Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians PO Box 656, Washington, DC 20044 (202) 232-3141 - Issue # 297 – December 2014 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: The LSF Book New Year’s Discussion Group Where: Rob & Peter’s home: Eve 1425 “S” St NW, Washington, DC Gaming Party Directions: announced by http://lambdascifi.lorg/club/PeterRob. Peter & Rob html Warning: Street parking is almost If you’re interested in lively Celebrate New Year’s Eve impossible to find on the weekends discussions of F&SF books (with an with LSF at Rob and Peter’s home. and holidays. Take Metro if you can. emphasis on elements of interest to Here are the details on how to join the The paid lot on the SW corner of 14th the LGBT community), we invite you fun! & “S” Streets NW costs whatever the to join the LSF Book Discussion Date: Wed., Dec. 31, 2014 attendants can get away with. Fixed- Group. Each month, we conduct Time: The doors will open at 3:00 price parking at the Reeves Center fascinating round-table discussions of PM. The potluck dinner and gaming Parking Garage, on the north side of works by significant F&SF authors. will begin in the 3:30 PM-to-4:00 PM “U” Street west of 14th St NW. The LSF Book Discussion range. We’ll toast in the New Year Bring: Your favorite table game Group usually meets on the 4th with champagne, sparkling wine, or two (cards, board, etc.). It’s a Thursday of every month, starting at and/or sparkling cider.