VITAE: HALLET Last update: 4/15/2013

Biographical Data

Born: September 28, 1948 Ciney, Belgium U.S. Citizen

Bernard Hallet has considerable experience in studying diverse glacial and periglacial processes that shape landscapes primarily in mountainous and polar regions. He also studies aeolian processes, solar weathering and atmosphere-regolith exchange of energy and moisture in dry regions on Earth and . His work on erosion ranges from detailed analyses of the mechanics of glacial erosion and measurements of sediment yields from glaciated basins using modern instrumentation, to theoretical and field studies of the linkage between climate, tectonics and erosion in regions of extreme relief. These regions include the St. Elias Mountains (Alaska, USA), the Himalaya (China, India and Nepal), Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego (Chile), and the Antarctic Peninsula. A central theme addressed in his research is physical self-organization in nature, which ranges in size and type from a few meters in frozen soil patterns to hundreds of kilometers in the Himalayas, and other tectonically active mountain ranges, where the topography naturally tends to a state where rates of uplift and erosion are balanced. Most recently, he has been active as a member of the Mars Science Laboratory science team exploring Mars with Curiosity since early August 2012.


B.S. (Geology) University of California at Los Angeles, 1970 Ph.D. (Geology) University of California at Los Angeles, 1975

Honors and Awards

Regents' Graduate Intern Fellowship (4 years) Outstanding Graduate Student Award, UCLA, 1975 Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2007

National and International Committees

Member, Council of the International Glaciological Society, 1985-1988 Member, Committee on Permafrost, Polar Research Board, National Research Council 1984-1987. Member, Council, International Permafrost Association, Member, Working group on Periglacial Environments, International Permafrost Association, International Geographical Union, 1989-present. Vice-chairman, U.S. Committee of the International Permafrost Association, U.S. National Committee on Geology, National Research Council, 1990-1995. Chairman, U.S. Committee of the International Permafrost Association, U.S. National Committee on Geology, National Research Council, 1995-2000. Member, Erosion and Sedimentation Committee, Hydrology Section, American Geophysical Union, 1990-1992 Member, Snow, Ice and Permafrost Committee, American Geophysical Union, 1992-2000 Member, Polar Research Board, National Research Council, 1993-2000.

2 Member, Science Steering Committee, Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interaction (LAII) initiative, Arctic System Science, NSF, 1996-1999. Member, Science Advisory Committee, International Arctic Research Center (IARC), 1998-2000

University of Washington Committees

Graduate School Research Fund Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Project Committee 1984-1988. Burke Museum: Fire and Ice Exhibit Committee

Other Committees

Scientific Advisory Committee of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado, Boulder, (1994-1996)

Editorial Duties Scientific Editor for: Geology (1983-1986) Journal of Glaciology (1985-1992) Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (1993-1996)


International Glaciological Society American Geophysical Union Geological Society of America

Academic Experience

1975-1980 Assistant Professor of Geology and Applied Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California

Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in geomorphology, permafrost studies, structural geology, regional geology, and glaciology. Worked with graduate students in engineering geology (permafrost, earth flows, soil creep), environmental geology (hydraulic mining, physical impact of off-road vehicles on the land) and glaciology (glacier-rock interface, glacial surging). Advised undergraduates in Applied Earth Sciences and Geology.

1981-1986 Associate Professor of Geology, Department of Geological Sciences, Director of Periglacial Laboratory, Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington.

1986 - present Professor, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences and Director of Periglacial Laboratory, Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Currently Teaching: ESS 326 - Introductory Geomorphology ESS 427 - Hillslope Geomorphology ESS 504 – Surface Processes

1988-1989 Visiting Professor, Department of Geography University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

1998 - 2003 Director, Quaternary Research Center


Other Professional Activities

Organized special session of American Geophysical Union's Annual Meeting "Deformable Glacier Beds: Past and Present" in San Francisco, December 1986.

Convenor, Geomorphology Session at First Workshop on Geochemical Self Organization in Santa Barbara, June 1988.

Editorial Board Member, Workshop Proceedings Volume entitled "Self-Organization in Geological Systems".

Local Organizing Committee, Symposium on Ice and Climate, International Glaciological Society, Seattle, Aug. 1989.

Invited Participant in U.S. Arctic Commission meeting, Seattle, Dec. 1989.

Convenor, Special Session: Surficial Processes and Quaternary Research, 38th Annual Meeting, American Geophysical Union's Pacific Northwest regional meeting, Sept. 1991.

Co-convenor of special session of American Geophysical Union's Annual Meeting "Ice and the Sedimentary Record" in Baltimore, May 1993.

Deputy Chief Delegate of the National Academy of Science - Research Council Delegation to the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, Bejing, China, August 1993.

Member of the Committee of Visitors for the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs to review ARCSS proposal handling, March 1994.

Convenor of Special Session on Frozen Ground and the Changing Climate, 1994 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Organizer and convenor of workshop on "Frozen Ground: Our Current Understanding of Processes and the Ability to Predict Change", December 9-11, 1995 in Hanover, NH.

Co-convenor of Special Session on Frozen Ground Processes, 1995 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Co-convenor of Special Session on "Earth Surface Processes: a session in Honor of Ronald Shreve", 1995 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Co-convenor of upcoming workshop: "Frozen Ground: Our Current Understanding and ability to detect change" at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH. Dec. 1995.

Participant of field workshop in Northern Mongolia, Sept. 1996.

Convenor of Periglacial Processes: A Special Session in Honor of Linc Washburn I, 1997 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting

Co-convenor of Fire and Ice - The Geomorphology of Metamorphism: Mesoscale Linking, 1998 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting

Co-convenor of Heat, Stress, and Climate - The Legacy of Arthur H. Lachenbruch II and IV: Permafrost,1998 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Participant of field workshop to Matanuska Glacier, Alaska. March 2000.


Co-convenor of Interactions of Permafrost With Climatic, Hydrologic, and Ecosystems Processes. 2002 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Co-convenor of “High-Latitude surface processes and climate change. 2005 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Organized, with Ron Sletten’s help, a one-day Quaternary Research Center Workshop in Honor of Lincoln Washburn: New Insights into Periglacial Processes, Landforms & Environments. June 2008. University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Facilitator-discussion leader, Workshop in May 2010 on Glacial Erosion Modelling. Convened by National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra), which is in charge of implementing deep geological repositories in Switzerland.

Selected Invited Talks:

“An overview of patterns in landscapes with a focus on ice-dominated regions”. 1988. Gordon Conf. First on Pattern Formation in the Geosciences. Santa Barbara

Keynote lecture, 1992 National Chapman Conference, Snowbird, Utah “Meter-scale tectonics and topography in sorted circles. Tectonics and Topography”.

“Permafrost Temperatures and Changing Climate” University of Washington, Quaternary Research Center, Jan. 1994

“Meter-Scale Plate Tectonics and Self-Organization in Freezing Soils” University of California, Los Angeles, April 1994

“Recent theoretical advances in modeling glacial erosion: abrasion, quarrying, and sediment output.” Barents Sea Conference. 94 Fjorland Meeting, Norway.

Keynote lecture “Rates of Erosion in Glaciated and Non-Glaciated Active Mountain Belts”. Conference on “Exhumation Processes: Normal Faulting, Ductile Flow and Erosion” in Crete, October 9-13, 1996

“30+-year displacement measurements in permafrost polygons, Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Special Session, Fall AGU meeting, 1996. (with K. Whilden)

“Glacial Erosion: Processes, Rates and Implications”. Harvard University, April 1997

“Distorted Drainage Basins as Markers of Crustal Strain East of the Himalaya”. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 1997, and at Lehigh University, September, 1998.

“Freezing and Self-Organization in Soils” April 1997 University of Washington, Chemical Engineering Department

Keynote lecture: “On overview of patterns in landscapes with a focus on ice-dominated regions.” Gordon Conference on Pattern Formation in the Earth Sciences, July 5-10, 1998 New Hampshire

“Advances in Glacial Erosion Research”. University of California, Berkeley, September 2000.

"Recent Advances in the Study of Glacial Erosion: Processes and Rates", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October 2001.


"Glacial Erosion: Processes and Rates." Penrose Conference on Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution, January 2003, Taroko National Park, Taiwan,

“Clean Patterns in Icy Dirt : Exploring spontaneous patterns in freezing soils”, Physics Department, February 2007, University of Toronto, Canada.

“Self-organized patterns in soils and rock breakdown in high mountain ranges: Products of ice growth in porous media”. February 2008, Yale University.

“Advances in Permafrost and Periglacial Research in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica.” Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Invited plenary talk. July 2008. University of Alaska Fairbanks.

“Glaciers limit the height of mountains: Clues about this snow buzzsaw from glaciers that touch the sea.” Invited lecture. October 2009. Rice University, Texas.

“Glacial sediment yields in an era of warming climate.” International Glaciological Conference VICC 2010 “Ice and Climate Change: A View from the ”, February 2010. Valdivia, Chile.

“ Constraining the plausible amount of future glacial erosion”, Workshop on Glacial Erosion Modelling, 29 April – 1 May 2010, Unterägeri, Switzerland

“Rapid frost weathering and its potential role as a periglacial buzzsaw.” Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 12, EGU2010-13964, 2010. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010. Vienna, Austria

“From polygons in permafrost to desert pavements: diverse expressions of thermal stresses induced by the sun”. The 2011 Simpson Lecture (invited), April 2011, Boston University, Boston

“Geomorphic Signature of Basal Hydrology and Accretion.” Invited talk. WORKSHOP: New Insights into Ice Sheets, Climate and Mountain Formation From Dome A. May 5-6 Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY.

“Cracks, cracks, and more cracks: What can we learn from cracks around Glenelg [Mars]?” Invited lecture. October 17, 2012, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

“Erosion in the Himalaya: How topography signals active crustal processes.” Invited lecture, September 27, 2012; UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

“Erosion in the Himalaya: Self-organized balance between uplift & erosion.” October 4, 2012, Invited Lecture; Caltech, Pasadena, CA


Geomorphic processes of polar and alpine regions, glaciology, tectonic geomorphology with a focus the coupling between tectonic, atmospheric and surficial processes, eolian processes, ornithology.

Grants and Contracts 1978 Physico-Chemical Process at the Glacier Rock Interface Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-7713631 (Geology) Funded for $44,300 (1978) Funded for $43,800 (1979)


1978 Physical Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Land Sponsored by Army Research Office Contract No. DAAG29-FP-C-0004 Funded for $35,972 (1978) Funded for $31,202 (1979) Funded for $22,573 (1980)

1979 Dynamics of Flow of Granular Materials Sponsored by American Chemical Society The Petroleum Research Fund Funded for $8,476 (1979) Funded for $8,476 (1980) Funded for $8,478 (1981) 1979 The Mechanics of Glacial Erosion 1981 Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-79-19982, EAR 81-09308 Funded for $47,232 (1979) Funded for $51,906 (1980)

1983 Sorted Patterns in Periglacial Soils Sponsored by National Science Foundation DPP-8303630 Funded for $100,000 (1983) Funded for $100,000 (1984) Funded for $ 50,000 (1985)

1984 Physics of Frost Damage to Rocks Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-83-19119 Funded for $70,747 (1984) Funded for $49,321 (1985)

1984 Fluid Mechanical Analysis of Eolian Ripples Sponsored by the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Funded for $51,247 (1984-87)

1986 Physics of Frost Damage to Rocks II Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-8605912 Funded for $62,974 (July 1, 1986) Funded for $27,436 (July 1, 1987)

1987 Process Study of Sorted Patterns in Arctic Soils Sponsored by Army Research Office DAALO 3-87-K-0058 Funded for $97,803 (3/15/87) Funded for $95,988 (3/15/88) Funded for $96,655 (3/15/89)

Large Scale Glacial Erosion and Debris Production Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-8708400 Funded for $47,252 (7/1/87) Funded for $48,793 (7/1/88)


Debris Entrainment Processes at Glacier Beds Sponsored by National Science Foundation and Initially Awarded to Joseph Walder DPP-8721159 Funded for $34,707 (7/20/88), residual funds transferred to new PI: Hallet (approx $8,000 in spring 89)

1990 Glacial Erosion and the Budget of Basal Rock Debris Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR-9005069 Funded for $106,308 (7/90 to 7/92)

1991 (with J. Gregory Dash, Dept. of Physics, University of Washington) Liquid-Like Water in Frozen Porous Media and Surface Melting of Ice Sponsored by National Science Foundation DPP-9023845 Funded for $122,090 (4/91 to 4/92) Funded for $149,580 (FY92) Funded for $156,320 (FY93)

1993 Erosion and Sedimentation by a Surging Glacier: Implications Regarding Glacier Dynamics and Topographic Development Sponsored by the U.W. Royalty Research Fund Funded for $25,700 (6/94 to 7/95)

1995. Patterned Ground, Dry Valleys, Antarctica: An evaluation of the scientific merit of >30 year-old study sites. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, OPP Funded for $43,000 (6/95 to 5/96)

1995 Origin and properties of subfreezing basal ice (w/ H. Conway) Sponsored by National Science Foundation, OPP 9418381 Funded for $178,000 (1995 to 97)

1996 Ionic Mobility in Frozen Porous Media Co-PI: Ron Sletten Sponsored by Army Research Office Funded for $267,000 (1996-9)

1996 An integrated modeling and experimental study of the formation and dynamics of patterned ground Collaboration with Brad Werner (SCRIPPS, UC San Diego) Sponsored by National Science Foundation, OPP-9530809 Funded for $270,000 (1995 to 97)

1996 Rates of glacial erosion in Southern Alaska: exceptional research opportunities provided by the Bering Glacier Surge and new ACCRETE data Sponsored by National Science Foundation, EAR-9628675 Funded for ~$400,000 (1995 to 00)

1997 Stability of land surfaces in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Insights based on the dynamics of sub- surface ice and sand-wedge polygons Collaborators: Sletten, Stone, Mellon, McKay, Fletcher, Gilichinsky Sponsored by National Science Foundation, OPP-9726139 Funded for $414,200 (1998-2001)


2000 Collaborative Research: Modeling of Continental-Scale Erosion in Mountainous Regions PIs: David Montgomery, Bernard Hallet, Alan Gillespie and Robin Weeks On list of sponsored projects by NASA for $564,860 (2000-2003)

2001 Collaborative Research: Geodynamics of Indentor Corners PIs: P. Zeitler, P. Koons, A. Meltzer, W. Kidd, P. Chamberlain, B. Hallet + eight co-PIs, Continental Dynamics Program, NSF, UW portion: $506,211, 2001-2005.

2002 Collaborative Research: Coupling of carbon and water cycles in a cold, dry ecosystem: Integrative physical, chemical and biological processes and their controls on CO2 exchange. PIs: Jeffrey Welker, Jace Fahnestock, Ronald Sletten, Joshua Schimel, Bernard Hallet NSF Chem., Coupled Biogeochemical Cycle/Biocomplexity Program, NSF, UW portion: $515,000, 2002-2007.

2003 Collaborative Research: Mechanics of Dry-Land Calving of Ice Cliffs, co-PI: A. Fountain, OPP, NSF, $266,650 at UW, 5/1/03-4/30/06.

2004. Landscape/Ice-Sheet Self-Organization, co-PI: Derek Booth and Chris Bretherton. EAR-Math. Sciences - CMG Research NSF, $597,413 1/1/2004-12/31/06

Collaborative Research: ST. Elias Erosion/tectonics Project (STEEP). Principal Investigator: Terry Pavlis plus 10 others, including Hallet, NSF Continental Dynamics, 5 years, $408,616 at UW

Controls on Sediment Yields from Tidewater Glaciers from Patagonia to Antarctica. Co-PI : John Anderson, Rice University. NSF Polar Program. 3 years, $ 430,000 at UW.

2005. Dynamics of Ground Ice on Earth and Mars: An Investigation Using Terrestrial Measurements, Modeling and Remote Sensing. NASA. PI: Dale Winebrenner; co-PIs: Ron Sletten, Jaakko Putkonen and Bernard Hallet. ~$630,000 FY05 through FY07.

2007. Ground ice dynamics in hyperarid soils of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, PIs: R. Sletten and B. Hallet; NSF Polar Program. 3 years, $ 429,132

2008. Collaborative Research: Determining the Role of Insulation in the Mechanical breakdown of Rock, PIs: P. Mackenzie-Helnwein and B. Hallet; NSF-EAR, $ 85,870 at UW

2010. Erosion at the Top of the World. NSF’s title: Glaciers, Erosion, and Climate Change in the Himalaya Mountains; NSF-EAR, $ 224,980, 2 years

Collaborative Research: ST. Elias Erosion/tectonics Project (STEEP)-II. Principal Investigator: Terry Pavlis plus 10 others, including Hallet, NSF Continental Dynamics, 2-year continuation, $165,430 at UW

2012. Mars Science Laboratory. with PI, M. Malin, and U. Wash. Co-investigator, R. Sletten. NASA- JPL. 7/2012 to 9/2016. $986,496 at UW

2013. Collaborative Proposal: Modeling Sediment Production from Glaciers off south-central Alaska during Quaternary Climate Oscillations, PIs: B. Hallet and P. Koons at University of Maine, 04/2013 to 03/2015, $195,855 at UW.


Graduate Students

Ph.D. David F. McTigue, 1979, Stanford University "A non-linear continuum model for flowing granular materials" Subsequent employment: Researcher, SANDIA; Faculty, U. Washington

Paul T. Delaney, 1980, Stanford University "Magma flow, heat transport and brecciation of host rocks during dike emplacement near ship Rock, New Mexico" Subsequent or employment: USGS, Flagstaff.

Ross S. Stein, 1980, Stanford University "Contemporary and Quaternary deformation in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California" Subsequent or most recent employment: Geophysicists, USGS, Menlo Park

Derek B. Booth, 1984, University of Washington "Reconstruction of dynamics of Puget Ice Sheet, Washington" Subsequent or most recent employment: Faculty, U. Washington

Robert S. Anderson, 1986, University of Washington "Sediment Transport by wind: saltation, suspension, erosion and ripples" Subsequent or most recent employment: Faculty, U. C. Santa Cruz

Jonathan Harbor, 1990, University of Washington "Numerical model of the development of glacial valley cross-sections" Subsequent or most recent employment: Faculty, Purdue Univ.

Jaakko Putkonen, 1996, University of Washington “Climatic Control of the Thermal Regime of Permafrost, Northwest Spitsbergen.” Subsequent or most recent employment: Faculty, U. North Dakota

Kurt Cuffey, 1999, University of Washington “Glaciological Investigations Beneath an Active Polar Glacier.” Subsequent or most recent employment: Faculty, U. C. Berkeley

Alison Anders, 2005, University of Washington, co-advisor: D. Montgomery. “The Co-evolution of Precipitation and Topography” Subsequent or most recent employment: Post-doc, Yale U., now Assistant Prof. U Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Noah J. Finnegan, 2007, University of Washington, co-advisor: D. Montgomery. “Channel morphology and bedrock river incision: theory, experiments, and application to the eastern Himalaya” Subsequent or most recent employment: Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Michèle N. Koppes, 2007, University of Washington “Glacier erosion and response to climate: from Alaska to Patagonia” Subsequent or most recent employment: Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia.

Amanda Henck-, 2010, University of Washington, co-advisor: D. Montgomery. “Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Erosion in Western China and Tibet”


Subsequent or most recent employment: Assistant Professor, Oberlin College.

Rachel M. Headley, 2011, University of Washington. “Longitudinal Glacial Profiles and Erosion in Tectonically Active Mountains”. Subsequent or most recent employment: Postdoctoral Researcher, University Tübingen, Germany

M.S. Richard M. Iverson, 1979, Stanford University "Process of accelerated pluvial erosion on desert hill slopes modified by vehicular traffic"

Derek B. Booth, 1980, Stanford University "Laboratory behavior of freezing saturated silty soils"

Elizabeth L. Haven, 1980, Stanford University "Gully erosion near Grapevine, California"

Bern S. Hinckley, 1980, Stanford University "Accelerated erosion due to off-road vehicular use in an arid environment"

Daniel J. Ponti, 1980, Stanford University "Stratigraphy and engineering characteristics of late Quaternary sediments in the eastern Antelope Valley and vicinity, California"

Joseph S. Walder, 1980, Stanford University "Field and Theoretical studies of subglacial hydrology"

Robert H. Webb, 1980, Stanford University "Mechanical and hydrological effects of motorcycle traffic on a desert soil"

E. Carrington Gregory, 1985, University of Washington "Automated data acquisition instrumentation for studies in geomorphology"

Suzanne Prestrud, 1987, University of Washington "The upfreezing process and its role in sorted circles"

Nancy E. Brown, 1987, University of Washington "Subglacial conditions inferred from deposits of the Puget Lobe, Washington: Till characteristics, magnetic data and calculated basal drag"

Mark P. Muir, 1988, University of Washington "The role of pre-existing, corrugated topography in the development of stone stripes"

Jacqueline , 1990, University of Washington "Extracting soil thermal properties and phase change phenomena on the basis of temperature measurements.

James W. Roche, 1994. University of Washington "Rapid current weathering in coastal southeast Alaska: field data and implications for sediment production during glacial-interglacial cycles."

Kevin Whilden, 1999. University of Washington “The long term dynamics of polygonal patterned ground in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica”

Michele Koppes, 2000. University of Washington “Influence of rapid glacial retreat on erosion rates for tide-water glaciers”


Robert Sheerer, 2008. University of Washington "Constraining Puget Lobe Climate and Ice Dynamics"


1975 Hallet, B. Subglacial silica deposits. Nature 254 (5502):682-683.

1976 Hallet, B. Deposits formed by subglacial precipitation of CaCO3. Geological Society of America Bulletin 87(7):1003-1015.

The effect of subglacial chemical processes on glacier sliding. Journal of Glaciology 17:209-221.

1977 Hallet, B. Subglacial chemical deposits and the composition of basal ice. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Symposium on Isotopes and Impurities in Snow and Ice, Grenoble, France, 2975. IASH Publication, No. 118, 283-286.

1978 Hallet, B. Solute redistribution in freezing ground. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Permafrost, Edmonton, Canada, July 10-13, 85-91.

Hallet, B., Lorrain, R. and Souchez, R. The composition of basal ice from a glacier sliding over limestones. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 89:314-320.

Hanshaw, B.B., and Hallet, B. Oxygen isotope composition of subglacially precipitated calcite: possible paleoclimatic implications. Science 200:1267-1270.

1979 Hallet, B. Subglacial regelation water film. Journal of Glaciology 23(89):321-334.

Hallet, B. A theoretical model of glacial abrasion. Journal of Glaciology 23(89):29-50.

Walder, J., and Hallet, B. Geometry of former subglacial water channels and cavities. Journal of Glaciology 23(89):335-346.

1980 Hallet, B., and Anderson, R.S. Detailed glacial geomorphology of a proglacial bedrock area at Castleguard Glacier, Alberta, Canada. Zietschrift fur Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 16(2):171-184.

1981 Hallet, B. Glacial abrasion and sliding: their dependence on the debris concentration in basal ice. Annals of Glaciology 2:23-28.

Iverson, R.M., Hinckley, B.S., Webb, R.M., and Hallet B. Physical effects of vehicular disturbances on arid landscapes. Science 212(4497):9115-917.

Wilshire, H.W., Nakata, J., and Hallet, B. Field observations of the December 1977 wind storm, San Joaquin Valley, California. In: Pewe, T. (ed.), Desert Dust: Origin, Characteristics, and Effect on Man. Geological Society of America Special Paper 186, 223-251.

1982 Anderson, R.S., Hallet, B., Walder, J., and Aubrey, B.F. Observations in a cavity beneath Grinnell Glacier. Earth Surface Processes 7:63-70.

Hinkley, B.S., Iverson, R.M., Hallet, B. Environmental Off-Road Vehicles. Accelerated water erosion in ORV-use Areas. In Robert H. Webb and Howard G. Wilshire (eds.), Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 81-96.


1983 Hallet, B. The breakdown of rock due to freezing: a theoretical model. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Permafrost, July 17-22, 1983, Fairbanks, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 433-438.

Fletcher, R.C., and Hallet, B. Unstable extension of the Lithosphere: A mechanical model for Basin-and-Range structure. Journal of Geophysical Research 88(89):7457-7466.

1985 Walder, J.S., and Hallet, B. A theoretical model of the fracture of rock due to freezing. Geological Society of America Bulletin 96(3), 336-346.

1986 Hallet, B. and Prestrud, S. Dynamics of periglacial sorted circles in Western Spitsbergen. Quaternary Research, 26, 81-99.

Walder, J.S., and Hallet, B. The physical basis of frost weathering: toward a more fundamental and unified perspective. Journal of Arctic and Alpine Research 18, 27-32.

Anderson, R.S., and Hallet, B. Sediment transport by wind: Toward a general model. Geological Society of America Bulletin - 97, 523-535.

1987 Hallet, B. On geomorphic patterns with a focus on stone circles viewed as a free- convection problem. In C. Nicolis and G. Nicolis (eds.). Irreversible Phenomena and Dynamical Systems Analysis in Geosciences. D. Reidel Pub. Co., 533-553.

Brown, N.E., Hallet, B. and Booth, D.B. Rapid soft-bed sliding of the Puget glacial lobe. Journal of Geophysical Research. 92, B9, 8985-8997.

1988 Hallet, B. Circles of stone. In 1989 Yearbook of Science and the Future. Encyclopedia Britannica. 86-97.

Hallet, B., Anderson, S., Stubbs, C.W., and Gregory, E.C. Surface soil displacements in sorted circles, western Spitsbergen. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Permafrost, Trondheim, Norway, August 1, 1988. 1,770-775.

Harbor, J.M., Hallet, B. and Raymond, C.F. A numerical model of landform development by glacial erosion. Nature, 333 (6171), 347-349.

1990 Hallet, B. Spatial Self-Organization in Geomorphology: from periodic bedforms and patterned ground to scale-invariant topography. Earth Science Reviews 29, 57-75.

Hallet, B. Self Organization in Freezing Soils: from microscopic ice lenses to patterned ground. Can. J. Phys. 68, 842-852.

Ortoleva, P.J., Hallet, B, McBirney, A., Meshri, I., Reeder, R. and Williams, P. eds. Self- Organization in Geological Systems. Proceedings of 1988 workshop at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Earth Science Reviews 29, 417 p.

1991 Heyneman, A. T., Colwell, R.K., Naeem, S., Dobkin, D.S., and Hallet, B. Host plant discrimination: experiments with hummingbird flower mites. In Price, P.W., et al. (eds.) Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions: Tropical and Temperate Perspectives. J. Wiley and Sons. New York. p. 455-485.

Hallet, B., and Waddington, E.D. Buoyancy forces induced by freeze/thaw in the active layer: implications for diapirism and soil circulation. in Periglacial Geomorphology eds. J.C. Dixon and A.D. Abrahams, Proceedings of the 22nd Binghampton Geomorphology Symposium Sept. 1991. J. Wiley and Sons. New York. p. 251-279.


Hallet, B., Walder, J.S. and C. W, Stubbs. Weathering by segregation ice growth in microcracks at sustained sub-zero temperatures: verification from an experimental study using acoustic emissions. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2, 283-300.

1993 Werner B. T. and Hallet, B. Sorted stripes: a numerical study of textural self- organization. Nature , 361, 142-145.

Hallet, B. and Rasmussen, L.A. Calculation of the thermal conductivity of unsaturated frozen soil used to study active layer heat transfer processes. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, V. 1, 226-231.

Booth, D. B. and Hallet, B., Channel networks carved by subglacial water — Observations and reconstruction in the Eastern Puget Lowland, Washington, U.S.A. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 105, 671-683.

Fu, H., Dash, J.G., Wilen, L. and Hallet, B. The physics of liquid water in frozen powders and soils. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Permafrost, V. 2, 1117-1118.

1994 Hallet, B. and Putkonen, J. Surface Dating of Dynamic Landforms: Young Boulders on Aging Moraines. Science. 265, 937-940.

1996 Hallet, B., Hunter, L., Bogen, J. Rates of erosion and sediment evacuation by glaciers: A review of field data and their implications. Global and Planetary Change, 12, 213-235.

Anderson, R. S. and Hallet, B., Simulating magnetic susceptibility profiles in loess as an aid in quantifying rates of dust deposition and pedogenic development: Quaternary Res., 45,1-16.

Hallet, B. Glacial quarrying: a simple theoretical model. Annals of Glaciology, 22, 1-8.

Merrand, Y. and Hallet, B. Water and Sediment Flux During the 1993-94 Bering Glacier Surge, Alaska, USA. Annals of Glaciology, 22, 233-240.

Conway, H., Cuffey, K., Gades, A. M., Hallet, B., Raymond, C. F., Sletten, R. Processes at subfreezing temperatures; Meserve Glacier revisited. Antarctic Journal of the United States,31(2), 67-68.

1997 Aalto, R., Montgomery, D. R., Hallet, B., Abbe, T. B., Buffington, J. M., Cuffey, K. M. Schmidt, K. M. 1997, A hill of beans. Science, 277(5334), 1911-1912.

1998 Hallet, B. Measurement of soil motion in sorted circles, western Spistbergen. In: Permafrost; Seventh International Conference, Proceedings. Eds.: Lewkowicz, A. G. and Allard, M. Collection Nordicana. 57, 415-420.

1999 Cuffey, K. M., Conway, H; Hallet, B., Gades, A.M., Raymond, C. F. Interfacial water in polar glaciers and glacier sliding at -17 degrees C. Geophyscial Research Letters, 26(6), 751-754.

2000 Cuffey, K. M., Conway, H; Gades, A.M.,, Hallet, B., Lorrain, R; Severinghaus, J. P., Steig, E. J.; Vaughn B., and White J. W. C. Entrainment at cold glacier beds. Geology 28(4), 351-354.

Cuffey, K. M., Conway, H; Gades, A.M., Hallet, B., Raymond,C.F., and Whitlow, S. Deformation properties of subfreezing glacier ice: role of crystal size, chemical


impurities, and rock particles inferred from in situ measurements. Journal Geophysical Research, 105(B12), 27895-915

2001 Zeitler, P. K., Meltzer, A. M., Koons, P. O., Craw, D., Hallet, B., Chamberlain, C. P., Kidd, W. S. F., Park, S., Seeber, L., Bishop, M. and Shroder, J., Erosion, Himalayan geodynamics and the geomorphology of metamorphism, GSA Today, p. 4–9.

Jaeger, J., Hallet, B., Pavlis, T., Sauber, J., Lawson, D., Milliman, J., Powell, R., Anderson, S. P. and Anderson, R. Orogenic and glacial research in pristine southern Alaska. EOS, 82(19), p. 213-216.

Porter, S.C. Hallet, B, Xihao Wu and Zhisheng An, Dependence of near-surface magnetic susceptibility on rates of dust accumulation and precipitation on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Research, 55, 271-283.

Hallet, B. and Molnar, P. Distorted Drainage Basins as Markers of Crustal Strain East of the Himalaya, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 106 (B7), 13697-13709.

Kessler, M., Werner, B. Murray, B, and Hallet, B., A Model for Sorted Circles as Self- Organized Patterns Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 106 (B7), 13287- 13306.

Head, J.W. and Hallet, B. Origin of Sinuous Ridges in the Dorsa Argentea Formation: Additional Criteria for Tests of the Esker Hypothesis. Lunar and Planetary Science, 32, 1366.pdf.

Cuffey, K. M., Conway, H; Gades, A.M., Hallet, B., Raymond,C.F., and S, Whitlow Correction to “Deformation properties of subfreezing glacier ice: role of crystal size, chemical impurities, and rock particles inferred from in situ measurements” Journal Geophysical Research, 106(B8), 16,251.

2002 Koppes, M and Hallet, B. Influence of rapid glacial retreat on calculated erosion rates, Geology, 30 (1), 47-50.

Finlayson, D. P., Montgomery, D. R. and Hallet, B., Spatial coincidence of rapid inferred erosion with young metamorphic massifs in the Himalayas. Geology, 30(3), 219–222.

Roe, G. H., Montgomery, D. R. and Hallet, B., Effects of orographic precipitation variations on the concavity of steady-state river profiles. Geology, 30(2),143–146.

E. Rignot, B. Hallet and A. Fountain, Rock Glacier Surface Motion in Beacon Valley, Antarctica, from Synthetic-Aperture Radar Interferometry. Geophys. Res. Letters, 29(12), 13,494-7.

Ng, F. and B. Hallet, Patterning mechanisms in subglacial carbonate dissolution and deposition. Journal of Glaciology, 48(162), 386-400.

2003 Anders, A.M., Sletten, R.S., Derry, L.A., and Hallet, B. Germanium/silicon ratios in the Copper River Basin, Alaska: Weathering and partitioning in periglacial versus glacial environments. Journal Geophysical Research, 108(F1), 6005, doi: 10.1029/2003JF000026.

Sletten, R. S., B. Hallet, and R. C. Fletcher, Resurfacing time of terrestrial surfaces by the formation and maturation of polygonal patterned ground. Journal Geophysical Research, 108(E4), 8044, doi:10.1029/2002JE001914


Roe, G. H., D. R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet, Orographic precipitation and the relief of mountain ranges. Journal Geophysical Research, 108(B6), 2315, doi:10.1029/2001JB001521

Hallet, B., Response to comments by William Balsam on the "Dependence of Near- Surface Magnetic Susceptibility on Dust Accumulation Rate and Precipitation on the Chinese Loess Plateau", Quaternary Research. 55; 3, p. 271-283.

Putkonen, J., Sletten, R. S., and B. Hallet. Atmosphere/ice energy exchange through a thin debris cover in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Permafrost. Eds. Phillips, M.; Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L.U.; International, 2; 913-915.

2004 Hallet, B., J. Putkonen, R. S. Sletten, and N. Potter Jr., Advances in Permafrost Process Research in the United States since 1960s. in Eds. A. Gillespie, S. and B. Atwater "Developments in Quaternary Science", 1, 127-145. doi:10.1016/S1571-0866(03)01007- 8.

Montgomery, D. R., B. Hallet, L. Yuping, N. Finnegan, A. Anders, A. Gillespie and H. . M. Greenberg Evidence for Holocene Megafloods Down the Tsangpo River Gorge. Quaternary Research (New York), 62(2), p.201-207. ISSN: 0033-5894.

Fletcher, R. and B. Hallet. Initiation of gneiss domes by necking, density instability, and erosion. Geological Society of America Special Paper 380, Gneiss Domes and Orogeny, edited by D. L. Whitney, C. Teyssier, and C. S. Siddoway. V. 380, p. 79-95.

2005 Finnegan, N. J., G. Roe, D. R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet, Controls on the channel width of rivers: Implications for modeling fluvial incision of bedrock, Geology, 33: 229-232.

Ng, F., Hallet, B., Sletten, R.S. and Stone, J.O. Fast-growing till over ancient ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. Geology. 33; 2, Pages 121-124.

McFadden, L.D., Eppes, M.C., Gillespie, A.R. and Hallet, B. Physical weathering in arid landscapes due to diurnal variation in the direction of solar heating. Geological Society of America Bulletin. V.117; 1-2, p. 161-173; doi: 10.1130/B25508.1.

Oehm, B., and Hallet, B. Rates of soil creep, worldwide; weak climatic controls and potential feedback. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 49(3), p.353-372.

2006 Koppes, M., and B. Hallet, Erosion rates during rapid deglaciation in Icy Bay, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 111, F02023, doi:10.1029/2005JF000349.

Anders, A. M., Roe, G.H., Hallet, B., Montgomery, D. R., Finnegan, N. J., Putkonen, J., Spatial Patterns of Precipitation and Topography in the Himalaya, In Willett, S.D., Hovius, N., and Brandon, M.T., and Fisher, D.M., eds., Tectonics, climate and landscape evolution, GSA Special Paper 398, Chapter 3.p. 39-53.

Hallet, B. Why do rocks break upon freezing? Science, 314, 1092-3.

Haeberli, W., Hallet, B. Arenson, L., Elconin, R., Humlum, O., Kaab, A., Kaufmann, V., Ladanyi, B., Matsuoka, N., Springman, S., and Vonder Mühll, D. Permafrost Creep and Rock Glacier Dynamics, Permafrost and Periglac. Process. 17: 189–214 (2006), DOI: 10.1002/ppp.561


Yuping, L., Montgomery, D. R., Hallet, B., Wenqing, T., Jianlong, Z., Xuanyang, Z., Quaternary glacier blocking events at the entrance of Yarlung Zangbo Great Canyon, Southeast Tibet, Quaternary Sciences, 26, 52-62.

2007 Hagedorn, B., R. S. Sletten, and B. Hallet, Sublimation and ice condensation in hyperarid soils: Modeling results using field data from Valley, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 112, F03017, doi:10.1029/2006JF000580.

Gilichinsky, D.A., Wilson, G.S., Friedmann, E.I., McKay, C.P., Sletten, R.S., Rivkina, E.M., Vishnivetskaya, T.A., Erokhina, L.G., Ivanushkina, N.E., Kochkina, G.A., Shcherbakova, V.A., Soina, V.S., Spirina, E.V., Vorobyova, E.A., Fyodorov-Davydov, D.G., Hallet, B., Ozerskaya, S.M., Sorokovikov, V.A., Laurinavichyus, K.S., Shatilovich, A.V., Chanton, J.P., Ostroumov, V.E., and Tiedje, J.M. (2007) Microbial populations in Antarctic permafrost: biodiversity, state, age, and implication for astrobiology. Astrobiology 7:275–311.

2008 Finnegan, N.J., Hallet, B., Montgomery, D.R., Zeitler, P.K., Stone, J.O., Anders, A.M., and Liu, Y., Coupling of rock uplift and river incision in the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif, Tibet, China, Geological Society of America Bulletin. 120(1),142-155.

Anders, A. M., Roe, G.H., Montgomery, D. R., and Hallet, B., Influence of precipitation phase on the form of mountain ranges, Geology, 36(6); p. 479–482; doi: 10.1130/G24821A.1

Horwath, J.L., R. S. Sletten, Hagedorn, B.,and B. Hallet, Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in Non-sorted Striped Patterned Ground of the High Arctic, J. Geophys. Res., 113, G03S07, doi:10.1029/2007JG000511.

Hallet B., The Rich Contributions of A.L. Washburn to Permafrost and Periglacial Studies. In Kane, D.L. & Hinkel, K.M. (eds). 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, v. 1, p. 625-630.

Hallet B., Sletten, R. S., and Putkonen, J. Advances in Permafrost and Periglacial Research in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In Kane, D.L. & Hinkel, K.M. (eds). 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, v. 1, p. 631-638.

Hagedorn, B., Nelson, B. K., Kennel, T. J., Henck, A. and Hallet, B. Seasonal trends in solutes and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of SE Tibet rivers: Yarlung Tsangpo and Parlung. Geochem. Cosmo. Acta. 72(12): A400.

Hagedorn, B., Aalto, R., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet B., Frost boil dynamics using 210Pb as a tracer for soil movement. In Kane, D.L. & Hinkel, K.M. (eds). 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, v. 1, p. 613-618.

Stewart, R.J., Hallet, B., Zeitler, P.K., Maloy, M.A., Allen, C., and Trippett, D., Brahmaputra sediment flux dominated by highly localized rapid erosion from the easternmost Himalaya. Geology, 36(9); p. 711–714; doi: 10.1130/G24890A.1

Chapman, J.B., T.L. Pavlis, S. Gulick, A. Berger, L. Lowe, J. Spotila, R. Bruhn, M. Vorkink, P. Koons, A. Barker, C. Picornell, K. Ridgway, B. Hallet, J. Jaeger, and J. McCalpin, Neotectonics of the Yakutat collision: Changes in deformation driven by mass redistribution, in Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska, Geophys. Monogr.


Ser.,179, edited by J.T. Freymueller, P.J. Haeussler, R.L. Wesson, and G. Ekstrom, pp. 65-82, AGU, Washington, D.C.

2009. Koppes, M., Hallet, B. and Anderson, J. Synchronous acceleration of ice loss and glacier erosion, Marinelli Glacier, Tierra del Fuego, Journal of Glaciology, 55(190), 207-220.

2010 Hagedorn B., Sletten R. S., Hallet, B., McTigue, D. F., and Steig, E. Ground ice recharge via brine transport in frozen soils in Victoria Valley, Antarctica: insights from modeling δ18O and δD profiles. Geochem. Cosmo. Acta. 74(2). 435-448.

Koppes, M., R. Sylwester, A. Rivera and B. Hallet. Variations in sediment yield over the advance and retreat of a calving glacier, Laguna San Rafael, North Patagonian Icefield. Quaternary Research, 73: 84-95. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2009.07.006

2011 Fernandez, R. A., J. B. Anderson, J. S. Wellner, and B. Hallet, Timescale dependence of glacial erosion rates: A case study of Marinelli Glacier, Cordillera , southern Patagonia, J. Geophys. Res., 116, F01020, doi:10.1029/2010JF001685.

Henck, A., K.W. Huntington, J.O. Stone, D. R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet. Spatial controls on erosion in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet and southwestern China, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 303, 71-83, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.038

Hallet, B., Sletten, R S., and Whilden, K., Micro-Relief Development in Polygonal Patterned Ground in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Quaternary Research. 75(2),347-355.

Hallet, B., Washburn, L. L., MacDonald, N. L., Benson, C.S., and Stuiver, M., Lincoln Washburn, a glimpse at the person: A prologue for this special issue. Quaternary Research. 75(2), 309-315.

Enkelmann, E.1, Ehlers, T. A., Zeitler P. K., and Hallet, B. Denudation of the Namche Barwa Antiform, Eastern Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 307, 323–333

2012 Headley, R. M., Roe, G. and Hallet, B. Glacier longitudinal profiles in regions of active uplift. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317–318, 354–362. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.11.010

Koons, P. O., Zeitler, P. K. and Hallet, B. Tectonic aneurysms and mountain building. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Owen, L.A. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, vol 5, 1-31.

Headley, R.M., Hallet, B., Roe, G., and Waddington, E., Spatial pattern of glacial erosion rates in the St. Elias range, Alaska, inferred from a realistic model of glacier dynamics. J. Geophys. Res., 117, F03027, doi:10.1029/2011JF002291

2013 Headley, R.M., Enkelmann, E., and Hallet, B. An examination of the interplay between glacial processes and exhumation in the St. Elias Range, Alaska. Geosphere: First published online February 5, 2013, doi: 10.1130/GES00810.1

Papers in press.

Hallet. B. Stone Circles: form and soil kinematics. Philosophical Transactions A, Royal


Soc. London. RSTA-2012-0357. Accepted Feb. 14, 2013.

Papers submitted.

Boldt, K. V,Nittrouer, C.A., Hallet, B., Koppes, M. N., Kimball, B., Wellner, J.S., and Anderson, J.B. Modern rates of glacial sediment accumulation along a 15° S-N transect: the fjords of the Antarctic Peninsula to Southern Chile. J. Geophys. Res.- Earth Surface. Paper #2013JF002736. In revision.

Papers in preparation

Fernandez, R. A., J. B. Anderson, J. S. Wellner, R. L. Minzoni and B. Hallet, Latitudinal variation of accumulation and erosion rates from Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula tidewater glaciers (46°-65° S). GSA Bull.

Stone, J. O., Sletten, R S., Hallet, B., and Caffee, M., Age and sublimation rate of ancient ice, Beacon Valley, Antarctica. JGR Surface.

Roche, J. and Hallet, B. Exceptionally rapid periglacial weathering rates in southeast coastal Alaska: rates, lithologic control and implications. Geol. Soc. Am. Bulletin

Hallet, B. Glacial abrasion of bedrock with debris entrainment from the bed, I: Model development. J. Glaciol.

Hallet, B. Glacial abrasion of bedrock with debris entrainment from the bed, II: Rates of abrasion, quarrying and other model results. J. Glaciol.

Expert Report and Edited Volumes

2011 Hallet. B. Glacial Erosion Assessment. Ontario Power Generation Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste. Nuclear Waste Management Organization DGR-TR-2011-18. January 2011. 55 p.

Hallet. B. and Sletten. R.S. (Guest editors) Special Issue in Honor of Lincoln Washburn: New Insights into Periglacial Processes, Landforms & Environments. Quaternary Research. 75(2), 309-394.

Book Review

1988 Glacial Geologic Processes by David Drewry, published by E. Arnold 1986. EOS 69 (27), 700 p.

2000 Étude de la cryoclastie et de l'haloclastie par méthode dilatométrique. Quaternary Research 53,407.


1976 Implications of spectral analyses of glacier beds on the sliding of glaciers. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union 57(4), 325 p.

1978 Soto, A.E., and Hallet, B. Seasonal soil creep: a rate process model. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union. 59(12), 1186 p.


1979 Fletcher, R.C., and Hallet, B. Unstable extension of lithospheres: a mechanical model for basin and range structure. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union 60(18): 393.

1984 Wold, B., Hagen, J.O., Hallet, B., and LeB , R. Ice temperatures below the pressure melting point at the base of a temperate glacier. Symposium on Snow and Ice Processes at the Earth Surface, International Glaciological Society, Sapporo Japan 2-7, September 1984.

Hallet, B., Prestrud, S., Gregory, C., and Stubbs, C. Sorted patterns in periglacial soils, Spitsbergen. Geological Society of America National Meeting, 16(6), September, 1984.

1985 Hallet, B., Prestrud, S., Gregory, C., and Stubbs, C. Instrumentation of sorted patterns in periglacial soils, Spitsbergen. First International Conference on Geomorphology, Manchester, England, September, 1985.

Walder, J. and Hallet, B. Physics of frost damage to rocks. First International Conference on Geomorphology, Manchester, England, September, 1985.

Hallet, B., Gregory, C.E., Stubbs, C.W., and Anderson, R.S. Measurements of ice motion over bedrock at subfreezing temperatures. International Conference on Hydraulic Effects at the Glacier Bed and Related Phenomena, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 1985.

1986 Hallet, B. A rate process theory for the subglacial deformation of sediments. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union. 67(44), 949.

1987 Hallet, B., Anderson, S.P., Stubbs, C.W. and Gregory, E.C. Active layer temperature and ice content, western Spitsbergen. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union. 68(44), 1264.

1988 Harbor, J.M., Hallet, B. and Raymond, C.F. A numerical model for the development of U-shaped valleys by glacial erosion. EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union. 68(44), 1268.

Harbor, J.M., Hallet, B. and Raymond, C. A numerical model for the development of glacial U-shaped valleys. Geol. Soc. America. 1988 National Meeting.

1989 Harbor, J.M. and Hallet, B. Numerical modeling of glacial valley development - U- shaped cross-sections and stepped long-profiles. Second International Conference on Geomorphology, Frankfurt, September 3-9.

Hallet, B. Autonomous patterns in Landscapes, landforms and soils, Kinetic Processes 1989 Conference, Banff, Canada, October.

Harbor, J.M. and Hallet, B. Bridging the gap between small-scale erosion studies and large-scale landform evolution. Geol. Soc. America. 1989 National Meeting.

Hallet, B. Modeling glacial abrasion of bedrock with debris entrainment from the bed. Geol. Soc. America. 1989 National Meeting.

1991 Hallet, B., Walder, J. and C. Stubbs. Crack growth in rocks under sustained freezing conditions: an experimental study based on acoustic emissions. Workshop on Physical Breakdown of Rocks in Cold Regions, Caen, France. May 1991


Hallet, B. and E. D. Waddington. A geophysical model of soil compaction in the active layer: implications for diapirism and soil circulation. 38th Annual Pacific Northwest Am. Geophysical Meeting, Tri-Cities, WA, Sept. 91

Fu, H., Wilen, L. Dash, J.G. and Hallet, B. Physics of Unfrozen Water in Frozen Soils. Proceedings of the 22nd Binghampton Geomorphology Symposium Sept. 1991; and American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, EOS, Dec,1991.

1993 Hallet, B. Geometry and size of sorted patterns in periglacial soils reflect convection: But what is convecting? American Geophysical Union, Spring meeting, EOS, April 20,1993, 152.

1994 Hallet, B. Recent theoretical advances in modeling glacial erosion: abrasion, quarrying, and sediment output. Symposium on Impacts of Glaciations on Basin Evolution: Data and Nodels from the Norwegian Margin and Adjacent Areas. Fjærland, Norway, May 1994.

Anderson, R. S. and B. Hallet. Competition between deposition and pedogenic rates in generating loess-soil sequences: simulations of Chinese magnetic susceptibility profiles. American Geophysical Union, 1994 Fall meeting, EOS 75(44), 390.

Putkonen, J. and B. Hallet. Thermal Between the Atmosphere and Permafrost. American Geophysical Union, 1994 Fall meeting, EOS 75(44), 85.

Merrand, Y., B. Hallet, B. Molnia, J. Gray and R. Hart. Bering Glacier: Toward a sediment budget, American Geophysical Union, 1994 Fall meeting, EOS 75(44), 63.

Hallet, B. and Sletten, R. S. Mima mounds; constraints on the timing of formation. Geological Society of America, 1994 annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs 26; 7, 300.

1995 Putkonen, J.K. and B. Hallet. 1995. Importance of Vertical Variations on Thermal Properties in Modeling Heat Conduction in the Thawed Active Layer. Eos, Fall meeting supplement, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.

1996 Cuffey, K., H. Conway, A. Gades, B. Hallet, R. Sletten, and C. Raymond. Tunneling in the name of science: Meserve Glacier revisited. American Geophysical Union, 1996 Fall meeting, EOS 77(46), 57.

Hallet, B., K. Whilden and R. Sletten 30+year Displacement measurements in permafrost polygons, Dry Valleys, Antarctica. American Geophysical Union, 1996 Fall meeting, EOS 77(46), 57.

1997 Hallet, B. Defining the Kinematics of Soil in Sorted Circles, Western Spitsbergen. American Geophysical Union, 1997 Fall Meeting.

1998 Kessler, M., Murray, B., and Hallet, B. A model for sorted circle formation and evolution. Abstract In: Permafrost; Seventh International Conference, Proceedings. Eds.: Lewkowicz, A. G. and Allard, M. Collection Nordicana. 57

Cuffey, K., H. Conway, B. Hallet, A. Gades, R. Sletten, and C. Raymond. , Interfacial Water in Polar Glaciers and Glacier Sliding at -17° C. American Geophysical Union, 1998 Fall Meeting.


Hallet, B. and P. Molnar, Dual Interest in the Three Rivers of Eastern Tibet: As Markers of Strain, and as Exporters of Crustal Mass from the Region. American Geophysical Union, 1998 Fall Meeting.

Merrand, Y., and Hallet, B. 1998. Modeling the Evolution of Glaciated Mountain Ranges Guided by Field Studies in the High Coastal Mountains of Southern Alaska. EOS, Transactions, AGU Volume 79, Number 45, p F337.

1999 Koppes, M. N. and B. Hallet, Exploring the Role of Proglacial Sediment Accumulation in Calving Glacier Retreat. American Geophysical Union, 1999 Fall Meeting.

2000 Fletcher, R. and Hallet, B., Modeling Transverse Ridges on Rock Glaciers as Folds Formed in Surface-parallel Shortening: Implications for Layered Structure and Rheology. International Workshop on Debris-covered Glaciers, Seattle, WA

Putkonen, J., Sletten, R.S., and Hallet, B., Atmosphere/ice energy exchange through thin debris cover in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. International Workshop on Debris-covered Glaciers, Seattle, WA

Hallet, B., Sletten, R. S., Putkonen, J., Stone, J., Fletcher, R., McKay, C. P., Mellon, C. P., and Gilichinsky, D., Debris-covered ice and rock glaciers in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. International Workshop on Debris-covered Glaciers, Seattle, WA

Rignot, E., Hallet, B. and Fountain, A.G., A Powerful New Tool to Study Rock Glacier Surface Motion Used in Antarctica: Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry. International Workshop on Debris-covered Glaciers, Seattle, WA

Hallet, B., Merrand, Y., Koppes, M. N. and Anders, A. Recent advances in the study of glacial erosion through field research and theory. Geological Society Annual Meeting 2000, Reno, Nevada. Invited talk.

Anders, A., Kame'enui, A. and Hallet, B. The ratio of chemical to physical erosion in glacial and non-glacial settings in the Copper River Basin, southcentral Alaska. Geological Society Annual Meeting 2000, Reno, Nevada.

Merrand, Y. and Hallet, B. A physcially based numerical model of orogen-scale erosion: importance of subglacial hydrology and basal stress regime. Geological Society Annual Meeting 2000, Reno, Nevada.

Merrand, Y. and Hallet, B. Glacial landscapes evolution in sub-polar regions: an integrated field and theoretical study to model the evolution of the Chugach-St. Elias mountains, Southern Alaska. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2000, San Francisco.

Cuffey, K.M., H. Conway, and B. Hallet, 2000. Role of Crystal Size and Impurities in Deformation of Subfreezing Polycrystalline Ice. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2000, San Francisco.

Finlayson, D. P., Montgomery, D. R. and Hallet, B. 2000. A Spatially Distributed Index of Erosion Rates in the Himalayas. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2000, San Francisco.

Stone, J. O., Sletten, R S. and Hallet, B. Old Ice, Going Fast: Cosmogenic Isotope Measurements on Ice Beneath the Floor of Beacon Valley, Antarctica. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2000, San Francisco.


2001. Head, J.W., III. and Hallet, B. Origin of Sinuous Ridges in the Dorsa Argentea Formation: Additional Criteria for Tests of the Esker Hypothesis. Abstracts of Papers Submitted to the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Vol.32, Houston, TX, March 12-16, 2001.

Anders, A., Hallet, B. and Sletten, R., An Investigation of Germanium and Silicon Cycles in Glacial and Periglacial Basins: Copper River Basin, Alaska. June 2001. International Earth Systems Conference. Edingburgh, England.

Ng, F. and Hallet, B. Patterning Mechanisms in Subglacial Carbonate Dissolution and Deposition. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001

Smith, M. E., Stone, J. O., Sletten, R. and Hallet, B. Cosmogenic Isotope Exposure Constraints on the Age and Sublimation Rate of Buried Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001

Koppes, M. N., Hallet, B. and Merrand, Y. Influence of Rapid Glacial Retreat on Erosion Rates in Southeastern Alaska. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001

Merrand, Y. and Hallet, B. Glacier Erosion and Convergent Tectonics in Southern Alaska. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001

Merrand, Y. and Hallet, B. Climatic Controls on Glacial Erosion and Sediment Transfer: Modeling a South Alaskan Glacial Basin from Range Divide to Shelf Break. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001

2002 Anders, A., Hallet, B. and Montgomery, D. Comparing spatial variations in precipitation and erosion index to differences in long-term exhumation along the European Alps. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 34(6), September 2002.

Montgomery, D. Finnegan, N., Anders, A., and Hallet, B. Downstream adjustment of channel width to spatial gradients in rates of rock uplift at Namche Barwa. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 34(6), September 2002.

Anders, A. M., G H Roe, J Putkonen, N J Finnegan, B Hallet, and D R Montgomery. Geomorphologic Applications of Precipitation Estimates from TRMM Satellite Data. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), p. F1362, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract

Finnegan, N. J., A M Anders, B Hallet, D R Montgomery, and J O Stone Defining Spatial Gradients in Fluvial Erosion Across the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47),p. F1304, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract

Hallet, B., Y. Merrand, and M N Koppes. Glacial Erosion Rates in the St. Elias Mountains, Southern Alaska: Magnitudes, Spatial Variation and Relation to Tectonics. Eos Trans. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract

2003 Montgomery, D. R., B. Hallet, Liu Yuping, N. Finnegan, A. Anders, and A. Gillespie, Ancient lakes upstream of the Tsangpo River gorge at Namche Barwa, eastern Tibet. XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, July 2003, V. 16, p. 170.

Hallet, B., F. Ng, R. Sletten, and J. Stone Micro-relief and debris cover development in polygonal patterned ice in Antarctica: a modeling perspective. XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, July 2003


Sletten, R. and B. Hallet. Surface stability and contraction crack development on various forms of ground ice in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica, 9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam

Hagedorn, B., R.S., Sletten, B. Hallet, and E. Steig. Formation and characterization of ice-cemented soils in Victoria Valley, Antarctica, 9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam

Sletten, R. and B. Hallet. Ancient landscapes- active surfaces in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica: The role of contraction cracking in surface renewal. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 35(6), p. 463. October 2003.

B. Hallet, F. Ng, R. Sletten, and J. Stone. Micro-relief and debris cover development in polygonal patterned ice in Antarctica: A modeling perspective, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 35(6), p. 463. October 2003.

Anders, A. M., G H Roe, D. Durran, D R Montgomery, and B Hallet. Oropgraphic precipitation over the Olympic Mountains of Washington State, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 35(6), p. 296. October 2003.

Finnegan, N.J., Stone, J.O., Hallet, B., Preliminary Results of 10Be Analyses from the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Evidence for Unsteady Erosion on two Spatial Scales, /Eos Trans. AGU/, /84/(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T42B-0293

2004 Stewart, R.J.; Hallet, B.; Zeitler, P.K.; Allen, C.; and Trippett, D. Extreme localized erosion in the eastern himalayan syntaxis: results of fission-track and U-Pb ICP/MS dating of detrital zircons from Brahmaputra River sands; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 36(5), p.282; 2004 annual meeting, Denver, CO. ISSN: 0016-7592.

Bernard Hallet, Noah Finnegan, Richard Stewart, David R. Montgomery, Alison Anders, Peter Zeitler, and Peter Koons. Self-organized balance between rapid erosion and uplift in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. Invited Talk. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

David R. Montgomery, Bernard Hallet, Liu Yuping, Noah Finnegan, Alan Gillespie, Matt Kuharic, Amanda Henck, Alison Anders, and Harvey M. Greenberg. Evidence for Holocene Megafloods Down the Tsangpo River Gorge, Southeastern Tibet, AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

Richard Stewart and Bernard Hallet. Extremely rapid and localized erosion in the Himalaya recorded for 12 m.y. in sediments of the Bengal Fan. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

Finnegan, N.J., Roe, G., Montgomery, D.R., Hallet, B., 2004, A New Approach to Scaling Channel Width in Bedrock Rivers and its Implications for Modeling Fluvial Incision, /Eos Trans. AGU, 85/(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T31B-1291

Alison M. Anders, Gerard H. Roe, Dale R. Durran, David R. Montgomery and Bernard Hallet. Co-evolution of spatial patterns of precipitation and topography. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract T33D-02

Ronald S. Sletten, Birgit Hagedorn, and Bernard Hallet. Subsurface ice properties, genesis and preservation in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.


Dale P. Winebrenner, Ronald S. Sletten, and Bernard Hallet. Toward Probing Martian Ground Ice Using Microwave Emission: Data and Calculations from Antarctic Dry Valley Analogs. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

B. Hagedorn, R.S. Sletten, B. Hallet, and A. Vigna. Discharge and water chemistry of High Arctic rivers in NW Greenland (76° N, 68° W). AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

Michele Koppes and Bernard Hallet. Rates of Glacial and Sub-aerial Erosion and Sedimentation During Rapid Deglaciation. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

Christian Schoof, Felix Ng, and Bernard Hallet. Landform formation under ice sheets. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.

2005 Modeling the evolution of the Cordilleran ice sheet in the Puget lowlands Sheerer, R J and Hallet, B. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco.

Rocks and Rain: orographic precipitation and the form of mountain ranges Roe, G H, Anders, A M, Durran, D R, Montgomery, D R, and Hallet, B. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco.

Patterns in Frozen Ground. Hallet, B, Sletten, R S, and Fletcher, R C. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco. Invited.

Topographic Expression of Crustal Velocity Curls: An Example from Eastern Himalaya to Burma. Koons, P O, Hallet, B, Henck, A C, Yuping, L and Zeitler, P. AGU Annual Mtg. San Francisco.

Finnegan, N.J., Stone, J.O., Hallet, B., Montgomery, D.R., and Liu, Y., 2005, Cosmogenic Nuclide Determination of the Source of Sediment to the Brahmaputra River, /Eos Trans. AGU, 86/(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U32A-04

Hagedorn, B., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet, B. (2005). Modeling proglacial stream discharge based on climate and stable isotopes in Pituffik, Greenland, 76N, 68W. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco.

2006 The Spatial Distribution of Glacial Erosion in the St. Elias Range: Hints of Tectonic Implications from a First-Order Approach. Headley, R. and Hallet, B. National Chapman Conference, Alaska

Zeitler, P. K., Meltzer, A. M., Kidd, W. S. F, Koons, P. O., Chamberlain, C. P., Hallet, B., Park, S., Shroder, J., and Bishop, M. P. Insights into orogenesis using the Himalayan Syntaxes as Geodynamic Laboratories, Geol. Soc. America, Fall Meeting.

R. Stewart, B. Hallet, and P. Zeitler. Fission-track Evidence for the Source of Brahmaputra River Sands Within the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: a Large Flux from a Tiny Source. AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

R. Sheerer and B. Hallet. Modeling Basal Conditions and Driving Climate Perturbations for the Puget Lobe of the Cordilleran ice sheet in northwestern Washington during LGM AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco


B. Hagedorn, R. S. Sletten, B. Hallet, Water dynamics, ice stability and salts in Victoria Valley soils, Antarctica: An instructive analog for Mars. AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

N. Finnegan, B. Hallet, D. Montgomery, P. Zeitler, W. Kidd, and L. Yuping. Active uplift and erosion of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif. Eos Trans. AGU/, /87/(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23B-0482

P. Koons, A. Barker, T. Pavlis, Y.P. Liu, S. Sol, P.K. Zeitler, A. Meltzer, and B. Hallet, Vorticity, Erosion, and Crust: Mantle Coupling at Plate Corners in South East Alaska and South East Tibet, AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

J. Horwath, R. S. Sletten, B. Hagedorn, B. Hallet, R. Aalto and D. Garnas, Insights Into Soil Mixing and Patterned Ground Dynamics From 14C: Implications for Soil Carbon Storage and Vegetation Coverage, Pituffik NW Greenland (76N, 68W), AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

R. S. Sletten, B. Hallet, B. Hagedorn, J. Horwath, Biocomplexity in Thule, Greenland: Physical-chemical-biological interactions in non-sorted stripes; controls on plant establishment and growth, AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

M. Koppes, B. Hallet, and R. Stewart. Glacier erosion and response to climate in Chilean Patagonia, AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

R. Headley and B. Hallet, Examining the spatial variation in glacial erosion rates and its potential relation to tectonics in the St. Elias range, southern Alaska. AGU Annual Fall Mtg, San Francisco

Hagedorn, B., Sletten, R. S., Hallet, B. and Steig, E. J. Ice dynamics in hyperarid soils of Victoria Valley, Antarctica: Results from process-based models and isotopic tracers European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria, 8: SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A- 08476

Hagedorn, B., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet, B. Modeling proglacial stream discharge based on climate and stable isotopes in Pituffik, Greenland, 76N, 68W. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco.

2007 Henck, A., Stone, J.O., Montgomery, D R, and Hallet, B. Patterns of erosion in the Three Rivers area, eastern Tibet, GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007)

Hagedorn, B., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet, B. (2007). Water dynamics, ice stability and salts in Victoria Valley soils, Antarctica: An instructive analog for Mars. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco

Hallet, B. and Anderson, S. P., The rich contributions of A.L. Washburn to permafrost and periglacial studies, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C51C-01

Headley, R., Hallet, B. and Rignot, E. Measurements of Fast ice Flow of the Malaspina Glacier to Explore Connections Between Glacial Erosion and Crustal Deformation in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C41A- 0050


Carmichael, J. D., , E. C., Creager, K. C., and Hallet, B., Calving of Talyor Glacier, Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C41A- 0037

Koppes, M., Hallet, B., Rignot, E. and Jaffrey, M. Recent Measurements of Ice Flux From Outlet Glaciers of the South Shetlands and Antarctic Peninsula, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C51B-0391

Whorton, E. N., Pettit, E. C., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet, B., Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layers Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C51B-0397

Kimball, B. L., Nittrouer, C. A., Landowski, C.M., Koppes, M., and Hallet, B., 210-Pb Study of Fjord Sedimentation Rates in the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C51B-0390

Zeitler, P. K., Meltzer, A. S., Hallet, B., Kidd, W. S., and Koons, P. O. Geologic Hazards Associated With a Proposed Dam on the Yarlung-Tsangpo River in SE Tibet, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11C-0644

2008 Barker, A D, Koons, P O, Upton, P and Hallet, B (2008) 3D Mechanical Models of Crustal Deformation and the Effect of Erosion on the Strain Pattern in SE Alaska, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T53B-1943

Goehring, L, Sletten, R S and Hallet, B. (2008), Dynamics of Polygonal Terrain in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C22A-08

Whorton, E. N., Pettit, E. C., Waddington, E. D., Sletten, R. S. and Hallet, B. (2008), Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layer Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C11D-0542

Headley, R, Hallet, B, and Waddington, E. D., Using Bed Conditions of the Seward/Malaspina Glacier System to Investigate Erosional and Tectonic Interplays in the St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T53B- 1939

Hagedorn, B., Nelson, B. K., Kennel, T. J., Henck, A. and Hallet, B. Seasonal trends in solutes and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of SE Tibet rivers: Yarlung Tsangpo and Parlung. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

2009 Malin, M.C., M. A. Caplinger, K. S. Edgett, F. T. Ghaemi, M. A. Ravine, J. A. Schaffner, J. N. Maki, R. G. Willson, J. F. Bell III, J. F. Cameron, W. E. Dietrich, L. J. Edwards, B. Hallet, K. E. Herkenhoff, E. Heydari, L. C. Kah, M. T. Lemmon, M. E. Minitti, T. S. Olson, T. J. Parker, S. K. Rowland, J. Schieber, R. J. Sullivan, D. Y. Sumner, P. C. Thomas, and R. A. Yingst. The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Flight Instrument, Abstract 1199, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.

Edgett, K. S., M. A. Ravine, M. A. Caplinger, F. T. Ghaemi, J. A. Schaffner, M. C. Malin, J. M. Baker, D. R. DiBiase, J. Laramee, J. N. Maki, R. G. Willson, J. F. Bell III, J. F. Cameron, W. E. Dietrich, L. J. Edwards, B. Hallet, K. E. Herkenhoff, E. Heydari, L. C. Kah, M. T. Lemmon, M. E. Minitti, T. S. Olson, T. J. Parker, S. K. Rowland, J. Schieber, R. J. Sullivan, D. Y. Sumner, P. C. Thomas, and R. A. Yingst. The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) Flight Instrument, Abstract 1197, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas.


Hyperinflation of surfaces in lower Beacon Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica: new process and new clues about fluctuations of Taylor Glacier.. R. S. Sletten; B. Hallet; B. Hagedorn; J. Stone, Eos Trans. AGU, 2009 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C41A-0446.

Solar-induced Thermal Stresses in Surface Rocks. P. Mackenzie-Helnwein; B. Hallet; K. Hankins. Eos Trans. AGU, 2009 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract EP51A-0580.

Climate change consequences for terrestrial ecosystem processes in NW Greenland: Results from the High Arctic Biocomplexity project. J. M. Welker; P. Sullivan; M. Rogers; E. D. Sharp; R. Sletten; J. L. Burnham; B. Hallet; B. Hagedorn; C. Czimiczk. Eos Trans. AGU, 2009 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC41D-04.

Hagedorn, B., Sletten R.S., and Hallet, B. “Water dynamics in hyperarid soils of Antarctica: the role of salt.” AGU Fall meeting December 2009 San Francisco, CA.

2010 Koppes, M., Hallet, B., Sylwester, R., and Rivera, A. Glacial sediment yields in an era of warming climate. International Glaciological Conference VICC 2010 “Ice and Climate Change: A View from the South”, Valdivia, Chile, 1-3 February 2010. Abstract Book, 52(65), CECS, Valdivia, Chile. Invited talk.

B. Hallet, A.D. Barker, C.A. Nittrouer and K.V. Boldt. Using glacier surface characteristics and fjord sediments to examine controls on glacial erosion rates from Patagonia to the Antarctic Peninsula. International Glaciological Conference VICC 2010 “Ice and Climate Change: A View from the South”, Valdivia, Chile, 1-3 February 2010. Abstract Book, 119(144), CECS, Valdivia, Chile. Invited talk.

C.A. Nittrouer, B. Hallet, K.V. Boldt, A.D. Barker, and J. M. Jaeger. Retreat of tidewater glaciers recorded in sediments of proglacial fjords. International Glaciological Conference VICC 2010 “Ice and Climate Change: A View from the South”, Valdivia, Chile, 1-3 February 2010. Abstract Book, 147(173), CECS, Valdivia, Chile. Invited talk.

Hallet, B., and Roche, J. Rapid frost weathering and its potential role as a periglacial buzzsaw. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 12, EGU2010-13964, 2010 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010. Invited talk.

Koppes, M.N. and Hallet, B. (2010), Glacier erosional response to transient climate, Abstract EP52A-03 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

Barker, A.D. and Hallet, B., 2010, Thinning of Glaciers in the Khumbu Himal from 1955 to 2008, in Leech, M.L., and others, eds., Proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram- Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2010-1099, 2 p. [http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2010/1099/barker/].

Hallet, B., Zeitler, P., Koons, P., Finnegan, N. and Barker, A.D., 2010, Erosion rates at the crest of the Himalaya: slow or fast?, in Leech, M.L., and others, eds., Proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2010-1099, 2 p. [http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2010/1099/hallet/].

Barker, A.D. and Hallet, B. (2010), Thinning of the Khumbu Glacier, Nepal from 1955 to 2008 and Implications for Ice and Debris Fluxes Abstract C33G-07 presented at 2010


Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

Headley, R M, Roe, G. and Hallet. B. (2010), Simple Solutions for the Steady-State Longitudinal Profiles of Glacially-Eroded Valleys, Abstract EP41A-0686 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

2011 Boldt, K.V., C.A. Nittrouer, B. Hallet, M. Koppes, A.D. Barker, C. Moffat, A. Rivera. The impact of marine melting and sedimentation on glacial advance and retreat in Patagonia, Chile. AGU Chapman Conference on Source to Sink Systems Around the World and Through Time, 24–27 January 2011, Oxnard, Calif.

Koppes, M. and B. Hallet, On The Rate Of Production And Transfer Of Sediment From Glaciated Terrains, AGU Chapman Conference on Source to Sink Systems Around the World and Through Time, 24–27 January 2011, Oxnard, Calif. Invited talk.

Barker, A.D., Brugh, T., Hallet, B., Conway, H. and Rasmussen, A., Debris on Khumbu Glacier at the base of Mt. Everest (Nepal) and its relation to rates of ablation and erosion. Abstract C53E-0724, presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

Headley, R.M., Hallet, B., Roe, G., and Waddington, E., Spatial variation of glacial erosion rates in the St. Elias range, Alaska, inferred from a realistic model of glacier dynamics. Abstract EP43D-06 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

Hallet, B., M.C. Eppes, P. Mackenzie-Helnwein, K. Warren, L. McFadden, A. Gillespie, J. Putkonen, S. Swami, and J.Shi, Solar-induced weathering of rocks: integrating instrumental and numerical studies. Abstract EP53A-01 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

2012 Barker, A.D., Brugh, T., Hallet, B., Conway, H. and Rasmussen, A., Budgets of ice and rock debris, erosion rates, and climate change at Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 1, EGU2012-, 2010 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010. Vienna.

Hallet, B., R.S. Sletten, W. Stewart, N. Mangold, D. Sumner, G, and MSL Science Team. POLYGONAL FRACTURE NETWORKS, CRATER, MARS (Invited). GSA Abstracts with Programs. 44(7), p.189

Hallet, B., Mackenzie-Helnwein, P., Shi, J. and Eppes, M.C., ARE THERMAL STRESSES IN ROCKS EXPOSED TO THE SUN SUFFICIENT TO BREAK THEM? YES (Invited). GSA Abstracts with Programs. 44(7), p.145

Malin, M. C., J Bell, W Dietrich, K Edgett, L Edwards, J Garvin, B Hallet, K Herkenhoff, E Heydari, L Kah, M Lemmon, J Maki, M Minitti, T Olson, T Parker, K Rowland, R Sletten, J Schieber, R Sullivan, D Sumner, P Thomas, A Yingst, M Ravine, M Caplinger, E Jensen, and S McNair. MARS SCIENCE LABORATORY MASTCAM OBSERVATIONS OF GALE CRATER (Invited). GSA Abstracts with Programs. 44(7), p.190

Hallet, B., Mackenzie-Helnwein, P., Shi, J. and Eppes, M.C. Modeling temperature and stress in rocks exposed to the sun (Invited). Abstract EP44C-07 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.


Pavlis, T.L.; S.S. Gulick; R. L. Bruhn; G.L. Christeson; E. Enkelmann; J.T. Freymueller; B. Hallet; B.K. Horton; R.A. Hansen; P.O. Koons; G.L. Pavlis; K.D. Ridgway; J.A. Spotila; and H.J. Van Avendonk, Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP. Abstract T13I-07 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3- 7 Dec.

Barker, A.D.; Hallet, B; Conway, H. and Rasmussen, A. Supraglacial Debris, Erosion Rates, and Climate Change at Khumbu Glacier, Nepal. Abstract 23A-0643 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

2013 Hallet, B., R.S. Sletten, W. Stewart, R. Williams, N. Mangold, J. Schieber, D. Sumner, G. Kocurek, and MSL Science Team, Fracture Networks, Gale Crater, Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, Texas, March 18–22. No. 3108.

Sullivan, R., Goetz W., Hallet B., Madsen M., Malin M., Roland S., Rubin D., and the MSL Science Team. Wind-driven evolution of Martian near-surface regolith. Gale Crater, Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Woodlands, Texas, March 18–22. No. 2198.