:4"'77 V7-- 7- -

' V:..- - . T7 --St - M W :. ' - P-- Vl M 7 rr 8. F.i l - Ven tura. Sept S. t From Yncoerrt A.I 2 Makura, SepL 11, 7 Fer Van rosier - .Zealandia, Sept. 10. ' :v7 .f- -

Evening BulIeUn. Eet. No. 1882. 5331. 11 .J, 14 Hawaiian SUr, Vol. XX.. No. 6372. PACKS. IlOXOLi;W TKKKITOUY OFMiAIVAll TI'KSDAV, SKI'T. PAtiES. price five c:;:n3 " - : . , - . " ... ; r . . .

ii. - - i

3 rratt io Represent HILOLABOKBAY

Hawaiian ., : - Islands A :! P 00 STfRS . Ir0 ..... ' 9 rene Cong 'SPEfliflilllT: (D

- " " ' . fGIllETO . ,,;.';;'. ; Mi

': Union Movement i i i .. .JKChange One Man Killed In Fierce Fiht: ' - ' - j'- ' ; C v - ' the. Present System Is , -- Urged : At n Pehetentiary Cc ::i c::.-- :: Jackso 'V J - ORGANIZATION ASKED A. n :! : bined Of Guards ; LET-PARTIE- - 1 ' - TO ALONE

Coast Chambers of Commerce v V;v -- S:;;:;:;FinemeiKec ub OS2 ;h;. Attack on Filipino Laborers Is Plan Round-Pacifi- c Voy-- i : ' Made by Bonhenbergrr whr ,;7 i -- 7:': 7 tVt" ? : age This all : ' 7' tAs' - - ; JACKSON, Scptewlr-penitent- iary Rlotlno, ampng i . Suggests- Boycott .r' Mlcru the: convict . s. here bepame . soff( today bctH mli;t: On the most elaborate tour ever tn--' ' ..that the l:wl dertaken" by commercial bodiei, tfie (kspectal Star-Bullet- in Cdrrffipoadencr I. ; the firemen were summoned tr :ul;ue the outbreak. I',' One 'conviit 'AEBociated Chambers of Commercejof r HiLu.'Sept. 2.r-l- n a speech during kljled in theensulna fight 7;:, thf Pacific Coast will send 150 ClusI the course 'of ' ne bitterly at- ; ' ocBmen to Honolulu : In a specially tacked the present', system of immi- chartered jsteamer. to promote trafie gration to tne. Territory and' the class v relations, boost the San Francisco. x of immigrants .who are being brought Becker Refuses 3o' Plead ' rosltion luid exploit the advantages bf here,' John itohnen berg, the v veteran : tLf Panama, canal. .. Aosoclurcd Pirss Cable ; . V ; News v f In ipc theUc note among the members of the 1, C:;U:-th- the orthcom c cru jBK. J. & It. PRATT; ; NEW YORK, N. Y September When Lieut. Chart t ; ' t Hilo Labor Union wiio i; which is to Jnchide every important Board ht Health. metln theY police force was taken today to plead before Justice Coff to tbe c - FrIdenf M. 1. morning to Ik port In the Pacific and In which Honp- Hall.tnis celebrate in--. of, Rosenthal, oamLler,' "Day. was of 'complicity, the murder Herman the t:u lulu is the objective point reacO lbpr It originally planned i 1 Irst 6T who Is accused of profiting by 'more than a halfmillion t':llar yetterday-fpo- m That Dr jI S. B. Pratt; president to hold a procession "weather;i ed this city the coa$t but the ,1 0? syndicate' to a plea. will ." operations the "graft refused enter Jusii:: the Territorial Bpari of Hearth, was threatening and idea""; wasf I : o .Secretary H. Pi Wool of the Chanib the"' i. v-- represent; Hawaii -- thereupon caused a technical, plea of not cuilty o be r.tsr:d f ;r ; of Commerce asked about, the pla ar wie International abandoned in tavor 'of kih ' tr "'--- ' The beginning of his Is for September "12. Congress Hygiene ' ; Demograp - trial let U.ls. morning tated he had --heart! of and the hall and speeches.- ? - that t ' " of tt white on the coast recently; bir hv ftti WashinT.ton. n; n th latte. - Bohnenberg bitterly attacked the y. that It had 'not progressed, cnourfi part of ihis month, is now regarded asi systc ra ot Immigration in' vogue ' here far " ; to make the Tpport authentic. tip quite certain. This .probably will be at the present time, arid under-whic- h V Immediately cabled to the San Fraij; determined witlin thejiiext few hours, what he terms vthe lowest class of Asl-- r i; Elections In Prcrecs :. probabfy will Ter--f f etco Chamber of Commerce to learn and her leave Honolulu atics are' being brougnt iato the ''h ' :.y .:i : ; f , J; J' September U.5 . Y . dt-U- K Assocfated Pwss Cable ; whether-o- r not the ' . rltory work in competitlbh with I 7 . plans are definitelt '' 1 yr-a'-''-i- - . ' - . ' COVKlOHT MAURIS ANO CWINO. WASH..Qjf : 3 ; V tiled. Jf is principally: a question .of'v.fin itens. ''i:ii.AJr' r t'X'.V SAN' .FRANCISCQ, CaU September T,he State primary ti Se ?r . The plans .have now- - progressed1 s ance and whether his presence wilt -- are in progress here today. ; yr: n. y, Tcr that thoee In charge have picked destredj byV Secretary of tbe Interior "is to elevate, humanity,:1 Can we do u$n tiflMitih ju southekaxd77 v7 1 , tl) tv steamer foV their cruise, and ar Fisne.r uring the,. lattersr visit.) nere. this, when: "people are shipping into n nvtf&:uVinvi,u a tt u:n uitnn n nun n n ttvn n tt n tt; MONTPELIER. VU September 3- - --The gubernatorial e! cell : 1 hdwever, can r., n rgotlating . witH the; officials of the! That be .'ascertained aft; this country; nionth. after, months the i d a r attention". ; 7V Urba frit C A frier j fc" -- a?; it absorbing plitisal v ; 'si 1 0 ncei v enat lowest they; ' if vd Eecf etary Is class .of Asiatics When - Alaska Steimship Company, at Seat!d er Tlsef arrival. lt r thA nflft thA - rbrtngink In place rfn 'com ' of; :.-i'.- Vessel, Vlctbrlai troughc.CieSecreary .will desire un are here ica Mayevcnt fievievv Wyomlngi 7 .4?' ' for the the steamship to as his;flagshlp7 lOLUMDUS,'iOS ; September j'Svotlng Is in prc;resa t: "hlch has been In:. Hawaiian Pra tt'i ii ttendanbe1 ' aC iittua CoagreSs petition yAth j qs & 'lot of .naked u-- ' walei! t I n ; nuuibcr and ionnage the constltiitlonal amend"10- - ' ' 7--. -- presence ?, , ca '.tlet j .and Is finely- fitted Jot 'excursion pur-- f rioreOljiiMiB here, ana tn., manlty ?ti tell iron we - - j oms. The. steamer-- Is it., wtK--- .; "r"1,-- r- it,-- "' t Thn --o .ffirsn iirrMt:, nnvttt. (l"mnn. au " toiottit . i-- - till j - llan"-- m me same .waters -'- v to 8irttPiiiyS3hFrancico on No--1 lory's1 duty to Lave a ,representatfve tie. uweu on a case mat nau come r 77 t lat yefivrn vi ; ofv4t"xit;the United diUonftbtteAne .15, touching Honolulu;.; at thelUg gathering he national to his. knowledge when a shipment of strat,on. ' vmber. first at at't ' ; re- - '.;--4- 't-- Atlantitv 'U.l)'ti-lHvAlsltiIiqo ; States simuitanequsly at San Francis elude the vessels of the durfng ,lU-- f Pacific! caiutaL Filipinos had atrived at, Hllo' most of " I tflttS ... 7 Mi New-York'jo- ' . sub- v 1 ; I M-ho- . co, Manila i and serve fleet, and the torpedo and '.V:';.' .crulve."--:- - I ?7'.'rr The PternaUonal Congress wli :be were practically naked. ; Pro- October 14 1; may upset as us marine , fIolilIas.-:- Arrangements ; for ' . representa- what vand be far t The Chimbers of "Commerce of Sao at tended by scienflsti: and posing ' amounts practically to a te - now being, by ' s ' - - ik-- 1 twenty-fi- x foreign govern- Of asking Pacific fleet's part in the program the review are mad? the c! - ti Francisco,- Los- Angelea, Portland, l tives of boycott Filipino labor, and PITTSBURG, . Pa September 3. Porty are "now. known to be : ; concerned,' through' the trouble in Ni otficials of tbe Navy Department and 77 tr.nd participate-- In ments, as well as representatives trorn the members of the union to stand ". : 7v and Seattle will: ' as the result of the floods. , ;:V';'''',7 y v ' ' every in" Among, the J together and Day a citizen more' wages caraguaJ Hear .Admiral Southcrland the officers of the rieet V, he ,crui6e and ItT Is expected thal state the Union.: ' .la-wai- ' "about 150 business and commercial' questions of : large Importance ?o i- rather than have the work done by in command of the Pacific fleet, is Plans Tv Differ TJiIm Year' . 7 : '. he cost, wound now atTNIcaragua, where is in men; accompanied x by: members ofJ which are to be. discussed 'at Filipinos at a cheaper he he, 7 It Js said that the plans of ass'em sanltatiori up with. "In order to stop infa- commaild United States , bling and review will be materially : . tuftir ramiiies win maKft tne voyage, session will b that of and this ofhe King Pleads Not Gr : ; Wool ' Be- 111 'J0UO; . , - In Canal e. mous immigration we have to soon to number marines. v It is planned . to ' Visit Honuiuln health the Panama 207 different from the ones carried put at Condi- vote ; Church, climate general stand together. We will have to According to advices received here the demonstration November. ' ' Aueklana, Wellington. Christ taute the and last ' ':' i - fc ap-- ; ; ' Nica- '. ' "' Associated Press . ." 7 JlelUourbe.; Sydhey, Brisbane, Manila . tions of the Canal Zone- closely together." ) this morning, if the uprising in It is said that the plans of asyeniv .7 Cabll - MasW "September W. M. Wood of A 1 longkong, Shanghai Kobe, Osaka and pertain to HawaH and because a lain The tone of the meeting generally ragua continues, the Pacific fleet, bling and review- will be materially 7BdSTON, 3President te irt Yokohama, , returning by way ot Scat percent of the laborers now employed was to keep the union as a separate with Southerland, wili be' needed off different from the ones carried out at can Yooien Company, irtdlcted for; alleged complicity the dynamlta t ; : ' ' last-Novemb- er. 4 - ' ,; ; r: V5 , - : , brought Territory union in the. coming political cam- Central 'Jfini during Lawrence last, year, today pleaid .Inn::;-- ' tie. . I , v ; , - - there may 'be to this America at t'ae set for the demonstration plosions the strikes Vice President W. Baxter, f.the at the conclusion' ot their Job on the paign, - The members 'were unani- the review.' "V.'fV?j.fV ' . According: to the estimate, uiade' a He has released on 1 5,000 bail. 7 r - : - " tit. ' ; ' bn ; ex- Alaska Steamsuip; Company, offered Bte , Dit7h these discussions are mous In their, opinion. that they should The demonstrations 'on the Atlan- the Navy Department, there will t be ; prove highly together together. At pro-grai- n, fifty-Ne- w ' the . steamship , Northwestern for the pected to a source of stand andjvote tic as planned will followthe ' about 120 vessels gathered of exercises of the Atlantic fleet rora narpor. . 1 approximaieiy 4) uis. is 51 C: (Centinuei.on Page 6) (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page now in progress off the coast of New 21- - more ships were present at 2 than ' " :" I : ih'--4.''- : 7.7"7-:- ' England.: The; vessels assembled the great demonstration last Novem ' '7 77 . in New the lower Hudson river at ben; 'J -v- .;-.; :; 7':-- 7 Ajuodated Press CableJ ' - .7 w by ? - York for.rey'-- President Taft and The rendezvous of the. Asiatic fleet -- PREPARING EVIDENCE ARTILLERYMEW LONDON, . Eng, September,. 3 The foreign office today officially the Secretary of the Navy. The . new is dependent upon the conditions then t' : nied yesterday . announcement : that .Great Britain .would demand r i naval monsters, Arkansas, and .Wyo- prevailing, in China; was it said at the tration at The Hague ;of the ; Panama canal controversy. . FOR FISHER," SAYS GOVERNOR ming, the latest additions to the navy; Navy Department today. ' "':'- -. h will-b- e commissioner in time to take At San Francisco about fifty vessels 01ITT0 PRACTICE part . may be called together under ; com- i v'probabiy sev Taft To lie lew Fleet. mand of Rear Admiral : He will fremaln here, Southerland. ; ? Bysy Finishing Annual . Frear eral weeks, and it is considered quite The president and his guests, in- The Asiatic fleet will assemble ; ap- lllSii;iiJSi7?l3 Report, but, Not Filing possible that; he will return to the cluding prominent officials and mem- proximately twenty vessels, under ' with Secretary ;of State Knox, bers of the diplomatic corps, will re- command of Rear Admiral R. F. Nich- -- ' . Coast VITH SIEGE 0LI8 k Statistics oh the latter's return trip from Japan. view the fleet from aboard the Ar-- olson. ., ft "'::Ioriivelays:;;ij'i ? Governor, Frear. denies thei report j that he;. Is preparing statistics. "ana ' calculated to defend his The 105th Company, Coast Artillery SAnM LAST NAVAL 'OFFICER ' statements commanding, administrative actions In the coming Corps Captain Johnson t inquiry to bo instituted by Secretary started this morning to hike from Fort lerrlto p Vz: - con- Ruger'to Schofield Barracks,; there to TO QUIT LIGHTHOU SERVCE 10 was again available t- -r, : of the,J Interior Fisher.- On the wno Are txpeciea which camp receiving in- trary, he asserts he is making no ar be in for ten days, Aid the friendliness of San" Dane::, serving big siege guns. in Defense ar. 1 , rangements , to produce evidence for struction in the owner of MoanaIua proved pre-- quartermas fctnal navy serVlce' wrtether : the 'government officlalfand will Lieutenant Pratt, district Lieutenant Retires as Inspect--! ;; pare none until It Is asked by the lat- ter and commissary, accompanied the or as,uo,e- - wue u one loe inspect-I- U fVJv T HrwalT?laCfc bathtaS facilities, all ti.3 anri Rpnnrt tn National Guard : of - t on charges .preferred by the Gov- column. ' Villi ficpUl ors v, withdrawn, until Lieuten- - ter having to hanf-ed nor ter broke camp at Moanalua and march - ' . siege guns and howitzers will half-a- . mile. Had the period i:i ernor's enemies seem to warrant It The Battleship fant Salim alone remained. Bravely ed back to town, falling out at, the iiioiAifraiL 12. ! d:., ... 7 However. In preparation for Fisher's be fired on Thursday, September be stood on the burning deck of the doing duty field been for more than five Armory after having been inconvenience L ..r.; and three This will be the first time that either ? Kukui fled, this would have visit, two stenographers At noon today the last t , United whence all but he had in the field since last Wednesday r ; ! of considerable momenta typewriting machines have been style of ordnance has been fired in States naval officer to hold the post and finally, a week ago, an order night. Ail the men, wjth the excep- j brought Into usd on the Governor's Supreme Court Will Meet Hawaii; and artillery officers of both of lighthouse inspector was relieved tame along detaching' him, and send-l'ro- m tion of the Maul companies were Cclcbcl iiegler, commandin? t " -- expects to with in- dU-jin- g I v, annual report, which he branches are looking forward that duty. Hawaii has the him to the cruiser South Dakota paid off, receiving the Federal pay regiment, kept good discipline z have complete, by Thursday, the day in Sen- terest to the tests. The 105th will be tinction of having the last naval otfi-- , as chief engineer officer, only, and getting no added compen- saw to it that everytninsr was -- before the "Secretary ohthe Interior's away from Ruger for two weeks, and cer as the' head of a lighthouse dis-- j The new head of the Nineteenth sation from the Territory; as has been military standards while thA Ka:i:tT ate Chamber ! arrivaL , . .. j on its return the 159th, commanded trict. Lieutenant Leo Sahm being the! cMstrict is Arthur K. A rledge, who the case in former years. The Maul end of the affair was well ha:7! ; It Is possible that a copy of this by Lieutenant Vaughan, will take its man to relinquish command of the; has been here for two years past as men received their, stipend this morn- Major- - Moore and " Captain 7'7r may be placed In the Secretary's With the justices of the Supreme place at the Schofield instruction Nineteenth district. I superintendent, of construction. Mr. ing. surgeons of the G uard, u z i e r t ! . ; jb and ; ome of the charges camp. . goveru-- ! im-me- nt pervis ion of Colonel Xoo r ? r, i : hands. that : Hawaii assembled in solemn About two years ae;o the Arledge is w.ll qualified for .the There has been "considerable grum- : against Court of ch expected : to be brought the There are eight siege guns decided to withdra.v all naval; portant post, having been in the bling over the cut In pay this year, general of the. Territorial forces. -- by .Svill paid ch administration, may be answered session, honor, be to the and four howitzers at Scho- dnty with the light- - lighthouse service a "number of guardsmen as a whole (all Praise for Johnson. 7 lu efficers front and the the official statements set forth: memory of the late Judge A. S. Hart-wel- l field. Two shots are allowed per house, service, and return them to I years. to understand why they should not Much credit." according to tie "f7 . ; this, . 6nly , ' renort piece for the practice firing, but money . always regiment, n:'jst - by his. "associates of the bench get the which has been cers of the giv : iraport- t-. Other armnirenients for this two pieces will actually be fifed, eachi raband merchandise were found con- promised; them. Heretofore theTer-ritor- y to Captain Walter II. Jchn7 u. business, and bar tomorrow. Cora-geor- ge 1 ' ant visit and its attendant company firing eight from oen in v . , 0 aa : ! t ; shots cealed his clothes. Chris has paid out of the contingent regular army officc r t t - be held It) - even thouth - tentative, must At o'clock in the mornine the siege rifle, and four from one howit- OPIUM SMUGGLER and George Chrones were ar- fund ' $1.50 to each ; private, to bring the post- oti inspector-instructo- r for word comes L 'in abeyance until detinite gupreme justices will in . practical raigned thi3 morning,, but were grant- up. $2 past year. Following may court sil zer. The theoretical and tbe minimum compensation to the the rrc from Fisher..1 This Information the Senate .chamber, which is to be part-o- siege-gu- n work will be taught, ed permission to reserve their, pleas per day, when the Federal stipend of or a gold watch to Ca;'. 1 hot be obtained until he reaches the utilized because of the small size of and the men instructed in making the until next Tuesday morning. Their 50 cents is counted -- In. The tabnej Johnson as a mark of ajpreciati i 2 - ti.. trio v ftacira . tn ....li 'ki' - attorneys asked bail of each toe.; ' the courtroom and the fact that the proper earth emplacements. ADMITS HIS GUILT have that the which would 'have been coming to and friendship, the officers A1 ; -- his inquiry. ; estabUsh headquarters for services will be --open to the general $1000 be reduced to $750, and the the militU! for this year's encamp- occasion to wish him good lack anJ ir ne aoes, ; euner me un.c ui public. The program for tomorrow's court wilt announce its decision on ment was used up in the mosquito' thank him personally, for the hard or the Senate Territorial Secretary has- - completed the request- - tomorrow morning. Mean- campaign year, the time of the work be had done .with the government building commemoration been DANCE AT MOANA last at that chamber in the and was announced today by Presi- Man Caught With Contraband time both are held in jail. yellow fever scare. There is consid- Guard. - ' disposal. It is - p iwlll.be placed at his dent F. E. Thompson- of the Hawaii- Two of the four indictments that erable dissatisfaction, the pay mix-u- Ht isa't only what he's Uught U3. will a 5 not known whether he desire an in Clothes To Be Sentenced by taking the edge off an otherwise suc- but way he's done It," . sai l cn-- evidence, or whether Bar Association. President were returned the Federal grand the .transcript of the Thompson w ill present a memorial by jury just before it was dismissed last cessful camp, and there is a good offleet, in 'speaking of Captain Jc A- will attend to Court Tomorrow d his private secretary resolution for the Bar Association. TOiKROV NIGHT week, and which were placed on the chance that enough will be nton's popularity, with both cfliccr-an- . business. u- -. that feature of the Federal Judge Sanford B. Dole will Alfred Stanes, one of the three men secret file, prove to be charges of a brought to bear to secure the passage men. ."Sometimes he Jun?3 speak representing the bench of Ha arrested by the customs officers on statutory nature against Klichi Sa-kum- a of a special appropriation by the next pretty hard, but we always know tuat wall, and City County Attorney on a charge and Kin Sato, a Japanese man Legislature to provide funds for pay- he is right and we are wrens, ad and the waterfront last week ggn::- John W. Cathcart will speak for the TI niaaasreinf nt of the Moana of smuggling opium, entered a plea of and woman of Waialua, who were ar- ing the troops for the field work Just that he is doing 'it for the -l . La Reoa Attorney-Genera- U. S. yes-- completed. good 61 miliUa. Then, again. Auto M. . irs bar. l Lindsay win c a to take place guilty in the U. S. District Court this rested by Marshal Hendry the Hotel anno. dance never, vl us -- to- i a Success. is always careful to 'ta ' S speaker, j will terday morning. Both pleaded not Encampment Special given to CARBU-- be the next to be followed Wednesday veiling, September 4th, in morning, he be sentenced - attenon i As as soldiering went, en- before the men, and that's zr. : r 3 - and' JdAGNETOS. All work by the Hon. Cecil Brown and C. NY. honor of the first-M- n pasfrers of morrow morning. guilty on arraignment this morning far the out' ltbTORS l campment was all' ask- some regular . officers think cL" . hearing has could be than . Ashford, whose addresses will be transport Loga. Lical Army and He is the man who was taken off and the been continued that guaranteed. . . '7 the along personal lines. This will eua Navy and society folk are cordially the Manchuria; arriving from San until called. Both are detained in ed for. The men have few chances con-- i in default of to drill as a regiment,. and they had (Continued pn paje 3.) Merchant & Alakea Sts. : Phone 2648 the memorial program. invited. Francisco, and seven tins of the lain baiL, ... '; v:;:;:':v' v 7--- HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, SK1T 3, 11UJ.

WEATHER TODAY vODLD-B- E PREACHER, BELLBOY, , . r-- . k, .... . i n Tl TrW.TTW Tl VTW TW 1 6 a. m. 77: 8 a. m., 79; 10 a. m., 80; 12 noon, SI.' .Min- STOWS AWAY ON MANCHURIA imum last night. 73. Wind a. m . velocity 8, direction NE.; 8 a. m., velocity 17, direction j b.. mm i i h m a m w i i em i If iec-- i tly emploved Shortly discover-a-s NE.; I0 a. m.. velocity 15, direction" fiaroul Yatfs, afterward he was : For Infants and Children. BROKEN STEERING GEAR DELAYED 12, K. tall boy at t:,e Hotel Sutter. Sauitd and tiken before Captain Friele. E.; 12 noon, velocity direction ' Movement nast '24 hours. miles. Francirro. had n5t ;e-eive- a "call to the commodore of the fleet. The inter-- - dew-Prear- h to the birose. he would not view was unsatisfa?tory eon- You-Hav- Barometer at S a. m., 30.00: and at its The. Kind e - 10 pon a , a noint'at Sam 64- relative humiditv ne returned m.u prisoner crusion l aies was maue prisoner. - on board tne Pacific Mail steamer Early Siwiday 25, 61- , humidity 8 morning. August is absolute a ;i v-- - LINER WILHELMINA AT QUARANTINE a. hi., . ' ..i.t.1. it . m., 6.467. rainran.....aurmg pasi, 'A.vit ill lotai ng- - , Always Bought 24 hours, .11. Yates was born in Manchester, ward San Francisto from" the OriVnt, 1 Und. 2" years ao, and had only teen hove into view, and after an exchange AVCOHOL 3 PER fcvv-- p i in country years when messages, The fracture of a casting belonging kal and Lanai ports with freight and1 tLis for a few of wireless the ships came passengers. he found himself at the Sin Francisco to a stop close together and a small to the little engine" Ikat serves to The steamer Wailele is : Bears TO AND botei. beat was launched from 'the Minchu- - the load?d wi,h VESSELS 1 move - beillR a larKe assortment 7 ' the massive rudder of the Mat- . One morning he awoke when one of ri.-- with as a passenger. or supplies tor plantations m Yates lone son Navigation liner Wilhelmina at Hawaii ISLANDS the bell boys came to his room with Captain George S. LaPraik of the - eluding fertilizer, coal and lumber. FROMJHE an early hour this morning resulted a call. Yates opened his eyes and it , Nile welcomed the young man. who Signature' In the delay of an hour or more in The Wailele wjll depart at five this same thought I evening (Special Cable to Merchant' the moment the that told about Lis call to China. LaPraik the berthing Hack-Xel- d for HqQokaa and Kukuihaele. : of that vessel at Exchange.) .had been upi ermost in his minT for locked stern and remarked as Yates IVoincics DilkauiJifTM wharf. - seme day presented itself. He decid- was lead away. ness and rtsLConiii! cci.'sr of The Wilhelmina appeared ec" off the I that the Chinese needed him as a "It seems to me that in attempting I Tuesday, September 3. OpiuiurrAuic ncrifiacralJ quarantine at daybreak. Thesteamer PASSENGERS ARRIVED enJ : missionary. to travel to your future fields of was vigited by Dr. Trotter of the Fed- As a consenuence he hurriedly pack- - deavor in the way you did you began KOT KAR C QTI& Per T. K. K. S. S. Nippon Mam, dla. for Honolulu. i eral quarantine service and pratique in, wrong way, you were cer from NOYO Arrived, Sept. 2, S S Saiut - ueiuuiug ituu iia&ieiieu the for was granted - 7 Hongkong via Japan poilfe For the vessel before- '23. aown to .Man qock ana tainly violating one the ten com- Honolulu: T. Kato. Mr. and Mrs. K. WiMa henna An? I' tne facinc of o'clock. The several hundred anxious walked on board the big liner Man- - mandments. 'Thou shalt not steal.' You Ebisuya, S. Miss A. Z. Had-le- y, AEROGRAM watchers at the wharf awaited the Furuta. ' uria When the .hip proceeded to were trying to steal a ride on the - Hans'-Heithecke- r, U. S. A. T. LOGAN Will arrive from M. . Migiyama. approach of the . Wilhelmina an for i &OT . Manchuria." Sud-zuk- i, Manila tomorrow ii Wednesday a. m. de uwnseii. ; T. Saiki, Dr. F. Stumoll. Mrs. S. 4 hour before the fact was made known r . that an accident to the steering ap-- T. Tatsuno, K, Watanabe. i 'i ; i ts - lis ? Miss M. But- pararus would necessitate the services For San Francisco: Miss M. Hastie, Mis Helen M. Hext, tug Mrs. B. F. Compton, of the Intrepid to bring the liner ler. J. Catson, Mrs. F. J. Hillebrand, Miss M. Hoff- safely VV. Collins. Miss F. Mrs. It. NOW MADE TO SMUGGLE through the channel and inside Carlton. man, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Horne.'Robt. M. Coquard, Mr. ' Mrs. C. "F. Apcrfectrercedy .the harbor. and S. Home, Miss M. Kane, Mr. and farted According - F.- - Mr. C. Hon i Soar Sto5arh.l)larrtca to Captain Peter John- Fisher, Fisher, and Wrs. Mrs. R. Miss Anna iKfTAriTtTl J. Killam. jCaxv-uhica5.tr- itru. .u.. Worms :;;7h--- .. T ir mulv Kiumpke, Miss Helen Itham, Miss VJJ ; ; F. W. Lee, R. H, Lowrie, Miss L. ness dlossorSm For Over r InaL ; -- Haung, Mis M. Keller, Mr. U and Lucas, Mrs. E. Mackenzie, Miss M. "Sixty per 121 Mrs. N. Lyth, Law-- O I'amSe Sijriarsrt'of cent of the cabin Mr.. and Mrs. J. P. Mrs. Anna Mayhood, Miss L: passengers in this steamer are Miss D. Mannia, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, school rie. Mc-Closke- Maxwell, V. McCaughey, y, After meeting with a disastrous The Customs officers are very alert teachers' commented Purser Charlie Hnbbard, Miss Vr, V. Daniels, P. Pee JnoG. ' J. B. McCubbin, Jas.McGiU, series of failures, which are declared and contraband has little or no 5TiKEW-YD- Iffhirtpeafs Drew.; The trip down from the Coast moeler, A., Stockfish, Mrs. A. Stick-wa- s 5 r 1 R. E. Mrs. A. Mize, 'Miss Glen to have made serious inroads into the chance of evading vigilance. a pleasant one. , The crowd was ney, Mrs. E. Roth, B. Webb, Mrs. Mist. their Mouser, Miss , Mowry, Miss E. funds placed at their disposal, sev Captain Stevens in the Nippon lively and the regular program of en- - Sake.vama 2 children, Von Clara and Baron Miss A. M, Oleson, Mr, and eral organized bands of smugglers Mam reported considerable rough tertamments, dances and dinners Antenried, Mr. and Mrs. F. Daniels,! Muther. id proved j Mr?, A. L. Paschall, J. Perl, Miss S from along the China coast are now weather on the homeward voyagel pleasing to the travelers. Mr. K. Grochowski. Mrs. E. Grochow .' said to have turned their attention yacht" met : GalrZHteniHZZHHsF&cd t p Captairf Jbhnson is suffering from ski, M. Hipman. Mrs. A. T. Howard' ' ?' JffiS:! The staunch little "white LWj froth the handling of contraband i with a strong gales, in' a badly-spraine- d Wells Pratchner, Miss succession of ankle. "Now, when Master J. G. Howard, Miss . Florence opium to a more easily marketed though an old seadog like me becomes malm- - son, R. Robinson, W. Robinson, Mis3 the winds and heavy seas are Howard, Miss A. A. Hughes, Mrs. Y. tmc eNTAu om enr. ed through a fall of few Fannie Rosendahl, Mrs, L. C. San--! drug. said to have done no material dam- fcxi but a feet I to, W. Inhelder, Miss T. Iwasawa f eiv. Morphine is a commodity is age to . - from . a stepladder born, F. A. Saylor, Miss C. Sqholtz, that the liner. at home, after Mr,. J. L. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. w ! . : , ...... A- - i being successfully stowed aboard a The Nippon Maru was alongside ...,., .r; zrn spending all his davs at sea. whpra tf..-- i tr Kra tr tvtoo. Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. ani xrai trans-Pacifi- c climbing aloft Is a dally number of liners dur- Alakea wharf before eight o'clock -, .diversion, ter Y. Mural. Miss A. Mural. T. Naka--; Jr &llol: 1? wouldn't Jt peeve you?- m P. Van-vetera- n ing the more or less extended slay this morning. This vessel 'reached skipper dal?, Mrs Van, Velsor, Miss Gemma of these vessels at. Hongkong. the port with 84 cabin, 14 second - as he set In hia cabin ,,.1 xr o o .Ar. idence, in Sixteenth street, at a,d- and Mrs. Shunk . have given: up their oi.u wMlss ; With the arrival of the Japanese class and in Asiatic steerage the and sadly, contemplated a palrt 'V.i Wndman. Helen Watklns. Miss the T of S journment of Congress and go. t apartment in Brighton, and will - Nippon 'from the coast of were 98, Japanese, 13 the crutches used by him in getting about Laura A. Wctklns, Miss Zoe Wat- liner Mam Chinese and Georgetown, Ky., they wiL Sugiyama,wrMrs. C. L. Thompson, K. this morning, Hhe was 178 Filipinos. where leave Chicago, their new "station,.-th- tne aecK. , kins, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitehead, Asi4 statement for Tomita, S. Tsukamoto, Mrs. H. D. byr spend a month at Mrs. Clayton's for: ; ; "I I ' freely made those In a position to Two hundred and seventy Asiatics ' end of the week. Mrs. fehunk will be all right again t very soon. van "Rnint ' Miss Pauline Wilkinson, F. Wilson, mer home, before going to their - '. helper, , cn-- . but I certainly did not lead. Ger--J J. Wine, Mr Wormhart, Mrs.1 F. speak authoritatively that a few days left the vessel at Honolulu. Dr. Trot- ' ' j was an,, interested in the the C home, in Alabama. t1 ' ' .HinM-thi- t: Per stmr.; Mauna Kea, from Hilo Nlpppa from V tertainmen.ts given the read! n 5 .man In th Ur h!c WA W. Ziegler. before the ilaru sailed ter and his staff of medical officers - in Zeave, F. . I 'J ' 'j. g - - - 1 blind, winter, ami held on board Just before-comin- into Ptrtf tp- MuTT': Per O. S. S. Ventura for San Fran Hongkong for Honolulu and San connected with, the Federal quaran- i rooms for the last Honolulu. ' : . Stiles, Glade, J. Lomas, G. Clarke, K Francisco, a bevy of customs officers tine service are obliged to Paymaster General T. J. Cowie,;Uij witt.fc much missed by the patrou: l fiarn ont W a Andcrann wife exercise ' ! a. library. c The Wilhelmina steamed from: San v. I?T.' P' and child, Andiovic, Miss M. Ash- - at the Chinese port completed raid more than passing care in the exam- S. N., and Mrs. ; Cow le, who spent tiK y.thai . Francisco to Honolulu in fine weather. 1' ijeina, Meo. r w Becker: J. P.' BentQ and en a number of steamers riding at ination of all liners from the Orient last several weeks at the VlrginU - u?u - fo, The Wilhelmina brought . 4800- tons Jf" "I; "''wife, Maj. G. Blakely, U. S. A., Mrs. anchor in the harbor, with the result these days because of the continued T i l"5lV- Hot Springs, have returned to Washr The ,Duke ahdv Duchess, of Suther- rti ttUU wue eighty-tw- o : of cargo, of which 3000 tons will ffe ' tuompou, L. N. C. that pounds of morphia and recurring outbreak of infectious - Rose-'-irrar- y j, Brown. Mrs. Brown. Miss ington and are spending a few, day land and their daughter, Lady aiscnarged at Honolulu and 1800 'tta.p" Miss Cleveland, Warren were discovered by an officer, the diseases at China and Japan, porta - Leveson Qdwer, are to arrive trt and son, Miss Kipl, Miss TT son-in-la- w daughter; rarriwi uiin Tha.nnai. n... tv dmg having been confiscated. What appears ta have been two with their , and Itt New ,' York from England this autos. which is The contraband had been smuggled j distinct and genuine cases of Asiatic Dr. Robert E. - Tcdbetter, U. S. N.', considered' a pord Ena, Mrs.' J. C. Evans, week, en route" to Alberta, Canada, ... in very cleverly and might quite eas-- cholera were reported at Yokohama and Mrs. Ledbetter, at their quarters ;Pnt.f;iiUtthi - Mrs. H. L. Faris, E. : cars will discharged : M- - ueB ana aauSu- ily escaped Notice was4 day NI pi the Naval Hospital.., cf the be at THilo. . .v.. , have notice. he before departure of the at ; ; , .r fur Mrs tr. Hnrdoo anrt t9nffhtor - A later mall Tnhnntfr to ts cVa' a' u.w,"b",'vv n ummnn mi tvii.i sent to the Governor and a reward j pon Maru for Honolulu. The cases Mf and rMrs. Hugh' Legaie are at -- I i j ..'-a- . . . . . A. ?Smlth .arA rt"'"vuifo Mice H TniVttr: i r uarw - urnred hi ue esse m me tl."' "v;o ''."a01 Horner, Mrs. Horner. Miss Edna of 50 4als. giyeft ";for- the,. discovery. i developed at . Kagasakand .Kukuoka. .Cpwmiam : A:Shunkv;.JI.v ?Jarakansettt Pietl: there traveled 121 passengere. wh 5 Si" u- Miss H. Hundemor. Mr. ; : - V, uaiuey. five arrived here hr the-- steerage' ? piasters ituuman Mh wife, A. K. Jones, P. C. - v.unansnam, jvia-th- e Johnson and James A. Russel, former mate U vt orowa,j.. JoBes, John King, Col. C. H. Loch? Wilhelmina, is back in cbado, J.:cZS. Ferry,,, Lee Ong, C. H. r vessel that lelmer, W. C. Love, Charles , Man after a brief vacadon spent on shore. Brtckwood and wife, Mrs. R. A. Lucas ning, Miss Merritt, Miss E. Missmer, ' ' : . . r njaae-;-. . I . Hi V1 fiT Def.n J m;;T "if Mhiml. Col 3. F. Morrison, U. S. A., Miss J. :" ZTZ' V. MisT Halser-H- r Mosier, Miss V. Mutch, J. J O'Brien Tm. W BUis IT TJ (By C. S. AiBERT.) formely Lady 'Marjorle Manners, whoi, : Havge'ldpn: r wife. Miss A. L. O'Brien, MISS - ' wlf a and on Sam John and Star-Bullet- in t' - ' Special Correspondence be- n nfto .iciwueu iuoi me wiiueiraina 7 . ZZr 7 7 vere married Saturday in London, WASHINGTON, August 16. One gan their honeymoon aboard Jhe ciflent. hdwever, .did not delay the naf.n. .J Xn , 8 M1i8J r ,run r " ' day last week was marked by two 'bridegroom's yacht, the Semiramisj yessel in her arrival at San.Fran. r o.,tr navy, weddings, an unusual event for and will cruise along the French, : - . Cisco. . : V; wnuer scnmiat, A. u. wneeier, w.iier, maj. a. ru.u,, u.u,, .mId.AlleUBti( although both were house .bridal was of, - - SrS'T'ir' The dress soft v. T71 "TT- T- 11 171 171 . V T T J I A 1 A W ' I coist Tho w ho m no o na . wail. j. ' Piaster n. .xvai. y. m' re-- I f n. vierra. Sr8' u 5f u ir of events and the companies present sctin draped entirely with old rose SS I TOf ft ftn T lt1TrtV crcnlnir thara iUIB, A, AWttO. V, . O. , BIttUU n. Vy. ?I V!' ,tp and the personal pcint lace. The train las of gold b'ro-- e ? S stricted relatives - Miss-Adel- M - to careo atid tnk- nn fl Anderson, J.. Wv .Weinberg, ,K-- Kuwa RIpont, Mrs. H. Rock- o( to be ' dlsctanre - friends the couple bappning cad ed white satin. The bridesmaids ! well,: G. H. Rockwell, Miss Helen ' large shipment of sugar destined for saKI wue ana iwo.cnuaren; M.rugi.- n town. Thd bride and bridegroom wore dresses copied after old-tim-e por- - the Coast. T. Sinto, S. Yamamoto, Mrs. Imagari, Rockwell. Mrs. W. H Robinson and of the noon wedding were Miss. Mary traits, children attendants wearing WV Desha,. E. Desha, Hisanaga, S.! infant KOU""u' Kennedy Graham, daughter of Mr. and pale pink mUslins and the boys . ML' D. ROblnSOn, MISS 4. fci. , Morehead, W. Watson, Anderter Trc WnrHon nf old resl- - Kino . - miPAft apnt Hilo Shipping on Increase-- . 1 nmhnm velvet Tho klnv and the ' . 1 . .LIU I T T Tf t'T ' 1 i T O V. r T" T - ' W1 i T"11-- . D Shipping at Hilo is reported on the s""' ?' X1,"1! D""e,l.-.n- ctsuu' i "yn.' , dential families, and Ensign Raymond, the 'bridegroom huff links with the gy-- o. Smitn, MISS Mi v. amun,.f J. v. rerry TT. increase with the arrival of the Mat.: j rer : iineimina, irom oiffnrd Pavne S N. Rev. Edward roval inltfala in diamonds, as did the son Navigation steamer Enterprise San Franciscof-F- or Honolulu : Mr. and Wife, James Steiner and tiolo 'flQSltflnt rprtnr of the Churp'h Kins- - anrt Onopn of Snain and ' s- - Allen, Miss Allen and Miss Avis Sterling, H. M. Von Holt, na-- j -- with a large; general cargo from ; the .Mrs Qf the Ascension, .officiated. The The bridegroom's latest gift was a t S : ,11. Cy. noo-- . xt. - mainland. V The" American schooner maia, wrs. Anaerson, Mrp. n. von ou, nuu,djiuuu "tional colors and many flowers adorn- superb pendant of - diamonds and - c- AM . - &ii6vv$o&h E. K. Wood. - with material for the. - Anthony, and; infant. Mr. A. A.0. Willbard, U. S. and wife, Rich- lhevfamily- 'afaattment at th Trc--5f pearls.. The center stone" is an 1m In orders to .;;.rasbronght--Ashburn,- Miss'M.:.Bal,:D. E. Baldwin, . Wood. ; Breakwater Company. ' ard F t q- "ibis" and an orchestra played tfte n ense rose diamond of ex,tremejuster . - . 111 1 . a "m T 1 " ' I inside the Inner harbor on Friday and 188 iBllD& iiarnnaru, miss . lloei-no- r, wedding march and throughout the and purest color.. Suroundyig it are lows, Miss M. Borden, Mrs. 1 clust--. rides at anchor in Reed's Bay. C Esther pleasant Informal. reception which fdk two rows of brilliants, the whole ' ; ; nnninr " - 4 1 pearl-shape- d A, lowed. , supporting pearl of ,.'.' The schooner F. Coates; with a 4 I I t er a ' llrf large shipment of .lumber, was dls-- V I .1 PASSEXGEBS DEPABTED i r.l The bride, a greatly feted debutante beautiful tinUThe long rope of peatl .. T 1 1 .. n his-betrot- o a tmj ixt o v txr n o ... , ...... r rrmw t ino tt of tho .t ' ut(Lfii of last winter, who was escorted to hich was hal gift, is one. time the. Inter-Islan-d steamer Mauna Per O. ;S. S. Sonoma, for Pago Pago ,the bridal bower by her father, was !6f the family Jewels, and Lord Anglej Kea aepartea ior. iionoiuiu. i and Sydney, Sept. 2. Rear-Admir-al beautifully gowned in white satin, sey has, added to them several rings , - - -- Purser'-PhlInrs- rpnnrtpd . fair trin, Ross and daughter. Malcolm Mcln- PHYSICIAN draped with embroidered white chif-jan-d brooches, all of antique setting : ' i m , 1 type,: Henry Lamont, H. S. Hansen r t. L hi. TT 1 a. with fresh trades, and moderate seas. j ion, caugui witn orange uiussuuis. ana 01 great vaiue. MrS. - . 5 ni 'The Mauna . Kea arrived early Mr. and Allison. jtwels were pearls. A tulle veil and i T'he Duke of Rutland's wedding gift atan ' hour .this morning with over tme hun- - 4 - a coronet of orange blossoms were also to his daughter was a diadem of ,lHs-- ' I drod cabin ; passengers. The vessel PASSENGERS BOOKED DECIDE 0 IT worn and a shower bouquet of bride , ptmo-Moresq- ue workmanship, and her : cargo, ,3 . ; ; car- brought a small including ..... 4 roses and lillies of the valley was mother present was fashioned of red autos, 10 cords wood and 125" pa.ck-- Per S. S; Nippon Maru, for San ried. enamel incrusted with pearls and dia- 1 Francisco, .Sept and Mrs. Ma- C rrr ages sundries. . . 7 ' 4.Dr.' Her only attendant was Miss monds, forming a plique which can ' Inter-Islan-d steamers along the Lewis Plumpton, Tong Tin Yen, Mrs. It was decided that the late Dr. M. rion Wellman, her cousin. be adapted as a pendant, a hair orna- fol- - Hartnett Moran. W. Berndt. coast of Hawaii were reported as Gardner, at that time Surgeon General Mrs. Gnham wore an embroidered ment to be worn low over the forehead lows: steamers Kaiulani and Ka i Per j?tjp. Kinau, for Kauai, Sept 3. ,trimmed style, a to hold The - canton crepe, with duchess ir Grecian or brooch uai;at Hilo, the Maui off Papaaloa, J. W. NeaL Miss Lulu Weber. Miss G, of the Southern Pacific Railroad Corn- lace, with diamond jewelry. tte folds of a cloak or dress in place. - - y and the Helene at Kohalalele. "Carroll, Miss "H.. Decker, William Co pany, should be asked to select a the- When Ensign and Mrs. Payne start-oreticall- we have inaugurated an Co- ney, Barnard Damon, Markham . incdrable case of chronic ed for their wedding journey the lat Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Straight, ney, Danfprd,' 'Sugar on Hawaii. r Miss' Anna Miss Nora Bright's Disease. He picked out an ter wore a very smart dress of change- the latter formerly Dorothy Whitney, Sugar awaiting: shipment on Ha Dan ford, Miss Lei Mahaonaona, gold taffeta. Secretary Whit- employee in Arizona whose case had able brown and daughter of the late wall includes the following consign- - Emma, C. Wagner, Miss Mary Simp- - Chaplain G. Livingston Biyard. IT. ney, are homeward bound and due in ments, according to a report which-so- n. 'Miss Ena Simpson, Miss M. ,L. been passed on by three S. P. R. R. E. N., officiated at the wedding at I New York on board the Mauretania. Automobale - albumen, - has reached this city with- - the ar- Neal. Miss M. K. Neal, Miss Gladys physicians. Case involved o'clock of Miss Helen Du Bose. daugh- It will be the ffrst visit that they rival of the steamer; Mauna Kea: Auerbach, Miss Madaline Smith, Mas--; casts, dropsy, ana patieni was so wean ter of Medical Director and Mrs. W. have paid to this country since their Walakea f.5.0uO. Hilo. Sugar Co. 3,600, ter Fassoth, Tanaka,- - K. S. Kim, B.'ce was m nignt sweats, ur. uaraner R. Du Bose, and Dr. Luther Sheldon, marriage in Switzerlandrflore than a v - ne nve sixty Delivery iOnomea S.618. ,Pepekeea;300, Hono- Von Herff. Leslie Wishard, Blanche aia nl oeiieve couia jr., assistant surgeon. V. S. N., which year ago. They leftEurope shortly Sisiice ii 5 ftirt . UsVnlan 1i 000 Hnmn rna W lShard.' Miss Helen Schimmelnfen-- " took place at the Du Bose home. A wedding-o- r China, He put on Com after the where , lill S.TOO; Paauhau 8.000. Honokaa ning, Mrs. G. Harisen, Master Hansen, was Fulton's Renal floral decoration wis in place and an Mr. Straight represented thp Morgan t pound and we waited. In thirty days .000.": Punaluu 7.714. Hbnuaoo 7.200 Miss Soper, Miss . Mae. Brown, Mr. assemblage of about sixty people was interests, anr underwent all sorts of I for our high-grad- e, guaranteed pure ' iacks; no sugar at Obaa, Hawaii Mill, Fernandez, Mr. Ralph and Walker improvement was reported and less present. exciting experiences during patient was rec- the V Laupahoehoe, Kuakaiaul . Bowen. Miss Clara M. Brawthen than six months later The bride wa? escorted bv her fath' em- throughout city, as : Kalwiki, for light employment, testa troubles in the deposition of the liquors the under -- ,' ommended e- - by .r..v . 153 4 Mrs. H. H. Brodie. Miss Alice Brown. and attended onlv her rister. peror and the proclamation of the re Inter-lslan- - M5cc Kathprinp Du Rose, d 'Sailingi This Day. 'Mrs. E. G. Buckley, Miss Grace Buck- while Vr. public, the Straights' home in Pekinj er saw reporting disappearance of the ghoMt, n-- man fnr'hiK hrnthpr t steamers; booked for ley. Miss Helen G. Cad well. Miss F. fist theyj lnteMslahd. d being attacked and looted and -- fa-- - t. albumen and casts. Dr. Gardner's v. k.m.-,o- ir, n-i,- MANOA Monday and Wednesday N. I . Al A UI 1UC "O-- hcoohWAV OO I WIVV departure ; today Include) the carter. Miss Lolita Wi . 1LIJ . ilC themselves forced to seek refuge atj : Chipman,!; lace, Tw&l&n): which eot : awav SSly Wandee Cheek, Miss M. E, crepemeteor and duchess and the American legation. For the lasti -- veil, thp KAIMUKI Tuesday and Friday - tne noon nour ror Aiaoukona T. M. Church, Miss AdaM. Clark, wore' with lillies of Mr. Mrs. Straight' iafter " ' " few months and Kawaibae and HoioiDU with a larce Miss E. R, Collais. W. H. CoUier.'l TCI "..iV 7." i ""i 'valley holding it in place, and a'so have had a country place in Bucking- KALIHI - Thursday - general carg. : The Iwalani carried Mrs. A! F. Cooke. J A. Cooke,' e,e:! forming her shower bouquet. The gave v Compound is getting Jn kidney disease. hamshire, England, where they v - n bridesmaid wore, white marquisette mails out. no passengers., : ;.Ilsf ' monJ " can be had at Honolulu Dmg Co., a number of week-en- d parties. WAIKIKI, and all other sections, Daily - The Kauai liner. Kinau is. to, sail L. Disteli, L. Eakm, Mr. and,port street with pink roses in her bounuet. s . o pas niuquist, ura. Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon left later for V. 4 at idve ciock inis veuias who, j. ii. cuer sk for pamphlet or write td John Rear Admiral F. E. Beatty, S.j -- -- honeymoon Jaunt, the bride's malls and v freight for the and child. Mrs. Geo. R. Fisher, Miss their N., Emily Ben$ers, j. FUiton Company, San Francisco. navy bTue and his daughter. Miss costume being of Beatty, Washington, of serge. of are guests ot the. Garden Island. E. M. Gilmour.-- Stenhen M. Gree Capt. and Mrs. William B. Caperton ;y- - The Mlkahala' Is also scheduled to Mr. and Mrs J. E. Garcia, Miss Adalinany, a nephew of at training Newport, en I and namesake the An interesting visitor "t Prides the station. W. C. Peacock & at five o'clock for Maul, Molp-- Gee, Mrs. Wm. Hannigan and child.; jate Baron von Sternburg. Rangeley Me. Capt, Go., Ltd. sail former rAP cvcr Mo pc a rc UnPQ a W vl 1 CM route to Lakes. ' German ambassador to this country.! and Mrs. Caperton will give a dinne.'j Thtav.who- Is theVutTt SfN .... was one of uhe passengers who- ar-- j (.,arence Mr. tms evening in nonor ot near au Moore. orf. Koln Balti-- L Hugo rived the steamer at Qd Mrs PaiI nore are expectfcd at miral Osterhaus. more 1 j Phone last night from Bremen. Prides Crossing for the remainder of .Mrs. Beatty will leave tomorrow 1704 The baron expects to remain m. thp summer, and with helr infant son with a party of friends for a motor' :: ,n this. country a long time to study ag-- m 5e the guest of Judee and Mrs trip through Virginia, and will re-- Wine and Liquor Merchants, iix ric-uiiur- conanipns. rie'is mucn in- - foore at Rockmarge. The Moores turn to Washington about the' middle Iransfer teresrea in tne suuject and nopes to havp been at Morristown since the of September. Merchant Street - Near Fort Street; gather some in ; important data his npenin? of the spnnn v;f. H. LOVE) - ' . (JAS. investigation to be used on his re- Congressman Henry I). Clayton ' r . King V Union Grill - 12S1 - Cri 8tree PP . Phone turn home. 1, and Ijady Anglesey, the latter and Mrs. Clavtoii will close their res- ' HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, SEPT. 3, 1912.


witn wnat ws mends considered i The voters of Kau. Hawaii, are in ; GO AHEAD ON an. excellent chance of beating Kuhio pcsed to Senator Makekau. becauai i!t i for Delegate. Link blun- - j ( - McCandless. turned his back to them, and suppor- - r denng around like the proverbial bull J ed Frear. who did not vote for h.Tn. B a shop, j 11 in china has essayed to drive "Had it not been for Prince Kuhio.. O- JCl a nail into his own political coffin by' oar homesteads would have been V,st rhat SCHOOL BLDGS. denouncing Jim Coke's candidacy for . 1 li at auction, the same as jthose L' u v the Senate in scathing terms and de-- on Punchbowl. whn I claring that he would not permit Coke i tears, as they left them and wen' .w "fj"--- ! " iicuiav.iui; uta oner DlaPM " la UM tn ha nnn c any It was decided by the Loan Fund under conditions. "I'll fight Coke ment given much emphas ELECTRO-PLATIN- G to tne end if 1 McCandlAs POWDER Commission, a meeting morn- lose," is at this reported, to have said. ing, to go ahead with the building of D. K ow. " aPPars that Coke is not a Kauauokalani Sr., and S the kauluwela schoolhouse, for which V "? hoe. Home Rule leaders. 4; i - -- Kauai. Progressive, called in ri. k Instantaneously Depositing ass fclc Headquarters ,,.LCu .u...u.k iu. i&Wi5sart Qn Maui in fii ratsst pock an(j yesterday and haj a . vwwo.. long conference with secretary ,tnat nl8 friends on Oahu number lu ' A Clothing, Line teiepnoiie io ascertain u a roaa mnro than - a ftn MlHnn 'a kvole. , proposition related to this schopl was; Gold, Silver, Nickel or Tin on Metal . consequently, the advisers of Mc-- repuea was - Without beiuen. mai ail , airirriov t Registration of voters- :s uiiu.ne randlesa ar C7Q- - " - w thou V lVA V f ;;i.h t.i...;: Surfaces right and the commission might pro- tact and diplomacy shown byivtheir briskly these days, a ihi- 'jr;,- - for ceed with the building. leader and are pleading With him closing the great register .ipr.cJios. An Uncertainty Land Commissioner Tucker was earnestly to leave Oahu and go to By noon today the 5300 mart. nh reported as saying that no doubt ne- some other island, there to stay until passed, leaving a matter of about 210 gotiations for the site for the pro- the conventions are over. Otherwise of tne free and enlightened still to bo The housekeeper, the mechanic, the posed Kalihlkai $$000 schoolhouse they fear he will take another slam corraled. would be satisfactorily concluded a't his hitherto bright prospects. hotel-keep-er, the automobile owner, the Mr. Petrief expressed a fear that Rumor has It, that certain persons The - V would school on BENJAMIN trains disturb the Because of claiming to represent "Buslne i& site--, the statements credited the golf player, the jeweler, and those who ;the proposed it being near the to prominent - Men,'" recently called on Kuhio f Suit is a railway. members of the anti- the suit without ! Jarrett faction they leaders and proposed that tbe name of Fern people that will enroll handle plated tools in their business can Mr.. said most of the tnemseives as members of the Repub- Charles Hustacer Jr, as "Business an uncertainty. You at Kallhi Camp had been (driven out J M- - lican party if Jarrett is nominated to Xlen's" candidate for mayor le ratifiel keep articles and parts by the Board of Health. Xe thought always metal succees himself, a movement is ,on by the Kuhio people and. that in ?e --1 know that when .you ;i new, ihe noise of trains would be so brief foot In the various precinct clubs turn the "Business Men" would drop il touched up and looking like as not to amount to. a terious dis- where ' ' con- the fight against Kubio. purchase a 'BEN- i the Jarrett forces . are in turbance, . trol, to anticipate the threat of the The rumor finds no authentication Chairman Adams dd hot regard Antis and read them out of the Demo- either among the KUhIo forces or Xhe JAMIN' you have a deposit of Vbltite Plating either objection as suffiient reason cratic party before the conventions. my 8 terious "Business Men." always . A3 minute for rejecting the site. Tlere was no . The plans for the wholesale ousting suit that will doubt the place around the school are being considered secretly, is Charles Costa, inspector garb will last as long as thp plating deposited up. it in the look good, hold its would build j said, but there is every indication that age department has been selected bV electro-platir- No further action was aken. tney by the ordinary jeweler's ig will be carried out. Jarrett ia the Kuhioites to run for aneriff. shape-- and fit perfectly. A new courthouse, jaij and jailor a strong in the majority of the precinct a&ainst Jarrett Tnli ts declared to bath; r; cottage at Waialua on th site of the clubs, and so wide is the chasm be-- be the final unalterable selection and present buildings, ani a similar tween the two factions; and so bitter John Lan's candidacy has been: zright group of buildings at Ea, for which the feeling, that it is believed the ed accordingly. a new site has to ie Sought, were proposal to cast the Anti's into outer It is understood an effort, was Wade considered together. I darkness will receive hearty aD-- to Indur Andrew fVvr THE Mr. Ferti made" th suggestionj prchral the arena again, but replied "Ojice t m -- be t -- . a. i .i .n Demonstrations daily between the hours wnicn was enieriamea uj .tne oiner.ii r 1c enough " and waived aside the ufo-- j commissioners, that tbi material i in (Translated from "Ka Hoku O Ha-- fered honor with more emphasis than V V the old courthouse migit be utilized wail.) dignity. ' V in building the jailor'spottage. v' There is $6000 approbated for the Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. ' Waialua structures, ad $10,000 for the Ewa, including the; site. ' RULERS MAKE COMMISSION bring you Mr. Johnsson reportd on the Ewa You are invited to any article saying four lots IK r- site, Jvere available office of .but advised that a ffth be bought desire plated or retouched to the also, which would 'male the site 225 feet " square, fronting on the main Ewa road. The e.ne cost would not exceed $1500. . 1. 1 ' Messrs. Fern, Petre and Johnson were appointed to aiend further to Charles K. Notley, Home Rule lead- or. military government for Hawaii. DOCJOR iMARUTT EXPLAINS MISSION, , the matter and repft back to the er, and aspirant for Delegate to Con- The Home Rule leaders therefore be- commission. ' gress on the Home Rule ticket, is lieve that McCandless would be a THOUSANDS. RAY RESPECT TO QUEENS G opposed to Introduction Ha- dangerous Ha- On motion of Mr) Petrie, it was tbe in man for the voters of m .Con-gres- s. voted to employ 'Emfry & Webb, ar- waii of .the commission or military waii to support for Delegate to NEW'WIRELESS PLANS FOR HAWAII, chitects, to draw plas and specifica- form of government . o ;; who re- ; ; tions for both sets ff buildings. Notley, will unquestionably Acting, on that belief, they are now : NATIONAL GUARD WAR MANEUVERS,EfJD, Sole Distributer It was reported tht the Pohukalna ceive the nomination of bis party for advocating the Hawaiian, voters to finjhed yet j Delegate to Congress, according - to vote for Notley (Kahiliaufanl) as their Territory of Hawdi schoolhouse was but not JAPANESE' HELD? AS CONTRACT LABORER, for the accepted, 'although fce members wefe the Kuokoa Home Rula, is determined next representative in Congress. satisfied that a gall job had been to fight against such government.. The editorial also mentions the fact ) 'done. . The Home Rule platform, which is j that in his Speech , at Aala Park on j B0TH.SIDES'PJ?EPARING "EXHIBITS" FOR I 5by - 1 Bang Mr. Fern promise) to have data n being drafted the executive com- the' night of K& . iecate . Central Building Street vwill Home" isust if HSHtH,v f Sctrool fitreet extenton completed toil wttee, be fntroducedTin the .frt next meeting. Cecl Brown and Abra-- 1 "U1 i erntoruu convenuon, wmch y meets on JHOliSANDS .SEEABOR DAY RACING, ham Fernandez wfe ttfe only ones . tthe seventeenth of this hand, but added that as long as he is j month in .Notley Hall; Hawaii's Delegate to Congress he will holding out for betf terms than were iNSPEC?oi; -- offered. ReDlvine p a suggestion by In Its. editorial Tof last month, the fight against it 1 Instructor captjohnson ' organ j - , thafcondemnation pro- Home Rule intimates that Link According to a Home Rule leader, fi0N0REDrBY KNOX SHARPENS? ft ered boss in his precinct. the chairman, OFFICERS, . COL ) McCandless, .who received unani i r ''Everybody knows me" continued ceedings be takenkt once, Mr. Fern the the platform under which Notley villi ; KNIFE FOR MAHEL0NA Knox, 'and they are now willing to advised, waiting f the outcome "of mous endorsement of Jils party for j run at the coming campaign will in-- j r ' ' Deleagate to Congress,' was conspic--j a ; : my against Ma- pending negotiates. clade clause pertaining to the land ' back : me up in fight ' " '' uously silent as to the commission iaws of Territory. J ;; the the ; -- Knox of the fighting ninth of helona," concluded Knox. . Mr. Adams mar remark that ' Col. givenimounted ' the Hfth district, is sharpening his por Kuox Is angry at Maheona because the figures to nearly Are one-thir- d dprbprlatlon lltical knife nowadays with a view to he 'was not selected as one' of the dele- of the of. $10, ers present took leave of Chairman the way in which he has trolled ' 'con ts fighting Solomon; Mahelonai who has gates to the county" convention. Knox 000 for the work Adams, with cordial wishes for a everything at VTaiakca uu to pres in this, papefisYESTERDA Y- - twenty-fou- r : 3. ve eager to get roads, been prominent In precinct politics for and bis friends are now trying their "People are pleasant journey and safe return, as ent time. I dofiH wit to pay for them," many years. V "vxc - ? best to. defeat Mahelona, not onl in but they he is leaving tonight for a tour 'Supervisor ' observl. Austm stHie: that if' he hours tigq to 2 Knox, attired in whke was at the the convention, but in the general Mr. Fern abroad which will occupy three Is job ill ! - elected he will take the again ? jconically exclaimed morning advising his election in November. '. " ; "Frog lane months. goixi forj : flshmarket this I but that he. is not to fight chairman. while , ? friends to vote aglinst l Mahelona, the Those in attendance were Chairman it-- His Urfme will he one of, public they were news. A resolution on nq. 1 con- - those' who he said Is losing bi pQlltical inr A' Broadway chorus girl notified of janng Andrew Adams, Secretary T. H. de- v.hieti wiy before the county con- en- of beroad, to. adjust the j 'go fluence in his own precinct.; a legacy gave a large dinner and tract the trie and Mayor .J. J. Fern, members, vention, however, and it is generally -- to mffiy avauaDie, was i can control the tertained, resigned her position,; and work tne ai and H. Stuart Johnson, consulting en Mahelona thinks be - thought, that Austin wifi fight in spito preplnct now,,r said the next day . took a taxi to the law- Mr, Fern a reqii ueierrea im nexi gmeer. . situation In his 1 of the denials he makes to the r m H Va Atltal yers office to claim the legacy. sne meeting-- . :t ivnox, uui 1ilew uic tilticit uu, uc uuu - , A oth- ; if--- . , At the' close the meeting the received J19.S0. t.'it- - M. S. Puch'eco is Portugnee 1 i GUAflDSMEN GIVEN jfound sausage j.'. i'OYer ti sjh t y ' candidate for supervisor and there Is t "" ' 1 cook four and a', half, hoim; '.Jt-"- - 1 t e ' - 'I no doubt but hut will make it very lead; of; that time uncover Rna ljy : (fonifuutd iro'm Vaz?xl) ' " strong fight and lui.s every chance of potatwa that, have raiw!. Cc niipsoil l)y few-vote- s bn being elecfeJ:, He half an-hqi- rr longer. - Liver 'and ".;j( Anothec regular army.TAan who - last election itnt it is understood can be used In place- of sausnire.' this year liiat hat 'tabor unjan f came, in for plenty of prdtseand made r the - '''''' Siizz friendsbijsi-.was , U 'rOOU ;MAN'S CAKU. some genuine Lieu- " behind him as well as the Portuguese : ''''' tenant Mount, Medifal.Corps, was One eg&, oue cup. sugar, one ,. u; vote. If this is so, then it ery tbo tc.i-- inspector of p. He n.ilk, two tablespoons "butter,. one i sanitary thcaln . Star-Bullet- in hard' to see where David fiwailko geta ' ISpecial Correspondence put the militia Burgeons I'onto ' 'some- - ooa vanilla or other extract, tn i ' ; off. As usual," David is trying for teaspoons HILO, September, 2. Although on military- tricks of the .tradc that help- enpa flour, two baking i Vi a oiififnkA niAtrAio a!UIaa1 ' m election as supervisor and' will natur- - idtr. tleat together the egg and enough ed keep tnings going la ahe right di- nnfpr fhpr ura vprv roo firo Wn. lUy want the votes of tbe la rection. ' tlil light; add milk, then the rceltc:. ing down below and every candidate bf un.Ion hind ThiR l'uLs butter and extracL Slft the flour an'! - un,!. a ght corner, there bilking povr Jer twice, add liquid mi-itu- re for nomination at the county conven- 'J1.116 VEGETABL'L' DIN NEC A IwV GAS-- ifnn ia wnrJrfnV hf hrrfpt tn m0v0:wl De.Afaiona, jiwaiiKo ana i'acneci to then) and beat well. to choose from. At the present time SEROLE. : abfut 45 mlnites in a :bioderate oven. sure of' his domination. I'Xj wi'io may it looks as though Kealoha and Pa-che- co . those not have a cas San Francisco Call. 'c One of t features of : .; the local gotxl-i:-od-bi?- are standing' serole dish a .n "iKt will political game this year is whether or the best rhnrp; PEANUT COOKIES nUhmicrh' it to Imnnaolhlo t PfOVO a gOOU SUhStltUte. Wit te EUT6 One fihlrd cups sugar, one "c:j tt not Kealoha, supervi- ...... - . 1 HcrhtV.- - & ( and a John the road rninor rlof..... a a wnTlr fa k tnw naVA Ifv r.virt: " r . rv K,l..,l intra all tha " i.nr.i I m sor, 'can hold enough of his road la- .1,5,. .. i , i. " ' wj m U6 ir-- f6ur in done undereround. and It is obWI "" wv borers in line to make certai nof his I ?Sj tne oven lae now &nd then that n nrraainna! in anlv- wi'h the ' sewta and op? run npanitfa rut' nomination as supervisor - 1 fhri.i":' . At the ' disagreeable .odor which.- benetrate3iirv,iv v,.,.- - . ; ; Convgnt King, near glimpse can be obtained. . : . y -- Fort, raear the g Epiel present time he is confident' that he - - , every part of tbe bouse-- un- larice i 1 ,.'-''.-.i., can do so, but whether he will or not fbead of cabbage, one turxip, two car iHim i' I'ju; . , sru-ill)- - ; -. r to seen. - ! . s . .. - remains be verytnlnsr . t - .' . i S j ' . "' f In the printinr line at lots, two' beets Hf tvo ar He certainly has a very strong Alakea street bra aeh. ' snips. Put a!? !n casrole with water For :t ' Hctvs and the froth aitdot It, nil ...... ganlzation, if any can be givenllferfhant street. sufficient to c(nk, and on foi yut one hfunlo bur thp Star.RnlIitItt.


i' i ' f ever offered Come 4 Weatest oarsatis t . todav our bamaim wtil interest you. l&efy lowy prices. ;t. a

V A Fort and Hotel Streets

v If 4 v 4-- y , si-pt-. 1912.: sTAR-ncixnTi- x, Trin.vY. noxoLutvn -

. 3r m - " aetivitv, artivitv f a imietit-il'kiii- d. ll hKs I 11 Pin rn tar-luUr- iJii if '.JnitnUtlM ttn hot agnv that ministers or rnigregations vim PERSONALITIES niLU LLUIj 10 In which. Is combined the HAWAIIAN STAR, estab-- . rcxti content with tin academic diseiissitiii of, t 1 llihed mx and the EV12NIN Binj.CTrN, eaUhllib f-- Ideal pmhlemsv io the exclusion f ;it it to u p was an arrival n THE . ed .'i ii.t Mat-o- llll. e pi-ithlem- the ward settling tln-s- lis spirit is nor morning from tho coas? in KCIW:fOR MEMBHU ASSOCIATED PRESS. , ' supine, hut militant ' not fearful, hut daring. ,KM (n,',r(h is hack rrom m cx- - M- - n- - RILEY H. ALLEN ,.. . ,v...... Editor In these colllltms ;i frw davs ago eonirjieni fnld visit to th mainland. JAHALOM " ' ,' steamer WPnHr.nn:.. turned in the navy IMPROVEMENTS WALLACE 11. FARKIXfSTOX;....-.- was made iiK)n the fact thai m,IiIu;iI parties are RAV a states Sprt rniri tie )1 '. eomillg to rejllixe the iintMHtance of legislation jiaymaster was numbered anion? , , . ? y...... Business Managfr .l:i-ane- - through in tn Was a stone in the breast eliild-laW- , - in! .: t r 1 H plate of the high agsiinst irksome femaje and of liis- Iinf.rttxjpPor! Mam. ISjh, il. t . llAIN OFFICES lr,9 AI.AKKA STRKET i:. nun.tw: - A'Nii.lil'j! priest. It was without price, and ftw hut hit ion will eonditioii.s unfir Baldwin - - that i. w. v. r- ;in l.;it 4 Telrphoi.en 218 22'6 ...... nas?eneera to arrive 110 arrt i,v !Hrril:r ... l nn.nn? ' r ;w"M--r- 1 1 - ... ru'.t . .. I. It IlK'lt IIWlllutM'1 1 1 1 1IILU' " iltt-t- t I,,., - - could 1 r kings possess BRANCH OFFICE MERCHANT STREET llllUlllI'llm. ni ii ' . ''lirllW" III.i i. "- n.- un..vi- t;i-- one. The Greeks " " iii.nii '" ' the coast in tne .Maison .vaisi;i'" kvi just telephone 22C5. abo,a (M.t on Worker. the i hlllt h is not lMhindhaild in rtccmer Wilhelmina. o:,Xk Sa:urtiay nistn called it "Diamas." That newspaper- - ,ne -- " . . A." P TAYLOR a local tint enter.air.THtt iven under v; SUBSCRIPTION 1UTK.8: rs m- - ' catching this spirit of altruism in industry lnan jp back from .t ,;Iief visit to iire auai.ices 0f the mio hupjov, " STAK-EULli- n in tNt-ine- We could call our diamonds anything " DAILY IN shc.wn.hv the following extract from this Inter- - roast. Me was a ,assHn?er tliib vas a s: t.ss. The Wa-- : . . . ii.:rn .1 ! mlC I'll l'O'l J.vi,!. - $ .75 v nejiiiiua. "tra ani even and sell because Per Month, anywhere In United States c "Jahaloms" them, ...... hurch statement repute-- tr he on- - o" jih'e rau:-4- of one of Per Quarter, anywhere In United Stales 2.00 FRANK COX. the local musical ' owners. H j clubs . Per Year, anywhere in United States 8.00 California's largest land idiy rouphs twirI rour t of their exquisite heauty. And each gem it-th- con- as a p poliihf J . ; 12.00 We leem dutv of all Christian people 10 making" a visit tothe islands ;ihe floor until midnight, in' Per jear,' postpaid; fr!ign:-..- cu adjaent is personally selected, carefully graded, and cern themselves dirretly wi.h practiii! in- -. i eager in the Wuhelmiua. rcoin a Five Mandrel, SEMr-WEEKL- STAR-HULLKTI- Y N W. ,MITRAI, a prominent Japanese .tournament was carried ihrou?;i. "Ifu-- ! problems. To us it seems the church miust - plainly marked for what it is. dastrial ' 1 was a kept tin-- I Per Six Months .1 1.00 merchant of YokoLatna ia ain 'huL a number of stand in Nippon Maru that couples jway but piayln;-le- Per Year, anywhere In United States . 2.00 Kenger the liner still those ft 1 You arc sate in justice men noon today. j.au a very eve-iin-- i buying here. . . . 3.00 For equal rigjits and comp!et' for all for the coast at enjoable Per Year anywhere In Canada . . i L. IIORVi; ! . 4.0u in of life. MR. AND MRS. P. o' The Uto Improvenent Club start Per; Year, postpaid, forei n ...... all walks a j Kamehameha have returned from (( some liule time a?o when it wa... For the right of all men to the opportunity for - visit to the 'mainland, as pas-.ifnm- ihonght ;at tlio organizatiop would r fielf-mainienan- 1 UE&OAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1912 a right to ever wisely and ; i....." le ir the Matson steamer Wilhelmlna. e called ithe Uooster's Club. Later,' every hoc rol'irnw!...... 1 . . . i .. . strongly safeguarded against encroachments of .Hniiunmotitrt TlTlTP 1.4 uowtrt-i- ume tfi me laaies ci iiiio . a WICHMAN'S kind. fiom Hawaii, where he conducted lcok the in hand sug-laa- d 3i i , Jr.atler and Outturn not an areidrnt of birth, ulthotiyh drawing last week and inspect-- gestetl cljlb ChrU-- ; I the snouid be For the right of workers to some protection . 1 Leading ai-icay- or erovprnmpni anu. Jewelers it tt fd several trncts leneii .nf lfilo Impioveraent Club.j our urrQundiujx adranrcdr retard it; h against hardships often resulting from the swift privat- - UCi,TA MISS ''OLITA CHARTARD. The wa3 decided on and ar-- -- ' -- IIjii 11 i I it m att cr of iudi ridua I vdm a o. . crises of industrial change ffcretary to Captain William Mat; on ia!,semeni were immediately pul, . 1 unus. . holding ton-YVV Alabie. For the principle of conciliation and arbitration is maKine a Drier vim me ,,1ier XVav for an initial tii-- i in industrial dissensions. She was a passenger In the Willie!- - lertainmen I Mrs. C. K. Castendyk1 mina. ' For the protection of the worker from dangerous is the moVTlff snlrit in tho FRRD FISHER. secret nry. to the mor- fche ha;une lne entertainment given .P HAWAII machinery, occupational disease, injuries and (iin!Aliinl hrifirit at tfinilft ii 3 liaSSen- - i .... i .. m. t. LET BE REPRESENTED i - lusi o.nuimiay Kigm. i ne iQea f Is - t.i is ai The pohce department of New York Secretary of War Stlmson makins . u r .ii- tality. ger in me .Maru mr ...a XK) - : - f,ew (;I)e at tne i)resent time, and al hn askeil for i:!.000 mMitfonal for a tour of InsDectlon of Western1 mill- ;,. - ' child-labo- r. or an ' :ir.:;. . land. He Is on extended leave 1 : , of : , , For the abolition Jhcugh thj ilvvjtations xvere made next year's budget, tary posts.' . " " ' ' . scne. . 7 Dip . . " ' ' ' Tho move to wud Dr. 3, 8. B. presi- For such regulations for the conditions of toil for V. nnblic." mil of townsfolk" i . Pratt, !l..HA.j ItV. t.- - CVinnn. T - u. vvr.tm,frrnn wmi i - women as shall safeguard the physical and moral inenuutHi thought thfri it- was only for club dent of the tejTitorial hoard of health, to the nai orancu or aiuhuiu U1,u , : - welfare of the community. Compiny was numbered among U;e vr!itcrs t .ni- as of .Hygiene, at Washington - HoncIulu For the suppression of the "sweating system." througn passenger? in me nner ..- . next n'ontir is the right move for this territory Several Htnolulu viriiors were not-- For the gradual and reasonable reduction of the SV -- Reed and thke were also visitors v to make. hours of labor to the, lowest practicable point, and jruuK Mairt ad Kauai so that the af-- of the Circuit Court, leaves""'vifroiiitomojro. ook a to her-al- d for that degree of leisure for all which is the condi- lnter.islaa Hawaii Jia reputation to;giiard and rn the Mnuna Kea er the first tion1 of the highest human life. P on Kauai. 1 he to the wcrhj a V putatlon' for lualthfulness. two weeks' vacation ftt thJ gmired tal)le3 For a release from employment one day in seven. W Mrs McKay J.vi Jnn- - iwent to 1 William and to That is the kind of a imputation that will bring For a living wage as a minimum in every indus- S. OKUDAI, a7whanker of spent a few thousands or tourists her If this cifv ran owe try, highest wage thai everv Industry an th; wllo L a st,M,. of u,v, and .for the stay oi .unn i establish itself in the eyes of the. world as the can afford. ' IV,8L t Lini, n,inv IIo nuie.een him red in the six garni . most equitable division of the products of safest jrart on the Paeif ic the most healthful For the .h7 ,: Mrs. McKai was presented with' a Industry that can ultimately be devised. ' Knot to he fcurid in the tropics and sub-tropic- s, veers- has been associated with the h"nfMfe "T, Furnished provision for the old age of workers ' LUikt was presented For suitable bur-ines- Ma- - s and rhlpning interests at ,; "; i f , ... r it will mean millions of dollars of income for the and those incapacitated by injury.. nlla is a through pasener in the a J.aetul boxe tiavelieia requisites. ; 18 believe the improvemem 0.00 - . j that Tantalus ...... territory. For the abatement of poverty. liner Nippon- Maru. , ...... $ 'entire Jananese . 100.00 j Pacific heights . . l)r. To the toilers of America and to. those who hv 11. SENO. a Japanese educator and lf,,lt'e V. W a,.ld, ll;at n!a'l' will gain from Tratt attendance on such a - enjoyable will be given College Hills ...... organized effort' are seeking to lift the crushing bur- later with' the government ene.'nerr- ct.ngmss lis large; what Hawailill gain in the ing department with,.beadquarters at trom time to tine under its auspices Wahiawa ...... 30X0 dens the to reduce the hardships and j men style N uuanu . . . m it m 0.00 : of poor,and Tokyo is a through pas.Lenger in The turrfa .out in great Street ...... es-KOilti- al. te est imatlon of the world is' largc iv Roth are uphold the dignity of labor,' this council sends the Ninnnn Marn that left for In":i a!i'J apyavuny latviug u givai Kalmyk! ...... V. .$43.00 55X0 !!nr ; : ' 4X00 ' ' -: inter est in the Inoyexnent. Palclo Valley Road - :.'' greeting of nnnn :U 's"- ,;. of human brotherhood and the pledge of nno indor ZOJCQ -r Manoa Heights 9. m t sympathy and of help, in a cause which belongs .to Till. IRWIN J. SHEPHERD, genera! -- : Klnau Street . . . . 000 hPfllth snd sanitary officer of the ARRANGE BIG - all oLttiosfr who follow Christ ATTORNEYS Vvenue- $0.00 gone to VVal-- j Vllder ... ENCOURAGING THE NATIONAL" GUARD Board of Health, has O Al CMrtA Alewa Heights S5.00 ..7 -:- - v manalo. where, with District Insp?c- - UALtPJUAh rUn lUUrtn 1m? willnVap : i I This is ii mighty battle to fought, and the tor Foster, he but sanitary The majority If Honolulu's' If adinc improvements for th camp at thai twenW-thre- Tlic nianeuverH of Vim HawJifiah' giianlsnien churches are beginning to fight with a fafth as aUorneySr e to be exact. P erTTV,r, ! gathered-i- a Judje jeeurt this 1 iis aild HUBBARt), p-- st Unfurnished . uling jesterdav Rffain showed that the local splendid, the faith ortlieTrusadts far M. whoffbr the s'x mornIng to aid i.the arrangement of yenrs Went r;ed ; IN f xi haeeen prominently .ca?ldar. iamt take rtadi ly to t he vwa r game" and nobler in sincerity of aim. - lne court's cf civil a?s. I ; .". v.lth mining interests In Korea Fifty.one of thel suits were set for Kaimuki...... ;. . . . $20.00 $27.50 $25X0 themselves field. passenger in the Nippon Man, Avenue . . . ;: . . $20X0 50.C0 ;:iove apt In the The national Dfji ; hearng makinl so Wilder ...... the calendar ; . . $:o.oo ssxo d encourage- "2T heavy that Jud Cooper probably Kalihi piai dia not had aJgreat deal; of Mayer Fern has now before him for action tensive purchases of mrhiTiery an?r;i King : ;...... : . . .$20.00 35.00 ' r will be kept busT-- every leeal work Street ...... ment in the past, ttp to the time Avhen Col. Bul-- 1 the ordinance which, under the pretense of es- supplies, k aay Gandall Lane ...... $1 .00 25X0 y ing troni ni? untu the latter K. B. PORTER, sxcreta'-- of the,; Pawaa Lane . . : . : : ...... ;.. . 13.00 ard 'came; her? for the first iiisti net ion eainp, tablishing a "municipal record", cloaks a polit part of October. . . Terrlciial Xerd pL Health, leave? ' . ' ' The last case ii November ... 1 ; I ' , .. . . . t atten- - on or Sat: set for . woeiirs ago this mr.jith, there was little ical scheme devised by certain supervisors for the?rti9sl'(imrrow 18. it is likely V th f'rst vacat'on' hc hns and coiidered thai tit n by P"c?aion many of the will not be paid the territorial gnahlsim n Uhchj pcional purposes. The communitv at large will taken in' the last two years and u heiinss ; ' Sain. Xovv. conditions lime changed. 'The war apfdaud the'mayor if he vetoes this bill. The half. JiicldentaPly. he will meet, hit V otorrtrnay l',VT'' wife anafXantflv; who have been visL-- 1 frhhe !eth has" oa,e 8 contmu-hnm- o department detailed n speciar instnict has made a strong jrotcst ing his mother.' and accompany them fo ers Ind I may foV; Uf,e thn T,,riin, rrtnm tn ances be fouil .pectoi Iliiwaii, Capt Walter H. Johns()ntj against its passages a member of the nlerchants, he Honolulu.- - ' A!so' fcr net fortnieht Juce hos(U'ncoiiragement a prints out thai it is unwise at tin's v ofi)er mav ue eaiia upon io nanuie foire criminal castl as Judge Whit-- 1 of the problems the giianlsnum apin-an- d, of Hawaiian jnisjtjim Not a dcfemler .for it has ex ney is leaving fol a vacation on st i raulated interest to a noticeable extent. AVith cept, those whose own selfish purposes are to be Kauai and Judge Rlbinson is on- - the HITS IMMIGRATI01 Coast on a three mAths' leave of ab- the completion of the new4annory next year,-th- e (uestion serl. There is not the slightest of sence. There axe few hearings sei Ir.cal companies will Ik well housed. AVitlrsuch the major's duty in the matter; Iris duty is to i for the next two wdks in Whitney's 25 Years Expenence ! however, and probation of-- i encoIlragement,, the be-- ( (Continued from Paqe 1) lhe First rtiriient plight, to retnnfthe ordinance to the board of supervisors fkers .will haindlersuch juvenile Enables us to be in a positlo n to repair your jewelry In the neatest, , (.iiio one of the crack organizations iu Uncle withcut his appfoval. . . . , leases as may reuule attention he me same unie ioej,wiii no endorse Jud e Wh!tneylfeturn. strongest and least way Thoss who haver tried us know IL ..' :::;-: expensive camV force of resemSc. - . aiijr pc&iiiuuiai pat iy, uui win vuir u 1171 i u,utA Utc l"uec AnnnnnroTnont ntvtoa fpnm Wool- Ivansas has returned a popular majority for the repre I i?inA.wi,!.gly.e them .best poin( u thQ eDga.eiXnt of Ml3s E1. w : THAT CUBAN AFFAIR - ieiraJJeweliy Curtis, Kepnblican candidate for senator, of f? TS' ?h em Barry- xnly o'auhfcr Maj. Gen. Mrs. H. Lrrv. to Lieut, -- ' - 2S!?i nf!f and Thomas , . - j 10,000 votes Qver (iov.Jtubbs, the Tbill 31 ooscj the speakers, "then we"".;. l1K r7.VPI; i t The popular Jewelers, m)l Vt of-co- TalkJ b;a leader' in'; that state.' Stnbbs is the nominee,! S?tnllr eiecf ; thT'S grad-- 1 &-- States and.:Ouha'.' icauw of tSie iilt'ch Hugh however, because under a Kansas 'technicality -- kind or men for us to have." tioued at West Point.l iie is a 113 Hotel Street 1 ' " ' S. Gibson the nonnnation gms by majority of legislative 2 TJh o'-woi- . ' lcfntlOTl. i'ill nifl ill lilt Tiit iniiti litlior nnrtv tn flistnipta pnrril iiistMiil nf n nnrmlnr iiuijiminrirv i tn tho nninn ns n - jn , . jai i.UMniu jn;jnuii 4 ' . , ., . . " iiiiii.ut a a x a i - H 1 SATAX- - - SK Til- WEATHER, t nnr Ull-Vf- rnaV tt cv 11t ocr in t ti n . . - Uu-- k uiior til lilt J ir 'nri actual hostility fcr, out "be! a great ISoosevelt : the at turns to of votes. So this is hailed as iln nnv Pnrwt for tho mnn i AUgUSl, we dre iuiu. the fiva"'.1'? a. V iL - - 't-- cll HlOIim IO! Uie aiV.UU merely the act of overwrtught- n- . 9 Thfl maotinr woe Welt an newspaier victory! w ntt,lH Us -- ministers, and fewkill begrudge Make An nnciHPrinf- thnt th vvn nnt r,u well-earne- d porter. ! served as ageneral holiday, most oi thm .their lolidays. To those who say that Satat never take. cze: 3 CJibson was et upon in a luitcl (J()V h j the stores keeping open a hah' day'. llayana yj bisons speei-- of acceptance is calle a vacation in the summi, the elassi IheXuban newspapennan, and y bile. he figured; iy the Democrats. a masterly document, on reply of ,the clergyman tay be qfi-ed- : m t lie center a i uban "Yes. tut he if mo used to hot 198 feet on Kmm of whirl cf arnis, legs ami lofty plane of Jeffersonian though t4 by 4he Ilulf; weather." Philadelphia Bulletin. expletives, lie was not serionsl irjured. His as Moose a flaccid aiid invertebrate attempt to car -- i OR. PRATT ISO feet: on Pensacolaee Strt. r.rie. Hen. Green ClayjGoodloe, t'. .sitilaiit was secretary of j aiTtsted and the Cuban ry water on both shoulders, and by the Kcpuh-- - M. C, and Mrs. Gootlbe are mak- Two-stor- y house, cottages,' iiiimediatvly - 2 state tenderetl: an aisdogy. That licans a plain effort to conciliate the Xew York; (Continued from Pago 1) insi a lnotor trip in Mfcylai.d, Vir- was: - all there was to this international "affray" money ami tl,.- Sonthcrn voters nt Hi,.; ; stori large servants9 quarters and lmn va,uabie intormUion for a . "iSTi SdoS V& some sensatif.nal news-agenc- i 'iiiunediately exiKVnse of W(stern progrossivism. Take your ipartmen.t-o- these islands. ' Heights, lUiena Viti Iierkley I first class - garage. All in - i Aisu, ute ii it III- dim nt uihv nta terimnldt. 1,1 lf llilie rinuin, : aueu rated bv the federal coverni -- There is no evidence that anvthing was lie and it is quite natural that the Terri- - EcrytJiIn? in the prlnlntr line at condition. t affair except "the of the tory sLouli be expected to pay die Star-Bulleti- n, A la ken strlt: branch. bind the lotheadedness eiviHl c ncour- - - - Kacing at Kapiolani park nn an re.Pect to the event. , Merchant street. Cuban reporter. Apparently newspaper work in yesterday, with caoable, iutel- - An cent, net in-- airinir revival 7 aud 5 per tt . ! il..... -- .1 w 1 I Jiaviimi i ,nni more simunm! uuui hm icir. ,llt ,ot,!,mmH.ttt it hm 1,1 lu.i ,vn, f.witnvi- - FOK SALE of Hawaii's 'vriried sportdife. ANAPUNt STREFT House .$4500 vestment SURE . .'the church and industry ANAPUNI STREET Cottage . 4750 BEREfANIA STREET B:!ding Lot. 2.7 Acres As the blue-bir- d is the harbinger of spring in . - " HARBOTTLE LANE Cottage 1750 '1- .' se-- j home-comin- g schoi.-ltesiche- Labor and capital alike will, find fotnl for the states, so is the K AIM UK' Modern House . 8500 This property is centrally KAIMUKI -- New Cottage.f urnished .. . 3500 I r?,ous thought in the statement lead klast Sunday the harbinger of fall in Hawaii. KING STREET New Cottage . 2750 located; not too far front nicrhf at the Labor Iav services as the attitude , I P1IKOI STREET House . 4750 i PUuNUf Residence Lot. 30,000 sq. ft . 1100 too eouncil of churches upon modern TrrWK,, TIUH not ; l town ; not far from the of the; fedeml China lirf.lt lUir.imm TANTAL USiot for Ccntrv Home I .' a Nat-- ! WAIALAE TRACT Several Choice iAdnstry--V I allow her to seize Thibet as province Lcs beach; near to the schools r , Lot, 12,981 : of capital or YOUNG STREET Residence sq. ft. . 2000; "We hold that the organization urallv. and Punahou. In the fashion- fheorgSnitaticii of labor 'cannot make wrong FOR -- - RENT $ essential righteons- trouble-maker-s not ight: nor right wrong that The political did, take 'V STREET-3-Bedr- oom able center. KINAU Furnished House . I.. 50 ness i iR not deterhiihed by numlMrs either of men holiday on Labor Day. They are always on the makiki street Cottage, furmshed . 55 doliars'V ringing declaration of this Vi I TANTALUS Country Home 45 or ia the' "'." YOUNG STREET Cottage .. 35 Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., ihterphurchrfederationi winch already has won MAKIKI STREET House.. 1. . 40 Limited ' 1T1 - States. '11 " CORNER- FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS ; alleciancejh eyrry part of the Uuitetl Gov. Wilson has now opened his campa p GUARDIAN TRUST CO , Ltd.,! The statement breathes the spirit of church seven different places SECOND FLOOR, JUDD BUILDING HONOLULU. STAn BUW.TIX, TrESDAY, SEPT. 3,- 1012.

11 hey ar'imich in evidom-- when thvy AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. J are not wanted. Sirance to say. it. Ui the small boy who mot frequently! , misbehave.' in company. notwith standing the fart that it was Kve RUOU THEATRE WOMBM'S - m j who in- 3 iHE WmkB iirst sami'ieu traditional; n- - j i :.n usually plot.-- utile R. Kipling, Manager and si hemes until shn ha had her Hoard of Trustees will consider the I Awn wav' and then sits with folded; : y-- a r f oi ;heiroi't-.so.- at their next hands, and the expression . cm her THE TWO FRANKLINS Woman's Board of Missions I 1 tu toil face can only il'snuil ii Knockabout and Acrobatic Artists .' a i r rr l ' The df-vic-- e tiiat caused the trouble ! the cat who has just swallowed the twenty pounds, - OCriCS 1 OUaV.v.iehs about is eon .oanarv. MORENI and LYNDON UPenSI innUai J snic ted of aluminum' and bamboo; Some vraiN a New a?o mat iuu i A Program Tonight . i . . . Real Comedy Team spaiier padded to piu-..I- i nursery to and ine aie ran into the kiss the tots: 4 'tsh ,H" ,,ot i.njlirp 'L,atie"t-- ' goodbye hef6rH froins to chu rrh to! i4 Activities I fte Reviewed WARD and MANNING Of Wir Tn V"UlbC,J(a(lrtll" m ;t,wjf over a rod, and a near a disc ours-- by a noted siieaker. Dance .' cogs connec , The Kings wheel oirated against ts anj the . little bov insisted uporr going Of Study For Next Year Is Outlined with a crank run by a belt device, j Rong, though it was his bed time The "spanker" makes about thirty - ! xhere was a lengthy discussion and! 1. ' ' I " I V III I V SPECIAL MOTION PICTURES ! - five "spanks" a minute. boy way. promis-- Peerless Bijou Orchestra The Woman's Itoard of Missions of . T hie course of study that will be tak- baby had his after ' I ing solemnly bo good Cei.tral Tnion Church opens its fort v en up by theBoard thU year will be on to and "not! "The Comparative Kehgions of tue talk. They were comfortably seat-- ! Coming Wednesday: second annual series of sessions this World' The first DaDer is to be read M i ed as near the choir as possible. anaV ROBINSON BROS. A WILSON CHILD IS " i afternoon half two iu e c Inner Ka mucin IqftAcI at after o'clock this afternoon by Mrs. Joseph Emer-th- mmk Frisco's Greatest Entertainers UlLiLcli - Church parlors. The meeting be-- son. The subject of her paper is "How J filling was lovely, but when quiet ; ' King 'with the-readin- g of the vacation the World Goes to Church," n i nnirnnAi reigned and the speaker opened his Absolutely Puro THE TESSOS reports from the Hawaiian and Jaj a-- ( An Invitation is extended by the j 1 1 A U Lltl I V ' address the ;itile fellow piped up in The Classiest Juggling Act in the ese Departments.' .Miss Laura (Jrec'ii President and members of the Bo i BY the sweetest voice: "You see, mama,! o enfy bzklnn powder Business will tell of tne work that has been to all residents in Honolulu and j rillbHIO t not talk; 1 good boy." The littje rnzZo from Royal Crco dene among the Hawaiians darinj,.he strangers who are visiting in the city i i voice sounded sweet to the mother Cream of Tartar A CCM ED Y SKETCH in a v simm months and Miss Julia Guliy; j who may be interested "in the mkstcn-wil- l i lrimi ! and to others seated near the nrst speifk of the work among Jap- - ar'y work, to be present at this met- - I hut as; proceed-te- d the LA A time the discourse TWo ane ing. f and the cherub continued to in- - Performances Nightly 7:15, 8:45 ' , : . iorm his, mother that he "no talk," raising his voice above that of the FAXON BISHOP SPEAKS PRICES. 10c, 20c, 30c Breez; Husical A Young mother, with her only speaker, glances the directed toward ON ONE OF SECRETARY KNOX'S child, who had not seen more than Uie mother were rut admiring ones. FRUIT SHIPMENTS uve summers, canea at me nome oi an(i she was; forced to gather up herJ Comedv a other day, who was much , m frieid the young hopeful and take him home President Bishop of. the Chamber of - jtmpircTheatre put out at his behavior. From the Baby iiad gained nis own- way ami i rv.mmoTvo moment, young matron tvlltiriorli.' li r t r Vti.9 the arrived n iiuiigij iirnwniriLi. iiuiiiu Li' LcLju, auunnrl tits shipment time, of her departure, the interested in the of fresh until the mother missea the sermon that (including pi neap-- R. Kipling,' Manager youngster was a shefruit bananas and nuisance. iiad been looking forward to for a to present meet- "Mama, what's that, and where pies) be at a special sj iong time. ing of the Board of Trustees of the One 'of the foreign diplomatists call- in their official reports in the course, '"r : .V MBla Sister Suffers Chamber, to be held in their rooms, naving exanuneu a ; Department recently of the same evening, and her opinions alter careauiy "u. Stangenwald building, 3 p. m. Wed- ed at the State statue of Venus of Milo. j wy and j,,st how mothers at Jn great hurry in quest of informa- were solicited on questions ranging I 4th, 1912. a sPoil ,heir children no one seems to nesday, Sept. Motion Pictures . A. f concerning .question from the proper method of addressing "It's a statue, dear; don't disturb tion an intricate I know- - 'et everyone including ihe . mother while she is talking." ' Acts of diplomatic procedure. He paid his an official in Spanish to the correct mothers themselves, deplore the fact '" - women a a few moments the lady and ANNA KLUMPKE, NOTED , respects1 the Secretary's office and dress for at such and such for I CHANGED MONDAY, r at her frfptwi-wer- nprmittpd to indnlirp that there are refractory childreiv WEDNESDAY I .. . asked for the quickest, tnosttlir-rc- t function. rru ,.uiA v u u.. CITY in neafefiil conversation, when neainl lire viiuu mt unnuriidtrai.l. llf u iif PAINTER, VISITS way of getting an answer to ms in- i'ht.r. ' Ataontaa Hi, at and FRIDAY . . quiry, Uie Hotel Plara, in Buenos Ayres, for the young, one interrupted them with , bLth.t and ster of trn twe,ve "lotted ilhel-nrn- a quickest simplest way, the official afternoon reception, the "Mama, when you step hard on .this! a''i'Vr Among the arrivals en the "The and i at home is tiresome and troublesome proper-dres- s floor it makes a see, this morning was Miuj said one of Mr. Knox's secretaries, question came up as to the scratch; Anna 1 1 mama j to one wno is not accustomed to KlumpKe, a protege of Rosa Bonheur, "will be for me to take you right to for men. The same dress as in i f f i e i . r mothpr nntlpntlv ncTmnn. matong excuses ior nis oome. ftulp-tor- . y 'in Hanna, in 3ec-- the United States, correct afternoon Afnin thP iauus. a trien! of Iiodin, the famous, Our Photo-Pla- Matinees are popu-- fifst Run Miss the office of the ii is uig vuu as ished him and turned to with nines sisifi suiieis, one of world s greatest -,- ond Assistant Secretary of State.' attire, was the Information volunteer- talk and' 'he - ; mi 1 is the case of a friend on a recent reason Good films. Sec- ed frpnt a dozen sources. . While, tome her hostess. These interruptions in portrait painters. Miss Klumpke-- lar There's a' "Miss Hanna, Second Assistant A young girl was by delegates were In their rooms a most interesting conversation con- - occasion. asked brought with her -- several paintings retary of State?" repeated the puzrled of the go getting ready Miss Hanna telephoned tinned the whole afternoon. I;oth a friend to to the theatre. Aa by Rosa Bonheur which wil! ex- diplomatist usual they were accompanied by . course, to Mr. W, T. S. Doyle of the American mother and hostess made, heroic ef hibit with some of h.r own work, "Of that isn't her official small brother. All evening he made . title," was the reply, "but now that delegation. forts to cover over with smiles thein hiring her tav:.lwv. - Mr, Adee Is away in Europe she is "Mr. Doyle," she said, "I am afraid displeasure. The child wa3 spoiled, remarks that embarrassed both his PRICES: 10c and 15c Two Shi acting, so to speak that is, she is our some of our delegates are going to and although everyone else knew it sister and her friend, but at the ice to IK:::; when young man bhv kind. I make a mistake in their dress. Of the mother herself .seemed utterly cream parlor the authority matters of th's on Matinee, dojibf anyone 1IT. course, you know that full evening unconscious of the fact and often suggested a certain delicacy the if 'else the depart youngster ment Could answer your question." dress is thej)roper attire for the Pres- spoke of some of her friends' child- menu card the burst out Daily 12:15 .The diplomatist was escorted ident's afternoon reception." ren, who, in reality, were not so bad with: "Gee, that costs too much RECREATIONS Mr. Doyle relayed mes- twenty cents." When the tab was through the double doors to Mr. Adee's quietly the, as her own young hopeful and yet m sanctum,: where he was presented. to a sage from room to room. The dele- were to her mind badly spoiled. It laid on the table the boy immediately 100,2020: young woman who looked as it she gates appeared in full evening dress. is said sometimes That children mis- reached for it and at the top of his : V They would iiave been greatly embar- voice cried: "Gollv! a dollar!" AND would . b6 more at home on a tennis behave only in the presence of some "BOY GIRL" They Just Keep On V court tha,n in a sweltering office on a rassed ha they not followed Miss one whom they do not like. If this Naturally every word that is ut- SCORES HEAVILY hot summer day. There was just the Hanna's advice. be true there are many tots who tered by her baby seems wonderful Going to the Self-Assertiv- e. v suggestion of a blosh as Miss Hanna Not evince a grudge against many of their; to a mother, but not so to those ve .ptiTictk:: self-asserti- With catchy listened to questions propounded There Is nothing dictatorial or acquaintances her, and once a child the words and music the around when of "O, Gee. We're Married" ringing in I A A q to her. ';Then she proceeded with V a about Miss Hanna's manner. something is in a way n a n on a nt Th r ot Realize Too Late. has said that their ears the which f would as" a' speaker in a ' over-indulge- d audience filed out . detailed answer, citing precedent after She never do Probably' the mothers of funny, the next door neighbor Is not of the opera s.t Baseball-fo- r .precedent to make1 her point clear, and fiery suffragette meeting. Her man- children do not realize how always anxioirs to hear of it, and, Hawaiian house the To Laugh at Sunday diplomatist to pages 374 ner Is - modest sential-l- y -- con- close. of the performance last nlght referring the Aqaegjcee. spoiled they arc. until it is alrno? tool when his smart saying3 are voting ' was Boy '': - ,to 378 of the Foreign Relations vol- girlish at times, especially wnen she too late to take another tack with stantly repeated within young Amer- unanimous in "The ; AUGlST 25. V V. 5 "': bubble over appreciation of a joke, and the Girl" the best play staged. by umes. i -- ,r .;;;: ,, . ., . in Tne 0ld saying hearing, are not al- them. that "children ica's the results the Ferris Hartman Opera Company Leading-Woman' Diplomatist. even though the joke be on herself. should be seen and not heard" seems ways desirable. Miss 7 since its Wise A reporter who called on arrival here. 1 diplomatist now view to have been quite forgotten of re- . ; SEPTEMBER The shares.the Hanna day hard to get Walter DeLeon, the author, with of State Department officials that Miss the other tried cent years and the young ones are One way to become popular is to X A. C. vs. P. A. C. finally decided . Miss Muggins Davies, And wo-ma- n her picture, . and she on you. scored the high Hanna Is by all odds the leading requests more often heard than seen though let other people impose r ; HAWAJI3 vs. ASAHI3 , ,.: diplomatist of the United States. not to give it up. Persistent honors for the evening and received a a" First Game, 1:30 Second Gins, 2:Z3 brought semblance of blush truly royal reception. Of course Fer- ' another -- . Indeed her close association with .,..-.- , .' A- sec-- . which was later explained by one or ris Hartman as the traveling salesman - Mr. Alvey - Adee as confidential " 1 Pvililion ' Katie ' ; ' - Miss Hanna's friends. was as popular as ever. " '. ' ' retary,- together with apti- : , ." her natural seems a newspaper several ':' ; and in work, has It that "Slats." theat boy, made a t with Reserved SaU for center of tude interest her' ' ate znr.l ago Miss And see the very latest and up-to-d- made her an Indispensable part of the years, printed a picture of his singing of "Hesitate" and w call- stand and 'wings can be booked at C 'ac-'companl- brought a deluge of PHOTO PLAYS. Better than the government machinery. "She ed Hanna which her ed back so many time for extra verses O. HaH. & Son's Sporting Departs tr.t has so-call- ed first-ru- n pictures. American, 'delegations l on letters from different parts of the; that his singing time covered fifteen (entrance King street) up to 1 p. ml; country. embar- & One in particular Whitney minutes. ' 1 p. m.; M. two foreign missions, where her. work after at A. Gun t & Co.. Mars! :. NEWER rassed her. It was from a man in ; THAN THE NEWEST. tN s . proved most helpful, and her services "The Boy and the Girl" is excellent- xiONOLULU King and Fort. are so valuable in Washington that Texas who wrote that Be had seen the ly staged and ' the company moves ' propose to Muring Mr, sum-- . picture and wished to her; Limited through with vim and dash so Prices, 10e and 15c Adee's absence in the tak- it that by mail. He added, that he was f mo- ner she can not be spared for even a -- theje not one dull or dragging next-trai- n . ing; for Washington. Two 7:30 9 . ; lew days vacation, which, inciderital-ly- T the ment during the evening. It is replete Performance and '.'.'' I New York Herald. Ready-to-Wear.D- e- she would like very much to ge We are now making extensive alterations in our with tuneful musical numbers and the Management of Hen Wise , : daughter refreshing: Miss Hanna is the of the partment, to room our New Fall Merchandise humor is late Edwin P. Hanna. Solicitor of the PROFS SPANKING MACHINE and inforder make for Navy. Department She is not the type ANGRY we will offer for one week, "JUsf FOR A KID" . MAKES WIFE m of girl who starts out to make a ca- v reer. Her efficiency and development GETS CROWDED HOUSE CHAMPAIGN, 111. Because his came through fondness . for her work and a wife objected tcu his using a mechan- Beginning Sept. 3rd i "Just a Kid," undoubtedly 'after she had started it from by at Tuesday, for the natural desire to do well anything she ical device Invented him the best skit staged here by the Teal com- undertakes. She has absorbed some-- University of Illinois for punishing pany, pjayed to a packed house last THEATER - : their- child,; Professor Duff Andrew . thing of Mr. Adee's remarkable and night. The sketch abounds with Honolulu's Cleanest and Coolest profit-e-d Abratns beat her and she, had him logical power of reasoning, has amusing situations and the lines are i by experience In diplomatic arrested. He pleaded guilty and paid : Theater , her a; good, so that the performance is one matters and incidentally has become fine of $12.50. 5 well worth Seeing. professor MONDAY TUESDAY I: Veedon's a proficient French and Spanish' schol- Mr. Abrams is associate The Teals will close their Honolulu and D:z::r ar because she found this would help at the university in applied and theo- engagement "IN THE TEPEE'S LIGHT 1143 FOnT CTHZZT applied tomorrow night with a MASQUERADERS." - In retical' mechanics. He his 'M&M "THE i lier her .work. girl of- " chorus competition for a prize "LAIR OF THE WOLF" Has Been, to The Hague. theoretical mechanics to the, erection fered by Raymond Teal. The girls are She acebmpanjed the American del-- , of a spanking machine for the chas- And One Other Feature Film 'use expected to present their best stunts egation to The Hague several years tisement of children without the one scoring tried to and the the most approv- HEM EMBER: You have only two ago, and her French wtf3 a "life saver" of manual labor. When the al from the public will be the winner. BL--C to several of the Americans who could demonstrate the practicability of the nights in which to see the Hawaii's A first-ru- n The complete change not speak a word of - It. On the trip device on his little son the mother films. Mondays, of the American delegation to the objected. - AMUSEMENTS. is made on Wednesdays and fmpbrt , Fridays. worn-ou- t "sec- er ForcC' an conference at Buenos A iquarrel ensued, neighbors inter-- No films; no Ayres in' 1910 Miss Hanna went along, feredV saving the child from a s. unk- onds"; no "repeats' and none that you and among her other, duties taught ing and allowing the mother to es- In have seen here previously. the famnies of several of the dele- cape. Mrs. Abrams called in two r Hawaiian Opera House gates ' delegates She said Feature Films for Faddy Folk ANNOUNCEMENT. : and several of the licemen and a constable. - t . . ... v . themselves enough Spanish to get on todav: . l. ; -- ' v. I ADMISSION 10c and 15c On Xrom New with. "The matter,. Is closed as far m TONIGHT AND her return York catia Miss Hanna's work on this trip was am concernedv ' Skirts S. S. Wilhelmlna on September 3, !!r- -. a splendid example of heT Versatility. She got a portion of the- - furni uro SATURDAY MATINEE. September 7 F.J S. Zeave will reopen, her parlcrz In Serges, Weaves, in Black Colors, - She would be found in the midst of the and 'took .the child, with 'hor. Panamas,AIpacas and Fancy and Admission, 10c and ISc 66, 67 and. 68 Young. Hotel, with brilliant, receptions at the opera and It is, said the council of r ,Ti all at cost. Prices $5 to $12 The Original Oriental Theatrical Com- entirely new line of the latest TZzzu :.i In the workroom helping the delegates tratlon of the university and the pany of Manila, under Direction styles.,5; ' jy of Mr. Arthur C. F6x FRED NOYES, Manager Coats Ferns Hartman y In Cravenettes, Serges, Alapacas and Linens all colors and excellent

z up Fort' Street, Near . Lerttanla values. Prices. From $6 Opera Co. - ' -'- ' - ' I Has an entire new line of, II. In the Great Musical Comedy by Just from. the Easterr; r sShirt Waists Walter DeLeon kets. . prop hi and seev thea. Tailored and Lingeries; a few broken lots at a big reduction. "The' Boy and the MILK and CREAM : Beautiful - Carved ' Ivcry Kaimuki Dairy' F. H. Kilhy, Prop; 'and Sandalwood Fans, 4 TAILOR-MAD- E SUITS AT 20 REDUCTION FOR ONE WEEK Girl" Open Stock Diimerware Patterns We dellvfer fresh Milk and Cream ONLY .r. - HAWAII & SOUTH V MAKE;THE PURCHASE OF A SET EASY twice daily o all parts of the city. CI. v . riioiri r.rv B..w' fuf 9P4ttK nrlav. arlrl a fw mnw tomorrow or ntTrt month, anrl Wednesday and Thursday Satisfaction Guaranteed : . Voung Buildinj you know you have a complete service. "FAIRY TALES" Phone 373 P. O. Box 220 before 'L. r I Thiss the elastic plan-n-ot tfftt the articles are made of rubber, for 1 they are made of clay, but because the idea admits of extension. Friday and Saturday We have 37 OPEN-STOC- K PATTERNS. The most fastidious can be "THE WINNING JOCKEY" ' suited., v If? TfT Silva's Toggery, WHITE AND GOLD H AVI LAND SPRAY BLUE WILLOW j Seats on sale at Hawaii Promotion c. f 50-P- c. 50-P- SI? Limited 50-P- c $10.50 Set,, $25.00 Set, $22.50 OR to-- Set, Committee rooms, Young building, I ' - V WINDOW DISPLAY - - day 9 a. m. 2345. - SEE at Phone STORE FOR GOOD i Only . establishment e- Lv. L'- - J THE . CLOTHES' equipped to do .Cry : C':i.-sin;- 53-5- I W Sit DIHOND & Co., Ltd., 7 King Street Love's Bakery PRICES: $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c and 25c Elk' Building V King Street .'.-- . -- ""' '' ' ' ' V'; J : HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY SEPT. 3. 1912, - -- i 'r c " 13 m''ws BfllVIFE'S HEALTH GETTING READY i mm and cenerai 5focfe Bond I For a hack ring up 2307. See to the and Brokers Wauled Two morw paatiugerb Ur Phone 1M . 1. il. Boi &M RESTORED ; arouud - the - island at I3.CK;. Lewis MKIM'lllXT------KTHI' -. and UarsKe. Tel. 2141. r 7 ) , ratable t " I Quality Prof. U A. le (3 raea. "Teacher of Violii;. Mauduliu. Banjo and (luitar.j SCHOOL Studju. !.. Beretuina: Phone .MS PIAIIOll Pineapple soda an! Hire's iioot Beer I When you are bot-Itle- selecting Re -- d Tuesday, September Compound Would excellent shum.'rt drinks are j by Hie Consolidated Soda Works. -- Her Health, a suit of clothes get one store Phone 2171. Hid. Asked. V.. name or stock. And It Did. I'rffciiliu A. nrifntlis is ttijc; Away.--- A lll-i- n. that combines quality 'it IluJeri Given nice if K RCA N'T ILK. thirit; in shape for the opening 6f Ruler given to all school children buy-- , Sep- - with style; it's an easy Hrewer & Co Ashland, Ky. -- "Four years ago I school at 1'uualiOii oft .Monday. Iuk their school books and supplies of: C y. SUCAK. seemed to have everything the matter 'teinttr Ht; LcKihS taniorruw to Wall. Nichols Co.. Ltd. combination to secure ar 1 ; offico hours tvery morn- Ewa Plantation Co .1 ' ...... with me. I had fe- hold Bring 16 Green Stamps and one dol--j pareiU and Hawaiian Agric Co. male and kidney trou- ing for conferences iar una get a complete coy mcoui suu when you buy a I Haw. Cora. & ?ug. Co. . . . pupiLs. Principal Fitts is also at his ble and was so bad off ; for vacation. (Ireen b'lamp Store. Hawaiian Su;ar Co...... office very morning for the purpose llcnomn Sugar Co ., I could hardly rest of inteiiiii: any parents of children Beretania and Fort streets. Honokaa Sugar Co day of night I doc- I'who intend to enter the preparatory Williai Xaehu has filed a petition Haiku Sugar Co tored with ail the Kctiool. iu .irru?t court for a divorce, from Stem-Bloc- ' ! Hutchinson Sugar Plant. . la best doctors in town All the buildings have been gone Kealoha aeiiu, charging extreme ! k ! Katiuku Ilantiilon Co. .. J and took many kinds over during the bummer, and by re--; cruelty. 7 iBiiiiliilite i Kelt aha Sugar Co of medicine but noth- pairs and paint made ready for the I. M. Stainback. associated with the Kola Su?ar Co ing did any good un- (year. The tire escape has been put firm of Holmes, Stanley & Olson, this McBryda Sugar Co. . . HaH.-whlc- li ... ; til I tried your won- on the Charles K.' Bishop. morning was admitted to practise law 1 ' Oahu Sugar Co. . . . . 1 jlte-- now has widely 1 .distributed at the bar of the lT. S. court. 1 three district remedy, Lydia - Sugar CO 1 - h derful ipipiL Silt Onomea 5V4 'OH e- - Vege- - means of exiL The trustees are Dr. AlacLennan removed to Alakea Claa Sugar Co Ud Z1 E. Pinkham's - 7, ot. raciuc v iuu u ic uuuia ue- i Sugar Co. My said j uai I Paauhau Plant table Compound. husband it th buUdte; whTch low Beretania Ave. Wonderful cures Pacific Sugar Mill and has. - . us. would restore my health it - cuntains lhe younger pupils.- are so chronic diseases by new-treatment- serum Paia Plantation Co...... May Ashland, Ky. if Mrs. Wyatt, ample and satisfactory. Phone :it;iO. - Ppeekeo Sugar Co...... - - are proDaDiy nunareas oi uiou- h grow- - ; J 'Ihere new girls' dormitory is Charging cruelty and non- Pioneer MM Co 34 extreme a j sands of women in the United States ing fast. The. foundations are practi- - support. Virginia Quintal has We arc showing wide range Walalua Agrto Co. 121 H7 Correa Co who have been benefitted by this famous cally completed aud work on the first filed a petition in circuit court asking Wnlluku Rir ' of patterns cut in the very: Waimanalo Sugar Co . . . old remedy, which was produced from floor will soon begin. When Castle for a divorce from John QuintaL. She ...I fcV&::4:S'?Tv.-ia.- ' i Walmea Sugai Mill Co. . . roots and herbs over thirty years ago, by Hall is finished it will have rooms asksfor the custody of the two minor, , latest style and. suited to women teachers, a woman to relieve woman's suffering. for boti girls and children. - ! nien with- advanced, as MISCELLANEOUS. says: who for this year will live in Dole President Bishop of the Chamber of Head Whrit Another Woman Hall cottages. applica- InteMalani Steam N, Co. 205 and the Tbe' Commerce cordially invites eeiyonc well as those conser- Camden, N. J.-- "I had female trou- places in the boarding de- of Hawaiian Electric Co. . . . tions for interested in the shipment of fresh 7 1 displacement and was many Jfoa. JLT. & L. Co.. Pref ble and a serious partment have been so this fruit, including bananas and pineap- vative tastes. tired and discouraged and unable to do my a waiting girls and g . Hon, H. T. & L. Co.. Com. US ytar that listof ples, to be present at a special mtet-in- M utual Telephone Co. . . . work. My doctors told me I never could boys has been formed. - of the Board of Trustees of the Oalu R.ftLOo.- - '4; '45 be cured without an operation, but The college is building a new laun- Chamber, to be held In their rooms, We are sure we can fit you. H1!q4R. R Co.. Pfd...... thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable i dry for the boarding department It Stangenwald building at 3 p. m. Wed- j cor Hilo R. R.'Co., Com Compound I am cured of that affliction s Seated oh the Diamond Head nesday, Sept. 4th, 1912. Hon. n. & M. Co. .". 21 ner of grounds, nof far from Dole r ..... and have recommended it to. more than the Four more cases of diphtheria ' bne-stor,i- ate ed THIS tABEL STAN OS ' .s How. Irrgtn. CcCs ..... one my best " Hall.' H is a building, Kauai, l HfM& I r08 fl6 YtAB3i " of friends with the results. well-lighte- reported at Kealia, and two V KNOWING frj - Hawaiian Pineapple Co. ; 44 with a. large, d basement, II MI i I S Of 44K M Ella Johnston, 324 Vine St. cases typhoid fever are reported at ' , Jong Olok pd. up. will all convex tf Tan RC, and have the modern Makaweli, Kauai. Both camps have Pahang "Rub. Co. If you want special ad rice write to ufences for laundry work. Hlf il mirnn, been affected by these diseases in the I' ' Hon. U. A M. Co AM... Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (conf- .t rtflSS! ..'.. . . ,' idential) Lynu, Mass. Tour letter will last few weeks, and the new ones are - BONDS. thought to have developed from per Haw, 4 (Fire CI.) be opened, read and answered by a Ter. .. sons who affected 1 law. Ter. 4 ...... woman and held iu strict confidence--. were before the first ones were reported to the health . Haw. Ter. 4 Pub. Imps Fort & Meirchant St3. Haw; Ter. 4 14 . . . ; . i officials. 1 law. Ter. 4 V4 X . ; . . . . Haw. Ter.34i Cal. Beet Sug. & Ret Co. 6 too Hon. Gas. Co., Ltd., It. 100 AUTO PATROL Haw. Com. tc Bug. Co6 - . a wlw ,11110 R. R. Co.; Issue 1101. riESSEr.'Gr'Y .. , Hilo K. K. Co., Con. 6Z . "94V. 94 TEACHERS " (Continued from Page 1) luiriwHPnPi PARCEL C2Li;.::.7 Henokaa Sugai Co.. 6 . . i WANTED. - i F ! a " 'i v ' I Ion. 1UT. ft L. Co; i X :.. 107 voyage, but representatives of the : lU ULUL " Kauai. By. Co. 6s...... ICO Chambers of Commerce at Sap Fran lHJlf By young man holding, clerical posi- I PHONE 1231 v -- , Kobaia lilU& C. Cs . . . . , too Cisco insist that they be allowed to tion, work evenings and Saturday McBryde Sugnr Co. 6s . ,V W now: vtrybody and uni :rr'-- J mntnr-drlve- n na- - Address "O. I.", this cfcarter the Victoria. A fine new nnlire afternoons. ' ' , n n. A n 1 ATI F . - ' 6331-3- business. Mutual Tel. 6...... V;.. a year 6u aunn mv.uioiuVAt .O f trot ror ... was office. fe t :0ahuR. Cp. 5 . oa auuui ' the Honolulu department L .... businesmen was planned from Port- - included among the twenty or more Oahu Sugar Co. 5 ...... - land to Honolulu, and was. promoted Small furnished house, in desirable c:aa Sugar Co. t machines received this morning with 6...... Punahou teachers, new and did, are as a private venture. The promoters neighborhood, by couple without the, Navigation Star-Bulletin- Pac Sug. Mill Co. 6s arrival oMhe Matson 4,Z43," care .' now gathering from: the ends of the cr-altere- a vessel and made elaborate children. Pioneer Will Co. 6 ...... CO iiner wilhelmltfa. earth ,to take up the.year'b duti?s."The bujt , mm . : mmt. ; Wsialua Agric Co. 5 preparations for the cruise, finally The police patrol wagon, purchased 1. . Manchuria. Soqoma and iWilheiiflina HELP WANTED. compelled to owing" , yvon-Uamm-You- ; Natoraaa Con. 6s . . . . " were abandon it through the agency M brought large contingents; the Wil-- tu fact that the bookings did not Hawn. Irrigation Cd. C 00 the bv the citv ank eountv of Honolulu. Young lady of neat appearance, with v esieciallyfc which this ; Hamakua .Ditch ; . . . . . helmina arrived treacnthe necessary number, to pay wao ftn obteotVvAf tntere-- f knowledge bookkeeping. or with-- - ,i- mh some of morning, was loaded "school -- - . Hor th trin.- " . .. w - v..d .ui : " ' Liic iin.ii. wi lit . position. , Address "B. " i rin iiih for clerical r - '- ' fit ;r . T ' . - . matter, ' a : ..;,8ALE8. ' trs of commerce diicussed the cbine was raised from the hold of i B this office. : 5331-3- t v Among the old teachers" who return- ap-- A Between Boards100 Pineapple? tut nothing mater.alised No wit the liner and iowerei lo the docki ... ; WHENTHE NO MORE PENSIVE , r pST J9; :TH4N ed from summer, vacations on the j Oahu 35 Oafiu 2794. pears xnai me associaiea cnamDers oi The new hurry wagon i3 manufac- - FOR RENT 44i35 21, Miss Margaret EJ. - MEAT OP QUESTIONABLE QUALITY; IT PAYSTO GET TUII 10 B. Co. 10 mainland were Commerce, a Strong and. Vigorous or- tl1r(vl Kissel K'nr nH Oahu;27, a; L 141. Miss Helen C. Cadwell and hv'tlie nnnle O..R.N.L. Co. 141. 30 21. Clarke. ganization is backing ,the plan, and as g8t'over Large, airy bouse; electric light; low BEST. WE SELL ONLY ONE QUALITY, .PERSONALLY SE- Brewen' Miss Edith R. the Music De- three thousand dollars to! - Collaiof part If it is to boost tne exposition. Territory-Bous-e, 546, S." King i land it here rent. GUAU-ANTE- E Sess'ion Sales 6a .01 aa 7V&. 300) G. Bordenr, - r LECTED; AND IT GOES TO CUSTOMERS WITH THE partment, Mary m Miss Miss xnt; saa teaaers win proD- . 5331-l- irancisco mm m m m m rls.rr(itt. wm t. OlaVX 2000 3 Shriff- v " w w v thlamm m J mnrn.V : Dlaa 974, 5000 Florence N. Carter and Miss Helen ' ' K wagun OF EXCELLENCE j ; . . : ; OIaaCnH97H,r5 Tanjo' Olok 39. 7a Watklns Tof the ' Preparatory school ..; u , su t v ing that the would be placed , V, , ! LOST. Hilo Co:h. f Onomea r Ono-mt- a . . . ' :'T V m service without delay. The car 59', staff. . . !' .. 7; ' ,s . , coasi sa.a secretary ovvou louay. wm (:onifortobly. carry sixteen peopie. . are an unusually large num- - No. B4536, t 59:,' There i.ul fiirr luauri nut in mi uruiu- Dividend Warrant dated ber of new leaiiieravtnfft year owing plete thit I did not think it worth July 15, 1912, drawn by Waialui Metropolitan Meat Marlfet ' ' Late.it sugar quotation 425 cents to an Increase of five m the teaching while to make a report oA it. Such an Agricultural Co., Ud., on tlie Bank or 4.7.0. per tou. . ' fofce of the school, and to two leaves would be a fine Hawaii, Limited, payable the excursion certainlv of io HEILBRON & LOUIS Z':'j I of absence as well as to the necessity thing for Hawaii." ilMAIIBLERS order of Mrs. ('. A. Graham, for, $10. ,;:TELEPHPE cf making up the gaps in' the Tanks, Payment of said warrant has been : i .. made by jthe little god Cupid. stopped. 5331-- 1 1 Mips Ethel M. Damon of the well Suffar 23cts known Honolulu family returns to ANNOUNCEMENT. Punabpu after years of study la Wei SOHZAPAID tnqv-e- d k-rl- In'' Europe to -- a position in Mrs. W. L. Howell, .modjste, his and . of dsrj Pen-sacol- The personal, is 133'3 a attention the proprietor qlyfn Ilprik 1 Beits 5d languages. MIf.s Ada E. Bently of from Beretania St. to - lis I judgment. at the - City.' Miss 'Anna Lucille AH Judge Monsarrat sat in St. Phone 2S4. ''r:-. Salt Lake upon derdice of Pueblo, Col., Miss Ulineola STIFF FINE a score of more Asiatics charg- t:iough of Winthroph Center. Maine. ed by the police department with Laundry ! gambling. A party of ten Chinese, Established 1890 WCO Mips Clara A Wilson of Hotchkiss, Col. t -- Ml7308f - - j arrested a few evenings ago were let 777 KING J.ABAD IE, Proprietor TELEPHONE 1431 K- - CaU STREET- MksSue Eubank of Oakland, - V , J. J. Souza, by Liquor In- - off with a nolle-prosequ- i, c Exchaoire. ... Mips Frederica Davis of Berkeley. arrested - spector Fennell,' and convicted upon' Nine Filipinos caught-- ' while en- - NEW- TODAY JtlMoWfi ilanpluio Mork ni ' Bond CaU all arrived on the Manchuria and have' grade positions in the Prepara- a charge of running a Diinu pig in gaged m the pleasing pastime ott HIUT AND ME11CI1AMT STREETS Kakaako district, contributed one monte were assessed fines of five FUEL, Marine Corps, - tory school,. Miss C. Lucy Maxwell of 9uart?rmaster's THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR - Telephone J20S. i D. : : Oakland, Cal., Mfss Emma C. Barn-har- d hundred dollars to the maintenance dollars and tne court costs. Department, Washington, C, Sept. of Tacoma, Wash, and Miss of municipal government, following Seven little brown brothers, who1 3rd. 1912. SEALED PROPOSALS," In Electrically Self ; tTVTTPO "Wp K Berkeley, came the hearing of his case before Police apparently fled from plantation labor' duplicate, will be received by the Post t Maude Martin of Cal. ' : Ho- - Started Lighted Vll V I Hairy Armitage & Co., Thev Judge Monsarrat this morning. ; to. the more lucrative life afforded in Quartermaster, Marine. Barracks, and IIV V this morning on the Wilhelmina. f will also have work in the Punahou After five years' endeavor upon the Honolulu were arrested and fined for nolulu, T. H., until eleven a. m., Sep-pa- rt MODEL 405 Passenger, Fore Door-Tcari- ag Car. Wr'. r - pub-z- a : K Fennelfand Sou- gambling, a of tember 17th, 1912 and then be V-V, v , fine five -:- Preparatory school. of his sleuths, each paying MODEL 41-- r4 Passenger. Demi Tbhneau. X , 9TPCK Afip PQND BROKERS was caught with goods yester- - dollars with a added as cost of Hcly opened, for turnishing fuel dur-- the dollar 42-Roads- - New Teachers Arrive. ter type-ra-JI Sp!en4i4 (X P. 6. Box 6S3 Phn 210i day. Two jugs of "evidence" were prosecution. ing the-halan- ce of 'the 'fiscal year MODEL with the ' The new college teachers who came (Q'7V s HONOLULU. HAWAII this morning on the Wilhelmina are confiscated, and repose in the stoi- - ending June 30, 193, at Honolulu, T. en blocmotov4j HJ?.Xrft V HoqoIuIu Stock and Bond Misi Clara M. Erowthen a graduate of 1 age ta..ks at the central station. H. Proposal blanks" and other infor- - Exchange iflVpc. The allegation is made bv the LOCAL KINDERGARTEN mation can be obtained upon applica-- it ltd ill i MODEL 5lr-- 4 passenger; Demi Tonneau. type writing. Mr. I police that for a number of years QN MONTESSORI PLAN Uon. to tne PostlQuartermaster, at the the ritenosnphy and MODEL 52 Roadster 4U with ihc new head ! type John tU. Wine, a grauuate OI UOeniU. couia nu coauueieu at piace oi ousi station named. This office reserves T9 ColIeABwho has work in English. Miss ness where liquor was sold in largo With the view of supplying the need the right to reject any or all bids or 5 in bore. 6 in. stroke motor; 50 $37CD - parts to informali- H.P...... '..... t & EJLhfl M.. Damon, returning to Hono and small quantities. It was discov- for a private kindergarten in Hono- thereof, and waive G!ffard (loth inlu after several years absence at ured that while the booze came from lulu, one is about (o be started at ties therein.' Bids from regular deal- GEO. W. MOORE "be W. B. a special i premises, none could be found ers only will, considered. ' Velle8ley and abroad in the in Waikiki under the direction of Miss relrnlfco-n- r pempnstrator French Which Ithe store owned by Souza. Through Sarah M. who recently LEMLY, Major, Asst. Quartermaster 1W and SfUinj Acril study of German and Pratt, received -- r ' i f e . : i . i . e Acting in Charge of Department. STeajbem Honolulu SIoeklajadBund the is to to teach at Punahou. me enoris oi uik iniormer. uie oouxu uer uipioma upon me compieiion oi u Wm. Serry Burdick came Moncfay residence near by was siotted and two years' training course in the freVj 5331 Sept 3, 10 man kindergartens Stamrpnwald WdgW 102 Merchant SL on the Sonoma. He. is a Yale iiquor was supplied the man at a of this city. HIGH CLASS is to teach mathematics and tirm? when Fennell and Officer Bel- This private kindergarten will be and Photo-Engravi- ng of highest grade; He is an athlete and knows mont appeared cm the scene. The established on the property of George rtlence. Star-Bullet- in sb P. a can be secured from the football." baseball and basketball arrest of Souza then followed. Castle,' where building lias been Photo-EnjrraTln- tr Upholstery and Drapery J F; Morgan CqM Ltd. that he will be able to help the boys equipped for the purpose, with a num- Plant m 4o some more. athletic victories. The presence of Uie Russian embas- ber of pleasing features, including a STOCK BROKERS ' Star-Bullet- in Ads. Business are .Mi s fjakhemeteff New- daily under, super- - are Best & The two special teachers sador and Mme. at bath in salt water Getters. J. H0PP C0f, information Furnished and Loans Ethel V. Crosby of Warren. Mafs.the port this summer adds interesting vision. A large tank knee-dee- p has I Jtd. ';; y'..7-- . " '. Made teacher of art who . is yet to arriv e dpily news items, as the couple are been kindly offered for the use of the ( 57 KAAHUMANU STREET anc Mis-- s Helen- - L. Latham of Min- quite as assiduaus in offering as in ac- children. The Moutessori method will ." Phone M572.. neapolis. Minn., the teacher of sing- cepting hospital'. When the Russian be used, modified to suit local condi-- ; " ' ing in the grades and choruses. Miss flag is flying over their villi it is, ac- tions. j made quick connections from cepted as evidence- - somebody Miss Pratt has enrolled a nuaiber ' BARGAINS! latham that is 8ARGA1NSI her "tome and --just caught the Wil- - being honored or lometLing going on of children, .and further applications ;1ielnina. i out of the ordinary. Sunday last it will be received by her until the open- ' deal In Usied and unlisted secu- - ; We : v as flying to the breeze because that ing of the kindergarten on Septem-- mm ; - Hidalgo, Zaca- - Titles Of all kinds. La I 9 mm a j lYHOOPING rOtT.lL was the name dav of the czarina ber stock; I ulpa ruubet; Purlsslma Hills Oil well as that of Mme. Bikhmeteff, and 3 Copper. j M&scpt It is in diseases like whooping cough o luncheon was going on. Yetelay W. LOGAN & CO. JORDAN'S QUIT E. j SALE Opening ' that the good qualities of Chamber-- vas the, birthday of the tsaritsa and For the of the Schools Hj i4 ; Rfrorrv M, Bacon Block, Oakland, CaL Cough, liemedy are most appre- - j again the royal flag floated over ''one Iain's in c ciated. It liquifies the tough mucus villa. A niesage of congratulation. was As announced preliminary adver ir'Dd aids expectoration. It also rend- - 'sent to St. Petersburg by cable, and at tisements, .Jordan's are quilting the (loods Real ' Estate tnvestments ert the fi,ts of coughing less frecpient j i o'clock the members of the embassy Piece Dress Department with "and less severe depriving the disease j staff at atout the luncheon board. In the exception of White Wash goods, Now is the Time Buy at Sale vif all dangerous consequence. For sale j ,thc part v were Col. Baron de Bode which, in the future, will be carried in by all dealers, Benson, Smith & Cd.. jrnd Baroness Elizabeth de B9de. who the Domestic Department. The agents for Hawaii. h;'ve a cottige in Jamestown; Capt. ent stock of white goods goes with the 78 Merchant SL Phone 3593 I -- ; m mm ann Mme. Vassilieff, Messrs. Ivan sale, together with all the, Slks, Wool ; A wajj Hall. Goods Colored Wash Goods. The j fire started in Encina Dni trow. H. De Bah and Andrew and j L. B. KERR & j COMPANY, en-- 1 Stanford University, by a cigarette Kaupasrhnikoff. attache. . prices are way down, to clar tne Ltd dropped in a rubbish heap. The j mt t tire stock and the sale begins tomor-- ! i ETrrrthlfig In the printing lino nt flames werp controlled before they had j Plmto-EnTTjiTl- ng of hlsrhest irrade row morning and will continue until Block, re y Star-Bulleti- Hotel St. spreatr-mo- half-wa- Pantheon Star.CclIetin,' Alakea street; branch, than up thelran be seured from the n the whole stock of Piece Goods is 84 Herein trwL y building. Photo-Engrailn- g Plant.' closed out. HONOLULU STAU-BULLETi- TUESDAY, SEUT. .3,

" " I . . j : ii ommon'

t. - 3Fhe Great - 'i

x -- V :V-' ' i ! & i '1 Our entire stpcl of Dress Materials marked down to close out the Department altogether AS PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED, WANT OF ROOM COMPELS US TO TAKE THIS ACTION. EVERY YARD OF DRESS GOODS WE HAVE IS TO BE CLOSED OUT. WE WILL STILL CONTINUE TO CARRY DOMESTIC GOODS. BUT NOTHING'XN THE WAY OF SILKS, WOOL GOODS AJID COLORED WASH GOODS. WHITE WASH GOODS WILL BE CARRIED IN OUR DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT, BUT THE PRESENT STOCK OF WHITE GOODS IS INCLUDED IN THE BIG SALE. . THE FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS ARE COST PRICES AT LEAST, WITH SOME MUCH LESS. NONE OF TH ESE BARGAINS WILL BE SHOWN IN OUR WINDOWS. AS WE PREFER YOU SHOULD SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT AND JUDGE THE VALUES BY EXAMINING THE MERCHANDISE. Ghamnmiinig Variety of Silks rasnion s uemana hi Wool Suitinga , Imported Xharmeuet, 42 inches, wide ....$2.50 yard Black Duchess Satin, 26 inches wide, at $1.10 yard 24-Inc- 27-inc- h . $1.10 $1.25 yard h Crepe Meteors, cale price...... 75c yard BUck Peau, de Satin, at. ., and M nch French Brocaded Marquleette 4$1.85 yard Superior Imported. Mescalines $1.10, $1.50 and $1.75 yard Pure Woal Cream Tailor Serges, imported goods, 36 to 58 inches wide, - 54-inc- . $1.10, $1.25 and $1.95 yard h French Brocaded Qhifpnt. . ...;$1.75 yard Heavy Gros Grain Silkt... t at...... L...... 50c, 95c, $1.10, $1.35, 15 to;$345 yard . . . 75c yard 27-inc-h Colored,' SMk ; Striped Voiles. .'. 55c and 50c yard 52-inc-h Atl-Wo- ol . Vt, $1.23 4Hnch: EU&anV Flra Crepe de . China, FineTennle Striped Serges...... A. yard ' 27-inc- ii yard h Marquisette 40c yard j3S-nc- VVhipcord,- - ...... v . . . .160c yard 40--i nch fajm : Cre pe, , v 0 In a hap' .,...$$1.25 Jacquard .White sale price ...... I". .. . .$t.50 and $2.75 yard in Striped Messalines, at .65c yard l3&tacn." Fancy Mohairt, j . 55c yard , Imported BlacK Palm Crepes...... $15 Values White at...... U,... .s. 36-inc- $1.75 yard 44-lnc- I Pina S4lk, 35Jnche$ wide. aMvCOtlora. .35c yard h Imported, Duchetse Satin, evening shades h PJaln White Mohair...... 65c, $1 and $1.15 yard" 36-inc- 95c, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 yard Imported and Domestic Pongee SlUcs. - .5Qc $t.10 and $1.15 yard h Black Messalines Fine Black Voiles, 38 to. 46 inches wide, at...... J5c. 65c, 75c to $1.35 yartf 36-inc- &5.C 95c, $1.10 and $1.25 yard AlUSUk lAetsa'lines, any color, at.'...... 45c yard h Indestructible Taffetas Black Silk and WooJ Poplins, superior gppds. ...$15, $1.50 fnd $1.75 yar4 . . . . . 36-lnc- .$5c yard 42-inc- ...... $1X5 26-lnc- .75c yard h BrJllianta, blapk and colors h Poplins...... 1 yard b. Mesaallnest 20 shades, at, Satin BIac,k Creoe ..' $1-7- . , . . ;20c yard 36-inc- :..:$i;i0'yard 54 75c, $1, $1.10 tou 5 yard Dotted Silkr Mull, black and. colors, at. h French Bordered Satins Blue and Black imported Serges, 42 to Inchee...... 25c yard 60c yard V i.-.75- 9 yard ft-ioc- h Kobe, fcllkt, variety: of ha,des, at. Blain. and, Fa.ncy Taffetas. Back and Colpred. Mohairs...... $15 . . .25c yard t0k ' Colored nd Black SUk Jacquarde, at...... Dresden Messalines, light grounds 75c and 95c yard Imported BlacK and White Check Svltlngs...... 50c, 75c, 95e W9 J1 . . v . . . 75e . ht . , . . '36-inc- .50c yard .45c yard . Light-weig- Fancy Mixed Suitings. . . v. .50c, 60c and yjrd, h Tan Moto Shantung, at...,.. Persian Kimono Silks, at ;...... 42-Inc- Light-weia- h 1 ;: . . . . .35c yard h . Wools, all .35c, 45c and 80c yard 25-inc-h, felcK. and. Poured, Foulards, aj. Silk Marquisette; white black and colors. .. $1.25 yard Albatross in color;;...... Silk' Dimity, Ijflht floral designs, at...... 35c yard 52-In- ch Imported Broadcloth, black and color. ;.w...$1.5Q yard Gallia Embroideries,; Novelty Silks, at...... 45c yard 52-in- ch Superior Fin Broadcloth, Pastelle hade...... V.$3L25 yard Part-woo- . AT 50c YARD A TABLE FULL OF STARTLING SILK VALUES l . . . . ? ...... 15c 20c French Bordered PopUns, 40 Inches wide. at. .$2.25 yard 50 Piece Goods...... , and 25c yard

.I i' i km Undoubtedly the Greatest Piece Goods opportunity ever known in Honolulu

Colored - Whi and OUR GUARANTEE BACK OF THE MERCHANDISE. VIZ- MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED . Wash Goods Sale begins Tomorrow and continues Until iali Dress Materials are sold tnik XAihuiknk CnferH Wath Goods had not been aone over ud of. thl copy, byt lt.w.ill be placed on, a.ie with the rest la the time wrltlna ' " n prtcet. line - - QQP4 tomorrow, aAtotindJ ng bagaj The 4"'- : of.our.Ornt Stock at . :1; , ':M coBipriee; .;PIQJUES,R ! MU U. CONFECTIOrS, LAWNSv LINONS, SOISETTES, SATEENS, RAI-LI- N ENS, IMPORTED GINGHAMS, FLAGONS, DIMiTieS JN- - FACT, s


Tfv 'rr; ;

E ;.f.U ' HEALANI QLUB GETS oared barge, which was build ty. Alt ' 3I0XET 1VASTLD. Rogers, of Alameda, the veteran build' 4 1, J . it NEW BARGE AT LAST er. of . racing boat.: and shells, is a Don't' "waste your iror.?y " beauty and drew the '.of a 4 5 ? - ' admiration strengthening plastera Chin i aA - There, was. joy uncon fined among club members and others who were Pain - Balm Is cheaper a- l OF YOUTH the members of the Healani Boat Club the dock to see it slung over the side. Dampen a piece of Caane! wit' GET DAILY Ai SLHUUL ATVAIIIAWA for ithis morning the steamer. Wllhel-mln- a ' The new barge will be put in the bind it over, the, affected part: IMS safely landed the new racing: water as soon as It Is thoroughly over will relieve the. pajn arid, tcrc r club oarsmen have hau'ed to see that It is in no war sale by all dealers, Benson, C barge that the " been' waiting for for so' long."7 The tlx-- . sprung.from trantUl ' r CoX kgents for Hawaii. ' ; ' Last year the Wahiawa Water Co., SI-M- Bfciod During Years V ore Ahux ten daily by the committee of cooks, who o'f presi- Lackof of i,MANILAJuJ7 ' Ltd., which E. p.'Tenney is thousand Manila school xhlldren each re changed at stated intervala aiij dent, imported a quantity of black Growth Lays Foundation the income Is made to correspon to - week eat a substan-ti&- l bass- spawn to stock the Wahiawa III da of Ue school the expenditures, - with the excerption for Much Health .stream and reservoir with that de- - lunch, of soup, bread, and meat, of a small profit, which Is applied to j sirable food fish. Youth is the time to lay the founda-- j cocked and . served by, the children the purchase'of fuel , Evidently the plant is a complete themselveav a. This, 1$ ope of the most important tion for health. Every boy and girl The lunchea. cw.then? ; day , five-poun- d e, :m success, as the other a should, have plenty of pure, red blood II TV? standard price of one cental per unst branches ot the school court tnat specimen of the fish was pul- on of For well fed and nourished child baa a and strong nerves. With thin, impure, ' t 4 jor each' item the bill far. fa led' out. Quite a number of three-poun- d IU " - aptijtude blood, they start life with.' a andTcip tliree- ceatavo they are served with much greater ability, and for fellows have been caught, a meaC which, for actual suatalningi the absorption of knowledge,; that an (too great to win success and happi-- ; tt A while, it is said,. small fry black bass nefs. Pure, red blood neans healthful qualities, equaled In any lil one. ) Statistics from the ' cannot be .nourished Is great abundance.' Fishing ' : in for growth, strong nerves, a clear Drain ; "commercial restaurant in 4 Manila for. TMlted States, an,d ; those collected ' a few day a has been allowed.: There twenty Its cost to.the children, since the beginning of the. lunch sys- - and a good digestion. In a word pure Limited times are thirty-thre-e feet of water in the -- city stem In without question blood Is the foundation of health. L. Each," puUic school In the:: Manila, fhow reservoir. came up six serves; midday lunch to ithe pupils that .this is the case. Especially among It feet after The pale, irritable boy or girl, who t a recent shower, but went down sleep- be-M- ng poorer difference is no, a. has no appetite or ambition, is at lending that school, the meals the classes the again. Rains are expected now served at actual cost price of the ticed witnin a fewweeks, between the: less, always tired out, melancholy,; through all the tributary region, of and who not grow Honolulu Agents for ; cooking and children who are nourished , by the short breath does materials used, and the which will insure an abundant sup- serving,-p- Is food served at the scools. strong, is the victim of bloadlessness, .the .lunches one' of the substantial ply of water. branches ' of the doctestlc science and those who are not, not only in th greatest enemy of youth. There is Just one thing to do fOr course, which every girl studen--t must their appearance, but In their aptitude l take. ThUnarketlne Is arranged fo? for study. Photo-EngraTl- ng of highest grade these boys and girls build up tfle can be secured, from the Star-Uullet- ln tlood with Dr. William's Pink. Pills for Stjir-Bnlletr- n. You experi-- -- ; that part of the world.' This 'lack of people, huy the. Pale People. can't afford to i ... t n : I.-. SOUTH SEA TRADE riient with unproven remedies.' population and failure of what now ' V : i , IS ; I NfcONSEQU ENTIAL No, Cordelia, blondes are not neces- Through neglect or wrong treatment 11 not only possible de- - 4 exists restricts sarily light sleepers. - anaemia gradually developed into the xj mand for foreign good's, but the popu- pernicious form, which is incurable. W An- iifiiaa'iao2:' (From Consul General George E now existing Is as to ' de- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills work directly! 1 lation such derson, Hongkong. China. .'. Labor Shortage Shells Used for Mo- on the blood, cleansing it and giving Z3' Trade, to from the South Sea mand little. Clothing is next to noth- ney. and. just elements which : A. to : ing, foreign rice it the it lacks. As il i. ' t . Islands; is likely to be no great iactor 'foodstuffs other than The exports 'of rubber, copra, cof- jthe pure blood gees everywnere, the according to are practically unknown, and knowl- t ''of the .near future; the fee, cocoa, ..sago, and other tropical -- " entire body, every nerve, muscle and . man edge good is practically nil. products report pt business of other are increasing and have tissue, shares in the health-givin- g pro- who has '.recently tourned that part 'of Phosphate and Copra Output of the reached a considerable volume. The perties of the pills. - the wortdtwlth a view, of developing-tra- d Island. labor situation in German New Gui- I'ocyc- An-gua- Miss Helen Mattis, of No. 232 West The route includes r, mm through Hongkong. trade visited nea is similar to that in other islands, Filth South street, Salt Lake City, - a For some- time several Hongkong on Pulao Island, which has though the difficulty seems to lie more Utah, experience 3 con- European population of 20 per- relates her gladly in houses, chiefly German in their about in the indisposition of the native to the hope tflat others will be helped. nections, have been endeavoring to sons serving in connection with the work on his native soil than to any says: develop islands of the export of phosphate. The Island, is deficiency She trade in those actual in the supply. Labor "I was all run down, thin, bloodless -- by lines to only about 4 by 5 miles extent, but Is Pacific .which are reached in recruited from neighboring islands and had no color whatever. Two and-fro- by Ger- deposits' of phosphate are enor- on short-ter- m Australia and also the generally contracts, and me man and Japanese lines to certain isl- mous, ani there is an elaborate plant pearly all the prominent planters have doctors treated but did not ip me that I could see. I kept losing in from Hongkong in a for handling the product, . including their own steamers for recruiting We have both :the Regular and the Tlu ands reached flesh weight. I palpi- more or, less regular service which sheds for drying the phosphate, one their employees. Demand for foreign and had severe and which will 12,000 tons goods tations of the heart and often had to will be. glad to has been, supported by subsidies of accommodate is confined largely to strong gasp. Editions in stock, and to show them special grants from the governments at a time, The phosphate Is shipped American tobacco, the natives pot ap- for brea.th. It seemed that l was ' consid- chiefly to Japan Australia,. being smo,ttered, my heart would bear concerned. There has been and The preciating, their own product you. ooia on iLasy raymenxs. 0 erable trade" at times with these isla- labor in ;he phosphate rptabll?iment3 Shells are used for money to a con- so fast. I hac no appetite and the least me I got .dis- nds-from Hongkong, 'chiefly in the was recruited frOm neighboring isl- siderable extent as" yeC though the exertion .tired all out. way of;, exporting! rice, and cotton, ands the chief plant employing about colonial government is gradually forc- couraged with taking so much medi- 200 dif- cine, but my mother urged me to .try goods to. the islands and importing men, who represented about 15 ing the use of real coins. The native ' ' I "."' copra, fine phosphateand other pro- ferent tribes from as many different workmen are generally paid for their ! Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. felt some so na- improvement from the first box and as ducts fronTthe islands. Efforts far localities. The dying out. of the services partly in money, partly in j I continued to use them my strength to Increase the trade have not been tives seems to be due chiefly to inter- cheap calico, and partly in cheap, j very successful, and this representa- marriage with members of their own strong tobacco. The principal islands and weight increased and my color-returne- tive a German house (Mr. A. Lam-persk- i. tribes only. The l tribes are small, in all that portion of the Pacific are . I became real healthy again of Melchers & Co.), who has generally inhabiting, a small island. reached by wireless telegraph system? and I shall always speajt Highly of Dr. investigated the matter, seems to There is constant warfare, due to in- established by German interests. The Wiiliams Pink Pills. line Hong-- A "Building roae think that any great development in tertribal feuds, and the loss of life steamer service to and from ' free booklet. I'p the the immediate future is unlikely. The jfrom this cause Is large. , kong is confined at present to ope Blood," will be sent on request. copra, rubber, phosphate, A visit was pai( to Yap and Maron steamer every two months. There is j Dr. Wililams Pink Pills' are sold by Limited, exportsjof k I iie have been Increasing for coral islands devoted chiefly to the a service of an alternatesteamer ev- nl! drugRuts. or will be sent, postpaid, and the . a number, of years, but it is likely that production of copra. All the islands ery two months from Sydney. A Jap-- j cn receipt of pric-p- f rents per box; this increase will soon stop, for the in that vicinity are deyoted to copra anese company is preparing to estab- six boxes for by the Dr.- - A H Young Hotel Building reason that the native races are rap-Idl- y production. The chief point visited lish a monthly service to the islands liams Medicine Co.. Schenectadv. N. dying but and the supply of.na-tlve- " was Frederickshafen in German New under subsidy from the Japaneso Gov- Y. labor la tanihg: in fact. the. lack (lUinea, where" trade and production ernment. Hongkong firms trading to j & J St'ir-Riillcl- f nntiVA abor is the greatest draw 'are .controlled by the Now Guinea (To., these Islands include Melchers To., in Ad, are Ilet Business back to any development whatever of av. German corporation. GiuU, Livingston &. Co., Wemit & Co. j. betters. 8 ' T HONOLULU 8TAIMJULLKT1N, TUESDAY, SKIT. av 10J2.


CELEBRATES 61 ST BIRTHDAY PLACE SOLD on t 7r7TITl ': Gives Great Feast at His Home in Waipio, to J20 Clansmen Three Separate Purchases at and Friends; Jells of His Arrival in Islands Thirty-si- x Rate of $125 a Front ' i Years Ago, When Things Were Different Foot "i In three senarate salt's the - nidi :1 Wajpjo - ship-'bratio- n was the scene of a biR c!e- the Islands. The story of the Ka-piola- homestead of William G. Irwin at ni i -- Sunday, for it was the ixty 'wreck which has never been publiKh-"Jtrs- t which he occupied be U interesting, Park, anniversary of the birth of a' l",11 because fore his great mansion nearby was?! well-know- n name of n Chinese rice planter. Hp Ve pmiDe,nlnes, built, has passed into the hands of A- - - e of Bishop & Co. 3-Ss- pt. Wab, Chan, who for thirty-si- x year Person price of the land involved. new owners. The One Week Sept. 1 baa made his home in Acr " the Islands. 1 was at the rate of $123 a front foot, on 0 , ' old-fashion- came 10 the islands over thirty-- cording to an tradition', beach, aggregate amount real- five vears Wlth mv nephew. Ho the the which is common among the Chinese ized being about" $.y,000. ; on who was of all classes, the first year in every then a little bit of a agency Percy M. To make room for NewJMU nap," said Ho Wan Through the of Stock I . new dcade of the birth is always f Chan. "This of the waR ,ne dav of sailing vessels Pond two subdivisions property more fittingly observed by a person , the were, Re Mrs. W. O. Ill-fate- purchased. and Personally selected by Mrs. Milton from e, d Eastern markets. fifty-on- j and schooners. Our ship ran who has attained the age of Westervelt bought the portion next to sixty-on- e seventy-one- . against certain big rocks off the or Therefore, Pl George P. place, having 150 ! 'Castle's Sunday's occasion was a memorable Molokal shores and was soon smash-one- , very feet of frontage and containing the which may not be duplicated until The water there was not $22,000. Miss deep, but we managed to do. dwelling house, for .the venerable gentleman reaches his. the best bought adjoining or middle "seventy-firs- eighty-firs- - we Cross the t or his t anni- could until we were rescued twelve frontage versary. later by some Tfowaiians in a lot. with 120 feet of for ihours $13,000. ' hun- - to our rescuing, about Ho Wah Chan Invited over one 'little boat Previous portion, adjoining the twenty guests 1 my our The third dred and. to partake of and brother had hands full Davis, was torn In premises of General Mi bis hospitality. Many of these were taking cars of our little nephew, his clansmen' from the Ho family. For over forty 'hours we had nothing bought by Mrs. David Center through n the Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. .They, began to leave the city as early to drink or eat, extept iSome-'brow- as last Saturday afternoon In order sugar. We surely leaped with joy It hasa frontage of 120 feet and the - to bo present at the birthday feast. whea we finally reached Honolulu price was around $15,000. add-withi- an in' Is. very "All the relatives close friends .Ho Fon, verified the story and n These sales indicate advance NINE BILLIONS satisfactory. He then dUcuss-e- V 'and property. a radius of fifteen miles man- - ed, "I owemy life to my two uncles Waikiki beach OF NEW WEALTH the railroading; iituatlon, mention- aged to get to the little farmhouse atwho were very kind to me. I can IDAHO ing the neceslty of large outlays tor Waipio -- congratulations, they relays to ffer their remember how took in Henry Clews New In construction !Koon hee - chong - fook - chong- - carrying me oh (their backs, similar to of York. hC and reconstruction par c pedal letter of-- August 17; has. . poses. eeu!! wag the greeting, which, Inter-- what ray mother and grandma used the From which he goes on to say: - By GEORGE FITCH following stimulating observations on preted, means "long years of bappj- to do." ; Effect of Politics. ' the prodigious crops promised this , soon, : "GeneraJ ness." Ho ,Wah will He has - i J retire rseason: t : "'- trade prospects are en- The guests were not disappointed, toiled diligently for years. He intends of hope- land Is being sold as far west as Illi- ? couraging 'for 'the - PROHIBITED Idaho consists of a number Nine Timet Tke National Debt reasons stated lor they were to a rare twelve- to make a trip to his early , boyhood treated bound nois in large quantities. - above. Larger offerings course" dinner, with birds'-nes- t soup, home in China, ful but lonesome communities 'This is prekmlently a crop market, of commercial - of quiet- - paper sharks' , fins, stewed ducks, chicken "I am glad that I have lived to see together by a state election. It is one Idaho has vast- natural deposits The West cannot be expected to testify that merchants are wrl Mor- fly. sit down and ignore the value of prepared for increased activity, cutlets, fish balls.V golden pork, fancy China transformed into a republic," (Food-inspection- is so gold, lead, timber, jackrabbits, f' decision 147 by of the largest states In area, but 19,000,000,000 produced oponion v lobsters and , other palatial dishes and lu said.T "This Is jtbe age for the of new' wealth as. to the effect of politlra United States Board of Food and Drug sparsely settled by railroad depots mons and waterfalls. The waterfalls In" single a sum on delicacies, .There wasjiobaud to ser--' ycung generations , to do things. I from the soil a yeir; business Is divided. The majority Inspection.) a statesman in a northern work well in harness and the Mor- equal believe, - - was;-shal- l WThat that, when 'to nine 'times the national debt. and with reason. thar- n!!?!f- cnade the host, but the afternoon not return to the islands. conn-trie- s generally recognized in. constitu- : enlivened by the discharge of fifteen is the use?' My brothers, sisters, and It is county, wishes to. visit his mons have boosted, the census tre- To the great agricultural sections of have done their worst and have been 'which have had experience-wit- h part of the state, ; ; v; ents in the southern yet i the Northwest this will prove an lrre ampiy accounted. Western thousand firecrackers.' . relatives cannot come on account of consumption of absinth mendously, but no use has as been , buslnrs the sale and has to change cars four times and sistlble stimulus. Merchants and bank-- iran are certainly paying atten-tio- n , .The host appeared and was unjust , exclusion law. - I do not he little robust the beverage is dangerous to two pre- in good humor throughput the day. care to be subjected to the unusual that this borrow a right of way through ers and manufacturers alike are f to politics. In the Eist, however, Switzerland, hnd Hol- the-'situatio- Belgium, . He ;"couW speak English, health. neighboring states to get there. pared for a good business season. Our is somewhat .different, not but. his amount of red tape should! return to Its manufacture son, Sinf How, is an Intelligent young the Islands. I hope to be able to live land have torbldden'. Thanks to the telegraph and the mag. railroad managers anticipate a heavy Eigr financial interests do not like.ths sale, and importation j abtlnth js also speak the traffic are distributing their.'equip-- -- . 'man, elghteen,years old, andeducated to the day when no harch restrictions azlnes, however, all Idahens and ' attitude of labor and the Oovemn:rnt by of Bra'zll and ;. re-t- o condemned the laws same kinds of ment accordfngly. A month, ihenpe towards the In the public schools. , It was a treat wil! be Imposed by any nction to same dialect, eat the ' railroads. Two month its importation forbidden. get mad at the wc may expect to hear ; loud;, coin--, hot tariff closely an it hear the elder Ho relate of the tard the movement of . the desirable breakfast food, and discussion are ;a1 - ' drugs act of June 30, ol-o- ur -- good "when The food and of oppression by Wall plaints of car- shortage. Some time of na. r Many greit ir.:ustr i old days, he first came to, classes." . same varieties -- f H'06, section' 11. forbids the importa? ago thePrailroadgjplaced liberal orders would be seriously by ny street . disturbed tlbn'of any food or drug which is "of 85,000 square, but by no for' cars and locomotives. and a; crush radical revision of tbs tariff, wh- - or for- ' Idaho has a kind forbidden entry into, miles,, has 325,000 peo- of: freight seems Inevitable when'the will be the main Issue dur In? the cam- OHCAfiO GIRL LEADS FEARLESS or sale means flat and bidden to be told restricted in' ple, or one for each quarter section. Icrop Movement Eajjtward reaches Its paign this fsjt Such a' dlsturtanrn the country in which it is made, or ! in ten-thousan- height September Two However, over d of these In and Octoben wculd be reflected quart which is exported," and also - from it people are crowded together In or three." months 'hence the Western ers.,: While thel West U cccitroHcd of any food or drug which Is "other- report satisfactory " Boise, the capital and metropolis, and lines are sure to' chiefly; by local Influences, the t wise dangerous to the health of the earnings. how-ever- ,, ' VAR ON VJCE AND GRAFTERS thousands have massed together gains In The railroads,; is . unavoidably controlled by national people of the United States." dther not'benefit merely from the ten-- e in Pocatello, Lewlston, Cour d'Alene will and International Int8re3tj;i Importations of absinth into' the crops, they-will- , incident- sluggishness i, BB with howitzer large benefit Iff responding ta Western therefore, are prohibit- and other tons optimism.-Aft- er i United States, ally 'quite as much by what the. crops' all, It Is possible that voices. Thus a great many square ' ed, both because they come from coun- are turned Info imeat, etc.), j by .the toe much,' attention Is fcsins pali to CHICAGO, Aug. 20. They calr by which she'won, but they couldn't which forbid or restrict its manu- miles in Idaho; are deprived of their manufacturing in- tries pos- general stimulus to EPlItlcal considerations. Confess will . the1 Aixs HamC ' town rightful four Inhabitants and it Is her "Joan' of of 'West muster the votes. The was with facture . and : sale, and because.; these and ty ; the vast quantft!e.s of adjourn. ; c?rcrturJ-ty-fo- r 1 dustries thortly , ; - Then the l-;- uiond." - . r Virginia, Brooks. ;. The women turned products are injurious to the health sible to wander for. hundreds of miles manufactured products sent tack from legislative will ' jokeY wasn't.' " - part with- who are: so dlstartsnc It 'sounds like a but it out to help her. 'They marched .ln her of the people pf the United States;.; fa the central of the state "found for the jackrabbits, the East In returnfor the goklen hari oven and after the Nov erst el: tlcn anything like that when she started to processions, They talked from the KActfnn 7. niraeraDh 5. In the case out meeting a. candidate with a peti- Intelligent that they can dig a young vest and taw. products of lire. West, Njx the necessitiesJoxpplltlcal.nrev.ork : v: her.- drugs" wants a soil with one clean out the grafters.; ,' same platform with They weren't foods, of the food' and act, tion or a man who to borrow potato out of the sandy . w. happen : ' of serious injury can, no to wljl be less urgent. Considering thl3 No, no. no Joke. J afraid indulge in tactics. match. ' well-directe- kick of a bind leg." jit was .' to militant June 30, 1906. provides further that V d corn, for only the nprtherff section of fact,.and that radicalism, tou?h not - adul-tetate- d ; on wasv territory, Miss Virginia Brooks, a Chicago The politicians, in terror, fought in an article shall be deemed to be Idaho is thejlast stopping place Until! 1890 Idaho a the crop Is indanger;Of. early -- frosts dead. Is declining rf of th e .laaU. pi girl w"on overwhelm-.th- re- ? who has dedicated her life to their last 'ditch. She within the meaning, of the act transcontinental trains before the with, only a few scattering patriots, Cotton is more exposed to ; this risk country, there is teason ior U upliltlng of women a Ingly. how she describes her any poiponqus or Is is 400 miles long is now a flourishing state, .the' Polish iHereis 'if It contains added call reached. Jt but it than any other crop, and' the next two more: hopefur views . rcsardlnj nation: HU-l- nventy-three-year-o- ld : girl a girl own campaign: Ingredient spots most rapidly and in loud , ... other added deleterious nd two miles high in and which is growing or three weeks may prove a critical al'polltical. affairs,. . , A ' ' ' ' with no previous .training in politics, Used Power of Press. jurious to health." The 'beverage com- of it. Is only rained on biennially. In tones. Most of Its Inhabitants go back period. But at present .there is no - . " o in this. v'Joan Arc,jV t "To attract attention to our Idea of a manu- college . of monly known as absinth is its virgin state it is so jry that even east for. old, home week or cause for anxiety nd the outlook Is A cording , to a fashion paper, wo.ni-an- s' 'Her father, on his death, left her, what, government should be, we cam--130,0- 00 factured product containing worm- have, to be water, commencements, but the society of nativ- for a yery large yleljfel4:iO.0QO 'stockings , the telegraph pols bales nude frora real gol! property I III-- paigned vigorously pep-nol- s agsinitt-ium- ), worth pf, In this to arouse, the wood, or absinth (Artemisia ed to keep them from wlUing. How- e-born Idahens is prospering and orover J . t - thread and silk are to be the proner town.v She received a letter from; ple.: We aid this by publishing in a an added deleterious ingredient; ever, irrigation is, beingapplied in' the now has a chapter In almost every 1 Mr, Clews gives reasonk. In detail thfng abroad this autumn. Tncy connj g as-- thepur-sessln- pro- 1 the assessor, of .'West Hammond, weekly newspaper, started for shipment of this town- ; :. V(enna " The interstate valleys 'with mudh' success and Idaho Idaho - f for saying Jthat the industrial outlook, from and'eost f 25 a pzlr. her, $2000 '.for some vacant pose, exposures of graft ,we. had dis-.- . duct Is, therefore, prohibited under lot's, and she scented graft She had , covered among the thieving officials this provision of the food and drugs receivtu information that All' was not who were protecting the dive-keeper- s, act. what It 6hould be there. This helped "We reproduced in, this paper's col-- The Secretary of Agriculture, there- n (i n r n n x to confirm her suspicions. It-als- umns contracts that were nothing but fore, will regard as adulterated under "TTi v '.' . vvJ s) ) vs vv gave her resolution.' . grart, and we,even went to the extent the food and drugs act absinth which, SJ S;. SJ aSJ Sj s V V V v ;Once! a Gay boclety GlrL ' f . " 'of driving off contractors by force on and after October 119 12. is manu- -- ;Mlnd. you, Virginia Brooks was at when -- they tried to put down sale in the Dis- '' inferior factured or offered for :' that time, a year-an- d a 'half ago, a pavement trict of Columbia or the Territories, or 2 ' I . society girl parties, music, interpreta-.j- ;' "Another, nethod that I used: t In commerce or of-- shipped Interstate ' HWc dances and htl that sort of thing, amuse public attention and indlgna-ls"&h- o fered for importation into tne united 4' - ' . ? & w - turned h er y tack on all frivolity ; tion was to read at mass meetings the States. . i m i a mm u Tk. l property-owner- s r and became a reformer. She and her names of all who had 1 1. - re-- U up. j mother closed up their house in Chi- leased 'their places for saloons and job and she didn't give V i ago and .moved to a cottage inHam- - ssorts in West Hammond and iii Ham-;-! "Warning to Dives! Twenty Days to mond a town with? a; voting popula-tnipn- d; Ind. It created a sensation at Vacate." C tion of 750 with 55 saloons and un-ro- ne woman's club, where I read it and Tkat's the way she served notice on "rBpeafcable vice. : T- - .. lat some of whose members it struck the corruptionists. They .became fran- - J ! was largely Polish.' Ivery closely,' to tic. Here is her story of what The itown She but it all served "own C ', set to work to learn the language. en the public conscience. People followed: nally having mastered the tongue, she began to Inquire why the police didn't "They threatened a variety of re- ' called a meeting of the people the "clean them out, and -- gradually all taliation, and tried to embarrass the graft-ridde- n c ; people who, almost en- - classes, especially the more Ignorant work by starting suits against me, but 7 ! tirely, occupied mortgage covered whom we were having difficulty in it only served to arouse the people And We Have To Move TOtMt ' homes.: The Poles are an emotional, arousing, comprehended situ-- ; more. .j ' the true : impulsive people.- - . She stirred them In atlon." "For our part, we tried in every way their own language. In the,-ensuin- g. The desperate dive-keepe- rs not only to interest the courts and the prose- v election. Miss Brooks won. - threatened her with harm. They ac-- cuting attorney, but we never could . The surprised politicians! bestirred' tually assaulted her, beat her and kick-t- o get an official to act against them. It -- action, tried to -- reverse the vote, ed her. But she had her teeth in the seemed discouraging at times, and we On and After contemplated, in event of even the r K ultimate defeat, to organize a riva. town. "No one knows, how powerful such : a ring organization can be until an ef- us: fort is made to clean It out. ' 0 "However, the time came when ev- ; UTT lit . V ,. i ery one was up and fighting and de- termined that West ' Hammond must ; be clean, courts or no courts. You Will Find Me At . "I told the-peopl- e with all the em- phasis I could command that- - they y lip To Carlsbad should rule, and, after studying over c the situation, they, too, began to preach the same doctrine. . We soon y outnumbered the forces of the saloon-and-resort-keepe- rs ' Or any of the German or. Austrian watering places, by having as the good citi- -- the waters and the treatment in your home. zenship does in every community." y - We carry the following foreign waters: y She Became Political Power. The result of it all was that she i i became a political power in West Ham- y mond did this little, bright-eyed- , smil- X single-hande- d Emser Rubinat ing girl who started out - against the grafters. What she ac- y complished can best be told in her Vichy Piperazin-Lithio- n own words: "I have saved for the Poles nearly c 521,000 on reductions of overcharged Frieidrichschall Franz Josef assessments. I have succeeded in oust- ing an old clique who for many years r: had been grafting on the school board, 7 Magoon Building Carlsbad Sprudel and befog elected myself to the office of president This means that I will introduce into the neglected school manual training, domestic science, free :y - night school, free kindergarten, and a playground. - "I have established a settlement nsOh Smith & Co., house In Hammond, Ind., right across lharpSHARP !5ns Ltd. the State line, where the boys and ? Tom girls have night classes and where Fort and Hotel Streets mothers who work can take their I babies for care. There are some 32,-00- 0 Poles in this region; and the fu- N N ,0s N JN N ture looks to great achievement" " W " " V HONOLULU STAn-nOLLETI- TUESPAY. .SEPT. 3. lull'.

'I News and Comment W) Edited By ' Written by Experts MM L. REDINGTON


nt SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. This lu W. L. Johnson, the new-assista- And now along comes a challenge a story, it Inter-Islan- V SUCCESS BUT physical director, the local Y. M. C. is true honest Indian d from the yacht Hawaii to race STILL TENNIS is. Ball Series the A. has secured a crack a jack athlete Mollilou to Kahului and return, for In of right-fiel- d of national prominence, besides a man back the fence chalk, marbles or good cold coin. A at Recreation Park lives a lady it well up in the special duties of "Y" few keen yachtsmen who are in the-hab- 'who owns a regular green. par-- s-- COIN work. Mr. Johnson arrived , on the of sailing the Hawaii, and know CHAMPION SHOUT rot. This parrot is given a deal Game, Scheduled for Sonoma yesterday, accompanied by " First her like a book, think that they can two trunks, containing cups, medals of freedom, and sits on the fence nail "Drydock" Smith's colors to the y and watches the game. He pipes . Tomorrow Afternoon, Looks and , diplomas. mast in a race to Maui return. and . B k AAA Uni- v the players going to and from v V . Johnson graduated from the Good on Keen They are willing to merely round a Too Many People Saw Some.-- the clubhouse, and. in short, has Paper Fans ueicnas Her ntie as Best wo- versity Missouri . this year, out of after a r mark off Kahului. and shake her Clev- thing for Nothing to Make It cleaning up about all the running become regular fan. He knows for Sport again for home, if time is an object, man Player of Hawaii in ' all the players by their first name - evicnts of the Middle West but would prefer to lie over for a day Style r an Even Break for Men Who ' or, Icat-- , er the Big 'Eight conference meet at dill Reidy says he If Manager Jack Easton of the Hilo or so in order to see something of jAt does. 9 t Promoted Meeting for Sport of! 1911, he won the mile in the record tram is as keen on tne tricks of base-- 1 the .Maui tea, adding the elapsed time "Hpnest, that old parrot is the on strategy waf--j Sake time of 4:37. and later set a new bail as he is the of for the run each way, and then cor- HILO. September 2. The final 10-mi- worst pest iu world," says ... . le the fare, the local players Will have a i . t mark of 56:6 for the distance. recting it at this end of the race. same in connection with the Ladles' Reldy. "He is hollering at me holding belong-!- . a Hie was also a member of the winning hard time onto .their, This offer should arouse Skipper The races at .Kapiolani park jester-d- all tiie time, wanting to know incles championship of the Island Missouri team that captured the two-mil- e ings, from reputations.. to spikes. It! Smith's sporting blood, and another sport-In-s ' if Hawaii was played off on Saturday were a big success from a four-mil- e who is going topltch and that was and relay races. Easton who, as a captain in the! good contest may be the result. on Hilo will undoubtedly line of junk. He asked mc yes- - ;the enemy's afternoon last the tennis standpoint, and jTne new assistant physical director National Guard, raided The Mollilou and Kamehameba re- club's courts. v terday-- and when I told him $ camp night re-- i do much 'toward accomplishing jtheir intends to derote most of his time to in the dead of in the turned at daylight this morning, hav- - 'Arlett,' he replied: cent unpleasantness The batth; was between Mrs Bar- e boys' department of the Y" and between the Reds ing left Kahului yesterday afternoon aIc K ttsa L'a ft It a primary 'jintentto revive .c'lean track "'Say, you ain't going to stick Blues, an r i o nuusnt i 10a a via cauvi.ant tMan wvm aaa . will start, in next week with a.gym, and the and' took officer at 4 o'clock. On the run back the - In V vln for! Mrs. Bartels after a strenn- sport In jtbe Islands. However, romJ emp:oyed boys. that busher before this big Easton has been coaching Kam caught to class for prisoner. and her a ,, high-hande- ;uo .sw owwac a financial ctanapoint; toe meet was a crowd?' his players in the same! d liking, and ran them like a aiuv uio uisaq So, you see, before fire that Mrs. Bartels has won the even a wise old It is said, and' is quite j voy- t bloomer there being far too many methods. it scared surfboard, completing the "i may I championship. aim bird be fooled sometimes." possible that before the locals come age 11 empty seats la the grandstand, and nnviMcninw in a trifle better than hours Althrmrli Ktit Vnx wax nnl enn. too' man unoccupied parking spaces to bat Easton will send out a patrol ' This was faster than, the Mofly made v , , . . reded to have much of a chance with iu automobile row, to cover the; heavy uuuivu iwwiH : , : with instructions to steal all the J it, although the latter did not sail bases, thereby cutting off the enemy's he winner, it was' not "thought that expenses, to which jthe. management fcuite as direct a route. put good game lines of communication. The returning yachtsmen report a ihe would up such a was put. s she did. NVnrtr everv nolnt waa In this Instance the situation that OlYMPIC SPORT BRITISH DEFEAT All the Hilo players ire now in bang-u- p time on the Valley Isle, town, Ed Desha, Willie )esha. Hisa-nag- a. yes- faces the promoters was different to where they attended a big luau ' ' More-hea- d game to watch. ) ' y r that which would ordinarllly exist, for Brickwood, Watson and terday. ?ood I ..The "other games of I he tournament " m ww w nn all having arrived, on the Ma- . Everyone who was only half a race "track was available. t tailed the race hearing -- . the JIual and this That la; the track Itself was there. bu r One of the biggest boosts the box- un Kea this morning? The remain enthusiastic, and deplored the fact ire Vaso. ; afternoon It expected the" k there was no grandstand or judges ing game has had in some time was der of the invading team have been that with conditions so ideal for rac that 01 ILL i finals of thp men'a doubles will bo d. Olym- bland, and the track was entirely, un-fence- the recognition given It 'by the lift here for the past week with the Hilo ing and cruising, so little advantage j played', off..- ha A great deal of money had to pic games committee at Stockholm, company of the National Guard, and is taken of the opportunity by local The weather, rather unnot- is no question be- nterfered5 with the games up to the be spent on fencing the stretch and but which has passed almost there about their sportsmen. - stands, iced. Charley Harvey, who is secre- Till If ing iu training for a hard campaign present time and the tcurnaraont, . padock. and building the and y this, with the purses, ran the cost up tary of the NewYork State Athletic on the diamond. which should 'have fir Isbed. last .Sat-irda- Commission, boxing Honolulu will puta strong picked afternoou, wilt not be through fSOOO, have which ' V to more than Finances controls nnr. tt. J , . E. A. OLYMPIC u wt -- . tk, fully adjusted yet, but It In New York, went to Stockholm, and team in the field, Clarke of the AFTER ..!! auinv nu:w . not been 9 . a 4 J Afc - )..::: The tournament has teen c.uite a looks like a red account...... while there hevprepared a statement LONDON All English newspaper i TCin8 8,aiea lo 9? lD ooxworJK iH Ink. - -- were splc ndldly manged to the Olympic committee, in .which A society affair and .'tlit'courts Jave The races, btill angered Ly the British defeats ' hA good-time, rmrnot TAmnrrnti' cranio uHI een cfowded every af'ernon, The and were brought off In &nd - commit- 71Z on programZron, or American successes at the Olym- called at 4:30 by Umpire Bert Bower..,' adies took turns to proviie afternoon thanks to the. efforts of the place the the iuture games Stockholm GAMES FOR :; rvLnt Pc at unite iu an who will officiate alone throughout' tea and the games have been very tee, and the efficient clerk of the a. mm " . t m -- i , ? - .' series! ED DESHA successiuuy managea. ; vau a. ' toune, Charles Chllllngworth. The m"r Uken up and the 4 ai 0S. to subscribe to ; ' only criticism that can be made, and .ua u,.. Sh a luni Following is the probable linkup or Crack Third Baseman and Pitcher of 3cott is captain of ; the courts this; will English 3 that enabre to . . Hilo very Is a. 8eri6uaoije is! that. there.. were ;ifi& athletes the opposing teams:. 'ear and is running' everything . .it compete in a thorougniy .'.rained Schuman, c; George, Clarke, p; ORIENT wen. enough . horses to fill, card. was . not. the tjon naga, p; Watson, 2b;. Ed Jttoi Dreier, lb; La Mere, 2bV Markham. Makanui, lb; . much- sameness, in, , There was, too - the the. future boxing would be giver its A , . the t 3b; Chillingworth, ss-6- Desha, If; Desha, 3b; Charlie Brickwood, 'ss; entries,? same Horses , doing the proper place on the program la fact . , 1916;thegTime' thr hm Berlin MalI rf." George Desha, If; George Todd, cf; ' merry-go-roun- En Sue, cf; d again . and. again over It?iiwasannounced that the. fistic an Kurisalpr The Far East Is hard hit by thr standard and Express go further, de- c; Kekoa-Hisa-- , W. Desha, rf. Wari6us;dlstances. ;If there had been form part of the program. Hilo Hisanaga; athletic craze, and now there is a sag - void ckring that America's success is due . three times as many horses, the. meet- TTils shouidJ;be a big help tptbe large.to the gestion to hold-Olymp- ic garmes, which 1KSIE3 fact that she is able to i rug would have beett all that could be boxing game, for it will mean thau would give ,the stars of track and fieh " ; ; drawupon the natives or Hawaif, red ; - v. , ; Won desired; (.:, v, h . all countriea taking, part in , future Indian8 negroeg and deicendanU of Del How(0 Tells How He in China, Japan, the Philippines and : Fc'.IotrJng were! the results of races Olympic meet --will be obliged to other Eastern countries, a, chance tq TO TRY THE 4 a hundred .nationalities that make np run - Star-Bulleti- n wen; to - compete afUr: the take- 4jp , the? fistic' end andf send tne the nrt agalnat. each other, and. to : cltitenahib of Renuhii? i "result ' 4.- - : Out press yesterday "afternoonrThf ntries.' . ' ' BiKttng . that at the next Olympici. The Pennant By Striking generally raise the standard of sport of . the erst six races were puDiisnea It' will bring about a better under :a mes Ixi Britain.' ahatt iwwowM- v w - rfegartirlatfre all tDe coi0nies platt Is taken (rom the China. .Pre&s of u c cou-stag- e . ? r uiwtou-vic- 4.M4-ti- "r may me . I get to i all; I believe he had out a recent dais: . v z:y-ll- zri&ni result esotDiisnmen. of the empire.. CHICAGO "When the struck 1 tor tatcTidr.byvv d ; ;- - : : tHIcrr: a',unif0rm rules-an- weight, : Captain' William futherly of Manila 4 . ... 17 set of Mieht Hv a. of retiring from tAe game and i Pie of times, and Chance snaledo v. up; : 'I i w:..::i,'Avmis urtt; Dixie, d. classlilcatloh. somelhing ' the 'writers; ;-- me to come on and bat. 1 here s where while In Shanghai last "week made a Me-elro- s, Figures 'arc cited to prove if , -- M.- - that chimmney corner and Warrca, ivwwv'l DcraD., J. cf; the United states, England, Aus- - successful cbntestants sitting in the Howard gave a wonderful display of suggestion which should nleet with i LONDON Rose Pitonof of Cditon -- from British - ;. ' , -- Holt tp.Mrd,1'- 0 have been endeav-- drooling about what 1 used to do." , cjub swinging. The rst two shot oyer warm welcome among the many ath; will ' petit In Three-quarter- tralla and Canada dominions and oversea possession; have strenuous cbrn ion s, fres-for-al- l: t purse I t oring to bring' about for several had been counted as Britons England said Del Howard, - the former club j the plate so fast was hardly aMe to Ietlc organizations of this city. Hb erlingo,- entered by O'Rourke, jthe ner enon 10 swim me jngiun cnan. f : going myself swing up befofe Idea put briefly Is that all athletic tr years. would have beett second at Stockholm. Utility man, the other day, "I'm 'set and ; llaEhinoto-up.'tirs- Miss, Bryan, F. course, boxing events at my grandchildren the itory or ump was yelling 'strike.' clubs of Shanghai and the Yan?tsze nei; in fact, there is tp be a regular BrughellL Carroll up, .second;. Dora Of the the, If this suggestion becomes effective to tell pro- - Eng-fession- " valley should be federated, thos Olympic would help the, press Is al I won world's championship made' up my mind that Donovan that jnauuei p., Jj. up, 'games the London confident that how the I. ueruj.u euuu'U uid hsu M. Medeiros, Qulnle third. ng vicinity well should sweep th-bri- - of my was going to waste that ball and that of Hongkong and should form three-quarter-mil- side' of it as and land will all before by making the worst blunder come, the part of Augusts - e; her at latter r. Hawaiian bred,;, - I a organization and those the two closer together as re- next Olympic games, generally speak-gard- s life. On second thought, I think til was going to lake one large, hcal'iiy similar that . by Besides the Boston girl.; Lilly Bmilh. purse 1300 Major Collier, entered it, I like; of Northern China ihould do likewise rules and, the other branches ing tear up the score and leave the bind- kPiash at because rather - r. BrughelU, Willis up, first; StrawT ! organization?; champion Efngllsn girl swimmer, and pf sport, r While the triumph part out of the story. hit those high ones when they weren't He thinks also that the :erry, C. Hashimoto owner up, "sec- the American hurts, er of it - -- away. I to In a of the Singapore district will be win (uui ueu mil aikcuiiii iu c4uai ms - m the English press has been uniformly "put, it is true, and if you dont Re- too far started wajk -- ond; Dora D J.?M.Iedeiros. Quinie organization antf and Burgess. ;The "men attribuUng success - look score of the bit to crack the ball, when l"$aw it ing to form such an feat ofWebb Bp was left at, the starting post " HPMRY. fiF PRIKIA lfair' the to speil- lieve it at the irst are Weidman, accompanied " IzatIon fine ,team thor--; gctme Chicago and Detroit the coming low and fast and aimed about that Japan too would come in. Jack who tYee-for-al-l' Sahm work and the between purse V five furlongs; """'"Srnes ray It looked for an jin This would make, with the Phlllp-piriei- Burgess on his 1911 swim i Ted Ilea- - . AuGcKS nAUIUALb ough training of the ath--: they battled for the world's at knees. ' American flxsMime l&OrrMerllngo; enlered by jO'Rourke. . . Mmttw W ft m V AV ' . -'- , -- extra-innin- g as if ball was going to gtt where the athletic organizations vll VI VI VV1 W Ult " : let.'1 championship, that hamc stant that ; up, first; Moore, J. Fer Carroll Llnle August - Deprecate up among my legs. I took'a already have been federated under nearly got. there, ahd Fred Record, BERLIN; , 10. The Social- Yankee Triumph, that ended in a tic that practically tangled th' .up,"Becorid; Umpqua, Ath-leti- d tiandex, Gilbert f ' 1 name of the Philippine Amateur" ..Arrangements are how belag: made ; and Radicals of all shad eg are One or itwo minor organs aqect to ruined Detroit's chances for the cham- fine swing and don't think missed li. D. Warren," Rollins up, third. ists Federation, no less .than six for a of particularly: Inter " "'in of deprecate the American victories by pionship in 1907. You won't see How- the ball more than a foot. i lonsswlm Iabbr Day sweepstake, one mile, uniting bitter denunciation the Plto-- : three-bas- e I a howl, while jihe ball federated socities. Each would have esting character between Mi33 ' ;500-Merltn- go, en-ttre- d sneering at the representatives name among the hits "Then heard free-for-al- l; purso "Lord and Overlord speech ol Prince of the ard's semi-professional- a Lilly s. is he won was going back to the stands It had committee and these committee? nof and Smith, which wili.be in t'nited States as or home runs, but the fact m . . by J. O'Rourke Carroll up, first; Henry of Prussiav The Vossische - . . . t - got. away combined would form a general com , ccan-ne- l - S'r Doyle, pennant saving game, and slipped through Schmidt and me nature oi practice tor .idb - BrughelU, ZeitUng- says such conceptions as Arthur Conan not content that bv tint Major . Collier. F- Gilbert score was tnUtee for all the organizations. Ko swim. It will be over a coursa up, Hashimoto with those announced by Jthe prince have witn enrolling the (Canadian. Austra-o- o to did it by striking out. If ever thpre so far that the tled.JlTae second. Charlie ,5an was up, are that if Donovan had wast- lowing out the idea to its logical con- twenty miles in length. Miss Pitonof: - 'place; In Hon and South African athletes as was a fellow who crossed chances his Strawberry. . .. modern civillw drew Rritisherg. would go puzzled to look bad. ed the ball, as I expected him to do, clusion it is the captain's idea that nt is creating by far , the greatest in- even more out further and see fooled, and made : Gentlemen'a'.driring rice, one mile that Prince rHeajyls dut.-wlt- h any swlm-t:i- c dif- a hero or a rtated periods. Far Eastern Olympic terest of of the asDlrants. She' Kala-nianaol- e, of whether among Ceylon or Malay it was Howard, tut that made no I'd have been Walter driven by Delegate ct touch with the advancement - th-- dub,- anT be held, one city . Indian runners and Sikh wrest-- w ference. chances in favor of the Gams should first at has an American flag in her. 'sitting first; W. W. Wood. J. Col- - German pejple than is the Kaiser Jnerf to ; ,ers by two runs in Detroit would have won the rst and then at another. He leaves it room which declares she,.'will, 'burn, second; -- Bob Echo, Lorrln K. illiam, "whom no! hr.z seems to wte cannot find winners among "They had us licked that she tlte - game and had a running start toward the general decision as to weather plant In the sands of France between. Smith: third." Il. "K. Smith's Carma-hlt-o r ach to hold las. totujue. colored races for tfae British Em- the ninth and our fellows commenced to championship. It ended in these meetings be hed every . yer. and Grisnez. She is now swim . was scratched. A cup was the A number - of Americana were Mr.e; to get a start. We had a chance tie th' atle. Calais be-th- years ' a e to Tin- broke their confidence and we won in every two years, three or fonr min;' grandly and is full of ; conf - , movement has been ii up when Tinker came bat. "trophy. . among the guests at the' banquet to Already head-wa- s straight years. .. Quarter mile; for Japanese ; purse Marksmen at which the speech Sn; it is expected will he ker hadn't been hitting Donovan at heats." dence. v :. Lonsdale, Philippines Preoared. ThA fnvnri let among the men Is Jack , 00 by Charlie so- - a.by Lords pesborough, V Stjawberry, entered delivered. .He attacked the -- "Our Philippines Committee to the I - Burgess , bitter-phrase- s Ampthill and other sportsmen, NUN Weidman. le holds the Hashimoto, first Captain. George H. clahsts.in end wound EJiner' ACTRESS LIVES FOR 3 YEARS AS Govern- general committee will consist of (Hvon . Yamada, second.' StrawberryW'as bet up by saying 0 e peers for tne oranization or mcrfot thnsa who fnrrt nTi AND THEN RETURNS TO THE STAGE or-General W. Comeron Forbes: Mr ter than the title and Hashimoto won "I desire not to let this day pass ic Un,ion- - to the champion and looks torward vide I3ffa training El wood S. Brown, athletic director of cheerily to , when his own profile will hands down in ?? see. wtikw .AAtr.- - n vnn M. on und one flag of an- the Y. C. A. in the Philippines an? ;' Quarter-mil- e -- ,polic .m . a rt i..- - ail athletes of one night, when she was be struck in silver. ior moulded t LONDON. Aug. 10. Holy Russia is But Secretary-Treasure- the British Empire meet- r of the Philippine completed Gay's mount ahead of Alex (Bu- - at the Berlin Only in holy Russia nounced to play, she did not appear. All the swimmers have finished tional Idea, tOj the nonsocialist ing. unfathomable. Amateur Athletfc Federation. arrangements 4-- 5. for denarture. TriPP's in 0:8Z gerlich) parties. He who to'Jay does do worldly men get estacles of exal- She had fled by night to the Moscow their the Holy Women "While here I had hoped o discus" having booked a tug and select Quarter-mil- e forylnounted patrol not openly confess emperor I em- and become monk:, miliiiawe i Pckroff Commune of each 5u tation the matter with of your local ng . A curious storv is being told in con- di- - she would be a nun. some' ed a party. The cost of the trip, Order of finishrXHolt, Dias, Meek. pire does not lelonglo us. voluntarily turn beggars, primes and Lwore athletic leaders but did not have ' Others who; also ran: Gray, Gomes nection with; a recent banquet given vidP lands with mouilks, ni Soon afterwards she was "clipped." training. Is about $30 M for their . , Demand, CafcH be-rr.iis- I hope I . . V. . -- time. However, they will tak n n 9Vm f.n r t r Butler, - Tlnie, ' by the Kaiser. William, One invited lhgDry suddenly fly to nunncr- - That is the Russian expression, f. r.r land. 2Jronds. Frora7nortrr and south, f i;otr. east brides the matter up' with me by mail. 1 Quarter-mKe . ponies mo- - a nun's first is to cut off heavy gtorms the weather, wiil .turu for Shetland cud west, men ot everv Genhhu 'ace fcuebL laueu iu arrive ai inc last ies. a't would suggest that a public meeting at Sunset, ; An--. emperor mar, her hair, while a monk s is to let his very favorable after the - Neap ti les Thomas v Wright's first have congregate here. Let every " f" uirecieu And only in holy Russia do they which the various cliil s would be rep- j was thony Long's Sunrise, second: race be lojd contrary to custom the vacant chair come back. This month has brought hair grow. .Nothing more heard apicar. but all the swimmers dailarb ' ' ' trueUoits (herr). and let resented be called and that this meeti- : , should not be removed. Toward the stage of Moscow's Mali lot a time of the Mm Many, as sue bat when they start therd will be no m u.s all be tru (o ovcriord 1 At - Drck to the ng, a ! oir JJ r name committee to work out th J - d . - (!: 1 ailed. She iived hidden fn aer peace the channel. """ , They. seem pair" rtei-n- - c m "4 u,,i,,,r, ws the nun Mile. Lurm'ila Seliva-- vas for his mateiifc'JTtlw- nnHH f,n- A "I . theater I J grow 't'eror details. When reach Hongkong f yes, :botalllcally., i- ouservea to uaaeniy n,,ir rOh.' Let -t pass with excited. i - - thrs festirU . M . . shall make a similar suggettlon ere 1 I'cror. i. u : i ii - Ihp , What you, mean?" - . . -- r iia iiciiiknir ojiq? uum ilia iriiiiii or mvs. vnr tin "la- ronvent was too f j do - MJ iiv rM hiiu n tocs rr mniorn h tp 'unrini I U. TSPW.'UW re-nxa- and through correspondence exnect a 'it.w it only to grow vcildly and vowed that she would t She. la a. society J)ud and he is vnd emuire ampjthe dennin ideals. sinned ashen oale. var t ndmiia Solivanoff lived either to start the movement at the other i" Quietly, guests to ri hermitage or "skitb." looming ldlot.Mi' Treff Is Trumph! For ibe cit the withdrew, one by.j, a ronvent or in a "skith" a remote centers in the Far Eat" There should one. ms imperial majesty wolf-naunte- n si A hermitage is atfnche'l to mon- set trumps be obedience at:d order in said later cell in a forest. For j be no trouble about getting the move-- s Hustlerr-Whe- in explanation holy or i ilra. n women eule, he state. Rise, from your and of the incident that months shc saw no humaiv face, and astery for particularly monks.' mep launched and once started ' "w ine, wo- sta's he could U, holy Dennisdh there'll be no more of this aise your glares With the cry 'Long have sworn j he old duke of took her food through a ole in a door. a convent for particularly think it will go forward on its own song thing. was in , Compared with it. tli man and ,Mr. Hustler live the emperor, whom Ooi pro- - Cumberland sitihg the vacant But today she is trippin;; the staze women. merits to a genuine success. It in? I is jCoT Mrs. Htlstfer No; it'll be "mirth, " seat, grinning at him. It is gown re-eiv- eel is palatial. It is a hut ft g the first' jn a Paris and genis j something we need in the East." . part nf a and r min and muslcV. In diplomatic circles much dissatis- known occasion where the emperor, from her adorers. iu a remote tores', Crepe Tissue betrayed a j or - it s a dugout faction is expressed over ihe an- - William has weakness' to Ujdraila Selivanoff is in actress sometimes- for warmth convent. There rhe wintered. superstition. Komuiis-onc- e it at night iiouncement that the Britisk foreign ward The old duke the school of the late Vera hole. Wolves roam about Last April, when the snows melted t he-wou- ld a hermitage a considerable laughingly declared that he, : arzfcevskaya. who had her own Selivanoff retired to smh Selivanoff resolved to return to her oooVqualltles of hr-;numbe- r haunt the Hohenzollern as long'ater in Petersburg, and was the ?nd swore nevoi isain r ro;c on rape , Vilt th British . to St. hermitage. Everything was ready w of office the .. . Cough: Itemedy are most.appre-..M,- as the latter held possession of his Muscovite Rachel. Selivanoff next human iace. - ,rlr OTlt Qt ,....Qnl. and sheepskin garments were tewn - lals mucus. : ItquilBes the tough sequestered estates. joined the Moscow Theater Korsh j In Strict Retirement. cicte:lt w . v. , v. .u... cj foi she declared this time fhe would We havp unpacked ! alen rami. .j i just a ... tnd alda expectoration. She had a great success in big roles, Shetook with her threp ' otton gar-live- d live winter, summer and win- ,t fo Kf .7.:.; leorganiring the Turkish gendarmes there new shipment of Fancy.Crepes rrfrruf.nr BAND CONCERT. a lively life before marriage, pewits, sheepskins for winter, a copy ter. But a day befor she. to - Colored IaCthi3 J and Tissues. marriage to th millionaire o- ' o conspiring lo set and after Shvonie Go: pels and a history lesve she disappeared. She had chang- shipment are many new co'or ; fill dahgeroua consequence. For sale auseu The Hawaiian band will gire a pub-Ik- - concessionaire Mamontoff a livelier echesiastical i ? In atorsh p. io; Russia. Thre times ed her mind. and designs and all are fresh byUealersf Benson, Smith ,& Co., clon"'r concert this evening . at Thomas life still. Mamontoff divor-e- d his weekly was brought 1 it7..,n ' The an executioner is l he food and'rinrik Four weeks later, the audience o and crisp. Square, commencing at help-pas- t sev- firtt wife to marry Selivanoff. Wvep j fo ncr fhn f00fj was hiar k rye bread the Mail theater saw their favorite sole cause for delay in the decapita- - en. with Seliv- j tion of two Germans, how under con- he had lived three weeks with salted herring. and the drink actress appearing in Sudermann's: We have all the accessories Atfs. are Boslnes March The Gaby Glide .Hirsch pnoff fell in love . fctnrBnttIii Bet finement in German South West Af- he Dassionatelv wit' was water. They were left at a hole "Johannisfener." you may require ;n using these Overture French Comedy...... Bela his divorced wife and again paid , jn the hermitage door. The s tress Why go papers decora-- ; rica. . Under peculiarly callous cir- did sbe fo the "onvent": for .flower and Waltz Southern Breezes Meisler to laughed him. food-bringe- r: cumstances they killed a police ser- court her. She at hermit never saw the Why did she leave it? everyone asks. tive purposes. - Selection Harry 'Lauders Hume whereupon he cut his throat in rarely for of Only geant and were duly condemned to hisihe left her hut fear The cynical say lightlv it is "n ad There Ii One: . In olves. and then alone. vertising dodge. But pretty women t'eath. .The law Lxerman SOUtn Oplpotlon Prtnrp ff Pilcpn T.tlHorc Lnn h nlitoH in a mnAnm 1 1 . That stage of retirement lasted IIcdcLSanitary iv wi a. i nr h i tti tri rinv i n u a u a ...... will not live with wolves for months fomedv. from April last year fill October. for advertisement. The human men convicted of murder sfrall be be- i een v Finale Ahl Wela Berger Had "Call" to Become Nun. Meanwhile Selivanoff grew thin. She Co. Shop; headed. There is. however, no offi- ' heart k deep. Hawaiian News Earbcir The Star Spangled Banner. Then Selivanoff said she had "a win- Tiree tClaas Artists at your. cial headsman and no one can be vowed that she would snend the Flrf; call." She announced that she ter even if wolves V aervlce.: found who willing is in the hutt the ate Some people spend their lives in try- is to undertake the Pheto-EngraTl- np of highest grade weary of worldly vanities and would; her. But after the first snowfall. ing tn apnnirp- - monevw to snonrf You n - BETHEL AKD H3fU office of executioner. . m .a a. . w . i ...... - . ' r Alex. BulWiria can ne seenrea irom ine sur-uaweu- n toanaon me stage, tor acung was i three sturdy nuns kidnapped her byj It's not consistent to sDeak ill of a Duke Haunts Kaiser. Photo-Engravi- ng 1 Plant . wicked. People laughed incredulously, night and brought her back to the man if you know him well. . 10 HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- TUESDAY, SEPT. 3, 1012. Skt-Mdu-J SIS eiassiffid FOR SALE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED COTTAGES ROOM AND BOARD

l1 acres (fenced), dwelling house. The property krur.vn as the Wilder The M tropo'..-- . Alakea :t. Houst k'p-rwin- .s Punched hni-- . Usirooms, 171.1 Fer-i.iyi.ie- -. A family hotel in the best resldenco stable and poultry houses. Lot bor- building, cr. of 1 rt and Quft-- n ing SUlU U;1 -in Phune. St . ival.hi. Inquire 08 Fort section of Honolulu. Room and i;:o2-t- f ders on ever-flowin- stream. In Srs I iin 'nsions 41 vi.". The build rn st board Terms reasonable. Under cool, healthful Kalihi Yailey. where in a w :i irtuodcled to suit tel.-- ' new management. Tbone 1333. HH!K 1 Iv I'U if tit ired. Crcssaty s cottages. Wai- - WANTED PROFESSIONAL CARDS the frisky, festive, frolicsome aiit. Apply to C. Brevr A: Co., Ltd. Furnished 50 BeretanU Ave. Shady Nook. thrie : pe. li kiki K.Uia fowl and the gass is ever green. s i.il f ui oli ladivs. Beach. 211 Rd. 531T-t- f 53oS-i- m We've got 'em. Not the I). T.'s. but CIVIL ENGINEER. Inquire of ("has. K. Frasher at the Mrs. f. T i'.ickt'rron's Kaimuki ivst-- ' lni , Furnished room In the swl water drinkers wo were af- Honolulu Soda Water Co., nr. cor. lurnish.d; ?4 pr mon.th and board prirato Nicely-furnishe- "post-offic- e. lwt-flin- K. ' - d rooms, nuMiern nouse ter. We've had to put in another g Munch Civil engineer, surveyor Appi Spt-U- Hickt rtoii. 7 Mer- all walking distance from ! Beretania and Nuuauu Sts. - and draughtsman. 100S St. S r:';Ul-t- f conveniences, $2 ."0 up. tjueen llo- LOST Address . StarDul--' table. Say, our Lemon Alakea U'J-t- l cliaa? I)t 0 . . : Boer and f)range are fine. Honolulu Kapiolani Bldg., nr. King St ; - - tel, Nuuauu Ave. .2.. letin office. J03S-t- i i i i . . . : Friday night, on Pu- 8-- ti it i"..r-- Carcd iory fan. 5.31 1 m - r,1I1 runiiriv(l ;u i uimui. - Soda Water Co.. 34 A X. Beretania. Bargain- House and lot; Stable OI1 aniv next Bullttin. Rooms liation St. between Macdonald and 4941-t- f The Argonaut Room with or .without' " premises, Almost an acre set to telephone. King St. to Miiton Par-sou- s. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. ra: S. H. Dowsett. 842 Kaahu- - week. Baths and Return board. Terms reasonablt. : Phone various kinds of fruit trees. Desira- 1112 - de- 52:.:-:j- Fort St. Reward. 11l!S- C7 llirotonl. A vm, - 5277 person e. numu. Any musically inclined to i ble near car-lin- Apply 532!-3- I location T. Taylor, 511, t hy Jas. Stangenwa'd Rldg Star-Bulleti- . e velop that talent taking lessons, . "N."p 632S-tf- Xltnit-- - mt)tler-at- & Cottage, modern, heart of city: Union lvi U'V'tl; The I.lau Tree. 2199 Kalla Rd.t WaU K. K'J Young Consulting civil hydraulic engineer. . from Krnest Kaai. Bt-r- Bishop & Co.'s pass book tirat-claf- a St. Inquire .1. Carlo. Fort St. prices. 1"0 tania St. saving dept. kikiOnly prlvaU hotel Bldg.; Tel 3f,R7. Chalmers Thoroughly overhaul- 26I5-- . No. Return to bank. on beach. 5:33-3- m ed, painted. New top and cushion Gentleman would like room, room and DENTISTS. covers. Full equipment, including The Klite. opp Young Cafe. Large, j Room and board in private family for board or small cottage at beach. 352S. t Presto and Klaxon. Tel. airy rooms. $lr up. Baths. lady and gentleman. 1943 Star-Bullti- .r230-3- Dr. A. B. Clark, .311 Boston Bldg. Apply "X. Y. t 5o24-t- f Z". 5266-C- ! tt 5324-t- f D King St. . . 52$S-- Unfurnished, qne or two rooms or Modern 10-roo- m house, Kinau "St., nr. DRAYING. i"2; S. Beretania. Walking distance pmall The Alcove. 1345 Emma.. Home com cottage. lxmg term. Address Keeaumoku. Makiki. Cood neighbor- to center of city. Phone. PLUMBING. forts, piano, reading room. 5325-- 1 w AUTOS FOR SALE Fine P. O. Box hood. S. II. Dowsett, 842 Kaahu-naan- u Gomes Express. TBI Fort; Tel. 22t i F. 1178 j ounus. Engine good St. 5293-3- Special equipment for moving house- Mutsuishi. Nuuanu. Tinsmith Overland. condition: and iron Water pipe r. hold goods. Auto truck. The Villa. 1269 Fort; Phone 2505. All sheet worker. Flirnilihll. t lJn7. tires practically hew. Prospective . . . mml . Xn 11 ! k M k W wh a A A - hr, nnrPinc.r r.o i rr.,w , hlnger machines nearly new, $18 to lanai rooms, J12 month. iiui ,iiiirr wui tv iu till us umuvuea. tace cottage, Walkikt': Gentlemen J30. Why nay Sew- - C'.'66-3- m Estlmatts furnished. Tel. 385T anyway. Auto Painting Co., Liliha more? Standard only. ," '5055-t- f ; City r Co.; Jas. H. Love. All AUTO SERVICE. and King. ing Macbiiie Agency, 1211 Nuuanu. Transf. Tel. "lines of dra ing. Auto trucks. Popular Hoiije. 1249 Fort. Cool rooms, rr : Tne Nuuanu. 1(34 Nuuanu; Phon SKLP-STAUTKR- 5j!::-:;- 5262-3- m K. Okl, S. baths. 2,b BereUnia; Tel8360. The Metz 1912, i tub and shower JJ. u CotUges. rooms, Ubl. board. Evcry-llead- y i One .share Hidalgo rubber arid coffee m, Co.; M." C. King, man- runabout: Just the thing for busi- - 6263-3- Kvery-Read- y self-starte- r: 1905, bearing year. ' my figures may suit you . ager. Agents for riess men. Drop postal, Box 452. E. of dividend this DRY AND FANpY GOODS. better. dffice. 1366 King. Auto repairing. Mililanl O. Farm, agent k5299-3- Address "Rubber," Bulletin tThe Roselawn. Beautiful and" Queen Stu.; Phone 3636. 5271-t- f Yat Loy Co. Fancy drygoods and ! grounds, running water every room, . 12-1- 5258-t- f men's furnishing goods. 6 King H. CULMAN. PIANO MOVING. 52S3-3n- v l.- Bargains in real estate, on eca-Rhor- e, St.. near Xnuanu. Hawaiian jewelry and souvenirs. Fort ate 234 up-to-d- 101 - Nieper's Express. Phone 1916. Piano King. cor. Richards, .Hot and cpUTv Royal Hawaiian Garage. Most plains and hills. "Pratt," Stan- and Hotel Sts. 5277 iu town. Experienced chauf BUTTERMILK. genwald Bldg ; Telephone i6C2. and furniture moving. 5288-3r- n running water, every room. feurs. Telephone 1910. on i Buttermilk; pure, De- fresh churned. Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan va- ICASSIDY'S. For hlre, eeven-seate- d Packard. Phone licious, nutritious. 232 S. Walklki; TeL 2S7. Cot Beretania. riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Lihue, EMBROIDERY. tages, rooms, good bathing, 2511, Voung Hotel SUnd; Charles 5267-3- m R I Kauai. 5277 LIVERY STABLE. 5265-6- m St. , j I Reynolds. 4540-t- f Mrs. Carolina Fernandez, Union I REAL ESTATE. Uchiumi, 518 N. King; 3921. De- Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets, l Tel. First-clas- s livery turnouts at reason- THE D0NNA.: seven-passeng- er of Packard. 75c, baby caps and dresses. Specialty ' For rent, livers "Star" kerosene; 5 gals!, able rates. Territory Livery Stable, Bargains in real estate on seashore, Apartment hoteL Rates $40 and up Phone 3848. Oahu Auto Stand. Jim initial and hemstitching. Reasonable. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 348 King; phone 2535. plains and hills. Telephone 1602. Beretania St 1 5277 6200-t- f Pierce. "Pratt" 101 Stangenwald Bldg. i - Inter-Islan- d " ' contractor-Estimate- s, and Oahu ship- 5277 opp. Mis- George Yamada, general Railroad .11- r City Auto Stand, Catholic Star-Bullet- EXPRESS. 208 ping books at in office, tf sion, on Phone 3C64 or furnished. McCandless Fort St Bldg.; Phone 2157. ' 5379-t- f Love's Express. Phone City Transfer 1179. time-savin- g Th Transo envelope a Co., NV 1281. Household goods stored. MUSIC LESSONS. TAILORS. V Buildings, paper-hangin- g, painting, re- round-the-lsla- nd invention. No addressing necessary 5291-3- m Two more passengers for pairing; supplied. Mat- materials Ho- Ernest K. Kaai. 6'J Young Bldg., Tel. The Pioneer, cor. Beretania and Fort tour. Auto Livery; Phone tress and pillows to order. Full line in sending out bills or receipts. SHIPPING. Star-Bullet- 3687, 3125.T 1326. 5277 nolulu in Co., Ltd., sole Manoa Express, King and South.; Tel. teaches guitar, ukulele, mando Sta.? Phone Clothes cleaned, of furniture in stpcjc Wing Tal & -- agents, patentee. T623. Express and draying of all lin, banjo, zither, violin, cello and j City Transfer Co.; Jas. H. Love. Goods pressed and. dyed. Work called for Co., 1216 NuuaJiu 6269-3- m for tf New slx-cylln- der Packard for rent. E. kinds. Prompt and efficient service. vocal. j packed and shipped to all parts of and delivered. . 5217 JH. Young Six teams.. 5263-3- m .world. 5293-3- m .Wood, Auto Stand; Phone City the - Contracting & Building Co., 24 N. PIANO FOR SALE. Gregorio Domingo Teacher of violin, Tal Chong, 1128 Nuuanu Men's sul's 251L Hotel, nr. Nuuanu. Materials sup- rt Av1ap TV h f t a A nftv a mriS- - Kalihi Express Stand, Beretania and mandolin, mandola. clarinet and SHIRT MAKER. plied. specifications sub- Second-han- d j Honolulu Auto Stand. Phone 2999. Plans and upright piano in, good Smith Sts.; Tel. 2696. All kinds of music reading. Room No. 17 Ka- - i clalty. ; mitted free of charge. 5291-3- m condition; ?75. "Piano," - Best rent cars. Reasonable rates. Address express and draying. Charges just. piolani Bldg. Moderate charges, f O. Yamamoto, 1248 Nuuanu. Experi- 5320-t- f M- - 1282 Nuuanu;. TeL 2241 this office. 5329-l- m Carry , Matsuda. Sanko Co., 1346 Nuuanu; Tel. 3151. Phone 41S. enced shirt and pajama maker. reasonable. outa mad to oraer, to jsa. Contracts building, paper-hangin- g all materteL Prices for I ; PROF. L. A. DE GRACA 5290-3- m . ' - AUTO PAINTING. and cement work. Cleans vacant EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. lots. Is prepared to take pupils on Violin, U nr. King. tL.. i - Auto Painting Co.. Liliha St., gen-er- al Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar at his iyeoa, cor. xvukui. oiuri.9, " Do you ned a cook, yardman or rori, TRANSFER- Hamm-Youn- g. Can - References, von L 3377. CLOTHES CLEANING. Call 1420. 200 Bere- studio, No. 175 Beretania St. pajamas, underwear and children's ' Kunishige, Kukui lane; Tel. servant? autos so they look -- t paint and varnUh Carpenter of highest class; 30 years' tania. G. Hiroaka. 5303 tf clothes made to order. City Transfer Co. (Jas. IL Love). Bag as good as new. Workmen of many S. Hirada. Clothes cleaned, dyed and gage, piano movers. experience in America and Japan. pa- furniture and ' years experience. us figure. Co- - mu- K. Fujihara, Kuku! lane. Shirts, m Lei 5252-3- m pressed; All cut flow, Y. Nakanlshl, 34 for good Bergstrom Music Music and . . 52?i-3- - ;.. ' short notice. Beretania. .. I - 6260-3- m ers for sale. Phone 3029; Fort and cooks, yard boys, carpenters or day sical instruments. 1020-102- 1 Fort jamas, neckties made to order. 5246-6- Day Asahi & Co., 208 S. Beretania; Tel. Pauahi Sts. 5277 laborers. Phone 3899. m St 5277 Island' Transfer Co., IZ Merchant ANNOUNCEMENT. 1826. Building,' paper-hangin- g. phone 3869 night 389L Sphdld painting and YAMATOYA. Takahashi, 1258jNuuanu; Phone 3063. Japanese Employment Office Ito, Ber- HAWAII'S MUSIC. handling klnd of , Full line of materials. S"hirts, pajamas, equipment 'for, all Just arrived ex Wilhelmina, full line Make suits good as new. Call for etania nr. PunchbowL Phone 1250 Fort. kimonos. express and draying. All emplcyes high-grad- e St, candies. The Fern, cor. Ernest K. Kaai, 69 Young Bldg., Tel. . - and deliver. Mending, dyeing. 3668. il29-t- f have had long experience; 3C87, instru- - '"' : - Emma and Vineyard Sts. IL Nakanlshl, King and Kapiolani; teaches both vocal and 6269-3- m : W ' SHOE REPAIRING. o, mental. Phone 3256. General contractor and cook, yard boy. Mot-sumot- Tanabe, 1307 Liliha, cor. Kukuj. Tel. Japanese waiter, builder; painting, paperhanging. . CO. Gregorlo Domingo, musi- 1124 Union. Tel. 1756. Louis Petrlllo. 1387 Emma. Expert ' WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER experienced m 2167. Cleaning, dyeing and , stamp- 5265-3- 5070-t- f MADEIRA EMBROIDERY. 1 cian, begs to announce that he will ing. We send for and deliver. Latest machinery. Repairs 'while Kebum Underwood s., Visible Remlng open 1 you 5291-3- m - musical studio. Sept. at room K. Horiuchi, Liliha, nr. King; Tel. Mrs. J. P. Melim, 162 Hotel; Phone wait. Smithi,"Ollvers; Yosts. . 41SK a No. 17, Kapiolani Bldg. Tel. 3801. Bids 3996. Beautiful Madeira embroider I . on contracts for building, Canete. cor. Alakea and King. Monarchs, "Smith Premiers, Fox g. Matsuoka, 48 N. Kukui; Tel. 3146. San- Antone painting and paper-hangin- F ed babies' caps, sacks and dresses. etc. Every ..machine guaranteco. itary methods. Dyeing done. Clothes , . Work guaranteed. I Initials and hemstitching to order. 120 s. King 3306. ; sent for and delivered. FURNITURE. St; Tel. Y. Kobayashi, carpenter, contractor, 5266-3- m SEWING MACHINES. Sun Lee Tai Co, 26 N. King; Tel. paperhanger and painter. 2034 S. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES. II. Togawa, Nuuanu and Beretania; 1783. Furniture of all kinds. Koa R. TANAKA. 1266 FORT STREET. TIRES REPAIRED. King St; Phone 3365. 5286-t- f Tel. 3028. We call for and deliver. made to order a specialty. If your motorcycle is wrong have it Sewing machines bought or exchanged. agents Re- Honolulu Vulcanizing Torks on "Ala- Dowson Brothers,, sole for Y. Fukuya, 178 S. Beretania: Tel. 1837. Ferns rented for receptions. put right by" an expert. Honolulu Ring 3209 and we will send roan to 5242-6- m kea St., is now prepared to" maka gal,, Peerless and . Bulldog gasoline Contractor," builder, painter, plumber . Motor Supply, Ltd., Phone 3558, Nu- look ct old machine. engines. Dealers Royal Navy All kinds of household goods bought repairs to any size tira for any ve- in mason work. , uanu and and Nuu- huld. prices. K. Hayashi, Beretania. hicle. Prices reasonable and quick English bicycles and American bicy- Quick Dealer Co.. Beretania, nr. and Best SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE. ;.2l.-t.t- n - cles and supplies. Bicycle repairing Y. Miyao, contractor and builder, 527 anu. Cleaning, dyeing and tailoring. i29 S. kmc. delivery. 5277 MASSAGE. buy 8. bought sold. We a specialty. Phone-325- Smith, nr. Beretania St. Work 'guaranteed. Furniture and Fu-kud- a. m any household goods. TINSMITH. Hotel St 6287-t- f Phone 3516. 5245-6- FURNISHINGS. Massage treatments at your home by saleable Asahi. 564 N. King; Tel. 2227. Clothes expert masseur from King and Scuth; Phone 1622. called delivered. Mending. St. Helena Lirr Sing Kee, 1044 Nuuanu; Tel. 2990. ( , H. YOSHINAGA, 1218 EMMA ST. Sun Lee Tai Co., 26 N. King; Tel. for and You can clothe yourself completely Sanitarium. Phone 2347. . m plumber! 1783. Building contractors and paint- 5263-3- very Boys' , Tinsmith, hardware, etc We sell any make of bicycle.1 Repair here for a small sum. 5308-t- f ; ' bicycle ers. clothing, STORAGE; . v shop up to de.te. Tires and Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; Tel. men's furnishings, trunks, 5244-6i- n supplies. -- sulteates. etc. Kam Chong Co., Fort Yokomizo Fukamachi Co., Beretania, 1027. We also clean hats. 5164 3m MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Co.; H. Love. Fire- and Beretania. 5237-t- f City Transfer Jas. WAWT.ADS ,0N nr. Tel. 39S6, Home 3167. Bldg.) In- ADDHIONAL Maunakea. First-clas- - proof warehouse, .(Hopper BAKERIES. H. Afong Co. s men's fur- -- - 03 CIGARS TOBACCO. 5293-3- m PAGE 11- AND KOA FURNITURE.' nishings. Hotel Bethel Sts, surance lowest rate. v i and Home Bakery, 212 S. Beretania. Home- T. Hokushin. 711 S. King; Tel. 3091.1 THE INVATERS. 5277 made bread. Boston baked beans Fong Inn Co.. 1152 Nuuanu: Tel. 3038. Photo-EnsrraTl- ng of highest grade ETPrythlnjr In prfnfln? line Buildings. No charge drawing plans. The best blend of the finest Havana the at and brown bread Saturdays. Fresh Koa furniture to order. Full line of MASSAGE. can be secured from the Star-Bullet- in Star-Bulleti- n,' Alakea street; branch, 5262-3- m sweet. Fitzpat-ric- k tobacco. Mild and & ! Photo-KucraTl- pastry daily. Chinese ebony, embroidery curios. - n? ' Bros., agents. 5277 Plant. Merchant treet . K. Hashimoto. 17S S. Beretania; Tel. dis- Segawa, 672 S. 'King; Phone 3236. Love's Bakery, manufacturers and j Building contractor and house mover, Tim Kee. King and Alakea. Manila 2367. Masseur, baths, manicure. tributors of finest quality bread, FIREWOOD. crackers, pies and cakes. 5245-l- y cigars, Victoria. Conchas, Londres. j 5291 -- 3tn 5293-3- m , Yokomizo-Fukamac- hi Co., Beretania, K Hara. 524 X. King; Tel. 3921. Build- - MISSION FURNITURE. j Ings, stone and cement work, etc. j nr. Maunakea. Contractors. Tel. CHIROPODIST. 3 Mis- BAMBOO FURNITURE. B263-3- m r 3986, 41ome 3167. M. Ueda. 541 S. King. Koa and sion to i furniture order. The ideal furniture for the tropics. We Mme. E. King, manicuring and cbiro- - submit' designs or make from your CONFECTIONERY. pody; Alakea House. Tel. 1S63. Res- - inence work desired. j Ka- - plans, i Picture framing done. S. German Confectionery, 1183 Alakea if Flowers Leis to or. lor at Julia 563 Beretania; Phone 2497. ; j lakiela's, I'aualii and Nuuan'i: Tel." Salkl. St Phone 3793. German coffee cake, ' 5245-6- m baumkuchen, honigkuchen, marzi- CALABASHES. 31 7 . r.ni4-6- m pan, delicious ice creams and sher- 3745. Bamboo Factory, 1719 School; j Ohtani, 1286 Fort; Tel. bets, wedding cake, pastry, Liliha. above Tel. to order. fancy 23S4. In stock or made to order, furniture made fruit cakes, plum pudding, small G 01 -- 3m nastry. I GLEE CLUB. BOARDING STABLES. CAFE. Kaai c,e 'lul. Voung F.IJg.. Tel.; In our , Splendid care taken of hone p LibertyTer 3tiT. furnishes musie for au r;i-- SAID rtEL. UATT-t- o na.CAUt v , rangements City thing new. Prices just. Caters espe-- DRESSMAKER. to board horses. cially to theater parties. Private 521 Beretania; Phone 1921. Stables, rooms. tut Sun. 12SH Nuuanu, bet. Kukui and i REALUf IS ABUTST6IR-..- - 5245-6- m It t - r Beretania. Ladies' and cliildreu's ; H you ov;&-- T YQvjg wie-E- The Central, Beretania and Fort opp. buits to order. Fit guaranteed. VHY THEN PAY CASH it BARBER SHOPS. Fire Station. Genuine home cook- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. when you can buy the finest ing. Try our sandwiches, 10c up. The DelmonicA, 134 S. Beretania. Fuji Co.. filS N. King; Phone 179 Can tailored clothing rrade in Amer- HOW YOO St6 Miss Nellie Johnson, dressmaker. ica, on time payments and at I DO THE Everything new and sanitary. furnish house at prices unheard of. , CAN Dressmaking of every description ! the sarre price as you would SAME OVtR i (1H furniture pvrharruH fnr new TntHfr ' Boston." net Bijou Theater. Onen " Union St. ! pay at the cash stores? AFEWTiMtS all night. (Waters especially to af- - Will Fend man to your house, Dis- - A ANt GtT Rich BUY AND SELL. ter-tlieate- r parties. 52';h-,;,i- i Kawaguchi 509 K. King; Tel. 2073. count on purchases of little down when ycu take Men's shirts, ladies' and children's r.26J-3- m your suit home, the balance in bought, Diamonds, watches nd Jewelry The McCandless. A'.aken. nr. Merchant. dresses. 5262-3- m small weekly or monthly pay- sold and exchanged. J. Carlo. Fort SL Regular meals or a la carte. HORSE CLIPPING. ments cr az ycu g;t paid. ei Our te'rr.s, cur goods and our Rrtward fc! ..ft. IM:t.-l;h- nr. ;!ng. way cf doing businecs will CABINET MAKER. Durintr t!.e J.i.i i:i"t.tl! h.ive your please you. horse clipj)'"" ! t- - ci ijpcr. Thayer Piano Co. Ltd. John Rodrigues, Miller, nr. Punchbowl il ' Victor Records 8tringed instrument.- - repaired. CrainiTE;D SU1CID m THE MODEL STEINWAY 526fi-3- HORSE SHOER. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. AND OTHER PIANOt .1. Kim; 1 "Clothing fjr Men Who Know" EIGHT d A. HAD 0-!- an Alaj.ai UV&S.BE.StMr Phon 221 Fr'tows Block Fort St. Nun'. 24vars'i Ul Hottl 8trMt For news and the I rath about It, all experience in Hawaii a? horseshoer. j U 1139 Fort St i)pen Evenings . GUARANTEED Star-Bulleti- -- i m TUNING people bay the n. 52C3-2- L HONOLULU STAR P.rLLETTX; TUESDAY, SEPT. .. 1012. 11

Established in 1858 WANTS r SAILS MOVEMENTS OF Oceanic Steamship Go. Mails are due from the following MAIL STEAMERS FIRE points as follows: S;n Francisco Chiyo Maru. S'jt C.. Victoria Sept. II. I SAN SYDNEY, N. W. Makura. TESXKLS TO A REITS FOR FRANCISCO FOR 8. BISHOP & CO. PAINTER. Colonies Ventura. Spt. t-- Tenyo Maru, G. G. Ventura Sept. 6 S. Sonoma Sept 2 LIFE Yokohama Set. H. Tuesday, September 3. " arrlags. wagon, autos, lgn. Our follow- S. S. Sierra 21 S. S. Ventura . Sept. 30. BANKERS Mails will depart for the Manila h-a- Nagasaki Sept. d via Logan, V. Daint-- r for IS ars in Oahu Rv. ing points as follows: S. S. Sonoma Oct. 4 S. S. Sonoma Oct. 28 I S A T. carshops. 'ity Autu Painting Co., Yokomaha Chiyo Maru. Sept. F Wednesday, September 4. MARINE cQurrn. cpp. City Mill lumber yard. Vanmuver Zealandia. Sept. 10. Colonies Sept 10. Hawaii via Maul porta Claud In e, Makrtra. stmr. Commercial ana Travelers' San Fran is-- l.urline, Sej.i.V C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., General Agents jt'Tin Jian. !4 PwnolilKwl. nr Kauai ports V. O, tCrnr. Letters of Credit issued on the Suns - Hall. T-- l 1S18. Hons painting, Bank of Kin. I PASSKNUKRS BOOKED I $ Thursday. September ft. California and The ur AUTOMOBILE polishing, graining. Fur-nit- Hongkong via Japan ports Klyo 5.-'-::- London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., rn repaired. Per M. N S S Lurline. for San Maru, Jap stmr. London. S. Shiraki, Nuuanu; Tel. 4137. Francisco. Sept. 1'. .Mrs J H. Castle Friday, September & Painting and paperhanging. All work Mr. Rockwell. Mrs. and Miss Rock- San Francisco Chiyo Maru. T. K. Tourist Baggage guaranteed. Bids submitted free. well. Miss M. Hayward, L. J Warren, K. S. S. ' A. C. Case. Fre-- 1 C. V. Cooper. Mrs. Sydney via Pago Pago Ventura, Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Correspondents for the Amer- Cooper. C. F. Waterman. A. K. Mur- O. S. S. ican Express Company and and 1 lite Kau Kee. H20 Nuuanu. House phy, C. C. Clarke. Rev. J. Cuihert. E. Saturday, September 7. Far-rel- l. J paper-hangin- g. Bowers, Miss Carey, Iv M. Thos. Cook & Son. painting, Materials. Miss Hilo via way portsi Maun, Keir R HumholT. Dr. K. C. Khotles, lf-a- stmr, , of the a hove company will call at Honolulu nnd this L. Iv M. W. N. V Stamrs Mclellan. Thompson. Sunday, September 8. f - l porf on or oIxhiJ the laf'S im-n- ion l Iow: Accident I K. Tachlbani. King nr. Punchbowl. Young, Mr. Haran. Max arul Mrs Maui, Molokai and Lanat porta Contracts house painting, etc. Schmidt, Miss 11. II. Simpson. C. II Interest allowed on Term and Mikahala, stmr. -- FOR THE ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO 5262-3- m Hellina, S. J. Shaw. W. M. Bellinger. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr. Savings Bank Deposits. Insurance K. Peacock, Mrs. K. Eckher, F. B ' 3. S. Nile Sept. 13 S. S. Persia Sept. 17 Jew- - Tuesday, September 10. PLUMBING. Dodge, A. Brodie. Dr. and Mrs. Hongkong S. S. Mongolia Sept. 20 S. S. Korea Sept. 24 ett, J. Duval. Mrs. Duval. Mrs. 1. C. via Japan ports Tenyo i Maru, S. S. Persia Oct. 12 S. S. Siberia Oct. 8 H. Yamamoto. 682 S. King. Phone Burrows, Mrs. J. F. Gulick. MrS.: O. T. K. K. S. S. 3308. Can furnish best references, Omstead. Miss I. A. Brooks. Jno San Francisco Honolulan, M. K. For general Information apply to but my work speaks for itself. Es- Doig. K. B. Porter. C I, Brown. S. S. ; timates furnished free of charge. Per str. Kilauca. for Kona and Kau Sydney, via Auckland and 8ut BANK 5245-l- y ports, Sept. 10. Miss C. M. Palmer Zealandia, C.-- A. S. S. H.Hackfeld fc Co., Ltd. Agents Miss Meinecke, Miss M. E. Merrill Hilo direct Mauna Kea, stmr.. Mrs. C. S. Rea, Mrs. Ura Strom, S, Wednesday, i Sptmbr 11. h-- O E. Hannestad, Miss G. Aiu, Miss L. Victoria and Vancouver Makura, Castle & Cooke, Ahuna. UKULELES. Maui and Hawaii porta Claudlne, HONOLULU stmr. LIMITED Ltd. Factory, 1719 Lilfha. above School; Tel. MORMON CAMPAIGN Kauai porta W. G. Hall. ttmr. 2384. In stock or made to order. IN LONDON SUBURBS Thursday, September 12. TOYO KISEN San Francisco U. . S. transporL Issue K. N. & K. Letters of Agents Honolulu LONDON. August 10. Mormon mis Friday, September 13. IMA UMBRELLAS. again coming Into San Francisco Nile. P. M. S. S.- Credit and Travelers' Creeks sionaries are the limelieht in Great Britain.partly ow Saturday, September 14. v available throughout the world. K. Mizuta, 1284 Tel. 3745. Re- porta-rMa- una . Steamers of the above Company will call at and leave Honolulu on Fort; Inj, to the publicity given to the trial Hilo, via way Kea pairing done. ' : or about the dates mentioned below: of a Liverpool woman, charged with stmr. trvine to induce her daugh Sunday, September, 15. : FOR ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO Maui. Molokai and Lana! 'port-a- THE tcr to accompany a letter Day Saint ; Cable Transfers W to Salt Lake City. Little has recently Mikahala, stmr." v . 8. Chiyo Maru 6 S. S. Nippon Maru. .". . . 3 at ,8. ..Sept. .Spt. Lteen heard of the crusading Mormons Kauai porta Klnau, stmr. ; J 8r Nippon Maru Sept. 27 Tenyo Maru : Sept. 10 WAGON REPAIRS. . 8. Alexander in this country, owing to the wav Monday, September-18- 8. S. Tenyo Maru ....Oct. 3 ' S. S. Shinyo Maru. Oct 1 Lowest Rates Lee Kau Co., 306 N. Beretania. Ex- indienation their activities prev San Francisco: Sierra. O. S. S. & pert repairers. Bring your old ah civ nrnnspfL There were threats of - Tuesday, September 17. ; -- as parliamentary; procedure against them Hongkong, via Japan ports Persia, Shanghai. wagons to us and we will make " Clls at Manila, omitting call at .. : : good as new for very little" cost some few months ago, and the storm P. M. S. S. Baldwin of disaDDroval had the consequent ef Friday, September 29. v , & LIMITED, Honolulu. CASTLE COOKE, Agents, feet of stemming the campaign for a San Francisco Mongolia, PJtLS.a Cooke 'uy ' Castle & WATCHMAKER. while. , Tuesday, September 24 Limited a, Manchester Honrkong . via Japan portal-Kore- Limited While Liverpool and ' Roy Mathews, Palm Bldg. Annex. Just have been the happiest hunt P. M. S. S. HONOLULU, T. H. hitherto irg-ground- ap-- Sugar Factors prices. Close regulation. Mail orders. s for converts, it now I ncars to he the intention of the Lat r TESSf LS TO DEPICT ' 1 SUGAR FACTORS, SHIPPING Commission Merchants ter Day spellbinders to beat up fe Matson Navigation Company AND COMMISSION male recruits in the suburbs or Lon Tuesday, 8eptembtr 3; - MERCHANTS and Insurance Agents start having teen made In San Francisco Lurline, M. N. 8. S.,v else--- Agents for Stockwell and Brixton. There, as 6 p.m. . - ; Aqents Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, TOUR- for where In the country, this propaganda Maul, Molokai and . Lanal ports ISTS' BAGGAGE AND rrnvement has been Dromptly attacK M ikahala, stmrv 5 p. m. .. . Hawai'an Commercial & Sugar religious de- cf. by members of various Kauai ports Klnau, , stmr., 5 p. m. FROM SAN FRANCISCO I FOR SAN FRANCISCO AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Co. most nominations. The counter tactics Wednesday, September 4. - Haiku Sugar Company young men Into a : in favor are to form . 3 S. S. J .Sept. 3 San Francisco Logan,-U- 8. A. 8. S. Wilhelmlna Sept Lurline...... Representing nersua ' Paia Plantation irhi hrtirnrie of nrotest and " : ' ; -- -- S. Si Honolulan Sept 10 S. S. Wilhelmlna.. Sept. 11 successfully TransporL . wa Plantation Company Maui Agricultural Cohipny s'on. In Stockwell they Hilo way porta Manna Kea, S. S. Lurline.' .'.Sept 25 S. S. Honolulan Sept. 18 strikers, by oe via Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. - copy the methods of , Hawaiian 8ugar- Company tr.blishlng themselves as peaceful pick- stmrlO Kohala Sugar Co. Thursday,al'jnirv:September $. S. S.; HYADES tails from Seattle for Honolulu direct on about Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Kahuku Plantation' Company ets outside the hall where the Mor- SEPTEMBER 14, 1912. McBryde Sugar Company mon meetings place and inter-- Central and South American ports V Matson Navigation Co. take Kiyo Maru, Jap sfmr. ' Toyo Kisen renting the elrls. mostto of the serv . For . further particulars, apply to Kaisha Kahului Railroad Company Kauai ports W. O. Hall, stmr 5 ant class, whose curiosity about the - Kauai Railway Company appealed to p. m. ., . , ! CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., General Agents, Honolulu. faith of Utah has. been Honolua Ran en nrevionslv by means of tracts. Friday, September 8, Haiku Fruit and Paeking Co. So most of the meetings have Hongkong via Japan jporta Chiyo far ' ' The Yokohama Kauai Fruit and Land Company Jror brol-e- up in disorder, but undeterred Maru, Jap stmr. by interruptions and threats of per--: Hawaii via Man! porta CUndine, sonal violence, the Mormon mission- stmr., 5 p. m. CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- Specie BanK. Ventura, O. N ROYAL MAIL S. S. CO. aries stick to their campaign until San Francisco 8. 8. Limited thev are llterallv hounded from one Saturday, Sept 7. V Head Office - Yokohama district, when they proceed to an Hilo direct Mauna Kea, stmr., 4 p. Sal' repeats m. .: - 1? FOR : FIJI AND AUSTRALIA FOR VANCOUVER C. Brewer & Co. other, where the same history v Yen. itself. Monday, September 9. s 11 Limited ? ; 8. 8. Makura...... '..... Sept S. S. Zealandia Sept. 10 Capital Subscribed . . . 48,000,000 Kauai porta Noeau, stmr. . Zealandia ,Oct 9 S. S, Marama.. .Nov. 8 Capital Up. ; .30,000,000 Tuesday, September 10. SJS. Paid .. WHEN A LAXATIVE IS SV 8."Marama .Nov. 6 S. 8. Makura...... Nov. 5 Reserve Fund ..17,500.000 Established 1826 . San Franclspc Tenyo Maru, T. K. 120 LOTS 40 by 80 feet for NEEDED "CASCARETS" General banking business sale at Kalihi, right on King Victoria and Vancouver -- Zealandia, SUGAR FACTORS, " THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS. transacted. Savings accounts Street, near the Kalihi bridge. Sails, Calomel and Cathartic VlU are CA. S. S, for $1 and upwards.' SHIPPING and COMMISSION Prices range from $350 to $500 violent they act on boweln as Kona-Ka-u ports Kiiauea, stmr., 12 Fire and burglar-proo- f vaults, MERCHANTS, a lot.: pepper acts In nostrils. noon. with Safe Deposit Boxes for Maui, Molokai and Lanal ' ports FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE ti rent at $2 per year and up- Liberal discounts will be al- Take a Cascaret tonight and thor Mikahala; stmr., 5 p. in. v - - AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- 5 p. KM N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. wards. lowed for cash. oughly "cleanse your, Liver, Stomach Kauai ports Klnau, stmr a Trunks and cases to be kept Agents for and Bowels, and you will surely feel Wednesday, September 11. ;, . FROM. NEW YORK TO HONOLULU on custody at moderate rates. Terms are very easy. Sydney via 8uva and Auckland t. . A great by morning. You men and every day. received Hawaiian Agricultural Co. C.-- ; Via Tehuanttpec, sixth Freight at all times at the Particulars to be applied for. of women who have headache, coated Makura, 8. 8. t - '," Onomea Sugar Company Inquire Companya wharf, Ulsr Street, South Brooklyn. tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, ner San Francisco Wilhelmlna, M. N. YU AKAI, Manager. Pepeekeo Sugar Company . S, 10 a. m. , : FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT Honomu Sugar Company vous and upset, bothered with a sick. Honolulu Office, Bethel and gassy, or have Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea,' 8. S. ALASKAN, to tall about. SEPTEMBER 12 Wailuku Sugar Company disordered stomach, ' Merchant Sts. Telephones 2421 backache and feel all worn out. stmr., 10 a. m. 8. S. VIRGINIAN, to sail about J OCTOBER 4 1594. Olowalu Company ' ' and P. O. Box 168. Are you keeping your bowels clean Thursday, September 12. S. 8. MEXICAN, to sail about.., OCTOBER 26 Kiiauea Sugar Plantation Co. Kauai ports W.,0. Hall,stmr 5 with Cascarets or merely forcing a '' , . For further Information apply to H. HACKFELD &. COn LTD, Hilo Sugar Company V; p. m. . . ". . Kalihi Poi passageway every few days with agents,' Honolulu. C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent Paauhau Sugar Plantation Co. Friday, September, 13. Hakalau Plantation Company salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This is important lanlla, via Guam U. 8. A. T, EMMELUTH Hutchinson Sugar Plant'n Co. Maui and Hawaii ports Claudlne, - & CO., LTD. Waimanaio Sugar Company Factory Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the stmr., 5 p. m. , PLUMBERS and SHEET METAL Honolulu Plantation Company Hongkong, via Japan porta Nile, Oahu Railway Time Table Oceanic Steamship Company and sour, undigested and fermenting food WORKERS foul gases; take the excess bile P. M. S. 8. 'V . ServiceDispatch Baldwin Locomotive Works and 14. STOVES and RANGES from the liver and carry off the con- Saturday, September Land Co.. Ltd. Hilo direct Mauna Kea, atnr., 4 Corner King and Bishop stipated waste matter and poison ' 8trtts p. m. ; ," Oatirard. Phone Na. 3067 from1 the intestines and bowels. ':' WBSTE'RN Remember, a Cascaret tonight will Monday, September 18. V porta Noeau, stmr C p. For Walanae, Walalua. Kahuku and PACIFIC ENGINEERING or to ' straighten you out by morning. A Kauai a. tO-ce- Tuesday, September .17. ,Way 15 p. nt box your druggist means PACIFIC Stations 9: a. m., 3:20 m COMPANY, LTD. from - porta healthy bowel action; a clear head Maui, Molokai and. Lanal t For Tearl Citr, Ewa Mill and Way Consulting, Designing and Cos- - Mikahala, stmr 5 p. m. T7-3- 0 and cheerfulness for months. Don't Stations a. m., i:15 a. in. Corrugated Asbestos Ktructlur Engineers. San Francisco Persia, P. MV 8. 8. RAILWAY 11:30 mi forget the children. am., p. m. 3:20 p ROOFING Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc- Kauai ports Klnau, stbr 5 p. m. 5:15 p. ra.. 19:30 p. m.. 1 u- - Indestructible. THE tll:15 Keps out the heat. tures, Steel Structured, Sanitary Sys- W. C. Achi Wednesday, September 18. Applied same as corrugated Iron. Honolulanj FEATHER For Wahlava and Lellclina lo.v tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro- San Francisco M. N. a. m., 5:15 p. m., t9:3C p. m.. t11:lR jects. Phone 1045. S. S. RIVER p. m. Honolulu Iron Works Co. Hilo via way porta Mauna Kea, stmr., 10 a. nx, ;. ' - ROUTE Thursday, September 19. For particulars see Inward. p. BUILDING MATERIAL Kauai ports W. G. HaH, stmr4 5 a. McDonald, P.m. ", - Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- Contractor and Builder Of All Kind Townsend Friday, September 20 Waldron,Ltd. 6 Fred. L alua and Walanae '8-3- a. m., 5:31 Maui and porta Claudlne, given on ol Hawaii p. m. Estimates all kinds DEALERS LUMBER Undertaking Co,, stmr., 5 p. m. Fort Street ' 836 building. Limited Hongkong via Japan porta Mon Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and ALLEN & BELMONT 2H UEDORA2 Concrete Work a Specialty ROBINSON Day 1325 , . Pearl City t7:4r a m.. 8:36 a. m., Night and Phone: f golia, P. M. 8. 8. . NUUAXTJ - 11:02 a. m., 1:40 p. M:28 p. m., PATJAHI STREET, NEAR Queen Street Honolulu 71 BERETANIA Saturday, September 21. 5:31p. in, 7:30 p. m. Hilo direct Mauna Kea, stmr., 4 r Plioto-EngrnTl- p. -- ng highest grade' MEMBERSHIP FEES m. ; Arrlve Honolulu from Wablawa and of Terything In the prlutiug line at - S'ar-Bnlleti- In O. a. can be secured from the StarBulIctfn n, Alakea V San Francisco Sierra, 8. 8 Leilcbua 9:15 tl:40 p. m., street; jranch, ' rhoto-Engrarln- HARRISON MUTUAL noon. ' Pau l(a liana 5:31 p. m , p.,m. g Plant Jerrh.int street THE r tl0:lu BURIAL ASSOCIATION COLLAR. 10 The Haleia Limited, a two-ho- ur From 1 to 10 years old. .$2.50 TBA5SP0BT SEBTICZ I train (only first class tickets hon- From 10 to 30 years old. 3.50 with the Ara -- Notch in ored!, leaves Honolulu every Sunday SO 40 years 4.50 - MOVES THE EARTH 0 From to old. place of the bothersome Logan, sailed, from Manila, for Hono- at 8:36 a. m.; returning, arrives in t From 40 to 50 years old 5.50 lulu and San Francisco, Aug. 15. Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. The Limited 50 to 60 years old. 6.50 buttonhole 15c each 2 for 25c flAVb YOU THOUGHT OF From Sherman," from Honolulu for Manila, . ' stops li? - - only at Pearl City and Walanae J. D. Marques, Pres. . . - ; Cluett. Peabody & Co Makers ' sailed Aue. 13r c outward, and Waianae, Waipahu and J. H. Townsend, Secy. Honolulu for San Fran-- Honolulu Beautiful. Everybody's thinking of making it pret- Sheridan from PAPER Pearl City inward. j Cisco, Arrived April, 7. All kinds. Wrapping Papers and tier than ever. Hilo has the beautifying fever, and Honolulu Printing Writing Papers. Daily. tSundayi Excepted. XSun-da- y should not get her feet off the dashboard of progress. Let us Crook, at San Francisco. . Twines. and Only. " ' AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN PAPER & have your orders for Crushed Rock for the foundation for the Dr. T. MITAMURA Buford, stationed on 'Pacific Coast. High Class 1412 Philippines. SUPPLY CO, LTD. G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH,' - improvements at home. Imitation Dffice: Nuuanu SL, cor. Vineyard Warren, stationed at the Telephone 1540 Thomas, sailed from Honolulu for - and Queen Streets Honolulu Superintendent G. P. A ' ' Fort Work; 9 8 ' Phone 141 Geo. G. Guild. Gen, Mgr. Honolulu Construction & D raying Co., Ltd. Typewriter Office Hours: to 12 a. m., 7 to San Francisco, arrived Aug. 13. p. .n. Sundays by appointment. . Supply, sailed from Honolulu for Seatr ; . ETerythlnj; In ROBINSON BUILDING QUEEN 50 N. Vineyard 15. ' ' ' the printing line at STREET GEO, S. IKEDA Residence: Street, tie, June v X ! Star-Bnlletl- ft, Star-BBllet- ln Ids.' are Best Buslnwi Alakea street; branch, .... office. Telephon 2813; P. O. Box Honolulu Maaib, zzVr.l Bar Dii, from for Getters. Yercfcant street. Tel. 2500 78 Merchant ;42. Aug. 13. j. 'V '. 12 TIONOLriX STAR-BULLETI- T FES DAY. SEPT. 3. 1012.

Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever Masonic Temple O WORLD S NEWS CONDENSED Orders for Stock D K. T. ffcLi.X (iOlKAl'D S ORIENTAL C. Q. Vee Hop CREAM OR MAGICAL BEALTIFIEP C. Don't STAR-BULLETI- H BKI.l.I.VA leavet per Hesitate SPECIAL MAIL SERVICE TO N & Co., i Kr..ors Tan. V r ; Lurllne. September 3. Orders Ni ! n cc.r. & c for H!!,.c andT oieii-- Dispatches Givi'1:- Wo i Id's News stock of any kind taken. To MEAT MARKET AND Tel or call at Weekly Calendar Take al a Glance, a i i IMPORTERS XL- - ...t. Si-- - 5V - t! !.- -i U i.'.r 'f-- i I .r i r v a . nTil. - Khhm-w-- lr liostetter's l.tiiii: f I.KM.IMI. M.s h Atcht.old. wtui that tiV .1 t uir , Telephone 'M'.l Club ! Stables, I I. .: r i.- n- - with thanks a contribu- rt In lti'l::i(ia - iiwa accpt( t.l n. . r by um t . f u. - - ; .il tion him of for Limited MONDAY: saluufi- iiru.iiliim lum to 1 Stomach Bitters f 1. A l n!" f;Mii j.jit run w it li all i u.4 to 4.!v ..f t! - hunng the Mana- t hu; 1 bombardment of TUFSDAY: Ifiiuun. k ainl lurk inakUi.u 1 1 gua. IL'u noncoiiit.atants were killed. - A salutary li'--iuia- i ri.u UJ. l.a! Women helped m the defense ef the Wi.i Jiw tiirtn WEDNESDAY: A Cului ill ; m d. r d d REPAIRING OF city, and many of Wouildetl. rci Shoes t- Were i. Clothing I - them in and it n I K . ir ji li mi a 'liurnmlV I'rr lias a proven reputa-- in bt ill, in ,. - crusade has been begun in New Uv : '.upstate's THURSDAY: tu i hi ui 'I L- iiu-- i iy j l I i'!iU lion cases of Poor Ap- - tci York against th "Disorderly House Eio. Automobiles 1 I'ln-l- m stilirt Sain was ;i)ai-- w ;A1T.HQPMS. P'ca. 37 Riui Jriu Stet lewTrrl Uenrt-rhitulenc- Trust," hich, it isj said, will involve FRIDAY: M:filc, BHcmiu', y, the reply. Yee Chan & Co., many big realty owners and promi- - s and Carriages A Mian dropped ilead li iuht in blllli, indi-- 1 lioiu Iieiit men ot tile Cif BETHEL AND KING STS. j SATURDAY: a I'liilaUi-lphi- a poln.- - station s ( Four men were fatally injured and PAINTING A SPECIALTY It' ;o.livt;!n:ss, and 1.1-g- him a!out twenty seriously when the grandstand ;ii .:, T i:v:i ar.d Aiiue. Konie small matter at the Kockaway avenue ball park. BUY YOUR DRY GOODS from A 1atik tailed in i'ailisville. Ohio, HOTEL Don' I exijcri.nent insist Fast New York, collapsed. twenty years ago The presi- Trans-Mississipp- Vright -- Hustace former The i Commercial dent just died, whereupon his heirs Congress will meet this week in Salt KwongSingLoy&Co. LIMITED . .All vislt!r.p members of the voluntarily paid up everything owing at-tin- d Lake City, with delegates from nearly ord-- r cordially Invited to ?, TEWART are old depositors with per in- KING AND SOUTH lodges. HOSTETTER'S the tent all States and important cities of the King St & Doors from BetheJ meetings of local terest. country. -- Mrs. (). H. 1. It tones and invigorates Hint to suffragettes A steel ploughshare was found im- 4--' SAN FRANCISCO Belmont has "Votes For Women" bedded in tbe heart of an old tree at printed ' GAGE across the face of all her Collingdale, Pa. The implement had Geary above Fine Line of Dry Goods A KNOX :o It is only necessary Street, Union Square it. i o. . checks. to have doubtless been laid in a crotch of the iionom lv unmiu cic. a bunk accuiint to do this. European Pl&s $1.50 a day up Honolulu No. ol law tree nearly loo years ago. American Plan $3.00 a day up n For.. Rale by Snaltn & Co., ('hicago is to have an automobile Wah Co. im-'et- i: uon, A Enci'na Ying Chong Millinery J. I. ). KlkB. li , fire was started in Hall.: coiu-t- where a judge technically and Stanford University, by a cigarette New stee and brick structure. lhvr hall, on Klug St. Ltd., Chanibera Drug Co., Hllo Every comfort and convenience. MILTON every Fridaj Ltd.. mtcjianically qualified will hear all dropped in a rubbish heap. The King St Ewa Fishmarket A PARSONS Dear Tort, cases in which are A tigt class hotel at very moderate Visiting Broth autos concerned. flames were controlled before they had Telephone 3083 1112 Fort 8L evening. ten-year-ol- Drug Co. and at all wholesale liquor A d rates. In the center of theatre and girl was the heroine half-wa- y up are cordially Invito spread more than the district. On trans- er of an excursion boat wreck off the building. retail car lines to attend. Cape Cod grand- ferring to all parts ot city. Electric coast. She saved her Judge Han ford, recently deposed Importers of Oriental 'Goods A. E. MITRPIIT. E. R mother when a overturned. omnibus meets all trains and " H. DUNSHBE, Sec. from the Federal bench at Seattle, has steamers. Hotel Stewart recognized Exclusive 1913 A Broadway chorus girl notified of distributed among his friends a print- Millinery : a legacy gave a large dinner and en as Hawaiian Island Headquarters. Wing Wo ed pamphlet in his own defense. Cable Address "Trawets"ABC code. TaL& lo., , tertained, resigned her position, and Postmaster General Hitchcock has American Underslung the next day took a taxi to the law- JiL Love.Honolulu representative. 941 Nuuanu, near - King Street Meet on the authorized the expenditure of $1,000.-00- 0 Miss Power, yer's office to claim the legacy. She in promoting clerks and Phone 1020 2nd and 4th $1.X(. assistant Boston Block : Second Floor Mondays of received postmasters. Models A wealthy Baltimore girl has defied each month As a result of the recent news fam- her family and will marry a tourist ine in Loudon owing to the fire in at K.l hall ciMiductor of Paris. Exclusive Patterns 7:30 P. M. the general postoffice. plans for wire- Hotel BON-TO-N An Illinois druggist who just died less stations for use in future like Potter, Greys 8'F.KBiKfFi5:. Members of was 2IO,O0u in Handsome found to have gathered contingencies are being considered. other Asso- geological specimens from all over the HAT CHOP are Secretary of War Stimson is making Santa Barbara ciations 0. world. The collection is worth 3U.-00- 17. W, AHANA, HIGH CLASS MILLINERY V" cordially Invited a tour of inspection of Western mili- to attend. 62 SOUTH KING STREET Club Stablei Block I tary posts. MRS E. E. DAVIS, A Chinese boy who recently came 100-mil- e Proprietor YXL, McKI N L01K3 The world's motorcycle rec- LET K, XO. 8, to this country learned to speak Eng-lisJ- i K. of 1. ord was broken by Don Clark of Co- well iu six weeks and expects tu at recent race in Cleve- Meets everv 2nd lumbus the BEAUTIES IN and 4th Patnr. Self Starter anor enter Columbia College. land. His time was 95 minutes 10 Co., HEADGEAR. f,'5?Uday evening at 7r30 o'clock Id Electrically Lighted A wonderful and extensive cave has Ona-TOBM- The Wong Wong Are ''Always 'Found - seconds. H .at tht g'MK. of P. Mall, cor. Fort and been found in Kentucky mountains. It PerK&nia.. Visiting brother is said to be the greatest in the world. Builders and Contractors Ilary-An-n Ceo. BecKIey, MEN ARE AS Francisco : was HELPLESS cordially invited to atteoL C Cilen Martin in an aeroplane sin Office: Maunakea SL fog Chi- saaf A. F. GEHTZ, C. C. Phone 3009 Sole Distributor lost for an Hour in the over CHILDREN Reinforced Concrete Building. 225 Rooms. 2f first Bonnet SIiop cago-. finally a . V P. F. KILDEV, K. IL b. He landed safely in das eating houses within t Mock. Rates ft, St.tQ FORT STREET ; park. When Taken Snddenly III Here Is a to 14.00 per day-- F.LAAW.TunhwPfoos.4llgf JIONOLIJLU AERIE HO, F. E. William Corbin of the recently 0. Co ni m n - Sen s e Saf cinia rd. Meet on second ami fourtt closed Continental Building and ltan & Co., FALL OPENING r1CL VON HAM M" Y O U NGXO., LTD. will prob- L Chong Wednesday evening of eacl Association of San Francisco Big. strong man is as a helpless in- month at 7:30 o'clock, In ably be charged with perjury or falsi- FURNITURE N , H AT 8 ' Importers, Machinery and ' fant when he is suddenly ill. PATTER , Kof P. Hall, corner Fori fication of records. The sturdiest chap in town usually HOTEL VAIHEA Mattress Upholstering and Fur will be on display from Commission Merchants The police department of New York AUGUST 10 - , - - . and lieretanla. Visiting brothers are his self-contro- l, and is utterlv niture Repairing ... Dealers in has. asked for $3,000,000 additional for leses Invited to attend. Automobiles and Automobile unable to regard his condition with 22 BERETANIA, nr. NUUANU , WAL JONES, W. P. next year's budget. WAIMEA, KAUAI K. UYEDA, , the common sen; e that characterises Supplies A crazy man was arrested in the J W. ASCII.. Secy. every-da- y ALEXANDER YOUNG BLDG. La Wis., of the Stand- his actions. Crosse, offices For example: He comes home tired, Newly Renovated Best Hoisl Cor, King and Bishop Sts. ard Oil Company, where he was de- ; You'll find what you want at the AWAIMY TRIBE, AO. 1, R. M. eats a heavy dinner and sits down to on Kauai If I. 0; TKI-EPIIONE- manding $419,000,000 which he claim- away eveninsr. SALVO'S Meets every tlrat and tnlra D. read and smoke a quiet Tourist Trade Solicited Office 2137 ed John owed him. 3 (V '' Tuesday ef each month In Suddenly he notices a weight on his City Hardware Co., STO-2- Dept. Plans being perfected to regu- - . Auto Supply ...... 3817 are stomach; then sharp pains around his GOOD MEALS Fraternity Mlall; I. O. O F 32t5M late blocks on vessels at sea by wire- Importers) ..of,-- Lact, . European Auto Stiles room and a feeling of suffocation. ' boilding. Vhiting broth erf & L'417 less flashes sent all over the world. heart, Reasonable Nuuanu and King Streets and Fancy Good Merchandise Machinery Thoughts of "heart disease" rush over Rates cordially Invited to attend Garage 2201 Isadora Duncan, the Greek dancer, HOTEL, NEAR FORT ' agony he the J. C. BOU.S A, Sachem. has purchased a historic cha- him, and in his fears C. W. SPITZ - Proprietor Paris worst. . LOUIS A. PERRY, C of R. teau, famous for the high jinks held His trouble was acute indigestion there just previous to the French rev- . brought on by overloading his tired Wing Chong Co IF IT'S 4PAHIT olution. ST., NEAR BETHEL ' HONOLULU LODGE NO. 80, AUTOMOBILE causing stomach. KING And you want a good Job, try The Kaiserin's health is 1 A couple Dypep?'a Tablet t- v .': ,.. . L O. M grave of Rexall e Dealers In Furniture, Mattress- me Tom 8 harp 0 anxiety. Her many sniall ills might Colonial will meet. In Odd .Fellows building, seem to indicate a growing general might "have given him relief es, etc., etc. All kinds of KOA SHARP SIGNS ARE' 8EEN SUPPLIES AND 'REPAIRING him hours of suffering. Fort street. near. King, every Friday , weakness. have saved and MISSION FURNITURE EVERYWHERE Dvpensia Has prepared for the tour- 847- - evening at 7:30 -- o'clock. ASSOCIATED GARAGE, LTD. The French government is taking Carry a package of Rexall made to order; Phone 1697 Kaahumanu in your vest nocket or keen ist business by the addition brothers, cordially ; invited Tablets Vlsitta drastic border precautions because of one of two more bungalows to attend, increasing smuggling in motor cars. them in your room. Take offer each heavy meal, and ward off indiges- beautifully furnished. They, AW13ROSE J. WIRTZ. Dictator. Two men in Rome fought a duel are now ready for occu- ; , tion. NEW STORE . JAM KS W. LLOYD, Secretary. for a girl's hand. The girl lost. Both pancy. DRUG Rexall Dvpepsia Tablets relfeve i Automobiles men were killed. SODA WATER FOUNTAIN OWL v ; Chnstabel Pankhurst, the British stomach troubles by aiding nature to CIGAR NOW 6c supply thofe elements, the absence of HAWAII DRUG CO. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO. suffragette, eluded the police by hid- MISS JOHNSON, 42 Hotel SL, at end of Bethel ing, in one of King George's palaces, which in the gastri" juices, causes in- Merchant Street digestion and dvspepsia. Thov tend to Emma, Above Vineyard Well stocked with New Drugs M. A. GUN ST & Co., Aqts. where the was immune from arrest. and Novelties. FIRE! She was hidden away by a court lady. air" the stomach to digest all kinds of Federal officers are hemming in food and to quickly convent it into Orozco, and. so far the rebel general rich red blood. Use PREST-O-LIT- E TANK We know what Rexall Dysnep'a FnrmttLro a has not gotten out of the trap in i apalh swept on what thpv will do. Y. Yoshikawa If Ilouolnln were your Automolle .and rve which he was caught. Tablets are and HAVH YOU SPENT ANY OF THE BICYCLE DEALER and OAHU FURNITURE CO. hj a coullHgratlon, could jou Generator Troubles. Governor Johnson of California has We guarantee them to relieve !ndtes-tio- n THE SUMMER AT REPAIRER, has moved, to King , opposite-- Young "collect yeur insurance! ; left for a national stumping tour for and dyspepsia. If they fail, we Street, Acetylene Light and Progressives. will refund your money. 180 KING STREET Hotel : : : P. O. Box 840 the New location Red front, near 3092-- & Agency Co., Ltd. Mrs. Turnbull of Boston, who spent Three sizes. 2." cents. r0 cents, and HALEIWA Phone Co.yLti In-mai- l. Young Bldg. Telephone 2518 CBref ' $1.00. Sold only at our stores or her money trying to prove she was "ENJOYMENT" IS THE WORD once "Lucky Baldwin's widow,, and V Remember, you can obtain (KSTABLISIIE0 182G) bank- Rexall Remedies in this community CHEMICAL ENGINES AND thus share in his fortune, is Telephone 3197 P. O. Box 70S rupt. only at our store The Rexall Store. WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS VTJLCANIZIN G Charles Schwab, steel magnate, was Benson.. Smith & Co., Ltd., Fort and represent tke. the largest and Hotel Sts. KOHIEYA, For Sale By strongest fire Insurance com pa. ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL robbed of $2000 on a Pennsylvania PLEASANT0N HOTEL S. train It was taken from his berth Vulcanizing Works M nlcs in the world. HONOLULU VULCANIZING Some men would for of- J. A. GIL A N " while he slept. rather run 182 Merchant St., near AJakea WORKS fice than earn a decent living. Quiet and Refined Fort Street One of the most wonderful balls HONOLULU, T. H. Phone 1823 Kapiolani Bldg ever given in Newport was the recent Large, Cool Outside Rooms; west Rates self-confiden- to jone given by Airs. Cornelius ander-- Much of a woman's Private Sleeping Verandas; bilt. It was an Oriental evening and, is due to the fit of her gown. Liberal Settlements Phones in all rooms; Artesian j it is esjimated, cost $100,000. JAS.W.PBATT Ten-ni- a. Y. TAKAKUWA, BUNGALOWS Part of Los Angeles' water system Plunge; Night and Day . REAL ESTATE ' is threatened by an enormous forest FREE Garage. COMMISSION MERCHANT INSURANCE AND ! REAL ESTATE fire which started in the San Gabriel Japanese Provisions and LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR SALE mountains. Four Acres Beautiful General Merchandise Stangenwald Building v ' G. A Chicago court held employes PARIS OLIVER LANSING that Nuuanu St.. Near King SL $ 850- - bedroom house and lot 43xr.ri SO Merchant Street have a right to strike even where' Tropical Gardens on KuakinV St. Kxtension, near there is no trade dispute. The deci- - 1 Fort St. sion is far reaching and an effort is Special Rates by the Month j GASOLINE ft BSUf-T-- tn 55x52.5 off Beretanla St., nr. being made to have the court reverse Butternut Bread .Punchbowl. itself. Home never like this CUT FLOWERS was -- . $1000 ot on Puunui Ave., adjoining Cook Mrs. Clarence Mackay was painfully Also- The One Best Bread Oahu C Club; 10,000 sq. ft. injured in Massachusetts in an auto- MOTOR Clothes Cleaned and Pressed 10-uc- ro farm. Kalihi, 1V miles mobile accident. f1S0O GAS S. HARODA PALM CAFE from King St. The funeral of the late Emperor of j With Fort &. Pauahi Sts., Phone 3029 $2250 177xC7. with bouse, on Ll- - Japan will cost in the neighborhood THE SPA, ItJiollho .. St., nt?ar Makikl Fire of $l.ooo,(uo. i TURBINE Waikiki Beach Resort Station. The son of a wealthy Oregon ranch-- ' Furnished Cottages. . .l..r)0 day Lots on Fort St at 18c per sq. ft. er held up two S: P. trains. The sec- Furnished Rooms. c $12 mo. NO PRESERVATIVES IN WHEN YOU WANT FENCE' FOR SAtE ond time he was. injured and captured j PETER GIBBS, Proprietor SEE A small number of cheap lots in a : : : 2S36 P. JE. R. STRAUCH, near Topeka, Kan. is a combination of two high-grad- e Now Open Phone PIONEER MILK new tract on'Giifick street just open- - John D. Spreckels has opened a niag- - machines with a specific 74 King eel. to $.-0- BEST MILK C. .Waity BuHding S. Street rnces ranging from $150 j nificent theater in San Diego. The duty which uniquely and suc- THE J. Axtell, rJasy terms. j total investment is nearly $l.ooo.ooo. cessfully makes obtainable FOR ALL PURPOSES YaUey. the ME FOR A SWIM AT THE ALAKEA STREET Also a few lots in Nuuanu j The town of Tungchan, between greatest efficiency of both for Your Grocer Sells It 'SECOND YEAR FOR RENT A I house. Tientsin and Peking, was looted and pumping watcfl with gasoline HOME . with all possible conveniences and burned by mutinous Chinese troops, fuel power. Waikiki Inn latest improvements, at Kalihi. $..5. j it is believed the of re--J. INSURANCE COMPANY OF that murder With no valves in either en- NEXT SUNDAY HAWAII, LTD. H. SCHNACK, 137 Merchant Street form generals instigated the attack. gine; no cranking to start, the DUNCAN'S O'Neill Bldg. j Four inemlters of a Missouri fam smallest number of arts of any Says the Wise Bather Cor. Fort Street ily were killed wneii i tie tent in w men machine kind, to wear GYMNASIUM FORCEGROVTH 9C King Street, the G. M, Telephone 3529 I they were li Lug was struck by light- our and adjust, is the most DUNCAN PINECTAR ning. 258 Beretania St., opp. Royal around economical WILL DO IT WAS AWAKDED HIGHEST HONORS j A bank of Vancouver. B C, was thing mad- - in I'. S. A Hawaiian Hotel Phone 3524 j robbed by tour bandits, who escaped P. Ht BURNETTE At the recent California State Vienna Bakery, Fair held at Sacramento: with the contents of the cash drawer, Califor-r- M by of Deed lor A (.'OLD AWARD J although attacked police and forced WIRELESS RATES Commissioner has the best Home-mad- e I to fight their way through street and New York; NOTARY PUB. A BLUE KHIBOX AWARD and GEO. H. PARIS, Bread. German Pretzels and Island Messages, per word.. 15c Marriago Licenses. Draws A CASH PRIZE crowds. Messages, V" LIC; GranU Coffee Cake. Be sure and ring Ship's per word.. 10c .. Mortgages, Deeds, Bills of Sale, Two persons were killed and seven (Plus ship charges) Beachwallt injured in a severe electrical storm at up 2124. Leases, Wills, etc Attorney for the Builder The miinmum charge is for Eury llilug in (he printing line at St. Lorvis. 10 words, with the address ST., Star-IulleU- 1129 FORT STREET. and Courts- - 70 MERCHANT n, A Colonel a let- AN OPPORTUNITY TDistrict lalea street; branch, Roosevelt is preparing signature counted. r -- HONOLULU, Phon1M. Merchant streeL ter to answer the testimony of John HONOLULU STAR-RFLLKTI- TUESDAY, SWT. 3.

BY AUTHORITY. BY AUTHORITY. ('11 MHKK1. i vs roi.n , nilll.t llA AMI 1)1 AKHHlIK V KEME01. ' MAUI LOAN FUND COMMISSION. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE remedy s w :h- - FOR RENT DiSCHARGE OF NITRATE OF Th: a'.wa cood WITHOUT COMPETITOR! if not the ;va o! Scaled Tenders will be at SODA. SULPHUR AND OTHER oj !i.;on. !.. ii.on ho eu! f received it. The k wh; It e! ! the office of the .Maui Uun Fund SIMILAR MATERIALS UPON THE usf "'ire. f i ts. ew-- n I be rr.os ruses, Commission at Wailuku. Maui. T. H , WHARVES OF THE TERRITORY ecie it a lax ur:te e !' h-- re. It is At the Lowest Prices J until Saturday. September 14. at 1) OF HAWAII. AS AMENDED AU- nukes FURNISHED a. 28, 1912. r'ually aluble lor . midrei... and O'clock m:. for constructing, and GUST T when with -- vCVy. - Wc M'Pp'y Winis of j furnibiiing a!l labor, tools; equipment I'l. No nitrate of soda, sulphur, or redured water Night X is pleasant to take. Vo: sale u ali Over , and material, except .'ill pipe and fit- - other similar materials shall be stor- s. uugg. necessary to ed, awaiting transportation, upon anv ('-iiler- Hanson. Smith & Co. ants 1 construct, in ac - - lor Hawaii. . cordance wbarf within the Territory of Hawaii. -k House on with the plans anu specifica- U- 111 Green St., f III II Hons, a reservoir at Keokea. Kula. Is- ''hlfss the same be packed in sound Wireless H'.,V-t- Two Bedrooms, land of Maui. T. II.. of a caDacitv of and non-leak- y containers. All nitrate LEGAL NOTICE. To the Advertiser $45 approximately 500.000 gallons. of soda, sulphur or other similar ma- - per month I'lans and sDecifiratunn ami nthr terials so stored shall, at the exDense INDUSTRIAL GOODS - TKRRITORY OF HAWAII. information mav h - hnri unrm anr,iia.v. v. oi tne consignee,v. he under the con- j KK..v I'jil'IlT i k L' I V I Iil'l.,-P- l '.:':! tittorii bodies already - care ot a competent IW1 v'r rim- House tion to the Maui Ixmn Fund Com mis- tinuous watchman , ivm,imu.hu.. dis- on Kewalo St., 1 - and a number of ontlun.; ftinn fir Ht th nffir-- rf tho until removed. r'luu lu" ' UJ" HAWAII to r- v:al.in ( In your own interest ask by return of mail our frw Three Bedrooms tendent of Public Works, at Honolulu,! Masters, owners and consignees of TATF OF HARLKS W. BOOTH. til ts et to be heard from, it seeim T. H. (nitrate of soda cargoes, sulphur or Deceased, Hawaiian Trust Company, ct'tain this afternoon that the death. Catalogue sent postpaid, which is our mute Traveller and $75 per month. Ltd., Administrator; W. R. CASTLK, kst in last niuht's which The right is reserved to reject any j other similar materials must keep the eioudburt .Mrs. H. K. Hooded West over 20,000 articles with 10,000 illustrations. ! and all bids wharf at all times swept clean and Trustee for Coleman; C. sections of Yirg'nli a;d contains

- j S. DKSKY; MRS. E. forty. j Tenders must be made on forms fur- - free of any loose nitrate of soda, sul- CORDELIA Pennsylvania, would exceed 1 1 ALLEN; MRS. . L. COLEMAN; At Isburg. Haneoek and nisbed by the Maui loan Fund Com- phur or other similar materials durins 'onne Iji We hold Buyers' disposal. OK were 'drown- universal references at mission, and. must be accompanied by the entire process of unloading and j TERRITORY HAWAII, by Alex- miiiiy unidentified persons r Bishop cargo. ander Lindsay, Gen- ed. Some w ere resc ued otu e. hut re- Trust a certified check amounting to not removing the No loose nitrate j Jr.. Attorney less tbau 5 of the amount of the ten- of soda, sulphur or other similar ma-- ! eral, and Marston Campbell, as Su- turned to their homes in the lovl"ne Co., Ltd. der. terials w ill be permitted to be landed, j perintendent of Public Works; CITY districts to reoer valuables. Mis. j AND was drow'ned while a ! W. F. rocuE. In all cases nitrate of soda, sulphur COL'NTY OF HONOLULU, by Cook rescuing 24 BETHEL STREET Vice Chairman, Maui Jxan Fund Com- or other similar materials must- - be Joseph J. Fern, as Mayor and Pres- horse. M. Lieman's Exporting House, j mission. 5312-4- w landed from ships in sound containers, ident of the Hoard of Supervisors; ' ' - - During to ALL may Small hands of outlaws " - the process of dischar'ngj and whom it concern: maraudinu Established in 1S33 BERLIN, C 25 MAUI LOAN FUND COMMISSION. or removing said cargoes, it shall be WHEREAS, a petition has been pre- - pre walking through the country near obligatory on the part of the ship or'seuted to said Court by MARY K. Manatrua. Nicaragua, pillaging and Sealed Tenders will be received at agents of said vessel, to provide water ! CROSS to register and confirm her burning buildings 'on the outskirts of We Sell to Dealers Oniy - W. G. the office of the Maui Loan Fund Com- containers of not less than fifty (50) j title in the following-describe- d land the capital and terrorizing the inhabit- HI, n AC mission, Wailuku, Maul. T. H.. until gallons each at intervals of not less Lot 12 and adjoining land. Pacific : ants, according to the latest dispatrh-tha- ATTORNEY AT LAW 10 o'clock a. m , Saturday, September fifty (50) feet apart with suit-- j Heights Tract, Honolulu, Oahu. being cs- - received by the state department. 14, One-Stor- y placed alongside L. C. A. Kapiolani Building Honolulu, K for constructlng.a Frame able buckets each a portion of 37o, Part 1, R. P. IJuilding to be used as a schoolhouse container; said containers to be filled ; 302, to Joseph Booth, described as Train number ten on the Chicago. j Onrvha at liana, Maui, T. H., to be built for with a of water and nitrate follows: St. Paul. Minneapolis and IXk XIX KM XUXU JUK AUAIX ktXXtAXiAXiXUXXMXiAJUXW X.ixUXw( P. O. Box I SJ Of the Territory of Hawaii, according td of soda to be used in the case of fire. Beginning at an iron pipe on the Railroad, while1 running between Min- plana and specifications, and under the Any person or persons who shall j east side of Kaiulani Drive at the neapolis and Chicago is reported to UNUSUAL OFFERINGS, THESE supervision of the Maui Loan Fund violate the above Regulation shall be north corner of L. It. C. Petition 81, hae run into a washout at Little i an Commission. guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be y. R. Lemon Water c reek, one mile north of i The real. estate market is active; prices show upward Castle. Trustee, Petitioner, the - . property is being up by Flans, specifications and other in- subject to the penalties as provided coordinates of said pipe referred to Hustler. A phono message from Hust- tendency because good rapidly bought E. G. Duisenberg formation may be had upon applica- by Section 9. Act 1G3 of the Session ) the Pacific Heights Reservoir Station ler. which is between Camp Douglas 1)1 investors. We are offering the following: tion to the Maui Loan Fund Commiss- Laws of 1911. being north 321.5 feet and east 165.2 and Elroy, savt--: three persons, inrl id- - 2J5 UNIMPROVED FOR SALE r 515 $20CO ion" or at the office of the Superin- MARSTON CAMPBELL, feet, said Reservoir Station being by . mg the engineer are dead. 610 acre Tantalus STOCKS - tendent of Public Works, at Honolulu, enairman, tioara ot iiamor tommis : true azimuth 215; 38'. 6380 feet, from 5iS 1.25 acres. Jfldd Street 5C00 B ON D S T. H. sioners. the Punchbowl Triangulation Station, Thirty-fiv- e thousand labor union gS 1.79 acres, Nuuanu Street 6500 The Maui Loan Fund Commission UM1L A. BfcKNUT, and running by true azimuths: , men marched in tne fcan rranciseo gS IMPROVED . ISURANCE reserves the right to reject any and Secretary, Board of Harbor Commis- 1. 21)3 40', 30.0 feet, along L. R. C. Labor Day parade tolnv. There were j2 15,000 square feet, Klnau Street v ...... $8500 3) REAL ESTATE all bids. sioners. Petition SI to iron pipe; ! verv handsome emblematic floats. TJie StS 7,500 square feet, Artesian Street 3C00 Tenders must be made on forms fur Adopted by the Board of Harbor 2. 301 55', 66.3 feet, to point 20 feet column was over two miles long and 15,000 square feet, Robello Lane 3500 LOANS NEGOTIATED nished by the Maui Lean Fund Com- Commissioners on August 28, 1912. from reservoir supply pipe; was without" doult the largest labor mission, and must be accompanied by 5327-30- t 3. 233 43', 50.4 feet, parallel to and day. parade ever witneses on the Paci- - IS - 76 St. a certified check in amount equal to 20 from pipe to cross , Coast. Mailt PCone30i3 RESOLUTION NO. 706. feet said A 5 of the tender. on rock; j ; HAWAIIAN TRUST CO,, Ltd. W. F. POGUE, 4. 235 45 . 152.8 feet, parallel to A plot by Zapatistas to capture nnn A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESO- and I Vice Chairman, Maui Loan Fund Com- 20 pipe loot the Mexican capital has heen dis-- M LUTION NO. 672. MAKING APPRO- feet from said to driven mission. 5312-4- w ny tne ponce neie. raners PRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS iron pipe; .covered 923 Fort Street 216 45, 40.3 feet, parallel to and itaken from the aent.of the Zapitutss mm SERVICES AND LIABILITIES OF tbe-iro- n MAUI LOAN FUND COMMISSION. 20 afier he had been arrested reveal J. HOLMBERG THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HO- feet from said pipe to driven pipe; : plans and the information obtained NOLULU. finding ' ARCHITECT. Sealed Tenders will be received at 6. 2293 55', 77.9 feet, parallel to and from the asent resulted in the 4 Eitlmates on the office of the Maui Loan Fund Be it Resolved by the Board of Su- ot a nunorea puns ana a quaiuuy oi Furnished Buildln. pervisors of the City and County of 20 feet from said nine to driven Commission, at Wailuku, Maui, T. H., iron pipe; ammunition and bombs. Rateg Heasontble. until Saturday, September 14, at .10 Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that Resolution No. 672, making appropria- 7. 1133 10', 309.0 feet, along I.nts 160 Hotel sC Oregon BWg. 16U o'clock a. m., for constructing a road, , Doctor Sun Yat spn denies tnnt ne jTel. lia-bilfti- es 11 and 11 to iron pipe; laying macadamized pavement, and tions for the various services and s u,e ' City 8. 27 05', 233.1 feet, along Lot 13 to Pin lo liner niu , ol1";8 furnishing all labor, tools and, mate- of the and County of or rjurope io raisp a rauwuv kjhii. if t- - Honolulu, be and the same is hereby iron pipe; - rial for constructing approximately "I can do nothing in the monev r DRINK ' by 9. 297 12', 34.8 feet, along Kaiulani ! amended striking therefrom the cov-ernment- ." Seep Cool 20,000 feet of . roadway from Makapipl Drive; market unless (hiri has a stable Gulch to Walaluaiki, on the Maul Belt item "Hotel Street widening, not pro Doctor Sun is reported to May's Old Kona Coffee. rated, $30,000.00." 10. 311 00', 30.0 feet, along Kaiulani Road System. to curve; have said. 'And be it further Resolved, That Drive point of It more suggestion to keep coot these days. It Plans, specifications, etc., and other 11. 33.0 takes than the BEST IN MARKET this Resolution shall take effect upon Southerly feet along Kaiulani - THE may appli- cor- really can be only with an . . Information be had upon Drive along a curve to the right The Diily Telegraph's special done cation to the Maui Loan Fund Com- its approval. respondent at Peking in a special dk- - by havi r nf 21 the -- H E N A Y & C O. mission,, office of Super Introduced f.t says: RAVM cr at the the direct azimuth and distance be-- ! PaJh Phone 1271, of Public Works, Hono-- H. E. MURRAY, government has handed r V, intendent at Supervisor. ing 356 00', 29.7 feet, to j The Chinese 1U1U, JL. Jtl. legation - a p . i. . . an' note to the reet- s point, and containing English ;The-right- Date of Introduction: August 30, initial Electric Fasi . reserved "to reject any 1912. area of 66,150 square feet. Bfflt.ain de!"5n?8 ?t? and .all bids., ... i Tibet At a reeUlar adjourned meeting of You are hereby cited to appear at!I01bp,p"f. Tenders must be made on forms fur- Just attach it to the chandelier 1n place of a lamp.;' It ustt the Board of Supervisors of the City . the Court of Land Registration, to be Com- 16-ca- n nished by the Maui Loan Fund Hono-da- y, a dlepower lamp. Fri-'hel- d City and County of less than mission, and must be accompanied .by and County of Honolulu held on at the proposition Count Leopold ! The of August 30, 1912, the foregoing lulu on the 10th day of September, ::.::-- a certified check amounting to not Perchpho'd. the Austro-Hungaria-n for-eis- n We have them complete4 from Vr ; Resolution was passed on read-- 1 A. D. 1912, at two o'clock in the alter- I 5 of the amount of the first minister, autonomy be gradu- 'JL I arm less than - noon., to show cause, if any you have, that t tender. ing and ordered to print on the follow- ally given to all the European prov- ing vote of said Board; why the prayer of said petition should , . ,.. . W. F.,POGUE the inces of Turkey has caused Turkey to Ayes Dwight, Kru-- 1 not be granted. And unless you an Vice Chairman, Maui Loan Fund Com- Amana, Arnold, heed amicable negotiations 7 iA fit rt af tho tima nnrt the' fori 2-- ger, Low, McClellan, Muray. Total, mission. 531 4 w with Italy, which are in ptogress Koes None. place aforesaid your default will be peace will be ,n Switzerland. THE E. BUFFANDEAU, . recorded, and the said petition ( Deputy City County taken as confessed, and you will be POLITICAL NOTICES. and Clerk. The anxiety with which President Crossroads Bookshop, 5329 Aug 31; Sept 3, 4 fnrovor harror! frnm rnntpstinir said ne-- ; the Cillon affi!1 wis REPUBLICANS OF FIRST PRE- tition or anv decree entered thereon. fioz h Limited ; made last night when e sent CINCT, FOURTH DISTRICT. Axrue .h. unr..hio r t. whit. f? ' I message o President Taft Co., Ltd. 8ucces8ort'tto NKY. Judge of said Court, this 12th a pewonal The Hawaiian Electric j pressing h.s that the Brown A Lyon Co, Ltd. Attention! dav of August, in the year nineteen regret ALEXANDER car. Charge d was assaulted bv YOUNG BUILDING hundred and twelve. irresponsible person and with Seal of said Court: a foo'ish'.ond "Evtrythlng In Book"" . A new enrollment of the Republican Attest declaring that the man would be sev- ( Seal ) M ARC A LLI NO. Club, First Precinct, Fourth District, JOHN) erely and quickly punished. is being made. All persons eligible as Registrar 3 5313 Aug 13. 20, 27; Sept - ; voters are requested to enroll without Whether or not woman suffrage Is t , delay. The roll may be found at the ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDIES ! t take its place in the organic laws club headquarters in the Kaimuki Mer- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The Most Popular Candies Made First Judicial Circuit, Territory of of this State will be fettled tomorrow, A,.! cantile Co.'s building, and will be ronsrj-tutio- n on the Coast , Hawaii.--A- h when forty amendments to the YOU opened 8 p. m., Friday, August Chambers. In Probate. HONOLULU from of the State will be adopted or DRUG VCO, LTD. 23, 1912, and daily between In the Matter of the Estate of Paul 1024 thereafter De Deceased. rejected, anions; them one granting tbo Fort St. Ttlephono 1364 1) p. Le Normand Bretteville, TRY the hours of 7:30 and m.. tm.il undersign- lull rieiht of franchise to women on Friday, the 6th day qf September, at Notice to Creditors. The . duly Ad- the same terms as now granted to 10 o'clock p. m. ed having been 'appointed of Le men. 13y order of Enrollment Committee. ministrator of the Estate Paul Xorpnand Do Bretteville, Deceased, DANIEL LOGAN. The "Tone" lens is ground with a In an editorial discussing the recent Chairman. hereby gives notice to all creditors deep, inner curve, which permits of j f said deceased to present their Pcimma Act passed by congress and F. H. KILBEY, - Clias. R. Frazier the lens being ! duly and with ! signed by the President, tne rnoden- ' 5322-- 1 placed much closer to claims, authenticated ONCE Secretary. 3t Matt, tne Company . the eye, allowing' a wider range of proper vouchers, if any exist, even if which is considered otticiai ; government, ciaim is secured by mortgage upon pfper orthe Austrian ' the - ' vision with no perceptible edges or . i I0UI ABTIITISUtl CORPORATION NOTICES. estate, to it at the office ofisfrts that if arbitration should fail in ' I rhonc 1371 K2 Paj? Ct annoying reflections. The "Toric" Charles M. Cooke. Ltd., Fort street, tins case, u nu n is so pecunariv anauT and you will realize that is superior ed to it, ami between such it NOTICE. lens is for particular people who want Honolulu, within six months from the frindlv SPECIAL MEETING t .roa- - 4 L the best and are satisfied with noth- date of the first publication of this wtions as ti:e mted states and to butter or lard for all cooking. notice, said date being August 27, I F.ritain. it may b doubted whether Kohala Sugar Company. ing less. It costs a more, ! little but 1912. or within six months from the the time is yet ripe for the arbitration Fire Insurance it is worth it. We fit the "Toric" nay one, or same idea. Notice is hereby given that a spe- tney tan tne win Has Grocer rm in eye-glas- s or spectacle. Honolulu. T. H., Your It mi cial meeting of the shareholders of be forever barred. 27. 1912. H. of fnlse pretense wero xm-r- d THE Sugar Company will be August CLARENCE Charccs the Kohala Factory on the premises. ("OUKE. Administrator of the Estate against roIone! Roosevelt and tin' held at the office of Castb & Cooke. Le J)c-- Dretteville, T'losre: isv narty tolny by Covernnr B. F. Dillingham Co. Limited, in Honolulu, on Monday, of Paul Norinand Dec j 'oodrow Wilson in bis first spepch of 9 a. m. eased. September 9. 1912. o clock ! - ( at LIMITED 5325 27; Sept 3. H, 17, 24 fiu- - camuaisn in Western New- York. At meeting proposed, amend-- j General Agent for Hawaii: said The drift of Wilsor s address w is By-La- of company Muslin Underwear ments to the the M'at the f:iriff was the overwhelni'n" Atlas Assurance Company of I N. will be offered for consideration. A. Sanford, He COMPLETE LINE BEST QUALITY PRICES REASONABLE London, New York Under- T 1 I ML'Tllll.' issue of the ussrt'-- writers' Agency; Providence Secretary, Sugar Company. that is the M'Msts Lrrt the tower. Kohala i rii:. try will laneruish. wnges wil! he Washington Insurance Co. Honolulu, August 24, 1912. Boston Building - - Fort Street One Hundred and Dry Goods Co., and employment will I e omr Canton 4th Floor, Stangenwald Bldg. 5324-12- t Over May & Co. s arce. Ninety Years Ago HOTEL STREET. OPPOSITE EMPIRE THEATER , BUSINESS NOTICES. Kdd'e r.ianey of the T'IX- - ( 1000 FEET ?4-INC- H Roll odo Club, has furnished a guarapt". j began to of ro Ad Wolgast to meet Wil j NOTICE. TopJ)esks Pvujamin Franklin 1:..'ih Garden Hose sav his pennies. The bus'ness Ri'e'hie in the f.uared circle in San o Maiiiiig F''ranci.--c- D.iv. B in I he started on those petraes is on argain Jacob Ordenstein will act for me j Extra Good Value 25 Ft. $3.75 i Coyne furuiturc Co., still flourishing today. i in all my power of matters, with full 1 h eaiuny from a'i autornobile. wlij' j 40 ' " Young Building $5 PER ROLL OF YARDS : i JAMES GUILD COMPANY Von. can earn dollar w here Ren j i weaned bv a hair's bren-lt- a pas-- I earned pi nnies. seii'rer train n I'tali. WiHiaTP flros- 5315-l- m f - ?al't V. M. p.rwd-- ; t l.oek. Lake rjry. and F6rrsr- NOTICE. You c;iri save safely where uhaw. T.os Angeles, wr re liir bv tli Japan if Service Is Always Good at the j EVERYTHING in FURNITURE Franklin had to take a chance IncoTerive an.! kii'e i. Groesbeck wa-- ? a worn-ou- t purse. liioTK r n'inipe man My wife having left my bed and j witli ia and T.radshaw ' 1 Honolulu beard, will not be responsible for Union Barber Shop, a well ktvvn ceoiosist. debts contracted by her in my name j You can earn interest with us Phone 22R5 ileaclies- - Wire Bed Co., from this date. j Cunha's Alley, Next Union where Franklin earned none. She Can "i nianaze a lyt.evvriter0 R. j Grill, on King ' And yet yon say that ou have Hf Xo. one. k Corner Alakea and King Sts. (Sig.) J. SOCZA. Street married Hustaee-Pec- Cytcl. us it. September 2. 1912. 5330-3- t i no chance. See about ML K!M)S OF ROCK A3D SAND FOE CO CKETJ2 TT0 C AXD t'OAU v. V- --. I - TO CURE A COLD IH ONE DAY 63 P. O. BOX 211 Your attention is called, to the fact SCHOOL SHOES IK YOU WISH ;u ADVERTISE IN Ql'tE STREET. SKWS1MPEKS that we have just received, by last We are ready for your boy or , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine a large shipment All druggists rolund boat from .he Coast, girl and will fit them with the Anywhere at Anytime. Call On or Bank ofHawaii, Ltd. Tablets. PORTO RICO HATS. Reg- comfort-al- l of the best best wearing and most YY i l e the money if it fails to cure. sr.: 'reduced lo ?2.r.O. ; ular price, sIkk's. Cnpit.il tLl'OO.OOO K. YY. r.roM-';- :.ii;natuff is on STAR-BULLETI- LEADING HAT CLEANERS F. CDRVKl.'s VMM 1M ISIMI Surplus. N S, PER M0PJT11 "THE MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO. ca'h box 75 No. 20 Beretania .St., nr. Nuuanu Ave. Fort Street AUKM'Y FELIX TURRO, Specialist Hi Suusome Street Sun Francisco PARIS ilLDiCLNai CO.. gU Uua V. K 11 HONOUMJT STAK-RULLETI- TTKSDAY, SKIT. X 1IMJ

HER GREAT FEAR Electrically Purified By GERALD DAVIS Milk r, . .vssssss.,,. Colonel Rogers of Virginia was a manof the world, a bachelor and au excellent fellow at heart, though he For over a year now we lntlrruMe was only understood by bis have been using the won- friends. No one ever thought of Kog-- ! derful purifying process frs as a husband or a father. As to in our depot on Sheridan. living with man. woman or child or This electrical treatment having his affairs mixed with those of of the milk insures the "Sclilltv, in B les lias a 4 any one else thau himself, the ld-- i was absolute purity of every preposterous. He was very fond of drop without affecting ftill, fine llavor which brings to you women's society and was popular witn the flavor or quality. them, but always in a general, never iu 1 lie j tlic taste of barley and the liofs. a particular, way. lie had reached the Physicians and bacteriol- age of fifty without any entanglements, ogists everywhere pro- lias the sparkle' and life due but was not disposed to consider him nounce this the one per- It to self "out of tbe woods" so long ns he fect method of purifying perfect lived. Ills one aim was to so conduct milk. yeast. himself that no woman could get an advantage of .him, for. though 10 ad We would like to have m from tferms shows x, 1 mired tbe sex, he held the theory bat you call and see this elec- no man could stand against any one of trical apparatus in opera- careful sterilization. them either in duplicity or to prevent tion. the accomplishment of any purpose on which she might have pet her mind. It does not cause biliousness or fer- Rogers was very fond of play thai Is, anong gentlemen. He never played ment in your stomach, as it is f)roferly at a gambling house. Indeed, he once Honolulu spent a week at Monte Carlo without aged before leaving the brewery, Investing a franc "1 never pJa.y to Dairymen's make money," he said. "I play only purpose of mi i) t . . i a gentleman's game for the Association ' x ne JDrown oottie insures passing the time." Rogers went to Paris and was Intro absolute protection against the duced at an aristocratic club there Phone 1542 imWM One night at a social game he won .; damaging effects light. some . of from a young man named Rutan ten or twelve thousand francs. Tbe amount expressed In tbe French coin age sounds large, but it was a little over $2,000. Rutan was understood to be well off and did not seem to take his loss to heart, and, as for Rogers. tber Photographers Black Velvet, Black Satin, Patent, Dull was nothing unusual tn his winning or losing such an amount at any time. Havx? you tried the newly-invente- d by Rutan's Calf, Tan Calf - - $3.50 a The . settlement was made Fair paying Rogers his winnings In new crisp bills of 1,000 francs denomina- 1NGENT0 tion. : C Phone 1704 e-- ' The next morning Rogers was sit- 'ttfr-- ting In the reading room of his hotel TABLETS? scanning a newspaper when a waiter KTcInerny Shoe Store announced to him that a lady desired These developing tablets cov- to see him In a reception parlor. er practically all the developing - - ' lady see the agents in general use, giving , . .5iil y . . "A to meexclairaed .Mmi colonel. "Are you sure 70a have come the photographer his favorite to the right man?" developer in compact, conve- "She wishes to see Colonel Rogers of nient and economical form. Virginia." NO MEASURING, NO DIRT, Being the only and original Rogers NO WEIGHING of Virginia, the colonel raised himself Sale. from his comfortable leather covered chair and followed the servant to the Honolulu lady. He found a very .attractive look- ing person about thirty years old. but Co., of with a worried expression on her face. Photo Supply b "Colonel Rogers, I believe," she "Everything Photographic" gan in tolerable English. FORT, NEAR HOTEL "At your service, madame." "You won last night from my hus- band 12.000 francs?" "I believe I did, madame, win some money from a Mr. Rutan." Srr that crown "Would you mind taking from me In The Maximum of gave you vjt'k place of the notes he other or it branded notes to a similar 'amount?" Beauty and "I would gladly do anything to oblige you, madame, but I would like to be Durability in Paint -- enlightened as to the reason for the is obtained by using ; : change." Including: oeer "And I would not think of permit- ine giv- ting you to do me a favor without ing you some inkling as to the cause. muRE I have always heard that the chivalry Fish Sets Cake Plates ade IVillwaykeeFainou of Americans toward our sex comes largely from you southerners. Every Cake Sets Chop Plates one knows what may be expected from AINT through the forest by other means as' Colonel Rogers of Virginia." Tea Sets Odd Plates well. bowed. The colonel Single or by the Dozen BOY SCOOTS Following a stream is about the saf- "I will trust you with the secret on It is a pure paint, well mixed Berry Sets IV est way for the camper to learn the that account. I know it will remain and economical. m tcrography of the country about him. is with rnn Mr husband's father 177 South King Street Olive Dishes Spoon Trays If the stream be a narrow one he wealthy, and my husband has nothing. should drop a small tree across It at KEEP ON RIGHT I have, fortunately. sOme money of my Berry Bowls Celery Trays TRAIL the spot where he starts his journey; an inveterate or may own. My husband is he Luild a mound of stone if all money the, water is too wife to span. gambler. He has lost the Salad Bowls Cups and Saucers Halving his father has given him and broken j There arc 'many young boy scouts Of course if you wish to reach some done either be can wander every promise to reform. Yesterday. Lewers & Cooke, Sugar Bowls Cream Pitchers who do not know how to use a com- place sight along the brookside. for to return he Mr. within from home it will has only to on his promise not to gamble. pass. First, remember that the point follow the stream back to francs, Limited of the needle always points north. only te necessary to train your com- hiz landmark. Another precaution may Rutan, Sr.. gave him 12.000 ' ' Next, turn the box of the compass pass On it and then travel in the urojv be taken by chipping small ovals of marked some of the bills and set a 177 S. KING STREET Etc., Etc., Etc. his son. I discover around ; until1 the letter N. is in its ei direction. To train your compass bark from trees as one pases and by detective to watch pioper position at the point of the cii an objective point place the instru- returning on the line of "blazes" the ed through an accident that the bills ' nc edle.v You then have the compass ment on the ground, work the box starting point is readily found. were marked, and my husband told me j Everything at about Half Price 'properly set "and can accurately map around until you have tbe letters in When starting from camp withonr a that he had lost them to you. I desire j LADIES' TAILORING their correct positions and then note compass fix out your Journey. some prominent landmark to save him 'from a break with his j the exact My Big Specialty. Try Ms. , Ifyou ar desirious of reaching a direction of the landmarK such as a high mountain or a large father, which, if it occurs, will never Sale Starts, Tuesday, September 3rd con-- you wish, to reach. The boy scout as a biot beyond your range of vision, i like mark and then remember be healed. By replacing these note-h-e should buy the best compass he cm ground and object--- : along ult a reliable map of the region.. the direction given you with others I can Next lay a ruler across the chart and alford. It need not be provided ?ith the journey. The position of the sun has J. E. ROCHA, a sun dial and other fancy and useless should also be noted and at the avert this calamity." Hotel Street Nr. Y. M. C. A. ascertain the "air, line" distance and nisht to dJiection of the place you - desire to ornaments, but it should be plainly "dipper" and the north or pole star There was nothing for the colonel J Indeed, he ifjtvh. : The place your compass be marked and lettered and should con i will guide the traveler on his way. do but make the exchange. 360 was side the ruler and you can tell to the tain the degrees of a circle. The scout should learn the principal was glad enough to do so. for he For GENERAL OFFICE STA- good compass j degree the direction you must travel Provided with a the star formations and where to look for terror stricken lest he be connected TIONERY and FILING SYS- E. O. b scout, may woods no Hall Sons, to reach your goal. You may be sllght-- roim the with them in the heavens. with a family scandal. TakiLg tbe TEMS, call or write to us and of becoming fani-liia- r confused when, after starting, you idea lost. Until he is When convinced tint yon are really notes from his pocketbook. he counted j we will fill your wants. lay Household Dept. Cor. King and Fort Sts. take the compass from your pocket with the of tne countrv he '"turned around." halt! if it is gettlne 12.000 francs and handed them to the j j should travel only on straight d.-r-k. j OFFILE SUPPLY CO., LTD. and see the needle "pointing" S. or E courses build a fire, make a shelter and lady, receiving in return those she took ; as he can then return to camp by pass I a or W or anywhere on the dial but .N. the nignt. limb three and from her own portemonnaie. Then, 931 FORT STREET N nev- simply following the opposite direc- look for a familiar landmark. If un- pointing ! Remember that it is with a profusion of thanks, she left ertheless, and turn the box around to tion. In other words' if he has jour- able to discover one. descend and ' make the letters agree. Then you can neyed south he will return by travel build two fires. Pile on qrern stuff him. at I re: uine the proper direction without inr north, or if he departs from camp rntil you have ma'lo two miliums of The next day a gendarme called Ik sitancy;' Never follow your compass iii an easterlv direction he must re-trr- n dense smoke which will advise your the hotel, and the colonel was charged . School Books 9JB0 qijM dn apjs iqOu vl.cn the needle points anywhere but toward the west. fiiends of your predicament. Travel j with passing counterfeit money. Every j Everything the Scholar Needs sj N. In other words always set the Ict-1e- r While a com pats is indispensable in toward any sound you may hear and note the lady had given him was spuri- "in School Supplies ' N point of the needle be- unfamiliar country, still a hoiit and yell in reply. ous. at the real woods A. B. ARLEIGH & CO. fore attempting to take your bearings. man should be ab!e to find his wav Two in rapid re- - To Colonel Rogers his loss was noth ' shots succession ! Hotel, Near Fort Street Union-Pacif- a ic . . peated at intervals rtf few minutes is ing, nor was the position in which he t - ' Transfer Co. the woodsman's signal. Follow anv was placed especially appalling, for he wood roid you come upon. ir will was above suspicion. It was the fact brine you out to a canm or settlement that after all his fears and all his eau-tio- BUY YOUR Ell, A stream a pood to EidDW 1 also make trail he had been made the dure f a follow ont of the woods. Limited IteWS woman. From that time forward he SHOES gave strict orders that no woman At What Ion nerve-rackl- n days of con- remedy, for it washes away the disease mom:v wasted. should ever be admitted to his pre stant torture what sleepless nights or germs and leaves the skin as clear and JACOBSON BROS. con-frt&- xt ence. and be parried all efforts on the terrible - agony itch Itch ttch, healthy as that of a child. money Pantheon Block Hotel St. Aq until seemed I piust Don't waste your buying part who to have ?m paipucq Itch, it that All other drugfrlsts have D.D.D. Pre- strengthening plasters. of those endeavored tear off xay rer akin then scription go you Chamberlain's re- to them it can't come Halm cheaper him come to them. He never quite jiioA . Xxurtaat ralief my skin cooled, soothed to us but don't accept some big profit Pain is and better. sj ajnpjnj uaqv. jnq !qBicdci siqi and Healed! substitute. Dampen a piece of f'annpj covered from the shock. D.D.D. Pre- with it and ofSvrnes The very first drops of But If you come to our store, we are bind it over the affected parts and it He played a number after REGAL SHOES scription for Eczema "stopped that awful so M. discov- Itch instantly: yes, the very moment certain of what D.D.D. will do for you will relieve the pain and soreness. For that with Rutan. whom be are made on the latest London. Paris tor-t,,r- m we you D.DJX touched the burning: skin the that offer a full size bottle on sale by & ered was a bachelor. Who informed " all dealers. Unison. Smith A.VKf. roves 1L this guarantee: you do. not And nnd New York Custom Lasts. MiMd hot tin i If that Co., agents for Hawaii. the woman of colonel's 7inn;n-wa- s D.D.D. has been known for years as it takes away the Itch AT ONCE, it the QUARTER SIZES the only absolutely :. reliable eczema costs you not a cent never discovered. It was doubt Never less one of club servants. trust secrets to the mails the REGAL SHOE 8TORE STAR-BULLET- BENSON, SMITH & CO., LTD. 1 or thefemales, either. King and Bethel Street IN 175 PER MONTH