8.1 Scientific Papers, Proceedings
8.1 Scientific papers, proceedings 1. ALEPH Collaboration., L3 Collaboration., OPAL Collaboration., LEP Working Gropu TPP., Baksay G., Nagy S., Raics P., Szill´asiZ., Tarj´anP., Veszpr´emiV., Zilizi Gy., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Comparison of deep-inelastic electron- photon scattering data with the HERWIG and PHOJET Monte Carlo Models. European Physical Journal C 23 (2002)201. 2. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Search for single p leptoquark and squark production in electron-photon scattering at see = 189 GeV at LEP. European Physical Journal C 23 (2002)1. 3. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Search for Yukawa Pro- duction of a light neutral Higgs Boson at LEP. European Physical Journal C 23 (2002)397. 4. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., et al.: Investigation of the decay of orbitally-excited B mesons and first measurement of the branching ration BR(B*J!B* Pi(X)). European Physical Journal C 23 (2002)437. 5. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Particle multiplicity of unbiased gluon jets from e+e¡ three-jet events. European Physical Journal C 23 (2002)597. 6. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Measurement of Z/γ* production in compton scattering of quasi-real photons. European Physical Journal C 24 (2002)1. 7. Abbiendi G., Dienes B., Horv´athD., Tr´ocs´anyi Z., Ujv´ariB., et al.: Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with the OPAL detector at LEP.
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