K 39 X 1 For

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K 39 X 1 For The K o m m a n d eu r Volume 39 Number 1 A Publication of AHIKS February 2004 From the President Treasurer's R eport from Stuart Schoenberger IG NEWS! This report includes only that income received and B You may recall back in 1991 when we published expenses paid in the year 2003. In the past, most mem- First Blood: The Guadalcanal Campaign as Volume 26, bers paid their dues in December for the upcoming Number 6 of The K to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. It was year. After the treasurer's computer crashed due to cor- big fun! Many of the brethren had helped with research and rupt files received from AHIKS, the treasurer was com- playtesting my design, and by publishing time I was quite pelled to wait until his computer was again up and run- satisfied with the final product. Every member received a ning to deposit those dues payments timely made in copy of my game under the AHIKS imprimatur. I was later 2003 for the current year 2004. Also, this statement able to sell my design to Strategy & Tactics, but during the does not reflect that the last of Les Deck's expenses process of transition from my design to a published S&T as MC were not finally paid until February, mainly product, FB underwent extensive redesign and redevelop- his telephone and paper purchases. The same applies to ment. The final product that appeared in S&T was substan- Omar DeWitt’s expenses in publishing the December K tially different from my original design—not unrecognizable, ($302), which were finally paid in January. The treas- but certainly not the same game. urer's biggest expenses, which consist of postage and Fast forward to December 2003. Over the past two computer printer stationery, were incurred in 2002. By months I have entered into negotiations with Dr. Cummins at buying extra stationery and using of the K to send the Decision Games and Alan Poulter at Grognards to give some- initial notice, it was possible to make sizable sav- thing back to the hobby at large and elevate the profile of ings. However, over 60% of the membership still re- AHIKS at the same time. Dr. Cummins has graciously agreed quired a printed notice outside of the K. With the new to allow my original design of First Blood (commonly re- administration, dues structure, and other plans for the ferred to as the AHIKS edition) to be posted in its original future, we can hope that the expenses will more closely form for free “download” on Alan Poulter's Grognards web- match the income of our organization. site (www.grognard.com). There will be a link to our official AHIKS website (as well as one to Decision Games or S&T), Income for which we are grateful to Alan. More importantly, there will now be a solid, introductory- Dues 470.95 level, playable board wargame (with more than 50 counters) Interest 27.41 available for free to the public that can be printed out and Total 498.36 enjoyed. It was designed specifically in the “I go—You go” style to facilitate PBM play and should prove no problem for Expenses the novice to jump right in. I consider this an excellent start for the new year for AHIKS. It's nice to be able to give back Bank Chges. 2.64 to the hobby we love and to promote the hobby in a tangible Editor 2,052.55 way by offering to the general public, at no cost, a solid ex- M.C. 512.20 ample of what we do. In doing so, this spotlights not only Awards 42.17 AHIKS, but Grognards, S&T, and the entire hobby. I encour- Treasurer 25.79 age all of you to look the page up on the net and share it with Total 2,137.29 all of your non-gaming friends (and your gaming friends as well!). Pass it along to teachers, schools, and any group or Current Balance: $4,900.33 entity you can think of that might be inclined to pass along a link to something free that promotes reading and critical Pay-Pal Services: Especially for our overseas and thinking skills. Canadian members, I have added the option of payment Well, that's what I've been up to. by Pay-Pal. Any person utilizing this service must add How about you? an extra dollar; the service is not free to the recipient. This method is user friendly for all concerned. This is Your Buddy, Chester effective immediately. 2 The Kommandeur o v e r. R ic h a rd B o rg , th e d e s ig n e r o f B attle Game News from Alan Poulter C ry !, h a s a n n o u n c e d th a t Da y s o f W o n - This article is a compilation of infor- b re a k tu rn s in to d is tin c t p h a s e s . T a c tic s d e r is g o in g to b e p u b lis h in g a W o rld W a r mation gleaned chiefly from C onsim- c a rd s o ffe r p la y e rs m o re s tra te g ic o p p o r- II v e rs io n o f th e g a m e title d M em oir '4 4 . w orld (w w w .consimw orld.com) and tu n itie s , a n d F o rtu n e c a rd s a d d a n e le - W e a ls o h a v e w o rd th a t th e g a m e w ill W eb-G rognards h a v e p la s tic p ie c e s . T h e g a m e is d u e to (w w w .grognard.com). m e n t o f u n p re d ic ta b ility .“ The material w as correct at time of b e re le a s e d in M a y 2 0 0 4 .“ w riting: January 27, 2004. New Francis Tresham Game Francis Tresham is the designer Richard Berg Design Challenge New Magazine: of classics like Civilisation and 1830 Richard Berg, designer of too Command & Strategy and has not published a new game for many games to list, recently opined UGG (Udo Grebe Games) is 15 years. That is about to change on Consimworld that there was no based in Germany. It produces its sometime later this year according to subject that he could not design a own games (for example Blitzkrieg a press release from Phalanx Games: game about. Taking up this chal- General) and acts as a European dis- —R ev olu tion : T h e D u tc h R ev olt lenge, Consimworld members sug- tributor for some American s im u la te s th e E ig h ty Y e a rs ‘ W a r b e tw e e n gested more than 80 potential “lame wargames companies. Command & S p a in a n d th e N e th e rla n d s . T h is e p ic duck” game topics. A panel of Strategy will be UGG’s new quar- s tru g g le la s te d fro m 1 5 6 8 u n til 1 6 4 8 a n d judges, all game designers them- terly house magazine. The first issue e v e n tu a lly b ro u g h t in d e p e n d e n c e to H o l- selves (Lee Brimmicombe-Wood, should appear in the first quarter of la n d a n d th e n o rth e rn p ro v in c e s . In th e David Powell, and Charles Vasey), 2004. To quote UGG’s press release: s o u th , th e re v o lt w a s le s s s u c c e s s fu l, a n d selected the most unpromising of —Command & Strategy p ro v id e s m ili- B e lg iu m d id n o t e m e rg e a s a n in d e p e n d - these topics: the WWII Japanese bal- ta ry h is to ric a l a rtic le s , re v ie w s g a m e s , e n t s ta te u n til a fte r th e N a p o le o n ic e ra . loon bombing campaign against the re p o rts g a m e re la te d n e w s , a n d g iv e s R ev olu tion d e p ic ts a p o w e r s tru g g le w ith United States! Now Richard Berg has b a c k g ro u n d in fo rm a tio n o n g a m e s o r n e w m a n y fa c e ts . E a c h p la y e r re p re s e n ts o n e to turn this topic into an entertaining p la y e r o p tio n s .
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