Digital Puppet: a tangible, interactive stage interface Cooper Sanghyun Yoo Abstract Entertainment Technology Center This paper presents the concepts for a product that Carnegie Mellon University helps users to control puppets in an easier interface. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA The product, called Digital Puppet, is a tangible stage
[email protected] interface that can be used to control marionette without wires. Mark D Gross Computational Design Lab Keywords Carnegie Mellon University Tangible interfaces, stage performance, Wii Remote, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA Entertainment Technology
[email protected] ACM Classification Keywords Entertainment Technology Introduction A marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings. A marionette's puppeteer is called a manipulator. Marionettes are operated with the puppeteer by using a vertical or horizontal control bar in different forms of theatres or entertainment venues [1]. Even though puppetry has a long history it is getting harder to see the performance. One of the biggest reasons is that manipulators need a lot of Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). training and skills to control the puppet. CHI 2010, April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. ACM 978-1-60558-930-5/10/04. Digital Puppet uses a wood cross controller bar, which has a Wii Remote inside. It has the same traditional 2 interface by using vertical and horizontal control of the DarwiinRemote is an open source program and bar. Pinch the bar to control the puppet turn left or framework for Mac OS X [6]. It receives IR position and right, and roll the bar to control its jaw and head.