EGNOS implementation status H2020 BlueGNSS Final meeting Katerina Strelcova, Aviation Market Development Innovation Officer, Project officer of H2020BlueGNSS project 18 July 2018 @ENAV, Table of Content

• GSA introduction • EGNOS implementation status • Airspace user capabilities • GSA support to foster EGNOS implementation

2 European GNSS Agency

Mission: Resourcing: Gateway to Services • Galileo & EGNOS Operations and Service Provision 160 21 Staff Nationalities • Market Development of the applications and the receivers Gatekeeper of security • Security Accreditation Prague, Cz Rep – HQ St. Germain en Laye, FR – GSMC • Operation of Galileo Security Swanwick, UK – GSMC (tbc) Monitoring Centre, governmental Torrejon, ES – GSC Noordwijk, NL – GRC service (PRS) activities Toulouse, FR – EGNOS Brussels, BE – COMM 4

1. How GSA fits in the EU structure he GSA: governance summary

Political Oversight Council and European Parliament

Programme Management European GNSS Programme Committee

EuropeanEuropean CommissionCommission

Delegation Delegation and assistance

European Space Agency Working Arrangement Administrative Board

Security Accreditation Board Market Development


GSMC operation

GNSS exploitation European Satellite Navigation Programmes

• Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) • Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) • Worldwide coverage • Continental coverage • 22 Satellites constellation today • Increased accuracy and integrity over GPS • Full Operational Capability by 2020 • Next version will augment Galileo


EGNOS Overview EGNOS Coverage

• SatelliteSoon augmenting Based Augmentation Galileo System as well!!! • Augments GPS L1 signal over ECAC region • Improves GPS performance, crucial for safety critical applications: ‒ Increases Accuracy ‒ Provides Integrity: measure of the trust on the navigation information (including System architecture alerts) • 3 services • Designed to meet the ICAO aviation requirements for all phases of flight and certified for the Civil Aviation use since 2011 • Supporting LPV200 service level -> SBAS CAT-I • Evolution: EGNOS V3: GPS+GAL, Dual- frequency

6 EGNOS implementation status

7 More than 500 EGNOS based procedures implemented as of today 551 EGNOS based procedures Plans by end 2018 > 500 additional EGNOS Apch at 298 PBN IR: All IREs with no PA by 2020

Check link: http://egnos-user- support.essp- 8 Operators flying with EGNOS today Over 45 operators in 18 countries approved and certified to fly LPV

No need for Specific approval anymore!

A320 with LPV capability by 2020

All major avionics manufacturers have EGNOS ready products available 9 Regulations in favour of EGNOS

• Global and European Air Navigation Strategy is moving to GNSS based solutions

o PBN IR (2018/x) Positive vote from Single Sky PBN IR publication July 2018

Committee on 14 June AMC/GM will follow

 PBN RNP APCH vertically guided (LNAV/VNAV and LPV) at all IREs with no PA by Dec 2020  PBN RNP APCH vertically guided (LNAV/VNAV and LPV)at all IREs with PA by Jan 2024

PBN RNP APCH vertically guided (LNAV/VNAV and LPV) at all IREs with PA by Jan 2024

• EASA Acceptable means of compliance and Guidance material (under development)

o REGULATION (EU) No 716/2014 (PCP):  PBN SIDs/STARs/Transitions (with RF leg) by 01/01/2024 -> RNP1  PBN RNP APCH vertically guided (LNAV/VNAV or LPV) at all 24+1 airports by 01/01/2024

• Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/539 (Crew training) & 2016/1199 (Air Ops) o 2016/539 PBN on regular training before 25/8/2020 o PBN as standard procedures for authorities and operators (vs previous SPA.) 10 Airspace user capabilities of BlueGNSS destinations

11 Examples of traffic at BlueGNSS airports

Larnaca – LCLK La Valetta – LMML airport – LIPB o 32619 arrivals / 573 with LPV SBAS o 27075 arrivals / 650 with LPV SBAS o 1266 arrivals / 288 with LPV SBAS capabilities capabilities (1.76%) in 2017 capabilities (2.40%) in 2017 (22.75%) in 2017 o Home based operators: o Home based operators: o Mainly Business operations . . o Operators flying there with LPV  Fleet Fokker 70 and  A319-100 and A320-200  capabilities/possibilities Fokker 100  No STC No STC . Austrian, with Dash8 Q400 (seasonal) . airways . Business Aviation Lamezia airport – LICA  Fleet A319-100  No  AirXMalta (Challenger, o 9602 arrivals / 47 with LPV SBAS capabilities STC legacy600,…)  LPV ready (0.49%) in 2017 . Cobalt air  Medaviat o Operators flying there with LPV  Fleet A319-100 and (Beechcraft1900D)  LPV capabilities/possibilities A320-200  No STC ready • Adria airways, with CRJ7 and CRJ9 o Other operators flying there with LPV o Other operators flying there with LPV • , with 737 legacy  STC capabilities/possibilities capabilities/possibilities available . Air Baltic is flying twice a week . Express Fleet, with CRJ9  • Aegean, with Dash8-Q400  STC with their SBAS enabled CS300 STC available available (summer season)  LPV ready! . Air Baltic is flying twice a week with • Austrian, with Dash8 Q400 (seasonal) their SBAS enabled CS300 (summer  STC available season)  LPV ready! • Helvetic airways, with E190  STC available

• Home based business aviation • High percentage of LPV traffic today • Low LPV capable traffic today traffic LPV capable (BA and GA) • Incentivise home based • Many visiting operators LPV • Many visiting operators with LPV operators to get equipped!! ready option/STC available on the12 market Examples of traffic at BlueGNSS airports

Thessaloniki airport – LGTS o 29043 arrivals / 286 with LPV SBAS capabilities (0.98%) in 2017 Mitilini airport – LGMT o o Home based operators: 3165 arrivals / 9 with LPV SBAS capabilities (0.28%) in 2017 o . Aegean Operators flying there with LPV capabilities/possibilities  A319-100, A320-200 and A321-200  No STC • Sky Express, with ATR42 and ATR72  STC available  Dash8-Q400  STC available • Blue air, with 737 legacy  STC available . Astra • Astra airlines, with ATR72  STC available  ATR42-300, ATR72-200  STC available . Ellinair Kos airport – LGKO o  B737-300  STC available 8894 arrivals / 53 with LPV SBAS capabilities (0.6%) o . Operators flying there with LPV capabilities/possibilities  ATR42-600 and Dash8-Q400  STC available • Sky Express, with ATR42 and ATR72  STC available . • Blue air, with 737 legacy  STC available  B737-800  No STC o Other operators flying there with LPV capabilities/possibilities Ionnina airport – LGIO o . Easyjet A320  LPV project ready by 2020 847 arrivals / 10 with LPV SBAS capabilities (1.18%) o . Sky Express, with ATR42 and ATR72  STC available Operators flying there with LPV capabilities/possibilities . TUI, with E190  STC available • Olympic air, with Dash8-Q400 . Astra airlines, with ATR72  STC available . TAROM, with ATR72  STC available . , with ATR72  STC available

• Home based and visiting traffic has LPV options • Many visiting operators with LPV option available! /STC available on the market • Greek airports have great potential with lots of turboprop traffic 13 EGNOS SoL Service Roadmap published

14 Opportunities: Aviation 3rd call for grants H2020

15 The Aviation Grant Programme has been the cornerstone of EGNOS adoption since 2014  € 12 Million €, 27 projects in 2 calls  more than 100 EGNOS based approach procedures  more than 15 operators equipped and certified for EGNOS based operations  STC for 5 aircraft types with a potential retrofit solution for more than 260 aircraft in EU  6 EGNOS enabled simulators  More than 20 EGNOS enabled PinS procedures for rotorcraft

16 The 3rd call was published on 12 February with an increased budget

Maximum budget allocated for EU financing under this call: EUR 10,000,000

Maximum EU financing rate of eligible costs: 60%

Deadline for submitting applications: 21 May 2018

Objective: Award a number of grants to foster EGNOS operational implementation for civil aviation in all market segments (Commercial, Regional Aviation, Business Aviation, General Aviation and rotorcraft) with a final aim to maximise EGNOS adoption and related operational and economic benefits.

Full call info:

17 3rd Call for proposal status


12 February 2018 1-8 June 2018 July-September 2018

21 May 2018 12-13 June 2018 October 2018

Grant Publication Deadline for Remote Central Signature of Agreement of the call applications Evaluation Evaluation contracts preparation

• Scrutiny • Receipt of • Evaluation of • Evaluation All Grant

proposals each Committee Agreements Evaluation proposal meeting • signed results sent • Eligibility – towards the admissibility defined • Ranking, to applicants

checks evaluation reserve, Initiation of criteria retain list • the Grant Agreements Preparation Opportunities: Aviation 3rd call for grants H2020

19 Funding opportunities: H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-2019

Type of Indicative Topic Funding rate Indirect costs Action budget (EUR mln) EGNSS applications fostering green, IA 10.00 safe and smart mobility 70% 25% of the total EGNSS applications fostering (except for non-profit eligible costs IA 4.00 digitisation legal entities, where excluding: a rate of 100% • Subcontracting EGNSS applications fostering • Costs of resources applies) rd IA societal resilience and protecting 4.00 made available by 3 parties the environment • Financial support to 3rd parties EGNSS awareness raising and CSA 2.00 100% capacity building Opening: 16 October 2018 TOTAL budget: 20.00 Deadline: 05 March 2019

IA: activities aimed at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services CSA: consisting of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, policy dialogues and studies 20 Funding opportunities: H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-2019

EGNSS applications EGNSS applications EGNSS applications fostering societal Awareness raising fostering green, safe fostering digitisation resilience & protecting and capacity building and smart mobility the environment Emergency and Secure financial EGNSS Aviation disaster transactions dissemination management

Surveying and Creation of Road Tracking solutions mapping networks

Efficient Maritime Augmented International reality Agriculture cooperation

Rail Timing & Commercial LBS Synchronisation

All info: 2020.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/H2020-SPACE-EGNSS-2019-2020/1/1/1/default-group&callStatus/t/Forthcoming/1/1/0/default- group&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0/default-group&+identifier/desc 21

Save the date for H2020 INFO DAY



Katerina Strelcova Aviation Market Development Innovation Officer European GNSS Agency [email protected]


Linking space to user needs

Get in touch:

GSA Facebook page GSA YouTube Channel

GSA LinkedIn Page GSA Newsletter GNSS Market, R&D GSA - @EU_GNSS EGNOS - @EGNOSPortal GSA Slideshare (presentations)

26 Future EGNSS with Galileo

DFMC ARAIM • Aviation DFMC Receiver prototype • Advanced RAIM is a concept that extends EDG2E project RAIM to other constellations beyond - the development of the new generation of GPS. certified aviation SBAS receiver, reaching  global integrity service based on multiple satellite maturity level required for flight tests and constellation contribute to develop EUROCAE MOPS  improve horizontal performance - Thales AVS; team includes ATR, Dassault  might enable aviation safety of life operations, Aviation and DGAC including approaches with vertical guidance - Phase 1: build a software prototype by (LPV200) globally Nov.2018, in iteration with EUROCAE MOPS  support artic navigation drafting;  - Phase 2: build a prototype at TRL7 and use it provide redundancy if SBAS is not working well for flight tests by May 2021 GLAD project - receivers prototype development by Rockwell Collins with Airbus, Pildo Labs and GMV 27 - 1 more under signature