The Locomotive
THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY of Haktford, Conn. presents this bound volume of The Locomotive with its compliments, and the request that you advise the Company on the attached form if your interest in the book is sufficient to make the receipt of subsequent volumes desirable. Names of those from whom no acknowledgment is received will be dropped from our complimentary list. 191 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. acknowledge receipt of volume of The Locomotive and shall be pleased to receive sub- sequent volumes at the address below. Name Address w*<2 serAed V> u ISAr. \\M- Roberts Sfajtarourtitre OF THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO. Vol. XXXIII. PUBLISHED BY THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CONN. 1920-1921. : INDKX To VOL. XXXIIL— 1920-1921 Reference Marked with a Star (*) ark to [llustrated \i i Advantages of co-operation between the boiler manufacturers and insurance companies — S. F. Jeter, July, 1920, 73. Alignment, engine, July, 1921, 198. Allen, Vice-President Francis Burke, death of, October, 1921, 244. American Boiler Manufacturers Ass'n, paper read at annual meeting, S. F. Jeter, July, 1921, 73. Ammonia Compressor, explosion of an, October, 1921, 241. Ammonia gas, inflammability of, October, 1921, 242. Ammonia, inflammability and explosion of, July, 1920, 76. Announcement Appointment of Mr. Win. D. Halsey as Editor of The LOCOMOTIVE, July, 1920, 86. Another long seam boiler explosion, July, 1921, 194. *Autogenous welding, contributing to explosion of laundry mangle, October, 1921, 226. Autogenously welded boiler, failure of, October, 1921, 246. "Automatics," back cover of January, 1921, issue.
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