Isotype illustra- tions show what causes such things as hurricanes,tornadoes and hailstormswhy the sky is red at night.-how lightning strikes --the reasons for shootingstars. .....................-------. _ Spilhaus, Athelstan F. 1951 Good ,Average Average WEATHERCRAFT X Viking. $2.00 Presents instructions for con. structing, operating, and maintaining important weather instruments. 0.0.MONIIIM * Good ** accellent For discussion Grade Five purposes only U.S.. Pupil Reading I. The Earth . G.(continued) Tohr.Illus.Learning Ref. ActivitiesInterestLevel Wier, Rose. 1956 Average THE FIRST BOOK OF WEATHER *it X Good Average Watts. $2.50 The origins and causes of various types of weather. Simple experfments and directions for making weather instruments and naps. I ........._-- * Good it*Excellent SCIENCE RESOURCE 200K BIBLIOaPAPAY -Grac.2 Ves.,ur Addition to (Addendum) Page 5 The Earth ,,,,,,....,. t ,..,,,,,,,,. t- .4,, ..., , ,,,,,,,,,_, 7.,,,c,51,1pra17,71.714,1,1d. 6 ,5N11,114.0.::40,,e4174+ 4..1.1.. r i Pupil .-.. A. History 1 Tchr.1111118 4 Learnmo' . .trAterE..1s1:1 Level ri 1 Af...ttiv:i:tlea j. f...4:4;44.4.1:4:41s4:44eser..44.4-41.11,...GTIWAN.,.................t....1Ref ,+.4,1,4.^.411/A+y,...,....11AICktn../....0410,4"7.....e7. , 444.4441.14404,441644a"W14.CIUMP.3114.0.,4,74444.104W01,.%704142ffaintAtas,KIC4--.4444sispr,e.444.44tvw I Watson, Jane Werner 1960 I V THE GIANT GOLDEN BOOK OFDINOSAURS AND OTHER PREHISTMICREPTILES ** Golden Press Dramatic pictimes and textin- troduce young people to manyof the creatures of prehistoric times =cr, 44,1/..te IIIVEW1401CallN1111144101004w,er$4,441,144"X:7ertWzrentr14451W,74.1 4J4401141701 .1001.0.eszva. noe 0414.46 4M41744,4t1r4v,,V.,40,1401 t!1444414* tam taort,t710,Msesvocutummevrrt. * Good ** Excellent ,oriwomiga SCIENCE RESOURCE BOOK BIBLSOGRAPHY Grada 5 Addition t,J ,(AdJaaltotiam) Paga 5 1. Thy Eakth aSd1 G. Weather and Cpl: mat I Activiti$4 nti:TrestIsvelX4.4.1t..r rav:srsa.7s +.a riet=rosova-,A 41rIftri,t Adler9 Irving 1959 1ATHER Ia YOUR LIFE 4 Day $3.50 Includes weather phenomma their clauses and afeAs. satatherfommsting. Also disausseo brieflymacs effoyta t3 control the ueather, Illus. trailed with drauings, photJ. graphs and diagrams. I, .4. I-m.; ..cant. en= wen, rs... K.17113 Bonsall, GecTge(BIR(*.,4.tvx3,,, Paul E. 1, Pld 19 A ikkveragi THE HOW AM 1..arr BOOK OF WEATHER G 50d Grooset MG° Answer.? Oasie questions about the YtkilaatOx emphasizing eyperi rAnto. .51.:17/1,47,L..- A Forrester, 'Frank 1957 100. QUESTIONS ANSWEREDABOUT THE t , X .1, Gnd WEATHER g i t i Dodd $6,00 i Diemesoowather conditions a various countriwo of the woT115 1 and the infimanee of neathr upon, certain histawioal events. i q 1 ..........--....--...c.........L.--sdae.....r11-,,--.....,=.71",7==. *Good *0 Excalleml SOISNCE RESOURCE BOON. 11.ELIOGRAPHY - Grad& 5 Addition t:a (Aetclaufzea-a) Page 5 I.Th Erh - G. (ooncinued) Lsarning Parra Iliadjur ACM Vi 'Li fl Intfbrest, Leve3, Spar, Joromp 1957 THE WAY OF THE WAITER i** Go-Qd Average Creatiiva Educational Soc:. $7,50 A nagnificomtbr illusrated rb r duction to mather, air and 4 Clina)Leo 1 t 1 ,......,..,..,,... c, mew : n.11-.te,,,,c-nt,-_.1mntesr:rec.,-.....Crag ti......-...-..,c...- .....,....1.w.G., ti I) i Lacelle 1959 ti B g.
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    NPSFofmlO-900-a <*** App™*"> 1O24-O018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Section number ———— Page SUPPLEMENTARY LISTING RECORD NRIS Reference Number: 98001400 Property Name: Reynolds, Grant!., House County: Minnehaha State: South Dakota Lustron Houses in South Dakota________ Multiple Name This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with the attached nomination documentation subject to the following exceptions, exclusions, or amendments, notwithstanding the National Park Service certification included in the nomination documentation. /y£pi*Jl+-~ //? C^^^^-^ December 2. 1998 Signature of the Keeper Date of Action Amended Items in Nomination: Section 8. Significance: The period of significance is, hereby, amended to read "1950" to correspond to the property's date of construction. Michelle Saxman-Rogers of the South Dakota State Preservation Office was notified of this amendment. DISTRIBUTION: National Register property file Nominating Authority (without nomination attachment) NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 (Rev. 10-90) United States Department of the Interior RECEIVED 2280 National Park Service c NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES /\ NAI REGISTER OK HISTOR;J :'i.;(-f REGISTRATION FORM ___NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ' '" This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested. If any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions.
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