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AI! the News

of All the Pointes

* * tic Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete Ne'w~ Coverage of All the Pointes Home of tbe News

Entered as Second Cla3s Matter 7c Per Copy VOLUME 23-NO" 21 at the Post Omce at DetroIt. Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. MAY 24, 1962 $4.00 Per Year 24 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I

.- --"------_._------(Center Plans III~ADI..;INE~ City to Open New Municipal Pool Memorial Day Woods Approves J\lemorial ot the \\lEI~K JDay Service As Compiled by the !,Highest Budget; , . Residents Ask€d to Pay Gro.He Pointe Nell'S Tribute to 136 Heroes of I " s W~rll and Korea Thursday. :\lay 17 i Tax Rate I Same:,\Vorld ~- THE PRO~C 0 M M UN I ST ! I i A special Memorial Day be ~:~~~~~~e1~\:~~I~rpI~O~~V:sgt~Cren'dantdo: ! Largest Pointe Mun-i-c-ip-a'l-i-ty-S~t~il-I-G--ro-wing;Expenditures ['-cC;,ervicepWi.llt 1~Teld1\alJ:tthe ... ~. ~ ' ."' rrosse orn e VI a1' .1.1 emo- neutralist princes some time i More Completely Listed ThiS II rial. Wednesday, Mav ;30, at next week, and a political settle- Year Than Last i ] 1 a,m. to honor vGrosse ment. creating a nC'tltral Laotian . . I Pointers 'Nho gave their buffer state rulf'd by a coalition At a specral meetmg held on Thursday, May 17, the i . e . W Id \'T II d cr t b . . . Il lV S In or '\ ar an .~o\.ernmen . may e in the of[- ; \Voods councIl approved a record budget lor the frscal y ea ing. Xeutralist Prince Sou vanna : year 1962-63, which begins July 1. The cost of operating I >"°1:h . . '11 J 1 Phouma is slated to return to! . . ., e sernce \\'1 )e he d on the Woods CIty government next year calls for $1,494,173. ! tlln ].'ke-I'de 1)0 'j'Ilg "reen f Laos from Paris this weekend, 1'1 t d . 1961 69 d' J 1 30 $1155 756 ; ~ us. \\ I b 0 for talks with his pro-Red half- i 1: cas unng - ...., en mg u y _..~_.\~~._: -'- _ ._I the ?-lemonal ~y the fl3g pole brother, Prince Souphanouvong. ' 1 he Woods, the 1a r g est I ; II('xt to the Tnal Gardens. It leac!er of the Pathet Lao gueril- Pointe, is still growing, with CD- ' ! will be moved indoors in case la forces. and Prince Boun' subdivisions currently being de~ I eflter rtVe I of rain. Oum. premier of the pro-West. . veloped. I i The ceremony will be brief Government. ; Expenditures for 1962-63 are I Falte rin 0' - i hut very meaningful and it is This new,.:, coupled with re-: as follows: Department of Ad-' ~ , ; hoped th.at as ma~1Y Pointers ports that Royal Laotian Army:""'" ministration-$142,856; Depart- N d $8 000 :as can V?ll ta~e thIS half hour units are finally taking U. S. I ~'% ment of Public Safety-$352,- ee :1rom theIr hollda~' to pay their ',,",' 597' De p a I' t men t of Public , i rcspecl<; to those for whom the military advice and regrouping: ,,' 'ks $397030 D' I day is set aside in unoccupied areas they evac- I ,Wor - , ; epartment of i --- , . . Parks and Recreation-$111,265; Residents Urged to Get in: rhe order of sernce will be uated eat'lier in the month, plus ! ~,,:.: Debt Service-$81,960; Capital Th. D t. e t R h I as foll?ws:-- the fact that the Laotian mili- I .. Improvements _ $95,962; Con- elr ona Ion.. 0 eac i RaISIng and IIalf-masting of

tary front has remained quiet, i ,tingencies-$2,498; Water Util- Go a I 0 f $60 I'000 bY ,I I I1e C01ors, Boy S.cout Troop-u- has left the Kennedy Adminis-I : ity-$204,320; Sewer Utility- Wednesday ; {~ the Grosse POInte :Uemorial tration beginning to feel a little' '$82,680; Parking Uiility-$14,- i Church. . lc~s anxious ,"bout the entire i . ",' 1920; and Milk River Utilities- The Grosse Pointe War 'I Aldvanclmg and, placing of Southeast Asian situation. The i Final cleanup is now underway at the City's lake- day. The new facilities are expected to add a lot to the I "00I'S ed by Lawr W 'I t k h b d " 1 d 1 f th 'd t d' th . , $8,080. Memorial's 1962 Ann u a 1:, L-J'ght AlgeI' p'o~' 99" e~cFeW . lInited States is still landing. Ton' par , were a ran new sWllnmmg poo an summer p easure 0 e reSI en S urmg e commg Where Money Comes From F '1 P .. . C i' '" v. v. . • troops in Thailand, and has ap- i new bathhouse will be officially opened next Wednes- season. , . a~nr y artlclpatlOn ,~m- i Opening Prayer by Rev. Fa- pealed to other SEATO (South- i .. _ ._. __ ~ ~______Rev:nues w cover th: cost of pargn has faltered Just I ther David E. Weisner, St. Am~ east Asia' Treaty Organization); _ I operatIOn ~ome from: CIty Taxes when the $60,000 goal seem- i brose Rom~n Catholic Church. ml'm~er nation~ to augme~t the i Durallt Ftles Residellts Battle Shores City to, Opell \-i~~~'6~~:~~teI scl~harede T~xe~ ed to be in sight. After 1 .In~rod.uctJOn of officiating AmerIcan contIngents WIth at I - '$112'250 . WatneoU~st'l'tev reaching the $50 000 mark,! dIgmtarIes. by Lc\\'is H y de, least token forces of their O\vn. ! L -b 1 S -t T PiP" N P l enue-" a er 11 y-. .'. ' . I Commander. American Legion So far. only Australia and, t e ut 'rl!stees 011 ar \: rOJeet; ew 00 or" $206,200; Sewer Utility - $51, daIly contnbutrons sudden-. Grosse Pointe p;)st 303 Xew Zealand have indicated: I 000; !,ark~ng Ut.il.it.y-$15,038; 1y fe.ll last week from ap-. Reading of the G~ld Star -Il- FA- t- S t W d d and MIlk RlVer UhlItIes-$8,585. proximately $1,000 a day to Honor Roll by Kenneth W definitely that they will c~~mit I or t lOll orm ssocla Ion on po e_nes ay The p.resent tax rate in t.he a very few 11undred. The I,Cunnim!ham, ?-l'a\.'ol', CI'ty of', themselves. The U, S. mIlItary' F M 0 • buildup in Thailand is scen' I ------Woods 1S $14.55. per $1,~OOCIty present total is $52,023, re- : Grosse Pointe Park. mor.e as an assur.ance to .the H"lts Back at State Senator Irate Group Attend,S .M"eeting and "For"ces Delay In I Mayor Allen W"III OfL,'lc"late assessed v.aluahon. ,TIllS rate ceived from 3,273 donors. Add res s by Rc\'. Marcus , has been In effect SIllce 1958, M . 1 D M 30'; J 0 h n son Minister Grosse rhal G?vcrnmcnt tilat. WaShl?g- St hi"' Ch f Plans" Also PetItions for Publication of Facilities at Park on Assessed property valuation in t d.et~orIlal tl aY'1 .ay d ' IS. Pointe' COl~' ~. ~ . T T Jiltrators than as a prepar~tion : F G P . t S1 .d t d'.j. b db' . . . Memorial's Board of Directors I ~l ..... ",eJ I os~ 99;:>. '\ .F.\\., f II t ! R' hID t f 425 orty rosse Oln e 10res reSI en s, ls\;ur e v Mayor Alonzo C. Allen The new budget 11 s t 1n g IS is still hopeful that this week; AUXIlIary.. Amcncan Leg ion. or a -ou \\*'ar.. • Ii . W arc uran 0 • reports that the Board of Trustees of the Shores wavs If 1 t tl th 'Gro--e P t P t 303 C' 1 ~ ~ LId 'n ff' . 11 th C't more se -exp ana ory lan e will see - large number of Y "" 0111 e as : II' . 18 I mco n roa , conservatrve about to begin major changes and construction in the Wfl a Icla ':f op,en e I y last budget, as the cost of each g;vers of ;ecord and 'Jrospecc' Scout Troop 302. Pierce Junior FrIday, l\Iay IRepublican 'eader filed a a Grosse pomte s new com- :"t' d I th 1961 • " I H' I S I ) ., 'E SIDENT 1, Osius Lakefront Park for the fifth straight summer at- . .., serv.ce IS 1 e~m.ze. n . e - I tive contributors sending in! Ig,l C 100 . I E AM ST R PRE 1 million-dollar suit on Mon- , f h T t T d M' 15 mumty sWlmmm~ pool at, 62 budget llstmg, certam se::v-; their gifts. Telephone follow-up! .'. olley. Tap;;. and Echo by James R. Hoffa faces a possible d Ma 21 aga'nst Re tended the meetmg 0 t e rus ees on ues ay, ay , 1 p.m. ceremomes next ices were lumped together WIth will continue : Firmg squad. Alger Post 995, 5500 fine and a year in jail, if ay ., ... YSt t' S It J h - and forced through action to delay the project. W d d M . 1 D 1. . 1 1961 62 . . V F W B I I\'I' h d convict0d on charges of beating pu blI~an. a e ena, or a n ------e nes ay, emona ay, others. T 118 IS t le - Unless donations snowball in: . " ug er, l Ie ael Bra - field director of the Teamsters H. Stahlm and hIS press t Tl~~\;rouIj alerted ~ys~rus-I mer. In 1959 and 1960, dredges in Neff Memorial Park. budget, as compared to coming the next few days, the Mem{)- ; le~i .. f 'd Ch 1 F y ee. I ert erome, an ores and pile drivers disturbed the . . ., '1' year: ' rial's volunteer workers will be ' etlrIng 0 colors. led by Cf 1 r ur \Val'ehl)lI~e D i vis ion, Baron ar e, ar es err. reSIdent Howar d Haarer, 0 f 73 residents, and in 1961 the Trus- . DIVIn7' and S\Vlmffimg exh I.}. - I Department of Admlmstration. . I forced to extend their efforts I rJaw e.l1ce n. L'IgIIt. Algel' P05t clai:ns that Hoffa. ClITl'stec!yes. Durant. who filed the suit in Hawthvrne, ,that the Trustees tees authorized filling in of hons WIll ~oll.ow, and al~, reSI- -$180,029.20; De p a l' t mellt of I into June, for the $60,000 is: 995. \, .F:W: terc\ay night in Washington. Wayne County Circuit Court,. v1ere about LOlet contracts for property north of the park. All dents ,~re InVIted to an OP.e?-. Public Safety-$324,538.60: De-' chsolutely necessary to operate: B~ne~IctI?~ by Hev. Father

wpnt berserk as the two con-, charged that Stahlin and Ferry I: relocating the tennis courts, these activities muddied the ~ous~ to~r of the ~ew facIl!i-1 partment of Pub 1i c Works- in the fiscal year beginning: DWlcl E. \\' el~,ner. St. Ambrose versed in Hoffa's office ThllrS-: libeled him in a recent com~ parking lot and boat ramp, a water and made an "eyesore" tIes, I?,cludmg a ne'Y' oothhouse $325,756.40; Building Inspe~tions August 1. Thomas Munson,' ROl:lan CatholIc Church. day morning. Accusing his un-l plaint the "enator made to the job which would take all sum- of the whole park, he said. and Ienovated wadmg ?~ol as and Storm Water PumpII1g- chairman of this year's drive., 11?~sc \\'110 !11tide th? suprel.ne derling of faiiing to do work ~Fair Campaign Practices Com- mer organized ~o prevent the Asks For Delay we~l a~ the much~an.tlC~pated $32,114; Department of Parks wishes to make a plea to all i sacnflce m World War II m~ properly. Hoffa struck Baron. mission. work from startmg. I He asked that Trustee Jerome ' s~nung pool, to begm lI'!?me- and Recreation '- $111,471.60; prospective donors to send in I cJude:- knocking hIm to the floor, then In the complaint, the senator In addition, a petition was make a motion delaying all dlate~y aft;,r t~e. May~r c~ts Capital Improvements - $114,- their contributions now if at' Hube~-t S. Allard. Courtenay picked him up and knocked said that the Pointe RepubIi- presented by William Dahling, action in the park until resi- the rIbbon, OffI7lall~ SIgnaling 516.24; and Debt S e rv i c e- all possible so that the volun-! 1? Alhngt?n, Jr.: Joseph A. him down again, Assistant can, aided by extremist, right- of 60 Hawthorne, requesting dents had an opportunity to the summer sWlmmmg season $67,330. teer effort may be brought to' i'Hata. Cynl O. Barlow, James Attorney William wing groups, was attempting to the Village President Jack Wil- look over the Trustees plans, as has begun. a close. Volunteers get tired, E. Bayne. W. Pat Beard, Ntch~ W. Greenhaigh described Bal'- take over conirol of the Repub- Iiams, t~ publish the minutes had been promised months ago The entire Waterfront Park B I R b and he feels they have earned i ol.as Bentas. Louis F. Berendt, on after the incident as "pretty i lican Party in Wayne County. of meetu~gs of the Board. of by President Williams. project, begun last fall, was urg Ul. 0 S a rest. ! Lawren~e W. Boggess,. Wayne well clobbered." Stahlin E~"pected Suit T!,ustees In. the Grosse Pomte I The mot ion was made by: completed on schedule. Total W d D . The Center wishes to grate-! B?lefa.lu. H a 7: e"n Brcltmeyer, Hoffa quipped with report('J's Stahlin, a second term sen- News, as. IS done b~. oth~r Jerome and passed after the cost of all, improvements is 00 S alry fully acknowledge the following I HI,cha,I.d H. Brldbe. Frank W. and new s men as he went ator from Belding, is a candi- Gros.se Pomte co~umt~e.s In group demanded its passage de- $130.430 _ money that most gifts received during the past! BIOOks III. l\!cl.ntosh Brown. through the booking routine at date for the Republican nom- ~he mterest of keepmg CItlzer~s spite some delay by members residents consider "well spent," A Woods dairy store was week: : St::,ens, D. BIO\~'l1,Harold R. a District of Columbia police ination for lieutenant governor. I~fol'med of. ~lans and dCCI- of the Board. especially as the weather gets broken into by a thief Saturday * .. * ! ~I~dges. L,e.opola A. Brynaert, station. where he posted $500 When informed of the libel S1Ons. Mr. WIllIams refused to During the meeting the group hotter and hotter and the lake morning, May 19, Entry was May 15 i Nell W.. B~1nc. bond. A hearing on the charge (Continued on Page 2) commit himself or the Trustees I brought out that the Village d. t' d d' t" gained by breaking the glass on Acme Press Mr Herbert D I FranCiS E. Caldwell, Nelson of simple assault was sehed- and instead offered to put the Manager, Thomas Jeffer.is, who 11' Ier an 'lr leI'. the front door. Allee, Mr: K~rl G. Behr, Mr: I L. Carr.~ William' L. Chambers, uled for 9 this morning, with Break Window minute book on the police sta- is also Village Engineer, had Is 100 Feei Long Entered was, Ira Wilson and (Continued on Page 23) , Hem'~' F. Chaney. Jr., Gordon Municipal Court Judge Thomas tion counter and let the group neglected to check the elevation The new pool, 100 feet long Sons, 21035 Mack avenue, The ~_____ : S Cochran.e, Jr .. !I~rry S. Cole, C. Scalley presiding. According 1-n Store Fl.e:h.t read it there. of Willow lane a new street be- and 42 feet wide, with a 42 by burglary was discovered by an Case of Bottles IClark Collms, Willram T. Con- to Baron. Hoffa preceded his at- LJ Charges Bad Judgement tween Hawth~rne and Hamp- 33-feet diving bay, was built employe of the store, Robert ; \\'ay, Robert Darling, tack with curses and abusive Frank Hedge. 77 Hawthorne, ton, with the result that the by Paddock Pools of Eastern Deane of 17434 Sprenger, Ea~t T d T Ralph C. Delonnay. Ed\\:in language. then "came at me I Two angry teenagers began to charged Williams the Trustees (Continued on Page 2) Michigan. Constructed of gun_ Detroit. osse at ree Denby Jr .. Kenneth ;\:1. Dewey, with his fists clenched . . . I fight inside the Albert Sheetz and the Village Superintendent ------nite, it was planned primarily Police said that the thief ; George L. Downey. William c1ipP,ed me on the, left ~ye and' 'I Candy Store, 17001 Kercheval, with poor judgment and point~ Summer SQhooi as a recreation pool, and can smashed the door glass with a William Delbridge, 696 Uni-' Drysdale, Cameron 0, Evans. knocIted me down. ' StatIng that last Saturday, May 19, and their ed out that the lakeside park, 'IJ be roped off into sections, cor- large piece of concrete. Ap_ versiyt, heard a noise in the ..John A. Farley. George R. he always avoided Hoffa as argument culminated in one design~d for the pleasure of NEIl. responding to the various wat.er proximately $98.in currency was front of his home shortly be-: Fmk, Jr., '~illiam A. F~sher, much as possihle, Baron said pushing the other through a residents, had been torn up for OW nro lng levels; to facilitate safe, super- taken from the cash register. fore 2 a.m. on Sat u I'd a y, F~rns I~. FItC~. Jr., DaVId B. that he had refused to become plate glass wiiIdow. the past five summers. vised swimming. it was said. The robber ignored May 19, FItzpatrIck, ClIfford L. Fluitt, "part of a machine," and that The pusher. a 16-year-old boy, "The advent of warm weather Registration for sum mer $5.69 in change that was in the Someone in a passing car had Joseph M. F'oley, Alfred B. he felt the incident was caused was taken to Grosse Pointe City seems to be the signal for the school is now under way. An Provision has also been made registe'r. thrown ~ case of empty beer Ford. Edward J. Gosse"lin, N. by a difference between Hoffa's police station by Patrolman Grosse Pointe Shores adminis- anticipated 1,500 students are for an accredited 25-yard swim- Police said that the thief ap- bottles agaimt a tree in his Glyn Gzowski. Tho mas F. "conception of the labor move-I J1mes Cronin. Patrolman Blair tration to begin running trucks expected to enroll in courses ming cou!'se. parently left by the rear door, front yard. littering it with Harris: Delos P. Heath, John C. ment and mine." Hoffa, acting Martin took the other boy, age around the park and doing re- offered at elementary junior Th d" b d h as the bolt was open and the broken .glass, Sergeant Doug- HendrIcks Jr .. Robert L. Hola- I ave I on the advice of his attorn;;;y. 15, to Bon Secourse Hospital, pair jobs that could be done in high, and senior high l~vels. b re.e t_l\VI~.g oar s d lock unlatched. The dairy was lIas Allor and Patrolman Virgil llan, Gordon P. Hoover. George

refused to make a statement at I where he was treated for bruises the spring and fall months Resident students interested t~en Ill\ d ~. ~ on~ anm l~ closed at 10:45 p.m. Friday G. Beaupre of the City police T. I. Hunter Jr., Francis 1. Hur- I oar the time he was bo~ked. ! and lacerations, and released. when no one uses the Park" he in taking courses at Grosse t r~e. meber d 'danth a s t~ night, and aU. were cleaned up the mess. Delbridge ley. Alfred L. Jacobs. Gordon ~ * ' P l' h tl 16 Id'd ' P . t H' h S h ra1Ulng oar, an e en Ire 'd d' t' f .th th th * ~- 0 ICe ave le -year-o sal. Ql~ e Ig cool began en- area has been fenced to pre- s~cure. ' accor I~g 0 III orma- saw nel er e car nor e oc~ (Continued 011 Page 2) Saturday, Ma'Y19 under close observation. An in- He pointed out that in 1958 rollmg Wed n e s day, May 23.. vent small children from wan- hon gIven to polIce. cupants. GOVERNOR SWAINSON yes- vestigation into the incident is extensive .rebuilding of docks Thursday,. May 24, and Friday, dering on the edge of the deep Burglar Retm.ns terday announced that, for the pending. and dredgmg went on all sum- May 25 WIll see the process C011- water and perhaps falling in .. B A I M SI second year in a row, Republi------'--- tinuing, with all registrations be- ' est, nnua utt lO'W To Restaurant c~ns have killed any chance of 0 - S f Sh ing received in the high school New Pool for Kids a statewide income tax. "I re- ne tn even 0 ores a~ditorium (Room 137) between ~hese small children have Se'es Champ:ons CrOWlle'd gret to announce that insofar as 3.30 and 5 p.m. theIr own completely renovated 1/ A burglar broke into the La- I can determine fiscal reform is V t C t Th - B Il t ,Junior high school courses' wading pool, and the new bath~ ------Coppola Family Restaurant for .dead in Michigan in 1962," the 0 ers as etr a 0 s WIll be cond\lcted at Brownell house, with facilities for the The 6th-annual Grosse Pointe old Mike Cobane with his huge the second time in a little more Governor told newsmen gather- ~______Junior High School. Registration whole family, will be open for Mutt Show, sponsored by this Ger.nan Shepherd "Dushka." than three weeks. helping him- cd in Lansing for a special press Writc-in candidates appeared Henry Scherer, 42; and a W. was held there May 23. A simi- inspection during the 0 pen paper. will be remembered as Michele M u l' ph y 's English self to approximately S50 in

" .,'

... =+ - .:.....- .:. - - .;.. .:.. ..:...... :...... :...... ;:...-- -- - Page Two . GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, I

Center Open.~ Rose Contest ible. There will be two classes. DUI'allt FI.les LI.bel SUI.t broken dOwn into three cate- Memorial Sllores Trustees Battled x: xx,x x xx ~ Persons wishing to enter the, the Garden Center, 32 Lake goriesgcrdner,each2) withoutfor persons.gardner,]) withand (Continued from Pa~e 1) . I C~mm,i,ssion was "politically in- (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) I! U,eMr. Jfaulterferis offinallyconsultmgs~id itengl-was 'f . ' . .r"".' Rose Garden Competition spon- I Shore road. They should be re- 3) with part time help. action he said he expected It, sPIred to ernbar.rass Gust. back yards of property owners I neers X: V "(\fed by the Memorial Garden I turn£'d to M,s. F. 1-1. Curtis, 1122 ". ,. stating that the "old timers tell StahUn who has been iden~- E. Johnson, Robert C. Kenne~, on the north side of Hawthorne I . i d TO' Committee of the Grosse Pointe I Yorkshire road, TV 5-3020. or Class A WIll mclune all gal-I me that you vc always got to fied with the "moderates" 111 Marvin A. King. road were being flooded. Adv se 0 rgamze X S.STEi~ War ~Icmorial must submit 1 to Mrs. Lem Bowen, 34 Elm dens having fewer than 75 rose expect some screwball to sue the State Senate, has charged Thomas E. Lamb, Jack D. Mr. Jefferis, Mr. Williams Presidcnt Williams advised their entry blanks b~' Jl~ne 11: ;ou~t. _~rosse Pointc Farms 36. plants and Class B will be for yon when you're in politics." Durant as the "acknowledged Leon, John S. Lewis, Richard and various members of the the group to form a property :<,jg~. 111 order .0 be m the Judgmg on : TV 2-;):l09, before thc deadlUle. those with more than 75 plants. Durant said Stahlin's ('harge leadcr" of right-wing groups Livingston, D a vi d Loughlin, council all refused to take re- owners association to protnct X . ~ 7! I •

June 12: .There IS no cost to; All cntranL<; must have at II First place winner in cach class 01 unfajr politicking was "a using racial and religious ap~' John P. Lucas William J. Mal- sponsib11ity for the error and themselves against builders who <.' x'x x x x' x >< the exhibItors. I least 40 rose bushes and only will bc a war de d three rose I filthy plece of libel and a scur- peals to expand their control. leis, Robert O. Mance, Edwarci ~ ---- I were constructing houses on Entry blanks arc available at I residents of the' Pointe are elig- plants of his own selection. I rilous attack," and he and his Takes Slap ~t Gust M. Man c 0 u r:t, ~enjamln .R. B'k I . Willow lane and grading the - -~------~ -~------~ -~ -" .~------attorney. Larry S. Davidow, Although Stahlm reserved Marsh Jr., Ben]amm R. Mart111, I -e nspectlon lots higher than the Hawthorne will ~ght ilie ~sc "all ilia mosLofhis charges ~rDunnt, 1m A. Mason. L~"e G. Ma- road properl~ B~ ~~~~:::;::~~~:':':':':~~~~«i&':::::':'::'~"):~::~~R~~::::1:.~::::::;&"~~ ..;,:::tu.~;:::::::~~;:::Z,:W~~..:*~",,:W~:':~':{+.~:!:o:':':';:;~ .~way," ~ However, he would he said Gust's "consistcnt re- thews. Jr., Felix W. McKenna, Program E..:And"lUg Mr. Hedge promptly got the jlj~l I~twithdraw it if Stahlin "rctracts fusal to disavow s~,pport" I:om .!r., John McPherson Jr., James signatures of all the group and :;~:1:~ ~: and apologiZes," Durant added. I extrema elcments c~st SCl'10UB J. Meehan Jr., W:11l1amJ. MllIs, The Bicycle Inspection safe-l formed the Grosse Pointe M :1:1:::~ USE ~:~I pm"ant. an InVestment coun- doubt on the Integnty of his Elllott L. MorrIs, Charles F. ty Program in the Farms will Shores Improvement Assocla- ;:~;~:1~ ~:;: I selol. is an active ~ember of! ea?dldacy," . . Mueller.. end on Saturday. May 26, ac~ tlon on the spot. :::::;:: !::~:::I tliC John Birch SOCIety and a 'The senntor IS trYIng to John T. Mulhns, Stewart W. cording to Patrolman Joseph The group then demanded ;~~~j; ~ljj~long-time iender of t~e uItr~- smear hl.s opponent~ whe~ ~U&t Munroe Jr., Edward H. Mur- Miller school safety officer. thct the Village Attorney inves- :::~:; ::~;:;:conservative R e pub II cans 111 has noihmg to do WIth thIS SltU- phy, James A. Naughton. Ken~ The' policeman said that for tigate to see what protection ;;;:;;1~ YO U R i~~~;i Wayne County. ntion," Waldron explained. I neth N. Needham, Phillip C. the benefit of students of I could be afforded the Haw- :::::~~ ~:::::; "Proud To Be Member" I Bishop Marshall Reed, Meth- Newnham George E. Noe. Bern- Kerby School, St. Paul School I thorne Road plamtiffs THU :;:::~ ~: He said that he remains OdlSt Bishop of Michigan, and ard J. O'Neil, Wendell G. Os- and Sacred Heart Convent, who The group reminded the ~;;~;;; ~'?:1~ "proud to be a member of the I chairman of thc Fair Campaign born, Ben G. Parsons Jr., Louis for reasons were unable to havc Trustees and President WH- Double ~ ;;:;:;:~ ~1::: .John Birch SOClCty," and that I Practices Commission, on Mon- C. Paschall, Herbert Pattison, their bikes inspected ai schooL! Iiams of their duty to keep the ~~~;;~ CO U RTE-SY :::;:~:;'It is "u patriotic, anti-Com. dllY, May 21, aPPOi.~ted Attor- George C. Phelps Jr., Albert a special inspection wlll be held ! citi~ens informed and urged mer mer ;;jj1j;j ~::~1i munist group which Is doing ncy Lester Oodd and EdMrard J. Phillips. James J. Phillips, at the police station, 90 Kerby I them not to forget who had ;;;:~:;1 k;: excellent work a r 0 u n d j he Tu~ner, president of the De- I John D. Snowday, Robert M. road. onginally elected them, ::;::::: ~:: country." trOlt Branch of the aNtional As- Ploch, Joseph W. Renaud, Peter He said that inspections will: The G.P.S,I.A. asked William of the hl :~::::: ~A RD I ;'~~':l Although he was denounced sociation for Advancement of Robertson, William E. Ruther- be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to Heller, of 84 Hawthorne, to ~~ (. 1:;1~11 by George Romney, who sug- Colored People, to make the ford, Conover Sarvis Jl'., Roy 12 noon, and waiting children. represent them in a meeting there are ~~ '-- ~l~gested that he resign from his preliminary Investigation of G. Schott, Rolland E. Schunck. who have their bicycles at the I with th Trustees in six weeks to ~~:~~ i:::l: position of leadership in the Stahlin's charges that some of Bill Shaw, Michael She~ba, station before the deadline, will I present an acceptable park plan ~l~l ~~;1:114th Congressional D 1st ri ct, the proceeds from the February Floyd C. Sicber, Cecil G. SmIth, I have them checked. ! at low cost which would prc- Special G :;:::::: Sh W h h S'. ':::::::Durant said he is still support.. 15 Detroit speech of Senator John D. Snowday, Robert N. I Bicycle saret;- !nspectlons: s:rve tl:e 60-year-oid trees, fine ~~ 0 p ere tel 9 n I5 1;;;11~ I ing Romney as the Rcpublican Burry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) ~nyder, Richard A. Stahl, WII- were held In all schools in the lawn, and general charm of the ~~~~ ~~=*I candidate for governor. found its way into right-wing ham B. Standley, William T. Pointe and Hal'per Woods. Wln- I area. They want construction ~ ------:;:;::::I Durant said that the charges causes. Stewart III. WilHam C. ?tone, ners of the contest will be an- delayed until after the season ~::::;: ~ ~:;::~of .:lttempting to gain clJntrol of Durant said that Stahlln's Thomas P. Sulllvan, Alvlll W. nounced later. ! of the park's greatest use. UP ~1 I d d 1~1:~:iI the Wayne County GOoP organi- impUcation is wrong. Taube, Roger F. Tessler, Arthur ~:~~, D. ye on WI- n ow ::::;:::I zRtlon are false. He also denied I E. Tongue Jr., Floyd J. Trom-, ~~ ISP a i;~;I trying to run friendly precinct Youth Ticketed bley, John F. Trow Jr., Joseph :;::":= .-;').:: delegates in other Congres~ ~ S. Van Dyke, Norman R. Ver- l:;;~l:j ------.------~~1 sional districts in the county. F B d D I • 0' nier, Camme Vel' V-aecke Jr., ~~~~ ~~ But he admitted that he has or a rlVIDo Neil E. Walling, Harry K. War. ~,-"." rf. "friends in otheL districts ac-' ner III, Joseph H. Web bel', !J/I"!}Jer !Jourself. $49 :~~t=;;••~~ The card will have your name imprinted on it and you i::~~~.:.:.:.: lively engaged in running." Patrolman Duncan M~EaC'h- Roll1ngs Wellman. George BI ~1;;: may. present it when making purchases at these stores. ~!~ Waldron In Picture ern of the Grosse Pointe City Wickerham. Alger R. WiedYke'1 ~::::~ ~~: Last week, State Representa- police ticketed a 16-year.old Rex B. Wiedyke, George J. Famous-Mak :;::::;= Member stores are indentified by window stickers. ~~~ Live Robert E. Waldron, also a boy for reckless driving short. W1lliams, Warren O. Wismer, . toniBht !~~1 ~T:~jPointer, came to Durant's de- ly after 9 p.m. on F rid a y, ' Thomas D. Yuill, Alger N. Zau- ''';':':' ~::.~:.~fense, when ~tahIin called for May 18. ner.. PINFEAT ~~~~ ':i a state investigation of the ex- The juvenile was observed The gold star lIst from Korea tremist.!=:: charge. travelllng at an excessive rate is as follO'Ws:- $ ~~? Waldron, who was defeated of speed on Charlevoix from John Bayless, Harry G. Gar-I ::~J.~for the Congressional seat held Rivard to Lewiston, zig~zagging man Jr., George Paul Grifford, Grosse Pointe I,~~:l:by the late LoUis C. Rabaut and his car back and forth across George R. Grove Jr., Robert *We Car . ~:; won by Democrat Harold Ryan the road, with a passenger sit- John Gullickson, Donald E. ,". " Business Men's Association ~:::f.: in a special election held in I ting on the outside of the ve- Hunter, Alfred B. L i n dIe Y, .~. CREDIT DIVISION f.~~February, repudiated connec- hiele. Both car and driver Marian J. Matuszewski, James ~?:1~I tion with Durant and the John were taken to the City police A. Naour, Rene Peleman, Rich- IDINTlflCATlONi "'}y /.....-/ tAJ, Birch Society during the cam- station, the youngster's parents ard C. Poupard, James W. California 'tv bttV ~?~; IIQNAIUU //.~ 1:1 paign. were notified, and the boy and Stephen, Hen'l'y L. Tansley, AI- .....~...... ~~: The State Representative an~ his automobile were turned bert M. Townsend, James L. l1RS. FREDERIOX lJOE ~:; nouncBd on May 12, that he over to his (the bc,y's) father. ! Treester} Ralph P. Wallace. t :::~::i would challenge Durant to a SILK- ~t~ 3.210 lOUR STREET ~ E:1::::~ fight for the delegate post in Ifrl :::::::;:~==::::=:======:m WIT" A SUPERB DINNER AT Tlfltf ~::::~ GROSSEPiE. 55)1 .11ICH. ~~1;~~Grosse Pointe's Second Pre- . Specidl Groups INCOMPA!lABLE Blue, Brown. Gr' :~:::::::~:::: Shop your Grone Poillte Community - They will serveyou better ~1:~:3~:::::i cind . Gust In Background HAS A SECLUDED DINING ROOM \.-:.:..:..:.:::.:...:;;.:.....:.:..:.:.:..:....:...:~:....:...... :...:.:.:...... :....---=-----=...:....--.....,/ ~::~iIn the background (}f the ~~:~ intra-party sqUll'h-ble is IWck- Th il131 well T. Gust, another Pointer, e Clinton ~~;~:lone of Stahlin's two rivals for Famoll ~m:;z..t.... the lieutenant governor's nomi-. Woods Open IS Entertainment Nightly The Courtesy Card S:~~;:1:;~~.... : niltion, The other candidate Serving tonight and every ~~ Reidformer of Lt.Detroit.Gov. Claren~e A. Ke.lehen 100Of( ..... ~::$ night until 12:00. Sundays :::~-:.a Is issued by the Credit Division of the ii:~ Waldron charged that Stah~ IT.sGaLles Goc All Night! from noorl to 10:00 p.m. :;;;;* i:1~ lin's request,for an inquiry by II!I!I••••• May we moke a reservation NEW ••• IT'S ON for you and your party? THE CLINTON RIVER ~.;l~.iGrosse Pointe Business Men's Ass'n. I the Fa;r Campaign Pmti" Grosse Pointe's Favorite Restaurant (' ~:c:~:~C "ll $i~~ f;:::::~ art onneur Telephone 468-0864 Docking focilltl. FAST CARRY OUT SERVICE - TU 6-1330 for 100 boots USE WALK THRU FROM REAR PARKING GROUNDS I Participating Stores ~ IPlans Recital Clinton Gables is directly on the Clinton River. ~~ Tho Camera Center Carl Joyner Camera Studio This N' That for Pet. ~t~Den n i s Jones, 17-year-old 19261 MACK AVE. Next to Wood Theatre-Graue Pointe Mt. Clemens • at 100 East Broadway ~~::; 171 14 KERCHEVAL 20229 MACK 19587 MACK 1:1i carillonneur of the G r 0 s ~ e •••.•••• TU 1-4096 TU 1-6200 TU 1-9007 ~:~:~I Pointe Memorial Church, WIll l:~====~~~~~ ~...::.:.r.:~...:~:~..::1..:~~: The Dant's.Gifts & Antiques Maskell Hardware Top 0' The Kill _ Linens ~;r:~~~give a recital at the ch~rC'hd 16 .• 98 KERCHEVAL 17020 MACK 104 KERCHEVAL ~~:::lLake Shore drive, on un ay, ...... TU 4-1025 TU 2-8826 ~~;, May 27, at 4'30 p.m. ~~;~ TU 2-6880 ~:~ I The l' e c ita 1 will mark 1fue Plain Front, Size; *:~~Farms Market Molr's Automotive Service C. Verbrugge's Market 11~~tenth anniversary of the dedi- ::t:: 355 FISHER 335 FISHER 898 ST. CLAIR ~~3 cation of the carillon which,

t::~::;::~.:::r:~~:.~:.:~:.~ TU 2-5100 TU 5-7200 TU 5-1565 ;;1:3 with its 47 bells, ranks among • Nelson Frolund-Landscape Mondry Cle!JnClrs, Inc:. Village Manor. Inc. t:;~the finest on this continent. 19815 MACK 369 FISHER 685 ST CLAIR ~;:?- Two of the selections-Bach's ~:::::$ TU 1-(,233 TU 5-4800 TU 2-1110 ~:li~famous "Jesu, Joy of Man's De- n the way it looks, rides and handles, i:1~;~[:~.. P I "'-- h Ph tograph Natrs Dame Pharmacy Virginia Williams Gift Shop :::J:;.~>0"", siring" and the classic 18th cen- '$.,;,,"~~::~ au345 u<>CFISHER 0 y 17000 KERCHEVAL 79 KERCHEVAL :'.'~:.:).... tUl'y "Cuckoo" Preludium-will t:~~TU 1-0500 TU 5-2154 TU 1-3680 ~~:~ I be the same as in the original 4 ~~~ ~;~ I dedication. Cadillac has brought a new level of elegance to mode1 n '1notoring. :::;~~ Grosse Pointe Gulf Service Peter Pan Children's Wear Wright} Kay & Co. e~1:;:3 Included am 0 n g the other Save up t r~:~~'5400 EAST JEFFERSON 17015 KERCHEVAL 17051 KERCHEVAL ~;;;~ compositions the brilliant young :::1~;1: ED 1-9361 TU 5.9236 TU 5-5515 :::;:;:~ carillonneur will play are Men- men's clo ~.~:~.•.j:•.?:.:.J:.~:~: Grosse Pointe Laundry, Cleaners Margaret Rice-Fashions Wright's Gift & Lamp Shop :l;::~ delssohn's "C.)nsolation" and 21138 MACK 76 KERCHEVAL 18650 MACK ~:::;::? Playel's "Sonature," DOUBLE ,~$:l TU 1-6942 TU 1-7020 TU 5-8839 ~~~ The p a l' kin g lots of the r~1~Grosse Pointe Valet Cleaners Florence Riley - Corsetiere Young Clothes-Children', Wear ~i;~I church and. tlhe Grdosse p~in~e :t~~ 371 FISHER 110 KERCHEVAL ;~f:;;~War Mcmorla next 001' WI e ,...... 171154 MACK TU 1-7227 ~::::::; available to those who wish to Special ;.t.i..1~.:.'~ TU 5-5930 TU 5-9456 i~;~enjoy the recital from their (,,'A The Ship's Wheel ~~~:~.cars. Others may want to bring

)..:.i.j::.:.T.••:...:.:.::: ~~6~~1~~CK ~~~ folding chairs and sit on the ~:~~ church lawn. :::::;~ ?:l;~~ Following the recital, which ~~;;::i There's no place quite like Grosse Pointe! ~~~Wlll la~t around 45, m~nutes, :r:~' ~:*there WIll be a receptlO~ In Fel- ::::~~ .:-;;:~:lowship Hall, at the church, for Special ,••••:~. • •• ~ ...!i!h.~....."...... N-~,...;:~....."'~ •••';:'A"l):>~""'-?'~-:".ll:*~~'."'«,~'~-:b";':>'~"'''''''$::::O:''"'l'l'•••Z;);Sl'.'":;?~l;,~"" ~~::~~:~~*:~t:$~:~~:::~~~~~:~:::~7.~:$~:~::~*;?Z::w«~::::'.::':!~~~:;-,;.::::~::~~:~~~~~~~;';::%:;$..~;;s:::::::::~::m:::I~~;.::M~;;;.;1Ji;>...",,::;~:::;;! all in attendance . • •••••~~~~~ ..ju3e ••~:~~:.;.:~~r:.~:~~~~:.:~!9!~.~~Z!'&~..e:•••s..-...... ~.c.:; •• ~w ...... ;~~~.~M .•YAX.&.-. a:...... ~ . ~~ ~~~ Size 6

- . INVESTigate. General Motors Corporation dividends since 1915 Special Gr General Motors derives around 90% of commercial sales from automotive products. The Frigidaire-Delco C appliance-Allison-Diesel Electro-Motive and Euclid divisions contribute most of the remaining 10%. In 1961, defense work including missile activity con~ BOY tributed approximately 3.1% of sales. The company operates as a decentralized organization with about '1. 130 plants in 19 states, 5 plants in Canada, and as- sembly-manufacturing and warehousing operations in 19 other countries. For complete information on C.M. or other stocks and bond~, call or stop in at either office-naturally there is never an obligation.


6uhl Building, DetrQIt 26 BloomA.ld Hili., Ml~h, WOodward 5-1122 JOrdan 6.4650 Enterprll. 6209 (Dial "0") Mldw •• t 7-0900 O'LEARY CA,DILLAC, Inc. 17153 E. JEFFERSON AVE., GROSSE POINTE 17 '. .. 7 7 3 3D 7 P P Dm DD DD 2 •• - -- - 'I, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NE'WS Page Three I~S Battle(I

Jefferis finally said it was fault of consulting engi- rs. Advised To Org-anize resident Williams advised ~roup to form a property lers association to protN't 11se1\'es against builders who II (' constructing housps on I w: lane and grading the !ligher than the' Hawthorne' :l propcrty. [;'. Hedgc promptly got thc l~ture<:of all the group and rcd the Grosse Pointe MEMORIAL DAY MONTH-E~~D ,]es Improwment Assocta- I on the spot. '!]C group then demanded t thE' Yilla~e Attorney inve:;- ,:e to see what protection :(\ be Cifforded the Haw- THURSDAY '-9 FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 l':ll' Road p!ai;1tiff". 'J'c group reminded the .~:('('s and President Wil- Double big savings are yours now at S. Stein during, the 3-DAY MEMORIAL DAY and MOi'iTH END SALE.,Brand new Sum- 1""; of their duty to keep the L'I1>- in forI1wd and urged mer merchandise is marked down for iust 3 days, and. marked down as much as 50%. Listed below are iust a few samples r. not to forget who had 7. nally ('Ieeled them. of the hundreds of items included in this combination Holiday and Month-End Event Because of the exceptionally low prices, , ,e G.P.S.I.:\. asked William JeT. of 84 H:lwthorne. to there are no exchanges, no C.O.D/s, no layaways, no phone c,rders. ]'('sent them in :l IT'eeting j- th Tru,::tecs in six weeks to sc'nt an acc('ptable park plan Special Groups of Suits 1,\\' cost which would pre- Men/s Special Groups - Sportcoats '.' t r:f' ()()-\Tar-olct t!'l'CS, fine r. ;;,nd general charm of the a. They want construction a,'ed until after the season t 1(' park's greatr>st use. UP TO V2 OFF UP TO Y2 OFF Other Sale-Priced Suits at Other Sale~Priced Coats at

Famous~Maker* 75% Dacron 25'% Cotton Imported, 1000;0 Cashmere PINFEATHER CORD SUITS SPORT COATS $29.88 Plaid Colors, Plaids, Diamond Weaves, Checks *We Cannot Mention Famous Name $59.00

California Weight-Ideal For Year IRound Special Groups - Spring and Summer SilK-WOOL SUITS BLOUSE JJ~CKETS )INNER AT The Special Groups R"'l. $14.95 Save $7.96 Blue, Brown, Grey $69.00 $6.99

~linton Famous-Name "DOUPIONNI" Special Groups - Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve 1000/0 SILK SUITS SPORT SHIRTS IT'S Regular $5.99 ~$12.50 (ja1les Good Selection of Sizes-Colors NEW ••. IT'S ON 1 THE CLINTON RIVER $89.00 $2.99 Docking facilities 1 Special Groups of Special Groups of for 100 boots Sporty Nationally Advertised, Famous Name >n the Clinfon River. ~ Imported, Genuine Bleeding BOXER S'TRAW HATS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ~:!Jl MADRAS BERMUDAS UNDER 5H'ORIS Short Sleeve, Regular or But-ton-Dewn Collar Sizes 30-42, White, Colors Plain Front, Sizes 28.42 57.99 $1.99 51.39 • 51.69 $3.49 each or 3/$10.00 and handles, VILLAG,E YOUTHSHOI' rn motoring. Save up to 50% on Sumrner outfits for boys of all ,ages in the VIL~AGEYOUTH SHOP, Grosse Pointe's favorite, rllost-complete young men's clothier. Sizes range from 6 to 40 long including' Juniors, Huskies and Students. This is a 3-DAY COA-'BINATIONSALEwith DOUBtE SAVINGS on brand new Summer merchandise. Shop early for best selection - all items are limited!

...... ". ,., :\:~ Special Groups of Boys Suits Special Groups of Boys' Sportcoats Plaids, Stripes, Solids $9.99 $19.99 $24.99 $8.99 $9.99 $13.99$18.99 $19.99 BERMUDA .SHORTS Ideal For Summer Camp Special Groups of Boys' Suits Special Groups Boys Coiton. Pinfeather Sizes 6 ~20 Waist 26 - 36 Size 6 only-Regular $19.95 -$27.95 C.ORD SPORT COATS up up ;' $2.99 $.3.99 - .~: .t~t Famous Make - Size 8. 9, 10 Only - Cash & Carry : '" '\;»:~::}~:::~{i{:::::::,:>:::::::}::<:~;:j~ '9.99 Cash and Carry! $5.99 ##m:fn~'::\:t<::}:\tWt~:tt5W:Yf~ --NOTIE:-- . ':: Famous Brandl Slightly Imperfect* Special Groups - Cash and Carry . - All items listed both in the Men's Odds and Ends H.D. LEE SLACKS Department and the Village Youth ~:..., Shop are: BOYS' SLACKS Black- Olive, Waist 28 - 38, Regular $5.99 '. SPECIAL GltOUPS $3.99 Shop eady for best selection! $1.99 • '2.99 *DefeC+s So Small You'll Have Trouble Finding Them! SHOP THURS. & FRI. 'TILL 9 Dealer SATURDAY TilL 6 17012 KERCHEVAL-- PLENTY OF FREE PARKlNG

J .-.t Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 May 24, 19t Blood Collection Yields 147 Pints 'Best of Show' Poses With Proud Master Suspect Admits In spite of temperatures that th~ acting physician in charge I : ;~~~tr:~~~~~.t\~:",'~r::~~~.T~~'. ~":.::ri~;::;~:~~~{';:.~':~~~'." ...... ~\::-.... ':"' .,.~... ,'-. . ',' Woods Burglary .',~.:. . . ;'., :.'::, ; soared into the nineties, the of the Red Cross Bloodmobile .. .." ,. .' ',; .~. ~.. , Red Cross Bloodmobile's visit Unit. He was assisted by Alma N • :".,., ••~., :May 18 to Christ Church, D. Hunt. R.N. Delectives of Detroit's Hold- MEMORIA\L DAY Grosse Pointe, proved a spec- Mrs. G. M. Worbois. vol un- up Bureau notified Woods po- lice on Tuesday, May 15, lhat tacular success. ?ne hundred teer nurse representative of the f they had arrested a suspect who and forty-seven PInts of blood Grosse Pointe Com m u nit v were given by 214 donors to re- Blood Council recruited th~ confessed to a burglary and AHEAD plenish the community blood. following n u'r s ~ s from the three attempted burglaries in the Woods. supply. . . 'I' Grosse Pointe are3 who volun- Weill chock your carn- Our experIment 1D settmg teered their services the day of Arresled and held for investi- up appointm('nt~ ahea.d had a 1 the Blood Bank: Mrs. Robert I gation of a breaking and enler- era equipment and see most favorable l'e~eptlOn," ~e- Wiley, Mrs. Fred Granville, I ing in a Deb'oit store was WIl- ported 1\11'5. George Root, c~alr- I Mrs, Sarita Eutcher. Mrs. C. . l\iam B. Cameron, 20; of 14597 that you have all the man of the Blood, Bank .• ~he 'W, Sandrock, Mrs. Anne May, , Piedmont, Detroit, who not only RIG H T supplies for donono made a pomt of telh.n~! Mrs. William Briscoe, and Mrs. ~ I admitted the Detroit breakin, us how pleased thC'y wC'rf' wIth: Bert McCollum. but also confessed to the crimes glorious holiday pic- the new system that resulted! committed in the Woods. in no waiting and quick pro- i tures. ('essing. The worker5, too. were I PARENTAL GtT1DANCE Woods Det. Sgt. Walter O'Dell delighted with how smoothly ~ Fit :iOu.r child to' make his and Det. Leroy Tobian said that the day ran." : own way in this life by educa- I Cameron told the Detroit de- Dr. William T. McAlonan was I tion and by good example. tectives that he broke int& the I SU.~.1J1ERY COTT. Grosse Pointe Beauty Salon, 21006 Mack avenue. on Febru- ary 20, and escaped with $50 in • £1 " h ~ .•. sh e IS I aunrl"g • lIaUI . CUlTency and change from a nice way, of course, ~. ,i •. ~.~ : &~e)~e)~e)~~e)~ cabinet safe. I A the season's social fav( ,I, i II ~ Cameron also cOnfl'ssed to: ~ . ..,,' ~ " ~ i trying to break into Rosemary I mer cottons for casual ! I~:" 1: . ~

~I 'I' Fashions, 20950 Mack: Roge;s I weer from the Miss Irv . Electrical Center, :0962 Mack' I ~ 0 ; and The Spinning Wheel, 20102 ~I ~ ! Mack, all On February 20. = 22.95 ~' ~ . O'Dell and Tobian said that 1 i they will combine the Woods' ~I ~ WILLIAM E. LANE, of Hall place. riel' "PERRY", who both live in Rivard complaints with that of Detroit, The Camera Center IRYI was master-of-ceremonies. at SatuI'- boulevard: Surrounding them are as- since the authorities of that dav 6th Annual Grosse Pointe Mutt sorted admirers, some of whom sport com m u nit y will handle the In the Village - Grosse Pointe nun-; ~i ~ Sl{ow held on the high school football ribbons of their own, earned earlier prosecution. I TUxedo 1-4096 field, He is shown above awarding the in the show. For more pictures of the THE ODDS ~ 0 "Best of Show" trophy to TOM event, see pag~?? , ~ ~ CLARKE and his wireheared Fox Ter- event, see page 12. Take things as they come~, Open Thursday Evenings till 9:00 only one in a million catches up i with that' promising future. ' ~ 0 --~~------~------._~---~--~------~I ~ Woods Plans Safety Check Of Velticles ~lIl1l1l11l11l11l1l1HltIlIlIIIlJllIIJlIIlIlIllli!lIllJlllJllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1II111111111111111111111111111!lllIllIllIlIlIlIIlIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111 .. ~ ~ 0 ~ Annual Program Which I Saturday, May 26, as Ve-hicle firemen, and Safety Patrol boys, ~ NOW OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. .I N' I R . . Safety Check Day in the WO'Jds. will be working to make this ~ Vvon ahona ecogmtlon The inspection is being held in year's program bigger and bet- ~ • IN1 - \ I Twice to be Repeated conjunction with the National tel' than ever. The Safety Pa- i=~= on May 26 Vehicle Safety Week sponsored trol boys will be on hand to _ • AN by the National Vehicle Safety direct motorists to the inspec- 5! Check Committee. tion spots behind the Woods' ~ ~I " II The Woods Department ;;r- Won Two Awards Theater. ~=_ MEMBER AMERIC ~ I~ of Public Safety will con- In 1960 and 1961, the Woods ------'duct its third annual Ve- ~ received national recognition for Dr. Rutledge Heads ~ DECO' ~, hicle Safety Inspection pro- carrying out its program. Mast ~ BAN-LON°O KN IT SH IRT ~ ~ I gram at the Mack-Seven was coordinator each time. Marriage Counselors I is just as imponant in casual jackets ~ Shopping Center on Satur- Mast disclosed that last year, = ~i day, May 26, from 9 a.m. 1,051 cars and commercial ve- Dr. Aaron L, Rutledge of the ~ WilliAM DEN ~1"-J and slacks as it is in formal and busi~ ~ to 6 p.m. hicles were inspected during an Merrill-Palmer Institute was = Director of Public Safety eight-hour period. He said that elected president of the Ameri- -=_1=_ 2.Sl8 numi ~I ness wear. ~iokey.~reeman tai. ~~ Vern C. Bailey announced the this year, it is hoped 'that this can Association of Marriage ~ , appointment of Police Sgt. Jack number will be equaled, or ex- Counselors at the annual meet- ~'.. 10rs the new man-made fibers as .well (.~.... Mast as coordinator of the pro- ceeded. ing of that professional organi- =~ ~ gram. The sergeant said that as in zation in Philadelphia May _~=_=== _ For a limited time only ••• as all wool and silk with their usual ~ previous years, local car dealers 18-20. _ . ~ ~ Mayor Kenneth McLeod sign- ~! adherence to perfection. ~ ed a proclamation designating will provide trained mechanics For several years Dr. Rut- ~=_ special savings on the most ~~ ~ ~o assi~t police in making the ledge has served on the board InspectIOns. , ,)f directors and on the commit- - carefree shirt an active boy can He said that merchants in the.' tee on training and standards wear! Of textralized nylon, it ~J~l

'WHALING'S Come join us ard oth. ?JI&1I UI6'1I£ day to be perfectly Uvemodem 520 WOODWARD TU. 5-9955. ••.for less •.• North of Clty,Collnty BId,. Men's Shop with~GAS 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS First Floor FISHER BUILDING ANT

TWO HOURS FREEPARKING-Ticket validated when you make a purchase nun • •

., .,

• • "- • • ... , Ii. • " . , . Page Five Thursday, May 24, J 962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Aay 24, 1962 -_ ... ------~~---- ~~------_:=.::..:======~~~==~====::;-

l. \ ~ti~~;..... , ~.. - - - ,-'- ,l, ...._.~ ..-::--.. - -.. ':" . :-::--':~,.-:::-- ..-- " ~.,- _...=":.. ...:..-.. ---

~, (~ _.- --- ~ cam~ d see II the s for. P!c- FOR YOU INTERIOR l jllESDAMES ET MONSIEURS ••• DESIGNERS 9

wines from Reims ... wines from Bordeaux .•• -~~ ... she is flaunting her figure in a wines from Burgundy for the dinner party .•• • Antique and reproduction furniture nice way, of course, ~he is wearing fabulou~, State Dinners or dinner for two ... fit for HAMLIN'S, 'ING'. the season's,social favorites ... sum- • Picture gallery mer cottons for casual and afternoon kings! Personally selected ... exclusive Chateaux "F~ne Foods and Wine for the Gourmet" • Lamps and accessories W":;Of from the Miss Irving collection. boHlings. Deliveries daily. ' Numbei 89 TU 5.8400 MAURICE WOOD 22.95 to 35.00 number 70 IRVING'S

Center number 82 DAISIES 5e Pointe WON'T TELL LIFE'S NECESSITIES , ,------: LINENS, BEDDINGS, TOWELS, and ACCES- gs till 9:00 SORIES, for the home and trousseau ••• ~11 our specialty. ---~------willtell time for a life- TOP 0' THE HILL number 104 9:00 P.M. • INTERIORS time. Girard Perregeaux, from 49.50 ... Ome- ga's from 79.50. Our own imports available . • ANTIQVES PONGRACZ JEWELERS MEMBER A,MERICAN INSTITUTE OF number 91 DECORATORS r SHIRT > " '/) , WilliAM DENLER COMPANY o ' )~ ' A TREASURE ON LAKE ST. CLAIR number 77 Ii SUMMER ----~ ------,-- -~._----~------The only one of its kind ... contemporary. '. • GARDEN IS A unmatched decor ..• 3 bedrooms .•• 3 baths ACCESSORIES time only ••. SALAD! ..• 2nd floor studio rooms. , • features water- 9S on the most ~~ front patio ..• boat hoist ••• separate moid's active boy can figures, urns, flower pots, bird baths, animals, area al1d bath. TU 4-6200. ralized nylon, it from 7.00. in minutes ... wrinkles. never THE LEAGUE SHOP shrinks out of fit. number 72 ... she is a gay-companion ... on the terrace BRUOE N. TAPPAN, REA.LTOR ~ge green. b'ue. . •. at the club. In addition, she is always ready number 93 ,heat. Sizes 8.16. to make a mad dash to Wrigley's where she knows she can always find +he freshest veget- able for her Springtime salads! THE FUTURE OF THE BRIDE includes a home BUT, with something in it from the Sign of the Mermaid ... china in her favor~ TRlfl!lfT YE~[TA8LEf' 1 ite pattern ... crystal ... silver ... or a distinct- tive decorative piece from our distinguished WRIGLEY'S ON-THE-HILL, coileetio;"1. ~nter-Second Floor number 107 TU 2-1610 SIGN OF THE MERMAID, INC. ~1AN number 75 •by Excello A CLASSIC FAVORITE ~" HOLD THE FORT! comfortable by Gant of New Haven The Dants have the cannon! Circa J 720. Height shirts Complete Real Estate Services As interpreted by New England's finesT.shirtmaker; the Used in 18th Century Battlements. 300.00. cherished button-down collar assumes new significance HANDWOVEN JACKETS achieved with a becoming arched front flare. In choice on, spedally WILLIAM J. CHAMPION & CO. combed cotton Oxford ... with collar and cuffs un- lined for comfort ... the distinction of center button Number 102 OF IMPORTED MADRAS THE DANTS e rfect fit and on collar-back and center back pleat. This fine tradj. Our latest collection of luxurious, exceptionally number 93 tional shirt comes in white and assorted plain colors and s 14~to 16}2. good-looking India Madras are softly tailored stripes ... long or short sleeves ••. from for supreme ease and comfort. 5.95 'eight oxford, $37.50 -down coHar. Also Madras walk shorts from KILGORE ANIlJ HURD $12.50 e batiste with number 92

>pread eollar. DARL STERR number 80 5.95

a perfect start for glorious weeks to come , ... our PERFECT TEN FOR THE GRADUATE '- AROUND THE WORLD TOUR ... ten curls ... trim Portfolios of Stationery 2.50 leather and Leatherette Gifts from 1.50 and set, ten dollars. Join Chef Sampson on a deluxe tour of the world. Leave Nov. I; return Dec. 23. Around VIRGINIA WIILLIAMS $2500. TU 5-7510. number 79 Now you may also enjoy a shampoo and set with CHEl SAMPSON LINCOLN.MERCURY a sparkling color rinse for four dollars. All this number 100 ~.~~ ;?~~ for Mondays only. 'SALES AND' SERVICE SUNDRESSES Come join us and others who have found Mon- for , ' MOTHER AND DAUGHTER day to be perfectly delightful at Anthony's. TV 1.5000 PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Gay prints by Glen of ~Aichigan. Navy and (JhSUJlS TU. 5-9955. Daily Deliveries ... Night Telephone Answering white; and red and white combinations. Service TU 1-5688. Aen's Shop FRANK ADAM ANTHONY'S TRAIL APOTHECARY SHOP , YOUNG CLOTHES, INC. First Floor number 130 number 110 number 121 number 121

'OU make a purchase .',

.,. __ ••• -'*. _ q,. .... _ r' .. .. ,; - - ~ •

.. d rd'S eeaar 1 $ a 1 7 7 •• 7 $ 'SSdSr.SS.? 7 7S5ssrSrSSrr?7SSSS7S1SSSSr S'S727777777 .., I ". "

Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962

Any mother interested in en- "fall tl!rrn should contact Mrs. W. REPORTS LARCENY Saturday Ball To Aid ALSAC Memorial Nursery Names 5367 C 1 rolling a thr~e-yea~ old for the Pi~~'=-:~~~ :0 . _,_ John Buehler of 3C74 Somer-! 0 Two Revered Educators Retiring Officers for Next Year The Annual ALS:\C (Aiding Over 6.000 metropolitan De- set, Detroit, informed Park' Leukemia Stricken Amcricap. police on Sunday, May 13, that till troit teen-agers have answered The Memorial Nursery School, LA 7.9600 A Children) Inspiration Ball will th(' appeal from TV star Danny while his car was parked in 1/\ a co-operative nursery which PLUMBING front of 1303 Kensington, some- be held this Saturday evening. Thomas to help fight Leukemia meets at Grosse Pointe Me~ May 26, beg inn i n g at 7:30 one stole the rear ::1001' mat., COI, by volunteering to take part in morial Church, has ele'cted Mrs. HEATING o'clock. Honorary chairman of a door.to-door drive Sunday, The value of the item was not! aware H. Richard Fruehauf, Jr., new given. : Gros~ the affair is the Honorable Jer- May 27. president. ome P. Cavanagh. Mayor of De------__ : tion t troit. The teen c l' usa d e r s will bther officers inciude Mrs. ~r:. Co ,------'*t i nell a. March Agnifl.st Leukemia from Gerald Warren, Mrs. William H. creatr Mrs. Thomas A. Boutrous is noon to 2:30 p.m. and then pro- Race, Mrs. Joseph L. Cobane. : ing ( serving as chairman. and her c('('d to Cobo I-In II where they CARPETS and Mrs. Harry Stutt, Mrs. Daniel i High assistants inclu.de M.rs. Charles will be guests at a giant teen tCJt ture I L. Johnson, Mrs. Malcolm [ Dawood campaIgn dlrector. hop from 3:30 to 7 p,m, Sutherland, Mrs. Ralph Burton, orize( Mrs. Rose Gostine. Miss Phy- _'~ __ ~~_ Mrs. Richard P. Lyman Ill, Mrs. t..OtJlll'f · RUGS BOUND involv liss Scarfano and l'vIiss Angela S. Douglas Sands and Mrs. Th( Meli. Proceeds from the Ball THE PATTERN Robert Wheeler. BASEMENT will be donated to St. Jude tl c bined Leukemia Research Hospital, Bear in mind thRt children of TOILETS :'''~ jobs, THE SQUEEZE 4S \\ias / dedicated to the poor. the help- all ages haVe one thing in com- AS FAST SERVICE gener, less. the hopeless. and ofi'crhg mon-they close their cars to Pc(}ple don't won-y about takv 00 I , 8130,( its facilitics free of charge re- advice and open their eyes to ing their money with them to- L~~ $141 gardless of race. creed Or ('olor. I example. 9941 HAYES McCOY & SONS pany \ I day-the problem' is to make it tract . stretch while they are llere. , I CARPET COMPANY while : Comp OPEN THURS. AND FRI. trical UNTIL 8:30 P.M. Hall's 25th Year Specializing in S17,50 ~ 14301 E. WARREN Tw( BIKES! Comer Lakewood to th' VA 2.4100 Schoo the 0 BIKES! ).


Every grad goes for Samsonite! H's tion day rolls around, make it Silhou .. your great Good Wish Ambassador ••• ette. You'll get miles and miles and ~~ big-hearted on the inside ... smooth and miles of smiles! 5 colors for girls: Bis.. sleek and chic on the outside (the cayne Blue, Platinum. Grey, Dover INST ALOAN-EXCLUSIVE WITH hidden locks are one of the secrets). White, Oxford Grey, Alligator Finish. " From start to finish, it's designed to For boys: Oxford Grey, Desert 'Tan, CHESTER make eyes light up! So when gradua- Alligator Finish. In many styles! BOOT SHOP NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT 1591 i East Warren ot Buckingham TV 5-0863 NOW (


~I? 3D 7 n ? 77 ? 7 77 7 7' 37 7 7 m S FE 7 7 .2 2 ? ? ? ? 7 Dr 7 77 7? Z? ? •••••• z .e b b •• tr. • t n • _e . - IY 24, 1962 Thursday. May 24, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven

.i cont(lct Mrs. W. REPORTS I,ARCENY 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:111 III IIl!iHIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111, :D 1-5367. C ,1L'hn Ruehlt.'r of ~~674 somer-: on,tracts for Additions Honored by R.C. Poi,tte Police Chiefs Backl ,t':. Detroit. informed Park I = t '. LA 7.9600 ;'fllice o~ Sunday, Ma)' 13, that IA 'warded For Fine Service ., hlle hIs car was parked in / By Scl100l Board Burglary Prevention Week ,ront of 1303 Kensington. some- Grosse Pointc High School ------,.11(' stole t he rear floor mat. Constructian l:ontract5 were has experienced for man y junior Jim Klock will represent The police chiefs of the it is better to have police check ~ The value of the item was not awarded 1a s t wee k by the years. For the first time in the Wayne County at the Red Cross Pointe jointly back a procla- anything that might a.ppear sus-l i ",1\ cn. Grusse Pointe Board of Educa- history of the school the library Friendship Training Conference mation fo]" Burglary Prevei1t1on picious and £Ind nothmg wrong, ~ tiun to build additions to Brow. room will become available for In Wichita, Kan., June 17.23. Weck, May 27 through June 2, than not have anything report- ~ nell and Richard sehoots and to use as a library instead of bc- Jim is one of two local repre. in hopes the Pointers will be- "'" I ('reate a guidance and counsel. ing used to house a regular scntatives chosen by the down- come more alert to this type of ed and later find that a crime ~ I ing center at Grosse Pointe class. The use of small, end- town Red Cross Council, which crime. I has been committed. Make ~ CARPETS and , High School. A total {'"pendi. of-hall rOoms also will be elim- pays all trip expenses. His fel. .According to a report sub- every weck BurglarY' Preven. I I ! ture of $220,:143.00 was auth. inated. low delegate will be a boy from mltted by the Federal Bureau I tion Week, they added. I~ orized for all of the projects Brownell's addition will con- Cass Technical High School of Investigation, burglary in ------I ~ RUGS BOUND involved. 5ist of two music I'ooms. The who. like Jim, will spend a 1961 increased three percent. T' H'onor Won ~ The low bidder" on the com- original plans fo[" the building week deepening his understand- Although this figure seems lOP ~ ~"ENT c bined Richard and Brownell call cd for a vocal music room ing of the Red Cross purpose, nominal, it comes on top of a B D W.t k - .ETS 45 :ae:d jobs, two rooms at each sch001, and an instrumental m us i c attending leadership classes and record.breaking increase reo yr. l Z Y was Albert D. Thomas for the room. B Q t h were eliminated studying Red Cross History. corded in 1960. Burglary is big FAST SERVICE 0 gene1'al eonstruction work at when bids exceeded the funds This is .tile third year in a bus i n c s s, a!1d a continuous For the first time in the hiS-I ~ tl10 5130,022.00. The Chelsea Corr.- planned for the unit. row that a Grosse Pointe !-ligh problem faced by law enforce- tory of the Orthodontic De. ~ McCOY & SONS pan~' won the mechanical con. Emergency quarters for the School student has been chosen I ment agencies. partment of the University of 5 trnct with a bid of $31,756.00 chol"uS and o1'che<;tra have been to attend the national confer. Statistics show that four of Michigan Dental School it has ~ last 3 days CARPET COMPANY while the Maryland Electric used sin c e Brownell opened. ence. Last year's representative every 10 burglaries are com- had a recipient of the highest ~ : Company was awarded the clec- OPEN THURS. AND FRI • Part of the cafeteria, for in- was senior Mike Hoyt, and Betsy mitted in homes, and in many award presented by the Ameri- ~ • tricai contraet which totalled UNTIL 8:30 P.M. stance, has been used as an Wunsch was one of the Wayne instances the burglars' chief can Association of Orthodon- ~ our Belle-Shar~meer In $17.504.00. Instrumental mUoic room. This County delegates in 1960. allies are their victims. tists (The Milo Hellman Awardl. ~ 14301 E. WARREN Two classrooms will be added space will now be reinstated J'1m, recen tl y eIecte d preSI-. Despite repeated warnings, I The award was recen tl y pre-I ~ ConH~r Lakewood as a dining room fOt" the stu- dent of GPHS Council for 1962 h' sented at the National Conven- ~_= annual sale to thc north end of Richard dents and pel'mit the more em- , - people depart from orne leav- SdlOol. Thc addition will ease VA 2.4100 dent handling of noon-hoo1' 63, served as president of the ing windows open, the house tion in to a 1961 I' ~ t he ov('rerowd~ng thc building downtown ~'Iigh School Red completely dark, garage doors graduate of that department, ~ ends soon! ~-~-~------~~----_._---~----~------~--- problems. Cross CounCIl this year ' Dr. H. Peter Witzky of Grosse 1 The low bidder fOI" the re- . open, and often, leave the house 5_ ES . h d 1 k d 'l'l' h Pointe for his thesis in the ~ A th b f G S e modeling work at G1'os"e Pointe no er mem er a 1'0 s WIt oars un oc c . '.I. 11S ap-, I ~ Pointe CTigllSchool's Red Cross ft .th th h field of orthodontic research. ~ fabulous savings! HI"11 School to create a coun-'''' I pens 0 en, e1 er roug care- I - THE FIRST ANNUAL sclingFo centcr was the Palombit Counc,11 J udy Da11are.i Ilas bIteen lessness, forgetfulness, or w 1a Dr. Witzky presented his paper ~ • 1 at the convention and was == presented Con s t l' U c t i ()n Company at se ected t 0 represen t Wayne not, but failure to take simp 1e . . - fuCl-fashione d GROSSE POINTE DRAMATIC FESTIVAL $11,900,00. The rn e c h ani c a 1 County at a teacher-sponsor- precautions often resu[ts in awarded a certIfIcate and $500. ~ fhls is to announcc a program sponsored jointly by the contract was won by Carl Bal'- student seminaI' at Lake Forest, I tragedy. _ i • Dr. Witzky. and his family ~ Grosse Pointe Community Theatre and thc Senior Group tone & Sons with a bid of Ill., Jut,'le 17 to 21. Judy, ClC- The poliCe chiefs ask the co- l1ve in Clalrvlew court. I~ and seamless of the (~ros ...(' Pointc ChildrC'n's Theatre in honOr of Mr. $11 ,700.00. The Maryland Elec- c~mpamed b~ Mrs. Evelyn ,Toll~ operation of citizens of their ------~ Will iam Ha;. (',.; }<'ric:-.who has made a magnificent donation tric Company was the success- Jl., B~ow,n<:lls Red Cross span communities by adhering to TABLES TU~.NED . I ~ all leg-sized, too! to Our t"Ol11l11unily lH the form of an auditorium. , ful bidder at $7,058.00 for the I SOl', will Jam delegates from a~- these simple suggestions, espe- . One of the oddItles of life ~ prayed dnd electrical work. p~'oxlm~tely 17 other states m cially residents who plan on IS how the youth of the present .~ \\'(' two groups [ecl that we will perhaps gain more from As an alternate to this job, dISCUSSIOn groups.. leaving home for an extended era can tU,rn out to be the dumb fg do hurry! the use of this auditorium than most of the citizens of the . bids to update the main electri- Judy served as pres..ldent of . d f t' . parents of the future. ~ . GPHS C '1 thO d perIO a line. ~~--- = Grosse Pointe community. We believe that it will help us I n Dior ~reatly in the efforts we make to give you and YOUI'family eal service of the high school I b oun c1 t d 15 yetaI', an, 1. Cancel all. daily deliveries; mJ-I-1i 11'-1111-111-11111-111-1111-1111-1111-11-11-1111-1111-1II-II11111111111111111IIIIllllllllllllllllll~ was awarded also. Modern de- las een el ec e nex year s 2 Leave a lani or two COD- ~ Dng good and wholesome l'ntertainment durin!{ the years to treasurer . P = come. \Vl' arc quite ccrtuia that in donating this auditorium I. mands for p.lectrical power . .. nected to an automatic timer, to Oll!' Com111Ul11tythat this was one of );11'.Fries' objectives. i have severely strained the elr-I In all, Grosse Pomte HI~h so that lights turn on at dusk, to 10.00 . cuits in the building, which was School students have been se- turn off again at bedtime to built in 1928 and so additional lected to represent Wayne Coun- t "11 d' "1 k 3 Di We, b('~t('r tiJan most of you. kno\v the cost involved in rent- ' d' fi crea eave -m 00;. s- mg an auc!itorium, paying electricians, custodial services, lines and revamped circuits are ty at Re Cross functlOns ve t' d Ii f e : : :::~ v. +') royalties. etc, and let liS assure you that it takes a great needed badly Maryland EJ.ec- times in the past three years. c(on mue e v a n~~spa~ers t 1t ,""'" ;:}u',:t"la~cd deal of courage to produce these plays and musicals with- tric's bid of $970300 to do this Senior Betsy WUllsch, 1960 dele- or ;r~~n~e NOnave em l?r- out any assurancc of financial slIce-ess. We do it in a spirit work was acce~ted' gate to the Wichita Conference, war e ; , a 1 y yo.u~:o!Ce = of learnin~ and for fun, I:'ut this time we have an additional The Board of E'ducation ex- was also chosen to attend the department and a nC1g or as - ng objcctl\'f'. ~Out of the ncw Fries Auditori.l.ll11, we want a . d h tl t 11 f th National Conference of Red to the date of your departure - pI esse ope 1a a 0 ese . .. 'and return' 5 Leave shades or - program whIch \\'ill perpetuate itself in the years to come jobs would be completed before Cross members m Cmcmnatl . .,. T t and we \\ ould like for you to participate in its beginning. .t S t mbe last year. blmds m normal pOSi lOll-no school opens nex ep e r. . ~ completely closed. . == We have pledged to the Fries Auditorium the net proceeds Work at Br?wn?l1 an~ Rlchar.d 6. Close and lock all windows! g Hat Bar from our festival. but only through your participation can should begm ImmedIately, 1£ Clerk in Woods and doors including the gar- ~ •• we make thlS emincntly successful. We seek not only your strikes of ;ar~ous crafts a~d age; 7. A.1:range to have your ~ First Floor money but your prcsence at one c; our productions at least. trades don t mterfere, whIle Bm9ned at Work 1 t 8 A_ g .th the == and we hope at both. the guidance center work will awn cu.: . ~ran e. WI • ~ await the end of the school post OffICe. 01 a ne1~hbor to I ~ The Senior Group of the Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre Yvonne Malcoun, 21, of 1771 hold all mall; 9. Use plO-tumb- ~ will. on Friday night. June 15, and Saturday afternoon and year. HollYWOOd, office clerk in the leI' cylinder locks (with a dead- ' ~ evening. June 16, present an old favorite which should have Woo d s Municipal Building, lock mechanism) on all exterio~ == appeal for both young and old. A musical adaptation of WE REPAIR suffered second degree burns doors; and 10. Rent a safety SALE! "Daddy Long Legs" which will take place at the John D. on the fingers of her right hand deposit box for storage of all = Pierce JU1110r High School auditorium. ! while working. valuables. I~ She was taken to St. John's All Pointe police departments ' ~ The l~ros,.;(' Poi ate Community Theatre will present on Hospital by police ambulance" offer the service of watching I ~ Thursclav, Friday. and Saturday evening, June 20, 21 anci LAMPS SUMMER HATLETS where she was treated and then homes while residents are gone I ~ 22. "Ro~anorr and Juliet," a comedy which will be well Any Glass or China taken home. for a weekend or any extended I ~ worth the !atl~hs it will afford you. and will take place Drilled tmcler the stars Oil the terrace of the Grosse Pointe War Witnesses said that Miss Mal- time. Scout car crews ~re i~l'-1~ i'.Iemorial. I coun was in the process of structed to make perIod 1e ~ 3.88 CUSTOM LAMPS I plugging in an off-set copying checks of these homes. ~ Manv hours of effort have been put into both of these I machine, when the wall socket Neighbors who know that _ built from yom prod-uctlons and we hope to enjoy your presence at one sparked and flames flashed out people have gone out of town, . ~ Fashion's wispy headliners, at a very special low priee or both of them. and burned and blackened four are urged to report anything ~ fingers of her hand. suspicious, or any noise, even if just when y()U wont them for your summer and vacation plansl :VII'. William Hayf's Fries has left us all a great heritage VASES, I~ \ She told t.hose who came to they might deem it trivial, that ~ .....j and we hope that you will join U~ in honoring him by com- ''' ...«- Miniature hots, cage veils and circlets .... including some STATUES her assistance, that her fingers they see or hear in their -va- ~ pleting the attm ..hecl order form and mailing it to The impc,rts .•• in every fabric, color end style imagmabl~. Grosse Pointe :\ew,;, Box F-ll. I '.vere wet with the chemical cationing neighbors' home. Any We can raise solution used in ,the machine, one lingering near the absent - or lower your Vel~' truly yours. \ w hie h apparently caused the home-owner's house, who ap~ = floor or table sparks to flame on her hand. pears to be acting suspiciously, I~ The Grosse Pointe Community Theatre lamp. The insulated covering on the should also be reported. ~ The Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre \ head of the wire plug was The pO'lice chiefs stated that ~ Special Bases missing and the exposed wires ------.-. -~ ~ ~ ••••••••••••••••• 5 •••••••••••••••••• ~ Made must have caused the sparks, ~111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111ll1ll11l11l1l1l11l1l1l11l1l1l1l1l1llm; : I wish to purchase .. """ ... adults' tickets at • I Come in and she said. - • $1.50 each for "Daddy Lon9 Le9s" : talk over your Her return to work will be : wish to purchase "children's tickets • determined by the extent of I lamp problems- • at $ .75 each for "Daddy Lon9 Legs" : the burns, it was said. : wish to purchase" ... " ... adults' tickets at : I • $1.50 each for "Romanoff and Juliet" • OLLIG HURT AT PLAY : wish to purchase .. ,"".". children's tickets : Paulette Brideau, 11, of 120 _ • at S1.00 each for "Rom(2noff and Juliet" • I ELEOTRIO SKOP Kerby, suffered a broken arm _ • • while pIa y 1n g at the Farms 17222 E. WARREN AVE. Municipal Pie r on Tuesday, • Name '" " . " " " •.• " .• • I • • Opp. E. Warren Bowling Alleys May 15. She was taken to Cot- _ • Address " .. " .. " ..•...... " . " " .•• " • " . " ". .. • tage Hospital by police ambu- ~ , I TU 1.1977 lance where the arm was placed I in a cast.

@1I11!lIIl1l1illiillllllllll!Ullllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllll:lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1II1I1Il1l1ll11ll11ll1l1l1l1ll11ll1ll1l11l1l1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1 Ill! II III 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III IIII!ill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


A scattering of delicate roses amid soft slash-stripings on frosty white matchmates ••• a romantic, yet subtly sophisticated, way to.add SUlmuer c:hann to .your both. Towels are fhick terry ••• shower Qnd window' curtclins, ~Ianese taffeta. Blue mist, lJ'limosa or rosebud..

~ . >

Jacobson's t ( ~ . (

Home Decorative Shap

car, itself?

~4"~ Bath .T-owel 2..29 Ired to your Wx3()I1' Hand ToweI_1..~ insurance e ~ r.ngenip toweL. .59 . Or see us. ~ Wash CIoIh _ .59 20~ Ikrth I6at _2.39

33":x;3O'"Cafe Curtain and ma .. 11Ing wbKG ~9I )IT NOW OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. TWO HOURS FREE PARKING-Tickets Vaiidated When You Make a Purchase

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Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, l..Aay 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 Or"tl~ Pofntt 'Nt-WI - PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Mlemorial Center Schedule \Vhai Goes' On ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. mat~11ew on OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL at GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN MAY 24 - MAY 31, 1962 Entered as second-class matter at tbe pest office, Detroit, I OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Y00" Li,brary Michigan under the Act of March 3, 1897 SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. '"ft-tE t-I' tt Address all mail, sUbscriptions, change of address, (Forms 3579) , >;vbichyou want in a hurry is plied. It's a perfect Country Club or sweater dress. 49c:-59c:-$1.19 poh AR,HUR1, R BLYLER ", .. ,."".", .... , .. " ADVERTISING;. : E X h'b'tI 1. in saluating our state we are already in oirculation. We at- Choose from five fashion colors ... dress including S NG C t' W 't' Cl J tempt to provide enough copies :\:ARY LORIMER ... ,." .. ,."""" ... " ... ,ADVERTI I *9:30 a,m, to 11 a.m.- rea]i,'e nIng- ass- eanne proud to add to our list of to meet the demand, but ob_ monogram is just twenty-nine dollars and ninety- ,JOHl'<"l\lcKENZIE ,.""".,.,."".,.'"",.",. ,BUSINESS Torosian~Instructor. Michigan authors, two local viously U-,ereare times when it five cents. GERANIUMS ALBERTA WILKE"",."", .. ,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING *10 a.m.-Americ~n Red Cross Braille Transcription- writers, Mrs. Sterling S, San- is necessary to wait. Even in Some fin!' Quality, .ome low Speeial - 000 price. Flot of 1~ 'N,dl! ~, CL A SSIFIED I Ell M LIt ford and Mrs. Ed war d S. FERl\;' GREIG """"""""""""""""" .'1... ! Class~Miss J a c ennan- ns ructor. the streamlined business world, , Wunsch. Mrs. Sanford's book V-e-r-y- F-r-e-n-c-h $6.99 ,JOANi'E EASON"",.",."""""", """, .. ACCOUNTS 12:30 p.m.~Board of Allied Youth-Luncheon. AT THE HEMINGWAYS; A of today, with electric com- FLORA HARDING""""", .. ",.",."", ,CIRCULATION *3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.-Children's Art-Class-Mrs. FAMILY PORTRAIT, is to puters and magical methods, Roger Gallet's scented soaps. A special this week at ------Stirling Loud-Instructor. he' published in August. Th.ishas frustrations do creep in:-as the Trail Apothecary Shop is this: if you buy three cakes Come in and browse around •• . U *4 p,m. to 7:30 p.m,-Ballet Classes--Mary Ellen Cooper been serialized in the Atlantic Co 1u m b i a University Press ... you get one cake free ... assorted fragrances. Th in9s A re L00 k In9 P -Instructor, Monthly, Dee e m bel' 1961 found, when it naively imagined . t C' L 'B t d through February 1962.For this that, by telephoning a certain 000 *6:30 p.m.-- Grosse P om e Inema eague s anque an publisher in the morning, it Encouraging signs are emanating from Grosse Pointe Annual Meeting-Paul Frey wEl present his ex- literary accomplishme'nt, Mrs. could pick up the desired title Don't miss Meldrum & Shores which indicate that official goings-on in the corn- ' cellent color Tilm "Cantons of Switzerland." The Sanford received a "Writer of in the afternoon. page 5 in this issue of the Grosse Pointe News. The . h ' the Year Award" from the De- muniiy's only ,'Wage may be-subjected to more spot 119 t- i public is cordially invited at $3.50 per plate. Paid tmit Women Writer's Club and This is What happened, ac- Hill is making another splurge! NURSERY mg than the," ha,'e recein:-d in the past. For many years: reservations must be in the Center by May 21. her book has been chosen as the cording to "The Pleasures of 17750 Mack, near Ri- there has been considerable ret~cense ,on the 'part of th.e I *7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meet- Young Adult Literary Guild se_ Publishing." "We called the 000 Free Delivery municioal solons to let anyune. lI1cluclmg thelr own reSl- ' ina. lel'iion for AUji!ust. publishing house in question, Garden Accessories dents. -know much about what WdS happening within b * * * Mrs. Wunsch's junior novel and asked for the Order Depart- official circle~. Friday, May 25 FLYING SKIS, released a few men!;. We explained what We are in profusion CitThe League Shop. Discover figu------. h' wee'ks ago will b 1 d wanted. and the next thing we rines urns . , . jardinieres •.. bird baths . . , Some ycars back, when reporters fram t lS paper *9:30 a,m., 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.-Adult Art----elasses- ,e we come kne"', we "'ere sWl'tchedto the h l' I 't by teen agel's. It is a lively tale ., .., animals pigeons ..• ducks ... frogs ... turtles ,,:ere refused access to t e po Ice potter. 1 was necessary: Prof. Emil Weddige-Instructor. of young people in Northern Main Office Receptionist, then ... from seven dollars. to take up the matter with the Prosecuting Attorney's 12 Noon-Grosse Pointe Real Estate Women's Coun- Michigan centering about a sport talkedinsuccessiontothe FACTORY FABRICATI office, The village president and chief of police were selors-Luncheon. which the author knows inside Main Office Receptionist, the 000 mformed in no uncertain terms that this was strictly 12:30 p,m,-Washington Cathedral Society-Luncheon. and out from first hand ex-. head of the mail room, the mail If you are lucky HABITANT CEDAR, against the law and told that if there were any more 6:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe P.B.X.-Cards and dinner perience, room of an affiliated subsidiary you may still be able to purchase tickets for the for uty, protectiol ~uch complaints, action would be ,t~~erl. .... 7:30 p,m.-Allied Youth-Sociay and Dancing. Mrs. Sanford and ,Mrs. company, an irascible Vice Metropolitan Opera tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday. losti ng bea It has always beE'n much more dIfflCult to get offIcIal: *8 p,m.-Parents Without Partners-Meeting and Scav- Wunsch ~ave been good friends President, whose extention we Vle, on the Hill, congratulate the workers who have information out of the Shores than anv of the other I g h t of the llbrary for some years, had beeh given by mistake) made this a very successful ventt~re. "Best. looking hume in the r;eighborhood" - Pointes. The Trustees have long chosen to run their en er un, * '" * I and loutr tShtaffbmtehmberdshCo~- and finally, the Mail Order De- when thev see beautihl Habitant natural wo , 'I' , 1 l'k I' t I b th I gra tu a e em 0 ,an ope partment again. In the course 000 house and grounds. Habitant Fen::e protect. ) oal I~V~C".more l -I" an exc uS,n'e coun ry c u a!1 ,a i Saturday, May 26 Our shelves will boast other Of our search we discovered i from dogs, thoughtless children and trespas mUl11C1paltty where all proceeclll1gs are matters o~ puohc I 9:30 a,m.-Students of Noack Piano School-Rehearsal. books by these good library that the book we wanted was I Kercheval On The Hill " children a!ld pets safe at home. StYles range ff record under: ~~w. C~arges have b,een ~ade that If there! *9:30 a,m.' to 3:30 p.m.--Ballet Classes--M'ary Ellen users, in the near future. published by this company, was takes a justifiable pride and interest in local schools, screen fences that afford -naximuir privncy to was a posslOdl~Y ot tOo? mllc~ mterference from the 'I Cooper-Instruc~or, , in print, was in stock, and was * * ~ , for a portion of their taxes gOES to support these picket designs ... factory fabricated to fit j-C wterested publrc. meetmgs of the board of trustees 9:30 a.m.-Children's Theatre. Before another Issue of thIS totally unavailable. Although public institutions. Indeed, one of the many advan- Come in and see us today, we ....ill be glad ,,-ill be moved fram the council chambers to private I 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.-P.T.A. Association of Maire School- paper rolls around, ,>~eshall the' stock was apparently kept in living area and install Habitant Fence to yc chambers in the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club or Lochmoor: R t. ha:,e, obser:ved Memonal Day. New York City, it was in a place tages of shopping in your own community is the fact lub . 1 ecep 1011. . . Ongmally mtended as a day to inaccessible to "customers.", that a percentage of your purchase is, in this way, C . , , ! 7 p.m.-Club Itaha-Dmner Dance. honor the memory of those who How could we buy it? We could I returned to you or your children through local taxes. Last week. repol:t~dly on a tIP from one of the I *7:30 p.m. - Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge fell in the War between the order it by mail, which would trustees. a group of elt~zens learned .that the board was I -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond-Directors, State's, it is now solemnized in take ten days. Regretfully, we ~ontemplatlUg .f~n,alaetlOn.Qon extensIve plans for .a pro" I 8 p.m.-Good Companions--English Old Time and Se- ~ernoriam for the nation's dead I picked up t~e phone again, and Ject at the mUnICIpal lakefront park. A large contmgent \ quence Dances. m all wars. On th.is day at called an e'ditor we knew at the ~ot together and descended on the meeting and raised >I< '" * 11 a.m. a service, will be held p~blish.ing house, in question. In such a howl that the trustees were forced to delay action. 1 S d M 27 at t~e Grosse Pomte War Me- thirty seconds we had arranged . f d '. t' th d d't. u~ ay, ay. . monal, on the lakefront, weath- to obtain the book we wanted. Th.ey orme an org~mza lOn on e spo~ an ma e.l *12:30 p.m.-Grosse Pomte War Memonal Youth CouncIl er permitting. But we still couldn't huy it. C'\'ldent that they WIll demaI!d more .enhghtenm~nt In -Meeting. It was forty years ago on He gave it to us free!" the future on all matters WhICh pertam to all reSIdents ,3 p.m. and 5 p.m.-Students of Noack Piano School- of the village. This is a healthy stride in the right Recital. direction.. . *3 p.m.-Organizational Meeting for Chamber Music Brownies at Trombly End Very Busy Season Anather encouragIng development c~n:e WIth the Players of Grosse Pointe. All tlhose interested in Education and Michigan's ann0:-rncement, that Benson Ford v:ras WIllIng to be ~ participating in ensembles for strings, winds, voice Browine Troop 777 of the 3rd A pienic lunch was eaten grude at Trombly school made aboard the train mid s t the candIdate to fIll one of the vacanCIes on the board af and piano are urged to come to the Center at this Future Called Inseparable . ~ good use of their Easter Vaca- sightseeing and picture taking. trustees. He was elected last week when less than one time to discuss plan and promote this cultural The attached statement was tion by taking a train trip to At DuI'and, the girls were in- out of e,'cry seven voters in the Shores bothered to go activity, ' , be more sophisticated educa- I prepared by Superintendent of tional research; broader and Durand, Mich. via the Grand vited by the chief dispatcher to to the polls, Some slight excuse for the paucity of the . '" '" '" Schools James W, Bushong of better use of teaching materials. Trunk R ail r 0 a d under the observe the sending and re. 'c!ldilt"'/;A. turnout can be made bv the fact that none of the candi- Monday, May 28 the G r 0 sse Poi n t e Public There will be improved ways to leadership of Mrs. Ted Angott, ceiving of messages in the tele- dates had any position, but every election provides a *10 a.m.-,Cancer Service and Information Center- Vol- School System for use during evaluate and determine student Mrs. Paul West and Mrs. George graph office. privilege that should not be overlooked. It also affords unteer Work. Michigan Week, May 20-26. needs, concerns, potential and Squires. The troop also attEnded the FOUNTAINE FE the electors a chance to say thanks for a job well done 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon * * '" achievement. Thus we will be Easter flower show at King's Lo their officials. Evidently those who felt this way and Meeting. "Education and Michigan's bp.tter able to spot and correctly will draw even closer to the Flowers and saw f lower ar- 20760 HARPER \vere far outnumbered last week by those who just *12:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge- future <"reinseparable. One can- deal with the truly gifted, the great American dream of a rangem('nts being made up. not be divorced from the other. bright, the ordinary, the handi. maximal individualized educa- plain didn't care. Bridge and Lecture for Ladies-Mrs. Andrew Wal- On 1\ ray 7 the girls enter. "Michigan's future is depend- capped and the troubled. We tion to meet the needs of every Mr. Ford is certainly one of our more stalwart, rond-Director. tained 1:heir mothers at a tea. ent on its educational program. boy and girl. Only by doing this conscientious and capable citizens. The services he has 12:45 p.m.-Arch Confraternity of St. Clare Parish- can we insure that our future A highlight of the tea was a If education suffers our future troop picture each girl received. performed on county, state and national levels in myriad I Lun{:heon. will be dark and dismal. Con- will be bright-because educa- The annuw Mother.Scout Ban- movements 1'01' the benefit of mankind are well known, ! *4 p.m, to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper versely, an ever improving One up, tion is the foundation of all quet of Tromtlly school will It seems most doubtful that he will countenance any - Instructor, 'e d UI cat ion a 1 system, at progress. "I believe it will happen-and again be held at Hudson's East- shen~~nig~ns, or s.ubterfuge in ~he govern~ng ?f the *7::~0 p'.m,-,-Grosse Pointe Nocturnal Painters-Class- all levels, will cast a beam of bullwo down land on May 19. mumclpallty rn whIch he makes hIS home. Thmgs mdeed Steve Davis-Instructor. human res 0 u r c e s that will that soon, even the reluctant, brighten Michigan's future and By FRED KOPP, R. Ph. will truly recognize the f3ct that Sun~y. May 20 Troop 777 seem to be looking up in the Shores. for which the resi- 8 p.m,-Lake St. Clair Chapter M,S,P.E.-Meeting. good education is not costly. O~ demonstrated "Yarn-Rang-Its" dents should be ,'ery grateful. * * * enable us to reach a potential When a brand new drug is in progress that would other- introduced, its price is usual. the contrary in our country- at the Golden Panorama of Girl .------..-----,- Tuesday, May 29 wise be impossible. Electronics, ly high, That's because initial it is ignorance that is expensive. Scouts at the Michigan State nuclear energy, automation and sales may be low, and the "With this conviction I view Fairgrounds. Letters to the Editor *10 Guild for Children's Hospital-Volun'" J: \~~;-~~;~~e all the rest beckon to us and price mUf't cover productiOl. Educ:.:tion and Michigan's fu- Monday, May 21, the troop '*12 Noon-Grosse Pointe Drawing and Painting-Class promise great rewards if we but costs-which are generally as ture with optimism and confi- crowned their activities with a l...-______h.igh for sman quantities as rise to the challenge. Evidence dence." cookout at the park. Steve Davis-Instructor. for big quantities. But once To The Editor; I po~e to help provide ,scholar- S M' Cl b-G R d B 'd of this is to be found in other many doctors begin writing In behall of the Grosse I "hiPS to needy deservmg stu- 1 p.m.- enior en s u in ummy an n ge. sections of our nation where Pointe High Sehool :Ylothers:dents and all who attended *3:30 p.m, to 5 p.m,-Children's Art--Class-Mrs. 8tir- prescriPtions, the manufac. vast new industries have clus- turer steps up production .. , Club, I wish to thanK the! rated it a most enjoyable af- ling Loud-Instructor, tered around institutions of and is thus able to bring the Grosse PiJinte )iews for Us gen- i fair, *3:45 p.m. to 5 p.m,-Brownie Troop-Meeting-Mrs, higher learning. We can have price down. A survey in our emus publicity and the entire! Our thanks to all. Norman Parent-Leader. a similar renaissance here if our own store shows that, in the community, [or its su~port of: Verneta R Law, President I *6:15 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Optimist Club-Dinner and universities and public schools past 10 years, for every drug our Benerl~ ScholarshIp Card; IMrs, Albert D. Law)! Meeting. receive the support we are ca- that rose in price because Thinking About raw materials Or labor costs Party and 'lea held on IVlay11, I ---~- \ 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner pable of giving them. Our thanks also to the mer-; . "The future holds vast and went up, two came down in Car Insurance? ' chants who generously donated: HOUDAY TRAF:FIC PATROL ,and Mee~mg.. .' price because d e man d in- sweeping improvements for edu- creased. That's why we say and the hard working commit- . , '\ 6:30 p,m.-KIwams Club of Grosse Pomte, Inc.-Dmner cation. First of all the teacher, tees who ~ave so mueh time, .' Increased lVIemonalDay traf- and Meeting. . . . Today's prescription is through his own professional the big g est bargain in to make this affair such an out- I ~l~ .p~:rols ar~ schedul,ed by the: *7:30 p,m.-Grosse Pointe Community Tbeatre-Rehear- efforts and dedication, will gain history; standing success, ;' chl<;"randState Police from saL LOOI~ in prestige and importance. This This Is the 964th of a series A ' 1 -00 ' k t : noon ues ay May 29 through. M 11 ..,>cpproxlmalely .;) tiC e s midnl' ht W d 'd *8 p.m.-Evemng Tempera Painting-Class- arce a will result in even better educa- of Editorial advertisements ap- were sold and our profit toward, genes ay May 30, h' . tion for our people. There will pearing in this paper each week, AT THE , h ' f d I th', with an assist from the National C urchIll-Instructor. t he sc 0 Iars hIp un rom IS" * * * event wi~1run well over twenty- : (,uard. one hundred dollars, ; In the l02-hour Memorial ex- Wednesday, May 30 .~11i?r~~~~~~~~~~~911 LEADI!R This is a party with a pur-: tended weekend per~od last "'9:30 a.m. to 11 a,m.-Conversational French-Class------.--- year, there were 34 kllled, an I John J. Lakich-Instructor. IN CIRCLES average of one death every I *11 a.m.-Memorial Day Services honoring those who No. 2 ?f a seri~. The Insurance. Exchange three hOUI"s. th' l' . W ld W II d K was tr.'1 first msurance orgaruzation in The fellow who travels at too This year's holiday Ior traf- gave el~ Ives l~ or ar an ore a: Michigan to offer the many extra services fie statistics purposes will be 12 N oon-Semor Men s Club-Luncheon and Cnbbage. fast a elip is apt to by-pass the and protections available through the 30 hours in duration. When the *4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper tl-ain of thought. unique combination with the Automobile stat~ last ~ad a midweek M~-I -Instructor. I The Wm.R.iIamilton G~o. ',',; Club of Michigan and the AAA. ..:.' monal perIOd of that length In * * * . ':.: ".:,' The man who TPforms. and Over a Century of Service ..•. 1956 there were 10 killed, also Thursday, May 31 . Today, the Exchange at the Auto Club ', .. ,",; ",;,;. then boasts of his past, hasn't a rate of one death every three *9:30 a,m. to 11 a.m.-Creative Writing--Class-Jeanne insures more Michigan motorists than any .:.J:,.:::,:"/ learned his lesson yet. :, ,', ...... ::~:t~::::.::.:.:..: hours, Torosian Instructor, FUNERAL DIRECTORS other company. It's still the unique com- bination of benefits that assures more than "..:'~rr}1~: *10 a.m.-American Red Cross Braille Transcription~ ...... '..... Class. Miss Ella McLennan-Instructor. half a million members that their car in- . ',' . .; .:.~~::.;':;:."'.:-;.:: ,';: ,..::~~~:::~::')~;)~:.~:' *3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.-ChiJ.dren's Art-Class-Mrs. surance leads all others. Call an Exchange Stirling Loud--Instructor, . Serving representative at the Auto Club to find out the many advantages available YOli with DETROIT EDISON GUARANTE *4 p,m. to 7:30 p.m,~Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper to GROSSE POINTE DETROIT car insurance from the Exchange. -Instructor. AND SUBURBS 8 p.m.-Grosse Pointes' Cycling and Ice Skating Club- OrYour Money Back Buy the Meeting. Detroit AutollHltbile flameless electric water heater Inter-Insuranee Ex~aDge *8 p.m.-"Meet the Travellers"-The Carl~dian Arctic- WILLIAM R. HAMILTON II DAVID M. HAMII.TO~ that fits your home. Call on it for Film, slides and commentary by experiencel Arctic CLARENCE E. OTTER at Automobile Club ef Micldg_ traveller, Madame Donat Gauthier. Grosse Pointe shower after shower, for wash alter public is cordially invited without charge. wash for all the hot water Y0l; CHAPELS VISIT OR P~ONE YO\m NEAREST 0fRCE 1 need. If, any time within a year. Pvt. Roger B. Measel Military Policeman DETROIT BIRMINGHAM you're not satisfied with thE 3975 CASS AVENUE 820 EAST MAPLE GROSSE POiNTE 10IVIS1OtN (AHTNC)-Army Pvt. Roger Measel received specialized TE 1.2712 MI4.6000 15415 E. Je&enon heater's performance, call us. WeT B. Measel, 23, whose wife, instruction 'in such subjects ils PHONE: a2'1-8COO .remove it and return the fill. Diane, lives at 20819 Little. self defense, traffic control and NORTHWEST .. C*ge stone, Harper Woods, Mich., the basic procedures of civil 18900 JAMES COUZENS Mill.'" Me..,. purchase price, including an~' completed eight weeks of mili- and military law. He entered DI1-1300 tary police training at The Pro- the Army in Dec~mber, 1961, See .., paga,., IocoI pho-. ~b"" 0...... instaHa.tion oostt vost Marshal General School, and received basic training at Fort Gordon, Ga., May 4, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. IlLlli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5MU

t t 0_ ~ • wieri';._. sf * 6 .. i ti *-.*'s'-» t t,. * * 7 tr R = Dm mD tr m t = • - m n _m' n ». b -...... --...... __ *'--- Q s...... - up $ P 4 a a I, a • • s a a a • a 3 $ 5 • 5 2 5&& P; as pap a $. $

Thursday, May 24, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine Need Volunteers Banquet to Honor High School To Hold Rally Of Candidates To Visit Lonely Musicians on Candidates for elecU{m to the I tiO/lS arC' in th<>i1'minds, This Grosse Pointe School Board of I is their chance to l11('et th~ can- Volunteers-men and women Education wlll offer voters of! did1tes, one of whom will be with 8 feeling of responsiblIlty the area an opportunity to meetj e!t'r'ied on .June 11 to il position for the unfortunate- are being and talk with them on .June 1, of ,mportance to our ehiidren." sought in large numbers by the at a candidates' rally at the III Friendly Vlsitors Committee of War Memorial. COMMON-SENSE l"ta Our Garden Fresh the United Community Services Garden Needs of Metropolitan Detroit, 'I'he Mrs. Paul Hyk Ii and Rich. 1 he fello\\" who hits th(> jack- Fruit and ard C. Hudson, who are "J'ing pot and tak(>s it on th(' run. can s worth mooning over. Poat Mos, wid e s pro a d, ever increasing :':al or different. That's Vegetable Stand Fertili%ors for the school hoard vReaney, 1'ct 11"11 .mother day ror fun. Pottery need of nursinR homes, hos- . will participate in a progl'llJn , __ .__ i an' a devil of a time Is Now Open! pitals, and mam' other social Modonn(l Stfth."I~ , ' which will Involve infO)'1'l1a] r-.~...... ~ Q'~-~ ._~-~ ngcl'l('ies for volunteer vislUng store to shop in first, ' I . r----.--... tlllks and II qu('sllon and answnr i A ,.'~ elt ~!~m(,llan for : ou '," SF;nm~r. Come 'W 'Yk~ makos expansion im. , . ," 1"', JJel'lon I a~ ,t,1\~ I"/~~I' f1f',v..:~l"hH",( ~l"''''1 l. ~~ '~: -,~. ~~ _<. ':..J~ :.~),t • • \ .~~I.t-1>.", .. _ . • • -. - - •• ~ 't'-_; I' ~ r;r- ...... - ._ .._ .. -. \ Mast~r of {'('I'em~nl(\o!l will hl?'" ~. ~ Iron ""rse , 200 Varieties-potted for your seledlon These volunteers need no spe. Mrs \~dw:lrrt Cox. chairman of I cial skill. 'I'hey are asked only ! ~,i · ·-A- 1 'I Vot~rs Service of the Grof-sc ~ Mt U to st!rve as friend!' to the lonely, Shade Trees Pointe LeagUe of Women Vol- Fa, OnH",,,'nlal 1f thls sounds super-sentimen. Hltchlnll Post llwnogrammed dres...c;es c~~."C' from lylNOlne or Sunbur~t Locust; Norway, Sugar Or I tal in this problem-ridden age- e1's. C.AST IRON !'C'E' letter. two-colorM S:lv~r Mople; Sycamore; Popular Or Red Maple-Tall or Dwarf, consider who these lonely are. I The ml'ctln'g, which will h(' 10" HIGH :clusi\'t'ly b\" Sloat, for at 8 p,m., is being sponsored $20 (lno~ram could be ap- INDOOR FOLIAGE PLANTS In the flIes of the FrIendly I The WIdest chOIce ever offered anywhere! I Visitors office you will find on I by the League of Women Vot- ~iub or sweater dress. I en;. the Mothers Cluh of the: 49c-59c-$1.19 poUed card after card these entries: Fits OVl!t 31/," Ot 4" Plo~ ;" . , . dress indudmg Arthritic, confined to whoel. .\~t;.~ I Hlrrh School, the PYA Council, I Order by Mail or Phone "M"') ! and the War Memorial I MOllliY (' dollars and ninety- chair; double amputee; crippled .)!:.t: i . i lC!nd Chock or Order GERANIUMS Mfg. & Sold By ROSES i by stroke; heal't ailment, can .' :'~: Mrs. Cox, in announcil~~ the I PR Same fir'" Ql,ol,ty, some low Speelal - 3 In Pkg., - $1,99 'l11ot leave home; blind; bedrid. 'feager.Craft D',~fl Flnl of 14 ~ "':'~ 'meetmj:(, stated, "All mterested' W,d8 ~elechon Of Pot~nh 29445 J~ff~tson nen, due to frActured hip; in- ,'",<. voters ate invited to attend and St. Clait. Shores, 2...0018 $6.99 ,I' I $1.50 up jured in accident; cataracts: ~, 1~, , " ,,:~:;: ask whatever pertinent ques- Mlchl90n !, special t his week at muscular dystrophy; chrunical. :r ::ou huy three cakes Come in and browse around ••• ly ill; and on one - "short of from :> -sorted fragrances, breath-has only 78 of a lung." ~~,. ~;;~< r<~;!1 B Id · 0 On each card is the word '~"i "lonely." ~~"~'''~~':::~V, a WIll rg21lls Meldrum & Smith The files give ever-recurring The parents of the members of pictures. In nursing homes and standing left to right: MRS, PHILIP )."se Poin t e .:\e\\'s. The , hospitals are widows and widow- Grosse Pointe High School's band and C. GIBBS and MRS. KENNETH L. NURSERY ers who have outlived their orchestra are sponsoring a banquet to Kimmel. Seated, left to right: MRS. 17750 Mack, near Riv~rd families, or whose children live give recognition to the students who REGINALD RODDIS. MRS, ARTHUR far away - or simply neglect have played with these organizations. L. WATTS and MRS. ERNEST J. Free Delivery Call TU 5.5433 them. They have no relatives. Helping with the arrangements are, COLLINS, Friends, if any, almost never ~ Shop. Discover figu- come to see them, Day after utterly alone, or with employed s .•. bird baths .. . TIP TO MOTORISTS COUNT TEN day passes in unrelieved mono- people. They are left to solitary Watch your speed on the ; ... frogs" .. tv.rtles tony, with the resulting depres- days. Many live in new, strange Learn to hold your tongue FACTORY FABRICATED sion of spirit that further com- neighborhoods, without friends. highways-the high death rate and you'll be in a pogltion to plicates their infirmities. A widow without children and starts at 80 miles an hour. hold your own in Any c~mpany. In private homes or rooming without contacts b~cause of HABITANT CEDAR FENCE houses, men and women con. 'Chase tickets for the language difficulties, was often for lasting beauty, protection and privat:y fined by physical handicaps live seen crying until someone who )ffiOrrO\\". or So.turdav. could speak her language was he workers who have ,. found. MORTGAGE LOANS Dture. "Best. looking home in the neighborhood" - that's what they'll say ~'hen ther s~e beautiful Habitant natural wood fence around your Language 1s often the barrier, RESIDENTIAL. CONSTRUCTION • COMMERCIAl. One woman speaks French only; hO~LSC and grounds. Habirant Fence protects your lawn and garden another Polish. Still a third, from dogs, thoughtless children and trespassers, keeps your own -Mortgage Loan Correspondentfor-- who lay on a bed in silence for children and pNs safe at home. Styles range from high. tight woven days, is a deaf mute. Visitors Bold" In Model 46 Mohogan)' $2645 screen fences that afford m:Ulmum privacy to low spaced lattice and • Aetna life Insurance Company te!"est in local schools. who can talk to them now have Free Home Demonstration picket designs. , . factory fabricated to fit Jour exact ground plan. • Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ~oes to support these been found-but the city is full • Two 61-note manuals ~ of the many advan- Come In and see us today, we ....ill be glad to plan your outdoor of people longing to hear an • New York Ufe Insurance Company • 2S.Note Pedal board living area and install Habitant Fence to your exact ground plan. community is the fact understandable tongue, • Northwestern National Life Insurance Company • Leslie Speokers Built.in 'chase is. in this \\'aV One of the saddest cases was • Percussion (optional) • Security Mutual Life Insurance Company • Trade Allowance Of'; any instrument 'n through local' taxes~ that of man whose crippled • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada • Complementary le!$ons with each condition kept him confined in .; organ sold a bare room. After his death, :: Used Organs frc-m $295 his diary discovered, On page " after page he had written, "no- New LOWREY Starlet bOdy came." • 2 Manual Spinet Qrgo", with . What can visitors do? For the percussion $595 • 13-note pedal board past twenty-two years, this is I what a large group of dedicated DETROIT BIRMINGHAM people-the Friendly Visitors- 5510 Woodward & TR 3-6800 milev ros.ns ~I ~~,~~fARD have been doing. DETROIT MOR~GAGE REALTY CO. OPEN EVES. OPEN EVES. They LISTEN, The first need 333 WEST fORT STREET, DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN • WOODWAiW 2.0800 SAT. TILL 5 S B SAT. TILL 5:30 DET. OPEN SL N. 1-5 'ery Busy Season of the lonely is to talk. Some Offices in Birmingham and Grand RapUt$ like to play cards Or games, Or pIcnic lunch was eaten learn to sew or knit. Books to ,rd the train mid s t the I~ ~. read, greeting cards on suitable lseeing and pieture taklllg. occasions, flowers to brighten )urand. the gIrls were in- the room, are welcome gifts, I by the chie! dispatcher to Automobile rides are a treat. ITe the sendIng and re- idlatilanll. " But most important, through n" of messages m the tele- h offiee sincere interest and concern.' friends bring to those visited e troop aho attended the FOUNTAINE FENCE CO. new belief in themselves, new ~r flower show at King's dignity, a sense of renewed ers and saw f lower ar- 20760 HARPER TU 1.8863 membership in the human fam- ~ments being made up. ily, This speeds recovery from , :'.lay 7 the girls enter. -~~ .. ----._,. __ ._----- illness, for human kindness, d their mothers at a tea. medically, has been proved to ghlight of the tea was a have therapeutic value. Often a ) PlCture each girl received, new life has beer; opened up to annual Mother-Scout Ban- the isolated through being in- of Trombly school will troduced by their visitors to the I be held at Hudson's East- activities of Golden Age Clubs on ~by ]9 and recreation centers for the aging. There are mc:ny of these nday. -'lay 20 Troop 777 now in Detroit. mstrated "Yarn-Hang-Its" The method of volunteering is e Golden Panorama of Girl this. Call the United Commu- are just about the sanle ..... ts at the :'.IIc!)igan Stat';! nity Services at 51 W, Warren :rounds, Avenue. The number is 833- mday. -'lay 21. the troop 0622. Ask for the Central Vol. ned their acti\"lties with a )ut at thE' park unteer Bureau. You will be asked to come in ' for an interview. When a suit- able person to visit has been found, you will receive advice, nursing home rules and ~any items of information from the Area Chairman-all with the purpose in view of making the ,i: t ~?' task easy and pleasant from /. the start.

REVIVING PEONIES An old peony border can be brought back into bloom by K dividing the clumps and re-I planting them in well-prepared: 1 E soil. Keeping the bed free of I weeds by shallow cultivation, ,~ I and a p ply i n g fertilizer in I spring, will increase the quality 1 ER and quantity of blooms. I I 'J ranee Exchange HERE TO STAY 1 So long as the soil is well 1 organization in dug eaoh year and the hunms 1 j y extra services content maintained, it is fully Lhrough the practical to plant the same j the Automobile kinds of annuals in the same j AAA. space yenr after year, except 'the Auto Club that the locations of China asters, snapdragons and mari-I ,orists than anv golds may well be changed in 1e unique cooi- location each year, ' lures more than at their car m- III an Exchange ::;lub to find out JOIN TNI C1RCl. OF SAFIITY ••• CHI'CK YOUR CAR,., CHI'C~ YDlJR DRIVIN.,., CHeCK ACCIDENTS. I SEI'THI' GEllERAl. MOTORS EXHIBIT AT 1Jl( 1111 SEATTLE l\'O~lD'$ i'AlP., APRllll-OCTOBER II. :ble to you with DETROIT EDISON GUARANTEES ELECTRIC WATER HEATER SATISFACTION NO ANTS ilange. IN YOUR HOME••~ Or Your Money Back Buy the Other exclusive electric water heater advantages: if it's protectp.d against these A lot of people buy Pontiacs just because they're Pontiacs. Dandy. Even better "becauses," flame less electric water heater ci Long life-no hot spots -i Install anywhere pesty, ann0l'ing invaders. Rose -no flue needed

1 d d'W_ crt ."ZW' ----~------~-----~....,..----.."..~.." ....-~--~ ....,...-...-=""...------....._ ..._._._ ..._-- ...--.- ...... _--- __ ...... _ ..._-_., ... '4""'...'4""'~_..._ ...... -.---- .....-- ....-.-.-.------.---.------... -- -

Thursday, May 24, 19l; Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. May 24, 19~~._ -_._------~------Regional Title Captured Austin Nine Grosse Pointe Wins Regional Track Meet GPHS Tennis Team Moves Decorati By Blue Devil Tracl{nlen Splits Two Closer to Crown in BeL

By Rikk Stocking '62 By Bob Moore By Allen Crow '62 The Blue Devil trackmen completed a highly suc- Austin Prep almost threw The Blue Devils moved two victories closer to a cessful week last Saturday by winning their second away its chance for a Central BCL tennis title last week, beating Royal Oak 6-1 and straight regional title at the University of Detroit. Four Lea~ue baseball championship Fordson 7-0. The crucial meet with Monroe was held days earlier they had clinched another BCL title by when the Friars, after wallop- at Grosse Pointe yesterday _ (t~o late ~~._~.: covered beating Fordson 83% to 25%. Despite the gO-degree heat ing U-D High, were edged by in this article). I Catholic Central, 4-3. But De- doubles matches. Mike Lynch the Fordson meet produce d one recor d when Tom Raven troit Cathedral upset first place A victory over Monroe wouldi t I an d Gref{ B'Ie1awsk'1 dCfeated beat the varsity quarter mile record with a 51.4 timing. Notre Dame last Monday to tie the two teams for f rs h' .t. 6 2 6 1 . . f' tell' 0pPOSl lOn -, -. This afternoon the Devils ~--_._._-----_. knock the Irish into a tie for nlace The Devl1s lost thclr Irst. J ff M d M" B' 1 " . 'h' I e ason an IKe Ie aw- meet Pontiac and Cranbrook Meanwhile on the track Steve th0 lead with Austin. meet with Monroe, bl~t 1 IS i k' th h 6 4 6" i,l a triangular meet. This S hr' f h t . 1 f . S I came roug -, ~,,;,. c Ie cr. w 0 was a np e The 7-2 shellacking of U'D.' , time they had the advantage 0: G Sh t d R' k.... d 11 promises to be a very tough. (100 d d h 220 d ; reg or an IC n.en a wmner -yar as, -yar last Tuesday ended a two-game home courts. . . won their first set 6-2. and then meet. Several weeks ago Pon- d h 880 l) 11th as .' re ay owerec e Austin lodng s t l' e a k. Mike Ron Burns, num~er one sm.; had to fight. to an 8-6 victory tiac crushed all opponents at t 220 d d t 22 gles player, pre d 1Ct e d two I. th d the U of D relays. Grosse varSl y -yar :ecor 0 Kingsley. who won his fourth '1 h Id In e secon . weeks ago the DeVl S s ou . h DOl Pointe did not compete in this seconds flat. InCIdentally, the game without a loss, pitched all 10 220 was run around a curve. I the way. ' beat Monroe if they worked: 13urns,. B~dges and D ooge meet. hard Just before the meet, he won theIr smgles matches in Saturday the Devils will trav- Raven Sta1's Again Kingsley was backed up by , 'd' 'Th t h 'mpro\'cd two sets and each had a shutout , sal " e earn as 1 , el to Ann Arbor for the State In the longest dash, the 440, strong hitting as the Friars , quite a bit, especially in doub. set . L 1" h' f' t ~Ieet. Tom Raven broke his four-day- snapped out of a cold streak K 'I We have a ood chance of en ong ..p aymg In IS Irs le.s.." g match, lost m two sets. This is Tl Last SatUrday the Devils re-. old record, running a blistering I of losses to Notre Dame and peated as regional champions I 50.4 seconds for one lap around Salesian. The Austin baseballers I wmnmg. *,.,. The Fordson meet was no at the University of Detroit. I the track. And last, the 880 left no doubt of their intention IN NON-LE ..\GUE act ion, contest. The first three singles Coach Jim Curlett had expect- relay team bettcred the varsity to win as they scored two runs matches \vent to Burns 16-1. three Devil racketmen each ed a tough battle with Eastern record with 1:37.7 effort to before U-D could make an out 6-2), Brydges 16-4. 6-11, and gou've set won two matches in the Tren- High School, but the DevEs eclipse the old mark 0: 1:32.5. :n the game. A walk, a double Dhooge (6-1, 6-1). ton Invitational Tournament. won B5~40. lOver all Grosse Pointe will by Dt:nny Marchand, and a Burns playing in the first John Blair made a strong Break Fine Records II send its l.>estto the State meet: single by Dan Steffes gave Aus- showing in his first match as -Picture by Walter X. Brennan flight; got four points by beat- <[0 POfID In the process of Winning I .Terry Brennan, pole vault; Tom 'tin a 2-0 first inning lead. Uf.U,S.hf4)rr ing opponents from Allen Park he won 6-0, 6~1. nine of the thirteen events the I Spiewak. shotput; Gary John- U-D retaliated and put Kingsw BARRY BRINK, of Grosse Pointe with 65 points, taking nine firsts and Rick Allison teamed up with and Ypsilanti. Devils also crac~ed six records. ston, bro3d jump; Steve SChrei_/ley into trouble in the second Greg Bielawski to win 6-2. 6-2. High School sails over the last of the failing to score in but two of the 13 Rick Brydges earned three In the mornmg. shotputter I fer, 100 and 220-yard dashes; and third innings, loading the Rir;:k usually plays singles, but high hurdles in excellent form, well events. Eastern was second with 40 points by second flight victories Tom Spiewak and. pole vaulter I Tom Raven, 440..yard dash; bases twice. But Kingsley fought ahead of the Eastern runners, to win points and Cass Tech third with 18. he and Greg played together' Jerry Brennan Ignored the George Thomas, 880-yard' run; his way out, allowing the Cubs over players from Austin (by LUCITl the event Saturday in the Michigan to practice for the Trenton In- drizzling w eat her to smash Barry Brink, 120-yard high only two runs to tie the score The first three to finish in each event default) and Dearborn. Regional track meet held at U. of D. will compete Saturday in the Michi- Vic Dhooge picked up two vitationaL "arsity records. Tom broke hurdles; Skip Beltz and John 2-2. Mason and :\1:lke Bielawski wee~-old re?ord" by 14 Gerich, 180-yard hur~les; and Austin went ahead for good Stadium. Grosse Pointe won the meet gan Championships at Ann Arbor. more points by downing third }Jail Pain~ ?is crushed their opponents 6-0, flight players from Austin and ll"c.hes with. a 532Y2 heave. both the 880 and mlla relay in the bottom of the third on 6.1. Short and Kendall foliowed Ypsilanti. TIus toss glve.s T?m a good j teams. Marchand's double, an error, and scoring the fifth run to tie the with 6-1, 6-0. chance of placmg ill the state I , • • The three singles players are score. The Devils play Wyandotte t Final BCL Track Standings Tom Engel s smgle. The Fnars scheduled to play a third and mee. widened the slim lead in the here today. Two m2Cts with Jerry Brennan broke the pole W L f'fth .th f t 11' D St f- LL"ttL L R L Colll"giate League final match Wednesday. vault record. Now in his third GROSSE POINTE 5 0 1 ,":1 our a les. a~ e e eague esu ts T W L P t The doubles competition was Highland Park will close the 't J bl'tz Monroe 4 1 fes smgled, Harry Brmsden 1 earn c. BCL season. vear on th e varsl y, err:: 1 - lk d d TEl d bl d ,Wildcats ~ 0 1.000 rained out and will probably Assuming t.he Devils beat ~cl the old record with a leap Wyandotte 3 2 wa .e ,an om nge ~u e 'I'------...------,.------J 6 7take place tomorrow, also. of 12' 23-:\". This vault places Royal Oak Dondero 2 3 scormg Steffes an~ Brmsden. Hsawkteyes 2 11 .66 6 7 Monroe, they can finish alone Jerrv fourth in the Detroit liighland Park 1 4 Then Paul Tryloff smgled to let FARMS plaining about this perfect base- par ans 2 . * * * IN THE l\lEET with Royal in first place if :\1onroe loses consistl ". : t k d fl'cld listings Fordson 0 5 Engel score, stole second, took By Bill Stuck ! ball weather, but hard-Charging Badgers 2 1 .667 • Thick, creamy ~~e\\s rac an " thO d D W' kw th' b h Buck"'yes 1 2 333 Oak, the Devils won all three to some other team. II' f)n oug m or S We hope you watched some ase runners prove we ave '" ...... -~------'_._---- or NIler. Doesn't drip or l'] ....------1 sacrUice fly, and scored on a of the first game5 . . . the sea- dry, dusty diamonds. Gophers 1 2 .333 f:i~@;~:,:,!,~~,~,m~2:~';,':::~",!:H"r<:;.,',,"';:~~'i~:';:;::"",:,:,'{",':';A,::,:'!,':::::,:,,:.:::,':::::':,:",:,,':"'::.,'.:i,,;;::i, :.',','. :",::::",::,:,:,:,:,::::,:;;':;':':'i":~:j fl'elder's nhol'ce The fI'nal out . ff 'th b S' II Hoosiers 1 2 .333 • No stirring or thinnin: "'. son IS 0 . WI a. an~. IX American Lea ..rne I WI' 0 3 000 B e RU Leag ue saw Austin leading the league home runs m the maJors m the 0 vermes .... . ab th • Dries to a beautiful fl with a 7-2 record. first week including those by I T~arn W L Pct. The Collegiate League is giv- PARK.CITY-FARlHS played the balance which pro- Sails and Skis I Oean up with soap and " 0 I Last Friday the Austin luck B c k s tan z Pirates' Bidwell Tlgers 5 0 1.000 ing their fans some exciting By John Bruce vides keen competition. I changed. Catholic Central edged Phillies; McEachern, 'Red Sox; Ath!etics 3 2 .600 baseball to watch. In the last @[ By Frank McBride ::\ The firsi: fuli week of league' Chicago started the week by the Friars, 4-3, with an un- Noecker, Yankees; Fralick, Red gr~l~ns 3 2 .600 inning 'of the game between !{:[;;.~~:::;*;::::~~:~~~~{.::~::~~~~~~x~::~;:;~::8~:::;~~~~'~W::~~:::i~~~~~M:~:~~~::::~~ti~:::~:::;:::.:..:::;::-~[:t:::::~~~~:::~iS3.mf~~~:-:~~::':~:~'~ play provided the balanced com- beating the Yankees 9-0. Ron earned run in the s1>,,1;hto quell Sox; and the first grand slam rI? es 2 3 .400 the Hawkeyes and the Wolver- 22readgm The sailing season gets un. Joe Drak~ of Sail Boat Sales petition that earmarks Babe Crampton was credited with the an AU1>tinrally. of the season by Kirchner of the WhIte Sox 2 3 .400 ines the "Hawks" came in with derway officially next week informs us that Jerry White of Ruth League baseball. win. Dave Hadden pounded out Austin took a quick lead in Reds. The heat may have both- Senators 2 3 04 °0 I nin~ runs to take that contest when the Detroit Yacht Club Crescent Sail Yacht Club has colors and v the third inning on Steffes' ered'them in school but not Red Sox 2 3 .40 0 fifteen to twelve. In the National League the, a double and a home run for sponsors its annual Memorial ordered a new Carl Alberg dc- Phillies became the league's \ the Sox. Then on Thursday Chi- single and Marchand's third outside. Another first was regis- Yankees 1 4 .200 In addition to strong hitting, Day Regatta. This regatta an- si~ned "Ariel" clas~ sloop. This Matching Colors only unbeaten team by winni~g cago lost to Boston. Howie Shore double in two games. CC came tered when the first double play Manager Ed Evatz and Tigers the Collegians proved they I nually opens the Detroit River l\:ldget Ocean Racmg .Class a:u tw~ close games. The Phhlies pitched ",:ell ~or Chicago but back to take a 3-1 lead in the came along with the Tigers pro- eontinued their winning ways, have some exacting hUl.lers, Y hting Association season., fIberglass contender WIll saIl ~n beat the Braves 3-2 with Mike Bobby CntchfIeld was a little fifth inning on a triple, two ducing on May 15 against the stretching their league leader- Behind the fine pitching of T~: following Saturday St. Clair' the "Cruising C II" class. ThiS VanDeGinste throwing a two- better for the Reel Sox. Bobby walks, an d th ree smg. 1es. Reds. Further the Phillies on ship to two games over the sec- Edward DoyIe telh W'ld cats Friday went nine innings to win d thr t tit Y cht Club will sponsor a re- class was formerly kno\'m as hitter for the Phillies. The see- st~uck out 16 batters and re- But Austin retaliated with a and place Athletics and In- eke out a . ee 0 wo v c ory g:tta. This will include the race Cruising '.'X", but has been re- ond win for the Phillies came celved the 4-1 win for Boston. finally o'.'er the Indians . . . h two-run homer by Harry Brins- dians. over the Gop ers. Manager to the Thames River Light for named thIS season. over the Giants with Fred Boston lost a thriller to Cleve- den to tie the game up in the and at 90 degrees in May that The Indians, managed by Mr. Bob Conner of the Wolverines the cruising boats. The smaller Also added to the growing Jaeger receiving the 6-4 win. land. After a fivewinning 7-7 top of the sixth. is a long time. On Tuesday Pete Juratovic played their, is still confident his team can the Giants came through with' d . 't classes will use the re'gular local sailing fleet ;.Ire two nEW The Braves won their first tie on Tuesday, the game was Then the Austin defense fell ),. strongest game of the season be pennant conten ers, III spr e DRYA course. "lnvictas". The s c fiberglass game on Thursday, setting back called because of darkness. But t CC t k d 1, f a three-run rally in the las1; "'lth the Athletl'cs to force a of their last place position. The apar . ., 00 a van age l) inning to win over the Yankees. .. II b 11 Yawls have bee'n purchased by the Dodgers in eight inningS,' the game was resumed from the three walks, a stolen base, and second place tie with that team. team has played exce ent a * * * a passed ball to take the victory. As we told you ... it isn't go- Paced by strong pitching of' in all their games, but has suf- The Cruising Clu:b of Detroit Bill Benedict and Ed Charles. F: 6--5. with Paul Schwikert get- point of stoppage on Sunday Th 1 t A t.. ing to be a dull summer in the Paul Need,ham who faced 19 fered some bad luck. will hold its Annual Spring They were built by Pearson Boat RUI ting the win in relief. and Cleveland emerged victori- e oss pu us m In sec- Farms Major Division. ' Meeting Wednesday, May 23rd. Company of Providence, Rhode The Cardinals won their first ous. Bob Veit was the winner and place, one game behind batters and struck out 14 the The whole Collegiate League w 8:30, at Bayview Yacht Club. Island. According to their CCA FREE! . game by beating the Dodgers for the Indians receiving the Notre Dame. But little Detroit (Through May 18) A's won this important game sends its best wishes to Wil Commodore Bob Ford and Sec- rating of 25.3 they will be sail- 1962 DuPont ".: 4-1. lVlike Renaud was the win- win whl:n 13-year-old Tom Rice Cathedral pulled that big 4-0 16 to o. Dick Burns contributed Ham Ahee of the Wildcats who retary Avery Macklem are urg- ing in the bulging Cruising "C" Decorating i<:,::. . . '.'; Custc fling pitcher. smashed a 3-run horner in the upset last Monday to give Austin W L to this win with four hits out of was drafted UJP to the Louis- ing all cruising class skippers fleet. ~:/ '..:..: Boo k - 48 I S"lin She"" For n The fifth game of the week eighth. a chance for the league crown. Giants 3 0 five times at bat and Bill Gould ville minor league sq.uad this to attend as the agenda calls for Now in a tie for first, Austin Yankees 2 1 coming through with a home week. pagesincolor. \._~N,AMV "DUCt between the Cardinals and the Detroit beat the Indians 3-2 some serious decisions on a will have a playoff to decide who Phillies 2 1 run. PI S Giants was called because of but lost to the Yankees 8-6. number of important subjects. I an ummel. Duco-Satin Enamel . darkness and will be replayed Dennis Pissula received the win should wear the Central Divis- Pirates 2 i The Athletics, managed by GROSSE POINTE CITY One of the main items is the IT. on Friday, May 25. for the Yanks. ion laurels. The time of the Red Sox 2 2 John Crane, have started to The City of Grosse Pointe adoption of the Cruising Club: ennts Clinic National League Standings playoff game is not as yet an- Reds 1 3 make their move with tight Little Leaguers opened their of America 1962 Measurement As of May 20 American League nounced by the League office. Indians -- 0 3 pitching and strong bats. In 11th season last Saturday, May Rule for Racing. This rule will A Tennis clinic will be held W L As of May 20 ------Tigers _ 0 theit encounter with the Sena- 19, with an inlpressive parade take into consideration the in- at the Neighborhood Club, 17145 <[U POtID W Phillies 3 o L Flagler Hurls In AAA the season started off tors Tom Ozar pitched a one- followed by the traditional flag cLination factor in figuri~g the . Waterloo, on Mondays through llti. u. s. PAT.on Giants 1 1 White Sox 2 1 too, with a week of real thrillers hitter, with strong support at raising ceremonies. ratings. Locals boats will not, Fridays beginning June 18 and Cardinals _...... 1 1 Red Sox 2 1 Perfect Game including a 4-4 tie on Tuesday the piate from his teammates Mayor Alonzo C. Allen threw be sailed undf~r the new rule; ending July 20. Braves 1 2 New York 2 1 between Portland and Sacra- who hit six home runs - two the first pitch to Councilman E. until the 1963 season. I When boats are remeasured The clinic will be conducted CHALK RESIST8 Dodgers 0 3 Cleveland 1 2 History was made in the mento which resulted in a play- home runs for Ron Deneweth'l Llwyd Ecclestone, and the sea- as required by the new rule by Donald Zysk, Grosse Pointe The American League dis- Detroit 1 2 Neighborhood Club's Senior off of the tie on Friday ending one home run each for John son was, officially under way. ------Slow Pitch League last Wed- in a 10 to 10 tie ... tune in Shrader and Jim Larivee; Tom The Cardinals defeated the either the skipper or his repre- High School tennis coach. He d Sh R h R ad next week, I'm sure one will Ozar contributed to his own' Cubs 8-1 in the first game of a sentJative must be aboard or the will be assisted by Ron Linclau, OUTSIDE WHIT~ W00 y ~~t~~a:z: f~ JJ:;;:~c i!:t~~~ win yet. In this latter game inw win with two home runs. double header. Highlights or measurer will not do the job. Ron Burns and Rick Brydges. s- ores ut ers e This is a change from the former Sponsors of the event are the Specially formulated ------Company hurled a perfect no cidentally Mike Sepic of Port- .In the A's game with the this game featured the fine Py Al Bruce quilio, Evatz, Lynch, Nyquist, land hit a home run with two Orioles it was a real slugfest, pitching of Todd Pike of the way of doing it. Neighborhood C 1u b, Detroit to produce a brilliant, . 1 S .th hit, no run periorm'ance against Next Wednes day, Memona mI. Seneca Tool Company. on. In Saturday's game between the A's winning 14 to 11. Ted Cardinals, who allowed only one ~------Patrons Tennis Association and long lasting white that Day is the big day for over two Grosse Pointe Garden Auto Flagler retired 21 consecu- HOllywood and San Diego end- Pfeffer pitched five innings and hit and struck out 13. The Cardi- Roland Gray's Racquet and won't stain adjacent Sport Shop. hundred men and boys of the Wash - S. L 0 e f fIe r, Mgr., tive hitters in the seven inning ing in favor of HOllywood 7-4, in the sixth helped to win his nals' hitting attack was led by Police Baseball masonry or dark Grosse Pointe Woo d s-Shores Coaches, Ed Irwin, Jim Masten. ('ontest as his teammates shell- Rick Clute hit a home run and own ball game by hitting a p'ankhurst, Pike and Hendee, Registration fees are $2.VO B b ..., th L g h th Players, Irwin, Lyle, Reynolds, 1 th .. 't h d C d' . h H d tt' g the only Team Asks Help painted areas. a e n.U ea ue, w en ey ed' Seneca for 24 hits, includ- was a so e WInmng pI c er. bases loa ed home run. re It WIt en ee ge m for juniors and $3.00 for adults. open their season at the field S t r i c k e r, Wright, C roo k, ing 12 for extra bases, in a At the end of the week we had for th{? win was given to relief extra base hit, a double to left. oI the Grosse Pointe University Holmes, Logan, Meyers, Zink, 19-0 rout. a three way tie for first be- hurler Larry Crane. Bill Fisher and the rest of Ths Woods-Farms baseball Classes on Mondays, Wednes. Reg. 7.60 95 gal. '" ho 1 Howle, Kaiser, Laney, Reppen- t D H 11 d d 11 h d C b played 6 ..:>C o. This was the first such pitch- ween enver, 0 ywoo , an the we -coac e u s team of the Suburb:m Police days and Fridays will be held as Starting at 10:45 a.m. from hagen, Vorhees. Seattle. National League very well, though they lost to Softball League needs II spon- follows: ages 9-12 years, from Food and refreshments will ing performance in the four- Also Primer and 9 Regult the corner of Mack and Ver- year history of the league. Joe Team W L Pct. the Cardinals. sor, either for the entire team, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.; 13-16 Iller. roa ds th ey 'h..""I para de by be avaHable to the spectators VanTiem led MaJ'estics' extra (Through May 5-19) Car d'ma 1s 4 1 .'800 The D0dgel's, defend'mg cham- or for individual players, so years, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 au t.0mobile caravan, down Mack and everyone is looking for- base hit barrage with two dou- W L T PIrates. 4 1 .800 pions, defeated th e Braves 5-3 ~hat they may be properly uniw noon; 14-18 years (advanced), DU PONT~PROFE~ and east on Cook road to the wardsun." toBringa daythe offamily"fun inandthea bles, a home run and a single Denver _- 2 1 0 Braves ...... 4 1 .800' m th e secon d gam,e which fea- formed. I from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. field where appropriate open- few chairs and have a "ball" in five trips' to the plate. Hollywood - 2 1 0 Cubs 3 2 .600 tured some fine pitching and Lack of sponsors, however, Adult classes will be held on iog ceremonies will be held. h I BOX SCORE Seattle 2 1 ° Giants 3 2 .600 hitting by both teams. Mike Mc- did not prevent the te.am from Tuesdays and Thursdays from House Pail Thereafter the 12 teams will go watc ing your sons pay. S D' PI '11' 2 3 400 M'll th 'nning pitcher MAJESTIC an lego .._ 1 2 0 U les . 1 an was e WI , beating Harper Woods Police. 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. into action on the three base------AB R H Portland _ a 1 2 Dodgers 0 5 .000 and also drove in three runs 11-12, on Thursday, May 17, at For further information call or Primer ball diamonds. Devil Golfers Byrne 5 3 3 Sacramento 0 1 2 Red Legs 0 5 .000 ! with a very timely double. Jeff the Pointe University School Donald Zysk, PRescott 2-1678, Team s of the Automotive VanTiem 5 3 4 Ploen hit the first home run playground. Nor did it keep or TUxedo 5.4600, or TUxedo League will start play at 12:15 Fail to Qualify R. Harper 4 3 3 In CIa s s "c" the exeite- As evidenced by the above of the season, a long drive to them from winning against War. 1-5262. p.m. and at the conclusion of Lewis 4 2 3 ment is just as great as in the standings the National League is right center, and just missed ren Police, 5-3, on Monday, May All participants must we a r Blister Resistant their games thc All-American --.-. M. Carrier 4 1 0 other leagues and in addition' bunched up, with only two another when the ball hit the League will take over I The Blue DeVll golfers failed W. Harper 5 2 3 these boys have done something games separating the top six top of the fence an~ bounded 21, at Warren Field. flat rubber soled shoes - no Sponsors, manager;, coaches to q~ali~ ~\ tl~e ~ta~ i~u~~~~ Riemer 5 1 3 unheard of in recent years in teams. Manager Bill Rederick back into the playing field for In previous years, all Pvinte heels. police officers were included in NEW ([(fPOID.... ,...... and players in the Automotive men , ~ l~ ~Sgi 0 e T~ De'vil Cosentino 5 2 2 Little League in the Farms. III of the Braves, Manager Pohnl a long double. League are' weeken a a naw. e Critchfield 3 1 1 a game between Rochester and of the Pirates, and Manager Losing pitcher John Walsh one team, but tllIis year, the Suburban Golfers Elect Roy O'B~ien Ford Da foursome shot 359 to place fifth Fl.....gler 4 1 2 Buffalo the game ended. in a Adolph Jansen of the Cardinals also pitched a very fine game, Park Department went its inde- . - .ve in the regional at Farmington .. 0 0 . pendent way and formed its own Mrs. Peeler President lV!arstlller, Mgr., Coaches, DlCk Country Club last Friday. The - tie with no hits and no er- are working closely with thelr striking out 13 and allowin~ LUCITE team. Keller Sr., Grey Noble. Players, first three teams qualified for rors. Rochester had 16 strike- teams and planning their de- only three hits. Jim Walker led Totals 44 19 24 The League is comprised of 1 The Suburban Women Golfers HOUSE PAINT C::hasteen, ~cCarthy, M 0 s e 1', the State Tournament. SENECA o",ts and Buffalo 15. In the Co- fensive strategy to break this the Braves hitting. attack with teams from the Woods and: nave elected officers for the ); ash, Selgmund, Davenport. Farmington with a 323 won AB R H lumbus-Rochester g a m e Bob three way tie for first place. It three singles, and the Braves, ONLY 50 Farms, Park, Harper Woods,: current season. President is Mrs. 7 g'l Delmedge, Keller, Meek, No?le, the tournatlle~t for the s~cond Morrison 3 a 0 Kulka pitched for Columbus and looks like another hot year in Tom Canfield also had a fine East Detroit, Highland Park, Wilson F. Peeler of Moorland Reg. 8.50 " Franklan~, ~cCourt. PadIlla, ear in a row. Dearborn was Gallagher 2 0 0 won 8-4 and to insure !:lis win the National League! day at the plate, getting two Roseville, Warren and St. Clair road, first vice president, in PerkowskI elbert y Bruzzese 2 hit a home run too. In the Syra- for two. FOR WOOD, STUCc. D' k G'"" . h second with 332, and Bentley 0 0 cuse-Richmond game ;" r a s e r American Association Sta:ldings As of May 19 Shores. The Woods-Farms team charge of the 18-hole group, is an-:::: IC r: e n C ~slcr-Ply- third with 343. Scott 2 0 0 pitched and hit a grand slam Team W L Pet. also includes a few members Mrs. Robert J. Brownscombe of m,0 u t h, R.1 C k Un tl, M r.., Pon_quall'fYl'ng schools were Whyte 2 0 0 W. hit 4 1 000 W C h J ¥.'~ for the winning Syracuse. Final lC a ,...... ° . L of the St. Clair Shores Fire' Roslyn road, and first vice presi- SPECIAL B pfac es, D \~b.BU~S, Hal ~e~~. Mackenzie, 353; Grosse Pointe; J. Moran 2 0 0 score, 13-10. On Saturday Co- St. Paul 3 1 .750 Dodgers 1 o Department since they have no ~ent, in charge of the 9-holers. VanHorn 1 .ayers, .0 Ie, erman, Cl, De La Salle 367; University of 2 0 0 lumbus beat Miami 12-8 wmi. Indianapolis 3 1 .750 Cardinals _ 1 o team of their own. IS Mrs. Charles E. Wood of Me- Ii-Rite 1 12" & 4" Brush Co PlOch, RuslDow Ango~t, .Charles, Detroit High 368; Pershing 377; B. Moran 2 0 four home runs, Bob Kullra hit Omaha 2 2 .500 Braves _.. 0 1 All Woods-Farms home games' Millan road. Drop Cloths, paper or pla:' Parker, Renny, Shlr111a, J. Salesian 379' Cass 380' Denby Lewis 2 0° 0 two in one game and Joe Cas- Charleston , 2 2 .500 Cubs 0 1 are played in the GPUS play_ Mrs. Arthur P. Mapes of Tray"Rolier Combination, C::harles, Czubay, Lutfy, Miles, 383; Cooley' 411; Notr~ Dame D. Carrier 2 0 0 key and Terry Allard each hit Minneapolis 1 3 .250 ------field every Monday night; P0\5t- Vernier road was elected second Pure Gum Turpentine, Rei; Ulmer. . 411', Highland Park 443', and one. Mike Gotfredson, Columbus LOUlSVl. '11e 1 3 .250 Grosse Pointe Park Little poned games are scheduleu for \'ice president-secretary, and Linseed Oil, raw or boilee! W d M to N d W kw rth Totals 21 0 0 PI 00 Cal'0 rs, He dIng 0 , Mumford with 110score. pitched one inning and threw la, Denver 0 4 .000 League Standings as of May 21 other days in the week. Mrs. Robert E. Swaney of A~ita Caulking Gun, cart, type. ayers, .o~a. o. em a n, Farmingto.1's Henry Rosely ------nine of which were strikes and National League. Anyone interested in sponsor. avenue will serve as treasure'r. Portera, Wl111a?1s, Wmkworth, carded the top score with a four John W. Hutton, active fol' retired the side. Manager Jim Parise and his Caulking Co!"pound, 15 ttl ing the Woods_Farms team, as There are still some openinl1s Reg. 45c: . ~lohm, GhesqUlre, Hada, Mar- over par 76. Je>hn Seiter led the more than 30 ~ears in art Wichita aggregation have now PARK a team or any individual mem- :in both the nine and 18_hole tm, Steffes, Allen, Dow, Hahn, Grosse Pointe squad with an director c.apacities in Cleveland W L T made it four straight to take National League bel'" is asked to contact Farms; groups. Interested women may Reid. Tallerice. 86. Cal Gauss had 88 Greg and Detroit, has been appointed Buffalo 2 0 1 the lead in the American Asso- W L Pat r 01 man Frank Kerbrat, 1contact any of. the above of. Jim Causley Pontiac, J. L~w Kemp 92, and Elmer Spe~ser 93. art director of Nemethy-Davis Syracuse __.-.-.- 2 0 0 ciation. It's much 1'00 early to Ample Parking Pirate's 3 1 TUxedo 5.2100, or Woods patrOl-I' ficers for further infoqnation. Sr., Man.agel', Coach~, MIke Last year the Devils were Company according to an an- Columbus 2 1 0 make any predictions, but we Braves 3 1 man Donald Sun,TUxedo 4-6300. --- _ Close 6 p.m.-Open Thur Gates, Bill Burke. P 1aye r S., second in the regional and sixth nouncement made today by Rochester 1 1 1 are sure this is goipg to be Cardinals 3 1 THOSE BIENNIALS C raw for d, Gates, Law, Ma- in the state. Allan R. Malcomson, President Richmond 0 2 0 another tight race. Red Legs 2 2 honey, Nolan, Deneweth, Gra- Frank Banach, athletic direc- of that Detroit Marketing and Miami 0 3 0 One of the most exciting Collegiate League I A biennial is a plant that cov- Dodgers 1 3 W L ers two growing seasons from topp, Johnson, Rush, Versical" tor, explained that the golfers Merchandising firm. WOODS-SHORES games of the young season was Giants 0 2 Northwestern 2 0 seed to seed, then elies. Actual- Buckler, Buttrey, Doyle, Gua-s- are not sponosred as a varsity Mr. Hutton was most recently between Omaha and Minne- Michigan American League 2 0 ly, however, some plants class- tello, Westgarth. sport. Forty boys originally Art Director for Worthmann By Max S.' Crowder apolis. Trailing Minneapolis Purdue 1 0 ed as biennials may complete Shalla Chevrolet, J. Tamblyn signed up for intramural golf. and Faulkner, Inc., Detroit, and With weather in the 90's and thirteen to eight in the top of W L Indiana ! PAINT and Wil 1 0 ! their growth and die in one Sr., Manager. Coaches, Wolf Twelve survived the first elimi- prior to that was Art Director all teams with two full weeks the fourth, Omaha came to bat White Sox 3 1 Mioh. State ...... ;,' .. IIi sea~on, and there are some Hoffman, Tony G u are s i m o. i.ations. Half of these were then for Ross Roy for more than 21 of play on the records, it's ob- in their half of the fourth, Orioles 3 1 Illinois (}f 1 1 , which may linger on for a few 14500'.-H~rper ; - Players, BalI e w, Johns, Le- eliminated. Four the last six years. He has been active in the vious the '62 season of Shores- scored five runs and held Min~ Senators 2 2 Wisconsin o 1 ye~rs as short-lived perennials. B Ion d, MacDonald, Tamblyn, were chosen to make the trip to Art Directors Club of Betroit. Woods Little League will have neapolis in their half of the Athletics 2 '2 Mi~esota o 1 ~hm~te and time of seed sow- Conley. Guaresimo, Her b e r. Farmington, with the remaining Mr. Hutton lives at 110 Mo- another hot baseball season. fifth. The big hit was a bases- Yankees 1 3 Iowa , V At!2-2772 ' .: Kennedy, Sohildhammer. Bri- two to be used as alternates. ran road. None of the players are com-' loaded double by Craig Weaver, . o 2 u:g ..r;tfluence the longevity af Indians 1 3 Ohio State o 2 bWnlUals. l.

. .. . . _ ...... ~ ...... 'em ..... ~ ...... ~ _ '.3.3 & 6._- 3••••••• 2••••••••• ;•• 2..3•• ;••••••••••• 2 __ •• __ I11III _ , , -.._ __ .._w_P -.-.---.----~_ ...... ----..-~--~ - - -

Thursday, May 24, 1962 Page Eleven 3Y, May 24, 19v2 GROSSE POINTE NEWS GPHS Musicians Questers Help In Restoration tIll ~loyes Leon/s Hairdressers 'Clip' 61 Youngsters Decoration Day As a national organization, the Mrs. <\lbcrt Conkey on May 11•. To Be Iionored Questers has made impol'tant the following officers were' .""/,6~ .. '~ contributions to Sturbridl"{e Vil- elected for the year 1962-63: n BeL . • -:::-- The Parents Club of the ft.': ..' ....; ." lage. Mass., following their dis- president, Mrs. John R. Pear; Grosse Pointe High School '62 astrous flood; to the restoration vi;:e president, 'Mrs. PielTe Pal- Band and Orchestra will hold . of Independence Hall, Philadel- mentler; secretary, Mrs. Harry \"ictories closer to a Its annual recognition banquet,. . phia; and for the restoration of Hausc'hild; treasurer, Mrs. Ivan ~ Royal Oak 6-1 and honoring both the band and or. paintings ~;1 the Stephen Deca- Kirlin; historian. Mrs. Fred t h Monroe was held I chcstra, Thursday, May 31, at : lur House in Washington. D.C. Studc:r. I 6:30 p. m. in the high school late to be co\"cred . , This year the Grosse Pointe cafeteria. I .{ : branch had a challenging proj- ,. matches. :'I1ik(' Lynch As in the past, scholarships fi. cct to -help furnish the lobby, : ('g Bi('la\\'ski ddeated to various music camps and'\ which corresponds to a com- • 'position 6-2. 0-1. "Oscars" for outstanding serv- mon room in an old inn, of the .lla"on and :\lik(' Biela\\'- ice will be awarded. I Martha Washington Building of I e throl,gh 6-~, 6.2. Mrs. KenlJeth Kimmel, chair •. the Freedom Foundation at Val- TU I ley Forge, Penn. : Short and Rick Kf'ndall II man of the d~corations com-' Branches were not asked to SEATS t II' first sC't 6-2. and then mlttee, has announced the LUXU R,DUS a.OGE furnbih it with museum pieces, , fight to an 3-6 yietory theme will be "The Music Now Playing Sf'cond. Day Man". OrIginal posters from the but with practical, well made 10 Sale! Geraldine Page . 1'l'protluetions of the period I '0'. Brydges and Dhooge "Music Man" arc being flown Laurence Harvey when our "First Lady" lived and t ;'ir singles matches in from New York for the decora- "Summer and Smoke" t, and ('a('h had a shutout tions. Assisting Mrs. Kimmel worked at Valley Forge in the in Panavislon and Color are: Mesdames Arthur Watts, winter of 1777-1778. To this Saturday Matinee Only :.ong. p:aying in his first Ernest Collins, Philip Gibbs, I end, the Grosse Pointe Branch. Douglas FaLrbanks ,This is Charlie Chaplin The Paint with 10 other branches in Mlchi.1 io"t in 1'\'0 "eb, L. Roddis, Artnur Heim and J, gan. held an Antique and Auc- I "Days of Thrills and Fordson meet \\';1$ no Nyboer. tion Sale at the Green Lake Laughter" t The 11rst tl1l'\.'(, singles Co.ehairmen of hostesses for I Community House. The profits at 2:05 and 3:55 p.m. only > ','.-ent H' Burns ,6-1. you've seen ~nTV the dinner are Mrs. Sam i . made will provide the funds for Starting Sunday l;!"~.ct"es (i-.+, 6.1 '. and Thorne und Mrs. Robert Herde- I To~ether For The FIrst 1"1me ~the I:eproduction of a hutch cabi-I James Stewart-John Wayne t' '0-1. 5-1. gan, Jr. Hostessos will include: I . i net In the Henry Ford Museum I in John Lord's r. Bbir mad(' a strong Mesdames C. Adams, H. An- .' .~" ~ ..) . at Dearborn, Mich. I "The Man Who Shot 1:: in his fil'"t match as <@POBP ~ dorsen, H.obert Bailey, Carl ~C~ V.S.h"!'')'' @ , .. At its annual meeting held Ii Liberty Valance" 11 (i-O, fi-l. Carlson, Dwight C has tee n , Graciously assisting were Mrs. O. at the home of the president, ~ .-\llio'on tcanwd up with Ernest Collins, J. H. Downie, K. Hornung, Mrs. H. Alexander and Mrs. ------Bielawski to win 6-2. 0-2. Eckert J. S. Henderson, J. :"ually plays singles. but Husk, H. Kyzvat, W. R. Lenz, W. Woody. Leon's is a drop-off station d Gre~ pla~'('d together LUCITE J. Mazur, T. Rocheford, R. Rod. for clothing and medical supplies for "t'l'e fnr the Tn'nton In- dis. J. Stoestzer, G. Theuer- the parish, of which the Rev. Father na!. korn, S. Thorne, W. Vukin, D. '~ ,on ,md "\11kl' Bi('la\\'ski W4LL PAIN1 Webb, H. Carnes, B. Clark, H. ______~ ._K_er_n_is_th_e_p_a_s~to_r_. 1 AT 1::: 'c1 t:1l'lr opponent;; {'i-O. lJU;1l Paint Comly, M. Homfeld and G.: lOrt and Kendall followed Schroeder. ~ i-I. !.i.ll. Reservations arc being tak- COBOHj~LL~ I De'. il;; play Wyandotte en by Mrs. Alton Donnell and Pick Winners Pointe High Choral Groups toda::. Two me('ts with Mrs. John Mazur. Other mem- CONVENTION A II: E N ~\ Ind Park WIll close the if:~r bers of the committt'e are: MI'S. Giving Concert on Monday Louis Carbone, Mrs. William At Art Show .' .. TO THE MUSIC OF ~ I Swingle, Mrs. Harry Kyzivat, llmin" the Devils beat By Sue Foster I' The High School Orchestra r THE FABULOUS le. thcy can fmish alone Mrs. Fred W. Adams and Mrs. The Grosse Pointe Artists The G l' 0 SSe Pointe High will accompany the ~,ombined ;;. placc if :\1;:mroe loses • Thick, creamy consistency stays un your bmsh Kenneth Eckert. Association's 24th Annual Ex- School gymnatorium will be group while they smg Land of oc other team. or roller. Doesn't drip or spatter like regular paintl!l. Everett G. Moeller is presi- hibltlon opened May 19 at the . Hope and Glory" aI',:! "The filled With the sound of music B ttl 1::1 f tl R ' ,. " dent of the group and John Grosse Pointe War Memorial, a e ..ymn a lC cpuu.:::!. .~JIMMY h h DORs w en t e combined choral Ti k ts f th t hi 1 • :\'0 stirring or thinningl Mazur treasurer. Mrs. Fred W. '132 Lukeshore rand. . . I d . ceoI' e cancer ,W C 1 ':.:-;.:, ...... :. : : glOups, une er the lIection of 'n b' t 815 ' 1 k Adams l~as served as vice-presl- The show, smaller than usual Mr. John Finch, present their t eg~!l d f: • a (' oc , may ORCHESTRA ..... • Dries to a heautiful fiat finish in. 30 minutes. denl'lth.IS year ~d Mrs. John this year, was jurled by Miss ann u a 1 sprin t t)e pure ase rom any mem- :;~ g cancer nex bel' of the choral groups or at Skis ',:-: Clean up with soap amI wnter! lVI.K ock as secIetary. Doris Smith, of Eastern Mich- Reg. $7.45 Monday evening, the door. GPHS students with Conducted By Lee Castle igan University and Mrs. Char- I ide '.:" Selections will be given by S t u den t Assocjation tickets, ..... les Culver, of Detroit Society Award Made at Dinner the mixed chorus. the girls' junior high students, and ele- {:::'::?:~:.:.::.::::~:.:-_:~:<:I:;.::~~:.::.~:::~::~:~:::~x:}:::~:.:-:~~~ 95 of Arts and Crafts. SAT.; MAY 16 22 readg mixed Of Howe Alumni Club glee club, the boys' chorus, the mentary school children will be Drake' of S<,il Boat Sales 9 P.M. TO 2 AJA. 5 The first prize for the best A Cappella choir, and the charged 25 cents. and adults TiC';keh on 5ale at bolt IS us that Jerry \Yhite of GAL. Jonathan K. Howard, son of oil was awarded to Mrs. Ellza- 00101.8 "I,d white Choralcers. and students without S, A. offiC';e, night of dance ~nt Sail Yacht Club ha., Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. How- b,th Dulmage for a very un- The group of 350 has been tickets will pay 50 cents. Chil- 'd a new Carl Alberg dc- ard, of Williams avenue, has usual 011 named "Red Rock, preparing the music for this dren under three will be ad- I "Ariel" class sloop. This Matching Colors in Duco-Satin been recognized as the out- White Moon." concert since Christmas. The mitted at no charge. VISIT THE ~t Ocean Racing Class all standing Howe Military School ,lass contender \dll sail in The second prize 011, "Glrl choir took time out to learn the senior from the Detroit Metro- with a Lute," was won by Mrs. music for the Easter concert. GAY NINETIES LOUNGE :ruising C lr' ciass. This '.0 politan area, and is winner of APPOINTMENTS \.:as formerly known as Donald R. NewelL Mrs. M. Pierce Junior High School filtlllrffng ,THE TAIt-GATERS the Eugene O'Brien Trophy. On Mond~lY. 'Vlay 7, the F3.rms n~ "X", but has been re- Sterllng Loud was awarded students were given a preview The award was made at the council apPl'Oved appoIntment Ne. O,.fearu Sf"'. Di%lefarul Mwfe i this sca;;on. tUrd prize for her oil, "Young of the program when the choir annual dinner of the Howe Khmers." performed for them last Thurs- of two councilmen and two citi- ." ',' ::' . D' AN 'c E S_P 0 N • o added to th~' crowing Alumni Club last Wednesday . t . f t 1 day. zens to city commissions. Coun- ! . .. . J ~ F Irs pnze or wa erco or was 0 f tl b th I . . C-'LV'l-C. ~-CEN i'.E R EJ'" saill1l;:': t:;:et ~.l~ t\,'o new at the Detroit Yacht Club, The . I ne a le num ers e e 1011' cHmen Willia:n Butler and Led- awarded to Mrs. Lee Carrick '11' . "At T' M ~t laId Zy£k, PHescott. 2-16"/8, Trustees, MICHIGAN'S LARGEST , It'~j .comedy -aa~~ Tuxedo 5-4600, or Tl;xedo CHRIS CRAFT DEALER with ~.trj.Qde.GO-l'i ~62. FAMUUS OANTUNESE l.YUl YAI.IOT " 11 participants must we a r HIGH TRADE.IN ALLOWANCES rubber soled shoes - no OHINESE FOODS "t LOW DOWN PAYMENT Is. HONG KONG 60 Months to Pay )urban Golfers E!ect Low Interest Rates ii. Peeler President Chop Suey "It's ~asy to Trade at Cooper's" OAR1\~ OUT SERVICE Available for Spring Deiivery he Suburban Women Golfers e elected officers for the Phone TU 2...0102 25' - 28' - 32' - 36' - 37' - 41' Con5tellatlon -ent season. President is 'Mrs. Po~rs Sun tllru frl .. 12:30 Noon to II P.~. son F. Peeler of Moorland Sa.. t2 :30 Noon thru 11:00 p.rn 24910 JEFFERSON AT 10 MILE PR 8.3200 i. first vi.::e president. in 16719 Mack, of Yorkshire Evenings by Appointment rgc of the 18-hole grou:>, is ~ bllu. rrolJl Outer Dr JUANITA HALL . Robert J. Brownscomtc of Iyn road. and first vic(. ;"'''csi- SPECIAL BARGAINS ~ RAMON NOVARRO t. in charge of thc 9-holers Bi~Rite 11/2" & 4" Brush Combination, Reg. in Irs. Charles E. Wood of Mc~ llodgtn-Homtlletllein. Fields .an road. Drop Cloths, paper or plastic, Reg. 59c •• 3 fnr 1.00 Tfay~Roller Combination. Reg. 1.38 ••.•...... 88c [rs. Arthur P. ~lapes of Pure Gum Turpentine, Reg. SOc •...... • 39c qt. nier road 'was elected second president-secrctary. and Linseed Oil, raw or boiled, ReC(l.1.10 .•...• 89c qt. . Robert E. Swaney of Anita Caulki!1g Gun. cart. type. Reg. 1.29 .....•.. , . 88e: 1UC will serve as treasurer. Caulking Compound, 15 to 20 lin. ft .• here are still some openings Reg. 45c , _ , , _ -3 for 69c both the nine and 18_hole ______---"'F------lpS. Interested women mav lact any of the" above oi- Ample Parking at Both Stores rs for further information.

THOSE BIEl\"l\"L'\LS , biennial is a plant that eov- two growing sea~ons from d to seed. then dies. Actual- however, some plants class- .as biennials may comple~ PAINT and WALLPAPER CO• lr growth and die in one , -" • i' \ • , I •• ," • -, : .' .' ~."' .. ~ son. and there arc some Ich may linger on lcr a few ,,1450Q' Ho,p~r . ~~.'.20481-'~ack . rs as short-lived I>t:rennials. ,: 'VcA?2-2772' ,-':,;.:' :'$.U';.f.9760; ~ m~te and time of seed sow- .' .' . . lfo1flue~lce the longevity of r,mals.

-be bn_ ... _ Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 -----_.~_._------~~~--'~~-~------~------~- Annual Mutt Show Proves Great Success

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Saturday's 6th Annual Grosse Pointe The second row pictures Kristine Beck Chris Bayer, first - place Winner, In the Mutt Show is captured, in part, in the above and "Talledoi" taking the "Most Look middle. pictures by C. B. (Pat) Murphy. The top row Alikesll trophy: the four just judges: The bottom row of pictures features Rip of shots, reading left to right, shows Officer Messrs: Joe Cobane, Dan Beck, Roland O'Dell and IIGinger", third-place winners in Tony Hosang with IIMinnie Mouse" during Gray, and Fred Murphy; .and Sue Tusa's the IILook Alikes" class; Lauren Srngent, ll the mid-show entertainment; Robert and magnificent Collie, IITim • her mother, and their Dalmatian "Domi- Howard Maxwell straining to control their IIMost Doubtful Ancestry" title went to noe", who placed second in the Best-I'lameci 3-month-old pup "Nina": and muster-of- Anthony Komerska's "Corky", pictured category; and-last but not least a pair of cerem-onies Bill Lane talking to three-year- with his trophy; and the next two shots in bruised knees framing an unknown elJ1trall1t! old Mike Cobane, w~th show officials Mrs. the third row show some of the spectators Incidentally., that's Judge Fred iAurphy John R. Gordon and Dr. William Bailey in participating i...the half-time show; and the in the middle keeping a close eye on all the background. "Best Costumed Resemblances" class with con testants!

•• r ,. h _ .. __ tb j » » .-- T be z • p 7 • E 7nZa? ze osts 7 7 • Z b •• n. 7 a p • a 7 be tan.m.,>_ • tr tr • Thursday, May 24, '962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen ------_.~._---- Torch Drive leaders Take Training rtzell-Keillogg ~;Ur , :~',~: ::, Ha .. . . ~ . ~ :.1 VOWS Exchanged Son of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hartzell, of Ridge Road,

" ' Claims Bride May 12 in St. Paul's Episcopal Churdl. a Milwaukee; Pair Trdv~1 South " lI In St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee. Stewart Claire Kellogg, daughter of the Chester Kelloggs, of Milwaukee, was married May 12 to Dr. John Mayo Hart-

o zell, son of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hartzell. of Ridge road . . ------

. The bridal attendants in- I I newlyweds left on a trip to d d R d y B clu e . an. . oxaspen, of: : Key 'B'ISC ayne, r"'Ia. ; C h r 1 S t 1 a n s en, Norway; : \\ hen they return they will WOMEN'S PAGES : Dolores Teehan, ana 1\11's.I live in RochesteJ', Minn., where W. Howie Muir II, of Sims- I Dr. Hartzell is attached to the bury, Conn., the b r i rl e _IIV1ayo Cli~ic i"ounded by his groom's sister. 'gralldfatl1er, Dr. Charles H. . Ma:,0 and his grcat uncle, Dr. Thomas Hartzell was hIS bro- William Mayo ther's best man and the ushers , . ' . included Paul Kellogg, brother . T'le brId~groom s b I:0 the r, : of the bride; Dr. Kent Barber; : rO~1 ~{artzelJ: came i.ram his Short and I Dr. William Benson and Dr.: ~Olme} home In Hyanl1ls, Mass:, FI.om -LL\notllerPointe i Charles H. Mayo II, all of 10.1~t1;e weld~ll1f~' ~{?a?d lhis to the Pointe 'RochesteI', Minn, and Henrv: WI {. lavc e t or" 11~ml. Fa .. J 'l~ B d II {'D 1 ' 'whc]'c he IS now WJth "The of Vie\v :.... 0 man ,0 can ane. : 1\1".' lal1111-",lera Id." I LT. (JG) THOMAS B. IRE- The parents of tile bride- I Aftel' the we'iding "frs. Muir LAND, USN, son of MR. and groom gave a rehearsal dinner: accompanied her parents to By Patricia Talbot MRS, G.J. IRELAND of Mau- mee avenue, is s (' r v in g with Photo by Jerry Dempnock for 50 at the Wisconsin Club.; Grosse Pointe where she re- Fcllowing the reception at the I mained for a brief visit before The fifth season of the Grosse Pointe Summer Patrol S qua d l' 0 n 16, a unit Grosse Pointe Torch Dnve leaders Grosse Pointe regional c h air man. Woman's Club of Wisconsin the ~retvrning to Sim~;bury. 11" • F . which took part in Exercise at a recent training meeting for volun- Standl'n~ are Dl'Vl'sl'onal Chal'rman ------~~ - ~ --"- ~~------1\J:-J.USIC estIval is about to be launched. This trio of -::on- Q mc' k K'IC,k a joint training op- teers in the l\:Iichigan Consolidated Gas MRS. LA~ WRENCE D. BUHL, 194 certs is played under the stars on the lawn of the War eration held May 7-10, at Camp H Memori8l and has proved to be a great success. Lejeune, N. C. ospitality Center. Seated, left to right Stevens; MRS. KENNETH KOPPIN, Pointe Garden Club Elects (l~ "Wednesday, June 13. members of the committee More than 40,000 men, 370' are Divisional Chairman MRS. GIL 1271 S. Renaud; MRS. DOUGLAS will meet at Mrs. Francis E. Brossy Ill's home in Fisher aircraft and 70 ships of the PARTRIDGE, 734 Trombly; MRS. ADAIR, 80 Colonial Road; and MRS. '~'he annual meeting of the I G. Whittingham, vice president; road £~r a planning session in the garden. Alex Suczek, Army, Navy, Air Force and ROBERT AITKEN, 218 McKinley, ALVIN RUPRECHT. 657 Hawthorne. Pomte Garden Club ~I'as held I Mrs. Richard A. Forsyth, re- Marine Corps took part in the ----- ~ ,------'"~ . ------"---~~----I'on May 21 at Mrs. RlChard A'l conl1l1g secretary; Mrs. Robert \V 0 \.Vl S y g h 1111 t ar as a trou b a d our in the second concert, July exe;:cise, scheduled by the U.S. ,Western Michigan University. and MRS. EDWIN LENNANE daughter of MRS. JOSEPH G. , Fl'Oordstho' s IlOm€ 1;1. 1\1c1\"'11''II an: C,, ':"mter,' c.orresPo,ndin se~rc- 18. WI entertain the committee. Also invited to sing for Atlantic Command. i Senior women are honored on of Audubon road. STAND ART. JR., of Ridge! a, ' tal ~ and MJS. Flo:, d E. Straltl1, the group is Doralene McNelly. soprano, who will be * * * Rose Day fOr outstanding work " * * road and JOHN BOOTH of The co-hostesses were Mrs. trc,:surer. featured in the first concert, July 11. MR. and MRS. FORD BALLAN _ in ~oth scho.la.s~ic and cxtra- LYNN FITZGIBBONS, daugh- Lak~shore road and a senior at Robert E. Anslow and Mrs. . ~ he last ~e~ting. of the year The final concert is scheduled for July 25 and will MR. and MRS. FORD BALLAN- curncular actiVItieS. : tel' of MR. and MRS JEROME Pine Manor Junior College, Wel- Robert C: Winter. \\l1J be a PJCDlC glY<:>l1for the star William Doppman, ?ianist. Stalwarts of the summer TYNE, JR. of Touraine road, Judi~h is i~ the elementary I G. FITZGIBBONS, ~f Cadieux lesley, Mass., took part in a Dan- r Followmg the luncheon Mrs:: husbands ~n. J'.lne ..17 at the concerts are Gordon Staples, violinist, and Paul Olefsky, wa'" recently elected as onc Qf education curriculum She was a ! d t d D " i"h g"mnastics dc~monstration atson Beach conducted hel I !lOJ1lC of DI. and :\1]s. Clarence " .' roa, rcpresen e omIl1lCan. ~ ~J' I I,\ t b . t'. d " : 1\" ., '. , d tl . . lb' cellist. . next ,years' sophomore class rcp- 1~58 graduate of Grosse Pomte , High School in the recent Mich- I held recently as one of the' as usmess mec mg an no('\\I la~UJIe an le~ \\ lIe asslst- Mrs. Willialu H. Katzenmever. chairman; Mrs. Frank resenta,tives to CGA, the student HIg.h ~ c h 001. !-"oisanne ~s. a : igan High School Forensic As-! many events of the college's I offic~rs w:I~e elected for the: cd by 1\11'.a.nd :\lrs, ~. Bayard C Ii h v governmg body at Lake Forest semor 111 the busmess admIllls- . . f . 1 t t ; eighth annual Fathers' Week- comll1g y~al. ,.JoJ1l1S0rl, DI. and 1\11 s. Albert 00 dge, onorary chairman; 1\1rs. Brossy, se~retary, a~d College, Lake Forest, Ill. Ford tration curriculum. She was a; SOCIaJOn reglOna con es . : end, attended this y~ar by 100 They incl~de Mrs. Leland F. i D. Law and Dr. and .!\lrs. Le- Gerald F. Meadows. treasurer, are the steermg commlt- is majoring in biology at LFC 1958 graduate of Grosse Pointe * * '" : fathers from 17 states, the Dis- Carter, preSIdent; Mrs. Manfred i land F. Carter. tee. Others include Mrs. Carl Blanchard, Mrs. Forman S. '" '" * '" . High School. MICHAEL A. McCL~LL.\N trict of Columbia, and Ber------~~- .. ------Johnston, Jr., Mrs. Stewart E. McFadden, Mrs. John The 0 h i 0 State University * '" * of Van Antwerp and NEIL W. muda. participated ir! the 52nd An- wit:l an Army Reserve unit in Lesesne. Mrs. Robert Peabody, Mrs. Robert Suczek, Mrs. Women's Club of Detroit will Among the students recently SNOW of St. Clair avenue are * 'i' * nual Meeting of the National Detroit, Frank Werneken and Mrs. Smith Willmon.. hold its annual spring lWlCheon namE:d on the Dean's list at i among some 50 Detroit-area CHARLES A. DUCHARME, Council Boy Scouts of Ameri- ...... :i: ~: ::: meeting at Granaders, Satur- Hillsdale College, for which a' men now taking basic training III, son of MR. and MRS. ca, held last week in Portland, Grosse Pointe High School day, June 2 at 12 o'clock. The B-or-better semester average is in Texas as newly enlisted mem- CHARLES A. DUCHARME, II, Oregon. senior MARY J. S C H U:\1 A- Visitor from New Zealand president, MRS. L. D ALE required, is EPHRAIM SMITH, bel'S of the Air Force's 403rd of University place, has been Mr. and Mrs. Scott are not CHER has bcen a v: a r de d a Mrs. E-dward Tutag visits her former home in New SIEF, of Washington road, will son of ME. and MRS. EPHRAIM Troop Carrier Wing. This all~ initiated into Rho Beta Chi,' returning i m 111 e d i ate 1y to scholarship to Marquette Uni- Zealand as often a~ possible, but that happens about give her annual report. SMIT.H, of Washington road: reserve 0.utfit, kno~n as ~he loc::;i radio honorary. society at GLosse Pointe. They are ex-, versity, Milwaukee. Wis. ~'1ary every three years. This month she was delighted to wel. '" >I< * ~ SmIth \~as. also ~apped ll1to Boxer W~ng afte: Its Flymg Deniscn University, Granville, tending their travels with a i is ,mc of 56 students throuiZh- c m h . th 'M W'll' H _ f W II' t RICHARD .D. REICHELT, a J membershIp 111 OmIcron Delta Boxcar aIrcraft, IS headquar- Ohio, where he is a senior. visit to Hawaii, where they plan i out the United States to be -so o e .er mo CI, .. rs. 1 Hun. u~e, rom e 1ng o.n: , Junior at Howe Military School, Kappa men's honorary frater- ter,ed at Selfridge field. Most * ... to renew acquaintance with: honored this year in ~'1ar. for a Sl;, month VISIt. On June 6 an~ 7 ,Mrs. Tutag wIll placed 7th in humor during the nity, which stresses high effi- of the new six-month reservists 'l' friends from this area. ; quctte's annual scholarship entertam at tea for her mother, to Introduce her many finals of the Indiana High ciency in college activities and will be gone from home only MOLLY McCLURE, daughter ... '" * 0 cOr'1jlC~:l,)n for entering fresh- Pointe friends. School Forensic Association scholarship. two months, returning to Self- of C. B. McCLURE, of L~n~~ln NORMAN 1\L DANAJ:lER of: men. The airplanes between the Pointe and the Continent; Tournament in Indianapolis, A graduate of Grosse Pointe ridge to finish their active duty. rO~d,. has rec:ently been ll11tla- 959 Fisher road beg a n six i ...... are ero'wded with vacationers this summer. The Lem Ind. Richard was a member of High School, Smith is now a * >I< >I< ,t~ ll1to Omle:,on N~, the na- months active duty training on I r':: A R L EDWARD DIRKES. Bowens of Elm court ar tak'nO' th' eh.ldr to a Cadet team which finished in senior at Hillsdale, where he is I tlOnal ho~ne. e"onomlCS h~nor- M~y 23.at Fort Leonaed Wood, SOil of MRS. CARL E. DIRKES , .. ' e I ':' .. en I, en fourth position in the 50-school a member of Delta Sigma Phi MARY JO DeSCHRYVER, I a~y at .i\'hc-hlgan St~te U~uv~r- i MISSOUrI. After his retul"ll, he' of !'1orth Edgewood drive, will Europe for a July VISIt. John BenfIeld, who WIth Mrs. event. fraternity. daughter of MR. and MRS.' SIt):. J.l:iISS.McC~ure IS a Jumor i will resume military training i (Continued on Page 16) (Continued on Page 16) Richard is a son of MR. and * * * V I C T O.R D~SCHRYVER, of maJorll1g 1~ clllld development ~------______[ MRS CARL C REICHELT of Ten Grosse Pointe students Three MIle drIve, has received and educ~tlOn. : , S. D~eplands r~ad. 'are among the 456 Ferris Insti- a freshman scholarship to Mary- * * '" Fine Jewelers Since 1861 I * * * tute students who were named grove College, ~t has been an-I SCOUT COUNCIL COMMIS- : I MR. and MRS THOMAS H. to the Dean's Honor List for nou:nced by SIster Amadeus, SIONER LEE R. J. SCOTT and I AUC~ of Ford C?ou~t ann~unce academic excellence durin& the dean. ! MRS. SCOTT, of Sunningdale,I t( the bIrth of theIr fIrst child, a past quarter. A senior at Dominican High ------,------' daughter, JULIE S H A RON, The students and their divi. School, she belongs to the So- BU.ll,~S HANDS i born on their seventh wedding sions are: VINCENT BUTTER~ dality and the Future Teachers anniversary, May 11. Mrs, Auch LY, JR., 825 Park Lane, School of America. She was chairman ~oris Ouellette o~ 1048 Lake-I is the former JEAN CORBETT, of General Education (GEl; of the Thailand delegation to pomte, suffered m I 11 0 r burns • ... daughter of MRS. J 0 H N J. GUY DEBOER, 376 Belanger, the Model United Nations held about the hands O'n Tuesday I COR BET T of Merriweather School of Commerce; MARI- at the University of Detroit. May 15, when an overflow or. I r~ad~ an? paternal, grandparents L::N FOSTE!l, 20145 ~airwa?" She has received a magna cum lighter fluid s p i 11cd on her \ al e the FREDERICK AUCHS of d~I~e, C,Oll~gIate Techmcal Dl- laude award for a test spon- hands and was ignited when ,~, S. Deeplands road. \ vlSIOn (CT), JOHN HARRISON, sored by Auxilium Latinum, the wick of her cigaret lighter '" * * 926 Balfou~, G~; PHYLLIS national society which encour- burst into i I am e s. She was • ":r PAULA WATERMAN, daugh. HUNTER, 8u2 A~~ta, School of ages the study of Latin. Mary taken to Bon Secours Hospital ~~~.:::.~:. tel' of the REUBE~ M. WATER- Pharmacy; ROBE.l:tT KERR, 286 Jo, who is planning to enter the by Park police, .. rv~ANS of M.cKl11ley ave~ue, Cloverly, GE; D,:.VID KIRSTEN, field of library science, attend- ::f:i smgs alto WIt h the ScrIPPS 1191 Paget Cenler, Commerce; ed the Library Assistant Work- College Choral Club, which last LYNNE PRICE, 305 Kerby road, h t W t M' h' U'. . THE ACID TEST SCULPTURED ELEGANCE Sunday joined the Stagg Glee CT; G ERA L D SCHROEDER, sOP. a es ern r olCIgan 111 I .• Club of Claremont M 's C 1- 50 Shoreham GE' and ROBERT verslty. I Follow the adVIce you gIve _to A dramatic d:amc~d design by en 0 ." * * * others and see how successlul lege and Harvey Mudd College WALDECK, 1853 Lennon, Com- M S8 JACKLYN BOOTH, t t t b Orange Blossom, especially for the young- for a joint choral concert in merce. I , you urn ou ~_~ _ at-heart, .. didmor,d engagement ring in 18K Balch Auditorium, Claremont, '" * * gold, 275.00; matching wedding band, 30,00 Calif. DENISE LENNANE, a senior '" '" of< graduating from Sacred Heart Prices include Federal tax JUDITH JAY, daughter of Academy, has been chosen by ..v. ~r 'II~ ELDEN B. JAY, of Lincoln road, the Honors Committee at Lor- > ~ I J' and LOISANNE RUPP, daugh- etto Heights College, Denver, fJ ~.".)..li _1£l'Y' ter of E. W. RUPP, of Belanger, Colorado, to receive the honors V 'It U were both honored at the an- at Entrance award which is re- ' 17051 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe, 1500 Woodward and Northland nual Rose Day ceremonies spon- served for the top - ranking TU :,~S515. EXTENDEDACCOUNTS AVAILABLE ' sored by Arista, national honor freshmen students, 'society for senior women at Denise and the other fresh- men honor students will be en- rolled in the special Honors section of English. They will receive special academic advis- ing to help t!lem to improve Summer Cotlons their academic ability c and they will be publiLly h;mored at a student assembly. They will' • Arnel • Linens present an assembly for the stu- dent body in the latter part of the academic year. from 95 Denise is the daughter of MR. 17 Swimwear sophisticated pique by Cassini Cool cotton to cultivate • for its fit, flair and Air Cor :!itioned Bermuda Shorts Comfort cm.'\fe of line you ar.e if is yours ot the Mjtch~lI's, Blouses Gifts for the bride include the a smart fashionable going appealing fine chino, porcelain A group of and silver, not to mention deco- GIFT CLUE! places, th'IS summer. rated chairs and trays, one Spring Costumes 7' Arrow Back Deacon's Bench. and Dresses Btack or white. • ~ to Y2 Off Sbes S to 1'5, 18.00 THE attractive accessories 'ror Ataif ond phone orders filled MITCHELL/S the June bride, debutante Note our new address. less than ',;, block from former locatIOn t and graduate. 17331 Mack (It St, Clair , Wf/t Our phone number is the same -r:~-Gcf 3 Kercheval Avenue GRQSSE POINTE-Ker,heval 1w!J. neat Cadieux • JUxedo 2..370G TU 2-4724 -rtJI1 Punch & Judy Block WALTon.PIERCE ICtRQfE\'JtI. AT ST. CLAIIl GItOSn 'OINU , acoac - - Q • sseca aaaaaass& 6 6£ 2 & & 2 2 ,---a 22

Page Fourteon GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 196;' Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Woma G.)"onp Working Supper Given An ne Dewev Wed s Mrs. George Portell Ben Part)' I ~ For Cathedral By Eccl~stones Miss nett Tells Teachers' This Friday the annual meet~ For Children's ing of the Michigan region of When the final curtain fell on George J. Portell I the Metropolitan Opera's per. plans for Wedding the National Cathedral Asso- ,. forma nee of "Lucia di Lammer- • The War Memorial Center ciation will meet for luncheon vvas the scene of a recent card moor" 150 of the first night Will Marry Richard W. L~lmbrecht, Jr. on June 16 In Couple En Route to Puerto Rico Home After May 5 at 12:30 \)'eloC'k at the War party benefit fOr' the Grosse Rites in St. Peter's Church and Trip to Ce;nada; Memorial. ) audience drove to the E. Llwyd Chri~t Church with RE c~tion at GPYC; First Pointe Foundation for Excep- .::~Ecc!estone's gracious white man- d EI . Th' T d tional Children. There were 82 Bride Wore White Organza and Alencon Lace Mrs. Charles B. Cmuse, ()!f . sion in Lincoln road to meet Party for Bri a .... ocr I~ IS ue.s ay -_. -~------~- .. , .. _. ~~ tables. Provencal rond, is rhllirman of the cast and have supper. Gwendy Bennett, daul~:ltC'r of the Navarre Bennetts, A new home in San Juan. Puerto Rico awaits Mr. the dllY and her committee in~ This was the fourth <,~nual Rudolf Bing and Francis Rob- Hnd Mrs. George Joseph Portell who traveled to Canada eludes Mrs, Frederick C. Ford, of Renaud road, has set JuIIe ]6 as the date for her wed. p,.rty sponsored by the G:-osse after their Ma:v 5 rites in Sl. Peter's Church. Mrs. John W. Gillette, Mrs. J. inson, top executives of the Met ding to Richard W. Lambrecht, Jr., son of the senior Pointe Federation of Teachers, company, and most of the cast h . to assist the Foundation in its. The bride is the forn1er I ---- ~- - ---~---- Dwyer Kinnucan, Mrs. Gunnar of "Lucia" appeared with the Lambrechts, of Lincoln road, in C nsi Church. efforts to provide a pleasant" l\nne Kat h r v n Dewev : sheath and cream orchids. Mrs. Karistl'om, MI's. Wood Wil~ ," :'?<, ; exception of diva Anna Moffo Mrs. Malcolm McColl will ----~- Iiams, l\ns. Rockwell '1'. Gust profitable learning situation for of Portell was in, a chiffon print ,:;<:~:;:""f<",,<"',<"'} who fainted during the third act come from Pasadena, Calif., Hart.., and Mrs. J. C. Hurley daughter the' Thomas A: ;md Mrs. Ra~ph T. M('Elvenny. the children of this school. De\~evs, of Fleetwood drive and green orchIds. {>;; ;t:~W;:~W¥1f:', curtain call of the opera at the to be her sister's matron of will be hosts at a cocktail- ( "',. :'~<';?:~,:'1;;l,::~;I Masonic Temple. honor and another sister, dinner in the former's Iroquois Ralph Deill, president of the. and her husband is the so~ Mrs. Maurice Garabnllldt, of local Federation, was general: , Bloomfield H.ills, will speak on . H;:,;;:<:~i~;;.~;X:! Mrs. Ecclestone greeted her Lynda, will be maid of avenue home. of the George Portells, of Grosse. Pointe High Sch00I "'I'll C 11 f M .. II c h air man. Co-chairmen were' t' ;;~i ; 'guests wearing a pink floral honor. The attendants wiD. On June 11 Kitty Scripps will junior KATHY l\IAUN will be C 0 egc 0 USlelans. Miss Ann Wallace and Harvey I \Vade avenue. \.." :;:.'ib",i I print ~own, which she covered be Jacklyn Booth, Kit~y give a bathroom shower, lunch. spending the summer in West MI's. Garabrandt has just re .. Dahl. Lawrence Westerville act-; For the rites the bride ChOl;C 'x' ".",:<: I with a deep pink satin coat for eon and swimming party in the Bel';in as an American Field tUl'llcd from visilin~ the eathc- ed as chairman 01' ticket sales.! a white sill< organz<'1~own with j' the opera. ' Scripps, Marilynn Davis Vendome road home of her Service program exchange stu- dral in Washington, D. C,' :Miss Leona Weir and Mrs. Caro-; a bodice and three quarter : I A supper of chicken tetra- and Pamela Macpherson. parents, the Robert W. Scripp- c1ent. whore she attended the annual ; 'zinni. torr~ato aspic with arti- William Lambrecht will bE' ses. Mrs. William Curtis, Jr., lyp Scarborough were co-chair-l length sk('ves of 1't'-embroidl'r- men of refreshments while l'vIrs., eel Alencon 1ae('. A lace crown Kathy. now at t a e kin g her meeting. Also in Washin,qton ~iji,I choke hearts, pate, caviar and best man for his brother ano wiJl give the spinster dinner caught her shoulder length il- first-year German studies with for this :session Was Mrs. Alcx- «: , French pastry was served from the ushers will be Walter Briggs at the Country Club on June redoubled effort learned last ander L. Wiener, of Woodland }~ i a buffet table covered with a Fisher, Sigurd Wendin, Jr., Jay 14. WAYNE U, COXCERT lusion veil and she carried white • )1 and pink rosebuds with ivy. week that a European "family" lace. I white point de Vcnise cloth and Newberry, James Lafcr, Jr., and On June 15 the :senior Lam- The annual Spring Concert' had been found for her. They' A contributio~ to the bay Df cenlered wlt.h a silver epergne Charles Nichols III, of N. Y. brechts will give the rehearsal The bridegroom's sister. Bet- presented by the 70 voice! are the Rcnsches, West Berliners the cathedral has been made in ty Portell, was maid of honor I filled with white carnations and PCities for the bride-elect be- dinner at the Country Club. Men's Glee Club of Wayne St?te i with a 17-year-01d daughter of memory of the late Mrs. and the bridesmaids were Mrs. , roses. gi'.n this Tuesday when Mrs. On the day of the wedding University will be presented on ; their own. - Charles B. Warren, of Grosse John Dewey, of Omaha, Neb.; I Vases fllied with multicolored Kenneth McColl gave a miscel- Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lam- Saturday, May 26. at 8:20 p.m. i Pointe, who was the first chair- I spring flowers banked the hall laneous shower and tea in her brecht will entertain the wed. in the Henry and Edsel Ford: ,md Mrs. Peter Cencer, Mr. Por- Kathy leaves Detroit June 15. man of the National Cathedral tell's sister. They wore royal I und on on!:'!table was the Steu. Grosse Pointe boulevard home. ding party and out of town Auditorium in the Civic Center! After a 10-day boat trip, she Association in the Michigan : ben crystal baskel given the On June 3 Mr. and Mrs, guests at the Country Club. The blue taffeta frocks and carried wi 11 disembark in Rotterdam Region. '''J:' of downtown Detroit. There is: i Ecclestonel,; by C I eve I and i Walter Brigg" Fisher and Mr. reception will be held at the n('l admission charge for this! pmk sweetheart roses. and make her way across Ger- Michigan will be honored at I Amc1'y aHer his visit to the -and Mrs. Sigurd Wendin, Jr., Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. concert and the public is cor-' Raymond Pfaff was best man m~ny to West Berlin, where she the Cathedral on July 1 at the ~;;'l;;~~?~:~{~~:J:'.i~\~~;::~ Bal Moderne last December. will give a barbecue at the WIlen the newlyweds return dially invited to attend. and ushering were Dr. John L. WIll spend almost two months 11 and 4 '1 k . S i o C oc serVlCes. pe- -Photo by L, A. Longshore filled with sprin~ blooms. Skating House at the Country 'jome in July Mrs. Lewis Fisher DE'wey, of Omaha: Thomas R. with her adopted family. I' cial prayers will be offered for In St. Peter's Church May 5, ANNE KATHRYN Among the guests who danced Club. Brown and her daughter, Mrs. DE'wey. of Hyattsville. Md., both I * ... >It the work and welfare of the DEWEY, daughter of the Thomas A. Deweys, of Fleet- to Jack Qualey's orchestra were i On June 5 Gwendy will be, Walter B. Fisher will give a brobcrs of the bride. and Jerry MR. and MRS. TED BIN- state and the state flag, which wood drive, spoke her marriage vows to Mr. Portell, Mr. and Mrs. George Romney: feted at a tea by Mrs. William I luncheon and kitchen shower in Port;)l1, brother of the bride- KOWSKI, -of Three Mile drive, was given to the Cathedral in son of the George Portells, of Wade avenue. {she was chairman of the Met's Leach, of Lincoln road. Mrs. the Brown's Lot h r 0 p road groom. announce the birth of a daugh- 1956 by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick opera week}, the John Gordons, i James V. Davis and Marilynn IllOme Are C'ep t ion and wedding tel'. MARY ANNE, on May 13, C. Ford, of Bishop ruad, in • the George Trumbulls and the; will give. a lun~heon and linen TO\;'ard the end of July, breakfast at Stouffer's Eastland 1'l'lrs. Binkowski is the former memory of their son, Alfred G~orge Walkers, all of Bloom- shower In theIr Beacon hill Helen Connolly, daughter of the follo\ved the ceremony. Dye to Mark 94th BIrthday LIZ RILEY, daughter of the Brush Ford, will be carried to field. Others were the Alger home June 7. William Connollys, of Moran For her daughter's wedding JOSEPH J, RILEYS, of Buck- the place of honor in the na've. The ?etroit Yacht Club has I ing Associations. They'll be I Sheldens, the Robert semPles,/ ,That same d~te Mr. and Mrs. road will have a party to honor ::'Ill'S,Dewey chose a rose silk ingham road. two major events slated for May, aboard Commodore Alfred F. Dr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Hudson. 'Iheodore SedWIck, the Roy De- the pair. their 94th Birthday Celebration, Steiner's "Alolga," the Observ~ the Frank W. Donovans, the ------~- _.~- - ~- _ Mrs. Elsie Jinks on the 27th and the Memorial I ers' Boat. Hugh Dalys, the Lester Ruwes,' DAR Ch t t M t At B t CI b J I Day Races on the 30th. i Commodore Sidney Warner the Robert McKeans, Mrs. John ap er 0 ee oa u une I To Get Dearee The pre~ent an? fourth .Club- is chairman of Judges Commit- Anderson and Mrs. Eleanor The Service Group of Fort ~M-rs. Leo P. Richardson will o house, bUIlt on Its own Island tee and Commodore William P. Schneider. Pontchartrain Chapter of the preside and the hostesses will . --. -~ ,was officially dedicated in 1923 Connolly is chairman of Start- Mrs. Henry Ford II, for three be l\1rs. H. Sanborn Brown, Mrs. ElSIe Jmks. psychologIst as the "Finest Yacht Club in the Ti d Ob yeal's ch~irman of' the Opera Daughters of the American f . Th ' . p . . ers, mers an servers. d Mrs. Don Homer, Mrs. Bruce 01 e Glosse Olnte Pubhc World ,. It has also been ac- Week was absent with Mr Revolution will hold ils month- LoeIt-...."'od M . H M School System, will have a dOC-I claim~d as the largest and most " The Willi~ .SullwOld's yacht Ford,' attending a White Hous~ ly meeting June 1 at the De-, Mrs. GVi1,b'er",rs.. °PulraecUamorgan. tor of philosophy degree con- b ut'f 1 Jus~Mi-Bill IS the regatta d' f t t' t th '. K and I ea 1 u . J d - B t B d F 11 mner 0 op execu Ives a. e troit Boat Club at noon. ; Mrs. Harold G. Stevens. f7rred on her June 21 .by ~ffi~ I Gar Wood was Club Commo- u ges oa ,: ern~r, a~?e invitation of President Kennedy. _ cl~ls of "~ayne S.tat'e :Umve~sIty. dare th;1.t year. He won the I ?board his Farnell s. Folly is Detroit's ma'.)r Jerome P. ::::------Her dIssertatIOn IS entItled Harmsworth in 1920 and defend- In charge of all comnllttee boats C n gh atte~ded the Eccle- ,"A Study of the F'actors, Related ed it for eight exciting years. I running the regatta. st~~~ ~upper with his wife, as to the ~uccess. ~r. Fallure of The D,Y.C. has been the scene There'll be a cocktail party at did Pollce Com m i s s ion e l' I Case~ ~,lv.('n VlSltIng. Teacher of many thrilling Gold Cup, I 6:30 p.m. in the ERst Lounge George Edwards. ALWAYS DRIVE LIKE SerVIce. The. study IS related Harmsworth and Silver Cup Re- and dinner in the ballroom for On Wednesday Mrs. Allan YOUR LIFE DEPENDED UPON IT- to the promotIOn of better men- gattas and has won worldwide D.Y.C{s Flag Officers, past Shelden III will give a lunch- tal health rj , 't' g c , .' .. " fame for its racing prowess. commo ores,. VISIIn ommo- eon f~r some of the Met com- BECAUSE--IT DOES! FRASER FLATWARE is minted of I 1?1. Jmks JOWL, the Grosse Edward Dahmer entertain- dores, commIttee members and pany Mrs. Ecclestone will leave WMF Cromargan stainless steel. Pomte staff last S e p tern bel' ment chairman is in charge of their ladies. at the end of the week with Shown is this contemporary pat- after a number of years exper- . ' A Mac k 1em veteran tern of subtlety and grace, deftly .. . the comphmentary "C 0 f fee very , Mrs. Schneider for a trip to wnce m the DetrOIt s~stem. Hour" from 2 to 4 p.m. in the yachtsman for many years will New York to visit her daughter beveled and shaped. 5 pc. place setting, $8.95. She earned her bachelor s de- Es t L f b d be honored as the "DYC Sailing gree at the University of Michi- t: . f o.u~f.e or mem ers an Man of the Year." Commodore ARTHUR J, ROHDE gan and her master's degree- in eClr amIdIes. P 1 R tl tl Paul Roth will present Avery . . 1 h W ommo ore au 0 1. 1e U. of Illinois Alumnae AND OOMPANY (',lImca psyc ology at, ayne Club's 58th Commodore will cut Macklem with a resume in book Meet at Lun'cheon !JJongrac.J Sta~e: Sh: served a yeal on the the 6Pfoot tall birthday cake and form in acknowledgment and JEWEi.ERS . SILVERSMITHS, Melnll-Palmer staff as a gradu~ M R th d' f t appreciation for his years of ae- Women graduates of the Uni- INSUR.A.NCE I t tudent d' t'll mem rs, 0 an WIves a pas Grosse Pointe's Pioneer Jeweler f: bae. s f th an t tl~ s If ~ultt - commodores will pour. tive participation in sailing ac- versity of Illinois will meet Established 1930 Wayneel 0 Inc parprivate- Imelifeac shey ais The second event is D.Y.C.'s tl'vities under the colors of the Saut reIay, May 26 at a lunch - . . 11' 47th annual Memorial Day re- D.Y.C. eon-meeting at the home of 91 Kercheval on the Hill - 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich. LO 7.6100 , I TouraineMrs. C. C.roadJmks and ves In gatta and Avery Mack 1em Day In the Grill at 10 p.m. Com- Mrs. Ralph R. Ranney of South TU 1-6400 I; . that begins at 10:30 a.m. modore Roth will also present Renaud road. , hiplifte cotton Commodore Edward H. Zerbe, the awards to the Memorial Day Mrs. Wilbur McGehee, presi- I' ot'er-blome, CHILD HURT IN FALL the Regatta Chairman, is ex- Race winners. dent, will conduct the business Cathy Kane, 6, of 1370 Hamp- pecting some 175 sail yachts to ------meeting. The election of new $16.95 ton, slipped and fell near her participate, This regatta tradi- AUCTION NETS $311 ' officers is scheduled. home on Thursday, May 17, in- tionally opens the sail yacht rac- The Park Police Auction held The group will work on pro- You'll find our juring her right forearm. Woods ing season in the area. 1. the Municipal Building on jects for the College Women"s Mary Avis C police took her to the office of The Club's Commodore Paul Sat u l' day, . May 19, netted Volunteer S e r vice. Assisting City Physician Clarence Cand- Roth will head the Honorary $311.45, according to Police hostesses will be Mrs. Martin A. ~~@/~ ler, where an X-ray showed that Judges that include Commodores Chief Arthur Louwers. The en- Gorman, of Detroit, Mrs. Wil~ Excellent Fooi lhere was a slight fracture in of area boat and yacht ciubs and tire proee~ds were turned over 11am E. MacFarland and Mrs. serves ctwonderful purpose ••• the arm bone. She was treated commodores of the Detroit River to the city treasury, the chief Donald E. Schevers of S1. Clair and Service is Our ~I , and released. Yachting and Inter Lake Yacht- :>aid. 1 Shores. . ,.when friends and re1atives see the I future bride's choice of her pattern in our registry book, they find it easy BANQUETS to choose the gifts she wants and needs. When you come in to register or just to look, be sure to CONVENTIONS

SEe OUR NEWEST ALSO PART STERLING PATTERN MaoRigal Established in Dowi'ttown V ,I AL ROBINSON, C BYI!BI 148 BAGLEY, Detroit 26, ~ , After 5:30 TU 2.28/9 ••. a modern love song in solid silver • MARLENE RONALD EUNICE ROBERT

... offering Grosse Pointe's finest staff of hairdressers to' serve you at these moderate price ... LUNT "ti~tfrlpl

Ha irc u t ...... 2.50 Shampoo and Set stretch ANDRE 3.50 silk slacks Permanents ...... from 12.50 in all Tints ,. from 8.50 Complete colors, Bleach and Toner, from 13..50 Complete $19.95

Beautifully styled in FOR APPOINTMENT CALL. TU 1-7597 blue and white or cool) calor/Ill brown and white. silk blome, open Thursday and Friday evenings All Sales Final 527.95 CHARlESW. W~~RREN &COMPANY JEWI!LERS AND SilVERSMITHS LONDON. SALON .STEU~EN GLASS THOMAS 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD WALTOn-PIERCE 18318 MACK AT MORAN • GROSSE POINTE Detroit 26,Michigcln-TelephoneW02.5.161_Store Hours 9:30 to 5100 KERCHEVAL AT ST. i";LAIR GROSSE POINT! WALTon ,. , - ,J' : ~.'... • • I 'I ~..:. • ...., o ss S so RRSPRRon opnn •• e - ea_ __ • • ..0.. a a ~ 2 a & & a

Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Pointes Woman's Page • •\ • by, of, and for Poilltfe Women ennett Tells Teachers' Party Nets $750 J.,..•. Symphony Mrs. James U. We'aver Hookel .•Sidles Weaver -Goodsm ith for Wedding Fo~ Children/s Foundation Elects Officers Betrothal Told The Junior Women's Associ- The War Memorial C£nter The engagement of Sharon GraCE Beddow was in charge of ation for the Detroit Symphony . ~, " ..' '.".' ,.. .. Wells Sidles to Lloyd Garrison R.ltes Read .In Woods was the scene of a recent card ard W. Lambrecht, Jr. on June 16 in prizes. George Harding provided Orchestra honored its out-going party benefit for the Grosse '.:> ;.,'<.: :.::,..~~~:':.~';,;<~~:~,) HOOker, Jr., has been announced. I tickets and advertising posters. president and elected new offi- rJ with Reception at GPYC; First Pointe Foundation for Excep- The bride-elect is .the daughter I A check for $750, proceeds cers at a dosing board meeting :.:;'/.>~:;.'i~":':":!;:',';~;D.~';~."~,:;~1 Pair Exchange Vows Saturday with Reception Following tional Children. There were 82 '.': '.' ':,' ..... ~.;...:;., .,;'., ..:,.:. '.'" ....l/ of Mrs. Fred S. Sldles and the, • d Bride-Elect Given This Tuesday of the affair, was presented to and luncheon Wednesday, May ----~~~-~-- tables. .' . ,:;:.{i;~9;;.:.:~:,::::'::';:,/~::::~J. late Mr, Sidles, of Scottsdale,' At War Memorial; After Trip to Bermu a Miss Ruth Hall. the Founda- 16, at the Country Club of De- J:~tt. daughter of the Navarre Bennetts, Ariz. This was the fourth annual tion's director. Since 1959 the troit. {9il;;:~;~;.;;;:,f,i;1 Miss Sidles ~ttended M~. Ver- Lansing, and the late Mr. Weaver. matron of . . l['~.;v,.~.::"i',.,,;;i...;, non Academy, and Washmgton . h b.d _ dinner in the former's Iroquois Ralph Deal, president of th~ prominent Detroit industries. r.er sister. Engaged .:.. ",t(£j'y:,,:"~J B 0 ell Hall in Omaha, Neb. For the rItes L e r1 e Brooke Jolliff, in white organza aV('ntH' home~ local Federation, was general Symphony president Robert B. maid of <", . ;'. ";~~'~:~;~;..~:i'..,.::~:;I versity of Nebraska and a mem-I gown WIth a fItte,d bodIce attendant. gin' a bathroom shower. lunch. Mrs. Harry J. Nederlander Dahl. Lawrence Westerville act- 1...--.' ,~~..',;,y;.t).. bel' of Kappa Kappa Gamma. and scooped necklIne. Seed Edward Klasny was best man. :h. Kitty con and swimming party in the was elected president for the l'cI as chairman of ticket sales. . . " :~~;.;.;':t:':.~~::, .. pearl embroi.jery accented Ushering were Roger Ward. Dads \' cnc!(lme road homp of her p>." year ahead. Her executive board :'tIiss Leona Weir and Mrs. Caro- (:.';';' will include Mesdames Charles .:':':':".:::,.Y:<>?:::;:i The weddIng w~ll take place the waist and skirt A clust- ! Norman Robison, Charles Mar~ :1erson. part'nts. thp Bobcrt W. Scripp- : .:..:,.....,"'" ,""rN\U\;"'~ the first of June 111 the Scotts- .! I I d W'lli B' h lyn Scarborough were co-chair- I'; W. Bergeson, first vice presi- ...r::'\,i':S>;:;/':;''''{.;''''' ".,~ k . f 1- er of flowers caught her I t la er an I am IS .op .. '1t will be S(',~ :'t1r,.~ William Curtis. Jr., men of refreshments while Mrs. " .' ""'; . dale home of Mrs. Hoo et, a '.. For her daughter's weddIng t rotheI' and \\ j;: i;i\ C' the spinster dinner I dent; Willard S. Smith, second lowed by a reception at the bouffant IllUSIOn veIl and d tl t' t th War ----.--~_._-- 1 vice president: William N. Mont- ,..., . 1 h' an le recep IOn a e :lltel' Briggs ,n thp Couni.'y Club on June Paradise Valley COUl:try. LiU? she car ~ 1e [ w lte roses, Memorial Mrs. Goodsmith wore din. Jr., Jay WAYNE U. CONCERT gomery, third vice president; 14. I i The young couple WIll !lve In stephanotis and Amazon a rose organza over taffeta H?f. Jr .. and George W. McClellan. corre- On June 15 the senior Lam~ The annual Spring Concert I Scottsdale. lilies. sheath and orchids. Mrs. Weav- of X. Y. breehts will give the rehearsal presented by the 70 voice }'. .' sponding secretary; Robert B. ,j Low l' e y, recording secretary; Jane Miles was the maid of er was in moss green lace with ide-elect bc- clinncI' at the Country Club. :\len's Glee Club of Wayne State i 11 and Edward J. Dore, Jr., treas- honor in an azure blue organza orchids. when :'tIrs. 0;1 the clay of the wcddinb University 'will be presented on t j I urer. Harper A.ides over t'\ffeta frock with a shon When the couple return from. H' a miscel- :\7;'. and :\lrs. Edward F. Lam- Saturday. May 26. at 8:20 p.m. 1 .',1 Board members include Mes- lace jacket. She carried minia- Bermuda they will live in St. t('a in her brecht will entertain the wed. in the Henry and Edsel Ford 1 I "j . dames David K. Wirth, Richard I 11{aise $5,000 ture white carnations. COLn- Clair Shores. vard home. ding party a:ld out of town Auditorium in the Civic Center ! . ~11H. Campbell, James F. Martin.! flowers, stephanotis and ivy. and :'Ylrs. guC'sts at the Country Club. The of downtown Detroit. There is . Henry Whiting, Jr., and Harry At the recent annual lunch- Dressed like the honor maid er and ;-11'. r('ception will be held at the n0 admissio!l charge for this ;! N. Wieting. : eon meeting of the Harper Has- were the bridesmaids Mrs. Foor- The fellow who accepts free 'endin. Jr .. Gro~se Pointe Yacht Club. eonceIt and the public is cor- . : Mrs. Nederlander announced I pital Auxiliary held at the De- man L. Mueller. Jr.. cousin of advice must be willing to suffer cue at the dially invited to attend. "Yh£'n the newlyweds return ..:.<' that late summer will find the troit Boat Club, the new officers the bride and Carol Kennedy. the consequences. he Country home in Jul~' }lrs. Lewis Fisher . ~N.: Juniors staging an e I a b 0 l' ate . SALLY LYNN GOODSMITH, daughter of Mr. for 1961.63 were announced. Brown and ;1er daughter, Mrs. ,J; party to increase membership. and Mrs. Herman Carl Goodsmith, of Roslyn road, was The. president is Mrs. John fly \\ ill be. ~Walter B. Fisher will give a l. .. >" , ;;,,_ ••~••~~.~.: ;~., ,;,.,.~ ••~~ Excitement ran high with the married Saturday in Grosse Pointe Woods Presby- R. McDonald and the other offi- rs. ''''illiam :uneheon and kitchen shower in Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. news that the A~ociation will terian Church to Mr. Weaver, son of Mrs. Harry Lewis cers are the Mesdames: William road. .:\Irs~ til(' l' 0 Brown's Lot h P road Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Hor- sponsor the world premiere of Nagel, Lyle Waggoner, Russell ::\larilynn Weaver, of Lansing, and the late Mr. Weaver. ' home. nung. of Fairford road. an- the R i c h a l' d Rodgers-Alfred G. Nankervis, Richard S. Wer- In Fashion: 1 and linen :m":lrd the end of July, nounce the engagement of their Lerner musical coming out in ner Paul Halling, Howard W. eaeon hIli Heien Connolly, daughter of the daughter, KAREN, to Vincent the fall, and the first Detroit Ford to ~Talk To DeS Group McFarlane, Harold E. Mistele, William Connollys, of Moran : J. Brennan. son of the Martin performance of the fabulous Edgar E. Martmer, and Albert <)UR BUDGET SALON r. and )11''';. J'oad \l'ill have a p,!rty to honor ! E. Brennans. of East Jefferson Broadway hit "Camelot." On Monday, June 4, "Madame America and is cUlTently serv- D. Ruedemann, Sr. {' Ro\' D{'- the pair. The highlight of the meeting - A •• _ ; avenue. Other projects will include Presidents" from this area will ing his second term as board was the presentation to George £hampoo ond set ..••...... 2.50 The bride-elect attended the the t l' a d i t ion a I "Christmas join more than 1000 other lead- chairman of United Foundat.ion. r to Meet At Boat Club June I Parsons School of Design in Walk" and the Symphony "Car- ers of women's groups at De- Sharing the speaker's plat- Cartmill, director, 0; $5,000.00 New York. nation Ball" next Spring. troit's Vet e l' a n s Memorial form with Mr. F(}rd will be pro- for the purchase of additional Permanents (complete) ... 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 p of Fort :\lrs. Leo P. Rlehardson will . Her fiance is an alumnus of The Dave Diamond Trio kept Building to hear Benson Ford fessional health and welfare wheel chairs for Harper Hospi- tel' of the preside and the hostesses will , the Detroit College of Law and the membership entertained be- and other community experts leaders. They are Mrs. Agnes tal from the auxiliary. HaircJts ...... ••...... • 2.00 be :\lrs. H. Sanborn Brown, This is a total of $10,000.00 In .-\mcrican was affiliated with Delta Theta fore lunch and as the votes I discuss .the wor~ of Unit~d A. Jackson, Executive Director :'III'S. Don Homer. :'Ilrs. BrUce 2 years time for wheel chairs- Tint "". & . 6.50 its month- Phi A September wedding is were tabulated. ! Commumty Services an~ Its of Detroit's Travelers Aid So- LockwOOd. Mrs. Horace Morgan, which is derived from the sale 1. d I I health and welfare agenCIes. ciety; Olga Madar, Director of <.

BEACH JACKETS: I send my Fllr Drip Dry Cottons in Solid Colors, tUNT lUllT LUNT Sweetheart Alel(lndra Modem Rose Vtctorian Spectator Enrollments now being taken for the 1-0 Rollins for HAND KNIT CABLE SWEATERS: SCHOOL YEAR 1962-63 safe, sure, care, Pumps From Hong Kong. Fashion Colors. Nursery through Eleventh Grade in Refrigerated 1,385 Since 1878 Liggett has consistently maintained Gold Storage. A Very Special OHering and REPEATIN'G A SELL-OUT! high academic standards of coUege preparatory Formerly education. Recognized throughout the nation Jeweled and Embroidered 18.95 for graduates of ability, integrity and well-ad- Sweaters from Hong Kong justed personalities, Liggett today stands on the Summer's heat is dangeroul> for your furs ••• RolliflS Cold Storage Formerly 69.95 and 79.95 threshhold of a greater "Liggett Tomorrow." protection retains the vital natural Beautifully styled in Inquiries are invited concerning entrance re- oils found in all furs, It costs no Now $35 and 39.95 blue end white or quirements, tuition rates and class openings. more to store your furs at Rollins ••• with furrier c;ara that mean5 You will want several for immedi- brown ond white. ate wear and Christmas giving. All Sales Final Write or call the Liggett School. Catalog avail- added wear ••• able. Prompt inquiry suggested. WARREN &COMPANY Call WO 2-0236 fpr Bonded Meg:- is AND SILVERSMITHS KATHARINE OGDEN STEUBEN GLASS Headmistress

SHINGTON BOULEVARD 2555 Burns Avenue, Detroit 14 -TeJephon.W02.S161-Slor. Hour. 9:30 to 5:00 Telephone: VAlley 2-5958 WALTon-PIERCE 47 East Adams - Detroit - ICIReNIVAI. Mr S1'w G,AtR HOSIE POIN1'I F ~ HoDlft 8e•• 6dO Jfolt.thm8JIt. t ,.

-c.. _ _~ __~ ...-. __ _.....~ ....._ ~..- ....- ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,- ". ""...'...... _ a IIIIIlII _ ~.- ..I._= 1llo_ __ • .._ , Page Sixteen Thursday, May 24, 19: GROSSE POINTE NEWS------Thursday, May 24, 1962 TIME TO-THISK - - Adversity has a tendoncy to get 11 man back on his feet after prosperity has knocked Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes him out. Mrs. Michel Petit Ma'rlene Kustusch From An~:O~:~d~~:~~:)of View Met. Opening Night '" B., was iin four capitals around Christmas, will be mak. D F t DAC Married in Paris ....'1 I ing a return visit in July. As the new president of Junior raw 5 a In5 a ... Goodwill Mrs. Benfield will stay home to plan for the " fall Antique Show. ---- ~~- ----,-- Weds Michel Jean Petit on at Church of the May 2 I Currently visiting the land of his forefathers are Patrons of "Lucia di Lammermoor" Dine at Club Before Cite Uni\crsitaire, Paris; After Yv'edding Trip to i Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Aagesen, touring 'about the Metropolitan Opera Opening at Masonic Temple; Spain Newlyweds to Live in Paris i Scandimlvian countries with emphasis on Denmark. First Performance Benefits Detroit Symphony * * * ------~-~- In the Church of the Cite Universitaire, Paris, on ,S' I J The Metropolitan Opera season again has provided May 2 Marlene Louise Kustusch, daughter of Mr. and entlm,erlta ourney . a tremendously gala atmo~;phere all through this area, . . This E'riday evening the John DenIers will entertain and heightening the spirit, on opening night particularly. Mrs. Paul W. Kustusch, of Grosse Pointe Farms was all the parents of Cradle children in the area at a get- married to Michel Jean Petit, son of M. and Mme. Roger t age th er m. th' elr P'me cour t h orne. The Cradle is .the DACwere early dinner parties, many of them slated at the_ Petite, of Chars, France. i ----- ..------.--~..--- Chicago adoption agency which is such a boon to d1Jld- B f' "L' di L : The bride wore a white i A small family dinner and e are UCla am- . The Fedele Biancos and the less couples. . h mermoort', the M 0 n d a\" Rinaldo Baiettis were a four- . . : later a reception was held at ents 17045 Kercheya~~ SWISS organdy gown wIth! the Circle 1'vlilitaire after the . Every summer the sc.ore o~ so o~ pa: l?- tel opener at Masonic AudI.. some. Mrs. Bianco in a .Jianna embroidered appliques de-! ceremony. After a wedding trip ! Pom~e hav~ ~n all day outmg wlth theIr chIldren m the, torium (the premium "Lu- lo~g gown of turquoise peau de TU 2-5778 Free Di; tailing the skirt whkh fell; to :;pain the couple will make , reumon SpInt...... I ci.a" benefited the Detroi:, ~ole made for ~er in Bologna, HOURS: ~lon. thru Thurs., 9 . theIr home in Paris. , The DenIers, mCldentally, WIll be takmg a .sentl- S hon T 0 ch est r a' : Ilaly. Mrs. Baletti's cocktall- over a skirt of slipper satin. : mental trip in mid-June. Aft~ showing their chIldren ymp 300 ~. eJ a1 th DA6'; length dress, also hy .lianna, A cluster of organza flowers i \ Washington, D.C., and appropriate near-by historical ~~e m 11 e . I was of silk overlaid with 01'- For Your Holil . . . i TELLS OF LARCENY .. . : sites they will travel to Harroclsburg Ky. whidh they ey were a 1 to ganza and trimmed with bead h h ea:l' We Cdrry a eer caug t er fmgertIp veIl of' D . 1 "I C f 476 'r I.• ,'<>, i. . , .. " enable tht:: opera-guers to' embroidery '11 . . : Bnle", carron 0 ou- I '" 'ii>, I VIslted on theIr weddmg, tnp 20 years ago. ha e a leisurel d' . ' .. I USlon and she carrIed: raine. reported the theft of two New York Bonelt I ; ," ~, * * * I V Y Inner, d: :l\lrs. George :\1. Endicott Was white roses and lilv of the: coats to Farms police on Tues- : ..... 1.. t ~ I I Ad' ro. I I dance or two at the club I in a Ruth Jovce floor-length New York Bonelel H' '1' n ea emle 'WIre es nd t ak re f gett' f" • vallev V! day. May 15. They were stolen . I . _' . CI b I a am. 7 su o. m~, aress of pale pink gros de lon- , • I from his car parked at the rear ': . Members of the DetrOIt Blrmmgham Vassar u to Masomc m good tlme for' dre with stunning satin stole of Whole Beef ::iancy Eileen Dike. of Hilis-: of 18666 Mack avenue. He told , wIll ~ather at the Cranbrook ~cademy of Art Mond.ay the curtain. . shocking pink on one side and dale, was !ler attendant in pale i police that one was a suit coat : at 10 clock for the al1n~al me~tmg and bu.ffet lunch With I Especially festive was on!': hyd~angea pink on the other. Mild, Sugar Cured yellow Swiss a l' g 1:: ;: d y over: valued at $65, and the other, a ,Mrs. W. C. McLaughlm takmg reservations. tab 1e in DAC's~in dining I TheIr guests were the Slanford yellow satin. She ,~aITi('d a: black linen sport coat, worth . On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Ross Roy, of Shelden road, room where the Alfred C. Mun.- Stoddards 'her dress \\'as a long Smoked Ham straw basket filled WHh white 822.50. . entertained at a Liggett Tomorrow cocktail party, to derlohs wel'e toasted in cham- red sari with red. green and daisies. . Whole or Shank Half ; keep the school's friends up to date on the giant fund pagne by the othel'S of their .gold tones in the hem I. and the i 8 to 10 lb. average Y cronic!ue T l' e m b 1a y was ~ PRIMROSE PATH i drive to move the school. group, the reason being the Charles M. Endicott.<;.the young flower girl in a similar gown.: l\lore good resolutions could -Photo by StudIo de ParIs * * * Munderlohs' thirty - sixth wed. Mrs. Endicott weal'jng pastel She was escorted by her bro- i MARLENE LOUISE KUSTUSCH, daughter of M ding anniversary. yellow embroidered organdje, C !i Ib ;1 ther, Christophe T I' e m b 1a y. i be kept if men wouldn't allow Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Kustusch, of Grosse Pointe On the ove .,. For the dinner and opera long. and full -length opera 49 They are the nieC'e and nephew thcil' bad habits to grow and Farms, was married May 2 in the Church of the Cite In the fall one of the Pomte s most popular couples I Mrs. Munderloh wore a floor coat of pale golden satin. ,I of the bridegroom. ' multiply. Universitaire, Paris, to Mr. Petit, son M. and Mme. will be on the move again. About six years ago Mr. len~-th gown of ~urquoise and A get.together dinner group Roger Petit, of Chars, France. and Mrs. James Phelps, of Elm court, came here from I white brocade WIth low back. jncluded Vie Taylor H. Seebers. ------~------_.~_._--._-- Bethlehem, Pa., and before school opens they will be decolletage. Iz: t:le party were I the Winfield S. Jewells, '{he Chi:k::rpart~ moving again to a suburb of Chicago. the Harold Llghtb~dys, .Judge: Bruce Tappans and their daugh. In full color, to become Last Saturday Mrs. P. drew raves at the Fine Arts and Mrs. Carl Weideman, the. ter. Mary Ellen, the Richard . .' .John Cooleys and Geor'Ye Ja"s 'Wagnel's Th d Sed "cks Legs and c :r I spnng dlll11er dance at Lochmoor when she took off her .....1 . , . ' eo ore \\1 Thighs 39 Ib _ Short and to the Pointe h' h hId . d ld h l' d did . I Mrs. Jay \\eanng a Ho.rvey: and Victor Wehmelers these more precious with years. / 19 ee s, onne go mes s lppers an a pnze Berin floor - touching dress of I 10 f' ds h' . t to (C tl d f P 13) ". f h T . t Sh h lr d I. ,.c se rlen avmg sea s - on nue rom age II wInnmg verSIOn a t.e WIS. e as.a .eady ~lanne. yellow satm brocade and white, gether at Masonic. Ib be granted a B a c he lor of al Engineers and the L.I.T. to look up former Pomter Mrs. Hall LIppmcott ill Ghl-I fox stole. . i l\lr. anc. Mrs. Joseph A. Vance ";b:"t~:I< >I< * their degrees from :.1anhattan- vision, and speech therapy. entertainers rec.o~nized by the Gabrielle Mellette and Laurie AS$ocl«llon Saf,'" DIANE GOODSON, daughter USO, a Torch DrIve agency, at. "TIr 11tt fl . 1 . ville College, Purchase, N.Y., * .. * . .\ e e e were ower glr s In this Monday will be MARY KA- .of MR. and' MRS. WILLIAM JO ANNE SCANLAN, daugh- a recent presentatIOn ceremony: \\'h'te a g d" k b' TERI B Y R N E S, daughter of H. GOODSON, of Huntington te~ .of MR. and MRS. JOSEPH at the USO Lounge, 147 Lafay-' ~ .~ an ~ lroc s em rOl- 't J h d h' dCIed \\-lth blue fOl'-get-me-nots MRS. ROBERT J. BYRNES, of road, has pledged DeIta Zeta S CAN LAN of Merriweather ette, Det1'01. 0 n an IS and la TI - d hit . h' St t u. It d "CI" d . . ce. ley carrJe w e Lincoln road. at MIC 19an a e mvers y road, has been selected for the ummy, ancy. .appeare In, carnations. * • *. where she is a freshman. 1962-63 Cheerleading Squad of 94 USO shows dUrIng the past ~ Following a. reception at the THOMAS R. BAMBAS, son * * .. Marquette University in MI1- year. ... * : Detroit Yacht Club the couple of MRS. L. L. BAMBAS, of DR. and MRS. DON KELLY waukee, Wisconsin. .Jo Anne : left for Fl. Lauderdale, Fla, Roslyn road, is one of 31 grad- of Broadstone road announce will be a Junior in The School When the RUSSELL A. M.e-: They' will live in Royal Oak. uates to receive degrees from the birth of a son, JAMES E. .of Speech' Therapy. She is a NAIRS" JR., move into their: ------. _ MOW WITH i Cranbl'ook Academy of Art in KELLY II, May 16. Mrs. Kelly graduate of St. Paul's High new home in McKinley avenue ~r------.., ceremonies May 25. Bambas re- is the farmer PAT R I C I A School. June I, they will take with them' Camping at its best for Boys! . ceived his Bachelor of Fine BREON, daughter of DR. and '" * * the'ir new son, RUSSELL A. IN NORTHERN A MANOR , I FRANK V. MORRIS of Wash- McNAIR. III, bom May IL. Mrs. MICHIGAN ington road, a member of the McNair is the fro mer ROSE. Michigan State University Men's MARY CHESBROUGH, daugh_ near Atlanta OUr Glee Club, attended the Nation- tel' .of the WILLIAM J. CRES- CAMP TA NO MEE :lint! al C

" - f "7 7777 77 ? R • DOO = - - a ___ peus_ - • a • • ••• $ ••••. _pc. _ •• •••• a ... ew .. CJP ..

Thursday, May 24, 1962 --- -~_. -~- -~ --~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen rhursday, May 24, 1962 T~METO 1'IIINK----~--RESP-ON-sIBILITY"

Adversity has a tendency to Boost you r community- ~et a mah back on his feet whether you like it or not you Optimists Lend Hand after prosperity has knocked are a partner in all of its Short and the Pointe him out. to s H~ir Fashions activities. I Yancey' DONALD REED, a student at diplomas from Wellesley Col. ointes Irene Hall, prop. the University of Detroit, re- lege on June 4 will be ELIZA. Advanced Hatr Styling and Permanent Waving REPLACEMENT ceiv~d the Psi Chi Award at the BETH ELLIOTT, daughter of Virginia Farrell Academy - Also Teach 1962 U. of D. Arts and Sciences the LESTER M. ELLIOTTS, of • Silk and Parchment College Honors ConvocationS un- Touraine road. No Appointment Necessary day, May 20. The award consists • • * Open 8:00 to 5:00 Mon. thru Sot. nlng Night LAMP SHADES of a plaque awarded by Psi Evenings by Appointments Chi, national honor society in SHARON RILEY, daughter ~ p:'w'chology, to the psychology' of. the JOSEPH J. RILEYS, of Shampoo and Set ..•.•.. 1.75 Hair Cutting .•.•• i.50 m~jor maintaining the highest Buckingham road, has been 14637 E. Jefferson Phone VAlley 2..4414 ns at w,.ight~ average in psychology courses. nominated by Kappa Sigma DAC Parking on Church Lot in Rear - GIFT AND LAMP SHOP Reid, son of MR. and MRS. Ka.ppa as a candidlHe for queen ermoor" Dine at Club Before 18650 MACK GROSSE POIN'YI ANDREW C. REID of Pear Tree of the graduation ball to be TU !!-8839 lane, is a senior majoring in oening at Mas,:>nic Temple; psychology in the College of held June 1 at Ferris Institute. cnefits Detroit Symphony Arts and Sciences. He is secre- Big Rapids, Mich. tary~treasurer of the U. of D. l'ra season agai n has provided chapter of Psi Chi, and a mem~ * '" * o:-;phcre all th,l;ough this area, FINE ber of the board of directors of ROBERT RADTKE, son of MR. and MRS. FRED RADTKE, . on opening night particularly. the Friends of the (D. of D,) of Lochmoor, was recently in. MEATS Library. He is a 1954 graduate s. m2.n:. of them slated at the itiated into the Alpha Xi Chap-. of St. Paul's High School. tel' of Beta Alphi Psi, national .1- The Yedele H1anC()S and the '" * '" honorary professional account- \' Rinalda BalE'ltls were a four- 17045 Kercheval-in the Village The ERNEST KANZLERS, of Lakeshore road, left after the ing fraternity at the University SEWfllS ELECTRICALLY CLEANED some, 'Ill's. Biane('l in a Jianna of Detroit. •.~.lm~~ GAS & OIL BURNERS opening of the Metropolitan :1- long gown of turquoise peau de TU 2..5778 Free Delivery TU 2-5777 LEAKY 60lLERS & PIPES soie made for her in Bologna. Opera Monday evening for New Robert, a 1959 graduate of cit HOURS: Mon. thru Thurs .. 9 to 6 - Fri. and Sat., S to 6 York. Next Tuesday they will ....V Italy. \lrs. Baietti's cocktail. Austin Catholic Prep, is a entertain at a dance in their junior, majoring in accounting TU 5-8091 lE'ngth dress. also by .Jianna, NIGHT SERVICE TR 2-3030 home, for which Lester Lanin's Plumbing Heating C. \\ as of sIlk o\'erlaid with 01'- For Your Holiday Barbecue in the U. of D. College of Ccm- 17427 Mack Ave. orchestra \\1-111play. Comin.g merce and Finance. ~0 ganza and trin'l1wd with bead We carry a complete line of from ,New York for the party ~0 embroidery. New Yurk Boneless Strip Steaks will be the HORACE FLANI- a :'>Irs.GE'orge ~1. Endieott was GANS and the JOSEPH to In a Ruth ,Joyce flour-length New York Boneless Sirloin Steaks THOMASES. On Saturday Mr. ..:: drcss of pale pink gros de lon- Whole Beef Tenderloin Kanzler's son and daughter-in • er dre with stunning satin ~tole of LON O'CONNOR, president of the Grosse Pointe law, the ROBERT KANZLERS, shocking pink on one side and of Lothrop road, will give a Mild, Sugar Cured Optimist Club, is shown presenting MRS. MARVIN R. ne hydrangea pink on the other. Strictly Fresh Rib End BOUTIN, treasurer and executive board member- of cocktail party to mark Mr. ng Their guests WerE' the SLanrord Kanzler senior's birthday. The Pointe's Oldest Market n- Stoddard'" her dress was a long Smoked Ham the Michigan League for Crippled Children, Inc., with Pork Loin his Optimist Club check in the amount of $1,000,which • * '" - rNi S21i \\ith red. green and Among those receiving their 898 St. Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5~'i566, Whole or Shank Half will provide a two week vacation for 33 orthopedic and ir b:)!d tones in the hem '. and the 8 to 10 lb. average Roast he Charlcs.\1. Endieotts, the young cardiac children at Grace Bentley Camp this summer, headed for Detroit. All police d- :'>Irs. Endieott \\'eill'ing pastel Camperships are one of the very worthy projects agencies have been alerted. Fresh, Grade 'A', Large SPECIALS for ~eUow embroidcred organdie. undertaken by the Grosse Pointe Optimist Club each Chief Louwers said that Hun- Th:.2rsday, Friday ra long. and fulI -length opera Frying Chicken 27~ year. Funds for their many charities are raised pri- tington is wanted by Harper and Saturday or coat of pale golden "atin, marily by the Optimist Annual Show held each fall. Woods police on a warran t May 24.25.26 nd A get-together dinner group Strictly Fresh BREASTS Strictly Fresh President O'Connor reports plans are already under charging him with obtaining ck mcluded the Taylor H. Seebers. way for the 15th Spectacular this coming season. money by trick, and St. Clair c re the 'Winfield S. Jewells. the Chicken Parts Shores police have a warrant 57 lb ge Bruce Tappans and their daugh- Ground Beef charging the youth with utter- • e tel'. :\lary Ellen. the Richard legs and c Police Recall Jail Breaker ing and pub Iis h in g forged Legs and Thighs VS. \\'agners. Theodore Sedwicks Thighs lb 3 Lbs . checks. ey and Yictor Wchmeiers, these 39 c One of three men who over~ Chicagol Ill., has a j u v e nil e A traffic warrant is outstand-. lb of close friends ha\'ing seats to- Breasts C d I record and is well known to ing against Huntington in.. the 45 te getl'>er at :\laso'1ic. (Ribs Attach.) 49 lb 39& $1.00 powered three guards an es- Park police, it was disclosed by Park, the chief said. .\11'.and :\lrs. Joseph A. Vance caped from Cook County Jail, Police Chief Arthur Louwers. As a juvenile. Huntington had .1r. 'she wore a black silk thea- The escape took place on Wed- been in trouble with Park po- Fresh Ground Beef .3lbs. 1.45 ter coat OVE'r her long slim nesday, May 16. lice and other law agencies in sheath dn'ss of black and white the Detroit area, Chief Louwers Luncheon Napkins print I ,,':ere dinner guests at the Sought, along with the other said. Premier Brand Pure DAC of the Ht'rbert O. ,;\1c:"lier- escapees, is Michael A. Hunt- In a brigflt new package! neys before "Lucia". ington. 19, of Chicago, whose Open Sundays 10:00 to 4:00 Mayor~na~se, pint jar 37 c Pink, White, Yellow, :.lrs. Alfrpd J. Fj,her .Jr.. Was ~~. {tJffiP\ete parents still live in the Pomte. Sandlewoo~ Frolund's Thurs. and Fri. Till 9:00 P.M. ~f The youth also formerly lived r. in a Larry AId ri c h beaded 'ng sheath and American Beautv N at 1138 Lenox, Detroit. He was c G~~~p ,/ Grosse Pointe Garden Headquarter! I WE DELIVER Stouffer's Frozen (i I-oz. pkg.) Boxes . satin stole. She and :\-11'.Fishe'r l' being held in the Cook County 2. 31 ter were in a foursome with the Jail on a charge of rape, ac- On Order af $S or More i Swiss Steak ...... 1.89 ~s, Hilary :\Iicous. Jr., :\Irs. )Iicou cording to a teletype from Chi- I Montgomery Brand nd stunning in a long slim white cago authorities. i ROSLYN dress \\ith aqua satin in stole The other escapees, since cap- 'Stouffer's Frozen (111/2.oz. pkg.) BUrrER £-Heet. The Charles or. Fishers tured, are William Triplett, 37, MARKET I c on- III \\ere with the Lvnn A of Detroit, a gunman held in i Hashed in Cream Pot.atoes ... 43e 67 lb vid , Townsends of Birmingham. ami J the ambush killing of a Chicago Oldest In the Woods i g others noted were the Sumner union leader; and Paul Muhlig, 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. i L __• FREE ge Gurneys as they chatted with 19, of Chicago, awaiting trial FREE : friends. You can always be sure of QUALT1"Y FOODS tsI Verorugge's DELIVERY for the bombing of a synagog TU 4.9821 i CELIVERY ;'0_0_0_ a_'11_'11_'11_ a_a_a_aot in Chicago's north side. ClailllS Bride 3 in 1 Reel Mower The trio armed with five .38 caliber revolvers, and an assort- earried c~'mbidium o:Thids and ment of blackjacks, escaped in earnatlOns. a guard's car with nearly $200 taken from three guards and an you :\In.. Bernard D. Freeman wa.~ Jacobsen elevator operator. A teletype he;'""ister's I::latron of honor and from chicago authorities stated the bridesmaids were .\largarct that the men were bel i eve d :\lice Jeeke and }lrs. :\lichaE'1 VELVA-TRIM rgE' .T. Charbonneau. sister-in-law pick a . of the bridegroom. im- aist They wore powder blue taf- Cuts- Trims~ ded ["ta und"r white silk organza . A dresses sashed with olive green Catches Grass her and powder bluc. Their picture it- she hats wer!;' of powder blue trim- med in blup velvet. The~' car- Use this 3-in-l beauty when you mow ried white carnations and fern~. 1'0- frequently, and want a lawn that looks rm- Louis H .Charbonneau. Jr., neat and smooth. fast cutting Dynacyl we'll nd- earne from :'>IalibuBeaeh, Calif., reel provides a crisp shear cut that avoids pay to be hi" brother's best man shrc -Ided gross tips. Sleek chassis design and the usher;; were L. Bruce with out-front cutting unit permits close .\Iellett. :\Iiehacl .J. Charbon- trimming around trees, shrubs, flower nf'au. S t e p hen J. Pobutsky. beds, next to walls. put ch- .John C. .\Iillc[ and Bernard D. 9";' Freeman. atoo-WII ,.IIt.. _I,"owers comply with tJr. knrrlNlf !tIllfdard. Try it! You'll agree that Jacobsen 3-in-l the Auoc/lJtkm Safety Code. Gabrielle :\Iellette and Laurie mowing is the modern way to cut your , at :\Ieilette w('re f!o\\'er gids in lawn! you ony white organdy frocks embroi- fay- elc'n'el with bJuf' for-get-rne-nots h~s


d cd d rl." .• od •• zs6 • nd d dr'« rtrc+ t rizt'f rl d d sri 'rig 'seit# k"';'= i" ri ". d .~_ ~ d- H - ...... mi 'd z6 zt 6.4-"; tf ...... - • *...... --ti.:...... :: ...... :-..:.._.-.....a ....:..--.....i.-..:...-:----....;. _...... :u....;.~ .....; ~_...... ;....:_ ------~-~~.~--~-~-~---~------c_-".-.__"C_C"._._QEIIQC"'._.CZ.,IIQ •• _CZC,*.c•. czc~cccc...ccca",c""Q.. s_.a_~S_.S_.S __ .Q$lI;b•••• s.,•• s•• s•• s•••••••.,.lIu••• s... a----sllc.a.c ••• g _.£•••• 1115.5111...... &•• &••• 1


Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 .----~---- TIP \ as old manure. Ieafmold or road, and leaves two sisters, II Boat Olub, University of Michi. HELP FOR POPPIES fading foliage include anemone SWEETWH.JLIAl\f . t. oss in acldition to a good Art Students PI( Oriental poppies are beauti- . .' pca m .• "1"IT "Ill ~S_'1 Marilyn and Cherylal1n. gan Managers Club. He was a Japomea, ~sop'hila pa?lCU- I Now is the time to plant drcssrng of dried sheep or COw O III i. .:-..... '"'"'" member of the Grosse Pointe ful of flower, but often the lata: eupatorium coe.lestm~ I sweetwilliam. They likp- a well- IIlllllure. They prefer a sunny The War Memorial students i glaze: foliage becomes unsightly as it I.------FREDERICK J. SCHANBECK I Memorial Church. (whIch starts very lat~ ill sprmg d -'1 with plenty of I . tion to display their sunny of Ann Arbor's Professor Emil : volun' I and bushes out by mIdsummer) pr~p2.rc SOl ~ a ., . , , A native of Black Hiver, '. * '" fades' with summer. GO'od per- Weddige will open an exhibit of I Thj. EARL ~ICHARD .l\1E~Eft I ye~~'-old s t u ? e~} . at ~entral Mich., Mr. Schanbeck, 72, of enmals to pla'nt to' cover the and hardy chrysanthemums. i humus-farming material such dll;poSltlOn. 45 paintings at the Center, 32 I dige's Earl RIchard Meyer. a 19-1 MIchigan Umvel ~ltJ. (heel on 1592 St. Clair, died Monday, May GEORGIA SHELDRICK ---_._---_.- --_._------~------Tuesday, May 15. 21 . St M 'N . g H Lake Shore Road. beginning I GrOSE ,m . ary s urS111 orne. A native Detroitcr. Georgia with an opening tea 011 SW1day time. I He spent five years doing colw I Before his retirement 10 Sheldrick, 53, of 1002 Somerset, afternoon. June 3. lIege preparatory work at Lee-I years ago, he spent 30 years as died Thursday, May 17,' at her The show will remain open A II lanau Schools. Glen Arbor, a police sergeant with the City residence. through June 17, from 9 to 9 Mieh .. \vhere he won letters In I of Gro.sse poi~tc...... I week days and from 12 to' 5 on ,football and track during his I He 1S surv1ved by Ius w1fe, She IS survIved by her uncle, . i PI Sundays. It is wise, however, i a • I i foul' years of high school. and', Lillian; a son, E~ward J.; a I F. F. Sheldrick. to telephone before coming as I MemOrta ! was a member of the ski t(~am. daughter, Mrs. Ell J. .()oksand sensibly Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods Maire and interested guests to pran( 9:45 a.m.-Sunday school I ill Jennings Mem01ial Hospital, Mr. Mack was a member of Bill are so limited that they would barely providing t~tal help to thoS

Certified for Lawns in GROSSE POINTE and Vicinity 21807 Me for satisfying gardening results, use ••• Looking fo get outside? . ,. ""...... ~. INTE~REST Agrico for GARDENS Fertilize-the time ;s right! Co This professional,type fertilizer is espe. Cure your indoor fidgets and get cially formulated to help you produce your turf ready to produce a beauti. beautiful. fully developed flowers and ful green lawn in early spring by better vegetable yields. Agrico for Gar. applying Agrico Grass Food~I The dens provides the right combination of plant food in the free.flowing gran. .._ ..;.. .' quick and slow acting I);trogen, phos . ules of this nutrient packed fertilizer ....A-=:'=~- ,,' phorus and potash for superior feed. work deep into the soil with spring -...,~ gr_l£o. Ingaction.lt'sea$ytouse-safe,clean, thawing. Agrico Grass Food encour. ~_ odorless and granular. ag/as vigorous root development and supplies the right combination of i!;; 10Ib,box" " " c.. " " ". .. " .$1,25 plant nutrients essential for healthy '"g grass growth and color, The 60% .::...-:::Convenient 25 :b. bag •••••••••••• $1.95 organic nitrogen with Urea.Form in L FERRI'TTlJJYLUli4;:~~IE~R~l£r'~Handy storage bag- 50 Ibs.•••••••. $2.95 I~ 2/50 lb. balls...... •.•..•••... $5.65 Agrico Grass Food gives grass long, steady nourishment. Remember, Agrico is a partner with any spreader PUT COLOR IN YOUR GARDEN -settings are 'on the bag. RH.ODODENDRONSin 6 different varieties Regular Passbook Accounts with withdrawal privileges ... no AZALEA PLANTS in 7 different varieties GERANIUM PLANTS in best of colors 50 lb. bag (covers 5000 sq. ft.) •••• ; •••••••• $4.75 minim~ balance or certificates required. 4% paid on amounts FLATS of ANNUALS in wide assortmen~ 2/50 lb. bags {cover 10,000 sq. ft.) ••••••••••• $8.75 25 lb. bag (covers 2500 sq. ft.) •••••••••••• $2.95 on deposit 12 months, 372% paia. on deposits of less than, 12 SUNBURST LOCUST TREES WAYSIDE GARDENS ... Mentor, Ohio Food, Trees, Shrubs months. Interest compounded 4 times a year. Deposits insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. We GET YOUR ~~~~~dFI~:~::sBLUE STAR STOKESIA Deliver WAYSIDE Also: Pachysandra, SiIvereuge . . . and Floweling Grou1!d Covers, and Hypericum Calycinum and Polyg-onum Reynowtrla Plant CATALOGUE MICHIGAN BA]~K NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GEORGE Says: "Need a g OFFICES THROUGHOUT GREATER DETROIT thumb?" I've got one. A free sultat!on with Viaene's will b F and J Nursery Sales Op." 't/I 4:30 .'W.ry w•• , .Includlng SA TURDA Y, branch•• op.n 'Iff 8:00 P.WI., 'ride., fit you. I can help you from Complete Nursery Service S'}affed by Experienced Nurserymen All Materials Guaranteed ning to planting. Use my y DRIVE ..IN PARKING 17017 E. Warren at Cadieux TU 1-0130 of training for all your lands needs .

De __ me __ ••• __ nnn _ h. • -= _nm an 2 .. 7. tr _tr •• _ b'tr ..-- _axp a_a. sa c.. » a zaps•• au ._._ .. ==w_ e. U4Z • • • $ P .pa:$ •u.p. a. • - ~-JA""""'F --~------

Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 ------~_.- - GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pc!ge Nineteen LLl:nt TIP a" old manure. leafmold or pcatmoss. ip. addition to a good tlnH" to plilnt Art Students Plan Exhibit dre"sing of dried sheep or COw Library Friends Parcells School Balas Awarded Fulbright Grant Brownell PTA Meets May 25 hey like ;l \I'ell- manure. They prefer a sunny The War MemDrial students glazes in planes of large Andrew J. Balas, English 'Xhe Brownell PT A has sched- officers for next year wi' be ,,-ith plenty 0: ]()("atioll to display their sUnny of Ann Arbor's Professor Emil voltun~, Hold Election Ha'ving Concert which are appointed by the disposition. Weddige will open an exhibit of W. Howar(l T. Snyder was teacher at Grosse Pointe High President of the United States. uled the final meeting of the elec.ied. Following this, a tal4 material "ur:h This will be Professor Wed- School, has been notified of his The U. S. Office of Education -~---,-----_.------:==-==--- 45 paintings at the Center, 32 dige's last appearance on the re-elected president of the "All kinds of music to please school year on Friday, May 25. ent show will be presented by Lake Shore Road, beginning Friends of the Grosse Pointe everyone," could be the slogan selection as an exchange teach~ recommends selected applicants Grosse Pointe scene for some From 7:30 to e, the classroo~~ 1, tf . ninth grade class. \I'ith an opening tea on Sunday time. Public Library, and 'two men for the annual Spring Concert er by the U. S. State Depart~ t.o the Board. afternoon, June 3. were elected officers of the to be presented by the music ml"nt. He will teach in Greece .Mr. Balas joined the Grosse will be open for display of the .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.;.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-; organization for the first time, students of Parcells Junior High during the 1962-63 academic Pointe staff in 1942 as an Eng- students' work. There will also I The sbow will remain open be a demonstrZltion of syn- through June 17, from 9 to 9 A llied Youth at a meeting of the Friends' School on Friday evening, May year. lish teacher at Pierce. He joined JEWELRY board of directors. Twenty-fifth, at eight o'clock. the High School faculty in 1947 chronized swim ming at the pool. I week days and from 12 to 5 on The award of this Education REMODELING and has recently taken on re- A shl'''~ business meeting will ~undays. It is wise, however Plans Luncheon The directors' meeting f()l~ Classical or popular, vocal or Exchange Grant under provis- Old J ewe1ry bought sponsibilities for helping stu- start promptly at 8. The PTA to telephone before coming a~ lowed the annual Friends memo ins t I' U men t a I, waltzes or ions ()f the Fulbright Act is one and redesigned. the upstairs galleries are some- bership banquet at the Grosse marches, the talented young dents improve their ability to Rings Sized Same Day _ Allle~ Youth of - Michigan, of approximately 450 made to read and comprehe~d written times occupied by meetings. mc., wlll hold its annual lunch- Pointe War Memorial, at which musicians of Parcells have a teachers and seminar partici- DiamondR Checked Free aproximately 120 members last wide variety (}f selections all material at inc~'eased rates of Dr. M. L. Fine Highgrade Watch Repairing It Professor Wedclige remarks eon at the Grosse Pointe War pants throughout the country. speed, that the styles Jisplayed range Memorial, 32 Lake Shore drive, Wednesday night heard a, talk prepared for pleasant listening. Mr. Balas will teach English in on modern education by Harry The one hundred and for t y A graduate of Northern mi- Fool Sl18cialisl Alfred E. Zief from the abstract to the figura- at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, May a National School abroad. nois State Teachers' College, tive with emphasis on sym- 24. G. Salsinger, education editor vocal music students, under the Chirop~dist • Podiatrist -in Alger Theater Bldg. Selections for the awards are M.r. Balas earned his Masters' takes bolism. A few non-objective of the Detroit News. direction of their teacher, Mr. 20867 Mack TU 1-8989 JEWELER & GOLDSMITH Mrs. Caroline Glenn, lunch- made by the Board of Foreign degree at Northwestern Univer- The new officers are William Donald Simmons, will open the Grosse PointE' Eve. by app't. 164:a7 E. Warren TU 1-4980 pieces are included. The show eon chairman, promises a most Scholarships, the members of sity mcludes the work of beginning, enjoyable afternoon, with a pro- L. Newnan, vice-president, and program in the school audi- a intermediate. advanced and gram highlighted by Orville William J. Dennes, treasurer. torium. even professional students. Mr. Stone's entertaining movies and Ot'her officers re-elected by the The C()mbined Choirs will Weddige is pleased that even music by Mrs. NanC"JWilliams. directors are Herbert I. Lord, salute everyone'S spring wan- the beginners are becoming vice presidenlt; Melitta E. Roe- derlust with "The Happy Wand- Executive board me m bel' s morc aware of the plastic prob- mer, corresponding secretary; erer." Four ninth grade boys bit who plan to be present include lems of composition in paint and Mrs. Anne Mcl)onald, 1'e- will be featured as soloists in- Mrs. George E. Raymond, presi- and are less involved with cording secretary. eluding D a v e Clifford, Rick dent; Mrs. Paul Hoffman, re- figure communication. Earlier, at the membership Glanz, Ron Kefgen, and Chuck cording secretarv; Mrs. LeRoy Some of the paintings on meeting, which followed the Pappas. The Girl's Glee Club : of Abling, corresponding secretary; view will include Susan Frue- dinner, four men and a woman will sing three familiar mel- and Mrs. G<>rdonW. Kingsbury, hauf's waterscape, Lorraine were chosen as directors for a odies: Schubert's "Cradle Song": treasurer. Mrs. Kingsbury also :'YlcCartig's Allegro anfi Doro- ll11ree-year term, expiring in the spiritual "He's Got The serves as chairman for the Al- I thy Westphal's Sunset which 1965. Dr. Donald N. Sweeny Jr. Whole World in His Hands;" thinking lied Youth Essay Contest. Professor Weddigc refers to as was newly eleded to the board. and the Czech folk song "Over Others are Mrs. James E. a ravishing work in classic The others, re-elected to their the Meadows." naive style. Hancock, a charter member of Allied Youth .. Mrs. Lloyd Beem- posts, were William Y. Gard; A special group of vocalists, Also in the exhibit will be er, Mrs. William Witt, and Mrs. Joseph N. Jennings, a former the Boys Ensemble, will 1'emi- Cecile Eisenbeis' abstract im- Floyd Radike who is the spon- president; Newnan; and lVII's.I nisce with some favorite songs prcssionmatic landscape with sor for a west side Detroit Al- Sterling S. Sanford. I from th~ p~st.:, "In My ~erry myriad translucent shape:; in- lied Youth post. Salsinger a d v 0 cat e d that. Oldsmobl1e, Aura Lee, and terlocking blues :md earth P a I' en t-Teacher Associations "Stouthearted Men." The Eighth " Mrs. Witt, Mrs. Glenn, and ("olors. There is the young Mrs. Raymond have served as playa larger role in education. and Ninth Grade Chorus will French teacher, Mary Weaver sponsors for past Allied Youth "The PTA's are big and pow- sing "~e~ for ,Two," and "~rie I HAPPY! who has painted a romantic AM meetings at the War Memorial. erful, but they do not devote Canal, .featurmg four SOlOIstS: landscape of Venice which themselves to action," he said. J~ck Kennealy, Jeff Tulley, combines juxtaposition of color "They have too many self-im- Bill Heyd, ~d Art Pillen. .

~-y '-:,'" and planes in a staccato rela- _ ~~"';n""~,..~"='_' •• " I~ L\.. [~...... w("I'lld.. t +"'k.....0. V Choral Concert posed restrictions, I don't see The combmed Chorus WIll I'nnll" 0:\~ -)~.,-, - \\.a~~..eamer~ and tionship to the subject. Also • why PTA's couldn't demand sing "Old Abram B~'own" and .[ BOUGHT A HOME ~__ ~""(T:'-'\' .~" -:.,- £'....en. ~1 it tll:re. is Elizabeth Jefferis' To Help Blznd that boards of education adopt close the ~ocal POrtI~ ~f the :;;';;'1 :l.::.,..~~~~:::~ ~("I- this . St'ate'. pamtmg of w~ter and boats' The Blind ServIce Center of overall polici~s in which the program WIth the patrIOtIc re~ wher: the :notlon of the sea Metropolitan Detroit will bene- people believe. .minder, "This Is My Country." combmes wlth .that of the air fit from a choral concert to be "The schools belong to the Donald McNew's instrumen- WITH THE HELP OF A ntra,t ~L'i'::::"l::'S ('lWn Kl'n'- all worked III transparent pre s e n t e d by the St. Jude ill : .-:.::,:\~:,' :':t' al;'t'Q law, which people but, from a practical .tal students v: be on stage for ("omp!.', •. :: '';;'::.tl and doctf"\r Choral Club at Parcells Audi- standpoint, they are run by pro- the next portIon of the concert. ;- .: :,::y :'C:':--, "1 .' (."", for !ill torium Sunday evening, May fessional educators." An unusual French Horn Quar- Maire to lIouor 27. at 8:15 o'clock. He sees in PTA activity a ,tet comp?sed. of Stephen Mc- .; -~-..';) ,n P;~..-:~:~ .~e bill. Ci"l~t ~PEOPLESFEDERAL 1 The 31 choral club members, method of transmitting the de- .New, Jamce DIetz, Jame~ Poole, I' ' .. 'y""p' I' d'('n', payout a Herhert Hohart ~ ::~';~~,,:~:::~' 0" ~'1~\:" f~r medical I under the direction of Mrs. sires of the people to the edu- and Stephen Pepper will play cators. "Mood Pensive" by C.W. John- re _:, '-:;:':' , ,'C rCi.'n:~i~t" of our senior Maire SCh001 will honor its Cyril Eckenrod, will present a ,\"- -, :.a~~'f'adf'q'.1:i:-e :~("ome. fUJ.".ds retiring principal, Herbert L. varied program, including Don "I really think the schools son. Next, numl:lers of the Par- Hobart, with a reception this Large's arrangement of "When are getting better all the time," cells Orchestra will take their HOME MORTGAGE LOAN" Saturday . .May 26, from 3 to 5 the Saints Go Marching In," Salsinger said, "but in most places to play "Gavott~" fr?m i: ,,-,e:- ... ~:;,,',.;:d Cor.gTesJ he o'clock at £he War Memorial. , Holy City," "Come to the Fair," cases the wishes of the majori- the Second Unaccompamed VIO- d t, :~d0n: a r:.eec.less. unfair, A committee headed by Mrs. I "Battle Hymn of the Repub- ty must bow to the iron rule of lin Sonata by Bach; "Zigany"; r -;J .,,~{: ex "p'''',::)1v C(h"'~\" program Max Gardner and l\Il's. T. Jack' lie," "Moon River," and Han- the minority." Leroy Anderson's "Promenade" Get a. Peoples Federal Savings Low-Cost Home ~fortgage when you i~-:,:'_::(i t-h~ C~';~r(',;s"~eject this McCullagh has invited school del's "Hallelujah Chorus," He said most modern edu- and selections from "The Music rit' ..... ,;] Bdl, 'L,i] :~e Kerr.)lills board ll1embers, parents from Miss Ann Corozalla, blind so- cational methods are planned Man. " r::':.I' ":1 ;:.e ;"00;';" and Rensibly Maire and interested guests to prano, will ~ing several solos, so that learning is an enjoyable The sparkling Parcells Band buy, re-finance, or build a home. FHA •• GI • 'J and CONVENTIONAL ~ lotal ne;p to triose who need bid farewell to the man who has a,nd st. Jude Parish's organist, and life-related experience. will conclude the program. I supervised teaching at Maire John Eek, will present the St. "We have come a long way Their section of the evening School sinci:: Its opening in 1936. Jude Boys' Choi. in selections. Ii: (H-er ••. an6 then write your from McGuffey's readers and will start with a m a I' c h, mortgages are available now. Transfer your Land Contract Iman and tell him what you Mr. Hobart is revered by stu- The Cathedral Four will bring the little red schoolhouse," "Scepter of Libecty." ~his will I I dents and teachers alike. In nostalgia with yesterday's tunes. Salsinger said, "and it is a good be followed by "Deep River his yec.~'s at l\Iaire he has seen Robert l'vlahoney, blind state r thing we have." Rhapsody," and a Spanish over- into a regular mortgage and obtain the deed of ownership I many changes take place with representative, wIll give the Teaching machines, TV in- ture, "Ensenada.." For their fin- perhaps a crisis now ami then welcome and in t I' 0 d u c e the struction and the ungraded ale they will play hit tunes that his calm reasoning :'las Blind Service Center's presi- school were discussed by Sal- from the Rogers and Hammer- to your property. Call any Peoples Federal branc..~office successfully resolved. Those who dent, Father Ray m 0 n dEllis, singer, who said all have merits, stein success, "Flower Drum ~ciety know him best find Mr. Hobart who will explain the Genter's but are "not yet ready to take Song." most likeable, agreeable, but al- aims and needs. over the classroom teacher's Such a yaried and attractive or main' office for prompt, courteous attention ways ready to e x pre s s his Facts show that M i chi g a n desk." musical program, presented by opinion w hen controversial ranks 50th in nationwide Fed- approximately three hundred questions arise. eral facilities and accommoda- J. Lawrence Buell, Jr., 69 j Jnior high musicians, should It is with regret that Mr. tions for the blind. The Center Vendome, and Alfred W. Mas- attract an enthusiastic audi~ Savings at Peoples Federal earn the high ra:-I;eof Hobart's friends see him leave serves some 7,000 blind of all snick, 1217 Bishop, were re- ence, 4% school, but they know that he faiths in the Tri-County area. cently named to the board of Ctl,rrent 1'ate.Paid and C01np01L'tlded Quarterly. wIll take time from his schedule directors of Omni Spectra, Inc., DRIVER ARRESTED ()f travelling, rea din g and WAYNE STATE THEATER a neWly for m e d microwave Wobds police arrested Donald. bridge to return occasionally to Mozart's "Don GiQva:mi," components manufacturer lo- C. Clement, 19, of 1737 Anita, Maire. produced by the Wayne State cated at 8844 Puritan avenue, and charged him with driving University r.rheatre and Depart- Detroit. Microwave components while his license was suspended. MINOR ACCIDENT ment of Music, continues its are used extensively in radar, The arresting officer, Harold PEOPLES FEDERAIL SAVINGS A minor accident occurred at run at the University Theatre, communications, missiles and Lanstra, said he saw Clements AND lOAN ASSOCIATION OF C::;TROIT fK Mack and Rivard on Monday 3424 Woodward, Thursday, Fri- space exploration equipment. driving north on Holiday Ww- evening, April 30, when a '60 day and Saturday, May 10, 11 Mr. Buell is president of the nesday, May 16, took him in MAIN OFFICE: ~201 GRISWOLD STREET AT.STATE STREET WO 1.()170 Buick driven by Frank McCor- and 12, at 8:30. Formsprag Company of Warren, custody after informing him of East Side Branch East Detroit Branch Royal Oat Branch mick. 3662 Haverhill, Detroit, Tickets are on sale at the Mich., manufacturer of preci- the charge, then drove him to Harper at Outer Drive Gratiot at Toepfer MOO N. Woodwen! Ave. collided with a '60 Chevrolet Wayne state University Ticket sion power transmission equip- the station where the youth was protection driven by. Ralph E. Playter, Office, TEmple 3~1400, exten- ment. Mr. Massnick is a partner issued a ticket. -":lement posted lA 7-7210 .. 9-6600 3117 Lenox, Detroit. Damage sior. 265, or TEmple 3-7386, and in the l.aw firm of Butzel, a bond of $150 pending appear-I was minimum, and no tickets at Grinnell's in d 0 w n tow n Eaman, Long, Gust & Kennedy, ance in court on Saturday, May were issued. Detroit. Detroit. , 26. --_1_1- SALES 9MILERD. ~ ~ o fj LANDSCAPING IN GROSSE POINTE FOR THE PAST 25 YEARS ~ o 21807 Mack Ave., at Sunnyside, St. Clair Shores PR 7-2800 SUNNYSIDE INTEREST Complete Landscaping and Maintenance 7/ SMILE RD. Flower Trays Potted Flower Flats .;;,=

.! :v j . " "1 rithdrawal privileges ... no ulted. 4% paid on amounts .. .';':'::::"':..•::"-...,:~:':'.~.;:::~.~ Snapdrag' .. Dn deposits of less than 12 '>J:\\r~;f::j\ Ageratum :. Petunias ~esa year. Deposits insured Alyssum )sit InsuraiI~ Corporation. $J29 Per Dirt Flat c Petunias. Ageratum, 5 9 Also see our large selection Alyssum. Snapdragons ••• ' Climbers and Floril>undas 'BANK FRED Says: Our lawn care prod- GEORGE Says: "Need ~ green ucts are those of qualified and ac- complished manufacturers. There thumb?" I've got one. A free con- SEE OUR I Greenfield, Scotts Tiffany .....••... $2.25 Aztec: ... -.••••••. $2.50 sultation with Viaene's will bene- is no problem, with my advice we AND John S. Armstrong $3.50 Garden Party •.•• $2.75 fit you. I can help you from planM HUGE SELECTION. i can beautify your home today. Vaughan's Products Kordes Perfecta •. $2.95 Golden Slipper ••. $2.75 ning to planting. Use my years, ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS I Roses looking sick? With our large Hawaii •••••••••• $3.50 My Fair Lady •••• $2.95- of training for all your landscape selection of chemical food we will make them healthy again. needs .

bsd _ •• ,- t- r • • ...... -777ft' _ .. .-. __ ..... 1_- • t • CdW' •• S 7 crt •• " ,-.'.- d.' cr..,,;'.' r';'.'.ir

Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEW 5 Thursday, May 24, 1962 I I Thursday, May 24, ICi~


YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESCAY YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGE(I CLi\SSIFIED RATES ! 2B-TUTORING 4A-HELP W.ANTED SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT 8-ARTiCLES FOR SALE 18-ARTICLES FOR SALE _" TV TOR I N G by experienced L (Domestic) OOMESTIC (Unfurnished) R-~O-O-M--f-o-r-o-n-e-o--r-t-w-o-p-e-r-sons,4 T IRE S, 750-14, Goodyear BEAUTIFUL 150ld leather Con. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE I ' ~~nrgs A:dS' 1,2 words for $1.00 I high school teachN': French. RELIABLE -'--b;bysitte-;:--f~~~ -RE-L-I-AB-L-E-,--ex-p-e-r-Ie-n-c-'e-d--la-d-y'r11rce-'bed--'~-1~1.~-~-I;'-2-b-a-t-h-s.'-Anear Jefferson. Kitchen, tele- whitewalls, $10. Kit c hen I t~mporary contour lounge. OCCASIONAL c h air. beige. i ,-,<'I,sh AC1:--12 .':",?rds for 90c F~nglish, social studies. TU children. Must have Grosse domestic, $35.00 and fare, five terrace unit on secluded Cran- phone and Park privileges. table, $5. High chair. TUxedo Double size. Custom made in I Gold silk loveseat. Dehumidi- I ,Oc e,:\._n <'Iddl"onai word 4-0688. Pointe references. TU 2-9386. days, Grosse Pte. reference. (ord lane. Close to Village ShGp- VA 1-3515. 2-9953. California, $50. TU 6-1247. fiers. Man's golf clubs. COrJI- Cai! i' COMMUNITY---- I MAID-f~r u-p~i.airsduties-(whitel. __V-:~~9:72._--~~----_- ping. ;~~Dr;r ~n~n~~AR CHO-l-C-E-r-oo-m-s-:-Io-w-r~'t--;-s,~fu-IiCUSTOM GUNSMITHING BA~~DWIN-Home model organ. plete set. used once. Autumn 2 manuals, 25 pedals, like new Haze stole, like new. Any TUXEDO 2-6900 I TUTORING SERVICE I Willing to leave town. for DEPENDABLE girl wish e s 100 Kercheval Ave. Idl00t\VenltSoewrvniCea!ndLivleetinucsomsef~~Franchised Dealer 3 T "LJr.~; L;nes I three months. Grosse Pomte steady day work. References. Colt, Ithaca, Browning c(}nd. $1,995. SmHey Bros., De. day but Friday. TU 1-5541. ._"~-----~ -- , :\IRS. LOUIS MARICK. DIREC. reference. TUxedo 6-2382. 824-8422. TU 4-2228 you. Call or see Ass't. Mgr., Bausch & Lomb twit, TR 3-6800. ROPER gas stove, 30 inch, $45. Ll N t: R STATION S 'I TOR. Tutorll1g by degree teach-I - . - .- -- -- ~ --.------.-- ..------Detroit L~land Hotel, Bag- Winchester Advisory Center FR1~NCH Provincial armoire or Double maple bed, complete. CUN'\JINGHAM DRUGS ' ers available in all subjects for EXPERIENCED COOK GERMAN and English spe:Jking ST. CLAIR near Jefferson, 4 ley a. Casso WO 2-2300. Re-Loading Equipment and c'lpboard. Georgian dining or $20. VA 1-4184. 16~Jll Kerche\',,1 at NoIre Dame i grades high school. college and! White, live in. No laundry. 2 girl wishes housework, days. room upper in I' e mod e led I. ---- Fishing Tackle TU 5-969R C II adult education. I ad u 1t s. Own alr.,conditioned Call after six. 965-6473. home. Shower, disposal, ga- GROSSE POINTE CITY. Large library table. Sofas, tables, HARKNESS PHARMA Y . h V f . . - -_.-.------.- --_.----- rage, utilities, $115. TUxedo room, prlvate bath. Breakfast B. McDANIEL CO. ! chairs. All 18th c e n t u l' y 20:11:t :llacli. A'e, at Lachmoor. 339 Merl'l\veather 11'00m and bat, T.. Re erences. EXPERIENCED woman wjshes 4-1118. i optional. Four doors from I 13333 Kercheval VA IM82GO I French and English. Collec- Smiley Bros. TU .1

••• P • • tn • • mm D7 7 •••••• ? .m •• o n =. . 0 Z 0 n.tt • em mm Z._. betrOobs •• _> D' b b ts ••• 'b h » + ... 3 • 4 $ C $ a. as Ladas au ££ &£&022& a& :SSg as,25 a a plaa> u.p p£ $ J 3 a ; g &), as, .a ...... 7 5.' Pi $ as; •

4. 1962 Thursday, May 24. 1962 G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S ,Page Twenty-one ----~~-----_._---~------~------

M. TUESDAY !)EAD~INE 3 P.M. TUESDAY rOR SALE YOUR AD CAN BE CH4RGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly

1ri 11'7.01£'1' Con- 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 9-ARTICLES WANTED 12C-TRAILERS FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE . 13-REAL ESTATE J13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE 'ntour loun~e. FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE FOR SALE ,~t(lm made in OCCASIONAL c h a I r. beige. BOOKS bought in any quantity. ~~MOS;-~~--14~ft.~e~n-c-lo-se-d FOR SALE ". TC 6-1247. Gold silk loveseat. Dehumidi- Entire libraries. book cases, traili!r, new tarp, excellent 98 Webber Place: 4 bedrooms BARRINGTON, 823. 3 bed- i GROSSE POINTE fiers. Man's golf clubs. cora- art objects, Mrs. B. C. Claes, tires. Will sacrifice for $75. LOTHROP, 184, near Ridge. on large lot. Includes an out. McKINLEY ROAD ,I' model organ. rooms, good recreation room. plde set, used once. Autumn 1670 Leverette, WO 3-4267. 821-9684. This deluxe rr.nch has every- standing master bedroom suite An excellent centcr entl"ance nedals. like new LOCHMOOR, 1699. Cape Cod, Shown by AppC)intment Haze stole, like ne\\', Any thing. Florida room, library. and 26 fl. family room. Open house wit.h 3 bedrooms. library, :niley Bros .. De- 4 spacious bedrooms, den . day but Friday. TU 1-5541. ll-AUTOS FOR SALE .3 bedrooms, 2Jh baths, maid's daily, 2-5. TU 2-1400. 2-STORY ~creened terrace and 11"-l baths. o. ------13-REAL ESTATE BISHOP RD., 1014, Do you like quarters, lawn sprinkler sys. 773 Bailour , . 43,500 Convenient to ali schools. St. nOPER gas stove. 30 inch, $45. 1962 CORVAIR Monza coupe, FOR SALE Walter H. Mast Co. the elegance of an older c:al armoire or tern. Must be sold. 813 Balfour . 52,500 Paul parish. Double maple bed. complete. 5000 miles. 102 h.p., 4 speed, Georgian Colonial. 5 bed- r!:(ian dining or 1229 Ba1f(jur .. , . 34,900 520. YA 1-4184. $1975. TUxedo 6-2600 days, G. P. FARMS. Completely re- GROSSE PTE. WOODS rooms. T. RAYMOt'JD JEFFS . Sofas. tables. TUxedo 4-4509 evenings. 663 Barrin'gton . 24.500 LEWISTON modeled home in a prime Face brick ranch, 977 Roslyn. H.\WTHORNE. 2 bed room 27 500 ' 81 Kercheval TU 1.1100 l'~th c e n t u r y he 755 Bedford . . , Farms location. 4 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, Hi! baths, large ranch. Dining room, family 34.000 ~~ ... ~ _ j :n~lish. Collec- u- H159 THUNDERBIRD convertl- Beautiful six bedroom home in 1127 Bedford . , , . Smiley Bros. 3 baths, maid's quarters, li- kitchen, living room and din- room, built-ins. $26.500. from Europe. na ble. 25.000 miles, $2175. TUx. the "Farms". Real luxury living. 742 Berkshire . 50,000 ST, CLAIR SHORES brary, activities room, wood- ing ell. Carpeting, center hall LAKESHORE LANE. Pleasing 766 Berkshire . 52,500 I t. Royal wor- de edo 6-2600 days. TUxedo 4- Only six years old. Has every- Pre-Ovined Specials ed lot. with Hunter fan, divided tile ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 49,500 Open 2-5 Sunday t " \' ice plat.es. thing plus a heated swimming 1018 Bishop .. , . la. basement, gas heat, 1,440 sq. ; Oriental rugs. ll. 45~~:...~venings .. . ~_ pool and bomb shelter. Offered library, dreamy kitch€n. 1036 Berkshire . 37,500 22624 Sunnyside. St .. Joan of COUNTRY CLUB LANE at ft. plus screened porch, 21h- 37,500' Arc parish. contemporary 3 bed- H' sold. contents la, Spinet Organs BEST OFFER takes~ '53 Olds, 2 far below duplicating cost. BRYS, 1544. 2 bedroom semi- 427 ChalfontI' . Moross: Attractive Cape Cod car garage. Built 1956. One Indian \'illage. )r- ranch, Living room 21' with 54 Cloverly , . 44,500 ,I'oom ranch. t i 1(' d basement, door, blue. Call after 6 p.m. SHAREMET in top condition. 25' living owner. Many extras. $26,900. finished I'('creation room. car- Ii. ad From TUxedo 6-2035, VA 1-0359 fireplace. Expansion space. 16933-37 Cranford room, 2 baths, near Farms By owner. Private buyers only. (duplex) . 42,500 peting. draperies, cyclone fence. pier. Tuxedo 1-2418 or 357-3024. CHALFONTE, 297. Do-II house patio, $14.900. PH.escott 8-2016. oak dining iiet. $495 1956 THUNDERBIRD. Very good for young or retired couple. 1047 Devonshire . 44,500 (irigerator. Rea- as condition. New soft toP. up- CHALON. 19520 ne'ar Harper- 911 Edgemont . 41,500 HARCOURT, 792. Luxury flat; l Lenox. EDge- th holstery and paint job. Auto- Eastlawn. Open. Vacant ranch, OPEN SUN. 2-5 1167 Grayton . 34,900 FAlHFORD ~ Beautiful 3-bed- Baldwin GROSSE POINTE WOODS 2 bedrooms, J<~loridaroom. n- matic shift, power steering, garage. Bargain. PRescott VENDOME. 245. 3 bedroom, 2 1339 Grayton ,' 29,500, room face brick ranch. 1J,~ Like new, 3 bedroom, bath o! Hammond brakes and windows. $1750. 2-6915. bath C 0 Ion i a 1. sun"ounded B-2 BEACONSFU::LD. Flat in good 16555 Jefferson ,.,. 72,500 ' baths. 2.car a1tached garage, ic'yc Ie. \"£'ry good ld Conn by higher value properties. ranch on 85' lot WIth 2 car at- condition. 6-6. $26,700. ~ 564 Lakepointe . 39,500 ' breezeway. Price reduced. :20 TCxedo 2- I _ Tuxedo _~-.43?~.__ . _.__ __._ Lowrey OPEN SUN 1-6 Powder room, large screened tached garage. Paneled games OPEN 2:30. 5. SUNDAY 151 Lewiston , . 42,500 '5; PL YlV10UTH, new engine. porch, 100 ft. wooded lot. 44,500 i SEVERX - 3-bedroom. 1~/2- room, gas heat, many extras. CHl\.LFONTE. 324. 3 bedroom 625 Middlesex . Thomas Body in excellent condition. !)78 Hidd~n Lane corner Morn- 36,500 I bath Colonial on beautiful, ranch, dining room. Make of- 504 Neff (2 family) . OLS. Furniture'. \' enice 9-6565. ingside, Lochmoor Co u n try NORCREST, 23306, St. Clair Handy to Star of Sea. Best buy Estey fer. 1040 N. Oxford . 39,500 I' wooded street. Den. recrea- hina. TL'xedo 5- Club area. Charming custom Shore's best location. Near in area, $33.800. TU 1-6300. 37,500 tion room, 2-<:ar garage. 1952 lVIG. TD. red roadster. BEDFORD, 737. Gracious liv- 1070 N. Oxford , . Del: 5510 Wood'ward nr. X-way. brick ranch. 8 spacious rooms, Lakeshore Village Terraces. mechanically per fee t, new 2 fireplaces. fully air-condition- Newly decorated ranch with Johnstone & Johnstone ing. 5 bedroom, 3 bath Colo- 1141 S. Oxford . ~~:;ggI LOCH~lOOR l~ Out~tanding 3- RRY shrub~. Di~ Open eves. except Sat .. Sun. 1-5. I nial. 1500 Oxford . ed: kitchen built-ins, sprinkling 640-h('r $399;') 74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100 HAMILTON CT., 250, "Farms." 572 Thorntree . 5~.00(l cu. ft., 50 lb. freezer top. I -~-~- . ~ - o • __ • ._~_ heat. Large. beautifully land- 45,500 20223 :\lACK n; 4-4400 5S $34.95 Good. S75. 596 Lakeland.! '57 BUICK Special hardtop. 2 ,CUSTOM BUILT ranch, 3 twin 3 bedrooms, 21'2 baths, den. 797 Trombley . scaped yard, 60x190. 3 blocks Corner of Charlevoix. 813 Trombley . 40,500 7:'1 BARGAI~S TlJ 2-5244, snow tires. Excellent condi- size bedrooms, 2112 baths.' WASHINGTON ROAD from village and schools. Year Guarantee -- --. -.. tion. $600. TUxedo 4.2834. Family room, laundry room, VERNIER CIRCLE. 20630. En- 15315 Windmill I $38,500. Owner. TU 1-2492. 59,500 eater $16.95.$39.50 "EW ~autilus und£>r-cupboard full basement. 1 block Star of First advertising of this pratti- tieing Colonial. ::: bedrooms. Pte. Dr. . . GROSSE PTE. FLATS 1 11,'2 baths, den, 883 University , .. 'as $19.95-$29.95 range venilator. 2 new birch I OLDS~;61Starfir;--c~~~~rtibi;, the Sea School. $50,000 price cal home with .1 tedrooms, 2 /2 22,~00 HARCOURT-2 bedrooms each, $21.95 e kitchen cupboards. two 30" like ne\\'. Full power. VAlley range Private TUxedo 1-2713. baths. Library, b1'eakfast room, BEDFORD. 3 bedroom center BARRINGTON, 819. 3 bed- 1048 yorkshire . ~~';)~~ fine con:Jition. Owner trans- paneled swinging doors. Two 2-5166. recreation room. Large fenced entrance Colonial. Gas heat'l rooms, den. Under $20,000. 20739 Young La , .. s S21.95 72:~00 1 fern'd. Q. 30" paneled regular doors.: .. .. --' - --_.-.- .... -_. - . -. --- lot. 2 car garage . 88 Webber Place . R V..\CVL':.I . SHOREHAM, 494. Ranch, 2 I TROlV1BLEY ROAD near the a ~6" screen door. g' wire gate. II CON V E R T I B L E. '57 Ford, FIRST OFFERINGS ren TU 1-1122 100 CLOVERLY bedrooms. den. Land contract. I lVi-STORY Lake. 2 bedrooms plus family Set of 4' shelves with leaded. Thunde:'bird engine. power CORNER TORREY & Elford 1 FAIRFORD. 3 bedroom brick room. Priced under $40,000. ka Auth. Service 1562 ~~ass doors. Tu 2-6259. I' steering,:> l' a k e s; ex!:ellent Ct. S1->acious 3 bedroom. 2 Finest Farms Location Ranch with 2 car attached ANN BEDFORD GOODI\'1AN Anita ITri-Ievel> 53,000 __ •••••• __ • __ ~~~. __ 0_'0'_ condition. priced to sell. TUx- TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 853 N. Brys 31,000 Onan light plant. bath ranch with unusual, pan- 5 bedrooms, 4 baths garage. Like-new carpets, drapes. and _ _~~_~._ 120743 Chrlstine Ct. JOHN C, ST/I,.UDT,Inc. 120 volt. 60 cycle. SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT , edo 2-9747. eled. beamed e'Ciling family so many other desirable extras i ST. CLAIR Shores, near Lake, (tri-levell , 27,500 VA 2-0100 EVES. YA 2-6593 or auxiliary power FOR SALE '55-i3-uiCK. 4d;:;-or s;dan, Powe~ room. No basement, a special BOURNEMOUTH. 3 bedroom I feature. and built-ins included. brick Ranch with 2 car at- 3 bedroom l' an c h man y 61 Colonial Road 36,500 r houseboat. yacht TYPEWRITERS anl1 add i n fl. ?;-a.kes and steer-ing. $~50. tached garage. . l' b h' I d 1161 Fairholme 36,000 HAVE Y'OU $20000 d d S300. Call Sunday. machines. new, rebuilt. Rea. r V xed 0 1-6800. Evcmngs KENWOOD RD, Farm Colonial HUGH CHALMERS extras, 1 72 at s, pane e 500 Hampton 41.500 I' '. an a goo -8284. on choice Farms street near family room, carpeted. All 597 Hampton 28,800 reputation'? Then you can buy sonable prices. National Of. TUxedo 1-7213. TU 4-4040 BARRINGTON. Large family this 25 f ami, 1y apartment St. Paul's. 5 bedrooms. 4 ne\\' s tor m s and screens, 318 Kerby ,. 24,800 b 'Id' G P . IOXER. S I' r vel. fice Equipment, 16833 Harper 1949-NASH,---in running~rder. Evenings - TU 4-2557 home. 2 bedrooms and bath UI mg near rosse orute, baths, plus 3 family Or maid's L at Bishop TUxedo 1-7130. Make offer. TUxedo 2-4236. screE!1ed breezeway. 2-c

__ --.__ __ ~ ~ ~_.~~~ __ - .. _ .. _..__ .._.._ __ .' .. ._._._ __ ._._ __ _ _._ _ 101__ __ 10_.. ._ ' IoliCO __ M« S C • • • • S = M __ .- be __ llQI=OZ~" CU_ G • a •• cs 3UUcccccaaucucsa

Page Twenty-two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Thursday, May 24, J I Headlines (Continued from Page 1) lative session, resulting in ml; patches on Michigan's cn quilt tax system.. The nuisance t a x packa, now before the House, calls ,:

an additional two cents 1> bottle beer tax, two cents m;J per pack on cigarets, and YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADl.INE 3 P.M. TUESDAY [our percent hike on liquor <::1 telephone and telegraph se' 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 21C-ELECTRICAL .- I;-PAIN'TlI':G AND 21K-WINDOW WASHING 21R-CEMENT WORK 21T-DRESSMAKING ices. It is expected to bring, FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICES OECORATINC; additional $69 million in re" ---~-~-----~- I EASTSIDE - Warren window L. VERBEKE DRESSMAKING. alterations, Mutt Show nue intc the state's coffers. FOR SALE BY OWNER I NOTRE DAlV1E RD., near E. clearling Commercial, resi- CEMENT CONTRACTOR slipcovers, draperies. Experi- A-I PAINTING and Paperhang- (Continued from Page I) * >I< '" SAVE SlOOO Jefferson. Well maintained INDIAN VILLAGE enced. WAlnut 4-5518. ing, Residential and Commer- dential. Insured. PR 2-6082, All types of cement work. was a tough one to judge but Sunday, May 20 Grosse Pointe Farms-spacious seven room, H~ bath, brick Porches built or repaired. TEXAS WONDER-BOY 1- j ELECTRIC CO. cial. Basements and stucco EXPERIENCED l' e-w e a II in g Cheryl Bcrtecl's three-month- and gracious 3 bedroom resi- Colonial. Owner bought new Patios a speciality. Basement spraying. Patch plastering. G.OLMIN moth holes, burns, ~,ears. Rea- old "Duffy" stole the trophy, lie Sol Estes has been enjoin( dence. 112 baths, Breakfast home. Complete wiring, repairing and waterproofing. Bonded, Insured. Skilled colored work- WINDOW CLEANING son a b 1e. Estimates. Quick With Howard and Robert Max- not to leave the country, ,[: room. dining room. basement NOW PRICED TO SELL! appliance circuits. Licensed and Insured er. Free estimates. Clean SERVIC~ service. PRescott 7-4381. well's "Nina," the same age, cording to information releas~ bar and r~creation room. In-' ED, HENKEL CO. WO 1-2655 Call 822-17H8 workmanship. A-I references. WALL WASHING LAkeview 1-4693 taking second, and 16-week-old Saturday by the United Sta, I terior dccorateel, fully car------~----- . _ FREE ESTIM.A.TES EX C L U S IVE alterations by "Doc," belonging to Nancy Dar- Justice Department. The m'.j peted. Beautifully maintained. 909 HAWTHORNE JA,MES L. CRAWFORD 21S-CARPENTER WORK I 21D-ELECTRICAL WE ARE INSURED Marie Stephens. Quick serv- gel, placing third. nate was served with a "( 2 car garage. Early possession. Open Sat. & Sun. 2 to 5 WA 3-2122 ice on hems. (Furs). TUxedo Twelve true "mutts" vied for parture control" order Friu3 Must be seen to be apprc- Brick Colonial, 2-car attached APPLIANCES 24 Four Answering Service VALLEY i-9321 Additions - Alterations 5-7610. the title of "Most Doubtful An- night at his home in Pec) ciated. garage. 4 bedrooms, library, cestry" and, though all quali- Tex., and all international tr,'. SINCE 1947 HUGHES BROTHERS, paint. 210-Waterproofinq Kitchen Modernization 329 ?I'1ERRIWEATHER fireplace. Excellent condition. ALTERATIONS by G e r mall fied, the winner was Anthony fie carriers as well as immig;, ing and decorating, wall Or Minor Repair lady in your home on '.I,'hurs- TUxedo 5-3256 By owner. TUxedo 1-7811 ALL basement leaks stopped Kornerska's "Corky," with Mark tion ()fr~cers were alerted to t 1 HOOVER-EUREKA washing. expert paper hang- Free Estim~ tes days. Experienced. VA 3-0893. and reinforced. Basement re- Johnson's "Scotch" a close sec- ban or, F.stes' foreign trav'! ing, free estimates. 5293 Licensed Contractor AUTH. SERVICE ond, and Tim Weller's "Gus" BISHOP. 6120. Deluxe bunga.1 FACTORY TRAINED Yorkshire, TUxedo 2-9750 pairs. Sewer s electrically The Immigration Service ore: 1801 HUNTINGTON third. informed Estes, under indk low. T h r e e bedrooms. 21'2 MECHANIC or TUxedo 1-7687. cleaned. Guaranteed. Work FRANK J. ST. AMOUR 21U-PLUMBING OPEN SUN. 2 to 6 , myself. TU 6-2416. TU 2-8324 TU 5-5791 The largest class, as always, mcnt for alleged fraud, that a 1 baU,s. Dishwasher. disposal. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY LICENSED mas tel' plumber. Owner transferred and anxious was Best-Groomed WitJl a total trips he may have contemplat-' Near schools, shopping. and ALL MAKES CUSTOM PAINTING to sell. Colonial in excellent 21P-FURNITURE REPAIR CARPENTER Scholtz is. back- R e p a irs, remOdeling, etc, of 33 entries. Tom Clarke',:' outside the territorial Un it E- t I' an s port a tion. TUxedo HARPER VACUUM FINE PAPER HANGING desires odd jobs or repairing. Guaranteed electric sewer magnificent wire - haired fox States "were not in the best i: condition with 3 bedrooms, Ph c U S TOM uphoistering. A 5-5413. baths, divided basemeni, ja- 17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122 LICENSED and INSURED 771-3729. cleaning. Cal Roeme!". TU. terrier, "Pen";)'," took the tro- terests" of the United State: splendid selection of deco- phy with Cynthia Candler's The Estes case comes befo;' lousied porch. Must sec to ap~ '\"!Ve do not solicit in your home. J. F. TROMBLEY rative fabrics. Expert need- 2-3150. preciate, Make: an offer. CUSTOM MODERNIZATION "Jeff" placing second and Sue Senator John L. :\IcClellar' Valley 4-3227 lepoint mounting. Estimates Additions, alterations, recrea~ Tusa's "Tim" taking third. FIRSTOFFERING TUXEDO 4-4791 Sen<-~e Investigation Subcor: GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY cheerfully g i v e n. Ewald. tion rooms and kitchens. Free At tillS point in the show rec- EXPERT, painting, papel' hang- "SPRENKLE" mittee Monday. It is the fir: SPACIOUS four bedrm. French 13929 KerchevliI. VA 2-8993. estimates. ognition was given the oldest major scandal of the curre:1 colonial on Lochmoor Blvd. ing by mechanics, free esti- Plumbing - Repairing 13A-LOTS FOR SALE dogs in the show ..vith Kiki Administration. and :\lcClellar;' Center hall with two extra mates. Van Assche, TUxedo CHAIRS RECANED. dolls re- THE BARLEC CO. Water Heaters Replaced HOOVER French's 16J/'2 - yea l' - 0 1d l:Jquiry is expected to be poli'l 4-1187, VA 4-1492. paired. WA 1-2710. VALLEY 1-8146 Sewer Cl~aning rms, on the first fioor. MIDDLESEX BLVD. - 80'x20u FACTORY AUTHORIZED "Schoene," a daschund, t-aking cal dynamite, four high goven $52,500. for sale b~" owner. TUxedo SERVICE 21Q-PLASTERING You Name It - We Build It first-place trophy. :Mike Co- ment officials having alrean 4-7058 or TUxedo 5-2051. DONALD BLISS VA 2-1282 bane's 13-year-old "Duska" see-- lost their jobs following expo-, Decorator Residential and Commercial Shown BY APPOINTMENT POINTE VACUUM SPECIALIZING in r e p air s, - ond, and Genevieve Walker's ure of Estes' grain elevator. fE-' Exterior, Interior Builder cracked ceilings made like 21V-SILVER PLA'frNG 12-year-old "S h a k P. S pea l' e" tilizer and cotton land empi~ EL)I CT.-Situated on an extra 329 LAKESHORE Free Estimates Also Modernization I TWO LOCATIONS new. "The Price Is Right." I third. as a myth. Agriculture Seer. large lot. this four bcdI'm. 500 ft. south of 7 Mile Road. 35 Years in G.P. 25 Years Same Location 21019 MACK 15403 MACK VAlley 1-7051 VAlley 4-3022 SILVER & GOLD PLATING Following these awards Of- tary Orville L. Freeman, wb colonial offers a paneled li- 160 ft. frontage. Must be sold- 14642 E. 7 Mile LA 1-2840 TU. 1-1014 TU. 1-0647 TU 1-7050 Oxidizing and Repairing ficer Tony Hosang, {If the De- only last November appointel brary and family nn. open- moving to F'iorida. troit Traffic Safety Bureau, put 21R-CEMENT WORK CO-OPERATIVE BLDG. Brass Polishing & Lacquering Estes a m::m1bel'of the Nation" iug 0 n t 0 an immense TUxedo 4-9514 COMPLETE decorating. Paper- on a splendid performance. ably TU 4-4922 Jewelry Repairing, Engraving Cot ton Advisory Committe: screened terrace. :Modern hanging, insured, guaranteed. ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS assisted by his two miniat~ which advises the Governme,' kitchen with built~ins. Al Schneider. TUxedo 1~0565. ALL KINDS CEMENT GROSSE POI NT E SHORES, FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Family rooms, porch enclosures, LEEBERT poodles "Midget" and ":Minnie on the United States COt'"..oll pn' #40 Duval Road - 120 ft. NEW - REBUILT - PARTS AND BRICK WORK modern kitchens, attics convert- MOUSe."The beautifully-trained gram, is reported to ha',', LEO P. KISTNI<.:R SILVERSMITHS 305 RIVARD - You'll be doing frontage. Terms. TU 1~0060. ed. animals did everything from "'isited top-ranking subc-ommi Interior painters, exterior. GAR AGE FLOORS, DRIVE- 14508 CHARLEVOIX yourself a favor to check COMPLETE MODERNIZING jumping t h 1'0 ugh hoops to tee Republican, ~enator Karl ;' LAKEFRONT. PAR K LANE. 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS Free estimates, work guar- WAYS, CITY WALKS, RAT 1 Blk. east of Chalmers this one if its charm you LICENSED & INSURED bouncing balls off their noses-- :\fundt of South Dakota. la anteed. Rates reasonable. WALLS, PRE-CAST STEPS , VA 2-7318 want combined with the 112' on water. TUxedo 5-4100, SPENCER CORSETS and even ,;aying their prayers! Friday. Freeman gave Mun1' third between Mark ial Hospi~l in Toledo recogn . colonial with screened and tens. Happy and beautiful, 8 CLEANING DYING CON7RACTOR Johnson's "Scotch" and Cam- cO"lered porch which could weeks old VAlley 3-1677 rating, wall washing, plaster TU 1-9744 TU 4-3011 zed symptoms of the "bends' REPAIRING patching. Good references. LICENSED & BONDED SODDING & SEEDING eron Gordon's "Flash Gordon." Richard was rushed back to thE easily be converted to a The final class was the trick year-round rm. FINE Litter, Poodles, miniature PROMPT HOME SERVICE Page, please call after 6 p.m A SPECIALTY lake, pulled into a suit. ax { , L&R class, in which there were 15 AKC registered, champion~ FREE ESTIMATES VAlley 2~7348. Cement -All Work Guaranteed- taken back down, bv.t after 21~ INSURED Custom Construction TYler 4-2215 entries. Most of these, unfortu- MT. VEfu'l"OR - A big colonial ship lines. Reasonable. TU hours in the water his temI:er, .. 2-7266. BUILDING REMODELING nately, suffered from "stage- ture had fallen to 94 degree; with living rm. bay window TU 2-6556 ERNEST A. BOCK fright" but the veteran actors, Contractor • Complete Kitchens Spring Clean~Up ~nd treatment had to be di,:, that "opens" up the first , Painter and decorator; quality Driveway replacements, walks in one-nvo-three order, were BRITTANY SPANIEL, female RADKE CARPET CLEANERS , • Family Rooms floor. Kitchen has plenty 9 weeks. AKC registered. TU and color matching, the finest floors and footings. Seeding asked to parade aro'Und the ring Carpets, rugs, tacked down or • Bathrooms of eating space. Decorating 1-4349. Served Grosse Pointe homes for Fertilizing and the audience participated 1oose and upholstered furniture EXPERT PORCH AND • Recreation Rooms is fresh and ada:;>table. 20 years. Sodding in picking the "Best of Show" ' MUST sacrifice pure bred Bel- cleaned and moth proofed, in STEP REPA(RS 5 complete kitchens on display ASPHAL 20685 Woodmont 'Top Dressing dog b:r the i r applause. Tom 817 N. RENAUD-Just what gian sheep dog. 1'h years your home the modern way Garages raised and extended See and browse at • More Beautiful and Durab,E Clarke's wirehaired Fox Terrier than Cement when Properl) Wondedul with chilcken. Pa- '\vith the latest Rug Deteger , SPECIALTIES Rolling everyone wants! The small, PAINTING and decorating serv- 30140 Harper PR 1-5050 "Perry," who also won the Installed. one-story home with extra pers. Best offer. TU 6-2522, dries overnight. ice. Have your work done by COLORED PATIOS Spraying Best-Groomed class, was given • NOr Affected by Solt large rooms. Ideal for a TUxedo 2-9422. Repairing, serge binding, throw experts. Free estimates. In LEE A. WALKER Weed Control the magnificent "Best of Show" • Easier Sno-Removal couple who must have "liv- J. GARZA & SONS • Owner Supervised Crews 7. WEEK OLD KITTENS-----Free rugs and runners, picked up business since 1920. Monthly Maintenance trophy donated by Burt W'eyh. ing space." Features family ROBERT M. PA.LNAU • Black or Cement Color to good home. TU 4-9544. and delivered. PR 5-8511 TU I-92 I 3 PR 8-6448 ing, Sr. room, covered patio, attach. Free Estimate Special recognition fOr out- • Resurfacing or New Free est i mat e, reasonable DOING all types of carpenter Construction ed garage, all on a secluded standing volunteer help should 20-PIANO S.ERVICE prices. DR 1-3133. 21J-WALL WASHiNG CHIMNEYS, porches, built and work, remodeling at tic Cal Fleming Landscaping • Parking Lots, Tennis lot. repaired. Tuck pointing. AlI rooms, porches. Small or big be givoP.nto Bill Lane, who M~ Courts, etc. , and Tree Service PIANO TUNING and servicing , TACKED DOWN CARPETS WALL WASHING. Experienced other repairs. VAlley 2-3822 jobs. EstLTIlates free. TUxedo ceed the entire show and the • Concrete Driveways 124 MAPLETON-Not impossi- I guaranteed. Walter Mueller , AND FURNITURE f l' e e estimates, reasonable 5-5e92. TU 1~6950 four judges: Dan Beck, Fred Recapped ble to have the comforts of TUxedo 6-1090. rates. VAlley 1-2232, Murphy, Roland Gray, and Joe Call tor FI' a four bedroom home in the I Cobane. Also in line for a vote Tun- EDDIE'S LIGHT la,ndscaping lawn mow.. of thanks are Mrs. Lee Me~"€:r, Farms and close to "Hill COMPLETE piano service. CLEANED on WALL WASHING ACME ASPHAI Shopping." A bus stop at ing, relJUliding, refinishing , CUSTOM Customcraft ing, rolling, cultivating, e'dg~ own.:r of the This 'n That For de-mothing. M~mber Piano PAINTING & DECORATING 16184 SPRINGER, E. DE: either corner and just min- REDUCED WINTER PRICES CONSTRUCTION ing. Call Ed after 6 p.:(11.924- Pets Shop, for contributing all utes from all schools. Priced Technicians Guild. R. Zech , LOCATION 8Q46. 11 first~place trophies, Roland in the low twenties. 731-7707. RUGS PICKED UP ELMER T. LABADIE ASPHALT COMPANY Gray for donating three gift Additions and Remodeling of AND DELIVERED TREE TRIMMING, certificates for dog collars, and 21A-GENERAL SERVICES TUxedo 2-2064 all types expertly done. 60 LEWISTON-Truly a home PA'VING REMOVAL, SPRAYING, the Lang Dog food for their Cit for the family. Almost Affiliated with • Family Rooms • Kitchens gilt of dog food for each con~ CARPET LAYING 21K-WINDOW WASHING Dutch Elm disease spraying. enough bathrooms for each 20% State Material Producers • Remodeled' • Recreation testant. NEW AND OLD cabling. to have his own. Estate-size Dr. William Bailey was again OFF CASH and CARRY WINDOW CLEANING Resurfacing of CQncrete Drives , Rooms • Porches • Attics Free estlmates. lot is completely serviced Stair Carpet Shifted Parking Lots, Approaciles and Converted • Dormers ~ Gar- on hand, from the Michigan Hu- TU 1-6950 with underground sprink- Repairs of All Types WALL WASHING Patchwork. Also all types of ages Remodeled. mane Society, as acting vet for Service on Screens and Storms lers. Four fireplar.es includ- BOB TRUDEL PRIDE Commercial Work. Free Estimates and Planning CAL FLEMING TREE the show and, of course, the Brick Washing Expertly Done ing one in master suite. TU 5-0703 CARPET AND FURNITURE Free Estimates Service. FHA Financing. SERVICE Grosse Pointe Board of Educa- Party-sized screened terrace Basement Painting tion provided the football field Credit Available DEAL DIRECT WITH adjacent to step~down din- GET AN estimate and see how and platform and P.A. system MICt H. E. GAGE & SON CALL TU 1-9946 BUILDER LAWN CUTTING it can be done. All kinds 0f CLEANERS and chairs for the third consec- ing room. New gas furnaces. TU 4-0136 Walter Desmet, Edw. P. Gordon Epitomizes the ultimate in repairs, remodeling, garages FREE ESTIMATES TU 1-1024 .SPRING SPEC!AL utive year. suburban living. 30 years a biulder. C. A 10615 CADIUX THE PRICE IS RIGHT Patterson. TUxedo 6-1464. TUXEDO 5~5700 MODERNIZATION CALL BILL, Panel Planned Invitati 771-5731 Purdy Spring Service Special or DRYERS VENTED 211-PAINTING By Foundation Sealed bids will be recE'. AND DECORATING REPAIRS & $15 Complete WE WANT TO BE at 15115 E. Jefferson Ave., 5 Yrs. Experience MASTER painter and paper - FRONT END SER~"I'CE You Name It-We Do IT. The Grosse Pointe Childrens hanger. References. SL 7-7597 Neurologica1 D eve lop men t until 10:00 A.M. Thursday. Edgar ALSO - WE INSTALL Foundation ~ sponsoring a LA 7-0533 or TU 1-4162 Entire steering system adjusted and lubricated. YOUR furnishing thp. following co,. ALUMINUM SIDING - panel discussion on Physical 100 KERCHEVAL Painting and Decorating Complete front end inspection. Check and adjust COMBINATION Fitness, one of a series of dis- To the Discontented Man No Suburban Maintenance Best of Grosse Pointe caster ~nd camber. Check and adjust toe-in'. Re- DOORS AND WINDOWS cussions on "How We Learn," 1. Workmen's comperu:~ References Chair Is Easy Associates ne>..i;Monday, May 28, at 8 p.m. • Interior • Exterior pack front wheel bear'ings. Reasonable Prices PR'INTER in Parcells Jr. High School, 2. Auto Fablie Liabilit. "No Job Is Too Small." Free Estimates Goodworkmanship Each job j'eceives our COUNTRY ESTATE. 67 acres- Free Estimates - Licensed Mack avenue at Vernier. One phone call for all home 50 0 eluding Comprehens\ Beck & 10 Mile. Beautiful s e cia I attention ... Moderator will be Edwin G maintenance problems. JOHN R. FORTIER Parts extra if needed. ranch room, horse bam. fruit. 13 a's sur i n g you that we I CARL WATSON Rice, consultant for Health' storm Will divide ready for subdi~ Licensed Builders PR 7-3551 are working for YOU R We also service Air Conditic)ners Physieal Education, Recreatio~ viding. Also four bedroom TU 1~8444 PR 6-3038 LA 6-5501 best i n t E: res t in the and Outdoor Education Mich- ranch, 1.12 acre lot, in Echo HOUSE and garage painting for summer operation. 3. Property Floater o~' ~ evaluation of your own igan Department of Public In- Valley Subdivision, excellent Very reasonable. Free, est! struction, Lansing, Mich. mates. Excellent references 21T-DRESSMAKING s pee i a I requirements. buy. Owner. Straus, FI 9-2005 WANT YOUR CAR Complete Magic Mirror PoUshing Panelists i n c 1u d e Richard Detailed specifications j (Northville). 821-9684. REALLY CLEAN? SEWING alterations, a d u Its Black of the Lakeview Public available at .i 5115 E. Jeffersa 50 Schools, George Crollin. of the For Finer Painting 12 and children; hems, zippers, Complete, including chrome and & Decorating plain drapes. Blankets bound KRAMER Lake Shore Public Schools, GROSSE PTE. SHORES waxing. TU 1-7455, PRINTERS George Gleason of the South Published in the GPN 5/24 r Shown by App't. CHARRON Lake Public Schools, and Fa- 'CUSTOM dress making, design- LITHOGRAPHERS ther Ralph B. Barton, pastor ~ee bedroo~ 2 bath WILL PICK UP PAINTING CO. O'Leary Cadillac ing, restyling, alterations. B~st LOAJ\""ERIF DESIRED WO 1-3969 of Our Lady Star of the Sea ranch style. Satisfaction Our references. Van Dyke-Jeffer- Guarantee '17153 E. Jefferson TU 5-1200 432 Mechanic Street Scho?l. The Grosse PoInte TU 2-0613 TU 2-9321 son area. Mrs. Sharp. Adams JUxedo [fr294~ PR 8-4778 DR 1-309 Public Schools will also be rep- 8 1~9150. Rotary OffsE!t Printers resented on the panel.

.0 77 ? 27 S? a • a 75 7 a? 777777 7 0770 P . • •• SenD? hO' m • ) • t • 7ft' • • .n no. z. n • ea. r ... '-....-.-. _ Thursday, May 24. 1962 Thursday, May 24, 1962 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-three

vee Brothers Coffee Co., Mr. and !.os•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e••••••• 8i•• ' Morning Prayer and Scrmon. "sick of the palsy" will be in- Headlines of the Weel{ Center Dr} Mrs. G. Gordon Cook, Mr. and : : Church School, infant; through cluded in the Scriptural read- Mrs. E. Merle Elliott, Mr. and ings. grade six, during above twu (Continued from Page 1) continued. Then someone re- (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. John B. Ford, III, Mr. Kurt N : ·Ch h One of the correlative cita- services. 5;30 p,m., S,mior Chi lative session, resulting in more membered the submarine. A F. Hartlieb, Mr. Joseph 1. Henk, •: ./ urc ews ·: Rho Club (Grades 10, 11, 12), tions to he read from "Science patches on Michigan's crazy low-flying helicopter transport- and Mrs. Albert M. Berteel, Dr. Mr. Fred Hood, Jr., Mr. and and Health with Key t~ the quilt tax system. ed Richard to Detroit, landing James H. Blain, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Do~al Jenkins, Mrs. John •! 0• '•••• o••• O••• O••••• G••••••••••••••••• o.e.8 •••• POINTE MEMOHIAL Scriptures" by Mary Baker The nuisance t a x package, in the par~dng lot behind the William O. Bradley Jr., Mr. and Keir, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene United Presbyterian Church Eddy states: POINTE CONGREGATIONAL votional and visitation by the I noW before the House. calls for Veterans Me:norial a little after Mrs. Andries M. Cole, Mr. and Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Peter In the USA 'Knowing that Soul and its 240 ChaU'onte at Lothrop Mission Group, 1 p.m. Chancel an additional two cents per 7 a.m. Sunday. and minutes Mrs. William W. Crapo, Mr. and Logan. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley 16 Lake Shor~ I~oad attributes were forever mani- Miriisters Choir, 8:30 p.m. !Jottle beer tax, two cents more later Richard was inside the Mrs. R. G Dirksen, Mr. V. H. MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Fer- Ministers: fested through man, the Master Marcus William Johnson '" '" '" per pack on eigarcts. and a Navy sub. used as a training Dumas, Mr and Mrs. Gabriel P. gus Markle, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Bertram deHeus Atwood, healed the sick, gave sight to Arnolj Dahlquist Johnson Saturday: Chapel Choir, 9:45 DEADLINE 3 P.M. TUESDAY four percent hike on liquor and vessel in. th~ Great Lake:. De- Dype, Dr. Charles C. Eades, Mr. old W. Merrill, Mrs. Alice M. Ben L. Tallman the blind, hearing to the deaf, Stmday, May 27: 9:30 a.m., a,m.; Jumor Choir, 10:45 a.m, telephone and telegrap-h scrv- ~omprcsslOn proce.eded WIthout Allen F. Edwards J~'.,M~'. Louis Oyler, Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lyman B, Stool,~y feet to the lame, thus bringing Worship service. Church SChODl '!< '" >I< lCl'S. It is expected to bring an Incident. Rl~hard IS being kept G. Fomey, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parcells, Mr. Roy A. Peters, Mr. Richard W. Mi~hell to light the scientific action of for crib room through 10th Sunday: Morning worshilJ ;lddltionaI $69 mUllon in rcvc- in the hospltal under observa- B. Fossee, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Mrs. Albert F. Piggott, Mr. Thursday, M.ay 24: U5 p.m., the divine Mind on human grade. 11 a.m" Worship service. services at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sun- :15. I nuc into the state's coffers. I tion for a few days, but .doctors B. Galloway, Dr. Angus G. and Mrs. G. A. Redebaugh, Dr. Confirmation Class. 4-; 15 p.m., minds and bodies and giving a { :-i- * * ,. are sure he will be all rIght. Goetz, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Graf- und Mrs. Robert F. Rentenbach, Church school for crib room day sohool, Adult and Youth (Continued from Page 1) Girls Choir. better understanding of Soul SW1day. May 20 >I< >I< >I< fUn, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff F. Gray, Mr. Fr.'mcls D. Shelden, Mr. and through Senior High. 5 p.m., Bible Study c1:lsses, 9:45 a.m. >4< '" • and salvation" (P. 210). : wa~ a toul:h one to judg(' but TEXAS WONDER-BOY Bil- Tuesday, May 22 Mr. Cyril A. Grobbel. Mrs. Willard E. Slater, Mr. Regi- Junior Hi. P.F.; 7 p.m., Senior Nursery at 9:45 and 11 o'clock. "1,g; Cheryl Herter!"" th:'cc-month- Friday, May 25: 4 p.m., Senior lie Sol Estes has been enjoined A S.ECRET ARMY PLOT to Ernie Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. ,nllld Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. Ht. P.F. meeting. '" '" >4< , '3-: old "DufIy" stole thl" trophy. Choir. WOODS PRESBYTERIAN not to leave the country, ae- assaSSInate French President Frank W. Hausmann Jr., Mr. Jack W. Stollcnwerk, Mr. A. '" '" >4< Monday: Women of St. James :ck i with HO\\'ard and Holx't"t :\Iax- >I< >I< 19950 Mack Ave. at Torrey Rd. ('ording to information released Ch~rlus de Ga~lle has been :md Mrs. T. D. Held Jr., Mr. Touscany, Jr., Mr. George E. Monday, May 28: 7 p.m., Girl group me e tin g s - Dorcas, '" Andrew F. Rauth, Minister I well's ":\ina." the ~amc age. Saturday. May 26: 9 a.m., Con- .-;atllrday by the United States f 0 lIe d, accordmg to official and Mrs. Rudolph Helm, Mr. Villerot, Dr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Scout Mariners in Social Hall. Esther, Miriam, Martha, Ruth, __ I takin::: ~et'onel. and 16-week-old firmation Class. Charles B. Kennedy, .Iustice Department, The mag- Paris sources, and 15 persons and Mrs. Daniel W. Hembel, Ward, Mr. and'Mrs. Edward L. '" >4< '" and Rebecca. by "Doc>' bf'lonL:t!l",tv Xancy Dar- ~ Assistant Minister natC' was served with a "de- connected with the attempted Mr. and Mrs. David Henes, Mrs. Weber, ••• Tuesday, May 29: 10 a.m., >I< '" '" '" '" r:T- gC'!, nlac'ins: thIrd. Sunday, May 27: 9:30 and Robert L. Lucero, pal'ture control" order Friday murder are now under arrest. Beatrice Henkel, Mr. and Mrs. Friendly Service work on Can- Tuesday: Board of Christian 'do, T\\"{.h'" tnIl' "mutts" viC'd for 11:15 a.m., Morning Worship. Assistant Minister :lighi. at his home In Pecos. ~ead(~r of the alledged assassins Elwood W. Hill, Mr. Bernard May 18 eel' pads. Education meets at 8 p,m. Men's , t)w title of ":'I10,l Douhtful An- "Time On My Hands," Mr. At- Thursday, May 24: 10 a.m., !'px" and all international tl'af- IS said to be an army Heu.tenant J. Je1tema, Mr. Frederick H. Mrs. Cyril Barrett, Mr. and .. '" '" Research Group, 12 noon until I (blry" ,,!lei. ::l;'\i:::h all qual i- . d Bl 1 d t K Mrs. Russell Bauer, Mr. Frank wood. 9:30 a.m., Bapl ism. 9;30 Prayer Group meets. 7:30 p.m., :'ie carriers as well as immigra- name anc lY, once at en 0 ross, Mr. C. B, Larsen, Mr. Thursday, May 31: 4 p.m., 1 p.m. an fied the \\'il1lH'r was Anthonv and 11;15 a.m., Church School. 'Ion officcrs were alerted to the former paratrooper Roger e- and Mrs. Frank P. Lister, Mr. Bredau, Mr. and Mrs. Lampton JlInior choir; 7 p.m., Youth Trustees' meeting. 7;45 p.m., t":"s-I Ko~{'r"ka' .. "Corky." \\ ith :'olarl-: 4:30 p.m .. Carillon Rec-ital. h d f th S c l' e t d D id J. Carciwell, Mr. Frank A. Dil- '" '" "'. Chancel Choir rehearsal. \)an on Estes' foreign travel. gue ld ;e. ea 0 e, AeI ' an Mrs. av C Lowe, Mr. h cho1L-;8 p.m., Chancel choir. 8 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs. En:. I' J 0 IlnSOrl;..' ..~t"O!L'" h'"a c Io"e sec- The Immigration Service order Army s Delta group. an giers and Mrs. Russell H, Lucas, Mr. lon, Mr. r and Mrs. Kennet p.m., Board of Trustees meeting day: Women's Prayer Research '" '" '" ond. anr: Ti:n 'w p] !C't"s "Gus" Monday, May 28: 8 p.m., Ad- Saturday, '"May'" 26;'" 10:15 a.m., Informed Estes under indict- squad of killer commandoes. Anthony J. Mannino, Mr. and Eckert, Mr. L. Enix, Mr. and in Lounge. Groups, in Lounge, 9:30 p.m. , thi:'d , Degueldre was seized several Mrs. Oscar B. Ma!'x Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Estabrook, Mr. antI ministration Committee. 8 p.m., Carol Choir rehearsal. 11 a.m., The :ar~e;..t l'!a'5, as always. :ncnt for alleged fraud. that any Mrs. Raymond A. Fox, Mrs. Adult Education Committee. Westminster Choir rehearsal. her. wa" Best.(;roomcd WIUl a total :rips he may have contemplated weeks ago. . , Mrs. R. P, McCaw Jr., Mr. John Veatrice Ganopuls, Mr. H. John ST .. JAMES LUTHERAN gT. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL t .'d th t 't . 1 U it d French polwe spent most of McPherson, lVIr. and Mrs. Allen (:c. of :~:~ cntnes. Tom Clarke's onday.d It IS the fIrst arres ts Sun day m.o"nI'ng. \v;th• Darwin M, Nelson, Mr. Donal drew D. Mann, Mr. Joseph A. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Thursday, May 24: 6:45 a,m., son.5ermon entitled "Soul and Junior High and Adult Bible o::::nition \\'a,; :::iven the oldcst malo.r .scan. al of the curre~t de Gaulle safely ensconced in J. O'Brien, Mrs. Marilyn Pal- Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Norman erick A. Stewart, Mr. C, H. Eucharist. Body" to be heard at Christian Class. Sermon theme both Serv- ,clogs in the show \\'ith Kiki ,\dll1tnlstratlOn. and 1-IeClcllan s th El PIce tm,der rein- mer, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. ,Parks, J. Mooney, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ScienCE-services SundllY. ices: "The Use of Memorials." '. t d t 'h_ l.tl e ysee a a M K h S P t M d '11.11' •. Symington, Dr. Julius C. Tap- ... • • 'F:'eTlch's 1G:~ - year - old inqUIry IS expec e 0 uc po 1 -', forced guard, If carried to its r. ennet . at on, r. an soph Nuzback, Mr. and n,w'S. ert, Miss Constance M. Wag- Sunday, May 27, 8 a.m., Eu- Matthew's ace a u n t of the 15:30 p.m., Highlanders (Junior : "Sehoe-ne," a dasehund. taking (' as,;lste-d by his two miniature whIch ad~Ises the Government horne east of Paris, escaped and Mrs. J. Frazer Whitehead, kin's, Mr. and Mrs. Rabert E. ; poodles ":-'Iidget" and ":\

! 'a blond " and hpr Golden Lab ,~cncy. c('rUtin chambers in a: ing and playing with a dedi- Gauss II Grosse Pointe Opti- Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J' bId if h b M' G' Clemente, The Clothes Line, NO MONEY DOWN! ALL J(ppJ MODELS I "Talleek" p!aeed first. John ~l! )mann(' ,can e sea eo' ca~ed c:: am er US1C roup I mist Club, lVlr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Co- ! Skae was sPcDn(i and Rip O'Dell :ll1d turned Into makeshift de- beIng formed at the Grosse V Hicks Mr and Mrs Robert third. In the s('conc! group, ~)omprcssi.?n cham~crs .. Rlch~lrd . Pointe War Memorial, .32 La.ke IM. HOdg~s, 1\11'.James A. Jame- ~i~~'a.:r~ .. ~~~riP~O;:,d~i~; I C!:ri" Bayer won the trophy ,,1'('\\'el'. 1;).\\;ns diVIng m Whlte- S~ol'e road. are cordlally .In- son, Mr. and Mrs. Cass Kasper, H. DeBaeke. ing for her wonderful black leotard- !l,ouse QU,IlTY. ~5 :n~les south of v.lted to cOI?e to an orgamza- Mr. and Mrs, William J. Kirby, by mop get-up :resembling hel' P0O- I aledo. \\-h('n ~tS SUlt punctur2d tlOnal meetmg to be held at Dr. Lawrence A. Kroha, Mrs. Mrs. Otto C. Deiss and Mr. 26th dIe "Ami," Jeff Clarke and his

!l' Cobane. Also in line for a ";ote ow- IncludtnJ: I of thanks arc :\-lrs. Lee ),1~yer. I A(~1E ASPHALT PAVING, INCa Chain Link All-Steel and edg- II owner of the This 'n That For 16184 SPRINGER, E. DEl. PR 1-7111 Rustic Styles YOU MAY WIN A 924- . Pets Shop. for contributing "U I51 I MICHIGAN ! 11 first-place trophies. Roland WEEl('S I Gray for donating three gift I I . t IN FLYING HOLIDAY ! certificates for dog collars, and i City of ' , MAYI i the Lang Dog ff)od for their .~ I MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. TOUR FOR TWO gift of dog food for each con- 10403 HARPER RESln!ENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL ng, I testant. I Dr. William BaUey was again on hand. from the );Iiehigan Hu- I man£' Soeiety. as aeting vet for ~rOSS1? 1foinfe 1kark Designed i the show and. of course. the II I Gro!'se Pointe Board of Educa- ALUMINUM For 1tion provided thp football field I I MICHIGAN : and platform and P.A. system Balanced : and chairs for the third eonsec- I) I Ser,een and Awnings : utive year. .G' Comfort! r ~ Invitation to Bid ~~ ~ lth.~~~'. • Porch Panel Planned ~~~ !'t.; \\' Prices .stcrt at .....~~~..,. Enclosures :By Foundation Scaled bids will be received in the City Clerk's Office ~ .~ 179.95 [ ~ I'If at 15115 E. Jefferson Ave .. Grosse Pointe Park. Michigan, ~--\! !MIiI~ • Screens Thinline Models 'I' The Grosse Pointe Childrens until 10;00 A.M. Thursday, June 7, 1962 for insurance , .Neurologi~l D eve lop men t I Foundation is sponsoring a furnishing the following coverages; I-J lillll~. Jalo~sies Room Air Conditioners ,panel discussion (1:1 Physical II • AWning The finest in I 15 volt G-E air conditioning ..• distinctive Fitness. one of a series of dis- 1. Workmen's Compensation modern styling, full feature performance and control, whis- I, cussions on "How 'We Learn," WindQws per-quiet operation PLUS big cooling capacity. COOL! ~ext Monday, :\lay 28. at 8 p.m. I 2. Auto Public Liability & Property Damage, in- ETC. 'In Parcells Jr, High School, CRISP! CLEAN! , :'>I..ch, avenue at Verniet' cluding Comprehensive, Fire, Theft & Wind- i }l(derator will be Edwin G. We have a full line of Aluminum Combina- storm May Special! 52..Gal. G.E. WClter Heater I Rice, consultant for Health tion Windows, Screens, Doors and Alumi- .89.95 ! Physical Education, Recreatio~ plus installation : and Outdoor Education, 1\lich- 3. Property Floater on Voting Machines num Siding. igan Department of Public re. LIVE BETTER 19539 Mack Ave. struction, Lansing, ;\1ich. Detailed specifications for the above coverages are at Touraine Panelists in'.: 1u d e Richard We Repair Storm Sash and Screens available at 15115 E. Jeffcrson in the Comptroller's Office. _Electrically I Black of the Lakeview Public eurlis mower TU 5-3206 I Schools, George Crollin of the ~ Lake Shore Public Schools. SCREEN and Published in the GPN 5/24/62. ~:::E3.th~.~ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES . George Gleason of the South STORM SASH, Inc. POINTE ~ ~ L~k£' Public Schools. and Fil- CHARLES HEISE ~ WillT1lll ~ Detroit Edison Service Center . ther Ralph B. Barton, pastor 17328 Mack Ave. TUxedo 1-6130 ~Chlt''''~ Pay Edison Bills Here. bchange Bilibs. Repair <\,f Small Appllonc:es i of Our Lady Star of the Sea City Clerk. Three Blocks East of Cadieux HOURS: Daily 9:00 to 6:00 • Fridays till 9:00 P.M. School. The Grosse Pointe Public Schools will clso be rep- Iresented on the panel. I I' \• • ------_. --.---- ~--~------4- C 4 ._._._~ __ CIll! -I11!1----.a•••••••••••••••••••••••• a.a•••• a••• 2 6 .

Page Twenty~four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 * * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointer of Interest !fii!: C. Good Taste Favorite Recipes :.~ of .. ) (fJ~nte People in The Know

SEA FOOD CRUNCH Coun-ter Points Contributed by Mrs. Philip J. Laux by Pat Rousseau 1 can frozen shrimp soup Michigan Week s'gnals vacation time! To keep (Editorial note: Excerpts from an article on "The I~irst % cup mayonnaise }<'amiliesof Detroit:' printed in the now defunct Detroit 1 cup crushed potato chips in the swim of things a new swim suit from Walton- Joumal. July 11, 1896.) 1 package of Wakefield Pierce would be a beautiful way to plunge in ... (the perfectionist can have her's custom fitted), On dry "Detroit is remarkably fortunate in the number frozen crabmeat . land, casual fashions by Glen of Michigan and the of old families which are still flourishing and pro- cup thinly sliced celery its I 1 Pucci look ... take you fp)m dawn to dark in fashion, minent in the business interests of the city. Many of ' '/3 cup thinly sliced onion these are sprung from the most influential fa.milies of I 1 tsp. Worchestershire * * , "i<

here already and to have been one of the. In"dian traders I' I May be baked in shells or cas-. ,., - \vho met Cadillac on the banks of DetrOIt. '. ,serole. Serves six, I Hairdos ... and dont s ',' . DO InvestIgate the convewence . ' . Zacharie Chiquot was the founder in 1736 of the.~ i ------I and flattery of the lovely Wl;~S at Leon's, 17888 M.ack! DON'T 'cotte f •.'llll.l.... Thl'S falllil)' was fam.nus in the early days I M d. I A AI' PI I put off calling to book an appointment to have your own hair CI • .T : e lea UXI lary ans styled in the most beguiHng ',vay! TUxedo 4-939:~. for the fine 'collection of silver l>late in its possession. .•...... M ystery Trip- on Bus '" * * Remnants of this fine property arc still owned by the ~. - __ descendants .. , It is related that Jean, son of the founder .~.. At a recent meeting in Pontiac Time Study ... Have you figured out how much time Zacharie, at one time. when by royal edict, liquur had -- - .....:.;B State Hospital the Macomb you spend in the kitchen ,) Experts have approximated been forbidden to be sold or traded to the Indians, and Photo by r.:ddle McGrath. Jr. County Me d i c a 1 Auxiliary the average for different families and know the value they in consequence, had threatened to sell their fine JOHN LACKNER, WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE POSTMAN named .Mrs. Edward .Maxim, of: of area planning with equipment placed conveniently. winter's gathering of furs to the English, hc was sent by Patricia Talbot ~------8t. ClaIr Shores preSIdent. Mrs. Mutschler Kitchen specialists excel in giving vou the secretLY to De Tontv, the commandant. with the purpose back to Calumet, or cven work. ~at~Oldb~t~ala~d !:}:,s:JOI~ ~or- kitchen you need that i:; also beautifully de~orated. of intdxicating- the' natives and then buying their furs. When John Lackner beg~ delivering mail in 1924 ing as a landscape gardener. we;~ also el~ t d I~~~e .0lUte, See the model kitchen at 20489 Mack Avenue. His errand W~lS successful, but as he was returning to down Lakepointe and Pemberton to Windmill Pointe But he will miss 1is daily stops Th e e. 0 lCen,: * ,,: :;.: the fort he ",,'as set upon by goblins and the Loup Garou, drive there were but a dozen houses on his route When at the homes along his route I t e group ~s plannmg a the devil in the form of a wolf, and his ill-gotten load he retired las~ month after 38 years service he had 225\ and his patrons will miss him. I ~r:r e~hi~~s t~np on.. June ~,9 SCENTS-ible ... attilluie to take this summer. Try .om hl'nl." stops on his daily march. ------~----- Several .have alr~ady called to I adJ'ourn t'l the Af.uIXlharyl \\"111 one of tbe refreshirtg batb oils you'll fi1t4 at Tbe Notre takell fr thank hun for hIS devoted 38 I un I ea. ' D Pl.. ,T l .' I .. . f . This Loup Garon was a favorite legend in the Pointe "There arc still a few old, signment of bootleg booze. But years of service. I r------..;.;;;;~I am.e JaJ17MC). l J:,.e s a ',.00 ••• Cl1SP.PUle 1agrance ..• t t' b '1 .d he has other memories too In I 01"'you can IIse /'"'Je F 1 ench ]loral scents 111 the bath or as a ::i.uring }<"'rench pioneer days and there was a s one Imers on my c.at,, 1(' sal. those long ago days when 'the --~--- E II N lasting perfume, applied di1'ectly to the ski1t.. For a wonder- which marked his plunge into the lake on Lakeshore And ma~y of them remembered Pointe had a quarter of the A . T I I nro ow fill skin. COll4itio1ter ... there's Sardo that helps keep a tan b th f F'1 t t John WIth cards and presents. rctIc rave roa d y C ormcr 01 ( es a e. h 'l'he postoffice in Kercheval, residents it now boasts he was p . Summer Session of soft and glowi.,tg. Another LOl~p Garou ~egen.d ,~oncerns" one of t e Z~ne 30, will remember him sometimes called upon to per- roO"ram Slated Scotch Dance ------.----~------Moran clan and IS related 111 thIS Journal sto:-y: I WIth ~ big .stag party on May form acts of mercy fa: beyo~d I b I 1"' M I A' L k "One branch of the Moran family was dlstmctly' 31. r.rIS retlrement was forced the call of dU~Y.He clImbed m --- I Lessons eens , arc 1 galnst en ~eIllia lated to the \vife of Cadillac. It is told how long ago, I b~ hIS doctor who ~Ias warned I f bat~~oom wmdow to rescue a In answer to the re~ent heat I ------~ re~ " d hIm he must take It easy, but: ,ocke out ma~ron on~ morn- wave, the Grosse Pomte War Qualified champion teacher. On Sunday, May 27, ;)::,0:Farms, Grosse Pointe Woods. Jacques ]\tlorand, as t~e name. was spelled then .. met an. not lead a rocking chair exis- mg. Ar:other tIme a .dlstraught Memorial is programming an Wed. afternoons & evinings. Grosse Pointe area t("8n-ager~"Gro:"sePointe City and SL Clair loved th.e daughter ,of an IndIan trader who pItched ~IS tenec. housewIfe pleaded :"'Ith him ~o illustrated talk on Arctic Tra-I Holf hour class, $1.50 answering the appeal of TV' Shores. camp WIth the IndIans on the shore of Lake St. ClaIr, open a can of c~lernes for a pIe vel by Madame Donat Gauthier or private star Danny Thomas, will march: Following the march, from But the maiden was already consecrated to her G?d. In his flat on Lenox road he s~le was ~aklllg. He never on Th~~day, May 31, at.8 P:lll.J Call TU 6.0466 or door-to-door against leukemia. J noon to 2:30. Grosse Pointe She had lone" wished to enter a convent, and the wIsh, is whiling away the time help- tasted the pIe, though. In addItion to her fascm.atmg I The enthusiastic arm'.' of l'een i teens will proc.eed.. to Cabo Hall ~ h ing his wile with some house- t f I ED 1.5719 ., 'I th 11 had just been granted. This only served to madden er work before she goes off to A Pal for Ten Years a;.c0l;ill 0 le~ e~penences 1 .. , crusaders have been given the]r ~\\'lere ey WI Jom over 5,000 lover who at the price of his soul assumed the form teach school at St. Phill'P'S. He \d\Ithm the .Arctl.c CIrcle Ma-I------~_I"marching orders" by members' other teen marchers at a giant , , 'I h' f But most fondly does he re- ame GauthIer WIll show color- . teen hop of the Loup-Garou, the phantom wo f. In t IS orm waL<:hestelevision and in spite call a ten year companI'on of ed slides and movI'es I of the Young Adults Club of Sl. PI'OC'ed'. f'o th t h . 1 h d h If b . i Paul's Church, who selected tl1e'. e S I m e een marc he persuaded the pious glr, W 0 save erse y a of doctor's orders drives to his his delivery route. A n'ongrel• M d G I. st. Jude Research HOSPI't;11WIll b'c use. d to.suppar':1; St. Ju.de raver which turned the monster to stone." daughter's in Harper Woods dog, Skippy, owned by the a ame authier, a French R I H t 1 1\'[ b P • 1 h th 1 Canadl'anby b' th I ProJ'ect as their 1962 charitable esearc 1 oS~I,a," em p 1S, t1 11 thO th t h' h w 1ere c mows e awn and Partridges, of 524 Lakepointe, Ir can converse , at" 't Tenn., estit * * Always H ungr)f testifies this mailman ~ho Gaut~Ier mIstook for one of the I .' Huskie dogs gave 38 years servIce. . . From Frederick W. Pearce comes this latest addition 18050 Mack Ave. By Appointment A recent survey of Grosse ~ to the vocabulary of geriatrics. In Minneapolis older Pointe High School students' Began in Copper Mine : Ther~ is adventure too in 1 Grosse Pointe Phone 882-3906 I an Eskimo cemetery where the Reservations phone TR 1-1790 couples who became apartment dwellers when their eating habits reveals a rather .He began his working life in i skin wrapped bodies are placed offsprin'~ lc~ve home to he married are called "empty large proportion of "always hIS home town of Calumet, in I' under cairns of stones above nesters." hungry" boys and girls attend- Upper Michigan, where he still ground. The Grosse Pointe ing classes in a state of semi- vacations in the summer. For public and their friends are in- starvation. Nancy G0uld, 15 year old driver training student, some time he worked in the vited free of charge. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. is among the teen agel's featured in a recent story in Of the 240 students querried, copper mines, which have now ======------__ Look which surveys the current crop of young student 124 answered yes to the ques- been almost exhausted. Then he went to Toledo and worked drivers. Look's survey reports that most teen agers are tion, "Are you always hungry?" in a factory, but that job, like SI. LAWREN(E See Gray ... a nd Play! considered safer drivers than adults. So there Dadl I The .fact that 42 of the boys and gIrls (18 percent) eat no mining, was unsteady, so he Saguenay "Cruises * breakfast, and another 76 (32 took the postal tests. ("You Recently elected board members of Williams House percent) grab only a piece of need to know your math"), He A Glorious Vacation WHY WAIT? toast and some fruit juice be~ began work from the old Fox Afloat ond Ashore (refuge for troubled girl~) applaud beautician Ann Creek station and at one time Take advantage of these fine days Louise who has volunteered to perk up the residents of fore sett.1ngout for school may explain the ravenous feeling had not only Windmill Pointe the House. On consecutive Tuesdays she and her staff but Ashland and Alter road full •.. lor lamily lun. many of them get around 11 in 7 days Onl')' $197 are giving the girls free permanents, glamour treatments the morning. which during the twenties wer~ for morale. Mrs. Harrison Sadler, Mrs. Thomas L. Lott well built up. He remembers A Most Scenic Trip Thru French All but eight of the students watching the building of the Canada's Beautiful Waterways and Mrs. Robert Hutton are the new Pointe members Escorted-Frequent Departures of the Williams House beard. polled eat lunch, how eve r Park municipal hall and when Stopovers at Finest Hotels _ Badminton Sets .... , . from 7.95 though another eight qualif; the small frame houses along New Queen Elizabeth, Montreal 4 Rackets, Po:ots, Net, Birds, and Rule Book their statements by explaining Jefferson were torn down for Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Although their mothers claim they are not yet in that they eat a "diet" lunch. bu~iness buildings. He saw the NO NEED TO TRAVEl. ALONE Tether Tennis ..... 12.50 a class to rival Lester Lanin, several ninth graders from Still another eight lunch only chIldren of a generation ago An ideal vocation with con- Pierce's band have developed a very popular combo .. on dessert. 'trudge to the old Trombly genial companions under expert Tether Ball .. , 9.95 They will play at the Detroit Boat Club dance this Fri- ' School, where the Pointe Bar direction - no travel worries. day evening. "The Interlopers" as they have styled For 168 students, milk, pie, is today, and he remember!! Phone or Write 1.98 themselves include Bill Mistele, John Clarke, Craig and a sandwich constitutes an when the mansion builders tJe~ Paddy Wacker average "lunch," Thirty-seven gan their palaces "long th Dykstra, Bill David, John Barlow, Dave Hookanson and students regularly eat the High lake. c, e PAUL HENRY Takraw . 3.95 Greg Hykes. School cafeteria's 4D-cent spe-I ' TRAVEL SERVICE * * * cia!' He used to play golf, a tir- I WO 1-7075 Croquet from 13.25 Last week the sponsors of Michigan Week released. . ing sport for a mailman, but 304 Washington Blvd. Bldg. 5,000 balloons over the Detroit area.. About 600 of them WIth.one exceptIOn,everybody now is more of a sports spec- Wiffle Bats 79c have been captured by Pointers, among them Allan eats dI~nerdan~ t~e one per- tator, takes the Tigers very -:_:-:_: _. :::-- :~- :.: Belcher of Beaconsfield road. He rescued his balloon :"on w 0 oesn t IS prObably seriously, is worried about this among the 196 who have after- season's pitchers. Retirement is I Unusual VacatiGns Wiffle Balls . , .... 29c 39c. 59c while fLc:;hing in Lake St. Clair and sent in the card s~hool.snacks. Another 172 are still not a reality to .John, al- which may entitle him to a free we~k's vacation in after-dmner snackers. I though he thinks of traveling JAM A ICA ' some resort of the Water Wonderland. ------~ I >i< * * Despite their admittedly mis- p----..--__iiiiiiii_.. 6 Departures: May 19, erable eating habits the students I June 16, July 14, Aug. ~ctrl.cCo 18, Oct. 13, Nov. 17 PILFERINGS seem a healthy lot, with nearly G & J EI-.. I 2 WEEKS INCLUDES: SAILORS: 40 per cent having perfect at- ,Air Round Trip from A young lady who had been going out with a young tendance records as of February Jim Krausmann, Owner Detrolt,. tax, accommo. dations at b e a c h Sperry TC>PSIDERS man for more than a year was asked by her parents and only two percent absent EI ectrical Wiring house, all meals, tips, more than 10 days this year, dR' US(l of beach, pool, what she thought his intentions were. "I'm not quite an epalring car, OWn cook and Men's and Women's sure," she replied. "He's been keeping me pretty much maid service, 4 calypso 95 Asked if they smoked, 37 per- partieo, private party, 'Nhite or Navy Canvas in the dark.') glass bottom boat ride, 9 cent am,wered "yes," and 58 stu- TU 4-2738 transfers. * * * dents, nearly one-fourth of the The late Secretary of State Cordell Hull liked to total 240, said they drink. Grosse. Pointe & East Side. $399 say that a lie could run around the world before truth i~ ~ Mexico - 16 Days From Oetroit Racquet & Sport Shop could get its pants on. $378 * Do You Prefer Price - - - Or Service? 106 Kercheval - on the hill A secretary was asked by a young stenographer if Orient Trip, Jun" 21 she ever became nervous when she had to meet the $1,858 TU 1-5262 TU 1-2262 important businessmen who came to see her boss. "No," Get Both! wo 3-2877 Grosse Pointe's Own Sport Shop she laughingly replied. "I always think of them as just TOM Taylor BDi~k~ In~. GL 3-0220 some woman's husband." The Only Buick Dealer on the East Side of Detroit Open Thursday Night 'till 9, P.M. * >I< * RAVEL CENTRE Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without 13033 GRATIOT LA 6-3000 T PLYMOUTH, MICH. 1&aving asked any clear question ••• Albert Camus. :.:~ :.: ----.--:.: :.: :.: - :..: 5

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