Don Meyer Clinic Notes

Perimeter Drills

Shooting Progression

1. Form shooting with no ball 2. Lay on back form shooting with no ball 3. Lay on back form shooting with ball 4. Form shooting off the glass – use the side of the bank board – try to hit the bolts 5. Form shooting trying to make – start in close and gradually work your way out

1 on 1 Moves / Ideas

1. Spin pass to yourself into triple threat 2. Dribble bust out after the ball goes through the hoop – Reverse pivot into triple threat Option: you can lolli pop pass the ball out and catch – reverse pivot into triple threat 3. Establish dominate pivot foot – drive hard towards the lead hand of the defense 4. Circle tight rather than rip the ball a. Small circle right with the ball when you drive left b. Small circle left with the ball when you drive right 5. Crossover drive needs to have a big step Direct drive needs to have a medium first step and a big second step – Keep a low center of gravity

Wing Progression

1. Start with a 3 pointer 2. Drive middle across the rim finish – drive baseline across the rim finish 3. Pull up jumper off the drive (middle drive – baseline drive) 4. Quick shot (middle and baseline) 5. Space maker – plant with inside foot to create space from defense (middle and baseline) 6. Hesitation (middle and baseline) 7. Jab Step to the 3 ball 8. +2-2 (+1 for a swish, 0 for a make, -1 for a miss)

Scoring: Makes = 1, Swish = 2, Miss = 0

Power Dribble Done into protective dribble o Slide forward and backwards o Quick between the legs to change directions o Be low and tight

Pull Back Crossover Progression: Side-to-side, front, baby step, lunge step, ALL OUT 3 Out o Take the ball towards middle of floor at 45 degree angles – FAST o Pull back crossover to change directions – between the legs to switch to the other hand o 3 dribbles forward – 2 dribbles back Full court 2-on-1 Rule: Offense goes the length of the floor to score o Don’t try to split the defense, attack one of the 2 defensive players o Never turn your back to defense (reverse pivot) o Add a release man at half court to pass to . Release man must pass the ball back to the offensive player

Release man

1 on 3 Full Court Defense can not leave their designate zone Offense tries to score

3 Different Speeds

3 Different speeds to the basket Last speed needs to attack the basket

for a finish Explode

Change Speed


1-2-3 Shooting 1. Start with a = 1 pt for no rim a. Use a shot fake b. Shoulder on hip of defense on the drive c. 1 dribble – jump stop – chin ball – shoot 2. = 3 points for a swish, 2 points for a make a. Use a shot fake b. Shoulder on hip of defense on the drive c. 1 dribble pull up 3. 3 shot = 4 points for a swish, 3 points for a make a. Teammate rebounds long shots b. Ball does not touch the floor – follow your shot

25 in a Row Cant miss 2 in a row If you miss 2 in a row, you have to swish the next shot to stay in o Run if you fail

4 Up 1 team has to get 4 shots ahead of the other team Once you get 4 ahead, your whole team needs to be sitting Each player needs to mimic the shooting motion (even if you are not shooting) Push ups for losers

Beat Steve Nash Make a FT = +1 Miss a FT = Nash +3 Make a jump shot = +1 Miss a jump shot = Nash +2 1st one to 10 wins ---- last shot has to have a shot fake involved

FT Game Make 4 pts with 3 FT shots o 1 make = +1 point o 1 swish = +2 points o 1 miss = 0 points Can split into groups 1, 2 or 3

+2 -2 FT Swish = +1 Miss = -1 Make with rim = 0 Goal is to get +2 before -2

16 FT in 6 Minutes (1-and-1 situation) Miss 1st FT you run a killer (5 dribble max on the length of the court) If you miss the backend of the FT, you run up and back 2 times with the ball If you make both FT’s, you have 1 sprint up and back with the ball Note: you can use NO rebounder

Team 1-and-1 1 at each basket Shoot the front end of a 1-and-1 FT ---- set a team goal If they don’t meet the goal – team runs

Buy the Bank Teams of 3 – Alternate shots 1 point for each make ---- team accumulates points Whoever misses accumulates those points

Cheer FT Take turns shooting FT If they miss, they run Those not shooting clap and cheer for the person shooting If someone is not cheering, team runs

Bubby FT Bubba = 75 Team = 73 3 people per team – all get 1 shot attempt ---- 1 point per make

Scrimmage When a player is taken out of the scrimmage o Has to make 6 FT’s in a row before he can come back in and play

Finishing with the Rim 1. Give a shot fake, and finish on the opposite side of the rim

2. Rim helps protect shot from being blocked

Windshield Wiper Shooting 1. Alternate from each spot (x) for a set amount of time - Baseline to Elbow - Elbow to Elbow - Elbow to Baseline

Transition Drill

1. Rip the ball through on the catch 2. Extend through the cut 3. Explode to the rim – work on middle drives as well 4. Coach can serve as the passer

Option: can pull up for jumpers on both middle and baseline drive

Transition Catch and Shoot

1. Rip the ball through on the catch 2. Extend through the cut 3. Explode to the rim – work on middle drives as well 4. Coach can serve as the passer

Option: can pull up for jumpers on both middle and baseline drive

Special Situations

Switching Defenses

Down Slip 1. On the down screen, the screener should look to slip O1 X1 and show to the ball.

X5 O3 O5

Screen Your Man 1. Screen your man to prevent slip. O1 X1 2. If your man fights through, screener slips

O3 X5


Dribble Handoff 1. Use a dribble handoff to get the match up you want X1 O1



Quick Slips from SLOB 1. On switching defenses from a SLOB, use a quick slip.

X1 O1

X1 X3 O2 O3 3 O5

Quick Slip with Hand Signals 1. Inside hand raised, quick slip. O3 X3 2. Outside hand raised is a screen 3

X1 O5 O1

Back Pick Slip 1. Has to be high for a back pick slip O3 3

X1 O1 O5

5 High Delay

1. Replace and fill 2. Post has to flash HIGH

O4 X4 X3 O3 X5


X1 X2

O1 O2

1. Back screen on a spread 2. Replace and fill

O4 X4 X3 O3 X5


X1 X2

O1 O2

Defending the Flex

1. Stop guard to guard pass O4 X4 O5 X5 X3 O3

X1 X2 O1 O2

1. Tunnel the down screen X3 O3 2. Down screen needs to have a tunnel for the O5 X5 X4 O4 person getting screened to get through 3. Need to shove the person through the screen X1 4. Get your bigs in the middle and guards up top X2 and then switch all screens O1 O2

1-4 Low Defense – Dork Trap O1 O5 X4 O4 X3 O3 X1 X5 1. O1 is the DORK – person guarding the dork will come trap the ball on 1-4 low clear out. 2. If the ball is passed to the dork, trapper recovers

X2 O2

1-4 Low Defense – Shooters in Corner O1 O5 O4 X3 O3 X1 1. O1 and O3 are shooters – person guarding the X5 X4 shooter will come trap the ball on 1-4 low clear out. 2. Everyone rotates over 1 position in the direction of the trap X2 O2

1-4 Low Defense – 1-1-3 O1 O5 O4 O3 X4 1. Play the passing lanes X5 X3 X1

X2 O2

5 Levels of Coaching

1. Survival – Don’t know anything

2. Striving for success

3. Satisfaction – Get to comfortable

4. Significance – Most dangerous time

5. Spent – Cant do it anymore

Delay Defense

Regular Defense

1. Use regular aggressive man to man defensive O4 O3 X3 X4 2. Deny passes, play help

X5 O5

X2 X1 O2 O1


1. Tunnel ball to sideline and trap O4 O3 X3 X4

X5 O5

X2 X1 O2 O1

Zipper (continued) O4

1. Tunnel ball to baseline and trap X3 O3

2. Other defenders need to rotate X4 X1 O2 X2 X5 O5


Trap 1st Pass

1. Tunnel ball to sideline and trap O3 X3 O4 X4

X5 O5

X2 X1 O2 O1


1. Need a hand signal

BLOB Defense

1. Ball defender needs to play at an angle and can not allow himself to get pined

2. Belly up the post

3. If they throw the ball to a corner, trap

4. Guard covers long corner

SLOB Defense

1. Play hands, eyes, feet of the passer

2. Play on the line up the line in the passing lanes

3. Don’t face guard because you cant see the ball

SLOB Plays

Play 1

O4 X4

X5 O5 X3 O3 X1 X2 O1

O2 Play 2

Our Basket

X4 O4 X1 O1 X5 O5 X3 O3 X2


Press Breaker

13 Breaker

O3 1. Catch and look opposite

2. Reverse the ball 2 times O1 O5 3. Don’t throw the ball over an athlete O4


Late Game Fouls

1. Have your best FT shooter take the ball out

O3 2. Be strong with the ball and be ready for the

O1 O5



Comeback Game

1. Put shooters in for offense ---- Sub defenders in during dead ball and time outs --- need to teach players how to foul

Full Court Specials

Spread into Iowa State


O1 O5

O4 O2

Kentucky Run Out


O1 O5

O4 O2

Spread Pull Iowa State


O1 O5

O4 O2

Wake Up

1. Goal is to draw a foul on X4 O3

O1 O5

O4 X4 O2

Home Run


O1 O5

O4 O2

Motion Offense For Freshman?

1. 4 out 1 in motion

a. Take turns back pick your way out

b. All players need to learn to play in the post; face the bucket

c. Also good for zone attack

i. Have your best player be the only cutter

d. “What you except in victory is what you also except in defeat”

Camp Drills?

1. Use split breaks – half the campers rest while the other half works

2. Use progression drills

Develop Young Coaches?

1. Allow them some responsibility and opportunities to talk and teach

2. Check on their progress

3. At the start of practice, each assistant coach has duties to perform

4. Ask your assistants for suggestions

5. Give the articles to read for development

6. Supplement their pay with help at camps

7. Have assistants who keep track of best zone team, best hold team….

Get Good Shooters Open?

1. – shooters have to run the floor

2. Off the ball (3 steps) – read the defense – then burst X O X O X O



Straight Cut Fish Hook Cut Back Cut




Fade Cut

Match Up Zone Principles – When To Play?

1. Cant play man to man defense --- play match up zone

2. If they cant attack a zone --- play match up zone

3. If they have a really good post player --- play match up zone

4. Keep bigs in smalls out – play match up zone 1-3-1 Zone?

1. Don’t allow someone to dribble from 1 quadrant to another quadrant 4 3

1 2

Rebounding Drills?

1. Use rebounding in every drill

2. You might have to sacrifice someone to Just out ---- not

3. Jerry’s Drill

a. Get with a partner

b. Once partner bounces the ball high, the other partner blocks out, pursues the ball, chins the rebound

4. Rebound Sequence

a. 3 defensive players (wing, top of , wing) with blocking arm pads

b. 3 offensive players match up with the defensive players

i. Offensive players need to SWIM by the defense

c. Coach shoots the ball

i. Offense gets the rebound and puts it back in

ii. Offense gets back into 3 step defensive transition

5. Help Side Blockout

a. Shooter on one side of baseline

b. Defensive player is in help position (head to rim) c. Offensive player is at the opposite baseline or wing of shooter

d. On the shot, the defensive player tries to force the offensive player to the middle on block out --- make a 90 degree turn (front or reverse)

e. Quote: “Forearm in the chest, butt in the gut”

6. FT Block Out

a. Get the right guys by the right guys

b. Top 2 guys have to pinch, but 1 has to take the shooter

5 Things That Make Your Team Great

1. Practice like you lost your last game

2. Leadership

3. Consistency

4. Compete

5. Closeout

Teaching Winners

1. Look for opportunities to win

2. Don’t linger on a loss

3. Replicate game situations in practice

Things That Kill A Team

1. Negative attitudes

2. Energy suckers

3. Illness

4. Ineligibility

“What would the team be like if everyone had your attitude?” 2 Types of Pain

1. Pain of suffering

2. Pain of regret


You can only have one of these roles ---- circle 1

1. Parent

2. Player

3. Coach

4. Ref


1. Define

2. Understand

3. Accept

4. Fulfill

“What can you do to make your team better?”

“Always have your phone with you so your players can call you (Bail out of jail, ride home, pregnant, family issues)”

“Less is more” – shorten practices

2 Ways to Get Better

1. Get better athletically

2. Improve your skills

“Cant want something for someone anymore than they want for themselves”

2 Things Parents Need To Do

1. Need to release the kid to the coach 2. Comes a time when a kid needs a parent more than the coach

Ball Pressure

“Pressure the ball as much as possible without giving up penetration or fouling”

Middle penetration kills

If you are not quick, you have to guard the middle of the floor

“A quite team is a scared team”

“Make points of contact” ---- develop a connection

Game Preparation

1. Know the other players number and their game

2. Eat 3 hours before the game

3. Sit together

4. Guards meeting / posts meeting ---- then team meets

5. Go through the scouting report

a. Quiz players on their responsibilities

Half Time

1. Players write down what they did well

2. Players write down what they need to fix

3. Warm up --- 5 minutes to warm up ----- needs to be better than the pre-game warm up

Post Game

1. Write down what they did well

2. Eat bananas and drink Gatorade after the game

3. Move on to the next game

Wooden Work

1. Pre-game Warm Up a. 4-4-4 b. Quick cuts c. Post seals / entry

i. Baseline pass

ii. Top entry

iii. Back screens d. Close outs e. Shooting / Stretching