No online items Danny Thomas papers PASC.0356 Processed by Allison Park with assistance from Julie Graham; machine-readable finding aid created by Caroline Cubé. UCLA Library Special Collections Online finding aid last updated on 2019 September 10. Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
[email protected] URL: Danny Thomas papers PASC.0356 PASC.0356 1 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: UCLA Library Special Collections Title: Danny Thomas papers Creator: Thomas, Danny Identifier/Call Number: PASC.0356 Physical Description: 10.2 Linear Feet(20 boxes and 1 shoe box) Date (inclusive): 1953-1964, 1979 Abstract: Entertainer Danny Thomas is best remembered for his role in the television series Make Room for Daddy later known as the Danny Thomas Show. The collection consists primarily of script files documenting the popular television series Make Room for Daddy (1953-1956) and The Danny Thomas Show (1956-1964). Language of Material: Materials are in English. Stored off-site. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page. Conditions Governing Access Open for research. All requests to access special collections materials must be made in advance using the request button located on this page. Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use Property rights to the physical objects belong to UCLA Library Special Collections. All other rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.