" . . Clifton .:!::(i:;. :.':':?'-..•:::•!i: ;"::i:;?:i•.::i;....:,;:::/..'. :':,??' ?::.'.': ':!:•:;'•:.:?6'.'":':i-".•:•'::•i::::....,':•.:..:::• .....:•:-i.:.. :.....:...: .... ß .. • .... ß.. . '-....•!:'11:•:...-.:;:-'.,..:::'.'.':'.:' 'i:'":!: ":... ? '•:: :.i.:..:! '11.';;..?:"?':":".?':'.:.':.!:!':':J:i': ::•:::ii:,:.':"i:'i: ..::/•"::!:':...•:i"i:? ...::.::.:'?.:;::]..•:.' ::•.:':].'•½:•"'•/'"'• ...... •. '- ß/'•. ,' .. :.:•:'•.'•.'".?i•': :...: if'.?]:.. :?:':':"" "•: : .•.:;:.'.'•:::"':•'.':::"?•"•...::::"":'•'"":•:i.:'..• •'?::.:.:?::?•:::..':..•i'i'.'::::" "•:".":" '.::.•':":.•?.'. •:•:'..•:•*'""::::...::''..' • ß ß '...... ß'.. '..•i..?.,...•:. :".•i•,...•.•. il..?,:.: ß. .•..'..... i.... :• • ' . East Paterson . '•':.:']:':."ß ,... ":•'....:.:.' ':?.::::..:?:...':.::.:::"h..: ...:•:?...:.;::?:':':...C'•:• •F'" ':?:'".:'•....:."• ...... :":..•:'-:::•::::::':•:..; :.•.....'•:•' '""::.'.- .:..ß .:::.: •. ?... :::....•]". ]'...." '.. '.:'':...:: .:?•:::%:d:...... :...... :'-...:.:?:•..:'".'.:..'.?]:....:]:•"•..•: ?: :.. ;• :C'.....??•:.]::..'.'•':? • :•...•.::,..::.•:...':.;::'" ...•?,:.::..•.:;•.•.'•.'•::::::: ::;•. .:• ...... :•/':::'"'::::'....•]:'L.:?.,.:..•...::... :...,/.::. ,:...... :.'•:....'..•...:...... :]. . •: ":'?...:]']::.':::.] ....' ]'].. •'.:' . •:.....:' ...... :.,..:::::..,::.:-•:•...:... ' ....:*:.* .. ..'.. ..9..:'.:..•:.,:....i. .•...... ! :.. :: ß Fair Lawn '.: .•?...... ::.::::.•:..':..':'..,...•...:..:. :..L"-';':;]::'"•]•:.'":j"';':¾:•:•.' "?..::?':•;".:..•:.' ?.;'.':•:....:..: •:?;: ..:':'"'•"•:.]:...::"•]::...?.'.?':..' ]?':•::.]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ?:'"'".•..'.• .•: ':: ..':.... '.?' " '::.....•...... '].:.' ..:? " - "". '• :.:•.".• .'J::' .:....:..:'.:':':'";.::':'":•: ..... ß..'".']..: ß .:. :•;:'"•'•'•:" ...... :?].::•:.':. :' ß .....::•..:'•]...... ".'. ?'"::•:::?'?'....'.:.: ...... •:":...v.'..':'::.:..• :]..... ::.• ]'.-' . .::::"•':'.•. '• ß '"'. . . '"...... '• Garfield - '..•:•' '...•.:..'..:"..]..•"'?....;:.•...••:•. :'..'•...... •..:.:.• :?•?.:•.•.•::..:.:..:.:.:';;:..:? ...... •:.....:.....•:.:::: ..):' :::...:,.:. .... •-' •..•.,• ', .:.-.,. .'..:'...... • ß .•...:. .. • .. ß :. . . '.-'...... :..:... . ,:.•• :..: •] ...... ';? ]...... ,. i: . • • .. ., i*.'i:.'.."'ii::"'•'"':6 '*::'"' Haledon :'•.• • ....:"•- • p.•.• •- •::•:::...•' :'---' •: .:•....d':••.':. •..•, .-•. ' ...... :'-- ..

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Little Falls


Norfh Hu,udon



qton Lakes

Pro• Park




est Paterson ß..:.


VOL. XXX, No. 48 WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NAM• TO REMEMBER i1 I for FURNITURE Living Room B•d Room D• •m RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY and-LOW PRICE -- 39 Year, Serving the Public- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-78410 PATERSON, N.J. 240 MARKET ST. (Carroll l'lm Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977

PeterF. Cu0n0'o-o'o, o.d Engraver AuthorizedP.B.A. Jeweler a.nd Engraver Life MembershipCards - Rings- Pins- Wallets ..4 204 A MARKETSTREET EASTPATERSON, N.J. SW 7-6151


ß -_._ •,.•!,.:.,' IJ I •, "•k W"•__._.•ß • _•" _, ITALIAN-AHERICA • • • dl _7, ITCHE .-:.: q i • I •)• -- ..... ----

FOUR FACES OF CAESAR- Sid Caesar is a man of many racial SEAFOOD • q ' expressions as he performs a TV comedy routineß He will return to the NBC-TV Network to star on the "Chevy Show" colorcast Sun- day, Nov.-2. Here he portrays an orator at a political rally, capturing his audience with a friendly gesture (upper left), surprising himself •nOGS' z, • OS - BROILED•!)T SHEEbLOBSTER CEAU•• - --B•UE•!SHDAI•Y - RAIN•O•V as he warms up to his subject (upper right), developing a devilist• TROUT - HAlibUT - SAbMON - SHRIMPS- SCA•OPg- gleam as he gets to his point (lower left), and waiting anxiouslyfor OTSTSES - CLAM - gOD FIEIt - S[VOIJD •I gH - DAIb DINNERS the audience reaction. 168 BELMONTAVE. JCor. •urhansJ,HALEDON - - - •mberf 5-988S

o o ' • - rOTOWARte.46Ho. FAIRrs- LAWNRte. 4 Man.- Sat. 0:30 a.m. fo 10 p.m. FRO'M HARRI ON ß OpenSunday 0:•0 a.m. fo • p.m.

-.•:•:- p•

ß•'•:• String of Eig•hfSeries !ndoo',r Lights .4• ChristmasGift Wrap .65 .•[:• :.:It:.: ]•. LOO •'[•••][• 7 Indoor (each ligh ts '•ndependen fly) •'•.•e .88 :.:][•25 Indoor(each lightsindependently) .•' 3.49 Artificial Flame Proof •t.:: 6 ft, Ch:ristmasTree 6.95 :.:][:.:25Outdoor (e.ch figMs indepe,'ndently) •'4.70 •. •.•

Page Two The CHl•Ol•C•' - Published Weekly by


170-172 Butler Street Paterson, l•ew Jersey LAmbert 5-2741

VINCENT S. PARRILl,O, Managing Editor

Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post ß: •.'4• "-'• .'::'•.,,•' •-".• .1 ..,' ,, f,' ß :: -ß ...... , Officeat Paterson,N.J., underthe act of March3, 1879. . "•:•::•}*::...... : < , .• ...... •.ß ...... k.:

. .. .- , ..•. NOVEMBER 30, 1958 -- VOL. XXX, No.. 48 C•D•• BOUQUET -- Tokyo, Japan -- Kimono-clad Japanese girls present bouquets to members of the St. Louis Cardinas at the Kor•uen Stadium here. This was the ope•ng ceremony before the ßt•ingle Copy 10 Cents .,.•,_•'•.•.22 $5.00 a Year By Msil Carders first game aganst the "•l-Jap•" te•. ß•> .•,., .-.. . .•l:...... > •- .• •>•.y•;,.-.q"•:. .... %.. ...:..:.-' .::.::.•-.i:....' ß .....ß , .' ß..-:,•'.•,•,?•.:,.• ...... ';•{• ß• ;-"•'*.:2<-. .. ..:•-r•. --;• ß,•....-. :':: - ...... ' .:. ..•;. '•..-•.,•'•"i•;•t:: >'..•'.• ..•..;• ¾:-.:.. •.,¾•..':•'...... •,.:.. . ß. *. •:k-•...•.x• •-.•..-'?. -':•::;•E••:* ß'• ' • .... >'• :"ß ß '. :' •' •%-. ß , ': -'' '•"--;•-<-' •-'-':•:...-•+.:....'"" .... -:•'• .... - .... ,•• .•ß ....., ß ••;•.:,..... • :.- . . * ;:• •. ¾•,_.,: .•i •.4:-•-.•'..•-:.. • •;.•..:;.{;:•.,;•:•%..••": _. ..;. • . -• ."*a •.•.•a:.--•.•>•-..,:.:.•.-.•' .•!:.:•:wß :,:• •., .'-•.- ': . ' ,"t• '<'. •%!..• •,' -:'•' :""• • .... •<.x• ;." • ....-:' " < ' ' ' * ;•• '• ' ' "'•%.•' ...."" ß ":•:-. '""::'"' ' ' '<"•:ß -'.>' CONTENTS , •,•--.. :• •;• '--•}<:. •,.• ß .. . .•,... . •-...... ,<.:•, .. •... .'--.•,"•. ,•.??;•i•.•}'•:•'a,•--. ':'.'::.•"•"•-'!'-.'f$•--L"•-'•• -< - ß* ..... :..v- ß ß-iß .'•'' >"..,•,•: •-"'....-**• ß ' . :.-..•..'::--!:•:•:-ß ...... '- -• • ...... x '- ß ; ' - -'•*:;•6•::•<•i:•z•?":-.. "•::'• ...... -:..-"-a.<'.:...... -'•:•: ,. ß

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., • •m•rica• •istor• 15 •" , , ; • >...:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i•i•::•:•:i:i:i:i:i:i:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:i:•:•::•:i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:

PREVIEW OF WINTEE -- Shandaken,N.Y. -- StephenDean, 15, of Flushing, N.Y., examines the snow-coveredtrees as he travels .throughthe woodsat the Catskill Mountaincommunity of Shandaken. Up to 17 inches of snow covered the Catskill area.

DEPARTMENTS Borgeand ThanksgivingWeek Crew

Editorials ...... _.;:::•••SocialWorld...... x .

Complete Television _11-12-13


Kids!.Did you hear •hat Santa,is, in town? Get your let- in nowand make up •our lis• right awayas Santawill Victor Borge, at the piano, is join-d by h•s staff as they plan the irrepressible corecdian-pianist's Tlmn_ksgiving Week special, Victor a busy.schedule this year with all thenew atomic toys,. Borgo's "Coined and Music," Saturday, Nov. 29, on the CBS Tele- •J•:•-'•":•:/.:memb•,you gotta' be goodor Santawill not comeover vision Network. In addition to his own zany keyboard antics on the hour-Ion program. Borge promises a stageful of musical sur- prises which he is kccpin_gunder wr_apsun, ti_l_ai.r tim_e.

Page Three Perplexities of Tofowa Prospect Park Borough ß .. ß .. •..... •.::.-- .. ...:.::..:..<-:. :::.-..<.•/•... :::'.•..: .:- .:...... •.:•,. • ..•,-..•. Police Increase Council Has Guests --,•,. •:'-•.ß •. .•.'.•'--' .• • • '. •....'•, ,• ,•-...... ,,c.':.'•.i-'.'•::.-..-:.::•....'ß :..•:..':)::!.•:.•.:.•.•.: ,...,'-,.•,,,..•.- The police of the various mu- The Prospect Park Borough ß.,• ....;:.;:;U%"iii;;..';111i!i ....:*..., ..... ' --. '-'-:--•-'" ß...... nicipalities has a problem on Council had a large group of visi- ß X4"•q ß ,,.-. ...:.;½;;?' ' '" ½.-,:.•s:.::-'..•..' :..'-:-:-..:.:-: '• their hands in teaching people tors at its meeting. However, -"• .---'0':• .:-"-...:.:; " .;:. .. • .," not to jaywalk, that is crossing they were not a group of pro- - ß -! : '"...... ß"-,..,., - the roads and streets in the.middle testng citizens. This rarely oc- , .... * ...... -."-: ' '..... ::ß:t .. of the block. Some people think curs in Prospact Park. They were .• .....•.- ß ß ..;...4.•..• . .•.... • -...;.. it is safer to cross in the middle students of the senior class of ,.:-',i---..- ' .. '. ' .-.:.::i:!...... ,...i.'.-.'-'"'.'"...."".-....:.-'"'::'.--- :':''": I" ";":-' "'...... -' of the block than at the corners. the Eastern Christian High ..ß .- ,'. .,• :.:.-'-":..% -.'•...•.. ""'-•.•..- -:.:.: -...:. .:. •- - ',*'..:. '. . :,,: 5::: ::::..::.! "%;¾. Possibly the police should change School, and they came to see "De- ' ' .....'" ': :"::"*:½' ' ø their regulations instead of mocracy' In Action." ,•,,...... •ß... %ß...:.:...;- ß ' .}¾...:?:.:..' '--: ß Z:: .. '...... -:'":'.ß• ._.--,' *.-. ' :;, .".- '" •''..: ...... ' '•f .;,. changing the people. This a,p- The g¾oup was composed .of 72 •:• ....' ...:-..''• .::-..!!.:: . .,..•- ":.:'" ---.. ,,. '?-.•-' . . ' ,;, ' • !•."7'-•..".'•.....-. proach may be part'icu]ar]y ef- students, and a number of the ;.. •;'•...... '":---'.• .... .: -- .....:.:; ,, :. ß _:.. fective in the Borough of Totowa. students took notes on the meet- The Borough of Totowa .has ing. All, except two, were resi- the problem of teaching cows as. dents of the borough. well as people not to jaywalk. The mayor expressed his ap- """'; .... .-/"::,."' .. This cow was associated with the preciation to the students for ß,';.-.' ': ...... :..:..... :,'.' -".i.;'½½"i;',.":-'.;-"'-: t'....'-..1 Agricultural Department of Cen- their visit, and said he hoped they TO COLLECT.SPACE DATA- CampIrwin, Calif. --A tech:• ' tral High School, and was being would go back to school with a nician works .•, the control room of the Goldstone Tracking Facility boarded by' the Kuiken Dairy for good report of t-he council in ac- •,_ere. When the station's giant antenna receives atgnals from space ehicles, the data will be-collected here and'relayed to the com- the school. Apparently its associ- tion. bing center at the jet propulsion laboratory in Pasadena. ation with teachers and students ß. -.•-:-;-;---;c,.-•.'-,•. --'" '"'--;.'.-". '.o.",'. .• ..,- ... •..; has had some influence on its in- ß: • - .-.:.... ß .. •{::':'.?:;•... "'.... '. tellect, and it to.o has come to the Masonic War Veterans /:{{!::.;...- : .;,.]?...... ,.-.....,. !...... :,... ':2::::: .•:;::' ß ':i . -.'" . :i:{::.. .-" ,. - ß conclusion that it is better to ':":' --" ' ß'"' ,.::{,.-::iiiii."..". ..•. ii!iii!!iiii:i::::'.:::i:{{'..• -" / '.. -, Sponsor Wrestling ß.....'" ""''./.o.; -:/' ß "%, ß...:.'- ,;/"•!•.;'•:" ".':. •'•'x *%./"ß -"" .- 'iiiii!:i:i:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::':'::i:i: 'k...'•"' ' ß'"ß"' ::.,P" ,,_ ':,',.,"'"" ." '"•: cross in the middle of the 'block. The Sheik from Lebanon and } . •;:,,, .,.' '-,. '..,f,• ,.( ',,, f .... '-'"...... •- ,: ;::.,.... . '.... •--. . ,,..,':.."V:."•'•/½•• ••- t.' ß . i-". -:.. ' ..•: :' :•,Y?':"'"". :.". .. • ':•- .•' Since the grass appeared greener Wild Bull Curry from Hartford, f':'ß - ' '*•'*'. ;-i-•';•' .. -• ..-;-.'.... .:.'...... ß :.' " :....:- , ß -re •/ *.... on the other side of the mad, Connecticut, will be featured on Mrs. Cow decided to cross. Un- the all-star wrestling program ",,.'•'". '.'-,..: ..,:."':.':•': ':'-'..-....-'%'.,.'."..:,'.:',..: .':":"'.'.::'::' ::. . .-: ; '. -. "' ß' ' '"'"" -' . -.it '-. ' :-' ':". ' . .-...".' : fortunately a truck driver didn't Saturday night, November 29 at •:...'•:'•.,.....,. ..,/...:: .....:-.: ::½...... ::..,,:-:: •.--.:'. see Bessie, so poor Bessie was ß '"' • ...'- :•:' '.' '-. ¾!:,:'i..-..:.-'...-.-' the Paterson Armory sponsored .%,, ß , ' '<:" * , •':•t.'•.%•'...i::'•: ß ' ': bumped. Although there was no by the Masonic War Veterans of •'.... ½: -•..': .' :,.,' ' .- ',:. •." '.. " serious damage to the truck and •.-,:' .•.... :-....--..:....;-.ß . .-' ..-;...... ';.•.:.• }-."-,..•.': New Jersey. ß • ..'•.:.-'•ß. ",-.;...-" ..,,...... -. - ,:•.::-. . ';.....,.• : -;ß"-; Bessie took it good-naturedly, the •' .. .,,-/,* ' '.;. .:.... .:i: ': : {:!:-. ' ,:'.::: ...'5.-." ß ..:'•- -..' ' -'".• '.%-•;:.,:.::-:. ::..;.. ' . x: ' ': --- '.' "' .. '"-"...... '::-:iiS..:-.."".-'.': :'"- '"' :•:- .;.:' -.-: "' . . i' Totowa Police nevertheless have Originally scheduled to oppose Antonio "Argentina" Rocca, the ßi•:}::?':c•' "' '• '•"- }'v'."' ' '• ...... -4-:-'.½.•.....'...:•. ':..:,::.... '..... a problem on their hands as to irrepressible Italian idol, and how they can teach cows when -.-::- .:-..::/:{:;;..;--* :.* ;- Jose Miguel Perez, Puerto Rican ß.. '- .-.".: . ,.'{"- :. . . ß",- . "-i..' '":. :, :,. ' they can't teach people. ß . !:"•i....':-.. -':'*. 'i'..-'•?"•-..7-!::::. .' ' . '-'""• ....' youngster, The Sheik and Bull ::•%;: : ..:... ;. . :-.:::: . :- .. '-.. . '. . -'-•:....½'•....._ .. . .,.,• :'<"':':- ' ..... : :" """ ' '"' ' ' ' •'-"'•':' ß" '" Curry have been matched to op- '-.' ß "': '. '.. -"•';:"] .. '•:$i:.':. ' • . '"':"".-.' . '• . pose popular Alberto Torres ' ...... ,2œ Paramus Plaza To Hear from Mexico and "Mr. Puerto Ri- LOSANGELES -- William Pena is a fatherwith a •-•amco%• "The blessiah" Oratorio co", in an Australian tag team true.He poseshere with his ninesons which he choosesto call the match to be decided .over the best Pena All-Star team. Playing semi-probasebali, the groupplans to .go The. C'hristmas portion of Han- two out of three falls route. on tour. Their currentwon and lost recordis not available. del's immortal oratorio, "The The hooded Zebra Kids, who Messiah" will be rendered by the have been featured on the Thurs- John Harms Chorus, to officially day night shows at the Capita] ...... : ...... :'-.$•:.•½-':'-•..:-...... •.,.•..{. :.:.•..-..:{•:i.•:::::•.:•!:}i::::::i'... ':-.;" .....-•...... -".':;;:.. : . inaugurate. the ,Christmas season Arena, Washington, D.C., seen ....: ":"':i '":'•?'•":'"•"*•.....": ...... at the Garden State Plaza on by millions of mat addicts via Monday. ß ' / : "':i " x..•."' ;-.. the Sports Television Network, - "i ~'-.'.:"-..:.:i• '"..•&%•./-'.-.". - . / .... ;.:-:• ' :.' The fifty voices of the mixed will provide the opposition for ß ß ., ..... '.' ,.•. ...: ,." ;i :: .:",, .- .•.•-!.:pf-' ß chorus will perform in front of Rocca and Perez. ,•: {• ':'•:•'• . . .. . P]aza's Christmas carillon at ß :-.•;e•.•:w.•.• - '...}.':':: : '; . "p- ...... :. ...ß ,•. i.i:••'•..../•{• ,...... ,. •.• -.-• .;: . :•",,• Magnolia Mall. The time is 7:30 ß .:.. ?-:{:..::.:: ...... •....{.:..-" . ß'•"'.':-].. :'4i...."' :•&'.b.'.&•' '• '.•.'i'"•' ;:: '•:"•"+" •?_%•c.:. ' :'!':.'" •' -•?-'.-'.-• .....-:-;:i:i:!.• ß ' p.m. TO REDDEN TOM•ATOES 3c•c• ' ' •'.• _,•.... :•.:.•::•",, ß '.'•' o. -' : .-' ":":':'::..- : The program will .be climaxed ß ,•4•,, • .½... . • :. •..•,•.. • ... Women who pick their toma- .' . -. .e - .;. ß..: :• '- '- •'•.•'•.-&:..?,'-•i -'•'."i':: '.%;•.• ,..x.?•-'.• • : .': -".'.:..• concourse. P':Uß -:":•'ft.'•.{'.:.i!•{:'•'::'-"•:•'"''::•.•'}'.'•}:•e•-.•.•...... '..'.-.•;.•ß,.' ....• v... ' ' NORTH AFEICAN OIL .'.i.-..,s•.•-•-•.•{{. ... ,' .-...•, ß ß BIBLE FILM IN CLIFTON Under the sands of Sahara Des- ert are buried some old civiliza- •. •: .... ß • - ß ...... v.. -.%..:.-.: A sound motion picture in col- .... ß ::::5:::- w;..4,?.:f• ..... ' -•-•ß'..•'. ß -- ß '• '-'.- - '• - ß or, 'entitled "My Right annd My tions, but. a French company has Cause," which tells the story of found oil. They made a strike in EXPLORINGAMYSTERY OFOUTER SPACE -- Dr. Frank Baxt'P/'• the Bible in Korea, will be shown Ouan Tareert about 50 miles (left) showsRichard Garlson how he chargesan electroscope from the Edjele oil fields, one of "The Strange Gaseof the Gosmi½Rays." This Bell System in the First Presbyterian Church Series colorcast is scheduled on the N BG-TV Network Sunday• in Clifton on Sunday at 7 p.m. the two biggest fields discovered Nov. 23. The full-hour film presentation deals with the mysterious The public is invited to attend., so far in the North African area. rays that bombard thee earth from outer space.

Page Four ßhe c•mo-•c• Bow and Arrow Hunters In Lucy-DesiComedy Special, Dec. 1 BuildingsOpen FreewayUpFor PathSale Bag Many Deer

ß •Bow and arrow hunters bagged ß nd in the RidgereidPark, Bo- i•!ii•ii•i!iii•iii!i!iiiiii•i!i•ii•!•!.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . s ' the exclusive •eason from Octo- •ota cedand on Teaneckauction Novemberareawill 25.be ber 11 to November 7, compared 4+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. .:.>:.:.:.:.:. •ese houses are to moved. on 10 with 1,104 during the 1957 sea- ays notice, and can be bought son, the State Division of Fish ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •. the office, of the State High- and Game, Department of Con- ,:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.-.-.- .. ,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. servation and Economic Develop- ß:.:.:.:.:.:.>x.:.:.>:.:.:.:.. ..- . - ,.y Department,239 Fairview i:i:i:•:!:i:i:i:i:'•!:i'i::•:' merit announced. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.- 'enue, Bogota. ,:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:, -Thehouses must be moved or The Division of Fish and Game ;mollshedto makeroom for the reported bowmen this year made ...... ',rgen-PassaicExpressway. On- big gains in bagging deer in

."threeof the buildingsare now Morris, Somerset and Hunterdon -'- ß . ,cupled About 30 buildings were compared to last year. In most :::j•;'.red at a previoussale but instances, deer bagged in other '"•'j:•?wno bidders.Down payment northern and southern counties '•i " ..:• '-.,.• ? • -- ran about the same or showed ,... , •: , •:.. • ,,\ - .. . ..

b•lance within three, days. slight reductions. • • .-'• • • • .•. "•. , Under a new law, each deer ,,,,,, - '•'•.... • ....:.:;::i:i•iiiiiiii o.'f25percent isrequired, and ...... ======found in possession of hunters • ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .•,- Anti-Diabetic Campaign must be tagged and reports on • :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •, ß the kill must be made within 24 DannyThomas (center) and his televisionfamily (Marjorie For Early Defection hours on cards furnished by li- Lord, secondfrom right, and Rusty Hamer, left) are gueststars of -, Passaic County residents are cense issuing agents. Lucy and DeM in the second"Westinghouse Lucille Ball-Desi '.•.Urgedto checkwith the family Arnaz Shox•" of the season, Monday, Dec. 1, on the CBS Televi- "As this is the first year of the sion Netx•ork. In the hour-long comedy special, which also stars .physicianfor diabetic symptoms, new deer tagging and reporting Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Richard Keith and Gale Gordon, 0.r go direct to the Paterson the impetuousLucy and her husbandrent their Connecticuthome ...•ardof Healthwhere tests are system, initially hunters who to Danny, then find themselveshomeless when Ricky's film com- .: :::;;..'- - make a late report will be issued mitmen! is suddenly cancelled. •.½%•-''ing madefree of charge. a formal warning of the delin- ••;ii;• ß?:Dreypaeksareavailable at the quency," declared Dr. A. Heaton, director of the Division. "How- •2.::.•'•z•.' L Association.Instructions ever, in the future, hunters re- I;<•-J• ' saic'County Tubersulosis and porting late will 'be prosecuted •••:••":• '.:••:••••rinted'•.:•"euse 'onofthem. these Dreypacks to prevent them from shooting ...... •.::..½•;•:•,•. detection and prompt more than one deer on the same "•:•'•!:'e•I"' control can almost al- license." • wa•S-•e•a•le•.a diatic to lead a Under the State Fish and Game no•;:' :•'"•:"•477'.•.•':f• Code, bow and arrow hunting Diafie•J•?•ger signalslis•d may be continued during the six include'•:.;;:•:::':Sive thirst. urina- day firearms and boy and-arrow .tion,' l'fiss•;• "weight, intense iteh- season from December 8 to De- a•,' slow healing of cuts and cember 13 inclusive. However, • br'uises, excessive hunger, during this season, one buck deer ....C•anges in vision,easy tiring and with antler at least three inches ':•;-•::•in in the extremities. in length, may be taken. On De- ., •.,•... cember 20, a special hunting day for both the firearms and bow and arrow hunter has been de- j} .. ute'208 Extension signated on deer of either sex. ans ShowProgress Deer taken this year during .riderthe State Highway De- the bow and arrow season, com- •extensionof Route 208 from pared with deer bagged in neigh- ment'spreliminaryplans forboring counties follows: .•?•yekoff,two add•bonal ramps Bergen, this year 17, last year eessbetween Route 208 and 16; Essex, this year 14, last year considered.8; Hunterdon, 241 this year, last year 178; Morris, this year 248, ramp is 'proposedin the Rosalind Russell (center), Sydney Chaplin and Jacquelyn Investment ßCorporationlast year 166; Passaic, this year McKeever head the cast of the CBS Television Network's two-hour 44, last year 31; Eussex, this musical comedy special, "Wonderful Town," Sunday, Nov. 30. In "p•0Perty, and the other at the in- year 8•, last year 116. •he television production of the hilarious BroadWay hit, Miss tersection of Route 208 and Russell and Miss McKeever phy two s•sters w!•o come from Ohio •ri•,handvie,wAvenue. to seek fame, fortune and romance (Sydn y Chaplin) via a series of comic misadventures in Nex• ¾ork's Grecnwich Village. "Won- e HighwayDepartment has derful Town," with music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Betty .'•eivedlow bids totaling $1,888,- Cornden and Adolph Green, is based on t!•e famous comedy, "My Haledon Seeks Safety At Sister Eileen." -'•..•62for construction of two sec- ... •.•ti.'onsof Route 208 in Wyckoff School Crossings • and Franklin Lakes, Bergen To make school crossing safer, :-?¾County.The contract calls for the Haledon Borough Council has •'•'"-•.•_nstructionof a single24-foot appointed three special officers i• •' 'iii•."debituminous concrete surfac- to handle the traffic at these .'*•.'ideimproved shoulders. A suth Street School, Charles Ha- Artists With Flowers ..'..??}•ridgeto carry Route 208 over berbausch and Cornelius Onder- WeddingEstimates Cheerfully Given -- By Appointment f•:'i•]•wingAvenue in Wyckoff,is in- linde, and Mrs. Margaret Simp- ARmory4-7400 .-_':•'> ;f• ded. son were appointed. • mm mm m m mm mmmmm m m m mm m m mmmm mmmmmmmmm

Page Five ßYOU HOMF, -' ' n " ß•.,• •.;]•I • ,• ]•LI•A•O• ]•O%V'JVIA_•- ' ' Somefellers Just blue a w• lqothin'sasdisgustin'.as have to blaze a way. your wife drive In with & dent; ed .fender. A SmallAntique Table for Versatility A little nip of draft beer will .sure make some guys windy. Orampa Hedgessays his gas. HAT a lon• way •able-designinghas come from the is low but he atlll got spark first crudeplank-topped, saw-buck and trestle-framed Ain't it sad that so -many go and clutch. variety of the early Biblicaltimes! Tools have improved, work- through life mad? manshiphas become better, and finer designsdeveloped. The In Paris store keepers atn• Bet if we ever land on the allowed to wrap fish in news- peakin finedesign and exquisite execution was reached in the Moon they'll have their hand out papers. What a nice break for '18th and early 19thCenturies, when skilled craftsmenwere in. for a handout. the editors.. 'keen competition,and the results were astounding.You can seeexamples in publicand private collections both here and in Folks who never glve to the Jr, Hinch.think• that charge church can't afford. to face the accounts are electrical contracts. •,urope, •-•.•...... -..... -%.2..•..•:.•:•.•:•.: ...... Lord. The photograph shows a ...... :..•:.. : When folks are on the level small table made in the 18th ' • ...... ".': • ,6, guy is ignorant to culti- it sure worries the devil. vate stupidity. •.': . ;•..- : ...'.-.-:-;- -. : Century.It is not oneof the ':'...... ' ...... ' '::'"' '" • Tubby Tyler says when o1• mostelaborate, but has fine in- ':-'-":...... :'-"'•:":'i'["•: : Tubby Tyler says plantin' portunity knocks he's •ever tricateinlay around the apron • '".':'-:'"":'"'•:":"• --.-•-".•:'" '. '• grass seed Just gives him mower hom6, andasimple inlay on the legs. •..i.:: ) :'!i':i!'"•::..... '"'" '...... '• work. •v. c_m•. X_ The oval and rectangular in- .,: ß .... ß ...... ',.'.-' serts are usual. The shape of ':-..... -...... - ....'-'--...... '...... '...... ' the folding top is exceptionally good, and it should be noted TheThrill That Comes Once in a Lifetime A •EaST• CLASSIC that when this is raised against the wall, the silhouette is much more interesting than if the top had square corners. Tables of this style are very versatile. They are used in din- ing rooms as serving tables, oftenone on eitherside of a • mantelor window.They look :"...... '•:"...... extremelywell in a hall,and Th,•, ,tropelite, .•u.•,nrn ofArt,, N.S.C. equallyat homein a livingroom. Their sizeis smallenough so theymay beplaced.'in a room of anysize. The top, raised against the wall, makes a goodbackground for a flower arrangement or a pair-ofsilver or chinacandlesticks with a decorativebowl' in the center. Many of these tables have been handed down from genera- tion to generation.Larger piecesoften had to be sold,but there was always room for these smaller tables. The cost of furniture was sometimes recorded by early fami-,• lies. General Washingtonkept extensive accountsof both! householdand personalbelongings and accuratefarm books.i The pricefor someitems, such as clothing,seems very expen-:. sive to us now. Silks and lacewere boughtfrom France,and formal dresswould costseveral hundred dollars of our moneyI today. Men's fine clothing was equally expensive. • OM E TM IN •, Ilxl ':! The redeemingfeature was the length of time a dresscouldl COMMON tql-I-'bl YOUR HERO be worn. Stylesdid not changeevery year! . _ C) He•Yee• Hereld Tr&use be. !



Rele•edDemsreK,bySmith I%1,j,Service.

Page Six The CHRONICLE •!,•-•-r• '• ByPAT PATTY ß ,{•i;i}{i:...::i:

November29AS thedate forthe Opti-Mrs. ClubCostume Ballwhich . "... •'•-'•:•j•.-/_•. 'ill be held at the Brownstone House.Members .ofthe Optimist Club ß: .;

:%':Whowill assistthe. ladies in this project are GeorgeGuard and Hat- . c

•:•.•:•:'/•!:: '• Moore.. ß ß ß ß •:• Plans for the annual dinner dance of the com'bined societies of •..-:i::+::!fi•eBlessed Sacrament R.-C. Church have been completed. The a•- ;:!air •11 be. theld on Saturday evening, December 13, at the Casa '•ana, Teaneck.Edward Alms is chairman o• thedinner and resetva, •ns may • made with Ralph Cuciniello,ticket ch•irm.an, or any Mg•. DOMINI• J. GA:LLUC•10 memb•s o• 'the Holy Name Society and the ushers a•ter Masses. MI•. GEI•A_LD F. McDONNELL Miss Audrey P•. Hoyas, daugh- Miss Antionette Fiore, daugh- A card .party will be held.by the ladies Auxiliary o• the St. Joseph ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fiore Home •or the Aged in January .• meeting-will •be held. in St. Mi- Hoyas of 466 Lakeview Avenue, of 255 East 26th Street, and Dom- chael's R•tory hall at 70 Cross Street on December'5. became the bride of Gerald F. inic Galluccio, son of Mr. and . McDonnell in St. Brendan's R. C. Mrs Joseph Galluccio of 81 N. Packagesof candywere made ready for •istributionto thehandi- Church at a Nuptial ,Mass. The 12th Street, Hawthorne',were un- caped Ohildren of •chool No. 2 for the Thanksgiving Party by the groom is the son of Mrs. Martha ited in marriage recently in Our William Paterson Cha•pter of .DAR. The meeting was held at the McDonnell of Maryland. After Lady of Lourdes R. C. Church. A .•me of Mrs. 'S. Stanton Hammond. Members were asked to take the double ring ceremony a reception was held at the West-- :•:t0ysto the next meetingfor the Christmasparty of the handicappedreception was held at The Rock, mount Country Club in West Pat- children. West Orange. erson. The couple are on a ,honey- ß( • ß ß • moon to Florida and will live at •.• Dr. John Pellosie was presented with a plaque in recognition the 26th Street address upon •.. his servicesas the heado• VhePassaic - BergenAssociation o• their return. ••pathic Surgeons and Physicians during the past year. Presenta- t!on•as madeat a luncheonby Dr..Martin Rabero• Hawthorne. •? , ß ß ß ABO• PEOP• YOU KNOW- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Iacz o• •7 Martin Street, have returned lr0m a '•:•: •'• the CancelBay Plantation,Virgin Islands.Other

ports visited . .were St. Thomas, St. Juan and Nassau. •.. an•5:•rs.George L. Cohn,o• 145Cummings Drive• Orange, •ame the parents o• their •ourth child, a son. The baby joins two r. ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. brothers and a sister. Grandparents o• the in•ant a• Dr. and Mrs. David M. Cohen o• this city. A bridal shower was held •or Miss Noram Hampel o• 186 Gra- ...... ham Avenue, at Maisei's Restaurant in Paramus. Mrs. Ruth Brick -::;?'-•s hostess. Miss Hampel will become the bride o• Mr. Shaw on :2:::: J"•uary 24 in.Ann Gorden'sin Newark. :-:-:-:- .. .. ',:. • ...... :: ======MRS. JOHN A. WOZNEY

•:•j.•j•:•onoringher 93rdbirVhday. •e a•air washeld in the homeo• her .... :."•,.....?' Mrs.Gabriel, Gelsomina o• 400 Iannacone Madmen Avenue,wasguest w•tho• honor whom at shea dinner makes party her Our Lady of Lourdes P•. C. MI•S. JOSEPH VANDEVELDE h-•e. Mem•rs o• her •amily, her •our sons and their •amilies at- Church was the setting' of the -•.•ed. Open housewas held in the evening.Mrs. Iannaconehas 19 wedding ceremony of Miss Eliza- The marriage of Miss Angelina g ;•dchildren; 22 great grandchildren and two great great gran- beth Bariso and John Wozney re- Conte and Joseph Vandevelde cently. The bride is the daughter was solemnized recently' at St. .... ß'•e fi•tieth weddinganniversary o• Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hayden of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bariso of Anthony's R. C. Church. A recep- 142 East Fifth Street, and the tion was held at Natoli's in Sad- . o• •24 East 21st Street, was celebrated recently. A Mass o• thanks- gi•ng was held and a dinner •or the 'immediate •amily •ollowed. groom is the son of Mr .and Mrs. dlebrook. The bride is the daugh- •ey are the parents o• six children and have twelve grandchildren. Albert Wozney o• 75 East Fifth ter of Mrs. C. Di Patria of 23 E. Street. The bride is employed by 20th Street, and the bridegroom Miss Janet M. Grimley o• Ridgewood will sing in the Bucknell the Metropolitan Life Insurance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andre University •Cha•pel .Choir in another •all concert th•s month. She is Company and her husband is Vandevelde of Oakland. The. the daughter o• Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimley o• 306 Graydon Ter- with the Internation Bakery Co., bride is a secretary for Dr. Vilari, race, •dgewood, and is a member o• Bucknell University, where Paterson. s'• is studying•or her degreeo• bacheloro• arts. bio-analytical laboratories.


LAmbert $-9623 THE FLOWERLAND (:RESClONE PHOTO STUDIO SHOPPE Crescione Tuxedos Inc. Flowers by VINCENT SAURO, Jr. 525 MARKET STREET Weddings - Porttells - Commerc•el HeatingSystems A Full Line of Tuxedos for Hire (Opposite the General Hospital) Paterson SH 2-1854 New Jersey Installed 52 MARKET ST., PATERSON I, N.J.

Page Seven -. MORE FUN AT THANKSGIVING In the old days, the home maker's preparations for Thanksgiving amounted to a huge task. Chores often started weeks ahead of time. Some recipes took days to. prepare. Gathering the food for Thanksgiving dinner meant a long tour of various shops. ..- But now a complete Thanksgiving dinner ready in a matter of a few hours. Scientific improvements in the food {tse]f and in. packaging have made cooking so easy, beyond any dream of generations past. Anyone who's ever been in a modern food market can attest to that. Everything is •eady to hand- plainly marked as to price, weight and quality, and attractively packaged. And an ever-lengthening list of foods now come in a ready- for-the-pan or ready-to-eat form. Food .shopping for holiday time or any time is. faster, pleasanter, cleaner than in the old days, which, of course, was fun with the family hustling around doing all the preparation work. But today it's even more so because pre-holiday prepar- ations leave more time for the recreation that goes with Thanksgiving.

mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm•mmmm


The four freedoms, made famous during World War II [11•nmmmnn n n' n nm n n n n m n n n n n m m m m m m m n n m m m'" n m m' m n m m n n m m m m --' nmmml•mmmmmn mmmmqmmmmmml nmmmmm•mmmmn mmmmmmmmm• as a philosophicalbase of Alliedpurpose, were these: f•ee- dom of xvorship, freedom of speech, freedom from want, and Car owners who have not had their vehicles checked for safe

winter driving requirements should do so now. State officials are.. freedom. from fear. sounding out to the motorists the six fundamental tips for safe dri•

Now a fifth freedom, as important as any of the others, ing during the snow-ice months' .. should be added to the list: freedom of choice. 1. IT'S UP TO Y.OU. You know that driving conditions are le•s favorable during the winter. It's up to you to winterize your •ca•,.• This is the point of a leaflet issued by the American to winterize your driving techniques. Medical Association It adds: "This 'philosophy of free choice 2. HAVE .GOO,DTIRES. AND. TIRE CHAINS. Have good t•...es, touches on every phase of your daily life. Certainly not the preferably snow tires, and use reinforced tire chains for more severe conditions. Remember worn tires or worn chains are not as efr -•[lve.•, , least of these is your basic right to choose your line of work, 3. KEEP WINDS•-II.E•D AND WlNDO,•S ,CLEAR. k- ...... •ure the neighborhood in which you live, the church you attend... that your wiper blades, your heater, and your-defroster are op::•.at- and the physician in whom you have the greatest confidence." ing properly. ,Clean snow and ice from the windshield and fron4•"all The AMA is concerned, and rightly so, with a recent windows of your car. Ventilate to keep the inside of your windows h•nd towardprograms in whichthe physicianis chosenfor from fogging. 4. GE:TTHE. "FEE•_,"O,F THE. ROAD.In order.to avoid unint,en- you. It is of small moment whether such programs are inspired tional sliding or spinning of your wheels, occasionally try your by government, by a labor union, by an enterprise, or by any brakes or gently press your accelerator while driving slowly and as traffic and highway conditions permit. Then .adjust your spœ.ad other kind of organization. They deprive you of freedom of to road and .weather conditions ..... choice, and they may lead to inferior medical care. When 5. FOLLOW AT A SAFE DISTANCE.. Keep well back of the' you do not have the freedom to choose your own. physician, vehicle ahead so that you will have plenty of room to stop. It takeS: your in•lividual physical and emotional needs may be neglected three to twelve times as far to stop on snow and ice as it does on dry' pavement. You may find it hard to explain why you couIdn't stop because you and the physician have not had ample oppor- when the other fellow did. 6. PUMP YO'UR I•RAKES. The best techniquefor stopping

trust. snow or ice while maintaining full control of your car is a fastß . tunitytodevelop afeeling of mutual understanding andup-and-down pumping your brakes. Jamming and "freezing" on your It is hightime we stressed the fifth freedom- inlevery brakes is almost certain to lock your wheels. This is likely to throw- pha.se of humanlife. your car into an uncontrollable and dangerous skid.

Page Eight The CHI•O•• Separafe Educational

ß •;. -•. P.B.A.Honors Department Members TaxJohnBillPorLiffi'epalls Fritts, Boroughof Little .5.:i'iePaterson P. B. A. this past Tuesday stoneHouse. Chief Daniel A. Murphy was F•lls•TownshipCommittee came hOno.red16 Department memberswho have. honorary chairman. John Thevos, Prosecu- up wth a new ideafor tax bills. rff•red during the. 1956-1958years. Motor- tor of PassaicCounty, was the principal -He suggestedthat the borough cy;•eOfficer Edward McAlinden was the speaker,and Freeholder Frank Graves, Jr., issuetwo tax bills instead ofone. ge:A•'al chairman of the. Fifth Annual Din- actedas toastmaster.Motorcycle Officer' Thecost oneof educationtax bill would and thecover otherthe ne•:-::•-:;-'ncewhich was held at the Brown- -WilliamKearns is president,Paterson PBA. thecost of localand.county cost. "Township Attorney Mitchell F. Donato was authorized to pre- pare an ordinance to initiate the practice. ß: Fritts said that while citizens

ß ...... •,•,•,• were becoming more interested

....?,i',i',i',i?,i',i',i:•i?,?½:•i',:,!:;•i???,!!iiiiii•i!! ':•:•:3•:•:;:E:E:3E:•:•:M:•:•:•:•:in school financing, very few ac-

....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... tually took the trouble to vote ...... on the school budgets. It is hoped that the .....citizens will be alerted when they find out how much their schools are costing q them.

TUBELESS TIRES Tubeless tires are taking over. About 62 per cent of all passen- DANIEL A. MURPHY PTL. WILLIAM KEARNS PTL.EDWARD McALINDEN ge.r car tires sold this year were of the tubeless variety. Chief of Police Chairman President of P. B. A. DOPE TRAFFIC Fi.•st Row, reading left to right ß . It was charged by a Formosa Ch ' L nw.• lValk,.r Calfi. George F. Benger! C' pt. ,I. nw• •icNeill Caot. Frank R. Moore Born.April 27. 18q9 Born,November 5, 1891 Born,July 4, 1893 B0•n,October 21. 1893 newspaperrecently that Com- Ap • 1.,Mar. 16.1916 A--ointed, July 1, 1916 Appointed,Sept. 16, 1916 Appointed,Aug. 16, 1918 xnunistChina is flooding anti- Serg, m. Mar. 16. 1921 Sergeant, Oct. 16. 1924 Sergeant, Oct. 16. 1927 Sergeant, April 1, 1929 Communist nations with 150 mil- Lieurenault,Jan. 16. 1925 Lieutenant.D•c. 1. 1927 Lieutenant,Jan. 1, 1912 Lieutenant,May 1, 1953 non dollars .worth of smuggled Captain. April 16. 1926 Caotain, Dec. 1, 1941 Captain,. Jan. 1, 1953 Captain, June 16, 1957 Chief,February 16, 1910 Retired. Dec. 1. 1956 Retired,August 1, 1958 Retired,Nov. 1, 1958 narcoticsyearly. It wascharged

Retired., o .ril 15. 1957 •;nat the Communists shipped 2,000 tons of morphine, cocaine SecondRow, reading left to right- andheroin through illegal chan- p.•tl,Clarenc• :•r-,•.sen Ptl. Joseph F. Korten Ptl.Salvatore Mosc• apt.(]harle.,, I,. '! ,ng '1 nelSeach year. Born, June 1•.•'•8 Born, January19. 1906 Born, March 23, 1901 Born. January 8, 1892 Appointed,Oe[ '•, 1926 ADDointed,Oct. 1, 1929 Appointed,April 1. 1929 Appointed.March 1, 1914 Retired, Oct. % 1958 Retired, February 1, 1957 Retired, May 1, 1957 Sergeant, Jan. 16 1926 Lieutenant. Jan. 1, 1942 Captain, May 8, 1951 Retired, February 1, 1957 Third Row, reading left to right ,-- P[I• •.Timo*hvF•rrell Ptl. JacobusKuiper Ptl. Felix Smith Sgt.Charles Ougel Born, February12, 1893 Born, January2, 1907 Born,August 31, 1892 Born, April 19, 1892 API•!4nted,Jan. 1, 1923 Appointed,Dec.. 1'6, 1929 Appointed,Julyl, 1921 Apoointed,Jan. 1, 1:916 l•ed.?_•d,'Feb. 28, 1958 Retired,March 1, 1958 Retired,Aug. 31, 1957 Sergeant.May 16. 1922 ß"' Retired, May 1, 1957 Fd•rth Ro•v,reading left to right Ptl. Adolph •berl. e Ptl. George F. Laurin Ptl. C!ms.C. Stengel,Jr. Ptl. Mario Tomevi Born;.gJuly10, 1893 Born, November&•, 1905 Born. November5, 1912 Born, January 4, 1897 Ap .•ted, May 16, 1922 Appointed,Dec. 20. 192S Appointed,Oct. 1, 1947 Appointed,Aug. 1, 1926 Retir.e•i.August 1, 1958 Retired,Dec. 1, 1956 Retired,Sept. 1, 1957 Retired,Nov. 1, 1958

.... •.•:• GarbageBids Reje. cfed: Pompfon Lakes Pumps ReligiousFilm To Be

Ha[donThe MayorSeeksand New CouncilBids of CauseDancing Dishesdishes Toand Dancevibrating Shown The film in"The Prospecf Master's ParkFace" Haledonconsidered the ,bidsfor floors irritate the residentsof will be shownin the Prospect scavengercontracts to high, so RiverviewRoad in PomptonPark Christian Reformed Church AUGUSTF. MICH]gLINI, PFN they threw out all bids.A special on Friday, November28 at 8 p.m. onsessionDecember ofcouncil 8 at whichwillnewbe heldbids oughPlains engineer,Robert Spinnler,speculated thethatbor- churchThe mission is thesponsor committee of theofpro- the •U•JU$•M•ghel[•[ PIg• T• will.•bereceived. The awarding-of the .pumps atWanaque Dam may gram. Be Honored December1 t'•e.contract isscheduled forDe- bethe cause of thedisturbance. OnSaturday, December 13,the cember15. Spinnlerand Harold .Gunther, MOSCOW PROMISES BIGGEST Msgr. Stein General Assembly, Angelo,Miele and Sons were engineerfor the NorthJersey BUSFOR ITS COMMUTERSFourth Degree will honor its past thelow bidders. Nick Pacio. who District Water Supply' Cornrots- A buswhich ishinged inthe FaithfulNavigator August F. nowcollects, and Weber Schaper sion, think they have tracked middleso it canturn corners. has Michelini.The eventwill take we.•&the other two bidders. thecaused ofthe vibrations Gun- been promised Moscow citizens. place at 7:30p.m. at Natoli's T•e increasesin the ,bids for therpromised that he would take Thebus will seat200 passen- Restaurant onRoute 46 in Saddle the:three contracts amounted to immediatesteps to rectifythe sit- gets,and havefour entrances,Brook. Reservations will beopen from 10,165 to $15,140. uation. three exits and heat for winter. until December 6,

The 'CHRONICLE Page Nine .:-... :.::! , -. - ......

y LEEBR ß A friend of ours has two teen-age daughters. One, after a rather late party the night before, had beer• ordered to bed early. Sure enough the phone rang and h&r sister answered. It was the sleeping beauty's heavy dateß Next morning at breakfast there Was Mrs. Elinor Messineo, past president of the Columbiettes, Auxiliary ot Paterson Council 240, Knights of Columbus, was honored in the Coun- .quitea little scene."You surelydidn't cil chambers. Seated left to right: Mary Iaconette, State President; tell him I had gone to bedl" wailed Dr. Joseph DiStefano, PGK, coordinator of the Columbiettes; Mrs. E. the sleeper. TRIBUTE TO JUSTICE -- Messineo, R,v. M. Chaloub, chaplain; and Mrs. J'eanette Mott, presi- "Of course I did." dent. Standing, Grand Knight Joseph Palladino, District Deputy Geo. Washington, D.C. -- John Jay, Bellin, and Louis Carrano, past coordinator. Mrs. Messineo was pre- "That's the meanest thing I ever first chief Justice of the Su- sented with a gift in appreeiaton of her great work for Columbiettes. heard of in my life! Everybody will preme )urt, makes his initial- think I have to go to bed at.9 o'clock appearance on a U.S. stamp in this 15-cent i-ssue to bete- dicated that his committee will just like a childl" Mental Health Ass'n leased December 12, 1958. The write a representative sample of "That's all fight," was the comforting stamp features a likeness of Jay Planning Its Activities community and civic organiza- re.ply. "I told him you had an awful based on a painting by Gilbert Dr. Burton Le Vine, chairman tions to ascertain their interest. hangover." S•uart, and is maroon in color. of the Program and Education Suggested topics will then be evaluated, and the most prevalent Committee of the Passaic County The little prairie dog and other Mental Health Association an- choice will become the focus for mammals have to contend '•with nounced that his committee is the meetings. Some topics cur- aggressionalso. The burrowing planning its most ambitious pro- rently being considered for the owl wants to share their holes in gram to date. meetings are' "Family Life in An the prairies. Current plans are to sponsor a Age of Turmoil", "Emotional ..• series of early spring meetings Problems of Growing Up", "Sex on mental health. Plans call for and Marriage The Wellspring meetings to be held simu]tane-- to Happiness?", "How to Live ous]y in three sections of the with Your Tensions at Home, LA 3-2682 Maurice -F. Metzler "How do .you like my hat?" asked a county, the Clifton - Passaic Work and School", "Adoleœcense, METZLER area, the Paterson area, and the a Period of NormaIcy an Abnor- young wife innocently,as shepreened herself before the mirror. Pompton Lakes- Wayne area. mality", "The Child with Two AMBUL, SERVICE The sugg'ested program is cur- Mothers -- The Parent and Tea- "It looks silly," said her tactlesshus- band.' "Why don't you return it?" "Ev•ryth•?g.for the rent]y in its formative stages. To cher", and "Mental Health and Hospitalized Pati-ent" make certain that it reflects com- Mental Illness Facts, Fancies "Oh, I can't return it," was the reply. Male and Female Attendants munity interest, Dr. Le Vine in- and You." "You see it's my old one. But since you don't like it I can go buy .an: Transportation Anywhere 'other." TODAY'S CROSS-WORD SERVICE and RENTALS ACROSS 21. Recession 406 Morrissee Avenue i• High 23.22. TestSmall candle Haledon, N.J. 9. Sti•hGate fixedly 25.Thin cut 12. Lookat 26. Canva•shelter .•3. C!ocked 28. Posseszive 14. Macaw pronoun Answer fo 15.ß liurry 31.29. FashionEvil ß.'17. Main •neal 32. Partof fish .&'9. Pull Cross Word -20.Detc•ted 35. Endured 21• Let it stand 36. ('raft 37. Boring tools .'.,/3.'Measureof 39. Beneath Pu--le weight 40. Noise 524;!!uge 42.Poker stake '•-7. Smallboy 43. *A'a•carried ß•-8.' Anger along on Page lli. Mr. Archibald: "l'm afraid ! can't ;•9. Beautifulgirl 44. Reverence 30. Above hire you. •e do•'• n•d much help 31. lh pen 45. A numl•r 32. D•stant 46. Belongingto hin 33. WRhm 47. Tree fluid 34, Di•olvez 48. B•blical 36. ilelp pronoun ßFor IDEAL ServiCe 37. Dctxl .51.Parent AROUND TOWN 38. Beseech & ? $ ? to u Call 39. Vase 40. Clubpayments 41. Slope 43. Outfit IDEAL ..• 44. Be pr•seqt rS, i ? I I 46. 'l'rustwoithy 49. Troy !'50. Lukex•arm 52. College Yell I 53. Cease 2t 22 WIN.ELA. &5 .I.10UOR 0566 54. Rub out ß55. *Aarch secretly 27 28 FEATURING A DOWN ß -1. Fire residue WIDE VARIETY OF 2. Meadow i 3. Tried •' IMPORTED and 4. Cook slowly : 5. Soft metal :. 6. Part of to be DOMESTIC WINES 7. Fortification ' 8. Prepare for publication PrompfDelivery Serx4ce : 9. Kind of shoe • Y •5 10. Before 234 Vreeland Ave. '11. Armed con{lict ¾•' oo 16. Small child 18. At no time Palerson, N.J. L2,0.Girden •.. implement i ir i

Page Ten ß The CHRO•C• 10:00 3:00 4•Feat. Film 2•Gunsmoke 5•Movie 7--Movie 4•Cimarron City 7•C)pen Hearing 9--Movie 7--SammyKaye 9--Movie I I--C•ourmetC•ub 9--Bowllng I I--Cap)ured 13--Movie I I•Premiere Theatre 3:30 I I:00 13--Jungle 7--RollerDerb,, 2--Sun.News Special 10:30 I I--Ci'•y Detective 4--News WItCA-TV--4 WABD--5 2--Sea Hunt 13•Movle I I--Moyle WOR.TV--9 WPIX--11 4•Brains and Brawn 4:00 13•Movle WI•TA--X3 5--Movie 2--YoungAudiences 11:15 7•Movie I I•lnner Sanctum 2•The Late Show ':':'allege, TVMorning and Afternoon Programs Are Repeated 9--Bowling 4:30 13--Movle 2--Football Review I:00 i-,MondayThrough Friday from 7:00 &.m. to 5:30p.m. I I:00 7•Bowling 5--RomperRoom 7--! MarriedJoan 2--Late News 9•Movle 2--TheLate, Late Show Semester 7--Peter Lind Hayes I I--A:manac 4•Sat. Night News I I--Capt. David Grief 4.-•-T 12:00 i 3--Movle .•--Movle 13--Crossroads 8:00 2--Love of Ufe 3:00 IS--ovie S:00 MONDAY 2.---caPt.Kangaroo 4--TicTac Dough 2--TheBig Payoff 7--Time For. Fun I I--Film 4•Today is Ours I I: I 5 2--Spec. Prog. •.• 8:30 12:30 $--T.V.Read. Digest 2--The Late Show 4•Ka!eidescope DECEMBER I •--•dy Becker 2--Searchfor Tomorrow7--Be•t The C:.ock 4--Movle Four S--Sherlock Holmes 4•-It Could Be You 3:30 11:30 7•PaulWinchell 5:30 :00 S•Cartoons 2--The VerdictIs Yours 9--FashionShow I I--Star Showcase 2--EarlyShow 2--.Susle 7--Mother'sDay 4•From TheseRoots I I--Late Movie 13•Shlr:e7Temple 4•Movie4 '•4•Hi, Mom I I--French S--B;.-goAt Home 1:30A.M. 5:30 7--MickeyMouse Club 7--S•ar Playhouse 2•Late,Late S•ow 2--TedMack 9--MysteryThea. 9:30 12:45 7--WhoDo YouTrust •Mr. DistrictAttorney I I•ThreeStooges 2--M¾ Little Margie 2--TheGuiding Light 13--RichardWillis ••. '• '• e'q '•"•""::: ''• "• "" "•"•::• :r• '•' 7--Lone Ranqer 6:00 7--Movie !:00 4:00 '•'':•q•::•:':/•:--• m:• I I•CharterBoat 5--Cartoons 2--News 2--BrighterDay 6:00 7--LiHle Rascals ! 0:00 4•Dr. JoycaBrothers 4•C•ueen For A Day !:'•-F.0rLove or Money 5--Showcase 7--AmericanBandstand NOVEMBER30 2•Small World I I--Fopeye 7--Liberate 9--Houro} Stars 4•Meet The Press 13--Sherwood Forrest .-'4--DoughRe Mi 8:00 5---SundayPlayhouse 5--M'ovie I I--FunAt One 13--JuniorFrolics 4--SundaySchedule 7--AnnieOakley 6:30 .. 7---Movie 1:30 4:15 7•CartoonFestival 9--HowTo MarryMillion. 4--News. Gabe Pressman . 10:30 2--As The World Turns 2--The Secret Storm 9:00 I I--Soldler of Fortune S--Sandy Eecker 2•l•y Your Hunch 4•Shor'• Story 4:30 2•AgrlcultureU.S.A. 6:30 7--DamonRunyon Theatre .4-•T'•asure Hunt S--Movie 2--The Edqe of Night 7--Memory Lane 4---County Fair $--W.onderama 2--T.he20th Century 9•Sci FictionThea. •.. • •. 11:00 2:00 •K4r. District Attorney 9:30 4•Chet HuntleyShow I I--Superman i 7••hur _.•-orv •odfre7Lane 2---Jimmy Dean 5:00 2•ThaWay To Go 7--Hawkeye 13•Jung'.e ••.Prlce Is Rieht 4--Truth or Consequences 2•Life of Riley 5•Wonderama10:00 9•FarmerAI Falfa 6:45 7--C•--nce For Romance 4•Movie I I•The Gray Ghost 4--News 7•Da• •n Cou• 2--LampUnto My Feet 13--No'treDame Fcrotball I l•Sci• I I--Physlcs 5--Allen Freed 4•Pef Center 7:00 ß' . •'•t :30 2:30 9•Looney Teen Express 13--ShortSubjects 7:00 2•Top •11ar 2--Art Linkletter I I--Abbofi' & Costello 10:30 2•Lassie 2--News--Robt.Trout •nce•afion 4•H-ggis Baggls 13--ActionTheatre 2--LookUpAnd Live 4--SaberofLondon •Highwa¾Patrol 5•JonGnagy 7---YouAsked For If 5--BengalLancers 1:30 6:00 7•TheCh:is.•oP.• er Prog. 9--Cartoon Time 7•WestPolnf Story

. ß TURD" Y 4•Football 13•ovle I1--1Search forAdv. 9--Terryteent I--News Circus ... 2--Right Now 7--Adv. of Rin Tin Tin I 1:00 7:30 13•Hun}e: 4•Home Garden I I•Shee.na 2--UN In Action 2--Bachelor Father :-:_ NoVEMBER-::••: 5--Ranch Party 13•Rate The Records 4--SearchligM 4--Northwest Passage 7:15 7:00 7--Movie 6:30 7--Focus 5--Lilli Palmer 2--News 2--Sun rise:'S •emester l I--Halls of Ivy I 4--Star Thea. 11:30 7--Maverick I I--News ,- 8:C3 2:00 E--Funnytoons 2--Camera Three 9--Moyle •--The. B:g Picture 2--Prof. Hockey 7--Annie Oakley 4--For The People I I--Mama 7:30 ' 7--Cartoon Festival 4•Sporfs Page 9--Farmer A'falfa 7•John HopkinsFile 13--Gov.Report 2•Name ThatTune ' 9:00 S--Late Lunch Movie I I•Brave Eagle I I•This Is The Life 8:00 4--Tic Tac Dough 2..-;Q•the ,Carousel 9--Movie 7:00 12:00 2--EdSulllvan 5--Afrric•nPatrol ' :••iclren s Thea. I l--The Tracer 2--Target 2•Eye On NewYork 4•SteveAllen 7--PolkaGo Round '5•L;•edies 2:30 4•Roy Rogers 4-- Soeakfor ThemselvesS--Uncommon Valor 9•Movle -• 9:30 2--Prof. Hockey •Range Rider 5--M• Coun?ry,MyPeople I I--L•fe With Father I I--Amos& Andy 2•p+. Kangaroo 7--M.ovle 7•Jungle Jim 7---ReligiousShow -- 13--OralRoberts 13•MovieNight 9--Movle 9--Terry,*oon Circus 9--Oral Roberts 8:00 ' ' •.• . I0:00 I I--Tomahawk I I--Casey Jones i I•UN Review 8:30 2--The Texan 13--Pursult 13•Dan Durvea 13--Movie 4--The Restless Gun 12:30 •TV Readers Digest 7--Lawman 5--Fol•ow That Man 3:00 7:30 2•Fa:e The Nation 7--M•?nq• Feature I I--The Go•dbergs I I•Whlrlyblrds 2--Prof.Hockey 2--PerryMason 4---Youth For:,m .J3--Fu•ler•.'•a 13•The Hunter 8:30 ' _.'• 10:3(' 9--Movie 4•PeopleAre Funny S--Between The L|nes I I--Adv. Playhouse 5--DougFairbanks 7•Faifh For Todav 9:00 2--Father Knows Best 3:30 7--Dick Clark 9---The Evangel Hour 2--G-E Theatre 4--Wells Farg• 2--Prof. Hockey 9--•ovie I I•The Chrlsfophers 4--Chev'• Show 5•Confidenfial File 2---HereandII:00 Jeckle 4•Football I I•Jeff's Collie 1:00 5--So This Is Hollywood 7--Bold Journey 5--Wanfled 13--Movie 2•Pic. For Sunday P.M. 7--Colt 45 I I--Flight 7--Shock. Thea. 8:00 4•Wafch Mr. Wizard 9--Movie 7•U ncle AI 9:00 9--Movie 4--PerryComo 5•5 S•ar Matinee I I--Fast Guns I 1:30 7•Co11. News Conf. 2-- •--Adv. of Robin Hood 4:00 -5--Assign. Foreign Legion 13--Movie 9•Chrlstlan Science 4•Peter Gunn 4---•ircus Boy 5•Movie 7•Jubi]ee USA 4•Football I I--Movie I I--Continen'al Miniature 9:30 5--Movle •:? .I2 •00 7•Volce of Firestone 7--Movle 8:30 13•Movie 2--Alfred Hitchcoc• 2--The'Early Matinee 1:30 •Sword ,of Freedom 9--Science Fictio.n I I--Movie 2-- Movie I I--Man Without ,6, Gun •4-•Tr•, Story 13--Gunfire 5--Mr. & Mrs. North 7--Movie •on -Mystery 4--The Eternal Light 9--Movle 13•Movie Night 4:30 13--Movle 9:30 . ' 7-•tTae Bontempis 2--Stu Erwl.n 5--Movie I I--Frontier Doctor '-•tball 5:00 7--Sun. Playhouse 2--Ann Southern 10:00 • i.:jl--Thru The Porthole 2•The LoneRanger 2--Gale Storm 9•Movle 4--Alcoa Hour ,13•Movie 4•Football 4--Dean Martin I I--Sunday Movie 2--Panel Show 7•Panel O.uiz -. 12:30 4•Lorett• Young 9--Adv. of Martin Kane . 5--Charlie Chan 5--After Di,nnerMovie 2:00 ..4--DetectiveStory 7--All Star Golf 7--LawrenceWalk Show 2•Football 5--M.ovie I I--Sile'nf Service 1t--41owllng'sBest 9--Movle 9--Movie 4--Watch Mr. Wizard 7--Movie 10:00 9--Movie 7--Movie 2•WestlnghousePlayh I I•Laurel and Hardy 13--Wrestlrng I I--Bishop Sheen ß•af. Thea.1:00 13--Movie 9:30 2:30 4--Arthur Murray 13--Movle 7•Traffic Court

. '7--4•ovle 5:30 2--Have Gun Will Travel 2--Pic. for Sundav PM 10:30 , I !•4•to Football 2•The Early Show 5--Movle 5--C•usade in Pacific 9--Movle r .! 3•4•!ovle 9--Movle I I--Guy Lombardo 4--Prof. Basketball 2•What's My Line7 I I--Victory At Sea Page Eleven . . omtoTICni, • _-...•.• • .: . ' •-;. ß ,.

ß •. -•. 10:30" .'" I--Football I 0:00 • . • . c...,•.,•,.. •:, - ß ...:...... •;...... ,;,;,v•_.;,x•,--.-. - ' .. _•.' 4•Mike Hammer 10:30 - - .. 1:15 •.•• •..... :,::.•, ,.:•,:.'.•-•.,.• .• • •. , - ,.•..•,.-.• . .•< ?_•. . •-, 9--Movle .... ' •:. , •. • • ß .•.... •, •...-( ,...... ,.., . . 7•John Dily--News -- 4--Thisis YourLife -• .;'> x ..... *, • •. A• -•) .... .• ---• x. :;,. -.. . .. ß 5•Racket Squad 9--Movie 5--Me.dic •'-•'•. ...:..- %,..,....:•."*-> '-•.-. •. . •./> •""-'."•L. •..•. -• .... •:....:..'.... •'": •. ." • .•- / ß 7•John Daly, News I I--Kingdom of the ' L"• •" c-• ,, • -'•- •.. . • ß • •, ' ß 7--Boxing ':. ß :•:, -•T'•z-•...,, , . ß .' .-',..., :•r-'s ..•, ..•....-•';(•.:'-- •__..• ...... 9--Milli.on Dollar Movie 3--Paro!e -:. ..$'.••., - .... . x• .... .; •', if,,- • 9--Movie ..... >-.. •' ,. • •- . .. . '. •.-':.G ß •., •,•.G..•;. •--• . I I--Navy Locj I 1:00 I I--Movie ß ...... : • • •- •. :: ..•.:::: . :-,.:-.,,. ;.•,*. • ,>' ;- ß 13--Moyle Night -- . '"' :.' ß •- •. -, ,.... '.e.".:•>'....; 2,' 2--The Lite News 10:30 I 1:00 4•J. M. McCiHrey "•':' :•.- .... ß •(.:';•;•!.;>:P'-:;?. :' ,• :l--The Lite News 5•Movie 4--State Tro.oper, :' • '-":.: ..• ,•.•,•-• ,.•;-' ,..•.., 5--Winchell Files 4--J. M. McCaffrey 7--Ben Hecht's Show '-!• • •. :':'-,... , '•'•.:.]:•½k.- .•',•-•; ...... •--Movie 9--Movie . 7•John Dily, News 9--Moyle ß }:J.": ß. •'" -.."•:-..s'• ß ß":' •'.'•'g• '•"• •' '.•: ...... •:•...... 7--Ben Hecht Show : . . , '•:•(...... ;.-.. •[•-•-'• ,• • t• -• •. --::• I--News , I I--Public Defender : ...... •::•...... •,..•. ß•. .•. • .-..- .. •.:• •:•:• I I--News 3--Open End ...... : ,. .•: .• ...... ,. . •-e. •,.:'•A.-.:::•-.,,, .. •-•,,•<•:. •:•. .•...••',• ß<. •.-, ß -•:•:•-.. . 13--Movie Night...... { - , .... • .-•,•, • .',--'•%'•-.•ff , , . 11:15 11:15 ....:..:...•..::.::...... :, -. .. -¾.•.•: ,•;.,-•:•: •, •e• • :-' i1:00 . ß ...... -.• %. '. • % • .., ,. • • "::•: 2--The Lite. Show 2--Movie . . : -• • - • .:.: 4•Jack Parr 2--The Late News ß. , •., .:, . - . <•f ,• .- 4•Jick Peer ß . ; .-f,,:., -. •:.• .• : .., • • . 7--Movle 7--Shock Theatre 4•John McClffrey 5•M0v;e ß ß ,• •:., f:.•:-:,•:..,•,. t, • :.'•-•'-• •,.,. •?•. •A.,-., ,=.':• I I--Hour •of Stirs I I--Hour of Stars ,.. •...... •. •ß •. , ..•-. .-•.,,-.,g •:...-. 12:,00 7--Ben Hechf ...... • •.-e' • • . ...,. •.> •-.. 9--Movle -: '-:'. ', . 12:45 9--News .... • •,•'• • •, ,, Z--The Late, Lite Show I I--News

.. .- 1:00 2--Life, Late Show I:00 2--Late, Late Show TUESDAY DECEMBER2 W E D N E S D A Y 5:30 DECEMBER3 2--The Early Show THURSDAY 4•ldovie Four 5:30 7--Wa!f Disney 2--The EarlyShow DD3EMBER 4 9--MysteryThea. 4•Movie 4 I I--T'hreeStooges 7--MickeyMou.e Club S:30 6:00 9--MysteryThee. 6 2--Movie •Carfoons I I--ThreeStooges 4--Movie 4 7--Little Rascals 6:00 7--Wait Disney I I--Popeye 5•Bugs Bunny 9--Mystery Thea. 13--Adv. of Sher. Forrest7--Liffle Rascals I I--Three Stooges 6:30 I I--Popeve 6:00 13--Sherwood Forrest 4•News of New York 6:30 5--Cartoons 5--Sandy Becker 7--Lifile Rascals 7--Man Ca!led X 4•N'ews 5--Cartoons I I--Popeye 9--Sci. Fiction Thee. 13--Adv. of Sher. Forrest I I--Woody Woodpecker 7--Foreign Legionnalre 13•Jungle 9--Sclence Fiction 6:30. 'BEHOLDTHE EMPEROR!--TheEmperor (Sebastian Cabot), clothed 6:45 I I--Wi!d Bill Hickok 4--News only in a nightshirt (though he believes himself arrayed i.e•a .mag- nificent robe), parades 'before his subjects in "The Emperor's New 4--News 13•Jungle •Cartoons 6:4S 7--1 Married Joan Clothes," the Tuesday, Nov. 25 full-hour feature of "Shirley Temple'$ ß 7:00 Storybook" on the NBC-TV Network.- 2--World News 4--News 9--Sci Fiction Thee. . •. 4--If You Had a Mill;on 7:00' I I--Huck!eberry Hound 5•Judge Roy Bean 2--World News 13•Jung'e 7--Union Pa-ific 4•Delth Valley Dlys 6:45 :".;, •. 9--Terryfro.on Circus $--Adv. of Jim Bowie 4•News .-...--.',.% •'.• . I I--Kevin Kennedy 7--Harbor Cornmind 7:00 ß' . '.....D'"P':'.'-!•:•::::•' 13--This Is A!ice 9--Terryf•.on C."rcus ß -• '•]:::i :'-.•:? .• 7:15 I I--Kevin Kennedy 2--7 o'clock ReFt. { ß <.....¾..:...:.•:}?::::.•..x.!: .. 2--New- 13--Movie 4•Boots and Saddle ß...... 9:4? ß .•. x:. '•.::;:,:•... I I--John Tillman 5--Sheriff of Cochise 7:15 7--Tug boat Annie ß ' •..:.-;.{,• ...... 7:30 2--News 9•Clrfoons :- " ::,;•.:•, 2•?urns & Allen I I•John Tillman--News I I--Kevln Kennedy 4•Dragnef 13--The Michaels 5--Adv. of Charlie Chan 7:30 7--Sugarfoot 2--Mackenz':e Raiders 7:15 9--1vlovle 4•Wagon Train Z--News I I--Amos & Andy •Ci•y Assgnmenf I I--News' 13--Man W•t,•ouf a Gun 7•Plymou,•h Show, Walk 8:00 9--Movie 7:30 2--1nvis',ble Man I I--Amos & Andy 2--1 Love Lucy 4•George Gobel 13--Movie 4•Jeff•rson Drum •White Hunter •--Shedock Holmes 8:00 7--Leive It To Beaver I I--B'•11Stern 2--Pursu'f 9--Movie 13•Howto Marrya Mill.5--Mr. Dist. Arty. I I--Amos & Andy 2--To Tell 8:30The Truth I I--Badge714 13•J. Nosbiff Thee. 5--CityAssignmen+ 8:30 I:00 7--Lifeof WyaffEIrp 5--HyGardener I I--Bow'ing 'l--ThePrice Is Right 2--December Bride 13--LeaveIt to the Girls7--O-z;e & Harriet 4•Ed Wynn 9:00 I I•ode Three 5•Ray Milland Show 13--Movie 7--Zorro 2--Arthur Godfrey I I--This Is Alice 9:00 4•Georq• Burns 13•azz Party 5--Wrestllng 2--The Millionaire 7•Dr.•m• 4-- le-ry Lewis 8:30 9--S-; F;-f;on 5--The Big Story 2--Yancy Derr•nger I I--Wresfl;ng 7--Donna Re•.d 4•C.oncen-•a"ion 13--Movie 9--Thls Is Alice 5•Doug FeltbanksThea. 9:30 I I--San Francisco Beat 7--Real McCoys 2--R•d Ske'ton - 13•Movie N:.ghf I I--The Honeymooners 4--Bob Cummings 9:30 9:00 7--Naked Ci'•y 2--I've •ot A Secret 2--Dick Powell LITTLE FRIEND --"Wagon Train" co.-star Robert Horton draws a 9--HarnessRacing 4--Be;. Mastorson 4•H•11 of Fame broadsmile from EvelynRudie who is featuredin the episode, 10:00 5--Divorce Hearing •Prof. Wrestllna "The Mi.llie Davis Story," on the NBC-TV Network Wednesday, :...•: 2--G•rrv Moore 7--The Oldsmobi e Show 7--Pet Eoone Chevy Show Nov. 26, Evelyn portraysa homelessorphan adoptedby a dance- 4•Th• C•!;forn;ans 9--Too Pro Golf . 9--Man Without A Gun hall hostess (guest star Nancy Gates). Series co-star Ward B0n•d 7--Mystery Playhouse I I--Highw•y Pa! 'ol I I--Col. Humphrey Fleck appears in his role of Wagonmaster Seth Adams. ß

Page Twelve •he

. /.


267-269. P•rk Avenue ST. CLAIR'$ DEFF•T had been watched by Indian AT TEN HONE ST at Mmiison One of the worst defeats ever scouts under the wily Tecumseh. WEE TEP I D RAH suffered by an American army The attack came at dawn, a fav- P&•RSON, NEW JEI•EY occurred on November •, 1•91. On orite surprise hour of the Indians, ENI) ERASE• SP ¾ that day the Indians cut to pieces upon the sleeping, unprepared the army of General St. Clair on troops. At the chilly sunrise of the east fork of the 'Wabash Riv- November 4th the fierce war

i: er in western Ohio. whoop rang out from the woods The battle was part of the and hundreds of warriors, led by FRED constant warfare between the Chiefs Little Turtle and Blue N • Civil•Engineer & II .•- FAMOUS westward pushing white settlers Jacket, swarmed upon St. Clair's I , and the red men for possessionof army. 1455 II the land. The prize here Was the The surprised troops were quick- great stretch .of rich wilderness ly disorganized, despite the per- -- s• CLIFTON,N. •. I! country.between the river known zonal bravery of St. Clair and by the beautiful Indian name of other officers, and slaughtered'by Ohio, and the Great Lakes. the hundreds. Only a fraction of In 1790 the government sent the army escaped by flight into' troops under General Josiah Har- the forest, leaving more tha,n 600 mar to Ohio to check the Indians dead, and all their supplies, on SANITARY who were attacking the white the field. St. Clair was lucky settlers. Harmar built a fort on enough to be among the sur- CONSTRUCTION the Muskingam River, near the vivors. When the news reached Presi- COMPANY ß spot where the city of Marietta dent Washington weeks later he now stands. He then made an ex- Since 1915 pedition against the Indians. They burst into fury, crying, "Oh, God! T•...../•TYCRUST BREAD drove him back in defeat. Oh, God! St. Clair is worse than a A. CERVIHO, P=residenf A year later President Wash- murderer! I-Iow can he answer to •••J!?': CAKES & PASTRY ington chose General Arthur St. his countrymen!" But when • he calmed down, Washington sa•d, 2 RockawayAvenue 'C•air to lead an army againstthe Wesf Palerson Indians and avenge Harmar's de- "General St. Clair shall have jus- -:.i•!(?'/•tSkAt Your Grocer's, feat. St. Clair was governor of tice... he shall have full justice." 10 IvlcGee'sAlley '•i• "'•i.•: r the Northwest Territory which St. Clair was severely censured ••'•i-c'•:'-.• Su•r Ms ket included the Ohio country. He for this terrible defeat. Though Palerson set out with an army of 2000 men he continued to be governor, his 7 Serving to build a chain of forts and se- name remained in bad repute and cure the Ohio countryagainst In; he never rose again in public es- dian attacks. teem. NewYOrk and New Jersey P r e s i d e n t Washington had The Indians, flushed with their warned St. Clair to be 'alert victories over liarmar and St. !,son ,o., against surprise and ambush, but Clair, rew bolder in their raids the warning apparently wasn't and massacres. It remained for a heeded. The expedition had bad Revolutionary War hero, General luck from the beginning. Disci- "Mad Anthony" Wayne. to defeat , rlwtS, ,, . plin• was bad. There were deser- the Indians t•o years later and tions.. And St. Clair wasn't in break their hold on the Ohio t,(I. ,, Bedding good health. His army had been country. After that came the big ßi:HH GTkOTRAN reduced to about 1400 men when rush of settlers from the East, •'E'riAN BLIN, it ca.rnped on the banks of the and ten years later, in 1503, Ohio 'ORMIC& TOP• .):../'Funera• Serviceand Wabash without taking proper became the 17th state in the ,, ß Funeral Home precautions against a surprise at- Union. tack. 296 •1 ! ST

-.. 2.OlS For days St. Clair:s movements P TERSON N.J.


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