View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by The University of Utah: J. Willard Marriott Digital Library A CURRENCCURRENCYY OOFF FAITHFAITH:: TAKINTAKINGG STOCKSTOCK IINN UTAUTAHH COUNTY'COUNTY'SS DREADREAMM MINEMINE bbyy KeviKevinn EE.. CanteraCantera A thesisthesis submittedsubmitted ttoo ththee facultfacultyy ofof TheThe UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah in partiapartiall fulfillmentfulfillment ooff ththee requirementrequirementss forfor ththee degreedegree of MasterMaster ofof ArtsArts DepartmentDepartment ofof HistoryHistory TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah DecemberDecember 20082008 CopyrightCopyright © KeviKevinn EE.. CanteraCantera 20082008 AllAll RightsRights ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by KevinE. Cantera This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. W. Paul Reeve EricHinderaker THE UN! IVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the Graduate (Council of theUniversity of Utah: Kevin E. I have read the tthesis of Cantera in its fmal form and have found ·;that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) ills illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to Thle GraduateSchool. Date Robert Goldberg Chair: Supervisory Committee Approved for the Major Department James Lehning � ChairlDean Approved for the Graduate Council cQ. �_- . David S. Chapman Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACABSTRACTT IInn 1894,1894, JohJohnn HyruHyrumm KoyleKoyle begabegann diggindiggingg ththee DreaDreamm Mine,Mine, onon a mountaintomountaintopp inin centralcentral UtahUtah.. Koyle,Koyle, a MormoMormonn bishopbishop,, hahadd beebeenn showshownn wherwheree toto digdig,, hhee said,said, bbyy Moroni,Moroni, ththee samesame heavenlheavenlyy messengemessengerr whwhoo hahadd leledd MormoMormonn foundefounderr JosephJoseph SmithSmith ttoo uneartunearthh thethe goldegoldenn platesplates.. MoronMoronii visitevisitedd KoylKoylee iinn a dreadreamm andand showedshowed hihimm ninninee enormousenormous cavernscaverns belobeloww ththee mountainmountain,, containingcontaining countlesscountless pilepiless ooff gold.gold. MoronMoronii toltoldd KoylKoylee thatthat ththee goldgold woulwouldd remairemainn hiddehiddenn inin ththee cavescaves untiuntill aann unspecifieunspecifiedd timtimee precedinprecedingg ththee SecondSecond ComingComing ooff JesuJesuss Christ.Christ. AtAt thathatt momenmomentt ooff chaoschaos,, KoylKoylee anandd hihiss followerfollowerss woulwouldd uneartunearthh ththee goldgold anandd itit woulwouldd supportsupport thethe financially-troublefinancially-troubledd MormoMormonn ChurchChurch througthroughh ththee LastLast Days.Days. ThisThis thesithesiss investigateinvestigatess thethe naturenature ooff beliebelieff iinn ththee DreaDreamm MineMine,, whicwhichh remainsremains fervenferventt mormoree thathann 100100 yearyearss laterlater.. AlthougAlthoughh theitheirr dreamdreamss araree perpetuallperpetuallyy deferred,deferred, believerbelieverss tatapp intointo a ricrichh veiveinn ooff folklorefolklore thathatt runrunss througthroughh MormoMormonn cosmology.cosmology. OveOverr thethe paspastt thirtthirtyy yearsyears,, ththee DreaDreamm MinMinee hahass enableenabledd believerbelieverss ttoo maintaimaintainn a psychipsychicc linlinkk ttoo a magicamagicall pastpast,, aass theitheirr churcchurchh adaptadaptss ttoo a changingchanging,, modermodemn worldworld.. ThiThiss thesithesiss willwill consideconsiderr hohoww DreaDreamm MinMinee beliebelieff hahass evolveevolvedd inin a changingchanging economiceconomic,, politicalpolitical,, andand religioureligiouss landscapelandscape,, anandd demonstratedemonstrate thathatt ththee faithfufaithfull findfind sustenancsustenancee inin ththee MormoMormonn pastpast whilwhilee simultaneouslysimultaneously embracinembracingg modermodemn worldviewworldviewss thathatt extendextend beyonbeyondd mainstreammainstream MormonismMormonism.. TABLTABLEE OOFF CONTENTSCONTENTS ABSTRACABSTRACTT ... ................ ..... ... ....... .... .. ... ... .. ..... ....... .......... .................. .. iviv INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION:: THTHEE COMMUNITCOMMUNITYY OOFF BELIEVERBELIEVERSS .. ....................... .......... 1 EXCAVATINEXCAVATINGG BELIEFBELIEF:: FAITH,, FUNCTION,, ANANDD THTHEE DREADREAMM MINE .. ..... ... ..... 5 FirsFirstt Vision:: ThThee ReRedd HeifeHeiferr DreaDreamm .................... .......... .... ... ............. .. .. 9 BURIEBURIEDD TREASURETREASURE:: MORONMORONII ANANDD THTHEE FOUNDINFOUNDINGG OOFF THTHEE DREADREAMM MINEMINE...1 .. .144 SharinSharingg ththee DreamDream:: KoylKoylee GoeGoess PubliPublicc .................. .... .. ... ....... ... ........ .. .. .1818 A CHANGCHANGEE IINN FOCUSFOCUS:: THTHEE DREADREAMM MINMINEE ANANDD ECONOMIECONOMICC CRISICRISISS ........... ...24 24 VINDICATIOVINDICAnON N DEFERREDDEFERRED:: MODERMODERNN BELIEBELIEFF IINN THETHE DREAMDREAM MINMINEE .... ... .. ... .2727 CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION:: THTHEE PERSISTENCPERSISTENCEE OOFF BELIEBELIEFF ..... .. ......... ..... .... ...... .. .. ... .... .4141 SELECTEDSELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHBIBLIOGRAPHyY .......................... .. ..... ... ........... .. ... ............... .4343 INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION:: THTHEE COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY OOFF BELIEVERSBELIEVERS IInn MaMayy 20072007,, a crowcrowdd assembledassembled inin ththee conventionconvention halhalll atat ththee veteransveterans'' centecenterr inin SpanishSpanish ForkFork,, UtaUtahh forfor thethe RelieRelieff MinMinee Company'sCompany's annualannual stockholders'stockholders' meetingmeeting.. AnAn almostalmost festivefestive airair precedeprecededd ththee officialofficial meetingmeeting,, aass abouaboutt 100100 peoplpeoplee gathered,gathered, investorsinvestors inin ththee companycompany whwhoo hahadd comcornee ttoo heahearr ththee annualannual financiafinanciall reportreport oonn ththee 113-year-old113-year-old mininminingg venture.venture. ChatteChatterr andand laughtelaughterr fillefilledd ththee hallhall;; conversationconversationss spransprangg uupp wherwheree theythey hahadd leftleft offoff atat ththee previoupreviouss year'year'ss stockholdersstockholders meetingmeeting.. ThThee majoritmajorityy ooff stockholdersstockholders werweree olderolder peoplpeoplee frofromm ththee surroundinsurroundingg areaarea,, ththee southsouth ofof UtaUtahh CountyCounty wherwheree thethe ReliefRelief MinMinee iiss locatedlocated.. A handfuhandfull ofof stockholderstockholderss carnecame frofromm farthefartherr away,away, somesome fromfrom SaltSalt LakeLake CityCity,, abouaboutt fiftyfifty milemiless ttoo ththee northnorth,, otherotherss frofromm neighborinneighboringg Idaho.Idaho. NearlNearlyy allall werewere membermemberss ofof ththee ChurchChurch ooff JesuJesuss ChrisChristt ooff Latter-dayLatter-day Saints,Saints, oror MormonsMormons.. ManManyy broughtbrought childrechildrenn andand grandchildrengrandchildren,, somesome ooff whowhomm ranran betweebetweenn rowrowss ofof chairschairs,, playinplayingg tag.tag. RelieRelieff MinMinee stock,stock, sincsincee becominbecomingg availablavailablee iinn 1909,1909, hahass becombecomee somethingsomething ofof a familyfamily heirloomheirloom,, passepassedd dowdownn fromfrom ononee generatiogenerationn ttoo ththee nextnext,, andand ththee meetinmeetingg hahadd a distinctdistinct familfamilyy feel.feel. OnOnee familyfamily hahadd a tabltablee ooff bookbookss forfor sale,sale, includinincludingg anan eschatologicaleschatological historyhistory ooff ththee ReliefRelief MineMine.. A husbanhusbandd anandd wifwifee teateamm movemovedd abouaboutt ththee crowd,crowd, strikingstriking uupp friendlyfriendly conversationconversationss andand handinhandingg ououtt brochurebrochuress describindescribingg variouvariouss end-timeend-time propheciepropheciess andand 2 theirtheir imminenimminentt fulfillment.fulfillment. TwoTwo oldold friendfriendss reclinereclinedd inin foldinfoldingg chairschairs,, sunsun burntburnt inin theirtheir well-worwell-wornn jeanjeanss andand dustdustyy worworkk bootsboots,, swappingswapping propheciepropheciess aboutabout ththee LastLast DaysDays.. 11 DespitDespitee ththee cheerfucheerfull airair thathatt precedeprecededd it,it, ththee officialofficial meetinmeetingg wawass shortshort andand solemn.solemn. CompanyCompany secretarsecretaryy RaRayy KoyleKoyle,, a great-grandsogreat-grandsonn ofof ththee mamann whowho hahadd foundedfounded thethe minminee iinn 1894,1894, conductedconducted ththee businesbusinesss ofof ththee day.day. ItIt wawass a procesprocesss thathatt tootookk onlonlyy a fewfew minuteminutess becausbecausee ththee RelieRelieff MinMinee CoCo.. - knowknownn localllocallyy aass thethe "Dream"Dream MineMine"" - doesdoes littlelittle businessbusiness.. IInn fact,fact, ththee companycompany hahass dondonee nnoo actualactual mininminingg foforr overover foufourr decades;decades; iitt hashas fefeww operatinoperatingg expensesexpenses andand bringbringss iinn onlonlyy a scanscantt incomeincome.. ThThee totatotall fixedfixed assetsassets ofof thethe RelieRelieff MinMinee CoCo.. werweree jusjustt overover $3.$3.55 milliomillionn foforr 20062006,, accordingaccording ttoo Koyle'Koyle'ss revierevieww ooff thethe balancbalancee sheetsheet anandd profit-and-losprofit-and-Iosss statement.statement. TotaTotall nenett incomeincome forfor ththee
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