~ -~ ~ ~ - -~~~ • R_, ~ '... ~~~~~~~ __ ~ .. ~~_~~_~~ ~~~ __ ~ -- ~ -- w~ '-,- - ~ AI! the News of All the Pointes * * tic Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete Ne'w~ Coverage of All the Pointes Home of tbe News Entered as Second Cla3s Matter 7c Per Copy VOLUME 23-NO" 21 at the Post Omce at DetroIt. Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. MAY 24, 1962 $4.00 Per Year 24 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I .- --"-------_._------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- (Center Plans III~ADI..;INE~ City to Open New Municipal Pool Memorial Day Woods Approves J\lemorial ot the \\lEI~K JDay Service As Compiled by the !,Highest Budget; , . Residents Ask€d to Pay Gro.He Pointe Nell'S Tribute to 136 Heroes of I " s W~rll and Korea Thursday. :\lay 17 i Tax Rate I Same:,\Vorld ~- THE PRO~C 0 M M UN I ST ! I i A special Memorial Day be ~:~~~~~~e1~\:~~I~rpI~O~~V:sgt~Cren'dantdo: ! Largest Pointe Mun-i-c-ip-a'l-i-ty-S~t~il-I-G--ro-wing;Expenditures ['-cC;,ervicepWi.llt 1~Teld1\alJ:tthe ... ~. ~ ' ."' rrosse orn e VI a1' .1.1 emo- neutralist princes some time i More Completely Listed ThiS II rial. Wednesday, Mav ;30, at next week, and a political settle- Year Than Last i ] 1 a,m. to honor vGrosse ment. creating a nC'tltral Laotian . I Pointers 'Nho gave their buffer state rulf'd by a coalition At a specral meetmg held on Thursday, May 17, the i . e . W Id \'T II d cr t b . Il lV S In or '\ ar an .~o\.ernmen . may e in the of[- ; \Voods councIl approved a record budget lor the frscal y ea ing. Xeutralist Prince Sou vanna : year 1962-63, which begins July 1. The cost of operating I >"°1:h . '11 J 1 Phouma is slated to return to! . ., e sernce \\'1 )e he d on the Woods CIty government next year calls for $1,494,173. ! tlln ].'ke-I'de 1)0 'j'Ilg "reen f Laos from Paris this weekend, 1'1 t d . 1961 69 d' J 1 30 $1155 756 ; ~ us. \\ I b 0 for talks with his pro-Red half- i 1: cas unng - ...., en mg u y _..~_.\~~._: -'- _ ._I the ?-lemonal ~y the fl3g pole brother, Prince Souphanouvong. ' 1 he Woods, the 1a r g est I ; II('xt to the Tnal Gardens. It leac!er of the Pathet Lao gueril- Pointe, is still growing, with CD- ' ! will be moved indoors in case la forces. and Prince Boun' subdivisions currently being de~ I eflter rtVe I of rain. Oum. premier of the pro-West. veloped. I i The ceremony will be brief Government. ; Expenditures for 1962-63 are I Falte rin 0' - i hut very meaningful and it is This new,.:, coupled with re-: as follows: Department of Ad-' ~ , ; hoped th.at as ma~1Y Pointers ports that Royal Laotian Army:""'" ministration-$142,856; Depart- N d $8 000 :as can V?ll ta~e thIS half hour units are finally taking U. S. I ~'% ment of Public Safety-$352,- ee :1rom theIr hollda~' to pay their ',,",' 597' De p a I' t men t of Public , i rcspecl<; to those for whom the military advice and regrouping: ,,' 'ks $397030 D' I day is set aside in unoccupied areas they evac- I ,Wor - , ; epartment of i --- , . Parks and Recreation-$111,265; Residents Urged to Get in: rhe order of sernce will be uated eat'lier in the month, plus ! ~,,:.: Debt Service-$81,960; Capital Th. D t. e t R h I as foll?ws:-- the fact that the Laotian mili- I .. Improvements _ $95,962; Con- elr ona Ion.. 0 eac i RaISIng and IIalf-masting of tary front has remained quiet, i ,tingencies-$2,498; Water Util- Go a I 0 f $60 I'000 bY ,I I I1e C01ors, Boy S.cout Troop-u- has left the Kennedy Adminis-I : ity-$204,320; Sewer Utility- Wednesday ; {~ the Grosse POInte :Uemorial tration beginning to feel a little' '$82,680; Parking Uiility-$14,- i Church. lc~s anxious ,"bout the entire i . ",' 1920; and Milk River Utilities- The Grosse Pointe War 'I Aldvanclmg and, placing of Southeast Asian situation. The i Final cleanup is now underway at the City's lake- day. The new facilities are expected to add a lot to the I "00I'S ed by Lawr W 'I t k h b d " 1 d 1 f th 'd t d' th . , $8,080. Memorial's 1962 Ann u a 1:, L-J'ght AlgeI' p'o~' 99" e~cFeW . lInited States is still landing. Ton' par , were a ran new sWllnmmg poo an summer p easure 0 e reSI en S urmg e commg Where Money Comes From F '1 P .. C i' '" v. v. • troops in Thailand, and has ap- i new bathhouse will be officially opened next Wednes- season. , . a~nr y artlclpatlOn ,~m- i Opening Prayer by Rev. Fa- pealed to other SEATO (South- i .. _ ._. __ ~ ~____________________________ Rev:nues w cover th: cost of pargn has faltered Just I ther David E. Weisner, St. Am~ east Asia' Treaty Organization); _ I operatIOn ~ome from: CIty Taxes when the $60,000 goal seem- i brose Rom~n Catholic Church. ml'm~er nation~ to augme~t the i Durallt Ftles Residellts Battle Shores City to, Opell \-i~~~'6~~:~~teI scl~harede T~xe~ ed to be in sight. After 1 .In~rod.uctJOn of officiating AmerIcan contIngents WIth at I - '$112'250 . WatneoU~st'l'tev reaching the $50 000 mark,! dIgmtarIes. by Lc\\'is H y de, least token forces of their O\vn. ! L -b 1 S -t T PiP" N P l enue-" a er 11 y-. .'. ' . I Commander. American Legion So far. only Australia and, t e ut 'rl!stees 011 ar \: rOJeet; ew 00 or" $206,200; Sewer Utility - $51, daIly contnbutrons sudden-. Grosse Pointe p;)st 303 Xew Zealand have indicated: I 000; !,ark~ng Ut.il.it.y-$15,038; 1y fe.ll last week from ap-. Reading of the G~ld Star -Il- FA- t- S t W d d and MIlk RlVer UhlItIes-$8,585. proximately $1,000 a day to Honor Roll by Kenneth W definitely that they will c~~mit I or t lOll orm ssocla Ion on po e_nes ay The p.resent tax rate in t.he a very few 11undred. The I,Cunnim!ham, ?-l'a\.'ol', CI'ty of', themselves. The U, S. mIlItary' F M 0 • buildup in Thailand is scen' I --------- Woods 1S $14.55. per $1,~OOCIty present total is $52,023, re- : Grosse Pointe Park. mor.e as an assur.ance to .the H"lts Back at State Senator Irate Group Attend,S .M"eeting and "For"ces Delay In I Mayor Allen W"III OfL,'lc"late assessed v.aluahon. ,TIllS rate ceived from 3,273 donors. Add res s by Rc\'. Marcus , has been In effect SIllce 1958, M . 1 D M 30'; J 0 h n son Minister Grosse rhal G?vcrnmcnt tilat. WaShl?g- St hi"' Ch f Plans" Also PetItions for Publication of Facilities at Park on Assessed property valuation in t d.et~orIlal tl aY'1 .ay d ' IS. Pointe' COl~<TJ';<Tational'CllU""h ton wIll defend theIr natIon a In sarge 0 I" " h . $56983860 ra 1 JOna y Ie c osmg ate of .'" b ..... against Laotian Communist in-, Unfa"lr Pol.,t"lck"lng Minutes of Sessions Memorial Day t e CIty IS , ,. tl t' . d Placll1g of \Heaths bv Auxil- _________ Easier to Understand le ac Ive campaIgn an the I i...-\. '\1">' ~. ~ . T T Jiltrators than as a prepar~tion : F G P . t S1 .d t d'.j. b db' . Memorial's Board of Directors I ~l ..... ",eJ I os~ 99;:>. '\ .F.\\., f II t ! R' hID t f 425 orty rosse Oln e 10res reSI en s, ls\;ur e v Mayor Alonzo C. Allen The new budget 11 s t 1n g IS is still hopeful that this week; AUXIlIary.. Amcncan Leg ion. or a -ou \\*'ar.. • Ii . W arc uran 0 • reports that the Board of Trustees of the Shores wavs If 1 t tl th 'Gro--e P t P t 303 C' 1 ~ ~ LId 'n ff' . 11 th C't more se -exp ana ory lan e will see - large number of Y "" 0111 e as : II' . 18 I mco n roa , conservatrve about to begin major changes and construction in the Wfl a Icla ':f op,en e I y last budget, as the cost of each g;vers of ;ecord and 'Jrospecc' Scout Troop 302. Pierce Junior FrIday, l\Iay IRepublican 'eader filed a a Grosse pomte s new com- :"t' d I th 1961 • " I H' I S I ) ., 'E SIDENT 1, Osius Lakefront Park for the fifth straight summer at- . .., serv.ce IS 1 e~m.ze. n . e - I tive contributors sending in! Ig,l C 100 . I E AM ST R PRE 1 million-dollar suit on Mon- , f h T t T d M' 15 mumty sWlmmm~ pool at, 62 budget llstmg, certam se::v-; their gifts. Telephone follow-up! .'. olley. Tap;;. and Echo by James R. Hoffa faces a possible d Ma 21 aga'nst Re tended the meetmg 0 t e rus ees on ues ay, ay , 1 p.m. ceremomes next ices were lumped together WIth will continue : Firmg squad. Alger Post 995, 5500 fine and a year in jail, if ay ., ..
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