Bubastis (1887-1889)
^3. 9i 19 D ^ D D D D D & 5 ^-\ W ^i^EHJ Ly£j^^ U^^ PL. 1 '^m. /" ^^^ 4^r BUBASTIS (1887-1889.) Br EDOUAUD NAVILLE. EIGHTH MEMOIR OE THE EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND. miiti) dFtfti!=fout yutrs. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. LONDON: Messrs. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LUDGATE HILL. 1891. : LONDON GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LIMITED, ST. John's house, clekkenwell road, e.g. PEEFAC E The present volume contains tlie descrij^tion of all that has been discovered in the excavations at Bubastis, Avith one exception. I did not include in it the numerous inscriptions referring to the great festival of O.sorkon II., -which will be the subject of a supplementary volume. By the great number of plates which it will require, the description of this festival would have been quite out of keeping Avith the rest of the book ; and it Avould differ also in character Irom this memoir, Avhicli bears chiefly on the historical results of the excavations. When I settled in 1887, with Mr. Griffith, on the well-known mounds of Tell Basta, where the dealers in antiquities have been working for years—the extent of which has been much reduced by the fellaheen digging for " sebakh," or by the construction of the railway, and which Marictte had pronounced so little encouraging for scientific exj^lorers—I was far from expecting such a large crop of monuments belonging to various epochs of Egyptian history, during a period of 4000 years. In 1887, a month's work brought to light the second hall of the temple, the " Festival Hall," where we found, among numerous inscriptions of Rameses II.
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