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'"..... .... '• Garfield - '..•:•' '...•.:..'..:"..]..•"'?....;:.•...••:•. :'..'•......•..:.:.• :?•?.:•.•.•::..:.:..:.:.:';;:..:? .........•:.....:.....•:.:::: ..):' :::...:,.:. .... •-' •..•.,• ', .:.-.,. .'..:'....... • ß .•...:. .. • .. ß :. '.-'..... ..:..:... ,:.•• :..: •] .......';? ]........ ,. i: . • • .. ., i*.'i:.'.."'ii::"'•'"':6 '*::'"' Haledon :'•.• • ....:"•- • p.•.• •- •::•:::...•' :'---' •: .:•....d':••.':. •..•, .-•. ' .............:'-- .. -:: ,.. , :. :.i....i.:. .'.11::• .':...'.*:'. :::. .... .. Hawthorne :•, -::• • ...... .-. ... :'.] ..: .... .: .:. ..... ! odi Little Falls Mountain Norfh Hu,udon Paterson Passaic qton Lakes Pro• Park Sincjac /'otowa ayne est Paterson ß..:. HEY KIDS! SANTA IS IN TOWN. [ NOVEMBER 30, 197• VOL. XXX, No. 48 WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NAM• TO REMEMBER i1 I for FURNITURE Living Room B•d Room D• •m RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY and-LOW PRICE -- 39 Year, Serving the Public- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-78410 PATERSON, N.J. 240 MARKET ST. (Carroll l'lm Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 PeterF. Cu0n0'o-o'o, o.d Engraver AuthorizedP.B.A. Jeweler a.nd Engraver Life MembershipCards - Rings- Pins- Wallets ..4 204 A MARKETSTREET EASTPATERSON, N.J. SW 7-6151 THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ß -_._ •,.•!,.:.,' IJ I •, "•k W"•__._.•ß • _•" _, ITALIAN-AHERICA • • • dl _7, ITCHE .-:.: q i • I •)• -- ..... ---- FOUR FACES OF CAESAR- Sid Caesar is a man of many racial SEAFOOD • q ' expressions as he performs a TV comedy routineß He will return to the NBC-TV Network to star on the "Chevy Show" colorcast Sun- day, Nov.-2. Here he portrays an orator at a political rally, capturing his audience with a friendly gesture (upper left), surprising himself •nOGS' z, • OS - BROILED•!)T SHEEbLOBSTER CEAU•• - --B•UE•!SHDAI•Y - RAIN•O•V as he warms up to his subject (upper right), developing a devilist• TROUT - HAlibUT - SAbMON - SHRIMPS- SCA•OPg- gleam as he gets to his point (lower left), and waiting anxiouslyfor OTSTSES - CLAM - gOD FIEIt - S[VOIJD •I gH - DAIb DINNERS the audience reaction. 168 BELMONTAVE. JCor. •urhansJ,HALEDON - - - •mberf 5-988S o o ' • - rOTOWARte.46Ho. FAIRrs- LAWNRte. 4 Man.- Sat. 0:30 a.m. fo 10 p.m. FRO'M HARRI ON ß OpenSunday 0:•0 a.m. fo • p.m. -.•:•:- p• ß•'•:• String of Eig•hfSeries !ndoo',r Lights .4• ChristmasGift Wrap .65 .•[:• :.:It:.: ]•. LOO •'[•••][• 7 Indoor (each ligh ts '•ndependen fly) •'•.•e .88 :.:][•25 Indoor(each lightsindependently) .•' 3.49 Artificial Flame Proof •t.:: 6 ft, Ch:ristmasTree 6.95 :.:][:.:25Outdoor (e.ch figMs indepe,'ndently) •'4.70 •. •.• Page Two The CHl•Ol•C•' - Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMPANY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, l•ew Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILl,O, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post ß: •.'4• "-'• .'::'•.,,•' •-".• .1 ..,' ,, f,' ß :: -ß ........ , Officeat Paterson,N.J., underthe act of March3, 1879. "•:•::•}*::............: < , .• ...... .•.ß . ......k.: . .. .- , ..•. NOVEMBER 30, 1958 -- VOL. XXX, No.. 48 C•D•• BOUQUET -- Tokyo, Japan -- Kimono-clad Japanese girls present bouquets to members of the St. Louis Cardinas at the Kor•uen Stadium here. This was the ope•ng ceremony before the ßt•ingle Copy 10 Cents .,.•,_•'•.•.22 $5.00 a Year By Msil Carders first game aganst the "•l-Jap•" te•. ß•> .•,., .-.. .•l:......> •- .• •>•.y•;,.-.q"•:. .... %.. ...:..:.-' .::.::.•-.i:....' ß .....ß , .' ß..-:,•'.•,•,?•.:,.• ...... ';•{• ß• ;-"•'*.:2<-. .. ..:•-r•. --;• ß,•....-. :':: - ....'..... .:. ..•;. '•..-•.,•'•"i•;•t:: >'..•'.• ..•..;• ¾:-.:.. •.,¾•..':•'.......•,.:.. ß. *. •:k-•...•.x• •-.•..-'?. -':•::;•E••:* ß'• ' • .... >'• :"ß ß '. :' •' •%-. ß , ': -'' '•"--;•-<-' •-'-':•:...-•+.:....'"" .... -:•'• .... - .... ,•• .•ß ....., ß ••;•.:,..... • :.- . * ;:• •. ¾•,_.,: .•i •.4:-•-.•'..•-:.. • •;.•..:;.{;:•.,;•:•%..••": _. ..;. • . -• ."*a •.•.•a:.--•.•>•-..,:.:.•.-.•' .•!:.:•:wß :,:• •., .'-•.- ': . ' ,"t• '<'. •%!..• •,' -:'•' :""• • .... •<.x• ;." • ....-:' " < ' ' ' * ;•• '• ' ' "'•%.•' ...."" ß ":•:-. '""::'"' ' ' '<"•:ß -'.>' CONTENTS , •,•--.. :• •;• '--•}<:. •,.• ß .. .•,... •-......... ,<.:•, .. •... .'--.•,"•. ,•.??;•i•.•}'•:•'a,•--. ':'.'::.•"•"•-'!'-.'f$•--L"•-'•• -< - ß* ..... :..v- ß ß-iß '•''. •,•:>".., •-"'....-**• ß ' . :.-..•..'::--!:•:•:-ß ......'- -• • ......x '- ß ; ' - -'•*:;•6•::•<•i:•z•?":-.. "•::'• ...... -:..-"-a.<'.:....... -'•:•: ,. ß ß• ß • • ..•:::t•i•.•.•:...•.•:.•.........:...!::l•,'.,.• ••,•..... '•;,.*' .' ' ....., <• •'• "•, x'.-•-.•....•. •-'•.• .•i::•!•: .•.•;•:•.:•, ,,.... .•.•:>i•.f •i••.,•:•:.... ..<• ß " . ' ' ? .... - "•'•*':t..... •'•:'::•; '•.•. :, • .>.. ,:- .:.' . .*,. , _, • ." -• .a-'•<'•-• ,•'•-; .... -:',,•:.:.. - ;•:..-.:.:.:..... .•:....,,. ,, ,. •- ::•., •..•.,...• i .:. , .•,...... ßß i.:. .• •,i:..•.•...•,-;' ,• •.•N %'•',•: •"•t',.- , ..• :•::-'-'• ß.' • ß• -' N:. • •. • .•%. .• . •. ,% • . < . , . ,"•'; '• ......•' '"',. i. • •-...< - ,,.... ... :•.• .• t' ..:-. '•;•-: ; ' : • • • ,i.•'•.... .'4.• '> ..... ,••' ..•.. 'r "' •:%l- •-•.• ,..•; ;.' . .... .:?''-. :;::. *-'"" •hro•i½]eof the Week • ........• • ß • 'V:::.• .....................::::::::::::::::::• ' ' •• ß .. • ß • ß. -.. • •_ • •. •<•'. ß., ,<.:..->:.:.•;. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•, ß • • * .. • - - . •,. ,. • ß • •' •-. .• •-.• . ::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•;•:-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. •/ Sho• :•' • r• .............. 14 •.> . _% . • ........:.:.:.:.-.:.:...... v.................- .... -.-.-.-.-...................v. -. ., • •m•rica• •istor• 15 •" , , ; • >...:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i•i•::•:•:i:i:i:i:i:i:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:i:•:•::•:i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::•:•:•:•:•:i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: PREVIEW OF WINTEE -- Shandaken,N.Y. -- StephenDean, 15, of Flushing, N.Y., examines the snow-coveredtrees as he travels .throughthe woodsat the Catskill Mountaincommunity of Shandaken. Up to 17 inches of snow covered the Catskill area. DEPARTMENTS Borgeand ThanksgivingWeek Crew Editorials ..... ._.;:::•••SocialWorld......... x . Complete Television _11-12-13 COVER PICTURE: Kids!.Did you hear •hat Santa,is, in town? Get your let- in nowand make up •our lis• right awayas Santawill Victor Borge, at the piano, is join-d by h•s staff as they plan the irrepressible corecdian-pianist's Tlmn_ksgiving Week special, Victor a busy.schedule this year with all thenew atomic toys,. Borgo's "Coined and Music," Saturday, Nov. 29, on the CBS Tele- •J•:•-'•":•:/.:memb•,you gotta' be goodor Santawill not comeover vision Network. In addition to his own zany keyboard antics on the hour-Ion program. Borge promises a stageful of musical sur- prises which he is kccpin_gunder wr_apsun, ti_l_ai.r tim_e. Page Three Perplexities of Tofowa Prospect Park Borough ß .. ß .. •..... •.::.-- .. ...:.::..:..<-:. :::.-..<.•/•... :::'.•..: .:- .:....... ..•.:•,. • ..•,-..•. Police Increase Council Has Guests --,•,. •:'-•.ß •. .•.'.•'--' .• • • '. •....'•, ,• ,•-.......... ....,,c.':.'•.i-'.'•::.-..-:.::•....'ß :..•:..':)::!.•:.•.:.•.•.: ,...,'-,.•,,,..•.- The police of the various mu- The Prospect Park Borough ß.,• ....;:.;:;U%"iii;;..';111i!i ....:*..., ..... ' --. '-'-:--•-'" ß........... nicipalities has a problem on Council had a large group of visi- ß X4"•q ß ,,.-. ...:.;½;;?' ' '" ½.-,:.•s:.::-'..•..' :..'-:-:-..:.:-: '• their hands in teaching people tors at its meeting. However, -"• .---'0':• .:-"-...:.:; " .;:. .. • .," not to jaywalk, that is crossing they were not a group of pro- - ß -! : '".... .. ß"-,..,., - the roads and streets in the.middle testng citizens.
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