The Cord Weekly (November 30, 1989)
[ Volume 30, Number 14 | Wilfrid Laurier University Thursday November 30, 1989. CORD WEEKLY THE: WHITE COVER: void of all sexist, homophobic, heterosexist, offensive, racist, (oh, and creative) material. Have a merry Christ- mas. J The Cord Weekly 2 Thursday November 30, 1989. —■ • A strong beginning to your future in man- •An opportunity to specialize: ;X agement * Accounting * Finance * Organizational $: Behavior/Human Resource Management :$ * Management Science/Information Systems £: : : * Marketing * Policy Analysis : : CORD For detailed......informationx write to: j:|: NOVEMBERWEEKLY 30, 1989 j V OLUME 30, NUMBER 14 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF...Chris Slarkey j NEWS EDlTOR...Jonathan Stover ASSOCIATE NEWS EDlTOR...vacant NEWS CONTRIBUTORS Kevin Vaughn, Angela Baker, Cathy Merriman, Mark Hand, Bill Needle, Debra Sheehan * * * COMMENT PAGES CONTRIBUTORS J.R. Artinger, Harvey Luong, Karen Burke, Sieve Burke, Lynda A. Fare t -T- -r- FEATURES EDlTOR...Elizabeth Chen FEATURES CONTRIBUTORS Marie Molloy **NOTICE** * * * "SCENE" EDITOR...Tony Burke Office of the Registrar November, 1989 "SCENE" CONTRIBUTORS Steve Burke, Feizal Valli, Tom Szeibel, J. Tyler Leatherland, Jana Watson Watch for the * * * SPORTS EDITOR...Brian Owen new seating arrangement SPORTS CONTRIBUTORS ChrisDodd for final examinations * * * PRODUCTION MANAGER...Jana Watson Complex and PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS in the Athletic Karen Burke, Andrea Nasello, Christine Yarwood ! * * Auditorium * Theatre SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN...vacant COPY EDITORS Please read the signs Robin Sutherland, vacant CIRCULATION
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