Stony Creek/ Saw Mill Run Greenway Plan
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StonyStony Creek/Creek/ SawSaw MillMill RunRun GreenwayGreenway PlanPlan DecemberDecember 20162016 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA NORRISTOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MANAGER PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTOR TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN CHAPTER 2 GREENWAY CHARACTERISTICS COMMUNITY CONTEXT EXISTING LAND USE ANALYSIS COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS CHAPTER 3 IMPORTANT RESOURCES GEOLOGY TOPOGRAPHY WILDLIFE AND VEGETATION SOILS iii SCENIC PLACES AND VISTAS HISTORIC AND CULTURAL RESOURCES CHAPTER 4 STREAMS STONY CREEK SAW MILL RUN FLOODING WATER QUALITY CHAPTER 5 GREENWAY CORRIDOR FEATURES STONY CREEK SAW MILL RUN CHAPTER 6 GOALS GOALS POTENTIAL PROJECT BENEFITS CONFORMANCE WITH EXISTING PLANS CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDATIONS LINKAGES GREENWAY SECTION TRAIL CORRIDOR RECOMMENDATIONS STONY CREEK SAW MILL RUN FISHING ALONG THE CREEKS BIRDWATCHING ALONG THE GREENWAY REVITALIZATION CREEK AWARENESS EDUCATION STREAM RESTORATION GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE INSFRASTRUCTURE LAND PROTECTION iv CHAPTER 8 IMPLEMENTATION BACKGROUND IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX RESPONSIBILITY PRIORITY CATEGORIES FUNDING SOURCES CHAPTER 9 PLANNING PROCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC MEETINGS KEY PERSON INTERVIEWS FIELD TRIPS v vi LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 2 COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS CHAPTER 3 IMPORTANT RESOURCES CHAPTER 4 STREAMS CHAPTER 5 GREENWAY CORRIDOR FEATURES CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDATIONS vii CHAPTER 8 IMPLEMENTATION viii STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN The Stony Creek/ Saw Mill Run Greenway Plan has two complementary purposes: To assess the opportu- nities for creating continuous greenway corridors along the Stony Creek and Saw Mill Run in Norristown and in portions of the adjacent municipalities of East Norriton and West Norriton Townships and to assess the feasibility of implementing a public trail within each greenway corridor. The completed report includes recommendations for greenway stewardship, education, and best management practices as trail align- ments, access points, maintenance and management. SCOPE rington Park next to the East Norriton Middle This plan does not attempt to study greenway School. The East Branch of the Stony Creek is opportunities throughout the entire watersheds of studied up to Germantown Pike. The Saw Mill both creeks. Generally, the Stony Creek is studied Run is studied from its confluence with the from its confluence with the Schuylkill River to logi- Schuylkill River in Norristown through East Norri- cal terminus points about 1 mile above the Norris- town Farm Park. This area is referred to as the tennial Park along Old Arch Street. planning area throughout this report. The west- PROJECT PARTNERS ern branch of the Stony Creek, generally referred to as Kepner Run, is studied to Padden Park in This report has been completed through the gen- West Norriton Township. The Main Branch of the erosity of a grant from PA DCNR to Norristown Stony Creek through the park and across German- with the matching in-kind planning services pro- town Pike is studied to the newly established Bar- vided by Montgomery County Planning Commis- 1 STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN CHAPTER 1 Recreational greenways, featuring paths and trails of various kinds, often relatively long distance, based on natural corridors as well as canals, abandoned rail beds, and public rights-of-way. Ecologically significant natural corridors, usu- ally along rivers and streams and less often ridgelines, to provide for wildlife migration and species interchange, nature study and hiking. Scenic and historic routes, usually along a road, highway or waterway, the most repre- sentative of them making an effort to provide pedestrian access along the route or at least places to get out of the car. The Stony Creek in Norristown is a surprisingly beautiful and healthy stream. Comprehensive greenway systems based on sion. Guidance from the Advisory Committee and natural landforms such as valleys or ridges ongoing feedback from interested citizens and involving an assemblage of open spaces of stakeholders helped shape this plan. The Advisory various kinds to create an alternative munici- Committee included officials from Norristown, East pal or regional green infrastructure. and West Norriton Townships, representatives The proposed Stony Creek/ Saw Mill Run Green- from Greater Norristown Police Athletic League, way takes on aspects of most of these types of Elmwood Park Zoo, Norristown Farm Park, Norris- greenways. town Area School District, and Pennsylvania DCNR, and especially appreciated participation from Patricia Smith, long-time Norristown resident OVERVIEW OF THE PLAN and experienced community leader. This plan summarizes the greenway opportunities A special effort was made to encourage input, along both the Stony Creek and Saw Mil Run ideas, and concerns from neighborhood, faith- stream corridors and provides recommendations based, professional, and business organizations, on future actions that could be taken in order to and to reach out to the residents that live along or establish and maintain a greenway that would near the proposed greenway corridors. improve the health, safety and general welfare of WHAT IS A GREENWAY? the community surrounding it. A greenway is a linear open space system estab- Chapter 2 provides an overview of the characteris- lished along either a natural corridor, such as a tics of the dynamic community surrounding the river, stream valley, or ridgeline, or overland along proposed greenway. The land use and demo- a railroad right-of-way converted to recreational graphic trends of the community are analyzed use, a canal, scenic road or other route. It is a nat- briefly in this chapter to help evaluate future com- ural or landscaped course for pedestrian or bicycle munity greenway needs. passage. A greenway can be an open-space con- nector that links parks, natural preserves, cultural Chapter 3 explores the natural resources of the features, or historic sites with each other and with study area. The physical environment poses populated areas. Generally there are many types unique opportunities as well as challenges for any of greenways including: future greenway development. Likewise, all greenway development efforts must be analyzed Urban water based greenways, usually creat- from an environmental impact perspective. ed as part of a redevelopment program along Chapter 4 focuses specifically on the two streams neglected urban waterfronts. 2 STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN CHAPTER 1 Greenway Potential in Norristown: The Stony Creek and Saw Mill Run Greenway corridor are significant elements in Norristown inter- acting with several areas of the municipality that are involved in other planning or development activities. Greenways along both creeks provide significant connections within Norristown as well as connecting significant resources found in neighboring townships. 3 STONY CREEK/ SAW MILL RUN GREENWAY PLAN CHAPTER 1 since they provide the important linkage in the greenway. Understanding their physical charac- teristics is important in the development of poten- tial greenway recommendations. Chapter 5 assesses existing greenway corridor features. Currently there are many physical and cultural features along each stream corridor that can significantly contribute to the future greenway plan. Chapter 6 describes several greenway goals that were formulated based upon the in-depth analysis of community trends, needs and the physical re- sources of each stream corridor. These goals re- flect the numerous conversations held with key stakeholders, greenway public meetings, and study committee discussions. Chapter 7 provides specific recommendations that address each goal. A bulk of this chapter focuses on trail routes and access points along the green- way. Other recommendations are made for fu- ture education opportunities, community events, and public awareness of the stream. Chapter 8 pulls together the individual recommen- dations to establish an overall implementation strategy. The Plan process is described in Chapter 9. Stony Creek Valley. 4 CHAPTER 2 5 Figure 1 Regional Setting 6 7 Figure 2 Existing Land Use 8 Figure 3 Existing Land Use Mining Vacant/ Agriculture Water Single Family Detached Housing Wooded Recreational/ Parkland Industrial Institutional Office Mixed Use Retail Utility Transportation Mobile Home Park Single Family Detached Single Family Attached Low Density Multifamily Housing 9 10 View of Dekalb Street during a festival event 11 12 Figure 4 Population Population Population Change (2000-2010) Municipality 2010 Population 2000 Population Number Change Percent Change East Norriton 13,590 13,211 379 2.9% Norristown 34,324 31,282 3,042 9.7% West Norriton 15,663 14,901 762 5.1% Source: Census 2010 Figure 5 Age Characteristics Municipality 0-4 yrs. 5-17 yrs 18-24 yrs 25-34 yrs. 35- 44 yrs. 44-54 yrs. 55-64 yrs. 65-74 yrs. 75+ yrs. East Norriton 760 1,556 814 1,802 1,754 2,074 2,012 1,333 1,485 Norristown 3,066 5,925 3,881 6,396 4,644 4,213 3,068 1,663 1,468 West Norriton 839 1,605 981 2,861 2,113 2,426 2,154 1,349 1,335 Source: Census 2010 Figure 6 Hispanic Origin Municipality 2010 Total Population 2001 2000 Number Change 2010 % of Total Hispanic East Norriton 13,590 430 154 276 3.2% Norristown 34,324 9,714 3,282 6,432 28.3% West Norriton 15,663 492 236 256 3.1% Source: Census 2010 Figure 7 Race Black or African-American Municipality 2010 Total Population 2010 2000(1) Number Change 2010 % of Total East