Research Outputs 2013
Plant Sciences - Research outputs 2013 Research articles Brand, R.F., Brown, L.R. & Du Preez, P.J. 2013. High altitude montane wetland vegetation classification and description of the Eastern Free State, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 88: 223-236. Brown, L.R., Du Preez, P.J., Bezuidenhout, H., Bredenkamp, G.J., Mostert, T.H.C. & Collins, N.B. 2013. Guidelines for phytosociological classifications and descriptions of vegetation in southern Africa. Koedoe 55: 1-10. Cawood, M.E., Pretorius, J.C., Visser, B. & Van der Westhuizen, A.J. 2013. Induced gene expression in wheat seedlings treated with a crude extract of Agapanthus africanus L. prior to leaf rust infection. African Journal of Plant Biotechnology 12: 2876-2883. Combrink, N., Bijzet, Z. & Labuschagne, M.T. 2013. Variation of fruit size and shape in Kiyomi Tangor families. Scientia Horticulturae 162: 357-364. Jami, F., Slippers, B., Wingfield, M.J. & Gryzenhout, M. 2013. Greater Botryosphaeriaceae diversity in healthy than associated diseased Acacia karroo tree tissues. Australasian Plant Pathology 42: 421-430. Kawuki, R.S., Herselman, L., Labuschagne, M.T., Nzuki, M., Ralimanana, I., Bidiaka, M., Kanyange, M.C., Gashaka, G., Masumba, E., Mkamilo, G., Gethi, J., Wanjala, B., Zacarias, A., Madabula, F. & Ferguson, M.E. 2013. Genetic diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) landraces and cultivars in southern, eastern and central Africa. Plant Genetic Resources 11: 170-181. Kemler, M., Garnas, J., Wingfield, M.J., Gryzenhout, M., Pillay, K-A. & Slippers, B. 2013. Ion Torrent PGM as tool for fungal community analysis: A case study of endophytes in Eucalyptus grandis reveals high taxonomic diversity.
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