
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 12/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 316 - Juli 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, ein wenig Glück (und vorausgesetzt, es kunden-Clip, haben wir auf unseren liebe Filmfreunde! gibt kein Presse-Embargo!) ist seine YouTube-Kanal unter dem Titel “Future Beginnen wollen wir unseren neuen Kurzkritik bereits in diesem Newsletter Attractions” hochgeladen. Es handelt Newsletter mit einer Gratulation. Denn enthalten. sich dabei um die 1:1.85-Version in unsere Kolumnistin Anna hat es end- Full-HD-Auflösung. Den Ton mussten lich geschafft: Sie darf sich ab sofort wir für YouTube leider von 5.1 auf Ste- “Diplom-Journalistin” nennen! Eine reo downmixen. Beim “National Media tolle Leistung wie wir meinen. Und wir Museum” jedenfalls freut man sich sind stolz darauf, Anna wieder in unse- darüber, endlich einmal “personalisier- rem Team zu haben. Nach den vielen te” Clips (im Gegensatz zu den altbe- Strapazen, die ihre Diplomierung abver- kannten neutralen Clips) zur Verfügung langt hat, wird sie sich jetzt wieder zu haben. Übrigens: unsere Dienstlei- ganz entspannt mit Hollywood unter- stung stellen wir gerne jedermann zur halten. Auf der nächsten Seite geht es Für alle die sich dafür interessieren: bei Verfügung. schon los. “Laser Hotline Audio & Video Productions” gibt es Neuigkeiten. Vor Und jetzt viel Spaß beim Lesen. Apropos Hollywood: es scheint als kurzem wurde ein neues Projekt erfolg- warte die ganze Welt momentan auf den reich beendet – eine Auftragsarbeit für Ihr Laser Hotline Team neuen BATMAN-Film von Christopher das “National Media Museum” in Nolan – THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Bradford. Gewünscht war ein 20-Sekun- Ganz bestimmt darf man von Nolan wie den-Clip sowie mehrere 8-Sekunden- immer atemberaubende Bilder und eine Clips, die in das Vorprogramm der drei extrem dynamische Tonspur erwarten. Museums-Kinos integriert werden kön- Immerhin wurden ganze 55 Minuten nen, um auf kommende Filmattraktionen dieses Mal im Superformat IMAX (also hinzuweisen. Bereits im April hatten wir horizontal laufender 65mm Negativfilm) dort vor Ort Filmaufnahmen gemacht, aufgenommen. Wer sich das ultimative um diese in die Clips einzuarbeiten. BATMAN-Erlebnis geben möchte, der Entstanden sind insgesamt 16 Clips sollte einen Trip nach oder (Vier unterschiedliche Clips mit jeweils Bradford nicht scheuen. Denn in die- zwei Bildformaten sowie zwei verschie- sen Städten wird THE DARK KNIGHT denen Tonpegeln!), die wir dem Muse- RISES im gigantischen, filmbasierten um als professionelle DCPs in 2K Auf- IMAX-Format zu sehen sein. Nicht so lösung übergeben haben. Eine kleine in Deutschland. Das höchste der Ge- Kostprobe davon, nämlich den 20-Se-

fühle ist hier die 4k Digitalprojektion, © 2011 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. mit der der Film in einigen Städten prä- sentiert werden wird. Als besonderes Schmankerl präsentiert die Karlsruher “Schauburg” auf der großen Cinerama- Bildwand alle drei BATMAN-Filme von Christopher Nolan als Triple Feature – allesamt in 4k-Auflösung und im engli- schen Originalton. Das Event findet am Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, ab 18:00 Uhr statt. Infos und Tickets gibt es unter www.schauburg.de. Am selben Tag präsentiert übrigens auch das Stuttgar- ter “Gloria 2” dieses Triple – ebenfalls in 4k Digitalprojektion, jedoch in deut- scher Fassung. Wer jetzt schon wissen will, ob sich der neue Film auch lohnt, der sollte einen Blick in “Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog” werfen. Mit

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012

Once upon a ZAP, BOOM, POW!

Es war einmal vor langer Zeit, da machten Ge- schichten die Runden, die waren für die Kinder allzu grausig.

Ursprünglich waren Märchen nicht für Kinder kon- zipiert, sondern für Erwachsene. Sie endeten oft in Mord, Totschlag, Wahnsinn oder sogar Inzest, so wie in Tieks “Der blonde Eckbert”. Dann kamen die Gebrüder Grimm und später der Gevatter Dis- ney. Die Märchen wurden neu erfunden. Es fand ein dramatischer Richtungswechsel statt. Die Ge- schichten wurden kinderfreundlicher, Moral und Happy End übernahmen, es ging um Träume, nicht Terror. Über lange Jahrzehnte ist die Filmindustrie haupt- sächlich diesem Glücksschema gefolgt. Selbst in neuen, live-action Varianten wie Ever After mit Drew Barrymore als Aschenputtel ging es letzt- endlich doch nur darum, aus der Unterjochung in die Arme eines schönen Prinzen zu flüchten.

Aber das Blatt hat sich gewendet. 2006 kam das kleine aber feine moderne Märchen Penelope in die Kinos. Darin entdeckt die verwünschte

Penelope (Christina Ricci), dass nicht die Liebe Copyright by Universal Studios eines Edlen sie wird befreien können, sondern zur perfekten 1950er Hausfrau. Körperimage ist Selbstakzeptanz. 2007 folgte, aus dem Hause ein allgegenwärtiges Problem bei Frauen. Aus den Disney (!), Enchanted – eine parodistische Versi- hungernden Teenies werden immer öfter hungern- on von und gleichzeitig Hommage an alle Prinzes- de Kinder. Achtjährige, die der Anorexie verfallen sinnen-Klassiker von Disney. Giselle (Amy weil sie aussehen möchten wie ihr Idol Selena Adams) wendet sich vom Prinzen ab und findet in Gomez. Nicht nur der Platz, sondern die Notwen- einem Leben als Stiefmutter und selbständige digkeit für Filme wie Penelope oder Enchanted, in Modedesignerin ihre Erfüllung. Hier zeichnet sich dem Robert Giselle nicht nur wegen ihres Ausse- zum ersten Mal ab, dass die neue Generation von hens, sondern wegen ihrer Eigenschaften verfällt, Prinzessinnen nicht zwangsläufig mit der Krone ist vorhanden und wichtig. auf dem Haupt geboren werden muss oder sie sich anheiratet. Es geht hier um Prinzessinnen 2010 brachte dem Kinopublikum Tim Burtons ex- des Herzens, Frauen, die in sich gesehen haben zentrische Fassung von Alice in Wonderland. Der und dort mehr entdeckt haben als das Potenzial

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012

Plot mag nicht unbedingt sein bester gewesen sein, aber er enthält einen wichtigen Wendepunkt in den modernen Kinomärchen: die Heldin als Be- schützerin und Kriegerin. Burtons Alice legt die Ritterrüstung an und schwingt das Schwert gegen den Jabberwocky. Es gibt keinen Prinzen, dafür aber ein Land, das gerettet werden muss. Es folgten Schlag auf Schlag Red Riding Hood, Mirror Mirror und Snow White and the Huntsman. In all diesen Filmen lastet die Verantwortung auf den Schultern einer Frau. Der Prinz ist nur ein netter Extrapreis, nicht das Ziel.

Die Themen sind modern: Völker retten, Eifer- sucht unter Frauen, Unterdrückung von Minderhei- ten, Revolution, Schönheitswahn. In all diesen Fil- nicht selbstverständlich waren. Jetzt ist es “cool”, men wird aus einer jungen Frau eine Kämpferin. sich selbst verteidigen zu können und für das wor- Vorbei die Vögel, die einen beim Anziehen helfen, an man glaubt zu kämpfen – ob mit Worten oder vorbei der Glitzerstaub und die fröhlichen Lieder. Taten. Andererseits versuchen die Filmemacher Hier ersticht Rotkäppchen den eigenen Vater zum auch, dem Schönheitswahn Einhalt zu gebieten Wohl des Dorfes und Schneewittchen lernt Martial und das ausgerechnet in Hollywood! Die Arts um gegen die böse Stiefmutter in den Krieg Schlangenmassage und Vogelkotmaske aus zu ziehen. Ganz nebenbei sorgt sie noch dafür, Mirror Mirror gibt es wirklich. Es scheint, als fän- dass die Zwerge - wegen ihrer Andersartigkeit aus de hier der Versuch statt, Frauen zusammen zu der Stadt verbannt - wieder akzeptiert werden als bringen und ihnen vorzuführen, dass sie entzweit wertvolle Mitglieder der Gesellschaft. Sieben Män- und eifersüchtig nie so viel werden erreichen kön- ner die jahrelang zusammen gelebt, geschlafen nen wie gemeinsam. Und das frau sich noch so und gelitten haben, als Gefahr für die viel Vogelkot ins Gesicht schmieren kann, es wird beeinflussbaren Kinder gesehen wurden und dann ihre innere Hässlichkeit nicht mindern. doch, nachdem die Ratio durchgebrochen ist, wie- der aufgenommen werden? Die Analogie zu dem Diese modernen Interpretationen wohlbekannter großen Kampf für Homosexuellenrechte ist nicht Märchen sind fortschrittlich. Sie schlagen eine zu übersehen. Brücke, die für Märchen bislang unmöglich er- schien: Sie bringen jung und alt zusammen und Die neuen Hollywood-Märchen reflektieren den halten für jeden etwas bereit. Irgendwo im Himmel Stand der Dinge in unserer realen Welt. Die staunen sowohl Ludwig Tiek als auch die Gebrü- Diktatorendämmerung ist in all diesen neu gestal- der Grimm. teten Geschichten deutlich zu spüren. Sie sind Anna Rudschies auch ein Fortschritts-Thermomether. Sie zeigen an, wie weit wir gekommen sind und welchen Weg wir noch zurücklegen müssen. Sie zeugen von Anna freut sich über Feedback: emanzipierten, selbstbestimmten Frauen, wie sie [email protected] noch vor 15 Jahren zwar nicht undenkbar, aber

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 02. Juli 2012 stellen: leben wir eigentlich noch in zu ahnen, begibt sich David damit aber Das Rad des Lebens dem von unserer Erde geprägten in eine gefährliche Situation... Das Die heutige Pressevorführung war eine Rhythmus? Leben wir noch im Einklang schöne Setting des Films mit der ver- Wiederholung für mich. Ich hatte den mit der Natur? Wohin bewegen wir schneiten Landschaft, dem einsamen Film bereits im April während des uns? Schönheit und Hässlichkeit wech- Dorf, dem heruntergekommenen Hotel “Widescreen Weekends” in Bradford seln sich hier ab. SAMSARA schließt mit seinem dunkelrot gehaltenen Gang gesehen. Seinerzeit in 4k-Technik und fast nahtlos an Frickes BARAKA an. – das alles erinnert sofort an die Filme 7.1 Sound, heute leider nur in 2k und Beides Filme von überwältigender der Coen-Brüder und ganz besonders 5.1. Schönheit und ohne Worte, nur getra- an FARGO. Vermutlich war es genau gen von Musik. Eine “geführte Medita- dieser Film, der den Machern als Inspi- SAMSARA (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) tion” in den Augen der Filmemacher. ration für die visuelle Umsetzung ihres OT: Samsara Die Bilder und deren Kontext werden Stoffes dienten. Das ist keineswegs als Verleih: Central auch noch lange nach dem Kinobesuch Kritik gemeint, denn Regisseur Gérald Land/Jahr: USA 2011 nachwirken. Doch wie schon BARAKA Hustache-Mathieu und sein Kamera- Regie: Ron Fricke sollte auch SAMSARA unbedingt in mann Pierre Cottereau verstehen sich Kinostart: 23.08.2012 einem technisch auf dem neuesten vortrefflich darauf, aus diesem Setting Stand befindlichen Kino angeschaut ein Optimum an Atmosphäre herauszu- “Samsara” ist das Sanskrit-Wort für werden. Der komplett auf 65mm kitzeln und den Film damit gleicherma- das sich unaufhörlich drehende Rad Negativfilm im Panavision Super 70 ßen interessant wie auch mysteriös des Lebens. So nimmt Ron Frickes vi- Format gedrehte Film dürfte speziell in aussehen zu lassen. Passend zum suell betörender Film den Betrachter mit digitaler 4k-Technik ausgestatteten Produktionsdesign geben sich auch die mit auf eine Reise, in dessen Mittel- Kinos zur neuen Referenz für Bild- Darsteller. Jean-Paul Rouve in der Rolle punkt der ewige Kreislauf des Entste- qualität avancieren. des Schriftstellers vermittelt dessen hens und Vergehens steht. Alles be- kreative Krise ausgesprochen überzeu- ginnt und endet mit buddhistischen Dienstag, 03. Juli 2012 gend. Wenn er sich dann als Detektiv Mönchen, die in akribischer Kleinarbeit Wie ein Coen-Film mit der Monroe versucht, so glaubt man ihm auch diese während eines Tages eine farbenpräch- Der zweite Film meiner Pressewoche etwas skurrile Nuance. Sophie Quinton, tige Sandmalerei erstellen nur um sie war eine positive Überraschung, mit mal blond, mal braun, mal schwarz – am Abend wieder zu verwischen. Ein der ich gar nicht gerechnet hätte. ihre Doppelrolle als einfaches Dorf- Symbol für die Vergänglichkeit. Dazwi- mädchen sowie mögliche Reinkarnation schen gibt es atemberaubende Land- WHO KILLED MARILYN? (1:2.35, DD des Amerikanischen Traums namens schaften oder einen Nachtflug über 5.1) Marilyn Monroe meistert sie brillant. hell erleuchtete Metropolen, aber auch OT: Poupoupidou Aber auch die Nebenfiguren wie bei- ganz intime Bilder wie beispielsweise Verleih: Koch Media (Neue Visionen) spielsweise die Rezeptionistin mit das eines komplett tätowierten Man- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Goth-Look, die ein Auge auf den Autor nes, der sein kleines Baby liebevoll in Regie: Gérald Hustache-Mathieu geworfen hat, sind handverlesen be- den Armen hält. Doch Ron Fricke war- Darsteller: Jean-Paul Rouve, Sophie setzt und verleihen dem Film die be- tet in seinem in einem Zeitraum von Quinton, Guillaume Gouix sondere “Coen”-Note. Für den musika- fünf Jahren entstandenen Film mit sehr Kinostart: 02.08.2012 lischen Unterbau sorgt eine stimmige krassen Bildern auf. Ein Performance- Mixtur aus Oldies und einem Akzente Künstler schmiert sein Gesicht bis zur Der mit einer Schreibblockade kämpfen- setzenden Score von Stephane Lopez. Unkenntlichkeit mit einer Paste ein und de Kriminalschriftsteller David WHO KILLED MARILYN ist eine ge- scheint sich dann seine Augen zu Rousseau strandet in Mouthe, dem lungene Mischung aus Thriller und zerschlitzen. Küken werden in enge kältesten Dorf ganz Frankreichs. Ein schwarzer Komödie und lohnt den Schubladen gepfercht. Fettleibige sieht unbeheiztes Hotelzimmer macht die Gang ins Kino. man bei der Völlerei im Fast Food Re- Sache für ihn nicht gerade einfacher. staurant. Eine Schnittmontage zeigt, Als er jedoch vom mysteriösen Tod der Donnerstag, 05. Juli 2012 wie Patronen für Waffen hergestellt Dorfschönheit Candice Lecouer, einem Es darf gelacht werden! werden. Es folgt ein Umschnitt auf ei- Starlet, erfährt, scheint er einen neuen Heute gab es ein Comedy-Double-Fea- nen extrem entstellten Offizier, der auf Romanstoff gefunden zu haben. Er ture der besonderen Art... einem Soldatenfriedhof posiert. Auch glaubt nicht an die Selbstmordtheorie wenn Fricke und sein Partner Mark der Ortspolizei und beginnt auf eigene STARBUCK (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Magidson laut Presseheft hier keine Faust zu ermitteln. Aus den Tagebü- OT: Starbuck wertende Aussage machen wollten, so chern der Toten erfährt er, dass sie Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) sprechen derlei Bilder trotzdem Bände. selbst sich für eine Reinkarnation der Land/Jahr: Kanada 2011 Fricke wirft existentielle Fragen auf, Marilyn Monroe hielt. In der Tat sind Regie: Ken Scott ohne sie durch einen Kommentator zu die Ähnlichkeiten verblüffend. Ohne es Darsteller: Patrick Huard, Julie

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog LeBreton, Antoine Bertrand David endlich Licht am Ende des Tun- hen. Denn wenn er den Leichen- Kinostart: 16.08.2012 nels sieht und mit ihm an das große bestatter und zukünftigen Schwieger- Geld kommen möchte. Einfach köstlich. vater zum Star-Tenor aufbaut, der seine David Wozniak, gerade mal Anfang 40, Stimme nur unter der Dusche zu hat das gewisse Talent zum Loser. In TO ROME WITH LOVE (1:1.85, DD Höchstleistungen bringen kann und wir der Fleischerei seines Vaters hat er 5.1) am Ende dann eine typisch italienische nicht gerade den kompliziertesten Job: OT: To Rome With Love Operninszenierung mit Dusche zu se- er muss das fertige Fleisch ausliefern. Verleih: Tobis hen bekommen, dann wird damit der Und trotzdem kriegt er es einfach nicht Land/Jahr: Italien, USA 2012 gesamte Opern-Hype persifliert. Auch auf die Reihe. Um seinen Schuldenberg Regie: Woody Allen wenn der Film insgesamt zu lang ist abzubauen, züchtet er heimlich Gras in Darsteller: Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, und speziell die Episode mit Alec seiner Wohnung, Das allerdings be- Ellen Page, Jesse Eisenberg, Penelope Baldwin und Jesse Eisenberg sich stän- schert ihm immer wieder höchst unan- Cruz, Roberto Benigni, Flavio Parenti, dig im Kreis bewegt, so kann man über genehmen Besuch zwielichter Gestal- Alison Pill, Alessandro Tiberi Woody Allens geniale Witze trotzdem ten, die ihm ans Leder wollen. Auch die Kinostart: 30.08.2012 herzhaft lachen. Einmal mehr beweist Beziehung zu Valerie, seiner Ex-Freun- der Meister damit, dass seine Schreib- din, kriegt David nicht auf die Reihe. Rom, Italiens Hauptstadt mit ihrer maschine noch lange nicht zum alten Doch genau in dem Moment, als ihm reichhaltigen Kultur und dem famosen Eisen gehört. Valerie eröffnet, dass sie von ihm Essen, ist Dreh- und Angelpunkt ver- schwanger ist, nimmt sein Leben eine schiedener kleiner Geschichten, die Freitag, 06. Juli 2012 extreme Wendung. Ein Anwalt teilt ihm ständig abwechselnd auf der Kino- Die schwangere Dessous-Verkäuferin mit, dass er der Vater von 533 Kindern leinwand entfaltet werden. Da gibt es Zum Wochenabschluss gab es eine ist, von denen 142 Klage gegen Unbe- Hayley und Michelangelo, die sich in Komödie aus deutschen Landen... kannt erhoben haben. Offensichtlich Rom kennenlernten und jetzt heiraten sind alle diese Kinder von seinem Sper- wollen. Hayleys Vater, ein Opernregis- FRISCH GEPRESST (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ma entsprungen, den er in den seur im Ruhestand, entdeckt die gran- Verleih: Walt Disney neunziger Jahren aus Geldnot heraus diose Stimme des Schwiegervaters und Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 einer Samenbank gespendet hat. Sein bastelt sofort an einem Comeback für Regie: Christine Hartmann befreundeter Winkeladvokat will ihn sich selbst. Milly und Antonio sind Darsteller: Diana Amft, Tom Wlaschiha, aus der misslichen Lage befreien, doch seit kurzem verheiratet und wollen sich Alexander Beyer nach und nach setzt sich der Vater wi- in Rom niederlassen. Durch unglückli- Kinostart: 23.08.2012 der Willen mit dem Schicksal seiner che Umstände aber muss Antonio Kinder auseinander... Regisseur Ken plötzlich das Call-Girl Anna als seine Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Scott und seinem Drehbuchautor Mar- Frau ausgeben, während Milly dem gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film tin Petit ist mit STARBUCK (das Charme eines Filmstars erliegt. Der be- erst ab 04.08.2012 auf Pseudonym, unter dem David seinen scheidene Durchschnittsrömer www.wolframhannemann.de Samen spendete) eine wirklich gute Leopoldo wird über Nacht zur Berühmt- Komödie mit Tiefgang gelungen. heit ohne zu wissen warum und muss Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012 Patrick Huard spielt den Titelhelden, sich fortan mit den Paparazzi herum- Von Jazzmusikern, Zeichen und der der von einer Niederlage in die nächste schlagen. Der junge Architekturstudent schwäbischen Mentalität stolpert, bevor er am Ende zu seiner Jack trifft den in die Jahre gekommenen Nach langer Zeit gab es heute gleich eigentlichen Bestimmung findet, sehr Stararchitekten John, der in den Spuren drei Pressevorführungen. Nach der glaubhaft. Man kann einfach nicht an- seiner Vergangenheit wandelt und von harten Arbeit kam die Einladung zu Bier ders, als diesen Loser sympathisch zu nun an unablässig Jacks Liebesaben- und Brezel im Anschluss an den dritten finden. Die Begegnungen mit einigen teuer kommentiert... Nach zieht es Film ganz gelegen. seiner Kinder führt ihn zu sehr unter- Woody Allen jetzt also nach Rom. Und schiedlichen Persönlichkeiten, die alle auch dort dreht sich (fast) alles um die CHICO & RITA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ihre ganz eigenen Probleme haben. Aus Liebe. Aber eben auch nicht aus- OT: Chico & Rita einem Schuldgefühl heraus versucht schließlich. Denn Allen widmet sein mit Verleih: Kool David ihnen so gut er kann zu helfen – Roberto Benigni besetztes Kapitel bei- Land/Jahr: Spanien, Großbritannien und sieht erstmals Erfolge in seinem spielsweise zur satirischen Abrech- 2010 verkrachten Leben. Der Film verzichtet nung mit den Medien, die sich allzu Regie: Fernando Trueba, Javier erfreulicherweise auf dumme “Unter- gerne auf C- und D-Klasse-Promis stür- Mariscal, Tono Errando die-Gürtellinie”-Witze zugunsten eines zen und diese von A bis Z hochstilisie- Kinostart: 30.08.2012 sehr feinen Humors. Großen Anteil dar- ren und “hypen”. Aber auch die Figur, an hat der von Antoine Bertrand ge- die vom Regisseur selbst gespielt wird, Kuba in den vierziger Jahren. In einem spielte Anwalt, der mit seinem Freund ist als ironischer Seitenhieb zu verste- der vielen Nachtclubs von Havanna

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog trifft der junge Pianist Chico auf die ganz besonders für Freunde der Jazz- Ganzen vereinen, freut man sich insge- schöne Sängerin Rita. Zwischen den Musik. Der Film war als “Bester Anima- heim mit Jeff. Denn der junge Mann beiden funkt es sofort. Doch ihr tionsfilm” bei der diesjährigen Oscar- hatte Recht mit seiner Vermutung über heissblütiges Temperament sowie ihre Verleihung nominiert. das Universum. Ambitionen im Musikgeschäft Fuß zu fassen, treibt die beiden füreinander JEFF, DER NOCH ZU HAUSE LEBT DIE KIRCHE BLEIBT IM DORF Bestimmten auch gleich wieder ausein- (1:1.85, DD 5.1) (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ander. Eifersucht, Verzweiflung, Ver- OT: Jeff, Who Lives At Home Verleih: Camino (Filmagentinnen) söhnung – die Liebe der beiden ist Verleih: Paramount Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 nicht einfach. Als Rita schließlich das Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Regie: Ulrike Grote Angebot eines amerikanischen Musik- Regie: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass Darsteller: Natalia Wörner, Karoline managers annimmt und nach New York Darsteller: Jason Segel, Ed Helms, Eichhorn, Julia Nachtmann geht, versucht sich Chico mit Hilfe sei- Susan Sarandon Kinostart: 23.08.2012 nes Freundes und Managers Ramon mit Kinostart: 09.08.2012 Engagements bei bekannten Musikern Schon seit Menschengedenken sind über Wasser zu halten. Schließlich je- Jeff lebt in seiner ganz eigenen Welt. Er sich die beiden Gemeinden Ober- doch kehren auch Chico und Ramon glaubt fest daran, dass alles im Univer- rieslingen und Unterrieslingen spinne- Kuba den Rücken und gehen nach New sum irgendwie miteinander verbunden feind. York. Chico will Rita, die inzwischen ist. Man muss die Zeichen nur erken- Und da Schwaben nun einmal ver- ein großer Filmstar geworden ist, unbe- nen. Das hat er aus dem Film SIGNS dammt stur sein können, hat sich daran dingt wiedersehen. Doch ein Happy gelernt. Und wartet seither auf ein Zei- bis heute nichts geändert. Der Um- End ist noch weit entfernt. Im Grunde chen, das ihm die richtige Richtung stand, dass sich die Kirche nur im ei- genommen ist CHICO & RITA eine vorgibt. Doch viele Zeichen gibt es nen Ort, der Friedhof aber nur im ande- ganz gewöhnliche Liebesgeschichte. nicht gerade im Haus seiner Mutter, in ren Ort befindet, macht die Sache nicht Doch zwei Dinge unterscheiden sie von dem der 30-jährige nach wie vor sein gerade einfacher. Als eines Tages ein herkömmlicher Liebeskost. Da wäre Nichtstuerdasein fristet. Eines Tages reicher amerikanischer Schnösel mit zunächst die Machart des Films. Denn jedoch klingelt das Telefon. Die Stimme dem Äußeren eines Robert Redford die drei Regisseure entschieden sich am anderen Ende der Leitung will einen auftaucht und die Kirche kaufen will, dafür, die Geschichte nicht als Realfilm Kevin sprechen. Den aber gibt es hier verschlimmert sich alles noch. Denn umzusetzen, sondern als Animations- nicht. Ein Zeichen? Jeff glaubt fest die Unterrieslinger fühlen sich von den film. Das Ergebnis ist atemberaubend! daran. Und prompt sieht er im Bus ei- Oberrieslingern über den Tisch gezo- Denn ganz entgegen den Techniken nen Typen mit einem “Kevin”-Shirt, gen. Was niemand ahnt: Robert von Animationsexperte Pixar, deren folgt ihm und setzt damit eine ganze Redfords Ebenbild will gleich beide Trickfilme sich so unglaublich reali- Reihe von Ereignissen in Gang... Mit Gemeinden über den Tisch ziehen... stisch zu geben versuchen, setzen ihrem Film liefern die Regie-Brüder Jay Freunde der schwäbischen Mundart Trueba, Mariscal und Errando auf und Mark Duplass eine wunderbare dürfen sich freuen. Denn Ulrike Grotes künstlerisch wertvolle Optik. Hier ist Independent-Komödie mit Tiefgang ab. Komödie wird tatsächlich von schwäbi- dann zwar nicht alles so perfekt wie bei Vortrefflich mit Jason Segal in der Rolle schen Muttersprachlern im schwäbi- Pixar, dafür aber trumpfen hier liebevol- des stoischen Jeff besetzt zeigen die schen Dialekt vorgetragen und nicht - le Details, stimmungsvolle Farben und beiden, dass Humor dann am besten wie so oft – von auf schwäbisch ge- eine ausgeklügelte Lichtsetzung. Aber wirkt, wenn er weder laut noch schrill trimmten Hochdeutschen. Letztere wer- es gibt noch einen anderen Punkt, der daherkommt. Man schmunzelt als Zu- den bei diesem Film natürlich ihr Nach- diese Liebesgeschichte so ungewöhn- schauer sehr gerne über die feinen sehen haben, denn der Film wird nicht lich macht: CHICO & RITA ist auch Pointen, die Jeff während seiner deutsch untertitelt. Mit Ausnahme der gleichzeitig ein Streifzug durch die Ge- “Abenteuer-Tour” liefert. Doch auch in Englisch gesprochenen Dialoge. schichte des Jazz. Und im Speziellen die beiden anderen Sub-Plots, die das Denn das Robert Redford Double Gary ein Streifzug durch jene Epoche, in der Drehbuch bereithält, demonstrieren Smith ist waschechter Amerikaner und die kubanischen Musiker den New Yor- den Humor der leisen Töne. Da gibt es darf in seiner Muttersprache reden. ker Jazz unterwanderten und ihm so den Ehestreit zwischen Jeffs Bruder Doch ansonsten quält man sich als eine faszinierend neue Richtung gaben. und dessen Frau, der durch den Kauf Zuschauer bei diesem Neunzigminüter Musikergrößen wie Dizzy Gillespie, eines Porsche vollends aus dem Ruder gefühlte zwei Stunden lang durch den Charlie Parker oder Chano Pozo werden läuft, während Jeffs Mutter (großartig: schwäbischen Nachbarschaftskrieg. sogar in die Handlung integriert und Susan Sarandon) an ihrem Arbeitsplatz Bis auf ein paar ganz wenige gute Poin- ihre Musik ist auch Bestandteil des ganz unerwartet mit einem heimlichen ten weiß das Drehbuch offenbar nicht aufregenden Soundtracks des Films. Verehrer konfrontiert wird. Wenn sich so recht den Witz aus der Situation CHICO & RITA empfiehlt sich als ein am Ende des Films dann alle herauszukitzeln. Dabei gäbe es dafür Animationsfilm für Erwachsene und Handlungsstränge zu einem großen doch so wahnsinnig viel Potenzial bei

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog der schwäbischen Sippschaft mit all Autorin) dieses Textes hat offensicht- einem ehemaligen Kollegen und Ver- ihren Spleens und Eigenheiten (der lich einen vollkommen anderen Film trauten seines Vaters. Connors arbeitet Autor dieser Kurzkritik muss es wis- gesehen. Denn nach Sichtung von an einem geheimen Forschungsprojekt. sen: er gehört selbst zu dieser Spezie!). Steven Soderberghs (hey – der Mann Beim Herumschnüffeln in seinem Labor Das Verhalten der Eingeborenen gegen- kann echt gute Filme machen!) neue- wird Peter von einer gentechnisch ver- über Fremden erscheint in dieser Insze- stem Werk dürfte dies eine neue Defini- änderten Spinne gebissen und verfügt nierung viel zu harmlos und könnte tion von Belanglosigkeit darstellen. plötzlich über Superkräfte... Dieses wesentlich mehr Pfeffer vertragen. Wer also auf so etwas wie GANZ Reboot von SPIDERMAN darf man Auch schwarzer Humor existiert hier ODER GAR NICHT fixiert ist, sollte getrost in die Kategorie “Filme, die die nur rudimentär und wird nicht richtig diesen Film weiträumig meiden. Außer Welt nicht braucht” einsortieren. Es angegangen. Das wirkt dann fast so, man steht auf nackte männliche Ober- handelt sich in der Tat um ein Remake als ob die FilmemacherInnen Angst vor körper natürlich. Vollkommen beliebig des ersten SPIDERMAN-Films, der der eigenen Courage gehabt hätten. in die Kapitel “Juni”, “Juli” und “Au- gerade einmal 10 Jahre auf dem Buckel Doch vielleicht liegt es auch nur daran, gust” unterteilt, zeigt der Regisseur oft hat. Zwar gibt es paar kleine, fast dass ein Film wie dieser in der sterilen nur Momentaufnahmen aus dem Leben schon unwesentliche Änderungen im Umgebung einer Pressevorführung seiner Protagonisten. Die driften alle Drehbuch, aber ansonsten ist alles so sein Potenzial gar nicht entfalten kann irgendwie durch das Leben, wohnen in geblieben wie bereits bekannt. Tat- und er richtiges Publikum dafür Luxushäusern (die sie eigentlich gar sächlich erscheinen die Figuren jetzt braucht. nicht bezahlen können!), haben Sex in sogar noch eine Spur flacher. Die weni- allen Variationen und werfen Munter- gen Pointen, die Marc Webb in seinem Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012 macher bis zum Umkippen ein. Angeb- Film platziert, können gegen vorherr- Ganz und gar nicht lich basiert das Drehbuch auf dem Le- schende Langeweile leider nichts be- Liegt ein Fluch auf Hollywood? Erst ben, das Channing Tatum (der den wirken. Man wundert sich auch dar- versagt Stephen Frears mit seinem Mike spielt) führte, bevor er ins Film- über, warum hier 3D-Technik ver- neuesten Film, jetzt trifft es Steven geschäft eingestiegen ist. Doch das schwendet wurde – richtig genutzt wird Soderbergh... dürfte allenfalls für seine Fans von sie keineswegs. Interesse sein. Alle anderen werden MAGIC MIKE – DIE GANZE NACHT sich vermutlich wundern, warum er Freitag, 13. Juli 2012 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) überhaupt Fans hat. Die einzige beein- Von Freundschaft und Verrat OT: Magic Mike druckende Persönlichkeit im Film ist Mit zwei weiteren Screenings ging die Verleih: Concorde Matthew McConaughey, der hier nicht Pressewoche für mich zu Ende. Land/Jahr: USA 2012 nur strippen, sondern auch singen Regie: darf. Seine Performance ist sehr über- WIR WOLLTEN AUFS MEER (1:2.35, Darsteller: Matthew McConaughey, zeugend. Ein Film wie ein Rausch, der DD 5.1) Channing Tatum, Olivia Munn süchtig macht? Man fragt sich, wievie- Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) Kinostart: 16.08.2012 le Muntermacher der Kollege oder die Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Kollegin beim Verfassen dieses State- Regie: Toke C. Hebbeln Eigentlich möchte der smarte Mike Mö- ments wohl eingeworfen hatte. Darsteller: Alexander Fehling, August bel für Individualisten herstellen. Doch Diehl, Phuong Thao Vu ihm fehlt das notwendige Startkapital. THE AMAZING SPIDER–MAN (1:2.35, Kinostart: 13.09.2012 Deshalb jobbt er tagsüber als Dachdek- 3D, DD 5.1) ker und am Abend als Stripper in einem OT: The Amazing Spider-Man Die DDR am Anfang der achtziger Jah- Club in Tampa. Als er den 19-jährigen Verleih: Sony Pictures re. Cornelis und sein Kumpel Andreas Adam kennenlernt, der sich mit Land/Jahr: USA 2012 zieht es nach Rostock, wo sie beim Ha- Gelegenheitsjob mehr schlecht als Regie: Marc Webb fen anheuern. Beide träumen davon recht über Wasser hält, verschafft er Darsteller: Andrew Garfield, Emma einmal zur See zu fahren. Doch zwi- ihm einen Job im Club. Adam erweist Stone, Rhys Ifans, Irrfan Khan, Martin schen Traum und Realität liegen Wel- sich als sehr begabt und findet bald Sheen, ten. Drei Jahre später mühen sich die schon Gefallen dabei, für eine krei- Kinostart: 28.06.2012 beiden immer noch als Hafenarbeiter schende Frauenschar zu strippen und ab. Um die Ernennung zum Kadetten zu einem zügellosen Leben zu frönen. Die Seit ihn seine Eltern in einer Nacht- beschleunigen, lassen sich die beiden unbeschwerten Zeiten ändern sich je- und Nebelaktion verlassen haben, lebt auf die Stasi ein. Als sie ihren Freund doch, als Adam zu Drogen greift und Peter Parker bei seinem Onkel und sei- und Vorarbeiter Matthias bespitzeln Mike sich in Adams Schwester zu ver- ner Tante. Eines Tages entdeckt er im sollen, kommt es zum Konflikt zwischen lieben beginnt... Zitat aus dem Presse- Keller den Aktenkoffer seines Vaters den Freunden, der Andreas schließlich heft: “Ein Film wie ein Rausch, der und findet Geheimdokumente darin. an den Rollstuhl fesselt und Cornelis‘ süchtig macht!” Der Autor (oder die Diese führen ihn zu Dr. Curt Connors, Flucht in den Westen vereitelt. Wäh-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog rend Cornelis im Gefängnis sitzt, wird BAVARIA – TRAUMREISE DURCH mussten. Wer eine deftige Mahlzeit Andreas zum Vermittler zwischen BAYERN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) mag, gerne Blasmusik hört und dem Cornelis und dessen vietnamesischer Verleih: Concorde Weißbier frönt, der ist in diesem Film Freundin, die nach Hamburg geflohen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 sicher gut aufgehoben. ist. Doch Andreas, inzwischen in der Regie: Joseph Vilsmaier Stasi-Hierarchie aufgestiegen, spielt Kinostart: 26.07.2012 Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012 ein böses Spiel... Das Schwule in Belgrad und Schreie im Beeindruckendste an Toke C. Hebbelns Deutschland von oben – das war wohl Weltall Kinodebütfilm über Freundschaft und dem Filmemacher Josef Vilsmaier etwas Ein Programm der Kontraste bot sich Verrat ist die Kameraarbeit von Felix zu ungenau. Und er wollte etwas ge- mir wieder einmal bei den heutigen Novo de Oliveira, die mit ihrer Farbge- nauer hinschauen, schraubte eine Screenings. bung das “DDR-Feeling” sehr authen- State-of-the-Art Cineflex-Kamera an tisch vermittelt. Man könnte fast den den Bug eines Hubschraubers und er- PARADA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Eindruck bekommen, dass auf ORWO- hob sich in die Lüfte, um der Welt end- OT: Parada Material aufgenommen wurde. Auch lich einmal seine ganz persönliche Hei- Verleih: Neue Visionen die Besetzung lässt sich sehen. Hier mat zu zeigen: den Freistaat Bayern! Land/Jahr: Serbien, Slowenien, Kroati- sind nicht nur die Hauptrollen, sondern “Soll keiner sagen, er habe Deutsch- en, Makedonien 2011 auch die Nebenrollen (großartig fies: land gesehen, der noch nicht in Bayern Regie: Srdjan Dragojevic Rolf Hoppe als Stasi-Oberst) hand- war!” zitiert Vilsmaier im Off-Kommen- Darsteller: Nikola Kojo, Milos Samolov, verlesen gecastet. Doch ein gutes En- tar den bayerischen Märchenkönig Hristina Popovic semble macht noch keinen guten Film. Ludwig. Und Vilsmaier zeigt uns Bay- Kinostart: 13.09.2012 Drehbuch und Inszenierung sollten ern. Zumeist aus der Vogelperspektive, auch stimmen. Aber das scheint hier aber nicht nur. Ab und zu lässt er seine Limun ist ein hartgesottener Kerl. Nicht das Problem zu sein. Denn in seiner Kamera auch auf Erden verweilen, um nur dass der sich in Hochzeits- Gesamtheit betrachtet wirkt der Film so, beispielsweise in einem Zelt zünftig zur vorbereitungen befindliche Typ mitten als würde man sich einen großen Ad- Sache zu gehen: mit einem Maßkrug in Belgrad eine Security-Firma betreibt, vents-Mehrteiler im Fernsehen an- Bier, Blasmusik und Trachten- er ist auch ein waschechter Gangster. schauen. Gleichzeitig wird man den darbietungen. Im ersten Teil des Films Als ihn Radmilo und Mirko, ein schwu- Eindruck nicht los, als wollte man mit aber zeigt uns Vilsmaier sehr viele les Paar, anheuern wollen, die erste Gewalt DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN Städte des Freistaates von oben. Sehr “Gay Pride”-Parade in Belgrad gegen toppen. So etwas kann natürlich nur viele. Man kann da als Zuschauer Neo-Nazis und anderes Gesindel zu scheitern. Etwas störend auch die mu- schon leicht den Überblick verlieren, schützen, lehnt der homophobe Limun sikalische Untermalung von Nic Raine, zumal sich die Ortschaften so von weit aber sofort ab. Das ändert sich jedoch, die zuviel Pathos schürt. Ein insgesamt oben betrachtet nicht immer klar von- als ihn seine Zukünftige unter Druck unbefriedigendes Kinoerlebnis. einander unterscheiden. Überhaupt setzt: entweder schützt er die Parade scheint sich der Regisseur mehr für oder es gibt keine Hochzeit. Mit gro- STEP UP: MIAMI HEAT (1:2.35, 3D, DD besiedelte Gebiete zu interessieren als ßem Widerwillen macht er sich daran, 5.1) für überwältigende Natur. Die nämlich eine Truppe zu rekrutieren. Das aber ist OT: Step Up Revolution wird eigentlich nur am Rande gestreift. gar nicht so einfach, weil keiner seiner Verleih: Constantin Auch wenn der Regisseur den Kom- Kumpels etwas mit Schwulen zu tun Land/Jahr: USA 2012 mentar aus dem Off recht bayerisch haben möchte. Da gibt es nur noch Regie: Scott Speer süffisant abliest (der Text stammt aus einen Ausweg: Limun muss seine alten Darsteller: Adam G. Sevani, Kathryn der Feder von Hannes Burger), bleibt Kriegsgegner aufsuchen... Srdjan McCormick, Ryan Guzman doch der Eindruck, dass BAVARIA Dragojevics rabenschwarze Tragikomö- Kinostart: 30.08.2012 nichts anderes ist als ein Image-Film die wurde binnen kurzer Zeit zu einem für dieses spezielle deutsche Bundes- sensationellen Erfolg auf dem Balkan. Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung land. Ob BMW, Audi oder sogar eine Vor einem wahren Hintergrund spielend gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Stippvisite bei ARRI, die die Kameras (Homosexuelle werden dort nach wie erst ab 28.07.2012 auf für den Film geliefert hat – hier gibt es vor tagtäglich angegriffen) möchte sein www.wolframhannemann.de Product Placement satt. Die gezeigten Film auch ein Stück zur Versöhnung Bilder sind überwiegend gut gelungen, zwischen den verschiedenen ethni- Montag, 16. Juli 2012 jedoch schleichen sich ab und zu auch schen Bevölkerungsgruppen beitragen. Ein Freistaat von oben Unschärfen auf die Bildwand. Zu oft Wenn sich der Protagonist aufmacht, Deutschlanddokus überschwemmen und zu schnell bedient sich Vilsmaier um im benachbarten Land ehemalige derzeit unsere Kinos – heute gab es die der Überblendung und lässt schnell die Kriegsgegner für seinen Auftrag zu nächste. Vermutung aufkommen, dass unschöne gewinnen, so hat das eine klare politi- Stellen schnell kaschiert werden sche Aussage. “Die Realität ist immer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog verrückter, als sie im Film dargestellt Viel Zeit zum Durchhängen lässt er dem FÜR ELISE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) wird” erwidert der Regisseur auf die Zuschauer nicht. Die 124 Minuten Verleih: farbfilm Frage, ob er es in seinem Film nicht Laufzeit verfliegen unmerklich. Natür- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 etwas übertreiben würde. Das Manko lich ist auch in diesem Film wieder das Regie: Wolfgang Dinslage an seinem Film, der wirklich ein paar Produktionsdesign der eigentliche Star Darsteller: Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Christina nette Pointen zu bieten hat (es gibt des Films. Das auf Entwürfen des Große, Hendrik Duryn einen herrlichen Running Gag über Schweizers H.R. Giger basierende De- Kinostart: 11.10.2012 BEN-HUR!) und auch vor bestimmten sign hat in all den Jahren seit seinem Klischees nicht Halt macht, ist seine Debüt nichts eingebüßt. Die dunklen Für die 15jährige Elise ist ihr Zuhause Lauflänge. Denn mit 115 Minuten ist Gänge, die bio-mechanischen Lebewe- schon lange kein Hort der Entspan- sein Film definitiv zu lang. sen und das gigantische Raumschiff nung mehr. Seit ihr Vater bei einem Un- imponieren auch heute noch. Wenn fall ums Leben kam, driftet ihre Mutter PROMETHEUS – DUNKLE ZEICHEN man Kritik anbringen möchte, dann an Betty von einer Beziehung zur näch- (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 & 7.1) der gezeigten Technik. Denn die er- sten, von einer Party zur nächsten. OT: Prometheus scheint weit fortschrittlicher zu sein als Erteilte Abfuhren ertränkt sie im Alko- Verleih: Fox jene, die in ALIEN präsent ist – und hol. Sie bezahlt keine Rechnungen Land/Jahr: USA 2012 das, obwohl der neue Film zeitlich ge- mehr, kümmert sich kaum noch um Eli- Regie: Ridley Scott sehen vor ALIEN spielt. An dieser Stel- se, wodurch diese in die Erwachsenen- Darsteller: Noomi Rapace, Michael le hätte man dem Meisterregisseur rolle gezwungen wird. Die schier aus- Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Charlize doch ein bisschen mehr Obacht ge- weglose Situation eskaliert schließlich, Theron wünscht. Faszinierend hingegen das als die Mutter den alleinerziehenden Kinostart: 09.08.2012 Heimkino, das gezeigt wird und auf Ludwig trifft, in den sie ihre ganze dessen gewölbter Bildwand sich Hoffnung setzt. Doch Ludwig ist nicht Einsam schwebt das gigantische Raum- Android David (nicht von dieser Welt: in Betty verliebt, sondern fühlt sich zu schiff “Prometheus” durch das Weltall. Michael Fassbender!) den Klassiker Elise hingezogen... Beeindruckend an Nach jahrelanger Reise ist man am Ziel LAWRENCE VON ARABIEN anschaut. diesem Drama sind die darstellerischen angekommen: einem geheimnisvollen Und wer genau hinsieht, erkennt, dass Leistungen der beiden Frauen. Nach- Mond. Unter Führung der Wissen- David sehr gekonnt Peter O’Toole alias wuchstalent Jasna Fritzi Bauer in der schaftler Elizabeth Shaw und Charlie Lawrence imitiert. Gleichermaßen chic Rolle der musikbegabten Elise versteht Holloway will die Besatzung dem Ur- dann die holographische Projektion, es sehr gut, die innere Zerrissenheit sprung des Lebens auf den Grund ge- mit der der Besatzung (unterlegt mit ihrer Figur nach außen zu transportie- hen. Diesen glaubt man auf besagtem Jerry Goldsmiths originaler Musik zu ren. Einerseits sehnt sie sich nach ei- Mond zu finden. Tatsächlich finden die ALIEN) die Mission erläutert wird. Ein nem starken Vater, der ihr Schutz und Forscher die Überreste einer Spezie, die ALIEN-Film wäre kein ALIEN-Film, hät- Geborgenheit gibt, andererseits muss sie als Schöpfer menschlichen Lebens te er nicht auch ein paar krasse Se- sie sich um ihre Mutter kümmern. Die identifizieren. Und sie finden noch quenzen zu bieten. PROMETHEUS wird von Christina Große so authen- weitaus mehr – mehr als ihnen lieb ist. dürfte wohl aufgrund seiner vollauto- tisch gespielt, dass man sich wahrhaf- Was weiß der seltsame Android David matischen Kaiserschnitt-OP im Ge- tig wünscht, niemals eine solche Mut- darüber, der einen Fund heimlich in dächtnis bleiben, die Noomi Rapace ter zu haben. FÜR ELISE ist nicht un- seiner Kabine versteckt? Es dauert (bandagiert und nicht nackt, da es sich bedingt ein Film für die große Lein- nicht lange, bis es erste Tote gibt... um einen sittenstrengen amerikani- wand, auch wenn hier auf das Nach Ausflügen in viele andere Film- schen Film handelt!) an sich selbst CinemaScope-Format gesetzt wird, son- genre zieht es Ridley Scott jetzt also durchführen muss. Um Scotts neuen dern eher für das Fernsehen geeignet. wieder zurück zu den Wurzeln. Mit Film richtig genießen zu können, sollte ALIEN inszenierte Scott 1979 einen man aber seinen Klassiker aus 1979 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (1:2.35, Maßstäbe setzenden Sci-Fi-Horror-Film schon gesehen haben. Dann wird PRO- DD 5.1) der ganz besonderen Art, der in Folge METHEUS zu einem gelungenen Hor- OT: The Dark Knight Rises sämtliche anderen Sci-Fi-Filme stark ror-Trip. Und denkt daran: im Weltall Verleih: Warner beeinflusste. Nach ALIEN war nichts hört Euch niemand schreien! Land/Jahr: USA 2012 mehr so wie es einst war. Natürlich Regie: Christopher Nolan kann man nicht erwarten, dass Ridley Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012 Darsteller: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Scott noch ein solches Meisterstück Mutter mit Alkoholproblem und Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Marion gelingt, doch zeigt er ganz deutlich mit Fledermaus mit gestutzten Flügeln Cotilliard PROMETHEUS, dass er in diesem Gen- Vom deutschen Drama ging es direkt in Kinostart: 26.07.2012 re bestens zuhause ist. Scott inszeniert den vermeintlichen Blockbuster des die Vorgeschichte zu seinem bahnbre- Jahres. Acht Jahre sind bereits vergangen, seit chenden Film konsequent spannend. Batman den Mord an Bürgermeister

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Harvey Dent auf sich genommen und zung. Als ob wir es nicht schon längst haben es auf den Schatz abgesehen... Gotham City den Rücken gekehrt hat. geahnt hätten. Über die Besetzung gibt Die vielen Fragezeichen und “tba”- Bruce Wayne alias Batman lebt zurück- es nichts zu meckern. Christian Bale Vermerke im Abspann sowie die fast gezogen in seiner Prachtvilla, nur um- gibt sich batmännisch wie immer, Mi- monophon tönende Musikmischung geben von seinem Butler. Doch ein chael Caine erfreut sich bester Laune ließen keinen Zweifel daran, dass man großer Unruhestifter sorgt dafür, dass als sein treuer Butler und Anne uns heute einmal mehr nur eine Batman wieder in Erscheinung tritt: Hathaway mimt die obercoole Diebin, Arbeitsfassung und nicht etwa den John Blake, der Mann mit der Maske, allgemein als Catwoman bekannt. Ein- fertigen Film gezeigt hat. Und das so- plant Ungeheuerliches. Er will ganz zig den bösen Bane, gespielt von Tom gar von Blu-ray. Wenn aber das uns Gotham City unterjochen und es mit Hardy mit Beisser-Maske, hätte man Gezeigte repräsentativ für das Endpro- einer Atombombe bestrafen. Mit Hilfe sich gerne noch viel böser gewünscht. dukt ist, so wäre das weniger schön. von zwei tapferen Mitstreitern, einer Aber vermutlich wollte man sich die Denn die deutsche Synchronisation wortgewandten und charmanten Diebin Alterseinstufung des Films nicht ver- klang im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Katzenkostüm und einem engagier- derben. Hierzulande ist die Freigabe ab einfach nur billig. Insbesondere die ten Police Officer, will Batman den 12 vorgesehen. Auch wenn es leider Sprecher der Erwachsenen geben sich Kampf gegen Bane aufnehmen. Doch er nicht der beste BATMAN-Film der Tri- kaum Mühe, leben ihre Rollen nicht unterschätzt seinen Gegner gehörig... logie ist, ein Spektakel ist es allemal richtig aus. Dadurch wirkt der Aben- Nahtlos fügt sich der dritte Teil von und wird für guten Umsatz an den Ki- teuerfilm leider sehr lasch. Die Ge- Christopher Nolans “Batman”-Trilogie nokassen sorgen. schichte an sich richtet sich natürlich an die beiden anderen Teile an. Das gilt an Kinder, die hier möglicherweise zur sowohl für die Ausstattung wie auch Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012 eigenen Schatzsuche inspiriert werden für Kameraarbeit. Wieder beschwört Indiana Jones für Kinder könnten. Die Kinderdarsteller agieren Chefkameramann Wally Pfister düstere Nur eine einzige Pressevorführung alle recht ordentlich. Allerdings könn- Bilder herauf. Kalte und dunkle Farben heute. Aber macht nichts – die volle ten kleinere Kinder wirklich Angst be- dominieren den gesamten Film, der Bollywood-Dröhnung ist am Abend kommen. Denn gleich zu Beginn des komplett von Anfang bis Ende mit angesagt. Films geschieht ein Mord. Und der Bö- Negativfilm aufgenommen wurde – fast sewicht ist einer, vor dem man selbst eine ganze Stunde sogar im waschech- SCHATZRITTER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) als Erwachsener Angst bekommen ten IMAX-Format. Sehr dunkel und Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) könnte. Kinder bis etwa zehn Jahre düster auch wieder Hans Zimmers Land/Jahr: Luxemburg, Deutschland sollten nicht ohne elterliche Aufsicht Score, der allerdings nicht so beein- 2012 in diesen Film gehen. druckend wirkt wie seine Musik zu Regie: Laura Schroeder Nolans INCEPTION. Was die Darsteller: Anton Glas, Thierry Koob, Actionszenen angeht: hier spielt der Lana Welter, Alexandra Neldel Film erwartungsgemäß seinen Trumpf Kinostart: 30.08.2012 aus. Doch die Freude hält nicht lange an. Denn mit einer Spielzeit von fast Keiner glaubt dem kleinen Jeff. Dabei drei Stunden sprengt der Film jede Di- hat aber mit eigenen Augen ansehen mension – und langweilt! Warum gibt müssen, wie seine Mutter von einem es im Film nicht mehr solcher Sprüche Unbekannten umgebracht wurde – mit wie jenen, als Catwoman zu Batman einem Blitz aus dessen Arm. Für seinen sagt “Meine Mutter hat mich immer Vater und die Ärzte war es nur Herz- davor gewarnt, zu fremden Männern versagen. Ein paar Jahre später. Mit ins Auto zu steigen”, worauf er antwor- den Sommerferien kommen auch Jeffs tet: “Das ist kein Auto” und sein “The Freunde aus der Stadt zu Besuch. Es Bat” in die Luft steigen lässt? Satte dauert nicht lange, bis die kleine Ge- zwei Stunden hätten durchaus gereicht, meinschaft mitten in einem aufregen- um das “Batman”-Franchise zu seinem den wie unheimlichen Abenteuer Ende zu bringen. Ende? Aber nein: steckt. Dabei geht es um eine alte Le- Nolan legt am Ende des Films bereits gende und einen Schatz, den zu finden den Grundstein für die nächste Fortset- es gilt. Doch auch dunkle Gestalten

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Animation Edel:Kids 10.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048349 Film Alice im Wunderland / Peter Pan Original Spider-Man - Die kom- / Black Beauty (3 Discs) plette Sammlung (8 Discs, OmU) 1492 - Die Eroberung des Para- Spider-Man Alice In Wonderland / Peter Pan / Black dieses (Digitally Remastered) Dir. Ray Patterson, Clyde Geronimi, Sid Beauty 1492 - The Conquest Of Paradise Marcus, Grant Simmons, Ralph Bakshi Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 145min. Gérard Depardieu, Armand Assante, Booklet Sigourney Weaver, Loren Dean, Ángela Sunfilm Entertainment 05.07.2012 Zeichentrick/Action 1967-1970 1079min. Molina, Fernando Rey, Michael Wincott, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048254 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Tchéky Karyo, Kevin Dunn, Frank Langella, Vision) 13.07.2012 Barbie - Die Prinzessin und der Mark Margolis - Dir. Ridley Scott 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048439 Making of Popstar (inkl. Digital Copy) Abenteuer 1992 149min. Barbie: The Princess & The Popstar Original Spider-Man - The Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Dir. Zeke Norton Complete Collection (8 Discs, Home Edition) 09.08.2012 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 76min. OmU) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048375 Germany(Universal) Spider-Man 13.09.2012 Dir. Ray Patterson, Clyde Geronimi, Sid 1492 - Die Eroberung des Para- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048291 Marcus, Grant Simmons, Ralph Bakshi dieses (Digitally Remastered) Booklet (Blu-ray) Bibi und Tina - Das zottelige Trio Zeichentrick/Action 1967-1970 1079min. 1492 - The Conquest Of Paradise / Trubel in der Wolfsschlucht AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Gérard Depardieu, Armand Assante, Dir. Gerhard Hahn Vision) 11.03.2011 Sigourney Weaver, Loren Dean, Ángela 2 Spiele 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048436 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004-2010 55min. Molina, Fernando Rey, Michael Wincott, KIDDINX Studios 06.07.2012 Robin Hood / Don Quichote / Die Tchéky Karyo, Kevin Dunn, Frank Langella, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048288 Mark Margolis - Dir. Ridley Scott 3 Musketiere Making of Feuerwehrmann Sam - Abenteuer Robin Hood / Don Quichote / The 3 Abenteuer 1992 156min. Musketeers Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde in Pontypandy Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 min. Home Edition) 09.08.2012 Fireman Sam - The New Series Sunfilm Entertainment 05.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048403 Dir. Jerry Hibbert 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048256 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 50min. 72 Stunden - The Next Three justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Schlaue Köpfe - Lustige Ge- Days (Steelbook Collection) (Blu- 10.08.2012 schichten tba BestellNr.: 20048317 ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 300min. The Next Three Days Full Metal Alchemist - The da music(Best Entertainment) 13.07.2012 Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks, Brian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048391 Sacred Star of Milos Dennehy, Lennie James, Olivia Wilde, Ty Simpkins, Helen Carey, Liam Neeson, Daniel Hagane No Renkinjutsushi: Mirosu No Starship Troopers: Invasion Stern, Kevin Corrigan, Jason Beghe, Aisha Seinaru Hoshi Starship Troopers: Invasion Hinds, Ty Giordano, Jonathan Tucker, Allan Dir. Kazuya Murata Dir. Shinji Aramaki Steele, RZA, Moran Atias, Michael Buie - Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2011 110min. Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 85min. Dir. Paul Haggis Splendid Film 28.09.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene und 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048355 25.10.2012 erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Clip, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048447 Action/Thriller 2010 133min. Full Metal Alchemist - The STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Sacred Star of Milos (Blu-ray) Starship Troopers: Invasion (Blu- Germany 06.09.2012 Hagane No Renkinjutsushi: Mirosu No ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048405 Seinaru Hoshi Starship Troopers: Invasion 9 Songs Dir. Kazuya Murata Dir. Shinji Aramaki Nine Songs Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2011 114min. Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 89min. Kieran O’Brien, Margo Stilley, Michael Splendid Film 28.09.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Nyman, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048367 25.10.2012 von Bondies, Elbow, Primal Scream, The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048452 Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Dandy Warhols, Super Furry Animals, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. Transformers Prime, Folge 3 - Nur Franz Ferdinand, Bobbie Gillespie, Bob Hardy, Alex Kapranos, Mani, Nick da music(Best Entertainment) 13.07.2012 dieses eine Mal 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048389 McCarthy, Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Robert Transformers Prime Young - Dir. Michael Winterbottom My Little Pony: Freundschaft ist Dir. David Hartman, Todd Waterman Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 88min. Drama/Erotik 2004 67min. Magie, Folge 3 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 10.08.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048350 (SPHE)(Stardust) 02.10.2012 Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048450 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Transformers Prime, Folge 4 - Nur Edel:Kids 10.08.2012 dieses eine Mal 9 Songs (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048348 Transformers Prime Nine Songs Kieran O’Brien, Margo Stilley, Michael My Little Pony: Freundschaft ist Dir. David Hartman, Todd Waterman Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 88min. Nyman, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Magie, Folge 4 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 10.08.2012 von Bondies, Elbow, Primal Scream, The My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048351 Dandy Warhols, Super Furry Animals, Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Franz Ferdinand, Bobbie Gillespie, Bob

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Hardy, Alex Kapranos, Mani, Nick Wüste Thomas Rowen, Danielle Quisenberry, McCarthy, Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Robert Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni Kathleen Kwan, Maduka Steady, Christo- Young - Dir. Michael Winterbottom Featurettes, Wochenschauberichte, Biografie, Trailer, pher Frederick - Dir. Andrew Bellware Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Wendecover Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama/Erotik 2004 70min. Drama 1953-1964 337min. Science Fiction/Action 2011 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) (SPHE)(Stardust) 02.10.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 23.08.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048453 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048387 tba BestellNr.: 20048334 Airborne - Come Die With Me Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Battle of Empires - Fetih 1453 Airborne Now Redux (Steelbook Fetih 1453 Craig Conway, Simon Phillips, Mark Hamill, Collection) (Blu-ray) Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol, Dilek Serbest, Billy Murray, Sebastian Street, Julian Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Now Redux Cengiz Coskun, Erden Alkan, Recep Aktug, Glover, Gemma Atkinson, Alan Ford, Rita (Steelbook Collection) Raif Hikmet Cam, Erdogan Aydemir, Naci Ramnani, Dominic Burns - Dir. Dominic Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall Adigüzel, Sedat Mert, Mustafa Atilla Kunt, Burns - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Ozcan Aliser, Yilman Babaturk, Faik Aksoy, Making of, Trailer Audiokommentar Murat Sezal, Namik Kemal Yigittürk - Dir. Thriller/Mystery 2012 77min. Kriegsfilm/Drama 1979-2001 355min. Faruk Aksoy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trailer 25.09.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 Historienfilm/Kriegsfilm 2012 160min. tba BestellNr.: 20048310 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048406 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 09.10.2012 Airborne - Come Die With Me Aspe - Mord in Brügge (3 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20048308 (Blu-ray) Pieter Aspe - Mord in Brügge: Blaues Blut Airborne / Pieter Aspe - Mord in Brügge: Der Tote Battle of Empires - Fetih 1453 Craig Conway, Simon Phillips, Mark Hamill, im Sand / Pieter Aspe - Mord in Brügge: (Blu-ray) Billy Murray, Sebastian Street, Julian Die Affäre Dreyse Fetih 1453 Glover, Gemma Atkinson, Alan Ford, Rita Kriminalfilm 2004 265min. Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol, Dilek Serbest, Ramnani, Dominic Burns - Dir. Dominic justbridge entertainment media 10.08.2012 Cengiz Coskun, Erden Alkan, Recep Aktug, Burns tba BestellNr.: 20048386 Raif Hikmet Cam, Erdogan Aydemir, Naci Making of, Trailer Adigüzel, Sedat Mert, Mustafa Atilla Kunt, Thriller/Mystery 2012 70min. Die Ausgebufften (Edition Cinema Ozcan Aliser, Yilman Babaturk, Faik Aksoy, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Francais) (k.J.) Murat Sezal, Namik Kemal Yigittürk - Dir. 25.09.2012 Les Valseuses Faruk Aksoy tba BestellNr.: 20048342 Gérard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere, Miou- Trailer Historienfilm/Kriegsfilm 2012 167min. Miou, Jeanne Moreau, Isabelle Huppert, Als der Weihnachtsmann vom Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Brigitte Fossey, Christian Alers, Michel 09.10.2012 Himmel fiel Peyrelon, Gérard Boucaron, Eva Damien, tba BestellNr.: 20048340 Alexander Scheer, Noah Kraus, Mercedes Dominique Davray - Dir. Bertrand Blier Jadea Diaz, Jessica Schwarz, Fritz Karl, Komödie 1973 111min. Bergerac - Jim Bergerac ermit- Volker Lechtenbrink, ChrisTine Urspruch, FilmConfect Home Entertainment Charly Hübner, Gruschenka Stevens, Paul 16.08.2012 telt: Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Alhäuser, Tamino Wecker, Eric Evers - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048441 Bergerac Oliver Dieckmann John Nettles, Terence Alexander, Sean Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2011 min. Bad End Arnold, Mela White Highlight Communications Bad End Kriminalfilm 1981-1991 495min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.12.2012 Yvonne Wölke, Patrick Herion, Tom Weppel justbridge entertainment media(BBC) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048300 - Dir. Axel W. 10.08.2012 Thriller 2009 85min. tba BestellNr.: 20048318 Als der Weihnachtsmann vom Infopictures 01.10.2012 Himmel fiel (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048263 Die besten Filme für Weihnach- Alexander Scheer, Noah Kraus, Mercedes ten II Jadea Diaz, Jessica Schwarz, Fritz Karl, Der Bastard (Uncut Version) Beyond Tomorrow / A Christmas Carol / Volker Lechtenbrink, ChrisTine Urspruch, I Bastardi Die Schneekönigin Charly Hübner, Gruschenka Stevens, Paul Giuliano Gemma, Klaus Kinski, Margaret Komödie/Drama 1940-2008 340min. Alhäuser, Tamino Wecker, Eric Evers - Dir. Lee, Serge Marquand, Rita Hayworth - Dir. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Oliver Dieckmann Duccio Tessari GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2011 min. Thriller/Action 1968 89min. 28.09.2012 Highlight Communications VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 24.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048425 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.12.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048442 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048333 Bis zum letzten Atemzug (Arthaus Battle NY - Day 2 Retrospektive) Annie (Blu-ray) Battle: New York, Day 2 Only The Valiant Annie Tina Tanzer, David Ian Lee, Nat Cassidy, Gregory Peck, Barbara Payton-Wright, Albert Finney, Carol Burnett, Bernadette Thomas Rowen, Danielle Quisenberry, Ward Bond, Gig Young, Lon Chaney jr., Peters, , Tim Curry, Geoffrey Kathleen Kwan, Maduka Steady, Christo- Neville Brand - Dir. Gordon Douglas Holder - Dir. John Huston pher Frederick - Dir. Andrew Bellware Wendecover Kinderfilm/Musical 1982 127min. Bildergalerie, Trailer 1951 100min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Science Fiction/Action 2011 86min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 02.10.2012 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048454 23.08.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048376 tba BestellNr.: 20048302 Michelangelo Antonioni - Arthaus Blutbad der Kreuzritter Close-Up (3 Discs) Battle NY - Day 2 (Blu-ray) Il Mestiere Delle Armi Battle: New York, Day 2 Liebe in der Stadt / Liebe 1962 / Die rote Christo Jivkov, Sergio Grammatico, Dimitar Tina Tanzer, David Ian Lee, Nat Cassidy,

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Ratchkov, Fabio Giubbani, Sasa Vulicevic, Celebrity Sex Tape Drama/Biographie 2007-2012 min. Desislava Tenekedjieva, Sandra Ceccarelli, Jack Cullison, Howard Cai, Jonathan Brett - Capelight Pictures 31.08.2012 Giancarlo Belelli, Paolo Magagna, Nikolaus Dir. Scott Wheeler 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048281 Moras, Aldo Toscano, Michele Zattara, Bildergalerie, Trailer Vittorio Corcelli, Maurizio Zacchigna, Fran- Komödie 2012 87min. Dark Stone co Palmieri, Paolo Roversi, Francesca Great Movies GmbH tba Jianyu Lonardelli, Claudio Tombini - Dir. Ermanno 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048444 Michelle Yeoh, Jung Woo-Sung, Shawn Olmi Yue, Barbie Hsu, Kelly Lin, Wang Xueqi, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biographien Cherry Bomb (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Xiaodong Guo, Jiang Yiyan - Dir. John Woo, Historienfilm/Drama 2001 100min. ray) (k.J.) Chao-Bin Su Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Cherry Bomb Action/Abenteuer 2010 107min. 10.08.2012 Julin, Nick Manning, John Rodriquez, Allen Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048432 Hackley, Jeremy James Douglas Norton, Germany) 20.09.2012 Tony Bottorff, LeMarc Johnson, Aaron 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048293 Boogie Woogie - Sex, Lügen, Alexander, Liz Waters, Denise Williamson, Geld und Kunst Charissa Jarrett, Giovanni Antonello - Dir. Dark Stone (Blu-ray) Boogie Woogie Kyle Day Jianyu Gillian Anderson, Heather Graham, Amanda Thriller 2011 85min. Michelle Yeoh, Jung Woo-Sung, Shawn Seyfried, Alan Cumming, Danny Huston, Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.09.2012 Yue, Barbie Hsu, Kelly Lin, Wang Xueqi, Christopher Lee, Joanna Lumley, Charlotte 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048365 Xiaodong Guo, Jiang Yiyan - Dir. John Woo, Rampling, Stellan Skarsgård, Jaime Chao-Bin Su Winstone, Simon McBurney - Dir. Duncan Cherry Bomb (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action/Abenteuer 2010 111min. Ward Cherry Bomb Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Julin, Nick Manning, John Rodriquez, Allen Germany) 20.09.2012 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 91min. Hackley, Jeremy James Douglas Norton, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048325 Donau Film 28.09.2012 Tony Bottorff, LeMarc Johnson, Aaron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048397 Alexander, Liz Waters, Denise Williamson, Dead Past - Rache aus dem Jen- Charissa Jarrett, Giovanni Antonello - Dir. Boogie Woogie - Sex, Lügen, seits (2 Discs) (k.J.) Kyle Day Dead Past Geld und Kunst (Blu-ray) Thriller 2011 85min. Dennis Klose, Heidi Jürgens, Thilo Boogie Woogie Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.09.2012 Gosejohann, Oliver Piper, Simon Gillian Anderson, Heather Graham, Amanda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048364 Gosejohann, Nina Kiefer, Patrick Seyfried, Alan Cumming, Danny Huston, Schumacher, Daniel Flügger - Dir. Daniel Christopher Lee, Joanna Lumley, Charlotte Cherry Bomb (k.J.) Flügger Rampling, Stellan Skarsgård, Jaime Cherry Bomb Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bonusfilm, Trailer, Winstone, Simon McBurney - Dir. Duncan Julin, Nick Manning, John Rodriquez, Allen Horror 2010 77min. Ward Hackley, Jeremy James Douglas Norton, Infopictures 01.10.2012 Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Tony Bottorff, LeMarc Johnson, Aaron 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048262 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 94min. Alexander, Liz Waters, Denise Williamson, Donau Film 28.09.2012 Charissa Jarrett, Giovanni Antonello - Dir. Dead Past - Rache aus dem Jen- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048421 Kyle Day seits (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller 2011 82min. Breathless Dennis Klose, Heidi Jürgens, Thilo Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.09.2012 Gosejohann, Oliver Piper, Simon Breathless 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048352 Gosejohann, Nina Kiefer, Patrick Gina Gershon, Val Kilmer, Ray Liotta, Kelli Schumacher, Daniel Flügger - Dir. Daniel Giddish - Dir. Jesse Baget Agatha Christie - Poirot Flügger Thriller/Komödie 2012 91min. Collection 9 (4 Discs) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bonusfilm, Trailer, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 Agatha Christie: Poirot Horror 2010 80min. tba BestellNr.: 20048315 David Suchet - Dir. Peter Barber-Fleming, Infopictures 01.10.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048274 Breathless (Blu-ray) Renny Rye Diverse Breathless Kriminalfilm 385min. Death in Paradise - Staffel 1 Gina Gershon, Val Kilmer, Ray Liotta, Kelli polyband Medien GmbH 28.09.2012 Death In Paradise Giddish - Dir. Jesse Baget 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048361 Ben Miller, Sara Martins, Danny John Jules, Thriller/Komödie 2012 95min. Garry Carr Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 City Kill - Zwei schlimme Finger Kriminalfilm/Komödie 400min. tba BestellNr.: 20048344 am Abzug des Gesetzes Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.08.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048358 Cagney & Lacey Box (4 Discs) (Director’s Cut) Tödlicher Kaviar / Der Tote im Park / Wer City Kill - Rechnung In Blei Demonic Toys Jan Hendrik Thiele, Samuel Müller, Hauke im Glashaus sitzt... / Und nichts als die Demonic Toys Hirsinger, Sven Schönmann, Berit Reiss, Wahrheit... Tracy Scoggins, Bentley Mitchum, Michael Philipp Steinke, Thilo Gosejohann, Heiko Kriminalfilm/Drama 1994-1996 360min. Russo, Jeff Weston - Dir. Peter Manoogian justbridge entertainment media 10.08.2012 Schulz - Dir. Markus Hagen, Jan Hendrik Trailer, Artwork-Galerie tba BestellNr.: 20048347 Thiele Horror/Fantasy 1991 70min. Outtakes, Alternatives Ende, Musikvideo, Trailer Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Action/Komödie 2008 87min. Celebrity Sex Tape 10.08.2012 Infopictures 01.10.2012 Celebrity Sex Tape 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048428 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048264 Jack Cullison, Howard Cai, Jonathan Brett - Dir. Scott Wheeler Anton Corbijn Inside Out / Control Johnny Depp Collection (5 Discs) Bildergalerie, Trailer Arizona Dream / Blow / Die neun Pforten / Komödie 2012 84min. (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Tourist / Wenn Träume fliegen lernen Great Movies GmbH tba Anton Corbijn Inside Out / Control Johnny Depp 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048437 Dir. Anton Corbijn / USA, GB 2007) / 2-Disc Diverse Limited Double Feature Edition Amaray mit Drama/Komödie 1992-2010 577min. Celebrity Sex Tape (Blu-ray) O-Card STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment

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Germany 06.09.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048354 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048378 Drüben bei Lehmanns (4 Discs) Brigitte Mira, Walter Gross, Inge Wolffberg, Fleischermeister - Geschnitten The Devil’s Double Erika Rehhahn, Ursula Lillig, Horst Niendorf oder am Stück (2 Discs) The Devil’s Double - Dir. Herbert Ballmann Locked Dominic Cooper, Ludivine Sagnier, Raad Komödie 1971 650min. Max Mauff, Mirko Lang, Ellenie Salvo Rawi, Mem Ferda, Dar Salim, Khalid Laith, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.08.2012 González, Gerdy Zint, Friedelise Stutte, Pano Masti, Nasser Memarzia, Philip Quast, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048357 Lucie Pohl, Joscha Kiefer, Jannik Büddig, Selva Rasalingam, Mark Mifsud, Mimoun Nikola Kastner, Milton Welsh, Ulas Kilic - Oaïssa, Stewart Scudamore, Jamie Duell der 7 Tiger (k.J.) Dir. Oleg Assadulin Harding, Akin Gazi, Marama Corlett, Rachel Liu He Qian Shou Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie Fabri, Frida Cauchi, Amber Rose Revah, Cliff Lok, Casanova Wong, Han Ying-chieh, Thriller 2009 94min. Tiziana Azzopardi - Dir. Lee Tamahori Phillip Ko, Pan Pan Yeung, Pomson Shi - Dir. Infopictures 01.10.2012 Audiokommentar, Making of Chuan Yang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048261 Action/Drama 2011 104min. Uncut-Version (92 min.) Falcom Investment AG 09.10.2012 Eastern/Action 1979 81min. Fleischermeister - Geschnitten tba BestellNr.: 20048307 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 10.08.2012 oder am Stück (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048431 The Devil’s Double (Blu-ray) Locked Max Mauff, Mirko Lang, Ellenie Salvo The Devil’s Double Bernd Eichinger - Meilensteine González, Gerdy Zint, Friedelise Stutte, Dominic Cooper, Ludivine Sagnier, Raad Drama min. Lucie Pohl, Joscha Kiefer, Jannik Büddig, Rawi, Mem Ferda, Dar Salim, Khalid Laith, Highlight Communications Nikola Kastner, Milton Welsh, Ulas Kilic - Pano Masti, Nasser Memarzia, Philip Quast, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.12.2012 Dir. Oleg Assadulin Selva Rasalingam, Mark Mifsud, Mimoun 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048296 Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie Oaïssa, Stewart Scudamore, Jamie Thriller 2009 98min. Harding, Akin Gazi, Marama Corlett, Rachel Das eiserne Pferd (2 Discs) Infopictures 01.10.2012 Fabri, Frida Cauchi, Amber Rose Revah, The Iron Horse 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048273 Tiziana Azzopardi - Dir. Lee Tamahori George O’Brien, Madge Bellamy, Francis Audiokommentar, Making of Powers, J. Farrell MacDonald, Charles Ed- Four Letter Word ... Liebe kann Action/Drama 2011 108min. ward Bull, James Welch, Fred Kohler, so einfach sein. (OmU) Falcom Investment AG 09.10.2012 Gladys Hulette, Cyril Chadwick, James A Four Letter Word tba BestellNr.: 20048339 Gordon, Winston Miller, Chief John Big Tree Jesse Archer, Jeremy Gender, Charlie Da- - Dir. John Ford vid, Cory W. Grant, Virginia Bryan, Max Dieses obskure Objekt der Be- Western 1924 276min. Rhyser, Steven M. Goldsmith, J. R. Rolley, gierde (Studiocanal Collection) KSM(KSM Klassiker) 20.08.2012 John Kaisner, William Hernandez - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048286 (Blu-ray) Casper Andreas Cet Obscur Objet Du Désir Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Bildergale- Fernando Rey, Carole Bouquet, Ángela Entropie (Blu-ray) (k.J.) rie Molina, Julien Bertheau, André Weber, Oliver Petszokat, Ron Matz, Hauke Komödie/Lovestory 2007 83min. María Asquerino, David Rocha - Dir. Luis Hirsinger, Alexander Milo, Silvania Pen - Dir. PRO-FUN MEDIA 31.08.2012 Buñuel Markus Hagen, Daniel Flügger 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048312 Interview, Featurettes, Biografie, Booklet Making of, Bildergalerie, Kurzfilm, Trailer Drama 1977 99min. Thriller/Episodenfilm 2010 77min. Freelancers STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Infopictures 01.10.2012 Freelancers Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048275 , Forest Whitaker, 50 Cent, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048408 Malcolm Goodwin, Matt Gerald, Amin Jo- Entropie (k.J.) seph, Ryan O’Nan, Anabelle Acosta - Dir. Doomsday Book - Tag des Jüng- Oliver Petszokat, Ron Matz, Hauke Jessy Terrero sten Gerichts Hirsinger, Alexander Milo, Silvania Pen - Dir. Action/Drama 2012 min. Markus Hagen, Daniel Flügger Inryu Myeongmang Bogoseo Highlight Communications Making of, Bildergalerie, Kurzfilm, Trailer (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.12.2012 Ryu Seung-beom, Kim Kang-woo, Song Thriller/Episodenfilm 2010 73min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048295 Sae-byeok - Dir. Kim Jee-woon, Yim Pil- Infopictures 01.10.2012 sung 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048265 Science Fiction/Episodenfilm 2012 114min. Freelancers (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 28.09.2012 Equilibrium (Blu-ray) Freelancers Robert De Niro, Forest Whitaker, 50 Cent, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048353 Equilibrium Malcolm Goodwin, Matt Gerald, Amin Jo- Christian Bale, Emily Watson, Taye Diggs, seph, Ryan O’Nan, Anabelle Acosta - Dir. Doomsday Book - Tag des Jüng- Angus Macfadyen, Sean Bean, Matthew Jessy Terrero sten Gerichts (Blu-ray) Harbour, William Fichtner - Dir. Kurt Wimmer Action/Drama 2012 min. Inryu Myeongmang Bogoseo Behind the Scenes, Infos zu Cast & Crew Highlight Communications Ryu Seung-beom, Kim Kang-woo, Song Science Fiction/Thriller 2002 105min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.12.2012 Sae-byeok - Dir. Kim Jee-woon, Yim Pil- Highlight Communications (Deutschland) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048327 sung 04.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048328 Science Fiction/Episodenfilm 2012 119min. Fünf Perlen Splendid Film 28.09.2012 Famine - 20 Students, 20 Hours, Full House 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048366 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, 2 Kurzfilme, Bildergalerie, 20 Horrible Ways to Die (k.J.) Trailer Downton Abbey - Staffel 2 (4 Famine Episodenfilm/Drama 1952 113min. Discs) Beth Cantor, Christine Wallace, Christopher Koch Media 03.08.2012 Downton Abbey Lomas, Christopher Donoghue, Nathan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048267 Bonus-Disc: Christmas Special Durec, Dustin Elkins, Karyn Halpin, Glenn Drama 2011 453min. Hoffmann, Michelle Sabiene, Sanya Silver - Fünf Perlen (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Ryan Nicholson Full House 06.09.2012 Horror 2011 80min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes, 2 Kurzfilme, Bildergalerie, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048305 Musketier Media 28.09.2012 Trailer Episodenfilm/Drama 1952 118min.

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Koch Media 03.08.2012 Die große Party Box 2 (3 Discs) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048277 Deep In The Valley / Still Waiting... / Ame- Thriller min. rican High School Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Funny Money (Blu-ray) Chris Pratt, Brendan P. Hines, Rachel 27.09.2012 Funny Money Specter, Justin Long, Vanessa Lengies, 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048306 Chevy Chase, Penelope Ann Miller, Armand Steve Howey, Jillian Murray, Nikki Ziering, Assante, Christopher McDonald, Robert James E. Foley - Dir. Christian Forte, Jeff Das höhere Prinzip Loggia, Guy Torry, Rebecca Wisocky, Kevin Balis, Sean Patrick Cannon Vyssí Princip Sussman - Dir. Leslie Greif Komödie 2008-2009 266min. Frantisek Smolik, Jana Brejchová, Ivan Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2006 93min. Sunfilm Entertainment 05.07.2012 Mistrik, Jan Schmid, Alexander Postler - Dir. Intergroove Media(Starlight) 10.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048251 Jiri Krejcik 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048435 Booklet, Dokumentation, Trailer Hafen im Nebel (Studiocanal Drama 1960 96min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing A Gang Story - Eine Frage der Collection) (Blu-ray) Ehre AG(Ostalgica) 10.08.2012 Quai Des Brumes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048250 Les Lyonnais Jean Gabin, Michèle Morgan, Michel Simon, Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, Pierre Brasseur, Jenny Burnay, Marcel Hope & Redemption Dimitri Storoge, Patrick Catalifo, François Pérès, René Génin, Edouard Delmont - Dir. The Lena Baker Story Levantal, Francis Renaud, Lionnel Astier, Marcel Carné Tichina Arnold, Beverly Todd, Peter Coyote, Valeria Cavalli, Estelle Skornik, Olivier Intro, Featurette, Booklet Tommy J. Huff, Randy McDowell, Ron Chantreau, Stéphane Caillard, Florent Bigot Drama 1938 90min. Prather - Dir. Ralph Wilcox de Nesles, Nicolas Gerout, Olivier STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Bildergalerie, Filmografien Rabourdin, Simon Astier, Laurent Richard, Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 Drama 2008 102min. Laurent Fernandez, Manu Lanvin, Nicolas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048410 da music(Great Movies) 13.07.2012 Abraham, Pasquale D’Inca, David 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048392 Kammenos, Anne Canovas - Dir. Olivier Die Hai Box (3 Discs) Marchal Sharktopus / Super Shark / Swamp Shark Human Traffic - Die Nacht ist Action/Drama 2011 98min. Eric Roberts, Kerem Bursin, Sara Malakul nicht genug (Blu-ray) (k.J.) EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Wild Bunch Lane, John Schneider, Sarah Lieving, Tim Human Traffic Germany) 11.10.2012 Abell, Kristy Swanson, D.B. Sweeney, John Simm, Lorraine Pilkington, Shaun Par- tba BestellNr.: 20048289 Robert Davi - Dir. Declan O’Brien, Fred Olen kes, Danny Dyer, Nicola Reynolds, Dean Ray, Griff Furst Davies - Dir. Justin Kerrigan A Gang Story - Eine Frage der Horror/Action 2010-2011 261min. Komödie 1999 99min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Ehre (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048252 Les Lyonnais 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048258 Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, Dimitri Storoge, Patrick Catalifo, François Die Hai Box (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Human Traffic - Die Nacht ist Sharktopus / Super Shark / Swamp Shark Levantal, Francis Renaud, Lionnel Astier, nicht genug (k.J.) Valeria Cavalli, Estelle Skornik, Olivier Eric Roberts, Kerem Bursin, Sara Malakul Human Traffic Chantreau, Stéphane Caillard, Florent Bigot Lane, John Schneider, Sarah Lieving, Tim John Simm, Lorraine Pilkington, Shaun Par- de Nesles, Nicolas Gerout, Olivier Abell, Kristy Swanson, D.B. Sweeney, kes, Danny Dyer, Nicola Reynolds, Dean Rabourdin, Simon Astier, Laurent Richard, Robert Davi - Dir. Declan O’Brien, Fred Olen Davies - Dir. Justin Kerrigan Laurent Fernandez, Manu Lanvin, Nicolas Ray, Griff Furst Komödie 1999 95min. Abraham, Pasquale D’Inca, David Horror/Action 2010-2011 261min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Kammenos, Anne Canovas - Dir. Olivier Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048253 Marchal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048259 Action/Drama 2011 102min. Ich folgte einem Zombie (Arthaus EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Wild Bunch Hallo, ich bin der Weihnachts- Germany) 11.10.2012 mann! Retrospektive) tba BestellNr.: 20048322 Santa Who? I Walked With A Zombie Leslie Nielsen, Steven Eckholdt, Robyn Tom Conway, Frances Dee, James Ellison, Grave Encounters Lively, Max Morrow, Tommy Davidson, Dar- Christine Gordon, Edith Barrett, James Bell, Grave Encounters ren Frost, Karen LeBlanc - Dir. William Dear Teresa Harris - Dir. Jacques Tourneur Sean Rogerson, Juan Riedinger, Ashleigh Komödie 2000 88min. Wendecover Horror 1943 66min. Gryzko, Mackenzie Gray, Arthur Corber, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Michele Cummins, Luis Javier, Shawn GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 MacDonald, Merwin Mondesir, Bob Rathie, 28.09.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048377 Ben Wilkinson - Dir. The Vicious Brothers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048402 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Horror 2010 90min. Hand aufs Herz, Folgen 211-234 (3 In the Line of Duty - Box Edition Falcom Investment AG 25.09.2012 Discs) (4 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20048309 In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco / In Vanessa Jung, Andreas Jancke, Oliver the Line of Duty: Rache der Mafia / In the Petszokat, Caroline Maria Frier, Christopher Grave Encounters (Blu-ray) Line of Duty: Siege at Marion / In the Line Kohn, Verena Mundhenke, Sebastian Hölz, Grave Encounters of Duty: Street War Marie Schneider, Franziska Traub, Selina Sean Rogerson, Juan Riedinger, Ashleigh Action/Kriminalfilm 362min. Müller, Rocco Stark, Sonja Bertram, Gryzko, Mackenzie Gray, Arthur Corber, justbridge entertainment media 10.08.2012 Franciska Friede, Dennis Schigiol, Kasia Michele Cummins, Luis Javier, Shawn tba BestellNr.: 20048346 Borek, Amelie Plaas-Link, Barbara Sotelsek, MacDonald, Merwin Mondesir, Bob Rathie, Ulrich Drewes - Dir. Olaf Götz Jackie Brown (Steelbook Ben Wilkinson - Dir. The Vicious Brothers Interviews, Tanz- und Gesangtrainings, Making Ofs Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Drama 530min. Collection) (Blu-ray) Horror 2010 90min. Spirit Media 17.08.2012 Jackie Brown Falcom Investment AG 25.09.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048440 Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert tba BestellNr.: 20048341 Forster, Bridget Fonda, Michael Keaton, Hitchcock-Collection (14 Discs) Robert De Niro, Michael Bowen, Chris

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Tucker, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, Aleksey Gorbunow, Geoffrey Giuliano, Lister Jr., Hattie Winston, Aimee Graham - Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron Sunisa Jongsawat - Dir. Alexander Dir. Quentin Tarantino McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove Jakimchuk, Elena Kowalewa Dokumentationen, Featurettes, Interview, Bildergalerien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- Entfallene und alternative Szenen Thriller/Drama 2010 90min. rie Thriller 1997 154min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Action 2010 104min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 23.08.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 06.07.2012 Germany(Miramax) 06.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048301 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048320 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048407 Kiss & Kill (Steelbook Collection) Kriegssöldner - The Killer War Jedermannstraße 11 - Die kom- (Blu-ray) (k.J.) plette Serie (4 Discs) Killers Pyataya Kazn Willi Rose, Berta Drews, Karl John, Brigitte Ashton Kutcher, , Tom Rutger Hauer, Michael Madsen, Fedor Mira, Kurd Pieritz, Ulli Lommel, Paul Wester- Selleck, Catherine O’Hara, Katheryn Emelianenko, Pavel Delag, Anna Geller, meier - Dir. Ralph Lothar Winnick, Kevin Sussman, Lisa Ann Walter, Aleksey Gorbunow, Geoffrey Giuliano, Drama/Komödie 1962-1965 650min. Casey Wilson, Rob Riggle, Martin Mull, Alex Sunisa Jongsawat - Dir. Alexander Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 17.08.2012 Borstein, Usher, Letoya Luckett, Michael Jakimchuk, Elena Kowalewa 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048356 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- Daniel Cassady, Larry Joe Campbell, Mary rie Birdsong, Ric Reitz, John Atwood, Bruce Jurassic Predator (Blu-ray 3D) Action 2010 99min. Taylor, Sharan C. Mansfield - Dir. Robert KSM(NewKSM) 06.07.2012 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Luketic 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048283 Alligator X Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Action 2010 100min. La Isla (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Nadin Lucia Brehm, Annina Braunmiller, DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, Germany 06.09.2012 Inés Zahmoul, Benjamin Poost, Olaf Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048409 Ittenbach, Gabriele Grawe - Dir. Michael Amir Valinia Effenberger Bildergalerie, Trailer Knights of Blood Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Abenteuer 2010 90min. Horror 2010 80min. Jménem Krále dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Infopictures 01.10.2012 Karel Roden, Klara Issová, Jan Kanyza, 23.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048276 tba BestellNr.: 20048336 David Prachar, Lukas Vaculik, Marketa Hrubesova, Karel Dobrý (Âdalbert von La Isla (k.J.) Jestrebí), Jan Dolansky, David Matasek, Jurassic Predator (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Nadin Lucia Brehm, Annina Braunmiller, Hynek Cermak - Dir. Petr Nikolaev Alligator X Inés Zahmoul, Benjamin Poost, Olaf Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer 2009 74min. Ittenbach, Gabriele Grawe - Dir. Michael Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James KSM 06.07.2012 Effenberger DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048248 Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. Horror 2010 77min. Amir Valinia Knights of Blood (Blu-ray 3D) Infopictures 01.10.2012 Bildergalerie, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048266 Horror/Abenteuer 2010 90min. (Blu-ray) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Jménem Krále Laurel & Hardy - Special Limited 23.08.2012 Karel Roden, Klara Issová, Jan Kanyza, Edition (10 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20048335 David Prachar, Lukas Vaculik, Marketa Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Hrubesova, Karel Dobrý (Âdalbert von Komödie 1450min. Jurassic Predator (k.J.) Jestrebí), Jan Dolansky, David Matasek, Edel Germany(aberle-media) 07.08.2012 Alligator X Hynek Cermak - Dir. Petr Nikolaev 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048359 Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer 2009 76min. Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James Der Leichendieb (Arthaus Retro- DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, KSM 20.08.2012 Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048278 spektive) Amir Valinia The Body Snatcher Bildergalerie, Trailer Knights of Blood (Blu-ray) Boris Karloff, Béla Lugosi, Henry Daniell, Horror/Abenteuer 2010 86min. Jménem Krále Edith Atwater, Russell Wade, Rita Corday, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Karel Roden, Klara Issová, Jan Kanyza, Sharyn Moffett, Donna Lee - Dir. Robert 23.08.2012 David Prachar, Lukas Vaculik, Marketa Wise tba BestellNr.: 20048303 Hrubesova, Karel Dobrý (Âdalbert von Wendecover Jestrebí), Jan Dolansky, David Matasek, Horror 1945 69min. Killer Expendables (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hynek Cermak - Dir. Petr Nikolaev STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Killer By Nature Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, Abenteuer 2009 76min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048380 Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley KSM 20.08.2012 Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048319 Liebe ist nur ein Wort Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron Vinzenz Kiefer, Nadeshda Brennicke, McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove Der Komische Kintopp Miroslav Nemec, Jürgen Schornagel, Seba- Bildergalerie, Trailer DVD-ROM-Part stian Kroenert, Sinta Weisz, Johann Adam Thriller/Drama 2010 94min. Komödie 1908-1919 180min. Oest, Aaron Hildebrand, Patricia dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 20.07.2012 Hirschbichler, Stephan Luca - Dir. Carlo 23.08.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048249 Rola tba BestellNr.: 20048332 Drama 2010 min. Kriegssöldner - The Killer War Highlight Communications Killer Expendables (k.J.) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.11.2012 Killer By Nature Pyataya Kazn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048299 Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, Rutger Hauer, Michael Madsen, Fedor Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley Emelianenko, Pavel Delag, Anna Geller, LOL - Laughing Out Loud

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Lol Mayer - Dir. Andreas Marschall Miley Cyrus, Demi Moore, Douglas Booth, Thriller/Horror 2011 min. Men in Black 3 Ashley Hinshaw, Ashley Greene, George Anolis Entertainment 25.10.2012 Men In Black 3 Finn, Adam Sevani, Lina Esco, Tanz 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048451 Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Watson, Thomas Jane, Jay Hernandez, Jemaine Clement, Michael Stuhlbarg, Emma Marlo Thomas, Austin Nichols, Nora Dunn - Masks (k.J.) Thompson, Alice Eve, Rip Torn, Bill Hader, Dir. Lisa Azuelos Susen Ermich, Magdalena Ritter, Julita Witt, Nicole Scherzinger - Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld Komödie 2012 min. Michael Siller, Sonali Wiedenhöfer, Teresa Komödie/Science Fiction 2012 102min. Highlight Communications Nawrot, Norbert Losch, Michael Balaun, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.11.2012 Dieter Rita Scholl, Dörte Manske, Stephanie 02.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048298 Grabner, Franziska Breite, Simon Baptiste 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048449 Mayer - Dir. Andreas Marschall LOL - Laughing Out Loud (Blu- Thriller/Horror 2011 min. Men in Black 3 (Blu-ray 3D, 2 ray) Anolis Entertainment 25.10.2012 Discs) (Blu-ray) Lol 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048446 Men In Black 3 Miley Cyrus, Demi Moore, Douglas Booth, Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Ashley Hinshaw, Ashley Greene, George The Mechanic (Steelbook Jemaine Clement, Michael Stuhlbarg, Emma Finn, Adam Sevani, Lina Esco, Tanz Collection) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thompson, Alice Eve, Rip Torn, Bill Hader, Watson, Thomas Jane, Jay Hernandez, The Mechanic Nicole Scherzinger - Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld Marlo Thomas, Austin Nichols, Nora Dunn - Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald Komödie/Science Fiction 2012 106min. Dir. Lisa Azuelos Sutherland, Tony Goldwyn, Mini Anden, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Komödie 2012 min. James Logan, Jeff Chase, Christa 02.10.2012 Highlight Communications Campbell, Amber Gaiennie, Eddie J. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048456 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.11.2012 Fernandez - Dir. Simon West 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048330 Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Men in Black 3 (Blu-ray) Action 2010 92min. Men In Black 3 Jack So frei wie der STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Wind Germany 06.09.2012 Jemaine Clement, Michael Stuhlbarg, Emma 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048411 Brother Of The Wind Thompson, Alice Eve, Rip Torn, Bill Hader, Nicole Scherzinger - Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld Dick Robinson - Dir. Dick Robinson Meine Monster und ich - Folgen Bildergalerie Komödie/Science Fiction 2012 106min. Abenteuer 1973 86min. 01-07 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Me And My Monsters 02.10.2012 GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010-2011 180min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048455 28.09.2012 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048399 10.08.2012 Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Steelbook 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048268 Collection) (Blu-ray) Magic to Win Mr. & Mrs. Smith Hoi Sam Mo Fa Meine Monster und ich - Folgen Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Adam Brody, Kerry Raymond Wong, Louis Koo, Chun Wu, 08-13 Washington, William Fichtner - Dir. Doug Jacky Wu, Ng Karena, Ni Yan - Dir. Wilson Me And My Monsters Liman Yip Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010-2011 180min. Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Gag Action/Fantasy 2011 100min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Reel, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Original Drehbuch, Los Banditos Films 09.10.2012 Trailer 10.08.2012 Action/Komödie 2005 120min. tba BestellNr.: 20048314 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048269 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Magic to Win (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Germany 06.09.2012 Meine Monster und ich - Folgen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048412 ray) 14-20 Hoi Sam Mo Fa Me And My Monsters Moonrise Kingdom Raymond Wong, Louis Koo, Chun Wu, Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010-2011 180min. Moonrise Kingdom Jacky Wu, Ng Karena, Ni Yan - Dir. Wilson Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Yip 10.08.2012 Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jared Action/Fantasy 2011 104min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048270 Gilman, Kara Hayward, Jason Los Banditos Films 09.10.2012 Schwartzman, Bob Balaban, Larry Pine, tba BestellNr.: 20048343 Meine Monster und ich - Folgen Eric Anderson, Harvey Keitel - Dir. Wes Anderson Manhunter - Traue niemals einem 21-26 Me And My Monsters Komödie 2012 94min. Fremden (OmU) Kinderfilm/Komödie 2010-2011 180min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Into The Lion’s Den Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 27.09.2012 Jesse Archer, Ronnie Kroell, Kristen-Alex- 10.08.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048294 zander Griffith, Michael Mcfadden, Jodie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048271 Shultz, Jade Froeder, Joe Speakman, Moonrise Kingdom (Blu-ray) Laurence Mullaney - Dir. Dan Lantz Men in Black 1-3 (3 Discs) (Blu- Moonrise Kingdom Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Entfallene und ray) Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, erweiterte Szenen Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jared Thriller/Horror 2011 85min. Men In Black / Men In Black 2 / Men In Gilman, Kara Hayward, Jason PRO-FUN MEDIA(Queer Films) 31.08.2012 Black 3 Schwartzman, Bob Balaban, Larry Pine, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048311 Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Eric Anderson, Harvey Keitel - Dir. Wes Fiorentino, Rip Torn, Josh Brolin - Dir. Barry Anderson Masks (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sonnenfeld Komödie 2012 98min. Susen Ermich, Magdalena Ritter, Julita Witt, Komödie/Science Fiction 1997-2012 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Michael Siller, Sonali Wiedenhöfer, Teresa 292min. 27.09.2012 Nawrot, Norbert Losch, Michael Balaun, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048326 Dieter Rita Scholl, Dörte Manske, Stephanie 02.10.2012 Grabner, Franziska Breite, Simon Baptiste 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048457 Naked Fear 1-3 (3 Discs) (k.J.)

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Naked Fear / The Abducted / From The Plummer, Harvey Keitel, Christopher Wal- Shadows Once / The Swell Season ken, Rosanna Arquette, Quentin Tarantino, Joe Mantegna, Danielle De Luca, Jenny (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) Ving Rhames, Eric Stoltz - Dir. Quentin Marlowe, James Ray, Kathleen Benner, Once / The Swell Season Tarantino Ashley Francis, Kal Bennett, Britt George, Glen Hansard, Markéta Irglová, Hugh Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Brennan Taylor - Dir. Thom Eberhardt, Jon Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerien, Dokumentationen Walsh, Gerry Hendrick, Alastair Foley, Thriller/Komödie 1994 154min. Bonnell, Scott C. Robert Geoff Minogue, Bill Hodnett, Danuse STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Horror 2007-2009 266min. Ktrestova - Dir. John Carney, Nick August- Germany(Miramax) 06.09.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Perna, Chris Dapkins, Carlo Mirabella-Davis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048413 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048255 Audiokommentar, Filmmusik, Bildergalerie Drama/Musical 2006-2011 167min. Recreator - Du wirst repliziert Nazi Sky - Die Rückkehr des Bö- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sen! (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Recreator Nazis At The Center Of The Earth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048388 Stella Maeve, Alexander Nifong, Jamal Jake Busey, Dominique Swain, Adam Mallory-McCree, John de Lancie, Laura Burch, Josh Allen, Christopher Karl Once / The Swell Season Moss, Curzon Dobell, Kasey Riley, Kean Johnson, James Maxwell Young, Lilan (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Riley - Dir. Gregory Orr Bowden, Marlene Okner, Maria Pallas, ray) Bildergalerie, Trailer Trevor Kuhn - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Once / The Swell Season Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. Making of Glen Hansard, Markéta Irglová, Hugh dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Action/Horror 2012 93min. Walsh, Gerry Hendrick, Alastair Foley, 23.08.2012 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.08.2012 Geoff Minogue, Bill Hodnett, Danuse tba BestellNr.: 20048331 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048434 Ktrestova - Dir. John Carney, Nick August- Nazi Sky - Die Rückkehr des Bö- Perna, Chris Dapkins, Carlo Mirabella-Davis Recreator - Du wirst repliziert Audiokommentar, Filmmusik, Bildergalerie, Making of, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) sen! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Hintergrundinfo, Interviews Recreator Nazis At The Center Of The Earth Drama/Musical 2006-2011 171min. Stella Maeve, Alexander Nifong, Jamal Jake Busey, Dominique Swain, Adam STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mallory-McCree, John de Lancie, Laura Burch, Josh Allen, Christopher Karl Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 Moss, Curzon Dobell, Kasey Riley, Kean Johnson, James Maxwell Young, Lilan 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048417 Riley - Dir. Gregory Orr Bowden, Marlene Okner, Maria Pallas, Die Outsiders Bildergalerie, Trailer Trevor Kuhn - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. The Outsiders Making of dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Action/Horror 2012 93min. Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas 23.08.2012 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.08.2012 Howell, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio tba BestellNr.: 20048329 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048433 Estevez, Tom Cruise, Glenn Withrow, Diane Lane, Leif Garrett, Gailard Sartain, Tom Recreator - Du wirst repliziert Nazi Sky - Die Rückkehr des Bö- Waits, Darren Dalton, Michelle Meyrink, sen! (k.J.) Susan E. Hinton - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola (k.J.) Recreator Nazis At The Center Of The Earth Intro, Audiokommentar, Wendecover Drama 1982 110min. Stella Maeve, Alexander Nifong, Jamal Jake Busey, Dominique Swain, Adam STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mallory-McCree, John de Lancie, Laura Burch, Josh Allen, Christopher Karl Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 Moss, Curzon Dobell, Kasey Riley, Kean Johnson, James Maxwell Young, Lilan 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048395 Riley - Dir. Gregory Orr Bowden, Marlene Okner, Maria Pallas, Bildergalerie, Trailer Trevor Kuhn - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Panik um King Kong (Arthaus Re- Thriller/Horror 2011 87min. Making of dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Action/Horror 2012 90min. trospektive) 23.08.2012 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.08.2012 Mighty Joe Young tba BestellNr.: 20048297 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048426 Terry Moore, Ben Johnson, Robert Armstrong, Frank McHugh, Lora Lee Mi- Redemption No Saints for Sinners (Blu-ray) chel, Douglas F. Fowley - Dir. Ernest B. Redemption Schoedsack (k.J.) Derek Burke, July Smith, Adam Chambers, No Saints For Sinners Fotogalerie; Presseheft; Wendecover Horror 1949 94min. Shaina Vorspan, Marco Neves, Aníbal Rick Crawford, James Cosmo, Keith David, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Silveyra, Kelly Boczek, Allana Barton, Marty Maguire, Kate Tomlinson, Collin Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 Charlie Guillen, Amanda Vermillion - Dir. Sutton, Atticus Todd, D. J. Bennett, Carin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048384 Joseph P. Stachura Chea - Dir. Nathan Frankowski Bildergalerie, Trailer Trailer Der Prozess (Studiocanal Western/Drama 2011 98min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Collection) (Blu-ray) 23.08.2012 GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Le Procès tba BestellNr.: 20048304 28.09.2012 Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048422 Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli, Redemption (Blu-ray) Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles Redemption No Saints for Sinners (k.J.) Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Booklet, Trailer Derek Burke, July Smith, Adam Chambers, Drama 1962 118min. No Saints For Sinners Shaina Vorspan, Marco Neves, Aníbal STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rick Crawford, James Cosmo, Keith David, Silveyra, Kelly Boczek, Allana Barton, Germany(Arthaus) 20.09.2012 Marty Maguire, Kate Tomlinson, Collin Charlie Guillen, Amanda Vermillion - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048419 Sutton, Atticus Todd, D. J. Bennett, Carin Joseph P. Stachura Chea - Dir. Nathan Frankowski Bildergalerie, Trailer Trailer Pulp Fiction (Steelbook Western/Drama 2011 102min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 84min. Collection) (Blu-ray) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Pulp Fiction 23.08.2012 GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma tba BestellNr.: 20048337 28.09.2012 Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048398

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Rosewood Lane STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Six Bullets (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Rosewood Lane Germany 06.09.2012 6 Bullets Rose McGowan, Lauren Vélez, Ray Wise, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048379 Jean-Claude van Damme, Joe Flanigan, Lin Shaye, Lesley-Anne Down, Bill Bianca Bree, Anna-Louise Plowman, Fagerbakke, Rance Howard, Ashton Moio, Joseph W. Sarno Collection (k.J.) Kristopher van Varenberg, Terese Cilluffo, Judson Mills, Sonny Marinelli, Steve Tom, Butterfly / Bibi - Sündig und süß Uriel Emil Pollack, Jimmy Townsend, Louis Kayden Kessler - Dir. Victor Salva Dir. Joseph W. Sarno Dempsey, Charlotte Beaumont, Cezara Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Erotik 1973-1974 171min. Darie, Frédéric Mastro - Dir. Ernie Thriller/Horror 2011 92min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 24.07.2012 Barbarash Planet Media Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20048443 Action/Thriller 2012 107min. 18.10.2012 Splendid Film 28.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048371 Schuld war nur der Weihnachts- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048369 mann Rosewood Lane (Blu-ray) Christmas In Connecticut Six Bullets (k.J.) Rosewood Lane (Blu-ray) Dyan Cannon, Kris Kristofferson, Tony 6 Bullets Rose McGowan, Lauren Vélez, Ray Wise, Curtis, Richard Roundtree, Kelly Cinnante, Jean-Claude van Damme, Joe Flanigan, Lin Shaye, Lesley-Anne Down, Bill Gene Lythgow - Dir. Arnold Bianca Bree, Anna-Louise Plowman, Fagerbakke, Rance Howard, Ashton Moio, Schwarzenegger Kristopher van Varenberg, Terese Cilluffo, Judson Mills, Sonny Marinelli, Steve Tom, Komödie 1992 90min. Uriel Emil Pollack, Jimmy Townsend, Louis Kayden Kessler - Dir. Victor Salva Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Dempsey, Charlotte Beaumont, Cezara Making of, Trailer, Wendecover GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Darie, Frédéric Mastro - Dir. Ernie Thriller/Horror 2011 96min. 28.09.2012 Barbarash Planet Media Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048401 Action/Thriller 2012 103min. 18.10.2012 Splendid Film 28.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048374 Die schwarze Katze 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048363 Die Rückkehr des Dracula The Black Cat Robert Frost, Robyn Baker - Dir. Harold Slutty Summer - Die ganz anders The Return Of Dracula Hoffman Francis Lederer, Norma Eberhardt, Ray romantische Komödie (OmU) Horror/Thriller 1966 72min. Stricklyn, Jimmy Baird, Virginia Vincent, Slutty Summer Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.08.2012 John Wengraf, Gage Clarke, John Casper Andreas, Jamie Hatchett, Jesse 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048430 McNamara - Dir. Paul Landres Archer, Christos Klapsis, Virginia Bryan, Trailer Jeffrey Christopher Todd, Lance Werth, Horror 1958 74min. Schweigen ist Gold (Arthaus Re- Lex Sosa - Dir. Casper Andreas Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.08.2012 trospektive) Featurette, Interviews, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048429 Le Silence Est D’Or Komödie/Lovestory 2004 84min. Maurice Chevalier, François Périer, Marc- PRO-FUN MEDIA 31.08.2012 Rückkehr ins Haus am Eaton elle Derrien, Dany Robin, Robert Pizani, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048313 Place - Upstairs, Downstairs, Staf- Raymond Cordy - Dir. René Clair Wendecover Space Prey - Der Kopfgeldjäger fel Eins Komödie 1947 95min. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Upstairs, Downstairs STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Hunter Prey Keeley Hawes, Ed Stoppard Germany(Arthaus) 06.09.2012 Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Clark Bartram, Drama 2010 150min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048385 Damion Poitier, Simon Potter - Dir. Sandy polyband Medien GmbH 28.09.2012 Collora 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048362 Seed (Blu-ray 3D, Special Editi- Trailer Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 92min. The Running Dead (Blu-ray 3D) on) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Seed KSM 20.08.2012 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Will Sanderson, Michael Paré, Ralf Moeller, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048279 Dead Season Andrew Jackson, Michael Eklund, Jodelle James C. Burns, Scott Peat, Marissa Ferland - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Space Ranger Merrill, Corsica Wilson, Marc L. Fusco, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Making of Galaxy Hunter Todd Pritchett, Grant Beijon, Kevin O. Horror/Thriller 2007 82min. Stacy Keach, Shelley Michelle - Dir. Mark Matta, Anna Vawser - Dir. Adam Deyoe Splendid Film 28.09.2012 Borchetta Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048368 Science Fiction 2004 min. Bildergalerie da music(Great Movies) 13.07.2012 Horror 2012 89min. Shame 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048393 KSM 15.09.2012 Shame tba BestellNr.: 20048280 Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan, James Spieglein, Spieglein - Die wirk- Sag kein Wort Badge Dale, Nicole Beharie, Lucy Walters, lich wahre Geschichte von Mari-Ange Ramirez, Alex Manette, Hannah Don’t Say A Word Schneewittchen Ware - Dir. Steve McQueen Michael Douglas, Brittany Murphy, Sean Mirror, Mirror Drama 2011 97min. Bean, Skye McCole Bartusiak, Guy Torry, Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 13.09.2012 Jennifer Esposito, Shawn Doyle, Victor Nathan Lane, Jordan Prentice, Mark 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048257 Argo, Conrad Goode, Paul Schulze, Lance Povinelli, Joe Gnoffo, Danny Woodburn - Reddick, Famke Janssen, Oliver Platt, Aidan Shame (Blu-ray) Dir. Tarsem Singh Devine, Alex Campbell, Philip DeWilde, Sam Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Shame Montesano, Arlene Duncan, Judy Sinclair, Wendecover Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan, James Komödie/Abenteuer 2012 102min. Larry Block, David Warshofsky, Darren Badge Dale, Nicole Beharie, Lucy Walters, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Frost, Philip Williams, Louis Vanaria, Daniel Mari-Ange Ramirez, Alex Manette, Hannah Germany 04.10.2012 Kash, Lucie Laurier, Isabella Fink (Elisa- Ware - Dir. Steve McQueen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048370 beth), Ray Iannicelli, Colm Magner, Cyrus Drama 2011 101min. Farmer, Martin Roach, Patricia Mauceri - Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 13.09.2012 Spieglein, Spieglein - Die wirk- Dir. Gary Fleder Audiokommentar, Making of, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048260 lich wahre Geschichte von Thriller 2001 109min. Schneewittchen (Blu-ray)

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Mirror, Mirror los C. Torres, Ivana Wong - Dir. Hitoshi STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer, Matsumoto Germany 20.09.2012 Nathan Lane, Jordan Prentice, Mark Wendecover, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048418 Povinelli, Joe Gnoffo, Danny Woodburn - Komödie/Fantasy 2009 min. Dir. Tarsem Singh Rapid Eye Movies HE 07.09.2012 Titanic - Blood and Steel, Die Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048345 komplette Serie (4 Discs) Wendecover Komödie/Abenteuer 2012 106min. Tagträumer Titanic - Blood And Steel Alessandra Mastronardi, Derek Jacobi - Dir. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Matthias Schweighöfer, Tom Gramenz, Ciaran Donnelly Germany 04.10.2012 Timo Jacobs - Dir. Lars Kornhoff, Rolf Drama 2012 540min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048373 Teigler, Anne Wild, Hannes Hirsch Kurzfilm „Hunde die bellen“, Trailer, Bildergalerie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Spritztour (Blu-ray) Kurzfilm/Drama 2001-2012 76min. Germany 20.09.2012 Sex Drive PRO-FUN MEDIA(missing FILMs) 31.08.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048394 Josh Zuckerman, Amanda Crew, Clark 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048316 Duke, James Marsden, Seth Green, Alice Tornado Warning Greczyn, Katrina Bowden, Charlie Shirley Temple Storybook Alien Tornado McDermott, Mark L. Young, Cole Petersen, Collection - Im Spielzeugland (Di- Stacey Asaro, Jeff Fahey, Kari Wuhrer - Dir. Jeff Burr Dave Sheridan, Michael Cudlitz, Allison gital remastered) Weissman, Andrea Anders, Kim Ostrenko, Bildergalerie, Trailer Shirley Temple’s Storybook Action/Science Fiction 2012 90min. Brett Rice, David Koechner, Caley Hayes - Shirley Temple, Pernell Roberts, Agnes Great Movies GmbH tba Dir. Sean Anders Trailer, Making of, Featurettes Moorehead, Jonathan Harris, Tudor Owen, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048438 Komödie 2008 110min. Robert Carricart, Jimmy Carter, Tony Haig - Concorde Home Entertainment 20.09.2012 Dir. Robert B. Sinclair, Harry Horner Tornado Warning (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048404 inklusive schwarz-weiß-Version Alien Tornado Fantasy 1958-1961 60min. Stacey Asaro, Jeff Fahey, Kari Wuhrer - Die Stadt der rauhen Männer da music(Great Movies) 13.07.2012 Dir. Jeff Burr 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048390 Fighting Man Of The Plains Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2012 94min. Randolph Scott, Bill Williams, Victor Jory, The Theatre Bizarre (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH tba Jane Nigh, Douglas Kennedy, Joan Taylor, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048445 James Todd, Rhys Williams, Barry Kelley - (k.J.) The Theatre Bizarre Dir. Edwin L. Marin Touching Home - So spielt das Bildergalerie, Trailer Udo Kier, Virginia Newcomb, Amanda Western 1949 91min. Marquardt, Amelia M. Gotham, Catriona Leben KSM 20.08.2012 MacColl, Shane Woodward, Victoria Mau- Touching Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048287 rette, André Hennicke, Suzan Anbeh, Ed Harris, Brad Dourif, Robert Forster, Harvey Friedman, Debbie Rochon, Tom Evan Jones, Brandon Hanson, Ishiah Starsky & Hutch (Steelbook Savini, James Gill, Jodii Christianson, Lena Benben, Lee Meriwether, James Carraway Collection) (Blu-ray) Kleine, Mélodie Simard - Dir. Douglas Buck, - Dir. Logan Miller, Noah Miller Starsky & Hutch Buddy Giovinazzo, David Gregory, Karim Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 2008 108min. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Hussain, Jeremy Kasten, Tom Savini, Ri- KSM(NewKSM) 06.07.2012 Fred Williamson, Vince Vaughn, Juliette chard Stanley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048284 Lewis, Jason Bateman, Amy Smart, Carmen Trailer Horror/Episodenfilm 2011 119min. Electra, George Kee Cheung, Chris Penn, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Touching Home - So spielt das Brande Roderick, Molly Sims, Matt Walsh, GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Paul Michael Glaser, David Soul - Dir. Todd Leben (Blu-ray) 28.09.2012 Phillips Touching Home Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048420 Ed Harris, Brad Dourif, Robert Forster, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Evan Jones, Brandon Hanson, Ishiah Action/Komödie 2004 101min. The Theatre Bizarre (k.J.) Benben, Lee Meriwether, James Carraway STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The Theatre Bizarre - Dir. Logan Miller, Noah Miller Germany(Miramax) 06.09.2012 Udo Kier, Virginia Newcomb, Amanda Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048414 Marquardt, Amelia M. Gotham, Catriona Drama 2008 112min. MacColl, Shane Woodward, Victoria Mau- KSM(NewKSM) 06.07.2012 The Sword Identity rette, André Hennicke, Suzan Anbeh, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048321 Wo Kou De Zong Ji Harvey Friedman, Debbie Rochon, Tom Song Yang, Yu Cheng-hui, Zhao Yuanyuan Savini, James Gill, Jodii Christianson, Lena The Tourist (Steelbook - Dir. Xu Haofeng Kleine, Mélodie Simard - Dir. Douglas Buck, Collection) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Action 2011 106min. Buddy Giovinazzo, David Gregory, Karim The Tourist Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Hussain, Jeremy Kasten, Tom Savini, Ri- Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, 27.09.2012 chard Stanley Timothy Dalton, Steven Berkoff, Rufus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048290 Trailer Sewell, Bruno Wolkowitch, Mhamed Arezki, Horror/Episodenfilm 2011 114min. Ralf Moeller - Dir. Florian Henckel von Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs The Sword Identity (Blu-ray) Donnersmarck Wo Kou De Zong Ji GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interview Song Yang, Yu Cheng-hui, Zhao Yuanyuan 28.09.2012 Thriller 2010 103min. - Dir. Xu Haofeng 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048396 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Abenteuer/Action 2011 110min. Germany 06.09.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Titanic - Blood and Steel, Die 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048415 27.09.2012 komplette Serie (2 Discs) (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048323 ray) Turbo Zombies from Hell Titanic - Blood And Steel Turbo Zombi Symbol Alessandra Mastronardi, Derek Jacobi - Dir. Martin Hentschel, Christian Witte, Thomas Shinboru Ciaran Donnelly Kercmar - Dir. Jochen Taubert Hitoshi Matsumoto, David Quintero, Luis Drama 2012 540min. Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Accinelli, Lilian Tapia, Adriana Fricke, Car- Horror/Komödie 2011 69min.

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Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Drama/Sport 2011 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048272 10.08.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048427 25.10.2012 John Irving und wie er die Welt 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048448 sieht Die ultimative Bourne Collection Dir. André Schäfer (3 Discs, + 3 Digital Copies) (Blu- Zündschnüre Porträt/Biographie 2011 96min. ray) Michael Olbrich, Bettina Porsch, Thomas Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Visser, Kurt Funk, Tilli Breidenbach, Heinz The Bourne Identity / The Bourne GmbH & Co. KG(W-Film) 28.09.2012 Wildenhagen - Dir. Reinhard Hauff Supremacy / The Bourne Ultimatum 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048400 Drama 1974 105min. Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 31.08.2012 Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles - Dir. Laurel & Hardy - Die komische 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048381 Doug Liman, Paul Greengrass Liebesgeschichte von Dick & Doof s. Einzel-Discs Der Zwang zum Bösen Dir. Andreas Baum Action/Thriller 2002-2007 341min. Featurettes, Interviews Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Compulsion Dokumentation 2011 92min. 13.09.2012 Orson Welles, Diane Varsi, Dean Stockwell, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048338 Bradford Dillman, E. G. Marshall, Martin Germany 20.09.2012 Milner, Richard Anderson, Robert Simon, tba BestellNr.: 20048383 Universal Classic Monster Edward Binns, Robert Burton, Louise Collection (8 Discs) (Blu-ray) Lorimer - Dir. Richard Fleischer Michel Petrucciani - Leben gegen Kriminalfilm 1959 99min. Horror 1931-1954 min. die Zeit KSM(KSM Klassiker) 20.08.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Michel Petrucciani - Body & Soul 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048285 04.10.2012 Michel Petrucciani - Dir. Michael Radford tba BestellNr.: 20048372 Trailer, Interviews Dokumentarfilm 2011 99min. Unknown Identity (Steelbook polyband Medien GmbH 28.09.2012 Collection) (Blu-ray) Special Interest 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048360 Unknown Wandlungen - Richard Wilhelm Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Anton Corbijn Inside Out (OmU) und das I Ging Aidan Quinn, Frank Langella, Bruno Ganz, Anton Corbijn Inside Out Dir. Bettina Wilhelm Karl Markovics, Sebastian Koch, Olivier Anton Corbijn - Dir. Klaartje Quirijns Schneider, Stipe Erceg, Eva Löbau, Mido Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2011 87min. Hamada, Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Rainer Dokumentarfilm 2012 81min. good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 27.07.2012 Bock - Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra Capelight Pictures 31.08.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048382 Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interviews, Trailer Thriller/Mystery 2011 113min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 06.09.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048416 Die vierte Macht Moritz Bleibtreu, Kasia Smutniak, Max Riemelt, Rade Serbedzija, Stipe Erceg, Mark Ivanir, Cosima Shaw, Michael Ihnow - Dir. Dennis Gansel Thriller 2011 110min. Universal Pictures Germany(UFA Cinema) 13.09.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048292 Die vierte Macht (Blu-ray) Moritz Bleibtreu, Kasia Smutniak, Max Riemelt, Rade Serbedzija, Stipe Erceg, Mark Ivanir, Cosima Shaw, Michael Ihnow - Dir. Dennis Gansel Thriller 2011 115min. Universal Pictures Germany(UFA Cinema) 13.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048324 Wasser für die Elefanten (Blu-ray) Water For Elephants Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Chri- stoph Waltz, Hal Holbrook, James Frain, Paul Schneider, Ken Foree, Tim Guinee, Mark Povinelli - Dir. Francis Lawrence Drama/Lovestory 2011 120min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 07.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048458 Will - Folge deinem Traum Will Perry Eggleton, Bob Hoskins, Damian Lewis - Dir. Ellen Perry

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Animation Family Guy: Volume 10 Kaboom!: Back To School Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Seth Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy 137min. MacFarlane Phase 4 Films 07.08.2012 Auto-B-Good: Fuel For The Finish Get more Big Bang for your buck when you bring home this 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111587 Family 2009 50min. hilarious collection of 14 Family Guy episodes, in which Peter E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 needs a new kidney, Lois becomes a boxing champ, Chris finds a new hobby, and Brian and Stewie unravel the space- Metalocalypse: Season Four 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111580 time continuum in an effort to save the universe. Travel to a new cosmos of comedy with Family Guy! Mark Hamill, Brendon Small, Tommy Blacha, Victor Brandt Auto-B-Good: Shifting Into High Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox 2011 349min. The wait is almost over as the almighty Dethklok will return to Gear Blu-ray and DVD with the complete season 4 of 20th Century Fox 25.09.2012 Metalocalypse. This season features guest appearances from Family 2009 50min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111701 the likes of Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse), Cam Pipes (3 E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 Inches Of Blood), Dweezil Zappa, actor Jon Hamm and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111581 director Werner Herzog. 2012 is a big year for ’s The First Christmas: The Story Of favorite metal band. They will be performing live from USS Midway in July at Comic Con, headlining a 34 date concert The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest The First Christmas Snow - tour starting this August, and releasing a new album this fall. Deluxe Edition All of this couldn’t be complete without the Blu-ray and DVD Heroes! - Volume 5 release of Metalocalypse: Season 4 on October 30. Angela Lansbury Comedy, Heavy Metal, Music, Adult Swim Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Give your family a holiday to remember with this unforgettable Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, story about the true meaning of Christmas from the animation 2012 144min. Superheroes 286min. powerhouse Rankin/Bass (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 Reindeer)! After Sister Theresa (voiced by Angela Lansbury) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111720 Disney / Buena Vista 25.09.2012 rescues an orphan shepherd boy from a lightning storm, she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111683 lovingly nurses him back to health. However, the boy suffered injuries during the storm and wakes up blind and discouraged Metalocalypse: Season Four (Blu- in his new surroundings. With Sister Theresa’s help, the pint- Batman: Batman & Mr. Freeze: sized shepherd with the king-sized heart learns that seeing ray) SubZero / Batman Beyond: The goes deeper than what your eyes show you. Together, they Mark Hamill, Brendon Small, Tommy Blacha, discover that unconditional love can overcome any obstacles. Victor Brandt Movie (Double Feature) Celebrate the gift of love with your family this holiday as you experience this fully remastered deluxe edition DVD! The wait is almost over as the almighty Dethklok will return to Battle battles his biggest foes in two action-paced features. Blu-ray and DVD with the complete season 4 of Batman faces his coolest case ever in Batman & Mr. Freeze: Christmas, Family, Holidays, Religion/ Metalocalypse. This season features guest appearances from SubZero when Batgirl is kidnapped by the cold-blooded Spirituality 1975 22min. the likes of Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse), Cam Pipes (3 villain Mr. Freeze. And as new villains overrun Gotham City Warner Bros. 02.10.2012 Inches Of Blood), Dweezil Zappa, actor Jon Hamm and of the future, a triumphant new Batman is born in Batman director Werner Herzog. 2012 is a big year for Adult Swim’s Beyond: The Movie. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111597 favorite metal band. They will be performing live from USS Superheroes, Based On Comic Book, Doub- Midway in July at Comic Con, headlining a 34 date concert le Features, Action, Adventure min. Max Fleischer’s Superman: tour starting this August, and releasing a new album this fall. Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 All of this couldn’t be complete without the Blu-ray and DVD Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) release of Metalocalypse: Season 4 on October 30. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111714 For the first time ever, this two-disc set presents the original Adult Swim, Comedy, Heavy Metal, Music Max Fleischer Superman cartoons in pristine high-definition 2012 144min. Batman: Batman Beyond: Return format. Revered as some of the finest animated cartoons produced during The Golden Age of American animation, Max Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 Of The Joker / Batman Vs. Fleischer ‘s Superman: Collector’s Edition is the focal point 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111734 of any collector’s library, chronicling the introduction of the Dracula (Double Feature) world’s favorite superhero. Heroes may come and go, but the Battle battles his biggest foes in two action-paced features. It timelessness of the Superman legacy has remained invincible, Monster Truck Adventures: is no laughing matter when the greatest villain of all comes out entertaining generations of the past, present and future. Making The Grade of the past to threaten Batman, Bruce Wayne and all of Short Film Collections, Superheroes, Based Gotham in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. And in the Meteor and friends engage in exciting adventures at school Batman vs Dracula, Gotham City sleeps under the cover of On Comic Book, Action, Adventure 1941 and home, while learning important Biblical lessons along the darkness while two legendary bats take flight. 210min. way. These monster trucks experience scripture based lessons that apply to their everyday lives. Each DVD Superheroes, Based On Comic Book, Doub- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.10.2012 includes 7 episodes, filled with fun, family and friends as kids le Features, Action min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111677 experience life in the town of Crushington Park. Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Family, Religion/Spirituality, Transportation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111715 Franklin: School Days With 2006 92min. Franklin E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111600 Dr. Seuss’s Deluxe Holiday Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy 154min. Collection Phase 4 Films 07.08.2012 How the Grinch Stole Christmas!. Horton Hears A Who: Dr. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111586 Monster Truck Adventures: Seuss’ classic of a jungle elephant named horton teaches us Pushing The Limits what it means to be a true friend. Hearing a faint cry for help from a floating speck of dust, Horton finds a tiny planet of Galaxy Express 999: The Meteor and friends engage in exciting adventures at school Whos living there. Though he can’t see them, he hears them and home, while learning important Biblical lessons along the for sure - and puts his safety on the line for the microscopic Complete Series - Volume 1 way. These monster trucks experience scripture based inhabitants. Thanks to Dr. Who-Vee and Horton, Whoville is Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, lessons that apply to their everyday lives. Each DVD saved and a lasting friendship is created. Dr. Seuss and includes 7 episodes, filled with fun, family and friends as kids animation giant Chuck Jones reteamed after How the Grinch Japanese, Science Fiction, Adventure 1978 experience life in the town of Crushington Park. Stole Christmas. The Lorax: The award-winning tale of The 950min. Family, Religion/Spirituality, Transportation Lorax. E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 2006 92min. Adventure, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111616 E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 Holidays min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111601 Warner Bros. 02.10.2012 Happiness Is... Peanuts: 3 Pack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111535 Of Fun Pound Puppies: Super Secret Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Royal Share some laughs with everyone’s best friends, Charlie Pup Club Brown and Snoopy in this year’s new 3 disc collection. Betty White, Eric Mccormack, John Rescue Peanuts are sure to make you and your family smile with two TV Specials, two hilarious adventures from The Charlie DiMaggio Ride to the rescue - and share a love of reading books along Brown and Snoopy Show and one heartwarming original Family, Adventure, Animated Animals 2011 the way - with Lady Knight Dora in these two knightly movie. Happiness is always right at home with Peanuts in this adventures, featuring the legendary Don Quixote! must own DVD collection! 100min. Adventure, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool Based On A Comic Strip, Classics, Family Shout Factory 16.10.2012 2012 69min. min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111659 Nickelodeon 02.10.2012 Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111707 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111718 Scooby-Doo! And The Alien

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Invaders / Scooby-Doo! Goes To for the contest. When SpongeBob gets rave reviews from a are tested like never before as Anakin is haunted by the food critic, Mr. Krabs wants to cash in on SpongeBob’s realities of his past, Ahsoka fights to free her people and an Hollywood (Double Feature) newfound celebrity. Patrick’s written a song. Now undercover Obi-Wan braves a deadly bounty hunter SpongeBob’s going to help him get it on the radio. It’s Boating tournament. Season Four culminates with the shocking return Mystery, Adventure, Aliens, Animated School Picture Day. Can SpongeBob make it to school without of a villain from the past: the ruthless Darth Maul, who will Animals, Double Features, Family min. getting dirty? stop at nothing to achieve vengeance. The epic action, Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2007 93min. timeless characters, and sense-shattering sights and sounds of Star Wars surge on in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111739 Nickelodeon 25.09.2012 Complete Season Four. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111703 Cartoon Network, Computer Animation, Scooby-Doo! And The Cyber Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Star Chase / Scooby-Doo! Meets The SpongeBob SquarePants: Friend Wars, Action, Adventure 506min. Boo Brothers (Double Feature) Or Foe Warner Bros. 23.10.2012 It’s the history of the Krabs/Plankton rivalry! Mr. Krabs and 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111534 Mystery, Adventure, Animated Animals, Plankton were once best friends, but things went bad when Comedy, Double Features, Family min. they tried going into business together. With a special Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 appearance by Patchy! The Krusty Krab’s original fry cook, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Jim, stops by. Now SpongeBob is convinced Jim is taking his Complete Season Four (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111740 job. When SpongeBob reads a scary book before bedtime, everything starts to go bump in the night! Check out Patrick’s Executive Producer George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation Scooby-Doo!: Big Top Scooby- alarming morning routine! After sending in box tops to claim present Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Complete Season his free Kelpo cereal prize, SpongeBob waits by the mailbox Four. The battle to save the galaxy reaches new heights of Doo! for his toy. And waits... SpongeBob develops a nasty, itchy peril and new depths of darkness. The valiant Jedi Knights sea fungus that grows over everything it touches! Mr. Krab and clone troopers defend exotic planets from enemy forces. Peter Stormare, Matthew Lillard, Mindy sends SpongeBob and Patrick on an undercover spying They wage war underwater, battle across a night-shrouded Cohn, Frank Welker, Grey Delisle, Greg Ellis mission. world, and take on the merciless Death Watch. Our heroes Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the gang arrive in Atlantic City for a Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2007 84min. are tested like never before as Anakin is haunted by the relaxing vacation... and land center-stage in a three-ring realities of his past, Ahsoka fights to free her people and an mystery! After visiting a shuttered big top that’s being Nickelodeon 25.09.2012 undercover Obi-Wan braves a deadly bounty hunter hounded by werewolves, the gang goes undercover to find out 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111704 tournament. Season Four culminates with the shocking return why. It’s up to Daphne the clown, trapeze artist Fred, Velma of a villain from the past: the ruthless Darth Maul, who will the human rocket, ringmaster Shaggy and the amazing trick stop at nothing to achieve vengeance. The epic action, dog Scooby-Doo to solve the mystery and save the circus. But SpongeBob Squarepants: Pest Of timeless characters, and sense-shattering sights and sounds when they repeat their crowd-pleasing performance for The West of Star Wars surge on in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Shaggy’s favorite Swedish metal band, Wülfsmöøon, the Complete Season Four. beasts come back for one more hair-raising ruckus. Scooby- While researchiing his family tree, SpongeBob discovers he Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, Com- Doo and Shaggy juggle fun, fright and feats of bravery and was related to Western hero SpongeBuck. Flashback to puter Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science puzzle-solving skill in the greatest original Scooby-Doo SpongeBuck arriving in Bikini Gulch around 1882 and going movie on earth! head-to-head against dastardly Dead-Eye Plankton! Out, out Fiction, Star Wars 506min. darn spot! SpongeBob refuses to leave work until he gets a Warner Bros. 23.10.2012 Comedy, Family, Animated Animals, stubborn spot off one of the dishes. When Patrick eats his Mystery, Werewolves 90min. weight in Krabby Patties without paying, Mr. Krabs puts him 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111558 Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 to work. Sandy tricks SpongeBob and Patrick into attending survival-training camp, where the creed is „eat or be eaten“. Starship Troopers: Invasion (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111673 SpongeBob and Patrick discover an old submarine, and Mr. Krabs talks them into using it to take the Krusty Krab on the ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Scooby-Doo!: Big Top Scooby- road! It’s well-groomed SpongeBob versus never-washes Patrick. In this battle, will SpongeBob clean up or will Patrick Luci Christian Doo! (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) resort to dirty tricks? The troopers of two starships have joined forces to terminate Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2008 75min. a massive bug attack at a federation outpost. Before the (Blu-ray) mission can be completed and the survivors evacuated, one Nickelodeon 25.09.2012 Peter Stormare, Matthew Lillard, Mindy ship abruptly departs and goes inexplicably dark. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111702 remaining battle-hardened troopers race to the rescue, only to Cohn, Frank Welker, Grey Delisle, Greg Ellis discover that the threat from the bugs is about to hit home. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the gang arrive in Atlantic City for a With the latest in CGI technology, this film from executive relaxing vacation... and land center-stage in a three-ring SpongeBob SquarePants: Producer Casper Van Dien and Director Shinji Aramaki mystery! After visiting a shuttered big top that’s being (Appleseed) features the return of fan favorite characters hounded by werewolves, the gang goes undercover to find out SpongeBob Vs. The Big One Johnny Rico, Captain Ibanez and Carl Jenkins. why. It’s up to Daphne the clown, trapeze artist Fred, Velma Swept out to sea by a giant wave, SpongeBob and pals must Bugs, Intergalactic War, Action, Science the human rocket, ringmaster Shaggy and the amazing trick learn to surf or be stranded on a remote island forever! dog Scooby-Doo to solve the mystery and save the circus. But SpongeBob and Patrick add adventure to their dull lives by Fiction, Space, War 2012 89min. when they repeat their crowd-pleasing performance for „livin’ like Larry.“ And boy, does it hurt! SpongeBob and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Shaggy’s favorite Swedish metal band, Wülfsmöøon, the Patrick can’t attend the biggest party on Goo Lagoon because 28.08.2012 beasts come back for one more hair-raising ruckus. Scooby- they aren’t tan... yet. Squidward’s Kelp Grow garden spray Doo and Shaggy juggle fun, fright and feats of bravery and makes everything it touches HUGW! Patrick returns from the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111559 puzzle-solving skill in the greatest original Scooby-Doo surgeon with a nose and experiences the smell of stink. movie on earth! SpongeBob and Patrick are on the case when the Krabby Starship Troopers: Invasion (DVD Comedy, Family, Animated Animals, patty secret ingredient goes missing! Plankton has his first Mystery, Werewolves 90min. regular customer, but Mr. Krabs wants him at the Krusty Krab! + UltraViolet) Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2009 89min. Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Luci Christian Nickelodeon 25.09.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111680 The troopers of two starships have joined forces to terminate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111706 a massive bug attack at a federation outpost. Before the mission can be completed and the survivors evacuated, one Space Adventure Cobra: The ship abruptly departs and goes inexplicably dark. The SpongeBob SquarePants: The remaining battle-hardened troopers race to the rescue, only to Movie discover that the threat from the bugs is about to hit home. Seascape Capers With the latest in CGI technology, this film from executive Akiko Nakamura, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Dive down into the deep blue sea and join everyone’s favorite Producer Casper Van Dien and Director Shinji Aramaki Shigeru Matsuzaki sponge, SpongeBob SquarePants, and his aquatic allies on (Appleseed) features the return of fan favorite characters Space, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, more nautically nonsensical adventures! The Fry Cook Games Johnny Rico, Captain Ibanez and Carl Jenkins. Bubblestand Squid’s Day Off SpongeBob Meets the Strangler Bugs, Intergalactic War, Action, Science Foreign, Japanese, Adventure, Aliens 1982 Pranks a Lot Artist Unknown Grandma’s Kisses Krusty Love 99min. Krab Borg The Smoking Peanut Fiction, Space, War 2012 89min. ADA 21.08.2012 Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 110min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111784 Nickelodeon 25.09.2012 28.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111705 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111536 SpongeBob Squarepants: Atlantis Squarepantis Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Tom And Jerry: Blast to Mars / An ancient medallion helps SpongeBob and pals get to Atlan- Complete Season Four Tom And Jerry: Magic Ring tis, home to The Oldest Living Bubble. When Patrick Executive Producer George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation (Double Feature) accidentally pops the bubble, everyone’s on the run from the present Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Complete Season Just in time for the holidays, enjoy your favorite movies from Atlantean Guards. Mr. Krabs makes a wish that he could talk Four. The battle to save the galaxy reaches new heights of to money. When his wish is magically granted, he learns to his your favorite franchise - Tom and Jerry together in 2 new peril and new depths of darkness. The valiant Jedi Knights multi-feature sets. horror that the money wants to be...spent! Patchy narrates the and clone troopers defend exotic planets from enemy forces. story of SpongeBob’s competition against Squidward’s patty- They wage war underwater, battle across a night-shrouded Comedy, Double Features, Family, Animated making machine. When he doesn’t make it into the Bikini world, and take on the merciless Death Watch. Our heroes Animals min. Bottom Dance-a-thon, Squidward agrees to train SpongeBob

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Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Primetime Emmy®, SAG®, Peabody® and Golden Globe® Snipes, Vinnie Jones, Mekhi Phifer, 50 Award-winning comedy 30 Rock returns for more Korean 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111741 dictators, mantra stealing, erotic normaling and plant children Cent, Luke Goss, Wood Harris in its outrageous sixth season. Primetime Emmy® Award Hot stars Mekhi Phifer (8 Mile, Shaft, TV’s ER) and Wood Tom And Jerry: Fast & Furry / winner Tina Fey is back as Liz Lemon, the struggling TGS Harris (Remeber The Titans) team up in an edgy, hard- hitting writer who seems to have found a new groove along with film with a slammin’ soundtrack! Stuck in a nowhere job, Ace Tom And Jerry: The Movie (Doub- M&M pancake-filled domestic bliss. But with GE executive (Harris) is a restless teenager who envies the expensive Jack Donaghy (Primetime Emmy® Award, Golden Globe®, and cars, flashy clothes, and high-rolling lifestyle of his drug- le Feature) SAG® Award winner Alec Baldwin) scheming his way through dealing friends. Then when he sees his chance, Ace makes Just in time for the holidays, enjoy your favorite movies from KableTown, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) finding his voice as the move that suddenly changes his life! Drawn by the your favorite franchise - Tom and Jerry together in 2 new an idiot, Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) taking her love life seductive lure of easy money in the illicit Harlem multi-feature sets. to new levels of extreme and NBC Page Kenneth Parcell underground, he uses his skills to quickly take control of the Comedy, Double Features, Family, Animated (Jack McBrayer) being, well, Kenneth, will the chaos be too streets and seize all the power than comes with it! Also much for this new and improved Liz to handle? The hilarity starring rap star Cam’ron (Woo) and Chi McBride (Gone In Animals min. continues with loads of exclusive bonus content in addition to 60 Seconds, TV’s Public) — you don’t want to miss Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 22 episodes of the critically acclaimed series from executive this gripping look at chasing the American dream ... from the producer Lorne Michaels (Sons and Daughters). wrong side of the tracks! Two of Hollywood’s hottest stars — 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111742 Wesley Snipes (Blade 1 &2, Passenger 57) and Ving Rhames Comedy, NBC, On The Job 2012 min. (Pulp Fiction, Mission: Impossible 1&2) — go head-to-head in Transformers Rescue Bots: Roll Universal Studios 11.09.2012 this explosive crime thriller! When the world’s heavyweight 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111681 champion (Rhames) is sent to prison, everything points to an To The Rescue inevitable showdown with the penitentiary’s undefeated champ Transformers Rescue Bots is created specifically for the Prison, Triple Feature, Action, Cops, Crime, younger generation of Transformers. 4 Horror Comedy Classics (Elvira / Drama, Gangs min. Action, Adventure, Family, Robots / Transylvania 6-5000 / Return Of Lionsgate 25.09.2012 Androids 2012 100min. The Killer Tomatoes / House II) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111542 Shout Factory 02.10.2012 Jeff Goldblum, Bill Maher, Cassandra 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111648 Peterson, Arye Gross, George Clooney, Ed The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer Begley Jr., John Astin Margaret Hamilton, Molly Hall, Walter Winslow The Christmas Bear Wise-cracking vamp, Elvira, wants to put on a show in Las Brennan, Caleb Ely Winslow the bear isn’t like the other bears. Instead of Vegas but she’s short $50,000, so when she learns that her Three adventure-filled, kid-friendly films. Featuring the hibernating this winter like the rest of his kind, he decides to wealthy Aunt Morgana has just died, she rushes off to old- classic tale, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and two additio- ask each of his animal friends what Christmas is all about. fashioned, conservative Falwell, Massachusetts, for the nal stories of mischievous children. Includes bonus CD, „The Greatest Holiday Classics“. reading of the will. In typical Elvira fashion, she can’t help but Adventure, Family 272min. Christmas, Family, Holidays 2011 45min. stir things up when she makes her appearance in Falwell. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Tabloid reporters Jack Harrison (Jeff Goldblum) and Gil Turner (Ed Begley, Jr.) are sent to Transylvania with two 04.09.2012 25.09.2012 choices: find the Frankenstein monster or find new jobs. But 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111637 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111749 before the jumpy journalists can dig up their big story, they must first face the horrors of an extremely clumsy butler (Michael Richards), a nymphomaniac vampire (Geena Davis) After The Dawn and a semi-mad doctor (Joseph Bologna), as well as assorted mummies, werewolves and more Transylvanian oddballs. Can A survivor of warfare born chemical attack, Cassie Becker these two bumbling heroes unravel this monstrous mystery or faces a new world of terrible realization. The Human race has Film are they in for some very scary surprises? It’s been 25 years suffered terrible recourse in the wake of an attack that never since the Great Tomato War, and tomatoes are still banned should have been leaving the remaining inhabitants in a state throughout the country. But a terrible plot is being hatched. far less than human. It has been six months to the day in this 2 Young 2 Die Evil Professor Gangrene (John Astin) is hard at work new world of indescribable destruction and isolated fear. In search of the only person she holds dear, Cassie must fight Cassie Daniel Science Fiction, Vampires, Collections, the onslaught of creatures once precious to her in an They say when a teenager goes in the woods, there is always Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Franken- unstoppable journey. After the Dawn is a story of survival and bloody murder — especially if the woman is beautiful and stein, Haunted Houses, Horror min. isolation with a focus on the stability of the human psyche to sexy. Based on the true story of serial killer Freddy Palmer, endure the more dire situations. What happens when we are this is more than an urban legend. As a child, Freddy Image Ent. 04.09.2012 robbed of everything? witnessed his parents murdered by three robbers dressed in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111547 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, clown masks. This crime sent him in a frenzy of revenge that would include anyone he could get his bloody axe into. When Apocalyptic Future, Drama, Horror 2011 six teenagers go on a weekend party trip of sex, beer and 666: The Ritual 88min. drugs, each one ends up with a bloody death. But when Laura Zenova Braeden, Domiziano Arcangeli, M. Brain Damage Films 25.09.2012 is left for dead, she goes through hell in a way she never thought possible in a fight for survival, and to live to tell the Kelley 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111684 tale...! When a group of medical students at a prestigious university go to take their final exams, they find themselves subjects of a Serial Killers, Slasher, Wilderness, Crime, twisted and bloody Satanic ritual led by their professor, Dr. All In The Family: The Complete Drama, Horror 2012 81min. Szandor, who is trying to evoke evil spirits with sinister Series Tempe DVD 16.10.2012 results. It’s up to two of the students to save the whole class Rob Reiner, Sally Struthers, Jean Stapleton, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111634 - or die trying! Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2010 79min. Norman Lear Tempe DVD 30.10.2012 Those were the days. This landmark and hysterical comedy 20 Movie Western Pack features one of the most beloved families in TV history, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111635 Bunkers. Headed by the opinionated Archie (Carroll O’ Willie Nelson, Cesar Romero, Clint Walker, Connor), his long-suffering wife Edith (Jean Stapleton), his John Wayne, Sarah Chalke, Fred Astaire, 90210: The Fourth Season daughter Gloria (Sally Struthers) and his liberal son-in-law Richard Boone, Walter Brennan, John „Meathead“ Mike (Rob Reiner), All In The Family broke Lori Loughlin, Annalynne McCord, Jessica Carradine, Chuck Connors, Ryan Gosling, incredible ground by addressing controversial subjects never Stroup, Jessica Lowndes, Shenae Grimes, tackled on sitcoms before. Burt Lancaster, Lee Van Cleef, Patrick Rob Estes, Matt Lanter, Michael Steger, CBS, Classics, Comedy, Family 1971 min. Wayne, Ron White Shout Factory 30.10.2012 Yuma The Gatling Gun Sitting Bull Once Upon a Texas Train Tristan Wilds, Ryan Eggold The Dawn Rider The Over the Hill Gang The Over the Hill The fourth season of 90210 follows the group from West 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111693 Gang Rides Again Proud and Damned The Decoy The Desert Beverly kids as they navigate life after high school. Their Trail Death Rides a Horse Gun and the Pulpit Kid Vengeance journey into adulthood will find them heading in different American Horror Story: The Ned Blessing God’s Gun Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy directions while trying to keep the same closeness that Vengeance Valley Cowboys Don’t Cry Pony Express Rider worked so well for them in high school. Coming from a world Complete First Season of glamour and privilege, with endless possibilities in front of Against a Crooked Sky Connie Britton, Jessica Lane, Dylan Outlaw Country, Revenge, Romance, Spa- them, anything can happen. All in all, it’s just another day in the world’s most famous zip code. McDermott, Evan Peters ghetti Westerns, TV Movies, Western, The CW, Comedy, Drama, High School, Brace yourself for an addictive thrill ride! American Horror Cowboy 1729min. Romance, 2011 1003min. Story is TV’s most original new drama, a deeply stylish Echo Bridge Home Entertainment psychosexual haunt devised to keep you on the edge of your Paramount Pictures 02.10.2012 seat. The Harmon’s (Dylan McDermott, Connie Britton) fresh 11.09.2012 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111776 start in a new home deviously twists to reveal discoveries of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111757 love, sex and murderous revenge. Featuring a Golden Globe® -winning performance by Jessica Lange, Season One scares Action Triple Feature up a host of engrossing extras. 30 Rock: Season 6 Ving Rhames, Peter Falk, Chi McBride, Esai Drama, FX, Haunted Houses, Horror, Tina Fey, Jane Krakowski, Alec Baldwin, Morales, Regina Hall, Val Kilmer, Wesley Mystery 2011 534min. Will Forte, Jack McBrayer, Tracey Morgan

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20th Century Fox 25.09.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111645 Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111700 2008 121min. Becoming Jane / Jane Eyre Echo Bridge Home Entertainment American Horror Story: The (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 04.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111760 Complete First Season (Blu-ray) Maggie Smith, James Cromwell, William Connie Britton, Jessica Lane, Dylan Hurt, Anna Paquin, Joan Plowright, Ian McDermott, Evan Peters Richardson, Julie Walters, Anne Hathaway, Blindness / Proof (Double Fea- Brace yourself for an addictive thrill ride! American Horror Charlotte Gainsbourg, Anna Maxwell Mar- ture) (Blu-ray) Story is TV’s most original new drama, a deeply stylish psychosexual haunt devised to keep you on the edge of your tin, Lucy Cohu, James McAvoy, Joe Gwyneth Paltrow, Yusuke Iseya, Yoshino seat. The Harmon’s (Dylan McDermott, Connie Britton) fresh Anderson, Laurence Fox, Leo Bill Kimura, Julianne Moore, Hope Davis, Alice start in a new home deviously twists to reveal discoveries of Two British romances. In Becoming Jane, a dashing young Braga, Anthony Hopkins, Danny Glover, love, sex and murderous revenge. Featuring a Golden Globe® man enters Jane Austen’s life and their clashing egos set off -winning performance by Jessica Lange, Season One scares sparks that ignite a passionate romance. In Jane Eyre, Jane’s Mark Ruffalo, Maury Chaykin, Jake up a host of engrossing extras. will to overcome a life of hardship leads her into a Gyllenhaal, Don McKellar, Gael Garcia 2011 534min. relationship with a handsome, yet mysterious, gentleman. Bernal, Mitchell Nye 20th Century Fox 25.09.2012 Double Features, Drama, Historical / Period Two Miramax films with all-star casts. A plague of blindness Piece, Biography, Biopics, Romance strikes and one woman feigns the illness to share an 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111726 uncertain fate in quarantine in Blindness. When Catherine’s 236min. brilliant father’s genius slips away, he leaves behind a Amphibious: Creature Of The Echo Bridge Home Entertainment mystery that affects her life and her sanity in Proof. 11.09.2012 Double Features, Drama, Dysfunctional Deep 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111764 Families, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers Michael Pare 222min. Marine biologist, Skylar Shane (Janna Fassert - Couples Retreat) hires an expert charter boat captain, Jack Bowman Bel Ami Echo Bridge Home Entertainment (Michael Pare - Lincoln Lawyer), to help her find prehistoric Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci, Colm 11.09.2012 life form samples in the north Sumatran Sea. During the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111796 expedition, they meet a gang of smugglers headquartered on a Meaney, Kristin Scott Thomas, Robert fishing platform in the middle of the sea with a young orphan Pattinson boy among them who begs Skylar to take him away. She is Based on Guy de Maupassant’s classic novel, this tale of Bonanza: The Official Fourth determined to help him, not knowing what lurks beneath the temptation and obsession chronicles Georges Duroy’s (Ro- dark inky water, waiting to surface. bert Pattinson) rise to power from his meager beginnings as a Season - Volume One Science Fiction, Thrillers, High Seas, Hor- penniless ex-soldier by using the city’s most influential and Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- wealthy women. Set in turn of the century Paris, Duroy ror 2010 86min. seduces Madame de Marelle (Christina Ricci) then marries ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.10.2012 Madeleine Forestier (Uma Thurman), a former comrade’s Western, Classics, Cowboy 1962 912min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111698 wife. Fueled by his insatiable quest and lustful greed, Duroy Paramount Pictures 02.10.2012 conquers Madame Walter (Kristen Scott Thomas), only to learn that every conquest is marred by betrayal and that true 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111777 Any Last Words? love eludes him. Paul Tinder British, Drama, Foreign 2012 102min. Bonanza: The Official Fourth Inspired by the life of Bat Masterson. After a violent war has Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Season - Volume Two broken out between the cowboys and Native Americans, Bat 07.08.2012 Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- finds himself lying on the ground, badly wounded after a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111538 heroic showdown. Shot and on the brink of death, he is visited ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung by Mobius. As Mobius consoles him, they revisit Bat’s Western, Classics, Cowboy 1963 810min. choices and how they have defined his life. He’ll be left to Big Bad Beetleborgs: Season make his toughest one yet, whether to live and fight or die. Paramount Pictures 02.10.2012 Native Americans, War, Western, Cowboy One - Volume One 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111778 2011 90min. After three teens enter a haunted house on a dare, they free a phantasm that offers to grant a single wish. Naturally, the kids Lionsgate 25.09.2012 decide they want to become their favorite superheroes — but The Bonfire Of The Vanities (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111543 their transformation also unleashes a gaggle of malevolent ray) spirits in this spooky live-action series for youngsters. Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith, Tom Hanks, Battleship Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family 1996 594min. Morgan Freeman Liam Neeson, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Shout Factory 16.10.2012 Take one Wall Street tycoon, his Fifth Avenue mistress, a Alexander Skarsgard, Tadanobu Asano, reporter hungry for fame, and the wrong turn in The Bronx.. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111658 Sherman McCoy was Wall Street’s Master of the Universe - Hamish Linklater and everything in his life was right. Then one night he took a The battle for Earth begins at sea in this epic action- wrong turn at the wrong place with the wrong woman. And adventure starring Liam Neeson, Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna, Bindlestiffs nothing has gone right since. Tom Hanks as McCoy, Bruce Alexander Skarsgård and Brooklyn Decker. An international Three high school virgins, suspended from school on a bogus Willis as a jaded journalist, Melanie Griffith as McCoy’s naval coalition becomes the world’s last hope for survival as graffiti charge, flee to the inner city in an attempt to live out self-centered mistress and Morgan Freeman as an outspoken they engage a hostile alien force of unimaginable strength. the plot of The Catcher in the Rye. Bindlestiffs. virginities to judge ingnite The Bonfire of the Vanities, the quintessential Ripping across sea, sky and land, Battleship is „a big bold vagrants, prostitutes, and crack fiends. Hot on their tail is story of the go-for-it ‘80’s. Based on Tom Wolfe’s bestseller blast“ (MSN Movies), packed with spectacular visual effects Charlie, the deranged school security guard. Under the and directed by Brian DePalma, this freewheeling film pokes and explosive action. impression that the boys are planning a school shooting, he hilarious fun at the glitzy Greed Decade. It’s a comic circus Science Fiction, Thrillers, War, Action, takes the law into his own hands to stop them and save so outrageous a single spark could start a bonfire! Adventure, Aliens 2012 131min. America. Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues Universal Studios 28.08.2012 Comedy, High School 2012 80min. 1990 126min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111631 Phase 4 Films 21.08.2012 Warner Bros. 06.11.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111590 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111731 Battleship (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Blindness (Blu-ray) Born Undead (Blu-ray) Julianne Moore, Alice Braga, Danny Glover, Liam Neeson, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, A killer wipes out all members but one of the Verlaine Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Yusuke Commune on an idyllic Christmas Eve. The lone survivor is Alexander Skarsgard, Tadanobu Asano, Iseya, Yoshino Kimura, Maury Chaykin, Don Rebecca (Natacza Boon), who falls into a long coma. When Hamish Linklater she awakes two years later, she finds her mind blocked from The battle for Earth begins at sea in this epic action- McKellar, Mitchell Nye the tragedy. As her memories slowly resurface, she begins to adventure starring Liam Neeson, Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna, From acclaimed director Fernando Meirelles (The Constant understand that the spirits of her lost family have unfinished Alexander Skarsgård and Brooklyn Decker. An international Gardener) comes this extraordinarily intense and gritty business. naval coalition becomes the world’s last hope for survival as thriller that will change your vision of the world forever. Led Crime, Ghosts, Serial Killers 2003 89min. they engage a hostile alien force of unimaginable strength. by a powerful all-star cast featuring Julianne Moore, Mark E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 Ripping across sea, sky and land, Battleship is „a big bold Ruffalo and Danny Glover, this unflinching story begins when blast“ (MSN Movies), packed with spectacular visual effects a plague of blindness strikes and threatens all of humanity. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111595 and explosive action. One woman (Moore) feigns the illness to share an uncertain fate in quarantine, where society is breaking down as fast as Science Fiction, Thrillers, War, Action, their crumbling surroundings. Based on Nobel Prize-winning The Bucks County Massacre Adventure, Aliens 2012 131min. Jose Saramago’s novel - let Blindness lead you on a journey A group of friends get together for a 25th birthday party at a Universal Studios 28.08.2012 where the only thing more terrifying than being blind is being remote house in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. After someone the only one who can see. goes missing and the police search the premises to no avail,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the remaining party-goers are left to wait until morning. With Clayton Taylor hilarious bungle after another when a successful businessman virtually no cell phone reception and no land line, the A young boy named Tim wishes for the dog he’s always (Jamie Foxx, Dreamgirls) is dumped in the desert by his situation escalates when one frantic friend takes matters into wanted. But in this hilarious story of Christmas magic gone beautiful fiancée (Nia Long, Big Momma’s House), has his car his own hands and ventures off in the woods to find his wrong, Tim turns into a dog himself. Includes bonus CD, jacked and is taken hostage in a stickup at the local Sip & girlfriend. What they don’t know is that someone or something „Family Holiday Favorites“. Zip! Todd Anderson’s life changes overnight when he signs a is hunting them one by one. Christmas, Family, Holidays 1990 92min. $30 million contract with the New Jersey Nets. Determined Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2010 82min. not to forget where he’s from, he throws a cookout for his Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Brain Damage Films 25.09.2012 family and friends from the hood, in his new neighborhood. 25.09.2012 Things are about to get wild! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111685 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111748 Romance, Triple Feature, Comedy, Drama min. Bud & Lou: Comedy Is No Christmas With A Capital C (Blu- Lionsgate 25.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111544 Laughing Matter ray) Lou Costello, Bud Abbott Nancy Stafford, Daniel Baldwin, Ted Based on the book by , this comedy/drama profiles Wes Craven Presents: They / the careers of the famous comic duo, Bud Abbott and Lou McGinley, Brad Stine Costello starring Harvey Korman and Buddy Hackett. This Christmas has always been a time of love and tradition in Cursed (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 1978 made for TV movie features many of their famous Trapper Falls where the mayor (McGinley) & the townspeople Christina Ricci, Ethan Embry, Mya Diamond, routines including the famous „Who’s On First“. It begins drape the town in Christmas cheer. After 20 years away, the during the early years of vaudeville and burlesque and takes mayors’ high school rival Mitch Bright (Baldwin) returns and Judy Greer, Shannon Elizabeth, Laura you through their career on radio and into their film years. immediately takes offense to seeing the town’s Nativity scene Regan, Joshua Jackson, Jesse Eisenberg, The film also covers the tragedies of one of America’s most displayed on the towns municipal property & wants it removed Milo Ventimiglia, Jon Abrahams, Scott Baio, beloved comedy teams; The loss of Lou’s child to their & the word Christmas switched to Happy Holidays. In an troubles with the internal revenue and eventually leads to effort to keep the town together, a campaign is launched to Dagmara Dominczyk, Marc Blucas their team breakup and Bud and Lou’s health problems. show the true meaning of Christmas & that good will is given Two movies by Wes Craven including a modern-day werewolf to all. horror and an eerie story featuring creatures of the night. Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Starring Christina Ricci, Jesse Eisenberg, and Joshua Drama 1978 98min. Christmas, Family, Holidays, Religion/ Jackson. E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 Spirituality 2010 81min. Double Features, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111583 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.10.2012 Werewolves 187min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111724 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Cadaver Christmas 11.09.2012 Zombies, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Cleanskin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111766 Horror 2011 85min. Charlotte Rampling, Sean Bean Ewan (Sean Bean), a burnt out secret service agent must Crawl Millennium Entertainment 09.10.2012 pursue and eliminate a deadly suicide bomber and dismantle a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111571 terrorist cell that is wreaking havoc on the streets of London Lauren Dillon before they strike again. When a murder deal goes bad, an innocent waitress suddenly El Chavo Del 8: Coleccion Inedita Terrorism, Thrillers, British, Crime, Drama, finds herself involved. Now a hostage in her own home, the Foreign 2012 100min. women is driven to desperate measures for survival. A Ramon Valdes suspenseful, yet darkly humorous chain of events builds to a Join El Chavo Del Ocho as he and his friends have wild and E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 blood-curdling and unforgettable climax. funny every day adventures. El Chavo is the story of an 8 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111585 Thrillers, Horror 2011 min. year old orphan who has to endure tough times but also Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 encounters many people who are ready to give him a hand... or are they? Don’t miss a single episode of these never- Cleanskin (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111643 before seen episodes in this 5 Disc Collection! Charlotte Rampling, Sean Bean Comedy, Family, Foreign, Mexican 1971 Ewan (Sean Bean), a burnt out secret service agent must The Crossing Guard / The Human 500min. pursue and eliminate a deadly suicide bomber and dismantle a Stain (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 terrorist cell that is wreaking havoc on the streets of London before they strike again. Ed Harris, Anjelica Huston, Gary Sinise, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111651 Terrorism, Thrillers, British, Crime, Drama, David Morse, Mili Avital, Lizan Mitchell, Foreign 2012 100min. Nicole Kidman, Robin Wright Penn, Kerry Cheeky!: Special Edition E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 Washington, Margo Martindale, Jacinda Francesca Nunzi, Yuliya Mayarchuk, Jarno 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111596 Barrett, Anna Deavere Smith, Phyllis Berardi, Mauro Lorenz, Max Parodi Newman, Anthony Hopkins, Jack Will you be able to endure the sexy hilarity as Carla visits The Client (Blu-ray) London? She’s a big hit with everyone - except with her Nicholson, Clark Gregg, Harry Lennix, boyfriend Matteo, who seethes with jealousy. With her skimpy Ossie Davis, Anthony LaPaglia, Anthony Wentworth Miller, Ron Canada skirt conveniently blowing in the wind, Carla attracts the Edwards, Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Two Miramax films featuring Academy Award®-winning stars. attention of one and all. As she is having adventures with her In The Crossing Guard, Freddy Gale has been waiting for the lesbian real-estate agent Moira and Moira’s ex-husband Jones, Brad Renfro man who destroyed his life to be released from jail. In The Marion, Matteo jets over to put her in line. But finding himself A district attorney out for a conviction. A new lawyer out of Human Stain, Coleman Silk has a terrible, fifty-year-old surrounded by free-lovers in Hyde Park who remind him of his her league. A young boy who knew too much.. Settle in. secret that is about to ruin everything. own dalliances, he soon mends his ways. Breathe deep. Hold tight as The Client, one of the best screen adaptations of a John Grisham novel, delivers all-out, moment- Double Features, Drama, Revenge, Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, by-moment suspense. Academy Award winners Susan Romance, Thrillers 217min. Italian 2000 87min. Sarandon & Tommy Lee Jones headline this whirlwind thriller. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 Newcomer Brad Renfro plays 11-year-old Mark Sway, torn between what he knows & what he can never tell. A hitman 11.09.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111612 will kill Mark if the boy reveals what he knows. An ambitious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111763 federal prosecutor (Jones) will keep the pressure on until Cheeky!: Special Edition (Blu-ray) Mark tells all. Mark is now a pawn in a deadly game. And his only ally is a courageous attorney (Sarandon) who risks her The Crow 2: City Of Angels / The Francesca Nunzi, Yuliya Mayarchuk, Jarno career— and unexpectedly, her life - for him. Crow: Wicked Prayers (Double Berardi, Mauro Lorenz, Max Parodi Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Will you be able to endure the sexy hilarity as Carla visits Mystery, Thrillers 1994 121min. Feature) (Blu-ray) London? She’s a big hit with everyone - except with her Dennis Hopper, Thomas Jane, Edward boyfriend Matteo, who seethes with jealousy. With her skimpy Warner Bros. 06.11.2012 skirt conveniently blowing in the wind, Carla attracts the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111732 Furlong, Vincent Perez, Mia Kirshner, Iggy attention of one and all. As she is having adventures with her Pop, Tara Reid, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Macy lesbian real-estate agent Moira and Moira’s ex-husband Comedy Triple Feature Gray, Rena Owen, Danny Trejo, David Marion, Matteo jets over to put her in line. But finding himself Boreanaz, Tito Ortiz, Marcus Chong, David surrounded by free-lovers in Hyde Park who remind him of his Michael Imperioli, Ja Rule, Eve, Queen S. Goyer, Sean Hood, Jeff Most, Lance own dalliances, he soon mends his ways. Latifah, Nia Long, Meagan Good, Farrah Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Sexy Mungia, Edward R. Pressman, Jeff Most, Fawcett, Danny Glover, Jamie Foxx, Comedies 2000 87min. Tim Pope, Lance Mungia Anthony Anderson, Eddie Griffin, Method E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 This fast-moving, action-packed sequel to The Crow explodes Man, Tim Meadows on screen with hot new stars Vincent Perez and Mia 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111625 Eddie Griffin (Undercover Brother), Anthony Anderson Kirshner! After a brutal attack by an evil drug cartel, the (Scary Movie 4) and Michael Imperioli () star in murder victim is brought back to life by a mysterious crow. A Christmas Tail this sidesplitting comedy about three bachelor buddies whose With the help of a beautiful woman named Sarah, he exacts party lifestyle is threatened when their girlfriends all revenge on his killers one by one... only to realize his enemy, Anne Lockhart, David Bowe, Gordon Jump, announce they’re pregnant! A romantic getaway turns into one the lethal Judah, has discovered the one weakness that can

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA destroy him forever! Tara Reid (My Boss’s Daughter), David Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Todeschini Boreanaz (TV’s Bonesl) and Edward Furlong (The Green 28.08.2012 After her soul mate tragically dies, Nathalie (Audrey Tautou) Hornet) star in the latest chilling chapter of The Crow: struggles to rekindle her passion for life until she finds love Wicked Prayer - an epic tale of death, revenge and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111560 and joy in the most unexpected of places... right in front of her redemption. Just as ex-con Jimmy Cuervo (Furlong) tries to eyes. straighten out his life, he and his girlfriend Lily are brutally murdered in a satanic ritual by a renegade biker gang. But The Day The Dead Walked (Blu- Romance, Comedy, Foreign, French 2011 payback is at hand when Cuervo rises from the dead - with ray) 105min. the power of The Crow - to avenge Lily’s death and reunite E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 with her in the afterlife! Also starring Dennis Hopper, Danny The rookie journalist Vivian seeks Frederick, the caretaker of Trejo and UFC fighter Tito Ortiz. the oldest cemetery in an undefined country, asking for an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111613 interview and the old man tells the story of two customers and Revenge, Science Fiction, Superheroes, both connected by a mysterious secret. The powerful gangster Thrillers, Action, Based On Comic Book Jimmie Levinson accuses his former partner Paul Pattuchi of Delicacy (Blu-ray) 200min. stealing a load of cocaine and orders to kill his beloved Francois Damiens, Audrey Tautou, Bruno girlfriend Clarice. Paul is found dead later in a cottage, and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jimmie and his friends and girlfriends are visited during a Todeschini 11.09.2012 dinner party by Robert Downing first and then by the sadistic After her soul mate tragically dies, Nathalie (Audrey Tautou) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111794 Mortimer and his partner Rick seeking the truth about Paul struggles to rekindle her passion for life until she finds love and a suitcase with a mysterious relic. The second story and joy in the most unexpected of places... right in front of her takes place in the Middle Ages, where the cruel David eyes. The Dark Side Of Love Deming and his minion Tom Brewster chase the renegade Romance, Comedy, Foreign, French 2011 priest James Flynn in the name of the Inquisition but actually 105min. Gianfranco Manfredi, Monica Guerritore trying to force him to reveal the secret of the Eternal Heart to Patrizia hides a very dark secret - her brother Emilio is grant immortality. E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 secretly in love with her. At first she just tries to play with 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111626 him, confessing her love stories with other men, but fate has Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Horror 2003 other plans for the doomed and incestuous would be lovers... 111min. Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1985 91min. E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 The Dictator: Banned & Unrated CAV 11.09.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111623 Version (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111636 Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Dead Man / Texas Rangers (Doub- Anna Faris, Megan Fox, John C. Reilly, Ben Darkness / Below (Double Fea- le Feature) (Blu-ray) Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen ture) (Blu-ray) Johnny Depp, Lance Henriksen, Billy Bob The Version You Couldn’t See In Theatres! Featuring never- before-seen footage, thats outrageous and shamefully funny! Bruce Greenwood, Anna Paquin, Giancarlo Thornton, Robert Patrick, Tom Skerritt, Ro- The creators and star of Borat bring you the hilarious comedy Giannini, Olivia Williams, Jason Flemyng, bert Mitchum, Randy Travis, Mili Avital, Iggy about what happens when the worlds worst dictator comes to Lena Olin, Fele Martinez, Zach Galifianakis, Pop, Rachael Leigh Cook, Leonor Varela, America. Stuck in New York and stripped of his power, Aladeen (Sacha Baron Cohen) is finally forced to live his Iain Glen, Matthew Davis, Dexter Fletcher, John Hurt, Alfred Molina, Gabriel Byrne, ultimate nightmare... the American dream. Scott Foley, Fermi Reixach, Stephen Ashton Kutcher, Crispin Glover, Jared Comedy, Mockumentary 2012 91min. Enquist, Holt McCallany Harris, Dylan McDermott, James Van Der Paramount Pictures 21.08.2012 Two chilling thrillers. Regina learns there is something Beek, Vincent Spano, Jon Abrahams, Gary disturbing about her family’s new home in Darkness. A subma- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111758 rine picks up three survivors of a U-boat attack and their Farmer, Matt Keeslar, Usher, Marco presence sparks a series of otherworldly occurrences in Leonardi, Eugene Byrd The Dictator: Banned & Unrated Below. Starring James Van Der Beek (TV’s Dawson’s Creek, Varsity Double Features, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Blues) and Dylan McDermott (TV’s The Practice) alongside Version (DVD +UltraViolet) Ashton Kutcher (TV’s That 70’s Show) and Usher Raymond High Seas, Horror 194min. (The Faculty). After the Civil War, Texas is at the mercy of Anna Faris, Megan Fox, Sacha Baron Echo Bridge Home Entertainment murderous bandits! From the chaos emerges a group of young Cohen, Ben Kingsley, John C. Reilly 11.09.2012 cowboys summoned to reform the Texas Rangers and restore The Version You Couldn’t See In Theatres! Featuring never- order! Under the fearless leadership of Leander McNelly before-seen footage, thats outrageous and shamefully funny! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111769 (McDermott), the new rangers find themselves severely The creators and star of Borat bring you the hilarious comedy outgunned and outmanned... but unmatched for courage and about what happens when the worlds worst dictator comes to Darling Companion determination! A young man in search of a fresh start, William America. Stuck in New York and stripped of his power, Blake (Depp), embarks on an exciting journey to a new Aladeen (Sacha Baron Cohen) is finally forced to live his Sam Shepard, Kevin Kline, Diane Keaton, town...never realizing the danger that lies ahead. But when a ultimate nightmare... the American dream. Ayelet Zurer, Dianne Wiest, Elisabeth heated love triangle ends in double murder, Blake finds Comedy, Mockumentary 2012 91min. himself a wanted man, running scared — until a mysterious Moss, Richard Jenkins, Mark Duplass loner (Gary Farmer) teaches him to face the dangers that Paramount Pictures 21.08.2012 In Darling Companion, Beth (Diane Keaton) saves a follow a „dead man.“ With an outstanding supporting cast 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111735 bedraggled lost dog from the side of the freeway on a wintry including Gabriel Byrne (TV’s In Treatment) and Robert day in Denver. Struggling with her distracted, self-involved Mitchum (Cape Fear), Dead Man is another motion picture husband Joseph (Kevin Kline) and an empty nest at home, triumph from filmmaker Jim Jarmusch. : The Complete Se- Beth forms a special bond with the rescued animal. When Joseph loses the dog after a wedding at their vacation home in Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Epics, Ac- cond Series (Repackage) the Rockies, the distraught Beth enlists the help of the few tion, Art House, Western 211min. Billie Piper, David Tennant remaining guests and a mysterious young woman (Ayelet Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Christmas Invasion New Earth Tooth And Claw School Zurer) in a frantic search. Each member of the search party is 11.09.2012 Reunion The Girl In The Fireplace Rise Of The Cybermen affected by the adventure, which takes them in unexpected The Age Of Steel The Idiot’s Lantern The Impossible Planet directions - comic, harrowing, sometimes deeply emotional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111797 The Satan Pit Love & Monsters Fear Her Army Of Ghosts and ultimately towards love. Doomsday Doctor Who Confidential Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 104min. Deception / Ethan Frome (Double Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, Dra- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Feature) (Blu-ray) ma, Foreign, International TV, Science 28.08.2012 Fiction 2005 646min. Liam Neeson, Viggo Mortensen, Andie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111540 BBC Home Video 21.08.2012 MacDowell, Jack Thompson, Joan Allen, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111716 Darling Companion (Blu-ray) Patricia Arquette, Katharine Houghton, Tate Donovan Sam Shepard, Kevin Kline, Diane Keaton, Two films starring Liam Neeson. In Deception, Bessie Faro Doctor Who: The Complete Ayelet Zurer, Dianne Wiest, Elisabeth tries to put together the puzzle of her husband’s unexpected Specials (Repackage) Moss, Richard Jenkins, Mark Duplass death and secret life. In Ethan Frome, a man is torn between In Darling Companion, Beth (Diane Keaton) saves a his joyless marriage and his lustful desire. Matt Smith, Lindsay Duncan, Michelle Ryan, bedraggled lost dog from the side of the freeway on a wintry Double Features, Drama, Art House, David Morrissey day in Denver. Struggling with her distracted, self-involved Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Tragedies This stunning collection of Doctor Who specials - The Next husband Joseph (Kevin Kline) and an empty nest at home, Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars and The End Beth forms a special bond with the rescued animal. When 189min. of Time, Part One & Two - is a must own for all Doctor Who Joseph loses the dog after a wedding at their vacation home in Echo Bridge Home Entertainment fans. The four imaginative, action-packed specials are the the Rockies, the distraught Beth enlists the help of the few 11.09.2012 farewell to star David Tennant, and Russell T Davies, the remaining guests and a mysterious young woman (Ayelet mastermind behind the rebirth of the modern Doctor Who. The Zurer) in a frantic search. Each member of the search party is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111765 specials culminate in the dramatic regeneration of the Doctor, affected by the adventure, which takes them in unexpected giving fans their first glimpse of the eleven Doctor, played by directions - comic, harrowing, sometimes deeply emotional Delicacy Matt Smith. The specials are packed with a terrific lineup of and ultimately towards love. guest stars including Michelle Ryan (Bionic Woman), David Comedy, Drama, Romance 2012 104min. Francois Damiens, Audrey Tautou, Bruno Morrissey (State of Play, Sense and Sensibility), Lindsay Duncan (Alice in Wonderland (2010), Rome, Under the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Tuscan Sun) and many more that we can’t reveal just yet! 335min. Sylvia Miles, Elizabeth Berridge, Kevin Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 Conway, William Finley, Miles Chapin, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111614 Cooper Huckabee 311min. This non-stop thrill ride of frights and chills follows a group BBC Home Video 21.08.2012 of four teenagers who decide to spend the night in a travelling Entrance carnival’s funhouse. When a deformed man begins brutally 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111717 Suzy is a young woman in who can’t get murdering them one-by-one, they find themselves in a despe- comfortable in her own skin. Friendless and alone, her sense rate struggle for survival. Dracula 2000 / Dracula II: of alienation begins to stretch into the deepest corners of her Slasher, Horror 1981 96min. life. Before long her anxiety grows into a gnawing suspicion Shout Factory 16.10.2012 Ascension (Double Feature) (Blu- that a true menace lies just outside her field of vision. Scrambling to take control of her life, she discovers to her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111664 ray) horror that the harder she tries to break free of her entrapped Christopher Plummer, Jason London, Roy existence, the stronger her surroundings manage to close her The Funhouse: Collector’s Edition Scheider, Jason Scott Lee, Jonny Lee in. A psychological thriller about the destructive nature of paranoia, Entrance shows how the simple darkness on the (Blu-ray) Miller, Jennifer Esposito, Justine Waddell, edges of our lives can so easily give way to the naked horror Diane Neal, Brande Roderick, Craig of being. Sylvia Miles, Elizabeth Berridge, Kevin Sheffer, Omar Epps, John Light, Stephen Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2012 84min. Conway, William Finley, Miles Chapin, Billington MPI 11.09.2012 Cooper Huckabee Two vampire films from horror legend, Wes Craven. In 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111790 This non-stop thrill ride of frights and chills follows a group Dracula 2000, a team of techno-savvy thieves break into a of four teenagers who decide to spend the night in a travelling high-security vault where they find a crypt unopened for 100 carnival’s funhouse. When a deformed man begins brutally years. In Dracula II: Ascension, a group of medical students Fantasy Island: The Third Season murdering them one-by-one, they find themselves in a despe- discover the body of the infamous count. Ricardo Montalban, Herve Villechaize rate struggle for survival. Double Features, Dracula, Horror, Action, A mysterious, elegant man named Mr. Roarke (Ricardo Horror, Slasher 1981 96min. Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 184min. Montalban) and his charming, pint-sized sidekick (Herve Shout Factory 16.10.2012 Villechaize) make the fantasies of paying customers come true 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111679 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment on a Pacific island paradise in this hugely popular show that 11.09.2012 lasted for seven powerhouse seasons. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111768 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 1979 min. Girl In Progress Shout Factory 23.10.2012 Eva Mendes, Patricia Arquette, Matthew Drunkboat 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111669 Modine, Eugenio Derbez Grace (Eva Mendes) is a single mom. She is too busy juggling John Goodman, Dana Delany, John work, bills, and the very married Dr. Hartford (Matthew Malkovich, Zach Gray Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate Modine), to give her daughter, Ansiedad (Cierra Ramirez) the Drunkboat. Based on Bob Meyer’s original play. Jet Li, Xun Zhou attention she desperately needs. When Ansiedad’s English Drama 2010 98min. International action legend Jet Li stars in this gripping martial teacher, Ms. Armstrong (Patricia Arquette), introduces her Virgil Films And Entertainment 25.09.2012 arts epic set three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was students to classic coming-of-age stories, Ansiedad is left in ruins. A new gang has taken over the wayward place, inspired to skip adolescence and jump-start her life without 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111572 using it as their base for uncovering a nearby treasure. But mom. While Grace becomes preoccupied with the increasing secrets lie within its walls, as a pregnant palace concubine affections of her co-worker (Eugenio Derbez), Ansiedad Eaters and a swordswoman take refuge from a determined royal enlists the help of her loyal friend, Tavita (Raini Rodriguez), eunuch tracking their every move. As an explosive mix of to plot her shortcut to „adulthood“. But as her misguided plan After the world is overrun by hordes of living dead, three warriors, fugitives and assassins converge in the desert for a unravels, Ansiedad and Grace must learn that sometimes hunters set out to find the cure to the epidemic, while trying to deadly showdown, only one man can protect the women, the growing-up means acting your age. stay alive amidst the growing number of ferocious zombies. mysterious Zhao (Li). Filled with spectacular special effects Comedy, Drama, Family 2012 93min. Zombies, Foreign, Horror, Italian 2011 and stunning battle sequences, this martial arts masterpiece Lionsgate 11.09.2012 95min. delivers knock-out action that has to be seen to be believed. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111605 E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 Action, Adventure, Chinese, Foreign, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111606 Martial Arts 2011 122min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 Goats 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111650 David Duchovny, Vera Farmiga, Keri Ed Wood (Blu-ray) Russell, Justin Kirk, Ty Burrell, Graham Johnny Depp, Sarah Jessica Parker, Martin Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate 3D Phillips Landau, Jeffrey Jones, G.D. Spradlin, Lisa Having a self-absorbed New Age mother (Vera Farmiga) and Marie, Patricia Arquette, Juliet Landau, Bill (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) an estranged father (Ty Burrell) means Ellis (Graham Phillips) has grown up relying on an unconventional guardian: Murray, Mike Starr, Max Casella, Brent Jet Li, Xun Zhou the goat-trekking sage, Goat Man (David Duchovny). So Hinkley International action legend Jet Li stars in this gripping martial when Ellis leaves the alternative ways of his desert home for When It Came To Making Bad Movies, Ed Wood Was The arts epic set three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was a stuffy East Coast prep school, changes are in store for Best.. From Tim Burton, acclaimed director of Big Fish, left in ruins. A new gang has taken over the wayward place, everyone. Edward Scissorhands and Batman, and producer of The using it as their base for uncovering a nearby treasure. But Comedy, Drama 2012 94min. Nightmare Before Christmas, comes the hilarious, true-life secrets lie within its walls, as a pregnant palace concubine story of the wackiest filmmaker in Hollywood history - Ed and a swordswoman take refuge from a determined royal Image Ent. 11.09.2012 Wood! Johnny Depp (Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse eunuch tracking their every move. As an explosive mix of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111553 Of The Black Pearl, Chocolat, Edward Scissorhands) stars warriors, fugitives and assassins converge in the desert for a as the high-spirited movieman who refuses to let unfinished deadly showdown, only one man can protect the women, the scenes, terrible reviews or hostile executives derail his big- mysterious Zhao (Li). Filled with spectacular special effects Goats (Blu-ray) screen dreams. With an oddball collection of showbiz misfits, and stunning battle sequences, this martial arts masterpiece David Duchovny, Vera Farmiga, Keri Ed takes the art of bad moviemaking to an all-time low! The delivers knock-out action that has to be seen to be believed. all-star cast features funnyman Bill Murray (Lost In Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Action, Russell, Justin Kirk, Ty Burrell, Graham Translation, The Royal Tenenbaums), sexy Sarah Jessica Adventure 2011 122min. Phillips Parker (TV’s ), beautiful Patricia Arquette Having a self-absorbed New Age mother (Vera Farmiga) and (Stigmata, Little Nicky) and an Academy Award-winning Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 an estranged father (Ty Burrell) means Ellis (Graham performance by Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi! Hailed by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111675 Phillips) has grown up relying on an unconventional guardian: critics everywhere, this touching comedy his is sure to the goat-trekking sage, Goat Man (David Duchovny). So entertain everyone! when Ellis leaves the alternative ways of his desert home for Comedy, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Freight a stuffy East Coast prep school, changes are in store for Biography, Biopics 1994 124min. Billy Murray everyone. Comedy, Drama 2012 94min. Disney / Buena Vista 18.09.2012 Action, British, Foreign, Gangs 87min. Image Ent. 11.09.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111721 Millennium Entertainment 23.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111711 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111565 Elvira’s Movie Macabre: Bloody Going For Gold: The ’48 Games Madness Freight (Blu-ray) Billy Murray (DVD + UltraViolet) Elvira Action, British, Foreign, Gangs 87min. Going for Gold: The 1948 Games follows the compelling Elvira: Mistress of the Dark is back with a frightfully funny journey to the Olympic final of boatbuilder’s son Bert Bushnell multi-feature presentation featuring four blood-drenched Millennium Entertainment 23.10.2012 (Smith) and Oxford-educated Richard „Dickie“ Burnell horror and B-movie classics, teaming with monsters, maniacs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111730 (Hoare). Thrown together as double sculling partners just six and madmen. weeks before the games, they had to overcome vast Science Fiction, Horror, Monsters 2011 differences in their backgrounds to become a world class The Funhouse: Collector’s Edition rowing team on an International Olympic stage. With

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 33 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA compelling supporting performances from James Frain (True E1 Entertainment 04.09.2012 Romance, TV Movies, War, Christmas, Dra- Blood) and Geoffrey Palmer (As Time Goes By), Going for Gold: The 1948 Games. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111594 ma, Family, Fantasy, Holidays 359min. Olympics, Sports, BBC, Biopics, British, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Foreign, International TV min. Hick 25.09.2012 BBC Home Video 31.07.2012 Juliette Lewis, Blake Lively, Chloe Grace 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111752 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111533 Moretz, Alec Baldwin, Eddie Redmayne Small town teenager Luli (Chloe Grace Moretz) escapes to Holiday Collector’s Set Volume Las Vegas, leaving behind her alcoholic and abusive parents. Gone Hollywood Armed with her smarts, a pistol and pocket money, she 14 (Bonus CD) Demetrius Navarro, Valente Rodriguez, hitchhikes her way west. Along the way, Luli crosses paths John Houseman, Ruth Nelson, Meryl Streep, with Eddie (Eddie Redmayne), an unstable rebel with Fernando Carrillo questionable motives and Glenda (Blake Lively), a cocaine- Angela Bassett, Gloria Estefan, Megan After heading to Hollywood, Al (Fernando Carrillo from the hit snorting drifter on the run. Adapted from the critically Follows, Aidan Quinn, Michael Angarano, telenovela Rosalinda) skyrocketed to stardom on a hit acclaimed novel by Andrea Portes, this powerful story pulls Denholm Elliott, Michael Learned television show, but has had a tough time since his one big you into a provocative world of drugs, seduction and murder. break. Down on his luck, he gets a surprise curveball when Four heartwarming tales that will fill you with nostalgia. his late father leaves him a fortune - but there’s a catch - Al Romance, Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama Relive your favorite Christmas memories... from trips to must go back home to reopen his dad’s bar. Reconnecting with 2011 99min. Grandma’s house, to performing in holiday concerts. Includes old friends and maybe the woman of his dreams turns out to be Phase 4 Films 14.08.2012 20 bonus audio tracks from „Christmas at the Fireside“. Music the role of a lifetime in this fresh, funny look at getting a Of The Heart Child’s Christmas In Wales Olden Days Coat A second chance and finding love where you least expect it. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111588 Christmas Without Snow Romance, Comedy, Family, Foreign, Music, TV Movies, Christmas, Drama, Friendships 2010 79min. The Hole / Venom (Double Fea- Family, Holidays 300min. Image Ent. 18.09.2012 ture) (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111555 Embeth Davidtz, Keira Knightley, Meagan 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111753 Good, Thora Birch, Laura Ramsey, Agnes The Kathy Griffin Collection: Red, Bruckner, Method Man, Desmond White & Raw Harrington, Bijou Phillips, Jonathan Holiday Collector’s Set Volume Kathy Griffin Jackson, D.J. Cotrona, Laurence Fox, Rick 15 (Bonus CD) Self-proclaimed „D-Lister“ and two-time Emmy® Award Cramer, Daniel Brocklebank Andy Griffith, Sally Struthers, Roma winning comedienne Kathy Griffin takes you on a wild ride Two thrillers featuring hot young stars. In The Hole, several Downey, Naomi Judd, Alison Pill, Jeremy behind the scenes of Hollywood’s most salacious celebrity prep school kids get locked in a long-abandoned bomb gossip, controversial subjects and more. From Kim to Lindsay shelter. In Venom, a group of teenagers try to uncover the London, Gregory Harrison, Gerald to Demi to Cher, no one is safe, nothing is sacred, and truth behind a friend’s mysterious death. McRaney, George Newbern everything is hilarious! Double Features, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Four star-studded Christmas tales featuring loveable leading Comedy 315min. ladies Olivia Newton-John, Roma Downey, Naomi Judd and Thrillers, Zombies 189min. Sally Struthers. Includes 20 bonus audio tracks from Shout Factory 30.10.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment „Christmas Magic“. A Christmas Romance The Sons Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111690 11.09.2012 Mistletoe A Song For the Season What I Did For Love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111770 Romance, TV Movies, Christmas, Drama, Happy Endings: Season Two Family, Holidays 360min. Elisha Cuthbert, Casey Wilson, Eliza Coupe, Holiday Collector’s Set Volume Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 Damon Wayans Jr., Zachary Knighton, 10 (Bonus CD) Adam Pally 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111754 Crank landlords, nosy childhood friends, Brozilians, gym Meredith Baxter, Kate Mulgrew, Linda Purl, bullies, sexy Halloween costumes, racist parrots, Happy Harry Carey, John Forsythe, Lorne Greene, Holiday Collector’s Set Volume Endings: The Complete Second Season offers more, more, Robert Hays more of the hit series about six best friends navigating life Four inspiring holiday films filled with stories of family and 17 (Bonus CD) and love in Chicago’s hip downtown. Alex (Elisha Cuthbert, faith. From the church to the prairie, there’s something for Jack Palance, Randy Travis, Rue TV’s 24) and Dave (Zachary Knighton, TV’s FlashForward) everyone in this Christmas collection. Includes bonus audio, become real friends again (with - whoops! - benefits?). Jane „Greatest Christmas Collection V.2“. Angel In The Family McClanahan, Katherine Helmond, Faye (Eliza Coupe, TV’s ) hilariously tests out her maternal Beyond Tomorrow A Time For Miracles Young Pioneers’ Dunaway, Daphne Zuniga, Melissa Joan instincts while hubby Brad (Damon Wayans Jr., TV’s The Christmas Underground) unwittingly gets a „work wife.“ Max (Adam Hart, Ann Jillian, Connie Sellecca, Sid Cae- Pally) actually lands the perfect boyfriend that the gang falls Religion/Spirituality, TV Movies, Christmas, sar, Robert Hays in love with. Meanwhile, „The Year of Penny“ is off to a rocky Drama, Family, Holidays 359min. Four family movies featuring stories of close-knit start as Penny (Casey Wilson, TV’s Saturday Night Live) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment communities, helpful neighbors and heartwarming holiday struggles with everything from birthday curses to ’80s-themed spirit. Starring Faye Dunaway, Jack Palance, Rue scavenger hunts. Another round of laughs, please, for the 25.09.2012 McClanahan and more. Includes 20 bonus audio tracks from“ funniest show on TV! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111750 Home for the Holidays“. I’ll Be Home For Christmas ABC, Comedy, Friendships 2011 450min. Christmas Snow A Family Thanksgiving A Holiday To Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Remember Holiday Collector’s Set Volume 11 TV Movies, Christmas, Comedy, Drama, 02.10.2012 (Bonus CD) Family, Holidays 322min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111539 Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Mary Tyler Moore, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment David Bowe, Gordon Jump, Tony Randall 25.09.2012 Haven: The Complete Second Four kid-friendly holiday films featuring loveable characters 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111756 Season and cute Christmas themes. Includes bonus audio, „Christmas Sing-Alongs“. How The Toys Saved Christmas Winslow The Emily Rose, Eric Balfour, Nicholas Campbell Christmas Bear A Christmas Tale In Search Of Santa The Holy Roller Former FBI Agent Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) discovers that TV Movies, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Pastor Luke has always known that he possessed the God- the small town of Haven is really a secret refuge for people Holidays 310min. given power to inspire people, but he’s never had more than a with supernatural afflictions. Now, it’s up to her to unlock few, paltry parishioners in his small town on which to bestow Haven’s mysterious secrets. As seen on Syfy. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment his glorious gift. When he moves to the city, and achieves Crime, Drama, Science Fiction, Stephen 25.09.2012 great success as a televangelist, he thinks he’s finally King 2011 572min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111751 fulfilling God’s plan. It’s only when he almost loses his new ministry, and the woman he loves, that he finds the courage to E1 Entertainment 04.09.2012 become the man God truly called him to be. Starring Angus 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111577 Holiday Collector’s Set Volume Benfield, Victoria Abbott and Jeremy Brennan, The Holy Roller shows us that the only thing more important than having 12 (Bonus CD) the faith to begin - is the courage to begin again. Haven: The Complete Second Jason Alexander, Kelly Rowan, Terry Moo- Religion/Spirituality, Drama 2010 88min. Season (Blu-ray) re, Roma Downey, Edward Asner, Hector Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Emily Rose, Eric Balfour, Nicholas Campbell Elizondo, Barnard Hughes, Jimmy Durante, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111556 Former FBI Agent Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) discovers that Eric Mccormack the small town of Haven is really a secret refuge for people Four holiday favorites filled to the brim with heartwarming Horror Collection Extravaganza - with supernatural afflictions. Now, it’s up to her to unlock Christmas spirit. Starring Jason Alexander, Eric McCormack, Haven’s mysterious secrets. As seen on Syfy. Gerald McRaney and more. Includes bonus audio, „Greatest 6 Terrifying Movies Crime, Drama, Science Fiction, Stephen Christmas Collection V.3“. Man Who Saved Christmas Christopher Plummer, Roddy McDowall, King 2011 572min. Borrowed Hearts A Hobo’s Christmas The Great Rupert

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Jennifer Jason Leigh, Deborah Harry, Paramount Pictures 09.10.2012 scientist Spencer Olham (Gary Sinise) promises to save the planet. But suddenly, Olham himself is accused of being an Karen Black, Tia Carrere, Diane Ladd, Bar- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111779 alien spy and is thrown headlong into a disorienting nightmare bara Carrera, Holly Palance, Joy Allen, Eric as a fugitive from the law. With blasts of adrenaline-fueled Stoltz, Rock Hudson, James Russo, Jack I Love Lucy: The Complete intensity, this futuristic thriller soars as Olham races to prove Jones, David Doyle, Michael Cutt his identity to the world - and himself - in time to save all Fourth Season (Repackage) mankind. On a distant planet, two human colonies were Created To Kill Encore Intimate Stranger Night Of The Demon founded as a civilized outpost far removed from the The Hooker Cult Murders Sister, Sister Lucille Ball, Richard Widmark, Van Johnson, devastating wars on Earth. But it was a dream that didn’t last Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Harpo Marx, Cornel Wilde, Tennessee Ernie long. Locked in a brutal hundred year war, the colonies now Collections, Drama, Fantasy, Horror min. Ford, William Holden, Rock Hudson, Ricky battle each other amidst the rubble of their once great cities. With only remnants of their immense technologies and their Image Ent. 04.09.2012 Ricardo vast armies reduced to a few, a group of brave soldiers 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111550 It’s I Love Lucy’s fourth season, and it’s the best one yet! decides it’s time to step up and end the fighting before both Ride along with the Ricardos and the Mertzes as they head sides are pushed into extinction. out to Hollywood to launch Ricky’s movie career in this Double Features, Action, Science Fiction, House Of laugh-filled five-disc collection. Lucy runs the gamut - from Thrillers, War 200min. Kathryn Leigh Scott, Nancy Barrett, faux Marilyn Monroe („Ricky’s Movie Offer“) to TV-hostess- in-a-potato-sack („Mr. & Mrs. TV Show“). In Hollywood, our Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Roger Davis favorite redhead sets fire to her nose („L.A. at Last“), Feature film version of the popular TV serial involving a struggles in her big movie scene and bigger headdress („Lucy 11.09.2012 vampire’s quest for a cure to marry a lovely mortal. Gets in Pictures“), dangles from a movie star’s penthouse 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111793 Romance, Vampires, Drama, Horror 1970 balcony („The Star Upstairs“) and even goes one-on-one with one of the Marx Brothers („Harpo Marx“). Come on and join in 97min. all the fun, along with guest stars William Holden, Van In The Eyes Of A Killer Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 Johnson, Rock Hudson, Richard Widmark, Harpo Marx, Costas Mandylor, Gwendolyn Edwards, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111719 Tennessee Ernie Ford, Teensy & Weensy - and more! The Business Manager Mertz and Kurtz Lucy Cries Wolf The Louis Mandylor, James Marshall Matchmaker Mr. and Mrs. TV Show Ricky’s Movie Offer Jack Newman has finally adapted to the challenges of a House Of Dark Shadows (Blu-ray) Ricky’s Screen Test Lucy’s Mother-In-Law Ethel’s Birthday sudden accident that left him blind several years ago and is Ricky’s Contract Getting Ready Lucy Learns To Drive preparing for a new life with his fiancée, Gwen. An Kathryn Leigh Scott, Nancy Barrett, California, Here We Come! First Stop Tennessee Bound opportunity arises for Jack to become the first patient of an Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Roger Davis Ethel’s Home Town L.A. At Last Don J experimental eye surgery. After regaining his sight, Jack Feature film version of the popular TV serial involving a begins to slowly take on the characteristics of the eyes’ late Classics, Comedy, Family, Senior Interest donor, a state-executed psychopath. As Jack begins to lose vampire’s quest for a cure to marry a lovely mortal. 1954 787min. Drama, Horror, Romance, Vampires 1970 the battle raging in his mind, Gwen uncovers some startling Paramount Pictures 09.10.2012 information and is faced with the most difficult choice of her 97min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111782 life. Which will prevail... true love or the primal instinct to Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 survive? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111733 Mystery, Thrillers 2009 100min. I Love Lucy: The Complete Se- Monarch Home Video 25.09.2012 Huckleberry Finn cond Season (Repackage) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111744 , Don Knotts, Andy Griffith, Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Clint Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Jack Desi Arnaz Jolene: The Director’s Cut This hilarious five-disc DVD collection, containing the Denise Richards, Jessica Chastain, Dermot Elam, Alan Ladd, David Ladd, Merle show’s entire second season contains gems such as „Job Haggard Switching“ - in which Lucy and Ethel do unforgettable battle Mulroney, Chazz Palminteri, Rupert Friend, Three features filled with family, friends and fun. From a wild with a chocolate factory conveyor belt; and „The Operetta“ - Zeb Newman river adventure in Huckleberry Finn, to down-home humor in in which Lucy’s money problems bring down the curtain on her A life between the exit signs.. Directed by Dan Ireland (The The Andy Griffith Show, to the love between a boy and his role as „Queen Of The Gypsies.“ This collection also Whole Wide World) and based on an unforgettable story by dog in The Proud Rebel... this is classic entertainment at its includes the groundbreaking „pregnancy shows,“ including the E.L. Doctorow, Jolene follows the provocative tale of a finest. touching moment at the Tropicana when Lucy breaks the news beautiful, redheaded southern girl on a ten-year journey TV Movies, Adventure, Family, Friendships to Ricky that they are going to have a baby, and „Lucy Goes across America. From age fifteen to twenty-five, Jolene To The Hospital“- the record-setting episode that garnered overcomes a myriad of adversity as she navigates her way 282min. the highest ratings in 1953! through bad foster homes and a failed teenage marriage, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Classics, Comedy, Family, Senior Interest escapes from a mental institution, and hits the road in search 04.09.2012 1952 799min. of love, adventure and independence. Road Trips, Rocky Relationships, Romance, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111633 Paramount Pictures 09.10.2012 Troubled Youth, Drama, Mental Illness 2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111780 I Heart Shakey 113min. E1 Entertainment 04.09.2012 Steve Guttenberg, Alfonso Arau, Steve I Love Lucy: The Complete Third 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111578 Lemme Season (Repackage) Single father J.T. and his precocious daughter Chandler move from a small town to Chicago with their lovable family mutt Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Joysticks Shakey. After missing the fine print in their rental contract, Desi Arnaz Leif Green, Joe Don Baker, Scott McGinnis, J.T. is forced to find Shakey a new home. Chandler hatches a Enjoy I Love Lucy’s entire Emmy-winning third season on five plan to keep Shakey and teach J.T. a valuable lesson about DVDs filled to the brim with classic TV comedy! Laugh out Jim Greenleaf loyalty and the importance of keeping family together. loud as Lucy and Ethel rip each other’s dresses to shreds Joe Don Baker stars in this wild and crazy comedy! When a Adventure, Comedy, Family 2012 102min. during their televised duet of Cole Porter’s „Friendship.“ top local businessman (Joe Don Baker, Walking Tall, The Phase 4 Films 28.08.2012 Watch the fireworks when Lucy has to go 24 hours without Living Daylights, Congo), along with his two bumbling telling a fib. Follow Lucy as her quest to recover a contest- nephews Miami Vice, John Voldstad of Newhart. out his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111591 winning dollar bill lands her in a giant starch vat. Tune in to daughter Patsy is hanging out at the video arcade run by Lucy and Ethel’s unforgettable TV commercial for „Aunt Jefferson Bailey (Scott McGinnis, Making The Grade, they I Love Lucy: The Complete First Martha’s Old-Fashioned Salad Dressing.“ Learn golf the way team up with Jefferson’s arch enemy King Vidiot (Jonathan the pros never played it, as Ricky and Fred teach the girls Gries, Napoleon Dynamite) to try and shut down the arcade. Season (Repackage) their own unique rules of the game. And revisit two much- The arcade employees and patrons fight back, climaxing in an loved episodes featuring guest Tennessee Ernie Ford in his exciting video game showdown between Jefferson and King Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, star turn as „Cousin Ernie.“ Vidiot! Now see Joysticks for the first time in widescreen Desi Arnaz Classics, Comedy, Family, Senior Interest from a brand new master from the original vault elements! Comedy 1983 86min. Season One - Here’s how it all began-the classic episodes 1953 819min. that started America’s long-running love affair with Scorpion Releasing 21.08.2012 Paramount Pictures 09.10.2012 everyone’s favorite madcap redhead, Lucille Ball. Plus the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111786 rarely seen episode that sold the I Love Lucy series. By 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111781 the end of its initial season, I Love Lucy was TV’s first bona fide smash-hit - the very first program seen in more than 10 Judge Dredd (Blu-ray) million homes. America just couldn’t get enough of this Impostor / Final Encounter (Doub- stunning new comedy talent - Lucy as a less-than-poised Sylvester Stallone, Max Von Sydow, Jurgen would-be ballerina in „The Ballet,“ Lucy battling the world’s le Feature) (Blu-ray) Prochnow, Diane Lane, Joan Chen, Rob longest loaf of bread in „Pioneer Women,“ and Lucy in her Gary Sinise, Madeleine Stowe, Michelle greatest performance, as the health tonic-guzzling TV Schneider, Armand Assante pitchwoman for „Vitameatavegamin“ in „Lucy Does A TV Krusiec, Jodi Bianca Wise, Dean Cain, Tony In The Future...One Man Is Judge, Jury and Executioner!. Commercial.“ („And it’s so tasty, too!“) Fall in love all over Shalhoub, Mekhi Phifer, Tim Guinee, Justin Prepare yourself for the nonstop, action-adventure thrill ride again, with the wild and wacky series that changed TV Whalin, Thomas Ian Griffith, Stephen Judge Dredd — exploding onto Blu-ray for the first time, forever! featuring an all-new digital restoration with enhanced picture Ramsey, Trae Thomas and sound. Academy Award nominees Sylvester Stallone Classics, Comedy, Senior Interest 1951 At a time when the Earth has been at war with an alien force (Best Actor, 1976, Rocky) and Diane Lane (Best Actress, 921min. for over a decade, the latest work of lauded governmental 2002, Unfaithful bring the story of a legendary comic book

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA hero to life. In a time when all-powerful „judges“ act with This second volume of The Ernie Kovacs Collection digs Cartwright, supreme authority of both the police force and legal system, deeper into a goldmine of comedy from television’s original In the series, which was Emmy nominated 14 times, winning 4 Judge Dredd is the most feared law enforcer of them all. genius. Kovacs fans, both longtime and new, will marvel at the including Best Situation Comedy and Best Actor, Danny When a former judge devises a sinister plot to bring him sheer invention, wit and goofy charm of these landmark Thomas plays nightclub entertainer Danny Williams, an down, Dredd with stop at nothing to even the scales of programs, all presented on home video for the first time. Ernie occasionally loud and cantankerous, but ultimately warm and justice! Kovacs was a creative force of nature, and this new soft-hearted master of his domain. Constantly being upstaged Comedy, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Action, collection of his riches - historic, unique and endlessly by his bratty but loveable kids, played by Rusty Hamer, Based On Comic Book, Science Fiction, entertainin - will seal his legacy. and (whose role was Comedy 540min. Thrillers 1995 96min. taken over by Penny Parker), the ensemble also included Shout Factory 23.10.2012 beautiful Marjorie Lord as his understanding wife. Disney / Buena Vista 18.09.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111687 Comedy, Family 1958 800min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111722 E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111617 Kill And Kill Again Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Anneline Kriel, Michael Mayer, James Ryan The Eighth Year The Man From Beijing Jeff Goldblum, Katheryn Winnick, Janel James Ryan is back! In this follow up to the box office hit Kill Suzanne Von Borsody Or Be Killed, James Ryan plays Steve Chase, fourtime World Moloney, Eric Balfour, Leland Orser Martial Arts Champion. Chase is hired to save Nobel Prize A mass murder, a female judge and diary entries from ages Following the exit of Detective Mike Logan (Chris Noth) at ago, surely now forgotten - Judge Brigitta Roslin has to make winning chemist, Dr. Horatio Kane, from the hands of a the end of Season 7, Detective Zack Nichols (Jeff Goldblum) demented billionaire named Marduk and his martial arts army. a long and dangerous journey before she discovers that the joins the cast as Detective Wheeler’s (Julianne Nicholson) background to this hideous crime lies in the distant past. The Steve enlists the aid of four martial arts experts, and is partner. Premiering on NBC in 2001 and lasting 10 accompanied by Dr. Kane’s daughter, Kandy (Anneline Kriel). film adaptation of Henning Mankell’s novel begins with the seasons,Law & Order: Criminal Intent is the second spin-off stunning murder of 19 people. The police believe a madman is En route to Marduk’s stronghold, they are ambushed, but of the highly successful crime drama series Law & Order and finally make it to the fortress, only to be put in an arena to behind the brutal act. Not only Brigitta Roslin’s parents are focuses on the criminal justice system from the criminal’s among the dead; almost all the victims were related to her. fight for their lives. The excitement builds to a thrilling and point of view. dramatic conclusion in this box office smash. Now see it for Brigitta soon becomes convinced that the police are on the the first time in widescreen from a brand new HD master from Cops, Crime, Detectives, Murder Mysteries, wrong track, and she starts to investigate on her own. Her the original InterPositive! NBC 2009 670min. search for the murderer of her entire family leads Brigitta to China, where she is confronted with the gruesome Action, Drama, Martial Arts 1981 99min. Shout Factory 23.10.2012 machinations of a millionaire businessman... Scorpion Releasing 21.08.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111670 Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, German 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111787 2011 180min. Law & Order: Special Victims Music Box Films 25.09.2012 Klown Unit - The Thirteenth Year 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111573 Casper Christensen Jeremy Irons, Joan Cusack, B.D. Wong, In what critics are hailing as „the funniest movie of the year!“ The Mark (IFC.com), Klown follows two wildly inappropriate friends Rita Wilson, Maria Bello, Mariska Hargitay, (played by celebrated comedians Frank Hvam and Caspar Melissa Sagemiller, Diane Neal, Tamara Eric Roberts, Gary Daniels, Craig Sheffer Christensen) as they run amok through the Danish Tunie, Christopher Meloni, Richard Belzer, The international economy is on the verge of collapse. To help countryside plowing through social taboos, unspeakable the situation, a secret new technology is to be announced at debaucheries and absurd sexual encounters. Misguided John Stamos, Dann Florek the G20 Summit in Berlin. On a flight from Bangkok to Berlin, Frank kidnaps the nephew of his pregnant girlfriend in an Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Chad Turner (Sheffer), a former soldier; is the world’s first eager attempt to prove his fatherhood potential while the sex- NBC 2011 min. test subject for this technology capable of tracking one’s driven Caspar is determined to visit a world-renowned personal data to control humanity. As Chad realizes his true brothel. Based on a popular six-season television show of the Universal Studios 25.09.2012 mission, he must push himself to the breaking point to save same name, this internationally acclaimed and award-winning 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111598 himself & all on board - and ensure the microchip doesn’t fall saga of debauchery has indieWIRE proclaiming it „raunchy, into the wrong hands. fearless and awesome!“ Leave Thrillers, Action, End Of The World 2012 Based On TV Show, Comedy, Crime, 98min. Ron Livingston, Vinessa Shaw, Bryan Danish, Foreign 2010 99min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.10.2012 Cranston Image Ent. 25.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111695 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111557 Thrillers 84min. Millennium Entertainment 23.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111710 Men Of War / Bravo Two Zero Klown (Blu-ray) (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Casper Christensen In what critics are hailing as „the funniest movie of the year!“ The Letter Dolph Lundgren, B.D. Wong, Catherine Bell, (IFC.com), Klown follows two wildly inappropriate friends Winona Ryder, Katherine Waterston, Marin Jamie Bartlett, Charlotte Lewis, Sean Bean, (played by celebrated comedians Frank Hvam and Caspar Kevin Collins, Tim Guinee, Rick Warden, Christensen) as they run amok through the Danish Ireland, James Franco, Josh Hamilton countryside plowing through social taboos, unspeakable Martine Jamison (Winona Ryder) is a NY theatre director Robert Hobbs, Ian Curtis, Richard Graham, debaucheries and absurd sexual encounters. Misguided beginning rehearsals for a new play starring her boyfriend Steve Nicholson Frank kidnaps the nephew of his pregnant girlfriend in an opposite a young beauty. As rehearsals continue, Martine has Two films featuring popular action stars Dolph Lundgren and eager attempt to prove his fatherhood potential while the sex- periods of disorientation that quickly deteriorate into vivid Sean Bean. In Men of War, a team of ex-Special Forces driven Caspar is determined to visit a world-renowned hallucinations as she becomes convinced Raymond is trying agents must overtake an exotic island loaded with precious brothel. Based on a popular six-season television show of the to poison her. As Martine’s mental state devolves, she begins jade. In Bravo Two Zero, soldiers are taken to the edge of same name, this internationally acclaimed and award-winning to rewrite her play... and art and life become inseparable. survival in the Persian Gulf War. saga of debauchery has indieWIRE proclaiming it „raunchy, Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 2012 93min. Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Drama, fearless and awesome!“ Lionsgate 18.09.2012 Jungle, Military, Action, Special Forces, Based On TV Show, Comedy, Crime, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111630 Thrillers 225min. Danish, Foreign 2010 99min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Lone Wolf And Cub: Complete 6 11.09.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111566 Film Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111761 Knockout Kimura Isao, Tomikawa Akihiro, Watanabe Fumio, Kato Go, Hitomi Junko, Matsuo Kayo Miracle At Christmas: Ebbie’s Sto- Daniel Magder, Benjamin Ratner He is the most feared assassin in all of Japan, known only as ry Inside every kid is the heart of a champion. Steve Austin is the Lone Wolf. Pushing his young son along the back-roads of Dan Barnes, a former heavyweight boxer who hangs up his feudal Japan in a heavily armed baby-cart, he strikes fear into Wendy Crewson, Susan Lucci, Ron Lea gloves to escape his violent lifestyle. Dan’s life is quickly the black hearts of evil-doers everywhere — as long as A tyrannical department store owner gets a lesson in living a turned upside down when the resident boxing champion makes someone can come up with his fee. Nothing, not the legions of more generous life from the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present his presence felt by dominating all opponents who stand in his a mad shogun, hordes of Yagyu ninja, or even the undead, can and Future in this remake of a Charles Dickens classic. way. In order to put the title holder in his place, Dan prepares stop him! Now for the first time, all six films in spectacular Includes bonus CD, „Peace on Earth“. an unseasoned newcomer for the biggest challenge of his life. High Definition! Christmas, Drama, Fantasy, Ghosts, Sports, Action, Boxing, Family 2011 95min. Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, Holidays 1995 90min. Phase 4 Films 28.08.2012 Samurai, Action 507min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111592 E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 25.09.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111627 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111746 The Ernie Kovacs Collection: Volume 2 Make Room For Daddy: Season 6 Mr. Lucky: The Complete Series Ernie Kovacs Rusty Hamer, Marjorie Lord, Angela Ross Martin, Henry Mancini

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Blake Edwards again teams up with composer Henry Mancini by the story of a young listener, but troubling questions arise institution that no one can identify. While in ward, he starts in this stylish adventure-crime series, Mr. Lucky, starring the about the boy’s identity in The Night Listener. Karen having flashbacks of what brought him there. He starts to dashing John Vivyan as a suave professional gambler and delivered the testimony that sent her father to jail. But when remember how his car broke down and when he went looking Ross Martin as his good friend Andamo. Mr. Lucky and he returns home a changed man, she is unsure about whom to for help he came upon a strange man burying his dead son. Andamo used to run a successful casino in Andamo’s trust in Benefit of the Doubt. Strange scenes of the macabre ensue leading up to the homeland of Chobolbo, but after a brush with the country’s Double Features, Drama, Dysfunctional gruesome night with this backwoods family who secrets are corrupt dictator, they lose everything when Andamo is Families, Mystery, Revenge, Thrillers slowly revealed. What strange curse is this family hiding? discovered of running guns to the rebels in Mr. Lucky’s yacht, Foreign, Horror, Italian, Vampires 1972 173min. Fortuna. Their fortunes take a turn for the better when Lucky 95min. wins enough money gambling to buy another yacht, which he Echo Bridge Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 christens Fortuna II. They turn her into a floating casino, and 11.09.2012 then an upscale restaurant, anchored in international water 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111628 off the American coast. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111795 Action, Adventure, Drama, Gambling 1958 min. Night Of Dark Shadows The Office: Complete First Series Shout Factory 16.10.2012 John Karlen, David Selby, Nancy Barrett, (Repackage) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111667 Grayson Hall Lucy Davis, Mackenzie Crook, Martin A man and his wife move into a home and find themselves Freeman, Ricky Gervais : The Complete plagued by spirits of his ancestors that used to be witches. The brilliant new comedy on BBC America. Welcome to Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Drama, Wernham Hogg, a paper company stuck in dreary old Slough, Third Season where life is stationery. Critics and fans alike have lauded Ghosts, Horror 1971 95min. this hilarious, biting look inside the cubicle walls as a cult Sofia Vergara, Julie Bowen, Ariel Winter, Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 classic in the vein of This is Spinal Tap and The Larry Sarah Hyland, Ty Burrell, Nolan Gould, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111737 Sanders Show. Meet David Brent, the worst boss you’ll never Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet, have. The wince-worthy regional manager thinks he’s the Rico Rodrigez funniest bloke around, and territorial yes-man, Gareth Keenan Night Of Dark Shadows (Blu-ray) would undoubtedly agree. Self-proclaimed team leader Gareth Join TV’s #1 family for another hilarious and refreshingly is constantly bickering with witty nemesis Tim, an apathetic original season of Modern Family, winner of eleven Emmy® John Karlen, Nancy Barrett, Grayson Hall, sales rep who wears his boredom on his sleeve. Tim is Awards, including Outstanding Comedy Series two years in a David Selby trapped in their ridiculous little world - but the center of his row! As the extended Pritchett/Dunphy clan faces an A man and his wife move into a home and find themselves universe is lovely Dawn, the betrothed receptionist of his uproariously unpredictable array of family vacations, holiday plagued by spirits of his ancestors that used to be witches. affection and the reason he returns each morning. Hell is hassles, troublesome in-laws, and surprising secrets, they other people... in The Office. still somehow manage to thrive together as one big, loving Drama, Ghosts, Horror, Mystery, Romance, family - even as they drive each other absolutely insane! Thrillers 1971 95min. Work Sucks, BBC, British, Comedy, Season Three features a hilarious gag reel and never-before- Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 Foreign, International TV, Mockumentary, seen couch confessions that will make you laugh out loud and On The Job 2001 180min. remind you why viewers and critics alike have fallen in love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111759 with this thoroughly Modern Family. BBC Home Video 21.08.2012 ABC, Comedy, girl power, Mockumentary Night Of The Demons 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111738 2011 484min. Edward Furlong, Shannon Elizabeth, 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Monica Keena, Diora Baird, Michael Copon, On The Second Day Of Christmas 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111699 Bobbi Sue Luther, John Beach Mary Stuart Masterson, Mark Ruffalo, Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is throwing a decadent Howard Hesseman, David Hewlett Modern Family: The Complete Halloween party at New Orleans’ infamous Broussard Mans- Trish and her six-year-old niece, Patsy, are busted picking ion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie pockets in a department store. Now a security guard must Third Season (Blu-ray) (Monica Keena) and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside watch them until they’re shipped off to jail after Christmas. Sofia Vergara, Julie Bowen, Ariel Winter, the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a Includes bonus CD, Family Holiday Favorites. horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood- TV Movies, Christmas, Crime, Family, Sarah Hyland, Ty Burrell, Nolan Gould, thirsty demons. Holidays min. Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet, Devils And Demons, Holidays, Horror 2010 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Rico Rodrigez 93min. 25.09.2012 Join TV’s #1 family for another hilarious and refreshingly E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 original season of Modern Family, winner of eleven Emmy® 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111639 Awards, including Outstanding Comedy Series two years in a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111609 row! As the extended Pritchett/Dunphy clan faces an uproariously unpredictable array of family vacations, holiday Night Of The Demons (Blu-ray) Outlaw Brothers hassles, troublesome in-laws, and surprising secrets, they Frankie Chan, Ken Boyle still somehow manage to thrive together as one big, loving Edward Furlong, Shannon Elizabeth, An action-packed film following the exploits of two car family - even as they drive each other absolutely insane! Monica Keena, Diora Baird, Michael Copon, thieves, and the butt-kicking female police officer who is on Season Three features a hilarious gag reel and never-before- Bobbi Sue Luther, John Beach their trail. Add in cocaine smugglers and choreographed fight seen couch confessions that will make you laugh out loud and scenes with brooms, fans, wrenches, and knives to make this remind you why viewers and critics alike have fallen in love Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleans’ infamous Broussard Mans- a turbo-charged, high-octane, martial arts action film. with this thoroughly Modern Family. Thrillers, Action, Chinese, Cops, Crime, Comedy, girl power, Mockumentary, ABC ion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie (Monica Keena) and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside Foreign, Martial Arts 1990 96min. 2011 484min. the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.10.2012 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111691 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111725 thirsty demons. Devils And Demons, Holidays, Horror 2010 93min. Munger Road Pet Sematary (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 Fred Gwynne, Denise Crosby, Miko Bruce Davison, Randall Batinkoff, Trevor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111624 Hughes, Mary Louise Wilson, Susan Morgan On the eve of the annual Scarecrow Festival, two St. Charles Blommaert, Blaze Berdahl, Dale Midkiff, police officers search for a return killer the same night four The Night Of The Devils Brad Greenquist, Michael Lombard teenagers go missing on Munger Road. Agostina Belli, Gianni Garko Sometimes Dead Is Better.. After moving to an idyllic home in Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Horror 2011 Gianni Garko plays an insane man admitted to a psychiatric the countryside, life seems perfect for the Creed family...but 85min. institution that no one can identify. While in ward, he starts not for long. Louis and Rachel Creed and their two young having flashbacks of what brought him there. He starts to children settle in to a house that sits next door to a pet Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 remember how his car broke down and when he went looking cemetery - built on an ancient Indian burial ground. Their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111697 for help he came upon a strange man burying his dead son. mysterious new neighbor, Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne), hides Strange scenes of the macabre ensue leading up to the the cemetery’s secret...until a family tragedy brings the secret gruesome night with this backwoods family who secrets are to life. Now, an unthinkable evil is about to be resurrected. The Night Listener / Benefit Of slowly revealed. What strange curse is this family hiding? From Stephen King, Master of the Macabre, comes a journey that leads to hell and back. Though not everyone survives the The Doubt (Double Feature) (Blu- Vampires, Foreign, Horror, Italian 1972 trip. For the Creeds, home is where the horror is. ray) 95min. Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Stephen E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 Christopher McDonald, Joe Morton, Amy King, Thrillers, Zombies 1989 102min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111618 Irving, Toni Collette, Sandra Oh, Donald Paramount Pictures 02.10.2012 Sutherland, Robin Williams, Graham 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111727 Greene, Bobby Cannavale, Rider Strong, The Night Of The Devils (Blu-ray) Rory Culkin, John Cullum Agostina Belli, Gianni Garko Peter Gunn: The Complete Series Two Miramax thrillers. A talk show host becomes captivated Gianni Garko plays an insane man admitted to a psychiatric

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Lola Albright, Minerva Urecal, Hope Fantasy, Horror, Horror Series, Action, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Emerson, Craig Stevens, Herschel Bernardi Thrillers 181min. 18.09.2012 Craig Stevens plays Gunn, Pete to his friends, a handsome, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111629 suave detective tough enough to take on the hardest of hard cases, but a soft touch when it comes to the ladies. His 11.09.2012 girlfriend, the gorgeous singer Edie Hart (Lola Albright) is the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111767 Snowman’s Land featured singer at ‘Mother’s’, a smoke-filled jazz club used by Walter is a professional killer and has bungled a job. Now he Gunn as his unofficial office. Other regulars at the club Richard Pryor Collection has to leave the city and takes up an offer from crime boss include a colorful cast of musicians, pool hustlers, artists and Berger to protect his house in a remote region of the a sculptor. His standard fee is $1,000.00, and his reputation Richard Pryor, Jackie Gleason, Kevin Carpathian Mountains. At his side is his old friend Mickey. By keeps the customers lined up for his services, sometimes Spacey, Ned Beatty, Gene Wilder accident Berger’s young and pretty wife, Sybille, is killed referred by Mother (Hope Emerson, season one; Minerva and, fearing Berger’s vengeance, Walter and Mickey decide Urecal, seasons two and three), or his police buddy Lt. It was murder! The blind guy couldn’t see it. The deaf guy couldn’t hear it. But now they’re both wanted for it in the to hide her body. What at first seemed to be a nice holiday trip Jacoby (Herschel Bernardi). A man with expensive tastes, for Walter and Mickey soon becomes a fight for survival for Peter Gunn drives a stylish two-tone Plymouth Fury drop-dead comedy, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, that reunites the outrageous comedy duo Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder all parties involved. Convertible, equipped with a mobile phone! Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Foreign, Action, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery (Silver Streak, Stir Crazy). Meet Wally and Dave. Wally is blind, Dave is deaf. When a man is murdered outside the German 2010 95min. 1958 2880min. newsstand where they work, the police collar these two Music Box Films 25.09.2012 Shout Factory 23.10.2012 unlikely buddies as their main suspects. A hilarious chase ensues as Wally and Dave hightail it from the New York 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111574 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111688 Police Department to snag the real bad guys - the wickedly beautiful Eve (Joan Severance, Black Scorpion) and her cold- Pig / 1334 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) blooded cohort, Kirgo (Kevin Spacey, American Beauty). From Something Big director Arthur Hiller (Silver Streak) comes this zany comedy Dean Martin, Brian Keith, Carol White (Blu-ray) caper you won’t want to miss. One of the looniest pictures to Joe Baker has a dream. He wants to do ‘something big.’ When Pig (1998) - When this film was made it became the come along in some time! Stir Crazy teams two of the most he needs a Gatling gun to accomplish this, he seeks out a inspiration of a new genre: torture film. Involves graphic brilliant and zany comic performers today: Richard Pryor and black marketeer. The price he wants for the gun? A woman! violence with no use of special effects. 1334 (2011) - 13 Gene Wilder. Skip (Wilder) and Harry (Pryor) have both So Baker kidnaps a woman off of the stagecoach, only to find years later a follow up was made, an underground ghost story been fired from their jobs, so they take off in their van for that she is the wife of the commandant of the local Cavalry which is based on true occurrences. 1334. California to seek fame and fortune, but somewhere along the detachment. Things get further complicated when a girl named min. wa Dover McBride shows up. She has come to force Baker to Screwball, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action, E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 marry her and return east, as he promised to do four years Comedy, Cops, Crime 313min. earlier. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111619 Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Western 1971 108min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111568 Paramount Pictures 09.10.2012 Pirates Of The Plain 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111783 Tim Curry, Dee Wallace, Charles Napier, The Revenant Seth Adkins Storm Of The Century Nine-year-old Bobby (Seth Adkins), who lives on a Nebraska David Anders, Chris Wylde farm with his mom and grandfather, has an overactive This breakout horror comedy centers around a fallen soldier Jeffrey DeMunn, Paul Scherer, Debrah imagination and conjures up all sorts of playmates from who somehow finds he has joined the ranks of the living dead. Farentino, Colm Feore, Spencer Breslin, cowboys to aliens that all seem so real to him. But then one Bart Gregory (Anders) has just recently been laid to rest - so Terence Knox, Ryan Bollman, Timothy Daly, day fantasy becomes reality when infamous pirate Jezebel why is he still up and walking around? The only way he can Jack (Tim Curry) arrives through a time warp in search of keep himself from diminishing to dust is to supply himself with Casey Siemaszko treasure. Now it’s up to Bobby and Captain Jack to protect a constant supply of fresh blood. He quickly decides to do law Two frightening favorites from legendary horror writer the family farm from an all-out battle when the captain’s enforcement a favor by cleaning up the streets. Stephen King, including the Emmy®-winning mini-series Storm disgruntled crew also finds their way to the fields of Nebras- Zombies, Comedy, Horror 2009 117min. of the Century and the second installment in the Children of ka. Will they save the farm? Will they find a buried treasure Lionsgate 18.09.2012 the Corn franchise. Thrillers, Double Features, Drama, Fantasy, hidden by wild west outlaws? And will Bobby’s family believe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111541 him? Find out in this exciting family adventure also starring Horror 454min. Dee Wallace Stone (E.T.) and Charles Napier (Austin Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Powers). Rosewood Lane Pirates, Time Travel, Adventure, Family, 04.09.2012 Rose McGowan, Ray Wise, Bill Fagerbakke 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111632 Fantasy 1999 93min. Radio talk show therapist Sonny Blake (Rose McGowan) Image Ent. 11.09.2012 moves back to her childhood home on seemingly idyllic 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111554 Rosewood Lane after her alcoholic father dies. But upon David E. Talbert’s Suddenly Sin- arrival in the old neighborhood, Sonny discovers her neighbors are terrified of the local paperboy (Daniel Ross gle The Poker House Owens). She thinks this is ridiculous, until she encounters Garcelle Beauvais, Lyn Talbert, Bebe the boy himself. It turns out that he is a cunning and Bokeem Woodbine, , Jennifer dangerous sociopath, one who may have gruesomely killed Drake, Isaiah Washington, Marcus T. Paulk Lawrence, David Alan Grier her father - and others. Samantha Stone (Garcelle Beauvais), a smart and beautiful Actress Lori Petty makes her directorial debut with this Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2011 97min. wife and mother, has been happily married to her high school poignant, beautifully crafted film about a teenage girl trying to sweetheart Sylvester Stone (Isaiah Washington) for survive the dismal circumstances of her life with dignity, Universal Studios 11.09.2012 seventeen years. On the day they’re set to move into their humour, and basketball. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111545 dream home, Sylvester confesses that he is leaving her for another woman. What do you do when the only man you’ve Sports, Basketball, Drama 2008 93min. ever loved falls in love with another woman and leaves you Phase 4 Films 14.08.2012 Rosewood Lane (Blu-ray) suddenly single? Find out in David E. Talbert’s latest... a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111589 Rose McGowan, Ray Wise, Bill Fagerbakke captivating tale of love, laughter, and new beginnings! Radio talk show therapist Sonny Blake (Rose McGowan) African Americans, Comedy, Drama, Musi- The Prophecy / The Prophecy II moves back to her childhood home on seemingly idyllic cal, Plays On Stage, Romance 2012 98min. Rosewood Lane after her alcoholic father dies. But upon Image Ent. 04.09.2012 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) arrival in the old neighborhood, Sonny discovers her neighbors are terrified of the local paperboy (Daniel Ross 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111549 Jennifer Beals, Christopher Walken, Eric Owens). She thinks this is ridiculous, until she encounters Roberts, Elias Koteas, Virginia Madsen, the boy himself. It turns out that he is a cunning and Tale Of The Mummy / Beneath Brittany Murphy, Russell Wong, Glenn Dan- dangerous sociopath, one who may have gruesomely killed zig her father - and others. Loch Ness (Double Feature) (Blu- Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2011 97min. At the scene of a bizarre murder, L.A. homicide detective ray) Universal Studios 11.09.2012 Thomas Dagget discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now Jason Scott Lee, Michael Lerner, Shelley being fulfilled on earth! Yet in his fight to stop the forces of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111561 evil - led by the powerful angel Gabriel (Christopher Walken, Duvall, Honor Blackman, Lysette Anthony, Wedding Crashers) - Dagget finds an unlikely ally in an Louise Lombard, Lysa Apostle, Adria elementary school teacher (Virginia Madsen - The Haunting Salvation Boulevard In Connecticut)Together they race against time and terror to Dawn, Christopher Lee, Patrick Bergin, save the world as we know it. Big-screen favorite Christo- Ed Harris, Greg Kinnear, Marisa Tomei, Sean Pertwee, Vernon Wells, Brian pher Walken returns in a riveting performance as the Jennifer Connelly, Isabelle Fuhrman, Pierce Wimmer, Jack Davenport, David Andriole, menacing angel Gabriel! When the powers of good and evil Brosnan, Jim Gaffigan Christopher Taaffe again descend to Earth in a battle over mankind, the only hope A former Deadhead-turned-born-again-Christian finds himself for survival is the unborn child of an innocent woman Two adventure films. The unimaginable evil of a cursed on the run from fundamentalist members of his mega-church pharaoh is unleashed in Tale of the Mummy. A paleontologist’s (Jennifer Beals, The Book Of Eli). With the help of a who will do anything to protect their larger-than-life pastor. mysterious stranger, she races to protect her child and save protégé leads an expedition into the murky depths in Beneath all humanity . . . unless Gabriel catches her first. Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Action, Loch Ness. Devils And Demons, Double Features, Comedy, Drama 2011 96min. Double Features, Fantasy, Horror, Action,

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Adventure, Mummies, Science Fiction, Shout Factory 16.10.2012 cond Series (Repackage) Thrillers 184min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111678 Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Eve Myles, John Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Barrowman, Russell T. Davies, Russell T. 11.09.2012 A Thousand Cuts Davies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111762 David Naughton, Olesya Rulin, James Van Outside the government, beyond the police, fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when Patten everything changes and is ready! Torchwood. The The Tall Man A hot young director known for his hugely successful violent new series sees the team encounter alien terrorists, a Jessica Biel, Jodelle Ferland, Samantha horror films finds himself trapped in his house with a man who stranded creature threatened by humans, a tragic soldier from has a violent grudge against him. Frank Bennet (Academy the First World Was, as well as a memory thief who exposes Ferris, Stephen McHattie, William B. Davis Award Nominee Michael O’Keefe) wants revenge on the long forgotten secrets in members of the team and a wedding Darkness has descended over the northwestern town of Cold moviemaker for the death of his daughter in an incident with an unexpected guest. Rock. One by one, its children are disappearing. They leave inspired by the director’s first film, and is hell bent on getting behind neither clues nor credible witnesses, but instead a it when he shows up at the director’s house determined to Time Travel, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, legend, a story cloaked in shadows passed from neighbor to teach the filmmaker the true meaning of horror. International TV, Science Fiction 2008 neighbor - And with it, a building sense of terror which Thrillers, Horror 2012 85min. 585min. threatens to devour what’s left of the community itself. Superstitious locals talk of „The Tall Man,“ a mysterious Kino Video 22.01.2013 BBC Home Video 21.08.2012 figure who takes the children away, never to be seen again. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111640 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111743 But Julia Denning (Jessica Biel) has no time for legends or superstitions. A nurse doing her best for the emotionally distraught and economically devastated former mining town, A Thousand Cuts (Blu-ray) Truth Or Die she tries instead to preserve a semblance of normality both at David Naughton, Olesya Rulin, James Van Jennie Jacques, David Oakes work and at home. Until terror enters her own front door. Four teenage friends are taken hostage by a vengeful Waking up in the middle of the night, she races to her child’s Patten A hot young director known for his hugely successful violent psychopath and forced to play a party game with life or death bedroom, only to discover an empty bed ? and a hulking consequences. With a hot and fresh-faced young British cast specter in the downstairs doorway who steals off into the horror films finds himself trapped in his house with a man who has a violent grudge against him. Frank Bennet (Academy and a murderous spin on the traditional party game, Truth or darkness with her boy (Jakob Davies). As Julia follows in Die is an exciting new addition to the teenage horror genre. pursuit, she will stop at nothing and will risk everything to Award Nominee Michael O’Keefe) wants revenge on the save him. Joined by determined investigator, Lt. Dodd (Ste moviemaker for the death of his daughter in an incident Thrillers, Horror, Hostage Crisis 2011 min. inspired by the director’s first film, and is hell bent on getting Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.10.2012 Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Horror 2012 it when he shows up at the director’s house determined to 106min. teach the filmmaker the true meaning of horror. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111653 Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Horror, Thrillers 2012 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111569 Kino Video 22.01.2013 Uninhabited 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111646 Henry James The Tall Man (Blu-ray) Harry and Beth wanted a different kind of holiday so they chartered a boat to drop them off on a remote coral island on Jessica Biel, Jodelle Ferland, Samantha Thriller: Fan Favorites the Great Barrier Reef. The island was idyllic, surrounded by Ferris, Stephen McHattie, William B. Davis Boris Karloff, Richard Kiel, Henry Jones, a wide reef, covered in palms and full of birds and other Darkness has descended over the northwestern town of Cold Marion Ross, Mildred Dunnock, William wildlife. It was small and totally deserted or so they thought. Rock. One by one, its children are disappearing. They leave But when things go missing from their camp site and they behind neither clues nor credible witnesses, but instead a Shatner, Richard Chamberlain, Dick York, discover someone else’s footprints in the sand this quickly legend, a story cloaked in shadows passed from neighbor to Brandon De Wilde becomes disturbing as they realize the island has a ghost! neighbor - And with it, a building sense of terror which Join horror legend Boris Karloff as he guides you through 10 Inspired by actual events. threatens to devour what’s left of the community itself. unforgettable episodes of suspense, murder and relentless Thrillers, Ghosts, Horror 2010 93min. Superstitious locals talk of „The Tall Man,“ a mysterious terror. Featuring an incredible cast of stars, including William Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 figure who takes the children away, never to be seen again. Shatner, Natalie Schafer, Richard Chamberlain, Russell But Julia Denning (Jessica Biel) has no time for legends or Johnson, Donna Douglas, Rip Torn, Richard Anderson, Alan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111694 superstitions. A nurse doing her best for the emotionally Napier, Marion Ross, Richard Kiel, Dick York, and more! A distraught and economically devastated former mining town, must-have for any horror fan! Episodes: The Grim Reaper, Universal Classic Monsters: The she tries instead to preserve a semblance of normality both at Pigeons from Hell, The Watcher, The Hungry Glass, The work and at home. Until terror enters her own front door. Cheaters, The Incredible Dr. Markesan, The Weird Tailor, Essential Collection (Digibook) Waking up in the middle of the night, she races to her child’s The Purple Room, The Prisoner in the Mirror, Well of Doom. bedroom, only to discover an empty bed ? and a hulking Thrillers, Classics, Horror, Mystery min. (Blu-ray) specter in the downstairs doorway who steals off into the June Lockhart, Don Porter, Helen Chandler, darkness with her boy (Jakob Davies). As Julia follows in Image Ent. 04.09.2012 pursuit, she will stop at nothing and will risk everything to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111552 Lupita Tovar, Bela Lugosi, Dwight Frye, save him. Joined by determined investigator, Lt. Dodd (Ste Carmen Guerrero Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 A Time For Miracles From the era of silent movies through present day, Universal 106min. Pictures has been regarded as the home of the monsters. Kate Mulgrew, John Forsythe, Rossano Universal Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Brazzi, Lorne Greene showcases 8 of the most iconic monsters in motion picture 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111593 history including Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The In this remarkable, Emmy®-nominated true story, Elizabeth Invisible Man, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, Bayley Seton becomes the first American-born citizen to be Phantom of the Opera and Creature From the Black Lagoon. The Tempest made into a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. Includes Starring Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, Jr., Claude bonus CD, „Christmas Relaxation“. Rains and Elsa Lanchester in the roles that they made famous, Christopher Plummer, Geraint Wyn Davies Religion/Spirituality, TV Movies, Biography, these original films set the standard for a new horror genre Christopher Plummer takes the classical theatrical role of a Biopics, Christmas, Drama, Holidays 1980 with revolutionary makeup, mood-altering cinematography and lifetime to the big screen, starring as Prospero in groundbreaking special effects. Featuring over 12 hours of Shakespeare’s culminating masterpiece, performed by the 96min. revealing bonus features plus an exclusive collectible book, Stratford Shakespeare Festival. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment each film has been digitally restored from high resolution film Romance, Shakespeare, TV Movies, 25.09.2012 elements for the ultimate classic monster experience. Comedy, Drama 2010 131min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111745 Classics, Collections, Dracula, Franken- E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 stein, Horror, Monsters, National Film 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111620 Tonight You’re Mine Registry, Vampires, Werewolves min. Universal Studios 02.10.2012 Natalia Tena, Luke Treadaway, Alastair 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111562 Terror Train: Collector’s Edition Mackenzie, Joseph Mydell (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Two feuding rock stars, American pop star Adam and minor British rock chick Morello, are scheduled to perform at the V.R. Troopers: Season One - Jamie Lee Curtis, Ben Johnson, Hart same music festival. As their sarcastic banter escalates, a Bochner, David Copperfield mischievous preacher handcuffs them together and disappears Volume One Take an excursion into terror with Jamie Lee Curtis and Ben into the crowd. All attempts to break free are thwarted, and Ryan, Kaitlin and J.B., three adventurous friends who study Johnson in this classic shocker from director Roger eventually Adam and Morello realize there is no escape from martial arts, find themselves the unexpected defenders of Spottiswoode. It’s New Year’s Eve and group of college co- each other. humanity in this action-packed series that pits them against a eds have planned a masquerade bash aboard a chartered Music, Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 criminal mastermind and his invading army from another train. What they didn’t plan on was that a knife-wielding 80min. dimension. psycho would crash the party and begin slaughtering the Action, Adventure, Family, Martial Arts, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment guests one by one! Who is this brutal costumed killer? Could Science Fiction 1994 286min. it be the mysterious magician (David Copperfield) with a 14.08.2012 Shout Factory 02.10.2012 talent swordplay...a former frat pledge with an axe to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111537 grind...or any number of other guests, both invited and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111649 uninvited? Climb aboard the Terror Train for a frightening combination of blood-curdling horror and intriguing mystery. Torchwood: The Complete Se- Horror, Slasher 1980 97min. Vampire Dog

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 40 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Norm MacDonald Chace Crawford rogues, aristocrats, sinners and saints, always ready to An enduring friendship forms when a boy unwittingly adopts a Inspired by the perennial New York Times bestseller of the thwart crime and help the helpless! 600-year-old talking vampire dog named Fang (voiced by same name and the first book in a series that has sold over 35 Western, Action, Adventure min. Norm MacDonald). Together, they discover that with each million copies worldwide, What To Expect When You’re Shout Factory 09.10.2012 other’s help if they face their fears, they can do anything. Expecting is a hilarious and heartfelt big screen comedy about 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111657 Vampires, Family, Fantasy 2012 91min. five couples whose intertwined lives are turned upside down E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 by the challenges of impending parenthood. Over the moon about starting a family, TV fitness guru Jules and dance show Young Pioneers’ Christmas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111621 star Evan find that their high-octane celebrity lives don’t stand a chance against the surprise demands of pregnancy. Linda Purl, Robert Hays Baby-crazy author and advocate Wendy gets a taste of her A group of neighbors stick together through thick and thin on A Very Mary Christmas own militant mommy advice when pregnancy hormones ravage the Dakota plains and gather for the most memorable of all Elliott Gould, Cybill Shepherd, Cloris her body; while Wendy’s husband, Gary, struggles not to be Christmas celebrations. Includes bonus CD, „Christmas at the Leachman, Lainie Kazan, Olesya Rulin, outdone by his competitive alpha-Dad, who’s expecting twins Fireside“. with his much younger trophy wife, Skyler. Photographer TV Movies, Western, Christmas, Drama, Fred Willard, Gene Simmons Holly is prepared to travel the globe to adopt a child, but her A pregnant teen named Mary runs away from her unsupportive husband Alex isn’t so sure, and tries to quiet his panic by Holidays 1976 91min. mother and finds help along the way from an eccentric cast of attending a „dudes“ support group, where new fathers get to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment characters. tell it like it really is. And rival food truck chefs Rosie and 25.09.2012 Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays 97min. Marco’s surprise hook-up results in an unexpecte 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111747 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Comedy, Drama, Romance 2012 110min. 25.09.2012 Lionsgate 11.09.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111638 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111674

We Have A Pope What To Expect When You’re Music Nanni Moretti, Jerzy Stuhr, Michel Piccoli Expecting (DVD + Digital Copy) Actor/director Nanni Moretti (Quiet Chaos) joins forces with Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Jennifer Abba: Music Masters Collection legendary French actor Michel Piccoli (Contempt) to tell the Experience Abba’s extraordinary journey, with these story of Cardinal Melville, an unassuming man of the cloth Lopez, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick, indispensable DVD’s, and take a look beyond the glitz and the who suddenly finds himself elected as the next Pope. Caught Brooklyn Decker, Chris Rock, Rodrigo glamour, and into the heart of what made Abba so special. Two off guard and unwilling to take the job, Melville panics as the Santoro, Rob Huebel, Matthew Morrison, publicists for the band John Tobler and Jeff Rose give unique faithful wait for the new Pope’s appearance in St. Peter’s insights into what it was like working with the Super group. Square. To prevent a worldwide crisis, the Vatican calls in an Chace Crawford The DVD’s features also include rarely seen archive footage, unlikely psychiatrist (Moretti) to find out what is wrong with Inspired by the perennial New York Times bestseller of the of the band performing their greatest tunes. Melville and get him to take the position. While the world same name and the first book in a series that has sold over 35 Synth Pop, Documentary, Music 2012 nervously waits outside, inside the therapist works million copies worldwide, What To Expect When You’re desperately with Melville to rid him of his fears and reaffirm Expecting is a hilarious and heartfelt big screen comedy about 240min. his duty to God. A marvelous insight into the man responsible five couples whose intertwined lives are turned upside down E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 for being God’s representative on Earth, We Have A Pope is by the challenges of impending parenthood. Over the moon 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111579 both wonderfully humorous and deeply touching. about starting a family, TV fitness guru Jules and dance show Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Drama, star Evan find that their high-octane celebrity lives don’t stand a chance against the surprise demands of pregnancy. Baryshikov’s Nutcracker (Blu-ray) Foreign, Italian 2011 102min. Baby-crazy author and advocate Wendy gets a taste of her MPI 11.09.2012 own militant mommy advice when pregnancy hormones ravage Gelsey Kirkland, Mikhail Baryshnikov her body; while Wendy’s husband, Gary, struggles not to be In going back to the original master tape and using cutting 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111791 outdone by his competitive alpha-Dad, who’s expecting twins edge encoding technology we are able to maximize the quality with his much younger trophy wife, Skyler. Photographer of this new presentation of The Nutcracker in High Definition. Webster: 20 Timeless Episodes Holly is prepared to travel the globe to adopt a child, but her The Nutcracker is Mikhail Baryshnikov’s breathtaking and husband Alex isn’t so sure, and tries to quiet his panic by critically acclaimed Emmy® nominated production. This Susan Clark, Alex Karras, Emmanuel Lewis attending a „dudes“ support group, where new fathers get to spectacular performance is danced by the magnificent team of The lives of a retired football player (Alex Karras) and his tell it like it really is. And rival food truck chefs Rosie and Baryshnikov, one of the greatest classical dancers of our wife (Susan Clark) are suddenly disrupted when a cute Marco’s surprise hook-up results in an unexpecte time, and Gelsey Kirkland, both showcased at the peak of orphaned son of a former teammate named Webster (Emmanuel Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 110min. their careers, with members of the American Ballet Theatre. Lewis) moves into their household. Lionsgate 11.09.2012 The Nutcracker is the magical story of a small girl’s dream on ABC, Comedy, Family min. Christmas Eve. Mikhail Baryshnikov is the toy Nutcracker- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111647 turned-Prince in this exhilarating production that marked his Shout Factory 09.10.2012 initial and universally acclaimed choreographic effort. Gelsey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111655 Kirkland is little Clara, the dreamer, and Alexander Minz is Whitney: Season One Drosselmeyer, the wizard who conjures up the dream and Weird-Noir Whitney Cummings eventually dispels it. Extravagant sets and costumes bring the Comedy, NBC 2011 min. beauty of this winter wonderland to life. The magical aspects Beverly Garland, Jacques Bergerac, Mala will delight children, while the spectacular sets and Universal Studios 09.10.2012 Powers, Jeanne Rainer performances will enchant and delight the child A hootchy-kootchy whodunit set at a small seedy carnival 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111682 Christmas, Holidays, Music, Performing where a reporter tries to discover who killed his boss while Arts, Ballet 78min. his girlfriend inexplicably joins the burlesque show! Pure Winning Favor Kultur 25.09.2012 carny-noir. When a woman is left with a corrupt Judge as collateral for a speeding ticket (say what?!), a Good Two boys, who grew up playing basketball together in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111798 Samaritan bails her out... then holds her prisoner as a future driveways and tournaments, go on to compete at rival high sex slave in this utterly off-kilter, truly weird Weird-Noir. A schools. In an unusual event for a small town, both high Kate Bush: The Only Girl In The preacher with amnesia and the power to heal quickly plunges schools simultaneously produce two state boys basketball into the gutter when his ex-girlfriend-with-a-grudge shows up championship teams. World Sports, Basketball, Drama, Family, High to blackmail him in this marvelous pulp mix of sex, revenge, Kate Bush and outright obsession! Accused of killing a woman on a train, School 2011 70min. Sharon Carlin runs home to find another corpse there too! Hot Across almost 35 years of making music Kate Bush has shot teen Sonny Martin stops to help the victim of an auto E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 composed and recorded many of the finest songs to have accident but quickly realizes he’s stepped into a murder in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111610 emerged during that period. And while the girl from Bromley is progress. After the abusive husband of cult fave Beverly a reluctant performer she remains one of the finest female Garland disappears, you’d think she’d celebrate. Instead, she vocalists of all time. The film reviews the career of Kate Bush tries to find the bum and, as expected, things get worse. Yancy Derringer: The Complete from her childhood through to her most recent releases and in so doing reveals more about the lady in question than has Mystery, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Horror Series previously been revealed. 447min. Frances Bergen, Jock Mahoney, Kevin Ha- Alternative, Art Rock, Biography, Image Ent. 25.09.2012 gen Documentary, Music, Progressive Rock 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111570 The great Jock Mahoney is Yancy Derringer in this thrilling 2012 75min. adventure series set in a backdrop of New Orleans and the Mississippi River in the years following the Civil War. On E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 What To Expect When You’re the surface Derringer is a Southern aristocrat addicted to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111584 Expecting (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) gambling, but in reality he is a secret agent authorized to help maintain law and order and justice in the city by any means (Blu-ray) necessary. His constant companion is Pahoo-Ka-Ta-Wah (X John Cage: Musicircus Brands), a fierce Pawnee Indian who communicates with Following John Cage’s death in 1992, Cage champions John Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Jennifer Yancy only by hand gestures. Yancy’s weapons of choice are Kennedy and Charles Wood of new music ensemble Essential Lopez, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick, a Sharp’s four-barrel Derringer carried in his hat, another in Music organized a 3.5 hour Musicircus in New York’s Brooklyn Decker, Chris Rock, Rodrigo his vest pocket and a rapier in his cane. As Yancy and Pahoo Symphony Space. Musicircus is a score which Cage had make their way through the gambling casinos, riverboats and created to organize simultaneous performances of different Santoro, Rob Huebel, Matthew Morrison, picturesque streets of New Orleans, they cross paths with music. Kennedy and Wood ‘s Musicircus consists solely of

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Cage’s music - 53 Cage compositions in a magical One Direction: The Only Way Is performance by 77 of the best Cage specialists. Recorded by Mode and filmed by Henning Lohner, it is being released for Up Spooky Tooth: The Lost the first time and in its entirety. This deluxe 5-DVD set also Broadcasts contains Lohner’s other Cage related films, released Teen Pop, Unauthorized Biographies, commercially for the first time. Documentary, Music, Pop Music min. Music 2012 31min. Instrumental, Music 2012 510min. E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111622 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111603 163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111599 Pagliacci The U2 Phenomenon: For The Billy Cobham: Live In Leverkusen Placido Domingo, Leonard Slatkin Record The Independent Review In 2010, Leverkusen Jazz Festival (Germany) once more Leoncavallo’s often-performed short opera uses the play- This is the powerful story of the secrets behind the U2 proved to be the Mecca for a huge number of Jazz fans who within-a play device to explore the classic operatic themes of phenomenon. Experience the rollercoaster ride to fame which had the luck of experiencing the legendary drummer Billy passion, adultery, jealousy and revenge. The great tenor aria, transformed Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullin Cobham in a sold-out live concert. This DVD showcases what Vesti la giubba, expresses the anguish of the cuckolded from unknowns to international superstars. Discover the definitely is one of his best concerts of his amazing career. husband who, as a performing clown, must make others laugh hidden keys to the music on an amazing journey through the Concerts, Jazz, Music 2010 70min. even as his heart is breaking. Zeffirelli’s production is set in highs and lows of the U2 story including the international hits E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 a contemporary urban environment, with fire eaters, children, „Sunday Bloody Sunday,“ „Vertigo,“ „With or Without You“ and animals, jugglers and acrobats. Plácido Domingo, showing more... 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111582 that he is arguably the finest actor-tenor of our time, gives a definitive performance as Canio. Recorded live at the John F Documentary, Music 2012 60min. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Opera House in E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 In The Footsteps Of Mahler November 1997. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111604 Mahler was a visionary composer whose work foreshadowed Music, Opera, Performing Arts 1997 79min. 20th-century Modernism. He was part of a group of renowned Austrian artists that included Klimt and Schoenberg. Mahler’s Kultur 25.09.2012 story, from his native village in what is now the Czech 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111773 Republic, over the Tyrolean Mountains and into Vienna’s opera houses, is told through the photos of his family album. Special Interest His daughter, Marina Mahler-Fistullari leafs through the Pa’s Fiddle: The Music Of photographs and tells the stories that lay behind them. Here, America the full depth and breadth of the musician and his work are 13 Families: Life After Columbine revealed. Little House on the Prairie. holds in its pages a comprehensive review of 19th-century American folk music The shootings at Columbine High School on April 20th 1999 Classical Music, Documentary, Music via the very real character of Charles „Pa“ Ingalls (1836- ended thirteen lives and shattered countless others. But while 52min. 1902), a highly acclaimed fiddler of the time and Laura’s own the tragic events of that day were well documented, the Kultur 25.09.2012 non-fictional father. For the first time, in January 2012, a stories of the families who lost loved ones and struggled to concert based on this music was performed before a live build new lives have yet to be told. Bound forever by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111771 audience at the Loveless Barn just outside of Nashville, TN unimaginable circumstances, these thirteen families lived for broadcast by the PBS television network. Pa’s Fiddle: The through the same tragedy, yet each has dealt with the In The Footsteps Of Offenbach Music Of America, the PBS special broadcast, will air aftermath in their own way... and each has a different story of throughout the nation this June during pledge-drive season how their lives have changed. 13 Families. What happened to Light operetta, farce and entertainment are all synonymous and will be available for national broadcast over the next two the Columbine families could happen to anyone, and perhaps with Jacques Offenbach. French Can-Can is practically his years. The DVD release contains 14 performances with a that’s why the event had such an impact on the nation and the theme song. And yet Offenbach himself never saw the Can- bonus features including a performance from Natalie Grant, world. What the film demonstrates is how ordinary individuals Can danced! What story lies behind this unique composer. notes on Pa’s Fiddle Music from Dale Cockrell, and the video can be confronted with a sudden and devastating loss yet find Musicologist and conductor Jean-Christophe Keck follows short Little House on the Prairie: Legacy of Laura Ingalls the strength to move forward. In addition, the film touches on Offenbach’s ambitious journey across Europe’s theatres and Wilder. An effort co-produced by Dean Butler (Almanzo on the the issues of gun control, school violence, and the painful into the hearts of 19th-century audiences. Keck shows how Little House on the Prairie TV show) and esteemed reality that tragedies like Columbine and Virginia Tech Offenbach established himself as a comedy genius, and also musicologist Dale Cockrell (President of Pa’s Fiddle continue to plague our nation. how the frothy frills hide a great opera composer. Recordings), Pa’s Fiddle: The Music Of America. finest of Tragedies, Documentary 82min. Classical Music, Documentary, Music min. today’s acoustic music Osiris Entertainment 07.08.2012 Kultur 25.09.2012 Concerts, Folk, Music 2012 78min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111792 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111772 Naxos 31.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111736 Bizarre Foods: America Just Around The Corner Andrew Zimmern Michael J. Fox, Vincent Pastore, Danny Play Beck Documentary 645min. Clinch The 12th title in the series of instructional programs Gaiam Americas 16.10.2012 Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at 38 was quite a illustrating styles made recognizable by the world’s greatest blow to Bob Benjamin. But instead of letting the diagnosis take guitarists, this release focuses on the „guitarist’s guitarist“, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111662 him down, Bob chose a different path... He recruited his Jeff Beck. Geoffrey Arnold „Jeff“ Beck, one of three guitarists, friends - many of them musicians whom he had worked with in along with Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page, to have played with Curiosity: I, Caveman the past - to help him fight the disease. In 2000, Bob, Joe the Yardbirds, was ranked 5th in Rolling Stone’s ‘100 D’Urso, and concert promoter and former Asbury Juke Tony Greatest Guitarists of All Time’, and described as „one of the Morgan Spurlock Pallagrosi founded the New Jersey-based Light of Day most infl uential lead guitarists in rock.“ Inducted into the Were we better off as cavemen? Morgan Spurlock (Super Foundation, whose main source of fundraising comes from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, as member of the Yardbirds Size Me) joins nine ordinary men and women in an attempt to annual music festival that originated along the Jersey Shore and as a solo artist, his releases have spanned multiple survive in the wild using only stone-age technology. Cold, and has grown into a worldwide series of concerts, which has genres from heavy metal to jazz fusion. Max Milligan, Guitar dehydration, and hunger threaten to derail the experiment from raised over one million dollars for research. This film takes Institute (London) Instructor and Senior Examiner for Registry the start. you through Bob’s life. His story is accompanied by the music of Guitar Tutors (London College of Music) will show how to Discovery Channel, Reality 2011 225min. of many of the artists who have so generously donated their incorporate his techniques into your own style so you too will time and talent over the years in support of Bob and his fight be able to play like Beck! Discovery Channel 16.10.2012 for a cure. Guitar, Instructional, Music 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111661 Documentary, Music min. Artsmagic DVD 21.08.2012 Virgil Films And Entertainment 25.09.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111785 Jeff Dunham: Minding The Mon- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111641 sters The Smiths: Glorious Noise Jeff Dunham Lady Gaga: On The Edge Never was the pain of adolescence so vividly soundtracked Jeff Dunham’s Minding the Monsters bring together your Lady Gaga as it was by The Smiths during their brief tenure in the 1980s. favorites - Walter, Peanut, Bubba J, Josè Jalapeno... on a So hopelessly romantic and so utterly British, the song steek!, and Achmend The Dead Terrorist as you’ve never Documentary, Music, Pop Music 70min. writing partnership of Morrissey and Marr was almost too seen them before! Enter the ultimate haunted house where Millennium Entertainment 09.10.2012 perfect to exist for any length of time, as it entwined poetry Walter transforms into something grumpier than he already is! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111709 and melody with timeless brilliance. Glorious Noise is feature Watch Bubba J rise from the dead! Meet Peanut’s alter ego, length documentary film which reviews the entire career of the purple avenger of the night, and his spicy sidekick! And The Smiths. Beginning with their formation in Manchester in witness Achmed literally dressed to kill in an outfit that would Lady Gaga: On The Edge (Blu- the early 80s, and taking flight through their four pivotal terrify the most terrifying terrorist. The result is an all-new albums, their legendary live performances and their original live comedy event like no other, complete with each of ray) controversial behaviour, culminating in their abrupt demise, Jeff’s stage partners starring in their own horror movie Lady Gaga the film covers the full story of the finest British act of the trailer! Dunham’s „Arguing with Myself,“ „Spark of Insanity,“ past thirty years. „A Very Special Christmas Special“ and „Controlled Chaos“ Documentary, Music, Pop Music 70min. Documentary, Indie Rock, Music, New are among the most popular television specials and live tours Millennium Entertainment 09.10.2012 Wave 2012 88min. worldwide. „Minding the Monsters“ takes Dunham’s comedy to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111729 E1 Entertainment 11.09.2012 another level in a show that is so funny, it’s scary! Comedy, Comedy Central, Puppets 2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111602

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80min. Five educational holiday features that teach the meaning of the midst of a fight not only for their jobs but the future of the gifts, the history of Christmas trees and the importance of American rail car industry. The Last Pullman Car traces 100 Comedy Central 09.10.2012 Bethlehem. Includes 20 bonus audio tracks from „The Meaning years in the history of this unique company that grappled with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111708 of Christmas“. Dear Santa Don’t Forget The Baby Jesus The government, union and corporate policies. Christmas Tree The First Christmas Oh Little Town of Bethle- Transportation, Documentary 1983 56min. hem Facets Video 25.09.2012 Jeff Dunham: Minding The Mon- Christmas, Documentary, Family, Holidays, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111713 sters (Blu-ray) Religion/Spirituality 52min. Jeff Dunham Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jeff Dunham’s Minding the Monsters bring together your 25.09.2012 Monsters, Maniacs & Phantoms... favorites - Walter, Peanut, Bubba J, Josè Jalapeno... on a Oh The Horror! steek!, and Achmend The Dead Terrorist as you’ve never 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111755 seen them before! Enter the ultimate haunted house where Christopher Lee Walter transforms into something grumpier than he already is! Hopper’s Silence This frightfully fascinating series looks at the history of Watch Bubba J rise from the dead! Meet Peanut’s alter ego, Monsters, Maniacs and Phantoms in the movies, using clips the purple avenger of the night, and his spicy sidekick! And One of the most recognizable works of American art, Edward from hundreds of classic horror titles. Hosted by Christopher witness Achmed literally dressed to kill in an outfit that would Hopper’s painting Nighthawks at the Diner encapsulates the Lee. terrify the most terrifying terrorist. The result is an all-new alienation and loneliness of the modern urban milieu. His Documentary, Film About Film, Ghosts, Hor- original live comedy event like no other, complete with each of haunting, enigmatic paintings are defined by a hard-edged Jeff’s stage partners starring in their own horror movie realism and the presence of isolated figures alone in their ror, Monsters 2006 301min. trailer! Dunham’s „Arguing with Myself,“ „Spark of Insanity,“ thoughts. In life, Hopper was notoriously taciturn and seldom E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 „A Very Special Christmas Special“ and „Controlled Chaos“ gave interviews or appeared in public. Director Brian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111608 are among the most popular television specials and live tours O’Doherty, who knew Hopper and his wife, Jo, offers a rare worldwide. „Minding the Monsters“ takes Dunham’s comedy to documentary portrait of this aloof artist that is astute and another level in a show that is so funny, it’s scary! revealing. O’Doherty compares the paintings to the locations Mythbusters: Collection 8 that inspired them to suggest the connection between style Comedy, Comedy Central, Puppets 2012 and subject. Plus, Hopper and Jo are shown in footage from Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage 80min. an old television interview, in which the painter is one step Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are special effects experts Comedy Central 09.10.2012 this side of mute. Jo often answers for him, a telling detail that who will stop at nothing to find the truth. Using modern day says much about their relationship. The film’s subtle science, they put everyday myths and urban legends to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111728 combination of observation and interview footage contains a test to determine what’s busted...and what’s confirmed. surprising amount of insight and information. Urban Legends, Discovery Channel, The End Of Illness With Dr. David Documentary 1981 47min. Documentary, Educational 440min. Agus Facets Video 25.09.2012 Discovery Channel 16.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111712 Documentary, Health 2012 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111660 E1 Entertainment 25.09.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111615 IMAX: Chronos National Geographic Classics: A stunning visual symphony in seven movements, Chronos embarks on a spellbinding and unprecedented cinematic Sharks Girls Gone Wild: Campus Orgy journey across the world of natural beauty and manmade National Geographic reveals the awesome power, spectacular What do hot friends, sexy strangers and college roommates monuments, exploring the very essence of time. A milestone in beauty, and remarkable behaviors of one of the world’s most have in common? They all have secret desires to kiss, wiggle the history of giant screen films, Chronos imparts a unique revered - and feared - predators in the world in these five and grind on each other. Craving each other’s lips and bodies vision of our planet - the first non-verbal, non-fiction motion classic specials. Witness never-before-seen great white and giving in to their wildest dreams. Whether it’s hot sorority picture filmed in time-lapse photography, scored with exotic shark behavior, watch the incredible long distance migratory sisters or groups of untamed co-eds, once these girls get instrumentation in a multi-channel Surround soundtrack. patterns of hammerhead sharks, and join experts as they together it’s an all out free for all in Girls Gone Wild: Campus Prepare to travel through history in the ultimate home theater journey to deep underwater realms to study and understand Orgy! experience that may just change the way you look at the world these often misunderstood creatures. Programs include Great Girls Gone Wild min. and our place in it. White Shark: Truth Behind the Legend, Journey to Shark Adventure, Documentary, IMAX 43min. Eden, Shark Island, Shark Encounters, and Shark Super- GGW Brands, LLC. 04.09.2012 Image Ent. 04.09.2012 highway. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111666 Documentary, National Geographic, Sharks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111548 274min. Girls Gone Wild: Freshmen Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.10.2012 IMAX: Chronos (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111656 Foreplay A stunning visual symphony in seven movements, Chronos Hot and horny; young, beautiful Freshmen invade college embarks on a spellbinding and unprecedented cinematic campuses from across America! They come to learn, they journey across the world of natural beauty and manmade National Geographic: The come to study and they come to show off their perfect bodies. monuments, exploring the very essence of time. A milestone in Watch as these hot girls teach each other how to cram for the history of giant screen films, Chronos imparts a unique Unlikely Leopard tests naked, showing off mad skills in bed and ace their vision of our planet - the first non-verbal, non-fiction motion From acclaimed filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert, The sexual exams in Girls Gone Wild: Freshmen Foreplay! picture filmed in time-lapse photography, scored with exotic Unlikely Leopard is the coming of age story of a young male Girls Gone Wild min. instrumentation in a multi-channel Surround soundtrack. leopard with a distinct personality. Join National Geographic Prepare to travel through history in the ultimate home theater as we follow this leopard through his life stages...from clumsy GGW Brands, LLC. 04.09.2012 experience that may just change the way you look at the world cub and stubborn teenager to independent adult. Get an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111665 and our place in it. extraordinary, up-close view into this leopard’s life from when Documentary, IMAX, Adventure 43min. he is a few weeks old to when he has to move away from his mother and off into the wide world, living on his instinct and The Great Detectives Image Ent. 04.09.2012 adapting to his oversized paws and lack of experience. Everyone loves a good murder mystery, and when discussing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111563 Documentary, National Geographic 45min. good thrillers, two names that always come up are Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes. A golden child of the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 23.10.2012 Edwardian era who captivated all those who encountered her, The Imposter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111689 few could have guessed that there was a darker side to this In 1994 a 13-year-old boy disappears from most English of roses, and that crime, most notably murder, San Antonio, Texas. Three and a half years later he is found would indelibly write Agatha Christie’s name in the pages of alive, thousands of miles away in a village in southern Spain National Geographic: Ultimate history. This documentary will explore the mystery that is with a story of kidnap and torture. His family is overjoyed to Predators Agatha Christie and follow the clues left in the legacy of her bring him home. But all is not quite as it seems. The boy bears writing to reveal this extraordinary author and extremely many of the same distinguishing marks he always had, but why It can happen in a flash. An ambush you never see coming. private person. Join super sleuth & expert presenter Mark does he now have a strange accent? Why does he look so Hikers are easy prey for hungry mountain lions. A chimp cuts Conroy on a tour of the most famous sites in London which different? And why doesn’t the family seem to notice these loose on an unsuspecting woman. Buffalo snap and impale have been immortalized through the legendary stories of glaring inconsistencies? It’s only when an investigator starts pursuing hunters. National Geographic explores what defines Sherlock Holmes. On tour, we examine the famous links and asking questions that this strange tale takes an even stranger the stealthy, fierce ultimate predators and reveals an up-close locations within the Sherlock stories to the deadly Moriarty turn. look at their arsenal of deadly weapons. Programs include and the criminal underworld of the Victorian age ? which bring Documentary, Kidnapping, Mystery 95min. Chimp Attack, Death by Dragon, and Animal Assassins. Documentary, National Geographic 135min. to life the world’s most renowned and acclaimed fi ctional Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.10.2012 detective. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111652 Biography, Detectives, Documentary, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111668 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes 134min. The Last Pullman Car Never Surrender ADA 21.08.2012 In 1864, George Pullman began selling his famous railroad Mike Huckabee, Oliver North 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111788 sleeping cars, which helped him build a vast industrial empire that was supposed to last forever. A model of the modern War, Americana, Documentary, Military, employer, Pullman had constructed a self-sustaining village Politics, Special Forces 2012 55min. Holiday Collector’s Set Volume for his workers just outside Chicago, with its own school, sewage system, and public works. However, nothing lasts CAV 11.09.2012 16 (Bonus CD) forever, and by 1981, Pullman workers found themselves in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111642

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Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min. biggest and baddest competition in WWE, becoming the youngest WWE Champion of all time and a household name Paranormal Challenge: Season Kultur 25.09.2012 virtually overnight. His awe-inspiring physique, amateur One 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111775 championship pedigree and affinity for punishing opponents made him an unstoppable force in the ring. Now, after years of Zak Bagans dominating the MMA scene, Brock is back and looking to Two teams. One night. One haunted location. One winner. Two Surviving Progress steamroll the biggest Superstars of today. This rerelease of handpicked teams of amateur ghost hunters to spend the night David Suzuki, Jane Goodall, Stephen the 2003 DVD, Here Comes the Pain, includes the original locked down in notorious locations. The contest will pit the documentary that chronicles Brock’s meteoric rise to fame, as two teams paranormal skills against each other to find out who Hawking, Craig Venter well as six hours of additional matches not included on the comes out on top. After a night of collecting evidence, the Technological advancement, economic development, original DVD! Plus, hear Brock’s controversial comments teams present their findings to Zak and a panel of nationally population increase - are they signs of a thriving society? Or upon his return to sport entertainment! . Fans can experience recognized paranormal experts. too much of a good thing? Executive Produced by Martin classic matches against Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Rey Scorsese, this provocative documentary explores the concept Mysterio, Randy Orton and many more! Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Mystery, Reality, of progress in our modern world, guiding us through the major Science Fiction 2011 516min. „progress traps“ facing our civilization in the arenas of Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 Gaiam Americas 02.10.2012 technology, economics, consumption, and the environment. 540min. Featuring powerful arguments from such visionaries as Jane WWE Home Video 30.10.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111644 Goodall, Margaret Atwood and Stephen Hawking, this enlightening and visually spectacular film invites us to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111692 Pink Ribbons, Inc. contemplate the progress traps that destroyed past civilizations and that lie treacherously embedded in our own. WWE: Brock Lesnar (Blu-ray) Pink ribbons...they’re everywhere: tee-shirts, hats, yogurt Technology, Documentary 2011 86min. cups, KFC buckets, car ads, NFL stadiums...the list goes on Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena, Randy First Run Features 25.09.2012 and on. They make us feel good, as if we’re all engaged in a Orton, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Big Show, successful battle against breast cancer. But who is really 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111575 benefiting? After all, more and more women are diagnosed Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy with breast cancer every year. Maybe it’s the companies who The night after WrestleMania XXVIII, Brock Lesnar made a wrap their products in pink to gain our admiration (and Through The Wormhole With shocking return to the ring and leveled John Cena with an F- money)... and wouldn’t it be something if some of the very 5, sending a message that after eight years, the pain is back! companies that profit from their pink marketing campaigns Morgan Freeman: Season 3 In 2002 and 2003, „The Next Big Thing“ brought it to the have actually contributed to the breast cancer epidemic by Morgan Freeman biggest and baddest competition in WWE, becoming the selling known carcinogens? Pink Ribbons, Inc.. Explore the edges of space and time with Morgan Freeman as youngest WWE Champion of all time and a household name Documentary 2011 98min. your guide in Through The Wormhole. Ten thought-provoking virtually overnight. His awe-inspiring physique, amateur First Run Features 25.09.2012 episodes comprise Season Three. You will hold in your hand championship pedigree and affinity for punishing opponents answers to some of the world’s greatest mysteries. Until you made him an unstoppable force in the ring. Now, after years of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111576 travel Through The Wormhole, you will never know what dominating the MMA scene, Brock is back and looking to waits on the other side. steamroll the biggest Superstars of today. This rerelease of the 2003 DVD, Here Comes the Pain, includes the original Railways Of The Netherlands Documentary, Educational, Science 445min. documentary that chronicles Brock’s meteoric rise to fame, as As the turn of the century approached, railways of the Gaiam Americas 23.10.2012 well as six hours of additional matches not included on the Netherlands were in a state of transition. Older types of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111686 original DVD! Plus, hear Brock’s controversial comments locomotives such as the elderly „Blue Angel“ were fast upon his return to sport entertainment! . Fans can experience disappearing to be replaced by the ultramodern multiple unit classic matches against Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Rey trains. This program shows, in great detail, the international Tikal And The Maya Gods Mysterio, Randy Orton and many more! long and short distance trains to countries such as Germany, Over 3000 years ago the Maya emerged from the mists of Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 Belgium, Italy and many more. The Netherlands may be fl at history and created a civilization which lasted six times as 540min. but the many waterways and scenic features from all across long as the Roman Empire. Between 750 and 900 A.D. these the country featured in the program, add character to make people abandoned their cities, apparently without reason. The WWE Home Video 30.10.2012 this release a true Dutch experience. disappearance of the Maya is as mysterious as their rapid 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111723 Transportation, Documentary 60min. rise from nowhere. Yet the veil surrounding these people is Artsmagic DVD 21.08.2012 gradually being lifted. A small group of scientists is currently WWE: CM Punk - Best In The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111789 decoding, character by character, the missives of this jungle people. The research scientists are constantly discovering World ever more amazing and fascinating facts about a culture which Paul Rodriguez: Just For The we normally only associate with inhospitable temple pyramids CM Punk and cruel blood sacrifices. On June 27, 2011, CM Punk forever altered the course of Record Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary, Reli- WWE history with a blistering rant, proclaiming, „Day in and day out for almost six years I have proven to everybody in the Paul Rodriguez gion/Spirituality 55min. world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even One of the most popular comics of our time is back and better Kultur 25.09.2012 on commentary. Nobody can touch me!“ Since riding into the than ever - Just For The Record! Paul Rodriguez’s first one- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111774 scene as an extra in John Cena’s entrance at WrestleMania man show tells the hilarious true story of Paul’s childhood 22 to defending the WWE Title in main events all over the moving from Mexico to the untamed wilds of Fresno and world in recent years, the „Voice of the Voiceless“ has Compton, California and his journey to comedy stardom - with Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse backed up that statement. Now, WWE fans get an advice along the way about staying out of gangs by living on a unprecedented look inside the life and career of the most street with a wussy name, picking the baddest Schwinn Katt Williams controversial Superstar of this generation. The first-ever bicycle in the store, almost becoming a lawyer and providing Katt Williams ushers in Kattpacalypse, exploding with more documentary to focus on CM Punk traces his rise to the top of unexpected racial diversity for his football team. Don’t miss energy than an atomic bomb and riffing on everything from WWE, from his early success on ECW, his divisive the star of the hit show Mis Videos Locos in this once-in-a- Doomsday to Obama. Katt Williams has been the best selling perpetuating of the Straight Edge subculture, to becoming lifetime laugh riot! urban comic in the last 10 years and proved to have explosive internationally revered as the best wrestler in the world, and Comedy 2011 83min. sales across all platforms from DVD to tours. all the five star matches and verbal „pipe bombs“ in between. Image Ent. 25.09.2012 Comedy 2012 60min. The production is packed with new interviews and E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 commentary from Punk himself, as he takes the viewer inside 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111567 his day-to-day life. Plus, relive the signature matches that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111607 have punctuated Runaway Slave Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE, Glenn Beck Witches, Demons & Mutants... Oh Documentary 540min. African Americans, Documentary, Politics The Horror! WWE Home Video 09.10.2012 2011 113min. Christopher Lee 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111654 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.10.2012 This frightfully fascinating series looks at the history of Witches, Demons and Mutants in the movies, using clips from WWE: CM Punk - Best In The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111696 hundreds of classic horror titles. Hosted by Christopher Lee. Devils And Demons, Documentary, Film World (Blu-ray) Southern India And The Dance Of About Film, Horror 2006 302min. CM Punk The Gods E1 Entertainment 18.09.2012 On June 27, 2011, CM Punk forever altered the course of WWE history with a blistering rant, proclaiming, „Day in and In Kumbakonom, according to an ancient myth, the world 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111611 day out for almost six years I have proven to everybody in the evolved from a „kumba“, a vessel. The city in the south of world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even India claims to be the navel of the world, which, according to WWE: Brock Lesnar on commentary. Nobody can touch me!“ Since riding into the the Hindu creed, is actually the sacred city of Benares. This scene as an extra in John Cena’s entrance at WrestleMania is one of the numerous contradictions which are a particular Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena, Randy 22 to defending the WWE Title in main events all over the characteristic of the south of India, where myths, religious Orton, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Big Show, world in recent years, the „Voice of the Voiceless“ has traditions and everyday life are entwined in what appears to backed up that statement. Now, WWE fans get an be a hopelessly tangled web. Yet, in fact, everything does Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy unprecedented look inside the life and career of the most have an inner Indian logic, a cohesion derived and based on The night after WrestleMania XXVIII, Brock Lesnar made a controversial Superstar of this generation. The first-ever thousand-year-old stories of the gods and their worlds. This shocking return to the ring and leveled John Cena with an F- documentary to focus on CM Punk traces his rise to the top of background explains the mysterious temple and also the fate 5, sending a message that after eight years, the pain is back! WWE, from his early success on ECW, his divisive of an old woman, who dedicated her life to the gods. In 2002 and 2003, „The Next Big Thing“ brought it to the perpetuating of the Straight Edge subculture, to becoming

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 45 Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) Juli 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA internationally revered as the best wrestler in the world, and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111663 all the five star matches and verbal „pipe bombs“ in between. The production is packed with new interviews and commentary from Punk himself, as he takes the viewer inside WWE: Superstar Collection - Rey his day-to-day life. Plus, relive the signature matches that Mysterio have punctuated Telefonische Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Rey Mysterio Bestellannahme: WWE 540min. Rey Mysterio is WWE’s preeminent giant- killer. Staring up at nearly all of his competition, what he lacks in size he Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE Home Video 09.10.2012 makes up tenfold in heart and determination. With an innovati- Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111676 ve offensive attack highlighted by the gravity-defying 619, this ultimate underdog has proven time and time again why he is Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr pound-for-pound one of the most accomplished Superstars of Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE: Night Of The Champions all time. This special collection from WWE compiles the best 2012 edge-of-your-seat action from the masked Superstar including his record setting bout vs JBL, high flying classics against Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- CM Punk, The Miz, Beth Phoenix, Kane, CM Punk, Chris Jericho and more! und Feiertags (Baden- John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE, Württemberg) bleibt unser Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Documentary 90min. Verkauf geschlossen. Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Santino WWE Home Video 16.10.2012 Marella 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111672 It’s the one night when every championship in WWE is defended. Those who hold the WWE, World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, United States, Divas and WWE Tag Team WWE: Superstar Collection - Championships must all put their titles on the line against a Shawn Michaels hungry line up of challengers. Who will earn the right to be called a Champion on a night dedicated to championship Shawn Michaels glory? The top Superstars of Raw and SmackDown are all Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE, showcased with all of the richest prizes in sports entertainment up for grabs. Documentary 90min. Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 WWE Home Video 16.10.2012 180min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40111671 WWE Home Video 16.10.2012

Newsletter 12/12 (Nr. 316) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2012) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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