Where Is Bubastis? a History Escape Room

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Where Is Bubastis? a History Escape Room Where is Bubastis? A History Escape Room Thanks for downloading the Where is Bubastis? Be sure to check back for more Downloads! Please note the terms of use: These printables are provided free of charge and are for personal use only. You may: Print as many copies as you'd like Use them in a group or classroom setting Share the link to my blog to other people who are interested in the pack Post online about the pack giving proper credit back to RoyalBaloo.com You may not: Sell or distribute this file Host this file on your own website Upload this file to a shared website (i.e. 4shared.com) Claim these files or sell them as your own Link directly to the pdf file online Print and sell them to others| I reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time. Thanks Erin @Royal Baloo What is Kemet? You might notice on the following pages that I refer to a place called Kemet instead of Ancient Egypt. Rest assured, they are the same thing! The people who lived in modern day Egypt back in the ancient times called their land Kmt, which translates to Black Land. This referred to the and around the Nile which was black. Since they called their land Kemet and referred to themselves as People of Kemet, I think it’s respectful to also call it Kemet. Side note: People in Egypt today call their land Misr. Where is Bubastis? We have lost our dear cat, Bubastis, somewhere in Kemet! Will you please help us find her? We know she is safe because the people of Kemet believed cats were sacred and treated them very well. But we still want to find our dear Bubastis and bring her home. We have a series of clues to help us figure out where to find Bubastis. If you follow the clues you will figure out where she is hiding. Follow the clues in order, from 1 to 4. If you get them all correct you will find where Bubastis is hiding in Kemet! Kemet Word Search Key 1 amulet Horus mummy pyramid ankh Kemet Nile senet Giza Khufu papyrus sphinx Hatshesput King Tut pharaoh tomb k e m e t g k o s h s p h i n x h i p a x h g t i o u p y t s a i t l t f a r s e r z h e o u p a h n a a m u m m y m e e o e r i b g r i s t h o r u s h u d p k i n g t u t s t u a n k h a m u l e t Write the leftover letters below from right to left, top to bottom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Break the Code Key 2 break _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p a p y r u s z a b y c x d w e f v v g h t s i j r k q l p m o n Line up A with g. Follow the instructions from the word search to correctly line up the symbols for the code. (Spin the inner ring) Pyramid Logic Key 3 1. The pyramid does not have ________________ in front of it. 2. The person in front of the pyramid is not looking to the right. 3. The pyramid does not have smooth sides. 4. This type of pyramid was used for the tomb of Djoser. Step Bent Straight Pyramid Pyramid Pyramid Kemet Maze Key 4 Follow the path of the pyramid that was the answer from Key number 3! Memphis Thebes Alexandria Bubastis is in _________________________..
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