Ana Lid del Angel-Pérez: Homegardens and the dynamics of Totonac domestic groups in Veracruz, Mexico Homegardens and the dynamics of Totonac domestic groups in Veracruz, Mexico Ana Lid del Angel-Pérez Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias,
[email protected] Abstract The Totonac are an ethnic group that have used homegardens as a strategy for production and social reproduction since pre-colonial Mexico. These homegardens, associated with a family dynamic exhibiting various stages of the domestic group cycle, are flexible elements that allow them to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Fieldwork in the Totonac area suggests that several types of homegardens are associated with different stages of the domestic group cycle. The author concludes that it is not convenient to approach the study of homegardens only through production logic, as this prevents observing the dynamics within them and perceiving their relationship with the organisation of everyday life and the domestic group reproduction in a changing context and with different styles of adaptation, resilience, storage, reprocessing and cultural continuity. KEYWORDS: Culture, nuclear families, extensive families, survival strategies, social reproduction Introduction Since precolonial times, the region inhabited by the Totonac people has encompassed the Central Gulf Coast of Mexico, from the coastal plain to the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range. This region is part of the Mesoamerica geographical-cultural area, where the original people living there share certain cultural, material and ideological features (Ochoa et al. 1999 70). During the classical period (600–900 AD), the town of El Tajin emerged as the most prominent cultural and economic center, until it was abandoned due to Toltecan- Chichimecan invasions (Manzanilla 1999: 168).