:4"'77 V7-- 7- - ' V:..- - . T7 --St - M W :. ' - P-- Vl M 7 rr 8. F.i l - Ven tura. Sept S. t From Yncoerrt A.I 2 Makura, SepL 11, 7 Fer Van rosier - .Zealandia, Sept. 10. ' :v7 .f- - Evening BulIeUn. Eet. No. 1882. 5331. 11 .J, 14 Hawaiian SUr, Vol. XX.. No. 6372. PACKS. IlOXOLi;W TKKKITOUY OFMiAIVAll TI'KSDAV, SKI'T. PAtiES. price five c:;:n3 " - : . , - . " ... ; r . ii. - - i 3 rratt io Represent HILOLABOKBAY Hawaiian ., : - Islands A :! P 00 STfRS . Ir0 ..... ' 9 rene Cong 'SPEfliflilllT: (D - " " ' . fGIllETO . ,,;.';;'. ; Mi ': Union Movement i i i .. .JKChange One Man Killed In Fierce Fiht: ' - ' - j'- ' ; C v - ' the. Present System Is , -- Urged : At n Pehetentiary Cc ::i c::.-- :: Jackso 'V J - ORGANIZATION ASKED A. n :! : bined Force Of Guards ; LET-PARTIE- - 1 ' - TO ALONE Coast Chambers of Commerce v V;v -- S:;;:;:;FinemeiKec ub OS2 ;h;. Attack on Filipino Laborers Is Plan Round-Pacifi- c Voy-- i : ' Made by Bonhenbergrr whr ,;7 i -- 7:': 7 tVt" ? : age This all : ' 7' tAs' - - ; JACKSON, Scptewlr-penitent- iary Rlotlno, ampng i . Suggests- Boycott .r' Mlcru the: convict . s. here bepame . soff( today bctH mli;t: On the most elaborate tour ever tn--' ' ..that the l:wl dertaken" by commercial bodiei, tfie (kspectal Star-Bullet- in Cdrrffipoadencr I. ; the firemen were summoned tr :ul;ue the outbreak. I',' One 'conviit 'AEBociated Chambers of Commercejof r HiLu.'Sept. 2.r-l- n a speech during kljled in theensulna fight 7;:, thf Pacific Coast will send 150 ClusI the course 'of ' ne bitterly at- ; ' ocBmen to Honolulu : In a specially tacked the present', system of immi- chartered jsteamer. to promote trafie gration to tne. Territory and' the class v relations, boost the San Francisco. x of immigrants .who are being brought Becker Refuses 3o' Plead ' rosltion luid exploit the advantages bf here,' John itohnen berg, the v veteran : tLf Panama, canal. .. Aosoclurcd Pirss Cable ; . V ; News v f In ipc theUc note among the members of the 1, C:;U:-th- the orthcom c cru jBK. J. & It. PRATT; ; NEW YORK, N. Y September When Lieut. Chart t ; ' t Hilo Labor Union wiio i; which is to Jnchide every important Board ht Health. metln theY police force was taken today to plead before Justice Coff to tbe c - FrIdenf M. 1. morning to Ik port In the Pacific and In which Honp- Hall.tnis celebrate in--. of, Rosenthal, oamLler,' "Day. was of 'complicity, the murder Herman the t:u lulu is the objective point reacO lbpr It originally planned i 1 Irst 6T who Is accused of profiting by 'more than a halfmillion t':llar yetterday-fpo- m That Dr jI S. B. Pratt; president to hold a procession "weather;i ed this city the coa$t but the ,1 0? syndicate' to a plea. will ." operations the "graft refused enter Jusii:: the Territorial Bpari of Hearth, was threatening and idea""; wasf I : o .Secretary H. Pi Wool of the Chanib the"' i. v-- represent; Hawaii -- thereupon caused a technical, plea of not cuilty o be r.tsr:d f ;r ; of Commerce asked about, the pla ar wie International abandoned in tavor 'of kih ' tr "'--- ' The beginning of his Is for September "12. Congress Hygiene ' ; Demograp - trial let U.ls. morning tated he had --heart! of and the hall and speeches.- ? - that t ' " of tt white on the coast recently; bir hv ftti WashinT.ton. n; n th latte. - Bohnenberg bitterly attacked the y. that It had 'not progressed, cnourfi part of ihis month, is now regarded asi systc ra ot Immigration in' vogue ' here far " ; to make the Tpport authentic. tip quite certain. This .probably will be at the present time, arid under-whic- h V Immediately cabled to the San Fraij; determined witlin thejiiext few hours, what he terms vthe lowest class of Asl-- r i; Elections In Prcrecs :. probabfy will Ter--f f etco Chamber of Commerce to learn and her leave Honolulu atics are' being brougnt iato the ''h ' :.y .:i : ; f , J; J' September U.5 . Y . dt-U- K Assocfated Pwss Cable ; whether-o- r not the ' . rltory work in competitlbh with I 7 . plans are definitelt '' 1 yr-a'-''-i- - . ' - . ' COVKlOHT MAURIS ANO CWINO. WASH..Qjf : 3 ; V tiled. Jf is principally: a question .of'v.fin itens. ''i:ii.AJr' r t'X'.V SAN' .FRANCISCQ, CaU September T,he State primary ti Se ?r . The plans .have now- - progressed1 s ance and whether his presence wilt -- are in progress here today. ; yr: n. y, Tcr that thoee In charge have picked destredj byV Secretary of tbe Interior "is to elevate, humanity,:1 Can we do u$n tiflMitih ju southekaxd77 v7 1 , tl) tv steamer foV their cruise, and ar Fisne.r uring the,. lattersr visit.) nere. this, when: "people are shipping into n nvtf&:uVinvi,u a tt u:n uitnn n nun n n ttvn n tt n tt; MONTPELIER. VU September 3- - --The gubernatorial e! cell : 1 hdwever, can r., n rgotlating . witH the; officials of the! That be .'ascertained aft; this country; nionth. after, months the i d a r attention". ; 7V Urba frit C A frier j fc" -- a?; it absorbing plitisal v ; 'si 1 0 ncei v enat lowest they; ' if vd Eecf etary Is class .of Asiatics When - Alaska Steimship Company, at Seat!d er Tlsef arrival. lt r thA nflft thA - rbrtngink In place rfn 'com ' of; :.-i'.- Vessel, Vlctbrlai troughc.CieSecreary .will desire un are here ica Mayevcnt fievievv Wyomlngi 7 .4?' ' for the the steamship to as his;flagshlp7 lOLUMDUS,'iOS ; September j'Svotlng Is in prc;resa t: "hlch has been In:. Hawaiian Pra tt'i ii ttendanbe1 ' aC iittua CoagreSs petition yAth j qs & 'lot of .naked u-- ' walei! t I n ; nuuibcr and ionnage the constltiitlonal amend"10- - ' ' 7--. -- presence ?, , ca '.tlet j .and Is finely- fitted Jot 'excursion pur-- f rioreOljiiMiB here, ana tn., manlty ?ti tell iron we - - j oms. The. steamer-- Is it., wtK--- .; "r"1,-- r- it,-- "' t Thn --o .ffirsn iirrMt:, nnvttt. (l"mnn. au " toiottit . i-- - till j - llan"-- m me same .waters -'- v to 8irttPiiiyS3hFrancico on No--1 lory's1 duty to Lave a ,representatfve tie. uweu on a case mat nau come r 77 t lat yefivrn vi ; ofv4t"xit;the United diUonftbtteAne .15, touching Honolulu;.; at thelUg gathering he national to his. knowledge when a shipment of strat,on. ' vmber. first at at't ' ; re- - '.;--4- 't-- Atlantitv 'U.l)'ti-lHvAlsltiIiqo ; States simuitanequsly at San Francis elude the vessels of the durfng ,lU-- f Pacific! caiutaL Filipinos had atrived at, Hllo' most of " I tflttS ... 7 Mi New-York'jo- ' . sub- v 1 ; I M-ho- . co, Manila i and serve fleet, and the torpedo and '.V:';.' .crulve."--:- - I ?7'.'rr The PternaUonal Congress wli :be were practically naked. ; Pro- October 14 1; may upset as us marine , fIolilIas.-:- Arrangements ; for ' . representa- what vand be far t The Chimbers of "Commerce of Sao at tended by scienflsti: and posing ' amounts practically to a te - now being, by ' s ' - - ik-- 1 twenty-fi- x foreign govern- Of asking Pacific fleet's part in the program the review are mad? the c! - ti Francisco,- Los- Angelea, Portland, l tives of boycott Filipino labor, and PITTSBURG, . Pa September 3. Porty are "now. known to be : ; concerned,' through' the trouble in Ni otficials of tbe Navy Department and 77 tr.nd participate-- In ments, as well as representatives trorn the members of the union to stand ". : 7v and Seattle will: ' as the result of the floods. , ;:V';'''',7 y v ' ' every in" Among, the J together and Day a citizen more' wages caraguaJ Hear .Admiral Southcrland the officers of the rieet V, he ,crui6e and ItT Is expected thal state the Union.: ' .la-wai- ' "about 150 business and commercial' questions of : large Importance ?o i- rather than have the work done by in command of the Pacific fleet, is Plans Tv Differ TJiIm Year' . 7 : '. he cost, wound now atTNIcaragua, where is in men; accompanied x by: members ofJ which are to be. discussed 'at Filipinos at a cheaper he he, 7 It Js said that the plans of ass'em sanltatiori up with. "In order to stop infa- commaild United States forces, bling and review will be materially : . tuftir ramiiies win maKft tne voyage, session will b that of and this ofhe King Pleads Not Gr : ; Wool ' Be- 111 'J0UO; . , - In Canal e. mous immigration we have to soon to number marines. v It is planned . to ' Visit Honuiuln health the Panama 207 different from the ones carried put at Condi- vote ; Church, climate general stand together. We will have to According to advices received here the demonstration November. ' ' Aueklana, Wellington. Christ taute the and last ' ':' i - fc ap-- ; ; ' Nica- '. ' "' Associated Press . ." 7 JlelUourbe.; Sydhey, Brisbane, Manila . tions of the Canal Zone- closely together." ) this morning, if the uprising in It is said that the plans of asyeniv .7 Cabll - MasW "September W. M. Wood of A 1 longkong, Shanghai Kobe, Osaka and pertain to HawaH and because a lain The tone of the meeting generally ragua continues, the Pacific fleet, bling and review- will be materially 7BdSTON, 3President te irt Yokohama, , returning by way ot Scat percent of the laborers now employed was to keep the union as a separate with Southerland, wili be' needed off different from the ones carried out at can Yooien Company, irtdlcted for; alleged complicity the dynamlta t ; : ' ' last-Novemb- er. 4 - ' ,; ; r: V5 , - : , brought Territory union in the. coming political cam- Central 'Jfini during Lawrence last, year, today pleaid .Inn::;-- ' tie.
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