volume 60.qxp_Layout 1 14/12/19 10:33 Pagina 23 Atti Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Trieste 60 2019 23 - 54 XII 2019 ISSN: 0335-1576 LA FAMIGLIA DELLE BORAGINACEAE Juss IN ITALIA: ANALISI BIOGEOGRAFICA AMELIO PEZZETTA Via Monteperalba n. 34, 34149 Trieste – E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract – The family Boraginaceae in Italy: a biogeographic analysis. “Boraginaceae” is an important family of Italian flora, widely known and studied. The present work reports the list of all the entities reported in Italy, analyzes their regional geographical distribution, identifies the main distribution patterns, presents a phytogeographic analysis and tries to explain origins and migratory movements on the basis of bibliographic data. In the national territory 128 infrageneric taxa are reported. The regional distribution of the various taxa is somewhat discontinuous: only 4 taxa are present in all regions; the others are distributed in one or a few regions, even in a disjointed way. The phytogeographical analysis indi- cates the predominance of the Endemic Geographic Element, followed by the Mediterranean. From the literature consulted it emerges that there are still uncertainties and opinions on the origins of the family, genera and species and the migratory movements that brought them to colonize the Italian regions. Keywords: Boraginaceae, check-list, regional distribution, biogeography, migrations, origins Riassunto – Con “Boraginaceae” s’indica un’importante famiglia della flora italiana, ampiamente conosciuta e studiata. Il presente lavoro riporta l’elenco di tutte le entità segnalate in Italia, analizza la loro distribuzione geografica regionale, individua i principali pattern distributivi, presenta un’analisi fitogeografica e cerca di discutere le origini e movimenti mi- gratori sulla base di dati bibliografici.