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KeviKevinn EE.. CanteraCantera

A thesisthesis submittedsubmitted ttoo ththee facultfacultyy ofof TheThe UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah in partiapartiall fulfillmentfulfillment ooff ththee requirementrequirementss forfor ththee degreedegree of

MasterMaster ooff ArtsArts

DepartmentDepartment ofof HistoryHistory

TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah

DecemberDecember 20082008 CopyrightCopyright © KeviKevinn EE.. CanteraCantera 20082008



of a thesis submitted by

KevinE. Cantera

This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory.

W. Paul Reeve



To the Graduate (Council of theUniversity of Utah:

Kevin E. I have read the tthesis of Cantera in its fmal form and have found ·;that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) ills illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to Thle GraduateSchool.

Date Robert Goldberg Chair: Supervisory Committee

Approved for the Major Department

James Lehning � ChairlDean

Approved for the Graduate Council

cQ. �_- . David S. Chapman Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACABSTRACTT

IInn 1894,1894, JohJohnn HyruHyrumm KoylKoylee begabegann diggindiggingg ththee DreaDreamm Mine,Mine, oonn a mountaintomountaintopp inin centralcentral UtahUtah.. KoyleKoyle,, a MormoMormonn bishopbishop,, hahadd beebeenn showshownn wherwheree toto digdig,, hhee saidsaid,, bbyy Moroni,Moroni, ththee samesame heavenlheavenlyy messengemessengerr whwhoo hahadd leledd MormoMormonn foundefounderr JosephJoseph SmithSmith ttoo uneartunearthh thethe goldegoldenn platesplates.. MoronMoronii visitevisitedd KoylKoylee iinn a dreadreamm andand showedshowed hihimm ninninee enormousenormous cavernscaverns belobeloww ththee mountainmountain,, containingcontaining countlesscountless pilepiless ooff MoronMoronii toltoldd KoylKoylee thatthat ththee goldgold woulwouldd remairemainn hiddehiddenn inin ththee cavescaves untiuntill aann unspecifieunspecifiedd timtimee precedinprecedingg ththee SecondSecond ComingComing ooff JesuJesuss Christ.Christ. AtAt thathatt momenmomentt ooff chaoschaos,, KoylKoylee anandd hihiss followerfollowerss woulwouldd uneartunearthh ththee goldgold anandd itit woulwouldd supportsupport thethe financially-troublefinancially-troubledd MormoMormonn ChurchChurch througthroughh ththee LastLast Days.Days.

ThisThis thesithesiss investigateinvestigatess thethe naturenature ooff beliebelieff iinn ththee DreaDreamm MineMine,, whicwhichh remainsremains fervenferventt mormoree thathann 100100 yearyearss laterlater.. AlthougAlthoughh theitheirr dreamdreamss araree perpetuallperpetuallyy deferred,deferred, believerbelieverss tatapp intointo a ricrichh veiveinn ooff folklorefolklore thathatt runrunss througthroughh MormoMormonn cosmology.cosmology. OveOverr thethe paspastt thirtthirtyy yearsyears,, ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee hahass enableenabledd believerbelieverss ttoo maintaimaintainn a psychipsychicc linlinkk ttoo a magicamagicall pastpast,, aass theitheirr churcchurchh adaptadaptss ttoo a changingchanging,, modermodemn worldworld.. ThiThiss thesithesiss willwill consideconsiderr hohoww DreaDreamm MinMinee beliebelieff hahass evolveevolvedd inin a changingchanging economiceconomic,, politicalpolitical,, andand religioureligiouss landscapelandscape,, anandd demonstratdemonstratee thathatt ththee faithfufaithfull findfind sustenancsustenancee inin ththee MormoMormonn pastpast whilwhilee simultaneouslysimultaneously embracinembracingg modermodemn worldviewworldviewss thathatt extendextend beyonbeyondd mainstreammainstream





FirsFirstt Vision:: ThThee ReRedd HeifeHeiferr DreaDreamm ...... 9


SharinSharingg ththee DreamDream:: KoylKoylee GoeGoess PubliPublicc ...... 1818






IInn MaMayy 20072007,, a crowcrowdd assembledassembled inin ththee conventionconvention halhalll atat ththee veteransveterans'' centecenterr inin

SpanishSpanish ForkFork,, UtaUtahh forfor thethe RelieRelieff MinMinee Company'Company'ss annualannual stockholders'stockholders' meetingmeeting.. AnAn almostalmost festivefestive airair precedeprecededd ththee officialofficial meetingmeeting,, aass abouaboutt 100100 peoplpeoplee gathered,gathered, investorsinvestors inin ththee companycompany whwhoo hahadd comcornee ttoo heahearr ththee annualannual financiafinanciall reportreport oonn ththee 113-year-old113-year-old mininminingg venture.venture. ChatteChatterr anandd laughtelaughterr fillefilledd ththee hallhall;; conversationconversationss spransprangg uupp wherwheree theythey hahadd leftleft offoff atat ththee previoupreviouss year'year'ss stockholdersstockholders meetingmeeting.. ThThee majoritmajorityy ooff stockholdersstockholders werweree olderolder peoplpeoplee frofromm ththee surroundinsurroundingg areaarea,, ththee southsouth ofof UtaUtahh CountyCounty wherwheree thethe ReliefRelief

MinMinee iiss locatedlocated.. A handfuhandfull ofof stockholderstockholderss carnecame frofromm farthefartherr awayaway,, somesome fromfrom SaltSalt LakeLake

CityCity,, abouaboutt fiftyfifty milemiless ttoo ththee northnorth,, otherotherss frofromm neighborinneighboringg Idaho.Idaho. NearlNearlyy allall werewere membermemberss ooff ththee ChurcChurchh ooff JesuJesuss ChrisChristt ooff Latter-dayLatter-day Saints,Saints, oror MormonsMormons.. ManManyy broughtbrought childrechildrenn andand grandchildrengrandchildren,, somesome ooff whowhomm ranran betweebetweenn rowrowss ofof chairschairs,, playinplayingg tag.tag.

RelieRelieff MinMinee stock,stock, sincsincee becominbecomingg availablavailablee iinn 1909,1909, hahass becombecomee somethingsomething ofof a familyfamily heirloomheirloom,, passepassedd dowdownn frofromm ononee generatiogenerationn ttoo ththee nextnext,, andand ththee meetinmeetingg hahadd a distinctdistinct familfamilyy feel.feel. OnOnee familyfamily hahadd a tabltablee ooff bookbookss foforr sale,sale, includinincludingg anan eschatologicaleschatological historyhistory ooff ththee ReliefRelief MineMine.. A husbanhusbandd anandd wifwifee teateamm movemovedd abouaboutt ththee crowd,crowd, strikingstriking uupp friendlyfriendly conversationconversationss andand handinhandingg ououtt brochurebrochuress describindescribingg variouvariouss end-timeend-time propheciepropheciess andand 2 theirtheir imminenimminentt fulfillment.fulfillment. TwoTwo oldold friendfriendss reclinereclinedd inin foldinfoldingg chairschairs,, sunsun burntburnt inin theirtheir well-worwell-wornn jeanjeanss andand dustdustyy worworkk bootsboots,, swappingswapping propheciepropheciess aboutabout ththee LastLast DaysDays.. 11

DespitDespitee ththee cheerfucheerfull airair thathatt precedeprecededd it,it, ththee officialofficial meetinmeetingg wawass shortshort andand solemn.solemn. CompanyCompany secretarsecretaryy RaRayy KoyleKoyle,, a great-grandsogreat-grandsonn ofof ththee mamann whowho hahadd foundedfounded thethe minminee iinn 1894,1894, conductedconducted ththee businesbusinesss ofof ththee ItIt wawass a procesprocesss thathatt tootookk onlonlyy a fewfew minuteminutess becausbecausee ththee RelieRelieff MinMinee CoCo.. - knowknownn localllocallyy aass thethe "Dream"Dream MineMine"" - doesdoes littlelittle businessbusiness.. IInn fact,fact, ththee companycompany hahass dondonee nnoo actualactual mininminingg foforr overover foufourr decades;decades; iitt hashas fefeww operatinoperatingg expensesexpenses anandd bringbringss iinn onlonlyy a scanscantt incomeincome.. ThThee totatotall fixedfixed assetsassets ofof thethe

RelieRelieff MinMinee CoCo.. werweree jusjustt overover $3.$3.55 milliomillionn foforr 20062006,, accordingaccording ttoo Koyle'Koyle'ss revierevieww ooff thethe balancbalancee sheetsheet anandd profit-and-losprofit-and-Iosss statement.statement. TotaTotall nenett incomeincome forfor ththee yearyear waswas aboutabout

$41,00$41,0000 comincomingg largellargelyy frofromm rentrentss collectecollectedd onon propertpropertyy andand revenuerevenue fromfrom a smallsmall gravelgravel pitpit ththee businesbusinesss operatesoperates.. AfteAfterr hihiss quickquick accounting,accounting, RaRayy KoylKoylee callecalledd foforr ththee assemblyassembly ttoo praprayy anandd onon adjournmentadjournment askedasked "everyone"everyone gatheregatheredd herheree ttoo taktakee notenote ooff theitheirr feelingsfeelings abouaboutt thisthis projectproject.. Let'Let'ss focusfocus oonn nexnextt yearyear,, anandd wait.,,2wait."2

WaitinWaitingg iiss somethingsomething thathatt DreamDream MinMinee stockholderstockholderss havehave practicepracticedd repeatedlyrepeatedly.. InIn ththee nearlnearlyy 100100 yearyearss sincsincee ththee operatiooperationn wentwent publicpublic,, shareholdershareholderss havehave neveneverr receivereceivedd a dividenddividend.. DurinDuringg thathatt timtimee ththee minminee hahass neveneverr produceproducedd a significantsignificant profitprofit.. ThThee "Dream"Dream

MinersMiners"" havhavee neveneverr uneartheunearthedd a singlsinglee ouncouncee ooff valuablvaluablee ore.33

1 I TheThe MayMay 14,2007,14, 2007, meetingmeeting waswas openopen toto thethe publicpublic andand attendedattended bbyy thethe author,author, whowho tooktook notesnotes andand conducteconductedd a numbenumberr ofof spontaneous,spontaneous, casuacasuall conversationconversationss anandd interviewinterviewss witwithh attendeesattendees.. ThThee stocstockk waswas firsfirstt soldsold iinn 19091909 undeunderr ththee namnamee KoylKoylee MininMiningg Co.Co.;; ththee compancompanyy reorganizereorganizedd iinn 19611961 aass RelieRelieff MinMinee Co.,Co., allowinallowingg existinexistingg shareholdershareholderss ttoo transfetransferr theitheirr stock.stock. 2 2 RelieRelieff MineMine Co.Co. annualannual stockholderstockholder meetingmeeting,, MaMayy 14,2007,14, 2007, SpanishSpanish ForkFork,, Utah.Utah. 3 OfficersOfficers inin ththee companycompany asas welwelll asas a numbernumber ofof stockholdersstockholders wouldwould argueargue ththee pointpoint.. AAtt variousvarious timestimes inin itsits historyhistory,, ththee compancompanyy hahass publishepublishedd assayassayss showinshowingg moderatelmoderatelyy valuablvaluablee depositdepositss ooff goldgold andand platinuplatinumm ore.ore. HoweveHoweverr a numbenumberr ofof independenindependentt analyseanalysess ofof samplesampless frofromm ththee mineminess havhavee alwayalwayss contradictecontradictedd thosthosee teststests anandd shownshown negligiblnegligiblee amountamountss ooff valuablvaluablee mineralsminerals.. FoForr aann examinationexamination ooff ththee assayassay testtestss donedone ofof DreamDream MinMinee samplesampless seesee JameJamess PP.. Christianson,Christianson, "An"An HistoricaHistoricall StudyStudy ooff ththee KoylKoylee RelieRelieff MineMine"" (M.A.(M.A. thesisthesis,, BrighamBrigham YounYoungg UniversityUniversity,, 1962),1962), 124-127.124-127. 3

Nevertheless,Nevertheless, stockholdersstockholders remairemainn committed.committed. AAtt presentpresent,, atat leastleast 706706 peoplpeoplee ownown stocstockk inin ththee RelieRelieff MinMinee Co.Co. anandd investorsinvestors seekingseeking ttoo purchaspurchasee a stakstakee inin ththee minemine happilyhappily placplacee theitheirr namenamess oonn a waitinwaitingg listlist forfor ththee chancechance ttoo papayy $30$30 ttoo $35$35 foforr a singlesingle sharsharee - sharesharess witwithh a reareall valuevalue,, bbyy ththee mosmostt generougenerouss accounting,accounting, ofof leslesss thathann $10.00$10.00 each.4

StockholdersStockholders willinwillingg ttoo taltalkk abouaboutt ththee minminee typicalltypicallyy discussdiscuss theitheirr unrealizedunrealized investmentinvestment witwithh a senssensee ooff awawee anandd reverencereverence,, ofteoftenn expressinexpressingg ththee strongstrong titiee thetheyy havhavee toto theitheirr stakstakee iinn ththee companycompany.. L.L. DeLynDeLynnn "Doc""Doc" Hansen,Hansen, a UtaUtahh CountyCounty nativenative,, boughboughtt hishis firsfirstt piecpiecee ofof ththee RelieRelieff MinMinee - 100100 sharesshares - iinn 19801980 forfor $3.00$3.00 a share.share. "I"I wawass neneww inin practicepractice,, andand wwee werweree poor,poor,"" HansenHansen,, a chiropractorchiropractor,, remembersremembers.. "I"I jusjustt pullepulledd outout thethe threthreee hundrehundredd dollardollarss andand said,said, 'Her'Heree yoyouu go.go.'' MyMy wifwifee didn'didn'tt eveevenn questionquestion itit,, ourour lastlast threthreee hundrehundredd dollardollarss ttoo ouourr namnamee anandd sheshe didn'tdidn't eveevenn questionquestion it."sit."5

WhyWhy,, despitdespitee ththee lacklack ooff ananyy measurablmeasurablee successsuccess,, doesdoes RelieRelieff MinMinee stocstockk remainremain aann objecobjectt ooff desire?desire? BeyonBeyondd anyany materiamateriall valuevalue,, whawhatt doedoess ththee minminee reveareveall aboutabout MormonMormon beliefbelief?? HoHoww hahass itsits meaninmeaningg changechangedd oveoverr timetime?? SuchSuch questionquestionss demanddemand context.context. ToTo ascertaiascertainn ththee reareall valuevalue ofof DreaDreamm MinMinee stocstockk thithiss essayessay willwill exploreexplore thethe communitycommunity ofof

DreaDreamm MinMinee believerbelieverss whwhoo loolookk beyonbeyondd ththee materiamateriall worlworldd toto a confirmingconfirming paspastt andand thethe promispromisee oofthef the future.future. FoForr themthem,, thethe mine'smine's trutruee popott ooff goldgold existsexists nonott iinn a materiamateriall world,world, bubutt iinn a worlworldd yeyett ttoo comecome.. AlthougAlthoughh thetheyy werweree iinn ththee mainstreamainstreamm oofthef the LDLDSS churchchurch atat

4 ItIt iiss difficultdifficult toto determindeterminee ththee exactexact numbenumberr ooff stockholdersstockholders whwhoo havehave boughboughtt andand soldsold sharesshares sincesince thethe compancompanyy wenwentt publipublicc inin 1909,1909, becausbecausee stockstock thathatt hahass nonott beebeenn registereregisteredd witwithh ththee compancompanyy iiss typicalltypicallyy notnot countecountedd inin ththee officiaofficiall compancompanyy tallytally.. TheThe abovabovee numbenumberr ooff stockholdersstockholders inin 20020077 comescomes frofromm ththee figuresfigures citecitedd bbyy RaRayy KoyleKoyle,, compancompanyy secretarysecretary,, aatt ththee MaMayy 20020077 stockholdestockholderr meetingmeeting.. ThThee actualactual numbenumberr ofpeopJeof people whwhoo possespossesss sharesharess isis thoughthoughtt ttoo bbee considerablyconsiderably higherhigher,, perhapperhapss closecloserr ttoo 2,000.2,000. AccordinAccordingg ttoo thethe companycompany,, thertheree areare 463,000463,000 "active"active"" sharesharess outstandingoutstanding onon ththee RelieRelieff MineMine.. WitWithh a nenett wortworthh ooff $3.5$3.5 millionmillion,, ththee one-to-onone-to-onee "real""real" valuvaluee ofof eaceachh shareshare iiss $7.56$7.56.. IInn factfact,, ththee totatotall numbenumberr ofof sharesshares inin circulationcirculation iiss likellikelyy ttoo bbee closecloserr ttoo 700,000,700,000, accordinaccordingg ttoo numerousnumerous sources,sources, includingincluding ChristiansonChristianson,, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ooff ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" ix.ix. 5 5 LL.. DeLynnDeLynn "Doc""Doc" Hansen,Hansen, interviewinterview bbyy author,author, 2626 OctoberOctober 2007,2007, Orem,Orem, UTUT,, taptapee recording.recording. 4 ththee beginninbeginningg ooff theitheirr quesquestt iinn ththee earlearlyy twentiettwentiethh century,, oveoverr timtimee DreaDreamm MineMine believerbelieverss woulwouldd divergediverge fromfrom MormonMormon orthodoxorthodoxyy andand havhavee ttoo drawdraw sustenancesustenance fromfrom otheotherr religioureligiouss communitiescommunities ttoo sustaisustainn theitheirr EXCAVATINGEXCAVATING BELIEF:BELIEF: FAITH,FAITH, FUNCTION,FUNCTION,


OnOn a warmwarm SeptemberSeptember dayday iinn 1894,1894, JohnJohn HyrumHyrum KoyleKoyle drovedrove a picpickk intointo thethe rockyrocky soilsoil ofof a cone-shapedcone-shaped mountainmountain thathatt overlookedoverlooked a widewide swathswath ofof farmlandfarmland alongalong thethe southeasternsoutheastern shoreshore ooff UtahUtah LakeLake.. KoylKoylee knekneww exactlyexactly wherewhere ttoo dig.dig. Koyle,Koyle, a MormonMormon bishobishopp whwhoo ledled a congregationcongregation knowknownn asas a ward,ward, claimedclaimed toto havhavee receivereceivedd a nighttimenighttime visitatiovisitationn frofromm thethe AngelAngel Moroni,Moroni, thethe samesame heavenlheavenlyy messengermessenger whowho hadhad visitedvisited JosephJoseph

SmithSmith decadesdecades earlierearlier andand thethenn ledled thethe founderfounder ofof thethe LDLDSS ChurchChurch toto unearthunearth a setset ofof ancientancient golgoldd plateplatess thathatt becamebecame thethe BooBookk ofof MormonMormon.. MoroniMoroni raisedraised KoylKoylee intointo thethe airair andand broughbroughtt hihimm intintoo a mountainmountain,, throughthrough mormoree thanthan 1,0001,000 feetfeet ofof solidsolid rockrock,, untiuntill thethe angelangel focusedfocused ththee bishop'bishop'ss attentionattention onon a formationformation ofof thick,thick, whitewhite quartzquartz witwithh anan unmistakablunmistakablee veiveinn ofof gold,gold, valuablevaluable oreore soso accessibleaccessible thatthat itit lookelookedd "like"like a fishfish readreadyy forfor thethe fryingfrying pan.,,6pan."6

ThThee AngelAngel MoronMoronii instructedinstructed KoylKoylee thathatt GodGod hadhad chosenchosen himhim ttoo openopen ththee minemine undeunderr ththee mountainmountain,, butbut toldtold himhim thatthat ththee goldgold wouldwould nonott "come"come in"in" untiuntill thethe LastLast Days,Days, beforbeforee thethe secondsecond comingcoming ofof JesusJesus Christ.Christ. GodGod hahadd ordainedordained thethe goldgold toto providprovidee reliefrelief forfor

Latter-dayLatter-day SaintsSaints duringduring ththee daysdays ofof trialstrials andand tribulationstribulations beforebefore thethe MillenniumMillennium.. KoyleKoyle promisepromisedd believerbelieverss thathatt ththee minemine wouldwould financefinance thethe literalliteral gatheringgathering ofof Israel.Israel. A weekweek

6 NormanNorman C.C. PiercePierce,, The Dream Mine Story (Salt(Salt LakeLake City:City: PrivatelyPrivately printedprinted,, 1972),1972), 12.12. ThisThis isis PiercePierce re­re­ tellingtelling ththee storystory "as"as [Koyle][Koyle] toltoldd iitt ttoo hundredhundredss ooff uuss soso manmanyy times,times,"" 8.8. ThoughThough referrereferredd toto asas "dreams,""dreams," Koyle'sKoyle's nighttimenighttime visitationsvisitations andand experiencesexperiences areare taketakenn asas literalliteral eventsevents bbyy believersbelievers.. OverOver ththee yearsyears,, ajokea joke developedevelopedd amongamong somesome ofof Koyle'Koyle'ss detractorsdetractors whowho saidsaid thathatt onon nightnightss Koyle'sKoyle's wifewife servedserved liveliverr andand onionsonions hehe woulwouldd havhavee a newnew "dream""dream" oror revelationrevelation,, seesee Christianson,Christianson, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee RelieRelieff Mine,"Mine," 3131.. 6 laterlater,, KoylKoylee andand a smallsmall banbandd ooff UtaUtahh CountCountyy MormonMormonss begabegann diggindiggingg intointo ththee mountainmountain inin earnest,earnest, proclaiminproclaimingg theitheirr excavationexcavation ththee "Dream"Dream Mine."Mine."

HistoriansHistorians anandd folkloristfolkloristss havehave examineexaminedd ththee DreaDreamm MineMine narrativenarrative,, offeringoffering interpretationsinterpretations ofof a storstoryy thathatt continuescontinues ttoo inspirinspiree faithfaith.. ThThee mosmostt importanimportantt primaryprimary sourcessources foforr thesthesee scholarsscholars comecome frofromm ththee trutruee believerbelieverss whwhoo followefollowedd KoyleKoyle.. WitWithh KoyleKoyle leavingleaving nnoo writtewrittenn accountaccount ooff hihiss lifelife,, ththee worworkk ooff publicizinpublicizingg hihiss callincallingg wawass taketakenn uupp byby twtwoo stockholderstockholderss whwhoo werweree convincedconvinced ooff ththee propheciesprophecies concerninconcerningg ththee minemine.. NormanNorman

PiercePierce styledstyled himselhimselff a "preserver""preserver" ooff ththee storstoryy anandd sawsaw God'sGod's handhand iinn ththee minemine.. OgdenOgden

Kraut,Kraut, whwhoo workeworkedd atat thethe minemine iinn ththee 1940s,1940s, calledcalled KoylKoylee ththee onlyonly propheprophett hhee hadhad everever met.met. IInn hihiss self-publisheself-publishedd chroniclechronicle ofof ththee DreaDreamm MineMine,, KrauKrautt gavegave voicvoicee ttoo ththee beliebelieff ofof manmanyy stockholdersstockholders,, declaringdeclaring:: "John"John HH.. KoylKoylee wawass a manman ooff simplsimplee faitfaithh andand education,education, bubutt hehe hadhad a giftgift fromfrom God...... Hi Hiss propheciepropheciess werweree nonott givegivenn foforr entertainmenentertainmentt oror curiosity;curiosity; thetheyy werweree meanmeantt ttoo conveyconvey a messagemessage ofwarning.,,7of warning."7

AAss chroniclerchroniclerss ofof thethe DreamDream Mine,Mine, PiercePierce anandd KrauKrautt reconstructereconstructedd ththee historhistoryy ofof thethe minminee andand itsits founderfounder ttoo echoecho importantimportant narrativenarrativess fromfrom theitheirr MormoMormonn faithfaith.. TheyThey deliberatelydeliberately craftecraftedd Koyle'Koyle'ss historhistoryy toto mirromirrorr thatthat ofof MormoMormonn founderfounder JosepJosephh SmitSmithh andand theythey intentionallintentionallyy retolretoldd thethe mine'mine'ss storystory iinn a wawayy thathatt reverberatereverberatedd witwithh well-knownwell-known accountaccountss ofof LDLOSS KoylKoylee himselhimselff wawass divinelydivinely instructedinstructed "never"never ttoo makmakee a writtenwritten statement"statement" abouaboutt ththee minemine,, leavinleavingg PiercPiercee andand KrauKrautt ttoo relrelyy onon conversationsconversations witwithh thethe faithfulfaithful andand KoylKoylee himselfhimself.. PiercPiercee begabegann compilincompilingg notenotess iinn 19341934 foforr whawhatt woulwouldd becomebecome

The Dream Mine Story, a narrativnarrativee hhee constructeconstructedd fromfrom storiesstories "repeate"repeatedd agaiagainn anandd againagain bbyy leadingleading stockholdersstockholders witwithh somsomee variations.variations."" PiercPiercee freelfreelyy admittedadmitted thathatt "it"it wawass notnot alwaysalways easeasyy ttoo pipinn dowdownn ththee trutruee andand correctcorrect versioversionn evereveryy time,time,"" bubutt nonethelessnonetheless

7 7 OgdenOgden Kraut,Kraut, John fI.H. Kayle'sKoyle's Relief Mine (Dugway(Dugway,, UtahUtah:: Kraut'Kraut'ss PioneerPioneer Press,Press, 1978),1978), 186.186. 7 fashionedfashioned a storystory designeddesigned ttoo mirrormirror ththee foundinfoundingg miraclesmiracles ofof MormonisMormonismm anandd therebythereby

8 engenderengender beliebelieff iinn Koyle's s mine.8 KrauKrautt knekneww ththee mine'mine'ss founderfounder onlonlyy brieflybriefly,, andand basedbased hihiss retellinretellingg ooff ththee storystory onon Pierce'sPierce's bookbook,, andand taletaless relaterelatedd bbyy fellofelloww believersbelievers.. FoForr both,both, ththee storystory ofof JohJohnn KoylKoylee anandd ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee wawass a narrativnarrativee thathatt echoeechoedd Mormonism'sMormonism's originsorigins anandd paralleleparalleledd thethe liflifee oofLDSf LDS foundefounderr JosephJoseph Smith.Smith. IInn theitheirr handshands,, ththee DreamDream

MinMinee narrativnarrativee hearkenehearkenedd bacbackk ttoo ththee foundingfounding ooff ththee ononee trutruee churchchurch andand gloweglowedd withwith ththee fervorfervor ofof divinedivine authority.authority.

ThThee fIrstfirst scholarlyscholarly worworkk onon thethe DreaDreamm MinMinee wawass JameJamess Christianson'Christianson'ss 19621962 master'smaster's thesithesiss "An"An HistoricaHistoricall StudyStudy ofof ththee KoylKoylee RelieRelieff Mine.Mine."" HiHiss researcresearchh includedincluded valuablevaluable interviewinterviewss witwithh membersmembers ooff Koyle'Koyle'ss familyfamily anandd a numbenumberr ooff ththee earliestearliest andand mostmost devoutdevout stockholders,stockholders, offeringoffering insighinsightt intintoo thethe mine'mine'ss communitcommunityy ofof believerbelieverss andand thethe "unquestioning"unquestioning devotiodevotionn ofof hundredhundredss ofbelievers.,,9of believers."9 A valuablvaluablee history,history,

Christianson'sChristianson's thesithesiss neverthelesneverthelesss doedoess nonott focusfocus oonn thethe beliebelieff systesystemm ooff DreaDreamm MineMine stockholdersstockholders,, bubutt onon ththee nutsnuts andand boltboltss ooff thethe endeavorendeavor,, itsits operationoperationss anandd finances.finances.

MorMoree recently,recently, ththee minemine hashas surfacedsurfaced iinn DD.. MichaeMichaell Quinn'Quinn'ss Early MormonismMormonism and the Magic World View, JohJohnn LL.. Brooke'sBrooke's The Refiner's Fire, anandd Under the BannerBanner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith, bbyy JoJonn KrakauerKrakauer.. TheThe minemine,, iinn thesthesee accounts,accounts, warrantwarrantss mermeree passinpassingg referencereference anandd iiss useusedd ttoo illustratillustratee specificspecific pointspoints.. QuinQuinnn discussesdiscusses thethe minminee iinn threthreee paragraphparagraphss andand reliereliess heavilheavilyy onon Kraut'Kraut'ss bookbook.. FoForr Quinn,Quinn, ththee storstoryy ofof ththee minminee (an(andd officialofficial churchchurch denouncementdenouncement)) iiss a tidtidyy wawayy ttoo demonstratdemonstratee hohoww ththee LDSLDS

ChurcChurchh movemovedd awaawayy fromfrom ititss treasure-huntintreasure-huntingg rootrootss afteafterr 1890.1890. UnfortunatelyUnfortunately,, QuinnQuinn oversimplifiesoversimplifies thethe mine'mine'ss historyhistory,, ignorinignoringg ththee intricaciesintricacies ooff beliebe Ii eftf thahat t hundredhundredss ofof

8 Pierce,Pierce, Dream Mine Story, i.-ii.i.-ii. 9 9 Christianson,Christianson, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee ReliefRelief Mine,"Mine," 124.124. 8

modermodernn MormonMormonss stillstill holdhold iinn thethe DreamDream Mine.Mine. Brooke,Brooke, tootoo,, makemakess quicquickk reference,reference,

connectingconnecting ththee DreamDream MinMinee ttoo violenviolentt fundamentalists.fundamentalists. KrakauerKrakauer,, whwhoo admittedladmittedlyy reliedrelied

almostalmost exclusivelyexclusively oonn thethe KrauKrautt narrativenarrative,, similarlsimilarlyy leavesleaves ththee impressionimpression thathatt minemine

dreamersdreamers araree likellikelyy MormoMormonn fundamentalistfundamentalistss andand violent.!Oviolent.10

MormoMormonn folkloristfolkloristss havhavee showshownn mormoree interestinterest iinn ththee minminee thathann historians.historians.

WaylandWayland DD.. HanHandd mentionementionedd KoylKoylee inin hihiss 19411941 articlearticle inin The Journal of American American

Folklore, placinplacingg ththee storystory ooff ththee DreaDreamm MineMine withiwithinn ththee broadebroaderr realrealmm ofof UtahUtah miningmining

lorelore.. IInn ththee nexnextt decadedecade,, AustiAustinn anandd AltAltaa Fife'sFife's Saints of Sage and Saddle: FolkloreFolklore

Among the Mormons appeared,appeared, andand brieflbrieflyy recounterecountedd ththee storstoryy ofof KoylKoylee anandd ththee minminee iinn a

fefeww pagespages,, asas parpartt ofof a catalocatalogg ofof UtaUtahh folklorefolklore.. IInn 1983,1983, HanHandd revisiterevisitedd hihiss researcresearchh onon

thethe DreamDream MinMinee foforr Dialogue. HHee presentepresentedd KoyleKoyle aass aann inheritoinheritorr ooff "treasure"treasure lorelore

handehandedd downdown frofromm ancienancientt timestimes iinn EuropEuropee andand broughbroughtt ttoo AmericAmericaa early,"early," noting,noting,

howeverhowever,, thathatt DreamDream MineMine lorloree "assigns"assigns beneficenbeneficentt guardiansguardians ttoo ththee earth'searth's treasuretreasuress andand

divinedivine purposepurposess ttoo theitheirr movementmovementss ...... a radicalradical departurdeparturee fromfrom ththee usuausuall associatioassociationn ofof

treasuretreasure witwithh ththee devil."!!devil."11

AnotheAnotherr importantimportant accountaccount ofof DreamDream MinMinee folklorefolklore iiss JoeJoe StanleyStanley Graham'Graham'ss 19701970

master'smaster's thesisthesis.. GrahaGrahamm compiledcompiled a hoshostt ofof newspaper-clippingsnewspaper-clippings,, mapsmaps,, localocall anecdotes,anecdotes,

andand interviewinterviewss witwithh Koyle'Koyle'ss contemporariescontemporaries andand a numbenumberr ooff now-deceasenow-deceasedd stockholders.stockholders.

ItIt provideprovidess a necessarnecessaryy tootooll forfor understandinunderstandingg ththee rolrolee oofthef the minminee iinn whawhatt GrahamGraham callscalls

ththee "Dream"Dream MinMinee sub-culture."sub-culture." HeHe unearthunearthss ththee lodlodee ooff MormoMormonn folklorfolkloree burieburiedd withinwithin

1\00 DD.. MichaelMichael Quinn,Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (Sal(Saltt LakLakee CityCity:: SignatureSignature Books,Books, 1987),210-211;1987), 210-211; JohnJohn L.L. BrookeBrooke,, The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1644-1844J844 (Cambridge(Cambridge:: CambridgCambridgee UniversitUniversityy PressPress,, 1994)1994),297;, 297; anandd JoJonn Krakauer,Krakauer, Under The Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (New(New YorkYork:: MacMillanMacMillan,, 2003),2003), 93-97.93-97. 1111 WaylanWaylandd DD.. HandHand,, "Magic"Magic andand ththee SupernaturalSupernatural iinn UtaUtahh Folklore,Folklore,"" Dialogue: A Journal of MormonMormon Thought 1616 (Winte(Winterr 1983):1983): 6060;; seesee alsalsoo WaylanWaylandd DD.. HandHand,, "Folklore"Folklore FroFromm Utah'Utah'ss SilverSilver MininMiningg Camps,"Camps," The Journal of American Folklore 5544 (July-Decembe(July-Decemberr 1941):1941): 132-161;132-161; andand AustiAustinn FifFifee anandd AltAltaa Fife,Fife, Saints of Sage and Saddle: Folklore Among the Mormons (Sal(Saltt LakeLake City:City: UniversitUniversityy ooff UtaUtahh Press,Press, 1980).1980). 9 thethe narrativenarrative,, includingincluding ththee MormonMormon storystory ofof ththee ThreeThree Nephites,Nephites, a triotrio ofof ancientancient menmen frofromm ththee BookBook ofof MormonMormon grantedgranted immortalityimmortality bbyy Jesus.Jesus. GrahamGraham pointpointss ttoo otherother well-well- knowknownn MormoMormonn folkfolk themesthemes - treasuretreasure hunting,hunting, angelicangelic visitationsvisitations,, andand thethe giftgift ofof prophesyprophesy - ttoo "examine"examine thethe functionfunction whicwhichh folklorefolklore servedserved inin thethe [Dream[Dream Mine]Mine] movement, in spreading its influence and helping to preserve the sub-culture.,,1212 movement, in spreading its influence and helping to preserve the sub-culture." Dream Mine scholars have marked a path, but offer little information about its Dream Mine scholars have marked a path, but offer little information about its destination. The work of mining and logistics of investment are clear. So, too, are the destination. The work of mining and logistics of investment are clear. So, too, are the stories that tell tales of supernatural adventure. Yet, why does the mine remain vibrant stories that tell tales of supernatural adventure. Yet, why does the mine remain vibrant more than 100 years after its discovery? How does the Dream Mine narrative nurture a more than 100 years after its discovery? How does the Dream Mine narrative nurture a community of believers? community of believers?

FirsFirstt Vision:Vision: TheThe RedRed HeifeHeiferr DreamDream

NormanNorman PiercePierce andand OgdenOgden KrautKraut neveneverr doubteddoubted ththee minminee becausbecausee itsits dreamerdreamer andand hihiss visiovisionn werewere embeddedembedded inin ththee MormoMormonn worldworld.. TheiTheirr narrativenarrativess relrelyy onon MormonMormon themes.themes. JohnJohn HyruHyrumm KoyleKoyle wawass thethe sonson ooff twotwo MormoMormonn pioneerspioneers:: JohnJohn HyrumHyrum KoyleKoyle,, Sr.Sr. andand AdlindAdlindaa HillmanHillman.. TheyThey werweree borbornn inin NauvooNauvoo andand mademade thethe trektrek westwardwestward ttoo UtahUtah asas children,children, growinggrowing uupp inin thethe MormoMormonn "colony""colony" ofof SpanishSpanish ForkFork.. JohnJohn,, ththee couple'scouple's secondsecond child,child, waswas bobornm onon AugusAugustt 14,14, 18641864.. WithinWithin foufourr yearyearss ofof hishis birth,birth, Koyle'sKoyle's familyfamily receivedreceived a missiomissionn callcall fromfrom LDSLDS PresidentPresident BrighamBrigham Young,Young, sendingsending themthem ttoo thethe so-so- calledcalled "Muddy"Muddy Mission"Mission" nearlnearlyy 400400 milemiless awayaway inin southernsouthern UtahUtah,, wherewhere churchchurch authoritiesauthorities hopedhoped toto establishestablish a cottoncotton colony.colony. LifeLife onon thethe MuddyMuddy RiverRiver waswas hard,hard, andand nono doubdoubtt ththee earlyearly yearyearss ofKoyle'sof Koyle's lifelife sawsaw manymany hardshiphardshipss asas agriculturalagricultural failuresfailures andand near-near- starvationstarvation plaguedplagued thethe venture.venture. LDSLDS authoritiesauthorities inin SaltSalt LakeLake CityCity eventuallyeventually abandonedabandoned

1212 JoJoee StanleyStanley Graham,Graham, "The"The DreamDream Mine:Mine: A StudyStudy inin MormoMormonn Folklore,"Folklore," (M.A.(M.A. ThesisThesis,, BrighamBrigham YoungYoung University,University, 1970),41.1970), 41. 1010 theitheirr plaplann foforr ththee MuddMuddyy MissioMissionn andand ththee "colonists""colonists" werewere alloweallowedd ttoo returreturnn homehome.. TheThe

1 3 Koyle family moved back to Spanish Fork in 1871 with little to show for their efforts. 13 Koyle family moved back to Spanish Fork in 1871 with little to show for their efforts. As a child, John Koyle developed a reputation as a pious boy who often reminded As a child, John Koyle developed a reputation as a pious boy who often reminded his elders of their duties to the Mormon faith. By age fourteen he had forgone a formal his elders of their duties to the Mormon faith. By age fourteen he had forgone a formal education and begun making his living as a mule-skinner, traveling throughout the south education and begun making his living as a mule-skinner, traveling throughout the south of Utah County by mule and cart, selling various goods to farmers. In 1884, the year he of Utah County by mule and cart, selling various goods to farmers. In 1884, the year he turned twenty, Koyle married Emily Arvilla Holt. The newlyweds moved onto a farm in turned twenty, Koyle married Emily Arvilla Holt. The newlyweds moved onto a farm in the lush river bottoms south of Spanish Fork, in a tiny settlement known as Riverside, the lush river bottoms south of Spanish Fork, in a tiny settlement known as Riverside, which would later be called Leland. 14 which would later be called Leland.14 Though raised in a devout LOS household, and despite his reported faithfulness, Though raised in a devout LDS household, and despite his reported faithfulness, Koyle could not testify to a "burning in the bosom" about the truth of the Book of Koyle could not testify to a "burning in the bosom" about the truth of the Book of Mormon and LDS theology. 15 In accordance with Mormon belief, and in search of a Mormon and LDS theology.15 In accordance with Mormon belief, and in search of a deeper faith, the young man began to pray earnestly. He withdrew to a small grove of deeper faith, the young man began to pray earnestly. He withdrew to a small grove of willow trees near the Spanish Fork River, dropped to his knees, and beseeched the Lord willow trees near the Spanish Fork River, dropped to his knees, and beseeched the Lord for the worthiness to receive, through the Holy Ghost, an unwavering testimony of faith. for the worthiness to receive, through the Holy Ghost, an unwavering testimony of faith. But when he rose from his knees he was crestfallen. He "noticed nothing different than But when he rose from his knees he was crestfallen. He "noticed nothing different than

l13j PearsoPearsonn StarrStarr Corbett,Corbett, "A"A HistorHistoryy ooff ththee MuddMuddyy Mission,Mission,"" (M.A(M.A.. Thesis,Thesis, BrighaBrighamm YounYoungg University,University, 1968).1968). SeeSee alsoalso WW.. PauPaull Reeve,Reeve, Making Space on the Western Frontier: Mormons, Miners and SouthernSouthern Paiutes (Urbana:(Urbana: UniversitUniversityy ooff IllinoiIllinoiss PressPress,, 2006)2006),, 86-9086-90,, anandd HenrHenryy BB.. EyringEyring,, "Remembrance"Remembrance andand Gratitude,Gratitude,"" Ensign (Nov(Nov 1989):1989): 11II.. 14 14 InformatioInformationn abouaboutt Koyle'Koyle'ss youtyouthh comecomess from a ChristiansonChristianson interviewinterview witwithh ElleEllenn RosRosee Fillmore,Fillmore, youngeyoungerr sistersister ooff JohJohnn KoyleKoyle,, conducteconductedd inin 1957,1957, asas welwelll asas hihiss personapersonall correspondenccorrespondencee witwithh EvelinEvelinee K.K. Stout,Stout, ooff BurleyBurley,, IdahoIdaho,, Koyle'Koyle'ss daughterdaughter.. SeeSee ChristiansoChristiansonn "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee ReliefRelief Mine,Mine,"" 16-18.16-18. 1155 A testimontestimonyy ooff ththee truttruthh ooff ththee MormoMormonn gospelgospel,, througthroughh ththee HolHolyy Ghost,Ghost, iiss anan experiencexperiencee ofteoftenn callecalledd a "burning"burning inin ththee bosom.bosom."" ThiThiss phrasphrasee iiss fromfrom a passagpassagee iinn DoctrinDoctrinee anandd CovenantsCovenants (D&C)(D&C),, a boobookk ofof JosephJoseph Smith'sSmith's collectecollectedd revelationrevelationss andand parpartt oftheof the MormoMormonn canoncanon:: "Study"Study iitt outout iinn youyourr mindmind;; thethenn yoyouu musmustt askask mmee iiff iitt bbee rightright,, andand ifif iitt iiss righrightt [I wilwilll causcausee thathatt youyourr bosobosomm shallshall burburnn withiwithinn youyou;; thereforthereforee yoyouu shallshall feelfeel thathatt iitt iiss right.right."" D&D&CC 9:8.9:8. SeeSee alsalsoo LukLukee 24:3224:32;; andand BrucBrucee R.R. McConkieMcConkie,, Mormon Doctrine, 22dd EdEd.. (Salt(Salt LakLakee CityCity:: Bookcraft,Bookcraft, 1966),1966), 785785.. 1111 whewhenn hhee beganbegan ttoo praypray.. NNoo answeranswer seemeseemedd eminenteminent [sic],[sic], nonorr wawass anyany furtherfurther testimonytestimony obtained." 1616

BuButt GodGod diddid answeanswerr hihimm iinn a mysterioumysteriouss wawayy thathatt assuredassured hihiss faithfaith.. PiercPiercee telltellss ofof

Koyle'Koyle'ss dreadreamm thathatt night,night, ononee precedinprecedingg hihiss encounterencounter witwithh ththee AngeAngell MoroniMoroni.. IInn thisthis

7 dreamdream,, KoylKoylee recallerecalledd seeingseeing a cowcow,, a reredd heifeheiferr I thathatt hahadd beebeenn loslostt abouaboutt threthreee weeksweeks earlier.earlier. HHee hahadd almosalmostt givegivenn uupp hophopee ooff findinfindingg ththee waywarwaywardd bovinebovine.. IInn ththee dreamdream,, KoyleKoyle sasaww ththee heifeheiferr clearlyclearly,, standinstandingg iinn a placplacee hehe recognizedrecognized,, a far-offfar-off fielfieldd belowbelow ththee UnionUnion

PacificPacific railroarailroadd trackstracks.. ThThee cowcow facefacedd easteast,, witwithh itsits righrightt horhomn brokenbroken soso thathatt ththee pointpoint stuckstuck intintoo ththee creature'screature's eye.1818

KoylKoylee remembererememberedd hearinhearingg a voicvoicee thathatt asked:asked:

"If"If yoyouu finfindd youyourr cowcow atat thithiss placeplace tomorrowtomorrow,, wilwilll yoyouu believbelievee thathatt ththee RestoredRestored

[LDS][LDS] GospeGospell iiss true?"true?"

"An"Andd unhesitatinglyunhesitatingly,, JohJohnn hearheardd himselhimselff saysay 'Yes'Yes,, sir!'sir!' ,,19"

TheThe nexnextt morningmorning,, KoylKoylee rodrodee ououtt ttoo ththee fielfieldd belowbelow ththee railroarailroadd trackstracks,, andand aass hehe hadhad envisioneenvisionedd inin hihiss dreamdream,, thertheree stoostoodd hihiss reredd heiferheifer,, witwithh ththee brokebrokenn hom,horn, lookinlookingg atat himhim,, contentedlycontentedly munchinmunchingg ititss cud.cud.

16 16 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 27.27. ThiThiss storystory alsalsoo appearappearss iinn PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 5,5, andand Christianson,Christianson, "Historica"Historicall StudyStudy ooff ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 4747,, whwhoo citescites ththee personapersonall memoimemoirr oofC.F.f C.F. WeightWeight,, a laborelaborerr atat thethe minemine.. 17 17 ThThee "red"red heiferheifer"" carriecarriess BiblicaBiblicall significancesignificance aass parpartt ofof a JudaiJudaicc purificatiopurificationn rituarituall iinn whicwhichh a specialspecial cowcow isis sacrificesacrificedd anandd reducereducedd ttoo ashesashes,, thethenn useusedd ttoo cleanscleansee anyoneanyone whwhoo hahass hahadd contactcontact witwithh a corpse;corpse; NumbersNumbers 1919:: 1-13.1-13. CertaiCertainn modermodernn millennialistmillennialistss believbelievee thathatt ththee discoverdiscoveryy oofaf a redred heifeheiferr wilwilll precedprecedee ththee buildingbuilding ofof ththee thirthirdd templtemplee iinn JerusaleJerusalemm (see,(see, forfor example,example, RivkRivkaa Gonen,Gonen, Contested Holiness: Jewish, Muslim, andand Christian Perspectives on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Jerse(Jerseyy City,City, N.J.N.J.:: KATKATVV PublishinPublishingg House,House, 2003)2003),, 160),160), bubutt neitheneitherr ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee chronicleschronicles nonorr ththee oraorall traditiontraditionss makemakess anyany mentiomentionn ofof BiblicalBiblical connection.connection. 18 18 SomeSome believerbelieverss saysay thathatt KoylKoylee hahadd shownshown glimpseglimpsess ofof hihiss "dreaming"dreaming"" abilitabilityy aass a childchild,, seesee PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 33,, bubutt mosmostt seeseemm ttoo agreagreee thathatt ththee "red"red heifeheiferr dreamdream"" iiss ththee firsfirstt examplexamplee ooff Koyle'Koyle'ss giftgift ooff prophecy.prophecy. 19 19 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 22;; despitdespitee hihiss ususee ofof quotationquotation marksmarks,, thithiss iiss a re-creatiore-creationn PiercPiercee firsfirstt recordedrecorded iinn ththee 1930s,1930s, latelaterr includeincludedd inin hihiss self-publishedself-published history.history. 1212

KoyleKoyle couldcould nownow claimclaim hihiss testimonytestimony.. NoNott onlyonly dididd hehe believebelieve ththee LDLDSS gospelgospel wawass truetrue,, bubutt thathatt GoGodd workeworkedd througthroughh hihiss dreamsdreams.. OgdeOgdenn KrauKrautt concludedconcluded:: "From"From suchsuch a simplesimple bubutt marveloumarvelouss beginninbeginningg JohJohnn HH.. KoylKoylee receivereceivedd a speciaspeciall spirituaspirituall giftgift...... H Hee alsoalso madmadee a covenantcovenant witwithh ththee LorLordd thathatt ifif HHee woulwouldd givegive hihimm [such][such] dreamdreamss anandd visionsvisions,, hehe wouldwould serveserve thethe LordLord allall ththee daydayss ofof hihiss life.,,20life."

TheThe storstoryy thathatt botbothh PiercPiercee andand KrauKrautt teltelll ofKoyle'sof Koyle's prayeprayerr foforr a testimontestimonyy recallsrecalls ththee first visiovisionn ofof JosephJoseph Smith,Smith, a storystory MormonMormonss knoknoww well.well. Smith'sSmith's "glorious"glorious theophanytheophany"" occurreoccurredd inin 1820,1820, whenwhen Mormonism'Mormonism'ss foundinfoundingg propheprophett wawass fourteefourteenn yearsyears oldold anandd livinlivingg witwithh hihiss familyfamily iinn ththee so-calledso-called "burned-ove"burned-overr district"district" neanearr PalmyraPalmyra,, NewNew

YorkYork.. ConfoundedConfounded bbyy ththee chaochaoss ofof religioureligiouss faiths,faiths, SmithSmith soughtsought ttoo discoverdiscover ththee ononee "true"true church."church." SmithSmith knelkneltt iinn a "sacred"sacred grovegrove"" anandd prayeprayedd andand,, accordinaccordingg ttoo hihiss accountaccount,, GodGod ththee FatheFatherr anandd JesuJesuss ChristChrist appearedappeared inin a pillapillarr ofof lighlightt anandd instructeinstructedd hihimm ttoo joijoinn nonnonee ofof ththee churcheschurches,, foforr "all"all theitheirr creedcreedss werweree aann abomination."abomination.,,2J21 FoForr DreaDreamm MinMinee believersbelievers,, thethe parallelparallelss werweree harhardd ttoo resistresist.. AAss a latter-daylatter-day JosepJosephh Smith,Smith, KoylKoylee claimedclaimed a mantlmantlee ofof legitimacylegitimacy thatthat followerfollowerss couldcould understanunderstandd anandd confirm.confirm.

Koyle'Koyle'ss followerfollowerss frequentlyfrequently measuremeasuredd theirtheir propheprophett againsagainstt ththee foundefounderr ofof

Mormonism.Mormonism. NormaNormann PiercPiercee unhesitatinglunhesitatinglyy comparecomparedd KoylKoylee witwithh JosepJosephh Smith,Smith, andand believedbelieved thatthat botbothh werweree callecalledd ttoo "establish"establish ththee ChurchChurch foforr ththee Millennium.Millennium."" OgdenOgden KrautKraut described Koyle as a "man who knew and talked with , the Prophet.,,2222 Such described Koyle as a "man who knew and talked with Joseph Smith, the Prophet." Such ideas persist today among believers like Fred Naisbitt, a stockholder from Ogden, Utah, ideas persist today among believers like Fred Naisbitt, a stockholder from Ogden, Utah,

20 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 2828.. StockholderStockholder MarMaryy HH.. Frandsen,Frandsen, alsoalso recounterecountedd ththee storystory ooff ththee "Red"Red HeiferHeifer DreamDream"" inin MarMaryy HH.. FrandsenFrandsen,, intervieintervieww bbyy JaneJanett WW.. HalesHales,, WinteWinterr 1974,1974, Springville,Springville, UtahUtah,, interviewinterview No.No. BYU-lBYU-110 10,, transcripttranscript,, FifFifee FolklorFolkloree ArchivesArchives,, SpeciaSpeciall CollectionCollectionss anandd ArchivesArchives,, UtaUtahh StateState UniversityUniversity LibrariesLibraries,, LoganLogan,, Utah.Utah. 21 21 Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith-History, 1:1:19 19,, [part[part ooff ththee MormoMormonn canoncanon,, hereaftehereafterr JS-H].JS-H]. 2222 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 6969,, anandd KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 178-179.178-179. 1133 somesome eightyeighty milemiless nortnorthh ofof ththee DreamDream MineMine site, whwhoo declaresdeclares fervently:fervently: ""KoylKoylee isis second only to Joseph Smith in the number and accuracy of his prophecies.,,23 Koyle has second only to Joseph Smith in the number and accuracy of his prophecies." Koyle has resonated with Joseph Smith over the years in a way that made the Dream Mine faithful resonated with Joseph Smith over the years in a way that made the Dream Mine faithful hard to shake from their investment. hard to shake from their investment.

23 Naisbitt,, FredFred,, letteletterr ttoo author,, JunJunee 7,, 2007.2007. BURIEDBURIED TREASURETREASURE:: MORONMORONII ANDAND THTHEE FOUNDINGFOUNDING


A fewfew yearsyears afterafter ththee magicalmagical dreamdream thatthat confirmedconfirmed hishis MormoMormonn faith,faith, KoyleKoyle servedserved aann LDLDSS missiomissionn ttoo ththee AmericaAmericann South.South. HistorianHistorianss knoknoww ververyy littllittlee abouaboutt Koyle'sKoyle's successsuccess asas a missionary.missionary. HHee kepkeptt nnoo diarydiary,, andand ththee availablavailablee sourcessources makmakee nono mentiomentionn ofof thethe convertconvertss hhee wonwon.. BuButt a handfuhandfull ooff -fielmission-fieldd legendlegendss helpehelpedd establishestablish Koyle'Koyle' s reputatioreputationn asas a visionaryvisionary,, includinincludingg a storstoryy inin whicwhichh thethe dreamerdreamer savesavedd ththee liflifee ofof J.J.

GoldenGolden KimballKimball,, a futurefuture GeneraGenerall AuthoritAuthorityy ooff ththee LDLDSS Church.2424 ForFor DreaDreamm MineMine believers,believers, ththee storstoryy offereofferedd mormoree evidencevidencee thathatt KoylKoylee wawass amongamong God'sGod's anointedanointed andand a vessevessell ooff divindivinee purpose.purpose. 25

IInn 1894,1894, KoylKoylee returnereturnedd ttoo UtahUtah,, hihiss missiomissionn serviceservice complete.complete. ThatThat samesame yeayearr hehe reportereportedd hihiss firstfirst revelatiorevelationn abouaboutt ththee minemine.. OOnn ththee nighnightt ooff AugusAugustt 27,27, 1894,1894, hhee receivedreceived a visitationvisitation fromfrom anan "exalted"exalted personagepersonage fromfrom anotheranother world,world, whowho waswas attiredattired inin whitewhite andand radiateradiatedd intelligence."intelligence.,,2626 KoylKoylee claimeclaimedd thathatt ththee nighttimnighttimee visitovisitorr wawass ththee AngeAngell Moroni,Moroni, ththee samsamee heavenlheavenlyy messengemessengerr whwhoo hahadd visitevisitedd JosepJosephh SmithSmith anandd leledd hihimm ttoo uneartunearthh a setset ofof ancientancient golgoldd plateplatess thathatt wouldwould becombecomee ththee BooBookk ooff MormonMormon.. HisHis appearancappearancee ttoo JosephJoseph

SmithSmith wawass regarderegardedd aass ththee fulfillmentfulfillment ofof BiblicalBiblical prophecprophecyy frofromm ththee BooBookk ooff Revelation:Revelation:

"I"I sasaww anotheanotherr angelangel flyinflyingg inin ththee midsmidstt ofof heavenheaven,, havinhavingg ththee everlastingeverlasting gospegospell toto

24 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 3333.. TheThe storystory abouaboutt KoylKoylee savinsavingg ththee liflifee ooff ththee belovebelovedd JJ.. GoldenGolden KimballKimball doesdoes notnot appeaappearr iinn anyany ooff ththee commocommonn sourcesourcess oonn KimballKimball.. FoForr a versioversionn ooff ththee story.story, seesee alsalsoo Graham,Graham, "The"The DreamDream Mine,Mine,"" 234.234. 2255 IInn additioadditionn ttoo PiercPiercee andand KrautKraut,, thithiss vievieww iiss expressedexpressed iinn variouvariouss interneinternett newsgrounewsgroupp postingspostings atat "The­"The- Dream-MineDream-Mine:: WWee ArAree KeepinKeepingg ththee DreaDreamm Alive:Alive:"" SeeSee foforr instancinstancee messagmessagee 12484.12484. 2266 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 6.6. 1515 preacpreachh ttoo thosthosee whwhoo dweldwelll oonn thethe,,27" ToTo MormonsMormons,, ththee AngeAngell MoroniMoroni iiss thethe heraldherald ooff ththee "fullness"fullness ofof ththee everlastineverlastingg gospel.gospel."" TheThe angel'angel'ss keykey rolrolee iinn ththee DreaDreamm MineMine narrativnarrativee grantegrantedd divindivinee legitimaclegitimacyy ttoo Koyle'Koyle'ss excavation,excavation, anandd hihiss imprimatuimprimaturr tietiedd thethe

DreaDreamm MinMinee ttoo LDLDSS foundingfounding miracles.28miracles.

MoronMoronii rousteroustedd KoylKoylee fromfrom hihiss bedbed andand leledd hihimm intintoo ththee chillychilly nighnightt andand acrosacrosss a fefeww milemiless ooff farmlanfarmlandd ttoo a mountaimountainn easeastt ofof hihiss homehome.. WitWithh aann "an"an eerieeriee sortsort ooff corporealcorporeal disintegration,disintegration,,,29" thetheyy passepassedd directlydirectly intintoo ththee mountainmountain,, wherwheree KoylKoylee experiencedexperienced a revelatiorevelationn ooff burieburiedd goldgold.. FeFeww ooff ththee MormoMormonn faithfufaithfull coulcouldd mismisss ththee resonancresonancee witwithh thethe origioriginn storystory ooff theitheirr churchchurch.. KoylKoylee wawass surelysurely followinfollowingg iinn JosephJoseph Smith'sSmith's footsteps.footsteps.

MoronMoronii showedshowed KoylKoylee a ricrichh veiveinn ofof golgoldd withiwithinn ththee mountainmountain,, whicwhichh "would"would bebe

OA the means of bringing much needed relief to the Lord's people.,,3o Another 175 feet the means of bringing much needed relief to the Lord's people." Another 175 feet down, the angel led him into a cluster of nine enormous caverns hollowed into the heart down, the angel led him into a cluster of nine enormous caverns hollowed into the heart of the mountain. Supported by massive pillars, the caverns contained uncounted piles of of the mountain. Supported by massive pillars, the caverns contained uncounted piles of gold coins minted and buried by a group ofNephites, the refugee Hebrews whose story of gold coins minted and buried by a group of Nephites, the refugee Hebrews whose story of New World exile is recounted in the Book of Mormon. Dream Miners believe that the New World exile is recounted in the Book of Mormon. Dream Miners believe that the Nephites buried a number of other precious items within the mountain caverns, including Nephites buried a number of other precious items within the mountain caverns, including the Sword of Laban, a sacred weapon from the Book of Mormon; the Urim and the Sword of Laban, a sacred weapon from the Book of Mormon; the Urim and Thummim, a pair of "seer stones" Joseph Smith reportedly used in his translation; and the Thummim, a pair of "seer stones" Joseph Smith reportedly used in his translation; and the

27 RevelationRevelationss 14:614:6 (New(New KinKingg JameJamess Version)Version);; forfor MormoMormonn beliefbeliefss aboutabout MoronMoronii seesee,, McConkieMcConkie,, MormonMormon Doctrine, 514514;; TerryTerryll LL.. GivenGivenss By The Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture that Launched a NewNew World Religion (Ne(Neww YorkYork:: OxforOxfordd UniversitUniversityy PressPress,, 2002),11-132002), 11-13 anandd 79;79; anandd Quinn,Quinn, Early Mormonism,Mormonism, chapchap.. 5,5, whicwhichh examineexaminess ththee importancimportancee ofof folfolkk magimagicc iinn ththee accounaccountt ooff JosepJosephh Smith'sSmith's visitationvisitationss bbyy MoroniMoroni.. AccordinAccordingg ttoo MormoMormonn beliefbelief,, angelangelss cancan bbee "pre-existen"pre-existentt spirits,"spirits," "translated"translated beings,beings,"" oror "resurrecte"resurrectedd personagespersonages"" (amon(amongg otheotherr types)types).. IInn MormoMormonn cosmologycosmology,, otherother "resurrected""resurrected" angelsangels includeinclude JohJohnn ththee BaptistBaptist,, PeterPeter,, MichaelMichael,, GabrieGabriell anandd RaphaelRaphael:: McConkieMcConkie,, Mormon Doctrine, 35-36.35-36. 2288 MosMostt MormonMormonss woulwouldd bbee quicquickk ttoo questioquestionn ththee appearanceappearance ooff MoronMoronii ttoo anyonanyonee otherother thanthan ththee heaheadd ofof ththee LDLOSS ChurchChurch,, whwhoo iiss vieweviewedd asas a genuingenuinee propheprophett ooff GoGodd anandd ththee solsolee authoritauthorityy ablablee toto receivereceive divinedivine revelatiorevelationn pertaininpertainingg ttoo ththee church'church'ss futurfuturee andand organizationorganization.. SeeSee RicharRichardd LymaLymann BushmanBushman,, Joseph Smith:Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (Ne(Neww YorkYork:: AlfreAlfredd AA.. KnopfKnopf,, 2005)2005),, 120-122.120-122. 2929ZeeseZeese PapanikolasPapanikolas,, Trickster in the Land ofa/Dreams Dreams (Lincoln(Lincoln:: UniversitUniversityy ooff NebraskNebraskaa PressPress,, 1995):1995): 6363.. 3300 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 36.36. 1616 actualactual goldgold plates.plates. BecausBecausee a largelarge portioportionn ooff ththee ancientancient recorrecordd remainedremained "sealed""sealed" byby

GodGod anandd wawass neveneverr translatedtranslated,, DreamDream MinerMinerss believbelievee thathatt whewhenn theythey finallyfinally cutcut throughthrough thethe quartzquartz andand reachreach ththee treasure-filledtreasure-filled cavernscaverns theythey wilwilll reveareveall ththee fulfulll dimensiondimension ooff thethe

LDLDSS Gospel. 3131

PunishePunishedd foforr wickednesswickedness,, thosthosee ancienancientt NephiteNephitess foundfound ththee cavernscaverns sealedsealed againstagainst themthem.. AccordinAccordingg ttoo believersbelievers,, GoGodd ordaineordainedd thathatt ththee treasuretreasuress withinwithin,, afteafterr lyinglying untoucheuntouchedd forfor centuriescenturies,, woulwouldd supportsupport HiHiss churcchurchh andand chosechosenn peoplpeoplee durinduringg thethe tribulationtribulationss ooff ththee laslastt daysdays.. ThThee AngeAngell MoronMoronii toltoldd KoylKoylee thatthat GoGodd hahadd chosenchosen hihimm toto openopen ththee minminee undeunderr ththee mountainmountain,, bubutt warnewarnedd thathatt ththee goldgold woulwouldd notnot "corne"come inin"" andand thethe

NephitNephitee treasurtreasuree woulwouldd remairemainn burieburiedd untiuntill jusjustt beforbeforee ththee seconsecondd corningcoming ooff JesuJesuss Christ,Christ, whewhenn warswars,, naturanaturall disastersdisasters,, anandd ththee collapscollapsee ooff ththee AmericaAmericann economyeconomy woulwouldd createcreate widespreawidespreadd sufferingsuffering.. DreaDreamm MinMinee goldgold woulwouldd nonott onlonlyy providprovidee reliefrelief,, bubutt financefinance thethe

gatheringatheringg oofIsrael.f Israel. OnOnee weeweekk followinfollowingg Moroni'Moroni'ss visitvisit,, KoylKoylee anandd a smallsmall grougroupp ofof

creduloucredulouss UtaUtahh CountCountyy MormonMormonss begabegann digging.digging.

IInn carefullcarefullyy constructinconstructingg Koyle'Koyle'ss historhistoryy believerbelieverss PiercPiercee andand KrauKrautt confirmedconfirmed thethe

divinedivine mandatmandatee ooff ththee minminee andand furthefurtherr linkelinkedd KoylKoylee ttoo JosepJosephh Smith.Smith. WhenWhen MoronMoronii firstfirst

appeareappearedd ttoo JosepJosephh SmithSmith iinn 1823,1823, ththee angeangell callecalledd ththee futurfuturee propheprophett bbyy namename.. Then,Then, asas

JosepJosephh SmithSmith laterlater recalledrecalled,, ththee angelangel saisaidd "he"he wawass a messengemessengerr sentsent fromfrom ththee presencpresencee ofof

GodGod ttoo meme,, andand thathatt hihiss namnamee wawass MoroniMoroni;; thathatt GoGodd hahadd a worworkk foforr mmee ttoo do ...... H Hee saidsaid

therethere wawass a boobookk depositeddeposited,, writtewrittenn upouponn golgoldd platesplates,, givinggiving anan accounaccountt ooff ththee formerformer

inhabitantinhabitantss ofof thithiss continent."continent.,,3232 AAss OgdenOgden KrauKrautt recounterecountedd itit,, thithiss samesame radianradiantt beingbeing

3311 ChristiansonChristianson citescites a personapersonall interviewinterview witwithh DrDr.. AlleAllenn BrooksbBrooksbyy iinn 1960,1960, inin whicwhichh BrooksbyBrooksby,, a minemine assayerassayer,, offereofferedd hihiss "firm"firm beliebelief'f thathatt oneone ooff ththee ninninee caverncavernss beneatbeneathh thethe DreamDream MineMine containedcontained thethe originaoriginall golgoldd platesplates,, "Historical"Historical StudStudyy ooff ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 16.16. 3322 JS-JS-HH 11:33:33. . 1717 appeareappearedd ttoo KoylKoylee seventy-onseventy-onee yearyearss laterlater:: "A"A heavenlyheavenly messengemessengerr camcamee ttoo hishis homhomee toto visivisitt witwithh himhim.. JohnJohn [Koyle][Koyle] waswas informeinformedd thathatt hhee hahadd beebeenn chosenchosen toto perforperformm a veryvery speciaspeciall .... .H Hee wawass informedinformed aboutabout aann ancienancientt civilizationcivilization thathatt onconcee flourisheflourishedd onon thisthis continent."continent. ,,3333

ThThee similaritiessimilarities betweebetweenn ththee twtwoo storiestoriess reinforcedreinforced ththee faitfaithh ooff believersbelievers,, manmanyy ofof whowhomm looklook ttoo validatevalidate Koyle'Koyle'ss prophetipropheticc credentialcredentialss inin comparisoncomparison witwithh JosephJoseph Smith.Smith.

AccordinAccordingg ttoo ononee devoutdevout DreaDreamm MinMinee believerbeliever:: "Bishop"Bishop Koyle,Koyle, nexnextt ttoo ththee ProphetProphet

JosephJoseph Smith,Smith, hadhad mormoree visitvisitss witwithh [divine][divine] messengersmessengers,, includinincludingg anan ancientancient prophetprophet

[Moses][Moses] andand a latter-dalatter-dayy prophetprophet,, thathann ananyy otherother ofof ourour dayday.. HHee hahadd a missiomissionn whichwhich comparecomparedd ttoo thathatt ooff thethe Savior.,,34Savior."34

LikLikee JosepJosephh Smith,Smith, KoylKoylee anandd hihiss followerfollowerss embracedembraced whawhatt historiahistoriann D.D. MichaelMichael

QuinnQuinn hahass callecalledd ththee "magic"magic worlworldd view."view.,,3535 DivineDivine messengermessengerss intercedeintercede iinn ththee materialmaterial worldworld ttoo brinbringg truttruthh andand salvation.salvation. SeerSeer stones,stones, ancientancient secretssecrets oonn goldgold plates,plates, andand buriedburied treasuretreasure werweree theitheirr meanmeanss toto opeopenn ththee eyeeyess ofof manman.. AnAndd eyeseyes certainlcertainlyy hadhad ttoo bbee openopen toto whawhatt MormonMormonss believedbelieved wawass thethe comingcoming endend ooff timetime.. MormonsMormons,, ifif nonott uniqueunique,, werewere particularlparticularlyy aleralertt ttoo suchsuch manifestationmanifestationss ooff ththee divinedivine iinn theirtheir mortalmortal worldworld.. AAtt ititss heart,heart, nineteentnineteenthh centurycentury MormonisMormonismm wawass a religioreligionn ooff eschatology.eschatology. TheThe church'church'ss foundinfoundingg inin

18301830 wawass forfor MormonMormonss ththee firstfirst eventevent iinn a divinelydivinely ordaineordainedd sequencsequencee thathatt signalesignaledd thethe

laslastt daydayss aass predictepredictedd bbyy OlOldd TestamenTestamentt prophetprophetss DanieDaniell anandd Isaiah.Isaiah. LikLikee ititss BiblicalBiblical

ancestorancestor,, ththee restorerestoredd camcampp ofIsraelof Israel embraceembracedd polygamypolygamy,, revelationrevelation,, prophetipropheticc authority,authority,

1333 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 3636.. 3344 LL.. DeLynDeLynnn "Doc'"Doc' Hansen,Hansen, iinn a compilationcompilation ofof DreaDreamm MinMinee materiamateriall asas welwelll aass personapersonall testimonytestimony,, fromfrom "Doc's"Doc's DreaDreamm MinMinee BookBook Compilation,"Compilation," anan onlinonlinee documentdocument postepostedd iinn "The-Dream-Mine:"The-Dream-Mine: WWee AreAre KeepinKeepingg ththee DreaDreamm Alive:Alive:"",, 60.60. 3355 QuinnQuinn,, Early Mormonism, alsoalso examineexaminess ththee "religio-magical"religio-magical heritageheritage"" ooff earlyearly AmericAmericaa inin ordeorderr toto showshow thathatt ththee folfolkk magimagicc traditiontraditionss ooff ththee frontierfrontier werweree widespreadwidespread,, seseee espesp.. ChapChap.. 1I;; alsalsoo seesee RonalRonaldd W.W. WalkerWalker,, "The"The PersistinPersistingg IdeIdeaa ooff AmericaAmericann TreasureTreasure Hunting,Hunting,"" BYU Studies 2424 (Fal(Falll 1984):1984): 429-59.429-59. 1818 andand templtemplee worshipworship.. ThThee oneone trutruee churcchurchh woulwouldd heralheraldd ththee literaliterall gatheringatheringg ofof IsraelIsrael inin

JacksoJacksonn CountyCounty,, MissouriMissouri,, anandd iinn defiancedefiance ooff ththee anti-Christanti-Christ,, battlbattlee alongsidalongsidee JesusJesus toto usheusherr iinn ththee Millennium.Millennium. 36

WitWithh Smith'sSmith's visionvisionss iinn mindmind,, Pierce'Pierce'ss anandd Kraut'Kraut'ss narrativenarrativess authenticatedauthenticated

Koyle'Koyle'ss venturventuree bbyy appropriatinappropriatingg ththee objectobjectss anandd symbolssymbols ooff ththee BooBookk ooff MormonMormon.. TheThe truttruthh hahadd onlonlyy beebeenn partiallpartiallyy revealerevealedd ttoo JosepJosephh SmithSmith.. NowNow,, witwithh ththee approacapproachh ooff ththee endend timestimes,, MoronMoronii hahadd returnereturnedd ttoo completcompletee hihiss missionmission.. AccordinAccordingg ttoo Pierce,Pierce, KoyleKoyle providedprovided hihiss followerfollowerss nonott onlyonly witwithh anan essentialessential tastaskk inin ththee divindivinee planplan,, bubutt thethe meanmeanss foforr thethe faithfulfaithful ttoo "survive"survive ththee yearyearss ofof faminfaminee andand distressdistress whilwhilee ththee LorLordd purgepurgess ththee earthearth inin preparatiopreparationn foforr HiHiss MillenniaMillenniall Reign."Reign.,,3737 BuildinBuildingg a strongholdstronghold atat ththee foofoott ooff ththee goldengolden mountain,mountain, thetheyy coulcouldd sheltershelter ththee gatheringgathering IsraeliteIsraelitess andand provideprovide "relief'"relief untiuntill ththee returnreturn ttoo MissourMissourii anandd ththee establishmenestablishmentt ofof ZionZion.. BelieBelieff inin sucsuchh a divinedivine missiomissionn wawass mademade secursecuree whewhenn ththee detaildetailss resonateresonatedd witwithh andand reconfirmereconfirmedd earlearlyy MormoMormonn beliefsbeliefs.. ForFor

NormanNorman PiercePierce,, OgdeOgdenn KrautKraut,, anandd ththee otheotherr trutruee believerbelieverss iinn ththee minemine,, ththee storiesstories ofof

SmitSmithh anandd KoylKoylee werweree soso entwineentwinedd thathatt thetheyy couldcould notnot bbee separateseparatedd nonorr denied.denied.

SharingSharing ththee DreamDream:: KoylKoylee GoesGoes PublicPublic

FoForr a fewfew yearyearss afterafter Moroni'Moroni'ss visitvisit,, Koyle'Koyle'ss projecprojectt remaineremainedd littlelittle mormoree thathann a smallsmall holholee iinn ththee groungroundd onon ththee slopeslope ooff ththee cone-shapecone-shapedd hillhill.. WitWithh a crewcrew ooff volunteers,volunteers, mostlmostlyy neighborneighborss whwhoo believebelievedd iinn hishis prophetipropheticc abilitiesabilities,, ththee excavationexcavation wenwentt slowly.slowly.

DigginDiggingg begabegann iinn SeptemberSeptember 1894,1894, bubutt ththee compancompanyy wawass nonott incorporateincorporatedd forfor oveoverr a decade.decade. StillStill,, aass worwordd spreaspreadd thathatt ththee visionarvisionaryy BishoBishopp KoylKoylee hahadd begunbegun hishis treasuretreasure

:16,6 GrantGrant UnderwoodUnderwood,, The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism (Urbana:(Urbana: UniversitUniversityy ooff IllinoisIllinois PressPress,, 1993)1993),3., 3. 3377 Pierce,Pierce, Dream Mine Story, 64.64. 1919 questquest,, peoplpeoplee joinejoinedd ththee movementmovement,, volunteerinvolunteeringg theitheirr timtimee andand laborlabor ttoo bbee a parpartt ofof a projecprojectt ofof holholyy possibilities.possibilities.

WheWhenn KoylKoylee incorporateincorporatedd ththee KoylKoylee MininMiningg CompanCompanyy iinn MarcMarchh 1909,1909, sharesshares soldsold swiftlyswiftly.. ThThee originaoriginall stock-issustock-issuee totaletotaledd 114,000114,000 sharesshares,, ooff whicwhichh alalll bubutt 42,00042,000 wenwentt toto

KoylKoylee anandd five otheotherr compancompanyy officersofficers.. FoForr thethe mostmost partpart,, accordinaccordingg ttoo NormaNormann Pierce,Pierce, stockholdersstockholders "represente"representedd ththee creduloucredulouss bubutt thriftthriftyy poopoorr amongamong ththee MormonMormonss [who][who] desiredesiredd ttoo helhelpp otherotherss andand bbee aann instrumeninstrumentt ooff greagreatt goodgood amonamongg hihiss fellowmefellowmenn duringduring a timtimee ooff greatgreat distress.,,38distress."

UnlikUnlikee AmericaAmericann speculatorspeculatorss ofof ththee latlatee nineteentnineteenthh andand earlyearly twentiettwentiethh centuriescenturies whwhoo unscrupulouslunscrupulouslyy soughsoughtt fasfastt richerichess inin ththee burgeoninburgeoningg nationanationall economyeconomy,, fewfew stockholdersstockholders iinn ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee lookelookedd foforr wealthwealth.. "Th"Thee minminee iiss nonott aboutabout gold,gold,"" sayssays currentcurrent believebelieverr KeviKevinn KrautKraut,, sonson ooff OgdeOgdenn KrautKraut.. "It"It iiss nonott aboutabout makinmakingg yourselyourselff rich;rich; itit iiss a meanmeanss ttoo anan end,end, ttoo providprovidee helhelpp ttoo ththee needyneedy,, anandd ttoo helhelpp dodo ththee worworkk ooff thethe

Lord."Lord.,,3939 StockholdersStockholders areare mininminingg forfor gold,gold, bubutt theythey digdig theitheirr treasurtreasuree toto perforperformm ththee workwork ooff God.God.

WhilWhilee thethe DreaDreamm MinMinee attractedattracted volunteevolunteerr laborerlaborerss anandd faithfufaithfull investorsinvestors,, itit alsoalso dredreww ththee attentionattention ooff ththee LDSLDS ChurchChurch,, worrieworriedd thathatt ththee faithfufaithfull werweree beinbeingg fleeced.fleeced. IInn

1913,1913, MormoMormonn ApostlApostlee JamesJames EE.. TalmageTalmage,, a trainetrainedd geologistgeologist,, examineexaminedd a samplesample fromfrom ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee andand declaredeclaredd ththee ororee worthlessworthless.. ThThee FirsFirstt PresidencPresidencyy issueissuedd a statementstatement iinn ththee titletitledd "A"A WarninWarningg VoiceVoice"" thatthat,, whilwhilee nonott mentioninmentioningg KoylKoylee oorr thethe

DreamDream MineMine,, adviseadvisedd allall Latter-daLatter-dayy SaintsSaints againstagainst investininvestingg "in"in ventureventuress ofof anyany kinkindd onon ththee speciousspecious claiclaimm ofof divindivinee revelatiorevelationn oorr visiovisionn oror dreamdream ...... againstagainst mininminingg schemesschemes

3388 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story,Story. 14-1514-15.. 39 KeviKevinn KrautKraut,, intervieintervieww bbyy authorauthor,, 1818 NovemberNovember 20072007,, Genola,Genola, UtahUtah,, taptapee recording.recording. 2020 whicwhichh havhavee nnoo warrantwarrant forfor successsuccess beyondbeyond thethe professedprofessed spiritualspiritual manifestationsmanifestations ofof theirtheir projectorsprojectors,, andand thethe influenceinfluence gainedgained overover thethe excitedexcited mindmindss ofof theirtheir victims.,,4ovictims."40 FiveFive daysdays afteafterr thethe "Warning""Warning" KoyleKoyle wawass removedremoved asas bishobishopp ofof hihiss UtaUtahh CountyCounty congregation,congregation, whicwhichh hhee hadhad servedserved forfor overover five years.years. IronicallyIronically,, LarsLars OlsenOlsen whwhoo replacereplacedd himhim asas bishobishopp wawass a dedicateddedicated followerfollower ofof KoylKoylee andand a laborelaborerr atat thethe mine.mine. InIn 2007,2007, Olsen'sOlsen's descendantsdescendants stillstill ownedowned stockstock iinn ththee DreaDreamm Mine.4141

ToTo thethe mine'mine'ss faithful,faithful, ththee MormonMormon Church'sChurch's oppositionopposition reflectereflectedd botbothh fearfear andand envyenvy ofof Koyle'Koyle'ss power.power. TheThe authoritiesauthorities couldcould sanctionsanction nnoo revelatiorevelationn atat ththee grassrootsgrassroots thatthat hahadd thethe potentiapotentiall ttoo challengechallenge theirtheir powerpower oror sparkspark heresyheresy.. Koyle'Koyle'ss followersfollowers personalizedpersonalized ththee disputedispute:: "Bishop"Bishop Koyle'sKoyle's propheciesprophecies andand hishis dreamsdreams begabegann toto stirstir upup newnew commotioncommotion andand excitement,excitement, whilwhilee faithfaith inin ththee spiritualspiritual powerspowers ofof thethe ChurchChurch presidenpresidentt begabegann toto wane.wane.

4242 ThisThis kindkind ofof embarrassmentembarrassment usuallusuallyy causescauses jealousjealousyy andand anger,"anger," wrotwrotee OgdenOgden Kraut. IfIf ththee churcchurchh appearedappeared unitedunited iinn publicpublic,, thertheree wawass somesome divisiondivision iinn ththee ranksranks ofof thethe leadership.leadership. JJ.. GoldenGolden KimballKimball wawass a stockholder,stockholder, anan LOSLDS GeneralGeneral AuthorityAuthority,, andand a membememberr ofof ththee FirstFirst CouncilCouncil ofof thethe Seventy.Seventy. CarterCarter E.E. Grant,Grant, nephewnephew ofof churchchurch PresidentPresident

HeberHeber J.J. GrantGrant,, alsoalso ownedowned stockstock inin Koyle'sKoyle's enterprise.4343

40 "A"A WarningWarning VoiceVoice"" Deseret News 2 AugusAugustt 1913.1913. ThThee originaloriginal "First"First PresidencPresidencyy Message,Message,"" wawass signedsigned byby LDSLDS PresidenPresidentt JosepJosephh FF.. Smith.Smith. ItIt waswas reprintereprintedd as:as: "A"A ReneweRenewedd WarninWarningg toto MembersMembers ofof thethe Church"Church" Deseret News 2929 DecembeDecemberr 1945,1945, signedsigned byby churchchurch presidenpresidentt DaviDavidd O.O. McKay.McKay. ForFor a thoroughthorough examinatioexaminationn ofof thethe church'schurch's oppositionopposition ttoo thethe minminee betweenbetween 19131913 andand Koyle'sKoyle's deatdeathh inin 19491949 seesee Christianson,Christianson, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee ReliefRelief Mine,Mine,"" 21-30.21-30. 4411 SeeSee KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 60;60; andand Christianson,Christianson, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee RelieRelieff Mine,"Mine," 35;35; also,also, a personalpersonal intervieintervieww byby ththee authorauthor witwithh a descendantdescendant ofof LarsLars Olsen,Olsen, Dec.Dec. 17,2007.17, 2007. 42 42 Kraut,Kraut, Relief Mine, 59.59. BothBoth KrautKraut andand PiercePierce discussdiscuss thethe specificspecific visions,visions, asas ddoo variousvarious personalpersonal interviewinterviewss inin Graham,Graham, "The"The DreamDream Mine."Mine." TheThe visiovisionn givengiven ththee mostmost weighweightt iiss ononee inin whichwhich KoyleKoyle predictedpredicted thathatt a proposedproposed LDSLDS TempleTemple iinn MexicoMexico woulwouldd nevernever open,open, countercounter toto a publicpublic statementstatement byby PresidenPresidentt JosepJosephh FF.. Smith.Smith. KoyleKoyle claimedclaimed hhee hadhad beebeenn righrightt whenwhen ththee SaintsSaints fledfled MexicMexicoo inin 1912,1912, andand pointepointedd ttoo thisthis asas a sourcesource ofof "jealousy""jealousy" amongamong ththee FirstFirst Presidency.Presidency. SeeSee FifeFife,, Saints of Sage and Saddle,Saddle, 282,282, anandd Christianson,Christianson, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee ReliefRelief Mine,"Mine," 57-58.57-58. 4433 ThomaThomass G.G. AlexanderAlexander,, Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890-19301890-1930 (Urbana(Urbana:: UniversitUniversityy ofIllinoisof Illinois PressPress,, 1986)1986) describedescribess ththee generalgeneral authorities'authorities' investmentinvestmentss inin thethe DreamDream Mine,Mine, 296.296. 2121

DD.. MichaelMichael QuinnQuinn readreadss ththee LDSLDS Church'sChurch's oppositionopposition ttoo thethe DreamDream MineMine asas a rejectiorejectionn ofof thethe magicamagicall treasurtrcasurce questquest thathatt waswas fundamentalfundamental toto earlyearly MormonismMormonism andand a turninturningg awayaway frofromm "superstitious"superstitious andand schismatic"schismatic" practicespractices thathatt characterizedcharacterized thethe lifelife ofof

JosepJosephh Smith.Smith. QuinnQuinn writcs:writes: "While"While a fewfew MormonMormonss continuecontinue toto believbelievee ththee folklorefolklore ofof ththee treasuretreasure trovetrove ...... thetheyy dodo soso inin spitespite ofof thethe clearlyclearly statedstated oppositionopposition ofof thethe twentieth-twentieth- centurcenturyy" ,,4444

YetYet,, thertheree wawass a largelargerr ideologicalideological battlbattIee commencingcommencing thathatt framedframed a growinggrowing divide.divide. Afterl890After1890,, MormonismMormonism begabegann a movmovee towardtoward ththee AmericaAmericann religiousreligious mainstream.mainstream.

InIn thisthis,, ththee churchchurch recastrecast thethe historhistoryy ofof JosephJoseph Smith,Smith, shiftingshifting itsits doctrinaldoctrinal emphasisemphasis awayaway fromfrom a treasure-seekingtreasure-seeking foundingfounding propheprophett whowho dabbleddabbled inin folkfolk magimagicc andand promotedpromoted pluralplural marriage,marriage, ttoo a manman calledcalled directlydirectly byby GodGod ttoo restorrestoree HisHis oneone trutruee gospel.gospel. Thus,Thus, asas thethe

MormonMormon ChurchChurch abandonedabandoned polygamypolygamy andand otherother tenettenetss originallyoriginally introducedintroduced byby JosephJoseph

Smith,Smith, LDLDSS leadersleaders simultaneouslysimultaneously soughtsought toto renereneww membersmembers'' confidenceconfidence inin thethe

authorityauthority ofof thethe foundingfounding prophetprophet.. TheThe churchchurch elevatedelevated ththee importanceimportance ofof JosephJoseph Smith'sSmith's

divinedivine callingcalling,, andand stressedstressed thethe miraclemiracle ofof thethe "First",Vision,"" ththee 18201820 appearanceappearance ofof GodGod

andand JesuJesuss ChristChrist ttoo thethe boyboy prophetprophet.. WhenWhen thethe churchchurch memorializememorializedd itsits prophetprophet inin 19051905

witwithh a granitegranite monumenmonumentt atat JosepJosephh Smith'sSmith's birthplacebirthplace inin Vermont,Vermont, itit soughtsought toto identifyidentify

"what"what aboutabout hishis legacylegacy matterematteredd toto ththee LDLOSS Church.,,45Church."45 Similarly,Similarly, asas PiercPiercee andand KrautKraut

craftedcrafted thethe storystory ofof ththee DreaDreamm MineMine,, thetheyy purposefullpurposefullyy linkedlinked KoyleKoyle withwith JosepJosephh SmithSmith

inin a mannermanner thatthat stressedstressed ththee legacylegacy bothboth menmen sharedshared asas keykey figurefiguress withinwithin God'sGod's plan.plan.

44 Quinn,Quinn, Early Mormonism, 210-211.210-211. 45 45 KathleeKathleenn Flake,Flake, The Politics o[of American Religious Identity: The Seating o[Senatorof Senator Reed Smoot,Smoot, Mormon Apostle (Chapel(Chapel HillHill:: UniversitUniversityy ofof NortNorthh CarolinaCarolina Press,Press, 2004),110.2004), 110. FoForr aann examinationexamination ofof thethe MormoMormonn transitiotransitionn ttoo modernity,modernity, seesee chapterchapter five.five. 2222

AAtt ththee samesame timtimee thathatt ththee LDSLDS ChurcChurchh refocuserefocusedd ththee historhistoryy ooff JosepJosephh Smith,Smith, leadersleaders ofof ththee faithfaith alsoalso begabegann ttoo graduallygradually quiequiett itsits eschatologicaleschatological temper.temper. AsAs thethe churchchurch shifted,shifted, DreaDreamm MinerMinerss werweree marginalizemarginalizedd andand deniedeniedd theitheirr rolrolee iinn ththee divinedivine dramadrama.. InIn responseresponse,, manmanyy ooff thethemm helheldd fasfastt ttoo theitheirr faitfaithh iinn ththee laslastt daysdays andand reiteratereiteratedd theitheirr supportsupport forfor KoyleKoyle.. AAss KrauKrautt puputt it,it, "Thi"Thiss oppositionopposition onlyonly proveprovedd ttoo givegive neneww strengthstrength toto thethe

BishopBishop.. ItIt wawass cleaclearr thathatt ththee LorLordd wawass sustaininsustainingg hihimm andand hihiss missiomissionn aatt ththee mine."mine. ,,4646 Yet,Yet, iitt woulwouldd taktakee mormoree thanthan faitfaithh iinn a mamann ttoo sustaisustainn thethemm aass criticacriticall playerplayerss iinn God'sGod's plan.plan.

ChurcChurchh oppositiooppositionn andand ththee threathreatt ofof excommunicatioexcommunicationn ledled KoylKoylee ttoo ceasecease miningmining forfor nearlnearlyy sixsix yearyearss betweebetweenn 19141914 andand 1920.1920. StillStill,, Koyle'Koyle'ss followersfollowers anandd investorsinvestors remaineremainedd dedicatededicatedd ttoo ththee causecause,, theitheirr faitfaithh shoreshoredd uupp bbyy a neneww millenniamillenniall visiovisionn ofof thethe mine'mine'ss destindestinyy givegivenn ttoo KoyleKoyle bbyy twtwoo ooff ththee BooBookk ooff Mormon'Mormon'ss ThreThreee NephitesNephites.. TheyThey offereofferedd KoylKoylee startlinstartlingg neneww revelationrevelationss ooff aann economieconomicc catastrophecatastrophe awaitinawaitingg thethe nationnation:: a

4747 deflatedeflatedd dollardollar,, rampanrampantt unemploymentunemployment,, anandd hungerhunger,, alalll triggertriggerss oftheof the end.end.

DurinDuringg ththee shutdown,shutdown, believerbelieverss preachepreachedd Koyle'Koyle'ss propheciepropheciess ofof ththee comincomingg endend timestimes,, anandd whewhenn ththee minminee reopenereopenedd iinn SeptemberSeptember 1920,1920, worworkk recommencerecommencedd immediately.immediately.

BelieverBelieverss pressepressedd forwardforward onon ththee maimainn shafshaftt "as"as fasfastt asas minerminerss witwithh handhand drillsdrills andand powdepowderr coulcouldd drivedrive a tunnetunnell intintoo solidsolid mountaimountainn rock."rock.,,4848 AAss ththee excavatioexcavationn encounteredencountered ththee differendifferentt geologicgeologic formationsformations thathatt KoylKoylee hadhad reportedlreportedlyy predictedpredicted,, hishis propheticprophetic reputatioreputationn grewgrew.. HundredHundredss ofof peoplpeoplee visitevisitedd ththee minminee toto seseee firsthanfirsthandd ththee confirmatioconfirmationn ofof

46 KrautKraut,, Relief Mine, 77.11. 47 ChristiansonChristianson,, "Historical"Historical StudStudyy ofof ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 42.42. 48 Pierce,Pierce, Dream Mine Story, 3333.. 2323 prophecy.prophecy. ManyMany stayedstayed toto workwork onon thethe mine, contentcontent toto receivereceive theirtheir paypay inin stock.stock. SoonSoon thethe mainmain shaftshaft hadhad descendeddescended 2,2002,200 feet.feet. 4499

49 AAtt ththee timtimee iitt reopened,, ththee KoylKoylee MininMiningg CoCo.. oweowedd somsomee $2,00$2,0000 ttoo ththee SpanisSpanishh ForForkk Co-Op,, whicwhichh waswas a subsidiarsubsidiaryy ooff ththee LDLOSS ChurcChurchh owneownedd Zion'Zion'ss CooperativCooperativee MercantilMercantilee Institution,, anandd somsomee havhavee suggestedsuggested ththee likelihoolikelihoodd thathatt ChurcChurchh authoritieauthoritiess softenesoftenedd theitheirr stanstandd againsagainstt ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee ssoo ththee compancompanyy couldcould reopereopenn anandd hopefullhopefullyy papayy ofofff ititss debts.. SeSeee Christianson,, "Historica"Historicall StudStudyy ooff ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 47-4847-48.. EveEvenn todaytoday,, KoylKoylee iiss affectionatelaffectionatelyy referrereferredd ttoo aass ththee Bishop,, eveevenn thougthoughh hhee wawass removeremovedd frofromm thathatt positiopositionn bbyy ththee ChurcChurchh jusjustt beforbeforee ththee six-yeasix-yearr shushutt down.. A CHANGECHANGE IINN FOCUS:FOCUS: THTHEE DREAMDREAM MINEMINE


ThThee momentumomentumm oofKoyle'sf Koyle's forecastforecast ofof economiceconomic depressiodepressionn acceleratedaccelerated inin June,June,

1929.1929. KoylKoylee awokawokee ononee morninmorningg anandd predictepredictedd thathatt iinn foufourr monthmonthss - ttoo ththee dadayy - "Wall"Wall

StreetStreet wilwilll crash...... Thousand Thousandss ooff peoplpeoplee oonn evereveryy sideside wilwilll bbee goingoingg busted."busted. ,,5050 WheWhenn thethe markemarkett plungeplungedd iinn October,October, ththee storystory quicklquicklyy spreadspread thathatt KoylKoylee hahadd foretolforetoldd thethe catastrophecatastrophe.. PeoplPeoplee gatheregatheredd againagain aatt ththee KoylKoylee farmsteafarmsteadd nonott fafarr fromfrom thethe minemine ttoo hearhear hihiss predictionpredictionss ofof ththee comingcoming perilperil.. HHee regularlregularlyy updateupdatedd hishis propheciepropheciess witwithh neneww detailsdetails frofromm revelatiorevelationn receivereceivedd whilwhilee asleep.asleep.

WitWithh renewerenewedd energy,energy, inin 19321932 Koyle'sKoyle's followersfollowers suppliedsupplied moneymoney anandd laborlabor toto builbuildd a state-of-the-arstate-of-the-artt millmill,, sometimesometimess callecalledd ththee "White"White Sentinel,"Sentinel," neanearr ththee moutmouthh ooff thethe

DreaDreamm MinMinee tunnetunnell foforr Koyle'Koyle'ss predictepredictedd outpourinoutpouringg ooff goldgold.. AAss ththee returreturnn ofof JesusJesus nearedneared,, ththee DreaDreamm MineMine reachereachedd ititss zenithzenith.. DollarsDollars anandd workerworkerss flowedflowed intintoo ththee mine.mine.

TheThe enendd timetimess werweree atat ththee doordoor anandd thethe DreamDream MinMinee wawass abouaboutt toto "come"come in,"in," believersbelievers said.said. "The"The monemoneyy camecame iinn almostalmost miraculously,"miraculously,,,5151 remembererememberedd PiercePierce,, whwhoo wawass atat thethe

DreaDreamm MinMinee whewhenn laborerlaborerss begabegann buildingbuilding ththee millmill.. WitWithh allall indicationindicationss seeminseemingg toto pointpoint

ttoo ththee immediatimmediatee fulfillmenfulfillmentt ofKoyle'sof Koyle's propheciesprophecies,, stockholderstockholderss "scraped"scraped thethe bottobottomm ofof

theitheirr Depression-worDepression-wornn pocketpocketss ttoo raisraisee ththee monemoneyy needeneededd ttoo buybuy ththee equipment"equipment" thatthat

woulwouldd refinrefinee ththee ororee intointo ththee golgoldd ttoo financfinancee ththee gatheringatheringg ofof Israel.Israel. 52

5050 ChristiansonChristianson,, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 11,11, quotingquoting ththee recollectiorecollectionn ofof CarterCarter GrantGrant,, fromfrom anan interviewinterview iinn 1959.1959. 5151 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 70.70. 5252 Ibid.,Ibid., 66.66. ,.; 2525

ThThee giantgiant milmilll neveneverr fulfillefulfilledd ththee promisepromise.. SinceSince itit becamebecame operationaoperationall inin 19361936 iitt

hahass onlyonly processeprocessedd oneone loaloadd ooff ore,ore, nettinnettingg ththee companycompany $103.03.$103.03. BByy 1937,1937, ththee milmilll shutshut

down,down, andand inin 20020088 iitt standsstands onon ththee mountaimountainn emptyempty anandd quietquiet.. BuButt truetrue believerbelieverss areare

unshakenunshaken.. InIn ththee wordwordss ofof OgdeOgdenn KrautKraut:: "When"When ththee LorLordd releasereleasess thesethese riches,riches, thethenn thethe

White Sentinel will become like an ensign to the nations for a place ofrelief."s353 White Sentinel will become like an ensign to the nations for a place of relief." Koyle, who turned 80 in 1944, kept faith alive with a long list of prophecies. Koyle, who turned 80 in 1944, kept faith alive with a long list of prophecies. "Hardly a year passed without several new [dreams] being related, many of which saw "Hardly a year passed without several new [dreams] being related, many of which saw rapid fulfillment,,,S4 remembered Norman Pierce, who spent more and more time with rapid fulfillment,"54 remembered Norman Pierce, who spent more and more time with Koyle as he grew older. Some of Koyle's prophecies failed, such as his prediction that Koyle as he grew older. Some of Koyle's prophecies failed, such as his prediction that Russian soldiers would soon overrun America. Believers still drew sustenance from other Russian soldiers would soon overrun America. Believers still drew sustenance from other revelations, such as Koyle's forecast of Japanese surrender in 1945. revelations, such as Koyle's forecast of Japanese surrender in 1945. Even as Koyle's reputation declined, the LDS Church reminded its flock that it Even as Koyle's reputation declined, the LDS Church reminded its flock that it would brook no challengers. Koyle was brought before a Mormon ecclesiastical court, would brook no challengers. Koyle was brought before a Mormon ecclesiastical court, where he was given a choice: issue a statement denying his revelations of the Dream where he was given a choice: issue a statement denying his revelations of the Dream Mine, or face excommunication. On January 8, 1947, the church-owned Deseret News Mine, or face excommunication. On January 8, 1947, the church-owned Deseret News carried his decision under the headline: "John H. Koyle Repudiates All Claims Regarding carried his decision under the headline: "John H. Koyle Repudiates All Claims Regarding the Dream Mine." The newspaper reproduced a notarized statement bearing Koyle's the Dream Mine." The newspaper reproduced a notarized statement bearing Koyle's signature in which the old bishop sustained the LOS president and "appeal [ed] to all my signature in which the old bishop sustained the LDS president and "appealed] to all my followers to join with me in this repudiation of claims to divine guidance in connection followers to join with me in this repudiation of claims to divine guidance in connection with this mine."ss But the matter would not close. Within days, Koyle repudiated the with this mine."55 But the matter would not close. Within days, Koyle repudiated the

5533 Kraut,Kraut, Relief Mine, 141.141. LaterLater,, somsomee stockholderstockholderss allegeallegedd thathatt ththee samplsamplee hahadd beebeenn "spiked"spiked"" ttoo showshow artificiallyartificially elevateelevatedd levellevelss ooff seleniumselenium inin ththee oreore,, bbyy aann engineeengineerr eageeagerr ttoo selselll hihiss equipmentequipment ttoo ththee minemine,, seesee PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 73,73, andand ChristiansonChristianson,, "Historical"Historical StudyStudy ofof ththee RelieRelieff Mine,Mine,"" 3535.. 5544 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 8888.. 5555 "Joh"Johnn HH.. KoylKoylee RepudiateRepudiatess AlAlll ClaimClaimss RegardinRegardingg DreaDreamm Mine,Mine,"" Deseret News 8 JanuarJanuaryy 1948,1948, 1.1. PiercePierce callscalls thithiss episodeepisode ththee "most"most difficuldifficultt testestt of[Koyle's]of [Koyle's] lifetimelifetime,, forfor hhee hahadd oftenoften sincerelysincerely saisaidd thathatt hhee valuedvalued hihiss membershimembershipp iinn ththee ChurcChurchh mormoree thathann alalll ththee goldgold iinn ththee world,world,"" Dream Mine Story, 9393.. 2266 statementstatement.. HHee claimeclaimedd thathatt hhee hahadd beebeenn forceforcedd ttoo sigsignn ththee declaration,, anandd sworsworee thathatt evereveryy prophecprophecyy wawass truetrue..

KoylKoylee wawass excommunicateexcommunicatedd oonn ApriAprill 15, 19481948.. HHee diediedd jusjustt oveoverr a yeayearr later,,

MaMayy 17, 1949,, aatt ththee agagee ooff 8484.. OgdeOgdenn KrauKrautt eulogizeeulogizedd ththee mamann hhee considereconsideredd a prophet:prophet:

"Chris"Christt neveneverr sasaww ththee triumptriumphh ooff HiHiss ChurcChurchh whilwhilee HHee lived;; ththee PropheProphett JosepJosephh SmithSmith neveneverr sasaww ththee redemptioredemptionn ooff ZioZionn whilwhilee hhee wawass alivealive;; anandd BishoBishopp KoylKoylee neveneverr realizedrealized ththee materializatiomaterializationn ooff ththee ororee depositedepositedd iinn thathatt mountainmountain.. BuButt iinn ththee LasLastt DayDayss thetheyy alalll shalshalll seseee ththee fulfillmenfulfillmentt ooff theitheirr vision."vision. ,,5656 IIff LDLDSS authoritieauthoritiess believebelievedd thathatt hihiss deathdeath woulwouldd closclosee ththee mine,, thetheyy werweree quicklquicklyy disappointeddisappointed.. EveEvenn thougthoughh nnoo mininminingg hashas occurreoccurredd iinn decades,, ththee dreadreamm continues..



AAss Koyle'Koyle'ss contemporariecontemporariess dieddied,, thetheyy passepassedd theitheirr stocstockk ttoo a neneww generatiogenerationn ofof believerbelieverss whwhoo couldcould onlonlyy rememberememberr ththee BishopBishop inin hihiss laterlater yearsyears,, iiff aatt all.all. Today'sToday's stockholderstockholderss knowknow ofof ththee DreamDream MinMinee second-hand,second-hand, througthroughh ththee yelloweyellowedd stockstock certificatecertificatess thetheyy inheriteinheritedd andand ththee storiesstories swappedswapped amongamong ththee old-timerold-timerss ofof UtaUtahh County.County.

RecentlyRecently,, ththee interneinternett hahass tightenedtightened ththee communitcommunityy ooff believersbelievers bbyy fosteringfostering moremore frequenfrequentt communicatiocommunicationn andand interactioninteraction,, supplementingsupplementing ththee annuaannuall stockholderstockholderss meeting.meeting.

JusJustt asas iitt alwaysalways hashas,, ththee DreamDream MinMinee attractsattracts believerbelieverss aass aann investmeninvestmentt inin thethe magicalmagical originoriginss ooff theitheirr faith,faith, andand iinn a destinydestiny thathatt awaitawaitss ultimatultimatee fulfillmentfulfillment.. WhilWhilee KoylKoylee lived,lived, itit seemedseemed thathatt ththee momentmoment wawass imminentimminent.. SignsSigns pointepointedd ttoo ththee fastfast approacapproachh ofof ththee LastLast

DaysDays anandd ththee "coming"coming inin"" ooff ththee minemine.. YeYett evereveryy yearyear,, hophopee wawass deferred.deferred. IInn ththee sixsix decadesdecades sincsincee Koyle'sKoyle's death,death, hihiss followersfollowers havhavee continuecontinuedd ttoo reareadd ththee signsignss aroundaround them,them, determineddetermined thathatt prophecprophecyy wawass aboutabout ttoo bbee fulfilled.fulfilled.

WitWithh KoylKoylee dead,dead, DreaDreamm MinerMinerss hahadd lostlost thethe propheprophett whwhoo focusedfocused mostmost intentlyintently oonn thethe endend timestimes.. IInn hishis absence,absence, thetheyy woulwouldd find littllittlee spirituaspirituall supporsupportt foforr eschatologeschatologyy inin theitheirr mainstreammainstream MormonMormon warwardd houseshouses,, forfor ththee LDLDSS hahadd deemphasizedeemphasizedd sucsuchh teaching.teaching.

MormonMormon leaders,leaders, ratherrather thathann looklook ttoo thethe enendd ooff ththee worldworld,, preachepreachedd insteadinstead ooff ththee presentpresent

57 and the need to shore up personal morality and build strong families. 57 and the need to shore up personal morality and build strong families.

57 IInn a studstudyy ofof ththee MormoMormonn generalgeneral authorities'authorities' rhetorirhetoricc aatt ththee church'church'ss biannuabiannuall GeneraGenerall ConferencesConferences betweebetweenn 18501850 andand 1979,1979, sociologistsociologistss GordoGordonn ShepherdShepherd anandd GarGaryy ShepherdShepherd founfoundd thathatt referencereferencess toto eschatologyeschatology declinedeclinedd strikinglystrikingly.. GordonGordon ShepherdShepherd andand GarGaryy ShepherdShepherd,, "Mormonism"Mormonism iinn SeculaSecularr Society:Society: 2828

DreaDreamm MinMinee believersbelievers,, howeverhowever,, coulcouldd stilstilll embraceembrace tightltightlyy theitheirr kekeyy roleroless inin thethe endend timtimee dramdramaa becausbecausee thetheyy founfoundd encouragemenencouragementt iinn ththee religioureligiouss greagreatt awakeninawakeningg thatthat followedfollowed WorlWorldd WaWarr II.II. ChristiansChristians,, botbothh fundamentalisfundamentalistt anandd evangelical,evangelical, sawsaw signsignss thatthat

GoGodd hahadd reenterereenteredd historyhistory.. ThThee recreatiorecreationn ofof ththee statestate oofIsraelf Israel iinn 1948,1948, exactlexactlyy oneone montmonthh afteafterr Koyle'Koyle'ss excommunicationexcommunication,, suggestesuggestedd thathatt ththee prophetipropheticc clockclock hahadd begubegunn toto tictickk againagain.. "When"When araree ththee timetimess ooff ththee gentilegentiless [non-Mormons][non-Mormons] ttoo bbee over?over?"" asksasks oneone

DreaDreamm MinMinee believebelieverr iinn ththee interneinternett groupgroup devotedevotedd ttoo KoylKoylee andand ththee mine.mine. "The"The scripturescripturess teltelll uuss thathatt wwee cacann recognizrecognizee itit bbyy ththee signsign thathatt ththee JewsJews wilwilll begibeginn ttoo gathergather inin

IsraelIsrael.. IsIs iitt jusjustt coincidenccoincidencee thathatt 19481948 broughbroughtt abouaboutt Koyle'Koyle'ss exex [communication][communication] aatt thethe samsamee timetime thathatt ththee JewJewss begabegann ttoo gather?"gather?,,5858 DreaDreamm MinMinee believerbelieverss woulwouldd soosoonn havhavee moremore thathann enougenoughh divindivinee signsignss ttoo knoknoww thathatt thetheyy werweree diggingdigging inin ththee righrightt

IInn hihiss studystudy ooff twentieth-centurtwentieth-centuryy eschatologicaeschatologicall beliefbelief,, historiahistoriann PaulPaul BoyerBoyer visualizevisualizedd ththee variouvariouss levelslevels ooff commitmencommitmentt ofof end-timeend-time believerbelieverss asas concentricconcentric circles.circles.

AAtt ththee corcoree werweree devoteesdevotees committedcommitted ttoo preparinpreparingg themselvethemselvess andand otherotherss foforr thethe apocalypse.apocalypse. A middlmiddlee rinringg ofof believerbelieverss werweree uncertaiuncertainn aboutabout precisprecisee doctrinedoctrine butbut neverthelesneverthelesss maintainemaintainedd faithfaith.. AAnn outeouterr circlcirclee ofof secularistsecularistss carecaredd littlelittle aboutabout apocalypticapocalyptic

doctrinedoctrine thougthoughh theythey neveneverr completelcompletelyy escapeescapedd itsits influence.influence. 5959

WhilWhilee ththee chaptechapterr andand versversee ooff DreaDreamm MinMinee eschatologyeschatology differdifferss fromfrom moremore

broadly-acceptebroadly-acceptedd ChristiaChristiann apocalypticapocalyptic beliefbelief,, ththee ideideaa ofof concentriconcentricc circlecircless iiss a helpfulhelpful

wawayy ttoo visualizvisualizee ththee faitfaithh ooff DreaDreamm MinMinee stockholdersstockholders.. OrOr,, ttoo ususee investmentinvestment

terminologyterminology,, ththee concentricconcentric ringringss ooff DreaDreamm MinMinee faithfulnesfaithfulnesss cacann bbee visualizevisualizedd as:as:

ChanginChangingg PatternPatternss iinn OfficialOfficial EcclesiasticaEcclesiasticall Rhetoric,Rhetoric,"" Review of Religious Research 2266 (September(September 1984):1984): 35-3635-36.. 5588 5599 PauPaull BoyerBoyer,, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy BeliefBeliefin in Modern American Culture (Cambridge,(Cambridge, Mass.Mass.:: HarvardHarvard UniversitUniversityy PressPress,, 1992)1992);; HHee touchetouchess onlonlyy brieflbrieflyy oonn LDLOSS eschatology,eschatology, seseee 288.288. 2299

"Buy,"Buy,"" "Hold""Hold" andand "Sell.""Sell." ThThee corecore,, ththee "buy"buy"" groupgroup - whicwhichh encompassesencompasses diversdiversee kindskinds ooff MormonMormonss - activelactivelyy proselytizeproselytizess ththee minemine,, disseminatingdisseminating Koyle'Koyle'ss propheciepropheciess andand participatinparticipatingg inin frequentfrequent onlinonlinee debatedebatess abouaboutt whewhenn mininminingg willwill begibeginn againagain ttoo usheusherr inin ththee LasLastt DaysDays.. "Hold"Hold"" grougroupp membermemberss areare contencontentt ttoo sisitt oonn theitheirr stockstock,, manmanyy onlyonly vaguelvaguelyy awareaware ooff ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee narrativenarrative.. ThThee outeouterr ringring,, ththee "sell""sell" crowd,crowd, tendtendss toto contaicontainn peoplpeoplee whwhoo inheriteinheritedd stocstockk andand dodo nonott heahearr ththee hoohooff beatbeatss ofof ththee approachingapproaching apocalypse.apocalypse. WhilWhilee opeopenn ttoo suggestiosuggestionn fromfrom trutruee believersbelievers,, thetheyy areare typicalltypicallyy readreadyy ttoo sellsell foforr ththee righrightt priceprice,, ofteoftenn forfor $30$30 ttoo $35$35 peperr share,share, sometimessometimes foforr asas mucmuchh asas $50.6060

AAtt ththee corcoree ofof ththee trutruee believerbelieverss isis DoDocc HansenHansen,, currentlycurrently ththee DreamDream Mine'sMine's chiefchief promoterpromoter.. IInn hihiss mid-fiftiesmid-fifties,, HanseHansenn iiss a devoudevoutt membememberr ofof ththee LDLDSS ChurchChurch whwhoo waswas raiseraisedd inin UtahUtah County.County. AAss a boyboy,, HanseHansenn says,says, hhee wawass "fascinated""fascinated" bbyy ththee DreamDream MineMine althougalthoughh hhee knekneww ververyy littlelittle abouaboutt itit.. ""II sawsaw ththee zizigg zazagg [of[of ththee roadroad]] goinggoing uupp ththee hill,hill, andand ththee bigbig,, whitwhitee millmill,, anandd itit alwayalwayss attracteattractedd me,me,"" HanseHansenn remembersremembers.. TodayToday a chiropractorchiropractor whoswhosee UtaUtahh CountCountyy officeoffice holdholdss a boobookk shelshelff witwithh dozensdozens ooff titletitless abouaboutt thethe

LastLast DayDayss bbyy evangelicaevangelicall writerswriters,, HanseHansenn finallyfinally decideddecided ttoo investigateinvestigate whewhenn hhee wawass a highighh schoolschool senior.senior. HeHe founfoundd NormaNormann Pierce'sPierce's boobookk inin ththee publipublicc librarlibraryy andand waswas convinceconvincedd ofof thethe "truthfulness"truthfulness"" ooff ththee narrativnarrativee anandd Koyle'Koyle'ss callingcalling asas a prophet.prophet.

AlthougAlthoughh iitt woulwouldd stillstill bbee manmanyy yearyearss beforbeforee hhee boughboughtt hihiss firsfirstt sharesharess iinn ththee mine,mine,

HanseHansenn wawass committed.committed. "If"If you'ryou'ree meanmeantt ttoo bbee connecteconnectedd witwithh ththee projecprojectt ththee spiritspirit justjust grabgrabss yoyouu anandd yanksyanks yoyouu intointo ththee project,project,"" hhee says.61says.61

60 MemberMemberss oofthef the DreaDreamm MinMinee interneinternett grougroupp regularlregularlyy pospostt noticenoticess seekinseekingg stockstock,, and,and, leslesss regularly,regularly, offeringoffering iitt foforr salesale.. InIn AugusAugustt 20082008,, stockstock wawass advertisedadvertised forfor $3$355 peperr shareshare,, seesee 2891,, whilwhilee thathatt samesame montmonthh a posteposterr lookinglooking ttoo bubuyy offereofferedd ttoo papayy $50$50,, seseee 6611 L.L. DeLynDeLynnn "Doc""Doc" HansenHansen,, intervieintervieww bbyy authorauthor,, 2266 OctoberOctober 20072007,, OremOrem,, UtahUtah.. 3030

TheThe corcoree grougroupp alsalsoo includesincludes KeviKevinn KrautKraut,, sonson ofof DreaDreamm MinMinee chroniclerchronicler OgdenOgden

KrauKrautt anandd aann avoweavowedd "fundamentalist"fundamentalist MormonMormon"" witwithh faitfaithh iinn principlesprinciples suchsuch asas pluralplural marriagmarriagee thathatt havhavee beebeenn lonlongg abandoneabandonedd bbyy ththee officialofficial church,church, whicwhichh todaytoday excommunicateexcommunicatess membermemberss whwhoo practicpracticee oorr espouseespouse polygamypolygamy.. KrautKraut,, likelike otheotherr DreamDream

MinMinee faithful,faithful, drawdrawss supporsupportt forfor hihiss DreaDreamm MinMinee beliebelieff fromfrom non-Mormonon-Mormonn sources,sources, includinincludingg ththee prophetipropheticc utteranceutterancess ofof anan onlineonline evangelicalevangelical groupgroup knowknownn asas ththee "Prophecy"Prophecy

Club,"Club,,,6262 asas welwelll a formeformerr orthodoorthodoxx JeJeww whwhoo converteconvertedd ttoo MormonisMormonismm anandd wrotwrotee a numbenumberr ooff bookbookss aboutabout thethe LasLastt DayDayss asas foretoldforetold bbyy ththee OldOld Testament'Testament'ss BooBookk ofof


IItt isis nnoo surprissurprisee thathatt KrauKrautt anandd otheotherr DreaDreamm MinMinee believerbelieverss findfind supportsupport forfor theirtheir faitfaithh iinn sourcessources beyonbeyondd a MormoMormonn perspectiveperspective.. EvangelicalEvangelical Christians,Christians, iinn particular,particular, possespossesss anan end-timeend-time visiovisionn thathatt correspondcorrespondss witwithh ththee eschatologicaleschatological impulsesimpulses ofof DreamDream

MinersMiners.. OveOverr ththee laslastt thirthirdd ofof ththee twentiettwentiethh centurcenturyy andand intintoo ththee firstfirst decadedecade ofof thethe twenty-firsttwenty-first centurycentury,, AmericaAmericann evangelicalsevangelicals produceproducedd countlescountlesss booksbooks,, recordings,recordings, pamphletspamphlets,, videosvideos,, anandd websitewebsitess designedesignedd ttoo tractrackk ththee world'world'ss relentlesrelentlesss marcmarchh towardtoward

Armageddon.6464 InformeInformedd primarilprimarilyy bbyy ththee BooBookk ooff RevelationRevelation,, evangelicalevangelical ChristiansChristians loolookk foforr ththee predictepredictedd signpostsignpostss alongalong ththee wayway.. SomeSome havhavee alreadyalready occurredoccurred,, suchsuch asas thethe creatiocreationn ooff IsraeIsraell andand ththee returreturnn ooff JerusalemJerusalem.. OtherOther eventsevents awaitawait fulfillment:fulfillment: ththee risrisee ofof aann antichristantichrist,, ththee establishmenestablishmentt ooff a sinistersinister "ne"neww worlworldd order,order,"" aann unlockinunlockingg ooff secretssecrets hiddehiddenn witwithh ththee OldOld Testament,Testament, aass welwelll aass warswars,, plaguesplagues,, andand naturanaturall disasterdisasterss likelike

6262 6633 See,See, forfor instanceinstance,, AvrahaAvrahamm GileadiGileadi,, Isaiah Decoded: Ascending the Ladder to Heaven (Provo,(Provo, Utah:Utah: HebraeuHebraeuss PressPress,, 2002).2002). 6644 A seminaseminall textextt oonn BiblicaBiblicall prophecprophecyy fromfrom aann evangelicaevangelicall ChristiaChristiann perspectivperspectivee iiss HaHall LindseyLindsey,, witwithh C.c.C.C. CarlsonCarlson,, The Late Great Planet Earth (Gran(Grandd RapidsRapids,, Mich.Mich.:: ZondervaZondervann PublishinPublishingg HouseHouse,, 1970),1970), whichwhich solsoldd oveoverr 3355 milliomillionn copiecopiess andand spawnespawnedd a billiobillionn dollardollar end-timeend-timess industry.industry. 3131 earthquakeearthquakess anandd floodsfloods ofof growingrowingg intensity.intensity. ThThee evangelicaevangelicall scenarioscenario ofof ththee LastLast DaysDays complementcomplementss thethe eschatologicaeschatologicall visiovisionn ooff ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee faithful,faithful, witwithh ononee keykey exceptionexception.. ManyMany evangelicalevangelical ChristiansChristians believbelievee iinn ththee rapturerapture,, whewhenn GoGodd wilwilll liftlift deservindescrvingg ChristiansChristians ttoo heaveheavenn andand savesave thethemm fromfrom ththee trialtrialss ofof ththee LasLastt DaysDays.. NeitherNeither

DreaDreamm MinersMiners,, nonorr MormonMormonss inin generalgeneral,, placplacee theitheirr faitfaithh inin thethe rapture.rapture.

AmongAmong DreaDreamm Miners,Miners, ththee membermemberss ofof ththee corcoree "buy""buy" groupgroup sharsharee ononee importantimportant attributeattribute;; thetheyy believbelievee witwithh certaintycertainty iinn ththee ultimatultimatee fulfillmenfulfillmentt oofKoyle'sf Koyle's manymany propheciepropheciess anandd frequentlyfrequently seesee signsignss ofof theitheirr imminenceimminence.. LikeLike twentiettwentiethh centurycentury evangelicaevangelicall ChristiansChristians,, DreamDream MinerMinerss loolookk ttoo thethe biblicabiblicall preachinpreachingg ofof EzekielEzekiel,, Isaiah,Isaiah, anandd Daniel,Daniel, andand ththee NeNeww TestamentTestament BookBook ofof RevelationRevelation,, ttoo informinform theitheirr eschatologicaleschatological worldview.worldview. TheyThey poinpointt ttoo Israel'Israel'ss capturecapture ooff ththee OldOld CitCityy ooff JerusaleJerusalemm inin 19671967 asas confirmationconfirmation ooff biblicabiblicall prophecyprophecy.. TheTheyy alsalsoo quicklquicklyy notnotee thathatt JosepJosephh SmithSmith predictedpredicted thithiss eveneventt andand understoounderstoodd itsits significance.significance. LikLikee evangelicalevangelical ProtestantsProtestants,, ththee DreamDream MineMine corecore believersbelievers anticipatanticipatee thethe risrisee ofof anan antichristantichrist anandd seesee evidencevidencee ooff hishis pendinpendingg ascentascent inin assortedassorted worldwidworldwidee conspiraciesconspiracies andand cabalscabals.. "The"The destructiodestructionn andand fiascofiasco wilwilll begibeginn [[withwith] ] thethe fullfull mobilizatiomobilizationn ooff ththee NeNeww WorldWorld .. thee AntichrisAntichristt iiss closelyclosely following,"following," predictpredictss ononee dedicateddedicated stockholderstockholder iinn a SeptemberSeptember 20042004 internetinternet postingposting,, whicwhichh adds:adds:

"The"The BiblBiblee detaildetailss horriblhorriblee judgmentjudgmentss anandd plaguesplagues,, faminesfamines,, earthquakes,earthquakes, warswars,, waterwater contaminationcontamination anandd mucmuchh moremore"" beforbeforee ththee minminee reopens.6565

65 FoForr JosephJoseph Smith'Smith'ss prophecprophecyy thatthat "Jerusale"Jerusalemm musmustt bbee rebuilt,rebuilt,"" seseee UnderwoodUnderwood,, The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism, 121121 andand AndreAndreww FF.. EhaEhatt anandd LyndoLyndonn Cook,Cook, editors,editors, The Words ofo.{Joseph Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts ofa/the the Nauvoo Discourses o.{of the Prophet Joseph (Provo(Provo,, UtahUtah:: BYBYUU ReligiouReligiouss StudiesStudies CenterCenter,, 1980),1980), 180.180. ModernModern DreaDreamm MinMinee believebelieverr KeviKevinn KrauKrautt sayssays thatthat ththee IsraelIsraelii presencpresencee iinn JerusalemJerusalem iiss "a"a stestepp towartowardd thethe fulfillmenfulfillmentt ooff alalll [Koyle's][Koyle's] prophecies,prophecies,"" KeviKevinn KrautKraut,, intervieintervieww bbyy authorauthor,, 1188 NovembeNovemberr 20072007,, Genola,Genola, UtahUtah.. 3232

IInn thethe twenty-firsttwenty-first century,century, devoudevoutt DreamDream MinerMinerss connecconnectt iinn cyberspace,cyberspace, exchangingexchanging propheciepropheciess andand opinionopinionss viviaa anan internetinternet grougroupp oonn ththee YahoYahooo networnetworkk titledtitled

"The"The DreamDream Mine:Mine: WWee ArAree KeepinKeepingg ththee DreaDreamm Alive.Alive."" IItt wawass DoDocc HanseHansenn whwhoo firstfirst purchasepurchasedd stocstockk iinn ththee minminee inin ththee 1980s1980s andand foundefoundedd ththee e-groue-groupp oonn Sept.Sept. 10,10, 2001,2001, thethe evevee ofof ththee terroterrorr attacksattacks inin NeNeww YorYorkk CitCityy anandd WashingtoWashingtonn D.CD.C.. ThougThoughh reluctanreluctantt toto attributattributee thithiss timintimingg ttoo divindivinee guidanceguidance,, HanseHansenn says:says: "I"Itt wawass ththee nighnightt beforbeforee 9/119/11,, anandd I gogott ththee distinctdistinct impressionimpression [to[to founfoundd ththee e-group]e-group] andand whewhenn I gegett thosthosee distinctdistinct impressions,impressions, I don'tdon't questioquestionn it,it, IT jusjust t ddoo it. ... .I Itt wawass meantmeant ttoo bebe,, andand aass a resulresultt believersbelievers camecame outout ofof ththee woodwork."woodwork." IInn ititss firsfirstt sevenseven yearsyears,, ththee e-groue-groupp hashas attracteattractedd closeclose toto

1,0001,000 membersmembers anandd receivereceivedd overover 12,90012,900 distinctdistinct postsposts.. ""II hahadd abouaboutt twenttwentyy peoplpeoplee joinjoin righrightt awayaway,, anandd itit keptkept growinggrowing faster,faster,"" HanseHansenn remembersremembers.. "I"I havhavee peoplpeoplee e-maie-maill meme privatelprivatelyy ttoo say,say, ''II waswas leledd ttoo this.this.'' PeoplPeoplee havehave dreamsdreams thathatt lealeadd thethemm ttoo thithiss group.,,66group."66

AlthougAlthoughh postersposters ttoo ththee groupgroup araree cyber-anonymouscyber-anonymous,, theitheirr messagemessagess offeofferr insightinsight intintoo ththee perspectiveperspectivess ofof currentcurrent DreaDreamm MinMinee movemenmovementt membersmembers.. ManManyy postsposts scrutinizescrutinize

Koyle'sKoyle's propheciesprophecies inin ththee lighlightt ofof currencurrentt worlworldd events-wars,events—wars, famines,famines, earthquakesearthquakes,, andand otheotherr disasters.disasters. ConflictConflict betweebetweenn RussiRussiaa andand TurkeTurkeyy wawass ononee ooff hihiss predictionspredictions.. EagerEager forfor ththee endend ooff timetime,, a 20020077 e-groupe-group posteposterr declareddeclared:: "Keep"Keep anan eyeyee oonn TurkeyTurkey.. SomeSome interestinginteresting thingthingss areare goingoingg onon oveoverr thertheree now...... ClimatClimatee ChangesChanges,, VolcanoesVolcanoes,, CurrentCurrent

Events .... Preparedness is a lot like Insurance; you have to have it before it is needed.,,6767 Events. ...Preparedness is a lot like Insurance; you have to have it before it is needed." Koyle had said that war will rage on the coastline of America, and an army of 100,000 Koyle had said that war will rage on the coastline of America, and an army of 100,000 Russians will invade North America through Canada. In the Middle East, America's Russians will invade North America through Canada. In the Middle East, America's

66 LL.. DeLynnDeLynn "Doc""Doc" HansenHansen,, intervieintervieww bbyy author,author, 2626 OctobeOctoberr 20072007,, OremOrem,, Utah.Utah. 67 1841 3333 armiearmiess wilwilll falter.falter. A worldwidworldwidee faminefamine willwill sendsend pricepricess skyrocketinskyrocketingg forfor basibasicc staplestapless likelike

/TO rice and wheat. 68 rice and wheat. Postings on the Dream Mine e-group tempt believers with the recurring certainty Postings on the Dream Mine e-group tempt believers with the recurring certainty that the end is at hand. "The mine will open up in the fall season," wrote one poster that the end is at hand. "The mine will open up in the fall season," wrote one poster confidently in October, 2001. "Will it be this fall after an economic collapse? Who confidently in October, 2001. "Will it be this fall after an economic collapse? Who knows? It has been a long hot summer. :-) Who has a farmer's almanac? What is this knows? It has been a long hot summer. :-) Who has a farmer's almanac? What is this winter supposed to be like?,,69 That post was challenged by another core believer, who winter supposed to be like?"69 That post was challenged by another core believer, who wrote simply: "The mine can't open yet. Not for 2-4 years. The parameters don't fit wrote simply: "The mine can't open yet. Not for 2-4 years. The parameters don't fit yet.,,7070 Within• 1 • two days, the initial post had generated a dozen responses, a cyber- yet." Within two days, the initial post had generated a dozen responses, a cyber- argument about the merits ofthe original premise: that the mine would "corne in" argument about the merits of the original premise: that the mine would "come in" immediately. Once a string ends, another posting will reinvigorate the cyberspace immediately. Once a string ends, another posting will reinvigorate the cyberspace conversation. A reading of a new sign, an earthquake, rising gasoline prices, a falling conversation. A reading of a new sign, an earthquake, rising gasoline prices, a falling dollar, the increased value of gold, compels the Dream Miners to speculate ifKoyle's dollar, the increased value of gold, compels the Dream Miners to speculate if Koyle's prophecies line up with the latest hints that the time is now. The true believers are flush prophecies line up with the latest hints that the time is now. The true believers are flush with anticipation. As one asked in an April 2008 message to the group: with anticipation. As one asked in an April 2008 message to the group: Is THIS the year? We are VERY close to the mine becoming active, and I think that Utah will be where the New Economy Is THIS the year? We are VERY close to the mine becoming begins, and that the Dream Mine will help to bring back America from the brinkactive ,of an absoluted I think economic that Utah devastationwill be wher ....e Thank the Ne wGod Econom I live yin beginsUtah, and, an dnear tha tthe th emine. Drea71m Mine will help to bring back America from the brink of absolute economic devastation. ...Thank God I live in Posts toUtah the e-group, and nea alsor th edissect mine. biblical revelations: "One of the strange enigmas Posts to the e-group also dissect biblical revelations: "One of the strange enigmas of the world is the total ignoring of Bible prophecy as it comes true with complete of the world is the total ignoring of Bible prophecy as it comes true with complete accuracy," notes a 2003 message posted less than a month after the United States accuracy," notes a 2003 message posted less than a month after the United States

6688 KrautKraut,, RelieRelieff MineMine,, 190-191.190-191. 6699 7070 944 7711 2778 3344 launchelaunchedd ititss invasioinvasionn ooff IraqIraq.. "As"As ononee studiesstudies ththee newnewss headlineheadliness anandd readreadss thethe variousvarious accountaccountss aboutabout whawhatt iiss beinbeingg saisaidd iinn WashingtonWashington,, iitt becomebecomess clearclear thathatt ththee BiblBiblee prophetprophet

Habakkuk'Habakkuk'ss visiovisionn ooff AmericAmericaa invadininvadingg thethe MiddlMiddlee EasEastt andand takintakingg iitt forfor itselitselff drawsdraws closecloserr bbyy ththee"" ThThee pospostt recommendrecommendss a videvideoo thathatt makemakess ththee case,case, calledcalled "The"The

American-BabyloAmerican-Babylonn Connection"Connection" thathatt "wil"willl provprovee ttoo yoyouu thathatt AmericAmericaa iiss BabyloBabylonn andand shows you in• great detail why this is so. It is all happening right under your nose.,,7272 shows you in great detail why this is so. It is all happening right under your nose." Core-group Dream Miners, like evangelicals, seek to "decode" the mysteries of Core-group Dream Miners, like evangelicals, seek to "decode" the mysteries of the Bible to confirm their beliefs. Bible codes that search for esoteric information and the Bible to confirm their beliefs. Bible codes that search for esoteric information and secret prophecies allegedly encrypted within the text of the Old Testament have a long secret prophecies allegedly encrypted within the text of the Old Testament have a long history. They grew in popularity during the 1990s and early 2000s. Dozens of popular history. They grew in popularity during the 1990s and early 2000s. Dozens of popular books on the subject by evangelical Christians have appeared and include such titles as: books on the subject by evangelical Christians have appeared and include such titles as: Bible Code Bombshell: Compelling Scientific Evidence That God Authored the Bible Bible Code Bombshell: Compelling Scientific Evidence That God Authored the Bible (2005), The Original Code in the Bible: Using Science and Mathematics to Reveal God's (2005), The Original Code in the Bible: Using Science and Mathematics to Reveal God's Fingerprints (1998) and Future Prospects ofthe World According to the Bible Code Fingerprints (1998) and Future Prospects of the World According to the Bible Code (2002).7373 In posts to the Dream Mine e-group, believers repeatedly dissect these codes to reveal(2002) .a hiddenIn post storys to th soone Drea to munfold, Mine confirminge-group, believer their beliefs.s repeatedl "They dissecBible tcodes these seemcodes to to reveaindicatel a hiddethat theren stor willy soo ben anto economicunfold, confirmin collapseg betweentheir beliefs October. "Th eof Bibl 2005e code[and]s Octoberseem to

ofindicat 2006,"e tha writest ther eone wil Dreaml be an Mineeconomi believerc collaps in Januarye betwee of2005.n Octobe Theyr of 200also5 look[and to] OctobeBible r

ocodesf 2006, to "validate writes onKoyle,e Drea asm in Min a 2004e believe postr byin DocJanuar Hansen,y of 2005 which. The claimedy also loo thatk tHebrewo Bible

codescholarss to hadvalidat examinede Koyle the, as Bible,in a 200 "plugged4 post b yin Do everythingc Hansen about, whic hKoyle," claime andd tha foundt Hebre hiddenw

scholars had examined the Bible, "plugged in everything about Koyle," and found hidden

72 ine/message/2683.. 73 73 EdwiEdwinn ShermanSherman,, Bible Code Bombshell: Compelling ScientificScient{jic Evidence That God Authored the BibleBible (Lo(Loss AngelesAngeles:: NeNeww LeaLeaff PublishinPublishingg GroupGroup,, 2005);2005); DeDell WashburnWashburn,, The Original Code in the Bible: UsingUsing Science and Mathematics to Reveal God's Fingerprints (Ne(Neww YorkYork:: MadisoMadisonn BooksBooks,, 1998),1998), anandd JosephJoseph NoahNoah,, Future Prospects of the World According to the Bible Code (Boc(Bocaa RatonRaton,, FloridaFlorida:: NeNeww ParadigmParadigm BooksBooks,, 2002).2002). 3535 messagemessagess thathatt predictepredictedd ththee foundinfoundingg ooff DreamDream MinMinee anandd confirmingconfirming ititss divinelydivinely sanctionedsanctioned rolrolee iinn ththee enendd times.7474

ThThee DreaDreamm MinMinee scenarioscenario,, iiff parallelinparallelingg ththee beliefbeliefss ofof evangelicalevangelical Christians,Christians, hashas a distinctdistinct latter-daylatter-day themetheme andand bearsbears Koyle'sKoyle's andand Mormonism'sMormonism's imprint.imprint. TheThe viewview fromfrom

UtaUtahh CountCountyy predictpredictss thathatt beforbeforee ththee minminee reopensreopens,, ththee AmericaAmericann dolladollarr wilwilll becomebecome

"worthless,""worthless," andand ththee federalfederal governmengovernmentt wilwilll collapse.collapse. ThThee LDLDSS ChurchChurch wilwilll bbee "set"set inin order,order,"" aann enigmatienigmaticc phrasphrasee aboutabout whicwhichh believerbelieverss regularlregularlyy deliberatedeliberate.. AAnn especiallyespecially difficuldifficultt wintewinterr wilwilll afflictafflict UtaUtahh CountyCounty iinn ththee yeayearr ththee minminee comecomess inin,, followefollowedd bbyy springspring floodingflooding anandd a drydry,, scorchinscorchingg summer.summer. WitWithh ththee area'sarea's weatheweatherr remarkablremarkablyy consistentconsistent witwithh thithiss patternpattern,, DreaDreamm MinerMinerss araree alwaysalways readreadyy toto predicpredictt thathatt ththee minminee iiss aboutabout toto comcomee GenevGenevaa Steel,Steel, a manufacturinmanufacturingg planplantt iinn UtaUtahh County,County, wilwilll closclosee down,down, somethinsomethingg thatthat diddid happehappenn iinn 20012001..

ClearlyClearly,, ththee DreaDreamm MinerMinerss araree busbusyy nonott onlonlyy interpretininterpretingg ththee signs,signs, bubutt inin sharingsharing knowledgknowledgee anandd buildinbuildingg thethe communitcommunityy thathatt wilwilll collectivelcollectivelyy bringbring iinn ththee minemine.. InIn additionaddition,, messagemessagess oonn ththee e-groue-groupp announcannouncee ththee monthlmonthlyy weekenweekendd worworkk projectprojectss atat thethe minemine,, iinn whicwhichh stockholderstockholderss gathegatherr ttoo makmakee minominorr improvementsimprovements ttoo thethe propertpropertyy inin anticipatioanticipationn ooff ththee dayday whewhenn ththee mininminingg worworkk wilwilll resumeresume.. FurthermoreFurthermore,, ththee e-groupe-group regularlregularlyy receivereceivess messagemessagess updatinupdatingg ththee pricpricee ooff golgoldd anandd offeringoffering adviceadvice onon hohoww toto survivesurvive ththee comincomingg trialstrials.. ItIt alsalsoo facilitatesfacilitates stockstock exchangeexchange betweebetweenn membermemberss ofof ththee "sell""sell" grougroupp anandd ththee "buy"buy""

ThThee corecore DreamDream MinMinee communitcommunityy toleratetoleratess differencdifferencee amonamongg ititss membersmembers.. TheyThey araree invariablyinvariably MormonMormon,, althougalthoughh ththee charactecharacterr ofof MormoMormonn beliefbeliefss rangesranges widelywidely.. ThereThere

7474;; anandd­ Dream-Mine/message/6764Dream-Mine/message/6764.. 3636 areare "orthodox""orthodox" oorr "mainstream""mainstream" LDSLDS whwhoo adheradheree ttoo ththee teachingteaching ofof churchchurch authoritiesauthorities inin

SaltSalt LakLakee City,City, alongalong witwithh so-calledso-called "fundamentalist"fundamentalist Mormons,Mormons,"" peoplpeoplee whwhoo areare nono longerlonger membermemberss ooff ththee mainstreamainstreamm LDLDSS ChurcChurchh largelylargely becausbecausee thetheyy espousespousee practices,practices, suchsuch asas polygamypolygamy,, thathatt werewere parpartt ofof earlearlyy MormonisMormonismm bubutt werweree jettisonejettisonedd asas ththee faithfaith evolveevolvedd beyonbeyondd ititss nineteenthnineteenth centurcenturyy Similarly,Similarly, "lapsed""lapsed" MormonMormonss ooff variousvarious stripestripess araree welcomwelcomee iinn ththee

Still,Still, dependingdepending onon ththee naturnaturee ofof theirtheir MormoMormonn beliefbelief,, corcoree believersbelievers ususee thethe

DreaDreamm MineMine narrativnarrativee iinn differendifferentt waysways.. MormoMormonn fundamentalistsfundamentalists,, whwhoo areare atat oddsodds doctrinalldoctrinallyy witwithh ththee LDLDSS hierarchyhierarchy,, emphasizeemphasize ththee storystory ofof churchchurch oppositionopposition ttoo KoylKoylee asas evidencevidencee ofof officiaofficiall errorerror anandd unworthinessunworthiness.. FoForr faithfulfaithful membermemberss ofof thethe LDLDSS ChurchChurch,, thethe oppositiooppositionn ooff authoritieauthoritiess inin SaltSalt LakLakee CitCityy anandd especiallespeciallyy Koyle'sKoyle's excommunicationexcommunication posepose problems.problems. SomeSome reconcilreconcilee ththee dissonancdissonancee bbyy contendingcontending thathatt ththee excommunicatioexcommunicationn nevernever actuallactuallyy occurredoccurred.. 75 OtherOtherss maintaimaintainn thatthat KoylKoylee wawass posthumouslposthumouslyy reinstatedreinstated inin thethe church.7766 Still others argue that Koyle, before his death, received a "second anointing" - church. Still others argue that Koyle, before his death, received a "second anointing" - a little-known temple ceremony that believers say is reserved for those Mormons who a little-known temple ceremony that believers say is reserved for those Mormons who have been guaranteed entry into the highest level of heaven and have the favor of God. 7777 have beeThen guarantee middle groupd entr -y theinto "hold" the highes groupt leve - includesl of heave mainlyn and mainstreamhave the favo Mormonsr of God . who possessThe middl stocke asgrou a statementp - the "hold of belief," grou butp - doinclude not haves mainl they sensemainstrea of fervorm Mormon and s whcertaintyo posses exhibiteds stock ains athe statemen core group.t of belief "We, stillbut dhaveo no somet have stock; the sens wee justof fervo don'tr anthinkd all thatcertaint muchy exhibite about it,"d i nsays the Markcore group Koyle,. "W a great-great-grandsone still have some stock of; thewe jusmine'st don' foundingt think al l that much about it," says Mark Koyle, a great-great-grandson of the mine's founding

7755 1058 058.. 7766 1 10561056 7777,, Kraut,Kraut, Relief Mine, 182.182. FoForr moremore aboutabout ththee seconsecondd anointinanointingg seesee BuergerBuerger,, DaviDavidd JohnJohn.. '"Th"'Thee FulnessFulness oftheof the Priesthood:'Priesthood:' ThThee SecondSecond AnointinAnointingg iinn Latter-daLatter-dayy SainSaintt TheologTheologyy anandd Practice."Practice." Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 1616 (Spring(Spring 1983):1983): 1010-- 4444,, also,also, BrookeBrooke,, Refiner's Fire, 245.245. 3737

prophetprophet.. "If"If [the[the prophecies]1 are are [proven][proven] truetrue someday,someday, thenthen I guesguesss we'we'l 11l thinthinkk aboutabout itit then."then.,,7878

SomeSome officersofficers ofof ththee ReliefRelief MinMinee boardboard ofof directors,directors, despitedespite theirtheir authorityauthority overover

ththee day-to-dayday-to-day functionfunction ofof thethe businesbusinesss operation,operation, fallfall intointo thethe "hold""hold" category.category. BoydBoyd

WarrenWarren iiss a boarboardd membememberr whwhoo ownsowns stockstock andand meetsmeets monthlymonthly withwith otherother officersofficers ofof thethe

minemine,, bubutt doesdoes nonott insistinsist oonn ththee "literal"literal acceptanceacceptance ofof everythingeverything [Koyle][Koyle] said...... 1 mightmight

bbee willinwillingg toto believbelievee iinn it,it, bubutt 1I don'tdon't wantwant ttoo saysay anyany mormoree thanthan that."that." WarreWarrenn addaddss thatthat

he views the core group of believers as "generally a bunch ofkooks.,,797Q Warren considers he views the core group of believers as "generally a bunch of kooks." Warren considers the Relief Mine Company a business with a colorful history, not a spiritual endeavor. He the Relief Mine Company a business with a colorful history, not a spiritual endeavor. He will not comment about his faith in Koyle's prophecies. will not comment about his faith in Koyle's prophecies. Other stockholders who fall into the middle ring are more willing to discuss the Other stockholders who fall into the middle ring are more willing to discuss the Dream Mine. Often, these moderate Dream Miners urge their more ardent counterparts to Dream Mine. Often, these moderate Dream Miners urge their more ardent counterparts to restrain their fervor with a dose of mainstream Mormonism. "[Koyle] would be quite restrain their fervor with a dose of mainstream Mormonism. "[Koyle] would be quite upset and disappointed to know that there are people that profess a desire to be a part of upset and disappointed to know that there are people that profess a desire to be a part of the Dream Mine, but do not follow the [LDS] Prophet," writes a middle-ring stockholder the Dream Mine, but do not follow the [LDS] Prophet," writes a middle-ring stockholder in a 2007 post to the e-group. "He does not want to be treated as a prophet. He wants to in a 2007 post to the e-group. "He does not want to be treated as a prophet. He wants to be treated as a man who was blessed with inspiration for his stewardships. His council to be treated as a man who was blessed with inspiration for his stewardships. His council to his family was to always remain faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which means his family was to always remain faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which means following the Prophet."gO following the Prophet."80 Another post asks for a critical examination ofKoyle's prophetic abilities and the Another post asks for a critical examination of Koyle's prophetic abilities and the Dream Mine's destiny: Dream Mine's destiny:

78 MarkMark Koyle,Koyle, telephonetelephone conversationconversation withwith author,author, Nov.Nov. 8,2007.8, 2007. 79 BoydBoyd Warren,Warren, telephonetelephone conversationconversation withwith author,author, NovNov.. 9,2007.9, 2007. 80 1860 3838

TherTheree iiss nothinnothingg wrongwrong witwithh [q]uestioning.[questioning. IInn factfact,, thosethose whwhoo don'tdon't araree thethe oneoness whwhoo wilwilll neveneverr understanunderstandd completelycompletely whawhatt ththee principleprincipless areare,, nornor hohoww thetheyy workwork.. I thinthinkk thathatt ononee musmustt havhavee a curiouscurious minmindd anandd anan openopen minmindd foforr ththee spiritspirit withiwithinn ttoo bbee ablablee ttoo worworkk anandd growgrow ttoo itsits fullest.fullest. I alsoalso don'don'tt feefeell ththee conflicconflictt betweebetweenn ththee minemine anandd ththee churcchurchh shoulshouldd causecause a conflicconflictt withiwithinn one'sone's minmindd anandd naturnaturee aass longlong asas oneone oorr ththee otheotherr don'tdon't [sic] become fanatic in nature. 8811 [sic] become fanatic in nature. Beverly Kingsford, a stockholder and sometime e-group poster, reflects the Beverly Kingsford, a stockholder and sometime e-group poster, reflects the ambivalence of this group's members and the conflict they feel. A devout Mormon from ambivalence of this group's members and the conflict they feel. A devout Mormon from Utah County who backed the libertarian-minded Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Utah County who backed the libertarian-minded Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican presidential primary, Kingsford first learned about the Dream Mine from Hansen during a presidential primary, Kingsford first learned about the Dream Mine from Hansen during a chiropractic session. "Frankly, I thought it sounded quite strange, but I was curious," chiropractic session. "Frankly, I thought it sounded quite strange, but I was curious," Kingsford remembers. "I read what [Hansen] gave me, and I couldn't put it down. I felt Kingsford remembers. "I read what [Hansen] gave me, and I couldn't put it down. I felt like it had to be true. There were too many things - miracles - that happened to Bishop like it had to be true. There were too many things - miracles - that happened to Bishop Koyle and the early miners to believe it was all some man-made thing.,,8282 After praying*

Koylfor spirituale and th confirmatione early miner ofthes to believ mine'se it placewas al inl somthe edivine man-mad plan,e Kingsfordthing." Afte receivedr prayin g fopersonalr spiritua testimonyl confirmatio of itsn truthfulnessof the mine' ands plac purchasede in the divin $5,000e plan worth, Kingsfor of stock.d receiveShe hopesd for personaa chancel testimonto purchasey o fmore its truthfulnes before thes anLastd purchase Days arrive.d $5,00 0 worth of stock. She hopes for a chanceKingsford, to purchas likee mor thee otherbefor emiddle-group the Last Day sDream arrive Mine. believers, finds evidence in

Koyle'sKingsford story that, giveslike th here othe a strongerr middle-grou testimonyp Drea ofm her Min Mormone believers faith., findStill,s evidencher conflicte in

Koyle'is apparent,s stor asy thashet givewrites:s he r a stronger testimony of her Mormon faith. Still, her conflict is apparent, as shThee writes one thing: that is very hard to accept about the dream Thminee on story,e thin isg thatthat Bishopis very harKoyled to prophecies accept abou [sic]t th ethat drea onem minday ethe story church, is tha willt Bisho be setp Koylin order.e prophecie Now, thats [sic means] that thatone theday leadershipthe church atwil thatl b etime set iwilln order be .out Now of order, that meansomehows tha t thande leadershithe churchp a int tha generalt time willwill notbe oubet asof itorde shouldr someho be. Noww thisand this ea churcreal testh in for genera thosel wilof usl no whot be areas iactivet shoul ind bethe. churchNow thiands wantis a rea tol staytest fothatr thos waye o[but]f us Iwh doo believeare activ thate in the th emine churc h anwilld waneventuallyt to sta ybring that waforthy [butgold] Iand do believI havee [purchased]that the min e will eventually bring forth gold and I have [purchased]

81 1865 82 BeverlBeverlyy Kingsford,Kingsford, letterletter ttoo author,author, NovNov.. 2828,, 2007.2007. 39

stocstockk inin iitt anandd I wilwilll buybuy mormoree inif I can.can. TToo bbee a DreamDream minminee believerbeliever,, yoyouu havhavee ttoo believbelievee thathatt thesthesee thingthingss areare goingoingg ttoo comcomee ttoo paspasss anandd thathatt GoGodd wilwilll protecprotectt HiHiss peoplepeople whewhenn thethe terriblterriblee thingthingss startstart happeninghappening.. I believbelievee thatthat wewe areare ververyy close.close. 83

IIff middlmiddlee grougroupp membermemberss areare iinn deniadeniall oorr conflicted,conflicted, thithiss cannotcannot bbee saidsaid aboutabout membermemberss ofof ththee outerouter circlcirclee ofof DreaDreamm MinMinee stockholdersstockholders.. TheThe "sell""sell" grougroupp sharesshares a generagenerall disbeliefdisbelief iinn Koyle' ss prophetipropheticc abilityability andand showshowss a lacklack ofof interesinterestt inin ththee DreamDream

MinMinee narrativenarrative.. OnOnee membememberr ooff ththee outeouterr rinringg ofof stockholdersstockholders iiss JuanitJuanitaa PerryPerry,, anan 8383-- year-olyear-oldd womawomann frofromm WesWestt ValleValleyy CityCity,, UtahUtah,, abouaboutt 5500 milemiless nortnorthh ooff ththee DreaDreamm Mine.Mine.

PerrPerryy recentlrecentlyy soldsold 202000 sharesharess ofof stockstock ttoo a membememberr ooff thethe e-groupe-group forfor $30$30 a share.share. A lifelonglifelong membememberr ooff ththee LDLDSS ChurchChurch,, PerrPerryy describesdescribes herselherselff asas a devoudevoutt MormoMormonn whwhoo isis activeactive iinn herher wardward,, oror congregationcongregation.. InIn ththee 1930s,1930s, shshee anandd heherr husbanhusbandd livedlived inin UtahUtah

CountyCounty anandd iinn ththee midsmidstt ooff ththee GreaGreatt DepressioDepressionn hhee beganbegan workingworking foforr KoyleKoyle iinn hihiss sparespare timetime,, helpinhelpingg ttoo builbuildd ththee processingprocessing milmilll oonn ththee mountainsidmountainsidee andand acceptedaccepted DreaDreamm MineMine stocstockk inin lielieuu ooff paypay.. OveOverr timetime,, Perry'Perry'ss husbanhusbandd becamebecame convinceconvincedd thatthat ththee minminee wawass onon ththee vergvergee ooff comincomingg inin.. "He"He wawass a reareall thinker,thinker,"" PerrPerryy recallsrecalls ooff heherr husbandhusband.. "He"He waswas ververyy interesteinterestedd iinn history,history, andand ththee mormoree hhee gogott ttoo knoknoww ththee story,story, ththee mormoree hhee believebelievedd inin itit.. HHee reallreallyy hahadd a stronstrongg testimontestimonyy iinn ththee wholwholee [Dream[Dream Mine]Mine] thing.thing."" WheWhenn Perry'sPerry's husbanhusbandd diediedd inin 2007,2007, hhee bequeathebequeathedd hihiss 200200 sharesharess ooff stockstock ttoo ththee couple'couple'ss threthreee adultadult childrenchildren.. "They"They neveneverr reallreallyy understoounderstoodd whawhatt iitt wawass alalll aboutabout,, andand thetheyy reallreallyy neveneverr sawsaw any truth to it," Perry says, explaining her family'S decision to sel1. 8844 any truth to it," Perry says, explaining her family's decision to sell. Members of the "sell" group typically do not know much about Koyle or his Members of the "sell" group typically do not know much about Koyle or his Dream Mine. Secure in their Mormonism, these "sellers" see nothing in the Dream Mine Dream Mine. Secure in their Mormonism, these "sellers" see nothing in the Dream Mine

8.1 Ibid. 84 JuanitJuanitaa PerryPerry,, telephontelephonee conversatioconversationn witwithh authorauthor,, MaMayy 17,2007.17, 2007. 4040

narrativenarrative wortworthh excavatingexcavating.. Still,Still, membermemberss ooff ththee outeouterr rinringg occasionalloccasionallyy ususee ththee e-groupe-group ttoo chidchidee trutruee believersbelievers,, aass iinn thithiss 20020011 pospostt fromfrom a doubtedoubterr whowhomm HansenHansen,, ththee group'sgroup's founder,founder, wawass tryintryingg ttoo convincconvincee ooff ththee mine'mine'ss divinedivine importance:importance:

DoDocc [Hansen][Hansen] musmustt havhavee puputt mmee oonn thithiss lislistt becausbecausee I amam a skepticskeptic,, jusjustt so'so'ss [sic][sic] everyoneeveryone coulcouldd havhavee ononee hecklehecklerr iinn thethe grougroupp ttoo keekeepp thingthingss buzzing...... WhyWhy nonott spendspend ththee moneymoney peoplepeople araree spendingspending oonn stocksstocks,, ttoo bubuyy uupp foofoodd righrightt nownow?? GrainGrain isis cheapcheap nownow,, bubutt iinn panipanicc anandd shortagesshortages,, nnoo amounamountt ooff goldgold wilwilll bubuyy IInn foofoodd shortagesshortages,, nnoo ononee wilwilll sellsell iitt ttoo anyoneanyone witwithh ananyy amountamount ofof .... I'veI've reareadd ththee OgdeOgdenn KrauKrautt boobookk [about[about ththee DreamDream Mine]Mine],, anandd I sasayy hhee wawass a goodgood manman,, bubutt I thinthinkk hhee wawass off,off, oonn thithiss one . .. . Sign me 'still skeptical' Jeanette. 85or ...Signme 'still skeptical' Jeanette. Other members of the outer ring care little about the faith of true believers, and Other members of the outer ring care little about the faith of true believers, and use the e-group to profit from the urgency felt within the core group. Yet, even with use the e-group to profit from the urgency felt within the core group. Yet, even with sellers often making more than $40 per share for their yellowing family heirlooms, the sellers often making more than $40 per share for their yellowing family heirlooms, the core group of buyers is not resentful. In fact, core believers often express a sense of core group of buyers is not resentful. In fact, core believers often express a sense of superiority toward the sellers, rueful about the denial of their prophet. "I feel sorry for the superiority toward the sellers, rueful about the denial of their prophet. "I feel sorry for the people who are selling all of their shares," writes one 2008 poster to the e-group. "Some people who are selling all of their shares," writes one 2008 poster to the e-group. "Some of them even had their shares given to them, rather than having to struggle and go of them even had their shares given to them, rather than having to struggle and go without in order to afford to buy them. How sorry they will be someday when they without in order to afford to buy them. How sorry they will be someday when they realize what their lack of faith, vision and wisdom has cost them."s6 realize what their lack of faith, vision and wisdom has cost them."86 Faith such as this is certain to keep Koyle's dream alive long into the future. As Faith such as this is certain to keep Koyle's dream alive long into the future. As signs appear that seem to confirm to believers the approach of the apocalypse and the signs appear that seem to confirm to believers the approach of the apocalypse and the accuracy of Koyle's prophetic gift, Dream Miners will continue their treasure quest. The accuracy of Koyle's prophetic gift, Dream Miners will continue their treasure quest. The Dream Mine stock market will not close as long as the miners dream that the enterprise is Dream Mine stock market will not close as long as the miners dream that the enterprise is the sole chance to save a people, a faith, and a nation. the sole chance to save a people, a faith, and a nation.


IInn diggindiggingg ththee mine,mine, dreamersdreamers founfoundd anan earthlyearthly kinshikinshipp anandd a divinedivine calling.calling. TheThe

DreaDreamm Mine,Mine, steepedsteeped iinn MormoMormonn history,history, mythsmyths,, anandd symbols,symbols, offeredoffered shelteshelterr toto a widewide spectruspectrumm ofof believers.believers. BByy readinreadingg a bookbook,, purchasinpurchasingg stock,stock, oror clickingclicking a mousemouse,, theythey becambecamee participantparticipantss inin a divinedivine dramdramaa thatthat uniteunitedd ththee kingdokingdomm ofof GodGod toto UtaUtahh County.County.

WitWithh theitheirr eyeeyess oonn JosephJoseph SmithSmith,, thetheyy accepteacceptedd BishoBishopp Koyle'Koyle'ss calcalll ttoo livelive theitheirr faithfaith andand savesave ththee worldworld.. Curiously,Curiously, thetheyy tootookk ththee lealeapp ofof faitfaithh aass MormonsMormons,, bbyy embracingembracing thethe fervenferventt eschatologeschatologyy ooff modern-damodern-dayy ChristianChristian evangelicalsevangelicals.. IInn thisthis,, thetheyy feltfelt closecloserr ttoo thethe rootrootss ooff MormonismMormonism,, a returreturnn ttoo ththee trutruee gospelgospel.. UnlikUnlikee theitheirr evangelicalevangelical counterparts,counterparts, whwhoo wilwilll ascenascendd ttoo heaveheavenn durinduringg ththee rapturerapture,, DreaDreamm MinMinee believerbelieverss expecexpectt ttoo bbee fullyfully engagedengaged iinn end-timeend-time tribulationtribulationss anandd workinworkingg ttoo fulfilfulfilll God'sGod's purposepurpose.. DreaDreamm MinersMiners keekeepp ononee foofoott iinn ththee sacresacredd pastpast.. WitWithh ititss rootrootss iinn ththee supernaturasupernaturall traditionstraditions thathatt allall

MormonMormonss shareshare,, ititss ricrichh lodlodee ooff collectivcollectivee MormoMormonn folklore,folklore, anandd a fatfatee linkelinkedd directlydirectly toto ththee eschatologicaeschatologicall preceptpreceptss ooff ththee earlyearly LDLDSS ChurchChurch,, ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee hahass anan appeaappeall thatthat iiss accessiblaccessiblee ttoo a varietvarietyy ooff believerbelieverss whwhoo sharsharee a commocommonn setset ofof fundamentafundamentall MormonMormon valuesvalues.. IIff somesome abandoabandonn modermodemn MormonisMormonismm oonn thithiss journeyjourney,, othersothers ignoreignore thethe dissonancedissonance iinn theitheirr mindmindss ttoo holholdd fastfast ttoo officialofficial authorityauthority andand theitheirr sharesshares ofof stock.stock. TheThe

DreamDream MineMine story,story, iinn ththee mindmindss ooff believersbelievers,, doesdoes nonott contradiccontradictt theitheirr MormoMormonn faithfaith.. IItt augmentsaugments itit.. TheThe DreaDreamm MinMinee narrativenarrative attractsattracts believerbelieverss becausebecause,, likelike ththee jaggedjagged,, rockyrocky pathpathss thatthat crisscrosscrisscross ththee hillhillss arounaroundd ththee excavationexcavation,, iitt offersoffers thethemm tractiotractionn withinwithin theirtheir largelargerr MormoMormonn Koyle'Koyle'ss storystory,, anandd ththee destindestinyy ooff hihiss minemine,, lureslures hundredhundredss ofof 4242

MormonMormonss whwhoo compriscomprisee a dynamidynamicc communitcommunityy ooff faithfaith setset withinwithin,, andand atat timestimes against,against, ththee largelargerr hierarchicahierarchicall FoForr Koyle'Koyle'ss believerbelieverss ththee minminee provideprovidess a subterraneansubterranean passagewapassagewayy ttoo ththee worlworldd ofof MormoMormonn rootrootss andand a portaportall ttoo ththee divinedivine dramadrama ofof endend timetime foforr whicwhichh GoGodd establisheestablishedd ththee MormonMormon Church.Church.

Today,Today, housinhousingg subdivisionsubdivisionss sproutsprout liklikee wilwildd mushroommushroomss inin thethe wide-opewide-openn tractstracts ooflandf land beneatbeneathh ththee DreamDream Mine,Mine, whicwhichh werweree farmfarmss inin JohnJohn Koyle'Koyle'ss NewcomersNewcomers loolookk uupp aatt ththee cone-shapecone-shapedd mountaimountainn ttoo ththee easteast anandd wondewonderr aboutabout ththee odd-lookingodd-looking derelicderelictt buildinbuildingg thathatt sprawlssprawls withiwithinn a clefcleftt iinn ththee rockrockyy mountainsidemountainside.. BuButt forfor DreamDream

MinersMiners,, ththee truttruthh alwaysalways lalayy beneatbeneathh ththee surfacesurface.. TheTheyy recalrecalll thathatt inin thethe daydayss jusjustt beforebefore

JohJohnn KoylKoylee dieddied,, beforbeforee ththee cessationcessation ooff diggindiggingg andand afteafterr hihiss excommunication,excommunication, thethe oldold bishobishopp madmadee ononee finafinall hikhikee uupp DreaDreamm MountainMountain.. OOnn ththee sitsitee ooff ththee minemine,, squintingsquinting outout overover ththee fieldfieldss wherwheree hhee hahadd spentspent mosmostt ofof hihiss lifelife,, hhee experienceexperiencedd a laslastt

HHee sawsaw a "small"small rifriftt iinn ththee dardarkk cloudcloudss revealinrevealingg a littllittlee spotspot ooff"" Then,Then, asas hehe watchedwatched,, thithiss spotspot ofof blubluee expanded,expanded, ththee skieskiess opened,opened, anandd "the"the minminee andand itsits surroundingssurroundings werweree restorerestoredd ttoo ththee brillianbrilliantt sunshinsunshinee ofof a finefine gloriousglorious dayday withwith alalll oppressivenessoppressiveness havinhavingg vanishevanishedd away."S7away."87 TruTruee believersbelievers areare certaicertainn thathatt thithiss finalfinal visionvision waswas God'sGod's promispromisee ttoo KoylKoylee thathatt hihiss liflifee wawass nonott iinn vainvain,, nonorr woulwouldd theitheirr livelivess bbee TheTheyy remain,remain, aass Koyle'Koyle'ss faithfulfaithful followefollowerr NormaNormann PiercPiercee declareddeclared,, "prepared,"prepared, mentallmentallyy andand spiritually,spiritually, ttoo bbee steadfaststeadfast inin watchinwatchingg anandd waitinwaitingg foforr a gloriousglorious vindicatiovindicationn thathatt thetheyy knoknoww willwill come.come."S8" OnlOnlyy deatdeathh wilwilll shakeshake thethemm fromfrom theitheirr commitment.commitment.

87 PiercePierce,, Dream Mine Story, 52.52. 88 Ibid.Ibid.,, 102102.. SELECTEDSELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYBIBLIOGRAPHY


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