THE JOURNAL OF MEN [Published by Authority of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association] SUPPLEMENT JULY, 1955

THE ROYAL MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION WINTER QUARTERLY MEETING THE WINTER QUARTERLY MEETING of the Association was held on 17 February, 1955, at 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.l, under the Presidency of Dr. Noel G. Harris. MIN UTES The Minutes of the Autumn Quarterly Meeting held on 4 November, 1954, to be published in a forthcoming Supplement to the Journal of Mental Science, were taken as read, confirmed and signed by the President. OBITUARY The President announced with regret the death of: REGINALD WORTH, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., formerly Medical Superintendent, Springfield Mental , Tooting, an Ordinary Member since 1900 and an Honorary Member since 1943. Hon. General Secretary 1919-36, and President 1935-36. CHARLES BERNARD MOLONY, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Waterford Mental Hospital. Chairman, Irish Division 1940-42, an Ordinary Member since 1922. ELIZABETH CASSON, O.B.E., M.D., D.P.M., Psychiatrist, Walker Dunbar Hospital, Bristol; Medical Director, Dorset House School of Occupational Therapy, an ordinary Member since 1922. GERALD ANTONY VAN SOMEREN, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Consultant Psychiatrist, North Staffordshire, an Ordinary Member since 1938. DAVID R. OWEN, B.SC., M.B., B.Ch., Medical Superintendent, Morgannwg Hospital, Bridgend, an Ordinary Member since 1935. JOHN STEPHEN JOHNSTONE, M.B., Ch.B., Dipl. Psych., Consultant Psychiatrist, Menston Hospital, an Ordinary Member since 1943. SAMUEL EDGERLEY, M.A., M.D., C.M.Edin., M.P.C., formerly Medical Superintendent, Menston Hospital, an ordinary Member since 1895. Chair- man, Northern and Midland Division, 1934-36. ELECTTON OF ORDINARY MEMBERS The following were unanimously elected to Ordinary Membership: CHAMBERLAIN, GEORGE HARRY AMYRALD, M.D.(Dublin), M.R.C.P.I., D.P.M., Consultant Psychiatrist, Horton Hospital, Epsom, Surrey. Proposed by Drs. H. R. Rollin, A. Walk, R. W. Armstrong. CRAFT, MICHAEL JOHN, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Senior House Officer, York Clinic, Guy's Hospital, S.E.l. Proposed by Drs. T. A. Munro, A. Walk, A. J. Oldham. 2 FLANAGAN, HUGH MICHAEL, L.R.C.P. and S.I., D.P.M., Senior Hospital Medical Officer, St. George's Hospital, Stafford. Proposed by Drs. T. O. T. Egan, A. D. M. Douglas, J. McGregor. FLOOD, JOHN JOSEPH, M.D., N.U.I., D.P.M., Assistant Psychiatrist, The Priory, Roehampton, S.W.I5. Proposed by Dr. J. Ivison Russell, Mr. N. Croft Cohen, Dr. Noel Harris. HAFFNER, CHRISTOPHER, M.D., D.P.M., Consultant Psychiatrist i/c., Depart- ment of Child Psychiatry, St. James's Hospital, Portsmouth. Proposed by Drs. T. A. Munro, K. Cameron, W. Warren. LASCELLES, CLARENCE FELIX, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., Senior Registrar, Cherry Knowle Hospital, Sunderland. Proposed by Prof. A. Kennedy, Drs. L. G. Kiloh, R. Orton. LUKIANOWICZ, NARCYZ, M.D.(LWOW), Senior Hospital Medical Officer, Bristol Mental Hospital. Proposed by Drs. A. Leitch, S. Smith, E. Hare. MACCAMMOND, IAIN, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., Physician Superintendent, Argyll and Bute Mental Hospital, Lochgilphead. Proposed by Drs. A. MacNiven, R. A. Y. Stewart, J. F. McHarg. MASLOWSKI, HENRY ALEXANDER, M.D.(Pol.Sch.Med-), F.R.C.S.Ed., Con- sultant Neuro-surgeon (Asst.), Salford Royal Hospital, etc.; Visiting Neuro- surgeon, Lancaster Moor Hospital, Lancaster. Proposed by Drs. J. Silverston, A. A. Martin, A. R. Grant. NICHOLS, LOUIS ARTHUR, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 130 Walton Road, Sidcup, Kent. Proposed by Drs. M. Radzan, L. C. Cook, A. Norton. NOOSIN, ABU MOZAFFAR, M.B., B.S.(Calcutta), D.P.M., Medical Officer, Warlingham Park Hospital. Proposed by Drs. T. P. Rees, W. H. Shipley, J. Fleminger. POPPER, ERWIN, M.D.(Prague), Consultant Psychiatrist, Tavistock Clinic; Senior Psychotherapist, The London Hospital. Proposed by Drs. J. Bowlby, J. D. Sutherland, H. V. Dicks. SHEPHERD, MICHAEL, M.A., D.M., D.P.M., Senior Registrar, Maudsley Hospital, S.E.5. Proposed by Drs. D. L. Davies, A. Harris, F. Post. SPENCER, SEYMOUR JAMIE GERALD, M.A., B.M., B.Ch., D.P.M., Senior Registrar, Warneford and Park , Oxford. Proposed by Drs. I. Skottowe, S. Davidson, J. Beggs. STEINART, REUBIN RALPH, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Registrar in Psychiatry, Saxondale Hospital, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts. Proposed by Drs. J. McGregor, W. W. Roberts, C. Rose. WEBSTER, JOHN HENRY DOUGLAS, M.D., Ch.B.(Edin.), F.R.C.P.E., F.F.R., 33 Portman Square, London, W.L. Proposed by Drs. Noel Harris, Aubrey Lewis, D. E. Sands. WOOLF, PETER GRAHAME, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Registrar, Banstead Hospital, Sutton, Surrey. Proposed by Drs. E. P. H. Charlton, R. H. Wheeler, Rosalind Bearcroft.

REPORT OF THE COUNCIL In the absence of the General Secretary, the Report of Council, as follows, was read by the President. At its meeting yesterday, the Council took great pleasure in congratulating one of its members, Dr. W. S. Maclay, on the award of the C.B. which he received in the New Year's Honours. They are also pleased to record that two members of the Associa- tion, Dr. J. H. O. Roberts and Dr. W. M. Ford Robertson, were honoured with an award of the O.B.E. 3 Council considered at length the Joint Consultant Committee's request for a statement on the retiring age and superannuation rights of Mental Medical Health Officers. It was agreed that the following two points should be communicated to the Joint Consultants Committee: (1) " That whatever representations are made on this subject, this Association does not yield on any proposal to raise the minimum retiring age or take away our rights in the matter of the number of years that may rank as double time for computation of pension." (2) " That in our opinion Mental Health Officers should not be compelled to resign until the age of 65." The Treasurer reported that there was likely to be a small credit balance on the working of the Association for this year, but the accounts have not yet been audited. Fourteen members have not paid their subscriptions for 1954, and there are 10 members who are in arrears with their subscription over a period of three years. The Acting Registrar reported that there had been large audiences for the Lecture Course held at the beginning of this week, on the two subjects of "Research in Psychiatry" and "Psychopathy". The last of the Association's examinations for the Diploma in Psychological Medicine was held last November. Seven candidates passed Part I and 3 passed Part II, bringing the total of those holding the Association's Diploma to 29. Holders of Part I are now eligible to sit for the Conjoint Board Part II Examination. The Librarian reported that Dr. W. Starkey had kindly presented 20 books to the Library, including two late 18th century works which are particularly welcome acquisitions. A list of available works on Child Psychiatry and Psychology will be circulated shortly. The Parliamentary Committee had considered the Parliamentary Agent's reports on questions raised in the House during the last quarter which had dealt mainly with the following topics: overcrowding and accommodation in mental hospitals, capital expenditure, including the "mental million", mental deficiency services, staff recruitment, and research. The Parliamentary Committee also discussed the Bradbeer Report on the Internal Administration of Hospitals. The recommendations affecting mental hospitals were in general approved, but it was noted that the report did not deal with mental hospitals forming part of a group, especially a mixed group, nor with the relation of the Medical Superintendent to the administrative structure of the group. It was also felt that there was need for clarification of the method of appointing Medical Superintendents. The arrangements for the Papers Session at the May Meeting at Hove are as follows : Dr. Boyle and Dr. Hingston will give a short address on the history of the Lady Chichester Hospital. The rest of the session will be devoted to the subject of Schizo- phrenia. It is hoped that the morning speakers will be Dr. Stafford Clark and Dr. A. Watt, and that in the afternoon the speakers will be Dr. Eliot Slater, Dr. Linford Rees and Dr. Shadforth. For the Annual Meeting in Dublin in July provisional arrangements include papers on: (i) "Post-Concussional cases with residual sub-dural fluid producing mental symptoms," by Dr. Adams McConnell. (ii) "Administrative Psychiatry," by Dr. G. M. Smith. (iii) "Occupational Therapy," by Dr. E. O'Sullivan. Arrangements are going ahead for the Association's Study Tour in Holland which it is hoped to hold in September next. The Swiss Psychiatric Association have made a provisional enquiry as to the possibility of a tour in this country in 1956, and Council have welcomed this suggestion, leaving the Study Tour Committee to present further details at a later date. 4 The Committee preparing evidence for the Departmental Committee on Homo- sexuality and Prostitution is continuing to work on its draft memorandum which it is hoped will shortly be completed. The Committee considering the Training of Mental Welfare Officers, which con- sists of representatives from this Association, the Society of Medical Officers of Health and the Mental Welfare Officers Association, has nearly completed the pro- posed training syllabus which it has been preparing. The Joint Standing Committee with the British Psychological Society had also held a meeting and discussed the functions of Educational and Clinical Psychologists, the recruitment and pre-training requirements of Psychologists, and the general structure of postgraduate training in Educational and Clinical Psychology. The memorandum on the Shortage of Mental Nurses has been given a wide circulation to Departments and official organizations concerned with the problem. Council was glad to learn that many most favourable comments have been received and that the document has been given careful attention by those to whom it was sent. A small minority only criticized the view that Nursing Assistants rather than Enrolled Assistant Nurses should be employed in addition to State Registered Mental Nurses. The Council discussed the question of Research in Psychiatry and decided to act on the Research and Clinical Section's suggestion that the importance of this subject should be stressed to the Medical Research Council. A small Joint Sub-Committee with the Royal Society of Medicine has been considering suggestions for speakers at the Second International Congress of Psychiatry to be held in Zurich in 1957, when the subject will be "Schizophrenia". A proposed Questionnaire drawn up by the Psychotherapy and Social Psychiatry Section was considered at length, and Council approved its circulation to Medical Advisory Committees of Mental Hospitals, subject to certain alterations in the wording. The D.P.M. examination, having been discontinued, made it necessary to choose 2 examiners to assess papers for the Bronze Medal and Divisional Prizes, work previously done by the D.P.M. examiners. It was agreed that Drs. Minski and Tennent should continue to examine these entries before they are submitted to the President for adjudication. An invitation for this Association to become a sponsoring body of the United Kingdom Committee of the World Health Organization arrived too late for inclusion on the Agenda, and it was decided to defer consideration of this most important invitation until the May Meeting. Council learned with pleasure that the B.M.A. wished to base its evidence to the Royal Commission on Mental Disorder and Mental Deficiency on the Association's Memorandum of Evidence. Full acknowledgment will be made to the Association and points of difference clearly stressed. Council was pleased to confirm the Association's assent to this request which would, it was hoped, make clear the large measure of unity between specialists and the profession as a whole. Dr. T. P. Rees was reappointed as the Association's representative to the National Association for Mental Health. In answer to a request from the G.N.C. (England and Wales), Council considered whether summaries of case histories and progress notes should be made available to sisters and charge nurses for use in teaching students. It was felt that the answer to be given should indicate that the importance of professional secrecy cannot be stressed too strongly, but that provided the use of case notes is kept under medical supervision, and subject to medical direction in each individual case, they could be used for teaching purposes. Council took note of the following Meetings and Conferences: The 53rd Congress of the French Alienists and Neurologists will be held in Nice, from 5-11 September. Council would be glad to hear from any members who would like to attend this meeting, with a view to their being appointed as the Association's representative. 5 The United Nations is to hold its first Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders in Geneva from 22 August-3 September, 1955. The programme of the Conference has been received and those interested should apply at this office for further details. The United Nations are also holding a Conference in Geneva, from 31 March to 7 April, 1955, to exchange views on various aspects of non-governmental action in combating prejudice and discrimination. Arising out of the Report of Council there was some discussion on the Council's proposed reply to the General Nursing Council on the subject of the use of case notes for teaching students. It was proposed by Dr. K. Bailey, seconded by Dr. J. J. O'Reilly that the matter should be referred back to the Council for further discussion and this motion was carried. PAPERS Morning Session: "Mental Hygiene." Opening Speakers: Dr. J. R. Rees, C.B.E., Dr. R. F. Tredgold, Dr. Noel H. M. Burke, O.B.E. Afternoon Session: At the Barnes Hall, " Education of the General Public in Mental Health." Opening Speakers: Miss P. Hornsby Smith, M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health), Dr. R. R. Bomford, Dr. The Hon. W. S. Maclay, C.B., O.B.E. General discussion opened by Francois Lafitte, Esq. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES AT THE ASSOCIATION'S LAST D.P.M. EXAMINATION HELD IN NOVEMBER, 1954 Part I Mary J. Collins, L.R.C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I. W. J. H. Collins, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.(Dublin). M. S. De Mowbray, B.M., B.Ch. Dorothy I. Ogden, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.(Dublin). A. Raman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.M.S.S.A. D. Sherret, M.B., Ch.B.(Glasgow). W. D. Wilson, M.B., Ch.B.(Aberdeen). Part II L. N. Cook, M.B., Ch.B.(Glasgow). J. Mukerjee, M.B.(Calcutta). G. S. , M.B., Ch.B.(Aberdeen). NORTHERN AND MIDLAND DIVISION THE AUTUMN MEETING of the Northern and Midland Division was held on Friday, 8 October, 1954, at Saxondale Hospital, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts, by kind permission of Dr. J. McGregor and his Management Committee. Members were entertained to luncheon in company with the Chairman of the Management Committee. There were present some 46 Members.

BUSINESS SESSION The following candidates were elected to Ordinary Membership: CAMPBELL, FERGUS AIDAN, L.R.C.P.I. & L.M., L.R.C.S.I. & L.M., D.P.M., Assistant Senior Psychiatrist, Saxondale Hospital, Radcliffe-on-Trent. Proposed by Drs. James McGregor, Clement Rose and W. W. Roberts. 6

ROE, JAMES JOSEPH ARTHUR, M.B., B.S.(Calcutta), Junior Medical Officer, The Towers Hospital, Humberstone, Leicester. Proposed by Drs. T. Wishart Davidson, R. W. Lennon and C. E. H. Turner. A lengthy business session included discussions about Superannuation rights of Mental Health Officers, proposed procedure for obtaining nominations for Regional. Boards and a detailed discussion on the memorandum, circulated by Council concern- ing the shortage of mental nurses. The discussion was centred on a questionnaire circulated by Professor Kennedy, Chairman of the Division.

CLINICAL SESSION A very interesting paper was read by Dr. A. D. M. Douglas on "A Rare Com- plication of Electroplexy". The complication referred to was spontaneous haematuria and Dr. Douglas surveyed the literature, described the investigations and experimental work carried out to test the theory that the haematuria was due to hypoxia affecting glomerular filtration. The work was not yet complete.

SCOTTISH DIVISION THE AUTUMN MEETING of the Scottish Division was held at the University Department of Mental Health, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, on Thursday and Friday, 7 and 8 October, 1954. Forty-two members were present. The Meeting opened with Dr. Wm. Boyd in the Chair, and members were welcomed by Prof. Dugald Baird on behalf of the University Medical School. Dr. Boyd mentioned the sudden death of Dr. W. M. McAlister. Members paid their silent respects and the Secretary was asked to communicate their sympathy to Mrs. McAlister. Dr. Boyd then installed Dr. H. B. Craigie, Senior Medical Commissioner of the General Board of Control, , in the Chair. Dr. Craigie paid tribute to the excellent work done by Dr. Boyd during his period of office and expressed the hope that he would continue to take an active interest in the affairs of the Division. The Minutes of the last Meeting were confirmed. The following were duly elected Ordinary Members: HENDERSON, JAMES GORDON, M.B., Ch.B., Registrar, Department of Psycho- logical Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Proposed by Drs. W. M. Millar, Max Valentine, G. E. Swinney. KRAEMER, WILHELM GUENTHER PANE, M.D.(Vienna), Deputy Medical Director, Davidson Clinic. Proposed by Drs. M. W. Rushforth, A. J. Bain, Jean Biggar. ROBB, HAROLD PHILLIPS, M.B., Ch.B., Junior Hospital Medical Officer, Ladysbridge Certified Institution, Banff. Proposed by Drs. T. Dymock, W. J. Raitt, H. C. S. Rowlands. Report from Committee of Management. The Secretary noted that most of the business discussed would be dealt with later under the items of the agenda. It had been recommended that Dr. Boyd should be elected to the Committee of Management. Dr. Tait, speaking for the Association of Psychiatrists of the Scottish Western Region, asked if the Division would favour a memorandum prepared by them as a subject for discussion at the proposed future meeting of representatives of the Division with those of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. The Meeting received the report and agreed to the proposals. General Nursing Council—Regulations. The Secretary outlined the recent changes in some of the Regulations. There was no discussion. Church of Scotland. Psychiatric Lectures to Chaplains. The Secretary informed Members of a recent discussion he had had with the Rev. Wm. Maclntyre. The Committee of Management had discussed this matter and had agreed to recommend that this important subject should be encouraged, but that any systematic teaching should be undertaken by the recognized teaching centres and that the Professors or 7 Lecturers concerned should be officially approached about this. Dr. Ross advocated forming an ad hoc committee to advise and supervise. After a short discussion the Meeting agreed to this proposai. The Special Educational Treatment (Scotland) Régulations, 1954: Memorandum from the Child Psychiatry Committee. Dr. Blachford Rogers spoke and further explained some of the points of the memorandum. He had no information as to the outcome of the suggestions made. National Health Service (Scotland) (Superannuation) (Amendment) Régulations. The Chairman explained that this was a long and complicated document which could not have been circulated to members. He had taken competent advice on the contents and was satisfied that there did not appear to be anything involved which might be detrimental to members' interests. There was no discussion and the meeting approved of the action taken. Mental Health Officers. Retiring Age. The Hon. General Secretary (London) had asked for the views of the Division on the superannuation rights and retiring age of the Mental Health Officers. The meeting discussed this matter at some length and the majority of members appeared to feel that the existing rules should not be altered for Mental Health Officers unless there was any hope of combining the advantages of the existing retiring age with an option of continuing service. Shortage of Mental Nurses: Report by Special Committee of Council. This report had been circulated to members. After a short discussion it was agreed to endorse the findings and recommendations of the memorandum. Dr. Adam Milne spoke of the importance of this subject and requested that still further considération should be given to it, especially in relation to teaching and examination. It was agreed to cali a meeting of the Committee of Management to discuss this matter further. It was announced that the next (Winter) Divisional Meeting would be at Bellsdyke Hospital, on Friday, 3 December. Scottish Health Services Council—Nominations. Of those members due to retire on 31 December, 1954, there was one representative from the Division, Dr. P. K. McCowan, and the Department of Health now asked for nominations. After discussion it was agreed to nominate Dr. P. K. McCowan for re-election provided he was agree- able. Alternatively, it was decided to submit the name of the Divisional Secretary, Dr. E. J. C. Hewitt. Nominations in respect of other bodies. The Secretary pointed out that requests for nominations were often received at times when it was impossible to obtain the opinion of members at a Divisional Meeting. The Committee of Management had considered how best such requests could be met. The suggestion of a list of ñames from which the Chairman or Secretary could select a name was not considered satisfactory. It was suggested that under such circumstances an emergency meeting of the Committee of Management should be called and that the Division should grant their Management Committee the power of selection for such nominations. The Meeting unanimously agreed to this suggestion. Committees or Sections. It was agreed that the five Committees should annually elect or re-elect their Chairmen and Secretaries, and this should take place at the Winter Meeting.

The following papers were read: "Results of Leucotomy", by Dr. W. J. Raitt. Tea. "Psychological Aspects of Uterine Dysfunction," by Dr. Wm. C. Crammond.

Members and guests were entertained at a Sherry Party given in the Council Chamber of the Town House by the kind invitation of the Lord Provost and the Corporation. 8 On the following day, Friday, 8 October, the following functions took place: Meeting of Papers and Discussions Committee. Meeting of the Forensic Psychiatry Committee. Paper, "Bodily responses in Psychiatric Interview," by Dr. Max Valentine. Papers, "Studies in Model Psychoses—Mescaline and Lysergic Acid," by Dr. A. Ardis. Visit to Aberdeen Royal Mental Hospital. Tour of the School of Medicine, Foresterhill, including the Department of Mental Health. Tour of the Educational Authority Child Guidance Clinic, The Mental Health Association Social Club and the Woodlands Home. Reception by Board of Management of Kingseat Hospital followed by dinner.

This two-day Meeting was favoured by excellent weather and must be acclaimed a striking success. All members who were present will wish to record their appréciation for the excellent arrangements made by Professor W. M. Millar, Dr. Adam Milne and their medicai staff and for the generous hospitality of the University, the Board of Management of the Mental Hospitals and the Corporation of Aberdeen.

SCOTTISH DIVISION THE WINTER MEETING of the Scottish Division was held at Bellsdyke Hospital, , on Friday, 3 December, 1954. Thirty-one Members were present. The Minutes of the last Meeting were confirmed.

ELECTION OF ORDINARY MEMBER The following was unanimously elected an Ordinary Member of the Association: IRWIN, DAVID, B.SC., M.B., Ch.B., D.P.M., Senior Medicai Officer, Hartwood Mental Hospital, Shotts, Lanarks.; Hon. Visiting Psychiatrist, Notre Dame Child Guidance Clinic, Glasgow. Proposed by Drs. W. N. J. Chapman, J. S. Dawson, J. Cassells.

REPORT FROM COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT The Committee had met twice since the last Divisional Meeting, in Glasgow on 19 November and at Bellsdyke on 3 December (prior to present Divisionai Meeting). At both meetings further considération had been given to the recent memorandum on the shortage of mental nurses as decided at the Autumn Divisional Meeting. A. Shortage of Mental Nurses. At the last Divisional Meeting the members present had endorsed the recommendations of the Memorandum but Dr. A. Milne and other members had asked for further discussion and considération on this important subject. At the two meetings of the Committee of Management the following opinions were expressed : (a) Too much emphasis had been placed on the policy that we must be content with a minimum number of trained nurses. It was feit that mental nursing is a vital part of the essential nursing service. It was a mistake to thus imply that it can be reduced to any minimum figure. (b) Concerning salaries it was feit that an important factor should be to ensure a steeper rise on the later incréments. This particularly affected married maie nurses. (c) Student wastage : further research was again needed into this important subject. It was feit that this research could include, in mental hospitals, a direct and personal approach to ail student nurses leaving the service. Possibly in the past too much stress had been laid on opinions expressed at officiai levels. This point was made in the Wood report on recruitment and training of nurses (1947, Chap. VH, para. 97). 9 (d) It was agreed that the General Nursing Council, Scotland, should remain the examining body. The recently revised syllabus had, however, markedly increased the number and scope of lectures to be given to Student nurses. It was strongly felt that some guidance should be sought from the G.N.C. as to the extent of knowledge now likely to be required by candidates to satisfy the examiners. (e) Regarding the vexed question of the dilution of trained nurses by relatively untrained personnel, the Committee considered there should be a plan for such less trained persons in mental hospitals and institutions. Some training, however, of a basic nature would be necessary and this should carry with it a simple test. Such semi-trained persons should become State enrolled and be given a suitable title. They would thus be differentiated from fully trained nurses by name, status, and salary. The number of such persons employed in a hospital should be kept at a low ratio to trained staff. B. The Association of Psychiatrists of the Western Region of Scotland had prepared a mémorandum on "The Problems of Mental Defectives in Scotland". At the Committee in Glasgow, members present heard Dr. W. J. B. Rogers explain certain points and the mémorandum was briefly discussed. C. Attention was drawn to the forthcoming meeting of représentatives of the Division with similar members from the Association of Médical Officers of Health (Scotland). It was decided that the Division should be represented by the Chairman and Secretary with either Professor Ferguson Rodger or Professor Malcolm Miliar or Dr. James Milne and Dr. A. Tait. It was further agreed that the above mémorandum on mental deficiency together with a mémorandum by Dr. McQueen (M.O.H.) on "Psychiatric training of Health Visitors" should receive preliminary discussion. It was to be made clear that the mémorandum on mental deficiency had not been circulated to, nor studied by the Division or by the Mental Deficiency Committee and therefore could not necessarily be taken as being the views of the Division. D. At a joint meeting of 3 of the 5 sections in the morning the following were elected or re-elected as Chairmen and Secretaries: Section or Committee Chairman Secretary Forensic Psychiatry Dr. P. K. McCowan Dr. H. Stalker Child Psychiatry Dr. M. Methven Dr. W. G. B. Roger Research and Clinical Dr. G. M. Bell Dr. Martin Whittet Papers and Discussions Prof. Ferguson Rodger Dr. A. Tait or Prof. Malcolm Miliar Mental Deficiency Prof. Kate Fraser Dr. J. B. Methven E. A letter had been received from Dr. H. Stalker asking that the existence of the newly formed Scottish Association of Médical Administrators be brought to the notice of members. Dr. G. M. Bell and the Secretary warmly supported this suggestion. Membership was open to all Médical Superintendents and their Deputies and to all médical administrators in the Department of Health or in Regional Hospital Boards. F. Dr. A. A. Bell had put forward a suggestion that members might like to have another section or committee to study the History of Psychiatry or alternatively that this subject might be included in, say, the Forensic Psychiatry Section. G. Nominations for Office-bearers in the Division for 1955-56 were considered. Dr. H. B. Craigie had regretfully decided not to stand for re-election as Chairman. The following nominations were made and will be circulated to ail members as laid down under Bye-law 34. Chairman, Dr. E. J. C. Hewitt. Secretary, Dr. G. M. Bell. Assistant Secretary, Dr. Martin Whittet. Représentative on Council, Dr. J. McHarg. 10 H. The next Divisional Meeting would be on Friday, 25 March, 1955, and it was suggested that this might be held in Perth or Glasgow. The Secretary to make the usual arrangements. The Meeting received the Report. There was some general discussion on the proposais for dealing with the shortage of mental nurses. Dr. Russell agreed that semi-trained personnel were required at present in mental hospitals but felt that the ratio of such to trained staff should not be fixed but kept low and at the discrétion of each hospital. Dr. Abel said he was sure that ail nurses should have some training in mental nursing. It was agreed that the further observations on the mental nursing shortage by the Scottish Division should be communicated to the Hon. General Secretary of the Association.

NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP OF REGIONAL HOSPITALS BOARDS Considération was given to the annual letter received from the Department of Health asking for nominations. Divisional représentation on Regional Hospital Boards at present was as follows : South-Eastern Regional Hospital Board, Dr. W. Boyd. Western Regional Hospital Board, Dr. P. K. McCowan. Eastern Regional Hospital Board, Dr. J. C. Anderson. North-Eastern Regional Hospital Board, None. Northern Regional Hospital Board, None. The three représentatives noted were not due to retire this year. After a short discussion it was agreed to nominate Dr. Adam Milne for the North Eastern Region and Dr. M. Whittet for the Northern Region.

OTHER BUSINESS The Secretary read a letter from the Home Office intimating that the first Congress on the Prévention of Crime and the Treatment of Offendere would take place at Geneva from 22 August to 3 September, 1955. Any members wishing further informa- tion should write to the Divisional Secretary.

PAPER "Hypnosis," by Dr. A. F. McLean. Members who were able to be present at this Meeting will wish to record their grateful appréciation for the kind hospitality and excellent co-operation received from the Board of Management and the Physician Superintendent.

IRISH DIVISION THE AUTUMN QUARTERLY AND CLINICAL MEETING of the Irish Division was held at the Royal College of Physicians, Kildare Street, Dublin, by kind permission of the President and Fellows, on Wednesday, 10 November, 1954, and was attended by 21 members and 3 guests. A vote of condolence was passed expressing the sympathy of the Members with the following, on their recent bereavements: Mrs. Molony, Waterford, on the death of her husband, Dr. C. B. Molony. Mrs. O'Connor Donelan, on the death of her husband, Dr. J. O'C. Donelan. Dr. J. Fitzgerald, Mullingar, on the death of his brother, Dr. Edward Fitz- gerald. Dr. J. R. Rees, London, on the death of his wife. It was decided to hold the Spring Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday, 23 March, 1955, the place to be decided upon later by the Chairman and the Secretary. After ballot, the following were unanimously elected Ordinary Members of the Association: 11 GARRY, JOHN W„ M.B., B.Ch., D.P.M., L.M., L.A.H., M.P.S.I., Temporary Assistant Medical Officer, Grangegorman Mental Hospital, Dublin, and Ennis, Co. Clare. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan. HEGARTY, DENIS, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.M., Acting Branch Resident Medical Superintendent, Portrane Mental Hospital, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan, KEYS, KATHERINE, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Grangegorman Mental Hospital, Dublin. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan. MACCARTHY, ROBERT ALOYSIUS, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., L.A.H., M.P.S., Assistant Medical Officer, Our Lady's Hospital, Cork. Proposed by Drs. Bernard Honan, Catherine Carey, M. J. Kennefick. MACMENAMIN, F. DE SALES, M.B., Ch.B., M.O., British Ministry of Pensions, Consultant Psychiatrist, 29 Clyde Road, Dublin. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan. MEENAN, JOHN MICHAEL KIRWAN, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Portrane Mental Hospital, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan. O'SULLIVAN, MAIRE EITHNE, M.D., D.P.M., D.C.H., Assistant Medical Officer, Grangegorman Mental Hospital, Dublin. Proposed by Drs. John Dunne, Eveleen O'Brien, Mary Sullivan. Dr. O'Higgins raised the question of the procedure for declaring patients of unsound mind and placing them under the care of the Court of Chancery. He pointed out that the present procedure was antiquated and caused unnecessary suffering to the patient. He also suggested that it should be possible to send criminals who have been found of unsound mind back to their own County Hospitals rather than to retain them in the area in which the crime was committed, as at present. Dr. E. O'Sullivan raised the question of reports on Wards of Court which were frequently done by general practitioners. He suggested that it would be more fittingly done by the Mental Hospital psychiatrists. After some discussion the Secretary was asked to write to the Inspector of Mental Hospitals requesting him to take these matters up through the appropriate channels. A number of Members expressed the hope that lectures should be organized in Dublin under the Maudsley Bequest. It was suggested that this should be possible next year. The Meeting then proceeded to the Clinical Session and Dr. Louis Robinson of Purdysburn Hospital, Belfast, presented his communication, "Mysoline in the Treat- ment of Epilepsy". After some introductory remarks on the problem presented by epileptic patients in hospital, Dr. Robinson described the pharmacological properties of Mysoline, which was synthesized in 1949. He described a clinical trial of the use of the drug in 48 patients—28 males and 20 females—45 patients were suffering from idiopathic major epilepsy, one from petit mal, one from psychomotor attacks and one from Sturge-Weber syndrome. The trial was conducted in two parts, in the first part the aim was to test the effect of Mysoline alone in the control of convulsions over a period of six months, and in the second part, the effect of Mysoline in combination with other anti-convulsant drugs. One patient showed a true idiosyncrasy to the drug and it had to be discontinued. The main side-effects noticed were drowsiness and lethargy, sometimes with ataxia. Reduction of the dose relieved the symptoms. Dr. Robinson found that 67 per cent of these patients benefited by Mysoline therapy; 13 per cent were unchanged; 20 per cent were worse. The cases of psychomotor and asymptomatic epilepsy showed marked improvement, while the case of petit mal was definitely worse. No improvement could be found in purely psychotic features but behaviour improved in seven cases and deteriorated in six. 12 All the cases in the series were given a complete blood examination at the com- mencement of the trial and at regular intervals afterwards. After six months, ten cases showed a marked diminution in their neutrophil counts. He described in detail a female patient aged 20 who developed an acute pyrexial illness while on the treatment. She had a marked anaemia and neutropenia, and a diagnosis of agranulocytosis was made. The condition cleared up when Mysoline was stopped. Another male patient aged 49 developed a pyrexial illness with anaemia and neutropenia. Despite intensive therapy which improved his blood picture, this patient ran a fluctuating course and eventually died. While Dr. Robinson could not be certain that Mysoline was the sole causative agent in the illness of these two patients, there was strong evidence to suggest that it caused the suppression of bone-marrow function. He summarized his findings as follows: "Mysoline produces its best results in cases of idiopathic grand mal either alone or in combination with other anti-convulsants and is indicated in the treatment of these cases, especially in those where adequate control has not been achieved by other standard anti-convulsants. Its judicious employment should benefit a large proportion of epileptics." A discussion followed the communication in which the following Members took part: Drs. Eustace, Dunne, Shea, McGrath, Gardner and Moore. The Meeting then adjourned.

NOTICES BY THE HON. LIBRARIAN The Library is open to members between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Saturdays, 9 a.m. and 12 noon. Books are issued to borrowers during these hours. The Hon. Librarian will endeavour to obtain, as far as possible, any books on psychiatry and allied subjects required by members.

Library Lending Department Regulations 1. Books shall be lent only to members within the United Kingdom and Eire who are not in arrears with their subscriptions. 2. No member may borrow from the Library more than three volumes at one time. 3. Books and journals are sent carriage paid from the Library, but members are responsible for the books from the time they leave the Library until they are received back. 4. Books damaged or lost while in possession of a member will be repaired at his expense or must be replaced by him. 5. A member borrowing a book or periodical from the Library shall be required to sign and return to the Librarian a form of receipt for the same, which will be regarded as an acceptance of these Regulations. 6. A member shall be entitled to retain a book or periodical borrowed from the Library for a period of twenty-eight days, unless the book is required by another member, in which case it can be recalled by the Librarian at the expiration of fourteen days. 7. In the event of a member failing to return any book or periodical within seven days after receiving notice from the Librarian (on the expiration of the period referred to in Rule 6), the Library Committee shall be at liberty to purchase another copy, the cost to be charged to such member, who shall not be allowed to borrow another book until the sum thus expended shall have been paid. 8. All communications should be addressed to "The Librarian, Royal Medico- Psychological Association, 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W.l." 13 Circulation of Journals The following journals are available at the Library: Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica. American Journal of Mental Deficiency. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry. Annales Médico-Psychologiques. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Brain. British Journal of Addiction. British Journal of Delinquency. British Journal of Medical Psychology. British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work. Bulletin of World Federation of Mental Health. Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry. Excerpta Medica, Neurology and Psychiatry. Howard Journal. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. Journal of Psychology. Mental Health. Mental Hygiene. Occupational Therapy {London). Psychiatric Quarterly. Psychological Abstracts.

NOTICES BY THE REGISTRAR The Diploma in Psychological Medicine The examination for the Association's Diploma in Psychological Medicine will be held annually in May and November. The examination comprises: Part I (a) Psychology. (b) Anatomy and Physiology in their relation to nervous and mental diseases. Part II (a) Psychiatry. (b) Psychosomatic Medicine and Neurology. Fees are eight guineas for Part I and twelve guineas for Part II, and are payable to the Registrar, R.M.P.A. Prospective candidates should apply to the Registrar at least two months before the examination at which they wish to sit. Full particulars may be obtained from the Registrar, R.M.P.A., 11 Chandos Street, London, W.l, on receipt of stamped, addressed envelope.