THE SENATE OF LE SÉNAT DU CANADA CANADA FUNDAMENTAL JUSTICE IN EXTRAORDINARY TIMES: MAIN REPORT OF THE SPECIAL SENATE COMMITTEE ON THE ANTI-TERRORISM ACT Special Senate Committee on the Anti-terrorism Act Chair The Honourable David P. Smith, P.C. Deputy Chair The Honourable Pierre Claude Nolin February 2007 Ce document est disponible en français. * * * This report and the Committee’s proceedings are available online at Hard copies of these documents are also available by contacting the Senate Committees Directorate at (613) 990-0088 or at
[email protected]. MEMBERSHIP The Honourable David P. Smith, P.C., Chair The Honourable Pierre Claude Nolin, Deputy Chair and The Honourable Senators: Raynell Andreychuk Mobina S.B. Jaffer Joseph A. Day Serge Joyal, P.C. Joyce Fairbairn, P.C. Noël A. Kinsella Joan Fraser *Marjory Lebreton, P.C. (or Gerald Comeau) *Céline Hervieux-Payette, P.C. (or Claudette Tardif) * Ex Officio Members In the First Session of the Thirty-eighth Parliament, the Committee was chaired by the Honourable Senator Joyce Fairbairn, P.C. The Deputy Chairs were the Honourable Senator John Lynch-Staunton (December 2004 to June 2005), the Honourable Senator James Kelleher, P.C. (June 2005 to October 2005) and the Honourable Senator Raynell Andreychuk (October 2005 to November 2005). In addition, the Honourable Senators Jack Austin, P.C., Sharon Carstairs, P.C., Maria Chaput, Ione Christensen, Anne C. Cools, Pierre De Bané, P.C., Mac Harb, Daniel Hays, P.C., Elizabeth Hubley, Janis G. Johnson, James Kelleher, P.C., Rose-Marie Losier-Cool, John Lynch-Staunton, Terry M.