Lonely Planet,Regis St. Louis,Sally Davies,Andy Symington | 304 pages | 01 Dec 2014 | Lonely Planet Publications Ltd | 9781742208923 | English | Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia Far from a building site however, the church features two grand facades studded with intricate stone carvings, towers which gleam with gem-like tiles, and an interior filled with tree-like columns which soar up toward the canopy ceiling. Characterised by small alleyways, hidden plazas and historic buildings, it lies to the east of La Ramblathe famous pedestrian street that runs through the centre of the old town. Even in winter, it can Lonely Planet Barcelona sunny enough to sit outside and enjoy a meal at one of Lonely Planet Barcelona seaside restaurants, while summer offers everything from sunbathing and swimming to water Lonely Planet Barcelona. The city boasts a five-kilometre stretch of coastline, home to nine different beaches. Find the one that suits you. Behind this lies the huge Olympic stadium and the rest of the Olympic Park. Sitting along La Rambla, La Boqueria is the oldest of these markets and one of the most atmospheric, but in recent years, more stalls have given over to things such as tropical fruit shakes and novelty candy, rather than traditional produce. For a more authentic vibe, visit the modern Mercat Santa Caterina Lonely Planet Barcelona its multi-coloured wavy roof or the grand Mercat de Sant AntoniLonely Planet Barcelona reopened inafter nine years of renovations. Barcelona is a great foodie city, known throughout the world for its innovative chefs and creative cuisine. Traditional Catalan dishes include things such as butifarra amb mongetes sausage with white beanssuquet de peix fish stewescalivada roasted red peppers, onions and aubergine and crema Catalana like creme brulee. Some of the main features of Catalan festivals include the castellers or human towers, Lonely Planet Barcelona parading giants and correfocs, where firework-wielding devils dance through the streets. One of the things that makes Barcelona so charming is its Modernista architecture. The Modernisme era lasted from the late 19th to early 20th century and was an artistic movement which affected everything from literature and art to architecture. You can identify these buildings because of their bright colours, floral or botanical motifs, patterned tiles and curvy lines. Some of the best examples can be seen around the area, but you can also find them dotted all over the city. Highlights of Barcelona. Esme Fox. The historic capital of Catalonia is packed with galleries, museums, historical attractions and places Lonely Planet Barcelona eat. Lonely Planet Barcelona this story:. Explore more places L'Eixample Barcelona Neighborhood. View more. Read More. Lonely Planet Barcelona content.

Top Choice Basilica in L'Eixample. If you have time for only one sightseeing outing, this should be it. Top Choice Architecture in L'Eixample. From its playful facade Lonely Planet Barcelona marine-world inspiration to its revolutionary experiments in light and Top Choice Museum in La Ribera. The setting alone, in five contiguous medieval stone mansions, makes Barcelona's unique and worth Lonely Planet Barcelona queues. While the collection concentrates on Pablo Picasso's formative years — potentially Built for the World Exhibition and restored init houses a vast collection of mostly The richly decorated main facade, dotted with gargoyles and the kinds of stone intricacies you would expect of Lonely Planet Barcelona European Gothic, sets it One of Barcelona's most fascinating museums travels back through the centuries to the very foundations of Roman Barcino. You'll stroll over ruins of the old streets, sewers, laundries, baths and wine- and Top Choice Architecture in La Ribera. Top Choice Palace in . Barcelona's most central fresh-produce market is one of the greatest sound, smell and colour sensations in Europe. It's housed in a packed-out Modernista-influenced building every bit as impressive, built from On this tour, which can be guided or self-guided, you'll get an in-depth look at the club, starting with a museum Top Choice Church in La Ribera. Begun inunder the watch of architects Berenguer de Montagut and Ramon Top Choice Gallery in L'Eixample. Lonely Planet Barcelona Choice Gallery in El Raval. An extraordinary all-white, glass-fronted creation by American architect Richard Meier, opened inthe MACBA has become the city's foremost contemporary art centre, with captivating exhibitions Lonely Planet Barcelona the Opened inthe Liceu launched Catalan stars such as Josep Today, his astonishing displays of religious art Architecture in L'Eixample. But the

Top Choice Basilica in L'Eixample. If you have time for only one Lonely Planet Barcelona outing, this should be it. Top Choice Architecture in L'Eixample. From its playful facade and marine-world inspiration to its revolutionary experiments in light and From Duroc pig's Two-Michelin-star Disfrutar 'Enjoy' is among the city's finest restaurants. Cultural in Barcelona. There are also castells human towersa fireworks display synchronised with the Lonely Planet Barcelona Choice Museum in La Ribera. The setting alone, in five contiguous medieval stone mansions, makes Barcelona's Museu Picasso unique and worth the queues. While the collection concentrates on Pablo Picasso's formative years — potentially Built for the World Exhibition and restored init houses a vast collection of mostly The richly decorated main facade, dotted with gargoyles and the kinds of stone intricacies you would expect of northern European Gothic, sets it One of Barcelona's most fascinating museums travels back through the centuries to Lonely Planet Barcelona very foundations of Roman Barcino. You'll stroll over ruins of the old streets, sewers, laundries, baths and Lonely Planet Barcelona and Top Choice Architecture in La Ribera. Top Choice Palace in El Raval. Barcelona's most central fresh-produce market is one of the greatest sound, smell and colour sensations in Europe. It's housed in a packed-out Modernista-influenced building every bit as impressive, built from On this tour, which can be guided or self-guided, you'll get an in-depth look at the club, starting with a museum Top Choice Church in La Ribera. Begun inunder the watch of architects Berenguer de Montagut and Ramon Lonely Planet Barcelona Choice Gallery in L'Eixample.