5Th April 1935
'.~;~_:z~~-/ ~-\;r~·.: ~>;· Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST. April 5th, 1935. THE The Elim Evangel Annual London Easter Convention AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST Good Friday, April 19th to Friday, April 26th Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton. Offloial Organ of the Elim Fouuquue Gospel Alliance. Convention services will be held this year as follows: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL : Good Friday and Easter Sunday: Principal George Jeffreys (Proaid•nt). Kensin1a;ton Temple, Kensington Park Road. P&1tors E. J. Phillips (S•or•tary-G•n•ral), E. C. W. Boult-0n, Elim Tabernacle, Park Crescent, Clapham. P. N. Corry, R. E. ,r.a~r:fi!; :R.GT,!!j~away, J. MoWhirter, Elim Tabernacle, Stanley Road, Croydon. General Headquarters: Elim -Tabernacle, Central !'ark Road, East Ham. 20, Clarence Road, Clapham Park, London, S. W.4. Elim Tabernacle, Fowler Road, Islington. Saturday: Vol. XVI. Aoril 5, 1935 No.14 Elim Crusader Rally al Hyde Park at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: CONTENTS City Temple, Holborn Viaduct, 7.30 p.m. Were Prophecies as to Babylon Fulfilled? 209 Friday: Kensington Temple, Kensington Park Road, 7.30 p.m. Daniel and the Doom of Governments 211 Last Elim Crusader Rally of the season. Music: The Breaking of the Day 214 SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Dr. T. J. McCr05san and Dr, W. H. Pope (U.S.A,), Pastors J. McWhirter, P. Le Tissier, Bible Study Helps 214 J. R. Moore, A. C. Coffin and W. LI. Bell, J. F. Welsh, Esq., M,B.E., R.N., E. J. G. Titterington, Esq., M.A. Family Altar 215 For full particulars of times of meetings, see local handbills.
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