ai Reports t of the

Town Officers


for the year ending

DECEMBER 31 1946



Town Officers




DECEMBER 31, 1946



Bonded Debt 20 Cemetery Lot Fund 19 Cemetery Trust Funds 94 Detailed Statement of Expenditures 21 Fire Department 43 Highway Department 33 Municipal Court 56 Library Report 61 Library Trust Funds 99 Licensed Dogs 50 Public Health Nursing Association 58 Selectmen's Report 10

School Budget » 70 School District Financial Report 71 School Headmaster's Report 81 School Health Report 91 School Honor Roll 90 School Planning Committee 92 School Officers and Teachers 66 School, Table of Salaries 90 School Statistical Table 88 School Superintendent 85 School Treasurer 80

School Warrant - 68 Tax Collector 46 Town Budget 15

Town Clerk • 50 Town Officers 3 Town Poor 27 Town Treasurer 18 Town Warrant ^ Vital Statistics 101 Water & Sewer Works, Superintendent's Report 40 Welcome Home Committee 63 TOWN OFFICERS


Selectmen and Assessors JAMES G. SNOW Term expires 1947 CLIFFORD STEARNS Term expires 1948 FRANCIS E. MASON Term expires 1949


Town Treasurer ROGER F. HOLLAND

Collector of Taxes GEORGE H. JONES Highway Agent WALTER H. BARRETT Water and Sewer Commissioners

HOWARD I. STREETER Term expires 1947 ROBERT A. WEEKS Term expires 1948 WILLIAM S. KIMBALL Term expires 1949


Overseer of Charities


Board of Education PAUL V. CHAMBERLIN Term expires 1947 HAROLD WEEKS Term expires 1948 MARGARET STREETER Term expires 1949 Auditors CHESTER LEES MARION WELCH

Chief of Fire Department DEXTER K. ROYCE

Municipal Court JESSE W. FIELD, Justice HAROLD R. WEEKS, Special Justice





Trustees of Ttust Funds MAUD TAYLOR Term expires 1947 RAY L. FLETCHER Term expires 1948 ROBERT A. WEEKS Terpi expires 1949 Library Trustees SUSAN HOLLAND Term expires 1947 DORIS GARFIELD Term expires 1948 ERNEST ADAMS Term expires 1949 Budget Committee HAROLD C. HOLLAND ROBERT A. WEEKS HAROLD S. GARFIELD ALBERT KRUMENAKER FRANK W. JEFFORDS



Constable and Deputy Sheriff FRANK WALKER Playground Committee ROLAND O'NEAL Term expires 1947 HOWARD STREETER Term expires 1947 HAROLD HOLLAND Term expires 1948 ORSON SMITH Term expires 1948 ROBERT F. MARSHALL Term expires 1949








To the Inhabitants of the Town of Hinsdale qualified to vote in town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at Town Hall, on Tuesday the 11th day of March, 1947, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to act on the following subjects

Article 1. To choose a Town Clerk for the ensuing year.

Article 2. To see if the town will vote to accept and adopt the report of the Selectmen, Auditors and other town officers.

Article 3. To choose a member of the Board of Selectmen for the ensuing three years.

Article 4. 'To choose a member of the Board of Library Trustees for the ensuing three years.

Article 5. To choose five members of the Budget Com- mittee for the ensuing year.

Article 6. To clioose a member of the Playground Com- mittee for the ensuing three years.

Article 7. To choose a member of the Water and Sewer Commission for the ensuing three years.

Article 8. To choose all other necessary town officers and agents for the ensuing year.

Article 9. To see how much money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the payment of ordinary town charges, for the maintenance of the fire department, for highAvays, for schools and for all other necessary expenses arising within the town. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to extend the town water system in sufficient size to provide an adequate sup- ply of water for fire protection and domestic use from the end of the present line at the top of Sand Hill along the Brattleboro Road to a point near the property of Frank Amarosa and au- thorize the Selectmen to borrow on the credit of the town a sufficient sum of money to pay for the same or act in any man- ner thereon.

'Article 11. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or borrow a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system from Cottage Street west to the Plain road and from that point north to the road which runs past Bombay's house, and from there along the last mentioned road as far as the dirt road which leads to the Richard Butler farm or act in any manner thereon.

Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to extend the sewer from the Pelech farm to the Joseph Fostyck place and raise and appropriate or borrow a sufficient sum of money therefor.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to extend the sewer system to include the Langille corner lot property on the westerly end of Highland Ave. and raise and appropriate a sufficient amount of money for same, or act in any manner thereon.

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to extend the town water from the top of Sand Hill across the field of Cecil Butler's down to the middle of Sand Hill and also installation of a hydrant and raise and appropriate or borrow a sufficient amount of money for same or act in any monner thereon. Per- mission has been granted by Cecil S. Butler to go across his field.

Article 15. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 to take off the corner half way between William Duggan place and John Duggan place and to widen and gravel the road from the junction of the old Ashuelot Road to the John Duggan pla6e, or act in any manner thereon. :


Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to straighten the road from the Chester Thomas place to the top of Roger Streeter's hill, also widen the bridge, or act in any manner thereon.

Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $431.62 to which the State will con- tribute $1,726.47 to be expended on Class 5 roads,.

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to collect household rub- bish and garbage in the town of Hinsdale, or act in any manner thereon.

Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars for the purpose of purchasing fireworks for a display at the Hinsdale Playgrounds on the evening of July 4th or act in any manner thereon.

Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to accept the Australian Ballot system, starting at the next town meeting for the following purpose

a. For the election of all town officers.

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to negotiate short term loans in anticipation of taxes.

Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to continue the discount for early payments of taxes in the same manner as in previous years.

Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to install a street light across the road on the pole opposite O'Connor Funeral Home on High Street or act in any manner thereon.

Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to place a street light between the Arthur Rubeor and William Booth's houses on

Spring St., or act in any manner thereon.

Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to place a street light on Stearns Court, between the brick building and Meany's bam, or act in any manner thereon. :

Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to borrow on the credit of the Town a sum of money not to exceed $3,000.00 to pay the difference in value between the present truck and snow plow and a new truck and snow plow or act in any manner thereon.

Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or borrow the sum of $1,500.00 to purchase a bull- dozer blade for the town tractor, or act in any manner thereon.

Article 28. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. Given under our hands and seal in said Hinsdale the 24th day of February, 1947.

JAMES G. SNOW, CLIFFORD D. STEARNS, FRANCIS E. MASON, Selectmen of Hinsdale. A true copy of Warrant—Attest JAMES G. SNOW, CLIFFORD D. STEARNS, FRANCIS E. MASON, Selectmen of Hinsdale. :



Inventory The selectmen of the town submit the following report of the financial affairs of the town for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1946.

The valuation of the town as appraised April 1st, 1946 was as follows Land and Buildings $911,915 00 Growing wood and timber 8,200 00 Electric plants, Water power, etc. 2,116,100 00 39 Horses 4,950 00 229 Cows 13,790 00 16 Neat Stock 580 00 14 Sheep and Goats 70 00 6 Hogs 150 00 Fowls 510 00 Gasoline Pumps and Tanks 1,900 00 Stock in trade 90,350 00 Mills and Machinery 240,000 00 1 Portable Mill 500 00

Total $3,389,015 00 887 Polls 1,774 00 Exempted to soldiers $16,950 00 Tax rate $2 82 Poll tax 2 00

Assets 1946 taxes estimated collectable $2,531 87 Cash on hand 20,368 13

$22,900 00 11

Liabilities Due Board of Education $19,268 00 Due on Sewer Bonds 17,000 00 Due on Water bonds 42,000 00 Due on Glen St. Notes 3,500 00 Due on Brattleboro and Highland Ave. notes 26,000 00

$107,768 00 Less assets 22,900 00

Net debt of town $84,868 00

Total appropriation $103,899 46

Less estimated revenues and credits: Interest and dividend tax $1,800 00 Railroad tax 1,000 00 Saving bank tax 400 00 Motor vehicle permit fees 1,000 00 Water department 2,500 00 Rent on town hall 100 00 Interest on taxes 75 00 Municipal court 40 00 Business licenses 10 00 Reimbursement of federal lands 31 50 Cash surplus 2,000 00

$94,943 96 Plus overlay 2,466 92

New amount to be raised by taxation $97,410 88 Less poll taxes '$1,774 00 National bank tax 30 00 1 QO/i on

Amount tax rate figured on $95,606 88 Plus poll taxes 1,774 00 National bank stock tax 30 00

Total taxes committed to collector $97,410 88 12

Appropriations Town officers' salaries $2,500 00 Town officers' expenses 300 00 Election and registration 340 00 Municipal court 100 00 Town hall 3,000 00 Police department 1,200 00 Fire department 4,000 00 Ordinary town charges 750 00 Health department 60 00 Public health nursing 1,650 00 Vital statistics 50 00 Town highway maintenance 5,000 00 Town road aid 430 14 Town snow removal and sanding incl. sidewalks 3,500 00 Town road oiling 2,000 00 Street lighting 2,200 00 Aid to soldiers' families 100 00 Library 1,500 00 Old age assistance 1,700 00 Town poor 1,200 00 Memorial Day 200 00 Blister rust 400 00 Welcome Home Celebration 2,000 00 Monadnock Region 100 00 G.A.R. hall 1,861 38 Parks and plaj^grounds * 600 00 Cemeteries 800 00 Damage and legal expenses 50 00 Interest 2,325 64 Payments on principal of debt 10,500 00 County tax 6,464 50 Schools 39,268 00 Sidewalks 1,000 00 Service records 149 80 New equipment 600 00 River St. and Highland Ave. water 6,000 00

1103,899 46 13

Summary of Payments Ordinary tOAvn charges $786 86 Town officers' salaries 2,425 00 Town officers' expenses 442 82 Election and registration 322 10

Municipal court . 100 00 Town hall 2,560 08 Police department 1,208 95 Fire department 4,874 22 Public Health Nurse 1,650 00 Health department 50 00 Vital statistics 62 50

Street lighting 2,191 50 . Town highway maintenance 6,042 61 Snow removal, roads and sidewalks 3,429 09 Town road aid 430 (14 Town highway oiling 1,566 34 Library 1,500 00 Town poor 1,127 50 Old age assistance 1,214 81 Memorial day 183 33

Playground • 770 61 Cemeteries 1,202 35 Interest 2,306 32 Indebtedness 11,500 00 Temporary loan 20,000 00 County 6,464 50 Soldiers' aid 193 53 Monadnock Region 100 00 G.A.R. hall 807 92 Schools 38,895 00 Taxes bought by town 68 37 Bounties 22 50 Motor permits 165 00 Cement mixer 407 40 Special poll tax 993 00 Collector of internal revenue 412 00 County poor 35 00 Legal 4 00 14

Welcome home 2,289 23 Depot St. 792 05 Water Brattleboro road 10,524 47 River street 4,788 38 Highland avenue 4,867 68 Brattleboro road sewer 13,565 00

Total $153,342 16 : :



Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing Year

January 1, 1947 to December 31, 1947 Compared with Actual Revenue and Expenditures of the Previous Year

January 1, 1946 to December 31, 1946

Sources of Revenue Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Previous Ensuing Year 1946 Year 1947 From state Interest and dividends tax $1,863 41 Railroad tax 1,151 41 Savings bank tax 348 51 Reimbursement a/c state and federal forest lands 27 35 For fighting forest fires 30 26

From local sources except taxes Business licenses and permits 10 00 Fines and forfeits, Municipal court 164 90 Rent of town hall and other buildings 148 00 Water department 1,500 00 Motor vehicle permit fees 1,582 17 : : : : : :


Purposes of Expenditures Actual Estimated Expenditures Expenditures Previous Ensuing Year 1946 Year 1947 Current maintenance expenses: General government Ordinary $786 86 $700 00 Town officers' salaries 2,425 00 2,750 00 Town officers' expenses 442 82 300 00 Election and registration expenses 322 10 75 00 Municipal court expenses 100 00 100 00 Expenses town hall and other town buildings 2,560 08 3,000 00

Protection of persons and property Police department 1,208 95 1,200 00 Fire department 4,874 22 4,500 00

Health Health department, including hospitals 50 00 60 00 Vital statistics 62 50 50 00 Public health nurse 1,650 00 1,800 00

Highways and bridges

Town maintenance : Summer 6,042 61 6,000 00

Town maintenance : Winter 3,429 09 3,500 00 Street lighting 2,191 50 2,300 00 Town highway oil 1,566 34 2,000 00

Libraries 1,500 00 2,000 00 Public welfare Town poor 1,127 50 1,200 00 Old age assistance 1,214 81 1,500 00

Patriotic purposes Memorial day and veterans' associations 183 33 200 00 Aid to soldiers and their families 193 53 200 00 Service records 100 00 : : : : : :


Actual Estimated Expenditures Expenditures Previous Ensuing Year 1946 Year 1947 Recreation

Parks and playgrounds, inel. band concerts 770 61 600 00

Public service enterprises: Cemeteries 1,202 35 1,000 00

' GAR hall 807 92 1,053 46

Unclassified Legal expenses 4 00 50 00 Regional associations 100 00 100 00

Interest On temporary loans 30 63 50 00 On bonded debt 2,200 00 1,745 00 On long term notes 75 69 282 14

Indebtedness Payment on principal of debt

(a) bonds 9,500 00 8,500 00 (b) Long term notes 2,000 00 5,000 00

Payments to other governmental divisions

County taxes 6,464 50 6,600 00 Payments to school districts 38,895 00 50,168 00

Total expenditures $93,981 94108,683 60 18


Cash on hand $21,888 94 Bicycle registration 10 50 Bounty on hedgehogs 25 50 County treasurer, county poor 45 GO Dog licenses 465 00 Filing fees 6 00 Forest fire aid 158 11 Loan, temporary, Winchester National Bank 10,000 00 Loan, temporary, Vermont Peoples National Bank 10,000 00 Motor vehicle permits 1,582 17 Notes, water and sewer 26,000 00 Police court, proportion of fines 164 90 Pool license 10 00 Property redeemed 18 42 Recovery of body, Austin 9 00 Refund, highway department 10 00 Refund, Mack Motor Truck 6 22 Refund, Old age assistance 392 94 Refund, William E. Watson 25 00 Refund, R. D. W^ood 15 54 Rent, town hall 148 OO Sale of land, Hattie S. Greenwood 200 00 Sale of fence material, Orson G. Smith 34 55

Sale of C. I. pipe, City of Keene 788 94 State treasurer, interest and dividend tax 1,868 41 State treasurer, railroad tax 1,151 65 State treasurer, saving bank tax 348 51 State treasurer, state forest tax 27 35 Tarring driveways 487 45 Town maintenance, summer 59 20 Town maintenance, winter 13 50 Taxes, George H. Jones, collector, property 92,770 10 Taxes, George H. Jones, collector, polls 1,782 00 Taxes, George H. Jones, collector, special polls 720 00 19

Taxes, George H. Jones, collector, Nat'l bank stock tax 29 10 Taxes, George H. Jones, collector, interest 133 29 Taxes, George H. Jones, cash on hand 5 90 Water and sewer department, income from 1,500 00 Welcome Home committee 370 90 Withholding tax, Walter H. Barrett, highway dept. 406 80 Withholding tax, Walter H. Barrett, overpaid 20 Withholding tax, Frank W. Walker 31 20

Total $173,710 29 Less selectmen's orders 153,342 16

$20^68 13 ROGER F. HOLLAND, Town Treasurer.

This is to certify that we have examined the cash books of the Town Treasurer showing a balance as of Dec. 31, 1946 of $20,368.13, which balance we have reconciled with the Treas- urer's books and bank statements.

MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Jan. 21, 1947. Town Auditors.

Cemetery Lot Fund

Cash on hand January 1st, 1946 $1,425 10 Mrs. Belle D. Currier 25 00 Pauline Smith 25 00 John Bienick 25 00 July 1st. interest 10 69

R. C. & R. S. Hildreth , 50 00 December 31st. interest 11 52

$1,572 31 ROGER F. HOLLAND, Town Treasurer. Audited January 24, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors. 20


Annual Maturities Water and Sewer Bonds

Water Bonds 1Sewer Bonds at 2%% at 4%

Original Amount of Issue i^114,000.00 $55,000.00 Principal Maturing October 1st each year May 1st each year Interest payable April and October May and November Payable at Second National Bank of Town Treasurer's Office Boston

Yearly Maturities Bonds Interest Bonds Bonds 1947 $6,000 00 $1,115 00 $2,500 00 $630 00 1948 6,000 00 990 00 2,500 00 530 00 1949 5,000 00 825 00 2,500 00 430 00 1950 5,000 00 687 00 2,500 00 330 00 1951 5,000 00 550 00 2,500 00 230 00 1952 5,000 00 412 50 2,500 00 130 00 1953 5,000 00 275 00 2,000 00 40 00 1954 5,000 00 137 50

Glen Street Water Extension Notes

Notes dated June 10, 1941 at 1% % per annum. Original amount of issue, $14,000.00. Principal maturing, September 1st each year. Interest payable, March 1st and September 1st each year. Payable at Winchester National Bank, Winchester, N. H. Yearly Maturities Note Interest 1947 $2,000 00 $48 14 1948 1,500 00 20 64

Brattleboro Road Water and Sewer Highland Avenue Water Notes

Notes dated November 25, 1946 at 9/10 of one per cent per annum. Original amount of issue, $26,000.00. Principal maturing November 21st year year. Interest payable March 1st and September 1st each year. Payable at Vermont Peoples National Bank, Brattleboro, Vt.

Yearly Maturities Note Interest 1947 $3,000 00 $234 00 1948 3,000 00 207 00 1949 5,000 00 180 00 1950 5,000 00 135 00 1951 5,000 00 90 00 1952 5,000 00 45 00 21


Town Officers' Expenses N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. $113 94 Chases Book Store, supplies 45 00 F. J. Young, postage 10 00 N. H. Assessors, dues 2 00 Marion Welch, postage 32 George Duncan, book 2 00 Charles Hardy, town clerk dues 2 00 Francis Mason 5 00 Clifford Stearns 24 50 James Snow 38 06 Colton Ins. Agency Treasurer Water Board bond 5 00 Supt. Water Board bond 5 00 Public Health Nurse bond 5 00 Tax Collector's bond 65 00 Town Treasurer's bond 50 00 Cemetery Trustees' bond 15 00 Constable bond 5 00 Town Clerk's bond 5 00 Town Treasurer's bond, 1945 35 00 Temple Ins. Agency Library Treasurer's bond 5 00 Road Agent's bond 5 00

$442 82 Appropriation $300 00 Overdrawn 142 82

$442 82

Town Officers' Salaries Marion P. Welch, auditor $25 00 Chester C. Lees, auditor $25 00 Maude Taylor, clerk of trust funds 90 00 Robert A. Weeks, water and sewer commissioner 100 00 90

William S. Kimball, water and sewer commissioner 100 00

Howard I. Streeter, water and sewer commissioner 100 00 George H. Jones, tax collector 450 00 Roger F. Holland, town treasurer 270 00 Raymond Hildreth, overseer of charities 75 00 Howard Streeter, overseer of old age 50 00 Francis E. Mason, selectman 270 00 James G. Snow, selectman 270 00 Clifford Stearns, selectman 475 00 Eleanor S. Smith, town clerk 125 00

$2,425 00 Appropriation $2,500 00 Balance 75 00

$2,500 00 Town Hall Frank Walker, janitor $936 00 Public Ser. of N. H., electricity 151 16 Hinsdale Water Works, water rent 25 00 John Royce, coal 624 33 C. A. Holland & Son, supplies 9 09 White-Washburne Co., supplies 7 95 James Snow, piano 50 00 Merman Hudson, moving piano 4 50 George H. Jones, liab. ins. 170 63 Colton Ins. Agency, insurance 448 75 Du-Ev Products Co., supplies 45 58 J. W. Field, supplies 1 50 B. F. Wood, repairs 2 50 H. W. Taylor, supplies 64 91

Streeter 's Mach. Shop, labor and supplies3 18 18

$2,560 08 Appropriation $3,000 00 Town Hall rent 148 00 Balance 587 92

$3,148 00 $3,148 00 23

Ordinary Zion's Hill Press, town reports $398 57 Zion's Hill Press, invoices 237 50 Temple Ins. Agency Fire and theft insurance 46 04 Public Health auto-liab. 27 85 Eleanor S. Smith, typing invoices 15 00 Charles Harris, Jabor 5 10 Frank Amarosa, labor 1 00 Esther Bennett, records 1 00 Winfield Chaplin, records 19 80 Edwin Culver, surveying Highland street 30 00 Winona Owen, refund on poll tax 5 00

$786 86 Appropriation $750 00 Overdrawn 36 86

$786 86

Municipal Court J. W. Field, Salary $100 00 Appropriation $100 00 J. W. Field, fines 164 90 Balance 164 90

$264 90 $264 90

Election and Registration Ray L. Fletcher, supervisor of checklist $49 50 William E. Watson, supervisor 49 50 Robert Cunningham, supervisor 36 00 William Watson, ballot box 50 00 Clarence Fay, moderator 27 00

Eleanor S. Smith, clerk , 27 00 Agnes Golden, ballot clerk 9 00 Abbie H. Robertson, ballot clerk 4 50 Hazel M. Lamb, ballot clerk 4 50 Mary Bailey, ballot clerk 9 00 Katherine Hammond, ballot clerk 4 50 24

Helen Roy, ballot clerk 4 50

Francis E. Mason, selectman . 9 00 James G. Snow, selectman 9 00 Clifford D. Stearns 9 00 R. D. Tyler, meals 20 10

$322 10 Appropriation $340 00 Refund on ballot box 25 00 Balance 42 90

$365 00 $365 00 Fire Department Hinsdale Water Works, water rent $1,734 00 H. J. Delphy, janitor 388 15 Royce's Garage, supplies 96 77 Spencer's Garage, supplies 79 55 John Royce, fuel 237 58 Am. LaFrance Foamite Co., supplies 291 28 Streeter's Mach. Shop, labor 1 93 Hartford Accident Ins. Co., insurance 178 75 Peter Zavorotny, firemen's salaries 853 88 James A. Coffin, supplies 27 00 L. M. Burrows, equipment 10 00 Public Service Co. of N. H., electricity 28 83 Colton Ins. Agency, insurance 75 17 Temple Ins. Agency, insurance 45 84 State of N. H., supplies 77 28 Blanchard Assoc. Ins., portable pump 519 40 J. Reddin, janitor 4 75 H. W. Taylor, supplies 4 74 Peter Zavorotny, forest fire payroll 22 90 Dexter Royce, forest fire payroll 196 42

$4,874 22 Appropriation $4,000 00 William Oski 24 60 John Kerylow 103 25 State of N. H. 30 26 25

Overdrawn 716 11

$4,874 22 Police Department

Frank Walker, salary- $884 00 Lloyd Pickett, salary 240 00 S. G. Adams & Co., bicycle plates 27 60 W. S. Darley Co., supplies 3 25 John Royce, special police 5 00 Sidney Smith, special police 5 00 Levi Howard, special police 5 00 Town of Brattleboro, pulmotor 33 10 Dr. Lachaine, medical 6 00

$1,208 95 Appropriation $1,200 00 Refund, Mrs. Austin 9 00 Bicycle registration 10 50 Balance 10 55

$1,219 50 $1,219 50

Public Health Nurse Katherine Hammond, Treas., nurses salary $1,650 00 Appropriation $1,650 00

Health Department Raymond Hildreth, health officer $50 00 Appropriation $60 00 Balance 10 00

$60 00

Vital Statistics

Eleanor S. Smith, recording $54 00 Dr. H. L. Brown, recording 1 75 Dr. Edmond Lachaine, recording 5 25 Rev. H. Cooper, recording 1 50

$62 50 26

Appropriation $50 00 Overdrawn 12 50

$62 50 ROADS Winter Maintenance W. H. Barrett, orders $3,429 09 Appropriation $3,500 00 Credits 13 50 Balance 84 41

$3,513 50 $3,513 50 Summer Maintenance W. H. Barrett, orders $6,042 61 Appropriation $5,000 00 Credits 75 42 Overdrawn 967 19

$6,042 61

Depot St. Sidewalk W. H. Barrett, orders $792 05 Appropriation $1,000 00 Balance 207 95

$1,000 00

River Street W. H. Barrett, orders $422 02 Refund to town main. 10 00

$412 02

Oiling Roads W. H. Barrett, orders $1,566 34 Appropriation $2,000 00 Credits 487 45 Balance 921 11

$2,487 45 $2,487 45 27

T.RJI. Appropriation $430 14 Paid State of N. H. $430 14 Library Ernest Adams, treasurer $1,500 00 Appropriation $1,500 00 TOWN POOR Case No. 1 Hospital and care $669 00

Case No. 2 Hospital and care 458 50

$1,127 50 Appropriation $1,200 00 Balance 72 50

$1,200 00 Old Age Assistance Town's share $1,214 81 Appropriation $1,700 00 Refund 392 94 Balance 878 13

$2,092 94 $2,092 94 COUNTY POOR - Case No. 1 Care $35 00 Soldiers' Aid Case No. 1 $128 03 Case No. 2 10 00 Case No. 3 55 50

$193 53 Appropriation $100 00 Overdrawn 93 53

$193 53 .


Playground Public Service Co. of N. H., electricity $16 27 Royce Garage, supplies 28 92 Temple Ins. Agency, insurance 25 00 Granite State Mowing Mach. Co., repairs 29 48 H. W. Taylor, supplies 16 94 Colton Ins. Agency, insurance 12 50 Spencer Bros., supplies 9 00 Lorraine Gove, supervisor 150 00 Maxine Jablonski, assistant 80 00 Doris Worden, assistant 20 00 Clifton Hall, caretaker 246 00 Clayton Owen, labor on fence 28 00 Glen Covey, labor on fence 28 00 D. Swett, wire and staples 20 50 W. Farquahson, fence posts 60 00

$770 61 Appropriation $600 00 Refund, Orson Smith 34 55 Overdrawn 136 06

$770 61 G. A. R. HaU Holden & Martin, lumber $105 76 Charles Harris, labor 70 35 Lyman Barret, labor 21 65 John Royce, lumber 38 58 Charles Roy 14 22 Frank Amarosa, labor and supplies 137 50 A. J. Farnham, carpenter 232 00 H. W. Taylor, supplies 53 40 Temple Ins. Agency, insurance 20 88 Percy Stewart, labor 1 50 Merchandis Marketers Co., tablet 110 00 R. A. Weeks, freight 2 08

« $807 92 Appropriation $1,861 38 29

Balance 1,053 46

$1,861 38 Memarial Day Zion Hill Press $16 00 Frank Amarosa, flowers 5 25 Taylor for Flowers 48 00 High School Band 35 00 J. W. Field, flowers 51 25 American Legion 12 83 Orson Smith, bus 5 00 Robert Brandl. bus 5 00 Patricia Stephens, pianist 5 00

$183 33 Appropriation $200 00 Balance 16 67

$200 00 Cemeteries Roy D. Taylor, sexton $520 00 Ronald Higgins, labor 213 64 Charles Roy, Jr., labor 272 05 W. H. Snow, repairs 49 25

Granite State Mowing Mach, Co., repairss 21 00 Roy Taylor, supplies 2 00 Ernest Houle, mowing 44 85 Calvin Lowe, mowing 4 00 Hinsdale Water Works, water rent 7 55 H. W. Taylor, supplies 9 19 Wayne Owen, labor 3 50 M. Kerylow, labor 21 38 Ray Fletcher, labor 4 88 Jubal Higgins, labor 3 75 Peter Wasyluk, labor 13 51 EdAvard Pastuszenski, labor 6 00 Anthony Bolden, labor 5 00

$1,202 35 30

Appropriation $800 00 Overdrawn 402 35

$1,202 35 Street Lights Public Service Co; of X. H. $2,142 00 Public Service Corp. of Vt. lights on island 49 50

$2,191 50 Appropriation $2,200 00 Balance 8 50

$2,200 00 Bounties Clayton Owen $5 00 Francis Mason 1 50 Clifford Stearns 2 00 James Snow 14 00

$22 50 Due from State of New Hampshire $22 50 New Equipment

Hodge & Mathews Co., cement mixer $407 40 Appropriation $600 00 Balance 192 60

$600 00 Legal Roy M. Pickard $4 00 Appropriation $50 00 Balance 46 00

$50 00 Interest Second National Bank of Boston water bonds interest $1,320 00 Winchester National Bank sewer bonds interest 880 00 31

Glen St. Water nota 75 69 Temporary loan 30 63

$2,306 32 Appropriation $2,325 64 Balance 19 32 /

$2,325 64 Temporary Loan Winchester National Bank $10,000 00 Vt. Peoples National Bank 10,000 00

Paid On Indebtedness Winchester National Bank sewer bonds $2,500 00 Appropriation $2,500 00 Glen St. Water notes $2,000 00 Appropriation $2,000 00 Second National Bank of Boston water bonds $6,000 00 Appropriation $6,000 00 Keene National Bank, water bond $1,000 00

County Tax County of Cheshire $6,464 50 Appropriation $6,464 50 Monadnock Region Treasurer $100 00 Appropriation. $100 00

Schools J. W. Field, treasurer $38,895 00 Balance due board of education 19,268 00

$58,163 00 Taxes Bought by Town George H. Jones $65 87 Winfield Chaplin, recording 2 50

$68 37 32

Motor Registration

Eleanor Smith, permits $165 00

Special Poll Taxes

State of New Hampshire $993 00

Collector of Internal Revenue

Withholding taxes $412 00

Welcome Home Orders drawn $2,289 23 Appropriation $2,000 00 Refund 370 90 Balance 81 67

$2,370 90 $2,370 90

Water and Sewer Extensions

Brattleboro Road 'Water orders drawn $10,524 47 Pipe sold 804 48

$9,719 99 River St. water extension, orders drawn 4,788 38 Highland Avenue, orders drawn 4,867 68 Brattleboro Rd. sewer, orders drawn 13,565 00

$32,941 05 Appropriation $6,000 00 Long term notes 26,000 00 Cash 941 05

$32,941 05 33

Hinsdale, N. H. January 23rd, 1947.

This is to certify that we have examined the Selectmen's receipts and payments together with vouchers and supporting invoices and payrolls and find them to be properly signed and classified. We also find that the Town Treasurer has received the sum of $173,710.29 and the Selectmen have drawn orders for $153,342.16 leaving a balance of $20,368.13 as of December 31st, 1946. MARION WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Town Maintenance, Summer Walter H. Barrett $1,027 74 Walter H. Barrett, use of pick-up 150 00 Floyd Sprague 900 30 William McAuliffe 769 60 Henry Barrett 231 55 Treas. Town of Hinsdale, withholding tax 263 40 Richard Valley 3 60 Winfield Brooks 36 40 H. W. Taylor, supplies 178 10 Wilfred Major, team 24 00

Wilfred Major, oak posts . 38 50 Mike Bomba 10 40 Robert E. Dunklee, angle iron and cutting 8 24 Andrew Farnham, truck 108 10 Walter Reed 93 20 Spencer Bros., labor and supplies 99 01 Fred Latham 134 80 Royce's Garage, gas, tires, battery, labor 340 13 Gulf Oil Corp., fuel oil 9 20 Public Service Co. of N. H., electricity, town shed 9 00 Arthur Butler, gravel 31 10 Frank Cousins 816 35 :


Temple Insurance Agency, auto liab. 27 25 Temple Insurance Agency, Ins. town sh^d 15 00 Modern Auto Wrecking Co., glass door and inst. 9 78 Brattleboro Water Dept., labor and equipment 14 19 Mack Motor Truck Co., parts for truck 21 31 New England Box Co., slabs 4 50 Hinsdale Water Works, town shed 6 90 Hinsdale Paper Mfg. Co., pipe 10 00 W. G. Farquharson & Sons, posts 70 00 R. H. Brown & Co., rake teeth 90 E. W. Systrom Co., grader blade and express 12 64 Holden & Martin Lumber Co., lumber and plank 212 33 Cecil Butler, use of tractor 27 50 Clayton Owen 87 80 Streeter's Machine Shop, welding and material's 22 30 Glen Covey 72 00 Leonard Waters 21 00 Anthony Bolden, tractor, mowing 5 00 Modern Auto Wrecking Co., supplies 3 58 F. M. Fuller, sharpening picks 2 00 Arthur Whitcomb, Inc., use of bulldozer 10 00 Griffins' Service Station, gas 1 10 Russell Farnham 1 00 Clayton Gamash 86 20 The Morgan Garage, labor and supplies 15 61

$6,042 61 Appropriation $5,000 00

Credits Warren Barrett, use of tractor 9 00 William Watson, labor on driveway 40 20 Oscar Keller, scraper blade 10 00 : :


Rebate, Mack Motor Truck Co. 6 22 Rebate, error, order of June 29, 1946, overpaid 10 00

$5,075 42 Over drawn 967 19 - $6,042 61 Received after books were closed Joseph Pelech, water tub 10 00 Henry Durnford, scraping road 4 70

Unpaid Richard Rouillard, scraping road 20 58

Audited Jan. 22, 1947.


Town Maintenance, Winter Roads and Sidewalks Walter H. Barrett $425 75 Walter H. Barrett, use of pick-up 150 00 Floyd Sprague 369 05 William McAuliffe 374 70 Henry Barrett 298 00 Richard Farnham 9 10 Peter Bolden 9 10 Arthur Butler, truck 5 00

Treasurer, town of Hinsdale, withholding tax: 135 70 Public Service Co., of N. H., electricity, town shed 3 00 Royce Bros. Garage, gas and supplies 161 61 Royce Bros. Garage, truck 6 00 Casellini-Venable Corp., grouser group 81 35 Jones' Express, express on grouser group 2 03 Andrew Farnham, truck 508 20 Anthony Bolden, truck 35 70 Wilfred Major, team 90 00 36

Spencer Bros., labor and supplies 45 50 State Highway Garage, garage made salt spreader 16 80 ^ Podmores Garage, gas 3 11

* Gordon Walker 6 40

Andrew Farnham • 17 30 F. M. Fuller, sharpening picks 1 75 Boston & Maine R. R., freight on cutting edges 1 22 Arthur Houle 28 75 Prentiss Garage, Zerex 5 30 Walsh Holj^oke Boiler AVorks, Inc., cutting edges 27 00 Hays Garage, brake lining 1 62 Shell Oil Co., Inc., balance of Dec. 21st invoice 3 18 Streeter's Machine Shop, welding, parts, repairs on snow plow 73 60 Robert E. Dunklee, labor, materials and welding 16 82 Huldridge Delphj^ 3 25 Northfield Washed Sand & Gravel Co., sand 94 72 John Royce, truck 4 00 Treasurer, State of N. H.. calcium chloride 86 00 Dan Duggan 23 30 Herman Hudson, truck 2 00 Herman Hudson, man 5 60

The Orcutt Works, Inc., machinery oil 5 75 Maine Steel Inc., plow parts 59 24 Frank Cousins 13 60 Clayton Gamash 95 75 H. P. Welch Co., express 2 10 Railway Express Agency, express 3 41 Leonard Waters 3 00 Ralph Tobey 2 00 Glen Covey 2 00 International Salt Co. 77 23 Gulf Oil Corp., fuel oil 10 50 :


Joseph Major 3 00 Frank Walker, car to Manchester 20 00

$3,429 09 Appropriation $3,500 00

Credits, plowing driveways: Siquid Englesen 7 50 John Norton 6 00

$3,513 50 Balance 84 41

$3,513 50 Received after books were closed:

John Royce, plowing 6 00 John Norton, plowing 1 50 William Young, plowing 3 00 Wasyl Klowan, plowing 1 50

Henry Durnford, plowing 3 00 - Richard Butler, plowing 2 00

Unpaid Richard Rouillard, plowing road 15 00

Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.

Depot Street Bridge and Sidewalk Walter H. Barrett $58 40 Floyd Sprague 52 85 William McAuliffe 45 70 Frank Cousins 62 25 Andrew Farnham 85 00 Treasurer, town of Hinsdale, withholding tax 6 20 Holden & Martin Lumber Co., lumber and plank 398 46 38

The Lake Asphalt & Petroleum Co., of Mass.-LaPaco 57 75 Robert E. Dimklee, supplies and labor 25 44

$792 05 Appropriation $1,000 00 Balance 207 95

$1,000 00 Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.

Town Tarring Walter H. Barrett $36 00 Floyd Sprague 30 75 William McAuliffe 28 00 Herman Hudson, truck 32 00 Frank Cousins 36 75 Gordon Walker 18 10 Andrew Farnham, truck 71 40 Richard Carpenter 9 10 James Carpenter 9 10 Treasurer, town of Hinsdale, withholding tax 1 50 Anthony Bolden, truck 28 80 Ernest Carpenter, truck 32 50 Treasurer, town of Winchester spreader 6 50 , sand Independent Coal Tar Co., tar 1,111 11 Northfield Washed Sand & Grjivel Co., s£md 114 73

$1,566 34 Appropriation $2,000 00

Credits, tarring driveways: Louis Chcrwa 29 37 Mike Wasyluk 18 76 Elmer Coombs 2 27 Orlando Owen 15 82 Frank Sikoski 17 62 39

William Zavarotny 9 55 John Kerylow 10 44 John Beruk 67 16 Theodore Beruk 13 24 Frank Mosher 15 42 Fred Nees 55 00 Harry Bell, foundry 14 47 Joseph Kowall 7 28 William Watson 6 21 Clarence O'Neal 19 72 Harold Garfield 12 54 Eldon Sargeant 4 74 Charles Harris 5 43 Alice Provost 5 82 Earl Williams 2 40 Andrew Farnham 6 85 Truman Mead 15 31 Frank Walker 3 50 Beatrice Jacquith 8 88 Walter H. Barrett 7 59 Roger Holland 3 42 Elmer Townsend 3 27 Jesse W. Field 24 90 Hazel Lamb 5 84 Jubal Higgins 8 25 William Kimball 3 23 Sidney Butler 8 20 Mabel Temple 5 43 Prentiss Taylor 8 23 Agnes Golden 3 91 M. J. Madigan 13 84 Hannah Pike 4 37 Percy Stewart 7 98 Raymond Hildreth 7 10 Harold C. Holland 4 09

$2,487 45 Balance $921 11

$2,487 45 ^ : : :


Received after books were closed David Meany, cold patch 3 00 Wasyl Klowan, tarring driveway 32 15

Unpaid H. A. Mead 5 87

Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.

River Street Walter H. Barrett $57 75 Floyd Sprague 60 00 William McAuliffe 56 00 Frank Cousins 60 00 Arthur Butler, gravel 60 Andrew Farnham, truck 60 00 Northfield Washed Sand & Gravel Co., sand 76 49 Arthur Whitcomb, cold patch 41 18

$412 02

Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.


To the AVater and Sewer Commissioners and Citizens of Hinsdale

I herewith submit the following report:

If we plan to make future extensions I would like to recommend a new stand pipe also another filter unit at the filtering plant. This would give me a chance to repair present 41 standpipe, also give more storage for extention pipe lines and eliminate Sunday filtering. We have 373 users at present. I have attended some of the N. H. and New England Water Works meetings. In closing this report I wish to thank the commissioners and selectmen for their cooperation during the past year. Res-pectfully submitted, CHARLES W. HARRIS, Superintendent.

Cash on hand, Jan. 1, 1946 $164 99 Received from all sources 8,342 54

$8,507 53 Total expenditures $8,296 57

Cash on hand, Jan. 1, 1947 210 96

$8,507 53


Expensesvn Freight, express, telephone and postage $297 03 Insurance 80 00 Taxes, town of Winchester 115 92 Refund to town of Hinsdale 1,500 00 — $1,992 95

Repairs to Mains, Hydrants and Sewers Repairs and labor on hydrants $148 28 Expense on Brattelboro road extension 938 56 Labor on sewers 229 02

$1,315 86 42

Job Work Job work $123 49 Purification Plant Purification plant labor $862 60 Purification plant power 74 60 Purification plant supplies and fuel 964 06

$1,901 26

Distribution Expense Charles W. Harris, salary $2,126 80 Charles W. Harris, withholding tax 213 20 Charles W. Harris, truck 260 00 Supplies 363 01

$2,963 01

Water Extension on River Street

R. D. Wood Co., pipe $1,698 63 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., Inc. 262 28 H. R. Prescott & Sons 179 58 B & M R. R., freight 110 00 Hinsdale Trucking Co. 84 80 W. C. Ferguson 2,081 07 Walter Barrett, repairing road 422 02

$4,788 38 Water Extension on Highland Avenue

R. D. Wood Co., pipe $2,156 91 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., Inc., hydrants and fittings 101 84 W. C. Ferguson, installation 1,755 00 W. C. Ferguson, 94 cubic yards ledge 752 00 Freight 101 93

$4,867 68 Water Extension on Brattleboro Road

R. D. Wood Co., pipe $3,128 74 W. C. Ferguson, installation * 3,310 00 W. C. Ferguson, moving hydrant and fixing gate box 50 00 43

W. C. Ferguson, 157 cubic yards ledge 1,256 00 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., Inc., hydrants andnd fittings 391 78 Hinsdale Trucking Co., trucking 139 00 Metcalf & Eddy, engineering 1,773 39 Freight 391 39 Eureka Cement Lined Pipe Co., pipe 44 25 H. R. Prescott & Sons, supplies 10 08 Incidentals 29 84

$10,524 47 Less pipe sold to Keene $788 94 Less refund on pipe 15 54

804 48

$9,719 99 Sewer Extension Brattleboro Road

W. C. Ferguson, tile and installation $13,336 00 Edwin Culver, engineering 229 00

$13,565 00


The Board of Engineers Submit the Fallowing Report:

8 general alarms and 6 stills. March 12 Brush fire back of water tower, no loss. March 17 Brush fire on Clat Owens land, no loss. March 24 Brush fire on Kerylow farm, expense refunded. April 30 William's residence, $3300. May 7 Dr. Lachaince residence, no loss Oct. 10 Lemay's residence, damage slight. Nov. 29 MacDonald's Airport, total loss. Dec. 2 B. & M. railroad, no loss. 44

We recommend the purchase of 250 ft. of 2% inch hose, also 500 ft. iy2 inch hose single ply for forest fire fighting.

Respectfully submitted, DEXTER K. ROYCE, Chief. FRANK W. WALKER, 1st Ass't. Engineer, PETER ZAVOROTNY, 2nd Ass't. Engineer, MARK CHAMBERLAIN, 3rd Ass't. Engineer, JOHN W. ROYCE, 4th Ass't. Engineer.


Salary Ex. Time Total

C. D. Fay, chief $18 75 $12 50 $31 25 Dexter Royce, chief 56 25 37 50 93 75 Frank Walker, 1st Ass't. 20 00 7 50 27 50 R. L. Howe, 2nd Ass't. 5 00 5 00 Peter Zavorotny, 2nd Ass't. and clerk 25 00 22 25 47 25 F. J. Young, 3rd Ass't. 5 00 5 00 Mark Chamberlain, 3rd Ass't 20 00 9 75 29 75 John Royce, 4th Ass't. 15 00 7 50 22 50 Win Brooks 2 00 7 50 9 50 Charles Blossom 10 00 74 50 84 50 Levi Howard 3 00 3 00 6 00 Frank Cousins 6 00 4 50 10 50 George Podmore Jr. 6 00 10 13 16 13 Kenneth Brooks 11 00 15 00 26 00 Orlando Owen 2 00 3 75 5 75 Walter Baranoski 11 00 6 00 17 00 Ray Fletcher 12 00 15 00 27 00 Arthur Houle 6 00 11 25 17 25 Dan LaChance Sr. 10 00 10 00 Thomas O'Connell 9 00 8 25 17 25 Lloyd Pickett 2 00 2 00 Verne Varno 10 00 12 00 22 00 Arthur Rubeor 1 00 1 00 Steve Kolodney 12 00 2 25 14 25 45

Chase Delphy 1 00 1 00 Charles Bo^'le 2 00 2 00 Wm. Butynski 11 00 13 50 24 50 Bernard O'Connor 6 00 3 75 9 75 Robert Marshall 6 00 3 75 9 75 Charles Harriss Jr 7 00 75 7 75 Harold Podmore 3 00 5 25 8 25 Ruel Munson 3 00 3 00 Robert Cunningham 2 00 2 00 Frank Dexter 4 00 4 50 8 50 Leonard Waters 12 00 19 50 31 50 Clarence Howe 8 00 25 50 33 50 William Bevis 11 00 .24 00 35 00 Gilbert Veber 5 00 3 00 8 00 Harold Stevens 10 00 15 75 25 75 Raymond Gamash 10 00 6 75 16 75 Arthur C. Roberts Jr. 7 00 12 00 19 00 Sidney Smith 8 00 3 00 11 00 Chester Waterman 9 00 11 25 20 25 Cedric Bevis 5 00 13 50 18 50 Siren operator 10 00 10 00

Totals $413 00 $440 88 $853 88

Received from the town treasurer the sum of $853.88.

Respectfully submitted, PETER ZAVOROTNY, Treasurer.

Dec. 9, 1946.

Audited Feb. 5. 1947.

CHESTER C. LEES, MARION P. WELCH, Town Auditors. : :


Fire Department Relief Fund

There is a deposit of $129.21, plus accrued interest from

January 1, 1944, in the Savings Bank of Walpole and a deposit of $141.12, plus accrued interest from April 1, 1944, in the Cheshire County Savings Bank. There are also five Series F. U. S. Treasury Bonds in the hands of the trustees. The bonds each have a maturity value of $1,000.00, which occurs at the end of 12 years from date of purchase. The bonds cost $740.00 each and were purchased as follows: July and October 1942, April and October 1943 and July 1944. There were no expenditures during the past year.

HAROLD S. GARFIELD, FRANK W. JEFFORDS, Trustees. Jan. 25. 1947.


Levy of 1946

Taxes committed to collector —DR.— Property taxes $95,602 88 Poll taxes—Regular $2.00 1,778 00 National bank stock tax 30 00

Total warrant $97,410 88

Added taxes Property taxes 172 02 Poll taxes 26 00 Interest collected 4 11

Total debits $97,613 01 CR.

Remittances to treasurer: Property taxes $90,100 41 Poll taxes 1,316 00 :


National bank stock tax 29 10 Interest collected 4 11 Discount allowed 2,536 39 Abatements 154 80 Property illegally assessed 141 00

Uncollected taxes per collector's list: Property taxes 2,891 20 Poll taxes—Regular 440 00

$97,613 01

Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.

Levy of 1945 —DR.—

Uncollected taxes as of January 1, 1946: Property taxes $2,696 15 Poll taxes 536 00 Poll taxes—Special 840 00

Added taxes Poll taxes—Regular 16 00 Poll taxes—Special 24 00 Interest 119 26

$4,231 41 CR, Remittances to treasurer during fiscal

year ended December 31, 1946 : Property taxes $2,669 69 Poll taxes—Regular 426 00 Poll taxes—Special 666 00 Interest collected during year 119 26 48

Uncollected taxes as per collector's

list: Uncollected taxes 193 00 Abatements 157 46

$4,231 41 Cash on hand end of year 1945 $5 90 Redeemed taxes 18 42

Uncollected Taxes 1945)45 Aldrich Grace $5 00 Baronski Dorothy 5 00 Belluscio Isabel 5 00 Bergeron Edward 3 00 Blair Harold Mrs. 5 00 Bonnett Fannie 5 00 Brown Geo. 5 00 Brown Katherine 5 00 Class Geo. 5 00 Class Geo. Mrs. 5 00 Cammoli Edward 5 00 Cammoli Josephine 5 00 Deome Blanche 5 00 Eustise Jean 5 00 Fecto Edward 5 00 Ferron Albert 5 00 Franklin Eva 5 00 Hannigan David 5 00 Hannigan Edith 5 00 Harwick Joseph 5 00 Harwick Mabel 5 00 Harvey Kenneth 5 00 Harvey Grace 5 00 Merrill Elizabeth 5 00 Norwicki Stella 5 00 Packard Stephen Mrs. 5 00 Preston Josephine 5 00 Reddin Joseph 5 00 Sarri Margaret 5 00 49

Shatney Clarence 5 00 Shatney Bertha 5 00 Stephens Walter 5 00 Stephens Walter Mrs. 5 00 Thompson Rupert 5 00 Thompson Mildred 5 00 Thompson Andrew 5 00 Thompson Irene , 5 00 Town Gertrude 5 00 Wescott Floyd 5 00

1944 Taxes Uncollected Aldrich Grace $5 00 Bellusico Isabel 5 00 Bergeron Edward Jr. 3 00 Briton Evelyn 5 00 Brown Katherine 5 00 Deyo Edna 5 00 Reddin Jean 3 00 Rickey Joseph 5 00 Rickey Joseph Mrs. 5 00 Shatney Bertha 5 00 Thomson Andrew 5 00 Thomson Andrew Mrs. 5 00 Tousant Fred 5 00 Tousant Vivian 5 00 Wilson Victora 5 00

1943 Ta,xes Uncollected Deyo Edna $2 00 Thomson Andrew 2 00

I hereby certify that the above list showing the name and amount due from each delinquent taxpayer, as of December 31, 1946 on account of the tax levies of 1943-1944-1945 is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

GEORGE H. JONES, Tax Collector. 50


Motor Vehicle Permits Issued 1945-46 Permits issued, 31 $31 00 1946-47 Permits issued, 629 1,551 17

Paid town treasurer $1,582 17

Audited January 24, 1947.



Amarosa, Frank J. $2 00 Amarosa, Frank J. 2 00 Beruk, Raymond 2 00 Bushey, William 2 00 Bodnar, John 2 00 Butler, Arthur 2 00 Butler, Arthur 2 00 Bouchie, Guy X. 2 00 Boyle, Charles 5 00 Buraczynski, Mary 2 00 Bell Harry E. 2 00 Bombay, Michael 2 00 Bevis, Aubrey 2 00 Bosley, Marie 2 00 Bosley, Charles Jr. 2 00 Brown, Rosabel 2 00 Burbeck, Harold 2 00 Barrett, Florence 2 00 Bergeron, Harriett 2 00 Butler, Florence 5 00 Buckley, Prescott 2 00 Bednarski, Antoni 2 00 Barrett, Mrs. Marvin 2 00 Bernier, Robert 2 00 Bennett, Annie 2 00 51

Bombay, Julia 2 00 Bouchie, Stephen J. 2 00 Butler, Ernest 2 00 Bomba, Michael 2 00 Big'sbr, Milton 2 00 Chamberlain, Paul V. 2 00 CoUis, Margaret 2 00 Clough, Walter E. 2 00 Clough, Katherine 2 00 Corkins, Roland 2 00 Coons, Bessie 2 00 Cunningham, Claudia 5 00 Cherwa, Louis 2 00 Chudzik, Helen 2 00 Chudzik, Helen 2 00 Cotey, Philip 2 00 Cotey, Philip 2 00 Dascomb, Walter B. 5 00 Doolittle, Miles 2 00 Dodge, Raymond E. 2 00 Dubrisfle, Doris 5 00 Dubriske, Doris 2 00 Doyle, Lois 2 00 Doucette, Joseph 2 00 Duggan, Robert 2 00 Doucette, Joseph 2 00 Day, Helen 2 00 Dodge, E. M. 2 00 Daniels, Ernest 5 00 Daniels, Ernest 2 00 Dixon, Arnold 2 00 Dodge, Carl 2 00 Enright, John E. 2 00 Ebbighausen, Robert 2 00 Ebbighausen, Jerome 2 00 Engelsen, Lilly 2 oe Eaton, Mrs. Charles 2 00 Ethridge, Lewis 2 00 Fostyck, Joseph 2 00 52

Fuller, Elmer W. 2 00 Field, Everett 2 00 Francis, Arnold 2 00 Field, John D. 2 00 Fuller, Merle 2 00 Fales, Linda 2 00 Fecto, Forrest 2 00 Goss, Sandra Jean 5 00

Garfield. Jeanne • • 2 00 Gove, Lorraine 2 t)0 Grey, William D. 2 00

Golden, Agnes , 2 00 Gamash, Barbara 2 00 Gratton, Leo 2 00 Graham, Donald Jr. 2 00 Grover, Mildred 2 00 Gauthier, Diane 2 00 Garfield, Russell 2 00 Golden, Mary E. 2 00 Heckman, Cornelia 2 00

Hale, Walter ' 2 00 Huryn, Harry 2 00 Hammond, Katherine 5 00 Hill, Ann 2 00 Higgins, Ronald 2 00 Hood, Rev. Howard 2 00 Hastings, George N. 2 00 Hastings, George N. 2 00 Hale, Oliver 2 00 Higgins, Glen 12 00 Hamel, Napoleon 5 00 Johnson, Richard S. 2 00 Jasienowski, Julia 2 00 Knapp, Velma 2 00 Kozyra, Teddy 2 00 Kendrick, Fred D. Sr. 2 00 Kowal, Walter 2 00 Larabee, Charles Jr. 2 00 Lamb, Hazel M. 2 00 53

LaChance, Blanche 2 00 Lorette, Albert 5 00 Lamy, Lou 2 00 Latham, Henry 2 00 Major. Francis W. 2 00 Madigan, M. J. 2 00 Madigan, M. J. 2 00 Madigan, M. J. 2 00 Morse, Cecil 2 00 Maynard, Edward 2 00 Mosher, Arthur 2 00

Miner, Shirley , 2 00 Moore, Edward R. 2 00 Moore, Kenneth 2 00 Mecheski, Mary 2 00 Maddocks, Edgar 2 00

Merrifield, Alice T. * 2 00 Mead, Beatrice 2 00 Martell Abbie 5 00 Merrifield, Alice 2 00 McAuliffe, Robert 2 00 McAuliffe, John R. 2 00 McCormick, James N. 2 00 McCormick, Owen B. 2 00 McCormick, Edward J. 2 00 McDonald, Ada 2 00 Newell, Herbert K. 12 00

O'Connor, Florence ' 2 00 O'Neal, Clarence B. 2 00

O'Neal, Clarence B. v 2 00 Pelis, John A. 2 00 Pelis, John A. 2 00 Patterson, Viola 2 00 Perham, Annie 2 00 Perham, Annie 2 00 Parenchuck, Steve 2 00 Provost, Alice 2 00 Pelech, Dodee, 2 00 Packard, Stephen 5 00 54

Pawelezyk, Anthony 2 00 Pritz, Mary 2 00 Purkis, Lillian 2 00 Putnam, Diantha 5 00 Paduchak, Mary 2 00 Rouillard, Arthur 2 00 Royce, Ralph C. 2 00 Roberts, Elizabeth V. 2 00 Roberts, Elizabeth B. 5 00 Royce, Marj^ 2 00 Reid, Donald 2 00 Rash, Lilla 2 00 Rash, James L. 2 00 Ritzenski, Mike 2 00 Rubeor, Rachel 2 00 Reddin, Mary 2 00 Stanclift, Elwin 2 00 Stearns. Clifford D. 5 00 Stearns. Clifford D. 5 00 Stearns, Clifford D. 2 00

Smith, Richard I. 2 00 Smith, Ralph 2 00 Schlattner, Martin 2 00 Smith, Doris 2 00 Stoddard, Edward 2 00 Streeter, Mrs. Howard 2 00 Schorling, Gretchen 2 00 Stanclift, Walter 2 00 Stewart, Percy C. 2 00 Steams', Sidney VV. 2 00 Sprague, Floyd G. 2 00 Snow, Roe 2 00 Stanclift, Edna 2 00 Sikoski, John 2 00 Stephens, George Jr. 2 00 Stetson, Wendell 2 00 Shatney, Clarence 2 00 Shatney, Clarence 2 00 Thomas, Leon 2 00 55

Thomas, Leon 2 00 Tuttle, Harold 2 00 Tuovinen, Abel 2 00 Thomson, Skipper & Harry 2 00 Thereault, Victory 2 00 Taylor, Maude 12 00 Tobey, Ralph 2 00 Vanasse, Leo 2 00 Valley, Richard 2 00 Varno, Natalie 2 00 Varno, Phyllis 2 00 Varney, George 2 00 Wells, Walter J. 5 00 Walker, Frank W. 2 00 Wallace, Dorothy E. 2 00 Waterman, Chester 2 00 Williams, Earle L. 2 00 Waterman, Maurice 0. 2 00 Wilson, Edward 5 00 Welch, D. P. 2 00 Welch, D. P. 5 00 Williams, Albert 2 00

Wilder, Ralph I. 2 00 Whitehead, Helen 2 00 Whitney, Guy 2 00 Waterbury, Walter 2 00 Waters, Leonard 2 00 Young, Edward 2 00 Zaiko, Mary 2 00 DOGS LICENSED FOR 1946 188 males @ $2.00 each $376 00 19 females @ $5.00 each 95 00 3 kennels @ $12.00 each 36 00 $507 00 Less fees 42 00 Paid town treasurer $465 00 Audited January 24, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors. : :: :



Motor vehicle Violations Case No. 406 Costs paid. Case No. 407 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 409 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 416 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 418 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 421 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 422 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 425 Fine and costs paid.

Case No. 426 Placed on file. Case No. 427 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 428 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 429 Fine and costs paid.

iiks: Case No. 408 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 410 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 411 Fine and costs paid.

Case No. 420 Allowed time 1to pay Case No. 421 Fine and costs paid.

)nautics violations Case No. 412 Costs paid. Case No. 413 Costs paid. Case No. 414 Fine and costs paid.

Case No. 415 Costs paid. .

Liquor sale violations Case No. 417 Fine and costs paid.

Larceny Case No. 419 Fine and costs paid. Case No. 431 Costs paid.

Fish and game violations: Case No. 432 Fine and costs paid. : : : : :


Non-support Case No. 424 Found not guilty.

Fugitive from justice

Case No. 430 Returned party to State of Mass. Sheriff

Civil cases, writs, attachments, repossession of property Case No. 433-434-435-436-437-438-439-440. All cases settled.

Paid to Motor Vehicle Dep't. Concord: Case No. 407 $11 30 Case No. 409 22 50 Case No. 416 22 50 Case No. 418 9 00 Case No. 421 22 50 Case No. 422 9 00 Case No. 425 31 50 Case No. 427 67 50 Case No. 428 37 80 Case No. 429 19 70 $253 30

Paid Fish and Game Dep't. Concord: Case No. 432 16 70 16 70

Paid Treas. Town Winchester Case No. 417 50 00 50 00

Paid Aeronautics Commission Concord Case No. 412 1 70 Case No. 413 1 70 Case No. 414 11 70 Case No. 415 1 70 16 80

Paid to treas. Town Hinsdale

• Case No. 406 1 50 Case No. 407 2 50 Case No. 408 6 50 Case No. 409 4 00 Case No. 410 6 50 Case No. 411 11 50 58

Case No. 412 1 50 Case No. 413 1 50 Case No. 414 1 50 Case No. 415 1 50 Case No. 416 4 00 Case No. 417 1 50 Case No. 418 7 50 Case No. 419 51 50 Case No. 421 4 00 Case No. 422 2 50 Case No. 423 11 50 Case No. 425 12 00 Case No. 427 19 70 Case No. 428 5 70 Case No. 429 3 50 Case No. 431 1 50 Case No. 432 1 50 164 90

Total $501 70 Respectfully submitted, JESSE W. FIELD, Justice. HAROLD R. WEEKS, Associate Justice.

Audited Jan. 24, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.


I hereby submit my fourth annual report for the year ending Dec. 31. 1946.

Prenatal . 27 Home deliveries 11 Postpartum 64 Newborn 93 Non-communicable ^ 337 Communicable 46 :


Health supervision Infants 56 Pre-school 54 Tuberculosis 15 Adult welfare 26 Schools 407

I was granted a 4 months leave of absence from January

15, 1946 to May 12, 1946 at which time Mrs. Robert Brandl, R. N. took over duties as Public Health Nurse of this com- munity.

During the months of February and March quite a few cases of scarlet fever were reported and during May and June we had an epidemic of mumps, fortunately most of the cases were mild.

The annual physical examination of school children Avas completed in late fall by Doctor Edmond Lachaine, school phj^'sician. assisted by the school nurse. This year the out- standing defects among all students were defective teeth and tonsils. A dental clinic was planned for the fall but due to the illness of Doctor Grimes it was cancelled.

A pre-school and school Diphtheria Immunization Clinic was held in the Community Room October 16, and Nov. 21 Doctor Edmond Lachaine and Doctor H. L. Brown gave this toxoid to 5 infants, 54 pre-school and 85 school children. This year the age group was from 6 months to 10 years. Immuniza- tion was stressed by the State Department of Health, because of the prevalence of Diphtheria in this section of the country.

I have attended the following meetings. Sectional Public Health meeting in Keene, N. H. April 10, and September 27, 1946. School Nurses meeting in Keene, N. H. May 9th., State Teachers Conference Nurses Section Concord, N. H., October 18th., and the State Social Workers Institute Manchester, N. H. October 21.

Miss Helma LaFrantz, territorial supervisor from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., visited this service November

1st. 60

At his time I wish to thank the members of the local Nursing Committee, physicians, teachers and the community as a whole for their cooperation and assistance given me in promoting this work of this nursing service.

Respectfully submitted, FRANCES M. SIKOSKI, R. N.

HINSDALE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION Katherine Hammond, Treas. Report for Year 1946


Jan. 1, 1946, balance on hand $182 21 Received from town 1,650 00 Received from service 449 92 - Total $2,282 13

Expenditures F. M. Sikoski $1,113 74 H. M. Lamb 146 64 D. Brandl 389 62

Nurses salary $1,650 00 Sub. nurse 50 00 D. Brandl, rent 97 50 Telephone 16 60 Lights 6 00 Auto expense 411 39 Supplies 46 95 .

$2,278 44

Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1947 $3 69 61


Hours open per week 20

Total circulation . 20,017

Adult fiction ' 11,086 Adult non-fiction 1,943 Juvenile fiction 2,841 Juvenile non-fiction 1,862 Magazines 2,085 Average daily 74 Percent of fiction 71

The library is still unable to purchase many needed sup- plies. Books are of inferior makeup and after a short time ^lust be discarded as they cannot be rebound, due to narrow margins and poor paper. Those suitable for binding must wait months as binderies have little trained help or materials.

We have tried during the war years to have more liberal policies and in verj^ few instances have we been imposed upon to any great extent. However one who takes an advantage not only keeps others from getting what they need but curtails the good service that should be given to all.

The librarian attended the Mass. Library Institute held at Simmons College this summer.

The library is opened earty each afternoon to accommodate the bus children and is very busy for a few minutes. The chil- dren are very courteous and cooperative and we enjoy this work with them very much. Adult borrowers may have to wait a few minutes but we have heard of no complaints from them as yet. More people are using the reading room and it is unfortunate that they cannot be protected from the cold air, when the door is opened in winter. We hope this can be remedied some time. LUELLA STREETER, Librarian. 62

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Expenditures during the year are itemized as follows

-* ' Steams- Bowker- Town Amidon Jones Appro. Fund Fund

Librarian's salary / $1,034 00 Bakers News Shop 327 67 $150 00 $37 80 R. H. Huntting Co. 109 20 J. S. Wesby & Sons 42 88 Colton Ins. Agency 56 00 Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. 25 29 Bank service charges 2 12 Moore, Cotrell 61 90

$1,524 57 $284 49 $37 80

ERNEST E. ADAMS, Treasurer.

Audited Jan. 22, 1947. MARION P. WELCH, CHESTER C. LEES, Town Auditors.



Pearl Fireworks Co., fireworks $600 00 Emil R. Wiernasz, orchestra 150 00 Dan H. Pease Co., decorations 100 00 Bastion Bros. Co., medals 310 17 Kulick, clam bake 1,116 56 Levi Howard, police 7 50 Sidney Smith, police 7 50 Alton Stephens, police 7 50 Chester H. Lees, high school band 50 00 Edward Bousquet, parade 25 00 Orson Smith, transportation 10 85 Robert Brandl, transportation 8 70 :


James Ross, sound truck 30 00 Anthony Bolden, trucking for bonfire and cleaning playground 37 00 Zion's Hill Press, printing 32 25

Raymond Hildreth

Repairing table 5 00 Telephone, stamps and express 7 76 3 boys on flyers 3 00 Supplies for clam bake 63 21 Supplies, hot dog stand 71 08

$2,643 08 Appropriation $2,000 00


Sale of clam bake tickets 605 50 Sale of chicken 10 75 Receipts, hot dog stand 78 10 Receipts from chocolate milk 30 40

$2,724 75 Balance 81 67

$2,724 75






Hinsdale School District



JULY 1, 1945 -JUNE 30, 1946 66



School Board PAUL V. CHAMBERLIN Term expires 1947 HAROLD R. WEEKS, Chairman Term expires 1948 MRS. ROGER STREETER Term expires 1949

Superintendent of Schools RICHARD A. MARTIN

Teachers Hinsdale High School:

Chester C. Lees, Headmaster (Mathematics) Doris B. Smith, Sub-master (Social Studies and English) Leon D. Dover (Mechanic Arts and Manual Training) Isabel Belluscio (Mrs.) (Science and Mathematics) Carl E. Richmond (Music) Gertrude B. Stearns (Mrs.) (English, French and Latin) Pauleta Hinchej^ (Commerce) Margaret Newman (Home Economics and Social Studies) Mary Coll (Grade 6)

Bridge Street School:

Ismay Campbell (Mrs.) (Grade 5) Rosetta B. Lowe (Mrs.) (Grade 4) Mabel E. Temple, Principal, (Grade 3) Margaret Coll, (Grade 2) Gladys Lees (Mrs.) (Grade 1) 67








To the inhabitants of the School District in the town of Hinsdale qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the eleventh day of March 1947, at two o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects

1. To choose a Moderator for the ensuino* year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuino: year.

3. To choose a member of the School Board for the ensuing" three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

6. To choose Agents, Auditors, Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

7. To see if the District will vote to make any alterations in the report of the School Board recommending the amount of money required for the support of schools and payment of statutory obligations.

8. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty-six Hundred Dollars ($3,600.00) to meet the deficiency for the School year 1946-1947.

9. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00) to employ an additional teacher as an assistant for Grades One and Two.

10. To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate funds to the limit allowed by State law to be held in reserve for the construction of a new School Building.

11. To ransact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. :


Given under out hands at said Hinsdale, this twenty- seventh day of January, 1947.




School Board's statement of amonnts required to support public schools and meet other statutory obligations of the district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1947.

DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES Support of schools High Elementary Total Teachers' salaries $15,000 00 $17,050 00 $32,050 00 Text books 300 00 400 00 700 00 Scholaries' supplies 800 00 900 00 1,700 00 Flags and appurtenances 5 00 10 00 15 00 Other expenses of instruction 175 00 25 00 200 00 Janitor service 1,025 00 1,025 00 2,050 00 Fuel 800 00 700 00 1,500 00 Water, light and janitor's supplies 500 00 500 00 1,000 00 Minor repairs and expenses 500 00 500 00 1,000 00 Medical inspection 75 00 125 00 200 00 Transportation of pupils 2,000 00 3,000 00 5,000 00 Other special activities 250 00 50 00 300 00

Totals $21,430 00 $24,285 00 $45,715 00 ,

Other statutory requirements:

Salaries of district officers (fixed by district) $500 00 Truant officer and school census (fixed by district) 75 00 Superintendent's excess salary (fixed

by district) ' 800 00 Per capita tax (reported to state treasurer) 688 00 Insurance 725 00 Teachers' retirement fund (reported by state board) 1,090 00 71

New equipment 300 00 Expenses of administration 1,025 00

Total 5,203 00

Total' amount required to meet school board's budget $50,918 00

Estimated income of district: George-Deen fund 750 00

Total assessment required to balance school board's budget $50,168 00



For Fiscal Year July 1, 1945, June 30, 1946

REVENUE State and Federal Aid (a) George-Deen fund $848 83

Income From Local Taxation (a) For support of elementary schools $19,560 00 (b) For support of high school 14,255 00 (c) For salaries of district officers and superintendent's excess salary - 1,208 00 (d) For payment of per capita tax 672 00 (e) Other obligations imposed by law or established by district 1,200 00

Total 36,895 00 72

From Sources Other Than Taxation (a) High school tuitions $343 77 (b) Sale of property 100 00 (c) Other receipts 65 00

Total 508 77

Total receipts from all sources $38,252 60 Cash on hand at beginning of year,

July 1, 1945 344 07

Grand total i^38,596 67

EXPENSE AND OUTLAY Salaries of District Officers Chester C. Lees $5 00 Marion P. Welch 5 00 Paul V. Chamberlin 100 00 Harold R. Weeks 100 00 Margaret G. Streeter 125 00 J. W. Field 100 00 Hanna Pike 5 00

Clarence D. Pay ^ 5 00

$445 00 Superintendent's Excess Salary Paul V. Chamberlin, treasurer. Union No. 25 578 76

Truant Officer and School Census William L. Kilhart 20 00 Lindsay V. Hall 25 00

45 00 ' Expenses of Administration William H. Slayton 36 54 Paul V. Chamberlin, treasurer, Union No. 25 420 00 New England Telephone & Tele- graph Company 77 86 73

National Geographic Magazine 3 50 Chester C. Lees, telephone and postage 15 00 Continental Educational Publishers 2 18 Shaw-Walker, Inc. 6 65

Bruce Publishing * Company 4 25 Hopkins, The Florist 6 00 Edson C. Eastman Company 13 23 Arthur C. Croft, publisher 10 00 Baker's New Shop 1 95 Richard A. Martin 11 95 Winfield M. Chaplin 10 00 Colton Insurance Agency 12 50 Vermont People's National Bank 2 16 Florence O'Connor 3 50 Helen Mulroney 5 00 People's Bus Lines 5 00 J. W. Field 17 40 Bureau of Publications, Columbia Teachers College 3 00 Dramatics Magazine 60 Carl Larson 2 12 Baker's Office Supply and Equipment 9 45 Margaret G. Sreeter, telephone and postage 8 00

687 84 Principals' and Teachers' Salaries Chester C. Lees 2,721 65 Lindsay V. Hall 2,003 50 Bernard Moushure 1,766 31 Carl D. Richmond 619 45 Isabel Belluscio 1,584 00 Gertrude B. Stearns 1,456 35 Pauleta Hinchey 1,603 80 Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz 1,416 20 Doris B. Smith 1,485 45 Mary Coll 1,133 47 Ismay Campbell 1,030 79 Rosetta B. Lowe 1,214 00 • 74

Mabel E. Temple 1.171 36 Gladys Lees 1,022 85 Margaret Coll 339 12 Marion Powers 131 08 William L. Rinehart 280 00 Hazel Rubeor 221 28 Luella Streeter 45 10 Mary D. Kerylow 384 33 Hanna Pike 17 30 William Powers 22 00 Vermont People's National Bank 2,603 87

24,273 26 Text Books Ginn and Company 50 64 John C. Winston Company 3 80 American Book Company 15 29 D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 11 50 Iroquois Publishing Company 12 24 Allyn and Bacon 21 06 The Macmillan Company 142 20 American Technical Society *32 99 Harper and Brothers 5 38 International Text Book Company 1 60 Sugar Ball Press 3 14 South-Western Publishing Company 10 10 Houghton Mifflin Company 9 86 Gregg Publishing Company 11 36 Scott, Foresman and Company 36 75 Row, Peterson and Company 24 34 Webster Publishing Company 28 09 • D, C. Heath and Company 48 59 Nebraska University, Extension Divisionon 19 20 J. B. Lippincott Company 1 66

489 79

/ Scholars* Supplies Phillips Paper Company 127 00 Edward E. Babb & Company, Inc 459 82 75

Bruce Publishing Company 7 93 F. A. Owen Publishing Company 13 80 Cooperative Test Service 30 J. L. Hammett Company 46 91 J. H. Faught Company 1 72 Holden and Martin Lumber Company 66 14 Hamilton Publishing Company 1 28 Central Scientific Company 5 54 Sears, Roebuck and Company 13 08 John C. Winston Company 12 51 L. W. Singer Company 5 47 McCormick-Mathers Company 13 35 American Book Company 15 02 J. B. Lippincott Company 18 58 Ginn and Company 18 04 New England Box Company 17 60 Gregg Publishing Company 2 41 C. A. Holland and Son 25 94 Robert H. LaChance 18 71 First National Stores 10 27 Houghton & Simons 5 00

Royce 's Garage 1 11 Allyn and Bacon 50 79 The Macmillan Company 60 17 American Education Press, Inc. 38 58 D. C. Heath and Company 7 91 Webster Publishing Company 1 43 Kennesaw Publishing Company 9 75 Benton Review Publishing Company 14 46 National Survey Company 15 09 South-Western Publishing Company 29 48 Bureau of Publications Columbia Teachers College 75 Educational Test Bureau 4 07 World Book Company 15 95 Beckley-Cardy Company 1 25 Charles E. Merrill Company 1 18 H. W\ Taylor 115 28 Scott Foresman and Company 2 48 76

School Service Bureau 7 90 Science Research Associates 94 85 Morgan-Dillon and Company 3 68 Brodhead-Garrett Company 1 80 Public Service Company of New Hampshirehire 7 00 Houghton Mifflin Company 4 00 J. \V. Field 16 56

1,411 94

Flags and Appurtenances Edward E. Babb & Company, Inc. 2 31

Other Expenses of Instruction Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz 2 00 Harvard Trust Company 75 National Education Association 1 60 Educational Supply Company 3 22 D. Appleton-Century Company 1 06 Ideals Publishing Company 3 75 Harvard University Press 3 70 Fred L. Tower Companies 6 00 Association for Childhood Education 2 11 The News Shop 22 50 J. L. Hammett Company 31 16 Chase's Book Store 1 50 Zion Hill Press 28 00

107 35

Janitors' Salaries

William Kilhart 1,345 80 Arthur Miner 63 00 Russell Rubeor 7 50 Vermont People's National Bank 188 20

1,604 50


Louis I. Allen 1,328 46 77

Water, Lights and Janitors' Supplies Public Service Company of New Hampshire 578 43 White-Washburne Company 86 05 William L. Kilhart 86 35 First National Stores 5 28 West Disinfecting Company 12 95 H. W. Taylor 111 70 C. A. Holland and Son 78 Hinsdale Water Works 120 00 Edward E. Babb & Company, Inc. 5 58 The Brush Shop 13 60 Reliable Paper and Supply Companj^ 5 19

1,025 91 Minor Repairs and Expenses>enses W. H. Snow 1 50 W. V. Toomey and Company 10 08 Roj^ce Bros. Garage 5 22 Lindsay V. Hall 2 07 H. w/ Taylor 255 53 Masurj^-Young Company 35 45 J. H. Faught & Son 202 00 Rex Higgins 100 91

Louis I. Allen 29 08 M. S. Perkins Machine* Company 5 31 Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz 3 90 Keene Mill End Store 23 60 R. L. Howe 4 00 Charles S. Gross 11 75 Streeter's Machine Shop 2 73 Vaughan and Burnett 5 00 Standard Cotton Goods Company 23 00 Edward E. Babb & Company, Inc. 2 10 C. W. Harris 152 23 E. David Swett 2 85 Ray Webster 19 29 Houghton & Simonds 14 53 William Keryldw 1 00 Nelson C. Faught Company 10 50 78

Kurt F. Haagen 7 00 John W. Royce 5 00 The Underwood Corporation 231 00

1,166 63 Health Supervision J. W. Field 4 10 Edmond LaChaine, M. D. 150 00

154 10 Transportation of Pupils Robert E. Griffin 2,000 00 Orson C. Smith 1,210 00

3,210 00

Other Special Activitiesties Spencer Hardware Company 7 45 Lindsay V. Hall 5 00 A. R. Goddard 1 80 Bourne, Inc. 4 16 Deland's Music Store 33 18 Carl Fischer, Inc. 39 51 Boston Music Company 108 64 Mrs. Doris Buswell 11 18 Fillmore Music House 95

211 87

Tax for State-Wide Supervision

F. Gordon Kimball, state treasurer 672 00

Insurance and Other Fixed Charges Temple Insurance Agency 371 91 George H. Jones 52 40 Vermont People's National Bank 80 Teachers' Retirement Board 45 67 Paul V. Chamberlin. treasurer. Union No. 25 35 20

505 98 79

New Equipment C. 0. Anderson 15 00 Denoyer-Geppert Company 11 16 R. H. Brown and Company 6 75 M. S. Perkins Machine Company 300 00 The Smedley Company 6 52 Transport Clearings Associates 10 40 A. R. Goddard 6 70 Roberts Express, Inc. 9 32 H. P. Welch Company 3 02 A. J. Nystrom and Company 6 50 Central Scientific Company 2 39 Brodhead-Garrett Company 7 78 Deland's Music Store 3 00 Nelson C. Fanght Company 195 00

583 54

Total payments for all purposes $38,504 24 Total cash on hand at end of year, June 30, 1946 •92 43

Grand total $38,596 67


This is to certify that we have examined the books and other financial records of the school board of Hinsdale, of which this is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, and find them correctly cast and properly vouched.

CHESTER C. LEES, MARION P. WELCH, Auditors. July 31, 1946. : :



Cash on hand, June 30 1945 $344 07

Received from selectmen Appropriations for current year $36,895 00

Received from state treasurer George-Deen fund 848 83 Received from all other sources 508 77

38,252 60


Total amount available for fiscal year $38,596 67 Less school board orders paid 38,504 24

Balance on hand as of June 30, 1946 $92 43

JESSE W. FIELD, District Treasurer. July 13, 1946


This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Hinsdale, of which the above is a true summary- for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, and find them correct in all respects.

CHESTER C. LEES, MARION P. WELCH, Auditors. July 31, 1946. :



To the Superintendent of Schools

It is an honor to submit my sixth annual report. Faculty Chang^es:

Miss Margaret Newman was elected to the Home Eco- nomics position vacated by Miss Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz who accepted a similar position iji Pembroke Academy. Mr. Leon Doyer filled the vacancy in the Industrial Arts department caused by the resignation of Mr. Lindsaj^ Hall. Upon his dis- charge from the army Mr. Carl Richmond resumed his duties as Supervisor of Music.

Student Activity Funds:

During the past few years student activities have increased to a considerable extent over Avhat they had been previously. Beginning with the sixth grade each class has its own organ- ization with class officers and a faculty advisor. A long rang plan covering the seven years in the high school building is begun with each entering sixth grade with the ultimate goal in view of a trip to Washington by the graduating class. Only with this extensive planning is such a trip possible for each class, year in and year out. Modest dues agreed upon by the pupils themselves are imposed upon the class members. In addition, such events as dances, plays and school parties are conducted which help to build the class treasuries. These events increase in number for each class as it approaches the Senior year. There are three other accounts besides the seven grade accounts. These comprise the General Fund, the Music Fund and the Athletic Fund. The General Fund is for the entire school and the source of such additions to our equipment as our Bell and Howell movie projector and new microphone. Proceeds from concerts and parades augment the Music Fund. This fund last year purchased new caps for the whole band, additional band capes and paid the expenses incurred in trips to state festivals etc. In past years the fund has purchased :


instruments for the band including two baritone horns, a snare drum, a glockenspiel, a clarinet, a mellophone and a pair of excellent Zildjian cymbals. This year our young musicians will participate in two Xew Hampshire festivals, one in Rochester and one in Portsmouth. Expenses for these trips will be paid

out of the Music Fund. The Athletic Fund is maintained for such purposes as buying equipment and hiring officials. Rev- enue for the fund is obtained from contributions at the games and from receipts of such events as our May Day activities. There are ten student treasurers, one for each class and one for each of the three funds mentioned above. Finally, Miss Hinchey keeps a master account of all the .school funds which tell at a glance the immediate standing of any or all of them. The balances as of the present are as follows Grade 12 (Class of '47) $495 59 Grade 11 (Class of '48) 420 45 Grade 10 (Class of '49) " 425 98 Grade 9 (Class of '50) 45 42 Grade 8 (Class of '51) 98 50 Grade 7 (Class of "52) 47 80 Grade 6 (Class of '53) 21 26 General Fund 17 88 Music Fund 241 14 Athletic Fund 30 62

Total $1,844 64

Visual Education: The Hinsdale School District this year has subscribed to a yisual aid service supplied by the University of New Hamp- shire. By means of this service we are able to obtain films of an instructional nature for our varied courses. We are thus able to supplement the regular instruction in such courses as Biology, Science, Social Studies, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Music and even Stenography. These aids in no way are intended to replace the tried and true methods of teaching but merely provide a supx^lementary enrichment of the curriculum. We are handicapped to a considerable extent in not having a room for the special projection of pictures. Our main room 83

is equipped with dark curtains but when it is desired to show a picture to a small class, the large number of pupils in the main room have to go elsewhere. Sometimes it is difficult to find space for them and other classes are disrupted. The only

answer to the problem is to have a special room available for am^ particular class when supplementary visual aids are being

used. This however is not possible in our present building.

Music Organizations:

Since my last annual report there have been many activities by the musical organizations of the high school. Last spring witnessed a well attended concert in the town hall provided by the glee clubs and the band. Also in the spring a selected group of Hinsdale pupils went to Nashua to participate in the state festival there. The band also took part in a music festi- val held at Newport. N. H. in May. During the town Memorial Day exercises the band played throughout the daj- as usual. During the summer the band played in Newport again for the American Legion, for the 4th of July celebration of the return of our servicemen and for the Labor Day parade.

Last fall saw the band appear in Bellows Falls in the Firemen's parade. The combined glee clubs and band plus the grade school children gave a Christmas Concert this year which was as well attended as any event in recent years. In March there will be an all New England festival in Brattleboro, Vt. in which Hinsdale High School pupils have been selected to play in the All New England Orchestra and Band and to sing in the All New England Chorus. A selected group of our young musicians will go to Rochester this spring to participate in a New Hampshire music festival and the entire band will travel to Portsmouth to take part in a state-wide audition.

At present the music organizations are hard at work pre- paring for a concert which will be held in the town this spring.

^ Extra Curricular Activities:

The Junior Class held the annual Halloween dance in October. A dance featuring square dancing was held by the Senior Class in November. 84

Feature movies were shown in the fall for the benefit of the Sophomore and Senior classes.

The Seniors rehearsed for the play presented at the Senior

Fair in February. The play this year is Noel Coward's ^'I'll

Leave It To You." Mrs. Gertrude Stearns is dramatic coach again this year.

The Border League games in touch football and volleyball were well played last fall. Our boys finished third in the league standing in football and our girls finished second in volleyball.

Interest is beginning to generate with regard to our two spring games of baseball for the boys and softball for the girls.

Miscellaneous :

Parents are advised that regular school attendance is necessary for good work. Good attendance and punctuality records are increasingly more important also as competition grows for college entrance and for desirable vocations.

All pupils were given a physical examination by Dr. Edmond Lachaine and Miss Frances Sikoski.

Our school custodian, Mr. ^Yilliam Kilhart, is to be com- mended for keeping the school plant in such good cortdition.

A cordial invitation is extended to parents and interested citizens to visit the school at all times.

Glass Roll:

Graduates of the Class of 1946. Liberta Madelyn Amarosa Helen Arlene Mulroney Donald Hudson Barrett Florence Mona O'Connor Guy Xavier Bouchie, Jr. Robert Lawrence Owen Rober Walker Chamberlin Laura Mae Rowe John Clarence Cherwa Joyce Starkey Roger Glenn Covey Patricia Ann Stephens Lorraine Maxine Gove Gordon Edward Stetson Wilder Alexander Haskell, Jr. Natalie Taylor Louis Edward Howe Paul Herbert Waters Robert William Laberge Robert Herbert Whitehead Donald Edward Levasseur Beverly Lillian Young :


In conclusion, I wish to express mj- appreciation to the pupils and parents, to the faculty, to the superintendent and to the Hinsdale Board of Education for their loyalty and cooperation. Respectfully submitted, CHESTER C. LEES, Headmaster. January 20, 1947, Hinsdale, N. H.


To the School Board and Citizens of the Hinsdale School District

I herewith submit my second annual report as superin- tendent of schools.

Finances: At the present writing, it appears that the ex- penses of operating schools in the Hinsdale School District for the school year 1946-1947 will exceed the income by approxi- mately $3,600.00. Of this amount $2,650.00 has been granted as a teacher bonus for the current year. Three teachers whose salaries were particularly low were equalized with those of other members of the staff. All other teachers received an increment of $150.00 on their salary. This actidn was taken by the School Board early in the school year. Inasmuch as our school budget was prepared in December, 1945, it was not pos- sible for the Superintendent or the School Board to foresee the tremendous increase in living costs which took place in the summer of 1946. Payments on the salary adjustments began on January 1, 1947. The remainder of the school deficit was caused by increases in the cost of scholars' supplies, janitor service and transportation, as well as numerous other small increases. The proposed expenditures for the school year 1947-1948 are $50,918.00. The estimated income is $750.00. The assess- ment on the town for next year will, therefore, be $50,168.00. This assessment is exclusive of a deficiency appropriation of $3,600.00 which is requested in the school warrant. The esti- mated expenditures for 1946-1947 are $45,204.55. The percent- 86 age increase in the expenditures for 1947-1948 over 1946-1947 is 10.4%. The assessment on the town for school purposes for 1946-1947 was $39,268.00. The assessment for 1947-1948, in- cluding the deficiency appropriation will be $53,768.00. The percentage increase in assessment is, therefore, 36.9%.

Salaries: One of the biggest increases in the budget is to be found in the item of teachers' salaries. The attention of the entire nation has been focused on the low level of teachers' salaries. The situation is so precarious that very few young people are entering the teaching profession. Some teachers interviewed by the Superintendent last year had offers for eight or ten different positions. Many beginning teachers will be getting salaries comparable to those now paid our experi- enced teachers in Hinsdale. However, our salary level compares favorably with our neighboring communities.

Buildings and Equipment: As stated in the report of the Superintendent of Schools last year, the buildings are well equipped. The buildings are, however, in need of some repairs. A recent survey by the State Board of Health indicated that our present lighting was not entirely adequate. If we are to continue to use these old buildings for many years, we will have to replace the present fixtures with frosted globes or fluores- cent lighting. Also mentioned in this survey was a need for fireproofing the janitor's room in both buildings. The narrow^ stairways to the basement in the grade school and the wooden fire escape were not approved. Both buildings are in need of .

Building Cammittee: The report of the building Commit- tee will be found elsewhere in this report. In the last school report, the Superintendent listed the many limitations in our present buildings. Among these limitations are the lack of a suitable music room, the lack of a suitable auditorium or gym- nasium for physical education, the lack of adequate facilities for visual education, the lack of a suitable science laboratory, the lack of suitable storage space and the lack of a room for school lunch. In the elementary school, there is also need for a lunchroom as well as additional classrooms. We now expect over forty pupils will be entering grade one next 87 year. Approximately forty pupils will be promoted from grade one to grade two. The room now being used by grade two is very crowded with only 34 pupils. Because of the increased enrollments in the lower grades, there is included in the school warrant an article for the employment of an additional grade school teacher. This teacher will probably be used as a helping teacher in grades one and two. If the enrollment in grade one should exceed our present estimate, it might be necessary to divide grade one into two sections with the additional teacher handling one of these sections all of the time.

Enrollment Table: January 31, 1947: Grade School: 123456789 10 11 12 Total

Bridge Street 42 34 29 36 28 169 Hinsdale High 35 22 35 19 23 23 15 172

Grand total 341

Personnel: Mr. Carl Richmond returned from war serv- ice in March, 1946, to replace Mr. Bernard Moushure who sub- stituted for him during that school year. Miss Margaret New- man, a graduate of Keene Teachers College, was employed in September to replace Miss Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz who ac- cepted a position in Pembroke. Mr. Leon D. Doyer, a graduate of Keene Teachers College, replaced Mrs. Lindsay V. Hall in

September. Mr. Doyer is a veteran of the Army.

Testing Program: The Iowa Tests of Educational Devel- opment prepared by the Science Research Associates have been administered to all students in grades nine through twelve. These tests revealed certain weaknesses in our program which are now being remedied by the headmaster and teachers. The Metropolitan Achievement Tests have been administered to all pupils in grade two through nine. The schools in Supervisory Union No. 25 were selected by the World Book Company to participate in the establishment of new norms for this test.

While it is impossible to go into detail in regard to these tests, it should be stated that the pupils in Hinsdale compare favor- ably wth those in other sections of the country. : :


I wish to take this opportimit}^ to thank the School Board, teachers, and citizens for their cooperation and support.

Respectfull}' submitted, RICHARD A. MARTIN, Superintendent of Schools.

February 17, 1947, Winchester, N. H.



Different pupils registered in district during year 347

Average membership (to nearest whole number) : High school 92 Elementary school 228 Per cent of attendance (state average—93.18%) 92.96 Number pupils not absent or tardy during the year 14 Cases of tardiness 369 Non-resident pupils enrolled in high school 3 Total tuition receipts $343 77

Number pupils transported at district expense Elementary 81 High school 22

Total transportation costs: Elementary $1,330 78 High school $1,879 22

Average annual salary of teachers High school, men (state average—$2,436.01) $2,400 00 High school, women (state average—$1,796.82) $1,783 33 Elementary, women (state average—$1,476.17) $1,368 75

Education of teachers: Master degree 2 Four years or more of training 6 Less than four years of training 7 :


School board meetings, July 1, 1945, to July 1, 1946 12 School visits made by superintendent 256 Visits made by citizens 62 Visits made by board members 26 Number half-days schools in session (state average—344.64) 343 Average instructional cost per pupil in high school (state average—$123.79) $144 98 Average cost per pupil per year High school (state average—$181.09) $198 15 Elementary school (state average—$104.64) $89 92 Cost per pupil per day (172 days) High school $1 15 Elementary school $ 52


Assessed valuation $3,389,015 00 Equalized valuation $3,627,903 00 Estimated total school expenditures, 1946-47 $45,204 55 Proposed total school expenditures, 1947-48 $50,918 00 Per cent increase in expenditures 10.4% Assessment on town for school purposes, 1946-47 $39,268 00 Proposed assessment on town for school purposes, 1947-48, includes $3,600.00 special appropriation proposed in school warrant $53,768 00 Per cent increase in assessment on town for school purposes 36.9% Total amount appropriated at own meeting, March, 1946 $91,421 90

Per cent school appropriation is of town appro- priation ($39,268.00/$91,421.90) 43.0% Town tax rate $2 82 90



As requested at the school meeting of 1946, the following table of salaries is reproduced. The salaries indicated are the contract figures before deductions of any kind were made.

Chester C. Lees $3,000 00 Lindsay V. Hall 2,200 00 Bernard Moushure 2,000 00 Carl D. Richmond **1,900 00 Isabel Belluscio 1,600 00 Gertrude B. Stearns 1,700 00 Pauleta C. Hinchey 2,00Q 00 Filomenia Pitraszkiewicz 1,650 00 Doris B. Smith 1,650 00 Mary Coll 1,350 00 Ismay Campbell 1,250 00 Rosetta B. Lowe 1,250 00 Mabel E. Temple 1,350 00 Margaret Coll **1,250 00 Gladys Lees 1,250 00 William L. Rinehart 280 00 **Annual salary—employed at this rate for part of year. Substitute teachers paid at rate of $5.00 per day.

ROLL OP HONOR (Perfect Attendance)

HINSDALE HIGH SCHOOL Louis Howe Grade 12 Doris Stanclift Grade 11 Helen Bokum Grade 10 Carl Dodge Grade 10 Louise Howe Grade 10 Chester Bokum Grade 9 Valerie Valley Grade 9 Helen Smith Grade 8 91

Coriiine Rouillard Grade 7 Beverly Bernier Grade 6 John D. Field Grade 6 Judith Higgins Grade 6 Janet McAuliffe Grade 6 BRIDGE STREET SCHOOL

Robert J. LaPointe Grade 4


Paul Belluscio John Leary Henry Blouin Theresa LaPointe Eugene Butler Francis Majer Beverly Cote Kenneth Moore Albert Duso Stanley Packard Russell Farnham Donald Reid Clayton Fecto Harriet Roy Loretta Gragen Helen Smith Carolyn Grover Theodore Tkaczyk Ronald Higgins Ruth Wheeler Violet Jeffers Edward Young Esther Kerylow Evelyn Vanasse


Defects Found: Total Nutrition 4 Vision 21 Hearing 15 Nervous system 2 Heart 6 Orthopedic 2 Posture 1 Teeth 53 92

Tonsils 39 Speech 2

Total 145


At the last meeting of the Hinsdale School District it was voted that the School Board form a School Planning Commit- tee to consist of the Board and members appointed by the Board to submit plans for a new school building at the next annual meeting. The School Board appointed Francis Mason, Luella Streeter, Jason Sikoski, Edward Maynard and Russell Garfield to serve on the Planning Committee. After due consideration the Committee engaged the firm of Alfred T. Granger Associates of Hanover, N. H. as its archi- tect. During the past year the Committee has held ten meetings to confer with the architect, the Headmaster of the High School, the Principal of the Grammar School, the Superintendent of the School District and the Chief of Administrative Activities of the State Board of Education. The architect has submitted plans which have been care- fully considered and revised by the Committee until we feel that they are entirely adequate for the present and future requirements of Hinsdale. These plans, now on display in the Community Room, consist of grammar and high schools and combination auditorium-gymnasium completely equipped with cafeteria, laboratories, shops, and facilities for visual and physical education. It is intended that the auditorium-gym- nasium will be available for functions of local organizations as well as school and town affairs. At an early meeting the Committee voted to apply for federal funds to defray expenses of planning the elementary school and auditorium-gymnasium and was granted $6,750.00, of which one-half has been received. The remainder will be forthcoming upon completion of the working drawings. Sub- 98

sequently it was decided to request additional funds to cover expenses of planning the entire project. This request has been presented to the Federal Works Agency and a decision is now pending. When the town wishes to proceed with the construc- tion of the school, or any part thereof, this advance must be returned.

Owing to the excessively high cost of materials and labor the Committee feels that it would be inadvisable to construct a school building this year. However, we do feel that some- thing difinite should be started at his time toward acquiring this school plant.

Respectfully submitted, THE SCHOOL PLANNING COMMITTEE. •


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Bank Bank Bank Bank Savings Savings Savings Savings J Savings Savings 1 c

Savings Savings Savings Savings s County County County County County County o I Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond

Walpole Walpole Walpole 8. Cheshire Cheshire Waln^le Cheshire Cheshire Cheshire Cheshire S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S.

U. U. U. U. U. IJ. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U. U.


Thomas Thomas

Taylor Wellman Tavlor Wheeler Temple Tyler Weeks Tyler Wilkins Wright Tilden Todd Aionzo Williams Blodgett Worden Tuttle Leland Stratton Taylor Mary Jennie Wood Wood Symonds Upham Wallace Stebbins Barber Watson Wood Walker

Taylor W. P J. & & C. 0. A & A & & W. Fuller S. W. Warren & L. A. A. H F. 2 E. V G. E. Ralph


Prentiss Edalbert Wyman William William Charles Walter Charles Lorenza Chester Robert Taylor Albert "ieorge Edwin Tyler George Helen Lewis Frank lames Frank Dora Eliza Ella Eva Chas. Irene Wm. Wm. E: H. >0!>to — r^«^oovj»o.^ioo-*»oOoooof^. »tt'^^r^C5'r'^oci'-OB05«->jj^'2'0


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of Vt.

Mass. Vt. Mass. Mass. Vt. Canada Vt. Vt.

F'ather. Mass.




Wilmington, Springfield, Wolfeboro Readsboro, Middlesex. Tunbridge, Hinsdale Quebec Hinsdale Hinsdale Ashuelot Hinsdale Hinsdale Toronto. Fitchburg. Holden, Hyde be East c6 U

Carolina W of Mass. Mass. Q I. Vt. Mass. Mass. Vt. Vt. Vt. a R. Vt. Mass. Mother. No. Mass. z Falls, Conn. Birthplace Heath,

Decrfield, Q Adams, Co.,

Winchester Townshend, Brattleboro, Z Sanbornton Providence, Brattleboro, Cambridge, Millineton. Barnstead Hinsdale Hinsdale Hatfield, Newton, Bellows PJ Bristol, North Nash

So. No. < W of >^ finisher

laborer w generator maker maker maker maker Father. tinter worker owner n: Occupation Supt.

Woodsman Furniture Mechanic Moulder Railroad Grinder Foreman Polisher Laborer Teacher Paper Paper Mill Block Paper Paper Paper o Store o Shop ce Q h

Name Crosby Saucier Boyle Clow Deneault Barnes Sytnik Barnes Anderson h Mother. Roder Hall a; Watson Clark Streeter Stone Lill < R. Paduchak Rice D. V. F. Hill cd Maiden L. "T^ w T. h of V. E. M. M. J. H. A. G. E. (/) Stephanie Catherine D. < Donalda E. Madelyn -M Dorothy Marion Ulelya Idelle Helen Doris Alice Alice Anna Grace Q Rena Mary Ann ^ Iva Eva z < ;h o h 02 V Vanasse Brooks hH 02 Brooks Quinn G.Nelson • rH Sprague Stanclift Pardee Buraczynski Juaire Hall Howe o Josienowski Martin Slicer Goss Ammann > Jacobs Tobey ;-! z E. 0) A. E. W. V. J. O H. F. W. F. N. L. S. ^ u S. L. P. o 6 J. A.

Delmour Emerson Kenneth Bernard Charles Charles Walter Everett Eugene Robert William h Wesley Lindsay Ralph Joseph Frank Lloyd Paul o Wm.

c^oo,-ieoin — Wf—c^C^eo^er. iD-^-^CMioc^i pXiqajooN 0? •2 § z •uJoqnir^S 0) JO SUIATT h-I>-;h-Ii-Ii-)i-Ji-)h:IhJ»-)i-I.-}_Ii-!i-Ii-Jh^i-1i-9 o Q •aiBuiaj W C« fi<;g(i,(i,fi.g^fi.ii,n,|«;i,Pi.fct^j^(i,[i,g rC3 JO 3IB1A[ WOi O o H Child OS 3

Arlene w Kenneth Anne of Ernest any.) Arthur

Jean Ann Clyde Frances Lynn Elizabeth Lloyd John 00 (if Jean Lee Ann Jane May Ann

X Name

Stephanie Kathleen H Michael Charlsie Bernard Francis Robert Carolyn Donna Stephen Karen Diana Carol Steven Linda James Mary Joyce Ruth o S -H <*- IT! sc eo o C^J vfno 0-.

;h ^^^ [g JO 3:jBa GO (

Y. of N. Y. Vt. N. Conn. Mass. Father. Ky. Valley,


Brattleboro, Louisville, Hinsdale Warwick, Hinsdale Hinsdale Hinsdale Hinsdale Hinsdale Plattsburg, Hartford, Chesham Central Poland


w Mass. Q of Y. Y. Vt. Conn. o Mass. Mass. N. N. City, z Mother. Vt. Mass. Q r.irthplace York, York,

Townshend, Hopedale, Harwinton, Wolfeboro Montague Hinsdale Hinsdale Campton Newbury, Holyoke, Austria Colrain, w Keene New New <

emp. emp. emp. maker driver mill H maker

Carpenter Mechanic Mechanic Caretaker Moulder Laborer Tannery OH Farmer Foundry Foundry Farmer Paper Truck Paper O Tool

Stanclift .


Richards'n Name Brooks Derry Kreischer Kreischer McDonald

Allen Drozda Mother. Miller Arial

E. Oilman Kolnacka L. Hall L. M. F. R. R. M. w Maiden of E. V. E. Marguerite E. M. Katherine Winifred < Josephine Harriett Virginia Mattie Josep'ne Eleanor Eleanor Louise Q Lillian Nellie 00 Fern Mae z


Preston O'Neal Streeter Spring Spring Robare o Camolli Houle Blair Pelis Thomas Podmore, Stone Tkaczyk Packard

H. A. A. H. F. H. J. C. P. C. o R. E. E. 5 L. Russell William Richard Harold William h Roman Roland Alfred z Stanley Eddie Joseph Joseph Carl Leon w Oeo. X D:^9-ps':VSX CM—'meo-^m^^aoTti^rtirsc^i"*-* H piiqDjooK u.kI •uaoqin^^S t-H Condition. JO SUIAXT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Q OCX m JO 31BIV SSt^^Sf^^SSS^^f^f^'SS p^w H 3 w 7. ,;^ Anna

Anthony Frederick Mae Nygren Arthur Adelard Joseph Theresa Ronald Carol Jane 00 Jean Louise X Roger

H Josephine Marjorie Richard z Robert Richard Gloria Nelson Helen Stanley Nancy Shirley Larry Joseph I— Jon Ann

6 9 6 9 11 21 26 1 9 16 28 I5i 15 26 28

•qv ig JO 3:;b(I " " " " " " " " " " Sept. Oct. Dec. July Aug. 2

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The prevention of forest fires is the most important and difficult part of the work of your forest fire warden who heads a local organi- zation set up primarily for the security of your community's forest property. The importance and value of the work of the forest fire warden and his deputies is, perhaps, best appreciated during hazardous periods when fire danger is greatest. The public, however, looks to him at all times for speedy and economical suppression of going fires

To property fulfill his mission, the warden needs the generous and understanding cooperation of the public at large. He attempts to secure this cooperation by the posting of caution notices, news items and by word of mouth, always carefully explaining the necessity of restrictions imposed. In the matter of giving cooperation, however, the public often fails. The record shows that an average of 7,300 acres of woodland are burned over by forest fires in New Hampshire each year. Analysis of fire causes reveal the fact that more than 98 percent of all forest fires are, consistently, the result of human carelessness and are pre- ventable.

The careless smoker fails to properly extinguish his cigar, cigarette or pipe ashes or thoughtlessly throws them from the car window; the debris burner faUs or refuses to consult the warden, as the law requires when the ground is not covered with snow, before attempting to bum; campers fail to properly extinguish their fires or frequently build fires when conditions are unfavorable.

Remember these rules: 1. Use ordinary common sense with fire in and near woodland. 2. Comply with requirements on the use of fire in and near woodland and when the ground is not covered with snow, secure written permission to bum from the forest fire warden. 3. Be careful when smoking in or near woodlands. Don't throw lighted material from moving vehicles. 4. Cooperate with and assist the warden and urge others to do so. 5. HELP YOUR FOREST FIRE WARDEN PREVENT FIRES— his efforts are only as effective as is the cooperation you give him! F. J. BAKER. District Fire Chief.

1946 FIRE RECORD IN HINSDALE Number of fires 4 Acreage burned Zl acres Number fire permits issued 35